The Lion King: The Death Of A Kingdom

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#1 of The Lion King: The Death Of A Kingdom

A VERY DARK Disturbing take on the most beloved of all Disney films The Lion King. Proceed with caution when reading this story as it isn't one of my typical rape fics.

Written by Aviose

Commissioned By Me :)

=============================================================================================== WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!

Proceed No Further if Death Particaly a Brutal Death,Blood, Rape,Cub, etc doesnt appeal to you TURN BACK!! For sake of reading the story anyways than Proceed with caution. You have been warned!!

To those who don't wanna read this there is a Light version being worked on.


A shiver ran up the baboon's spine as he snatched the leaves from the breeze, so severe it it almost caused him to lose his balance upon the branches of his tree. His sleep had been fitful as of late, the ancient kings above plaguing his dreams with horrific visions that chilled him to the very bone. Tonight was especially troublesome, the vision waking him in the middle of the dark night, and telling him the answer he prayed for was upon the winds. Even before he tossed the foliage into the bowl to reveal the message he knew he wouldn't like it, but what it showed the shaman was far worse than anything he'd ever before envisioned. The color drained from his face as he read what the ancient kings told him, his quivering hands barely able to keep from dropping the large scrying tool. Still he managed to take it all in, his stomach twisting in knots as he learned of the role he was to play in what was to come. Rafiki could not deny what he was to do, no matter how much it pained him to do it, because he could not let the kingdom falter and die.

Simba lay sobbing beneath the now still paw of his father, pain and confusion tearing away at his mind as Scar approached, the large lion quiet as night itself to take in the scene. The king was finally dead, his brother who had tormented him with his superior strength had finally fallen, leaving only the whimpering youth behind. The age of brawn that had dominated the leonine pride for so long was finally at it's end, and the dawn of intelligent leadership was at hand. Young Simba looked up just in time to see Scar's large paw come crashing down upon the side of his head, forcefully bouncing the cub's head on the hard dirt and causing the youth to black out. With that done, the dark maned lion looked over his shoulder at the three cackling hyena that approached.

"Go get the others, and make ready to march." He ordered, they all gave a devious smile and a salute before bounding off to the graveyard. Once they were out of sight the lion reached down and took the boy in his maw and clamped his teeth across the nape of his neck, his green eyes looking to the simian as he approached, giving him a nod. "You know what to do, so do it. And remember, if you fail me you'll see this boy die." Scar growled as he held the limp child in his jaws. Rafiki nodded, withdrawing a bone knife he'd kept at his side. The monkey had a vine wrapped around his waist, and hanging from it was several grass pouches filled with various dried herbs and other tools of his mystical trade.

The pride of lioness stood with their hackles raised as they saw the army of hyenas approaching, Sarabi leading the front line of the formation as they approached. She wasn't surprised at all to see Scar leading the pack, but to see Rafiki marching at his side was a shock. The baboon wore a dark expression unlike any she could ever recall him having, and the various bags that hung from his hips gave her good reason to worry. The pack stopped just shy of encroaching the home of the lioness, their numbers almost triple those of the lioness, which gave the rest of her pride great concern. It was always thought that an all out war between lion and hyena would be won easily by the felines, but no one realized how vast the number of hyena were until now, casting doubt on this long held belief. She and Sarafina boldly marched forward as Scar and Rafiki approached, their respective armies snarling and barking at each other threateningly.

"You monster......" Sarabi snarled once they met in the middle, Zazu having already returned to inform the pride of what had occurred. Their king was dead, and it didn't take long for the lioness to realize that the well known jealous brother was the likely culprit of the murder, but no one had expected him to be so callous and cruel as to slay the cub as well.

"Mufasa was the monster, not me." He replied, his voice eerily calm as he spoke. "I have come to take my rightful place on the throne, bow to me here and now Sarabi, and you may yet live." He ordered, getting a vicious snarl from the female in response.

"I'd rather die than bow to the murderer of my family! You really think a bunch of mangy hyenas can hold their own against the lioness? I will blanket their fur across the entire savanna, and yours will join them!" She roared, her tail twitching angrily as she lowered her body to the ground, ready to pounce and get the fight started. She was confident, for Scar was relatively weak as far as lion's go, and she was far stronger. But he smiled and held a paw up, before gesturing behind him. Her gaze briefly flickered to the army that stood with the dark maned lion, and the color drained from her face.

Young Simba hung from the jaws of Shenzi, unconscious but clearly still alive. Sarabi stood back up once more, her red eyes ablaze with a mother's rage.

"Release our king." She snarled, her front legs quivering with fury at the male, but she dared not make a move now that her son's life hung in the balance.

"If you want him to live, then you will bow to me as king. That little furball means nothing to me, and even less to the hyena. Kneel to me, let the whole pride see you, and announce to them their new king. If you don't, then you will see Simba torn limb from limb by the pack, and the rest of the pride will follow." He demanded, a look of absolute hatred now filling the lioness' gaze. For a few tense moments they all stood there, each side awaiting the outcome of their leaders discussion, believing that they would taste flesh and battle. When the queen knelt submissively before Scar the lioness gasped openly, a wave of shock rippling across the pride at her surrender. Scar only smirked, before boldly marching past her and bounded up Pride Rock to address everyone.

"Your queen has recognized me as the king." He stated firmly, his voice echoing across the area. The hyena barked and howled merrily at this, though the lioness remained in stunned silence as he continued. "You all looked up to my late brother, idolized him even, but you did not know him, not like I did. He played the kind and noble king for you all, and you ate it up like it was a fresh zebra. Well let me tell you a story about the real Mufasa, the vicious brute that made my life a living hell! "He snarled, getting a chorus of snarls from the lioness, but he continued. "You all spent your time beneath him, and praising him for his skill. But did he ever tell you how he acquired these talents you loved about him?" He asked the lioness, and despite their anger at their new king they couldn't help but think about it, and realize that Mufasa had never spoken of how he became so good.

"He practiced on me, that's how!" He roared, his voice bouncing off the stone and causing the lioness to cringe. "He used his strength and forced me to take him ever since we were cubs, and swore that should I say anything he would kill me. You can not imagine the torment and pain he caused me, but you won't have to." He remarked, as the hyena hoard approached the pride with a devious smirk upon their maws, the males licking their lips hungrily. "My first royal decree is that any lioness of the pride, with only few exception, will become breeding tools for the hyena."

Fear and shock filled the lioness at this statement, but before they could even roar in protest the hyenas were on them, a few tried to fight off the beasts but their numbers were too many. Within minutes the cries of pain and humiliation echoed across the lands as the horny canines defiled the pride, not even the cubs were spared as they too were violated by the hyenas. One young lioness was not however, Nala instead being snatched up by a female and torn from her fellows as their tiny bodies were stretched by the vicious hyena. The cub found herself carried up to her new king as Simba was carried towards the sleeping den. She was set down next to the male lion, and before she could scramble away the male used his large paw to drag the cub in front of him to let her bear witness to the hoard raping her mother and aunts.

"My second decree is that Sarabi shall no longer be your queen!" He shouted, and Simba's mother would have growled in anger had a hyena not been plunging his knotted tool deep into her throat. "Instead I chose Nala to be the queen, and it is from her that my successor shall arise." He stated, and the lionesses faces that weren't block by hyena loins could only watch in horror as Scar pressed the girl's head down to force her backside to rise. She was the youngest lioness within the pride, believed to be too little to even be taught about how cubs were made, before the male pressed his barbed tool deep into her virgin folds. Her ear splitting cry of pain at her lost innocence bounced from the walls much like their king's earlier roar, her virgin blood trickling around the shaft now pressed against her cervix. Scar growled lustfully as he started a series of thrusts into the sobbing youth, his barbs tearing her sensitive inner walls as he claimed the girl for his own for all to see.

Simba groaned as the fog of sleep dissipated from his mind, only to be replaced with a throbbing pain. Blinking his brown eyes open he saw the shaman sitting directly in front of him, holding a melon half in his hands. He smiled warmly to the cub, before setting the bowl down in front of him.

"Eat this Simba, it will help your head." He said, his voice as calm and loving as he pushed it closer to the boy. Looking within the container, Simba saw a slab of meat sitting in a broth, various herbs coating the flesh and floating upon the broth. When told it would help soothe his headache, the boy didn't think twice and began to eat. The flavor was unusual, the prickly meat seemed somewhat familiar, but he for the life of him couldn't remember having it before. It didn't take long for the cub to polish off the thick slab and start eagerly lapping the somewhat spicy broth it had been stewing in. Rafiki didn't move as the prince ate, stroking his head softly as he finished the last bit of the meal. Rafiki sighed softly before taking the bowl and stepping to the side, revealing a sight that left the cub speechless in pure horror and confusion.

Sarabi lay five feet or so away from the boy, and his mother was not alone. Three hyena males were currently shoving themselves into every orifice she had, her normally smooth and lustrous fur matted with foul smelling seed from who knows how many of the hyenas that had already had their way with her. Her red eyes were filled with sorrow as they locked onto her child's horrified gaze. Snarling the boy lunged at the hyena, only to be stopped by a collar that had been fastened to his neck, choking him briefly and forcing him to watch just out of their range. He turned to look at Rafiki, who had his back turned to them both gazing into the darkness. Moments later from the back of the den Scar emerged, grinning rather cruelly at the cub as he struggled against the bonds that held him.

"You are sure that it will work?" The king asked, his green eyes filled with suspicion as they took in the baboon.

"Yes sire, the loins of the father, prepared with the Jaborandi leaves crushed to a powder with Damiana root, by this time tomorrow it will be complete." He replied, bowing respectfully to Scar before stepping back to let him walk forward. Simba could scarcely believe that the simian was allied with Scar, having been nothing but nice and kind to him in the past. But what was worse, as memories of his father's death came flooding back, was what the monkey had said. If he meant the thing he'd just eaten, the prickly slab of meat.....his cheeks became a pale green in color as it hit him, and he began retching trying to puke the vile concoction back up, to no avail however. Scar chuckled as he watched his nephew try to vomit it back up, while tears streamed down Sarabi's cheeks at watching her son. She couldn't say anything however, the large knot crammed into her mouth would make any attempt useless, and the collar she wore on the opposite wall prevented her from reaching her child to comfort him.

"It had better, because both his and your life depend on it." He retorted, before turning his attention back to young Simba, who was currently trying to cram a paw down his throat to get whatever it was he'd just eaten to come back up, but Scar reached over and slapped the cub. The smack caused him to yelp and fall to the side, tears falling freely from his face as he sobbed. "You know Simba, I was originally going to have you killed too. But thanks to Rafiki your life was spared, and I have plans for you in the future." He said, watching the boy's resolve harden as he charged at the grown up, only to be yanked back violently by the collar he now wore mere inches from his target. "You have a lot of fight left in you, but you will learn. If you don't, you will meet the same fate as your mother." He cackled, his gaze falling to Sarabi as she was gagged by a torrent of hot hyena spunk forced down her gullet by the male in front of her.

"When I get my claws on you I'll gut you so bad!" He snarled, swiping furiously at the older male as he reached the end of his rope. Scar chuckled at his fierce resolve, and gestured again to Sarabi.

"Oh that's not her fate Simba." He remarked, the cub stopping his futile slashes at this, turning his head again to look at his mother fearfully. Her eyes widened as well to Scar's words, the hyena finally slipping himself from her maw and walking around to join the others who were also finishing up. "This is her fate, and yours if you don't learn your place." He stated calmly, giving a nod to the opening of the cave. Three more hyena sauntered in, the very same three Simba had met during his trip to the elephant graveyard with Nala, all with a hungry look in their eyes.

Within moments they launched their attack, Shenzi's powerful teeth clamping down upon Sarabi's fore-leg causing her to roar in pain, instinctively reaching her other to claw at the attacker only to have that one become caught by Ed's snapping jaw. More roars of pain came as Banzai plunged his maw around her hind leg, and tore a large chunk of flesh from her body. Her blood gushed from the wound as the hyena eagerly swallowed the fresh meat, followed by the three that had just finished with their business digging into her prone body with almost reckless abandon, her cries of pain and fear echoing across the cave as they began to devour the former queen. Simba looked on horrified as the lioness that gave him life was being consumed right before his eyes, the attackers laughing mercilessly as they ate their squirming and sobbing meal.

"Please uncle Scar, call them off!" Simba cried, the anger and hatred in his voice replaced by utter horror, her mother's agonizing screams of pain almost drowning out the child's pleas. Tears cascaded down the boy's cheeks as the hyena consumed his mother's body, taking their time to start with her limbs and tail, Shenzi taking great pleasure in ducking her head in front of Sarabi's face to let her bear witness to her hungrily swallowing the strips of flesh that was once her body. Scar merely smiled to the terrified cub, bringing a paw up to his chin in thought while the boy's mother bellowed in agony.

"No, I don't think I will. I could of course, but I won't." He replied, getting a cackle from the feasting hyenas while Simba quaked in terror. "That is the fate I have chosen for her, and it shall be yours if you defy me. I suggest you say your goodbyes now, while you have the chance." He suggested, motioning for the boy to turn and face the hungry animals, Simba's eyes now puffy with the tears that rolled from them had no choice but to look again. The creatures worked fast, Sarabi's limbs all by turned into bloody stumps as her crimson blood pooled on the floor around her.

Banzai stopped as he tore her flank open, a sizable chunk of Sarabi's flesh in his maw to gaze at the fearful youth, before snapping his head and releasing the bloody lump of meat and fur. It landing upon the boy's face with a sickening "slap", staying there briefly before sliding down to fall to the stone floor in front of him.

"Eat up kid, it's the only other thing you'll get today." He jeered, chuckling as his mother's crimson blood was now smeared across the boy's face, before resuming his work. Ten minutes later the ravenous beasts had reduced the once proud and noble queen to nothing, not even her bones were left as they too had been consumed by the pack. The only part of the lioness remaining was that one chunk that now lay at Simba's paws, the cub in complete shock by this point, unable to move as he processed the grisly fate of his beloved mother.

Hours had passed since Sarabi's brutal end, word quickly spreading throughout the pride of what happened causing the lioness' grief to multiply ten fold. Many of them believed that she submitted with a plan to turn things around for the pride, and in all likelihood that was true, but whatever thoughts or ideas she had died with her upon that ledge. Simba lay curled up, still tied to the wall by his neck, coddling the bit of flesh that had been thrown to him earlier as he cried. He found himself staring at the red stain where his mother died, the tangy scent of her blood still thick in the air causing him to convulse with heaving sobs. With both of his parents now gone, technically that would make Scar his guardian, the very thought twisting the cub's stomach in painful knots. This uncomfortable feeling within his gut became ever clearer, and more persistent as the minutes slowly ticked by, until his mind recalled the brew he was deceived into eating by the shaman. It wasn't the thought that now cramped his stomach, it was the earlier meal as it began to take effect.

The cub's groaning bellow bounced off the walls as he started to sweat, heat rising from his chest to crawl all throughout his small frame. The last of his mother's earthly remains fell to the floor he mewed pitifully, his body suddenly started jerking and twitching beyond his control. He began to salivate uncontrollably as he twitched and convulsed, feeling his internal organs shifting in a most unnatural manner. The kicking of his legs only compounded the discomfort as it gripped him, thinking that his guts were being popped by invisible paws and rearranged. But that painful feeling would soon be overcome by yet another, the boy crying out in a very high pitched roar of pure agony upon it's onset, his immature loins suddenly erupting in a burning unlike any the cub had ever before felt. Worried that he was literally on fire Simba tried to cast his gaze down between his legs, but again his body wouldn't respond to him, his head flailing about as another seizure took hold. He cried out for the ancient kings to save him, or at least he tried to, but his voice was suddenly cut off as that same fire erupted in his throat, before slowly encompassing his skin. The ancient kings seemed to take heed of the unspoken plea, and the boy finally passed out not long after.

The next morning the lion's den would be filled with more sobs, this time from young Nala as she was again mounted by the eager king, though this time it was in a more private setting than before. He had sent a number of the lioness on a hunting party, while leaving the remaining ones to satisfy their new allies, giving orders to get a massive bounty for a feast to celebrate his ascension to the throne. Though none of the pride other than he felt like celebrating, many of them were glad to go rather than be bred by the hyena, and give them a chance to take out their anger by tooth and claw. Nala was still unaccustomed to being taken, the large girth of Scar tearing her small passage as it was plunged in and out at a steady pace, her blood adding some much needed lubrication to his thrusts. Scar was enjoying himself immensely, though he was careful not to drill into her too deep, wanting her womb to remain intact for when she eventually came of age to bear his cubs.

"S-simba is the rightful king!" She cried as Scar raped the girl, this only drawing a devious chuckle from the male atop her.

"My dear girl, Simba will never be king." He replied, before giving one final thrust and filling her passage with his hot leonine seed, the majority of it gushing from her small body to splatter against the male's large orbs and her groin in a sticky mess. Once Scar emptied himself within her, he pulled himself free to watch her passage gape open before shrinking back shut, forcing even more of his deposit to dribble down her thighs. "Would you like to know why I am so certain?" He asked his young queen, and only got a snarl in response. "Why don't you see for yourself?" He asked, pointing his claw to the opening of the cave. Her gaze followed his gesture, and her jaw literally dropped at the sight that greeted her.

Rafiki came in holding the leash made of vines that Simba was tied to, but instead of the prince being on it's end the baboon led a small lioness cub instead. Her brown eyes were wet with tears, her ears pinned back against her head in a mixture of confusion and shame. The girl looked somewhat like Simba, though the once proud jawline of the boy was now sleeker and more feminine, and her fur had brightened to a pale cream color a shade lighter than Nala's. The tuft upon her tail was a rich creamy coffee color, and her underbelly was almost pure white. A hundred questions came to the girl's mind as she saw her best friend, well, a girl, but she could only stammer incoherently at the sight.

"That's right Nala, your precious Simba is no more. Meet Simbala, the pride's newest lioness." He cackled deviously, boldly walking around the cub to greet the monkey with a nod before getting a better look at Simbala. She cowered at the end of her leash as the male looked her over, smiling cruelly as he took in her scent. "I must say Rafiki, I'm rather impressed." Scar said, getting a submissive nod from the shaman. "Is there any way to reverse this?" He asked, the question quickly perking Simbalas ears as her gaze shifted to the baboon.

"Yes sire, there is one way." He replied, getting the undivided attention of all three lions present. "A potion can be made to restore her to what she once was, but it requires a very unique component." He continued, and before Scar or anyone could ask the simian opened the hand that didn't hold her leash. Within his palm lay a small shriveled up lump of fur, grey in color, with a slightly cone shape to it with a slightly larger base.

"Is that what I think it is?" Scar asked, his green eyes studying the item rather intently, raising a fore-paw to poke it with a claw.

"Yes sire, it is Simba's loins." He replied, the revelation causing Nala to gag. She had seen it numerous times when they played, but rarely paid it any mind, but she distinctly remembered it being bigger and a rich golden color. That shriveled up bit of flesh was nothing like what she remembered, though she didn't doubt the monkey one bit.

Scar nodded, casting his gaze to Simbala with evil intent. Before she could utter a word the male snatched her separated bits and took great pleasure in chewing them up in front of her. Fear again filled her eyes as she watched her one hope of returning to normal be obliterated by her uncle, not to mention the implications of what he was doing reverberating through her mind. Scar opened his mouth wide, giving Simbala one last look at her one proud genitals shredded and mashed within his maw, before he gulped them down.

"Now I am the only male lion within the pride, and I intend to keep it that way until my eventual son is born." He stated, Simbalas ears again now flat on her skull as Scar trotted back to the throne her father once had. "Let it be known that I reward those that serve me well, as you have Rafiki. I give you leave to start Simbalas training in mating. When she comes of age she will join the rest of the lioness for breeding with the hyena, but until then you shall be the only one to claim her." He stated, the girl's legs quivering at the king's decree. Though she was now a female, Simbala had no interest in males in that manner, and especially not the traitorous shaman's simian tool. "Go ahead and take her now." He continued, causing the girl to cry out in surprise at the sudden order. A swift yank on her collar forced her to stumble forward in front of the monkey, her tail quickly dipping between her legs to cover her newly formed sex.

"You heard your king, lift your tail." Rafiki said, his voice both serious and calm as he addressed the young lioness. She whined, tears again forming at the edges of her eyes as she gazed up to look at Scar. He only licked his lips rather hungrily at her, running a claw along his throat to make a point. She hesitated, for a brief moment debating on letting the hyena kill her and end her life and the torment within, until her eyes fell upon Nala. She too had tears in her eyes as she watched her best friend about to be taken, her ears splayed back against her skull in sorrow for Simbalas predicament. Closing her eyes the young cub slowly lifted her tail for the baboon, her virgin folds exposed to his dark gaze.

The cub didn't have long to wait until he felt the thick head of Rafiki's shaft pressing hotly against her dry passage, causing her to grunt in discomfort. Her grunt soon gave way to a howl of pain as her body was spread open to accommodate the shaman's pole as it was forced inside, some of her virgin blood smearing across the throbbing tool while the rest dribbled down her inner thigh. She closed her eyes as her body began to shiver, grinding her teeth together as her body was defiled by the simian. It didn't take long for the surprisingly strong monkey to hit her newly formed cervix, barely half way into her tiny frame, and he stopped there to allow Simbala to adjust to the length now impaling her.

"She looks like she's in pain." Scar whispered into Nala's ear as she was forced to watch her friend be taken, the male's voice holding a gleeful malice that sent a shiver down the girl's spine. "Why don't you give her a kiss? I think it'll help Simbala relax a bit." He cooed, causing Nala's eyes to widen upon the suggestion. Before she could even try to object she found herself pushed forward until her nose was less than an inch from her best friends nose, a large fore-paw keeping her held firmly in place. "Go on then, and make it a long one. Show the princess how much you care for her." Scar ordered, getting a pitiful whine from the young queen. Fearing what the king would do if she refused, she mouthed the words "I'm sorry" to Simbala briefly before pressing her lips to his. This caught the princess completely off guard, her jaw slackening in surprise allowing Nala to plunge her tongue into Simbalas mouth and start grappling hers. Scar's lustful growl rose from behind her as she gave Simbala the kiss, her eyes closed as her teeth gently took hold of Simbalas. She appeared to be enjoying it, though in her mind she was reeling with disgust. She had no desire to share such affections with Simba, the boy having been too good a friend and fun to play with, but she would gladly take him over this female that he'd been turned into. Simbalas scent, though not unpleasant, was distinctly feminine and held no interest for the girl. Tears of sorrow squeezed themselves from her tightly closed eyes as she continued, lifting a fore-paw up to tenderly stroke her cheek and neck.

Simbala, who had been lost in his own mind trying to block the pain of her walls being stretched beyond what nature had ever intended for one so young, had no idea what Nala was going to do until she did it, and her thoughts almost mirrored Nala's in regard to desire. Though Simbala was more attracted to females than males, Nala was his best friend and playmate, he'd rather have kissed a random cheetah girl than Nala in this manner. He even tried to pull away, but the attempt only caused the pain in her loins to flare up even more, letting a cry rise from her throat only to travel down Nala's as her paw stroked her cheek. Simbala knew that her gesture was more of sorrow and pity than actual attraction, causing him to lean into her paw as it touched him. The kiss was suddenly broken however, Nala's body being pulled away a number of inches before a cry of pain rose from the queen as a now aroused Scar buried himself into her once more.

"That was such a nice kiss you gave her, I'm proud of you my queen." Scar cooed, starting an eager yet controlled series of thrusts into her while Rafiki also began his own, slightly more erratic movements into Simbalas abused body. "Keep serving me like that girl, and you and her may be given some time to play together, just like you used to." He said, causing Nala to sniffle a bit as the happier memories came to her mind. Her thoughts were quickly torn away as she felt the barbed tip of Scar's tool poke and prod the end of her passage, getting a squeal of pain and discomfort from her. Simbala was fairing no better as Rafiki plundered her body, his heated grunting increasing in tone as he drew ever closer to release. No more words were spoken after that, only the grunts of pleasure from the males and the cries of pain and misery from the cubs filled the chamber at that point, before with a wild primal howl Rafiki finally reached his limit. A torrent of simian essence splashed into Simbalas body causing her to squeal at the new sensation, the majority of it spilling back out to dribble down her legs and mix with the blood shed by the monkey's entrance. That squeal brought Scar over his own edge, and his leonine seed blasted into Nala's womb and down her legs, mixing with the earlier deposit he'd given her before Simbalas entrance. Panting now both males took their respective cubs away, Simbala being tugged on the leash as she was forced to walk, now slightly bow legged. Nala was lifted by the scruff of her neck by the king, and carried to a corner where the male began to bathe her stained fur, while Simbala was again tethered to the same spot and left to clean herself up as Rafiki leaped from the opening , vanishing from sight. Clutching the last of his mother's earthly remains she wept, cuddling the strip of meat protectively as she again prayed for this madness to end.

The rest of the morning passed in relative peace for young Simbala, the hyena prowling about getting the lay of their new home. A few of them gave her rather sinister and lustful stare as they passed, yet true to Scar's word none of them dared lay a paw upon the princess. It was well passed noon before Rafiki emerged into view once again, a large bag of something or other slung across his back. He slipped into the cave to speak to Scar once again, the cub unable to make out any specifics about the conversation, before he emerged once more and took her leash once more. He led the girl out of the cave, the few lioness that had not taken part in the hunt quivering as they recognized her for the cub she once was. The monkey guided her to a place where she could handle more personal business, the girl not quite used to relieving herself with her new equipment, but she managed. Once that was taken care of he took Simbala to a clearing not far off, where she stopped rather abruptly, not moving even when the monkey tugged on the leash.

"If you have any heart left in you, you'll let me do this." She spat at him, the simian raising an eyebrow in curiosity at her words. She began to furiously dig at the soft soil beneath her paws, her brown eyes filled with a grim determination as she put every ounce of herself into the task at hand. Her paws quickly became stained with the dull brown earth, marring the creamy color of her fur with it's dark hue. Dark clouds hung in the horizon as she worked, a storm that would likely cover the area come nightfall, though she welcomed the ominous weather. In the past day all the sunshine within her life had been stolen away, both her parents, not even her own body was hers anymore, so why shouldn't the skies reflect her suffering?

Once she had dug a hole that was more than big enough for her to fit in, she leaped from it and sniffled a bit, before reaching a dirty paw up to her neck and scratching at the collar. Suddenly a chunk of meat fell from her throat, the last bit of the girl's mother she'd earlier stashed within it to prevent the hyena from snatching it. Fresh tears fell from her eyes as she gingerly put the remains into the hole, before starting to pile the dirt back into place. Rafiki, his dark unblinking eyes finally understanding what the girl was doing, actually reached a hand out to assist the cub as she began to fill in the grave. A rather vicious snarl from the child stopped him short, and he sighed softly. He made no further attempt to help Simbala as she buried her mother's body, what little of it remained, until the earth was smooth once again. With her grisly task now complete, Simbala lowered her ears submissively and began walking once more. The place he had chosen wasn't of any real importance to her or Sarabi, but so long as it wasn't in the belly of one of the hyenas that is what truly mattered to the cub. She took one last look at the freshly upturned soil, hoping to see a sign that her efforts this day were noticed by the spirits above, but no such sign came. It looked just like any other recently marred patch of soil that could be found anywhere within the savanna, causing her to sniffle a bit more as she slowly walked away.


For those who made it this far Congratulations! What did you think of it? Did you enjoy it? Do you want to see this story continued? Any Complaints?

Also be sure to come back tomorrow night around 10PM central time as that will be when I will be working on uploading the next chapter for my Lion King series The Rise Of A New King

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The Lion King: Banzai Confesses

Written by Aviose []( Commissioned by me :) ================================================ Once the dust had settled and the hyena lay dead around them, Sarabi vaulted towards the...

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The Lion King: Trouble Arises In The Jungle

Written by Aviose []([ ]( Commissioned by me :) =================================================================== Scar growled as he emerged to the once...

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The Lion King: The Rise Of A New King

Original story Written by Akira-Kokatsuna []( Commissioned by me ^^ Now it has been rewritten by Aviose []( and...

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