The Lion King: The Prophecy Revealed, A Prince Seduced, And Hyena Abound

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#5 of The Lion King: The Rise Of A New King

Written by Aviose

Commissioned by me :)

=================================================================== WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING

There is a death in this chapter and for those who read my DARK story it is nothing like that. If you wish to avoid it than don't read the last two paragraphs of this chapter.


As the morning came to the pridelands Shenzi bounded rather hurriedly into the main den of the king, with a male hyena hot on her heels snapping and growling at her. Scar, who had just started to wake up, let a rather vicious and annoyed roar echo throughout the cave causing them both to skid to a halt before him.

"Scar, she's not following you're orders!" The male hyena cackled, a devious grin forming upon the male's muzzle as he pointed at Shenzi. "I ordered her to submit and she refused! She deserves to be punished!" He complained, causing Scar's brow to furrow in obvious displeasure; however the male soon realized it was directed not at Shenzi but at him.

"I gave her orders to be with me this morning, and not to be reeking of another when she did." He growled, advancing upon the now cowering male as his tail went between his legs. He tried to stammer a response but his babbling was cut short by a paw clamping over his snout. "A'jani, you are two words away from taking her place as pack bitch. You want her? Then you can join her on a little quest I'm sending her on after our time together, or you can stay here and take her place, your choice." He snarled, a whimper rising from the male hyena as he was chastised. When Scar released him A'jani awkwardly stumbled back a bit, before dashing off to get something to eat before having to leave on whatever journey he was now tasked with.

Shenzi was smiling as Scar berated the male Hyena, but that smile quickly faded when he was chosen to accompany her on this mission. She had already chosen Se'Kou to accompany her, a rather quiet and detatched male from the pack who didn't seem to have any interest in her. But with A'jani now to join them it would make for a much more unpleasant journey, filled with far more sex than she'd desired. Still she knew that it couldn't be stopped, and as Scar turned back to her she quietly turned around to present herself to the king.

Scar casually walked up to the hyena as she presented herself, his nostrils flaring to take in her feminine scent curiously, attempting to detect the presence of another male's odor from her. He was surprised to find that he couldn't find any, the female must have bathed quite extensively considering how many she'd been with over the past few weeks. That's what he admired about Shenzi, she was fiercely loyal to him, unlike her former mate who was living it up with his pride. Thoughts of Banzai brought a bit of anger to the lion, and he rather roughly grabbed the nape of Shenzi's neck with his paw and forcefully turned her around to face his morning wood. She yelped as Scar's claws dug into her flesh, but didn't resist as she was forced to face him, and wordlessly slipped her muzzle around his throbbing barbed tool. Scar began to yank rather hard on the grip he had forcing it deep into her throat, getting a gag from the female that brought a smile to his face as he worked her over.

Shenzi didn't need to gag, the repeated abuse her throat had taken had all but killed her initial gag reflex, but she knew Scar liked it when she gagged. It was a matter of pride for him, and most males, to hear someone gagging on their members as it was forced into her throat. She didn't give that pleasure to anyone else however, even able to take Jon'Si without issue anymore, but Scar didn't know that. The king didn't pay attention to the other males as they defiled her almost routinely, being too busy with trying to whip up the hunting hyena into something actually proficient in hunting most of the time. Before too long the gagging of the female and her rather skillful tongue drove Scar over his edge, and with a roar he unloaded his leonine essence deep into her gullet, causing her to gag rather loudly as her airway was coated in his hot seed. He kept her pressed firmly onto his groin as he unloaded himself, the torrent of fluid pooling within her cheeks as he grunted with satisfaction. Once it was done, the hyena swallowed the load before sighing, raising a fore-paw up to rub her now sore throat before Scar released her and grinned almost evilly at her. Glancing to the now glistening and moist tool, she realized that the lion still had more to give, and she obediently presented herself for a second time.

Scar wasted no time in plunging his barbed tool into her depths, getting a mixture of a moan and a yelp from her as she was roughly violated. Again, she didn't have to make those noises, but she gladly made them knowing that her king preferred them. His thrusts came quickly, and without mercy as he mounted her, his large golden orbs slapping her loins so forcefully that each strike brought with it just as much pain as pleasure, not to mention the barbs that scratched and tugged at her inner walls. Hyena shafts were smooth, the only pain coming from the often times bulbous knots when they were crammed into her, but a feline's tiny yet sharp points were something her body wasn't made to take comfortably. He seemed to know this, and he seemed to take great pleasure in applying pressure in such a way to drag those painful tools across her sensitive bundle of nerves that normally gave her stimulation, bringing cries of pain from Shenzi she didn't need to fake. This was her punishment, for being so foolish to trust Banzai and deceive the lion, one she intended to pay back in spades to the little lioness harlot that bewitched her mate Banzai into betraying them all.

It took a good ten minutes of brutal thrusts and heated growls before Scar was ready to release again, Shenzi's passage now scratched and bloodied by the Scar's devious attentions, Shenzi having to fight back tears as she was near her breaking point. This is why she respected Scar, for she'd given herself to him before his takeover, and knew that he could bring her to mind blowing orgasms. He deliberately chose not to, and instead inflicted pain and suffering in it's place, reminding her that this was punishment and not something to be enjoyed. The hyena males were only focused upon their own pleasure, many of them actually giving her some rather intense moments of bliss as they mounted her, but Scar didn't. With one final roar he climaxed within her yet again, the hot seed splashing across her tender and scratched walls adding yet another burning sensation to her cuts bringing another whine from her lips. Once he was again finished pumping her full of his essence, he dragged himself across her button once more in a painful manner before shoving her away.

"Now go grab a bite to eat and go find the lioness again. And remember, you are not there to attack them, just to gather information. Don't let them see you, and don't come back until you have something worthwhile to report." He snarled, before trotting over to his throne and lying back down to watch her scamper off to follow his orders. Moments later the silence was broken by the flapping of small wings as a slightly larger hornbill fluttered in from the shadows near the back of the cave.

"May I ask why you are sending her on such a mission sire? Not that I doubt your wisdom, but I think I would be better suited for such a task. One errant breeze and she'll be discovered." He said, drawing a chuckle from the lion.

"Indeed, you would have been the better choice. But I don't intend to see her again, the lions are far too smart to let her get too close, they'll kill her and those with her, and that will be a few less mouths to feed. And if she actually does return with some valuable information, well then she can continue to please the males while I figure out what to do." He replied, causing the avian to chuckle softly at his logic, before bowing low and taking flight to do his routine scouting of the area for prey.

A few days later the following morning the pride was still all whispering about their king's decree, getting somewhat mixed reaction from the lioness. Some were insulted, standing with Zazu that a decree made by Mufasa should not have been overturned on a whim, while others felt that Simba did have a right to chose his queen himself. A few of the younger lioness were blatantly overjoyed at the news, making sure to get themselves extra clean and shower Simba with affectionate words and flirtatious glances. Sarabi chuckled as the young ones fawned over her son, despite being more than just a bit older than the cub. A few even went as far as to openly present themselves to the cub, making the prince blush heavily at the displays.

Sarafina yawned as she woke from her slumber, opening her gaze to find her daughter emerging from the bushes, but something wasn't right. Perhaps it was a mother's instinct, but she instantly knew something was amiss, and she quickly bounded over to the cub with a worried look. Sure enough once she got close she noticed Nalas face was a bit more pale than it usually was, and her gait was somewhat slow as she made her way to the nearby stream. She knew that Nala would not speak to her, having gotten a glare upon her approach, so the lioness wordlessly snatched her up by the scruff of her neck bringing a surprised and annoyed yowl from the cub.

Nala was finally set down in front of the wise baboon, who was just waking up himself, giving the lions a curious stare at their sudden appearance. However it didn't take him long to see the color of the cub's cheeks, and his face grew sympathetic as he reached over to feel her fore-head.

"Not feeling well today Nala?" He questioned, the cub casting a shifty glance to her mother before nodding her head. "Hmm, you don't feel warm. Did you eat any green and yellow bugs?" He asked her, and she shook her head. The young lioness was sure of it, having only eaten bugs that the baboon had said were ok for her. Rafiki pondered this for a moment, running his hands across her sides and pressing down in a few particular areas, getting uncomfortable grunts as the pressure was applied to certain points. He did this a few times, his face growing more and more confused as she growled and grunted at his touches.

"Nala honey, are you sure you didn't accidentally eat them?" Sarfina asked, getting a snarl from the young cub.

"Yes mom, I'm sure." She muttered, her tail twitching in annoyance at her mother's question. Sarafina smiled sympathetically to her cub, taking a small victory in the fact that she was actually speaking to her, even if it was out of annoyance.

"No, I don't think it's a bad bug she ate." Rafiki said, a twinge of worry in his voice the elder lioness quickly picked up on, her smirk fading as she locked eyes with the simian. "I'll have to give her a closer look, wait here and old Rafiki will see what the problem is." He said, his voice rather calm suddenly as he smiled to the cub's mother. "I'm almost positive it's nothing, but just to make sure I'll take her somewhere for a proper exam." He said, trying to get the lioness to relax before scooping the young on up and holding her close. Sarafina nodded, though the worry didn't leave her eyes as she watched the monkey carry her daughter through the foliage and out of sight.

Nala was not a fan of travelling by monkey, but with the way she felt now it was even worse, the fast swinging from vines causing her to lose control and send last night's dinner raining down to the forest floor below. Rafiki apologized for the journey once he landed within a secluded clearing, gently stroking the cub to help calm her nerves.

"You just relax Nala and let me fix you up." He said, before the hand that stroked her back slid further down to her more intimate region. Her eyes grew rather wide as his finger suddenly began to press against her tender folds, claws quickly emerging to dig at the moss at their feet.

"W-what are you doing?" She stammered, debating on whether or not she should take off running at this point, but the baboon used his other hand to gently scratch behind her ears forcing her to let a gentle murr rise from her throat.

"This may feel weird, but I need to see if your not feeling well comes from down here." He explained, a twinge of sorrow in his voice at having to do this to one so young. "I don't think it is, but given everything you've been through it's best not to take chances. Just relax now, let Rafiki's fingers do their thing." He explained, the cub nodding and slowly lifting her tail for the primate allowing him full access to her soft mound.

With no more resistance from Nala, Rafiki began to press that single digit into her body getting a low moan in response from her. Despite this being for medical reasons, he couldn't help but admire how tight the young lioness was as she squeezed around his finger, though he forced his body to not react to the now growing scent of her arousal. After a few tender thrusts into her passage he withdrew it, lifting his finger to sniff at the bit of her juices smeared along it, before popping it into his mouth and suckling it off to get it's flavor. Nala looked back to see this, and she noted the surprised expression on Rafiki's face as he sampled her fluid.

"I'm sorry Nala, but I'm afraid old Rafiki is gonna need to get some more from you. My taste buds must be off, I need to get a good sample to test. Do you understand?" He asked, offering Nala a smile as he gently padded her side. She swallowed a bit, having not expected her stomach ache resulting in all this, but trusting the simian creature she presented herself once more and took a deep breath, preparing for his finger once more. Reaching out with his agile foot he snagged a melon half and positioned it beneath Nalas loins, ensuring that it would catch her essence when it came out.

Steeling himself for the task at hand, Rafiki let his finger again slide into Nalas moistening passage, rewarded with another light moan from the cub. He didn't waste any time as he began stimulating Nalas sensitive nerves, plunging his finger in and out of her at a steady pace, the experienced baboon striking all the right chords for the little lioness as she quivered almost violently under the monkey's exam. With a rather high pitched moan of pure pleasure the young cub was thrown over her limit, her orgasm causing a tiny stream of her fluids to gush from her loins to fall into the melon that Rafiki had positioned beneath her. Once he removed the finger the child flopped onto her belly, panting with a somewhat satisfied smile upon her maw.

Rafiki had used his skills to make a belt of sorts with various small pouches that held several different crushed leaves he used to perform his tasks, be it helping heal the ground and make it more fertile to administering aide to the creatures that grew ill, and from one of those pouches he withdrew a fine dried powder like yellow herb he sprinkled atop Nala's juices within the melon. As Nala slowly recovered from her climax the baboon swirled the concoction gently while gazing upon it. When he finally was able to see the results he almost dropped the melon rind on the ground, his eyes growing as big as the melon had been before it was picked.

Banzai had chosen to sleep in this morning, having not risen with the rest of the pride to enjoy the rather pleasant dream that had settled upon his mind, his spotted sheath swollen as he kicked his legs with soft murrs at the images playing within his mind. However the king was suddenly vaulted from the realm of dreams as a rather firm hand shook him by the shoulders, far too violently in his opinion, causing him to snarl and scramble to his feet to face whomever disturbed his rest. He was confronted by a pair of baboon eyes that looked far too serious, and a face that only confirmed that he was rather worried. Shaking the sleep from his eyes, he cocked his head quizzically at the shaman.

"I need to use your cave." He stated, placing a somewhat large bundle of leaves fashioned together to form a bag that held a strange yellow powder. "And I need you to order all the lioness to come in, one at a time, and don't ask any questions." He continued, the hyena giving the monkey a rather indignant and confused look at the sudden orders.

"What in the world are you talking about you crazy babboon? What's so important that...." Banzai said, but he was cut off abruptly as Rafiki brought his walking stick down rather sharply against the top of his head, causing the hyena to yelp as he was struck.

"I'll explain later, but first I need you to get the lionesses in here. You will have to trust me Banzai." He explained, his brow furrowing to show the importance he placed upon the task he needed, and the hyena relented. Walking out of his cave he could be heard grumbling something before leaving to get the lioness together and line them up for whatever he had in mind. Once the royal Hyena left, Rafiki slipped out of the cave to grab several melons tied together by vines before cracking his knuckles. It was going to be a busy morning for the baboon, and a true test of his willpower.

"Several hours later the final lioness emerged from Banzai's cave, a rather contented smirk upon her maw as she trotted back down to the others. Zazu made the final mark on the nearby tree, turning to Banzai and nodding.

"Well that's the last one, save for Nala of course." He said, gesturing to the cub a short ways away. The color had returned to her cheeks since her earlier illness, having been given a root to chew on by Rafiki it had done the trick, now engaged in a rough and tumble game with Simba paying little attention to the rest of the pride lounging around.

"It's about time, now go in there and see if that monkey is ready to explain to me what in the name of the kings he's been doing to the lioness and why." Banzai replied, more than a little frustrated by what he saw and smelled coming from his cave. His sensitive nose picked up the arousal of the pride as they emerged, and it was really grating on his nerves. If Rafiki had wanted to have some fun with them Banzai wouldn't have stopped him, but to have every lioness march into the cave confused and irritated the king. The one thing that stopped Banzai from interrupting him after the first five was the distinct lack of male arousal upon them. Zazu nodded, and sailed off into the cave, returning after a few moments and giving the king a nod.

"Yes, he wishes to speak with you now, as well as Nala, Simba, Sarabi, and Sarafina. He wouldn't tell me why though, which is highly strange. You know I've never really known him to be so secretive, at least not with me. Granted he's always been a bit mysterious, but never one to withold information directly. He's always at least....."

"Can it bird, just get the others and have them meet me in the cave." Banzai snapped, getting an indignant gaze from the avian before he fluttered off to get the others. Leaping from the rock he'd been sitting on Banzai made his way into the cave, unable to hold back a shudder as the intense scent of the lioness was seemingly now permanently ingrained in the stone walls of his sleeping area. Rafiki sat near the stone the hyena usually slept on, stretching out his fingers and grimacing, trying to get the feeling back in his over worked digits. The bag of powder he'd brought in was considerably less full than when he'd began, and melon halves filled with the lioness' fluids lay scattered across the floor. The juices within each one shining a bright yellow like the powder that remained in the bag.

Banzai opened his mouth, and was stopped by a palm from the baboon and a stern look, remaining silent until the others joined the two within the cave. The smell of the exams affected them as they entered as well, young Simba shuddering as the scents started to stir that funny feeling deep within him, but he chose to say nothing as they all sat in front of Rafiki looking rather perplexed. Sarafina had the most worried look upon her face, after her exam she feared that Nala had been broken down there by Banzai's treatments, or caught some disease that was rumored to happen during inter-species couplings. Rafiki took a deep breath, his grip on his walking stick tightening as he finally broke the silence.

"Nala is pregnant." He uttered, that simple statement causing every other jaw in the cave to fall open in sheer shock, to include Zazu's beak as he had invited himself to stay out of curiosity.

"You can't be serious! That's just not possible!" Her mother almost roared at the monkey, her ears down in an almost threatening manner. "Nala is far too young to even have her cycle, and no lion has ever mounted her as well! You have to be mistaken, there is just no way!" She cried, disbelief and denial flooding her voice, as well as a hint of desperation. Rafiki shook his head however, motioning for her to sit back down.

"That's what I thought too. It's impossible, but the herbs don't lie. Look around you, all these melons are samples of the lioness of the pride, all yellow like the powder. Not pregnant, but this one, this was from her." He said, and from just behind the rock he withdrew the other melon, the sample of fluid within a rosy pink hue. "The prophecy is coming true."

"What prophecy?" Sarabi said, her voice filled with disbelief at the news given, but upon seeing the evidence she seemed somewhat willing to believe. "I've studied a number of them, and no where does it say a hyena and a lion produce offspring, and certainly not a cub!"

"Ah, and who taught you de prophecies?" Rafiki replied, causing the former queen to splay her ears back submissively. "Prophecy can come about when invoked by a king, in this case it was Scar that made it happen. The night he assumed the throne, he spoke of it. But the fool didn't realize it's true meaning, twisting the words in his head to fit the situation rather than letting the situation fit the words."

"What is this prophecy?" Simba asked, trotting forward curiously as he gazed at the shaman, after giving Nala a stare of something akin to both sorrow and sympathy. Nala hadn't moved a muscle after Rafiki had spoken, the notion that she could be carrying cubs at her age blew her mind, especially considering who the father had to be.

"Ah, I forget you weren't there." He replied, taking a seat upon Banzai's bedrock and clearing his throat. "From a broken pride a union unlike any other will arise, and from it shall be brought forth unnatural fruit, and that fruit shall heal the wounded pride and restore it to a glory brighter than any before it had ever reached." He recited, a tired smile forming upon the baboon's lips as his gaze fell to Nala and Banzai, who coincidentally sat next to one another.

"So, I'm gonna be a father!?" Banzai said in shock and surprise, his eyes still rather wide at the notion that the small cub next to him now bore his pup. Had a stiff wind picked up it was likely to have knocked the hyena over, his mind reeling almost as much as Nala's.

"You have to be wrong Rafiki, there is no way I'm going to be a grandmother! This violates the very laws of nature!" Sarabi snarled, seemingly oblivious to Banzai's presence as she took another step forward. "Prophecy or no I will not have my daughter bring some abhorrent freak of nature into the world! If you are right, then give her something to destroy that thing growing in her." She snarled, her feirce tone causing even Sarabi to look at her with fear, the mother's anger at the news causing spittle to form at the edges of her lips.

"Her body is not yet grown." Rafiki replied, his tone surprisingly calm and cool under the lioness' furious gaze. "If I give her the herbs to end the pregnancy it will put her own life at risk too."

"And if she carries that thing to term it could kill her too!" She snarled in response, the comment causing Nala to start quivering as the realization of this hit her. Her body was still rather small, and she suddenly had an image of her belly swollen to gargantuan proportions to where she could no longer touch the ground with her legs.

"That is true, but she stands a better chance to survive if we let nature take it's course." The shaman said, causing Sarafina to roar viciously and bound forward, the others fearing she would lash out at the baboon. Rafiki didn't move a muscle, remaining calm and relaxed as her snarling jaws stopped mere inches from his nose.

"I am her mother, and I say remove that thing from her. It would be a crime against nature to let it live, and if you don't do it then I will." She growled, her green eyes blazing with hatred and loathing as she threatened the monkey.

"You will do no such thing!" Came the shrill bark of the king, drawing everyone's attention to him to include the almost hysterical lioness'. "I don't know how it happened, and trust me that I never intended for it to happen. I may not be as wise as your previous kings, hell or even the monkey, but even I know an honest miracle when I hear it. By royal decree I state that anyone that tries to do harm to the child in her belly will be banished, and thrown right back to Scar." He snarled, standing on all four paws and standing over the quivering child, as if trying to protect her from Sarafina. The rage in the mother's eyes turned into a white hot fury at the proclamation, getting ready to pounce at the hyena before young Simba leaped from his perch to face her, snarling himself. This caused her to pause, gazing at the prince with a dark stare.

"I don't really like this either Sarafina...." The cub said, his voice holding the measured tone his father would often use in settling disputes within the pride. Upon hearing it not even the enraged lioness could move, it was a royal trait that was passed along through the king's blood, and hearing it from Simba caused his mother's heart to swell with pride. "But right now we must do everything we can to keep Nala healthy and safe, you are a huntress not a doctor. You would kill her if you tried to kill it, and I won't let my best friend die by her own mother's paw."

"Sarafina, you need some time. Go out and hunt, take out your anger on the zebra, and don't come back until you are calmer and able to think rationally." Sarabi said, slowly approaching her friend and placing a comforting paw upon her shoulder. It was quickly shoved off by the other lioness, and without a word she ran from the cave and past the rest of the pride, who were rather surprised and now worried at their sister's distress.

"Well, we best let the rest of the pride know about this now. Zazu, I believe that falls under your job description does it not?" Rafiki said after a moment of silence, the avian having wisely chosen to stay well away from the angry carnivores as the scene unfolded. Nodding his head, he slowly flapped his wings and took flight, obviously not too thrilled with what he now had to say to the others. "While he does that, can you give an old monkey a hand cleaning up these melons? I haven't been able to feel my fingers for about an hour now."

By the time the melons rinds had been gathered up the entire pride outside was abuzz with talk of the hybrid child growing within the cub, though unlike Sarafina the rest of the lioness didn't view it negatively. Though concern was evident for Nala's well being, many had grown to respect Banzai as he had been performing his job as their king with surprising dignity, and felt that a cub sired by their temporary king wouldn't be a burden to the pride. When the king and Nala emerged from the cave they were greeted with several congratulations, warm smiles and nuzzles from the others. Nala smiled sweetly at her aunts affections, though it was clear the cub was still in a bit of shock over the news.

Simba however didn't feel as happy for Nala as the rest of the pride, though no where near as upset as Sarafina, he still held a grudge against the hyena. After all he did play a part in killing his dad, and somehow managed to take his father's place as the king, albeit only until he grew into the role himself. Still, Simba hated it when the pride referred to him as the king, the young prince could never see himself doing the same. However his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a gentle nudge on his side, turning to see Tama smiling brightly at him. Tama was one of the slightly older lioness cubs of the pride, and she wore a rather devious and playful smile upon her lips.

"Don't look so glum Simba, it's not fitting of such a noble prince like yourself." She cooed, flipping her long tuft of hair atop her head to the side to gaze at him with her bright blue eyes. "Is there something I can do to help you forget whatever it is that has you down?" She asked, flicking her tail softly as she wiggled her hips rather invitingly.

"Suck up!" Came another voice from just behind the pair, both cubs turning to gaze at another female slinking up to them with a devious gaze plastered upon her maw. "I'm sure our prince would rather spend his time with a girl that isn't afraid to speak her mind, with an adventurous spirit." She stated, hunkering down as if to pounce upon the prince. Simba could only smile and let a little laugh escape his throat, the attention was something he was clearly not used to. He enjoyed it of course, though he was a tad worried that they're words would escalate into blows.

"Please, you are all talk Kula." Tama replied, her tail still doing it's little dance as she confronted the other. "You wouldn't know what to do with Simba, you'd end up hurting him the way you play. I, on the other paw, know exactly how to properly serve the future king." She stated, letting her tail rise just enough to display her nethers to the prince between the young lionesses.

"I hear a lot of talk, but I don't see any action." Came yet another voice as a third lioness bounded up to the others. Mala was the eldest lioness still considered a cub, standing almost a head taller than the young prince. Her hips were well defined as she sauntered up to the others, keeping her fore-legs close together as she walked to help accentuate her developing chest. "Why don't you two go argue somewhere else, everyone knows I'm the one who has what he needs anyway."

"Oh no you don't! I was here first!" Tama snapped, leaping from her spot to put herself between the larger cub and Simba, her hackles starting to rise in a challenging manner. Simba sighed softly as he watched the young lionesses confront one another, before leaping up to a rock above the trio of females and clearing his throat. That quickly got their attention, backing down from each other to listen to the prince.

"You know that I'll be mating with you all anyway, no need to start fighting each other. I know you all want to be queen, but that's my choice to make, and the more you argue with each other the more appealing it makes Lira sound." He stated, the three lioness wincing slightly at the name of another cub who wasn't involved. Convinced he had the situation under control, Simba let a grin slide across his maw as he gazed at the trio beneath him. "Now why don't you girls kiss and make up?

The lioness looked to one another briefly, before gazing back up to Simba and noting the somewhat sly look in his eyes. Quickly catching on they all smiled as they turned to one another, but it was the adventurous Kula that made the first move as she slid up to Mala and gave her a long lick across her neck, getting a rumbling murr from the elder girl. Mala countered by sliding her fore-paw up the other girl's chest and grabbing her by the chin and pressing her lips to Kula's with gusto.

Not to be left out of the action Tama slipped her body beneath Mala's and brushed her flank across her soft underbelly, murring softly before starting to nibble at Kula's neck while the other two kissed. She slipped a fore-paw across the smaller cub's shoulder and began to knead the soft flesh beneath her coffee colored fur, while positioning her backside against the eldest lioness' loins and wiggled them rather invitingly.

Simba's jaw literally dropped when he saw the reaction to his suggestion, he didn't mean for them to be that friendly to one another, merely wanting them to drop the hostility he had sensed between them. He swallowed rather nervously as the lioness kissed and groped each other for him, the rather erotic display causing his sheath to swell as their scents drifted up to him. A part of him wanted them to stop, the butterflies within his stomach fluttering about madly as they continued, but he found himself unable to speak the words. Ever since his encounter with Timon the other week he had been tempted to try and experience it again, but the cub was rather nervous about it. With Nala he felt no pressure to think about mating, for she was his best friend, but with these lioness he couldn't help but admire their bodies in a new light. And when he saw Mala's paw slide across Tama's chest and start to knead at her young breasts he couldn't help but moan just a bit, getting more and more turned on by them.

"Why don't you join us Simba?" Mala cooed after breaking the kiss with Kula, her brown eyes brimming with lust as Tama was grinding herself against her hips. The others chimed in their agreement, calling to their prince to come down in a rather sultry manner. Simba was nervous, but before he could even reply he found his paws were already moving him from his perch to join the trio, and he tried his best to act cool and calm as he approached. He tried to imitate Mala's stride from earlier as he walked up to them, though it looked more awkward than sexy causing the two female cubs to giggle cutely at the attempt. Once there Kula wasted no time in pressing her lips to the Simba's, causing his eyes to go wide in surprise as her tongue wormed it's way into his mouth, while he felt another paw suddenly stroking his fore-leg and gently pulling him even closer.

Before the prince knew what was going on the kiss was broken, and he found himself lying flat on his back with the three lioness gazing lustfully at him from above. Mala quickly pressed her lips to Simbas rather hungrily as Kula had moments prior, while Tama dropped onto her belly and began to plant long and tender kisses along his chest, her fore-paw sliding across his stomach and gently massaging him as it went. Kula smirked as she positioned herself with her head between his hind-legs, and started to lap at his golden sheath and the royal shaft that was peeking out of it. That caused a moan to escape Simba's lips to travel down Mala's throat as she suckled upon his tongue, her larger fore-paw also starting to fondle his chest next to Tama, who was now suckling upon Simbas nipple as she worked his belly over.

"I'm telling you Pumbaa, just because she gave you some attention doesn't mean all lions are horny all the time." Timon said as the two made their way through the jungle, on a routine hunt for a meal of grubs and whatnot. "She was just showing you thanks for helping take care of Simba when he ran off is all." He continued, bending over to grab a few tiny beetles that crawled away from a nearby stone and making a quick snack of them. "Besides, if they were don't you think Simba would have started fooling around with the lioness by now?" He stated firmly, causing the warthog's ears to droop in acceptance of his logic.

Smirking, the meerkat pushed aside a large branch to head to a clearing he knew of that held promise. Instead of finding the banquet he envisioned in his head, the meerkat's jaw dropped as he was confronted with the sight of Simba and the three lioness. Pumbaa blinked in confusion when Timon stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes following him to also bear witness to the scene unfolding, and his jaw also dropped at the erotic display. For a few brief moments the pair stared in pure shock as Simba was fawned over by the trio, before Timon snapped out of it and very slowly backed away before scampering off. A few moments later he returned, a look of frustration upon his face as he had to grab Pumbaa by the tusks and pull him away so as not to risk interrupting the lions.

Completely oblivious to the duo that had spied upon them, Kula slid her fore-paw up to start kneading the prince's backside as her lips slipped around his now fully aroused length, moaning hotly to send the vibrations all across the sensitive flesh of her prince. Unable to stop himself Simba bucked his hips up into her eager maw, a moan finally escaping him to echo across the clearing as Mala broke the kiss. Eagerly stepping over the now pretty much helpless prince, she gently lowered her hips down onto his belly, forcing Tama to shift her fore-paw up to grope at the prince's chest where Mala had been earlier.

"You were right my prince...." She said as she slid her moist mound across his soft underbelly, her tongue briefly sliding from her mouth to lick at her lips in a lustful manner. "Playing nicely is so much more fun." She cooed, before sliding herself down further to bump her backside into Kula's maw as it worked over his tool. The younger cub gave a glare to the older lioness, but neither Mala or Simba were able to see it, but Kula relented and let her lips slide from the prize. Kula's saliva connected the throbbing length to her lips for a brief moment, before another shift from Mala's hips forced her head aside. The lion's barbed tool now lay pressed flat against his belly beneath the eldest cub, her puffy lips grinding against Simbas shaft.

Simba was at a loss for words, his mind and body swirling with emotions and sensations he couldn't describe. This was different than his experience with Timon, the scent of the lioness and the feel of their lips on various parts of his body making him shiver and quake with excitement. Another moan escaped him as he felt Kula's mouth return to work, this time on his golden orbs as the cub suckled softly upon them both, her fore-paw still gently kneading his soft backside. Reaching her fore-paw down Mala let her toe-pads grip his tool and press the tip against her tender flower, before impaling herself with a growl upon Simba's length.

Tama growled softly at seeing Mala mount Simba, feeling a bit left out at this point. Rising from her affectionate grooming of Simba's chest the cub she stood upon her hind legs, her fore-paws finding purchase on the older cub's shoulders before stepping over Simba and letting his gaze fall upon her soft mound. She then pressed her maw firmly against Mala's, who eagerly returned the affection as she started rocking herself atop the cub.

Simba groaned hotly as his virginity was officially stolen by the eager lioness, the soft walls of her passage gripping his sensitive shaft rather tightly. That combined with not only the view of Tama's moist slit and the suckling upon his orbs sent him sailing over his limit, a passionate roar escaping the prince as his hips bucked uncontrollably as his climax rocked his body. Though still too young to actually fill the lioness atop him with seed, the barbs along his tool flared out completely causing her to moan into the kiss of the other. Once the rather intense wave of pleasure finally started to subside Simba mewed softly. Though he would have been rather happy to go to sleep, the lioness atop him didn't stop, one of Tama's fore-paws sliding from the other girl's shoulder to start pawing at her needy loins and spreading them open for her prince. Without any other option the cub growled as they continued, the heavy scent now hanging thick in the air making it surprisingly easy to stay rather firm for them.

Tama finally broke the kiss, before letting her maw start nibbling at the other's neck while casually lowering her hips down further, smirking as her passage was now hovering above Simba's whiskers.

"Lick me my prince." She cooed, a desperate need filling her voice as she stood there. Simba swallowed nervously at the request before complying, his fore-paws sliding up Tama's legs to hold her hips steady as he let his rough tongue glide across her sensitive folds, getting a very happy moan from Tama. He continued to gingerly lap at her moist flesh, the taste of her sweet fluids was surprisingly pleasant to the cub, his natural instincts taking over as he began to probe her with his thick muscle. He let out a sudden grunt into her quivering loins as he felt his backside suddenly stretched, Kula's toe-pad slipping past his soft pucker and doing it's own probing now. Kula let his orbs fall free from her maw, mainly due to Mala's hips rocking back and forth atop Simba, but her tongue continued to lap at Simba's groin as much as she could. With a devilish smirk the young cub slid her other fore-paw to Mala's backside and well causing the larger female to groan with the added stimulation.

It didn't take much longer for the eldest to reach her climax, especially when her tight rear was also penetrated by Kula's toe, her whole body twitching as she let out a roar of pure passion. Simba felt his groin suddenly covered in her juices as she bucked almost violently atop him, her eyes rolling into the back of her head with the force of her orgasm. Tama took quick advantage of her state and used her fore-paws to guide the larger lioness off of Simba, her mind blindly following the direction of the other girl's fore-paws before collapsing in a contented heap next to the others. Tama looked to Simbas loins, only to huff indignantly as she saw Kula already positioning herself atop Simba, her backside facing the prince's head before lowering herself onto his still throbbing length and letting it slide into her with a groan of pleasure.

Tama let her fore-paws land onto the small of Kula's back to stabalize herself as Simba continued to lap almost hungrily at her mound, his claws scratching Tama's hips as he did. She didn't seem to mind the minor pain of his sharp claws, the pleasure his tongue more than making it ok, despite his inexperience. Flexing her groin muscles she attempted to squeeze his tongue as it slipped into her body, only causing it to slip out each time, and slide back in when she relaxed. This sent her into a fit of lustful moans and heated growls, her back legs quivering with her own oncoming release.

Kula wasted no time in trying to set up a steady rhythm of bouncing atop of Simbas tool, hindered by the added weight of the other cub, but her determination knew seemingly no bounds as she got a pattern of thrusts going as she was penetrated. Her own lustful howls echoing across the area as she mated him, finding the unusual position she had to be rather pleasant as she had control. Tama suddenly let her fore-paws slide from Kula to press her chest along the girls rump, followed by placing several tender kisses upon the other girl's back. This added affection sent Kula into a world of pleasure, her orgasm coming seemingly out of the blue as she bucked wildly between the two and adding her ample juices to Mala's. And like before Tama was able to guide Kula from Simba in her haze and finally have Simba all to herself.

She wasted no time in gulping down Simba's hot length, the taste of the other two filling her senses along with the Simbas musky flavor. For a few more moments the two cubs suckled and slurped at each other's intimate regions, but when Tama's paw slipped around to Simba's backside to spread it open once more the male lost it once again, roaring fiercely into her as he was lost to his second orgasm. This roar tipped Tama's scales, and she threw her head forward and off the Simba's twitching length to add her roar to his as she lost herself to the overwhelming sensation.

Once their orgasms subsided, Simba finally managed to push the lioness off of him and stumble back to his paws. The prince was drenched in a mixture of sweat and the lioness' fluids, leaving him a rather sticky and exhausted mess from the experience. The girls gazed at him with gentle murrs, and he turned back to smile happily at them, before summoning the strength to slip away back to the pride. As fun as that had been, Simba wasn't sure he could go another round, and he didn't want to stick around in case they wanted more. He briefly wondered what his mother would say, for he knew that he'd need a bath now, and for once he was almost looking forward to it.

"I can't wait to find those traitorous lionesses." A'jani snarled as he trotted behind the disgraced female hyena, a rather devious twinkle in his merciless gaze. "Once we get there, I'm going to find that cub Banzai had and take her so hard it she won't be able to walk for a week!" He cackled gleefully, the flippant comment causing Shenzi to stop mid-stride, growling dangerously low to the other.

"No you won't." She snarled, turning back to the other two with a vicious snarl of her own. "Scar doesn't want us to be discovered A'jani, and burying your bone in that brat will only blow our cover."

"Well then why don't you do something about it then, bitch." He replied, smirking rather confidently as he gazed at Shenzi. Shenzi howled in anger at the flippant remark, bounding at the other with a murderous gaze in her golden eyes. But A'jani didn't move, and she stopped just short of him as he smiled. "That's right, Scar made you into the pack bitch and there isn't anything you can do to us, not without risking his fury. So why don't you do your job then, and stop acting so tough." He remarked, spreading his hind legs to reveal his already growing member to her.

Shenzi took a rather deep and controlled breath through her nose as she forced herself to calm down, as much as she hated it A'jani was right. Her deception about Simba's fate had caused this to her, and as much as she detested this particular male hyena right now she reminded herself the true target of her fury, the little cub that had somehow made Banzai turn traitor to his pack. All the emotion soon drained from her face as she lowered her ears in submission, before opening her maw and taking the growing length into her gullet with a lewd slurp.

A'jani growled happily as she took in his tool, which quickly slid to it's full length as she nursed it, the male Hyena's hips bucking forward to briefly choke the female. Shenzi recovered quickly however, and casually laid upon her belly and slipped her fore-paws up to start massaging the male's growing knot, bringing a lustful howl from the hyena. Not to be left out, the second male travelling with them, a usually quiet male by the name of Se'Kou, slipped his body over hers and began to probe her depths with his throbbing length.

Shenzi couldn't help but grunt at Se'Kou's intrusion, but she lifted her tail to give him better access, the male finding her opening and ramming it deep into her well used passage. The wear the pack had on her body was evident, her folds not nearly as tight as they had been when the pride and pack had first merged, but still pleasurable enough for Se'Kou. His thrusts were rather forceful, though unlike A'jani his facial expression didn't change as he mounted Shenzi. A'jani had his tongue hanging from the side of his jaw as pleasure raced through his loins, joyful cackles and barks rising from him as Shenzi suckled upon his tool. She worked the shaft in her mouth will all the skill she possessed, not that he deserved it, she just wanted to get him off and be done with it.

Surprisingly enough, despite her very best efforts it was Se'Kou who finished first, grunting softly as he filled her body with his hot seed, which quickly began to dribble out of her passage and fall to the desert floor beneath the pair. The warmth of his deposit caught Shenzi off guard, making her lose focus on her task, which prompted A'jani to buck his hips upward and force his knot into her moist muzzle. The added pressure caused by her slimy jowls barely able to take the flesh was enough to send A'jani to orgasm, his bitter seed shooting directly down Shenzi's gullet causing her to gag violently as the torrent of Hyena essence filled her throat. Pulling herself free on instinct, she had to suffer with the rest of A'jani's fluid splattering on her face and neck as he howled in pleasure. Shenzi hated being scent marked like this, but she had gotten used to it thanks to her new position, and said nothing as it finally tapered off.

"Are you happy now?" She snarled, getting a dopey nod of A'jani's head in response. Huffing indignantly Shenzi trotted ahead a few paces to continue their march, Se'Kou following not too far behind. She wondered why the other male didn't knot her for a moment, before realizing that the lonesome Hyena probably didn't want to be attached to her during their trek. With that mystery solved she continued on, saving her anger for the cub that had stolen her mate.

As night fell on the valley the zebra herd was quiet, a few standing watch while the rest either grazed upon the lush grass or nodded off beneath the starry skies. Their contentment would suddenly be shattered as a cream colored blur charged from the nearby bushes. Before any Zebra could even snort in fear or surprise the lioness sank her deadly jaws into the hind leg of a rather large male Zebra, getting a rather shocked and fearfull whinny from the equine, his other hind leg making a desperate kick aimed to knock the huntress off his leg, putting all the strength he had into the blow.

Sarafina, her eyes blazing with fury, kept her grip fimly upon the zebra's leg and ducked just below the oncoming hoof. Before that leg could rear back and strike again the lioness planted her fore-paws into the ground and gave a massive pull on the creature in her jaws while twisting her head, forcing that leg to also leave the ground, a tactic used to cause the prey to lose it's balance and force it to use the attacking limb to recover. However that wasn't what happened this time, the lioness's powerful neck and shoulders instead managed to actually lift the zebra off all it's legs and vault it over her head, releasing it at just the right moment to let the large creature fly for a few feet before landing rather hard, it's head striking a rock leaving it dazed. That momentary delay to his reaction sealed his fate, the huntress was on it before it's vision could return and clamping her jaws around it's throat. It couldn't even whinny as her sharp teeth sank into the equine's tender neck, blood squirting from the gashes as it struggled against it's fate. By the time the rest of the herd had sounded the alarm and started to flee the male zebra was already dead, though the lioness continued to bite down upon the warm carcass with vigor, thrashing her head about a few times to cut even more gashes into it's throat.

When Sarafina could no longer tell herself the beast still lived she finally released her grip, the kill doing little to quell her anger. In her mind it wasn't a zebra she was killing, but the hyena that had defiled her daughter, and through some freakish twist had actually impregnated her. She had started to warm up to him a little, after he showed compassion for her desires in spite of his own, but that was lost to her now. She had gone from being the mother of the future queen to grandmother of a lion hyena hybrid in the span of a week, and what's more her only daughter resented her. Standing in the grassland, with only the dead zebra anywhere to be seen, the lioness broke down in a fit of sobbing as she fell onto the large body and buried her blood stained face into it's striped fur.

"Why have you cursed me so!?" She cried to the stars above, craning her neck to watch the twinkling lights above. "Is it not enough that he stole her innocence!? Why must you let his seed take hold in her!? She is but a child, she is my child, she can't handle the burdens now upon her! What have I done to be deserving of such pain? Prophecy or not, what has she done to justify putting that Hyena's cub within her? Answer me!" She roared to the vast sky, the only answer she got was a gentle breeze that filled her nostrils with the scent of her kill. She again fell to a fit of choking sobs, unsheathing her claws to start mutilating the equine's belly in frustration.

Shenzi's mouth was completely slack in sheer amazement as she heard Sarafina's painful cries to the stars, her eyes blinking as she took in the information. The delay that A'jani's lust had caused turned out to be surprisingly benificial, for soon after they started off again they caught sight of the lioness as she made her way from the jungle canopy. The trio of hyena had followed her to these new hunting grounds, keeping their distance not being an issue with the speed she had been running. The lioness had made no attempt to hide her tracks, not suspecting anyone to be following her, but was was more confusing to Shenzi during the chase was how oblivious she had been. The wind was at her back, for half the trip, yet she didn't seem to notice the rather pungent scent of the hyena spunk that undoubtedly would have reached her and alerted her. But after hearing her cries, she honestly didn't blame the woman for her distraction.

"Woah, Banzai actually got that cub pregnant?" A'jani said, cackling at the humor of it all. "Looks like he wasn't shooting blanks after all!" He chortled, getting a very dangerous growl out of Shenzi. Before the pride had merged she had tried countless times to bear his pups during her heat, but it never took within her. She of course blamed Banzai for this, having believed that due to his small size he was unable to father any pups. A'jani didn't take her vicious growl seriously, and instead smirked rather arrogantly at Shenzi. "Heh, looks like you are the barren one. But that's a good thing, it just means we can keep fucking you over and over without waiting for any pups to be born."

Shenzi's white hot anger was so palpable that one could almost see it rising from her skull as she stared at A'jani, which only made him laugh even harder in response. Her fore-legs quivered with rage at the other, her claws churning the dirt below as she her muscles tensed. She was infuriated by the notion that she was barren, for even if Scar forgave her and promoted her a barren hyena could not become the alpha. Alpha females had one main responsibility to the pack, to spread their genes on to the next generation. With Nala now bearing Banzai's pup, that pretty much proved that he was indeed capable, which let the fault for their lack of cubs fall to Shenzi. Her gaze suddenly became one of murderous intent as she rose to all four paws, the hackles on the back of her neck as she started stalking towards the laughing hyena. As usual he didn't take the female's threat seriously, his fore-paws curling over his stomach as he laughed wholeheartedly, and that's when the attack came.

A'jani's laughs were cut drastically short as Se'Kou's teeth clamped around his jaws, a quiet growl rising from the larger male. Shenzi jumped back at the attack, watching as the more powerful male placed a single fore-paw on A'jani's chest and violently tore his throat out. He spat the sizable chunk of meat out, gazing down with a rather calm and uncaring expression as the Hyena gurgled and twitched beneath him in his death throes. Once the hyena had stopped moving, the life faded from his eyes, he looked to the female with that same expression.

"Shall we go back now?" He asked, the tone of his voice rather plain and uninterested despite his fellow's blood dripping from his jowls. She blinked at him curiously for a moment, before a smile appeared upon hers.

"Yes, Scar will be most interested to hear about this." She replied, and together the pair of Hyenas scampered away, Shenzi now smiling sincerely for the first time in far too long. Se'Kou had never really done much to draw attention to himself within the pack, doing his part and nothing more. He never tried to engage in the normal routine squabbling the other males had during meals or mating season, usually content to be left alone and let the others be the vicious and boastful ones. The sudden and violent attack against A'jani in her defense was nothing to be taken lightly, for the others were bound to smell the smaller hyena's blood on him. She had fully intended on making up a lie saying that the other was going to blow their cover, and she had to kill him because of it. But with the smell now on Se'Kou she was in the clear, and given his higher rank within the pack they wouldn't likely pay any attention to it. He said nothing else as they walked, and she knew he'd not spread rumors of her being barren, since he rarely spoke anyway. Once she regained her position, she now had a new contender for her mate, and once this news was delivered she might actually get it back.

To Be Continued....


Banzai impregnated Nala!? She could die!? Will she go through with her pregnancy!? Will she die during labor!? What will her and Banzai's Cub/Pup look like!? Will it be a Male or Female!? What does this mean for Simba!? Which cub will Simba take as his future queen!? Will he decide to have Nala!? What will Scar do once he finds out all this!?


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The Lion King: Zazu's New Job and Scar's Royal Treatment

Written by Aviose []( Commissioned By Me :) =============================================================================================== WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!...

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The Lion King: A Kings Royal Decree

Written by Aviose []( Commissioned by me :) ============================================= The next morning the pride was greeted by the carcass of a rather plump zebra, the hunting party...

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The Lion King: The Death Of A Kingdom

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