The Lion King: Zazu's New Job and Scar's Royal Treatment

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#2 of The Lion King: The Death Of A Kingdom

Written by Aviose

Commissioned By Me :)

=============================================================================================== WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! Proceed No Further if Death,Rape,Cub, etc doesnt appeal to you TURN BACK!! For sake of reading the story anyways than Proceed with caution. You have been warned!!

To those who don't wanna read this there is a Light version being worked on but it won't be released till after the Dark Tale has been told.

After walking for who knows how long, the silent baboon guided her through a grove of trees, where the leg of a zebra lay untouched within the brush. Without thinking the girl pounced upon it, her hunger getting the best of her as the meal was presented. Rafiki didn't say a word, or try to stop her as she ate, letting the girl get her fill before taking a short walk to the watering hole. As she cleaned the dirt from her paws and drank the cub couldn't help but notice that the normal bustle of activity was gone, sure there were a few other animals drinking of the cool water, but they were deathly silent as they did. No splashing of the various cubs at play along the water's edge, which was usually quite common in the hours before a storm. But no child seemed eager to frolic on this day, no idle chatter about daily events from the grown ups, just a thick heavy silence hanging over the area. It was as if Scar's rule had already taken the pleasure from everything the cub had known, replacing it with this dark foreboding that only promised more torment and pain.

By the time Rafiki brought her back to Pride Rock the hunters had returned with the bounty, and it was indeed a massive haul of zebra and antelope. Scar stood above the lionesses, ordering them to separate the kill into two piles. Rafiki had been silent throughout the trip, and he continued this quiet attitude as he led the girl up to what was becoming her "spot" and tethering the thick vine to the rocks once more. She flopped down on her side, having cried so much she had nothing left within her, merely whimpering softly and closing her eyes to shut out the cruel world she found herself now in.

The girl lost track of time as she lay there, a swift tug of her collar snapping her out of her daze. Looking up she saw that it was Scar that held the cord in his jaws, and she scrambled to her feet quivering. He smirked at the reaction, and tugged her out to ledge he used to address the pride, where Nala was waiting as the rest of the pride gathered below. The hyena were also there in full force, sitting further away from the stone than the lionesses, though that was likely to keep the lionesses from trying to sneak off than any respect for the feline's longer time living within the structure.

"I'd like to thank you all for such a peaceful transition from my brother's rule to my own, it shows the wisdom that our pride is known for." He stated, his chest swelling with pride as he spoke. He continued in this manner, praising the lionesses for their submitting to the hyena for what he called "The Greater Good", though Simbala wasn't paying much attention. Her gaze was upon the pride, many of them gazing right back at her with a mixture of shock and sorrow at the fate that had befallen their prince. Simbala's attention was drawn back to her uncle as a familiar pair of wings fluttered up to land in front of the regal lion.

"Sire, far be it for me to question your wisdom......" Zazu stated, getting a slightly amused look from the dark maned lion, before he nodded and allowed him to continue. "Thank you's just that I personally don't see the reason for allowing the hyena to......." He began, before his eyes fell upon Simbala. For a brief moment he was dumbstruck at the change she'd been forced to undergo, until Scar prodded him with a paw in an annoyed fashion. "....Ahem.....sorry about that sire. I was saying that I fail to see a reason why the hyena should be given free reign over the lionesses in intimate matters. I understand that we all need our release, but normally it's the king that breeds the pride. And surely you would not deny your subjects your obviously superior seed? After all, the heat is already starting to come upon some of the lioness, and it has been the king's duty to see to them since the very beginning." He said, having rehearsed this since early this morning as he had flown with the hunting party to seek out the meal now laid out as Scar had wanted.

"Hmm, you make a valid argument Zazu." Scar said, raising his paw to his chin in thought while gazing upon the hornbill. "But I see no reason to change my decree, you should have a little more faith in me. Seeing as you don't, I can no longer trust you to be the majordomo, you are relieved of your post." He stated, causing Simbala's eyes to widen in surprise and the bird's jaw to drop. "Aww, don't take it too badly Zazu. "Scar replied, his tone actually sounding somewhat tender as he addressed the avian. "I have a new position for you to fill, one that will help usher in many great things for the future of our pride."

"W-what is that sire?" He managed to stammer, caught a bit off guard by the seemingly friendly tone of the king. The bird in all honesty didn't trust the lion further than he could throw him as the old saying goes. His belief was only confirmed as the feline suddenly pounced upon him, a large fore-paw pinning the hornbill to the grey stone.

"An appetizer!" Scar replied, causing a gasp to rise from both cubs sitting next to the king, but their gasp was lost in the fearful cry of the now struggling bird. Scar brought his other fore-paw around to grab Zazu's flailing legs, and with a quick flick of his ebony claws the thin limbs fell to the wayside with a scream of pain from the bird. Scar had made sure to only cut the legs, leaving the fleshy feathery muscle untouched as Zazu's blood began spurting from his stumps. Lifting him up with that fore-paw, claws digging painfully into his chest to keep him there, Scar chuckled at the sight before shoving his family's former majordomo into his maw. He didn't cram the bird's entire body within, though he could have quite easily, instead he bit down upon Zazu's chest and back to hold him in place. He then began to let his rough feline tongue slide across the birds backside and stumps, murring softly at the taste of his crimson fluid as it dribbled down his throat.

"Please sire, don't eat me! I-I can be useful in other ways! Just give me a chance, I won't fail you, please!" Zazu begged, tears streaming down his face as he felt the lion's tongue glide across his calves and even brushing along his avian tool, though the sensation did not bring him any pleasure. "I can be whatever you need, I'm more valuable alive than dead, oh great kings HELP!" He cried, flapping his wings wildly in a vain attempt to free himself from the lion's jaw. Scar chuckled as he heard Zazu's desperate pleas, loosening his teeth just a tad to slurp him even further into his maw. They came down again around the bird's throat, though they did not apply pressure, allowing him to continue to breath and scream while the rest of his body was suckled upon by the lion. With only his upper wings and head visible Zazu could only start to weep uncontrollably as he was savored, his heart rate going through the room and spurting even more blood from the stumps at the back of Scar's throat.

Simbala looked on horrified as Scar slowly consumed the bird, though she had often joked about eating Zazu when he was babysitting her, to actually see it happening twisted her stomach into knots. Sure he was annoying, but Simbala knew he was well meaning and a good person at heart. Thinking fast she put her fore-paws on Scar's side, tears of her own welling up as she gazed upon the king, Nala quickly doing the same to his opposite flank with the same look upon her face.

"Uncle Scar please don't, I beg you!" She cried, her voice quivering as she forced her sobs down to speak.

"Have mercy on him my king!" Nala said, the little lioness duo giving their king the most sad and pleading looks they could muster. Scar hesitated, looking to each of them in turn, and Zazu's fearful eyes were also forced to look at the cubs in the process. The bird's gaze was filled with compassion and gratitude for the cub's pleas, mingled with the fear and horror of his current predicament. The lioness below could also scarcely believe what their king was doing, Zazu having served the family quite well ever since he acquired the position from his mother, and he deserved far better than to become a mere snack for the new king.

Scar held the bird in his jaws as he pondered the cub's request, only the distant rumbling of thunder echoing across the valley as the pride awaited his decision. The edges of the king's lips turned upward in a grin, before with one final slurp and a squawk the hornbill vanished from sight, a few feathers falling from his lips before Scar gulped rather loudly to swallowed him whole.

"That is the fate I chose for him, if he had shown me the proper respect during my brother's reign things would have been different." He stated, the cubs looking at him horrified beyond words as he calmly spoke of the bird. "I already have a suitable replacement in mind to take over his position, a relative of his actually. Now let the feast begin, we don't want to eat in the middle of a storm after all." He proclaimed, before motioning the lioness to one of the piles of antelope off to the right. Rafiki was down there, that large bag from earlier slung across his shoulder, as he walked away from the pile of dead creatures. He took charge of the feast from below, ordering the hyena to eat from a separate pile while the lioness were instructed to eat from the pile Scar had pointed them to. The king smiled as the pride began eating, before a sudden giggling escaped his lips.

Zazu struggled with all his might as he felt Scar's powerful throat drag him down into the darkness, his mind reeling at now being inside the cruel lion's body. Before long he was squeezed through a rather tight hole before being forced into his stomach. He fell into a small puddle of fluid, causing an instant and unpleasant tingling sensation upon wherever he was splashed. Fear gripped him as he tried to stand up, but without his talons to give him balance he ended up flopping onto his chest and splashing Scar's digestive juices across his body. He cried out in pain and misery as it burned his wounded legs intensely, the king having swallowed a fair amount of air that allowed him to breath and struggle within him. Again and again the bird thrashed about in the lion's stomach, trying to use his beak to tear at the walls that convulsed around him, to no avail however. Had he still had his legs Zazu was sure he'd be able to cut through the soft flesh, but Scar obviously knew that, hence the reason they were cut off. His pain only intensified as the level of fluids began to rise as Scar's body reacted as it always had, parts of Zazu that had been soaking within it now starting to burn horribly as the feathers began molting and falling into the fluid. Not willing to give up he continued to thrash about wildly as he was slowly broken down, until finally it all became too much for him, the digestive juices now risen to encompass all but his head, he gave one final pitiful squawk before the air was suddenly forced from the lion's stomach and he was completely submerged.

Scar's resounding belch brought a cry of dismay from the two cubs as they sat next to him, their heartfelt pleas having been ignored and it cost them the life of another friend. Simbala was horrified by what Scar did, it was bad enough that Scar had killed Zazu, but the manner he did so was even more gruesome than she thought the lion capable of. She could only watch in horror during the bird's final moments, actually able to see his beak push against the walls of Scar's stomach as he thrashed about, but the muffled cries of agony were the worst. Both cubs could hear the bird's dying squawks, Nala unable to hold back her sobbing wails as Zazu was struggling within the male lion, while Simbala could only look on in shock as the bird died, barely a foot away from her yet she was unable to do anything about it. Needless to say that neither cub was hungry after bearing witness to it, and they were led off by the king back to the den, Simbala again being pulled along by her leash. Scar did not put her back in her normal spot, instead he guided her into the back of the den with Nala while the rest of the pride ate below with the hyena.

Scar settled onto his throne with a satisfied smirk, motioning for Nala to join him at his side. The tears in her eyes had not yet dried from her earlier sobs, and the devious look from Scar only brought more on. The gleam in his eyes was filled with lust, and they were focused upon the young cub gleefully. Knowing she had no choice Nala started to climb up when a shadow appeared over them, causing them and Simbala to look to the entrance. Standing there, with a large hind leg of a zebra in her maw was Sarafina, the queen's mother. Instantly the cub attempted to bound towards her, but the quick paw of the king nabbed her by the scruff of her neck, keeping her still as he glared at the lioness.

"Your meal, my king." She said softly as she placed it down for Scar, unable to stop herself from giving her daughter a look of longing and sorrow. She had been kept at Scar's side almost every moment since being named queen, and the pain in both mother and child was blatantly obvious at being apart. Simbala merely cowered a short distance away, trying to hold back his own tears at the thought of his own mother's fate. Scar nodded, and dismissed her with a regal gesture of his paw. As she slowly made her way back out, casting a final glance to her offspring, Scar rose and took the offered meat and began to silently feast upon it. Nala, after watching her mother leave, took the opportunity to slip over to Simbala and snuggle up with her while Scar ate. After a while, just as Scar finished his meal Nala took a rather deep breath before approaching Scar.

"S...Scar, c-can I sleep with my mom tonight?" She asked, her ears flattened in submission as her tail curled up between her legs. The male looked to her curiously, his green eyes taking in the details of her pleading face, noting how her bottom lip quivered in a mixture of fear and hope.

"A queen's place is next to her king." He stated factually, bringing a whine from the cub. He paused as he continued to look upon her, before a faint smirk appeared upon the corners of his lips. "I could let you, but you'd have to do something for me first." Upon hearing this her ears raised up just a bit, a tiny glimmer of hope within her gaze as she looked to her king.

"What do I have to do?" She asked, the trembling in her voice all but gone now as she spoke. If there was any way the girl could be with her mother, even if for one night, she was willing to try and do whatever it would take.

"I want you to service me, as a queen should. No crying and begging for me to stop. You should feel honored to have been chosen to be my queen, and it pains me to have to force you to do your duties. If you can give me a climax that I won't soon forget, I'll allow you to spend the night with her. However, if it isn't the best I've ever had, you will spend the night at my side where you belong. Does that sound fair?" He said, before pushing the bloody zebra bone aside to reveal his sheath to the cub. The king was rather hard, his tool eager for attention from his queen, that lustful look again filling his gaze.

Nala shouldn't have been too surprised by the request, though she knew it was a tall order to be sure. Scar would obviously be a hard male to please, especially with her inexperience in more adult matters, but that wouldn't stop the cub from trying. Taking a rather deep breath, the girl wiped the back of her paw across her face to remove any lingering tears before looking to him once again. A gurgling murr rose from the girl, meant to be erotic but not quite reaching it's mark, and she quickly cleared her throat and tried again. This time a more sensual and smooth growl rose from the girl, the tone surprising Simbala as he was forced to watch the display. Scar merely smiled, before spreading his hind legs giving her complete access.

She sauntered towards Scar with a forced smile, batting her eyes the way she'd seen her mother do to Mufasa, causing Scar to grin and chuckle a bit as she approached. Reaching Scar, she continued to smile before letting her tiny tongue slip free to glide along his throbbing length, bringing a lustful moan from Scar. Upon hearing this the girl continued to bathe Scar's tool, murring softly as she did.

Simbala could only watch with both repulsion and fascination at the erotic display, not wanting to see it but unable to look away at the same time. Seeing Nala tease the rather large package of her uncle caused butterflies to swarm within her belly, the girl shifting her hips subconsciously as she gazed upon the pair. After roughly five minutes though the girl's attention was drawn from the Scar's loins up to his face, noting how Scar rolled his eyes while starting to buck his hips forward. The lion wasn't being impressed by Nala's affections, and with the Nala giving it her all she didn't even notice Scar's mood. And he obviously wasn't going to give her any coaching, meaning that she was doing this all for nothing, a lump forming in Simbala's throat at the thought of her disappointment that would follow. That's when something in her mind snapped, the past few days were filled with far too much pain and suffering, and she wasn't about to just stand by and let any more happen. Bounding towards the pair with purpose, she quickly thrust her head next to Nala's and let his tongue join hers running along Scar's shaft. The addition of Simbala's attentions brought a gasp from the king, scarcely believing what he was seeing as the two cubs went to work. Nala was rather shocked as well, but a quick glance from Simbala got her back on track, and they quickly got down to business.

The cub's held their paws together as they tag teamed Scar's loins, worming their small tongues across the prickly barbs of his shaft in unison to bring a rather lustful moan from Scar. Remembering the first encounter she had with Rafiki, and what Nala was forced to do to her, Simbala slipped his tongue up to the tapered tip of the length just as Nala's reached it, before placing a paw on her head and kissing Nala deeply as they had before. Only this time the sensitive tip of the male's shaft was caught in between the girls mouths, the feel of their combined efforts and the visual it gave made Scar growl with a rather lustful tone unlike any they'd heard before. Gazing deep into each other's eyes, Nala and Simbala opened their mouths as wide as they could and pressed their lips together, before moving down the barbed length together. With Nala's tongue covering the top of Scar's shaft while Simbala's caressed the underside it was causing Scar's legs to quiver almost violently, and when their paws each took hold of one of his orbs it broke Scar's limit. With a deafening roar, made more violent as the sound bounced off the walls, his essence blasted from him in a sticky torrent to land upon both cub's backsides, Scar pulling his hips back to start painting their faces as well. Within seconds both of them were almost blanketed by his seed, the goo dripping from the sides of their mouths and dribbling across their chest. Scar was left in a panting and wheezing heap, seemingly barely able to sit up as the warm afterglow washed over him.

"C-can I go be with my mom now?" She asked, her green eyes rather hopeful as she blinked to keep Scar's deposit from running into them. Scar took a few deep breaths, obviously having a time collecting himself after that rather massive climax.

"I asked for you to give it to me, I didn't say you could have any help." He replied, causing fresh tears to start welling up in the girl's eyes to drip down into his foul smelling fluid coating her face.

"You didn't say she couldn't get help!" Simbala replied, her voice as firm as she could make it without showing defiance, causing the others to gaze at her. Nala looked upon her with hope and gratitude for what she did, and what she was now doing, while Scar looked down upon her rather darkly as he took in her words.

"Hmm, I guess I didn't say she couldn't get help." He admitted after a few moments, his nostrils flaring as he took in the now musky air around the trio. "That is a rather cheap loophole though, but I must admit it was rather pleasurable. You may spend the night with Sarafina Nala, as promised." He said, the Nala's face exploding with joy before she tackled Simbala in a grateful hug, smearing Scar's seed across her neck and shoulders before bounding from the cave and vanishing from sight.

Simbala smiled as she was taken down in the affectionate embrace, returning it briefly before she dashed off, leaving her alone with Scar in the tunnel. He climbed back onto his throne as Simbala started to bathe herself to be rid of Scar's essence, barely able to prevent herself from gagging on the foul tasting substance. Once she was finished, her attention was drawn back to Scar as he cleared his throat.

"Rafiki will not be here tonight, I have him on a special assignment. And since you were so eager to help her please me, since she isn't here you will be taking her place at my side tonight. You two were rather good to me, and I'm looking forward to getting some sleep, but if the morning comes and finds me in need again, and Nala has not returned you will be taking on her duties for her. Now get up here and get comfy." He ordered, the cub biting her lower lip at his decree. However there was nothing she could do to sway him, and the cub reluctantly climbed onto what was once her father's throne and flopped down onto her belly. She yelped suddenly as Scar pulled her close to him, pressing her small hips into his, letting the girl feel his flaccid sheath pressing against her backside. She winced at the thought of it being used on her, and whispered a silent prayer that his earlier orgasm would keep him sated when he woke, but deep down she knew that he would likely be ready and eager come the morning light.

The Lion King: A Kings Royal Decree

Written by Aviose []( Commissioned by me :) ============================================= The next morning the pride was greeted by the carcass of a rather plump zebra, the hunting party...

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The Lion King: The Death Of A Kingdom

Written by Aviose []( Commissioned By Me :) =============================================================================================== WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING!...

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The Lion King: Banzai Confesses

Written by Aviose []( Commissioned by me :) ================================================ Once the dust had settled and the hyena lay dead around them, Sarabi vaulted towards the...

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