The Guardian

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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I just had to post this. I haven't done ovipositioning in a while you know. ;)

The sound of rain hitting the window and the occasional thunder roll were the only sounds in the library as Mina tucked her legs up beneath her in an unladylike pose and flipped the page in her book. The duller sounds of the rain drops on the roof overhead created a gentle murmur that should have been relaxing and soothing to any young woman enjoying the lively wonders of a book. But they weren't. They were irritating enough that the slender dove grey gryphon flipped her ear tufts back and marked the page in her book before slamming it shut. It echoed through the library as if to ensure she realized just how desolate it was in her home. There were no laughing voices, not even the sound of the servants puttering through the house. The day of the Lord was sacred and even they were allowed to go into town for worship while she was forced to go to the small chapel in charge of a small group of nuns. Nothing so common as the roughly built chapel in the town square.

_I'm going to waste away if this continues. _ She flicked her spotted tail tip and leaned back on the padded couch while fighting the urge to give an unladylike growl.

Mina was ready to claw something, alright. If she could only figure out who she wanted to claw first. She was chafing at the restrictions of being left in her familial home while her parents went on holiday, leaving her behind. They were in the wilds of Africa, likely doing any number of interesting things, while she was stuck staring at books that spoke of distant lands and adventures that she would never see. It would have been unheard of for her to go with them. She had just turned nineteen and had come out to society as an available young noble that would soon be married away to whatever young son wanted a chance at inheriting her father's lands and trade routes. She was carefully pampered and sequestered away from any hint of scandal that might possibly touch her family or her name. To go on safari to that distant land where her father was hunting zebra, rhinos and lions would have been absolutely unthinkable.

The young hen turned her head to stare at the blurry window and the hammering rains. Would that she were at some grand estate full of laughter and merriment. She had begged her father to allow her to go, but his refusal had been absolute. The younger daughters and sons that were not in line to inherit could afford to behave like a bunch of ruffians, but not her. She must be absolutely flawless when she moved in her social circles. She must go to her marriage bed virginal and prepared to do her duty to get with eggs for her husband. She must never be less then well mannered and poised when she was in public. The noble house Goshawk had lived in this same home for over five hundred years and never had the line been broken. Her father would be damned if he'd allow her to be the one to break it. It was enough to make her want to scream or bite something, or simply disobey.

Mina growled softly to herself as her slate grey crest feathers roused up along her head and she pushed herself up from the couch and started to storm towards the door. She hadn't taken more than two steps before she heard talons on the smooth marble behind her and she froze. That was the other object of her annoyance and the reason why she could not disobey her father no matter how she longed to break free of his choking hold. She turned around the family Guardian regarded her with his tongue lolling out and his large copper head lifted up to peer at her with deep crimson eyes. Liam's long forked tail swayed behind him as he watched her patiently with little more than the slow sway of his thick tail to indicate he was something other than a statue.

"Go lay down, Liam." The gryphon snapped the words out in annoyance before turning away, and the sound of the Guardian continued after her.

No, she couldn't risk running. Years ago her father had finally procured a carrun egg at great expense and effort. She had been younger then, but she recalled the fuss and excitement as the granite egg had been delivered to the house and religiously cared for by her father. She recalled it mostly because he did not leave the house for four long months. He was almost always called away, but when the egg had come he had cleared his schedule to ensure that the precious burden was tended. At the time she hadn't known how expensive the creatures were, nor how long a family might wait for one to be born that they could claim. All she knew was that she had spent many nights with her father in his study as he read to her and his hands had caressed the shell of the unborn carrun.

Liam had hatched one bright morning in a slimy ball of coppery scales, a loud high pitched voice and an endless appetite. Mina had found him quite cute, but her father had forbidden her from feeding or tending him, instead he had done the menial labor. He fed the little beast from his own hand no matter how bloody and day by day the little hatchling had grown. The horns grew and the large cat like body had filled out with the steady diet of minerals and raw meat. As he grew he became devoted to her father, and by the time he had reached his third year included a lesser devotion to the family. That was there purpose after all, they were Guardians of a family that would be bound to their immediate bloodline and serve as protectors as well as hunters.

_Nothing but the best for our family. _ She thought as she left the library and went towards her bedroom. The soft sound of rasping scales came from behind her as Liam continued to shadow her despite her order.

There was a reason they were so valuable, after all. The males outnumbered the females so profusely that it was unheard of for anyone but a breeder owning one. They were never allowed out of the safety of the compound from the moment the eggs were candled and a females hornless head was sighted. The person that could figure out how to make a successful crossbreed would likely be rich given the high prices the beasts came with, but it was impossible. Oh the carrun could crossbreed alright with species' that could bear eggs, but the hatchlings always looked like the mother with very little of the father showing. That could have been overlooked if they came with the sires intelligence and instinctive ability to bond with a handler, but they only differed in small ways. The number of talons, the color of their scales or feathers, a smattering of scales perhaps, but nothing more that could be like the intelligent loyal carrun.

The dragon-like creature wouldn't obey anyone but her father, not really. He would listen to her if she gave simple commands that weren't overridden by her fathers. She could tell him to sit or to lay down or to come inside, but her father had ordered the beast to keep watch on her and so he did. She could no more leave the house to relieve her boredom then she could leave a prison. Once she left the boundaries of the estate Liam would start to set up an alarm. His normal sounds were growls and chuffs, normal enough and soft, but his alarm calls were high pitched and ear piercing. He would never hurt her, but he would ensure that the world knew that she had stepped off the estate and the servants would come to escort her back. She could almost hate him for it, but it wasn't his fault. He only obeyed the commands that he was given and nothing more.

It would have been better if they had nearly any other Guardian for her home. After all, there were cheaper beasts out there that many families preferred instead of the carrun. They could be raised by anyone and trained to protect the property and those inside of it. She had become rather attached to a little brightly colored creature that resembled a gryphon in many ways. It was a fruit eater, but it was flighted and quite intelligent. Liam was intelligent as well, but too smart for his own good. He seemed to know exactly when she had designs on trying something and was always there to nudge her away exactly like a nursemaid.

She pushed her way into her room and Liam suddenly pushed past her with a chuff and leapt onto a thick leather ball that he had claimed as his toy. The young carrun chewed it and twisted his head around with a mock growl before dropping his forelegs invitingly towards her. The long thick tail swayed behind him, very like a dog wagging his tail. He dug his teeth into the stiff leather and gave it another shake before releasing it to bounce towards her foot paws. She stepped around it, but was pushed back as he jumped forward with a louder chuff and pushed against her legs with a nosing against his toy to roll it towards her invitingly.

"I don't want to play right now." She growled, only to have him shove his nose against the ball again so it rolled towards her. "Liam!"

She snapped the word with more force then she intended and had the shame of seeing the carrun drop his head and tail simultaneously. His dark red tongue flicked in and out as if he were licking the air in a conciliatory manner. Mina sighed and bent over with an eye to her skirts and made a soft clicking sound with her beak for him. Liam dropped onto his belly and crept towards her with an anxious sound bubbling up in his throat. Sometimes it was so easy to forget that he was still young for his kind, still an adolescent instead of an older adult. She moved her hand out and worked her fingers just behind the curved ridged horns where the scales were the finest. She worked her nails over the spot lightly until the carrun dropped down at her heels with a soft noise.

The big drake pressed against her knees and rolled his head as affectionately as a cat as he was forgiven. The youngsters were more sensitive then the older ones, or so she'd been told. She'd met one Guardian that was older, nearly two centuries old and kept by a family line that had been proud to show him off. The beast had been heavier bodied then Liam and his scales darkened nearly to bronze. He had none of the lanky good humor of the carrun at her feet, instead he carried himself with careful dignity. He had reminded her of one of the great tigers they kept at the parks behind heavy fences. All grace and potential violence as he strode at his master's side. Liam reminded her of a kitten or puppy most of the time, still eager to please and playful. Would he become that dangerous creature one day? Watching him croon and contort himself under her fingers, she doubted it.

"Off you go, you great beast." She gave him a push that made Liam snort and straighten back up. "At least weather like this offers a chance for a thorough bath."

Her father had been quite proud when he was able to install plumbing that utilized a water cistern above the house. It meant that all she needed to do was set the coals beneath the tub alight and begin running the water so that it would heat up as it poured out. Liam dogged her heels as she started to run her bath and enjoyed simply doing so for herself. Her maids had the day off and it allowed her to fill the water up far beyond what they normally prepared for her and walked away to allow the water to heat up almost to the point of scalding. She would soak in the water and work some of the perfumed oils her mother had bought her into her feathers so they would be glossy when they dried. She'd just had a new set grow in and they were looking slightly dull from her time indoors.

Not that it matters what they look like with no one to see. The thought made her wince as she stepped into her bedroom and started to undo the ties on her constraining dress.

The gryphon let out a sigh of relief as the tight material slipped away from her chest and stomach and she was able to slip it down over her shoulders. Her feathers fluffed upwards in reaction and she gave her back a slight arching stretch to try and make sure that she got any kinks out. A nice soak would sooth her temper and perhaps afterwards she'd feel up to going on a walk out in the rain with Liam. He'd need his exercise and the chance to hunt down rabbits and hares would do him good. He hadn't been getting much time out on the grounds since her father had left. At least one of them could run nearly free if they were both trapped here.

She slipped the dress down around her ankles and stepped out of it before undoing her under clothing by flicking her wings down to either side and unsnapping the button that held the material snug to her back. Useless wings, pretty enough with their broad dark strokes, but utterly useless. A throw back to when their ancestors had supposedly walked on all fours. She could no more use them to fly then she could grow gills to swim. They were too small, too delicate and too weak, but they were lovely to look at. She was studying one when a warm breath touched her hip. It was hard enough that it ruffled the velvety fur there and then a nose bumped against her and held there. She stopped examining one of her newly grown feathers and looked down to see Liam's muzzle burrowed against her fur and his eyes closed as he snuffled.

"That's enough out of you, my lad. I'm not going to play right now. We'll hunt after I've had a soak, yes?" She playfully pushed at his scaled head and he let his nose be pushed away before his lips wrinkled back.

Mina frowned as the carrun grimaced and wrinkled his lips back while his tongue curled out and he breathed in deep full swallows of air. His tongue went in and out in time with his breathing as he held the odd pose before turning his muzzle to gently touch her hip again. This time he didn't burrow against the fur but hovered there with his lips peeled back in the same strange manner. His chest belled outwards over and over again before she'd finally had enough of whatever odd game he was trying to get her to play.

"Liam, Sit!" She followed it with a click of her beak, a harsh hollow sound her father used to give commands properly.

With a soft croon Liam dropped his haunches and settled down with his lips still wrinkled back. She stepped around him and kicked her clothing delicately into a pile near the basket before going on into the bathroom. Steam was rising from the tub and the air was humid enough that her feathers grew heavier. She used one of her clipped talons to pull the coal pan out from under the brass bath and sighed at the feel of the heat rising up to her beak. It would need to cool, but not too much. Just enough that she wouldn't burn herself stepping onto the bottom and then she could soak. She let it sit before going to pick out the oils she wanted to use to scent the water and herself. She was sorting through the elegant crystal bottles to find the one she wanted when Liam's muzzle pushed against her hip again.

"Liam!" She didn't speak sharply after earlier, but she spoke firmly when the muzzle rubbed through her fur and the carrun crooned at her low in his throat.

His nose drifted as she twisted around and meant to push his head away, but he was too swift. He darted his head to one side and pushed down and then up so that the bridge of his muzzle flipped under her tail feathers and tail. Mina was shocked enough she reached out to try and smack him away, but he was already ahead of her. His hot slimy tongue uncurled and dragged up along the curve of her rump cheeks, forcibly parting them so the tapered tip dabbed lightly against her. She jerked upwards as the animal's tongue grazed right over the soft virgin folds. She brought her hand down hard to slap his muzzle away with a wordless cry of shock and anger at what the Guardian was doing. Quick as a cat Liam jerked his head back and snapped out with jaws that could crush a deer's leg bone and caught her forearm with the serrated sharp teeth. He didn't grip hard, but it was insistent as she jerked her hand backwards and then let out a soft cry as the pressure grew a touch.

"Liam! Release!" Mina's voice trembled a touch, but she got the command out with a clacking of her beak. The carrun crooned at her and he let go of her arm, but pushed his head down to explore beneath her tail again. "Liam! SIT!"

The drake rumbled and his tongue plunged upwards again and this time trailed right over her folds so that a shock of sensations went through her. She moved away, but his head came up and caught against her tail with a low rumble that yanked her backwards. The moment she was back in her original position his muzzle pushed beneath her tail where he started to stroke with slow powerful movements. The tip of his tongue pushed upwards and caught right against the bud of her clit so she cried out and twisted around to smack the beast's head again. This was going too far! Liam didn't move back this time, she slapped right above his horns and he pushed forward so his lips nestled against her folds while he drew in a large breath.

_Oh god, no.. no.. Not now! Father said he's too young! _ She felt the tongue again and this time it plunged inwards hard enough that she was rocked forward on her toe tips.

Her virgin passage which had never experienced any touch was suddenly violated by the slippery appendage that rubbed and rolled eagerly through her. His hot breath panted along her outer lips as he explored her scent. He was too young for this! It was common knowledge that when drakes hit sexual maturity they could become harder to handle. That's why males tended to be their handlers, though females could, it was harder when the drakes came of age. They didn't have any interaction with their own kind, they were raised among a family and knew that species. Normally a year or so before they came into sexual maturity they were given playmates from some of the lesser Guardians so they could breed that creature and have some sort of outlet. Liam was only seven, he shouldn't have been old enough to think about this. At least, she didn't think so.

Even as the thoughts passed through her mind she felt the hot tongue probing into her as he let out a curious crooning noise in his throat. She tried moving forward again and this time he let her, the tip of his tongue pulled free leaving her folds feeling slimy with his saliva. She snatched at a towel to cover herself, but the carrun advanced with his head up and eyes bright. It wasn't the normal playful look that she was used to seeing on his face or even the focused one he used when he was being trained or taught something new. He watched her avidly as he came towards her and extended his head again to snuff against the towel. For the first time in her life she was scared of him and well aware that he outweighed her by well over a hundred pounds.

"Ball, go get your ball, Liam! Go get it!" Mina spoke rapidly as his muzzle flipped right up beneath the edge of the towel. "Go get your ball!"

For the first time in his life the beast didn't respond with a gleeful bolting for the door and his prize. Instead he caught the edge of her towel and pulled it out of her struggling fingers. His claws clicked against the marble floor as he yanked harder and nearly unsettled her footing. The carrun twisted his head about and lowered his upper body to give a harder yank. The towel slipped out of her nerveless fingers as her eyes drifted back to the still raised hind quarters and Liam's loins. The normally smooth underside was interrupted with a startling splash of pinkish-purple against the smooth scales. The vent had been pried open by the bulbous tip that glistened in the light of the bathroom. Barbs ringed around the edges and rose upwards as they came into the light.

Liam dropped the towel as she was still gaping at his obvious arousal and came at her again. This time his broad muzzle wedged upwards and nestled between her legs, straight on rather than from behind. She moved her hands down and tried to shove him away, but his tongue was already out and pushing along her soft folds. Her back was pushed back against the wall as the tip of the tongue worked upwards and pried the folds open forcefully. The disgusting feel of the slippery saliva coated along her inner folds as she cried out for help. The rolling thickness of the tongue pushed right up against the nub of her clit and caressed back and forth. She shoved harder against the horns, trying to get him away from her, but the beast's hot breath washed over her folds time and time again. It was disgusting that her first touch of anyone caressing her there would be a beast! A pet!

"STOP IT! LIAM! DOWN!!!" Mina called out roughly only to feel the tip pushing into her passage again and rubbing along her soft walls.

She tried to writhe away to one side, but when she moved a low growl spilled out from deep in Liam's throat. It was a sound that sent tremors down her spine as she watched his lips peeling back while his red eyes rolled up at her. It wasn't a purr, it wasn't a croon, it was a threatening sound that made her freeze as the tongue pushed forward harder inside of her. Her walls clenched down in protest as he worked in and out, scooping up the taste of her as he worked. It was more then just humiliating, it was stimulating her whether she wanted it to or not. Parts of her body that had never been touched were suddenly assaulted by the rolling strokes and caresses that pulled in and out of her body. It made her hips squirm backwards against the wall before a soft whimper escaped her beak. She flattened her feathers down and squeezed her eyes shut as the tongue withdrew.

He didn't stop, Liam began licking over her folds so the slippery saliva was joined with something else. She felt her body starting to grow slick under the beasts continual strokes. Her nerves were being roused even as she struggled to push his head away again. The hot breath puffed out against her, teasing around the edges causing an uncomfortable tingle starting to form along her loins. She could feel herself starting to heat up, a hot flush raised up to her cheeks in the humiliated realization that her body was being forcibly worked into responding to him. A soft hiss escaped her as Liam gave a swirling push of his tongue that teased along her clit and made her hips jerk. This couldn't be happening, this couldn't happen to HER.

Through it all she watched as inch by slippery inch started to push out into the light. The fleshy barbs were roused up around the edges of the glans as it pulsed and started to swell heavier and heavier. Thick ooze spilled from the tip to drop down towards the ground is a viscous puddle. It was a monstrous looking bit of flesh that made her fear grow even as the tongue started to lavish attention around her clit. The more he worked against the sensitive bud, the more her instincts and body responded. She grew slicker by the moment, the air growing sharp with her own scent as the beast rumbled and nuzzled along her. Her nares darkened as she felt a moment of pleasure that spiked through her and drew a moan past her lips. She shoved down against the head, and wonder of wonders the beast allowed himself to be pushed back.

The dark red eyes seemed to darken until they looked less like rubies and more like thick dark blood. The pupils were pinned down to points as he watched her for a long moment while she was left trembling and panting against the wall. Her heart beat was pounding in her ears as she tried to catch her breath and ignore the sensations that were being roused in her loins. Liam let out a chuffing noise and one heavy paw lifted and struck out against her. The feline like foreleg turned so that the toes caught against her hip hard enough to bruise. It was hard enough she was tossed down to the ground, her hip and part of her rump cheeks stinging from the blow.

"Liam! Lie down! Do NOT attack!" Fear made her voice shrill as pure terror rose in her. The blow hadn't been a careful play blow. The gentle playful beast was gone leaving a snarling demon that watched her with a maddened gaze.

Liam didn't attack, instead the paw slammed down against her back and shoved down so that her upper body was forced against the marble floor. She twisted and writhed to try and get up, but his weight pushed down against her leaving her rump cheeks pushed in the air. Exactly what he wanted. Sharp teeth nipped at her tail base and yanked it upwards painfully. Her tail feathers spread in reaction and she launched herself forward only to feel the claws digging in against the curve of her back. The low growl warned her against it, but still she tried to struggle free. She kicked and arched her back, but the heavy bodied carrun used his larger form against her.

The weight slammed upwards and shoved right up over her back as the paw slipped away from her shoulders. Terror and humiliation warred with each other as she felt the scaled chest pressing against her furred lower back and slipped upwards towards her feathers. She was able to get her hands beneath her and shoved upwards to try and buck the weight off her. This wasn't going to happen, she wasn't going to lose her virginity like this! She screamed commands one after another, hoping to find one the Guardian would listen too, but he only pushed higher up her back until the powerful jaws clamped down against her scruff and the heavy slimy tip dragged upwards along her inner thighs. A thick ooze of precum smeared along her fur while her claws scrabbled against the marble.

The hot breath ruffled against her feathers as the scaled haunches pushed and gave short bucks against her so that the barbed tip of the cock jabbed and shoved against her. The wet smear of precum matted against her fur as she tried to drop her hips down to avoid the sharp hard thrusts. The heavy cock pushed up between her legs and suddenly rubbed right along her stomach. The heavy slippery length rubbed right along her folds as Liam launched forward so that she felt something thick of the base grinding up against her saliva coated folds. The gryphon tried to pull her legs forward to at least grip his cock so he wouldn't keep trying to find his mark. She brought her legs in and lifted her hips up as the scaled haunches dragged back.

The thick syrupy precum oozed along her belly fur and the barbs plucked right along the puffy outer folds. For one moment she felt the glans brushing against her before the forepaws clutched hard against her hips and dragged her backwards. Mina's beak opened up as she screeched out in shock and pain as the too thick glans stabbed forward into her passage. Her outer lips were pried open wider and wider, straining to wrap around the girth as Liam's haunches tucked down tight. The grip on her neck tightened as she struggled wildly against the girth that continued to wedge into her passage. The walls gaped struggled to hold him as he wedged ever deeper. Her legs splayed open as a sharper thrust wedged another few inches into her passage. Her unpracticed muscles clamped down around him as she squeezed her eyes shut.

A thick slimy dribble of bestial precum oozed into her passage, spilling in deeply as she coughed out a scream of pain and horror. The tip shoved upwards just a bit more and suddenly hit against the barrier of her maidenhood while she let out a high pitched scream when he drew backwards and the barbs flared open wide to catch along her sensitive walls. It hurt, it ached, and her walls still clamped down to dig them in further before the powerful haunches launched forward again. The bulbous tip pushed up hard against her hymen which tried to hold him out. It only held a moment before it tore through her passage and plunged inwards. Her vision went black around the edges at the unexpected pain and her walls nearly burned form being stretched open so wide and still more kept pressing into her.

The heavy drake didn't stop until the tip ground right up against her cervix, smearing the viscous precum over the vulnerable opening as tears welled up in her eyes. Tears of pain. Tears of humiliation. Tears of horror that this was how she lost her virginity. Liam didn't pay any attention to her tears or denials at what was being done to her. He crooned his pleasure at her pulsing walls that clutched around him, quivering and trying to adjust to the girth that violated her. He only held the pose against her cervix for a few heartbeats before he drew backwards and the barbs flared open wide. They scraped through her and made her back arch upwards with a ragged scream. She couldn't stop herself from squeezing around him and digging them in deeper as he pulled nearly all the way out.

The forepaws clutched against her stomach and pulled her back when he lunged forward again and the beast hilted all the way up to his swollen knot. Her body felt as if it was being torn in two by the attention, and her claws scraped down against the ground as she shrieked out in short bursts. Her walls contracted and clutched around the heavy violet-red spire that stabbed over and over inside of her. The breath was being driven out of her lungs as the beast continued to drive his hips in short hard bursts. The tip always ended shoved right up against her cervix. It smeared thick dribbles of precum over it and the sheer girth was forcing it out around the edges of her obscenely stretched folds. She could feel it oozing out around the edges when he bottomed out into her before pulling backwards again.

The weight of the scales kept her in place no matter how she thrashed or twisted beneath the weight. The teeth that yanked at her scruff forced her head backwards and her beak opened up wide as steadily he worked to stretch her open time and time again. The pounding hips rocked her back and forth, but always the clutching forepaws dragged her back against him as he destroyed every vestige of her virginity. Her cheeks burned a hot humiliated read as her walls clutched and started to squeeze tighter around his cock. The barbs that scraped through her started to numb the horrible pain that she had first felt. Instead, they caressed her in a cruel mockery of a gryphon's barbed shaft, triggering her body to react to him in the same way.

The hot drooling spills of precum continue to spill out of her as the tip hammered and wedged up against her cervix firmly. Liam's hot breath ruffled the back of her feathers as he crooned and churred to her eagerly. The soft tones grew higher in pitch, almost reaching the piercing cries of his hunting call as the bulbous tip started to push hard enough he was forcing the tight spongy opening of her cervix open time and time again. Her claws scrabbled harder against the marble floor as the thrusts grew shorter and harder. Barely an inch pulling back before he was driving forward with all of his weight. He forced the tight opening wider and wider while her back was forced up into the air by the yanking foreclaws. Humiliating pleasure and pain combined together as the barbs kept her body trembling on a horrible edge of need.

The teeth on her neck released her as the hips hammered forward again, this time hard enough that she felt her body stretching around him. Her cervix yawned open so wide that she could only imagine that she was about to be torn in two. The thickness of the base suddenly slammed forward and drove into her until she could barely breathe. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut as the swollen glans slammed into her and forced her cervix to wrap around him so wide that her haunches were forced up high in the air. The base plunged into her and began to throb, each pulse swelling it open wider and wider as she tried to drag herself away. The knot at the base blossomed open wide and locked her helplessly into place as another pulse ran through him.

Mina dropped her high bred head down with her tongue sticking out from her parted beak as something hot and bubbled up from the tip and splattered deep inside of her. The hot thick rushes flooded her egg chamber in thick heavy gouts that burned low in her belly. The barbs latched within her passage as her inner walls contracted tightly. The thick clear goo oozed deeper and deeper while she dropped her head to touch the ground. The base was continuing to thicken up, even as he was filling her. Her mind was half numbed with horror and exhaustion, but she felt the press of the knot spreading open wider before pushing forward.

_That's not his knot! _ The realization brought an icy stab of fear through her stomach as something broad and round pushed up along the shaft.

A thousand stories went through her mind, some barely known, some only rumors that she'd heard about how the beasts could breed with other egg baring species. She threw her weight forward, but Liam growled and mouthed against the back of her neck. He ruffled the wet feathers up as the orb pushed up higher and she felt her body being forced to stretch open wider and wider around it. It wasn't the only one either, already the base was blossoming open as something forced it's way into her passage. She screeched out weakly as the orb pushed right up against her achingly spread cervix. It pushed hard enough that it made her hiss out raggedly as the hips ground forward and teased the barbs roughly through her.

Liam's low growl vibrated her spine and his claws bit down against the soft fur of her belly as the pressure started to grow and grow. The hen whimpered as the force began to pry her cervix open wider and wider. The orbs were pushing up the swollen cock, bloating it open so wide her loins ached to the point she could barely think. And the pressure only continued to grow until there was a moment of sharp pain before something heavy pushed into her egg chamber. It was almost a relief, even as the weight settled into her, but it was soon followed by another orb pressing upwards against her. Her breathing came out raggedly as she realized what he was doing to her. He wasn't just relieving his tensions because he'd taken a fancy to her, he was doing so much worse then that.

The leathery thin shelled egg was already seated firmly in her womb with the thick gooey precum that would help draw her own genetic material into them. He didn't have to pump her full of his seed, he only had to stuff her with his eggs to ensure he sired a clutch. The thoughts flew through her mind as the next heavy orb was wedged through her cervix and pushed it's way free so that it began to force her stomach to swell out slightly. Through it all she felt the constant ooze from the tip as the drake let out soft keening sound of pleasure as another egg started to push into her aching cervix. There was no hope now, no part of her could even dream that she could be mistaken for a virgin after the bestial shaft had not only ravaged her, but forced her to stretch to her very limits. Whatever virginity she had had was torn away.

The eggs were pushed into her, one after another, not solid and unyielding, but leathery and able to squeeze through the shaft to be pumped out of the tip. The first were so easy, even if they had ached, soon it became apparent that he was pushing more into her. He was forcing her belly to grow larger and larger as the furred curve began to drop down towards the ground. Her egg chamber was forced full, stretching to accommodate the beasts demands. She wasn't a carrun, she wasn't even one of the Guardians that were larger then the draconic creatures! She wasn't made to take what he was giving, but he merciless continued to fill her. Tears streaked her cheeks as she tilted her head down to see her stomach growing round and swollen as if she were already carrying a clutch to term.

It wasn't until she sure he was going to kill her that the last egg was expelled from the tip and the thick ooze spilled along her cervix. Liam's tongue licked along her neck as the knot began to deflate, not all the way, but enough that he yanked backwards with his haunches. Her hips were pulled backwards and she instinctively scrambled away as her abused reddened folds yawned open around him and the base popped free with a lewd wet noise. The carrun pulled backwards with the barbs raking through her quivering passage one last time until he slipped wet with a lewd slurping noise. Wetness spilled from her folds as she awkwardly scrambled across the bathroom floor and felt the foreign weight in her stomach as she tried to get away from the beast that should have been her Guardian.

Liam blinked at her with bright red eyes and crooned with his tail slowly swaying back and forth. The violet-red cock hung beneath him and drooled from the tip as it slowly pulled back into his vent. Mina forced herself up against the now cool tub and stared down at her stomach. She was ruined, her reputation, her family name, all of it ruined by the beast. The thoughts filtered through her mind as she dimly heard the claws clacking away from her as Liam left the room. She could never marry, not carrying an animal's clutch. Even if the eggs never hatched, they'd know on her wedding night that she was no virgin. All of it was ruined in the span of one afternoon. And all of it by an animal that was supposed to keep her safe.

She pushed herself up awkwardly, the weight of her stomach setting her off balance as she stared at the clear water. Too cold now, but she wanted to bathe. She wanted the smell of the animal off her. She wanted to wash away the stuff that matted her fur in slimy strands. She moved to touch the water when the sound of claws returned with a chuffing noise as the big copper carrun gamboled into the room with his head held high. His leather ball was gripped in his jaws as he ambled over to her and dropped it down with a proud churring noise. His girth was still hanging from him as he dropped his forelegs down and started to wag his tail invitingly for her to pick up his ball to play. And this, the sire of her future clutch.

The Good Master

The world was a metal box, barely large enough for James to stretch his legs out and turn around. It pressed against his knees and his back was pressed against the bars so that they dug against the line of his spine. Not that moving was of much concern...

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Cheating Death: Chapter 4 & 5

The back stage of the Oasis was set up very much like a waiting room with large couches that were set against the walls along with chairs. There were tables that were filled with books and magazines that workers could read when they weren't on stage,...

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Amon's Gift

Clove, nutmeg, vanilla, a thousand spices that flooded the air in the hazy room and made each breath something exotic and enticing. England had never smelled this way. It had never boasted a rich haze of smoke that overtook the bitter scents of the...

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