Cheating Death: Chapter 4 & 5

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#4 of Cheating Death

Combined the chapters since I didn't want to do a cliff hanger. ;)

The back stage of the Oasis was set up very much like a waiting room with large couches that were set against the walls along with chairs. There were tables that were filled with books and magazines that workers could read when they weren't on stage, as well as a very large vending machine in one corner that served snacks. There were plants set up in appropriate places to give it a sterile feeling. The only thing that was missing was elevator music, instead there was the dull sound of techno music that was coming out of the hall that led towards the main part of the club. It was strangely surreal as Apollo tried to keep himself as small as possible as his fur was brushed out by a small lithe looking ferret that danced round him. He kept his eyes focused on the mirror, not on the strippers that chattered and were in various states of undress.

"I.. don't know how to dance." He spoke nervously as Jill brushed right over his bare back and worked a mixture of oil and glitter into the dark pelt so that it was glossy and showy.

"Oh, well you aren't going to be on the STAGE." Jill wrinkled her nose up a little and moved around him to run the brush right down along his side. The former human's tail lashed back and forth before he swallowed.

"But... Kal... Rio said that he wanted to see me on the stage." He stammered finally and blinked his eyes a bit before the brush moved up to his chest.

"Not the STAGE. Not out there." The ferret chirped a little bit to herself before she dropped the brush and gave him a push so that his head was dropped down lower where she could work over his muzzle and head. "Kalan entertains up in his suite and he has private dancers sometimes when he's thinking about putting them on the main stage."

"So it's just him.." A moment of relief washed through him as his muzzle was held in place so she could trace brilliant gold right beneath his eyes in elaborate tear marks.

"Oh no, he always invites others there. There's always people visiting New Orleans, after all. Don't worry, you'll be fine." She sounded so sure of herself as he held his head very still and tried not to go cross eyed.

He was being primped in a way that was downright humiliating. It would have unsettled him more if his mind wasn't half distracted from the short conversation that he'd had with Ethan earlier in the day. He knew he shouldn't have called, but he'd still wanted to check to make sure that Lyne had actually gotten to Seattle. It had been awkward trying to talk to his band mate, most especially because the painted dog had returned and hadn't been able to offer any real explanations about where Apollo was or what he was doing aside that he was tending to personal matters. It had been more then humiliating, it had been downright frustrating to not be able to say what had happened. He'd finally gotten Lyne on the phone and the sound of his friend's voice had been like a balm.

He hadn't meant to unburden himself, but the moment he talked to the one person that understood what he used to be and now what he was he couldn't stop himself from trying to explain what had happened at the club. He had never behaved that way, never been treated as if he were some sort of object to be used or let anyone use him. More importantly, his worries about what the future had held. The painted dog had listened, he hadn't tried to interrupt him as Apollo had clutched the phone and tried to explain what he was afraid of. Even if he wasn't entirely sure himself.

"I wish you had never made that deal." Lyne's voice had been soft. "Just don't make any others. Rio is a fair Lord, he won't force you to do anything you don't agree to. Just make sure that you don't agree to things you don't want to do."

"I didn't want that dog!" Apollo had protested, only to hear Lyne snort on the other end of the phone. "I mean, I didn't say I would."

"Just keep your wits about you. Unicorns are mostly the good sort, but Rio's a little twisted. He know how to confuse a person to make sure that they do what he wants them to do. All the fallen ones do." Lyne had been so confident.

Fallen unicorns. That's what the dog had called them. Fallen ones. Unicorns that had fallen so far from grace that they were corrupt things and had given up their horns to step away from the rest of their shining kind. They weren't quite evil, but they weren't safe either. At best, they were half mad creatures with a sense of honor. At worst, they fed on the darker emotions and used it to help enhance their own natural magic. Lyne had been quite sure that Rio hadn't fallen so far that he was truly evil. The stallion had a reputation for enjoying pushing the boundaries of others and often would try to press his people into compromising situations, but he was a fair creature as his kind were concerned. Far more lenient then many of his kind.

The reassurance had been comforting to hear, even as he had tried to explain his own concerns. He was in a world he didn't understand the rules to. He had no idea what he was doing or how to keep himself out of trouble. There was nothing he could do to navigate it. He hadn't been born into it. Even now he was being tended by a ferret who didn't seem to find anything wrong with what he was being asked to do. She treated it as an honor of sorts while he thought of it as anything but. The only thing he had to go on was his friends reassurance that nothing could happen to him that he didn't agree to and that Kalan wasn't a mad creature that would abuse him. As Apollo looked in the mirror at his gold rimmed eyes he hoped that was true, he really really did.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Come boy, dance for us." The stallion's voice was rich and soothing, but what he demanded was not. Apollo stared at the dark blood red eyes that watched him from over the long dark nose and the lips were twisted up in a wicked smile. "I wish to see you move better then that."

The room was lit only by dim lights that were shown on a spot right in front of the bed where he was supposed to dance. The bed itself was taken up with a large tawny looking form that mingled feathers and fur seamlessly. The gryphon was a wild looking creature that was sprawled out on the bed with his bright amber eyes focused on the scene as Apollo was forced to move to the sound of the soft music. He was utterly nude, the sheer clothing that he'd walked into the room with had been taken off as he was told to start to move to the music. Even now he rolled his hips about while his ears turned a deep dark red as he felt his naked sheath and orbs between his thighs. This wasn't what he expected to do and he felt awkward as he tried to use his tail to move with the beat to try and please them. He'd never danced like this for anyone, he'd never thought about trying to make it sensual and sexual when he moved. And he certainly had never expected to dance to music he had no name for.

Unearthly, it was unearthly music, like nothing he'd ever heard before. It seemed to come from instruments that he wasn't familiar with, almost like a harp, but a high pitched lilting sound that made his fingers itch for paper so he could get the notes down. He did his best to stop concentrating on the fact he was being watched and instead let himself go into the music. His body was no longer what he expected it to be, he wasn't human anymore. His muscles were more supple and graceful then they'd ever been. He was more limber and able to turn himself around on the tips of his toes with his arms stretching up high in the air so that his entire body was pulled in a taut line that showed off his hutting sheath and then the plump curve of his rump cheeks.

"Yesss, he isss quite the catch." The gryphon, who had been introduced to him as Rokkal, crooned approvingly to Kalan. "He issss a naturrral."

"Yes, that he is." Kalan's voice was deeper and the music spun upwards as Apollo turned and tried to hide his flushed ears. "Apollo, come here so that we might see you better. Jill did a lovely job on your coat, it catches the light like stars scattered upon the night sky."

"Sir?" He stopped mid step and flicked his ears back tight to his head. He lashed his tail tip back and forth nervously as the gold and red eyes were watching him avidly.

"Here, come here," Kalan gestured with one hand towards the foot of the bed, right near the large aquiline head of the gryphon.

The panther fought not to look as nervous as he felt as he padded forward. The music still rolled through his ears while he kept his eyes on the large golden form of the gryphon. The creature wasn't like an anthro at all, it was beast from the tip of his beak all the way down to his long leonine tail. It would have been less startling if he had walked in on the gryphon like that, but he'd walked into a room with Kalan entertaining a bright looking young man with a business suit. The moment the doors had shut the illusion had faded away until he was left with the large drake watching him with bright predatorial eyes. He kept his eyes on Rokkal as he came to Kalan's waiting hand the stallion's teeth flashed with a wicked smile.

He didn't have a chance to protest as an arm slipped around his glossy coated waist and suddenly pulled him downwards. Apollo let out a sharp yelping noise as he was dropped down into the broad lap where the strong arms slipped around him and he felt the leather of the stallion's pants biting in against the curve of his rump cheeks. He squirmed uncomfortably as he caught the very faint scent of spices that clung to the stallion. The hand dropped down to his naked him and the panther fought the urge to squirm under the feel of the fingers that rubbed against his oiled fur. The gentle strokes brushed up towards his waist while the gryphon sat up on the bed and extended one large hand to slip beneath the curve of his jaw.

"Ahhh yessss, but sssso plain. I cannot rrrememberrr the lassst time a dancerrr hasss appearrred ssso plain." Rakkal ruffled up the metallic gold of his crest feathers.

"Yes, he is still quite plain." Kalan's fingers moved upwards and brushed against Apollo's stomach. Apollo felt goaded and he stiffened slightly.

"I'm not plain! And I don't like being talked to like I'm not here." He bristled a little bit as the fingers brushed against his chest and the gryphon's hold on his chin brushed talons along his cheeks. "I didn't ask to be like this."

"Cheeky." The gryphon dropped his paw and clicked his beak slightly in a way that made him think it was laughter.

"Come now, there's no reason to be so upset, my lad." Kalan's fingers spread over his chest and slipped lower. "He's an old friend and has seen many of my creations, but you are the first that came under such.... Unique circumstances. But he is right, I can smell your humanity clinging to you.."

The stallion's nose brushed his neck and sent a hot wave rushing against him. He squirmed at the touch and the fingers tightened against his stomach. The pinky finger spread down until it was nearly dropping down to an indecent place, but it didn't quite go down that low. The fingers curled just a touch to ruffle his glossy fur before smoothing it down again. He tried to pull his hips back, but the stallion's hand tightened a touch.

"You are plain and remain human in your own mind." The soft velveted lips brushed right along the back of his neck. "Perhaps we should change this. I can help you change it. Rakkal can help you change it."

"I.. I am human!" He stammered after a few moments only to have it cut off as the sharp teeth nipped down right against the back of his neck. It made him tense up.

"You are no more human than I am, but that isn't all we smell. Is it, old friend?" He drawled out to the gryphon who was edging closer. Close enough that some feathers brushed against his legs.

"No, I ssssmell thingsss untrrried and experrrriencesss not yet tessssted." The gryphon drawled out before dropping his head to lick against Apollo's leg.

"That's not.. That's not fair!" He protested and Kalan's hand moved down to brush his long fingers right along the edges of his dark black sheath and he jerked up right. "I've tried plenty of things!"

"Not like we have." Kalan's voice was a low rich rumble against the back of his neck before he nipped right at the back of his neck. "I think we should offer you some of our worldly experiences.. you need decorating, lad. We can offer you a bit of jewelry to properly show off that glittering pelt."

"Oh yessss, jewelrrrry." The drake drawled the words out before the great head leaned forward and the tapered tongue licked upwards to drag right along the inner thigh. It made the panther suck in a ragged breath as the slick heated appendage brushed upwards right along his inner thigh.

"Shall we make you something lovely, something rare? You need to be comfortable in your skin, perhaps what you need is something to accentuate it." The stallion's voice was a warm murmur that vibrated along his shoulder as the lips traced downwards.

"I..." He stammered and then snapped his jaws shut as he felt a hot wet stroke of the gryphon's tongue rolling right up beneath his balls.

Lyne's words briefly went through his mind, but they were fading away as the stallion's hands dropped down and cupped right over his sheath. They flexed lightly and massaged from the base all the way up to the tip so his body arched upwards in reaction. Apollo snapped his jaws shut with a groan of pleasure while the fingers teased upwards towards the thick lips of his sheath and spread them open with his finger tips. He swallowed, his tongue felt dry, but the words wouldn't come out. The music was still rolling around the room, a strange unearthly melody that was a backdrop to the scents and sounds of the pair of strange creatures. He let out a shuddering breath only to whimper it out as Kalan's sharp teeth nipped against his shoulder.

"I take that as a yes, my lad." The dark fingers moved upwards to catch right around his peeping shaft while he tried to get his voice to work. Something to say he didn't agree to this. Nothing came out, nothing except a daming groan when the fingers rubbed along the sensitive barbs of his tip.

Apollo wanted to come up with any number of protests as he was handled, and they faded away as the stallion stood up and drew him with him. The gryphon let out a shrill laugh and dropped off the bed with all the liquid grace of any feline. His wings spread a little bit as Kalan yanked him upwards and twisted him around. The firm grip caught him on the wrists while the next breath hit right against the back of the neck. The warm ruffling breath made him arch his back a little as he was pushed towards one side of the darkened room. The gryphon's heavy bodied form didn't follow though, he moved away with a flick of his tail and started to use his hooked beak to pull at various drawers in one of the dressers. The panther didn't keep his attention on Rakkal, but on Kalan who pushed him forward until his hand paws were pressed flat against the cold metal wall.

Cold? Metal? He blinked his eyes open wide as he found himself staring at his own startled feline features inches away. His ears flicked flat back on his head and he finally got the nerve up to open his mouth to protest what was being done, but it fell flat as something hard and rubber was pushed into his maw. A bit was looped over his head as Kalan's blood-red eyes watched him as the leather strap was fastened around his head. It wasn't done roughly, but firmly enough that he couldn't pull away when it was tightened over his cheeks. The stallion's body leaned forward and pinned him in place so he could feel the leather bound pants pressed up against the crease of his ass. More importantly, he could feel the bulge hiding there as his hands were raised up above his head with one of the stallion's hands.

"There now, you look so frightened." The words were whispered in his ear. The stallion's muzzle ran up along the fur of his neck. "I can smell it on you, a sweet fear scent mingled with lust."

"Mrrrmmph?!" Apollo tried to speak, but the rubber bit pinned his tongue down and pulled against the corner's of his muzzle. His breath came out shallowly as the stallion snapped his arms up into a set of manacles set high up on the wall.

It was disorienting peering at himself in the mirror, but at the same time he was being teased. The long leonine tail twisted around the edges of his leg so that the silken tuft of the tail brushed upwards to caress right along the edges of his sheath. His tip was peeping out and the ropey length was pressed down firmly right along the heavy pouch and pulled along it. The inches started to slip out of his tip, pushing inch by slow inch in reaction to the squeezing pushes that massaged over him. He looked down and could see the animalistic girth swelling as his ass cheeks were pushed back against the heavy swell of the stallion's pants. He only got a glimpse before the stallion gave a tugging twist and moved him around.

The gauntlets turned easily as if they were hooked onto a swivel, which didn't make him the least bit more comfortable. It just made him wonder what else the stallion did in here that required restraints that could switch positions. As he was turned the stallion's hands dropped and caught his glans with nimble fingers and gave it a firm squeeze. The touch rubbed right beneath his sensitive barbs and he arched his back with a sharp cry of pleasure as the thumb swirled along the very tip. He couldn't stop himself from squirming as the first dribble of precum oozed out of the tip. He barely noticed that the unicorn had his fingers moved to grip his hip and cupped against his rump cheek. He rolled upwards and ground himself right against the palm of the hand, smearing the precum against it as he went. The fingers on his ass cheek gave a sudden squeeze and pull that drew a cry from his throat.

His legs were pulled off the ground and forced upwards around either side of the dark hips. He didn't have a choice, he could either struggle and try to break free as the stallion still had his cock in one hand or he could wrap his legs around the powerful equine hips. A hand moved to slip along his chest and he jerked up to find himself staring at the young features of the human who had been in the room when he'd come in. Rakkal had changed back into his human guise and was watching both of them with fever bright eyes as his fingers moved up to tweak one of his nipples. He muffled a cry around the bit and let out a whimper the digits rolled the nipple back and forth.

"Hmm no, too plain." Kalan drawled out and his hands moved down to wrap right around the base of Apollo's cock before pulling upwards again. "I think something here might decorate him a bit better, hmm?"

"RRRMMPH!!" The panther's eyes flashed open wide at the suggestion and he looked down to see what looked like a hooked needle and a small silver hoop held in Rakkal's hand.

"You agreed." The stallion's hips shifted and gave a grinding push upwards so that he felt the heavy bulge of the leather pants grinding against him. He could feel the bulge growing as it pressed harder against him and forced out a whimpering cry.

"You'll learn, lad." Rakkal let out a soft laugh that sent shivers down his spine and the human fingers reached down to brush right along the rise of his sheath.

Apollo clamped his teeth down into the rubber bit and sucked in a ragged breath as he felt the fingers rubbing around the edges of his sheath. His fingers formed into fists just before Kalan's hand left the tip of his drooling cock and left it pressing right along the line of his belly. He fought not to squirm as the dark fingers moved down to grip the ridge of his sheath and pulled it together so that it was a natural fold. He twisted his head down and tried to protest around the bit as he watched Rakkal bringing out the hook and gauging the spot on his sheath. They weren't going to pierce THAT were they?! He writhed and twisted against the restraints to try and drop his legs from around the unicorn's waist. He nearly got free when there was a sudden cracking sound and he yelped out as something snapped up against his ass cheek. He barely had time to react before it cracked up again and this time he saw the long hairs of the tail tip twisting over his hip as it whipped him.

"Be still, you don't want it to be messed up do you?" Kalan flashed his teeth in a sinful smile and the tail tip twisted up and coiled itself right around the tip of his cock. It squeezed and he rolled upwards with a throaty groan as the tips brushed against his sensitive glans.

He wanted to jerk away and free himself, but Rakkal moved down and his human hands rubbed around the ridge of flesh that Kalan held and seemed to be testing it. The needle glinted silver in the light as it was brought down and probed against his fur. The tail squeezed around his cock tip again and another bit of it coiled around him with a gentle caress that sent shivers running down his spine. He dug his fangs hard into the rubber bit and his breath came out harsh and fast as he couldn't tearing his eyes away from it. It was impossible to look away as Rakkal finally made a pleased sound and the fingers prepared to make the driving thrust.

Kalan seemed to do his best to confuse him as the tail tip with the long silky strands brushed along the edges of his glans that continued to drool out thick dribbles of precum. It smeared against the fur as he arched his back while the changed gryphon struck with the needle. The sudden shove pierced into the skin and fur of his sheath while he let out a ragged cry. The mobile tail gave a firm squeeze that worked from the base upwards in a confusing rush of pleasure and pain base. The needle pushed all they through the gripped sheath and out the other side with the pressure giving way with a near audible sound. He jerked his back and sucked n a harsh breath before the tail rubbed back upwards towards his tip again.

Apollo tried to sort out the pleasure and the pain together, but it was impossible. His sheath ached, a point right below his cock, but the tail kept working along his heavy girth. Thick dribbles of precum were oozing out of the tip while he jerked his hips upwards. The needle pushed through the sheath smoothly before Rakkal gave a firm tug that made him hiss out. The panther squeezed his eyes shut with a ragged harsh cry. His entire body was pounding in time with his heart beat. His breathing came in short hard groans as the tail gave another firm squeeze that milked along his shaft. The tip of it teased around the glans again and again as his barbs started to rouse upwards. His hips pushed themselves down right against the heavy feel of the stallion's bulge as he muffled his cries beneath the bit.

There was a strange hypnotic power to the touch and the sound of the music that overlaid the room, the scents and sights were drawing him in. Even the pain was used as an anchor as something seemed to roll over his mind and flare through his body. It was a white hot need that pulled him down until his tail was lashing back and forth. His fingers dug into his palms so hard that his claws were nearly drawing blood. His body was throbbing in time with his heart beat, he felt swollen with need and desire while he let out a throaty groan low in his throat. He bucked up harder and pushed down until he could feel the fingers clutching tight and hard against his rump cheeks. He could feel his orbs drawing up slightly, nearly getting to the point of orgasm. Just as he thought he would push over the edge, the tail stopped its clutching squeezes and stilled around his throbbing cock.

"There we go, now that is far better, isn't it? It looks lovely." Rakkal gave a tug and Apollo's eyes fluttered open to look down at the bunched up sheath. A silver ring glittered in the light as he drew in a trembling breath and sighed it out again.

"Oh yes, lovely work, Rakkal.." The stallion moved his fingers down to tweak the ring so the panther let out a ragged cry and bucked upwards. "I do believe that he's earned his reward, hasn't he?"

"Oh yesssss.." The words turned into a low hiss that came from deep in Rakkal's throat. The young human face glowed slightly and there was a hint of feathers beneath. "I do believe he needs to be rewarded.."

Kalan's eyes seemed to darken and the strange beast tossed his head back with a laugh that rolled from deep in his chest. His hand moved up to wrap right around the very tip of Apollo's cock and gave it a squeezing pull that made the feline whimper and buck higher up into the air.

"Let us retire to my workroom and reward our lovely lad. Perhaps he'll want another piercing when we're through." The words came in a dark sinful purr that sent a shiver down Apollo's spine. He didn't know if he was dreading or anticipating what his reward would be.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Apollo wasn't quite sure how he got into the situation that he found himself in. His heart was pounding as he was pulled into a room that came out of the darkest part of his nightmares. It wasn't a workroom that he recognized, or an office, but something that came straight from the heart of some horror movie. The room itself was as large as a living room, but didn't have anything so comforting as a sofa or couch, or even pictures on the walls. It was floored in what looked like solid white marble that was veined through with dark b lack and silver so that it glittered in the low lights that were set up on the walls. It gleamed as silver as the chains that hung from the walls or the hooks that swung from the ceilings and swayed from the wind of the doors passing.

The only furniture consisted of leather padded benches that looked as if they were designed for weight lifters except there were no bars to rest a weight on. There were only two metal bars to either side of the bench and leather restraints which were unbuckled and laying across the padding. There were three of them set in a triangle, but at least they weren't terrifying when compared to the whips, riding crops and leather straps that hung down from the wall. There were strange looking bridles and saddles, gloves that looked like hooves and even ones that looked like paws. There were toys that were designed for being inserted or plugged or any number of things. Toys that made his heart pound faster as he drug his dark paws beneath him and fought the urge to whimper. He flattened his ears down tight to his head as the gryphon padded behind him and pushed him roughly with one of his large forepaws.

The room smelled clean and sharp, with only an underlay of leather, but it still made his heart hammer against his chest as Kalan strolled in comfortably at ease. Only his long leonine tail twitched back and forth rapidly along the back of his legs. The long ears were pricked forward as he turned around with a flourish and the shove of the forepaw sent him stumbling into the room. He tried to lick his lips around the rubber bit, it was awkward, but he managed it. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to even say if he could have had the bit out of his mouth. He felt a rush of fear as the stallion ran his fingers along the hanging hooks so they glittered and chimed almost musically. Apollo swallowed roughly and trembled.

"Shhh be at ease, my cat." Kalan purred the words slowly and teasingly. "I will not harm you. Why would I when you have shown so much honor?"

"Mmmph?" Apollo tried to get a question around the bit, only to tremble as the gryphon loomed up behind him. The thick feathers pressed against him as the large beak nearly brushed against his ears.

"These aren't for you, they are for those who are dishonorable. Who cross my children and hurt our kind, they must be punished for their wicked ways." Kalan's lips twisted up in an unnerving smile as Rakkal's feathers ruffled up and tickled down his back. "For you, for you there is a reward and an introduction that you have already tasted. There is more to the world then you can imagine and more that I can show you. You will not leave my care uneducated in the pleasure that can be yours. Rakkal, remove his bit, let him speak."

The stallion moved his hands down and hooked the edge of his pants with a slow shift of his hips so that he started to edge the material down his glossy smooth belly. Apollo watched, but didn't feel reassured even when the gryphon's heavy foreclaw lifted up and hooked a talon beneath the edge of the leather that held the bit in place. He gave a sudden yank upwards that pierced through the leather so it loosened around his head. He moved his paws up to pull it off with a soft noise as the bit fell out and he wrinkled his lips up at the lingering taste of leather on the air. He swallowed roughly and looked up to see the stallion dropping his pants down towards his ankles to reveal the heavy velvety sheath came into view.

"I-I don't think this is a good idea." He felt slightly dazed as the stallion's lips remained lifted upwards in a smile as he kicked his pants away.

The panther's eyes were drawn towards the heavy swell of the sheath that Kalan boasted. The heavy swollen glans was oozed out over the edge, just an inch, but enough to show him the blunt swell of the glans. It was dark black, but offset with a ridge of silver rings that ran down along the underside of the sheath. Seven in all were linked together as the only spot of color on the entire dark form and ended right above the velvety swell of the orbs between his legs. The gryphon behind him let out a low purring sound and ran the edge of a sharp beak against the back of his neck so a tremor ran down his spine. He felt confused, scared and some small part of him excited as the strange beast stepped forward with his hips swinging ever so slightly as if he were moving to music.

"Then allow me to think for you. You are no sinner, no creature that deserves only pain and humiliation, but part of you sees this place and I can hear your heart speed up with something other than fear. You see the instruments in this room and they frighten you, but you grow curious as well. You grow hot with need somewhere in your new body.." Kalan stepped closer and closer and Apollo stumbled backwards so he nearly tripped against the gryphon.

"Lovely, lovely, cat, do you think we have not sssscented sssuch before? Assss old asss we arrrre, we learrrrn it well." Rakkal rumbled in his ear as Kalan came in close enough that one of his hands caught the panther's cheek lightly in the palm of his hand.

Pressed between both of them, he could taste the strangest scents on the air. They were warm and inviting, strange and arousing, and most of all, they made his heart start to pound faster against his chest. He was frightened of what was in the room, he was even frightened of the strange creatures, but at the same time his body started to build a strange anticipation. The gryphon was wild and exotic, strange and utterly alien to him, but graceful and beautiful with a deadly mixture of two predators. The hornless unicorn was erotically androgynous, strangely violent and sensual all in one with a body that made him tense with a spike of desire. The suggestions were teasing him and mocking him with the promise that they could give him greater pleasure then he had ever known, and what they were offering was terrifying.

The fear, the uncertainty helped combine with the brush of fear as Kalan's hand moved to slide downwards towards his shoulder. The equine body pressed against him as the soft velvet lips drew in close. He felt them pinned so firmly against them that the loins of the stallion pressed up to the point he felt the heavy sheath against his upper belly. It brushed just against the fresh piercing while the swollen glans started to push outwards. The heavy inches inched upwards towards his upper belly as he intimately felt Kalan's arousal growing. And what was worse, his own body was starting to respond and he felt the tip of his sheath pushing upwards along the gleaming ring and made him whimper and bring his mind back into the present.

"I.. I don't know what you want to do to me." He whispered as the unicorn's lips hovered above his own. The bright crimson eyes watched him closely before a rumbling laugh escaped the stallions lips.

"Exactly, my lovely cat, exactly. And that's how our game is played." Kalan's purring voice thrummed in his ears. "That's exactly how its played."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Apollo trembled, he watched Kalan with wide eyes that were mostly pupil, but his body responded and his scent was sweet with the scent of arousal. The stallion had been alive for so long that he sometimes forgot how delightful it was to have an innocent in his hands, especially one that reacted as sweetly as this one was. So often he punished those that had crossed his city and their pained cries and protests were sweet and arousing. Their human bodies made him adore them and train them until they could no more disobey him then they could become what they once were. This one was consensual, trembling and so terrified as well as aroused. To lure and bring his nature out made him rein in his desires to keep himself from terrifying Apollo. The panther deserved to be led and coaxed, not bullied and terrified. He deserved to be properly trained.

The stallion stepped back and Rakkal watched him with fever bright eyes as he drew panther with him one step at a time. He had known the gryphon for longer then he cared to think about and they both shared a certain desire in the bedroom with their partners. They had even enjoyed one another in the past with the gryphon being his bottom. There could only be one master in any room, and that master was Kalan. He would not tolerate competing with another, but the gryphon seemed more then amiable to watch at the edges for now. More than happy to see how things played out before he stepped into his own role.

Apollo certainly didn't seem to object to the large four legged creature that pressed against him, he even showed a certain reluctance to be drawn away. He glanced down to see the tip pushing free of the panther's velvety sheath, growing hard and aroused as he guided him step by step deeper into the work room. His sharp nose tasted the slightest hint of fear and sex still lingering in the air as he pulled the panther about and pushed him back so that his knees were pushed back onto the edge of one of the restraining benches. It scraped against the ground and the panther gave a little jerk forward with his eyes showing a ring of white around the edges. His breathing was coming faster and faster. The stallion looked him over before lashing his tail tip.

"Down, my cat, onto the bench. Within this room I am your Master and you will obey." He purred the words out as he ran a finger down to trail right around the edge of the sheath. "On your stomach and on the bench."

"B-but.." The question was on the tip of the feline tongue and he let out a low growling warning before snapping his mobile tail upwards to catch right against the soft ass cheeks with a loud crack.

"Down!" He put force behind the words even as Apollo cried out in a way that made his stomach tense up and tighten. That sweet sound of shocked pain made his heart speed up and a few more inches of his girth start to push out into the light.

The panther dropped down onto the bench and swung a leg over the edge of it so he could lay down on the leather. He didn't try to protest again, he didn't try to argue. The dark panther's back was bared to him as well as the ass cheeks, but before the hips turned he'd seen a few more inches of the feline cock pushing out into the light. The ears were bright red and flicked backwards towards him as he moved one hand down to stroke where his tail had snapped out. The moment his fingers spread over the plush fur Apollo pushed his hips up into the air and rubbed himself against his fingers. Oh yes, he wasn't wrong about this one, not in the least bit.

_There is no better moment then this, no better sight. Let my gentler kindred claim romance and seduction, this... This belongs to me and mine. _

_ _

~ ~ * ~ ~

_ _

Apollo felt a line of heat on his ass cheeks where the tail had snapped at him, the flesh felt almost swollen from the stinging blow. It was soothed away by Kalan's hand as it stroked against him, but it didn't stroke away from the confusing need and pleasure that the command and strike had given him. The commanding tone had struck something in him that made him squirm as the stallion's other hand pushed down firmly against his shoulders so he was pinned firmly against the bench. The leather was smooth and firm while the hand stroked along the curve of his ass cheeks. He didn't know why he was obeying. He didn't know why he was reacting this way. He didn't know why he felt a surge of heat that made his cheeks burn as the hands stroked along the small of his backs.

"That's my good little cat." The croon made him flush even more before the hands moved away from him and caught his upper arms.

The sudden tug forced them forwards and stretched him out while he writhed on the bench. It dragged him ever so slightly forwards so he felt his newly pierced sheath being tugged downwards a few inches to reveal more of his cock against the leather. The sound of clicking talons warned him as the gryphon padded into view with his head lowered down and watching the scene eagerly. The beak was parted with swift breaths while Kalan worked to wrap his wrists in padded leather. The restraints were fastened around him before he was pulled forward again. His chin rested against his upper arms while he pulled along the leather just enough that the tip of his cock slipped in a padded hole built into the bench. It was a feeling of relief and pleasure as his girth was guided into the soft padded sleeve that wrapped around him snugly.

The stallion gripped his legs and pulled them up so suddenly he let out a protesting sound as his knees were bent and his foot paws placed on the metal bars that jutted out from either side. It forced his ass a bit higher in the air as more restraints were fastened around his ankles and his toes curled naturally against the bar. It wasn't comfortable, it was even humiliating as he tucked his tail down along the crease of his rump, but still felt exposed. The straps bit down around his ankles and when he tried to jerk his leg forward he was drawn up short. Even his foot paws slipped off the bar he'd still have his legs pushed up in the awkward position. It was even more humiliating with the gryphon looming over him watching his body with its strange raptorial features.

"Exactly so..." Kalan murmured behind him and one of the stallion's hands caught the base of his tail and pulled it upwards. "Why should you hide yourself from us? We are not humans that shun nudity, nor do we need to see you to taste your arousal on the air."

"I.. j-just habit." He ventured as his tail was forced upwards and to one side so it could be locked into another cuff.

"Then that will be a habit we shall enjoy breaking." The stallion's long tail flicked along his rump cheeks before snapping out with a crack that sent a flair of pain through him. He yelped out and jerked forward before he could himself. "Any answer you have will not be spoken of in such a tone, you will use respect here. You may call me 'Sir' or 'Master', do you understand?"

"Y-yes.. Sir." The title tumbled past his lips and the reward came with a rub of the palm along his rump cheeks. The fingers spread open and caressed upwards right at the base of his tail at a sensitive spot that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Ssssshould he ssspeak at all?" Rakkal rumbled with a sound of amusement as the drake's head tilted down to peer at him. "Sssso new to thisss, he ssshould rrrememberrr to be sssilent."

"I'm sure you can give him something more entertaining to think about, my friend, something that will keep him occupied from thinking so much." The stallion's thick nailed thumb rubbed down and Apollo stifled a yelp as the finger rubbed right over his pucker.

"Oh yesssss..." Rakkal's voice churred with merriment as the tawny form shifted slightly and suddenly towered above him.

Apollo tried to jerk backwards as he watched the wings spread open wide and the powerful forepaws lifting above his head. His ears pinned back, half afraid that he was going to end up getting smacked with one of the large wings or struck with a paw, but the drake only lifted high enough to hook his forepaws over a hanging metal bar high above him. The leonine hindquarters were stretched out in front of him and gave him a lewd view of the golden sheath that rested right along the curve of the belly. Given the feline hindquarters he'd assumed he'd see the modest pouch of a cat, but it was a firm jutting sheath that almost looked like a dogs. The very tip of it was spread open by a conical red tip that was pushing the flesh downwards.

He jerked his head backwards a little bit and half forgot about the feel of the stallion's hands against his haunches as the gryphon walked forward on his hind legs. The heavy sheath was jostled back and forth as more of the dark red tip pushed out into view. Fleshy barbs crowned the tip and were partially raised upwards as it slipped outwards. Beneath the sheath a pair of creamy-gold colored orbs nestled just between the hind legs as Rakkal deliberately rolled his hips forward so the next few inches pushed closer to his muzzle. Despite the fact he'd heard the beast speak, he couldn't help but feel the wrongness of a four legged creature growing aroused with the obvious intent to feel his muzzle. It went against everything he had been taught about the way of the world.

He would have moved his head to one side, but one of Kalan's hands reached up and gripped him by the scruff the neck and gave a firm pull backwards. He yelped out as the fingers twisted slightly and the loose skin was drawn taut. The other hand gave him a firm clap right on his ass cheeks so he jerked his hips up higher in the air. Rakkal didn't hesitate to drop his hips down so the hardening length pushed into Apollo's spread jaws. A dribble of precum spilled onto his tongue as the drake's haunches dropped and gave a sudden roll forward that pushed the tip right along his tongue. The edge of the sheath brushed his lips as the cock started to push out and harden into his short muzzle before he could escape it. The barbs plucked a little bit along the roof of his mouth while Kalan remained gripping his neck firmly to keep him in place.

The unicorn's weight pressed down along the curve of his back and he intimately felt that the stallion was enjoying the position he had the panther in. He trembled a little as the equine cock pushed right along the line of his spine and the smooth dark body kept him pinned down against the bench. He couldn't wriggle free, he couldn't even try to get away from the bestial length that was being pushed into his maw. Inch by inch it wedged into his muzzle until the hips gave a grinding roll and the tip nearly pushed against the opening to his throat. He let out a muffled protest, but the drake only dragged his hips back a few inches so the barbs could rake against his tongue before grinding forward. He coughed and squirmed, but the hold on his scruff kept his head in position as the cock tip started to push into his throat and spread it open no matter what noises he tried to make.

A hot wet tongue rolled along his shoulder as the unicorn gave a slow grind and the tongue tip curled all the way up until it brushed against his ears. Apollo squeezed his eyes shut with a whimper of barely contained desire as the heavy cock started to push higher up along his spine. The fullness of the glans smeared a thick syrupy dribble of precum against him while he struggled to wrap his muzzle around to too large gryphon's cock. His breathing came out raggedly from his padded nose as the rolling hips forced the sheath up against his lips so something thicker forced it's way into his muzzle. His jaw ached as it was stretched open to hold the shaft. His tongue rolled up and rubbed beneath the glassy smooth base while he struggled to swallow the steady dribble of precum. A knot, the gryphon was forcing a still soft knot into his muzzle before pulling it out with a lewd wet popping noise.

Apollo felt a flush of heat and he pushed his hips up as high as he could while the unicorn teased along his back. He was helpless, he was bound and forced to service something that looked like an animal, and all it got him was a tremor of need that made his cock grind and push into the padded passage built into the bench. He suckled around the gryphon and pulled his head back just a touch before pushing forward again as the tawny hips pulled backwards. The splatter of precum coated the curve of his tongue in a salty mixture that he tried to swallow down. He'd never played games like this when he'd been human, never ventured into being bound and locked in place, and now it was almost startling how it made him squirm and twist in place in an effort to push himself against the stallion.

Kalan's hand moved up and gripped his bound tail before giving a rough yank that forced a ragged groan from his throat that was soon muffled by the cock plunging into his throat. The stallion's teeth nipped right against his ear briefly before the weight lifted upwards and the feel of the equine shaft dragged down along the line of his spine. His breath came out in short bursts while he flicked his ears back towards the strange creature.

"Beg, my cat, beg with your body, beg with anything you can think of, beg while you are bound and have no say if I leave you to have your muzzle violated and your body wanting.." He spoke in a soft voice that was barely above a whisper. "Find a way to make me want to give you what you want."

Even as Kalan spoke, Rakkal's hips jabbed forward hard enough that the thicker base pushed back into his aching muzzle and a clear dribble of precum and saliva was forced out around the edges of his muzzle. The broad flat pad of his tongue tried to stroke up against the hard length even as he struggled against the girth that forced his throat open, it was the pull back that raked the barbs along the silky opening and made him whimper. He felt the weight move away entirely from him and the hand release his scruff so he was left squirming on the bench with his heart pounding in his ears. He could feel the padded passage that his own cock was pushed into, the hardened spire was dribbling precum until he was trying to thrust into the touch even as the piercing ached around his sheath. He balls his hands into fists of frustration.

He shouldn't want this, he should be humiliated and horrified, but his body was throbbing with a desire that had started in the next room and was still untended. The threat to leave him like this just so the gryphon could use his aching muzzle was enough to make him try to arch against the restraints. He could move a few inches and without the hold on his neck he was able to pull his head backwards as the gryphon gave a rough thrust forward. He wrapped his muzzle around the cock and started to suckle and bob his head slowly. He jerked his tail up as high as it would go and pushed up against the restraints so that he was straining to push back towards the unicorn. It wasn't just the subtle movements of his body that he used to try and beg the stallion.

Without the cock plunging into his throat and forcing his sounds to be blocked by the pulsing flesh he was able to let out a whimpering cry. He tried to flick his tail as he let out a soft pleading sound as he rolled his tongue beneath the fleshy barbs. They plucked along his tongue and the roof of his mouth while he tilted his head to one side and pushed forward. His fingers remained in a fist as he started to grind himself against the bench in time with the soft muffled sounds. He didn't have enough room to really thrust into the passage, he didn't have the give on the straps as his cock drooled out a spill of precum. The padding of the passage wasn't even close to tight enough, but he tried to use his body to beg for the stallion.

It was degrading, it made his ears splay to either side as he let out a whimpering cry low in his throat and raised his hips high before dropping them. He couldn't stop, not even as he was humiliated by what he was doing, it was part of the arousal that flooded through him as the leather restraints creaked and bit around his ankles and wrists. He licked hotly around the tip of the gryphon's glans as Rakkal pulled back and nearly popped free. It splattered against the edges of his lips and tongue before the beast plunged forward and forced his hips up so close that the tip forced itself into his throat so the sound of his cries were cut off. But it didn't matter, the stallion's hands suddenly cupped up against his ass cheeks and gripped hard enough it nearly bruised him.

"My good cat.." The growling purr erupted from the equine just as something heavy and thick dropped down and pushed right up against his pucker.

The thick dribble of precum smeared along the taut anal ring as he let out a ragged groan as Rakkal pulled backwards and the barbs scraped along his muzzle. He writhed in place as the heavy cock tip pushed upwards right against him and pushed the wet precum inwards. The hands moved up to grip either side of his hips as the bench groaned slightly in protest of the force of the hips that pressed forward against him. The next thrust forward plunged into his throat so his cry was gagged as the unicorn wedged the tight anal ring open steadily. The walls were forced wider and wider as something that was far larger then the dog started to force itself inwards. The pressure of the hands pushed down harder as the stallion put his weight against the hold.

The next thrust forward forced the swollen tip inwards with a wet popping noise as he was forced open wide. His inner walls clamped down tightly around the tip as the hands slipped upwards to press along the curve of the lower back. He let out a ragged cry and pulled his head back so the swollen tip of the gryphon's cock pushed forward against his tongue so he could swallow and suckle. The thick gouts of precum splattered out, the taste of it clung to his tongue as he swallowed and sought after it. His mind was flushed with a need that was almost painfully pleasurable as the hips started to force his hips upwards and drew the restraints taut. The swollen shaft wedged deeper and deeper, caressing him and stroking him until his cock started to flex with barely contained need.

His inner walls contracted and squeezed tightly around Kalan as the gryphon gave a series of short hard thrusts forward. The swollen base bumped and shoved up against his muzzle, partially wedging it open, but it was too large for him to wrap around, but at least that meant that the throbbing shaft wasn't stabbing into his throat. He groaned out and pushed forward, curling his tongue upwards right beneath the tip as Kalan's hips suddenly slammed forward. It drove the breath from his lungs as the too large shaft forced it's way inwards until the medial ring pushed into his passage. He bucked forward and tried to grind into the padded passage that embraced his cock while his inner walls suckled and pulled around the girth.

He stopped being Apollo. He stopped being anything other than the need that was growing inside of him. Whatever shame he had felt was lost as his tongue swirled and teased around the gryphon's cock. The thick splatter of precum coated his tongue and forced out around the edges of his jaw line so his fur turned slippery and slick. He swallowed and pulled around the cock, trying to coax more of it as the stallion's hands moved upwards to push against his shoulders. Inch by inch the dark shaft forced his pucker inwards before pulling backwards again. It sent another shudder through him as he tried to push back against the stallion. The thick heavy precum spilled into him, coating his passage and was pushed out around the edges as he closed his eyes and gave into the need that was spreading through him.

The gryphon's hips pistoned back and forth against his muzzle, a sharp contrast to smooth slow strokes of the stallion within his passage. His walls clutched and squeezed the equine girth that kept him stretched open wide so that each draw back stroked the medial ring along a spot inside of him that made him jerk against the restraints. His breath came out in short ragged pants as the slow steady strokes built up in speed and the grip on his shoulders clutched down a bit more firmly. The gryphon's snarl seemed distant as the barbed cock tip pulled back from his muzzle and left a clear strand of precum clinging to his lips before it jutted up in the air. Apollo blinked his eyes open belatedly so he saw the throbbing swollen knot as the cock started to throb just above him.

"Lick... him.. little cat.." Kalan's words were a low growl as they were punctuated with a thrust that made the panther cry out roughly.

He couldn't disobey, his mind wouldn't work that way. He lifted his head and licked around the base of the knot with his broad tongue. He strained against the restraints as he ran his tongue upwards in long smooth strokes. The pulsing cock thickened above him as the gryphon's hips gave little convulsive jerks forward and the barbs started to raise up. Apollo wasn't thinking about what it meant, he could feel his belly tightening as his orbs pulled up tight between his legs and the near painful rush of pleasure thundered in his ears. He tried to thrust into the padded passage of the bench, but it was jagged and erratic under the powerful dark hips that kept working against him. The only thing he knew was the Rakkal screeched out suddenly and the hips jerked away from his tongue. The pulsing cock rubbed right along the bridge of his muzzle when the first thick rope of cum erupted from the tip to splatter along his dark fur.

The rubbing cock stroked against him as Apollo trembled and tried to lick against it. It was a demeaning act that pushed him past his peak. He ran his tongue towards the tip as the splattering cum rubbed through his fur in slippery trails and his cock started to pulse within the padded passage. His orbs heaved up tight as the first wet spurt splattered into the bench while the stallion continued to slow steady thrusts. The pull of the medial ring over his prostate drew out his pleasure as his rough cries turned animalistic and snarling. The hot precum was pushed out with a wet noise as his muscles pulsed and clutched greedily around the girth. He tried to grind backwards against him, but the restraints kept him still so he couldn't try to speed them up, he could only writhe with everything he had left as the harsh musk of gryphon filled his nose and he continued to drool out creamy dribbles of precum.

Kalan's fingers rolled down his back and pushed him past his orgasm, past the point that he was growing overly sensitive as the weight pressed down against him. A sharp pair of teeth clutched the back of his neck followed by a hot wash of breath before the unicorn slammed forward hard enough that Apollo had the breath driven out of him. The heavy orbs clapped up between his legs as every last thick inch was forced into him before his master pulled backwards. He tried his best to clutch around him, but inch by inch pulled free before the stallion plunged back into his passage. The caress of the medial ring pulled free with a wet noise when the stallion drew back again only to plunge back in. With each thrust the glans started to swell open wider and wider, forcing his passage to stretch to hold him.

The drag backwards was only a few inches before he plunged forward again with a lewd wet sound as the balls clapped up between his legs. His entire body arched upwards before the teeth released him and one of the stallion's arms moved to pull his head up so that the drool tip of the gryphon's cock rubbed right along the tip of his nose and smeared the syrupy cum there.

"What am I, my cat?" The voice was a hissing whisper that tickled along the edges of his ears as he felt the heavy orbs pulled up tight. Apollo didn't have to think about the answer, he was lost in his pleasure as he licked out hotly against the quivering tip of Rakkal's girth before crying out.


Kalan's hips shuddered before plunging forward hard enough that the tip was forced as deep as it would go, almost painfully deep. The orbs pulsed upwards once before the stallion let out an equine squeal that rang in his ears. The throbbing feel of the dark length rubbed through him before a hot thick stream of cum erupted from the tip and spilled into his passage. The rush flooded him, spilling in so deep and so fast that his head jerked back in shock. He continued to squeeze and pull around the girth, massaging and milking around it even as the thick goopy ropes pushed inwards. The edges of the swollen glans formed a plug that kept the thick seed deep inside of his passage. His walls clutched and milked as he dropped down onto the bench as he trembled and panted shallowly.

"My lovely cat..." The rumbled voice echoed in his ears as the sound of the bar squeaked above him and the chain rattled. The gryphon was dropping down to all fours in front of him as he continued to tremble against the bench. "I believe you will pay your friends debt far sooner than I had ever imagined."

Kalan's drawling voice was a dull comfort as he felt the pressure of the unicorn resting along his back and the hands moved to stroke along his sides. He didn't know what was happening to him, he only knew a rush of pleasure at being called Kalan's lovely cat. The price that he was willing to pay seemed to grow with each passing day. What else would the stallion want from him?

Amon's Gift

Clove, nutmeg, vanilla, a thousand spices that flooded the air in the hazy room and made each breath something exotic and enticing. England had never smelled this way. It had never boasted a rich haze of smoke that overtook the bitter scents of the...

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The manor house were echoing with laughter that spilled up the stairs as the rough roaring voices of the young heir to the estate and his friends announced the return from the hunt. Even the well built walls couldn't do more than partially mute the...

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A New Clutch

The play of the moonlight spilled over the edges of the bedroom and the sleeping form that rested uncomfortably on her back with her arm pushed up beneath the pillow. The dragon's normally trim figure had changed drastically, even the moonlight...

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