A New Clutch

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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The play of the moonlight spilled over the edges of the bedroom and the sleeping form that rested uncomfortably on her back with her arm pushed up beneath the pillow. The dragon's normally trim figure had changed drastically, even the moonlight couldn't soften the changes to the eyes that watched her. The covers were pulled up beneath her breasts, but her stomach rose up heavy and swollen with the eggs that she carried. She had a large enough clutch that the scales had spread apart partially to try and make room for all the stretching, not a lot, but enough the creamy underscales could be visible when one paid close enough attention. And Ropes paid very close attention to his mate, even in the dark of the night as he hooded feline eyes and curled his tail back and forth.

FD had had months of slowly growing for him to enjoy what he'd done to her. His male pride swelled as he considered just how pregnant she had become and he wondered just how many eggs she carried within her. It made him flare his nostrils open and draw in a shivering breath of pleasure before his fingers down along the edge of the cover she had thrown across her. She was so deliciously close to laying her eggs that it made him toy with the idea of forcing the issue. The idea of her straining and pushing around something so large, so heavy, while he tormented her could be quite interesting. The demonic puma flicked his ears a little bit as he moved his paw upwards and traced over the heavy swell of her covered belly.

The dragoness stirred a bit in her sleep as he curled his fingers forward and put just a touch of pressure down on the heavy swollen belly. He could almost feel the eggs shifting beneath his touch as he licked his lips with a broad pink tongue. They would be ready, his offspring, and he could enjoy their birth in a way that he had failed to enjoy the birth of his first clutch. He had certainly been enthused and proud, but now he felt the small wicked voice in his mind stir and whisper sinful ideas on how he could ensure that he had a far better time this time around. FD was such a lovely responsive female, surely it was his duty to ensure that her laying went swiftly and without any issue. It wasn't as messy as mammal birth after all, nor as trying and exhausting.

At least, it wasn't before. I could make it exhausting for her... The puma closed his eyes and let out a soft shivering breath as he imagined it.

Not the worry and simple joy of life being born that other parents felt, but a decadent time in which they were locked together in a rush of pleasure and pain both as her body birthed her clutch. He could use her muzzle to stifle her moans, or even sink himself deep beneath her tail so he could feel the eggs as they pushed free. His body stirred at that idea, it made him tense up before licking his lips with a flick of his tongue tip. That's what he would do. Oh yes, he would make her cry out with both pleasure and pain as he witnessed the laying of their clutch. Even the thought made his tail lash faster behind him and his green tendrils twist along his back.

FD slept peacefully as he withdrew his paw and stood up so he loomed above her. She didn't stir as her mate padded from the room with the intent to set his plans into motion. Let her sleep, she would need all the rest that she could get for what he was going to do to and with her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Wake up, my love... wake up.." A low purr interrupted the dreaming dragoness and echoed through her hazed sleepy mind.

FD squeezed her eyes tightly shut and ignored her mate's voice as she tried to snuggle back down into the warmth of her bed. She had no desire to wake up, she was exhausted and had been exhausted for the last week. The eggs had taken on weight that they hadn't possessed earlier. They had become so heavy that it was hard for her to walk around easily and she tired out when she tried. It was awkward for her to move easily, she felt ungainly and off balance when she tried to walk around or got out of bed for any length of time. Now all she wanted to do was sleep and ignore the world around her until her time came. Which should be soon given the broody sensations that had been stirring in her to clean and ensure her 'nest' was properly ready for the laying.

Ropes didn't let her go back to sleep as she kept her eyes resolutely closed, instead he moved a paw down and swept it along the covers so the fabric spilled over and revealed the heavy swell of her belly. She mumbled softly to herself and tried to curl forward to cover herself, but he was massaging the scales there insistently before murmuring for her to wake up. Normally he was far more understanding of her need to sleep, when she didn't' want to wake up he left her be, but this time his voice sounded a bit more intense and sharper as she tried to reach back to her dreams. The dragoness growled a little to herself and pried open an eye to glare at him, but the moment it opened she squinted it shut against the brightness of flickering firelight.

"Will you sleep through laying our clutch?" Ropes' voice was rough as his fingers squeezed over her stomach firmly enough she hissed out a protest. He pressed down against the eggs so she tensed and opened her eyes again.

"I'm not going to lay yet, I'm trying to sleep." Some of her annoyance crept into her tone at being woken up and the puma flashed his long white teeth at her in a grin.

"Yes you will, my love, you've been swollen too long and it's time that we remedy this." Ropes' voice was a bit rough as his fingers glided up from the swell of her belly towards the rise of her breasts.

"You can't hurry laying, love." FD pushed herself up on her elbows with a smile and let her eyes adjusted to the candles that had been lit in their little alcoves.

"Oh no, sweet dragoness, I cannot hurry laying, but I can certainly give you incentive to do so." The puma's smile grew wicked as his paw cupped against her breast and gave it a firm squeeze. "And I intend to ensure that the dawn will see our clutch freshly laid and yourself freshly seeded."

"Ropes, you-" She started to speak, but was stopped when his muzzle pushed forward against her own in hard demanding kiss.

His tongue plunged into her muzzle as his paw closed around her sensitive breast and gave it a firm squeeze. It made her arch her back off the bed as she momentarily tried to fight the grip he had on her, but he gave her no quarter, no room to fight back even if she could. The paw on her breast drifted down and pulled away the blankets from her gravid form so the spill of his tendrils could run along her scaled body. The dragoness let out a muffled cry against his muzzle as she felt two of them brushing up and around her belly, while the other two dropped down and curled along her legs. She jerked away from them, but they wound their way tighter so that her legs were drawn upwards and forced apart in a lewd pose that curled her hips upwards.

Her protests were swallowed by her mate's muzzle as he let out a growling purr of pleasure and ran his tongue right over her own. The slow drag curled and twisted, distracting her as his paw drifted down and brushed between her thighs. The softness of his fingers ran forward and rubbed right along the plump ruby red folds of her sex. She squirmed backwards and the tendrils twisted tighter along her legs, the long edges ran along her lower legs to force them backwards so that she couldn't do anything to get away from his teasing touch. One finger spread her soft lips open and trailed upwards from the softness of her opening until he glided up around her clit and coaxed a little noise from her throat before she could stop it. Only then did his lips pull away from her own and she heard his rough purr building up in volume.

"So many ways to make you lay, I think you'll enjoy this." He rumbled and dropped his head to roughly lick along the curve of her neck.

"That not f-fair.." She gasped the words out as his finger rolled in a circular motion around her clit so her hips jerked upwards against him. It made her tense and relax in a barely controlled moment of pleasure.

"Mmm I won't have you complaining for long.." Ropes murmured and narrowed his eyes before caressing right along her clit.

FD sucked in a breath to say something, a protest, a denial, encouragement, she didn't even know what would have come out, but it was lost as a third tendril twisted down between her thighs. The leaf shaped tip caressed right beneath the paw that rubbed and teased slow circles around her sensitive clit. His other paw moved to slip beneath her back and behind her folded wings so she was drawn in close against his nude furred form. As the tendril fluttered up and gentle swirled around her opening she realized that he wasn't only nude, he was eager and aroused. The weight of his shaft was pushed up snugly against the curve of her thigh and brushed there as she arched against the bed and another soft cry spilled out of her lips at his teasing.

The paw on her clit rubbed lightly, fluttering and teasing so that her hips arched up and off the bed before she could even think. The tendril between her thighs caressed lightly before the tapered tip pushed forward and started to spread her open before she was even ready. The dragoness bit her lip and moved her hands downwards, but Ropes' growl warned her to hold still as he pushed his tendril slowly inwards and forced her to spread open. The hint of her wetness was spread over the tip and it only grew from the teasing of his finger tip while it fluttered against her clit. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to draw in a full breath as the tendril started to wedge and push its way into her clutching sensitive passage. She wasn't ready for him to penetrate her this way, but he didn't seem to care as he forced her slickness to grow by the gentle touches of his tendrils.

Ropes' tongue ran up along the edge of her neck and his teeth nipped sharply as the tendril inched deeper and made her fight against the hold on her legs. She tried to arch upwards into the touch, but it was awkward given the weight of her swollen stomach. She was left nearly pinned to the bed as inch by inch the tendril pushed until the very tip brushed against her cervix. The moment he pushed that deeply within her, the tendril arched and rolled along her passage. The gentle touch teased through her and made her bite back a whimpering cry. His tendrils were entirely too mobile and easily controlled, they were nothing like feeling her mate's shaft plunging into her. Instead it caressed and tugged along her passage in ways that brushed places and nerves that no tongue or cock could reach.

Ropes purred his approval as she pushed her hips up as much as she could and she felt his cock rubbing right up against her upper thigh. A spill of wet precum burnished her dark red scales as she sucked in a breath and cried it out again when the tip of the tendril plunged inwards to probe lewdly against her cervix. The pressure made her flinch and the paw on her clit slipped upwards to cup right beneath one of her breasts. Whatever discomfort she could be made to feel was lost in the stroke of the long eager tongue that licked out in a slow powerful caress that ran right along the underside of her breast and trailed upwards towards her clit. The pressure of the tendril grew, but it was a discomfort that was divided by the feel of the tongue and the feel of her mate's body pressed so intimately tight against her.

His other paw slipped lower behind her back and raised her up slightly as his teeth caught briefly against her nipple. She whimpered and the tendril pushed harder against her cervix in a way that made her walls clutch down harder around the writhing length. Her wetness coated it and clung along the brilliant green while she gave a steady rolling push of her hips She couldn't stop herself as the pressure against her cervix mingled pleasure and pain together, the gentle probing pushes made parts of her stomach tense up as she tried to grind her hips upwards. The heat of her mate's tongue brushed right over her nipple and swirled around it as the next push of the tendril made her entire body go stiff and tense. The muscles along her stomach contracted and rippled as the pressure grew to a peak.

It spread all over her sides and stomach in waves that made her gasp out and snap her eyes open. Her inner walls squeezed down harder around the tendril and pushed around it as the contraction hit her and her breath came out in a rush. The fingers of her mate's paw spread around her belly and gave a curling squeeze that pressed down over the egg laden belly that shifted with the contraction. She whimpered a little and the slick heat of his tongue and lips lifted up from her glistening ruby nipple. His eyes glowed in the candle light as he looked up at her and a positively wicked smile curled the edges of his muzzle.

"It seems you were wrong, my love, one can hurry along laying..." He murmured as he slowly worked his tendril in and out of her contracting passage.

"That's.. Ahhh.. not fair.." FD gasped out and arched her back a little as the contractions and tendril created conflicting sensations inside of her.

"Oh no, not fair is what I'm going to be doing as you lay..." His low chuckle vibrated his chest slightly as the hand that had slipped under suddenly pulled and his other hand moved to her hip.

FD didn't get a chance to ask what he meant, she soon found out as he pulled her over the bed and along his lap. The tendril within her forced another moan past her lips as the leaf shaped tip curled just within the passage and brushed along the sensitive rise of her g-spot. The demonic puma moved beneath her, drawing her against him deliberately so that his back pushed up against the wall and she was resting just a little lower along his chest. She felt the curve of his stomach and hips running along her back as she was forced to spread her wings to either side so they weren't pinned flat against him. He rumbled low in his throat and licked along her neck as the tendril within her plunged inwards against her contracting muscles and she felt her stomach tensing up in the familiar need to push around the mottled eggs held within her body.

Ropes' tendrils pulled her legs a bit higher up in the air and to either side as his own legs pushed beneath her and raised up just enough to help keep her in place so she wouldn't slide down. And most telling of all, was the weight of the shaft that rested along her ass cheeks, the tip oozed out along the edges and spilled down along the crease of her ass. The thick syrupy spill clung to her scales as she squirmed back and forth and drew in a deep breath. It was lost in a short cry as her stomach tightened again and the orbs within her started to shift and stir. They were helped by their sire's paw pushing down along the swell of her belly and shifting the eggs about so her breath came out in a harsh gasping cry.

"And now we enjoy you laying, my love." He growled softly in one of her ears and the tendril within her caressed along her cervix.

FD swallowed and then hissed out softly as her stomach tensed up and she contracted her muscles tightly along her belly. She felt the weight of his cock pulling downwards and slipping along the crease of her ass, but the sensation of pressure was growing deep inside of her, distracting her. She tried to keep her attention on him, but it was a losing battle as she felt one of the thick shelled orbs pushing up against the feeble barrier of her cervix. And the tendril helped, it pushed inside of her and tried to part the opening wider as her passage grew slicker around it. She wasn't even aware of what Ropes intended until the tapered tip of his cock dropped downwards and suddenly pushed up firmly right along her pucker.

"Ahhh!" She arched her back as much as the tendrils would allow as the thick drool of precum spread over the opening and her mate pushed upwards.

Her anal ring was spread open wider and wider around him as she panted in short shallow breaths. Her jaws were spread open wide as the two sensations built up together. The thickened shaft that inched inwards and forced her silken muscles open wider and wider, and the egg that began to yawn open her cervix as she pushed around it. Two wholly different sensations that made her cry out in a sharp high pitched call as she struggled to take them in. The tip of her mate's cock drooled out precum that spilled inwards, lubricating her as he went. He leaned over her shoulder and bit down firmly against the curve of her shoulder as he gave another short thrust upwards that wedged a few more inches into her. She whimpered and clutched around him instinctively as the egg within her started to spread her cervix open wider and wider.

The tendril slowly pulled from her contracting body, glistening with her arousal and the slickness of her egg chamber and she was left feeling the tight ring straining open wider and wider. The muscles within her wrapped tightly around the mottled shell as it was joined by the slow steady thrust of its sire. She pushed backwards against Ropes and cried out raggedly as he bucked upwards and plunged so deeply within her that she felt the edge of his sheath nestling right up against the spread of her pucker. Her breath came out in labored gasps as she moved her hands backwards towards him, but the demonic puma caught the movement first.

One of his tendrils snapped out and caught her arms before she could try to raise herself off his cock. It twisted around her wrists and pulled them up high in the air so she was left entirely helpless under the onslaught of sensations. Her walls clutched around the egg and pushed it outwards slowly, straining her tender passage open so wide that she could almost feel it molding around the cock that had been plunged into her pucker. Slowly Ropes drew backwards and the barbs flared open wide, tugging along her passage and making her squirm against him as inch by inch drew out of her passage before he plunged upwards again. The tip bubbled up a thick dribble of precum and he moved one of his arms up to wrap around her middle.

She could feel the furred warmth beneath her breasts as he braced her so he could buck back up into her passage and pass along the orb that was being forced from her. FD arched her body up higher and writhed within his grasp as her body was being yawned open wider and wider. It was almost painful, but the teasing caress of the cock as it pulled backwards and the fleshy barbs that caressed places that made her moan out eased the passage. She drew her bottom lip inwards and bit down against it to stifle her cries as he plunged inwards and the egg started to push and spread her soft folds open. A hot breath hit against her shoulder and she opened one eye to see her mate's head tilted down as he watched the progression of his future child.

The next thrust was short and hard enough that her walls clamped down tightly and the glistening slippery egg pushed its way from her body. Her passage yawned open wide, as wide as it could possibly go before the egg fell into the waiting curl of the tendril that wrapped around it and gently laid it down on the bed. Ropes let out a rough rumble of pleasure and thrust upwards against her again, bouncing her against his lap while his arm pushed down along the swell of her gravid belly. She had no chance to brace herself, instead the pressure above her belly pushed another egg against her aching cervix and her inner muscles eagerly clutched around it. FD moaned out low in her throat as the orb started it's slow push out of the tight ring.

Sacred Moments

~ ~ * ~ ~

Ropes kept his teeth gripping against his mate's shoulder as he felt the orbs that swelled her belly pressing against his arm as he pushed down against her. He plunged deep into her anal passage and felt the walls caressing around him as the thick dribbles of precum bubbled up from his passage and spilled in deep. She was tight, so deliciously tight, around him and his tail lashed wildly back and forth as he carefully used his tendrils to hold her trapped in his lap. He kept himself sheathed deep inside of her as he intimately felt the next egg pushing down along her channel. It filled her body open so wide that it was nearly making her painfully tight. The orb pushed along the barrier of skin that separated them and pressed tightly along his glans.

The demonic puma closed his eyes and savored the way that it pushed downwards steadily, inch by slow inch, spreading her open wider and wider and by virtue tightening her around him. Only when he could feel the entire orb straining his mate open did he draw backwards and flare his barbs open to tease through her. FD's cry was immediate and she arched up from his lap as he dragged inch by inch from her clutching passage before plunging forward again. His cock pushed over the swell were the orb was being forced through her and he deliberately shortened his thrusts so that his only his glans rubbed over and over the spot. His barbs tickled and teased as her high pitched cries grew in volume and he had to tighten his tendrils to keep her legs spread wide open for him.

The tendril between her legs he sent brushing up along her glistening folds. He teased her and fluttered the tip right along her clit as she struggled to push around the orb that was slipping through her. It was a feeling like no other to feel the way the muscles contracted and clutched around the egg. He could feel the ripples pass along his shaft as her anal passage tried to mimic what her body was doing with the orb. The pressure of the egg itself was deliciously tight as he muffled his snarl against the curve of his mate's shoulder. His hips rose upwards and bucked against her haunches so he plunged as deep as he could possibly drive himself. The inner walls clutched and suckled around his cock as he slowly dragged his hips backwards and then plunged forward again to force her to spread around him. His tip pushed right up and over the bulge where the egg was being forced out and made him tense up.

He worked his tendril downwards as slowly the egg was forced towards her opening and started to make it harder to pull backwards. His barbs caressed and teased along her passage as the spread of his leaf shaped tendril cupped right against her soft folds. He tensed up and sucked in a shuddering breath as he felt the folds spreading open wider and wider. The walls started to yawn wider and wider and forced the ring to spread to the point that FD was writhing in his lap and crying out. The slippery wetness clung to his tendril as the egg was pushed outwards and suddenly the weight dropped down onto the spread of his waiting tendril. The puma took the weight as the dragoness gave a pushing twist back against him. His orbs pushed up tight along the curve of her ass as every last inch was pushed within her.

"Isn't that better?" He murmured after releasing her shoulder. "Doesn't that feel oh so much better?"

FD's answer came in a high pitched whimper as he lifted her upwards and stroked himself along her eager clutching passage. He let out a growling breath against her neck as he withdrew nearly half way before plunging forward again. The arm that was pressed right up along the swell of her belly pressed downwards to feel the eggs still waiting there shift downwards. Ropes ran his tongue along the curve of her neck as he plunged his hips upwards in a shorter thrust and felt the next orb putting pressure along the very tip of his shaft. His breath came in short ragged pants as the demonic puma closed his eyes and savored the way the muscles started to squeeze and pull around him. The inner muscles worked from the base all the way to the tip as he gave a firmer buck upwards, momentarily pushing against the barrier between himself and the orb.

FD's body tensed up against him, her wings spread open wider as the muscles clenched down and were almost painfully tight around him. The puma snarled out and started to thrust in short hard bucks, forcing her body to struggle against him and the egg both as it was pushed outwards. His breath came out raggedly as he felt the orb being pushed lower and lower. The pressure started to grow inch by slow inch as her inner walls clutched around the orb and tried to lower it against the thrusts of his shaft that prevented it from pushing through smoothly. The slick wetness spilled down along the swell of his orbs as he gave himself over to the pure pleasure of the scaled hips that dropped down against him and the arching of his back.

The hips pushed against him as the dragoness let out a short soft cry under her breath. He moved one of his paws down to stroke along her upper thigh as she twisted and let out a whimpering cry. The powerful inner muscles clutched around him as he felt the orb dropping down lower. Her legs spread open and tugged against the tendrils as the powerful clutching muscles started to pulse and milk from his base all the way to his tip. It made him curl his toes and twist his tendrils more firmly around her as he drove upwards. His orbs started to push upwards, drawing up tight between his thighs as FD pushed back against him with her tail pinned up along his upper belly. The soft noises that kept spilling from between her lips were the sweetest sounds he could imagine.

The egg pushed downwards rubbing towards the base of his shaft as she gave another clutching squeeze about him and pushed him past the edge. The grip pulled from the base towards the tip, massaging and squeezing him as she arched against him He plunged upwards until every last inch was gripped within her, his heavy orbs bumped right up between her thighs as they pulsed tightly. His barbs flared open, just catching the sensitive inner lining before he snarled out his pleasure. The first hot thick rush of his seed erupted into her passage, being flung out of his tip in warm gooey waves. The walls continued to squeeze around him as the orb was pushed down lower and lower towards the soft plump lips. He could feel the pressure building towards a crescendo as they pressed tightly along him while he hissed out his pleasure.

He rolled his hips upwards gently, plucking slightly along the inner clutching walls as she milked and coaxed every last creamy drop from his girth The demonic puma's eyes fluttered shut as he let out a growling moan of pleasure and relaxed as the orb forced her soft lips open wide. They yawned open wider and wider as one of his tendrils curled upwards to cup along the slippery shell. Oh yes, it would be a long and lovely night. And when she was done laying, he would have a chance to try and fill her again with the next clutch. What a perfectly lovely way to greet his new clutch into the world.

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