The Price of a Pet

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Done as an art-story for :tigertau: Artwork by Bagheera

"Your purchase!" The auctioneer had dropped the leash into the white tiger's hand without even glancing up. "I wish you both a Happy Valentine's day!"

Katja had barely had time to look at her buyer's face before she'd been whisked away from the auction that she'd signed up for. It was a charity auction, a chance to raise money for a good cause, it had seemed like the perfect opportunity to allow some of her wild side out. The snow leopard had been dressed in an outfit that had alternately embarrassed and aroused her. The tight leather corset pushed her pale white breasts up as if they were being offered to those that looked at her, her belly was exposed with the smooth white fur that trailed all the way down to the leather thong. Chains hooked the triangle in place to cover her soft mound and wrapped around her upper hips so the silver of the metal was nearly invisible against her dark grey fur. And all of it was capped off with a pair of thigh high leather boots that wrapped around her legs and ended in spiked heels.

She had felt strangely sensual and aggressive in the outfit, despite the auction only being for charity and a dinner date, she had felt powerful as she stalked the stage. She'd been amused that a tiger had been the one to buy her, a quiet looking male with dark hair pulled back into a tail at the nape of his neck. His eyes had locked on her body as the bids climbed higher and higher, pushing past the limit and above it. He wanted her, that much was clear, and so he won her at a price that had nearly made her dizzy. She was worth it. In this outfit her toned limber body was shown off to its full advantage. She was worth the three grand and more to grace his dinner table for a night. He would be honored to have her accompany him. She'd even allowed a collar to be fastened about her throat and dropped into the waiting tiger's paw without even so much as a blush. She felt powerful for the first time in her life.

Or it could have been the fact she was in heat. The sensitive ache that spread through her body made her want to flaunt and show herself off. She wanted to walk gracefully along the stage and taunt the males with what they could never possess. Her long thick tail had danced behind her, twisting and looping to make sure to show off the curve of her back to the very best advantage until the males had nearly been fighting each other for the chance to buy her. She was grateful the buyer was a handsome one, well groomed and in a loose silk shirt and tight pants. Not her type, but quite nice to look upon for an evening of dinner and dancing.

"Come along." The white tiger glanced back at her as he pushed the door open to his house and stirred her from her thoughts. "I wouldn't want you to end up freezing out there in that outfit."

Katja blinked a little and moved her hand up to wrap around the slender chain that ran from her collar to his hand as he stepped through the double doors of what she assumed was his home. They were supposed to go to a restaurant that was marked on the winning bid ticket, but he'd confessed that he would prefer to retrieve some more funds from his home before taking her out. The bright green eyes had seemed so honest and intense as he spoke, and the offer of getting her a better jacket to borrow for the evening had been appealing given the sharp chill in the air.

"You have a lovely home.." She ventured as she swung her hips so she could walk gracefully on the spiked heels.

The house opened up into a foyer that was floored with thick slabs of marble well polished and cared for so that it gleamed. The walls were decorated with tapestries that looked as if they might really be antiques given the look of age about them and a statue of a leaping buck took up one corner. There were two halls that led off from it, one that opened up into a grand looking room that she caught sight off. She could see a dark polished piano and a great couch that looked large enough to set at least four comfortably. From what she could see, it looked like a place someone with means would live in. Everything was polished, cleaned and bright until it glowed, not a place that looked lived in. Perhaps he had a maid that came in to clean the place and keep it perfectly in order.

"Lovelier to have you in it," The tiger purred low in his throat as he spoke and closed the door behind it. "I'll admit, I hadn't planned on making a purchase tonight, but the red on your fur makes you look irresistible."

"I'm Katja." The leopard flicked her ears back with a slightly nervous smile as the tiger's tone roughened into a seductive tone. "And you're Tau, right? I heard the auctioneer say it was, at least. I'm glad you did, the Foundation could use the money, after all."

"Yes, that's my name." The male wound his hand around the leash so the collar pulled taut around her neck. His eyes narrowed and flashed a deeper green as he let his eyes slide over her body in a way that sent a tremor down her back. "I'm sure they could, but that's not why I spent it. I couldn't allow the others to have you, not when you paraded yourself about as a blatant challenge to all the males who looked at you. I knew that I'd found what I'd been looking for right then."

"Why don't you go grab your money so we can go out?" Katja's words came out in a rush a sense of discomfort grew from his regard and the way he gripped the leash.

"Silly girl, I have no intention of going out to a packed restaurant for a meal. Not when the feast is right here." His growl deepened until it seemed to echo, the leopard's ears flattened back as she took a stumbling step backwards. "You look good enough to eat."

"The Foundation keeps t-track of the sales. I'm not a prostitute..." She stumbled over the words as the tiger began to wind the leash around his paw one slow twist at a time so she was forced to take a step at a time nearer to him.

"I'm the head of it, girl, didn't you bother researching?" Another step, and another, close enough she could smell the faint hint of his cologne mingled with the scent of tiger. "And no, no my lovely lovely Katja, you are no prostitute, but you ARE mine."

The last words were spoken in a muted roar that echoed through the house and he yanked the leash hard enough that she stumbled against him. His free hand wrapped around her waist with his fingers spreading over the curve of her back where the red leather revealed the grey spots along her back. She jerked backwards harder and tried to pull away from his touch, but he kept her pulled in tight against him so that the silk of his shirt was pushed up against her front and his face was inches from her. The collar dug in around her neck almost painfully as he leaned down and deliberately ran his tongue along the curve of his neck. The flick of the tongue tip dragged over her exposed throat while she twisted in his grasp.

"Let me go!" Katja moved her hands up to grip the leash and tried to yank it free of his hold. "I didn't agree to this."

"Oh you did, you most surely did.." Tau nipped her neck as his claws ran right along the curve of her back. "You did the moment you strutted out on stage smelling so sweetly of your need. You flaunted it all for the male that could afford you."

"The auction was for a date!! Only a date!!" Her voice grew shrill as the claws ran down along the curve of her lower back and ran his claws just above the line of her thong that bisected her ass cheeks.

"And we will have a date my dear, such a date that you'll never forget it." Tau rumbled low in his throat before letting her go so she stumbled backwards. "Come along, my pretty one, we have a long night ahead of us, you and I..."

"I didn't agree to this!" Her voice came out shrilly as he yanked hard on the leash and made her stumble forward.

Her only response was his laughter as he stepped through the door that led to the left while she moved her hands up to try and feel around the leather collar. She couldn't stop herself from following, but she could find a way to unlatch the collar so she could bolt. This wasn't how the auction was supposed to go, it was supposed to be a simple date for Valentine's Day, nothing more. She fumbled around the edges of the stiff leather and found the buckle that held it closed around her throat. Her attempts to undo the latch were hampered by the fact she was stumbling down a long hall behind the large white tiger. Her fingers caught the edge of the buckle and tugged it roughly to try and undo it.

It didn't budge as she pulled the strap upwards and her fingers encountered something heavy and metal. She gave a twisting pull and traced around it to try and figure out how to get free of the damned collar. A lock, there was a lock that secured the buckle in place! Katja felt a fresh rush of fear as she twisted the lock back and forth, yanking and pulling it hard enough that the leash was jostled and pulled back against the tiger's hold.

"Don't bother, my dear, I'm not losing you." Tau let out a low laugh before he shoved open a door and pulled her up beside him. "Welcome home."

"This isn't my home!" She protested as she was pushed through the door and into a dark furnished bedroom that smelled sharply of male and tiger. "Please, just let me go!"

"Let you go?" Tau slipped in behind her and moved his paws forward to grip her hips before his tongue ran along the back of her neck. The leash hung down in a glittering line right between her corseted breasts. "No, oh no, you are bought and paid for, little pet."

"Tau, please I-AHH!" Katja's protest was stopped by the sudden press of a paw that moved down to slip right between her thighs.

The fingers brushed upwards and cupped right against her leather covered mound to grind against it. His weight pressed up firmly along the line of her back while his other paw moved upwards to cup right along the warmth of her breast. She could feel his body pressed in close as he pressed his loins right up along her bared rump cheeks so her long tail was pushed upwards and pinned down along the line of her spine. Most importantly, she could feel that he was more then happy to be there. There was a bulge that rested right against the crease of her ass, thick and heavy feeling as he deliberately gave his hips a grind forward to ensure she knew that he was eager for her.

"Master, you will call me master, girl." Tau growled low in his throat before nipping along the back of her neck and gave a light pull backwards so her body went limp at the trigger.

The warm scent of him wrapped around her as his fingers pushed forward and rubbed right along her hidden folds. It was an intimate touch that curled forward and pushed the leather right up between her folds to rub roughly against her sensitive body. She tried to pull away from him, but his teeth only gripped harder against the curve of her neck and dragged her back against him. She could feel the bulge of his loins pushing up along the plush curve of her ass cheeks as he kept her pinned against him. She twisted and squirmed under his hold while the fingers teased her and pushed upwards until the leather was brushing right against her clit.

She tried to lunge away, but the teeth only gripped harder in warning so she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to stop herself from reacting. It was useless, her body was in the midst of her season and had made her more sensitive than normal. The touches weren't painful, but deliberately teased her to the point that she let out a ragged cry and arched her back to press against them. Heat flushed up along the edge of her muzzle and ears as she heard herself crying out to his touch. She couldn't stop herself as the thick rich scent of male feline filled her muzzle with each and every breath. Even the grip of the teeth against her neck was rousing her senses. The hot breath was brushing just beneath the edge of her ears as he stepped forward and pushed her ahead of him. As she nearly touched the bed the grip on her thong changed.

The fingers stopped kneading and squeezing against the material, but balled it up and pulled it away from her glistening folds. The snow leopard folded her ears down flat against her head as Tau jerked his paw away from her almost violently. The slender chains that held the leather in place around her hips dug in painfully before snapping from the force of the movement. Her soft folds were bared to the light, gleaming with arousal that she couldn't deny and the lips lifted away from her neck as the tiger drew in a shuddering breath. The thong was thrown to one side of the bed before he stroked a finger upwards to caress and rub right between the vulnerable folds. He stroked upwards and caught against her clit until she cried out raggedly.

"Oh yes, fertile, eager, MINE!" The snarl vibrated against her ear as he ran the pad of his finger in circles along the sensitive nub to make her squirm.

"P-please.. I don't know you!" Katja's words came out strained as his warmth stepped away from her and she heard the rustling of clothing.

"You will know me, I will bury myself so deep inside of you that you will know every inch of your master!" The fingers stroked downwards and curled forward until he was nearly probing her opening.

"PLEASE!" The words came out in a shriek as her entire body trembled, not in fear, but a sudden roll of pleasure at the near penetration.

"Call me, Master, little pet, and perhaps I'll spare you my cubs." The fingers slipped away and she stood swaying in place.

Humiliation filled her as swiftly as her desire had. It built up just beneath the surface as her breath came out in soft rapid pants. She could feel her heart hammering against her chest as she snapped her jaws shut. Call him Master? This tiger who had bought her and claimed he was going to pin her down? Breed her? The faint sound of a zipper being undone came from behind him and she twisted around to see him dropping the finely fitted pants down with a shifting of his hips. The moment they dropped she was able to see the dark red spire that rose up from his sheath, thick and swollen with need and the tip bristling with barbs that would stimulate her and force her body to give him the fertile eggs he craved. Panic welled up inside of her.

"Please, m-master," She stumbled over the words and swallowed as his paw moved to cup just along his girth and his other hand reached out to snag her leash as she tried to back away. "Please, master!"

"Those are the sweetest words you could ever say to me..." Tau purred throatily. "Very well, at your command I will pull out and spare you a belly swollen with my cubs. Is your master not merciful?"

"Y-yes, merciful.." Katja tripped over the words as the leash dragged her closer to the roused tiger. His lips pulled back in a grin that was more then half snarl.

"Say it, girl! Say that your master is merciful." He snapped the words out as the leash pulled taut and she was dragged the last few inches until she was pushed against his nude body.

"My master is merciful!" Katja cried the words out as his girth pushed up along her furred belly where the leather didn't cover her. The thick ooze of precum matted her fur as he gave a grind.

"Yes.. yes he is..." Tau's voice deepened into a purr as he held her close, the scent of the male flooding her senses until she felt her lower belly tensing up.

Katja was given no time to think, no time to push past the haze that was rapidly growing in her mind so that she could struggle. The dominant male gripped her hips and twisted her around until she faced away from him and the swollen weight of his shaft rested against her ass cheeks. She flattened her ears as the weight shifted away and one of his paws slipped down to hook just around the bend of her knees and yanked her backwards. She tried to stop herself from being drawn back, but his hold was firm and sure as she dropped downwards into his lap. The large male crouched easily as her other leg was thrown over his knee to spread her legs wide and the heavy length of his shaft pushed upwards to slip out right along her folds until the glans rested against her lower belly.

Her other leg was lifted upwards and outwards, forcibly spreading her heat ravaged folds so that there was no missing the arousal that clung to them. She twisted and bucked against the hold, but the yank on her collar forced her to stop. His low growl vibrated along his throat as he pulled the collar until she was forced to look down the line of her own bared body. The flash of the leather and the white paleness of her lower body, and most of all the tapered tip that dropped downwards to trace along the full softness of her folds. Panic welled up inside of her, but there was no escaping as Tau gave his hips a slow roll backwards and the oozing tip trailed down lower and lower. The precum clung to her fur as she was forced to watch it drag downwards until it brushed right along her outer lips.

A whimper escaped the snow leopard's throat as the barbs caught against her sensitive outer lips and the paw that gripped her leg gave a strong squeeze. This couldn't be happening! He wasn't even wearing a condom, it was risking everything! Tau's hips rolled and the tip probed upwards, lightly at first, but then with more confidence before pushing forward and pushing her soft folds open to wrap around him. The viscous precum clung along her clit before it drew downwards and pushed right against the tender swollen opening to her vulnerable passage. One of her hands went back to grip against his shoulder and the back of his neck wildly. The leather made it awkward to keep hold as she tensed up.

She barely had time to brace herself before a cry was forced past her lips and the swollen tip pushed upwards and spread her passage open. It wedged into her roused body and caressed her tender inner muscles as the paw that gripped her leg helped pull her downwards around him. Her inner muscles clenched down around the bare shaft as she arched her back and leaned backwards against him. Her back was bowed as the tremor rocked through her and she couldn't stop herself from clenching down around him as inch by inch he forced himself into her fertile body. The next drool of precum spilled into her body and was forced in deeper by the girth that plunged inwards.

"Yessssssssss..." Tau's hiss breathed against her neck as his hips gave a buck upwards and another high pitched call erupted past her lips.

The swollen shaft plunged deeper, forcing her to stretch almost painfully around him as her own arousal slickened around him and mingled liberally with the precum that was spilling into her. She gripped down along his shoulder only to have him drive forward again and her own weight was used to impale her. The tapered tip slipped in deeper and deeper until it wedged firmly right along the softness of her cervix. Her silken inner muscles clamped down tightly around his cock and squeezed as she felt every last inch of him spreading her and the pulses that forced up the thick precum, already tainting her body with it.

The drag backwards came slowly and the barbs around the tip flared open to catch along her sensitive passage so her back arched and she bucked down against him. The leash suddenly yanked to one side and the collar dug into her neck so she reached up to try and hold it. She could barely think past the sensation of her swollen sensitive passage being teased over with the barbs that drew along her passage. It teased her, stroked her, sent a rush of electric pleasure through her fertile body so she arched her back and pushed backwards against him. Tau barely pulled half way out of her body before he plunged forward again. Her entire body was rocked forward as the tip buried itself all the way up to press against her cervix.

Katja clutched the leash tightly before whimpering out as he pulled back again, the barbs flared open wide and with them came a thick dribble of precum that spilled down along her inner passage. It made her clench down tightly around him and squeeze so that the barbs dug in all the more inside of her. They forced a rush of heat through her so she squirmed against his lap wildly. Her entire body felt flushed with a heat that made her heart pound faster and faster. He roused her with the thrusts that drove forward and forced the tip up firmly against her sensitive cervix before dragging backwards again in timed thrusts designed to make her react to him with powerful contractions of her muscles.


It was growing hard to think past the thrusts that roused her body and made her push backwards against him as he used every last inch of his girth to stimulate her body. She spread her lips in a short ragged cry as the tip started to hammer harder and faster against her cervix. The barbs plucked and pulled so that her stomach tensed up, her body being forced to respond to him in a way that went beyond just arousal. Deep within her body the ancient trigger worked to force her ovaries to release fertile ova within her womb. She could feel the warmth spreading over her as she pushed down and the hips drove upwards so the heavy furred balls clapped up along her inner thighs.

"Do.. you feel that... girl?" Tau's rumble reached her ears as he pulled backwards and the scrape of the barbs made her buck roughly against the tiger. "Do you?!"

"Y-yes... g-god yes.." Katja gasped the words out as the tip spilled out another heated splash of precum deep within her.

"Yes... WHAT... pet?" The tiger's teeth nipped her neck while his other hand yanked the leash a bit harder in warning.

"Yes... master.." The words came out before she could stop them, her entire body was throbbing in time with her heart beat and a need that was only growing.

The hips slammed forward again and she arched her back until the collar was digging in roughly around her neck as she struggled to move against him. The breath hit against the edge of her neck as the rough tongue licked along her and he drew backwards slowly to deliberately scrape the barbs through her so she was left shaking and whimpering her pleasure. She couldn't stop herself, it was all pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

"Soon... soon girl.." Tau rumbled and nipped her neck. "Do.. you want me.. to pull out, eh? Do you want me to cum all over that pretty belly of yours?"

Slowly the hips drew backwards, the barbs spread open wider as his girth started to swell wider and wider. She bit her lower lip as the tip pulled backwards and suddenly slipped free with a lewd wet noise that left her walls clamping down around nothing. A thick strand of precum clung from the tip of the tapered cock to her still spread folds as she let out a protesting sound. She was so close, so terribly close that it nearly felt painful to have him pulled out of her. She squirmed and twisted uselessly against him as the only thing she knew was the white-hot need to climax that made her mind feel fogged over and slow.

"No.. p-please.. don't.." She gasped out, her ears reddened as some part of her mind heard her protesting his withdrawl.

"Tell me... tell me you want me inside you, pet.." Tau pushed upwards and trailed his swollen tip right along her slippery folds. "Tell me you want me to breed you..." He rolled the word breed along his tongue.

Katja's ears flushed a hot red, but she couldn't stop herself, she was so close. So terribly close and her body was throbbing in time with her heart as the cock tip rubbed right along her opening and nearly pushed forward. She wanted him, she wanted every last inch him back inside of her, no matter at the small part of her mind that screamed at her to keep her mouth shut.

"Please.. b-breed me, master. PLEASE!" The last word was high pitched as the tip suddenly pushed up right against her tender passage. "Breed me!"

"As my pet wishes.." Tau growled and bucked upwards as the hand on her leg pulled her down. His cock plunged into her body with a lewd slick noise that sent shivers down her spine.

The tiger didn't hold back, he drove into her with short hard thrusts that raked the barbs along her until there was no room for thinking, no room for speaking, nothing except the overwhelming need that built up inside of her. Her ears pinned back and she leaned her head back as the yank of the leash forced her head to one side and Tau's jaws clamped down right along the curve of her shoulder and neck. The teeth clutched down tightly as his hips hammered up against her vulnerable cervix time and time again. Her walls started to clench down tightly around the girth as he pushed her closer and closer towards her peak. Her pale hair fell forward along her eyes as she gave a rolling push her hips and let out a ragged high pitched cry.

Her powerful inner walls clutched tightly around his shaft as the tip pushed right up against the opening of the cervix. The barbs flared open wide as her own body helped dig them in deeper as pleasure spilled through her. The tiger's hips gave one last buck that bumped his orbs right along her inner thigh before they pulled upwards and the tip swelled open against her cervix. She heard Tau's rumbled snarl as the tip suddenly throbbed and the first hot jet of cum bubbled up from his girth and splattered up right against the heat dilated opening of her cervical passage.

The thick pearly seed splattered out and forced deeper and deeper inside of her as the swollen cock started to throb and pulse within her passage. The thick jets splattered deep within her as she started to milk and squeeze around him eagerly. Her hips trembled slightly as she felt the thick cream oozing deep into her fertile womb, rich with sperm that flowed in deeper and deeper. She milked from the base all the way to the tip, pulling more and more within her as she panted out in short ragged breaths. Not even the feel it spreading the warmth within her womb stopped her from grinding against him, she was lost in the rush of need that overwhelmed everything else.

"Lovely... lovely pet..." Tau released her neck with a low purring growl. His hand moved from her leg to run along the sweep of her belly. "So eager for Master's cubs.."

"I...y-yes, Master.." She dropped her head. Deep within her body the rush of virile sperm plunged ever deeper, seeking out the vulnerable ova to penetrate and prepare her body to swell with his young. The tip drooled out a final thick dollop of rich cum bubbled up and smeared along her cervix.

"Though I've never paid so much just to make a lass' belly swell with my young." Tau nipped his mate's neck firmly before licking upwards. Katja flushed a little and tilted her head back as her mate broke character first.

"Is my master not happy with his purchase?" She grinned and gave her hips a grind downwards against his lap. "You said you didn't want to do a dinner date for Valentine's Day after all..."

"Hush, girl." Tau nipped her neck again. "I think for that remark you'll be licking my cock clean." The tiger bucked forwards so she let out a whimpering cry. Some of the thick seed was forced out messily from around the base of his cock.

"Yes, Master." The leopard flushed hotly and wisely held her tongue. She had no doubt he'd get the full price out of her body before the night was through.

The Tutor: Chapter 7

"So you see, ma'am, I was the reason Kachya was out late the other night." Reikian spoke clearly and tried to keep his eyes focused on the desk rather than the avian's bright eyes. Ms. Etante's black and white feathers were ruffled ever so slightly...

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Sea and Sky

The wind blew sprays of salty sea water right into Owan's face as his wings carried him on the crisp icy breeze that rolled above the ocean. The dragon twisted his broad wings about as he heard the lonely gulls crying from the distant shore. They were...

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Coming of Age

The sound of the wind hitting the windows and flinging itself against the shutters slowly dragged Keishou from his dreams and the warmth of his bed. The high pitched whistling noise was annoying and he flattened himself out and tried to draw his wings...

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