The Tutor: Chapter 7

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#7 of The Tutor

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

"So you see, ma'am, I was the reason Kachya was out late the other night." Reikian spoke clearly and tried to keep his eyes focused on the desk rather than the avian's bright eyes.

Ms. Etante's black and white feathers were ruffled ever so slightly as she leaned over her desk to watch the rakshasa as he spoke. His tail was giving jerky little movements back and forth to reflect his agitation, his shoulders were held tense, and his ears were flattened ever so slightly. His voice was still light and confident, but it didn't match his body language.

He had always been one of the more spirited students and the time he spent in her detentions had been enjoyable for both of them. Granted, she never lost sight of the fact that she was punishing him, but she often got the feeling that he came to her eagerly. But this was the first time that he'd shown up and actually asked for detention. No matter how he might enjoy some of what she did, there were other parts she knew humiliated him. It wasn't something that he should be seeking out, especially for a little no name rabbit that had gotten into trouble.

"So you accept responsibility entirely?" She tilted her head to one side as the feline's tail gave a quivering lash back and forth. He drew his lip under and bit it lightly before nodding his head.

"Entirely, ma'am. I was the one that had her out so late, I thought that I could send her upstairs without any problems." He finally looked at her and lifted his chin up to affect an uncaring air. "I'll take the detention from her because it's not her fault."

Liza Etante narrowed her eyes a little bit at the apparently selflessness of the act. She'd been teaching at St. Mary's for years; she knew her students well and she had seen all kinds over her years. She knew the ones that would cry and blush in detention as she punished them. She knew the ones that would try to turn the tables on her if she allowed them to. She knew the ones that she could push the boundaries on.

Reikian was one of the ones that had little boundaries and all the curiosity that his feline nature blessed him with. This tripped off warnings in her mind. Something was going on here and her puckish nature wanted to explore it and test it. After all, the rabbit didn't seem to be particularly outstanding, so there had to be something hidden there beneath the quiet natured girl who listened so studiously in her class.

As if her thoughts had summoned her­­, the cream colored rabbit pushed the half closed door open and peered into the room. The pied crow dropped her long beak into a broad smile before gesturing with her fingers to the girl to come in. An idea blossomed as she watched the slight girl step into the class room with eyes that were red rimmed as if she'd been crying. There was only one thing to do to satisfy her curiosity. Her feathers roused along her head as the shy girl edged into the room one slow step at a time.

"Reikian has been explaining why you were out after hours." Ms. Etante spoke softly so the rabbit took another few steps into the room. "He has been quite eloquent on your behalf."

"R-really?" The girl's eyes flicked to the rakshasa and then back to her again. Did they look disbelieving? Grateful? It was hard to read much beyond her nervousness in her posture

"Really, but you were still out of your dorm after hours. And no matter what the reason, you cannot go unpunished." The crow kept the smile on her face. "So you will still do your detention, but it will not be as harsh a punishment as I had originally planned for you."

The rabbit nibbled at her lip with her long, neat teeth. "Wh...What will be my punishment, then?" Kachya's long lapine ears remained folded backwards against her head, not yet showing any hint of relaxation.

"Have a seat, Kachya.. No , no not there.." She stopped the rabbit when she would have slipped into the nearest chair. "I want you right here."

She gestured at one of the front spots before glancing towards her desk thoughtfully. It would give the girl a clear view of the desk and from the side instead of directly behind it. Reikian looked up at her as she was judging the view, and the feline's lips twitched in a small cocky smile. The crow would soon take care of that as well.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Reikian let out a breath of relief as Kachya was sent to sit at a desk instead of brought up to where he was standing. There was always the chance that Ms. Etante would decide to punish both of them no matter what he said. The avian was one of the hardest teachers to read. Her beak and the alien features that were covered with feathers didn't react or move like a mammal's would and he was never sure of her. Even her scent was different.

Kachya continued to watch him as she moved to slip into the seat; her eyes were wide with a hint of white around the edges. He hoped she'd been listening as he told the teacher why he should be the one punished; he hoped that she knew that he had intervened for her. When the teacher went to the door to lock it he was afforded enough time and distraction to wink at her confidently. If this didn't soothe her anger and upset at him nothing would.

When he looked away for a moment, though, his eyes flashed and his paws tensed protectively at his sides; beyond the hint of white in her eyes, he could see that she had been crying. Crying because he had been having too much fun with her and Maria and lost track of the time.

"Now, you will remain quiet." The pied anthro crow walked past Kachya on her way back and ran one of her hands along one of the long ears. "You will pay attention to the price of misbehaving and you will not try to intervene or protest. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." Kachya whispered the words so quietly that Reikian had to strain to hear her.

"If you cause any disruption while in detention you will be promoted from observer to something more interactive, clear?" Ms. Etante stepped away from the rabbit who swallowed.

Reikian didn't hear her response if she made one; he was staring at the tall teacher that approached him with a faint sway of her hips. He flicked his ears backwards when she lifted a hand to cup right against his cheek and brushed her fingers through the fur. The strange scent of her teased his nose and made his heart speed up. It wasn't at all like Kachya's or any other female's that he'd experienced. There was a very faint undertone of something spicy, like cinnamon, that made him instinctively think of prey. He was always confused at what instincts stirred at the avian scent, but he held still as the fingers moved to rub right behind the back of his neck before her other hand brushed against his chest.

"Undress, Reikian; this isn't the first time that you've been out of the dorms at night. You've been warned repeatedly, but you continue to flaunt the school rules despite my best attempts at educating you." The fingers behind his neck kneaded before curling down to gather up his scruff and pulling on it. "We can't have students out after bedtime, understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." Reikian's words were dragged out slowly as the grip on his scruff acted like a trigger. It made his muscles relax and his entire body threatened to go limp under her attention. The touch on his chest drifted up to caress beneath the curve of the chin. "I always aim to please." The last words he spoke had a bit of confident lilt back in them as he fought the instinctive reaction.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Etante kept her hold on the rakshasa's scruff to keep him pliant, but her other hand dropped away. She adored the fact that anthro felines and canines had such an easy trigger on the back of their necks. As long as she kept her hold on the scruff they acted as if they were slightly drugged. They didn't go utterly limp like a real cat would, but it made them act so pliant.

Reikian's eyes were slightly unfocused, yet simmered with lingering pride, as his paws moved to his chest. The crow fluffed up her neck feathers when she watched his eyes sharpen and his fingers move to deliberately tease at the top button before unsnapping it. He did it slowly enough to elicit a stirring of anticipation as the flash of white chest fur came into view.

She moved to one side to offer Kachya a clear view of the show as his paws moved down to the band of his pants. She had seen him strip multiple times, but now she had the added spice of seeing the rabbit stare with wide eyes. Her beak was parted and showed just a bare touch of her tongue as Reikian swayed sinuously beneath her. He deliberately made a show of himself so that the shirt spread with a line of white fur. When he moved the right way, there was a glimpse of the softer pink where the fur thinned around his nipples. His eyes shifted to watch the rabbit who had been seated at the front desk where she could see it all. Now that was a annoying blow; his attention should rightly be focused on her. The pied crow clicked her beak and released his nape after a final pinch.

The crow moved behind him just as he began on the top of his pants and brushed the sharp edge of her beak back and forth along the nape of his neck. She barely nipped against the back of his neck and he let out a rowling sound. The fur fluffed up, accompanying the sudden jingling sound of the belt loosening. She nipped him again while letting her hands caress right along the curve of his sides just beneath his shirt. Her fingers spread along his stomach and parted the loosened blouse so that she could cock her head and look down at his pants being wriggled downwards.

"My my, I thought this was just another one of your little tarts." Etante murmured against one of his ears. "Give her a show then, Reikian. I'm sure she'll enjoy it."

The crow lifted her eyes to see Kachya flushing a delicious looking red color along her ears and saw a faint shiver in her paws. That was what had drawn her eye the first time she'd seen the girl. There was a certain edge of innocence to her that would have been amusing to explore, but this was nearly as good. Reikian pulled forward with a lash of his tail that caressed right along her legs and straightened up from his relaxed posture. He turned his head and gave her a cocky grin before bobbing his head up and down.

"If that's what you wish, ma'am, I'll make sure she will," he answered brightly as the teacher gave him an excuse to show off for his lover. Waiting until the crow glanced away, he winked again at Kachya, letting on that he was controlling the scene from the bottom.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Kachya felt her emotions broiling beneath the surface as she stared with wide eyes at the rakshasa and the teacher. She didn't dare look away. It wasn't just due to the fear of being punished or joining them, but the strange stirring that she felt watching as Reikian began to undress. The moment he'd gone limp she'd imagined that he would rebound with his normal cocky attitude and turn the tables on the teacher. But, despite his cheeky manner, she hadn't missed that he was doing exactly as he was told.

She knew what detention was, she'd seen it before with Maria; and she knew, obscurely, that if he were in detention that he would be submitted to the same treatment as any other student. But, still, seeing it was still disorienting and she'd wanted to look away. She'd only begun to feel those uneasy sensations when his eyes lost their unfocused gaze and locked on her as his paws touched his first button. The momentary lapse was overwhelmed by the same sly looking feline that she'd first met. He locked eyes with her while his fingers deliberately began to undress himself. Heat rushed up to her cheeks as she was treated to an experience that she'd never had before. A slow sensual unraveling of his graceful feline form.

Watching him like this made her cheeks burn with anger and protectiveness at how the proud predator was treated, shocking her with the force of the unfamiliar emotion. It made her want to hang her head in shame, too, that she had put him in this position by getting caught--unless he'd set her up because he wanted an excuse to be with the teacher. After all, what were the chances that he would shame himself for a plain rabbit like her when he could have Maria or any number of the older girls come at the crook of his fingers?

Her wandering reflections were interrupted as her lover continued his slow striptease, giving her a more carnal reason to flush. She wasn't sure if it was more exciting to watch him display himself inch by inch for her or to think of doing it for him. The thought startled her, making her emit a breathy gasp despite the injunction to remain silent. After all, she wasn't so sure she wanted to be with Reikian any longer after the way he had toyed with her and then seemingly cast her aside.

She came back to the present as he stepped forward and gave a confident swing of his hips. His long tail danced behind him, only briefly becoming visible as he wriggled his pants along his hips ever so slowly. There was a moment where the lower belly was pure snowy white and then it was interrupted by a startling splash of red. The tip of his cock came into view as he dropped his pants down along his upper hips and then lower.

She'd almost forgotten the teacher was there as she watched the barbed tip slip further out of its home. The furry orbs that dangled beneath her were equally as entrancing for all that she had seen them many times before. Her view was soon obscured by a dark black hand that moved down to brush along his lower belly and then drew down towards the peeking tip. One of the crow's long, scaled fingers brushed down and caught just beneath his tip to draw upwards in a gentle swirling touch that made Reikian arch his back with a soft noise.

Kachya jerked her eyes up and found him staring at her intently as the teacher pressed close behind him and kept her fingers working in gentle slow touches that teased over his barbs. The rabbit swallowed and fought the urge to squirm in her seat as it wasn't jealousy she felt watching the teacher handle the rakshasa, but the familiar heat of arousal growing, burning away her uncertainties in the rising heat of her passion.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Reikian hooded his eyes as the teacher's fingers worked right around the tip of his cock. He fought the urge to grind forward into her touch and moved his paws upwards to brush against his chest fur. He was putting on a show as much for the teacher as he was for Kachya. No matter how many times he was put in detention, he refused to become one of the sobbing quiet students that did whatever they were told. He enjoyed making the teachers that punished him work for it, which was one of the reasons he suspected he was so often placed in detention. He offered a challenge. The pied crow was certainly one of the ones that liked to play with him and test his resolve--and he was doubly determined not to back down in front of his Kachya, who responded so well most of the time to his easy self-confidence.

The fingers swirled right around the tip of his hardening cock and tugged right beneath the edges of his barbs so a tremor of pleasure went through him. He locked his eyes with his rabbit and kept his hands steady as he spread his shirt open. He didn't shrug out of it like he normally did; instead, he used the material to caress his own fur.

Then, he leaned forward and pressed himself into the avian paw that brushed along his shaft and trailed downwards. His eyes trailed meaningfully to Kachya's paw before rising back up to stare boldly into hers. The message was plain that he was imagining her touch, not the teacher's--even as the trickster shivered in memory of his past play with the dominant bird.

He let his shirt slip down over the curve of his shoulders and slide along his back. He arched slowly, pressing harder into the touch. He had to bite his lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood to keep himself from crying out. He couldn't stop the response of his body though, and a dribble of pre welled up from his tip as she teased him.

"Are you just gonna keep doing that or are we gonna do something interesting?" Reikian spoke flippantly, despite the quiver in his voice to match the involuntary squirming of his young body.

"Aren't you the eager one?" The fingers gave a firm brush against the tip of his cock as the pied crow let out a soft laugh. "You aren't nearly repentant enough, but they say a boy learns from the stripes on his backside, don't you?" The crow let out a raucous chirp of laughter as she punned about the tiger's patterned rump. "Bend over the desk, with your bottom facing the girl. This will serve as ample warning about being out after hours. Perhaps you'll be more vocal this time."

"You kinda put a stop that last time." He got the last word in with a grin, his eyes sliding to Kachya as Etante stepped around from behind him and didn't just gesture.

"Rump up, I said, and legs spread apart for that language." She moved swiftly with one of her avian hands reaching out to grip his scruff again as she turned him.

He had some control over his reaction , but the first moment that she gripped it he still went a bit limp so he was pushed forward over the desk. He struggled free of the latent urge to curl his tail between his legs and instead flicked it up high and flipped the tip right beneath her beak. No, he wasn't going to cry and protest, he would tease her--and, in the process, Kachya.

He tilted his head as far as he dared to watch the rabbit, but she wasn't meeting his eyes. She was staring at his rump cheeks as he bared them with his tail curled up high over his back. He spread his legs and purposefully pushed his hips backwards so that he was baring more of the furry back of his sac to her. The teacher's hand was already down and giving one of his rump cheeks a firm squeeze, her talons lingering right along the crease of his ass, nearly parting them.

She had spanked him before, but she enjoyed it too much; that meant she'd get worked up quickly. He didn't enjoy the crack of the hand, but what happened afterwards, oh yes, that could be very enjoyable indeed. Besides, taking a physical punishment was just the opportunity he needed to prove himself to catch. The tiger-morph actually smiled faintly to himself at how he was turning the situation to his advantage.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Etante looked at the soft rump cheeks, young and inviting, still bearing a trace of softness that came from cubhood. She let her fingers tease over them and purposefully curled one of her fingers inwards to brush right along the pale pink pucker that hid between them. She felt his muscles tense and the tail gave a shivering twitch back and forth, goading her to press her blunt talon forward just enough to put pressure against the puckered opening.

Reikian squirmed a bit and his paws moved to grip the desk, the only hint that he was responding to her touch with memories of other things she had done to him. After a moment, forced herself to pul her hand away and turned her long beak to peer over at the watching flushed student.

"This is what happens to those that come out after hours," she intoned

As she spoke, the crow swatted down hard and fast, smacking up right beneath the rump cheek and making the rakshasa's entire body go tense. His ears flicked back while his fingers gripped the desk hard enough that his claws slid free. She didn't give him time to brace as she brought her hand down again, this time hard enough there was a loud CRACK that echoed in the class room. Her palm heated up as Reikian's tail jerked down momentarily in an effort to protect himself. And, most delicious of all, he let out a muffled whimper. That was not enough to satisfy her, though. She didn't just want a whimper--she wanted to hear him cry out as she punished him. She wanted to know that his entire rear was stinging and red beneath the striped fur, so sensitive to the slightest touch that even a caress might awaken the aching pain.

She struck a third time. This time, to her delight, Reikian cried out in a high pitched yowl that made her feathers ruffle up along the back of her neck. Etante drew in a shivering breath before she struck out for a fourth time and cracked hard enough that her hand actually stung momentarily. She caught him right along his lower rump cheek and he drew his hips up higher in the air as he yowled out again. The cry and feel of her stinging hand made her heart race faster as she followed it up with three sharp swift swats, not hard, no, just enough to make him cry out and squirm under her touch. The deep vivid orange and black of his coat twisted and arched as he struggled manfully to hold himself still beneath her hand. She could hear his breathing coming a bit faster and ran her slender tongue along the edge of her beak before hitting again.

So many things could draw that ragged pant from a boy's throat. It echoed the sound of pleasure in so many ways as the panting breath came with whimpers and cries. It mingled together, in her mind, the moment she had heard those sounds above her and felt a male inside of her. When her hand came down again he howled out in a high pitched noise that made her lower stomach tighten.

It was the echo of the sound he would make when he orgasmed, but now she controlled him and caused it. Her hand, not his own lusts, forced the cries from his throat with the crack of her palm and the brief feel of fur along her fingers. Her eyes grew unfocused as she began to spank him without a count or any other purpose but to make him cry out again and again.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Reikian kept his eyes open and watching Kachya as much as he could as the hand clapped down against his ass cheeks and made him jerk forward. They weren't love taps, but blows that sent heat running over his flesh beneath the fur. It was warming up and growing red as she struck indiscriminately so he had no chance to brace himself, no chance to prepare for her. All he knew was the feel of the palm and the sound of it cracking against him so his cries were startled past his lips. He dug his claws down against the edge of her desk until they bit into the wood. It was a subtle bit of revenge, but it was all he could manage as she punished him. By the time she hit him with three short blows he pushed his hips into the air and watched as Kachya drew her lip beneath her teeth and bit down against it.

She wasn't watching him in torment for his pain. Instead the rabbit was giving curious little jumps at the sounds of his cries and her hips shifted oddly against her chair. No, she wasn't watching him and sympathizing that he was willingly taking her blows for her. The way her breathing came so fast that the slight hint of her breasts rose and fell against her chest, it was clear she was enjoying it.

He was concentrating on her so much that he wasn't even remotely prepared as the bird changed her tactics His claws scored marks against the desk as her hand didn't move away once it fell. It caressed the achingly hot ass cheek and massaged over it. He could feel the touch gliding back and forth lightly, rubbing up towards the base of his tail and dropping back down again while he flinched at the light touches.

"Is that it..?" He panted out, and tried to sound confident, but it was hard to sound confident with his breathing was short and rapid.

"Such a mouth on you.." The fingers dug in hard enough that they brushed right behind the soft furred orbs and rubbed along them. "At least your undisciplined tongue can be used to service me rather than to get your lovely little Kachya into more trouble."

"What about it?" Reikian flattened his ears and twisted his head against her hold on his scruff. "What about her?"

"Keep that up, and she might have to join in your punishment or perhaps take your lashes for you." The fingers moved away before swatting him hard and fast so he flinched. "You do know what a whipping girl is, don't you? Perhaps spanking you isn't sufficient to teach you your place, but I'll guess that you'd be more compliant if she were at risk."

Reikian opened his mouth and shot a frantic look at Kachya who had stopped watching his rump and looked up to meet his eyes. He swallowed and for a brief second he felt entirely cornered. His tail puffed up and his fur roused up along his spine as he struggled to find an answer that would work--his focus not helped by the lingering stinging of his bottom or the treacherous arousal that he could not deny.

If he admitted that he would rather take the blows then see Kachya hurt he would all but confirm what the teacher suspected. His reputation would be as good as dead if it ever got out he had sacrificed his comfort for the lower classman. If he didn't.... Kachya was watching him with her dark eyes locked on his own, her ears folded down so her soft rounded features were more apparent. "Okay." Reikian spoke the words softly, barely a whisper, but it was followed by the teacher's low laugh of triumph. She had an edge on him and she knew it.

"After all, it wouldn't be fair for her t' be punished, when I was the one who made her miss curfew," he added belatedly as he heard that laugh, but he spoke without his usual conviction.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Kachya couldn't take her eyes off the sight of the teacher slipping onto the desk and ordering Reikian to use his muzzle to take off the panties beneath her skirt. It wasn't just the arousing sight of the nude rakshasa on his knees in front of her, but what he'd just said. He'd taken the punishment from her, but she'd been outside long enough to hear his reasoning. It had been sound reasoning, or at least plausible, when he'd said it. But now, he wasn't just willing to take her detention; he was willing to take a blow to his pride by behaving more meekly for the teacher when she ordered him. The struggle to not reply was written on his face as he dropped down on his knees and put his hands behind his back as ordered.

Does he really care for me? _ The rabbit squirmed slightly in her seat as he began to lick along the feathered inner thighs. _I don't know what to think anymore...

_ _

That, at least, was the truth. She had no idea what to think, but she was captivated by the way Reikian's tongue worked its way up the white feathered thighs. His breath made them ruffle slightly as his forehead caught the edge of her skirt and pushed it up. His eyes were closed and his brow furrowed so the stripes were faintly marred as he nuzzled his way between the seated teacher's legs. Even her confusion didn't stop the strange warmth that spread through her. Dimly, she wondered at her own reactions, but her mind was caught up with the sight offered to her. She couldn't look away. She didn't want to.

~ ~ * ~ ~

. . . .

The pied crow parted her beak and leaned backwards as she felt a hot breath panting right along the front of her dark blue panties. The whiskers tickled lightly on her inner thighs where the feathers were nothing more than soft down. It was delightfully delicious to feel the sharp teeth plucking lightly against the material as Reikian was forced to keep his arms behind his back. The control it took him to behave was almost visible in the way he held himself and the tension in his shoulders. And all for a single, younger rabbit who seemed quiet, even isolated, in class. It was a card she never would have imagined being able to play with him as his dalliances had always been free and loose with no particular attachment to them.

Her contemplative thoughts were interrupted with a rasping tongue that worked right along the front of her panties and pushed the material up against her folds. Etante moved her leg up and slipped it over the striped shoulder as Reikian began to lick with long lavish strokes of his tongue. The textured flat rasped over the silk and pulled at it as he worked to push it upwards. The feverish heat of his breath teased along her mound, making her arch her back and let out a soft hissing sound of pleasure. Her hips rolled upwards and pushed against his muzzle firmly before pulling back again. Just a gentle grind that pressed her clit right up against his nose let the wetness of her arousal mark his muzzle. The feline let out a soft noise and licked harder before tilting his head and shifting his jaws.

The sharp teeth caught against her panties while the smooth undersides rubbed along either side of her plump folds. His tongue rubbed up as he fumbled for a good enough hold that he could pull them off. She didn't help him; instead, she made it harder by rubbing her hips upwards and feeling the pressure of his muzzle as it shifted and worked. Even the whiskers added their own allure as they tickled and stroked her. His hands shifted behind his back and she let out a hoarse laugh of amusement.

"Yes, Reikian, do use your hands and little Kachya will be bent over the desk. Do you think she'd like my toys as well as you do?" She mocked him and watched him stiffen before his hands stopped moving.

The crow only regretted she couldn't see the look on his face when she played her card. Slowly he used his muzzle to pull her panties down and his mussed up furred head came free from just beneath the edge of her skirt. Her legs slipped off his shoulder as she still made no move to lift them to help him. Instead he had to bow in front of her, pulling them off inch by inch. She could see the stubborn light in his eyes and the reddened inner ears as his chin nearly touched the floor before he pulled the panties off far enough that they dropped off her feet and onto the ground. His red tongue darted out to lick his lips as he straightened back up almost immediately.

"You know what I want from that talented tongue; has your rabbit felt it?" Etante lifted her head to see Kachya's still watching everything intently, despite her silence. "Has he licked your pussy with that lovely tongue of his? I hope he has; he's quite adept."

"I...y-yes...." The girl stammered in return and the flush that suffused her features made the crow ruffle her feathers up before moving one foot up to lift Reikian's chin.

"You have a punishment to work off." Her voice purred the words out as the rakshasa licked his lips once more, his eyes flaring with his struggle to hold himself under control.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ ~ * ~ ~

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

It went against the grain to obey the teacher as he was. He could pretend to be submissive enough, sure, but never like this. He felt trapped in the role as she purposefully used Kachya's name again and hints of what would happen if he failed. His tail lashed wildly back and forth as the scent of female clung to his whiskers and he looked up the long feathered legs.

He glanced to find Kachya watching again and this time he hadn't been ordered to keep his hands behind his back, so he lifted himself up to nuzzle his head beneath the teacher's skirt and moved his hand down to lightly stroke along his belly. He wasn't sure how much the rabbit understood, or if she was so confused by the scene she might miss what was being hinted at, but he could at least keep her distracted from being jealous at what he was doing. Or thinking too hard about what had been said.

While his tongue touched the soft pink folds between the avian's legs, his paw moved down his white belly and brushed against his sheath. He shifted one of his legs out to show himself off to her as he began to work over the crow. He tasted the slightly salty sweetness on his tongue as he licked in slow full movements that ran over her folds and forced them to spread slightly under the pressure.

When he licked again, he pushed them apart to taste the wetness spreading over his tongue as he drew in a shivering breath. The warm inviting scent of female filled his senses and he forgot about his still aching ass cheeks and rubbed his nose up along the bud of her clit. The avian's hips rolled up against him and her hand moved to hold his head just beneath her skirt.

It didn't take much to have his cock push into his palm again from its half hardened state. He wrapped his paw around the base while he started to work his tongue in strong full strokes. He pushed the plump outer lips open and caressed right along the inner folds with smooth teasing touches. He rubbed back and forth, curling the tip of his tongue upwards, nearly slipping free before dropping down again. The wetness grew with each lap of his tongue, centering from the snug opening that he worked over and felt her thighs tighten to either side of his head. He pushed into the heat of her with a sudden shove of his tongue tip and spread her passage open to reveal the source of the arousing scent and taste.

His lips grew slick and wet as he tried to push his tongue deeper and deeper. The small barbs that ridged it spread open and tugged along her lightly, making her cry out above him. He squirmed his hips and gave a roll that pushed himself into the palm of his hand until he felt a dribble of pre catch against the tip of his fingers--which he used to moisten his red, flared glans. His breathing was short and hard as he caressed deeper again, seeking out the tantalizing taste of her with a low eager noise. The walls closed tightly around him to try and draw him in deeper and he was only too happy to oblige this time.

He pushed his tongue forward hard enough that he could feel a faint ache along the underside as he struggled to satisfy her. His breath was short and ragged, just sucked in when he could stroke his tongue back and move away.

His cock was soon throbbing against his paw, standing up rigidly right along his white furred belly as he pulled back and sought out the plump bud of her clit. His tongue cupped it lightly and rolled over it with a gentle caress that made her hips jerk higher in the air. He flicked his ears back, beyond really paying attention to what was going on above him, and concentrated on the taste and feel of his tongue caressing her. He may have meant this to prove his loyalty to his rabbit, but his whole mind and body were focused on the succulent bird's folds now.

Even the sound of the teacher's voice didn't quite penetrate his mind as he started to push his tongue back into her passage. He gentle spread her folds open, steadily widening them to wrap around his tongue tightly. He could feel the muscles contracting and relaxing as he curled his tongue tip upwards and ran it right along the upper part of her passage. His hand squeezed the base of his cock and started to pull up to the base, but was stopped. A pad-less furred paw moved to wrap around his tip and squeezed it, as a warm clothed body pressed along the line of his back. His tongue stopped his attempt to find the sensitive spot inside of his teacher as he felt Kachya's familiar touch rubbing over his tip and making him roll his hips forward.

"It would be a shame that he was left untended, after all, he's being so good about ensuring your safety." Etante's voice was strained and breathless, but it made Reikian swallow roughly. He let out a groan as the small part of his mind still capable of clear thought recognized the irony. In showing off for Kachya as he took her detention for her, he had drawn the rabbit into detention after all....

The Tutor: Chapter 8

"Look up at me," Etante commanded as her hand moved to cup Reikian's chin so he was forced to look into the black on black eyes. "Don't you think it's a shame that she's been left aroused and sitting there?" The rakshasa's mind worked past his own...

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Sea and Sky

The wind blew sprays of salty sea water right into Owan's face as his wings carried him on the crisp icy breeze that rolled above the ocean. The dragon twisted his broad wings about as he heard the lonely gulls crying from the distant shore. They were...

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Coming of Age

The sound of the wind hitting the windows and flinging itself against the shutters slowly dragged Keishou from his dreams and the warmth of his bed. The high pitched whistling noise was annoying and he flattened himself out and tried to draw his wings...

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