Sea and Sky

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The wind blew sprays of salty sea water right into Owan's face as his wings carried him on the crisp icy breeze that rolled above the ocean. The dragon twisted his broad wings about as he heard the lonely gulls crying from the distant shore. They were likely signaling one another that there might be food as he was on the wing and making tight circles around a spot that he had come to know well. His black wings sent hammers of wind down against the water to create waves as the white undersides flashed up and down. He stared intently at the brilliant blue water and narrowed them slightly against the glare of the sun at his back. His own reflection came to him in the choppy water in flashes of his white underside and the powerful black forelegs. Nearly his entire undercarriage was white, it's what allowed him to hunt so easily in the sky where they couldn't see the dark black of his back, head and upper wings.

Or at least, that's what Tania had told him when he'd asked about her about her own coloring. Tania was why he was twisting his wings so he could hover and keep his eyes peeled on the water. She was what lured him over the sea instead of his own comfortable home in the mountains that loomed far inland. He had met her once when he'd been feasting on a prize bit of tuna that he'd managed to snatch and had nearly fallen into the water. He'd been slicing into the strange red meat when a massive black and white head had lifted from the water with a great hissing of air from the top. The beast had asked him what he was doing fishing in her territory and the young drake had nearly been speechless with mingled shock and fear. He'd never encountered her like in his short life, and his mother had never hinted at the oceans being populated with intelligent life.

It had been the start of a strange friendship between them. Tania was an orca, or at least that's what she called herself, and hunted the oceans in the same way that he hunted the skies. She didn't have wings or even limbs to snatch, instead she had broad flippers and a powerful tail that could propel her through the water. She was older then he was by quite a bit, she had seen all the ocean in her lifetime and talked to many creatures. She was wise and lovely, so he continued to seek her out to speak with her. He'd never imagined that anything like her could ever exist, much less exist in such a fashion that he was forcefully reminded of himself. She could even fly in a fashion! She would use her great tail to powerful herself through the water and erupt out of the waves to leap through the air. Her great body arching before crashing back into the water.

There has never been such a creature on land. She is larger then I am! The drake swung in a wide circle and looked over his own wingspan.

Dragons were the largest living predators on the land, it was a point of pride in fact, but Tania was larger. She was heavier as well. From nose to tail he was a good 17 feet, though quite a lot of it was his long whip like tail. Tania was at least 22 feet long and all of it powerfully muscled body. There was nothing slight or delicate about her. That gave him caution even as he felt admiration for her and the way that she hunted like a dragon even in the sea. It would be an easy thing for her to drag him down beneath the waves and take him as a meal, no matter how friendly she might be. But that was also part of the appeal and thrill. There was an air of danger when he was with her that made him feel a rush of adrenaline that he never felt in hunting.

FFFFFSSSSH!! As he swung about in a loop a great black head crested the water and sent up a blast of water that hit him squarely in the chest.

"Tania!" He bugled happily and the young drake twisted his wings to hover above the waves. "I've been waiting for you!"

The sleek black and white form broke the water as the short muzzled head of his friend lifted up with a flash of the white eye patches. Her maw opened in a smile that showed sharp curved teeth as he struggled to hold his position.

"So I saw," She gaped her jaws open wider as if laughing. "You are getting stronger using your wings as you have been. Not many dragons fly for so long."

"No, I suppose not." The drake stretched his wings and started to circle about the bobbing head. The water rippled and he could make out the large black and white form beneath the waves. "But I've wanted to see you again. And you said that you'd come this way before the end of winter."

"Yes, I did say that." Tania arched herself and rolled to one side so the startling flash of her long white belly was seen. "How flattering that you remembered, Owan! You have grown since I've last seen you, a few extra feet to your tail?"

"Oh yes.." Owan preened at the compliment and curled his tail tip. "Very soon I'll reach my full growth and perhaps even be larger then you."

"Perhaps, but unlikely. You have to be light enough to fly after all." The orca flipped her head up to spray water at him. "I need only swim fast and hard beneath the waves where weight is more important then flying. Though it's lovely to see that you're growing more graceful and able to sky dance like the dragons I've seen in the southern waters."

Owan arched his neck and flipped his wings showily so that he could loop down closer to her. His wings nearly touched the water before he arched back up. It wasn't only her wisdom that made him seek out the strange orca, but her words were so often sweet and praising. He had no mate, he was still a touch too young to risk challenging the bigger drakes for a females companionship, and it stroked his ego to be told how well he flew.

"It's not like swimming, I know, but I try. One day I'll be able to rival even the biggest drake around here and stake out some real territory." He swung down low towards the waves again and beat upwards as Tania dipped beneath the waves briefly before pushing up again. "Not that there's anything wrong being next to the ocean, but I get tired of all the fish."

"Ahh that is another thing that I do not understand about your kind. A nice bit of salmon is delicious when caught fresh." Tania turned about slowly again so she could watch him fly. "I shall be sad to see you leave, you are so refreshing to talk to and handsome to watch. Like a sleek orca of the sky, caressing the sky with your wings. You would be lovely in the water as well if only you would come and try it."

"Ah.." Owan flipped his wings a little as he lifted a few feet higher. "Dragons aren't meant to swim, we're creatures of the air, Tania. You know that."

It wasn't the first time she'd hinted that he should alight on the waves with her. It always made him nervous when she wanted him to come closer to the water. He'd seen her with a seal once, it had been frightening to see her rearing from the water to catch the beast. It had driven home to him that this was a predator just as he was and if she would eat a seal who also ate meat, she might just consider him to be a snack.

"Yes, I do, but I cannot reach the air. I can only watch as your scales pass overhead and wonder to myself are they as smooth as my hide or rough as a sharks? Would your wings feel like broad powerful fins or soft as they brushed my hide." Tania rolled slightly so the waves lapped over her white and black body. He watched her tail flip lightly in the water as she spoke.

"Is my meat like a fish or a seal?" Owan replied back nervously and beat up a few feet higher in the air. "No offense, Tania, but I don't want to be made a meal of."

"Eat you? Do you truly think that's what I want?" Laughter bubbled up from the orca, a squeeing sound as she blew from her blow hole. "No, Owan, come to the water I only want to touch you and allow you to touch me. Come where I may stroke your scales and caress you with the length of my body. I desire to know you, my fine dragon, before you ever taste a dragoness. So you will recall the sea holds something that those flying females will never be able to hold."

Owan's wings stopped in their rapid pumping and he dropped down a few feet in shock before winging back up again. The tone had lowered as she arched in the waves and he became intimately aware of the powerful muscled body that slid through the water effortlessly. When her head came up again she lifted upwards with great sweeps of her tail so that she was nearly half way out of the water. She wanted him in the water to do something other than eat him. The hint to it was sensuous and teasing as he swallowed.

"What do.. I mean, I'm not an orca." He managed to get the words out as she continued to watch him.

"Did I say that you were? Variety, my dear Owan, that is what the world is meant for, variety! A chance to taste something new and sweet. A chance to explore one another. Come into the water. Let me show you what I might do to you that no dragoness can manage." Tania dropped down again and bobbed in the water. "Are you so afraid of what I offer? So afraid of what I can give you?"

"I'm not afraid!" Owan swallowed and felt his body heat as he looked at the long powerful body beneath the waves. "I just, don't know how it will work, that's all! I'm not that big!"

"I will teach you. You are still young, but with my lessons you will become sure of yourself in how to pleasure a female." The words were soft and warm. They sent a shiver running down his spine at the hint of what she wanted to teach him.

"You'd teach me that?" He glided a bit lower and looked at the rolling water. It wouldn't be cold, not to him, he was used to this climate and his body was well insulated, but he wasn't made for the water.

"I would teach you all that and more. Come down to the water, let me show you what an orca might do to ignite a dragon's fire. My tongue is not so thin as your own, but it is agile. My hide is not scaled, but it can caress like no dragon could." Tania curvetted in the water playfully as he dropped low enough that his beating wings nearly touched the water. "I have no pod, no male to slake my own need, but there you are in the sky. Virile and youthful, ready to spread your seed. What a waste to see you listing away on the shore when I could train you properly."

"V-virile... you'd teach me? All of that?" He swallowed nervously as he watched her larger head lifting up so close to him. His instincts screamed for him to flee from the larger predator, but other parts... Other parts flashed white hot with a need that he had been feeling for months now. He was too small, too young, to claim his own female, but that didn't stop the need to want one.

"All of it.." Tania's eyes flashed and suddenly he realized he'd come too close and her body surged upwards with the great strokes of her tail.

The water sprayed against his scales as the smooth rubbery hide briefly brushed against his shoulder before her weight suddenly pushed down against him. His wing hit against her melon briefly before the weight pressed up and over the rise of his shoulder and his wings snapped backwards as he was dragged down into the waves while he thrashed wildly. His tail snapped back and forth wildly as the cold salty water rushed up over him and his paws claws roughly at it. The orca's weight pressed along his back and slid over him as she dragged him beneath the waves so that his gaped muzzle was filled with icy cold water that he tried to spit out. The caress of the rubbery hide rolled along his back and held him down for one panicked moment before her tail slipped over him and he was able to paddle to the surface and cough out the water.

"Th-that wasn't fair.." He sputtered and spread his wings under the waves as he felt the water moving around him in response to Tania's larger body. Her head popped up near him with her white and black maw parted in a smile.

"No, but you would have spent all afternoon on the wing," She nosed him with her blunt nose and he squirmed slightly with his wings flapping against the water. "I meant what I said, you are young, virile, and quite male. Why should you be wasted on the dragonesses that won't have you until you're so pent up you battle other males? When I am here."

"I'm not your kind.." He paddled in the water wildly and then squirmed as she dropped down and her broad back slipped beneath him and pushed him upwards. His forepaws caught ahold of her dorsal fin as he was lifted up when she surfaced again.

"Oh no, but that is no matter. Why should I deal with a brutish bull that wishes to cage me in his harem, when I might have you to pleasure me?" Tania rolled slightly as he clung to her back and he felt her rubbery hide brushing along his belly scales. "And so you will, my lovely drake, because you are no longer king of the air, but servant of my realm."

The mockery was there, but there was something new in her tone, a warmth that made his heart beat speed up as she rolled beneath him. He retracted his claws as he was pushed back beneath the water with a roll of the waves and it covered his head. His wings were useless here, he couldn't quite unfurl them against the beating of the water. He was helpless, as helpless as she would be if she pushed herself onto the beach. It should have panicked him, but as she rolled him he became aware that the chill of the water didn't exist along her powerful body. It slipped along him hotly as her broad fluke dropped down to brush against his side and she let him drag along the edge of her broad head. He barely had time to think before he pushed up into the air again by the tip of her nose. He spread his wings slightly as she bumped him.

The heat of her body pressed against his chest as she nosed against him and suddenly the jaws parted open so wide that the teeth nearly rubbed against his sides. For half a second the young drake was terrified she was about to bite him and drag him under for his meal, but that wasn't what she was after. The broad pink expanse of her tongue suddenly caressed out over him and slid along his chest. She nosed him and twisted her body beneath him so the water was rolling over his sides as the broad swipe of her tongue pushed up along his belly. His forepaws paddled wildly for a moment until they splayed apart on the broad wide trunk of her body as she used her tail to push herself upside down beneath him.

The solid weight was a comfort as he was able to maintain his position without desperately paddling in the water. He felt her muscles tensing and relaxing as the tail swept up and down so she could hold her position while her nose pushed upwards and bumped against her stomach. The feverish hide was pressed against his chest as he swallowed roughly and felt the scraping of her broad tongue pushing up and along his lower belly. The sudden dunking had set him out of sorts, but Tania didn't seem to be distracted by his own confusion and nervousness. Her tongue pushed down and rubbed at the scaled vent between his haunches in a long rasping swipe that had him arching out of the water with a whimper. He'd never had anyone caress him there, and the broad tongue tip was so warm as it rubbed and caressed along the hidden vent. He whimpered out softly and clutched her broad body in his forepaws as he splayed his hind legs open a touch.

"Your muzzle, Owan, drop your head and use your muzzle on me. I want to feel that sweet little tongue soothing an itch I can't tend myself." Tania's voice was muffled as she swung her tail up and he realized that his head was nearly at a level with her white belly and something that was definitely NOT white at all.

The gleaming lips rested against her undertail, the smooth folds were pursed tightly together and the startling pink color drew his eye to them. He swallowed roughly and then let out a short cry as the thick rasping tongue pushed up against his vent again. This time it pushed a bit harder and spread the vent open so that the very tip of his ribbed cock was forced into view. He'd never felt anything like that hot tongue tip dragging over him and he dropped his muzzle obediently beneath the water. It was awkward as the tail moved to keep Tania in position, but he pushed his narrow tongue out to start to stroke over her folds. They were smooth just like the rest of her, but far warmer then the rest of her body. He caressed gently along the outer lips and delved his tongue tip inwards as she continued to tease him.

The young drake splayed his forelegs open wide to clutch at her powerful tail as he pushed his tongue forward and parted the folds open. The water was salty, but his tongue tip found a strange flavor beneath the water that he went after greedily. He'd half expected her to taste faintly fishy, but there was a sweetness that clung to his taste buds as he wiggled his tongue tip into the snug passage. His own body reacted to it as her tongue tip started to swirl in circles in reaction to his dark red girth that was pushing free from his vent. He couldn't stop himself. He'd licked himself any number of times, but this, this was so much better. It was exquisite as she used her tongue tip to work around the tip and traced over each one of the ridges that ran along the underside.

He pushed his tongue deeper into her passage and felt is spreading open as he clung to her. The inner walls contracted around his narrow tongue as he tried to scoop up the taste of her sweetness. Suddenly her tail swung upwards and he was pushed out of the water so he could suck in a ragged gasping breath when his nose was out of the water. Her tail strained as he plunged his tongue forward and arched his back as the tongue suddenly cupped under his cock. He rubbed right over the smooth expanse of the warm tongue and his hips went tense as he started to spill out a touch of precum onto his friends tongue. His tail curled upwards and he spread his wings above the waves before he pushed his lips harder against her vent. The sweet taste clung to his muzzle as she grew slicker by the moment, a slightly cloudy spill that tinged the water as he drew his tongue from the powerful folds long enough to lick his muzzle.

"Oh... t-tania.." He whimpered and the tail suddenly rolled upwards against him again so his muzzle was pushed up against his muzzle again.

"Ahh now, don't stop. I didn't say you could, did I?" Tania murmured as the tongue tip rubbed upwards against his glans.

Owan tried to balance on her broad underside as best he could when he dropped his muzzle again. The water lapped around the edges of his legs and against his under belly as he licked harder against her folds that had started to grown a deeper pink at the attention he was giving them. He pushed his tongue tip inwards as her body rolled beneath him and arched upwards. The slow pushes of the tail lifted him up and dropped him down while the tongue started to rub around his ridges as inch by slow inch he pushed out of his vent. His cock tip rubbed and pushed against the tongue so that he could feel her lips push up right against his belly as his cock started to pulse and the thick syrupy spill of precum oozed out.

He began to try and push his tongue deeper into the passage as he sought out each and every drop of arousal. Her inner walls clutched around him demandingly as he moved his forepaws down to awkwardly clutch around the powerfully muscled tail. He barely felt the water spilling around his chest as he pushed his tongue inwards in a long caress before dragging backwards again. He could feel her reacting to him even as her tongue twisted about in a slow roll that bumped his cock upwards so his haunches tried to drive down against her. The tail pushed upwards so that his lips were forced up against her vent and the folds rippled around his tongue as Tania suddenly rolled beneath him.

Her body twisted and the water wrapped around him, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered except the feel of the tongue that rubbed and teased his rapidly hardening cock. His tail lashed and twisted as he was dragged beneath the water but didn't break the plunging of his tongue into her passage. The walls started to squeeze tighter around him as he worked his lips against her. The wetness of her arousal clung to his tongue while the tail pushed upwards again and the tongue started to move in powerful caresses. It made his heart pound in his ears as he squeezed his eyes against the water and savored the feel of the rubs that caught against his ridges. His entire body felt as if he were on fire with a need that he had felt before, but every time he had, it hadn't been given any release.

The water pushed harder around him as the rippling muscles pushed upwards and the orca twisted again as he felt his chest growing tight. He tried to push his tongue inwards until the thickest part of his tongue was spreading the folds open. The short muzzle bumped and pushed firmly against his loins as Tania gave a push that pushed him upwards once again. He tried to suck in a breath, but only salt water flooded his muzzle instead of sweet air. He gagged lightly and tried to move his muzzle back, but the tail pushed upwards and he was pushed against the vent again. His chest grew tighter and tighter as the tongue teased around his cock, working him until it was achingly hard and his hips were jerking despite the rising panic as he couldn't get a breath in.

Tania either sensed what was happening, or perhaps simply wanted more of his tongue, but her tail suddenly swept upwards and he felt the cool brush of air against his back a moment before his head was pushed above the water. He lifted his muzzle up and gasped in the water with his tongue lolling out, the sweet taste of the orca still on his tongue as the orca's tongue dragged itself right towards his tip. He whimpered and tightened his splayed haunches against her chest so that his paws were brushing against her flukes. The tongue rippled and caressed as he lifted his tail and let out a ragged little cry when it tugged right against the sensitive ridges. The need started to build as the muscles along his stomach tensed up and his breath came in short harsh puffs. His eyes lidded and he started to thrust forward in short hard bucks.

He whimpered and stopped teasing her roused vent, the deep pink folds remained beneath the water in front of him as he snapped his wings in close to his sides. He drove himself forward against her, grinding and pushing trying to rub himself over her tongue while his breathing came out in short bursts. He squeezed his eyes shut and felt the tongue wrapping itself up right along his base before pulling downwards again. His precum drooled out and splashed against the water and coated her tongue as he started to feel it building inside of him. The desire was making him feel almost wild as the tongue worked from the base to the tip in a slow dragging pull before slipping right off his thickening tip. His base knot was threatening to blossom open with his desire to tie with something.

"Ahh now now, you are reactive aren't you.." The orca swept her tail up and jostled him. Her tongue left his throbbing stiff cock against the curve of belly untouched, unsatisfied. His knot was trying to fill out, but there was no pressure to coax him over the edge.

"D-don't stop.. almost there..." He clutched at her broad body and pushed himself forward, but she suddenly rolled under him. "HEY!"

Her great body dropped down beneath him so suddenly his entire body was dropped into the water without the aid of laying over her. His roused cock plunged into the cold water as he let out a yelping cry of shock and started to paddle wildly. His body was throbbing with a desire so strong that he felt half maddened by it, and the orca arched up out of the water near him. She blew out a breath from her blow hole as she moved around him and sent waves rippling against his body.

"Do you think it is only your pleasure you should worry after?" Tania arched from the water nearer to him so he could see her eyes. "Is that all that matters?"

"No.. no.. Not at all." He sputtered and shivered as even the water brushing around his aroused length made him squirm. His heart was pounding, he wanted her to continue, he wanted to feel her tongue again with the caressing powerful muscles that set him on edge.

"Then you shall prove it.." Tania's voice was amused as she suddenly pushed her nose against his hind quarter. "Earn your reward, dragon. Show me you deserve to be a real drake. Or do you want to scramble onto a rock to finish yourself with your muzzle?"

"NO! No no!" How many times had he tended himself? It was nothing compared to the orca. "How do I earn it? Please, Tania, I can earn it, just give me the chance."

"Very well, then pleasure me, show me that you have more staying power then you've just shown. Prove to me you can do more than just hump my tongue." Tania arched in the water again, her large body splashed waves over him as she shivered. "Work for it, and this time I won't support you, I want you to show me that it's worth discomfort to feel your cock plunging into my body. "

"Show you? Mount you?" He ventured and his heart gave a leap at the idea of it. The memory of the silken walls on his tongue made him wander what it would feel like actually feeling something squeezing and clutching around his cock.

"Not yet, you'd barely last a thrust." She mocked and bumped his haunch against with her nose. "Your tongue, this time you will swim under the water. The longer you work, the more you try to please me, the better your chance is I'll want to be the first to feel you plunging into me."

"B-but.. I can't hold my breath forever.." Owan spread his wings open on the water to keep him afloat and watched the orca swim around him.

"Then you'll have to learn how to use your tongue to the best of your ability won't you." Tania's laughter came with a great burst of air from her blowhole as her eyes remained on him challengingly. "I told you I would teach what you needed to know. You can leave any time you like if you're not willing to learn."

"I am! I am. I just... Oh!" Owan swallowed as the powerful orca continued to swim around him, but he wanted her. His body was still throbbing in time with his heart beat so that he couldn't think about anything except his need.

He sucked in a great breath so that his chest belled out and snapped his wings back against his back as he tried to fill his lungs as much as he possibly could. He would do this, he would. He'd thought of Tania as being lovely in the past, but now he saw her as something more. Something desirable, something that replaced the mental image he had built up in his fantasies of a lithe black and white dragoness. It was so easy, her coloration was right even if her body was different. He dove beneath the cool water and writhed in the water with his second eye lid flicking over his eyes as her body stopped it's circling swim and teasingly dropped her great fluked tail downwards.

The young drake lunged forward and curled his haunches forward until he felt his hind legs brushing right above her spread tail fins as his forelegs clutched around her powerful body. He rubbed his muzzle against her before licking upwards. The water made it hard to see, but he used touch to guide his muzzle up to rub right along the softness of her roused folds. He traced them with his lips briefly before his tongue flicked outwards and curled right along the feverishly warm outer folds. He pushed his tongue out and licked with a powerful caress that forced them apart and edged forward. He licked right between the plump outer lips and pushed inwards greedily.

His wings spread open as the water lapped around him and he pushed his tongue forward and curled upwards. Bubbles escaped his muzzle as worked inwards with strong powerful strokes and flicked his tongue up to catch right along the inner passage before stroking in slow circles. He felt the feverishly warm muscles clenching around him and squeezing as he pushed ever deeper. His paws clutched against Tania to hold himself in place as a few more bubbles filtered from his flared nostrils and he worked to push his tongue in deeper. He ignored the ache in his lungs, and instead started work in rolling caresses. He used his tongue to gather up the wetness and swallowed it down before pushing forward again. He tried to tease her as she had done with him, his tongue pushed deep enough that his thicker tongue base was pushing inwards. When he pulled backwards the tail pushed forward and his lips were forced up against her again.

He worked his tongue inwards again while his belly tightened slightly and felt his cock pulsing against his belly. It was nearly painfully hard while he squeezed with his hind legs and worked forward again, this time he plunged harder into her maw. His ridged cock pushed right up along the powerful muscles of the tail and pushed rubbed against her. He worked his tongue outwards and fluttered his tip right along a spot within her so that the walls suddenly clamped down harder around him. His breath came out in bubbles as his chest tightened and burned, but still he pushed his tongue in and out and tried to tease her. He narrowed his eyes against the water as spots started to dance there and her powerful tail gave a sweep forward and pushed his cock up harder right above the base of her tail. He couldn't hold it, he couldn't! His lungs were burning and the world was going grey.

_I can't do it! I can't! _ He pushed away from her powerful body and struggled upwards towards the surface. He spread his wings and snapped them out to propel him upwards so he could suck in a breath of air.

"Good, very good..." Tania's voice greeted him as he sucked in great gasps of air and his wings struggled to keep him up.

Owan tried to say something, but it was cut off as he kept drawing in deep gasping breaths and suddenly the orca moved to brush against him. The stroke of her rubbery hide slid along his scales as the gentle scares moved around him. Her head stroked right along the edge of his shoulders and over his chest as he paddled so he could keep himself up above the water. Her broad head dropped down beneath the water and suddenly the brush of her smooth hide ran along his belly and brushed right along his loins. The young drake let out a short whimper as the muzzle caressed right along his hardened shaft and made his cock flex up against his belly as her body rubbed along him and brushed right up along the spread of his chest. It was a teasing touch that flared the need back through him with each gasping breath.

Once he got his breath he became intimately aware of her body against him and the need that was throbbing through him. He couldn't think of anything of his need as she twisted around him and suddenly reared upwards. Her flippers slipped against him as he reached out with his forelegs and gripped her desperately. His cock pushed up against her rubbery belly beneath the water as he tried to get his haunches wrapped around her. Her powerful tail suddenly swept forward and rocked him up in the water as her head tilted down and her mouth spread open so he saw a glimpse of her teeth. All fear left him, he wanted her! He needed her! He was desperate for her in a way that made him lose any hint of control.

Her teeth clamped down against her shoulder and squeezed down as her larger body swept forward with the brushing of her tail. He started to blindly hump against her belly, his ribbed cock grinding and pushing against her as her flippers swept forward and the weight dragged him down beneath the water. As it closed around him he didn't care that he was still out of breath and he hadn't had a chance to suck in a breath. All that mattered was the sudden roll of her tail that pushed his cock tip downwards until he felt the brush of something softer then her rubbery hide against him. The precum smeared against her even as it spilled into the water as he immediately lunged forward with a cry that sent bubbles spilling from his gaping mouth.

The powerful drives of the tail forced his cock tip into the tight silken passage as he edged into his first female. His paws clutched against the muscled body as he sank into her heat. The inner walls clamped down around him as inch by inch he drove into her. The powerful orca rolled and twisted in the water with him as she kept ahold of his shoulder to keep him clinging to her. He didn't need the help, he shoved his hips forward with a short sharp thrust that drove his tip deep into the passage. Oozing precum spilled into her quivering body as the walls contracted and started to milk about him as the ridges popped inwards. Her body shivered before she twisted again and his head burst above the water so he could gasp in a breath of air and slammed forward.

He forgot that this wasn't his species, her heated body was contracting and helping edge him inwards. His wings spread open wide as he sucked in a breath and cried out in a high pitched noise before tightening his haunches and driving a few more inches into the passage. His ribs pulled and caressed along her passage as he pushed all the way in until his thickened base was pushed right up against the outer folds. Tania's high pitched groan echoed in his ears before she thrust her tail against the water and bucked him into the air as he pushed down against her. His tail coiled just above her flukes as he moved his paws down to grasp against her flippers. When he pushed forward he started to yawn the passage open a bit wider before he was pulled backwards by her twisting body.

Owan was able to suck in a breath just as the orca dragged him down under the water again and his body was rolled beneath the powerful weight. The force wedged his base into her passage and his knot sank into her before he sprayed out a hot splatter of precum before he pulled backwards again. He could feel her own wetness coated round him as her back arched upwards and the teeth shifted to grip right against the curve of his neck. His wings spread open and she started to drive himself against her blindly. Nothing mattered except the lingering taste of her fertile arousal on his tongue and the way her body pulsed and quivered around him. He tried to thrust sharp and fast, but Tania's larger form took control away from him.

He clutched her flippers as her weight and tail slowed his thrusts so his knot was pushed into her passage and then slowly he pulled backwards again. The ridges popped free steadily as she drew backwards and the walls contracted tightly around him. It made him tremble as his cock tip was nearly pulled free and then the tail swept down again. The young drake arched upwards as he was plunged back into her body and his swollen base pushed upwards to pop back inside of her. The powerful grip of her muscles around the knot made him writhe beneath the water and ignore the burning ache of his oxygen starved lungs. For the first time in his life he could feel the muscles suckling and squeezing around him. It nearly set him off, but he struggled to keep himself under control as he'd been told.

The drive down shoved him further beneath the water as he spread his wings wider and gave a beat of them to help thrust into her body. His heart was hammering against his chest roughly, the steady beat making it impossible to think about anything except the heady sensation of finally mating. His ridges popped in and out as the tail helped work him in and out. The silken walls were so tight it was almost painful as he pushed upwards against her and tightened his haunches. His hind legs wrapped tighter around the muscled tail and when she plunged down he bucked upwards so his knot strained her walls open wider. He felt the quivering walls tighten as he had to force the swelling base into the passage as the thick hot splatter of syrupy precum that spilled deeper inside of her.

Owan dimly realized he was seeing spots of grey and his chest was burning painfully, but he still hammered upwards against her. He felt the teeth gripping hard enough that his scales were aching before they sank into the meat of his shoulder. It didn't matter, nothing mattered, the pressure was building in his belly as his knot was pulled out and he had the strain to shove himself back into her passage. The plush lips yawned open wider and wider, popping into the passage as the inner walls were strained open before he pulled back again. His breath came out rough spill of bubbles as his vision started to grow darker. He couldn't breathe! The panic flared for a moment before the orca started to pump her tail in deliberate short movements.

His knot didn't come free, it was swelling wider and wider as his belly tensed up, it only pulled along the outer folds and strained them wider with each throb of his heart. His ridges became more defined and pressed into her passage as her tail gave another powerful push forward. He felt light headed and dizzy, unable to concentrate on anything except his pleasure that spilled over the edges. His hips gave a final shuddering buck forward as his knot swelled open its full length and his cock jutted forward. The world was going black, but the rush of pleasure overruled it as the first pulse throbbed along his heavy girth. He dimly felt her tail pumping up and down, tugging and pulling around the pressure of his knot before his tip exploded inside of her.

The first thick shot of him cum erupted from his cock and splattered into her passage as deep as he could possibly pump it, it was rapidly followed by another pump that splattered into her and another. Each throb sent pearly thick semen into the orca's passage as he felt the glorious rush of his orgasm mingled with the burn of his chest. It came to a head when the water sudden splashed away from him and his head was pushed to the surface so his gaping jaws could suck in a breath while he continued to jerk his hips forward. The clutching muscles pulled around his base and suckled to send the goopy spill of his seed ever deeper into her fertile body while he trembled. He clutched against Tania while the next splatter of cum spilled out in a thick sperm rich rope into her body.

Her white underbelly spread beneath him and held him up as he panted with his tongue hanging down from his spread jaws. He splayed his forelegs as the orca's jaws slowly left his marked shoulder, only the faintest scrape left over the bruise while he swallowed roughly. Her powerful muscles were squeezing so tightly it was almost painfully exquisite. He licked his lips slowly and whimpered as he gave his hips a roll and felt his knot tugging along the silken outer lips before the powerful muscles clamped down.

"Oh g-god.. that was s-so good.." He panted out and trembled as the orca shifted beneath him. He could finally think, almost.

"You'll learn, Owan..." Tania's murmured. "I'll teach you, day by day you'll learn how to last and hold your breath. You'll learn how to swim and pleasure me with your touch.. I'll train you well.."

"Train me?" He blinked and the muscles squeezed tighter around his knot so he groaned as another thick spill oozed out of his tip.

"Of course... Don't you want to learn more?" The orca's head twisted so he could see her watching him closely and he swallowed and rubbed his scaled belly against her own.

"Y-yes?" The young drake offered after a few moments and her tail reared under him so their loins ground together.

"Oh yes, you'll learn, drake. I haven't trained one of your kind in so longer, I'd forgotten what it was like to feel that knot." Tania let out a low laugh. "I promise, when I'm done with you you'll learn how to use your tongue and body in ways that no dragon could ever teach you. Such a lovely pet you'll be... And such eggs I shall have.."

Owan hooded his eyes as his entire body relaxed in that edge of bliss that came with mating, his ears only hearing the last part as he sucked in each sweet breath of air. Why would he leave Tania when she was offering him what he would have had to wait years to experience?

Coming of Age

The sound of the wind hitting the windows and flinging itself against the shutters slowly dragged Keishou from his dreams and the warmth of his bed. The high pitched whistling noise was annoying and he flattened himself out and tried to draw his wings...

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Payments Rendered

The only light from the stables came from a lantern that was set in a corner and shielded so only a hint of the golden glow spilled into the stall. It glinted off the lovely little golden gryphon hen that was crouched in the soft thick straw. Her tail...

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New Lessons

Life was good. Very very good. A sentiment that thrummed through FD's body as he hooded his eyes and allowed himself to bask in the simple sensation of contentment as he stretched out his entirely length on the couch and kept his eyes mostly closed....

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