New Lessons

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

Life was good. Very very good. A sentiment that thrummed through FD's body as he hooded his eyes and allowed himself to bask in the simple sensation of contentment as he stretched out his entirely length on the couch and kept his eyes mostly closed. The warmth of his mate tucked in against his side only made it better. He could feel Ropes warm body pressed against his chest and belly, the fur brushing against his bare scaled chest as the movie that they'd picked out was playing. He rested one hand lightly over the curve of her smooth belly and gave a gentle caress along the underside of her bare breasts. The warm scent of her filled his nose as he leaned down and lightly licked right along the back of her neck in a smooth sensuous movement.

It had been weeks since the evening they had explored their own children so intimately and each day was a gift that was arousing and exciting. Though, Hiss and Ropes continued to play when he was out of sight mores the pity. He had his tricks, his ways to make sure he could see what was going on and know what they were doing. Then again, he had taken Helena quite a few times when he knew Ropes was distracted. It was still fragile, still unsure if there would be repercussions if she caught him at it. The fact that she knew and seemed alright with it was enough, for now. He still wanted to press things to become more open. The thought of pinning Helena down as he watched Ropes beneath their son made his loins stir.

The demonic puma wriggled against him slightly as he felt his girth starting to harden and thicken up at the thought of watching their son pounding into her, constantly edging towards tying with her until that moment when her folds were lewdly pried apart. He rolled his hips against the soft panty covered rump cheeks and leaned down so he was looking away from the movie and could nip against the back of her neck. The warm sweet smell of her filled his muzzle as the glossy black length of his cock started to push outwards inch by inch. There were so many times he had heard her whimpering cries burrowed against his son's shoulder, the door barely hiding the fact that they were entwined. It was a delicious image, especially when he knew Helena's body so intimately. So much like his mate, but so different as well.

"I didn't think horror movies made you frisky.." Ropes purred the words out teasingly and gave her hips a little wriggle back and forth against his growing spire.

"Maybe it's not the movie it's the company." He licked the back of her neck and moved his hand up along the softness of her breasts.

She hadn't bothered with clothing except for her panties after her a shower, a fact that FD was appreciating more and more as his fingers teased just around the edges of her breasts. He ran upwards towards the very apex and the bare nipples while one of her tendrils flicked backwards and started to caress along his hip. Two children and she was still lovely, still beautiful, still arousing. He nipped her neck again as her tendril curled itself right along his leg and started to twine towards towards his knee. He shifted on the couch, the movie forgotten as another tendril trailed down along the edge of his shorts where his hardening spire had formed a tent. His fingers curled into the softness of her breast until she let out a soft hissing sound and rolled on the couch so she was facing him. Her eyes gleaming slightly as her paw moved up to trail against his scaled chest.

"I never did care for horror movies anyway." She murmured softly and the tendril on his shorts started the curl downwards and trace just beneath the band.

FD let out a low baritone laugh while his free paw moved to cup against her panty covered rump cheek. He squeezed lightly and trailed his thumb up to rub just beneath the base of her tail as he drew her in close to him. His tongue teased down the line of her throat while his tail curled itself around her ankle. The sound of fake screams and high pitched music was slowly drowned out by his pounding heart when the first touch of her tendril coiled itself at the peak of his hardened cock tip. His hips rolled upwards into the caress while he lowered his muzzle down towards her breast. A lazy Sunday afternoon, with the perfect reason to stay inside. Lovely...

~ ~ * ~ ~

"You've been so weird lately, Helena." Lillian, a short ocelot, chirped up as Helena shut the door to the car and shouldered her bag.

"Umm.. just weird stuff going on at home." She offered and fought the urge to flush hotly as she tried to dismiss her own distracted state of mind to something else.

"Dad being a hard case? Come stay the night at my place!" Lillian grinned broadly. "I'm sure there's a few guys I could sneak past the house."

"Nah, I need to get home. Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow!" The puma pushed back with a smile on her face and waved. "You know how Sunday nights are family night, even if Hiss does get a pass."

"Ah well, next time!" Lillian waved back as she put the car into gear and Helena was able to breathe out a soft little sigh.

Sunday night wasn't really family night, though her mother liked to make sure that they at least came home for a bit to see each other. She wanted to go home. She wrapped her arms around herself a bit and drew in a shivering breath. She wasn't sure what was happening lately, there were so many changes to her family life that they left her feeling off kilter, but at the same time she loved it. Her body was filled with a hot need that went beyond anything she'd ever known. And it centered around her father. Her entire view on him had been skewed to the point that she no longer knew how she should feel. Sometimes she was embarrassed and unsure, but other times she was enflamed with the desire to feel his competent touch teasing and caressing her to the point that she was writhing with desire for him.

Her tendrils at her back shivered slightly at the thoughts that ran through her. None of the boys she had been with had known what to do to make sure that her body was entirely teased to the point of being unable to think. Her nostrils flared a little bit and she gave a shake to settle her smooth sandy-brown pelt before pushing open the front door. Whatever was going on it was impossible for her to ignore the effects it was having on her body. She seemed unable to keep her mind off of her father, and she had no idea what her mother was thinking. Did Ropes even really know? FD hadn't indicated that she really had or even said anything that might lead her to believe her mother really knew what was going on. But he also hadn't said it was supposed to be a secret..

"Ahh gods.. just like that.." Her father's moaned words made her freeze just inside the front door and blinked her eyes rapidly.

She turned towards the family room and flushed a hot deep red all the way to her ear tips. She could see her father's body sprawled out on the couch, his shorts were tossed to one side on the cushion and his head was leaned back. His muzzle was partially open and eyes shut, but that wasn't what caught her attention. Her mother was curled up on the floor in front of him, her green tendrils coiled around either side of his ankles and holding his legs apart as her agile tongue teased right around the tip of his erect cock. Dribbles of precum were welling out of the tip and spilling down so that the entire shaft glistened in the light. Helena's heart started to pound faster and faster at the sigh, erotic and in flagrant disregard for the fact they were in the main portion of the house.


The puma yelped out, she couldn't stop herself, the door swung shut behind her so loudly that she jumped. She felt the heat rushing to her face so swiftly that she felt dizzy because her mother stopped mid like and the demonic puma shifted her head to look back towards her. Helena wanted to bolt for the door, she wanted to run outside, anywhere except staring at her father's shaft and feel her loins tighten with need. And see her mother so lewdly enjoying it. And she'd been noticed.

"Mmm Helena, I knew I heard the car pull up.." Ropes' voice was a throaty purr, "Come now, don't just stand there. I really have been neglecting your lessons, haven't I?"

"L-lessons?" Helena bit her lower lip as Rope's moved a paw up to wrap around FD's cock tip and gave it a firm squeeze. The drake growled out and pushed his hips upwards.

"Of course, you really should learn to enjoy all the things your father can do.." The cougar tilted her head down. "Come, slip out of those clothes, and we'll begin the lesson."

"Rrrr you wicked creature." Her father growl-purred at his mate affectionately while Helena felt the world drop out from under her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

FD had been wondering what Ropes was doing when she started to deliberately tease him with her tongue and paws rather than enjoy the fact he was hard and ready. Not that he minded the foreplay, but the sight of her warm breasts and her tendrils gripping his legs made him want to pin her down and try for a third child. Instead she'd slowly kept him on edge without pushing him to the point that he would tumble over the edge. It was frustratingly delicious to feel her tongue and fingers as they stroked over him, especially the way she massaged and teased around the base of his knot. It made him grind upwards. It wasn't until the slamming door had jerked him out of his pleasure fogged daze and found himself looking at his wide eyed daughter. And the words that followed...

The drake watched with lustful enjoyment as Ropes kneeled up at Helena's approach. So close to each other, they looked so alike, though Helena retained the softness of her youth and her fur was slightly lighter colored. He moved his paw down to wrap around his dark cock and gave it a squeeze as his mate moved forward to help his daughter slip out of her clothing. He'd been half convinced that the moment Helena had walked in that Ropes would bring up the subject of what he was doing with his daughter. He had prepared himself for her being jealous or possessive, but instead she was near demanding that Helena join them. It made a low rumble vibrate in his throat as he watched the youthful breasts being bared.

"Now aren't you two lovely..." He rumbled and leaned forward to run his paw right along the curve of his mate's rump cheeks.

"I.. but.." Helena's ears were dark red and she looked over at him so he kept his paw wrapped around his tip and squeezed.

"You haven't been learning, your father is a single minded drake, now aren't you?" Ropes looked up at him as she used one of her tendrils to wrap around her daughters waist. Helena didn't fight, instead she looked baffled as she was pulled in closer to him.

"Single minded? Now now, I assure you, I have several minds." He drawled out and his fingers teased the viscous syrupy precum with his finger tips.

"Yes, but once you're worked up, you're only in it for one thing." She teased him, as she had so often before. "Helena, come here now, it's not all about pleasuring yourself. One must work a drake up."

"Yes, Mom.." The words were soft and FD rumbled as he watched her ears darkening. "I mean, I've used my muzzle before you know."

"Yes, but now I'll be watching. Go on, let's see what you know and I'm sure I can teach you some tricks." Rope's tendrils slipped down and they wrapped around his ankles again so he could settle them a bit wider apart.

The drake licked his lips as his daughter was guided in closer to his legs and she moved one paw to rest lightly against his knee. He lashed his tail back and forth, but let his mate take the lead. There was something incredibly erotic about the way she remained tucked in close against his legs and watched their daughter lean forward nervously. He hadn't really made use of her muzzle, though he had thought about it, Ropes' comment about his mind getting one tracked was true enough in some ways. His daughter leaned forward and the first swipe of her tongue moved from the base of his knot all the way up towards the tip. The slow drags made him arch his back and he dropped his paw down to cup against the back of her neck as he growled.

He dropped his paw away from his throbbing cock as she dragged upwards inch by slow inch. A thick viscous ooze of precum spilled down over the edge of his cock tip and drooled downwards along the underside. When Helena flicked her tongue up she scooped up the salty precum and he shivered as her mouth worked its towards his tip. Her hot lips wrapped around him while her tongue pushed up along the underside as she started to push downwards. It sent a tremor running down the line of his spine as he felt the tight heat clutching at him. The next goopy dribble of precum coated her tongue as she pushed her way down lower.

"You have hands, Helena, here..." Ropes moved forward and the older puma's upper tendrils wrapped themselves around Helena and she slipped in behind her daughter.

FD let out a throaty growl of pleasure at the sight of mother and daughter pressed so close. His mate's breasts were pressed firmly right along the curve of the shoulders while she moved her paws down to catch her daughter's wrists. He all but arched up and off the couch as his daughter's paws were guided up to his base and wrapped around the still slender knot. The fingers curled around him while the hot eager muzzle started to pull and suckle around his tip. Her eyes were rolled up watching him, her cheeks showing pink beneath her pale fur as he arched upwards and then drew backwards again. The tight maw contracted and swallowed around him as she pushed downwards. Ropes' head leaned along their daughter's shoulders and purred her approval.

Gods.. FD swallowed and leaned his head backwards away from the arousing sight of his daughter nad mate pressed together.

The tongue slowly worked down along his shaft as he heard Ropes murmuring encouragement to Helena. The tongue tip danced right around his glans until his hips jerked upwards before relaxing again. Her soft breasts were brushing against his inner thigh as she coated his black shaft with saliva and his own precum. Her muzzle dropped down lower and lower, inch by slippery inch before pulling back again. The paws wrapped around his base and pulled upwards to meet her muzzle. The smearing precum and saliva rolled along her fingers as his cock flexed and pulsed with arousal. He moved his hands back to grip the couch, his fingers clutching down as he let out a low growl.

"Just like your mother.." He managed to pant out when the tongue caressed in slow circles that scooped up another drool of precum that oozed free.

"I should hope so... that's right, dear. Tease him, get him slippery and slick, work him a bit more until he's constantly oozing out precum. We want him wet, don't we.." The rough purr of his mate made a shiver run down his spine.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Helena tasted the salty precum thick on her tongue, slippery and hot as she flicked her ears back and felt her mother's tendrils wrapping around her. They brushed along the upper pair of her breasts and twisted slightly so that they caught against her bared nipples. It made her all the more aware of the fact that she could feel her heart pounding in her ears. Her lower belly was tense and she could feel her soft folds starting to grow slick as she suckled around her father's inky black cock. Her tongue cupped right up under the glans while her mother's tendrils worked along her breasts and gave a teasing squeeze that made her push back against the other puma. She couldn't believe her mother was guiding her through gentle touches and murmured words. One of the paws dropped down and brushed right against her inner thighs.

Her father's hips pushed forward and a few more inches of inky black cock plunged into her muzzle. She swallowed and stifled a moan as a finger gently pushed down against her slickening folds. The padded finger tip curled forward and fluttered lightly right against the swollen nub of her clit. Helena cried out and flicked her tail up slightly as her mother's gentle touch caressed the sensitive body and brushed downwards to slip right along her opening. She swallowed and tasted a thick spill of precum catching on her tongue as she struggled to push her muzzle down further. Her father let out a growl and his paw moved to cup along the back of her head as she tried to edge the swollen tip right into her throat. Her breathing came in short hard pants from her quivering muzzle.

"That's my girl.." A finger pushed slowly into her snug passage and she muffled a whimper. "Now let's get you into your father's lap."

Slowly Helena pulled her lips backwards, the spire gleaming wetly with her saliva and thick precum that caught around the tip. As she pulled it free with a wet noise a splatter of precum caught against her whiskers. She licked her muzzle with a broad swipe of her tongue before pressing backwards against her mother. The finger pressed inwards and started to rub right along her silken passage so she started to squirm back and forth. The gentle push of her mother started to force her up as FD leaned down to slip his paws along her hips and gave a tug. His tongue flicked out to catch against her upper breast as she managed to get her feet beneath her.

"In his lap.." The finger slipped free from her passage, her soft folds were gleaming as her mother pulled backwards as Helena got the words out.

"Oh yes, in his lap, facing me.." Ropes murmured and pulled away from her. The purr in her voice sent a shiver running down her spine.

"Let me help." Her father gave a light tug and Helena let out a short yelping noise as she was pulled into the scaled lap.

Ropes helped turn her, and suddenly she was trapped between her parents as she was pulled back against the scaled loins and her mother's furred body was pressed against her chest. The fingers moved along her thighs and pushed them apart while she writhed and FD suddenly nipped firmly against the back of her neck. She whimpered as the heavy cock pushed up between her legs so the knot was pushed right up against her slick outer folds. FD's fingers moved down and gripped against her upper thighs and gave a tug so she was pulled upwards.

"My love, you'll help guide me in, won't you?" The drake's voice vibrated her neck as his tapered tip drooled out a thick dribble of precum that smeared against her belly fur.

"Of course," Ropes gave a slow smile, "Lift her up higher, after all, we're teaching today. And with you so slippery, so wet, and so ready, there's only one thing to teach."

"What a lovely idea.." FD's voice lowered and Helena opened her mouth to try and ask what they meant. Teach her what? What were they talking about and what did it matter how slippery he was?

She didn't get a chance, her father pulled her up high so his swollen cock pulled away from her and she watched her mother grip the base of FD's cock. It didn't slip along her needy glistening folds, instead it was guided backwards until she let out a short cry. The tapered cock tip pushed right up against her silken taut pucker. A thick smear of precum rubbed against her anal ring and suddenly pushed forward so she arched upwards. Her father's hands moved up to cup against her upper thighs and pulled her downwards as her mother's tendrils twisted around her soft upper breasts. Helena arched her back as inch by inch the taut pucker yawned open wider and wider. The slippery precum helped edge him inwards into the virginal passage as she was left letting out short whimpering groan.

A rasping tongue ran along one of her nipples as her father's grip clutched against her and gave another pull so a thick inch wedged into her passage. Her walls were yawned open wider and wider so that she started to squirm against him. Her back arched upwards only to have him tug her downwards again. A thick dribble of precum oozed into her as her inner walls clamped down tightly. FD's low growl echoed in her ear and his hips lifted upwards to drive himself inwards. The fingers on her hips kneaded lightly before her father gave a buck upwards and pulled her down hard against his lap. His cock sank into her with a wet squelching noise as he drove himself in all the way up to the knot. The thicker base pushed against her anal ring as the girth throbbed.

Her mother's touch slipped downwards until a gentle paw teased right up along her slickened folds. The two middle fingers sank forwards and Helena cried out sharply as they pushed into her body. Her father drew backwards and tugged along her inner folds as she writhed in his grip. Ropes' body was pressed in close against her own and she felt her mother's cheek brush against her own before her father's lips lifted from her neck. The pair were kissing over her shoulder as the fingers curled and caressed inside of her, rubbing right along the barrier that was between them and her father's cock. The pulsing shaft nearly pulled all the way out before plunging back in. She was pushed up against her mother as the drake drove himself all the way into his knot again and her inner walls clamp down tightly around him. She tried to adjust to his size, but the sensations of the pair were overwhelming her.

"So.. tight.." He growled out sharply when he plunged forward again and had to wedge himself inwards steadily.

Helena moved her paws back to try and slip along her father's shoulders as he started to thrust in slow rolling pushes that drove his cock deep inside of her. Her walls were forced wide apart over and over again as his knot was pushed up against her pucker and then pulled back again. The steady drool of precum, along with her own saliva, helped ease the passage, but it still made it feel as if she couldn't fit another inch. She was kept on edge by her mother's fingers and the feel of the other puma's breasts pressed up against her own. The fingers pushed in deep inside of her and then pulled outwards again. A light teasing tug of the finger tips worked over her and she let out a high pitched cry before bucking backwards.

The knot pushed right up against the anal ring and started to spread her open wider and wider. She cried out just before she was allowed to pull upwards again. Her ears folded back flat against her head as he barely pulled halfway back before bucking upwards again. She heard the lewd wet sound as she was pushed up hard against her mother. She closed her eyes and pushed herself backwards and the knot started to spread her open wider and wider. Just before it popped into her body her father was pulling backwards again. The feel of the smooth dark cock wasn't like feeling it pushed between her folds, instead it caressed different places in time with her mother's fingers. Her arousal was growing and she squirmed and bucked between them.

The fingers started to rub right along the edges of her sensitive clit so she let out a moaning cry and pushed herself into the fingers. FD's fingers gave a firmer tug as he bucked harder upwards and yawned the anal ring open wider and wider. Her walls protested and clamped down around the cock as the drake started to force the pucker inwards. The walls splayed wider and wider until the gold-red hips gave another thrusting push that popped the knot into her virginal passage. Her walls clamped down tightly around the knot as her father's fingers moved from her hips and up to the lower set of her breasts. The fingers squeezed down tightly as he started to thrust in short hard movements. He was forcing her onto her mothers caressing fingers that pressed deep inside of her.

Helena's breathing came in short hard puffs as her entire body was throbbing in time with her racing heart. FD didn't pull his knot free, instead he moved in firm bucks that stirred and tugged at the swelling base open wider and wider. Ropes' fingers pulled outwards slowly and the finger tips curled in just the right way that they stroked right along the rise of her g-spot. The younger puma let out a ragged sharp cry as her walls clamped down tightly. Her eyes squeezed shut as her body started to tremble as a rush of pleasure flowed through her. The knot was swelling wider and wider inside of her, straining her muscular walls open to the point that she felt as if she were being pulled apart. It didn't matter, nothing mattered but the spasms of pleasure that made her tremble between her parents.

FD's lips pulled away from his mate's with a loud snarl as the throbbing knot reached its full girth and the cock tip started to swell open just a bit more. With a rumbling cry she was pulled down against his lap to ensure that every last inch was driven inside of her ass. The first throbbing rush of thick seed erupted from his cock tip and flooded her anal passage. Her muscular walls clamped down around him and started to squeeze as the thick goopy drops were flung off of the tip and spilled deep within her. It spilled down her passage while the tip continued to spill out hot thick drools. The fingers along her still quivering folds stroked slowly out of her passage and then caressed right along her clit. The fingers were coated with her arousal and her mother smeared it over her outer folds in a gentle caress.

"RRrr that's my good little girl.." Her father licked right along the curve of her neck as he gave a grinding push upwards. "Such a good.. little.. girl.." He gave a pull backwards that drew a cry from her lips as the knot was tugged against her anal ring.

"Isn't she though.." Her mother grinned and withdrew her paw to lick one finger with a broad red tongue. The light stroke worked from the base all the way to the tip to clean it. "She took to it quite naturally.."

"I.. b-but." Helena flushed hotly. "What about you?"

"Me? Oh your father is always best after he's relieved himself at least once." Ropes grinned wickedly and moved her paw down to brush along one of Helena's breasts. "And I'm sure you'll need to recover by the time he's done."

Helena flushed before a rolling push of her father's hips drew another groan from her throat. Her hips were pushed up so close that she was nearly pressed against her mother. Her ears fell down against her head as she shivered and squirmed.

"....Wow..." A male voice made her attention go from the pulsing cock within her, to the dragon standing in the door way. Her brother's eyes were wide and showed a ring of white as he took in the scene. "I just have one question.. is it too late to join in?"

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