Tipping the Waitress

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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When a man decides to tip his waitress the rough way, someone steps in....

And the premier of Hoarfrost! http://www.sofurry.com/view/482565

"Jesus, Leon, just stop it already, alright?" Evan drawled the words out as he glared at his younger friend and the sprawling papers that were spread over the table. "We came here to eat, not play your little make believe game."

"You weren't invited." Leon narrowed his eyes a little bit, but did stop trying to point out the plans they had for the LARP his group was hosting next weekend. "Actually, I remember not inviting you at all."

Evan snorted a little bit and picked up his soda to take a drink. The rest of the group was as mismatched as Leon was, ranging from barely seventeen all the way up to twenty seven. The only reason he'd come along was his friend Jon had invited him along so they could go out afterwards to one of the local clubs. He'd been expecting a quick dinner that he could leave quickly with his friend. Why Jon liked to hang around the LARPer group was beyond him. They were strange even when they weren't smacking each other with foam swords in the cold January air. Hell, tonight they were downright boring as they made 'battle plans' of all things. He looked at them disdainfully before going back to his soda. Not beer. Soda. The place didn't serve alcohol.

Jon gave him a look, one that meant he should be quiet, before they went back to their plans a bit more quietly then before. Evan stretched his long legs out under the table and looked out over the restaurant and the rest of the diners who were occasionally peering over at them. At least the menu had a good selection to choose from so he wouldn't go drinking with an empty stomach. And the wait staff was particularly attractive so he didn't have to keep his attention on the geeks. He peered towards the slight little chipmunk that had been waiting on their table. She was curvy in all the right places, with cute soft hips and full promising breasts that were barely held back by her tight blouse. Her fur was a particularly lovely shade of russet-brown that drew his eye.

Ever since Tadsmore's Law had passed in Georgia the anthros had been working at more and more establishments. Not high positions, no, but they were still able to work under businesses and those businesses received a certain percentage off from their taxes. So many customer service jobs were held by them, to say nothing of factories and manual labor. Most people hated the fact that they were starting to be in public, hell, the ones that worked as wait staff often suffered complaints of fur being in the food they served. He didn't particularly care if they were his waiters or cashiers or whatever. He rather liked the anthros, they were exotic. Jenny, the waitress, was certainly exotic enough to catch his eye as he watched her bouncing from table to table.

He was getting older, he'd spent most of his late teens bouncing from bed to bed to bed. Human women were boring. They might differ here and there, but for the most part they were all the same general shape and had the same parts. He enjoyed sex, he enjoyed it more than most people he knew, and he had grown bored. Now the furries... the furries had possibilities. They were shaped differently depending on their species. Especially the little ones. The mice, chipmunks, squirrels, any of the tiny ones were especially fun to play with. He was well endowed for a man, and there was something delicious about hearing them squeak and cry out as he inched his cock into them. And if they said no part way through it, well, he had learned that there was little issue if he kept going. He'd never been reported, never had them fight too hard, not even when he was at his roughest. And some dark part of his mind loved every moment of it.

"Did you boys have time to know what you wanted?" The little chipmunk came to their table with a grin that flashed her buck teeth. She was barely four and a half feet tall.

"Oh yeah," Leon perked up from where he was pointing something out on the plans. "Definitely. I'd like the black and blue burger please with some coleslaw instead of fries."

"I'll go for the shrimp plate," Jon leaned backwards and gave a slow smile. "The one with the salad and fresh garlic bread."

The orders went around the table as Evan took his time to admire the girl. She was lovely, perfectly lovely. She had just enough of a southern accent that it made her voice sound sultry and suggestive as she asked questions. He'd been planning on going to the club, getting drunk, and trying his like in the Red District with the whores, but this little bit.... This one could be quite fun if only he could persuade her to come with him. He stretched out and moved one of his hands beneath the table so that it was hidden from her sight. She turned to him with her pen poised above her order pad.

"Oh I don't know, I think I'll just take an appetizer.." He drawled the words slowly and looked down at his menu. "Something small and tasty."

"Yes sir? Do you need more time?" Her button ears twitched up into the air as her smile grew. His own smile spread wider as he moved his hand and brushed his hand up along the curve of her leg. He felt the soft plush fur as his fingers trailed up along her knee.

"Oh I have all night if you're good." Evan murmured and the girl stepped back with a nervous sounding laugh.

"Now now, I just need your order." She tilted her head a little bit as he caught sight of her small tapered tail wagging behind her. Nervous girl.

"Oh just the nachos then." He put a smile on his face and winked brightly. "Of course, I'm sure I could try something else for dessert."

"Evan!" Jon hissed in his ear, and he ignored it as he watched the waitress suddenly flush hot enough her ears turned bright red.

"The nachos then. I'll go put in your order..." Jenny flicked her ears back and scampered away, giving him a fine view of her soft plush rump. Damn, the curves made him wish he was close enough to give her a spank.

"Were you hitting on a FUR?!" Leon's words cracked out in disbelief, in what was likely meant to be a whisper, but instead turned the heads of several people at their tables.

Evan grinned and stretched his legs out under the table so he deliberately crowded the younger man's legs out of the way. It wasn't exactly the sort of behavior the world found acceptable, and part of him loved how people squirmed when they noticed what he was doing. It wasn't against the law. It was just frowned upon. Prudes, the lot of them.

"What? She's cute. Besides, it's not like I'm like you. I can at least get a girl and humans are boring." He drawled in reply and looked after the waitress. "Besides, she's just playing hard to get because we're in public. The anthros love when humans notice them."

"Don't even start it, Evan." Jon snapped out from beside him, the other man's face was reddened slightly. "I don't want to hear this again."

Evan didn't continue on as they went back to their discussions, instead he felt the irresistible urge to tweak their sensibilities. He was getting tired of the way Jon and the rest of his friends got flustered and outraged at his behavior. That and the fact she had all but turned him down roused his stubborn streak. There was little reason he couldn't get a bit more aggressive. It would be interesting to see their reaction when he declined to continue on to the club so he could take the girl out back and give her a proper ride. The table pointedly ignored him as he continued to watch the server and the beginnings of plan stirred in his mind. By the time Jenny returned with their food he knew exactly what he was going to do.

"Alright, got all your food right here, guys." She grinned, her eyes flickered to him and his smile grew broader. Yeah, she was more than interested in him.

As she started to place the plates on the table he didn't lean back away from her so that she had room to serve them. Instead, he forced her to come in close to him to stretch over the large table to set down plates. He occasionally felt the soft fur of her arm brushing against him. The light touches sent a shiver through him and he became incredibly aware of the way that her shirt buttons struggled to hold the swell of her well endowed breasts. He could easily imagine what they'd feel like beneath his fingers as he gripped them and squeezed. Would she squirm? Would she moan under his touch, or would she end up trying to escape as she saw how much larger he was compared to her. He licked his lips a little bit and moved his arm at just the right time so her breast brushed against him.

"I had the nachos, love." He murmured when she picked up his plate, her cheeks flushed, and went to place it down. She was obviously flustered.

"Oh, of course." She leaned down and placed the plate in front of him, but his eyes weren't on the food or even the outraged looks of the other people on the table.

"How about you and I meet up after I'm done here. I'm sure that I can tip you far better in private then they can here." He murmured softly as she came in close.

"Listen.." She jerked back, her cheeks dark red beneath her white muzzle fur so that they looked almost pink. "I'm flattered, but I have a boyfriend, I'm not into cheating on him."

Evan's cheeks flushed a hot outraged red as he heard Jon snort with laughter and the pokes against his side stopped. Leon laughed across from him and he narrowed his eyes as the laughter was contagious. A few people started snickering as well as he was turned down and he watched the lovely little chipmunks face turned from embarrassed to pitying. She moved down to pat his arm with sympathy for the fact that they were laughing at him. The embarrassment had left her almost entirely. PITYING HIM! How dare she pity him?! She should feel flattered that a HUMAN would waste his time on one of HER kind! His cheeks darkened a bit more as she turned away towards the table behind him and he moved without thinking. He'd show her!

He leaned to one side and shot his hand out to catch the strained button of her top and gave it a firm yank backwards. It was too easy to make the button pop free and the second one joined the first. The little chipmunk let out a squeaking cry and jerked backwards just as her soft white furred breasts were bared to the entire room. The dark black bra was barely enough to cover them and a jerk down of his hand pulled it downwards so he saw a glimpse of rosy nipples before her hands jerked up to cover herself. Leon grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him backwards as he gave a fierce grin of satisfaction. The little waitress scrambled backwards with her ears dark red and yelled out a name while he snorted.

"Jesus let me go!" He jerked his shirt free from Leon's hold, even as Jon moved to pull his arm back.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Jon snapped out and there was a sudden surge of noise as what was presumably the human manager came storming out of the back.

"She wants to make a fool out of me, then fine, she deserves what she gets!" He snapped back, and stood up with a jerk.

"All of you, out of here. NOW!" A large man barked the words out as Evan turned his eyes towards the darting form of the squirrel running towards the back.

"But.. we didn't do anything.." Leon's voice was very small and Evan glared at the younger man. Jesus, they were all pathetic.

"Whatever." He stepped forward and deliberately caught his fingers on the edge of his plate to tip it over the edge of the table. "I'm outta here."

The sound of Jon's apologies to the manager reached his ears as he stormed out of the restaurant. What a bust. He was going to go to the nearest bar, have a drink, and then down to the Red Light district where uppity furs knew how to treat a customer!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Several hours later Ethan stumbled out of the bar and blinked his eyes a bit blearily. He'd spent several hours at a rather seedy disreputably bar enjoying tequila that was cheap and plentiful, though it tasted horrible. He was more than drunk, he was swaying back and forth as he squinted at the street lights and the various places that were still home. The damned bar had eaten up most of his ready cash. He pushed away from the door and stumbled down the side walk with a growl. He'd meant to just get a drink or two and then head down to the District where he could get a companion for the night. Or at least go to a bar that encouraged furs to come around. Now he was broke, and he somehow doubted he'd have money to get a cab so he could get home. He'd have to walk. All because of some damned stupid waitress who thought she was too good for a human.

Fucking furs... He growled to himself and concentrated on keeping his movements smooth and straight. No need to get a drunk and disorderly.

By the time he'd gone two blocks he felt almost sober, or at least, soberer. The cold night air kept him alert as he hunched his shoulders and kept his gaze fixed firmly on the ground beneath him. He was concentrating so hard on where he was going, that he nearly missed the fact that he heard a familiar voice coming from nearby. Evan jerked his head up and blinked a little blearily as he saw the familiar face of the restaurant across the street and a small curvy form leaving the side door. She talked briefly with a larger man, perhaps a manager, before turning to walk out beneath the street lights and wiggled a bit more firmly into her jacket. The damned waitress. That fucking stuck up whore. He swayed a little as he watched her and curled his lips back. He'd show her. He'd show her what she was missing.

It was the first time in his life that he set about planning something as horrendous as rape. Before, he had just ignored it when they said no and continued, later he would pretend he had misunderstood in some way. He'd never outright forced himself on someone from the start. His drunken mind rolled red with anger and lust as he followed on the other side of the street and slowed his steps so he could let the chipmunk get ahead of him. Once she was a bit ahead of him he crossed the street and tailed her as she left the bright lets of the business district. She didn't turn towards uptown, no, she was a fur. She'd be living in the damn ghetto like the rest of her trashy people. He stalked her patiently, not close, no, but far enough away that he was sure she wouldn't think anything of it. He waited until the bright lights gave way to the staggered lights of a worse part of town.

The little chipmunk turned down near an off road, obviously coming closer to home, and that's when he made his move. He sped up into a jog, not a run, a jog where he fumbled with his jacket pockets as if he were looking for something. That's right, just another person that was on his way home looking for his keys. He kept his eyes on her as she went down the side street and didn't even look as he rapidly closed in. He took the turn at a dead run and lunged forward as he saw her finally look back. Finally realize that she was being followed. He didn't give her a chance to scream, he hit her with his arm hard against the stomach and wrapped his free hand around her muzzle as he yanked her in close against him. Her eyes bulged wildly as he grinned down at her.

"Well if it ain't the fucking waitress." He drawled out as she tried to scream out beneath his hand. "I owe you a tip, girl, and I'm sure you'll appreciate it. Hell, maybe your boyfriend will too. Everyone knows furs are fags."

"MMMMPHH!!!" Jenny twisted under his grip as he looked around and hissed out in satisfaction as he spotted a narrow alley between two buildings.

"Shut up, and maybe you'll just get your tip.." He snarled down at her in a rough whisper. His drunken mind flushed with heated thoughts as that so soft body was pressed against him.

God, she was just his type. So tiny he was able to haul her up and pin her against his body. He pushed his hips forward so that she was sure to feel the swell of his cock where it strained his pants as he hauled her into the alley. The dark buildings loomed overhead as he dragged her towards the darkest part. There was one door on a building that opened into the alley, but it was closed off with heavy boards, the other wall was smooth. No one would see him in here and even if they did, it was the ghetto. Furs were always bringing their marks here when they couldn't pay for a room. He barely made it to the safe point before he shoved her up against a wall and dug his hands into the front of her coat.

"Stop.." Her words were muffled as he clamped his hand more tightly around her muzzle. "MMmrrmph..please..."

He yanked her coat off, he didn't give a fuck what she wanted. He was going to fuck her until she was bleeding! She'd never forget him, not until the end of her days! He pulled at her shirt as he shoved her harder against the wall. His breath came in short pants as he yanked the clothe upwards and used his free hand to wrap up around her breast. The soft fur and the material of the bra rubbed against his palm as he clenched down roughly trying to bruise the flesh. Her soft whimpering cry was music to his ears and made his pants just that much tighter.

"Ahh cher, now ya don't want ta be goin' an' doin' that.." A male voice whispered past his ears, rich and thick with a strange accent as he froze.

"Get the fuck outta here, nothing to do with you." He snarled the words, but didn't press further. Damnit, just what he needed someone sticking their nose where it didn't belong.

"Has everythin' ta do wit' me." Something hard and wooden tapped roughly against his shoulder and Evan straightened up and turned his head with a snarl.

The expression faltered as he found himself staring into shadows. Dark shadows that twisted and wrapped around behind him. They roiled like clouds as they pulled away from the wall and reached out towards him with long tendrils. From the darkness a walking stick rested on his shoulders, firm and real. Not an illusion, not a drunken hallucination. His heart started to pound against his chest as a spark of white formed in that darkness and a blast of frosty air hit him. It misted as a face formed from the shadows, like a grinning animalistic skull. The walking stick dropped and a long thin form stepped out with the hollow click of a cloven hoof on the paved alley way and the beast gave himself a shake. A pair of dark black eyes captured him, even as his grip loosened on the trembling waitress.

He had no idea what the creature was. It was large, nearly seven feet tall with a deer like face complete with a wet padded nose and a pair of long sweeping horns that stretched up nearly two feet in the air. The bright black eyes were like sparks of light set in the white skull patterned face, while it was perched on a slender neck that was wrapped in a choker made of bones. His pale under belly and tan furred chest was covered loosely in a black vest with bright brass buttons, but that was his only piece of clothing. His hips and legs were completely bare, which gave Evan a close look at the fact that the creature was male. Very male. A furred sheath rested against his belly right above a pair of heavy looking black orbs.

"Creole.." The girl whimpered out past his loosened hand from her muzzle and the deer like creature flashed a grin that showed flat white teeth.

"Let 'er go, cherie," Creole turned his head back towards Evan and he stiffened in outrage. Who the fuck was this fur to tell him what to do? He was too damn drunk... Shadows out of nowhere be damned!

"Get the fuck outta here." He shoved the chipmunk back against the wall.

"Listen ta an ol' oryx, darlin'. Let her go, or are ya lookin' fer a lesson?" Creole tilted his head with a clattering of bone. A long spill of feathers was clipped right at the base of one of his horns.

Evan jerked the girl up against him and swayed a bit as the drink made it harder for him to easily stand in one place. He stepped away from the wall and shoved the girl in front of him. Fucking furs. What was that beast going to do? The police rarely answered calls from things going on with furs. Or even came to this part of town unless there was something monumental going on. He'd just take the little bitch somewhere else, hell or the park. It was quiet there and he'd be able to take his time. Fucking drink had gotten to his head. He pushed Jenny up ahead of him when the walking stick cracked out again and this time it hit him hard just behind the knees. Normally he would have been able to brace himself, or at least catch himself when falling, but his inebriated state destroyed any hope of that.

He dropped with a rough curse and the chipmunk writhed under his grip. He'd tried to at least drag her down with him, but someone loomed above him and suddenly gave a rough yank that took her out of his reach. She wriggled away and kicked him as she went. He tried to lunge after her leg, but she bolted as soon as she was free of him. He cursed and pushed his legs beneath him and heaved up onto his hands and knees.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" He snarled out and twisted his head to feel a cloven hoof shove down right against the small of his back.

"Really darlin'?" The skull patterned face peered down at him. The padded nostrils flared a little bit as the oryx leaned down. "Oh Ah doubt ya'll be killin' anyone. Ah don't take kindly ta folks like ya."

"Let.. me go.." Evan shoved upwards only to whimper out as he felt the cloven hoof suddenly dig down hard enough that a pained cry escape him.

"Ah've been summoned up, cherie. Ah don't go back so easily." The hoof lifted up, only to have a large hand grip the back of his neck and heave him up on his legs. He swayed slightly while trying to keep his balance. "Once Ah'm called up, well.. Ah'm a little bit o' darkness hidden from the world. A little bit o' sin that they don't want folks seein', but now an' then Ah'm summoned ta do my duty. An' tonight.. tonight my duty is you, cher.. Only you..."

The skull face seemed to glow in the darkness. It grew larger and larger, it spilled into every part of his vision and dragged him under. The thickly accented voice wrapped around him. The light of the face receded just as he felt a hand gripping his shirt and hauling him up into the air. What the hell was this creature? His feet left the ground as blast of hot air hit him in the face. At first he thought it was the beast breathing on him, but it was sharply scented with a rush of sweet cinnamon. It was so strong that it nearly choking him. The fingers gripped his shirt and gave a yank, a twist that he had done to the waitress so the material strained over him.

He clutched at the furred forearms as the scent of cinnamon burned his nostrils and made him gag in reaction. His legs kicked the ground wildly as he was twisted about and suddenly thrown back onto the cold hard alley floor. The scent of cinnamon followed him, a harsh wild scent that made him jerk backwards until he was nearly pushed up against the wall. He rubbed his nose and tried to clear whatever was on there off, but it wasn't leaving him. It was only growing worse. He could taste it on his tongue, it was flowing down his throat. The heat of it was growing and building until his eyes blurred and he coughed roughly trying to get away from it.

"No escapin' it, cher, not tanight." Creole's voice mocked him before the hand gripped him right behind the neck. "Think o' it as karma.. their pain, their tears, their violation called me up an' now... now Ah'll give it all to ya to carry."

The grip on his neck forced him forward and his eyes snapped open wide as he felt his nose pushed up against something wet and slimy. He found himself staring to the shadowy pouch and something wet and crimson pushed into the air. The animal's cock. He let out a disgusted sound and tried to fight the grip of the head, but the fingers only flexed harder so the glans rubbed against his face. It trailed a slimy spill of precum against him and coated the edges of his lips. The wet syrupy dribbles spilled along his shoulders as he let out a ragged cry. He kept his lips sealed and fought off the advance, but it wasn't just being forced to the cock that was terrifying him. A cramp rushed through his stomach and rippled through his body. It spilled to his arms as they dropped down against the gritty ground and the cock tip started to push along the edges of his lips so some of the wetness slipped inwards. The beast tasted of musk and heat, salt and sweetness, and before he knew what he was doing he licked his lips.

The oryx didn't hesitate. The hips suddenly jerked forward and the red cock plunged into his maw with a wet spurt of precum. It spilled along his tongue as his body shuddered and something was changing. His shirt was starting to become loose and falling around his sides as he muffled a rough cry and his lips brushed against the velvety sheath as Creole inched his cock inwards. He swallowed automatically as he tried to get himself to bite down. He could bite down and the beast would be forced to remove his cock. That's all it would take. He could just bite down and get away from it all, no matter what was happening. Except.. he couldn't make himself bite down. His body wouldn't let him.

The cock was growing larger against his muzzle as he pulled his lips back and a hot splash of precum rolled over his tongue and dribbled from the edge of his lips. He choked slightly and the clothes were growing loser as a rush of heat ran up the line of his spine. His bones started to ache as he squeezed his eyes shut and felt his pants dropping down over the curve of his ass. The belt that had been tight was loosening and dropping down to the ground as his shirt felt as if he were wearing an overly large jersey. He gulped and the oryx drove forward as the cock felt so thick that it was straining his jaws open, the smooth flesh was jabbing into his throat so that he was gagging before it drew back again.

It was disgusting, he wasn't gay damnit! His body didn't want to listen, didn't want to stop suckling around the cock. His tongue rolled upwards and flicked against the heavy flesh as his teeth started to ache and he realized that more and more of his mouth was covering the shaft. He snapped his eyes open in time to see his nose elongating as a spill of reddish-gold fur grew from his bare skin. His nose was growing a bit broader as the lips wrapped around the cock grew to fit on a muzzle. A fucking muzzle! It appeared on the end of his nose as his teeth ached and sharpened. The tongue that he was licking up beneath the smooth furred cock. It was growing longer, but it was a tighter fit as the tip plunged inwards and spilled out a goopy dribble of precum.

_What the hell is he doing me?! _ He screamed in his own mind as he became aware of the loose clothing and the way his body was starting to heat up.

His fingers dug down against the rough grit of the alley beneath him, but they felt strange. Claws scraped against the ground as the oryx gripped him by a thick ruff of fur that was growing around his neck. The fingers pulled him forward as the cock was plunged into his maw so deep that the glans plunged into his throat. He was pushed almost against the swell of the orbs as the thick heavy strands of precum continued to stain his muzzle. His pants fell off of his too thin waist, but he didn't feel the cold winter air brushing against his naked flesh. What was happening to him? His body was changing and he couldn't even turn to look. He was held a prisoner of the hips that lunged forward and dragged back out again. The dribbles of precum spilled along the corners of his muzzle as Creole let out a low sinful laugh.

The thick fingered hands moved back and caught against his shirt and suddenly gave a yank. The fabric tore against his chest and he whimpered out, the sound delicate and high pitched as the material was torn away from him. He was left trembling and naked on the ground as his legs started to ache and the bones changed. They became twisted and cracked as he was left crying out in a high pitched scream. The spell momentarily broke him as he jerked his head backwards so that the boned cock slipped free of his muzzle. He pulled his legs up and twisted his head around to see his body wasn't remotely recognizable. Thick golden fur covered his body, heavy and puffy as it trailed along his hips, his chest, his legs. His legs! His legs were bent like a furs!

The shoes looked ludicrously large as he jerked one leg up and his foot pulled free without any effort to reveal a small compact looking paw. And that wasn't all. He stared in horror, his stomach growing cold, but didn't have enough time to gape at what he saw. His head was forced forward and the cock was plunged back into his muzzle in a violent rough thrust that shoved the sheath up against his lips. He coughed and closed his maw around the hot slippery cock and suckled so he swallowed the salty-sweet precum down. It was disgusting, he wanted to be disgusted, but his body refused to stop. He didn't even fight to stop it, he had seen what lay between his legs in that one glimpse and he was aware of the pressure growing between his legs.

He had seen the soft small useless nub of his cock in that one glance. It was being drawn up into his body, his balls had already melted away under the change. He cried out softly and squeezed his eyes shut as the tip of the cock rubbed along the roof of his mouth. He swallowed hotly and the pressure changed to a faint burning sensation that made him writhe and work his velvety soft tongue along the bestial cock. He lapped and stroked, he began to forget himself as the tip plunged into his throat and pulled backwards again. The balls were jostled against his chin as he dug his clawed hand-paws against the ground. He pushed forward and flicked his ears back. Ears! His ears flattened against his furred head.

The oryx's movements were ragged and rough, building up as each and every thrust built up to the point that he was being rocked against the ground. The hands moved down and caressed along the line of his naked back. The fingers caressed the fur and rubbed down along his sides as he lapped around the base of the cock and pulled backwards. He moved his head in time with the thrusting hips as the sharp sweet scent of the musk flooded his nose. He muffled a ragged cry as the hands dropped down along his sides and suddenly hands gripped his chest. Not his chest, they gripped his... gods.. her breasts. The fucking animal had changed her into a girl! The fingers squeezed and pulled along the furred orbs and clutched right at the nipples so her back arched up. The heat blossomed along her lower belly as the hips slammed forward in a rough movement.

The heavy orbs clapped along her chin as the cock started to grow heavier and heavier, it pushed right along her tongue. Her body shuddered as her mind screamed to pull away, but Creole held her under his sway. The orbs drew up and she held still as every last inch was hilted into her throat. Suddenly a hot viscous rush of cum erupted out of the tip and sprayed right into her throat. She gagged roughly around it as the seed coated the back of her tongue and she was forced to swallow. Her tongue worked as the buck's fingers gripped her breasts so hard that they were being bruised and still the hot ropes flowed. She'd never tasted this before, never even entertained being gay, and now she felt thick pearly cum oozing out of the corners of her muzzle and spilling along the edge of her jaw line. The taste of it made her gag slightly as the hips gave a grinding roll back and forth, smearing the goo into her muzzle to make mar her.

"Now.. Ah woulda thought ya'd struggle harder, darlin'.." Creole panted shallowly as his hips drew backwards until his cock tip pulled free with a lewd wet sound. A thick strand of seed clung from the tip all the way to her chin.

"What.. have.. you done.." She panted raggedly and then scrambled backwards to stare down at herself with a whimper of horror.

Her body was gone. Entirely gone. She stared down at the thick golden red fur that covered her body, so thick and soft that it made her look almost chubby. The curves of her body accentuated along her hips and the swell of her soft breasts. Her legs were shorter, her arms shorter. Everything was changed. And between her thighs was a soft spade shaped sex that was bare of any fur, gleaming and swollen looking as she scrambled backwards towards the wall with a yelping cry. Her clothing was scattered about on the ground, but the fur kept her body warm, almost too warm. She moved her paw hands up and touched her muzzle, the small dainty maw as well as a pair of small fox like ears the crowned the top of her head. She was a dog! She'd been turned into a dog! And not just a dog. She twisted around and looked at the tightly curled tail along the small of her back. She was a fucking Pomeranian.

"TURN ME BACK! YOU'VE HAD YOUR FUN!" She screamed out and pushed up onto her feet, but it was harder to balance on the small compact paws.

"Oh darlin', Ah only enjoyed yer muzzle, that's not what Ah've come here for." Creole loomed over her, suddenly seeming so much larger. She'd shrunk!

"I'm a fucking Pomeranian!" She bristled and folded her ears back flat. "Isn't that enough?!"

"Oh no, cher, oh no..." Creole moved and picked his walking stick. "An eye for an eye, darlin'. Ta pay fer your sins.... Ta take their pain ta yerself..."

The words echoed in the alley as she pulled backwards away from the beast that tapped his walking stick against the side of the wall. The moment the wood touched the bricks flared white and there was a crackle as ice started to spread out along the edges of the darkness. White and gleaming it crackled and twisted this way and that, like rim of frost forming in fast forward. The air grew colder until she could feel it even through her thick fur. What did he want form her? She'd sucked his fucking cock! That was horrible enough. She glanced towards the opening of the alley and edged carefully to one side. She cold bolt, she was nude, but who the hell cared as long as she got away from this creature. She twitched her tail and flinched at the foreign sensation as she started to move to one side.

"HOARFROST!" The barked word rang in the air before the frost shattered like glass against the side of the wall and something stepped free of the darkness it revealing.

A massive looking canine stepped forward, his dark lips twisted back to flash long white fangs as a creature seemingly furred in silver and white shook himself out and dropped down to all fours. The broad hand paws spread out over the ground as ears pierced with red hoops flicked forward and a low baritone growl spilled out of the throat. Evan went still, her eyes flashing wide as she saw the heavy bodied creature. It looked a bit like a hyena, but not quite, not with that color. White fur ran along his head and spilled down over his back so that white stripes slipped along the edges of his chest. It was interrupted by small hints of white spots that dappled over what she could see of his chest. Not a hyena. Not with the massive size, and the strange red tipped claws that crowned each and every one of his claws. The beast twisted his head to one side to regard Creole as a bit of frost fell free from his fur.

_Gnoll? Is that even a real creature?! _ Her mind threw the word at her as she became aware of a harsh sharp scent on the air. Thick enough to choke her, even as it made her heart speed up.

"Ah've brought ya a friend, Hoarfrost, one who deserves yer considerable... talent." Creole moved a hand up to caress the bristling fur that ran along the creatures back. "She likes pain..Ah've been told.."

Evan froze and a cold chill ran down the line of her back as the beast suddenly fastened his eyes on her and something flared to life in them. She glanced down at herself and then back at the beast. The gnoll stood up again, but this time she became intimately aware of the fact that he didn't wear a stitch of clothing and a massive sheath hung heavy along his lower belly. It was solid grey, with a bare hint of black spots on it. Slowly, something dark edged out into the light, something that gleamed and made the scents on the air grow sharper. He was as big as Creole! Hoarfrost licked his lips with a red tongue and she broke free of her trance. She wasn't going to do this. She wasn't a fucking fur and she wasn't a girl! And she certainly wasn't going to stay around to be raped by this creature.

She scrambled towards the opening of the alley in a desperate run, her legs kicked off, but not evenly. She wasn't used to the small foot paws, she couldn't use them the way she should have been able to if she'd been a real dog. Her small form only made it a few steps before weight crashed into her with a snarl that ripped through the night. A hand suddenly shoved down against her shoulders and forced her down against the hard ground as she tried to kick her way free. Her yelping cries grew higher pitched as the sharp scent of male musk filled the air and made her wrinkle her lips back to expose sharp white teeth.

"Where do you think you're going?" The gnoll growled in her ear before a hot red tongue licked out against her neck. One large paw moved along her hip and hauled her upwards. "I smell a bitch to be bred..."

"I'm not a bitch!" She twisted and kicked backwards wildly as the chest pushed down against her and a hot blast of air hit her neck.

The male scent filled her nose even further as she was forced up onto all fours and something hot and slimy rested right against line of her spine. Oh god, he was grinding his cock along her back. She writhed and yelped out roughly even as parts of her body started to tense up. The scent of him became like an intoxicant that she was drawing in. An intoxicant she tried to break away from as she became aware of her lower body starting to grow warmer. It was an ache that spread lower as the tongue slipped upwards towards the curve of her cheek. The hands that gripped her moved down to clutch against her hips as if to prove how much larger then her he was. She was dwarfed under him and it sent waves of panic through her as she writhed and twisted to try and get out from under her. The heavy weight of the cock rubbed and oozed out a thick syrupy dribble that spilled into her fur.

"Please..stop..." She yelped out and the grinding push upwards slowly pulled back again and the black muzzle moved back to nip sharply against the back of her neck. He pinched the skin roughly so Evan cried out raggedly.

"Ah believe that's what the petite girl was sayin'..." Creole murmured from out of sight and the heavy bodied gnoll pulled his hips all the way back until his cock slipped off her haunches.

"Smell that?" The teeth left her neck and the animal growled out. Even the sound of his voice scent a shiver down her spine as she whined out softly under her breath. "Poor little bitch, never been in heat? Don't worry, I'll fuck you full of my pups.."

"NO!" Evan shrieked out and lunged forward only to feel the tip of the cock slipping upwards. Thick dribbles of slimy precum rubbed along the newly formed virgin folds.

He was huge, she could feel the tip grinding up against the swollen spade and pushing the lips inwards mockingly. The powerful haunches were spread open around her as she started to tremble under his weight. His teeth gripped her scruff and gave a rough yank backwards as her tongue lolled out and she nearly keened out. It was disgusting, the slimy cock was rubbing and pushing against her, marking her with the harsh musky scent that was making her heart race. And worst of all, her body was starting to flush hot with need. It was a sensation that she'd never experienced in her life, it made her straight mind reel as the cock tip nudged forward. Part of her flared with anticipation as she felt her inner walls contracting down and squeezing on nothing.

The anticipation left as the gnoll's hips suddenly shoved forward and the cock tip forced the lips in on themselves before the dark red cock tip yawned open her virgin passage. Evan screamed out as the powerful hips lunged forward and forced the cock inwards. Her walls burned and ached as she was stretched open wider and wider. She threw her weight forward with a shrill scream as he continued to shove his too large cock into her body. Something hot and slippery oozed into her before he drove forward again. Her soft Y shaped folds were forced into an obscene O to wrap around the purple-black girth as it continued to force itself inwards. Inch by painful inch her body was stretched open and her legs splayed open wide as she let out high pitched yelps and squeals. The gripping hand paws squeezed roughly against her hips and dug the claws in before he suddenly yanked backwards.

The relief was made worse by the fact the moment she felt the cock pulling back her body clenched down tightly around the boned canine cock. The tip pulled back until it popped free with a lewd wet noise and a splattering of wet precum that fell over her outer lips. Her aching body started to squeeze around nothing even as she felt a rush of frustrated need roll through her. Hoarfrost didn't wait long to lunge forward again. The next thrust slammed forward and tore back into her body and forced a scream from her face as her chest was shoved down against the hard ground. The cock plunged forward all the way to the point that she felt as if he was about to tear her in two. Her folds strained so wide that she was writhing and twisting, the pain making her tear up as her body tried to slicken around him to relieve the ache.

The growl vibrated along the line of her neck when he yanked his hips backwards again, but not out this time. He plunged back forward with a squelching noise as the thick precum oozed into her body and her silken inner passage started to contract and suckle around the boned girth. Her legs trembled and she tried to drop her hips, but the gnoll's paws kept her ass pushed up into the air as she lunged forward hard enough his tip slammed up against her cervix. The bulge of his cock pushed against her outer lips and rubbed forcefully along her clit as she balled her fingers up into fists. Her tongue lolled out from her mouth as she let out a weak cry when he pulled out. He barely moved a few inches outwards before plunging back into her body again.

The snarling male lifted his head to brush against her ear with a low growl, "Tight little bitch, that's right.. Scream for me..."

"Pull it out!" She screeched out in a panic. Even in her pain and terror she recognized those words, how many times as she said them? How many girls had he whispered those words as they cried out around a cock far too large for them and he hadn't cared if they struggled?

"I SAID SCREAM FOR ME!" Hoarfrost roared the words before his powerful haunches tensed up and plunged forward hard enough that the base pushed her lips open to the point that pain erupted along the line of her spine.

Evan's muzzle spread open and she screamed out raggedly as the base started to force her open, even as the bulging tip forcefully spread the cervix open. She was tearing! He was going to kill her! She couldn't take him! He barely got his knot inwards before he pulled backwards and nearly popped his cock tip out of her before slamming forward again. The thrusts started to hammer against her, building up faster and faster as thick spills of precum and her own forced wetness was forced along her outer folds. It hurt, and still she was writhing and rocking under him. Her body clenched and suckled around the too large cock. The aching burn was melding with the heat was flooding through her as her fertile body was violated time and time again. The cock tip shoved up against her cervix and forced it open until the knot shoved her folds inwards.

She was nearly being torn apart as the gnoll's chest shoved down against her shoulders and upper back so she had no where she could go. No place she could run. Nothing she could do. The knot sank into her wet a wet popping noise and she howled out roughly. Her inner walls clamped down around it, tightening, and tried to hold it inside of her only to have him yank backwards. A thick hot glob of precum flung itself into her vulnerable womb before he pulled back out again. She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed someone would here her. Why wouldn't anyone save her? He was tearing her apart even as her body started to tense itself up. The pulses of her heart beat made her ears throb as they reddened and Hoarfrost slammed forward again. The knot popped inwards and forced out some of the viscous precum before he pulled out again.

The thrusts started to hammer faster and harder. The powerful driving thrusts jarred her body as the knot was pulled in and out, in and out, faster and harder. It started to swell as he plunged inwards and pulled back, his claws dug into her hips as he yanked backwards with a wet popping noise so a squeal burst out of her lips only to have him plunge back into her. His heavy haunches pushed hard against her upturned ass as his cock tip plunged and wedged her cervix open wide. The heavy boned girth started to throb as it grew larger and larger. Each beat of her heart seemed centered in a moment of pain as the knot stretched open and forced her legs to splay. She could almost feel herself ready to tear around him as she twisted her head up and gaped her muzzle open wide.

"PULL IT OUT!" She screeched the words dozens of females had used with her and the gnoll suddenly yanked back, but not out.

"You want.. me too..." Hoarfrost growled in her ears as he yanked back harder and the knot forced he outer lips open, but it had grown too swollen. He'd tear her apart. "Tell me.. what you.. want bitch..."

He yanked hard enough that she squealed out again and tried to push her hips back, "STOP STOP STOP!!!"

"Say it.. tell me.. you want it.." The gnoll's tongue licked along her ear and he yanked back again, her lips bulged as the knot tried to yank free. "Tell me to breed you... Or I'll yank free.."

Humiliation made her ears splay to either side as Evan felt like sobbing. Her entire body was alive with nerves that screamed to feel him plunged inside of her. Could she get pregnant? Was this happening? Was it some horrific nightmare? Thick hot drools of precum spread inside of her and spilled into her vulnerable womb. Was she already at risk? She sobbed out roughly and the hips suddenly yanked upwards as the gnoll straightened his legs and her haunches were lifted up off the ground. Her foot paws were pulled up and she hung by the overly large knot until she was forced to scream out.

"BREED ME!!! DON'T PULL OUT!! BREED ME!!!" She forced the words past her utter humiliation and past her pain.

"With pleasure..." Hoarfrost snarled out and dropped his haunches before driving forward. He pulled her back as his hips moved in a blur.

The thrusts were short, hard and heavy. They rocked her body back and forth as the pain and need rolled into one until tears rolled down her cheeks. It didn't matter that it hurt, it didn't matter that she wasn't a female, it was a base instinct that drove her walls to contract down so tightly that he couldn't pull backwards and yank free from her. The hyena's orbs shoved up between her thighs, heavy and furred as he pressed down against her and she felt his boned spire starting to throb within the silken grip of her tight passage. She parted her lips and let out a soundless scream as the gnoll's rippling howl burst free of his muzzle.

The first feverishly hot rush of cum erupted from the tip of his cock and plunged into her body. It flooded into her unprotected womb in a wave that splattered right up against the back of her uterus as she trembled under his weight. Her violated passage started to milk and squeeze around his cock. She pulled and massaged about him, trying to coax more inside of her instinctively. Millions of his infernal sperm plunged into her body and forced inwards to try and find her ripe rich ovaries. His shuddering body pressed her down against the ground as his hot breath panted against the back of her neck. Each throb of his cock and knot forced out another splatter of seed rich semen. It was feverishly hot, she could almost feel it splattering inwards as the burning pain turned into a dull ache. His hips gave a roll so she felt the twitching of his orbs as he continued to flood her.

A splash of drool hit against the back of her neck as she collapsed on the ground with her eyes squeezed tightly shut. She could barely move, she could only tremble as she felt the burning ache of her belly as he continued to seed her. She couldn't even struggle as she tried to huddle in on herself. She didn't want to think about the knot pulling free, she didn't want to think about what had just happened.

"Ahh cher..." A hand moved down to cup beneath her slender muzzle and she shuddered as she was forced to look up at Creole.

She flinched as the fingers stroked up and over her head. The heavy bodied Hoarfrost shifted and stood up so that he was no longer pressed against her, but his knot tugged against her aching folds. She whimpered and pushed her ass up into the air to relieve the pressure. The skull faced oryx dropped his head and brushed his lips lightly against her forehead in an almost tender kiss.

"One night down..." He whispered in her ear as another hot splatter of cum erupted inside of her fertile body.

One night down?! _ Her eyes flew open wide. _What does he mean by that?!

_ _

Her only answer came with another oozing dribble inside of her that pooled deep inside of her womb. Already her ripe ova were being attacked and violated by the beasts sperm. Her fate was sealed.

Thrown Back: The End

The branches were slick ice beneath Calina's paws as she stretched herself out and launched across them one after another. Her paws slipped and slid over the patches while her claws instinctively sank down through the ice to give her enough traction...

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Learning to Rule

The cheese was soft and melted on the tongue, just sharp enough that it offset the sweetness of the grapes. The juice melted on Gregory's tongue as he watched the groom taking away the heavy bodied gelding that he had just gotten done working out. The...

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Harsh Lessons

The house was warm, almost overly so, as Keishou stretched himself out on the couch and flicked his tail back and forth lightly. The feathers stirred against the hot air that was coming from the vent. He flicked his ears tufts back a little bit at the...

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