Harsh Lessons

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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The house was warm, almost overly so, as Keishou stretched himself out on the couch and flicked his tail back and forth lightly. The feathers stirred against the hot air that was coming from the vent. He flicked his ears tufts back a little bit at the sounds of the TV and the inane show he'd clicked on when he'd gotten home. It wasn't precisely what he wanted to watch, but it at least gave him a reason to drift off in a nap. Anna was a sharp one and she'd commented a few days ago that he was sleeping more than normal. She'd also hinted at the fact that he was no longer home as often as he used to be and when he was home he was sound asleep. The gryphon had given the excuse that he was spending more time at work and it was starting to wear on him. The rabbit hadn't bought it.

The vibrant brown gryphon pried open an eye to look at the screen and suppressed a rumble of discontent as his eyes fell on the picture of her on top of the TV. Their relationship had started to turn rocky in the last few months. She was becoming more short tempered with him, quicker to leap on his faults, and reprimand him. It was no longer a pleasure to see her, but something that made him slink around the house because she had a hundred and one questions for him. There was nothing that made him feel at home here when she was in a mood. It grated on him to the point that he was ready to lose it. He didn't have to answer questions in his own damn house about why he was late or why he slept in or where he was planning to spend his day.

In the last month he'd finally cracked. He'd been at work when an adorable red panda had come in with a soft thick tail and a soft curve to her hips that had caught her eyes. She'd been cute with a bright smile and a hint of amusement in her tone, and that had started him on relieving his tension from his home life in another way. It had started with her, but he'd managed to attract two more women that he seduced into his bed. He didn't have to worry about anything with them, not the way his home life was going, not the way she constantly badgered him when they weren't fucking, nothing. They were happy to pleasure him and to be pleased. Gryphons were rare creatures, after all, it was easy for him to attract a one night stand or even two.

And those girls. He let out a low growl as he remembered the sweet little fox he had enjoyed last night. Her muzzle had been so talented as she'd licked and teased around his cock. The light touches had made him writhe against the bed before he'd finally rolled over and pinned her down. Inch by inch he'd claimed her, his large knot stretched her body open to the point that she was nearly squirming about beneath him in protest. He stretched his legs out and flexed his toes as his stomach tensed up slightly and he had to let out a shivering breath to keep his body from reacting to those memories. The fox hadn't tried to do anything more than enjoy herself and had been quite flattered that he'd sidled up to her and suggested they go somewhere quiet together.

It's not working out. _ The gryphon flattened his feathers a bit. _I know it's not, and it's not fair to Anna. We need to end it. We could at least try to remain friends if we weren't always fighting about one thing or another.

_ _

He shifted up on the couch and pushed the covers down his bare chest as he glanced at the clock. She'd be coming home soon. He needed to end it. It hadn't always been this way. They used to be an amiable couple, they had enjoyed themselves, had fun going out and around town, and had a lot in common. But it was all falling apart. If he couldn't remain faithful to her, it was time to end it and try to remain friends. Anna deserved that from him. Keishou moved a hand up to brush along the thick ruddy feathers of his head and gave himself a shake. The resolution became a bit more firm as he heard her car pull up to the house and watched the lights dance through the living room. He stood up and dropped the blanket away from the couch as he strained to hear the door opening.

The gryphon flicked his wings back and tried his best to look serious as he heard her walking towards the house. His tail fluttered a bit faster and harder behind him while the feathers along the base of his tail cheeks. The tension started to build up by the time the door opened and the rabbit came into the room with a bag slung over her shoulder. Her ears were flipped backwards as she struggled to get the door closed behind her. A cold rush of air came in and hit against his bare chest and lower making him realize that he wasn't exactly decent. He'd come home, grabbed a shower and flopped on the couch nude as he normally did. He hastily stepped back and snagged up the blanket from the couch.

"Hey Anna, long day at work?" He tried to keep his voice chipper as he wrapped the blanket around his hips.

The dark grey rabbit gave him a look as she placed the bag on the counter and wriggled her coat off so she could hang it on the hook. She was shivering slightly and he moved forward with a suppressed sigh. He had to drop the blanket to do so, but she'd seen him nude before, and his sheath covered everything. It wasn't like he could break up with her while he was standing in the middle of their home nude. And the least he could do was try to get her in a better mood. He took her boots off the floor and tucked them neatly in the closet.

"I was going to get those." She protested and flicked her ears up a little bit. "Did you make dinner?"

"No.." He flinched a little bit as he recalled what he had been doing besides making dinner. "I got a bit distracted."

"You're always distracted," Her voice wasn't angry, but tired as she gave him a long look. "Fine, I'll make something myself."

"No, let me.." He tried to move to the kitchen, but she cut him off. Not with a push or word, but simple silence as she padded in front of him and started opening up cabinets while he watched her.

As Keishou had done a hundred times in the last few months, he pulled his feathers back and tried to make himself small. It wasn't that she yelled, it was the stony silence that told him just how angry she was, how disappointed in him. He lashed his tail tip back and forth and watched as she cracked open a soup can so it could heat on the stove. Her movements were jerky and her eyes didn't even look over at him as he blew out a soft sigh. It wasn't fair, damnit. It just wasn't. He fought the urge to snap at her or try to defend himself against what she was doing, even when she wasn't actually doing anymore other then ignoring him. He should just get out of here for the night. Walk out, go find one of the girls he'd been visiting and try to do his best to forget the way she was always making him feel.

The gryphon flicked one of his wing tips as she padded past him again and he picked up the subtle scent of her perfume, but.. something else beneath it. He didn't linger over what it was, but it made his body run hot and his heart start to beat faster as he stepped forward with a growl. He wasn't thinking about what he was doing as he caught his girlfriend by the wrist and pulled her in against him. One of her hands moved to push up against his chest in an attempt to pull away, but he lowered his beak to brush the edge of her neck. The hooked tip dragged all the way down towards the curve of the shoulder before moving back upwards again.

"Keishou!" She snapped out his name and moved to step back, but he was close enough now that he knew that scent. Her heat, her fertility.

"You said you wanted dinner.." The gryphon blinked his eyes open and gave a wicked grin. "I remember a time when we did more than just cook in here."

"Yeah well, that was before you started working so-MMPH!" Her words were stopped as he ran his tongue in a swift wet line right over her lips and pressed her back towards the counter. His wings flared open wide, half mantling around the sleek rabbit.

She stiffened a little against him, but didn't pull away as he ran his forepaws along the smooth sweet curves of her hips. It had been so long since he'd been this close to her. They'd mostly been sleeping in the same bed with as much distance between as possible when he wasn't passed out on the couch. His fingers caressed upwards and felt the soft grey fur as he pushed her shirt up a few inches. His thumbs danced upwards to caress right near her navel. He'd forgotten just how soft her fur was, it was like crushed velvet under his touch. She arched a little as his tongue rasped lightly and caressed right along her lower lip in a wet line. He trailed his fingers along the paler under fur with a gentle kneading movement that pushed the shirt up higher and higher.

Her hands moved, almost hesitating above the thick feathers of his chest before they moved and brushed against them. He crooned his approval as he ran his fingers upwards to peel the shirt upwards and darted downwards to lick along her neck. He tugged firmly at her clothes and peeled her shirt upwards so that he had to move his beak out of the way to get it all the way off. Anna's eyes opened a bit wider, almost she looked ready to protest, but he stopped the words by darting his head down and coiling his tongue right along the firm nub of her nipple. He pushed her backwards and pulled up at her hips so he could set her on the counter while he curled his tongue tip right against the tip of her nipple. The rabbit let out a soft gasping cry as he teased her and his body started to react to that warm scent.

Gods she was lovely smelling, and the soft sounds that she made sent shivers down his spine. His sheath started to swell and bulge as he licked and nibbled around the soft pale grey fur of her breasts. It had been too long since he'd felt the desire to tease her this way. There had been so much bad blood between them that he'd forgotten the way her paws felt stroking through his feathers. She didn't snap at him when he hooked his fingers right beneath the edge of her pants. He licked down right along the edges of her belly before licking back upwards again. The gleaming red inches pushed higher into the air as he drew in a shivering breath and tugged her pants downwards. And wonder of wonders, she responded to him.

God, I forgot how wonderful she is... He groaned to himself as she lifted her hips up and let him peel her pants down so they could drop to the floor with her shirt.

Her body was shivering slightly as he licked back up to her breasts and moved one of his hands up to cup against her soft plush mound. Her fingers gave a lightly caress along his neck feathers as he curled his digits forward and rubbed right along the outer lips. They were slippery already and he slipped his middle finger to spread them apart and caressed right against the swollen nub of her clit. He swirled along it in circles as her hips rolled up and one of her paws moved down to rub along the tip of his cock. He groaned out and rolled his hips forward so that a syrupy spill of precum coated the digits before he pulled backwards. His heart was pounding so fast it was almost painful as she rubbed right around the barbs that rimmed his glans.

He curled his finger forward and fluttered lightly along the sensitive mound. The feathers roused upwards along his back while he licked around the tightness of her nipple. The warm breath tickled around the edges as he coiled it in slow caressing movements to draw the little noises from her throat. His hips rolled forward, grinding and pushing against the palm of her paw as he sucked in the warm scent of her. It flooded his senses and roused every instinct he possessed for something more then simple sex. He knew her body, knew how to make her react, and she knew his own. The tension between them as he finally slipped his fingers away from her mound and pulled her so the dark grey legs slipped around him.

His chest feathers teased against her own while his hardening shaft slipped upwards right along the curve of the soft belly. The drooling precum coated against the fur as he teased back and forth and his paws moved to grip against her rump cheeks and dragged his hips downwards so that the tip teased right along her outer folds. Her hands moved to slip against his wrists as he rubbed his tip along her plump outer lips, coating them lightly as her hands moved to his chest.

"Mmph shouldn't you have a condom.." She managed to breath into his ear and he let out a teasing growl and squeezed her ass cheeks before pushing forward. Partially spreading the folds around his tip so he was nudging right against her opening.

"Mmm why? Saving yourself for someone else?" He teased and gave forceful push that started to spread her walls open.

"Gods.. no.. just you.." Anna gasped out as his bare cock started to sink into her passage. The walls started to strain open around his cock tip, the feverish heat clutching around him.

"Good.. " He groaned out with a short shiver that ran down the line of his spine and made him arch his back and push forward harder and deeper.

The walls wrapped tightly around them, they clamped down eagerly and started to squeeze as he plunged forward. The thick dribbles of precum oozed out into the passage and was pushed inwards as his shaft rapidly grew thicker and thicker. He moved his hands down to clutch against either side of Anna's hips as she squirmed beneath him. He pushed forward a bit more deeper, the walls yawned open wider so that the tip spilled out a hot rush of precum. His tail feathers spread open as he pushed barely half his girth into her passage before pulling back. The inner muscles quivered and tightened almost painfully around him as Anna's hips rolled upwards and rubbed her short muzzle against his neck feathers.

The women he had been with passed away, there was only her as he drove forward in a short buck upwards and drove himself into her body. This time he didn't stop, her legs were stretching open wider and wider. The thickness of his base pushed right up against the swollen outer lips and pushed them inwards before pulling back again. The barbs rose up around him and tugged through her passage so she let out a short noise as he nearly pulled himself all the way out before plunging forward again. A groan burst out of his lips as her walls contracted greedily around him so he plunged forward again. Her hips rose up to meet him while her legs wrapped firmly around his hips, helping to drive him all the way in to the hilt. Her unprotected body squeezed almost painfully tight around his girth as his wings trembled along the curve of his back.

His swollen base pushed inwards and spread the walls open wide before he pulled back out again. It was almost feverishly hot, the desire growing as he used his barbs to tease through her slickening body. The drooling precum from his tip mingled with his own arousal and when he plunged forward so that the base was plunged forward so his sheath was shoved right up against the plump outer folds. A dribble of mingled wetness meshed against his sheath, matting the fur while his heavy orbs clapped up beneath the curve of her ass. He lowered his head and licked hotly along the upper breasts before nibbling his way down. He gave a light nip right against the perked nipples before drawing backwards inch by slow inch.

He barely let his knot slip out before he plunged forward again. He could feel the swollen girth pushing right over the clit so she gave a short buck upwards. The barbs scraped and tugged along her slippery inner walls as they quivered around his dark red girth. He licked upwards right along the curve of the shoulders before his beak parted to grip it firmly. He pushed her back against the counter, heedless of the fact a few plates were pushed out of the way. He groaned out and drove his tip right up against her tender cervix. The thick hot jets of precum pushed into her fertile body, the feverish heat contracted and pulled from the base all the way up to his tip.

Anna arched upwards and moved her hips upwards to buck harder against him so that his balls were continually slapping up against her upturned ass. They were in perfect harmony again, a rush of heat that built between them. His barbs tickled and teased as his knot plunged inwards and then pulled out before plunging forward again. He forced the folds in on themselves before pulling them out again. His breath came in short harsh pants as he felt her shaking beneath him. She didn't try to wriggle away to keep his knot out, instead she pushed up to take it time and time again as it started to thicken and swell open wider and wider. It was growing heavier by the moment as he felt his orbs tightening up between his legs.

She could have tried to stop him, he would have kept himself from tying her if she had protested it, but she didn't. She arched up with a wild cry before the nails moved down to run along the curve of his back so that he plunged forward. This time it took effort to spread her passage open around his knot, the walls yawned wider and wider until he muffled his groan and gripped her hips to pull her back against him. The swollen base plunged into her passage with a lewd wet noise. The tight walls locked around him as his tip drove itself nearly in against her cervix. Her cry was rough and wild as her quivering walls started to milk and pull around him. They clutched greedily as his base blossomed opened up the full girth and splayed the passage wider and wider and locked him in place.

Keishou's wings trembled a little bit as his balls pulled up tight and his barbs flared open wide to pluck along the silken passage. The pulsing shaft was squeezed almost painfully tight as the first hot rush of his virile seed erupted into her body. Rope after sticky rope of his cum flooded her body as he pressed down against her. His chest rubbed right along her warm furred body while his belly rubbed along her lightly. The gooey spill of his sperm rich cum splattered hard right against her cervix while his breathing came in short hard pants. She squirmed a little and rolled upwards to tug the knot inside of her before pushing up tight. The tip of his cock brushed right against the cervix and sent out a hot rush of his seed right against the opening to her fertile womb. Forcing it's way ever deeper as he collapsed against the rabbit.

"God.. forgot how that felt.." He sighed out and licked against her neck, "Mmmph..."

"Not hungry anymore," Anna breathed out and ran her fingers along the edge of his back while she relaxed beneath his weight.

"Good, cause we're gonna be stuck in place for a while." He gaped his beak in a breathless grin, for the first time in weeks he didn't feel like he had to slink around his own house. It was a good feeling.

The good feeling didn't last. Not as long as he wanted it too at least. He ended up slipping free nearly half an hour later and playfully cleaning her up with his tongue until Anna was wriggling eagerly under the touch of his tongue. He even felt good enough to make her dinner, and not just soup. He fed her well, with his chest swelling with pride every time he thought about what they'd just done. Gryphons were naturally fertile creatures, and the idea that she was likely already feeling the effects of her eggs being ravaged by his sperm was heady. She'd bear him a fine clutch. Their relationship had found a steady ground to stand on. But it didn't last, no not at all. It was the chime of his phone going off that shattered it.

"I'll grab it for you." Anna drawled out in that lazy voice that she'd had since they'd parted. He stopped in sprinkling cheese over a salad to flatten his feathers.

"No, no, don't worry about it." He reached out for his jingling phone, but she snatched it up with a laugh. Her eyes bright with laughter.

"Too late, if they want you in at work tonight, they're out of luck. You're min-" The words stopped as she flipped open the phone and her eyes looked down at the text.

Keishou felt a moment of hope that it was his work or one of his friends, or anyone that would be texting him for an innocent reason. It was too much to hope for, not when he'd been catting around with nearly half a dozen girls. Her face fell and her brows furrowed as she stared down at the text. He dropped his hand and flattened his wings down along the line of his back. His tail dropped down and nearly touched the ground as she dropped the phone with a resounding slap and lifted familiar anger eyes to his own. Her ears folded back and her entire body stiffened in outrage.

"When the fuck were you going to tell me?" Anna almost snarled the words out and shoved the phone over the counter towards him.

The gryphon stammered slightly as he fumbled to catch the phone. "It's... I just wasn't thinking.." He tried to get the words out, but Anna had stood up straight.

"Go on, answer your little slut if that's what you want. I won't stop you. Obviously you had plans for tonight." The rabbit was almost quivering with rage. There was no hint of her languid pleasure left over now and he glanced down at the face of his phone. It was as lewd as he could have wished and he swallowed roughly.

"I wasn't thinking! Our relationship was going to shit and... I was confused. You were always angry at me so-" He tried to get the explanation out again, but she cut him off.'

"So you fucked around on me?! With her? Or how many else?!" She stepped back as he tried to reach out to her, his stomach going cold.

"I'm sorry, I'd do anything to take it back. I didn't think we'd ever make up. I just didn't know how to even talk to you!" Keishou squeezed his eyes shut at the hurt and anger on her face.

"Well, that doesn't matter, not now." She slammed a paw down on the counter. "I'm so out of here. I should have left when this started. I can't believe I let you.. I can't even.."

"I thought we were falling apart!" He finally got the words out without stammering. The gryphon's wings remained limp along his back. "Please, we were doing so well-"

"And the next time we have a rough patch? The next time you get tired and are upset?!" She snapped the words out, the rabbit nearly bristling with rage. "No, you've shown your colors. I'm not taking this! I don't deserve it."

"Please.. Anna.." His throat closed and he stuttered to a halt at the look she gave him.

"I'm done.." Her words were slightly broken as she gave her head a shake. "I can't believe.. if I'm... "

The gryphon squeezed his eyes shut, the pain that came from her was almost touchable as she reached down to touch her stomach and then turned away from him. The thoughts were plain on her face and the way she moved her hand to touch herself. She was wondering the same thing he was, was she pregnant? Was one breeding enough? He wanted to snag her arm and yank her backwards to try and explain. He opened his eyes to watch her storm away, her short spade shaped tail twitching behind her as she went for the stares. There was no apology he could give, no excuse that would bring her back.

"Damnit.." He breathed out, he wasn't going to cry. He wouldn't cry. "Damnit all to hell..."

~ ~ * ~ ~

One year later

~ ~ * ~ ~

In a movie, the ending would have been filled with Keishou making a romantic gesture to win the rabbit back again. He would have proposed some daring scheme that would have put her back in his arms. Sometimes the gryphon thought back to that night with a lurch to his stomach and bleak feelings that he was missing something in his life. They hadn't really said goodbye, she'd left and stormed out of the house and into the night. He'd tried to call her phone, and for the first few days it had gone straight to voice mail. And finally it had been disconnected. He wasn't even sure when she'd taken her stuff out of his house. He'd simply come home and found it all missing, and her part of the house cleaned up. It was... depressing. Beyond depressing. He had gone into a funk that he hadn't been able to get out of.

He'd wanted to break up with her, but not like that. Not after they'd finally come to a point that they were laughing and joking again. He'd come to a point where he thought that he might be able to get their relationship back on track and the thrill of having her pregnant had been the height of his pleasure. And that, was now the darkest point of his life. He had no idea if she was pregnant or if she was, what had happened to his offspring. He was a gryphon, when he partnered with a female they'd normally lay eggs which meant she had a choice. It wasn't unheard of for females to decide not to incubate eggs when they were laid, but still. It ruffled his feathers, the unknown, the questions that were still floating in his mind and he couldn't even scramble to find a single answer that made sense. Anna should have at least found him again to tell him what had happened.

He had expected it at first. He'd sat at the house with the phone on high waiting for her to try and call him so they could work things out. He would have never dreamed that Anna would simply ignore a situation like this. She'd always wanted closure, she'd always wanted to try and work things out in the past once she cooled down. And slowly, he came to realize that she wasn't going to call him. She wasn't going to reach out in an attempt to save what was left of their relationship. But he did see her again, not because he wanted to, but because she had wanted to.

A single moment that had been seared in his mind for the rest of his life. He'd been at the gym working out as he often did when he wasn't at work, and had started to do more often since Anna had left him. And he'd seen her. The dark grey coat, the expressive eyes, he would have known them anywhere. It had been nearly a year since their breakup, but the sight of her walking through the gym had made his heart grow still. But it wasn't just that, it was the way she carried herself. Confident, her ears held erect, her head high and she made no attempt to glance at him as he missed a step of the exercise bike. He nearly dropped off of it when she strolled past him. It had been like seeing a ghost long past, and he'd scrambled to get off the bike to see her.

It had been undignified and made several people look at him, but he hadn't cared. All he'd cared about was seeing her again and trying to explain what had happened and why. To find out what had happened with his eggs or if there had been any. But she hadn't deigned to look at him, she'd slipped into the arms of a large jack rabbit. The burly male encircled her and nuzzled along her ears as he stroked down the curve of her back. A gentle touch that was more than half a grope as he reached her rump and drew her in so their bodies were pressed together. Keishou had frozen then; no words were able to come out of his beak as he watched the strange man touching his former girlfriend. His stomach had twisted uncomfortably as they'd started to draw away.

His last sight of Anna had been of the large male's hand gliding down to cup against her belly, a tender gesture as he drew her in against his side. Possessive. Protective. The tears had stung his eyes as they left and Anna had turned her head to give him a look. It wasn't smug or triumphant, but cold and hard as he dropped is head downwards. She'd won, she'd twisted the knife enough that he had nearly felt the pain tightening on his chest. She'd found someone else, and what's more, her stance and his stance showed that she was likely pregnant. It was all too easy to imagine how quickly she'd gotten over what he'd done to her.

Keishou might have just drifted into the depths of depression and stayed there, he had been tempted too. It had been a jarring blow to his life that had made him retreat further and further from the world. It was not just the loss of his girlfriend, but the way she had stabbed the knife deeper that had made him pull away. He might have stayed there, lost in a place where he tried to undo the past and dwelled too much on it. He was tempted to do just that, but there were people in his life that weren't prepared to allow him to sink that that level. Seta hadn't allowed him to fall so far away that she couldn't drag him back to light again. Seta had been the one to make sure that he didn't give into the urge to become totally anti-social.

He glanced over at her from where he was sprawled out on the couch. She took up the other half of the couch, or rather, a small part of it. She was nearly half his size, barely over five feet tall, with fur a deep vibrant silver that gleamed almost like metal in the light. They were bisected by stripes that ran along her back and disappeared into the curve of her back and along the edge of her thighs. Her head was draconic looking, though she lacked scales, and it tapered down to a narrow muzzle that was almost adorable looking. The long ears were catlike, though the tips flopped over a little bit right at the tip. And all of her was delicate and sleek looking, from her muzzle tip all the way down to the tufted blue tail tip that flicked against the ground.

"What?" She tilted her head to look at him with her ears twitched back. "Don't tell me you're going to start sulking again!"

"I am not sulking!" Keishou gave his head a shake and tilted his head to one side. "Well, not much. Just thankful you came over."

"If I didn't you would have been stuck in here by yourself and thinking about HER." The way she said it put the name in all caps. Her gold eyes, though, were brilliant gold and caught the light as they sparkled with amusement.

"Fine fine, but you know, you could do something to make sure I don't think about that." He shifted and fluffed his feathers up teasingly towards her. "I can think of several ways."

"Your mind.." She lifted a leg up and pushed it against his side playfully. "It's filthy!"

"Not as filthy as it could be." He growled and let his eyes flick over the curve of her body as he had a hundred times and Seta only laughed and flung a pillow towards him.

The gryphon fluffed his feathers a little, but let it drop. Seta was... unique and strange. Most women were at least curious about him and what he could do. He was a gryphon after all, but Seta was as unique as he was. And she wasn't the least bit taken in by his attempts to lure her into his bed. Though, most of them had been half hearted. An instinctive flirting attempt that she brushed off, but the longer that she took pains to hang out with him, the more he wanted to press her. She was intelligent, cheerful, bright eyed and attractive in a way that was endearing to him. And his flirting had slowly begun to turn into something more serious when he wanted to try for it. Like tonight, the movie was interesting, but she was the one that held his interest.

The way her neck arched, the slight arch of her back that made the material of her shirt pull tight over her breasts so he could see the nipples standing out against the soft peaks. He could only imagine how soft the white fur would be if he could only touch it. She was so much smaller then any female he had been with, he stood nearly twice her height, he wanted to see how she filled his paws when he moved above her. He wanted to taste her, he wanted to use his rasping tongue to lick over her inner thighs and trail upwards towards the soft mound. He wanted her. Every moment they spent together made it easier to fall in love with her.

_In love? _ Keishou stopped those thoughts and flushed a little bit as his eyes slipped upwards towards her draconic face.

He felt his heart stir slightly. They had a hundred conversations together and nights spent together while they curled up on the couch. She had listened to him, and offered her comfort and sympathy. She had shared his outrage and anger, and pulled him from his guilt. It was a strength that he had needed, but for the first time since he had seen Anna, he found himself staring at another woman with interest. His beak parted a little and he let out a breath as his eyes slipped over her body. She hadn't wanted to do anything with him, not when he flirted, not when he had half seriously tried to get her into bed. She didn't want to be his rebound, she didn't want to replace the woman that had left him. But he wasn't thinking about his ex, he was thinking about her.

The gryphon rolled over onto his belly and shifted onto his hands and knees as he let out a low churring purr deep in his throat. Seta blinked and looked over at him as he stalked towards her with a grin curling the edges of his beak. She tried to move backwards and moved her hand out to push against his chest with a laugh.

"What are you doing?" She leaned backwards as he loomed over her and let out a soft trill from deep in his throat.

"Just think that there are better things to do then watch this movie, don't you?" He murmured softly and lowered his beak to brush against her cheek.

"Keishou..." She pushed firmly against his chest. "I'm not Anna."

"No, you're Seta." He murmured softly and brushed his fingers along the silver fur of her cheek. "You aren't Anna, you are Seta, an amazing woman who has holed up with me here while I acted like a hatchling with a tantrum. A wonderful dragoness who has been kind.." He kissed lightly along her neck with a flick of her tongue, "Gentle.." He licked down the curve of her shoulder, "Understanding.."

"This is a bad idea.." The words were breathed out against his cheek feathers while he trailed his fingers down to feel the soft rise of her breasts.

"Then tell me to stop.." He nibbled her shoulder and moved his thumb to brush over her covered breast. "Tell me you don't want me to continue.."

He flicked his tail tip back and forth and felt her paws moving down to caress the edges of his hips and he let out a pleased rumble. His eyes closed as her fingers traced along either side of his back and moved upwards to touch along the base of his wings. He started to croon in approval to the light touch when her fingers moved to dig into the feathers of his wings. The sank inwards, past the coverts, and into the down with a firm squeeze as she shifted her weight beneath him. And then she rolled up beneath him and shoved upwards. The movement sent her lithe body rolling along his chest and stomach in a gentle caress that sent a shiver down his spine. His thumb moved back and forth over her peaked nipple and teased his talon over it.

He was half waiting for her to tell him no, but she watched him closely before her hands moved down to cup against his rump cheeks. She teased around the edges before hooking her thumbs into his shorts and gave a little tug. They pulled down along the dark brown fur of his rump cheeks and he wriggled his hips back and forth. His beak parted a little bit as he lowered his head and rubbed the smooth curve of his beak over the edge of her shoulder.

"Upstairs, I don't think this is gonna work on the couch." Seta murmured softly and he looked up to see her flushed slightly.

"As my lady wishes." He rumbled and stood up with a tug that hauled her up against him. He just hoped they could make it to the bed.

~ ~ * ~ ~

They managed to make the bed, though barely. Keishou let her tumble from his arms even as she wriggled out of her clothing. She wasn't at all shy now, he had half expected her to be hesitant about his sudden attempt to seduce her. Instead she peeled her clothes off with a playful expression on her face, a smile that promised him things that made him barely contain himself. He peeled his shorts off with a wiggle that freed his leonine legs and, more importantly, the swell of his sheath as it started to grow heavier and thicker. The sight of her slender body being unpeeled from the clothes sent a rush of heat through him. His breath caught in his throat as he watched her bare breasts come out into the light and she watched him carefully as she slipped out of her pants. The white sweep of her loins made his nostrils flare open wide before he let out a shivering sigh.

His tip pushed out into the light, the barbs rising up slightly, while he leaned forward and dropped his beak down to blow out a warm breath along her bare breasts. He drew in a deep breath and sighted it out as inch by slow inch slipped out of his sheath. The tip drooled out a dribble of precum while she arched upwards and wriggled against the bed. He rolled his eyes up with a low purring croon and ran his paws down to caress along the curve of her hips. She was so tiny, his hands could easily wrap around her hips and cupped against her rump cheeks as he dropped his head down and used his beak to push her legs apart.

He had to push and wedge to spread her thighs apart. He didn't want to be gentle or patient, though he knew he should have been. He was suddenly keenly aware of the fact he had been all but celibate for a year. He pushed a bit more forcefully then he meant to and parted her legs until he brushed right along the inner folds. The soft plush lips rubbed against his beak before he tilted his head up and flicked his rasping tongue out. He traced right along the outer lips and trailed along them, spreading them and forcing them apart so that he tasted a hint of her sweetness. The gryphon dropped his hands down on either side of the couch as his feathers roused up along the line of his back as he let out a low growl and plunged his tongue forward.

He heard Seta cry out as her body arched up against him, a slow bucking push that drove his tongue right over the bud of the clit. He swirled around the edges of the nub and started to work slowly to coax the wetness along his tongue tip. His breath spilled out hot and fluttering while he moved his hands downwards to run along his own belly fur. The gryphon's feathers roused up along the line of his neck as he started to lick downwards in slow smooth strokes. The wetness clung to the tip of his tongue and smeared along his beak. The hot scent of her filled his senses as he rasped his tongue right along the opening and gave a rolling push of his tongue. A gentle press forward that started to spread the passage open and curled upwards before sliding upwards against the rise of the clit.

Seta's fingers curled along the feathering of his neck and gripped him as he started to drag his tongue in slow rolls along her silken folds. His paw drifted down lower, catching against his shorts and gave a slight tug that pulled the band down over his sheath where his barbed tip was pressed up along his belly fur. The wet smear of precum rubbed against the curve of his belly as the red shaft pulsed slightly. He rubbed the curve of his beak down slightly and caressed over the dragoness' folds, her body arching under his touch, so much smaller then he was. He'd never really paid attention to their size difference before now. She was slight and just half his size, a fact he felt keenly when his tongue tried to wedge into her. A low growl bubbled up from his throat and he lifted his head up.

"Roll over, this isn't gonna work if your muzzle is buried in my chest feathers." Keishou heard his own voice spilling out in a near growl, barely understandable, but Seta moved.

He pushed himself up so he could wriggle out of his shorts, the inches of his glistening shaft rubbed against the underside of his belly. He watched the silver striped dragoness rolling over under him, her back arched upwards and brushed right along his chest and belly. The gryphon spread his wings out slightly and ran his fingers lightly along the edges of her side. His talons ran lightly along the smooth fur as he nipped against the back of her tail. Tiny little thing, barely big enough for him to consider doing this, but it made his heart speed up to slip over her. The warmth of her body wriggled under him as Seta turned her head back with a saucy grin wreathing her muzzle. He crooned out and nipped firmly against the back of her neck as he moved a paw up to grip agains the base of her tail and pulled it up and out of the way.

The tip of his cock brushed right along her inner thighs, trailing upwards and leaving a slippery trail of viscous precum behind. His fingers kneaded along the tail base while he brushed his tip up against her outer lips. He barbs teased lightly along the bud of her clit feeling her wetness clinging to him as her legs spread open a bit wider. He nipped sharply against the nape of her neck before rolling his hips forward, he comparatively narrow tip wedged and pressed forward, spreading her folds until he felt the slick heat clutching him. Seta let out a short whimpering cry and arched her back while his tip spread her open wider and wider. The barbs were pushed back around his tip as the taut ring strained open around him and he outer lips formed a wide O around him.

Keishou gave a rolling push forward, his hips shuddering while his muscles strained and his girth bowed slightly. With a jerking push his tip popped into the tight opening and caressed the silken inner passage that clamped down tight and hard. His stomach arched up as he let out muffled cry and pressed his girth inwards. Inch by steady inch pressed into her body as the tip plunged deeper as her wetness oozed out around the dark red flesh. His tip spilled out a slippery spill of precum that coated her inner passage before he started to draw back. The gryphon moved his hand around to wrap around the curve of his friend's hips while his barbs flared open and she jerked in shock as the fleshy spires tugged and tickled through her. She didn't try to jerk away, not even when he gave a harder buck forward. Gods it had been too long since he'd been with anyone, he'd forgotten the feel of eager muscles suckling around him.

Seta's tail was pushed up against his belly as he drove himself forward with his hips trembling. He drove himself all the way in until his swollen base pushed right up against the outer folds and rubbed along them. He rubbed his knot up along her clit as the inner muscles clutched and contracted tightly, his tip spilling out precum right against her cervix as the dragoness writhed beneath his weight. Her hands moved up to brace herself against the arm of the couch as he gave an affectionate tug back on the scruff of her neck. His neck arched before he pulled back outwards and flared the barbs open wide to tease through her. Her muscled passage squeezed down to dig them in even more before he bucked forward again. His knot pressed up against her outer folds, nearly pushing them inwards before he drew back again.

It was heat and pressure, her walls rippled and pulsed around him as his haunches spread open wide to wrap around her. He flicked his wings back higher in the air as he started to build up his thrusts. The short hard bucks rubbed and scraped along her passage, teased and caressed as he pulled back so his barbs caught right against the sensitive nub of her g-spot and his friend jerked beneath him. Her high pitched sounds only fueled him on as he started to drive in shorter harder thrusts. Her walls were spread open so wide around him, but he was intent on taking more. His knot pushed and wedged between her folds at the apex of each thrust and the furred orbs brushed up along her inner thighs.

He spread his wings down to either side to mantle over her as he shifted his grip on the nap of her neck. Each thrust ended with a delicious feel of pressure as he started to strain her body open around the base of his cock. The thickness of the knot tried to pry her open wider and wider as the small dragoness twisted beneath his weight. He growled low in his throat and gave a driving buck forward, his haunches shivering as he felt her wetness pushing out around the glistening base. His tip drooled out a continuous dribble of precum that was pushed in deeper and deeper. He didn't draw back, he hooked his hands against Seta's hips as she writhed under him. Her inner walls contracted and squeezed tighter and tighter around him as he pulled her backwards against his hips.

Keishou's eyes squeezed shut as the outer lips were dimpled inwards and she spread open around him. With a final jerk forward her heard a lewd popping noise before the walls clamped down around him. His girth started to pulse as his knot swelled open and forced her to wrap around him. The snug ring squeezed until he let out a whimpering cry and continued to buck back and forth. His tip rubbed and pushed against her cervix as his barbs teased through her. Trying to treat her like another gryphoness, to force her into heat, as his balls continued to clap against her. Seta's head turned and he felt her tongue flick along his cheek as she let out a short sharp cry and her walls contracted down.

The rippling movements dug his barbs into the silken passage as the first pulse ran through her. The milking pulls wrapped around his swollen knot as he gave a few tugs backwards, feeling the walls straining slightly each time, but never relaxing enough for him to pull free. The flash of red showed each draw back before he pushed forwards to caress right over her cervix with the tip of his glans. The rubs teased his barbs over her as his sheath pushed right up against her spread outer folds and his orbs tightened up. He pushed his weight down against the dragoness to pin her down beneath his belly as he gave a final lunging push forward that nestled his tip right up against her cervix. The first tremor made him flip his wings back as his cock started to pulse.

The first thick rush of cum erupted out of his shaft and spilled right up against her cervix. The thick waves splattered out as his orbs twitched so that rush after thick rush of seed spilled into her body. It pushed right against her cervix and the slender opening there, the thickness of his head and the tightness of his body making it impossible for it to run backwards. It was spilled into her womb in a slippery goopy rush that was pressed ever inwards. She was small, so very small, compared to him. Her strained body quivered and pulled around him as he rapidly flooded her womb. He moved his paws down to caress along her furred belly and gave a grinding push forward and then drew back a little. His knot bulged her splayed folds open slightly before relaxing them.

He wasn't like many creatures, the knot sealed her and he didn't just cum in a short hot burst before it was over, he continued to pulse out thick hot spills. It overflooded her womb, straining it open as he continued to spray out the pressured rush. It had been so long since he'd had a release, and he took it out on Seta who squirmed and twisted beneath him. Her furred body rubbed against him as he kept her pinned and nipped sharply along her nape. The brush of his paw felt as the cum began to strain her womb open, stretching it and forcing her lower belly to form a bulge. The hot bursts forced the furred belly wider and wider as his paws caressed along it before gliding up to lightly brush along her breasts.

Seta's breathing was coming out in short hard bursts as her head dropped down so that it nearly brushed against the arm of the couch. He rasped his tongue lightly along the back of her neck and curled upwards towards the edge of her jaw while he gave a roll of his hips. Another hot splatter of seed oozed out of his tip and added to swell of her lower belly. The fingers teased lightly along her furred belly as it felt soft and heavy against his touch. His weight pressed down against her as he rubbed the edge of his feathered cheek along her shoulder. A soft croon trilled from his throat in reaction to the wriggle of her body under him.

"You know.. when a girl.. starts squirming like that.." She started to pant out and he nipped her neck again.

"It just means to keep trying." Keishou murmured back and folded his wings down so the primaries brushed along her legs and caressed beneath her belly. "Gods.. I needed that.."

"Thought you'd never think past what happened.." Seta moved her hand up and caressed her long fingers along his cheek feathers. The light caress trailed down towards the arch of his neck.

"Been waiting all this time?" He settled his weight down on his knees so that she wasn't feeling smothered under him.

"Just for a while.." Seta tilted her head back and brushed her muzzle along the edge of his beak. It was a gentle teasing stroke. "No one likes to be a rebound."

"You aren't, Seta.." Keishou nibbled along her neck and thought of Anna, Anna who had left him, who had injured him almost beyond his ability to heal. "You truly aren't."

For the first time, it didn't bring with it the empty aching feeling in his stomach as he looked over that night. The gryphon was saddened, he was ashamed of himself, but he couldn't escape the past. He could only learn from it and move on. His arm tightly wrapped around Seta and he brushed his muzzle down the line of her neck. This time he would do better, this time he would learn from the past.

Cheating Death: Chapter 3

The sound of the music held a pounding beat that made Apollo want to move to the music. It was catchy, not quite jazz, but not quite techno either. It wove together and thrilled upwards combining the two music types until it was almost as if he could...

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Thrown Back: Chapter 13

The winter closed in with biting talons and icy winds that brought with it snow that buried the forest in a strange muffled silence that was only broken by the creatures that were forced out of their sanctuaries. The village had suffered from the raid,...

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Spicing Things Up

Candlelight cast flickering shadows along the edges of the room and spread a glowing ring around the bed that was covered in thick red silk sheets. The heavy cherry wood posts rose up, each with a dragon carved into the wood and twisting its way all...

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