Spicing Things Up

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Candlelight cast flickering shadows along the edges of the room and spread a glowing ring around the bed that was covered in thick red silk sheets. The heavy cherry wood posts rose up, each with a dragon carved into the wood and twisting its way all the way up towards the peak. And the lights gleamed over the glittering silver chains that were piled at each corner and hooked onto leather straps that had been freshly oiled. Restraints that were ordered especially for the evening, or at least, that's what Elle had been told when Dracasis had rumbled his suggestions into her ear. The sapphire dragoness flipped her wings against her back as the large black drake padded into the room.

"Are you so nervous, my love?" He crooned the words with his emerald pupiless eyes flashed slightly. "I promised you an evening to remember to spice up our relationship, and now you pause as if you are having second thoughts?"

Elle tucked her head down stubbornly and took a step forward into the ring of candle light. The vivid blue on blue stripes rippled over her muscles as she tried to look confident in front of her mate. It was a confidence that required her to draw in a steadying breath. Dracasis was not the most comfortable male to be around when he had an idea. His two forward facing horns caught the light as he moved towards the bed and used his forepaw to pluck up one of the chains. It rattled ominously as he caressed the thick links.

"I'm not having second thoughts, only wondering how long you've possessed such things without my knowledge." She retorted and stared at the thick cuffs at the foot of the bed. They were wider than her spread paws.

"Only so long as I've desired to see you bound before me," The drake grinned wickedly and nodded his head towards the bed. "Come now, I've fashioned this exactly after the ones I've seen in the towns. It'll cushion you and prove most comfortable against your scales."

As the blue dragoness stepped forward, one of the dark wings flicked out and caressed right along the curve of her back. The wing sail brushed right down her spine as she stepped onto the thickly padded mattress. It was strangely thrilling to have spent days with her mate purring suggestive ideas into her ears. The lustful hints that he planned on spending an evening taking her, ravaging her, filling her until she was begging for mercy and to end it all with her heavily gravid with his eggs. He had made no bones about how he wanted to do it, in fact, he had teased her mercilessly that she would be bound and unable to fight him. It was a frightening and exciting concept. She wouldn't be able to flee or struggle, she wouldn't even be able to escape, but it was all tamed down by the knowledge that he was her mate.

The silk brushed against her belly scales with an almost wet feel to it as the large drake padded around her and reared up onto his haunches. The sharp harsh scent of his musk teased her muzzle so a shiver rippled down along her haunches. He could look cool and collected, but she could tell he was roused and growing more excited by the moment. She stretched out and deliberately arched her back in a sensuous manner so that her wings were partially spread to frame the soft curves of her body. She tilted her head down coyly before one of the forepaws reached out and gripped her forelegs and pulled them out. It startled her out of her pose as they were stretched almost painfully forward and pulled together.

The bed creaked beneath her as the drake twitched up the corners of his muzzle in response to her hiss. He caressed her forelegs lightly before darting his head down to pluck up the heavy restraints. Or rather, the restraint. A single heavy sleeve was draped over the back of her forelegs. It smelled sharply of well worked leather as the drake freed up a foreleg and deftly wrapped the bonds around her limbs. They were pulled together as the leather straps were tugged taut through the buckles. The chains rattled as they were drawn together by the tightening leather. As they drew tense she lost the ability to draw her legs backs and she pulled her legs backwards in an attempt to break free. The chains trembled in the air as she dug her hind paws against the silk sheets.

"I don't-" She started to speak, but her words were cut off by a dark forepaw suddenly pushing down on her muzzle.

Dracasis' low growl warned her to stop before his claws teased along either side of the bright blue maw and he put enough pressure down to force a whine from her throat. His green eyes were narrowed down to glowing slits before he reached to one side and plucked up a heavy looking assemblage of leather straps that were attached to a bright silver ring. He stepped off of her muzzle only to push his forepaw under her chin and forced her head up.

"Open up like a good girl." He crooned out softly and a puckish part of her wanted to keep her mouth shut, but she knew better. When her mate was in the mood to be dominant it paid to follow his commands to the best her ability, at least at first.

She spread her mouth open only to have the cold metal ring shoved into her maw and pushed far back enough that the rounded edge wedged against the roof of her mouth. She was able to wriggle her tongue up and through the ring before it pinned it down and the black drake used his agile paws and even his muzzle to strap the gag onto her. He pulled firmly enough that it pinched her scales right along the underside of her jaw, but it did what it was designed to do. She couldn't budge the thing, not even by pushing with her tongue. It spread her jaws open enough that they ached faintly and she let out a hiss to show her displeasure. It was one thing to bind her up using chains, but it was another to take away her ability to speak. The final humiliation came in a clip that ran from her bound forelegs up to the ball gag. It clicked into place and forced her head down so it was nearly pressed tight to the bed.

She bristled slightly, but Dracasis didn't seem to pay any mind to her, instead he stepped over her and forced her wings down to either side of her back. And in doing so, lewdly displayed himself to her. His muscular haunches were splayed open so she could see the line of scales along his stomach, as well as the slimy tip of his pink shaft pushing out into the light. The sharp, almost harsh, male musk assaulted her as he stepped forward and started to work more bindings up and over her back. It had to be a deliberate step, because the moment he did so the slippery tip rubbed right over her spread muzzle. Another few inches started slipping out as her nose felt the girth brushing back and forth just along the bridge of her muzzle. She knew his scent, it was even somewhat mingled on her normally, but now he was marking her deliberately.

The inches pushed out into the light while a gooey clear bead of precum welled up from the tip and fell in a strand right above one of the leather straps. Her nostrils flared wider and she could almost taste his scent on her tongue. She tried to lift her head, but the bonds held her in place as he took another step forward and the heavy rounded base pushed out into the light. Another dribble of precum spilled out of the tip and rubbed into her scales. A bit of it oozed down along the corner of her forcibly spread muzzle and brought with it the salty taste of male. Just the taste made her body tighten in reaction and her heart started to speed up. She worked her tongue out as far as she could in an effort to steal another taste.

She was distracted enough that she didn't quite realize that he was pulling at her tail. He yanked the end back and moved it to one side so that her loins were bared to the room. She felt the caress of cool air teasing along the soft petals of her sex, already glistening from her mate's rubbing. The thought of what he'd be doing once she was firmly bound made her stomach tense up again. There was nothing like feeling him pushing into her heat swollen body and being tied down meant that he would force her to take each and every inch that he could drive into her. She purred softly and felt the cock throbbing slightly as the hips drew backwards and rubbed the tip right along the bridge of her muzzle. The harsh scent of her arousing her further as a heavy leather cuff was affixed to the base of her tail so that it was forcibly held to one side.

Elle had had her doubts about this idea when it had been brought up by her mate, but now, now she felt nothing but anticipation. To be bound up and forcibly bred by her drake, unable to deny the way his knot would plunge into her. It added to the arousal until it was almost exquisitely painful to feel the air on her slickening loins while the heavy shaft rubbed back and forth against her muzzle. His haunches were spread open wide as Dracasis dropped his head and flicked his tongue up in a sensuous caress right along the underside of her tail. The warm velvety stroke of the tongue made her arch upwards and lift her haunches high into the air. She forgot about the ache in her jaw as her mate licked upwards to leave a glistening trail of his saliva.

"My own bound present.." He crooned softly before nibbling down along her inner thigh. "I've been wanting this for so long.."

Dracasis sounded smug as he lowered his muzzle and flicked his tongue up along her inner thigh. His forelegs curled against her haunches and pulled them up tight while his supple neck curved down to run his tongue higher. Elle struggled to lift her head up as the tip of the tongue fluttered out and brushed right against her outer folds. His hips gave a rolling push to grind over her muzzle while the slippery push of his tongue rubbed inwards. He moved one of his forepaws up to cup against her rump cheek as the tip of the slimy appendage started to stroke lightly. It was a teasing touch that forced a cry past her lips as it pushed in a bit harder and circled right over the tender nub of her clit. His hips gave another push and a thick bubbling of precum spilled along either side of her muzzle and clung in a sticky strand from his tip to her scales.

The drake licked her slowly, sensuously and in a way that made her entire body feel suddenly overly warm and uncomfortable restrained. She couldn't really grind back against him as he pushed his tongue inwards and forced itself into her body. The slippery honey clung to his tongue as he used the tip to trace along her passage. Her breathing started to speed up and with each gasping breath she tasted his musk. The hot male scent that made her splay her legs open a bit further as his tongue suddenly plunged deep and hard into her. Her walls yawned open wide as he pushed his lips up against her silken vent and started to lick her in teasing rolling strokes. Her muscular walls clenched down around him and squeezed tightly so the slippery arousal started to escape around the edges as he continued to tease her.

There was a sharp, almost painfully pleasurable, sensation at being unable to do anything to stop him as he teased her. She couldn't really move her hips well with her wings and forelegs bound, she couldn't push backwards. She was at his whims while his tongue pushed in deep again and slipped outwards with a lewd wet noise. His rumbles started to grow as his cock pulsed along her muzzle. The spire was stiff and eager as he rolled his hips backwards and trailed a strand of precum right along her nose tip. She drew in his scent with short harsh pants as he continued to grind against her. She knew he was doing it purposefully to get her worked up, and she snarled her frustration as she couldn't even lift her head up to lick or try and tease him in return.

His slippery tongue slowly pulled out from her passage as she tried her best to jerk her head up despite the gag. She snarled a little bit as she felt the very tip curling right along her g-spot and her hips stiffened slightly. The feel of his tongue had made her intensely aware of the fact he had been mildly teasing her all day with his suggestions and the occasional caress of his body. It had driven her to a near maddened state of need that had her squirming against the chains. They rattled and clattered whenever she twisted the right away, but his tongue drew away entirely. She heard him licking his muzzle before there was a sharper rattling sound.

"I can't have you trying to deny me.." Dracasis' voice was rough with his own desire as a pair of leather cuffs were snapped onto either ankle and her forelegs were forcibly drawn apart by the chains.

Deny him? That wasn't in Elle's mind at the moment; if she had been unbound she would have been more than happy to push him onto his back and ride him herself. She curled her lips a little and let out a soft noise as the hips rose up away from her muzzle. A final sticky dribble of precum ingloriously decorated the bridge of her nose as the drake stepped off of her and then off the bed. The pink girth jutted out beneath him as he looked her over and gave the bridge of his nose a lick with the tip of his tongue. His vivid green eyes lingered over her while she did her best to hold still when what she wanted was to struggle against the chains so she could get what she wanted. It seemed as if every beat of her heart was throbbing along her loins. She wanted him to use that gloriously thick shaft to plunge into her fertile body instead of devouring her with his eyes!

And then Dracasis turned away and picked up his paws to trot out of the room with his head held up and tail flicking beneath him as if he was going about on an errand. She gaped at him in confused anger as he pushed the door open and stepped out into the hall without bothering to glance back at her. She dug her claws down against the bed and snarled out at his retreating shadow before trying to jerk her head free. Was this some sort of punishment? Had he intended to get her worked up just to leave her to spend the night in denied need while he went somewhere to take care of himself with his paw? Outrage, confusion and humiliation warred together as she struggled against the chains to try and find a weak spot. She wasn't going to remain a victim to be left on the bed while he tended to his own pleasures. She'd break free and take her frustrations out on-

The sound of claws clicking and a shadow on the opposite wall of the door stopped her struggles as the soft sound of her mate's voice could be heard. She stilled and strained to hear him as the rattling of a chain came along with the odd sound of his gait. As if he were walking on three legs instead of two, but there was also the strange sound of another's paw steps with them. The blue dragoness twisted her head as much as she could with the gag remaining in place and watched as her mate pushed the second door open with a swing of his tail. He backed into the room so she had a view of his swinging tail, as well as the fact his slippery girth was still exposed. But her attention didn't remain on him long, instead it centered on the beast he pulled into the room with the use of a chain.

False sparks danced along the edge of the feathered form as an avian head twisted around the room so his bright eyes peered about eagerly. The crest feathers rose upwards making him as large as she was, if not larger, as he chirped and fluttered his wings nervously. He pranced and tugged back on the chain that was affixed to a heavy steel collar. It was wrapped around his neck and wider then two of her talons put together with a heavy ring for the leash. The fluttering wings showed that the first three primaries on either wing had been neatly clipped so he wouldn't be able to get any lift when he tried to use them. His haunches were smooth and glossy furred, just as azure as the rest of him, and complete with a curling feline tail and a spill of glowing tail feathers that cast off false sparks.

Elle just stared at him, at first, she couldn't get her mind to work enough to understand what was going on. Dracasis held the chain in one hand as the gryphon chirped a few times and clicked it's.. no his, the beast was male.. clicked his beak nervously. The wings continued to flutter as the drake leaned forward and unhooked the heavy leash. He turned his head back to her and grinned sinfully as he let the restraint drop down to the ground and the beast pranced backwards. He WAS a beast, there was no intense look of intelligence in his eyes. They were blank and as empty as a dog, as he peered over the deep blue of his beak and turned his head to stare at her. Why was he bringing in an animal?

"Look at him, Elle.." Dracasis padded back over to her as the gryphon roused all of his neck feathers and spread his beak wide. "Isn't he beautiful looking? Simply glorious! I bought him especially for you."

"Nnph!" Elle tried to answer, but her mate wasn't paying attention to her. His eyes were fever bright as he padded to the head of the bed.

"Imagine, those lovely blue feathers and your sapphire scales, melded together in a clutch of the most beautiful creatures possible." Dracasis sighed the words out and Elle snapped her eyes open wide in comprehension.

"NNNF! MMMRRRMPH!" She protested loudly as she caught the gryphon taking a few steps forward with his breathing coming in great pants as he tasted the scent on the air.

Her scent! Her heat! She threw her weight against the chains in a panic as the gryphon let out a trilling sound and started to pad forward with his head level with his shoulders. Dracasis moved his forepaws up to either side of her shoulders as he watched his prize. Elle dug her claws against the silk sheets and tried to drop her tail as the gryphon padded closer and closer. His eyes had brightened up, but there was no intelligence to be found hidden in the dark blue eyes. Instead, he was starting to grow more than interested in the scent of her fertility on the air, as he was demonstrating by the fact the blue furred sheath was starting to thicken up. The tip blossomed open so a swollen glans pushed out and a bead of metallic blue precum bubbled up while she watched.

Elle's eyes flashed a ring of white as the beast stepped forward and his forebody went out of sight. She was left gaping as the glistening inches of his girth started to push into the air. She jerked her tail harder in an attempt to lower it, but it was held in place by the restraints. She rolled her eyes up to try and catch her mate's eyes, but his attention was focused on the gryphon. A hot breath tickled against the base of her tail and she tensed up, the chains rattled while the leather creaked as the gryphon started to investigate the scents of her heat. The hot breath puffed out right at the base of her tail before something hard and round dropped down to grind against her swollen folds. The beak pushed in hard for only a few moments before a rasping tongue slipped out.

The dragoness twisted as the feline-like tongue started to scrape against her outer folds. The tapered tip gathered up her arousal before he pushed forward again. The gryphon wasn't like her mate, he didn't lick with an eye to pleasuring her, instead the beast started to drag the rasping appendage up in short hard strokes. He lapped up her wetness as she watched inch by slow black inch push out of the sheath. The heavy pouch rolled down as the spade shaped tip hung down beneath him, the strange metallic blue precum oozed out to dribble towards the ground. There were barbs, fleshy barbs, that bristled around the tip and around the strange plump edges of the glans. From there it became smooth and sleek looking while the base remained swollen, but hidden within the sheath.

"What's wrong? Don't you like him?" Dracasis slipped his paw down to stroke along her muzzle before rearing back. His eyes were fixed on the sight of the animal licking her, and worse, her body responding to it.

Her arousal was starting to grow by the minute as he lapped harder and she felt the round edge of the beak pinning her clit down. It rubbed back and forth as he tried to push his tongue in deeper. His clipped wings spread open while he rolled his hips forward and the cock brushed up against his chest. The sharp scent of him started to fill the air, not like her mate's warm inviting musk. It was harsh and thicker so she was breathing in short shallow pants. Her eyes unfocused as she tried to ignore the virile smell, but it was nearly impossible. And it all mingled with the fact her mate was crouched in front of her with his swollen spire bobbing and hard just a few inches from her muzzle. She squeezed her eyes shut and lunged her hips forward in an futile attempt to get herself away from him.

The gryphon crooned as he allowed her to move those few inches to get away from his beak, but it wasn't an improvement. The beast nipped at the base of her tail before chirping out and trotted out of sight. The heavy feathered chest pushed forward and bumped against her bared haunches and his head slipped over the edge of her hips. She thrashed and writhed with a rush of fear before the thickly furred body slipped over her and she heard the bead creaking at the added wait. His foreclaws scrabbled against her brilliant blue haunches as Elle let out a short cry. They hooked right in front of her hind legs as he strained forward and nipped at the base of her neck. False sparks fluttered down around her as the heat wrapped over her scales, it grew until it felt like a fever where his feathers touched her.

She tried to call out to her mate, but the drake seemed oblivious to her distress as one of his black paws moved down to cup just beneath his cock. His toes curled around his base and pulled upwards so that a thick dribble of precum oozed out over the edge. The scent of it filled her muzzle and flexed her paws down against the bed. The sight of him roused and eager stirred her just as much as the feel of the gryphon gripping around her hips. Her body didn't care about the fact an animal was rolling his hips against her, it was flushed with a need that demanded he answer it. Her breathing started to come out shallowly as the tip of the gryphon's shaft rubbed right along her scales leaving a slippery spill of wetness behind. It drew a hiss from her throat as he rolled his hips forward and jabbed the tip forward.

His foreclaws cupped against her stomach while his hips moved in careful thrusts forward that pushed the tip higher up on her thighs. The thick metallic blue precum smeared against her scales, marking her with a scent that was making it harder and harder to concentrate. Her breath came out in a shudder before she sucked it in again. The spade shaped tip pushed upwards in a rough tug that suddenly caught against her gleaming mound. The barbs tugged along the inner folds while she tried to jerk her tail down. Her eyes flashed open wide as the beast gave a few shallow jabs with a thick drool of precum that oozed between the pursed lips. The tapered tip wedged between them as he found the mark and she tensed her haunches up in a useless bid to pull away.

With a raucous sound the hips pushed forward and a cry was forced out past her throat as the tip wedged inwards. Her walls yawned open wider and wider as the inky black cock forced its way into her body inch by steady inch. The next hot spill of precum marred her fertile passage as the foreclaws tugged roughly against her haunches. The gryphon's haunches hunched down while her own arousal was forced out lewdly around the bestial shaft. The barbs were flattened by the tight quivering muscles that contracted around him. They clutched and squeezed as he drove deeper and deeper so the dark flesh caressed her heat roused body. It was pleasurable even as it made her back arch upwards in a helpless struggle to get away. She didn't want to carry this beast's eggs!

Elle tried to get her mate's attention, but he wasn't looking down at her, he was looking behind her with his jaws parted and a slightly unfocused look in his eyes. His dark paw was stroking his swollen cock and smearing his precum over the smooth flesh. She watched as he gathered it up on his toes so it clung in strands before pulling it downwards towards the base. When he came back up to the tip he moved his paw up and smeared the mess over her muzzle. She gave an angry hiss that turned into a groan as the gryphon's haunches plunged forward harder. She felt the swollen base rubbing right up against the soft outer lips while the tip wedged against the spongy opening of cervix. And when he pulled back her groan turned into a shriek of shock.

The barbs flared open wide and her passage rippled and clutched tightly around him so the fleshy nubs were pressed harder into her sensitive flesh. She scraped her claws down against the bed and tore through the silk as the scraping pull didn't exactly hurt; it sent a near burning stab of need through her. Her stomach tightened as he pulled backwards until the spade shaped cock tip nearly tugged free. The barbs teased right over the sensitive spot just inside of her before he lunged forward again. The beak released her neck with a sharp noise that nearly overrode the lewd squelching noise as a mixture of precum and her own arousal was forced out around him. The base rubbed against her outer lips before his hips yanked back again.

It was almost painfully pleasurable. He wasn't shaped like her mate, the barbs tickled and teased through her in a way that made her rippling walls caress and squeeze around him even as she felt a rush of fear. The thick precum was spilling into her in thick goopy ropes, while the thick tip pushed it inwards to pool against her cervix. At the apex of each thrust his tip slammed up against her cervix before he started to pull back again. And through it all she was forced to smell the rich musk of her mate as she watched his paw working along his length. The black drake stepped forward with a low growl until his tip rubbed right over the bridge of her muzzle before dropping down against her tongue. The salty precum coated her tongue as she muffled a low hissing cry.

The gryphon's cock tip was shoving lewdly up against her cervix, the comparatively narrow tip wedged forward to fill her with an aching pressure before he pulled back again. Those barbs, those horrible, wonderful barbs, they sent tremors of pleasure running down her spine. They scooped up her own arousal and pulled it outwards to spill along her glistening lips before he went forward again. His furred haunches cupped against her upturned rump cheeks at the apex of each thrust. He gripped the back of her neck a bit more firmly and growled out as Dracasis loomed above them both. It made his next thrust hard enough that the chains strained to hold her in place. The tip nudged the snug bottle neck opening of her cervix until a thick goopy drop of precum flooded it.

Precum already swimming with his sperm, scouting her body already as the barbs pulled backwards and her stomach clenched down. She squeezed her eyes shut as they raked over her g-spot again before plunging forward. It wasn't just the fact that it pushed her blindly into pleasure that made her whimper out, though they were doing that well enough, they were forcing her ovaries to react to the rough breeding. His claws scraped against her scaled belly as he plunged in so the base wedged between her violated outer folds and pulled back with raking of the barbs before pushing forward again. Already she was reacting to him, her body releasing fertile ova into the tubes that ran towards her womb. Gods, the beast was forcing her to ovulate!

She let out a hissing cry and scrabbled her hind legs forward with an attempt to screech a protest, but it was cut off. Her mate's swollen cock plunged into the ring that was stuffed into her maw. The thick dribbles of precum coated her spread jaws and drooled out of the corners as the drake started to shorten his strokes. The barbs teased through her more often, rousing her until she was nearly grinding back against him. The sensitive nerves were caressed, scraped and teased so that the uterine contracts rippled along her belly. Dozens of fertile draconic eggs were released as the tip wedged firmly against her cervix. Thick dollops of precum rubbed through her before it mingled with her growing arousal, the slippery mess marred her inner thighs as she let out shallow muffled whimpers. Her mate's powerful forepaws moved down to either side of her head as he plunged his cock through the ring.

The tip nearly plunged into her throat as she tried to clench her muzzle around him. He pushed deep enough that he was nearly making her choke around him as the smear of precum oozed out of him before pulling backwards. She could scent the gryphon's wild harsh musk, it was almost abrasive with its rawness, but it was partially covered with her mate's rich male scent. It made her entire body heat up with familiar desire that was being answered with each and every thrust. She flicked her tongue up to stroke right against the glans when the drake pulled out and scooped up the precum, but she couldn't close her maw to try to swallow. She couldn't close her maw to do many things that she ached to do.

She couldn't suckle around him, but that didn't seem to matter to Dracasis. The tip oozed the musky scented precum over her tongue each and every driving thrust. It leaked out of the corners of her muzzle while he gave short jabbing drives of his hips. It muffled her cries as the gryphon's thrusts were forcing the base right up against her outer lips. The inky black cock bowed slightly as it shoved harder against her cervix and started to spread the narrow passage open. Her hips tensed up as she let out a shrieking cry of pleasure as inch by inch the drake wedged his thickening tip into the opening. The stretching membrane clutched tightly around him before he pulled back and the barbs scrape through her fertile body again.

Her mate pulled backwards and dragged his tip right over her tongue before his paw moved down to wrap around the thickness of his base. He squeezed with a familiar growl of pleasure while he watched the gryphon slam forward again. The wide feathered wings spread open to either side of her as the tip wedged and stretched her cervix open wider and wider. The base was wedging itself into her passage, using the mess of precum and her honey to lubricate himself. His powerful haunches drove himself on, but this time he didn't give her relief. He didn't try to use his barbs, he slammed forward with a screech that hurt her ears even as she echoed it. The cock tip plunged through her cervix and into her vulnerable fertile womb.

The next hot glob of precum spilled into her womb as the swollen base wedged into her body. She yawned open wide around him as he hilted inside of her with an obscene squelching noise. The heavy swollen balls slapped up between her haunches before he pulled backwards, only to be drawn up short. The inky black shaft started to pulse inside of her as he hammered back and forth, but he didn't pull out. The knot started to pulse and swell wider and wider, but it wasn't the only part starting to thicken. The tip started to spread open wider and wider. The glans formed a thick knot that wedged itself firmly within her womb before he tugged back and plunged forward. The pressure started to grow as her walls yawned open around his base.

Her mate pulled his cock out of her gagged maw as her entire body tensed up. The swelling knot, so like her mates, the aching of her body pushed her over the edge. Her clutching silken walls clamped down around the black shaft and started to squeeze. Her breathing came out in short harsh cries as she milked from the base of the cock all the way to the tip as the heavy swollen balls clapped up time and time again against her. The gryphon's head lifted as the wings started to flap uselessly against the air as an ear piercing screech erupted into the air. The balls tightened and heaved up as the slick member started to throb within her passage.

The blue dragoness' cries reached their peak as the drake's hips came to a shuddering hot, tied within her and the first thick rich jet of cum erupted from his tip. She felt the fiery heat of it spilling into her womb, thick and dark blue, as it flooded in deep only to be followed by another hot rope. Her walls continued to milk around him, greedily pulling as the sperm rich bestial seed pushed in deeper and deeper. It bubbled up every time she felt the heavy furred balls heaved up tight before they relaxed. The forceful spill of the cum started to push in deeper, flooding up along the vulnerable fallopian tubes and towards the ova that waited for the eager battling sperm to penetrate them. Ensuring a heavy clutch of hybrid young.

Elle whimpered softly, her heart beat pounding in her ears, before the all too familiar roar of her mate came from above her. His paw wrapped firmly around his swelling cock base and squeezed until the first thick pearly spill of cum erupted from his tip and splattered against her muzzle. She twisted her head, yanking against the chain, but couldn't move it as rope after warm gooey rope splashed over her white scales. The thick seed dribbled down along the corners of her jaws and into her maw as her mate's hips shuddered and he pulled from the base all the way towards the swollen tip. The next rope splashed up higher before he gave a firm tug that pulled his cock downwards. A creamy glob of seed splashed right into her spread maw to paint her tongue as he panted above her.

Through it all she felt her womb being flooded and filled. Nothing was leaking past her cervix, the knot both forcefully spread it open and sealed it so there would be no chance of get it out of her until he was finished. She whimpered raggedly and squeezed her eyes shut as the hips settled against her and the feathers wings flipped closed. His weight rested heavily inside of her, even as she felt her body contracting tightly around his knots. The last ooze of her mate's cum smeared along her tongue and up along the tip of her muzzle as his paw moved away from his cock. Thick strands of his seed clung between his toes as Dracasis rumbled contentedly.

"Mmmm, do you like him, my love?" He settled down on his haunches and Elle peeled open an eye to grin down at her.

"NNNF!" She managed to get out around the gag before he smeared the strands over her slimy muzzle.

"That's my good lass," He hissed laughter and grinned. "After all, we can't have you disliking the sire of your clutch, can we?"

Elle tried to find a way to respond, only to screech out as the swollen base knot pulled roughly along her passage. Her outer lips started to yawn open as the drake stepped back and tugged harder. The powerful fore claws dropped down to push against her shoulders as the beast started to drag his spent length from her body. A dribble of his seed leaked out as the cock tip pulled free from her cervix and ran the barbs through her once more. Already several of her eggs had been violated by the beast's sperm, but more awaited them. And all she could do was drop her head as he pulled free with a lewd slurping noise. This wasn't what she expected when Dracasis proposed they spice up their relationship!

Brotherly Love: Chapter 19

"Now it'll just take a minute here to rig you up." Dr. Lupe gave a tap against the Richter's broad shoulder so the big stallion puffed a little bit. "This didn't take half so long to get Kierlan dressed up." The big colt almost whined the words, but...

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A Place In Between

There was something terribly lonely about the edge of the mountains. It wasn't quite close enough to possess a forest, nor was it high enough on the mountain to hold the eagles and mountain goats that were so prolific higher up where the air was thin...

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Satisfying the Heat

The evening air was just cold enough that a tinge of frost coated Jasiri's whiskers as he bristled them forward and gave a slow flick of his tail. His perked ears twitched a little bit as he stretched his forelegs out and spread his toes so his claws...

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