A Place In Between

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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There was something terribly lonely about the edge of the mountains. It wasn't quite close enough to possess a forest, nor was it high enough on the mountain to hold the eagles and mountain goats that were so prolific higher up where the air was thin and the weather uncertain. It was an in between place that seemed to have a strange wistful air. As if it were simply waiting for life to spill over from above or below to inhabit the crevices and rocky valleys that it had become known for. It seemed almost sad, at least, that's what the amasii lioness felt as she padded along a trail that had been carved out from a dried river bed. Shadi had never seen a place that was so desolate without being a desert.

She paused and turned her mismatched eyes up towards the mountain range that towered around her before glancing back down towards the foothills. Her long tail coiled itself loosely around her legs to create an added layer of warmth as the wind buffeted along her back. A place in between two worlds, where neither of them quite spilled over enough to try and include it. There was little wonder that the village she'd stopped at had frowned at her proposed path. One of them had gone so far as to mark out an alternate route that she had shunned after looking at the steep rock faces that would have required a harness and rope to get up.

The lioness kept her large tapered ears back against her head as she snuggled into her coat and continued her way up along the river bed. There were other ways, ways that were less dangerous and less deadly, to get through the mountains to the village on the other side. A hired plane, taking on a guide, skirting the mountains entirely, all would have brought her to her destination with little problems, but they lacked a certain adventure. If she was going to be passing through this country she would do so on her own terms. She would take on a challenge and pass through this desolate place and push on towards the mountains and a pass that had been used through the spring to bring up herds.

Her pack was heavy on her back, stuffed full of food, water, gear and a sleeping bag that was designed to keep her warm. She'd pulled her waist long hair back into three braids that hung heavy down her back and out of the way. The only thing that she left uncovered and unchanged was the length of her tail which helped keep her warm as the further she went the colder it grew. It would be frigid by the time she pushed up into the mountains and she wouldn't be able to stop. She would have to spend the night here in a place that seemed to echo with ghosts or risk trying to sleep in the howling winds and snows above her. The lioness lashed her thick tail tip back and forth nervously at the prospect and glanced around at the rocky outcroppings and the pebble strewn ground and sighed. Her nostrils flared slightly as she pushed on. Eventually she would find a spot that wasn't so uncomfortable looking and she'd stop there. It could also afford her a chance to hunt.

There was no thrill greater than luring in and killing a predator. A slice of a blade or her claws brought them down while they stalked her with the supreme confidence of any hunting creature. She used their own desires against them and collected their pelts as well as their meat. Here, in this strange portion of land, there would be little to hunt, but once she was on the mountain there would be leopards and wolves. Both would be in enough abundance that she could add several kills to her tally and trade off the furs on the village beyond. It would take time, but she had that in abundance. For tonight, she needed to find a place to spend the darkest part of the night and keep out of the cold.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Dusk came as a surreal thing, of mist and grey lights that reflected from the snow upon the mountain side. It chased away the colors of the day and left the world in a seeming shadows. Light paws danced over the hard ground, the compact feet barely disturbing the pebbles and sticks as the passing animal kept his head low and ears tipped back. The spill of his tails extended behind him and spread out so that his outline was strangely marred so he appeared a trick of the light. Isiat passed in the world in between mountain and valley as he had all his life. It was his home and he knew every bit of the ground when he came out at night. Even the birds went silent when he was on the prowl.

He was the only animal that lived in a place that was renowned for having no prey, little browse and sparse hints of water. The fox didn't live here because of the bounty it could provide him, he lived here because it a safe lonely place. He could range the mountains above as easily as the foothills below. But he always returned to the heart of his territory and where he had been able to carve out a den beneath a towering boulder. He had spent a life time making a spot to call his own, and he had no competition here. No single predator could hope to drive him out. They wouldn't know the territory. Isiat flicked his tails behind him and nimbly leapt up onto a portion of an old rockslide. His red lined ears pricked forward as he looked out over the dry creek bed and then down towards the foothills. His kingdom.

His long tails coiled around his haunches and covered his hind paws while he tucked his forepaws down into the fur as well. Soon it would be winter and the cold weather would turn deadly. It would steal the life out of any unwary travelers that decided to try and brave his mountain. Of course, that was all to the good for him. Their packs often held food or other sundries he could use. He had filled his den with bright bits of metal and glass that had attracted him from the last few seasons. This one would be no different. The fox's chest swelled slightly as he drew in a breath and tipped his muzzle up towards the silver moon that was starting to creep up into the sky.

He paused in the process of sorting out the familiar scents of dust, pine and herbs, because a new scent started to weave itself through them. It wasn't the scent of a new animal, it lacked the harsh edge that came from a ram or wolf or rabbit. His nostrils flared as the edge of smoke tickled them and the warm alive scent continued to fill his senses. Predator, obviously something that would kill him as soon as look at him, but there was a slightly sweet quality to it that he couldn't figure out. His tails twitched and lashed behind him before he pushed up onto his paws and leapt down from his perch. Once on the ground the scent of smoke and stranger grew thicker.

From the river. It was coming from the river. He dropped his muzzle down to the ground and found tracks that had disturbed the dust. He bristled his whiskers forward to help sweep the scent towards him. No one passed through his home in this season. The foothills were plush with grazing land and prey and the mountain was never abandoned. The creatures from the village wouldn't come this close to winter when the cold would close in and block the passes. He lifted one paw and scuffed the strange track on the ground before trotting after the scent. His tails were held at a level behind him as he started his stalk. Whoever it was, they were invading his lands, his territory, and that was not to be tolerated.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Shadi pressed her back against the tent pole and fed the small fire with bits of wood she had gathered. She kept it small, barely more than a patch of glistening light that offered just enough warmth to keep her comfortable and something she could cook on. She wasn't about to signal her position when she was alone and in foreign territory. The flickering light showed the edges of the small valley perfectly. There had been barely enough room for her tent and herself, but that meant it was defensible enough if something happened. A wise action on her part since she had used a portion of her time to trigger her body. If she was going to hunt on the mountain she wanted to be able to draw the foolish creatures in and there was only one sure way to do that.

A strange part of her species, but one that had served them well before they had become civilized, was the ability to force her body into ovulating. It was supposedly a trait that had been started because of the rarity of her breed. They had never bred as prolifically as cats, so a female was able to control her heat cycles to a certain extent so if she did come across a male she would be able to have a litter. Granted, they had only grown rarer in recent years due to the strange trick of their DNA that made them able to breed with other species'. Mixed couples were becoming common enough that they were listed on a registry as being in danger of becoming extinct. Not that she would tolerate becoming a member of such a relationship that brought mixed breed kits into the world.

Shadi's tail lashed back and forth restlessly as she stroked her fingers through the thickness of her tail. There was love, true, but that was no excuse for dooming ones race. If she fell in love with a male that wasn't her species she wouldn't procreate with him. It was... saddening to think that way. Saddening to think she might be doomed to a life without children, but it was nearly impossible to find purebreds of her kind. And even then, who was to say she would like him in any way? Half the males she knew were near worthless in her mind, they were thinking of only one thing and refused to take the hint that she possessed her own unique strength. After all, she had been raised of a hunter all her life, why should she be a lesser partner of a relationship?

Her tail pulled out of her hands as her mood was directly transferred to the restless twitching and lashing of the tip. It spilled down on the ground and stirred up some dust while she leaned back and stared up at the sky. The fact she'd forced her body into estrus wasn't making her thoughts calm in the least bit. It wasn't just a useless scent that spread from her, but a slight cramp of her stomach, a flush of heat to her face. It made her mind turn towards one thought and, as always, it was saddening to realize it was a useless heat. There would be no fiery peak that would end her need with the promise of a healthy litter. Now male with a gentle touch to rouse her to the heights of passion. Only a snarling beast lured by her scent and the momentary satisfaction of battle. It used to be enough. It used to make her feel fierce excitement at the prospect of pitting herself against such powerful animals. Now, it was tinged with frustrated sadness.

It was in the midst of the depressing thoughts of her future and the future of her race, that she realized that the desolate place wasn't exactly abandoned. And her camp was no longer a lonely place that held only her fire and herself. The firelight flashed into the darkness so a glowing green reflected back briefly and she went still. The glowing green eyes watched her from barely a dozen feet away as she became aware of the soft sound of panting breath on the air. The eyes bobbed slightly with what she imagined was a tongue lolling out from a large muzzle. This place wasn't as abandoned as she'd assumed and as she watched the eyes blinked out of sight as whatever was in the darkness turned about and looked away from the fire.

Her large ears flicked up high as she heard the soft sound of paws scuffing against the ground. The clatter of the claws kicked up pebbles as she strained to look into the darkness. Her eyes were normally quite keen, but the fire robbed her of the ability to penetrate the black. Shadi shifted her legs up and slowly moved her paw down to the sheathed knife she kept nearby. Normally she'd be more than happy to use her claws, but the creature had the advantage here. Especially if it was a native of this place and she had no route of escape other than where she'd seen the eyes. Eyes that had been high enough that the head would have easily come up to her hips.

A wolf, a cougar, something big. Something dangerous.. She swallowed as her heart started to pound a bit faster and she strained to listen for the beast. If she were lucky her scent had lured him in and he would be more interested in mating then in trying to kill her. They always made that mistake.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Isiat leapt up onto a bolder lightly and cast his eyes down at the female in the firelight. His nose twitched rapidly at her scent as he dropped down onto his belly and crept as silently as he could manage. She wasn't a fox, but a strange lion with ears that would have made a fennec proud and a tail nearly twice as long as her body. She was on two legs, but didn't smell like one of the villagers. No, she smelled far better then those worthless creatures, her smell almost made him feel drunk as he kept his eyes carefully angled away from the fire. He'd been lured in close by that scent and made reckless so she'd seen him before he'd had a chance to recognize that she could be a danger to him.

_Foolish fox, going to follow that smell to your death. _ He pulled his tails in close as he crept down the side of the bolder. His large paws spread open wide to try and slow his progress.

He should have just left the moment he realized that it wasn't a fox like himself, but that scent. He tipped his ears back against his head and tried his best not to give into the urge to move too fast. He had to be cautious, he had to get her away from her knife. From there he could use his weight and her own position at a dead end to get her under his control. He was no wild wolf to go charging in with his tail wagging and cock out. He was a fox and, more importantly, he was Isiat, he would catch her swiftly and neatly. With a low sound he wriggled down between the boulders and dropped into the shadows they provided as the lioness continued to advance to the spot he had been only moments before.

On the ground her scent was sharper and he arched his back slightly. He had control, true, but that control could only extend so far. The plush white furred sheath started to thicken along his belly as he dropped down onto his stomach and started to inch forward. It didn't matter that she wasn't a fox, there was something to that scent that made his nose wrinkle up and his heart start to beat faster. It screamed fertility to his mind. It made his blood rush hot and fast through his veins as he advanced on her. Separate her from her knife, get it out of the way, and they would be on equal ground. But he knew this place, he knew every twist and turn, she didn't. He had the superior advantage.

His shoulders hunched a little bit as he rolled his shoulders back and forth. His eyes narrowed down to slits as she stepped forward and crouched. His tail went still while she studied the tracks he'd left in the dust. One of her fingers was tracing around them and the hand holding the knife was tucked down against her upper thigh. The fox's muscles went tense for a heart beat as he waited for her attention to focus on the turn of his paws. Her shoulders tensed up as she moved her paw to the next one and that was his signal. Without a sound he launched himself forward in a graceful rush of white, silver and red fur. His eyes locked on one of his shoulders as he went.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Shadi heard a soft noise behind her, but there wasn't enough time to turn or bring her knife up. She stiffened and weight slammed against her shoulder and sent her forward with a hissing cry. A set of paws hooked up and over her shoulders before a large mouth wrapped around her right hand. The sharp teeth pinched down against her furred skin before it was shaken back and forth like a dog worrying a bone. The lioness cried out in protest as the teeth clamped down hard enough that her fingers instinctively released the knife and the weight pushed her harder against the ground. The paws dug against her shoulders so the blunt claws bruised the muscles there as the beast didn't release her arm.

The muzzle was too long to be a mountain cat, it was almost wolf like. She twisted her body and lunged upwards to try and throw the beast off, only to tumble to one side as it leapt away. She scrambled backwards and brought her arm up to her chest to protect it as a canine the size of a german shepherd casually dropped down to all fours and wagged a spill off tails. Not one, but many spread out behind him as he lolled out a red-pink tongue and regarded her from bright pale eyes. His teeth were white within his muzzle as he gave a scuff of one paw and sent her knife skittering into the darkness as he understood what it was for.

Fox. Not wolf. The head had a tapered muzzle and the eyes were slightly angled the way that foxes were. His ears were flicked up so she could see a rusty red fringe of fur that lined them. She pushed herself back against the wall and rubbed her bitten arm, but felt nothing but slightly damp fur. He hadn't hurt her, just bruised her to get the knife away. It showed intelligence, almost frightening intelligence for a beast. The lioness slowly pushed up into a crouch and flexed her fingers to show her claws while her tail fluffed up behind her. It was an old trick, look bigger than an animal, look like larger prey and they'd leave. If she was too big to take down, then they wouldn't bother.

It was a sound theory. A good theory, except Shadi had forgotten the fox hadn't been lured in here the hopes of a quick meal. He'd come here because of her scent and the sight of her fluffing tail didn't stop him. The creature stepped forward and she saw the silver-grey fur becoming a bit clearer as he came into the light of the fire. His eyes flared green as the pupils caught the light. She let out a hissing warning, but his tail fluffed up and he continued to move forward. The muscles beneath his thick soft fur rippled and his tongue lolled out from a spread muzzle. It was almost a grin on the intelligent looking face and the male fluffed up the thick fur of his neck.

It was.. strangely entrancing. The tails moved and spread so that they were almost feline with the way they twisted and turned. The fire light cast shadows along them and she got a good look at his body. He was big, bigger then she'd thought. The fur just added to the impression of size as the broad white paws stepped forward. His eyes left the glow of the firelight and returned a pale blue color as he came in close enough that his muzzle stretched out and nearly touched her belly. She felt the hot brush of heat against the fur that showed beneath her shirt before one of his paws lifted up and gave a rough swat. It shoved against her side as the male reared onto his haunches and the other paw dropped down to the other side of her hip. And she found herself staring into the bright eyes only inches from her face. The long muzzle was nearly brushing her vulnerable neck.

_Move move move! Hit him, push him back! _ She snarled to herself mentally, but her body removed to move.

Shadi's heart was starting to beat faster and faster as her breathing to come a bit faster. There was a sharp musk on the air, almost like a felines, but stranger. His body was giving off warmth as the fox lowered his muzzle and snuffled along the edge of her shirt. His ears were pricked up high as the paws moved and one pressed up against her shoulder and the blunt claws curled inwards. The hot spill of air tickled against her upper breasts as the beast examined her. Outrage rolled up and she finally found the strength to move her hands out to shove against his chest to push the fox back. Her lips curled back to show her fangs in a silent outraged snarl. And her world was shattered by the flashing fox's fangs and the sudden lunge.

Teeth snapped near her face in warning and his weight shoved against her. His tails spread out behind him as the paws hooked down over her shoulders and the rough pads caught against the material. The muzzle darted down and out until teeth caught against her blouse and yanked backwards. She twisted her body away almost frantically as the fangs hooked into the material and started to twist. He dropped down and she had no choice. She could either follow him down or tear her shirt off. She jerked away to the sound of tearing seams as the beast twisted his head to one side to give a violent head twist and her shirt came away.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Soft creamy white fur flashed in the light as Isiat dropped the shirt and wagged his tails slowly back and forth. She smelled of anger and sex, fertility and promise, a scent that roused his hackles even as she made a lunge for the knife. Oh no, he would not lose this chance so swiftly. He spent his life in these barren lands where the only females were creatures he ate to lived. Not ones he could mate with. He wouldn't lose her so easily. He lunged forward with a snarl and forced her back away from the knife. His fur bristled down his spine as she snarled at him and her eyes were blazing with her outrage. He dropped his head down level with his chest and parted his jaws in soundless laughter.

Her soft breasts were visible, not the line of teats that would be on a female of his kind, but soft furred globes. Her hands were up and partially covering herself as she made her way backwards. He wasn't going to let her loose, not with that scent filling his muzzle. Not when his body was near trembling with eagerness. How long had it been? Years? No, this was his. This female was going to be his. He lunged forward and snapped out at her ankle. The loose pants fluttered in front of him. The foolish female, to wear clothes meant they gave him a comfortable way to control her.

He hooked his fangs into the fabric and twisted back away from a strike of her paws. He yanked hard enough that the female went tumbling towards the ground. Her snarl echoed in the small area as he gave another yank to make sure that she was firmly on her back before darting forward. He felt half crazed, he couldn't think of anything but the scent that was growing stronger. He wanted the source, he needed it. He snapped and nipped against her hip roughly to warn her before moving a paw to shove down against her stomach. His lips wrinkled back to show every one of his sharp fangs as he snarled his warning up at her.

The blue and brown eyes widened slightly and the scent of fear tinged the air as he dropped his muzzle down towards the edge of her pants. The scent was there, flooding his muzzle so his sheath started to thicken. The red tapered tip started to push out into the light, just a bare inch as the scent was painfully sharp. It made his chest tense up as he put his weight on his paw to keep her pinned while drawing in a deep full breath. His nose pushed against the seams of her pants and his eyes lost their focus as he found the source of that intoxicating scent. He let out a low growling purr deep in his throat before flicking his tongue out to lick against the material that denied him the source.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Shadi swallowed as she felt the hot breath hitting against her covered loins. The paw pushed down hard enough that she felt the claw dips digging down against her stomach. The silver fox kept his head dropped low as his eyes rolled up to look at her. The pupils flared open wide as he drew in a deeper breath and then his tongue pushed out. Her heat swollen mound was covered, protected, but the tongue still stroked out right against the material. It rubbed it back and forth against her outer lips as he started to lick in strong powerful strokes. The wetness of his tongue soaked the material as the fox let out a growl and pushed his nose up again. This time the bridge pushed up hard against her soft mound and a breathy cry burst out from her lips.

He was grinding his muzzle against her! She dropped her paws down against the dirt as the fox rubbed back and forth. The material of her pants was pushed harder and caressed her mound. She hadn't felt this before. She hadn't let anyone touch her there when she was in heat, it was... wrong. She wasn't going to have mixed breed kits or even risk it so she kept to herself. But now the fox was pushing his muzzle and tongue against her forcing her body to respond. Even his scent, so different from her own, made her reel as the hormones that rushed through her body made her oh so quick to respond. It was hard wired in her, her body wanted something that she was struggling to deny the animal. The feral animal. This wasn't right!

The lioness struggled to pull out of the sensations, but the tongue was stroking out again. This time it was almost frantic as it pushed against her pants. It wanted to try and push against her bare swollen folds. She let out a breathy noise as the tongue pushed up harder and rubbed right between the lips so the fabric caressed right against her clit. Her back arched up and she flattened her large ears down against her head before the paw on her stomach moved. The fox pulled and tugged against the edge of her pants, his soft whine rousing her slightly as his blunt claws caught against the material. She wasn't thinking, she should have been thinking, but she wasn't thinking as she moved her paws down and pushed against the edge of the material.

As the claws tugged and pulled she wriggled the pants downwards. It pushed right over the edge of her hips and slipped down before the fox reached up and gripped it in his muzzle. As he stepped back she saw a flash of gleaming red beneath his belly before he was yanking backwards. Shadi lashed her long tail back and forth as inch by slow inch peeled away revealing not only her heat swollen mound, but also the long legs. The fox yanked and pulled them entirely away and over her white tipped paws. She jerked upright when she felt the rough dirt along the bare curve of her ass, half rousing out of her dazed state before the fox darted forward. His paws hit against her lower belly and pinned her back down with a snarl of warning. A warning she couldn't even fight as the moment his head darted down the protests died.

Shadi had felt disdained for those of her kind that gave into the primal need of their heat and took mates other then their own kind. She had always assumed that they'd used the trigger of their estrus as an excuse. She now felt intimately the strong drive of her body to be satiated. The powerful vulpine tongue pushed up and slipped right along her soft folds in a slow lick that forced the lips apart. She arched her back against the paws and cried out as the velvety heat of the tongue moved in a slippery line to caress from the opening all the way up to the plump rise of her clit. His warm breath tickled against her as her stomach tensed up and she moved her paws down.

The snarl of the fox vibrated right against the swollen nub of her clit as her paws moved the curve of his neck. She meant to push him away, but instead her fingers curled against the thick soft fur as his tongue pushed forward. Her own slickness was pushed out as his tongue wriggled and wedged right into the heat of her passage. Her walls yawned open wider and wider as the wriggling tip started to plunge into her. The heat swollen passage was caressed as the cool nose brushed against her outer folds. The strolling push of the tongue wriggled in deep and then pulled back before plunging forward again. It was an intimate touch, one she had felt before in her life, but never when every nerve of her body was alive and reacting. Her hips shivered and rolled upwards as the foxes powerful strokes wriggled in deeper. His paws moved from her stomach slowly and splayed to either side of her hips to brace himself.

Some small part of her realized she should have bolted. She should have shoved him away now that she had the chance, but that part of her was falling away rapidly. She arched her hips and let out a weak cry as the next stroke of the tongue plunged in deeper. He found places inside of her to tease that made her walls clench down with need. She squeezed her eyes shut as the tongue used shallower thrusts and slowly started to pull back. Her wetness coated the edge of his muzzle as the tip of the soft tongue slipped free and fluttered up against her swollen clit. It swirled around it before the powerful male stepped back and licked his narrow muzzle. Three dark red inches of vulpine shaft jutted out from under his belly as she opened her eyes and let out a protesting sound.

The male gave his tails a slow wag back and forth, his ears flicking to either side before he darted forward. He didn't return to using that lovely sensitive tongue on her folds again. Instead he nipped sharply against her hips, the teeth pinching the skin firmly before he pulled back. Shadi hissed out a protest at the treatment only to have him dart in to nip her again, this time hard enough that she yelped out. He didn't dart back again, this time he let out a low sound in his throat as he watched her.

The lioness' body was nearly pounding in time with her rapidly beating heart. It was hard to keep her mind on anything except the sensations that were rolling through her. The fox shoved against her hip, a rough push that made her realize exactly what he wanted her to do. It was wrong, he was a fox, he wasn't even an anthro fox. It was nothing that one of her species could even consider. It wasn't something she ever would have considered if she had been in her right mind, but she wasn't in her right mind. She was somewhere else. Somewhere where the sense of her body was making the world fade away when compared to her need. With a snarl at the fox as the teeth snapped at her again, she forced herself to move. Her long tail snapped in the air as her hips twisted and she pushed her knees beneath her.

It was what the beast was waiting for. The massive fox licked beneath the base of her tail and the tickle of his whiskers moved to tease between her thighs. She let out a humiliating cry as the tongue flicked upwards right along her plush outer lips. The strokes moved to rub along them and pushed between them so her back arched up. She dug her fingers against the ground as the touch pulled backwards and the warm breath tickled along her plush outer folds. She shifted slightly and arched her back upwards again when the muzzle flipped against her tail. She should move, she needed to move, she should grab her knife and get away from the strange fox. Her mind was screaming these words at her time and time again. And her body refused to listen to the wise words. It had no use for them.

Shadi let out a rough sound as suddenly a warm powerful body pushed up and over her. Sharp white teeth nipped against the back of her neck as the foreleg wrapped round her hips. The weight pressed down firmly as the hind legs spread around her hips and she jerked forward as something hot, slippery and boned brushed along her inner thighs. A thick dribble of precum brushed against her soft smooth fur and smeared along the edges of her inner thighs before rolling higher. The lioness' ears flattened back and she leaned forward, a rush of fear penetrating the fog of desire that had filled her. She didn't have a chance to escape, not when the forepaws dug into her belly fur and yanked her back.

The scoop shaped tip rolled upwards to brush against her heat swollen mound briefly before pushing forward. The tip forced her lips open wider and wider as the beast gave a short buck. A spill of slippery virile precum coated her inner lips before the boned girth wedged forward. The heat swollen passage yawned open wider and wider as she cried out roughly and her inner walls clamped down tightly. The next gooey dribble of precum spilled into her unprotected body as the powerful hips gave a rocking thrust forward. Inch by inch the cock pushed into her, spreading her walls open wider and wider even as the humiliating fear that a beast would impregnate her tried to force into the front of her mind.

Even that fear was pushed away as the glassy smooth cock rubbed and caressed her body. Her walls were stretched open wide and clamped down tightly around him as he gave a sudden lunge that drove the breath from her lungs. The hips drove forward all the way to the point that she felt the sheath pushing right up against her outer lips. The tapered cock tip brushed right up against her cervix while she cried out shallowly. Her out arousal was forced around the thick glossy red shaft. Her fingers scraped against the ground roughly as her breathing came in short sharp pants. She needed to get away from him, she needed to drive him off, but her body wasn't going to respond.

Instead the silken inner muscles started to contract and squeeze around his girth firmly. The walls clutched tightly and squeezed in protest as he pulled backwards. The fox's groan vibrated against the back of her neck as his paws shifted against her waist before he lunged forward again. The thrusts started, slowly at first, but picked up pace as the cock tip drove itself deep into her fertile body. Her breathing was forced out sharp and hard as she dropped her head and let out a ragged cry of forced pleasure. Her body wanted this, the swollen passage and sensitive nerves were being caressed and rubbed as the viscous precum marred her purebred passage. It spilled in deep and mingled with her own embarrassing arousal before it was forced out. The thickest point of the base pushed into her and forced her walls to yawn open wide before it pulled back again.

Even that was a thrill of forced pleasure as the base pushed against her clit, caressed her outer lips and even tugged against her g-spot with each and every thrust. She felt flushed with heat as her breathing started to come in short pants, her eyes squeezed shut as the part of her that was screaming to escape started to grow silence. She was only aware of the need that was starting to grow almost painfully sharp. Her tail flipped back and curled behind he fox, brushing along his own many tailed rump as he started to thrust in feral rapid thrusts. She was barely given time to breath as the tip hammered inwards, teasing and brushing against her cervix. Spilling out thick drools of precum that smeared over the vulnerable opening before he as pulling back.

The thickest portion of the base forced inside of her and pulled out. The knot started to swell open while she let out a breathy whimper. It forced her outer lips in on themselves before pulling them out again. The walls were strained open wider and wider each time as the knot pulled out only to plunge forward again. It was useless to deny the fact that her own arousal was being pushed out of her body, mingled with the feral's precum. Her body trembled as each thrust forward forced the bulb to wedge deep inside of her before it was pulled out again. A threat that was growing with each thrust, to tie with her, to lock the swollen cock deep inside of her fertile body where it would be able to make a claim on her fertile wound.

The fox's hot breath panted against the back of her neck as she let out a soft cry. Her walls clenched down tighter and tighter as she felt each caressing stroke that pushed through her body. He pushed her higher and higher towards that moment of pleasure, rousing her, ignoring her protests as she let out a ragged cry. The knot pushed into her wet a lewd slick noise and pulled out as only the base was allowed to pull out. The thrusts pushed onto a feverish pace as her claws made furrows in the dirt. She lost every thought of escape, every thought of what it would mean. Her walls tensed and wrapped around the knot as it plunged in before she let out a high wild cry.

Her heat swollen passage squeezed down tightly around the glossy smooth cock. She milked and pulled as the rush of pleasure rolled over her. She was pushed over the edge and couldn't stop herself as the orgasm made her squirm and writhe under him. The forepaws locked tight around her hips as the rough thrusts continued, but the knot didn't pull out. It swelled open wider and wider, stretching her passage as she braced herself. The knot locked in place while the teeth gripped harder against the scruff of her neck. As if she could escape even if she had been able to make her body obey. There was no escape. No hope of running, no hope of getting out of the situation without the threat of being filled with his kits.

With a final thrust the tapered tip rubbed along her cervix and she felt the cock pulsing inside of her. The heavy furred orbs pushed up tight between her legs before the first twitch caressed her milking passage. She let out a ragged cry as the first hot rope of semen hit hard against her vulnerable cervix. The flood erupted inside of her as the seed came in pressured ropes that spilled against the opening to her fertile womb. Her walls continued to squeeze and wrap around him, milking and pulling eagerly so that the virile sperm were flooding into her heated body. The lioness' body started to shake and tremble beneath the fox's heavy weight. Her breathing came in short hard pants as another hot spill erupted inside of her.

She could even feel the slimy spill oozing around the shaft, but none escaped. The swollen knot kept it locked in place, for who knew how long, long enough to ensure that she would be swelling with this feral fox's litter. She squeezed her eyes shut as the faint ache of her lower belly eased under the warm spraying seed. Her tail dropped down limply in the dust as the fox's maw finally released her neck and gave it a slow stroking lick. Her fur was ruffled the wrong way as she felt his chest rise and fall with a heavy sigh before he nosed against one of her broad ears.

"Happy birthday, lover.." Isiat murmured softly and shifted his forelegs. "Though I could have done without the knife bit.."

"What? And not let you explore your character?" Shadi panted back up at her mate and tilted her head to nose him playfully. "I told you I'd make you earn this."

"Worth every bit.." Isiat's tongue lolled out as he relaxed above her, his shaft still pumping inside of her passage. A slow smile twitched the lionesses muzzle. Even after all these years, a bit of role playing reminded her how much she loved her fox. For now and for always.

Satisfying the Heat

The evening air was just cold enough that a tinge of frost coated Jasiri's whiskers as he bristled them forward and gave a slow flick of his tail. His perked ears twitched a little bit as he stretched his forelegs out and spread his toes so his claws...

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Making a New Mount

The scent of hay and straw filled the buck's muzzle as he stepped into the barn and drew in a deep breath. It was laden with the softer scent of horses on the air. The taste of it tickled his nose and relaxed him as he glanced at the stalls that each...

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Paying the Toll

"What are you doing here?" A low purring voice made Song freeze with her ears flattened tight to her head. The painted mustang didn't dare breathe or move as she heard to she hissing sound of the snow falling behind her and felt the cold chill...

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