Paying the Toll

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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"What are you doing here?" A low purring voice made Song freeze with her ears flattened tight to her head.

The painted mustang didn't dare breathe or move as she heard to she hissing sound of the snow falling behind her and felt the cold chill blasting against her back. Her black, brown and white mane dripped melting snow down the line of her spine as she stared into the darkness of the cave she had run into. She didn't see anything moving, only the low purring voice caused her to stop and huddle back against the wall. Even as her mismatched eyes flicked back and forth something that glowed a fiery orange-yellow shifted and the tentative light from behind her illuminated something large. Far larger than herself. The shadow shifted with flashes of fiery hues as a creature stretched itself out with a lazy grace that sent a shiver down her spine. Predator. That single word sent a rush of fear through her.

"It's storming.. there's a blizzard." Song tried to speak clearly, despite the cold that made her teeth chatter. "I had to seek shelter."

The beast stretched his forepaws out to reveal hooked talons and in the process came closer to her. The mustang's heart started to race as she caught the sharp biting scent of a predator on the air as the stranger padded into the light. The brilliant flashes of fiery orange and yellow revealed itself as a thick mane that wrapped round his neck and even reahed down into a jaunty tuft on his chin. His ears were flicked backwards as the leonine paws returned to a relaxed state. The filly swallowed and lashed her tail behind her as she started to edge back towards the opening of the cave. The cold wind snapped at her back bringing with it stinging frozen ice and snow.

"Then where are you going?" The dragon rumbled and turned his head to look behind her. "Are you scrambling back into the storm to die?"

"I'll find another cave, sir." She stepped back nervously as his wings spread out so he looked larger. The darkness of his body made the paler oranges and yellows look more startling, almost disembodied in the darkness.

"There are no other caves here. I carved this one myself." The dragon let out a hissing laugh as his pale blue eyes looked her over. "I will let you stay if you pay a toll."

"Beg pardon, but I'm not going to stay out of the storm just to be eaten by a dragon." The mare stepped back again, her hoof sank into the snow with a crunching sound.

"Eaten?" The drake followed her and she caught a flash of his long tail flicking behind him. "Why would I snap up a morsel like you when I could easily hunt the forest? I am Sandalf."

"I don't have any money, nothing but the clothes on my back." She stumbled slightly as one of the broad lion like paws stepped close enough to nearly touch her legs. "I'm Song..."

"There is other coin, girl..." Sandalf's voice rumbled as he loomed out of his cave so the snow fall spilled down along his mane. "A small price to pay for a night of safety.."

The filly got another step back before a broad feathered wing snapped out and swept behind her. The primaries tickled along her legs before the drake moved quick as a cat behind her. His large form blocked the blinding white of the snow and she caught herself against the wall with one hand. She blinked her mismatched eyes rapidly as the dragon tilted his head and the mobile muzzle spread into a grin. His wings remained mantled so only hints of the light came from behind them. Another price. Another coin. A night away from the deadly cold and blizzard that would steal the heat from her body. The filly blinked rapidly. Heat.

"I.. You're not a stallion.." She stammered the words and the maned head dropped down before a hot blast of air spilled from his nostrils and teased against her stomach.

"No, I am not a stallion. I am better than a stallion." Sandalf's voice was a murmuring purr as one of his paws lifted up and curled behind her. "I am something that can keep the cold of the storm away from you and enflame you. I can make you forget every chill you have felt until all you know is fire and need."

The filly's hands moved up and pushed against the broad chest and felt her fingers sinking into the mane. The paw tugged her up until she was nearly bumping against his larger body. So close, close enough that the predatorial scent was sharp in her nose, and just as sharp was the hint of male musk on the air. She opened her lips to argue with him. Her mind was filled with a hundred arguments against allowing any dragon, any predator, suggest anything like what Sandalf was murmuring to her. The thoughts were stilled by the flick of a tongue and the rake of claws that ran down her back. The mobile toes curled and hooked right against the loose blouse and pants that had proved to be frail protection against the cold.

The sound of tearing fabric startled a cry past her lips before a slick tongue flicked out and pushed beneath the edge of her shirt. He trailed upwards along the smooth bale fur of her under belly as the claws raked downwards. The fabric drew taut over her breasts as it was torn along the seams and the dark muzzle pushed up to catch it over the bridge of his nose. The claws tugged hard against her pants and she moved her hands down to try and grip them, but the drake didn't seem to take notice of her attempts to hold them up. Instead he flipped his head up and the ruin of her shirt was tossed to one side so the black and white fur of her chest was visible. His tongue flicked out and chased around the perked nipples that had tightened in the cold air. Her stomach twisted slightly as Sandalf's puffing breaths warmed the plump mound.

"I didn't say yes..." She managed to get the words out, but they sounded strained even to her own ears.

"You can leave if you wish, I would not stop you, but you wouldn't survive the night in the cold.." Sandalf's voice was an amused murmur as his tongue coild against her nipple.

A yank from his paws sent her near stumbling as the seams of her pants were torn. Heat rushed up to her face and blossomed along the upper ridge of her cheeks so the white splash that ran along her muzzle turned bright pink. She didn't try to grab the torn cloth, she only pushed backwards as the drake let out a prumming sound of approval. His neck arched as proudly as a stallion as he snagged the last edge of her pants and gave a tug so they slipped free. The stone felt cold against her rump as she found herself being regarded by darkening eyes. The gleam in them had nothing to do with food and everything to do with the fact that he was flaunting himself for her. The dominant creature shifted just enough that she could see a spill of fiery orange fur along his haunches along with something black. Dark dark black with only a hint of glowing yellow.

His muzzle dropped and he curled a paw against one of her legs to tug her back as she watched something spilling out into the light. The blunt glans heavy enough that it seemed to weight down the still soft length so it dropped towards the ground. The glowing yellow revealed itself to be a strange series of runes that was set into the dragon's flesh as the equine like girth swayed beneath him. The mustang's ears flicked back and her eyes showed a ring of white as she saw the size of him. His girth was relative to the rest of his large body and that meant he was easily as large as the biggest stallion. The inky black flesh soon formed a curve that swung back and forth as his muzzle traced along her body and trailed his tongue around her navel. It didn't jut forward straight and hard, it was as if the tip was heavy enough it weighed it down too much to maintain that state.

The filly swallowed roughly, her throat bobbing before her eyes were torn away from the sight by the tongue slipping down. The broadest part of the slipper appendage pushed up right along the pink tear shaped folds between her thighs. It curled up with a sharp flick that forced her soft outer lips open and caressed right along the inner silken folds. Song let out a short squeal as the touch lingered and rubbed along the heat swollen clit and sent a rush of heat through her. It was almost painfully pleasurable as he lingered and circled his tongue tip around. He wasn't a stallion, she wasn't instinctively drawn to him, but Sandalf was a canny drake who used her own sensitive nerves against her. He curled his tongue tip and flicked it lower until her hips squirmed when he probed lightly against her opening.

The gentle touch moved back and forth slowly, coaxing her into responding, demanding her to respond to him and her own bodies need. Her nostrils flared wide as she sucked in a breath, only to feel the tongue pushing forward hard enough to start to spread her inner passage open. The gentle probing wedged the walls open until she clenched down in reaction and some of her wetness started to coat around her tongue. Her hands moved down and gripped against his mane, briefly, a half wild thought of pushing the head away forming, but it was lost. The drake's paw pushed down on her shoulder as he forced his tongue in deeper. She was left squirming under the touch with a soft noise spilling past her lips in reaction. A flash of wetness caught her eye as a slippery bead of precum formed right at the opening of the urethra and then spilled down towards the ground as the cock flexed upwards and jutted straight out beneath him.

Ever so slowly the tongue pushed in deep enough that her back arched and her silken muscles contracted down. He gripped almost painfully tight around the girth as her heart beat started to race and she felt flushed. The paw kneaded against her shoulder before the drake lifted his muzzle with the edges of his dark ebony lips gleaming with her arousal. His eyes were narrowed down to bare slivers of sapphire as he lifted his paw from her and stood back.

"Pay your toll, filly," The drake crooned the words as her glistening tear shaped mound was left quivering and her body empty. Her walls contracting around nothing as the heavy bodied dragon watched her with the rune covered shaft jutting stiffly beneath him.

After a moment Song swallowed. A small part of her mind was trying to tell herself that he would break her. He was too large and she was too small, but that part was overcome with the louder sound of her pounding heart and the screaming of the storm beyond the cave. She shifted a little and rolled her hips until she brought her hooves back down on the ground. After a moment's hesitation she pushed her hands up against the wall so she was bent and her long bi-colored tail was left spilling out along her rump cheeks. She tilted her head back to see the drake's nostrils flaring as she lifted her tail up and flicked it to one side so the pale pink folds were framed by the snowy white inner thighs. She didn't have to wait long for the drake to take his payment.

Sandalf's forepaw slipped up and curled against her hip before he reared up. The broad feathered wings flashed in the corners of her eyes as he spread them for balance and the other paw moved up to rest flat against the wall. The powerful haunches spread open around her own before he gave a rolling push that sent the blunt glans trailing up along her inner thighs leaving a slippery trail of precum behind as it did so. Her fingers dug down against the rock as the swollen tip rolled upwards inch by slow inch until the next viscous dribble of pre oozed out right over her folds. It mingled with her arousal as the drake rubbed up and down along the soft lips and his head darted down to nip lightly against the back of her neck.

"Such a clutch I will give you, my filly..." He crooned and his chest pushed against her back before the tip shoved up a bit harder.

Song's cry echoed in the cave as the cock pushed harder and harder against her outer lips. They dimpled inwards, almost too small to handle the girth that pushed up against them. Her legs spread open wider with a scrape of her hooves could be heard before the drake's hips gave a sharper thrust forward. The tip spread her opening wider and wider, forcing it to wrap around the equine girth before he pushed into her with a lewd popping noise. The spill of precum slipped inside of her as her inner walls clamped down greedily around him. Her back arched up as she felt her body stretching wider and wider, almost too wide, too much, it was too thick. Her ears pinned down flat as the dark haunches gave a shorter push forward so another inch pushed in and the first of the runes started to disappear.

She could feel the veins that ran along him, the flesh being slickened and rubbed alonger the estrus swollen passage. It was overwhelming and it was almost painful, except as he stroked and pushed inwards she felt flashes of exquisite pleasure. It made her breath come out in short gasps as the next roll of the hips plunged him inwards until she felt the medial ring nudging right up against her outer folds and brushing against her clit before he pulled backwards. The slow drag made her buck her hips back and her tail jerked up higher in the air. The long strands brushed against his leg as his forepaw curled itself right beneath her stomach. His toes caressed lightly along her belly and the talons stroked over the fur as she was left trembling with her head dropped down low.

Her soft thick lips parted as she sucked in each trembling breath as fast as she could. And then Sandalf's hips pushed forward again and a squeal burst past her lips. Her body went tense as the medial ring pushed up against her outer lips. She clenched down tightly around him and tried to pull him in deeper instinctively, even as she wondered if that was even possible. The push shoved harder and steadily wedged and nudged the medial ring inwards so she was forced to strain open that much wider. His breath tickled against her mane while she tried to squirm in place. Her hips gave a rolling push backwards before the drake launched forward. His tail snapped behind him as the haunches went tense and the dark black shaft bowed as it tried to hilt inside of her. The filly's head tossed up sharply enough she nearly hit his chin as the swollen glans shoved up firmly against her cervix.

A thick spill of precum smeared over the opening before he pulled backwards. The steady caress sent a tremor of pleasure through her before her silken passage suckled around him only to have him plunge forward again. The broad haunches wrapped around her hips and the world became a mingling of dark black and fiery orange. The winter storm and cold faded away as the only thing she could think about was the heat that was building from each and every thrust. She was stretched open time and time again. The walls yawning wider and wider as she let out short sharp cries each time the medial ring pushed inwards and forced out the mingled precum and her arousal to slicken her outer lips. The ring caressed and teased right over her g-spot so she was arching herself back against him, pushing hard to try and sink him in as deep as she possibly could.

Nothing mattered except the sensations of her estrus maddened body. The pulsing need that came from a time when her kind ran on four legs, to bare herself to a stallion and continue the race. It was no stallion that claimed her though and the dragon knew how to tease her into reacting. His rolling haunches rubbed his medial ring in and out, the tip caressed and slipped right along her cervix. It was almost painful, but not quite. It was a pleasure that was sharp enough that it left her shaking. Her breath came in gasps as her mane fell over her eyes and she spread her legs open a bit more. She was sore, so sore, but she barely registered that sensation in the haze of need.

The drake's wings folded down so the fiery primaries blocked out the rest of the cave and hid her away. His claws tore along the wall and left white marks as his haunches started to build up speed. The feel of his hips nearly pushed down to meet her own, but only a thin flash of black equine like cock remained outside of her. Her folds were stretched open lewdly wide as they were forced in on themselves and then tugged outwards with each and every stroke. Her fingers dug harder and harder against the walls of the cave as her stomach started to tighten and she could feel the need growing and building. Her breathing came out in ragged pants as the drake's hips began to move in a blur.

Barely an inch slipped out of her before Sandalf plunged back into his newest acquisition. The walls clutched around him so she could feel him struggling to spread them apart at the apex of each and every thrust. The brush of the scales caressed against the curve of her hips as she dropped her head down and squeezed her eyes shut. The building pleasure broke over her as a wild equine squeal erupted out of her throat and her entire body went tense. The powerful inner muscles started to contract and milk around the dragon's rune marked shaft. They clamped down and gripped around the tip as Song felt her heart beat racing fast enough that she could almost taste it on her tongue. Her body relaxed into the waves of pleasure and barely realized the teeth that snapped down against the back of her neck.

The paw on her stomach pulled her backwards as the drake gave a final thrust that rolled his glans up against her cervix. The pulsing of the shaft started to fill the tip, spreading it open wider and wider. Too wide, her body was straining to hold the flaring tip as the urthra jutted forward and pushed up against the slender passage to her unprotected cervix. The drake gripped her neck hard before the first shudder rolled through him and the fiery orange orbs pulled up tight between his legs as they forced up the thick rich seed. With each pulse the flare was forced to its peak, even past the incredible tight walls that tried to protest being stretched open.

The cave was split with a vibrating roar as the first thick rush of his seed erupted out of his tip and hit hard against her cervix. It splattered up right against the opening and pushed its way inwards as billions of virile sperm pushed their way into the passage. The thick ropes pulsed out of him, more then enough for a grown dragoness, and for a slender filly enough that she started to writhe beneath him. The pressure was growing as she felt the gooey spill of seed spreading into her fertile womb and plunging over deeper. Her tail started to shiver and drop downwards, but Sandalf's hips kept it pushed up tight and to one side. The thick warm seed soon overfilled her stomach, the flare gave her no chance to try and escape it. Her walls treacherously kept milking him for more even as the skin along her black and white belly started to stretch. Her fertile womb stretching to hold the dragon's seed.

Sandalf's body shuddered above her as he made no move to pull back, even when she squirmed and tried to pull away. Instead, his paw pulled her back and he gave her a reproving nip on the shoulder as he ensured that she would swell. Not with a foal, but with his a clutch of eggs. Song's breathing was short and ragged, her coat gleaming slightly with a sheen of sweat from her exertions as the dragon's softening length pulled and tugged along her passage. The slippery ooze of some of his seed escaped and spilled along her inner thighs as she started to drop. Her legs wouldn't hold her up any longer and she could feel the slight ache of the breeding her body had taken. It was a breeding suited more to a feral mare then to a two legged filly.

The drake stapped back and the shaft tugged backwards, the softening cock pulled free with a lewd wet noise before dropping down heavy and full between his haunches. The tip oozed out a pearly drool of seed as Song dropped down against the wall panting shallowly. Her stomach still slightly swollen as a dribble of seed clung to her outer lips marking his claim.

"Of course..." Sandalf's voice was a rich purr that made her twitch her ears towards him. It was an effort to concentrate on what he was saying. "It will be several days before the storm blows over. Perhaps a week... I'm sure you will be more then willing to pay the toll for each day of safety..."

His laughter filled her ears as he dropped down in front of the cave and watched her with bright blue eyes. Days... Days in which she'd have to pay this toll. There was no chance she'd escape him before his seed had taken root. A shiver ran down the mustangs spine as the flush rose to her cheeks in confused embarrassment at her bodies flash of anticipation at paying such a price.

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