The Tutor: Chapter 6

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#6 of The Tutor

The dining room was full to bursting with students that were eating, laughing and talking all at once so that the sound of voices became a rumble that blurred together. Kachya never really liked eating when everyone else did. The school had set meals, but they had them strung out so that students who had various activities and classes could be sure to eat. She'd normally trail in at the end or come early, but today she had been busy earlier on and hungry enough to dare the masses at prime time. She had had to fight her way around the crowded tables near the front of the dining room to fill up her tray and then retreated to one of the ends of the large tables that was empty. ­­

When it wasn't so full, she felt as if she were just eating alone and studying with no problemjust another student catching up on work. But, today. it was painfully obvious to everyone and herself that she was alone. She didn't have a clique that she could eat with or gossip with, nor even a casual friend she could have a meal together with in companionable silence. There were other girls who were loners like herself, but they had formed their own 'groups' for meals so they didn't sit alone. They were a mishmashed group that she didn't get along with at all. She'd even tried, but they'd mostly gone quiet with her present or ignored her to talk over her head. That made it worse than sitting alone. Maria was around, but that relationship made the rabbit girl feel confused and slightly unhappy.

She'd tried to lose herself in her meal. Dinner was good, too, but it lost its flavor as she chewed the roast mechanically. Her ears fell back against her head while she let out a soft sigh. She hated when she was reminded about how alone she still was. She glanced over at the black wolf pup that was eating in the midst of her friends and chatting with ease around mouthfuls of dinner. She tried to take refuge in having seen the wolf thoroughly debased with Reikian, but it was hard. It would have been easier if she had someone to sit with. She looked about and didn't spot the striking stripes of Reikian anywhere, but he'd probably come earlier. He wanted to meet with her later on, after all. He'd slipped the note into her bag when she'd been changing classes.

She stabbed another bit of meat and forced herself to go back at looking at her math book. She didn't have the problems on her mind, but the bright vivid orange paper that she had marking the page that caught her attention. She'd been home free last night. Or at least, she had thought she was home free. She'd bolted up the stairs before Reikian and Maria had come up and she'd made straight for the stairs. She'd thought that she had timed it just right so she wouldn't hit any of the people patrolling the hall, but she hadn't managed it. She'd gone right up the stairs and hit the choir teacher right in his chest hard enough to send them both tumbling.

Ms. Etante had come up with her tail feathers flared and her beak snapped shut with a look of anger. The pied crow had her feathers roused up and her eyes narrowed as she caught Kachya before she could even bolt away and hope she wasn't noticed. The choir teacher had been more angry then Kachya'd ever seen the notably relaxed avian. The merry gleam in her eyes was gone; instead they had been flashing as she snapped out questions on what Kachya was doing out so late in the halls. Where had she been coming from? Who had been with her? The questions were fired off while she was dragged into the teacher's office and made to sit down. The rabbit had squirmed through all of them and stammered out answers. In the end, she hadn't given the right ones.

Detention.... She swallowed and picked up the orange card with the time and date scratched out on it. Ms. Etante almost never gives girls detention. Reikian says she likes boys...and girls only for other things....

_ _

That was the uncomfortable part. The pied crow was a merry woman with a ready laugh and sharp tongue that always had the best jokes. It was easy to pay attention in class when it was with her, but Reikian had whispered about other things. The crow had a large deep drawer in her office desk that she kept locked and she had things in there that were better off not mentioned. Her tutor had even bragged he knew what the crow did with girls and the sorts of things that happened--the mildest of which made her shiver as they described toys meant for girls to be taken by other girls, with shapes and sizes that would have been nearly impossible for her to take. And now she was staring at a slip that promised her just that.

_How am I going to get out of this? _ She dropped her last forkful of food on her plate and forgot about being alone in the crowded hall.

There were larger worries in her mind, like trying to figure out how she was going to get through detention.It made the fur on the back of her neck rise up and she snapped her book closed with a struggle to keep herself from staring at the fact she'd be spending tomorrow afternoon under Ms. Etante's care. It had been bad enough that she'd found the teacher watching her speculatively in class earlier.

"...Reikian...." Kachya twitched an ear as she heard her lover's name and lifted her head up slightly to try and find the direction it came from.

"Jesus, seriously? I wouldn't have guessed. And Reikian?! Quiet??" She flicked her ears up and saw a mink grinning with flashing white teeth and seated next to a tall leggy colt.

"Seriously. He's dating her behind everyone's back. It has to be something good if he's hiding it." The mink answered with no attempt to lower his voice. "Not that I blame him; she's cute enough that I'll bet she's amazing without her clothes."

Heat rushed up to Kachya's cheeks and ears and she dropped her eyes back to the cover of her book in case they looked in her direction. They were talking about her and Reikian. He must have let their activities slip somehow. Perhaps he'd gotten caught last night and let someone know what had happened between them. Or maybe he'd just bragged about her to someone.

The heat grew as she moved her plate in front of her and forced herself to take another bite of food. Her shoulders hunched a little bit and felt a warming bit of pleasure in her stomach as they talked about some of Reikian's past flings and how short they had all been. She couldn't help but overhear how he had hopped in out other students' beds without any sign of being attached.

He's never stuck with anyone.. She blinked a little into her meal as she came to that realization. He's been teasing me for so long, and he's still interested..

_ _

She felt the urge to touch her lips as a smile tugged the edges of her muzzle. Reikian had kissed her last night. Not hard and passionately as he so often had done when they'd been in the middle of doing something. It had been soft and gentle, not a hint of force to it. She licked her lips as if she could still taste him there and kept her ears tight to her head so that they didn't show she was blushing. That kiss had lingered in her mind as something special, but she hadn't wanted to really think about it. She was half afraid that she was looking deeper into it then she should have. But what if it was more? What if the reason he was tutoring her wasn't just because he'd taken pity on her, but because he'd grown to care about her?

"OY!!! OY MARIA! YOU REALLY DATING REIKIAN?!" The colt's voice brought her head up sharp and her eyes wide as the laughing boys had leaned back in their chairs to yell over the other students' heads.

_Maria..._Kachya swallowed and her stomach cramped slightly as the wolf pup looked up from her own friends and looked at them with her eyes wide. Her tongue darted out to lick her dark muzzle before she answered.

"Yeah, so? You sad you didn't get a chance? Cause I'm spoken for." Maria's voice was softer than the boys had been, but she still confirmed it.

"Maybe when you're tired of the little cats you'll come play with the stallions." The colt tried to arch his thin neck and Maria snorted.

"When you find one let me know. I think he does a perfect job of it!" The wolf wrinkled her nose and then laughed a little with her friends.

She didn't look towards Kachya. The rabbit dropped her eyes to stare down at the table while swallowed roughly and let her fork drop again. Reikian was dating Maria. It was almost unthinkable with the way he'd treated her and assured Kachya that he'd brought her along to humiliate her and teach her a lesson. Maria was always obeying his commands and being punished, and it was mostly just supposed to be for her to get some revenge and fun. But, what if it really was something more than that. Why would he tell her the truth? Maybe he just wanted to string her along.

Maybe she's what he wanted. She's popular, beautiful, does everything he asks without question even if its humiliating....

The plate in front of her blurred slightly as she carefully pushed her chair back and gripped either side of her tray with firm fingers. It took every ounce of will she had not to start crying in the middle of the cafeteria. If she did, then she'd probably just get made fun of more--or worse, they'd figure out she'd overheard and was reacting. Reikian was dating Maria openly and even flaunting it by the sounds of things. The first girl he'd dated among the students and not just had a tumble with. That meant she meant something to him. Maybe he just wanted someone that was submissive enough that he could get her to do whatever he wanted. Kachya had always had questions to be answered.

The cream colored rabbit made it all the way to the door of the dining hall before the tears started to spill down her cheeks. Her earlier thrill of knowing she meant something to the rakshasa was replaced with the hurt and anger that he'd obviously gone and replaced her. He'd had his eyes on Maria; maybe he'd just needed the rabbit as an excuse to get the other girl into a maneuverable position where she'd be blackmailed into the first time. Reikian had probably been laughing his butt off at her when she wasn't around, especially at how she'd always come to every note and never stood him up. She'd dropped working on homework just because he'd asked. She hadn't made any real effort to make friends because she assumed that he was at least her friend. He hadn't even been a real friend to her.

_I wonder how often they got together when I wasn't around and laughed at me. _ She swallowed and another tear rolled down her cheeks as she took the stairs up towards the dorms at a run.

The note he'd left her had simply been a few hastily scrawled sentences that she was supposed to go up to the fourth floor, which was largely unused except for storage. There was supposedly a section that had been emptied out because the school was starting to decorate for Christmas, even though it wasn't quite Thanksgiving yet. The section was far enough back in the attic that no one would hear or see them. He'd made a little note at the bottom that it would be just the two of them tonight. Maria wasn't going to be there. That had made her heart lift and she'd felt a flash of anticipation at having his attention devoted entirely to her. She'd been sure that it was because he'd missed having time with her, but now it had taken on a darker meaning. One that made her chest tighten. Even the tender kiss from last night took on another meaning. He had probably meant it as a kiss goodbye, nothing more.

He hadn't wanted to spend time with her. Reikian was taking her aside to explain to her that she'd done her part and he was casting her loose. That's why he'd come out in public about Maria. Kachya assumed that she wasn't supposed to know--that he'd been carefully hiding it from her until he could explain it all to her. What sort of excuse would he give? The rabbit swallowed as she bolted up to the third floor and her section of the dorm. He would probably tell her that it was all for the best because she was so far below her station. Or he'd make out that he'd just wanted to get her on her feet before turning her loose. And why not? He'd probably expect her to be upset, but grateful he'd noticed her at all.

This isn't fair. The sick feeling of grief faded slightly with the uncommon feel of anger that made her breath catch in her throat. _I can't believe he did this to me. I can't believe he'd...He'd.... _

_ _

Kachya drew in a deep breath and stared down at her bed and thought about how he'd been acting since Maria had come into the picture. The anger and upset made her feel as if she were about to be sick. The only solution was to confront him before he could find a way to dismiss her feelings someway. Or explain them away as being inconsequential.

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Reikian pushed the last box all the way up against the wall and let out a soft huff of relief as he managed to clear the last of the leftover boxes away. They were all pushed up to form a bit of a wall that blocked this side of the attic from the stairwell so that a casual observer wouldn't see anything wrong. Not that anyone came up here anyway. Everyone had been crowded in here all weekend as the staff and their handpicked students had hauled down all the decorations for Christmas. They wouldn't want to have anything to do with the dusty place for a while. The cleared space meant one corner was a perfect place to make a little paradise where the roof slanted down at an angle.

He'd skipped dinner to do this; and, as the rakshasa looked around, he felt well and truly pleased with his efforts. He had raided the laundry room for some thick pillows and clean blankets that he had piled up against the wall. He had made a trade with one of the older students for some tea lights that could cast a nice glow and lit the area well. He felt a little foolish about the way it looked and his tail swished back and forth, but he kept them anyway. He wanted to make an impression on Kachya for their time, especially since he'd been thinking of several new things that he wanted to try. The setup would be perfect to set the mood to get her into those positions.

A glance at his watch let him know he was running out of time. His tail flicked faster as he looked at the pile of pillows. He imagined the cream colored rabbit sprawled out on her back on them, maybe with her wrists bound up above her head so that her back was arched just so. With that thought in mind he shrugged out of his school shirt and dropped it down to one side. She'd be here soon and he wanted to be ready for her. He needed to tell her about what was going around about Maria and paint it in the best possible light. He'd made sure to test out how he would go about it until he found an explanation he thought would work the best. But that meant he had to get his lover into a nicely relaxed mood, as well as satisfying his own urges.

It took him a bit of time to strip down, but in the end he was nude and dropped down onto his belly on the comfortable pile of pillows and covers. He wriggled back and gave a feline stretch that bowed his back and exposed his pale white belly. His tail flicked back and forth restlessly as he pushed at a few of the pillows and made a comfortable spot to recline. He positioned himself so his legs were curled slightly towards his waist and his arms were stretched out in front of him. His white belly was hidden beneath him so the vivid black stripes were shown off to their best advantage. He curled his tail along his legs so the tip rested just at waist height. He curled his lips in a grin as he settled in what he hoped was a sufficiently sensual predatory pose to startle Kachya when she came up.

Reikian's sharp ears picked up the sound of the bottom door opening after a bit of time and he strained to hear the sound of Kachya's shoes on the stairs. His smile grew and he hooded his eyes as he listened to the way she positively ran up the stairs. Her steps were loud and fast enough that he realized she must have spent most of the day anticipating this. She'd want him; it would take very little to convince her to let him try something new. It took real effort to keep his tail posed perfectly when he wanted to twitch it back and forth with anticipation. He closed his eyes to mere slits and tilted his head slightly to look more predatory. There was some dark part of him that loved that start of fear she got when he was posed just so.

Except, when she came around the boxes his pose faltered and fell as she froze before she stepped into the ring of lights. Her ears were held close to his head and she stood tense and stiff instead of relaxed or nervous. Her cheek fur was slightly darker, matted and wet with what could only be tears. Except she wasn't crying; her eyes were bright as she wrapped her arms around herself and stared at him. He flicked his ears up and frowned to himself.

"So, just say it. I don't need this production." Kachya's voice trembled slightly, but she raised her chin up so she looked defiant. "I can just send Maria up and go back to studying."

"What?!" He yelped the words out before his mind could understand the second part of what she said

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Kachya trembled slightly, but tried to hide it from the lounging rakshasa. It took effort not to say anything, but to keep her attention fixed securely on a point just above Reikian's shoulder. She'd managed to stop crying, but it was by a thin thread. It was a thread that had nearly snapped when she'd come around the boxes and seen him lounging naked, sleek and erotic. It had made her loins tighten almost painfully, but she'd still gotten it out. She didn't want to get distracted by the needs of her body, or give him a chance to say it first. She wanted him to know she knew, she wanted him to know he wasn't as clever as he thought he was. He came up with his ears back and eyes widened. His tail fluffed ever so slightly as she maintained her silence.

"What are you talking about?" He sat up and she flushed faintly as he proved he was entirely nude.

"I heard, though I bet you didn't think I would." Kachya swallowed and felt her eyes burning slightly. She wasn't going to cry! Not again! "They were talking about it in the dining hall. That she was your g-girlfriend, the first you'd ever had."

She got the word girlfriend out with the faintest stutter. She hated herself for it, but she kept herself stiff and avoiding meeting his eyes. She didn't want to cry and she didn't want him to see how badly this made her feel beyond the anger. Reikian blinked a few times and gaped at her in shock. He was probably shocked she'd bothered going to eat at all when it was busy.

"I.. No! No, Kachya." He scrambled up onto two paws and stepped towards her. "It's not like that. I mean, not really. We got caught coming out of the basement last night and I had to say something to excuse it and...."

"I got caught too!" Kachya's voice hitched slightly as she spoke. "I got detention for it. I think you wanted that to happen too! Did you tell Ms. Etante to be on the stairwell?"

That was one thing that she'd thought about while she was getting herself braced to coming up here. She'd never gotten caught before when she'd been out past curfew, but somehow she had last night. The teacher had been right on her path up to the dorms. Had Reikian tipped off the crow somehow with a few well-placed hints? Now that she had gotten him what he wanted, he was willing to let the teachers have her? Or had he simply wanted to give her something to remember him by? Most of her rebelled against such thoughts, but the seed of doubt was there and jumbled in with everything else.

"Ms. Etante?" Reikian blinked rapidly. "I did no such thing! We just got caught! I couldn't say you'd been down there;you'd have gotten into trouble too! And what else was I going to say about Maria? It wasn't like she'd gone up with you!"

"So, what? Now you're a couple together in front of the school and I'm what?" Kachya relaxed a touch as he stepped towards her again and gave a shake of his head.

"Listen, I had to have a good reason. We came up together.I If I wasn't down there with her, who was I with? Why was she there? They'd have looked closer, wouldn't they? You don't want people to know about everything we get up to by ourselves. And Maria, well, who cares? It won't do her any harm, not really. I mean, everyone knows about her and the Coach; so what if she was doing stuff with me. But you? You don't want to be known for that." He gave his head a shake before continuing on in a rush. "I didn't hear anything about Ms. Etante being up there to catch you. If I had I would have warned you. You know that!"

"Yeah, well it didn't seem that way to me...." The rabbit kept her ears back as he took another step towards her and extended an arm.

_I want to believe him.... _ She swallowed and kept her face as firm as she could under his reassurances.

"Look, don't worry about detention. You know I'm not going to let you end up in detention like that." Reikian lowered his voice a little. "Let me prove I didn't do it. I'll help you. I'll get you out of trouble. When is it?"

"Tomorrow after school.." Kachya lowered her arms a little and shifted on her paws. She still didn't trust him, but it was a far better reaction then the one she'd been expecting.

Reikian beamed and reached out to grab her paw. "Well, that's plenty of time! Leave it all in my hands and I'll take care of it!"

Kachya opened her mouth to say something, but snapped it shut as the rakshasa lifted her paw up to his lips and gave it a soft kiss. That made her cheeks warm up in a hint of a flush.

"I'm going to bed." It wasn't the best come back, but it was all she could manage.

"Alright, and tomorrow we can spend the whole evening up here instead of detention! Just to make up for it!" Reikian spoke so confidently it brought a tremulous smile to her lips before she nodded.

Maybe it really was just a story to keep them off my heels....

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Reikian watched the rabbit slipping down the stairs with a false smile on his face. His heart was pounding so fast that he thought he should be able to taste it. He hadn't known what to do when she'd snapped out how she'd already heard about Maria. He'd almost been tongue tied, but she was angry and upset enough that he'd had time to compose himself. She left with a slight smile on her face, not a real one or a bright one, but one that let him know she wasn't about to do something rash. She was confident that he'd make sure that she wasn't in trouble tomorrow. The fact that she'd gotten detention gave him the perfect chance to bring back her confidence in him by getting her back out of it. Except for one part.

How am I going to get her out of this? Ms. Etante has been looking at her for weeks now. I bet she's already planning what to do.

_ _

The rakshasa dropped down on the pillows he'd piled up and flipped his ears back. He needed to get Kachya's good opinion back. The moment she'd appeared angry and hurt he'd felt helpless. He didn't know what he would have done if she'd started to cry. His intense reactions to her upset had shocked him, but he hadn't been able to linger on it at the time. The urge to make it right had made him talk without thinking about it. Now he had to find a way to either get Kachya out of detention or get the teacher's attention himself. Reikian rubbed a paw up and over his ear nervously before trying to come up with some sort of plan that might work. Any plan that would work would do. He had to make it right. Somehow

The Tutor: Chapter 7

"So you see, ma'am, I was the reason Kachya was out late the other night." Reikian spoke clearly and tried to keep his eyes focused on the desk rather than the avian's bright eyes. Ms. Etante's black and white feathers were ruffled ever so slightly...

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Breeding the Whore

The room was cast into darkness with just enough light that she could see the red drake dropping his bag by the door and locking the dead bolt. Tama watched him with wide eyes as she drew in a shivering breath and started to let out a soft shivering...

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Making A New Reindeer

"And a happppppy new year...." Apollo sang the last note in a long sweet tone to the folks that were drinking and chatting to one another around the stage. A few started to clap, but most of them were busy talking with their coworkers and the others...

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