Making a New Mount

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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The scent of hay and straw filled the buck's muzzle as he stepped into the barn and drew in a deep breath. It was laden with the softer scent of horses on the air. The taste of it tickled his nose and relaxed him as he glanced at the stalls that each held a face peering over the edge of the door at him. A lovely black mare with a broad blaze running down her face, a showy chestnut gelding who whickered for attention as Nipper walked past him with a light pat on the nose, and lastely, a lovely looking mare white as snow with dark brown eyes and a graceful light lined body. The buck came to the door and stepped up onto the lower rail as the little mare whickered softly to him and pricked her ears forward. Drift was his favorite, though he would have never admitted it, but she was.

The sweet tempered mare was always eager to please and easy to handle. She stepped forward to snuffle into his hand wistfully as she looked for a treat and then settled for the stroke of his fingers along the edge of her jawline. She pressed into his touch and flicked her ears backwards when he shifted to look at the empty stall besides hers. Nipper flicked his ears back slightly and snorted in annoyance at the sight of the freshly cleaned area. It had held a glossy bay stallion that his friend had boarded here and in exchange he had been able to breed his mares to the fellow. The chestnut had come from the stallion.

"Sorry, girl, you're going to just have to muddle through it. I doubt that gelding is going to give you anything you want." He murmured sympathetically.

Drift flicked her ears back and snorted before rubbing into his palm again. Her soft thick lips plucked there as he fought the urge to get frustrated. His friend had left the stallion here for barely three months. He had planned on getting a line going for breeding purposes. The chestnut had potential and he didn't regret buying him, but he would have rather had the stallion. With the economy the way it was, breeding fees were going higher and higher when it came to experimental breeds. And, if he was being honest, it was harder and harder to sell the foals. That was the real kicker. He wanted nothing more then to have a breeding farm that would allow him to devote himself to the creatures he loved. He had thought he'd had a hope when the stallion had been here, but it hadn't worked out.

Damnit.. He growled to himself. The economy is horrible, hell, even the top breeders are struggling to find reasonable prices for their sales. They're having to sell for less than what they're worth.

_ _

He continued to work his fingers beneath the edge of the jaw line and tickled his fingers all the way up along the back of the shifting ears. They twitched backwards and then perked up again as he leaned over the edge of the stall door. His dreams were slowly fading away before they'd even really been born. There was no room in todays world for a horse breeder, they were a luxury item, not something most people wanted to go into. He stroked his fingers down along the curve of the mare's chin before swinging up and over the stall door. The restless little mare whickered and threw her head up before snuffling against his chest as he went to check on her feed. The buck twitched his nose a little bit at the scent of the mare on the air, a sweet scent that came with her heat, and set his tail to wagging back and forth.

As he checked the grain the heat rose to his ears as he recalled one late night, very drunk, conversation he had had with a friend. He didn't know how it had come about, but the wolf he'd been drinking with had been commenting about half breeds and interspecies relationships. It had been... interesting and a bit embarrassing, especially when he'd started going on and on about Santa's reindeer of all thing. And reindeer in particular. It had been a convoluted conversation that was fuzzy in his mind, but there was only one part that really stuck in his mind. His friends teasing suggestion that he could always breed a deer large enough to be of some use. Bigger then a reindeer and good for more than just pulling a sleigh. His ears darkened a bit more as Drift nibbled against the edge of his hip as he straightened up.

"Sorry girl, I didn't mean to ignore you." Nipper stopped and stroked her cheek lightly, still feeling overly warm from the remembered conversation.

It wasn't just the fact his friend had suggested it, it was the fact that the idea had been appealing at the time. Hell, it was still appealing. Horses were common, they were easily found and owned. But deer... he flicked his tail a bit faster as he recalled the conversation about if it was possible. After all, since they had evolved to two legs their genetics had changed a lot. It wouldn't be impossibly to manage it. He couldn't take a four legged deer to a mare, a buck wouldn't have anything to do with a mare, he would just be confused. But an anthro deer? They could be compatible with a mare. Nipper shifted as he stroked the mare's cheeks and realized his thoughts were jangling and tumbling about without any real purpose. They weren't even that connected. He shook himself out roughly to try and clear them, but that only made him more aware of the mare's warm sweet scent.

And that's when he realized just how badly his thoughts were falling apart. He stroked a hand down her neck and realized that in the process of going over the drunken conversation, his body had been enjoying the scent of Drift. His loose shorts were drawn tight as his shaft had slipped free of his sheath until nearly half of it was resting against his belly. He couldn't keep ahold of any clear thoughts, not when her scent was making parts of his mind work slow and sluggish. The only thought that rolled through his mind was any clarity was the subject of that conversation. A breed of deer that was as tame as a horse, large enough to ride and entirely unique. Something that was so exotic that it would be in demand if it was successful. Even in a failing economy.

"Hey, Drift, Hey girl..." Nipper stroked his fingers down along the curve of her neck. "Poor girl, stuck in here alone..."

He murmured softly just under his breath as the mare whickered and pushed into the attention again. He stroked his fingers along the curve of her shoulder and right along her chest. That warm scent was teasing his muzzle as he brushed the palm of his hand along her back. She had almost deer like proportions with her slender legs and the narrow curve of her neck. She was lovely looking, perfect, and bred from a champion line. He ran his nails lightly along the curve of her haunch as the little white mare turned her head about to peer at him as he stroked the muscled haunch. An exotic mixture of deer and horse, delicate and strong, wild and tame, the best of both worlds. Something that had never been heard of before. Someone had made gryphons once upon a time, so why not this hybrid?

_Am I really going to do this? _ Nipper shivered a little as he deliberately traced his fingers along the base of her tail and gave a light caress.

That scent, it wasn't something he was unfamiliar with, it was something he normally ignored. Any anthro that worked around animals learned to ignore the pheromones, but this time he drew it in. His black padded nose twitched and quivered as he hooded his eyes and felt his body flush hotly. He closed his eyes entirely as he felt himself responding and his boned shaft slipping out of his sheath. The tip rubbed along the curve of his loose shorts while his fingers slipped down and caressed right beneath the base of Drift's tail. The mare let out a confused snort, but her tail flicked upwards at the touch. The sent only grew a bit sharper and sent a shivery sound spilling past his lips. So he lacked a stud of his own, that didn't mean he couldn't play the stud for his mare.

The fingers teased along the base of the tail as Drift let out a series of soft noises. They sounded almost confused as he brushed his digits downwards and trailed right along the inner thighs. He ran his finger tip lightly right along the soft tear shaped folds. He trailed along the outer edge and felt them flex in response as the mare's tail suddenly flagged up high in the air. It flicked to one side and she pranced against the hay before Nipper opened his eyes again. The soft pale lips flexed and winked in response to his touch, the nub of the clit flashing into the light as he teased his finger just between the folds and felt her go tense. She tossed her head back and let out a soft noise as her ears flipped back against her head and then lifted up again.

"I know I'm not what you expected.." Nipper murmured soothingly as he ran the pad of his thumb lightly along the winking clit. "But at least you'll get some relief."

His ears were burning dark red and suddenly he was horrifyingly grateful his friend had moved his stallion out of the barn. He owned the other horses so no one would come here. He didn't know what he would give as an excuse if someone saw him behaving like this. As it was, his body was suddenly shivering as rubbed lightly along the little mare's inner folds and felt her legs tensing up. A glistening brush of wetness trailed against his finger tips as he used his other hand to loosen his shorts. The material was drawn almost painfully tight at this point as every last inch of his shaft was pushed out of his sheath and into the confining space. He had to pause in his strokes to use both hands to carefully pull the zipper down with slightly shaking hands.

Drift looked back at him, but she didn't look as if she were about to bolt or kick him. Her tail remained hiked up high in the air and held to one side despite the fact he wasn't touching her. She had spent the entire length of her heat in the stall alone, and at the start she had at least known the hope of the stallion near by. She didn't seem about to shun her suitor, even a strange one such as himself. He flipped his ears back and wiggled his shorts down so the dark red shaft jutted up along his belly before he went back to teasing against the edge of her outer lips. He trailed lightly along the outer edges and then brushed between them until the winking lips flashed time and again.

He looked over her haunches and realized one big set back with what he was going to do. Height. She wasn't a large mare, but she was still large enough that even thinking about stepping casually behind her was out of the question. He'd never reach. He was less worried that she might try to kick him, after all, she wasn't reacting to him in any way to suggest she wasn't entirely amenable to his touch. In the end he was reduced to bringing a small step stool he kept in the tack room and bringing it into the stall with him. He felt slightly drugged as he found it harder to think about what he was doing, all he could think about was that scent. That sharp scent that was filling his senses as he set down to stool and leaned forward to flick his tongue out.

He licked lightly right along the glistening folds and drew in the warm scent as the winking folds teased his nose. His tail flicked up high as he pushed the step stool forward and felt Drift fidget. Her neck was craned about as if she wasn't quite sure what he was doing. He wasn't that sure what he was doing when it came down to it. He ran his fingers lightly along her haunches as he stepped onto the old stool and felt a moment of relief as it held. The glistening length of his shaft throbbed slightly against his belly as he ran his fingers along the curve of her haunches.

"Easy, lovely girl, easy.." He murmured softly and slipped his chest up against her rump.

Almost immediately her legs went still and stiff. Her tail tried to hike itself higher as he leaned up and over her haunches while he freed up a hand to grip his base. He pushed his hips forward and traced his tip down to the soft plush folds. He traced up and down against them as a viscous dribble of precum spilled out of his tip and mingled with her own heat induced arousal. Nipper was nearly shiver with anticipation as he rolled his hips forward with just enough force to spread the outer folds open so that they gripped around him. Her own wetness clung to him as he leaned his head forward to rub against the curve of her back.

With a rock of his hips he pushed into her feverishly warm passage and felt the powerful equine muscles wrap around his boned cock. The buck let out a startled groan as Drift's muscles went tense in instinctive preparation for a stallion's thrust. Instead, he pushed forward through the clutching muscles as a spill of precum rubbed through her. He gave another push, harder as he drove himself into her body inch by steady inch. Her wetness spread over and around him while he moved his hand away from his base to grip her haunch. He wasn't thinking about anything anymore, no thought of breeding a hybrid from a deer and horse or making money or having his own exotic mount. He thought about nothing except the heat that was wrapped around his cock and clutching around him. The warmth of her body pressed beneath his chest and belly made him give a sudden swift buck.

His heavy orbs pushed up between her thighs as he drove himself in all the way up to his sheath. A throaty groan was forced past his lips as he held himself there and felt her milking around him. His breath came in short bursts before he pulled backwards and then bucked forward again. He wasn't even able to pull back more then a few inches before the mare's walls contracted almost painfully tight around his cock. When he drove forward again, Drift pushed backwards against him and helped push him all the way to the hilt. His orbs bumped up against her inner thighs as he squeezed against the curve of her haunches and rubbed his muzzle along the sweet familiar scent of her back.

Thick slippery dribbles of precum spilled out of his tip and were forced into her body at the apex of each thrust. His tail flicked up high along the curve of his back as he kept himself braced and squeezed his eyes shut. He gave himself over to the sensations as he pulled back and the walls contracted tightly around him again. He had to exert every bit of will power he had not to drive back into her. Instead he pulled almost all the way out so her wetness clung around him and his tip nearly popped free. Her legs tensed up before he threw his weight forward in a short sharp thrust that rocked her forward. His hips clapped up firmly against her own as Nipper let out a soft short cry deep in his throat.

He'd been with females before, but the mare was pushing the memory of them away. She was entirely different from anything he had ever experienced and he savored her. Each thrust sent new rushes of pleasure through his body as he forced to clutching walls open time and time again. The passage was silken and almost feverishly hot as he let out low moans that he stifled against the curve of her back. Drift wasn't an idle lover, she pushed back against him as her hind legs splayed open. She responded to his attentions eagerly as if the days of waiting had made her more then ready for a suitor, even so strange a suitor as a deer.

He shortened his thrusts steadily, barely an inch flashing out of her gleaming pink folds before he plunged back into her body. The dribbles of precum were soon mingled with her own arousal as they were forced out of the soft folds. The walls quivered as he started to slam hard and deep. His fingers gripped firmly against her curved haunches and gave her short tugs backwards so that she was leaning backwards. His heavy orbs clapped up firmly right between her haunches time and time again. They built up as his stomach tightened and he felt her walls tightening around him. It was almost too tight when he was pushing back into her as the muscles worked from his base all the way to his tip.

The buck's ears folded back flat against his head and he bit his lower lip as he pushed hard against the step stool when he lunged forward. That final buck sharp and deep with a hint of the four legged bucks as he drove himself in all the way up to his sheath. The quivering walls clamped down tightly as his balls pulled up tight between his legs and pushed up the first spill of seed. The hot pressured jet erupted into Drift as the mare's walls started to clutch greedily around him. The ropes pushed in deep, pushed out of the tip of his shaft in powerful bursts that flooded deep into her fertile passage. His fingers squeezed tightly against her hips and gave a bucking push as if to make sure he were entirely sheathed inside of her as he trembled.

His chest rose and fell as he pressed against her back and felt her skin shivering slightly. He rubbed his muzzle against the pale snow white fur as the last few creamy ropes spilled out of his tip and her own contractions pulled the virile sperm deeper into her body. He wasn't thinking about a future fawn or foal, he wasn't thinking about anything except the way she kept trying to get more of him. He gave a grinding rub so his sheath was pushed up against her outer folds. Foal or no foal, he had no intention of leaving her to linger untended in her heat again...

~ ~ * ~ ~

11 months later

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The late hour was only made that much darker by the pounding rain and the storm that was hammering just outside the doors. Nipper stared out at the darkness and then looked back at the lit stall where he'd been chased out by the vet. Not that he blamed the old bull, he had been almost frantic when Drift had labored harder and harder to try and push out the foal. He had been more a hindrance then a help at that point. He'd never seen a mare birth a foal in person, he had always assumed that it would be swift and easy. Not the hours that had stretched out seemingly without end.

"What stud did you put her too?" The old bull's voice made the deer's ears prick forward slightly.

"She's alright?" He blinked a little as the vet wiped his hands off and gestured shortly.

"It's more of a question of if I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing." The vet frowned a little bit as the buck poked his head over the tall edge of the stall. "Because I'm pretty sure this was something you should have told me when I came out here."

Nipper peered into the thick golden straw to see the snow white mare still on the ground with her legs folded up. A sheen of sweat was showing over her features, but his attention was only briefly there. Most of his attention turned to the pale tawny form that was curled up against the ground with his head waving back and forth unsteadily. The little creature blinked dark eyes up at the bull and deer peering down at him. The ears were large and broad, too broad, too large. They flicked back and forth on the equine head that ran all the way down to a tapered muzzle complete with a black padded nose. A splash of snowy white spots that spread along the haunches and the line of the sides. A pattern that wasn't natural in any way shape or form on a horse. Then again.. Neither were the cloven hooves tucked up beneath his chest. The foal-fawn peered up at them with dark eyes and Nipper flushed a very deep dark red.

"Oh.. umm.. I can' explain." He mumbled as the bull gave him a long curious look. Oh there were explainations owed, but he'd done it. He'd really done it.

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