Satisfying the Heat

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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The evening air was just cold enough that a tinge of frost coated Jasiri's whiskers as he bristled them forward and gave a slow flick of his tail. His perked ears twitched a little bit as he stretched his forelegs out and spread his toes so his claws flexed into the dirt. It was late, and getting later, but he couldn't sleep. Instead he watched the moon sliding across the star spread skies and gave his tail a sharp lash. His padded nose flared slightly as he tasted the air and wrinkled his nose back slightly. The scent of the frost, the scent of the wind and the grass where the moisture had sank to the earth. There was the faint far off scent of something that was soft, vulnerable and would be easily taken as prey. And something else, a scent that had pervaded the air since he'd tried to sprawl out for the night.

He wasn't hungry. The cheetah stood up and shook himself out so his rich golden coat fluffed itself up against the chill and tested the air again. Each time he drew in a breath the other scents faded away. He didn't care about the cold wind or the grass or the dew. He wasn't hungry and didn't care about the prey that was furtively eating near the edge of a pond. All he cared about was the faint far off scent that made his heart start to beat faster. With a low growl he flicked his whiskers back and turned his head in the direction it was strongest. Heat. It was the scent of a female in heat and near enough to his territory that there'd be little chance that he'd have competition.

The cheetah trotted through the cold grass and barely stirred it as he dropped his head down and spread his lips so he was tasting the scent on his tongue. His ears flicked up high on his head and stretched his legs out so that the ground disappeared rapidly beneath him. His territory was vast, even by his kinds standards. He held it against all other males and interlinked several females' territories. The scent didn't taste like one of his chosen females, it was new and sharper. Which meant it might be one that was wandering in search of a place to call her own or it might mean it was another male's female. Jasiri's lips twitched up in a grin as he considered taking another male's female out from under him. There would be no mistaking after he had been with someone, they wouldn't walk right for days as long as he did his job properly.

Felines in general were considered a bit of a joke when compared to the rest of the world. They weren't large when it came to certain parts of their anatomy. When compared to their body weight, it was almost embarrassing. True, they made up for it with the barbs that ran along their girth, but it was still less then other species'. Not Jasiri. He had been... gifted in that area. His females knew just how gifted he was; intimately so. He could make them yowl and writhe as he pinned them, arch and cry out as he molded them to his body. Other males could try, but they'd never fill his females up the way he did. And now he could add another to his list. He chuffed softly to himself as he stretched his legs out into a run that lowered his belly towards the ground.

The sharp scent of another male pricked his nose as he broached the edge of his territory and passed into his nearest rivals. He only stayed their briefly before he passed out of it again and into a small unclaimed patch of land. It was a desolate place that no cheetah would want to claim as their own. There were no water holes and most of the features were made of hard rocks. The only prey that could be found were the small ground scurrying things that barely made it worth his time to attack. But he wasn't after that sort of prey. The moment he passed into the rocky terrain the scent of estrus and fertility flooded his nose and made him wrinkle his upper lip back. It clung to the air like sweet perfume that slowed his steps until he walked a slow circuit to try and find the source.

It had been too long since a new female had come into his territory. It had been too long since he'd pinned one down and felt her stretching to fit him. He chirped softly and then flicked his ears up to listen to a reply. He circled and every time he came near the scent, it slipped away from him. His tail snapped back and forth in annoyance before finally taking a perch on one of the rock outcroppings and glaring out at the barren area. There was no where for a female to hide. Their gold coats would stand out perfectly against the rocks. Another reason this place was of little use to his kind. His claws scraped against the rock before he struck out at a small rock and batted it over the ground with a growl. He was in no mood to play hide and seek outside of his territory.

"You're like a kitten that's lost his toy." A voice trilled softly from the darkness, soft and almost mocking. "Will you bite it next?"

"Where are you?" Jasiri leapt up and twisted around with a growl before drawing in a breath. "I can scent you."

"I'm here... this is a lovely bit of land." The voice murmured back. Definitely feminine and with a seductive edge that made his ears flick up high. The source of the scent.

"Not for our kind." The male cheetah licked his own shoulder with a firm swipe of his tongue. "Our kind is meant for better places then this."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Luna opened her eyes to mere slits as she watched the cheetah padding out along the rocks with his head held high and every inch of his proclaiming just how cocky he was feeling. A true lord of the rocks, though there was a faint edge of annoyance to the way he kept looking around for her. He stood out like a sore thumb, but she didn't. Her grey coat meshed perfectly with the rocks, the rose colored spots helped make her look dappled instead of one solid grey color. His eyes slid over her several times as he made his invitation.

"I'm not your kind." Luna drawled out and stopped the urge to lash her tail. "I'm not from here."

"Ahh you smell like my kind, almost." He snuffed the air a little and jumped down from the rocks. "Come out where I can see you, my lovely lady."

"Just see me?" She twitched the very tip of her tail as his head turned. "Is that all you wish to do?"

The male almost had the grace to look embarrassed, but not quite. There was a smug edge to the way he tilted his head down and he jumped down from another rock. Only a few feet from her. Her eyes drifted over his long lean lines, boney like most cheetahs, but interesting enough that she let her eyes drift along the deep spread of his chest and the sweeping curve of his stomach. There were muscles under his spotted coat, potential there, but her eyes weren't just on his body. She saw glimpses of something heavy swaying between his haunches as he moved about. Something masculine and promising that made the faint itch in her belly flare to life.

"At first.." The male temporized. "I'm Jasiri, my territory is quite nearby, you would be welcome to join me to hunt and relax."

"Ahh so you wish a hunting partner?" The clouded leopard put a hint of amusement into her tone and watched as he turned about again trying to find her.

"Are you so pleased that you've caught me? I wish to know you, and for you to know me." Jasiri lashed his tail fast enough that Luna blinked at the sight of the heavily swollen orbs that flashed into view. "And to grip your scruff and feel you under me. I want to take that lovely scent of yours and extinguish it, to end your need... Days of it.."

Luna licked her lips and tried not to move even though her stomach felt a faint ache of need. A lingering ache that had sent her near yowling through the strange territory she had passed through. His words flashed through her mind and made her shift against the rocks as he padded in circles with his muzzle in the air. But even a stranger in this land she knew a male when she saw one, no matter his species and her body knew him. Her body had gone days without someone to ease the ache inside of her. She felt near feverish with it, but now.. now this has possibilities.

She slowly pushed her large paws beneath her and stood up with a lash of her tail. The thick long appendage flipped slightly so that a scattering of rocks were loosened and were tossed across the ground as she stood up. It was enough for the cheetah to twist around with a short chirping noise and focus in on her. Her white underbelly flashed so there was no hiding against the rocks as the golden male's eyes widened while looking over her. His tail went still and his ears went back as she padded forward with a careful roll of her shoulders and curled her long tail behind her. She wasn't going to give him time to linger on her strangeness.

"I am Luna. I doubt you've seen my kind here before." She murmured and Jasiri gave his head a shake back and forth.

"No, never..." His voice was almost a whisper and then rose up a bit higher. "No wonder you came to this desolate place."

He shook off his shock after a few moments as she let her eyes look him over. He was well fed, glossy and full of energy as he stepped forward with his head extended to sniff at her slightly. His ears were flicked up high on his head as his muzzle nearly brushed against the curve of her shoulder. She tilted her head and bumped her muzzle against his side. He smelled of heat and grass lands, male and musk, it was the latter two that made her let out a low rowling sound from deep in her throat. Her paws spread a little bit as she resisted the urge to roll completely against him. She didn't want to startle the cheetah by coming on too strongly. No, patience... patience...

Jasiri brushed his nose just along her shoulders and she felt the heat of his breath ruffling against her fur. His lips wrinkled back as he sifted the scent of her over his tongue while his tail lashed roughly back and forth. It was nearly smacking against her as she moved to one side and pressed right up along his spotted side. She rubbed her cheek against the fur while her throat vibrated and forced out a low rumble deep in her throat. Or at least, it started rumbling, at least at first. It didn't last for long. Her eyes flicked down for a brief moment and then froze as she saw what was hiding between his haunches. She jerked back a little bit just as the male lost his confused hesitation.

Sharp teeth gripped the nape of her neck and pulled so she went still while her eyes lingered on the truly massive sheath that hung heavy between his legs. The furred pouch was situated just in front of a set of swollen balls that were stretched taut. It wasn't the size of a normal feline, instead it looked almost grossly out of place on those slender haunches. She nearly jerked backwards, but the teeth refused to let go of her nape as a thick red tip pushed out of the sheath and edged into the light. The barbs glistened as the inches started to ease out while the lean cheetah gave her neck a firm tug.

"I.. don't think that'll fit.." Luna managed to get the words out with just a hint of a tremble.

"Always has.." The cheetah's reply was muffled before he pushed his chest up against her side. "Just needs enough lubricant..."

She tried to lock her legs in place, but the cheetah was taller. She was a bit heavier of body, but she couldn't bring that into play when he gripped her scruff and was looming over her. Instincts kicked in despite her worry about the size of the dark red girth that was pushing out from the sheath. Her legs folded as his chest pushed her down and she dropped her head with a soft noise. One of his paws brushed against her side as he stepped over her and helped push her to the point that she was crouching on the rocks. Her claws slid out while something heavy and slippery pressed down along the line of her back. Large enough that she let out a soft breathy noise.

His hind legs stepped over her as she intimately felt the cock pushing out of the sheath. The barbs caught against her furred coat while her breathing started to come in short pants. The male scent was stronger and the itching burn grew to the point that she let out another rowling sound as her thick tail flicked up. The cock tip dribbled out a thick syrupy spill of precum that oozed out to mat the plush fur as the cheetah gave a rolling push of his hips. How long had she been in heat? How long had she been wandering alone? Last heat she hadn't met any males large enough, now... now there was a male that was certainly large enough. More then large enough.

His weight pressed down harder against her as she felt his hind legs wrapping around her own and his hips drew back. The thick dribbles of precum left strands coating her fur as she flipped her tail up high and braced her hind legs beneath her and slightly pushed up. Too large, he was too large, her mind was screaming it even as her body was flaring hot and the world had narrowed down to the raw desire to feel him. Jasiri released her scruff with a low chirping purr before his hips dragged back and the swollen cock tip slipped down wards to probe right against her folds. A strand of wet precum clung from the tip of his barbed cock to right along her outer folds as he rubbed up and down against her. The barbs brushed along the outer lips while she let out a low cry from deep in her throat and pushed her hips higher in the air.

Her body had absolutely no reservations about the cheetah's size, not even when his forepaws moved down to grip just in front of her hindquarters. His teeth reclaimed her nape, but higher up as he rolled his hips forward and the thick cock tip pushed right against her outer folds. She hissed out softly as he pushed up against them and started to force them inwards. She jerked her hips upwards as the swollen folds were splayed apart and the barbs tugged against her as her haunches tensed up. The need spiked up as his hips gave another shove and the relatively slender tip started to wedge her passage open slowly. The next thick dribble of precum spilled into her body so that she gasped out at the warmth flowing into her.

Her walls contracted tightly before his hips gave another steady push forward and his forepaws pulled her back. She could feel his weight keeping her in place as the tip popped into her and started to sink deeper and deeper. The silken folds were forced apart, not badly at first, almost the normal size of a feline, but it didn't last long. Jasiri rapidly became larger and larger, thickening as her walls were forced apart and the flesh strained nearly to the breaking point. Her quivering passage tried to adjust to him, but he didn't give her much of a chance as his muscles strained and his hips kept pressing down against her.

The dark red length bowed in the effort to force her open, the thick dribbling precum oozed ever deeper. Her own arousal clung around him as Luna folded her ears back and yowled out as he gave a shorter thrust. Some of the thick precum was forced out around his girth, dribbling along her outer folds as the tip shoved deep enough she felt it brushing right against her cervix. Deeper then any feline should reach, and her outer lips were forced into a taut O as Jasiri panted softly against the back of her neck. He held completely still into a thick goopy spill of precum oozed out of his tip and into her body. Her muscles twitched and contracted tightly, clutching and squeezing, pulling and suckling as she tried to adjust to him.

He gave her just enough time that she was no longer writhing under him before he pulled out and the barbs along his tip flared open. Luna let out a harsh cry as they barbs raked along her heat swollen passage and caused her body to arch up. Only his weight kept her in place as she lashed her tail back and forth under the painful pleasure of the shaft tugging out of her body. Thick strands of precum clung around his girth as he drew outwards inch by slow inch. Her squirming form was trapped, pinned, as she felt the familiar burn within her body. She wanted him, needed him, her body was pounding in time with his heart beat as he pulled back and the thick tip suddenly pulled free of her quivering body. A gooey strand of precum clung from the tip all the way to her folds as he traced them up and down.

"See.. it'll fit.." His breath tickled the back of her neck as she shifted his forepaws down so that her hindquarters were wedged into place.

At first she assumed it was because the cheetah didn't want her to squirm out from under him when the tip eased up against her folds. Then she realized that he was holding her place so his own thrust didn't knock her forward. The cock tip pushed back into her still contracting passage and the powerful muscles along his haunches tensed up before driving forward. Her hips were forced up into the air, but weren't knocked forward thanks to his paws. He drove himself back into her with a lewd squelching noise and his snarl vibrated the line of her spine as she cried out. Her muzzle parted as the tip shoved right up against her cervix and the base spread her open all the wider.

He was thick enough that he was teasing over her clit as he barely rested there before he started to pull backwards again. The barbs flared out again and caressed her estrus ravaged body as she scraped her claws against the rocks. Her cry echoed out as her walls clamped down tightly around him to help drive the barbs into her even more. The painful pleasure worked to flare the heat in her body as he tugged backwards almost all the way out before sinking in again. The tip drooled out thick dollops of precum, the rich wetness nearly enough to rival a normal cat's orgasm each time it dribbled out. The wetness was forced out around the thickness of the base at the apex of each thrust that sent the tip grinding against the vulnerable opening of her cervix.

The paws that pinned her haunches in place tensed a little bit as he pulled backwards and she arched up with a yowling cry. It was pain, it was pleasure, it sent a rush of heat through her body as she squirmed beneath this weight before he slammed forward again. Her outer lips were yawned open almost painfully wide as she clutched around him. The squeezing pulled working from the base all the way to the tip. She was stretched open too wide, too far, it was too much. Her body was nearly screaming the words to her mind as she ignored it all for the sake of the pleasure of feeling her body claimed. Even the barbs that scraped over her g-spot made her buck and twist beneath him in pleasure.

Jasiri tugged against the scruff of her neck as his haunches dropped down lower again and the next thrust forced him all the deeper. She tensed up and the screeched out as the tip started to wedge itself into her very cervix. Her lips curled back and flashed her fangs as the spongy bottle neck was forced open wider and wider. The walls clamped down tightly as it inched into her vulnerable fertile womb. Her body was stretching wider as the base pushed inwards and thick dribbles of precum were forced out to mar the fur along her inner thighs. She splayed her hind legs open wider to try and make room as he pushed her outer folds in on themselves while he breeched her very womb. The sounds of her protests lost in the heat of mating.

The pull back had the barbs catching in places she'd never experienced them before. It made her arch her back up before the hips plunged forward hard enough to rock her forward. He barely allowed himself to pull form her before pulling back. His spread haunches started to thrust in short hard movements that constantly teased the barbs through her. The tip oozed out dribbles of precum, but now they didn't spill into her passage. The warmth flowed into her womb itself while she flattened her ears against her head and let out a harsh sound low in her throat. It was like nothing she had ever felt before, and he gave her no reprieve from it. Her body was growing used to it steadily because she had to. She had no choice! And she responded to it with rushes of pleasure that had her squeezing her eyes shut and letting out soft noises low in her throat.

The pounding of her heart picked up the base as the shortened thrusts started to build on themselves. She was barely given time to breathe between them as her hind legs played open wide and it was simply the powerful shaft that kept her hips pushed up into the air. His weight pushed down against her as he gave a few nips against the back of her neck and the swollen orbs brushed along her inner thighs. The tip plunged into her vulnerable fertile passage again and again, the ropes of precum splashes out into her passage so she could feel it warming her deep. It squelched out with each thrust until she realized he'd already filled her more with his pre then she'd ever been filled with seed.

Luna's thought was a brief one as the well endowed cheetah licked along her neck and she felt the barbs starting to raise up along his tip. Even the thrusts forward were filled with the scrape of the barbs. Her lower belly started to tense up as she braced herself and her nostrils flared slightly. She folded her ears back and tried to get her legs beneath her, but the steady thrusts made that impossible. Instead she had to rely on the powerful drive of the hips to keep her upright as a low growl vibrated the line of her spine and the teeth gave a firm pull against the nape of her neck. Her clutching walls suddenly spasmed down tight as her claws scored white streaks against the rocks.

The clouded leopard let out a yowling cry, high pitched and wild as the first roll of pleasure spilled through her. The burning need in her belly spread along her limbs as the world seemed to falter around her. She felt almost dizzy as her inner walls started to milk and pulse around the overly large shaft. She milked it, squeezed it, pulled from the base all the way to the tip that wedged itself all the way past the opening of her cervix. She couldn't stop the flush of pleasure that made her heart pound in her ears and her entire body go tense. Her silken heat swollen walls clamped down tightly around the massive shaft to milk it.

Jasiri's body shudder above her before his hind legs tightened around her own. He pinned her firmly beneath him as his heavy orbs heaved up. Her front paws splayed open wide as the first pulse was felt running along his cock. She pushed her hips up into the air as the first thick rush of seed erupted into her vulnerable womb. The thick heat flowed deep into her body in thick gooey ropes that were flung from the quivering tip. Her walls contracted and squeezed steadily as she scrambled to get her hind legs beneath her and pushed her rump up in the air. She could feel the swollen balls twitching in time with the pulses she felt inside of her.

Each pulse forced up more of the virile seed that spilled into her. The thick rush coated her inner most chamber and overran it. It wasn't just a few meager spurts, but a thick rush that filled her, over filled her, made her body shudder as her back arched up. The tip plugged her cervix as each heavy rope forced her womb to start to strain under the flow. The sperm rich seed overran her released eggs, attacking them even as her hind legs started to shake. She could feel her belly being forced to drop down as it swelled. It wasn't just that he was breeding her, it gave the obscene view as if he were literally pushing her through a rapid pregnancy.

Relief came when Jasiri rolled his hips slightly and the tip pulled past her cervix. The plug of his flesh was released and the thick viscous seed spilled past his throbbing cock. It oozed out around him, coating her outer folds in the pearly cream while she panted shallowly against the ground. Her walls continued to milk and squeeze. She didn't try to lunge away from him with a hiss from the pain of the barbs, she only had enough energy to try and sink her hips down as the grip on her scruff was released and his tongue stroked in a slow caress that ruffled the fur up the wrong away. His girth slowly pulled backwards as it continued a slow drool and the barbs raked along her.

She shivered slightly and let out a hiss as the cock tip pulled free with a lewd popping sound so that she could drop down on her swollen belly. She could feel the slick mess between her haunches, her folds still splayed as the rich seed escaped her. But not all of it. Not enough of it to make any difference. Enough of it stayed inside of her that it was a safe bet she'd be swelling with more then just his seed. Something almost unheard of with a race that mated freely and often when a female came into heat. She had just enough energy to roll onto her side panting shallowly as the cheetah stepped backwards and licked one of his paws neatly.

The dark red shaft still hung heavy between his legs, coated in her arousal as well as his cum. The tip drooled a puddle as it slowly pulled back into his sheath. She stared at it and shivered as she could see the slick markings where he'd driven himself inside of her. Not all of himself, she hadn't been able to take him all. Her stomach contracted a little as she saw the thickness of the base and just how wide he'd managed to stretch her. The cheetah flicked his ears up and she watched his expression altering between smug and humble, he didn't do the last terribly well.

"So about coming to my territory?" Jasiri tilted his head to one side as Luna forced herself to roll onto her chest and gathered her wits.

"I.. suppose I'd better." She twitched an ear back and glanced at her stomach before swallowing.

"Oh don't worry." The cheetah purred and stepped forward to bump his brow against her own. "We'll give you a bit before we go another round."

Another round... She glanced down at sheath, where the tip just barely perked outwards into the light. A shiver ran down her spine and she drew in a steadying breath. She'd obviously not need to worry about being left empty and wanting through this heat...

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