Cheating Death: Chapter 3

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#3 of Cheating Death

The sound of the music held a pounding beat that made Apollo want to move to the music. It was catchy, not quite jazz, but not quite techno either. It wove together and thrilled upwards combining the two music types until it was almost as if he could see them dancing on the air before him. The club was a wide open plan with the downstairs stretched out in front of him while he peered over a balcony and tried to fight the urge to back away. It wasn't that he minded clubs, no, he'd worked in too many, but none like this one. The Underground, a name that a hundred and one clubs laid claim to when they wanted to feel like something dirty or deprived; they wanted to feel like a forbidden fruit to those they attracted. Except, this one lived up to its name. It was something to be kept hidden and secret.

The leopard drew in a breath and tried not to think about the tinge of musk and animal on the air, or the scent of clove cigarettes that was just as burning. It made him wrinkle his nose up before he forced it to smooth out. He didn't want to offend the creature that stood next to him. Rio. Kalan. The strange dark beast was leaning over the edge of the balcony and peered down at the patrons with red on red eyes. When his nostrils flared a blue-white smoke billowed out so that the strange unicorn looked more infernal then he already did. There was no horn to mark his species, but the shiny gleam of his scar stood out on his head. He'd pulled his hair--mane?--back so that it was impossible to miss. Perhaps it was just to make sure that Apollo was unsettled.

"What do you want me to do here?" The former man asked softly as he watched the creatures milling about. There were no humans here. They weren't allowed in The Underground.

"Your young friend explained what it means to work off his debt?" The stallion lifted his hand to take another draw from his cigarette. The long leonine length of his tail was twitching and curling behind him restlessly. "I assume he did."

"Yes.. sir." He added the last while he folded his rounded ears back on his black head.

He had been told what it meant, and it hadn't been comforting. The hunting dog had been appalled and protested the fact he'd taken on the debt. Lyne had been outraged and even tried to talk Kalan into removing the deal, without any luck. The stallion was immovable when it came to a deal once given and had given them an evening together before Lyne was released. Apollo winced slightly at some of the things that a lord could require of his people. Unicorns were renowned for owning clubs and entertainment venues. Kalan owned nearly half a dozen in the New Orleans area, the least objectionable of which was a simple rave that dealt heavily in the drug trade. The rest were various strip clubs that offered a bit more then strippers to various clientele. This, this wasn't what he expected.

The club was devoted to various anthros. The bodies moved together in a primal beat that had them dancing in close quarters. The clothing ran high towards leather and harnesses that embraced their upper bodies. Nearly all of them were men, though there were a few women spread about here and there, but they stayed to themselves. They should. It was a gay bar. An anthro gay bar to be precise. If any of the right wing politicians ever heard about this there'd be picketers at the very least, but most likely hate crimes given the current climate. He'd heard that anthros had their own businesses and places that they liked to go, but nothing like this. Add in the fact that there was an entire stage devoted to a massive dungeon. A small writhing goat was currently getting whipped... or perhaps flogged was the word he should be using. It was disturbing.

"You'll be starting your education here. I have my doubts on letting you around the human public, so for now you will serve as a server and bar tender here." The stallion turned his head to one side. "I trust that you know how to make basic drinks."

"Yes, I do.. " Apollo lashed his black tail, and felt the strange sense of the appendage wriggling behind him. "Is that all then?"

"Yes, for now. You need to learn to be comfortable among our people and the best way is for you to be among them. You can work here for the first few days, the only other club I own that we primarily own you are not ready for." The stallion quirked his lip upwards with a slow grin. His tail twitched and fluttered a bit faster along his ankles. "Ask for Brutus, he'll get you settled in."

Apollo looked back down at the club and swallowed roughly. He would have felt more confident if Lyne had been by his side. But he wasn't. His band mate had gone to reassure their band that he was alright, or at least, try and smooth things over. Kalan had arranged it, a good faith gesture, with the hint that perhaps the band might find a permanent spot at one of his clubs. He held that in his mind as Kalan gestured towards the walk way.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Brutus turned out to be a heavy bodied rat that wore nothing more than a tight pair of leather pants. A set of pierced nipples stood out in distracting splendor on his black chest. His fur was dyed a vivid dark blue-green from the back of his head all the way up towards a stripe that ran the length of his nose. His whiskers bristled forward and the teeth flashed as he was told to pick up a tray and go around the bar to offer beer and take up empty glasses. It was an easy enough job, but it would have been made easier if he hadn't been pressed into a similar set of black leather pants. They were ornamented with leaping unicorns that were stitched into the sides in bright red string. It was obviously the uniform of the club, and uncomfortable.

He hadn't been given a chance to protest having to put it on. The rat had loomed over him, but hadn't been unfriendly, only intimidating. There was something well and truly scary about seeing any sort of rodent bigger then a human. Especially with the large white buck teeth and the long pink tail that flicked constantly behind him. His shirt had been taken and placed behind the bar before he'd been given a large tray that required both of his hand paws to carry.

The serving was easy enough, though it was disturbing to find himself running around the club in the close press of males. Their bodies were always brushing against him as he pushed through them and took money in the only way that he'd been told to. It was humiliating and made his ears flush a hot red as he felt paws continually push money into the band of his pants before plucking up a drink. Granted, it was almost impossible to imagine trying to hold the tray of drinks while juggling money, so it made sense. It still didn't stop his cheeks from burning hotly. It was made worse by the fact that Brutus would occasionally stop him and take the money from the band of his pants.

Still, he learned about the club, and more importantly about the anthros themselves. The club had been erected nearly the same week that the anthros had come out into the public eye. There was one in every major city, but this was the only one that was devoted to anthros who preferred the same sex. Kalan seemed to enjoy the more exotic things in life and this was only one of them. There were whispered hints of another bar that was strictly invite only, in which humans were used as their own toys. It was for the dominants, the ones that could stand on their own and rarely went into public. Apollo heard several people bring it up time and again, a low level of rage and satisfaction that humans could be put into positions of helplessness.

It was the first time he'd heard so many of them speak so angrily. They talked over his head at time, the short snarls or satisfied growls as they discussed the way the climate was changing. Things were growing worse outside of these walls, they were getting hard enough that Kalan had been sending out the larger anthros to ride herd on the more submissive ones. There was an anger that was building that was the equal of the human world. Only, the anthro world was unable to act, unable to fight back, they could only feel their rage growing and take the frustration out on each other with shortened tempers. Apollo found himself creeping through the last run, half afraid he was going to be turned on for having been formerly human.

There was an added problem to it. The denizens of the club often took a drink and would push one into his paws as well. It was a forceful press that he tried to push away, but in the end he drank more than a few beers. It was less problematic after his first sip of the beer, it was thick and dark, it rolled over his tongue better than any brew he had ever tasted. It was easy to swallow with only the faintest bitter taste behind it. The friendly faces were obviously hoping that their offer of a drink would go towards something else, but he was able to push it away the offers with the excuse that he was working. Such excuses started to become a bit more slurring as the hours passed and he was teasingly touched by roaming paws. A brush of the fingers, a caress of a tail, a gentle whisper in his ear hinting that he would enjoy being up on stage.

It was a relief to get back to the bar where the rat was stacking up glasses. He could feel the fur along the back of his neck prickling uncomfortably as several eyes watched him pass by. He had to concentrate to keep his paws steady under him. He placed the tray down as a loud snapping sound came from the direction of the stage that he was trying his best to ignore. It was hard to ignore it and harder to keep himself from peering at the nearly nude people that were strapped into place and beaten or electrocuted or whipped. This was the sort of club that his band would have turned down without a second thought. He kept his eyes focused on the bar as the rat gestured so he could dig out the money that had been stuffed in the band of his pants. It was less humiliating after the drinks he'd manage to take down.

"New waiter, Brutus?" A low deep voice drawled out as he dropped the last of the money on the tray. "Not seen a black one before."

"You know I like my kitties." The rat grinned with a flash of his white teeth. "Rio set him on my duty for a while."

"Turn 'round, kitten, let's take a look at you." Apollo flushed hotly and he stiffened and turned about with his tail lashing back and forth. He froze as he found himself nose to nose with a great dane. He blinked drunkenly a few times. "You workin' tonight?"

"My shift is over." He managed to get the words out as the large blocky muzzle parted and a pink tongue lolled out in a canine grin.

The dane was big, nearly seven feet tall with his large ears cropped to tapered points. His eyes were a strange pale blue-grey as they studied her. The dog's fur was slate-grey with splashes and flecks of black and white mottled through it giving a nearly blue appearance. The sharp scent of him tickled the leopards nose as he felt a moment of fear as the canine was close enough that Apollo had to push backwards against the bar. It was the biggest dog he'd ever seen and it made some part of him feel a visceral rush of fear. It was buried under the haze of the drinks he'd been downing all evening, it made him slow to react.

"Good, don't want ya to skip out on yer job." The big dog leaned down and one broad paw moved up to stroke along his chest. "Names Merle."

"L-listen, I'm f-flattered and all that, but I'm just working here.." Apollo had to stumble over the words to get them out. They didn't make any sense, but it was harder to concentrate with the beast

"G'on kid, Rio told you to get used to us and you're not going to do that just waiting tables. Merle's good at his job." Brutus wasn't helping matters as the large hand-paw dropped down and hooked right along the edge of the leather pants.

"What job? Listen, I'm done for the night.." He tried to squirm back, but the dog only tugged him a bit harder so that his chest bumped right up against Merle's.

The other paw moved to slip around the curve of his back so that the black claws ran upwards against the grain of his fur. The padded fingers rubbed lightly and caressed along the curve of the shoulders before slipping downwards again. They trailed downwards so that they brushed right along the cup of the curve of his rump cheek. It made him tense up as the big dog moved his lips downwards so that the tongue flicked upwards and caressed right along the curve of his jaw line. It made him tense up slightly before the teeth nibbled down lightly to run lower. The warm breath made him swallow roughly and his paws flexed a little bit. He wanted to pull away, but he was suddenly incredibly aware of the fact the big dane was pressed against him.

It wasn't just that, it was.. everything. His nose was keen and sharp now, it was almost embarrassingly keen now that he was no longer human. The bar smelled sharply of sex and animals in a way that he hadn't imagined. It was making his breath come out faster as the fingers dug in against his ass cheeks and made the leather creak slightly. The hips were nearly touching his own as he flattened his ears against his head and tried to squirm backwards. The teeth nipped sharply right against the curve of his neck and then bathed over it with a long tongue. Apollo couldn't stop himself; a soft whimper spilled past his lips in reaction as a shiver ran down his spine. The drink was making him feel slightly fogged, almost drugged as the dog's lips pulled back with a slow wicked grin.

"You have good tastes, Brutus, that you do.." The big dog rumbled and Apollo squirmed back, well aware of two facts. One, he wasn't wearing a shirt and two, the dog was big enough that the heavy sheath was pushed against his stomach.

"Hey!! You're not wearing anything!!!" Apollo yelped out as the paw hand moved to wrap around his back and gave a firm squeeze.

"No I'm not, darlin', but neither does a real dog. Come.." The hand tugged against the edge of his pants so he stepped forward again. "I think you're gonna be just what I've been lookin' for."

"But.. but.." The leopard flattened his ears down nervously as the tugging pulled him further and further away from the safety of the bar. Apollo glanced back wildly only to see the rat grinning as he went back to stacking his glasses.

Merle gave him another lolling tongue grinned as he led his chosen cat towards the back of the bar. Apollo couldn't stop the rush of fear, confusion and anticipation that mingled together as the big dog moved behind him and used his weight to push him forward. He splayed his ears to either side as he felt the heavy form pressed in close enough that the sheath was nudging right against the line of his lower back. And something hard, slick and wet was jutting right from the tip.

The room he was led into was obviously one that was placed there for just such a reason. There was nothing in place except a set of large leather couches that were more like beds then true couches. The lights were turned down low enough that he was relatively sure that a human couldn't have seen anything. The hands pushed firmly and he stumbled in with his tail dropped down and his heart speeding up in a confusing rush of fear and arousal. His ears were flushed as the big dane shut the door and wagged his long stick like tail back and forth. He didn't seem to doubt anything, instead his blue eyes raked over Apollo's form.

I shouldn't be acting like this.. His mind seemed as if it had slowed and finally dulled. It was impossible to remember why he should be protesting. He felt drunk enough that it was all fading away into the background.

"Been watchin' you tonight, kitten. Not often I see new folks." The dane pushed him backwards and Apollo yelped out as he was shoved back onto a couch. The large blocky muzzle dropped down so a hot tongue rubbed right over his chest. "Least o' all a leopard."

"I'm not.. I mean.. I didn't.." The words tumbled on after another as fingers ran down to grip either side of his hips. "I'm... Oh god.."

The hold pushed him down against the thickly padded couch and he moved his hands up to press against the chest and upper belly. The fingers moved to slip down to cup against the rump cheeks and hooked against the pants so that they were tugged a bit downwards. The heavy sheath pushed right up against the curve of his belly and rubbed upwards so that he could feel the slippery cock pushing outwards against his fur. The leopard sucked in a breath and writhed a bit as the grinding push slipped another few inches of the cock up against him. He wriggled backwards and sucked in a breath before the tongue curled upwards against the curve of his jaw line. It felt like a rush of heat that made his entire body start to tense up.

The fingers kneaded and pulled slightly so that he was pulled upwards and a few more inches of the tight leather was wiggled down his hips. The tight edge was slipped down over the plush fur of his rump and pulled along his upper thighs. The fingers spread along his bare ass cheeks before the dog gave a firm nip against the curve of the shoulder. He lifted his head up and peered down the line of his stomach before letting out a squeaking noise. Even in the dim light he could see the tapered tip pushing up along his belly. The violet-crimson girth pulsed and oozed out a dribble of precum against his fur before Merle stood up and gave a firm tug that sent his pants pulling down along his legs. He blinked a few times drunkenly and tried to make his mind work.

The heavy orbs pushed up against his inner thighs as the dog's paws moved down to grip his upper thighs and pulled them upwards. He yelped out a little bit as the glossy slippery inches slipped outwards inch by inch, bulging the sheath open as it rose upwards and pulsed slightly. The hands kneaded against his upper thighs as he gaped at it. It was much like Lyne's had been, but it was certainly larger and drooling a steady spill of precum. The tip was scoop shaped before it went smooth all the way down to the large bulge at the base. The knot had pushed the sheath down so that it was rolled around the very base. The base was massive and a soft whimper burst free from his throat.

"Easy on, kitten.." Merle moved his paw down towards the spread of his dark belly fur. The finger pads kneaded lightly as he grinned, "Perhaps I should have tied you up..."

"I.. no!" He yelped the word out, but it turned into moan as the dark paw drifted down and caught against his own sheath. Gods his sheath.

He hadn't paid much attention to it, the one part of his body that disturbed him the most with his change. His cock no longer fell loose and free between his legs, instead he possessed a black velvety furred sheath around his dark red cock. A cock that wasn't even remotely human looking. And now the dog's paw rubbed right along the pouch and gave it a squeeze. It was a curiously gentle touch for such a big dog, and the large muzzle was grinning wickedly down at him. His thumb slipped upwards to brush back and forth right along the opening of the tip. The slow rubs teased slightly enough that he let out another whimpering moan before the fingers moved down again to caress right along the edge of his balls.

He didn't want to react, at least, he didn't think he did. His mind was rolling with a sudden rush of heat that made him bow his back. The tapered tip of his red cock edged out into the light, stretching the sheath open inch by inch. He bit his lip and the dog only let out a barking laugh as the powerful hips gave a grinding roll that rubbed his cock along his inner thighs. A drool of syrupy precum oozed down towards the curve of his ass cheeks as the dog teased his sheath. Apollo leaned backwards to look away from his changed shaft as it pushed outwards. Merle's cock tip rubbed right along his orbs as he sucked in a breath and yelped it out as the tip dipped downwards suddenly to brush behind them.

I'm drunk... I can't be letting this happen.. He fumbled with the thought as the dog's thumb slipped up to rub along his tip and brushed against something, pulling along them.

The leopard cried out roughly as the barbs were tugged and pulled upwards so that a new sensation of pleasure spilled through him. There were electric sparks that rushed through his body and made him cry out while grinding his hips into the paw. The inches of cock pushed free into the palm of the hand while the fingers wrapped around him. His hips tensed up and his tail lashed while the fingers pumped upwards again and pulled back again. The barbs were flattened down and then raised upwards so he moved one his hands back to grip the couch. His fingers dug in hard enough his claws sank into the material as the dog let out a playful growl and the hips drew backwards so the cock tip trailed along the curve of his ass cheeks.

"Good kitty.." Merle rumbled and Apollo blinked his eyes rapidly, it wasn't just the drink making him slow, but desire.

He didn't realize what was going on until the dog pushed his hips forward and the swollen cock tip rubbed right up against his silky pucker. He clenched down automatically and squirmed back on the couch, only to have the thumb slip upwards the play along his tip again. He blinked his eyes open with a glimpse of the teasing thumb pad. The light tugging ran along the barbs to send another electric thrill of pleasure through him. He squirmed and tensed up slightly as the tip pushed forward against his tight anal ring. The dog's weight pressed against him while the sharp teeth nipped firmly right against the curve of his neck. He tilted his head and couldn't stop a short sharp moan from breaking free from his lips as the canine cock tip started to push and wedge against his pucker.

The fingers trailed over his base and then pulled upwards again. A light stroke that made him buck upwards as the tip began to spread his tight anal ring open. He squirmed back against the leather couch, but the dog stopped him by releasing his cock. Apollo hissed out a protest, but the hands moved to grip his shoulders and pushed him down against the bed. His dark legs were forced around the larger hips as the cock tip dribbled precum into his passage. Part of his mind was frantic at the idea he was doing this, he wanted to pull away, but the rest of him was lost in a flush of need as the cock tip started to wedge deeper and deeper into his taut passage. His walls clamped down tightly around the glassy smooth shaft while he bit back a sharp cry.

The oozing tip spilled out a dribble of warm precum that clung to his inner walls as Merle's growl burst out before the slate grey hips slammed forward. The tip plunged into his passage wider and wider as the base shoved right up against the pucker. The grinding push shoved his pucker inwards before the hips drew backwards. The throbbing girth caressed him so that a tremor rolled through him and he yelped out shallowly as it rubbed right over his prostate. It startled him so he bucked up higher in the air as the paws pushed down harder. He could see the lean canine form over him as the tip plunged forward and the swollen base pushed up hard against his anal ring and tried to pry it open before the hips pulled backwards again.

The leopard's body was afire with need that overwhelmed his attempts to make his higher mind work. He was lost in the pressure of the cock that plunged into him and yawned the passage open wider and wider, forcing him to stretch as the base pushed up against his pucker before the dog drew backwards. The paws that gripped his shoulders held him into place as Merle snarled out in pleasure and he couldn't help himself, he snarled it right back. His cock felt hard, achingly swollen against the curve of his belly while he tried to grind up. The barbs were brushing against his fur as he tried to rub himself back and forth against his own body. A pool of precum formed against his stomach as he became increasingly aware of the brush of the mottled belly against his cock tip. Those touches only kept him on edge as the pounding hips drove forward.

The knot wedged and pushed against his pucker, an inhuman touch that made him well aware of the tip that caressed and rubbed through him. The hot spill of precum continued to ooze out of his tip and dribbled into his passage slickening him. It was pushed outwards around the violet red girth as the dog drove himself forward again. The base started to stretch his passage open wider and wider, almost painfully wide as he let out a short whimpering cry. It was nothing like a human cock, not smooth and one single girth, but slight textures and the shape were all different. They found places in his body to caress and pull that had him bucking upwards with short sharp movements. His claws scored the leather as Merle ducked his head down and nipped against the curved arch of his neck.

Inch by inch, the dane started to push the knot into his passage. The tight ring yawned open, clutching down tightly as it was pushed inwards. Apollo squirmed and the hands moved from his shoulders down to his hips and gave him a rough tug. The knot popped in with a wet squelching noise as every last inch of the cock sank into his quivering body. His inner walls started to clench and suckle tightly around the girth, the sheath was bunched up right against his violated pucker and then he drew back. The bulb yawned him open before it popped out with a wet noise and immediately sank back inside of him. The mottled body was pressed right against him, his cock was rubbing and grinding along the line of warm belly.

One of the paws moved away and darted down to wrap around his cock. The fingers clutched down tightly and pulled downwards over his shaft. The pressure clung around him as they teased and he bucked upwards. Merle's powerful hips rippled and plunged forward in short hard strokes. The knot was tugging inside of him, pulling and caressing in places that sent spikes of need running through him. The heavy orbs slapped right up against his upturned ass cheeks time and time again. The fingers moved upwards to rub along the fleshy barbs that ringed his tip, pulling and plucking on them until he couldn't stop himself. He arched his back upwards and drew in a shuddering breath before his entire body started to throb in time with his rapidly pounding heart.

His walls clamped down tightly around the boned spire as the knot plunged inwards again. This time it blossomed out wider and wider. His body started to shake as his hips jerked upwards and his walls clamped tightly around it. Apollo cried out in a harsh wild sound before his balls pulled up tight and his girth started to pound against his belly. The tip pulsed hotly before the first hot wave of seed splattered right up along his dark belly and was smeared against the mottled belly of the dane. He squirmed and twisted slightly, arched and rolled as Merle's hips pushed down harder and the entire massive girth gave a pulsing throb. His inner walls suckled and squeezed around the cock before the first hot splash of gooey seed erupted out of the tip and into his body.

He squirmed and twisted as Merle let out a baritone growl and pressed his hips down hard to pin him in place. His own cock left a dribble of pearly seed against his fur as the hot rush of seed continued to flood his body. His inner walls contracted and squeezed, pulling more and more of it into him, even as the swollen knot kept him locked in place. The paw on his cock tip gave a firm squeeze and pulled upwards to raise the barbs before smoothing them down again. He whimpered softly, Apollo's mind rolled over with sensations that made his heart continue to race. His body alive with pleasure that left him flushed and confusing, even through the inhibiting feel of the drinks he'd had.

"Well now... Perhaps you would make a fine bit of entertainment..." A voice rolled through the room, warm and touchable. Merle lifted his head even as Apollo squirmed under him. The big dane shifted above and inside of him.

"What.." The leopard blinked his eyes slowly and then flinched as he saw a pair of red on red eyes watching them. The stallion's nostrils were flared and his ears flicked up high, but that wasn't what made him gape.

The stallion was seated on a chair in a corner so dark that his black hide wasn't immediately visible. He was nude, entirely nude, and one hand was down wrapped just around the swollen tip of an equine spire. The veins stood out around the medial ring as the fingers teased and spilled down to spread thick syrupy precum with it. He didn't try to hide himself or look ashamed, instead the white fangs flashed in the light as the infernal beast smiled sinfully. A wealth of darkness hiding in his eyes.

"Tomorrow, I will see you on stage." The beast murmured and the leopard felt a flash of fear, which was pushed away as the large dane pushed his hips forward in a grinding thrust that stirred his not back and forth. "And then.. we shall see if you might pay your debt far more quickly.."

Cheating Death: Chapter 4 & 5

The back stage of the Oasis was set up very much like a waiting room with large couches that were set against the walls along with chairs. There were tables that were filled with books and magazines that workers could read when they weren't on stage,...

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Thrown Back: Chapter 13

The winter closed in with biting talons and icy winds that brought with it snow that buried the forest in a strange muffled silence that was only broken by the creatures that were forced out of their sanctuaries. The village had suffered from the raid,...

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Spicing Things Up

Candlelight cast flickering shadows along the edges of the room and spread a glowing ring around the bed that was covered in thick red silk sheets. The heavy cherry wood posts rose up, each with a dragon carved into the wood and twisting its way all...

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