Learning to Rule

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#31 of GenderShifting

The cheese was soft and melted on the tongue, just sharp enough that it offset the sweetness of the grapes. The juice melted on Gregory's tongue as he watched the groom taking away the heavy bodied gelding that he had just gotten done working out. The beast was a bright glossy bay with a thick mane that spilled down nearly to his withers. He was well fed and muscled, and had the makings of a truly excellent hunting mount once he was trained up a bit more. He still hadn't thought up a proper name for the beast, but in time he'd come up with one. The young prince grinned a little bit as he plucked up another dark purple grape from the silver plate being held for him and popped it into his mouth. It had been a long day, one of the longest so far, as he had had his heart set on going out hunting.

He dropped his coat into another servants arm as he stepped out of the stable yard and jogged up the stone steps into the cherry paneled sitting room that opened up into the palace proper. His wooden heels clicked sharply on the marble floor as a few servants scrambled to take his hat and scarf as he tugged it free. Swift and invisible, they were barely seen before they darted back into the darkness. Just the way he preferred them. He had a reputation among the females after all, they were always the quickest to bolt when he came into the room lest his eyes linger on them. If they stayed, well, Gregory took that as an invitation to take his own pleasure among them. He was their Prince with only one person was above him was his father the King. With a title came privilege.

"Gregory!" A familiar voice boomed out as the blue eyed, blonde haired lad went to bolt up the stair way that would lead up to his suite. He winced a little bit and kept his hand on the polished cherry wood railing.

"Yes, Father?" He tilted his head to look at the massive room that opened up to the left. The library door was wide open and he could see his father settled in an overstuffed chair.

"Come in here a moment, will you?" Gregory sighed a little bit and dropped his head. He had hoped he could slip up into his suite, perhaps change his clothing and then visit the village on the far Northern side of the valley.

"Yes, sir." He kept his voice respectful, or at least as respectful as he could manage.

King William the IV had ruled their land for thirty years, ever since he had been ten when his own father had died. The old man had only a few memories of a time when he hadn't sat on the throne and ruled over their country with the absolute power of life and death. When Gregory had been born sixteen years ago it had been a time of rejoicing, his sister had been born first, but no girl could inherit the kingdom. His father had been concerned that he would be forced to turn his kingdom over to whatever noble that Lizabet would marry, but with the birth of a son... well that changed everything. Gregory had grown up with the best of everything. Tutors, toys, horses, hounds, clothing. He was spared nothing and it allowed him to lead a life that most people only dreamed about. And one he had no desire to risk by rebelling against the man that gifted it all to him.

He walked into the library to see his father, a man who was going to seed with his muscular form softened with a slight pot belly and his hair going grey, settled in his large chair with several books spread open in front of him. It was his mother that caught his eye though, the older woman with a pinched mouth and frown that showed wrinkles along the edges of her lips and crows feet that had formed in the last few years. She had an simple dark green gown and her hair was pulled up into a bun, not yet grey, but she was younger than his father by seven years. The expression on her face was angry as she looked over at him and then back to her husband who leaned back with a smile on his face.

"My boy, I would have your counsel on a matter your mother had brought to us." The king's voice was a drawl as he pushed over a book. "It seems the eastern and southern provinces have been taken with a drought."

"Yes, sir, I am well aware of it." He moved his hands behind his back and relaxed as he glanced over at his mother again to see her stiffening.

"I was telling your father that they have lost nearly all of their livestock, to say nothing of the future crops. Their crops failed this year, and next year they will be hard pressed to sow any crops without beasts to plow." The queen spoke softly, but there was a hint of rage beneath it that made Gregory suppress a groan. He'd stepped into another round of arguments.

"What would your solution be, Gregory? Your mother proposes we take livestock from our own stables to offer relief to them, as well as see what we have in stores that we can spare." The King gave a slow smile and the lad stiffened a little bit.

"But, we'd have to nearly empty the stables to send enough animals to two provinces!" Gregory protested and tried to mentally tally what they had. "There are nearly forty villages between the two!"

"We would have a lean time, yes, but it would ensure that they would have enough food for the winter and be able to plow come spring. The animals would be gone, yes, but we would keep our personal mounts and the ones we use to work our gardens." His mother leaned forward and pointed at the books. "We could cut off the delicacies from the southern kingdoms and some of the spices, and they would prosper instead of suffer for the next ten years for one drought."

"They've lost their beasts, Mary." The king drawled out. "The food that would go to feed them will be able to be eaten by themselves. There's little reason for us to send them animals in the midst of a drought when the poor beasts would only end up in the same sad state."

"The beasts could be used to increase trade, they could be used as food themselves and empty their fields for the spring. They have grain, yes, but not meat, they will not prosper. And the beasts could take water with them." The queen poked a finger at the map and gave a light tap. "They won't survive without water. They'll be forced to abandon their homes."

"But.. we can't send that much water. That'd be impossible." Gregory glanced at the map that was being marked out by his parents. "And what would happen if we ended up sending all these supplies and it failed? We'd be out everything we sent. No use sending good supplies after bad lands."

"These aren't lands, these are people. Our people!" His mother jabbed the map again. "Our cities will be flooded with refuges, they will become beggars instead of proper subjects. It'll be a disaster."

"I don't see where it's a good plan. They will be nearly empty our stores and all at a blind attempt to save lands that are already too far gone." The King gave his head a shake, "Better to allow things to follow the path they're meant to take. Peasants and serfs are survivors, if we help them, they will only cry for more aid when they don't truly need it. Those that survive and prosper we can reward with more land when the drought had ended. It will free up the overcrowding in our own cities afterwards. As for now? A few guards on the road will keep them from being able to come North or West."

"It sounds like a good plan to me, Father." Gregory shrugged a shoulder. "It's not like we would ever be paid back for what we gave them. Think of it, Mother, we have prize horses here. Bred for hundreds of generations to be hunters and war horses, and you want to send them off to be hooked to a plow? Or our cattle, fattened on grains and fed sweet hay to be eaten up by peasants who won't even know what it is they're tasting? God, and I'm not spending all winter eating porridge when they get the best of what we have!"

"GREGORY!" A high pitched voice burst from outside of the door as he was ranting and he froze as Lizabet poked her head into the room. "I can't believe you'd say that. Have you even seen them?! How can you be as cruel was Father?!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The King stood up and roared the words. "We're not going to discuss this any further. We'll do as I say and let the them cull their ranks and let that be an end to it. Life is cruel, and one must make decisions for the good of our country!"

As Gregory shrugged and turned away, he heard his older sister mutter. "For the good of your comfort you mean."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Mary settled down in her chair with her daughter across from her, their sewing was spread over their laps, but remained untouched. She wasn't in a mind set to want to busy her fingers, her mind was filled with thoughts that were unsettling and disturbing. William had always been a rough King, one that had to be led into being fair with his people. When things went smoothly and normally he was a fine King, he allowed his advisors to handle many matters as he always had. He come into his reign young and, without the aid of an authority figure, had never developed the rational mind to tend to his country properly. When there was a threat that would disturb his comfort or peace, he overlooked it, dismissed it and his advisors, and she, would be forced to deal behind his back. And she had always held out the hope that seeing his father behave his way, Gregory would become a fine King. Now, now she had her doubts.

Lizabet hadn't grown up like that. Her daughter understood why they ruled and the responsibilities that came with it. She became wise as she grew older and Mary felt reasonably certain that she would become stronger in time. She had a stubborn streak, yes, and she could be callus and vengeful when she was wronged, but she also cared about her people. It was more then she could say about her son. Her Kingdom would not survive another generation of the rule that William had offered. Worse, Gregory had no faith in advisors. He was consumed by his own pleasures and trivialized any edict that went out of the palace. When he ascended to the throne he would not rule for the common good, but for his own comfort. It would destroy the land, as her husband was willing to give up the Northern and Eastern provinces for sake of greed. She couldn't allow it to happen; she would not allow it to happen.

"You can make him understand why he cannot behave this way?" She spoke slowly as she looked at the fresh faced young girl perched on a chair.

"Of course, your highness," The girl chirped and grinned so that a flash of white fangs came into play. The changeling's slitted cat eyes flashed in the firelight. "I would be honored to do this service for you. It would open his mind up to how the people are suffering."

"It would not harm him?" Mary asked and leaned forward. A Changeling, a creature of magic that looked like a child. One who would willingly do a service for a fee. "I do not wish him hurt."

"No, there would be no harm, Your Majesty, none at all." The Changeling laughed with the sound of silvery bells. "It is too late for the father, but for the son, he is young enough to understand. Send your daughter to him with the eleventh bell in the stables. She will be his guide and show him the error of his ways."

"Me?" Lizabet yelped and stiffened a little bit. Her cheeks flushed. "I don't want anything to do with him. He'll only be disobedient."

"No, he will listen, little princess. He will listen and obey. Show him the impoverished and he will pay the price of my magic." The Changeling leapt up with another bell like laugh.

"What is your price? I would have it before I agree to it." Mary stiffened at the idea of her son paying the price. She wished him to know the plight of his people, not harmed.

"His first born child that is not of noble birth. Neither prince or princess, but common, and that will be my price. One that you will never miss and by the time his father passes, your son will honor those he rules over with a reverence that the sire never knew." The changeling tilted her head, the cat-eyes flashing wildly.

Lizabet drew in a swift breath next to her, but Mary's mind was working. Gregory was no virgin, no, not in the least bit. The stories of what he did with the maids had reached the queen's ears several times and she had tried to confront him. He hopped from bed to bed, forcing himself on women who were powerless to stop him. The first born child would likely be a bastard, one that their family could not hide well.

"Will the child be harmed by you? In any way? Enslaved or sold?" She asked slowly, and ran her fingers over the cloth in her lap.

"This child will be given the freedom its kind never knows, treated well and served for all of its life. I assure you that there will be no harm." The changeling bobbed her head again, a promise by one of the fae was binding. "I'll even ensure there are twins so that you will not be left empty handed in the deal."

"I accept, Changeling. Teach my son how to be a better ruler. Save my country and its people with this act and the first born child is yours." The Queen spoke softly and the changeling leapt up with a laugh. Dancing on the air. It was done, the bargain struck!

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Whazzat?" Gregory blinked at the sound of bells as the pretty half dressed maid jerked away from his eager hands.

The Prince swayed slightly as he had just been trying to tug her shirt down to get at those soft white breasts when the world suddenly rang around him. It was like the tolling of a church bell that rolled through him and left him thrumming. His eyes squeezed shut as he heard the maid scampering out of the tack room where he'd trapped her. The door clacked shut behind him, but he didn't care that the mark of his amorousness had bolted, all he cared about was the throbbing that beat through him and sent the blood coursing through his veins. It ran hot until he could barely think past it and Gregory dropped down to his hands and knees with a rough cry. His fingers curled against the wood as his back arched and the throbbing beat grew more and more intense.

He didn't know what was happening, but he couldn't get the words past his lips to cry out for help. He dug his fingers a bit more firmly against the wooden floor, his nails dug into it as the next throb came with a tightness around his chest. For half a heartbeat he wondered if he'd managed to be poisoned, if someone had managed to throw something in his meal to kill him. The thought didn't last, though, not when he realized that his fingers were clutching against the ground and rapidly losing feeling. He stared at his nails in disbelief as they thickened and started to darken as they pushed up along his finger tips. They were changing! The nails hardened and the two fingers on either side drew together as the bones grew smaller. The nail, though, grew thicker as his legs started to ache.

His shirt grew tighter around him as he writhed on the ground and things started to change and his arms grew heavier and thicker. The bones were growing along his forearms and upwards as his breathing came out in harsh pants. His hands were turning into something that didn't remotely look human, instead the thick dark nails turned into a set of large cloven hooves. The clattering was hollow sounding as he jerked backwards and something tore along his legs. The seams started to tear open and reveal the flash of his skin as he twisted around and saw the legs changing and growing heavier. The knees bent as his boots tore apart and the strips of leather dropped down to either side. When he moved to lift his feet out, he found a set of cloven hooves flashing in the light as they dropped down to the ground.

"Oh my, so this is what is happening.." A breathy voice made him stumble to one side and fall down with a rough bestial noise. A lowing sound that burst free as he found himself staring at Lizabet, wearing a dark cloak and peering down at him.

"He-help meeoOOOOOOOO!!!" The words trailed off into a horrible mooing sound as his body started to rock against the ground.

Lizabet grinned and he briefly saw a child behind her, a short little girl who scampered into the room, but he wasn't paying attention to the servant. His sister advanced on him as his loose shirt started to tighten and his entire body shuddered. Liz gripped his pants and suddenly gave a little jerk as the pressure started to grow worse and worse. The seams strained as she yanked downwards and the material dropped down along his upper legs and she tugged them lower. His soft cock fell free, along his with balls as the joints of his hips started to pop. He shuddered slightly and kicked out of the pants before trying to heave up onto his hooves.

His legs wouldn't hold him, and more importantly, he couldn't keep his mind on the effort as he stared down at his nose which started to push outwards. His tongue thickened and grew heavier as he gave his head a harsh shake back and forth. His ears began to grow and he lowed out again as parts of his body grew larger. He was growing! It was awkward and he could feel the muscles straining as the ears spilled out long to either side and flicked back against his head. A thick roll of pale brown fur rushed over his arms and spilled upwards as his sister leaned over him and started to tug against his shirt. She peeled it from him while that stupid little grin remain fixed in place. He wanted to wipe it off her face, but all he could do was feel his tongue thickening as his chest and stomach grew larger and unwieldy.

"Considering how the maids complained, I would have thought you bigger, brother dear." Liz mocked him and her cold fingers stroked down and brushed against his cock.

Gregory mooed out angrily and tried to jerk away as her fingers rubbed right around his tip and started to caress around his base. God, why was she touching him that way?! He tried to kick out a leg at her only to feel her hands moving down to clutch along the swell of his balls.

"Don't like being touched, hmm? My little maid said no and you still touched her." Her fingers squeezed and rolled his balls as he jerked his legs down.

A muzzle was blossoming on his face, spreading his nose open wider as his long tongue flicked out and brushed up and over the forming pad. His ears flipped backwards and he tried to drag himself forward as his sister wrapped her fingers around the tip of his cock. She squeezed lightly as he jerked his hips and felt his body responding to her despite his fear. The gentle massage pulled as her thumb brushed right over his engorging tip and a shudder rocked through him. It was humiliating and his entire body tensed up as he felt things.. changing. The sensitive bud of his cock was swelling and throbbing against her hand, drooling out dribbles of precum as his stomach started to twist slightly. He glared at her, he'd get her for this, this was her doing. He'd show her, he'd fuck her personally for this! The righteous little brat!

"Here, Lizabet, this will allow you to control him.. Well, her." The little girl that he'd barely acknowledged piped up and he jerked his head to glare at her.

She held a pure gold halter in one hand and was offering it to his sister as Liz squeezed the tip of his cock and gave a massaging pull as his girth hardened. He humped his hips awkwardly as her other hand tickled along his orbs. He twisted his head back to see a bovine looking body that was rapidly being covered in golden-tan fur. It trailed all the way along his back as the heat grew along his stomach, sharper and hotter, almost like the point of orgasm. He rocked his hips forward as the fingers trailed away, precum slimed against his belly as he twisted his head away on his long neck and realized that his cock was starting to pull back into his body. Even as his lower belly was dropping down lower. He lowed out in terror as Liz moved past him and slowly his balls pulled up and something changed out of sight.

He didn't have to see how his genitals were changing, though; he didn't have to see anything back there when he saw thick heavy teats forming on the dropping udder. An udder! The thick heavy flesh wobbled between his hind legs as he heaved himself up with a cry of despair. A sharp spike of pressure grew along his back as he got to his hooves and felt the fat soft udder swaying awkwardly back and forth between his hind legs. He twisted his head about blindly and felt something dropping down from above the small of his back. A ropey tail sprouted out and lashed back and forth, over something that was sensitive, horribly sensitive and just between his legs.

"Here we go, sister dear, I can't allow you to go wandering around. A farmer will pick you up before you've learned your lesson." Liz laughed softly as the gold halter wrapped over his forming muzzle and behind his ears. God, no, her ears. A cow!

Gregory lowed out in anger as the straps were fastened down and the little child, with cat like eyes and sharp fangs laughed at them both. She swayed back and forth on her hooves as the heavy udder bumped awkwardly along her inner haunches. Her tail lashed back and forth and she moved back to jerk her halter out of her sister's hands. This was outrageous! She wasn't going to let this happen! EVER!

"Come, sister, it's time you learn about ruling." Liz snapped her fingers as Gregory stumbled backwards, and the moment the command was uttered the halter pulsed.

A compulsion rolled through her mind and she stopped trying to scramble back. Her legs stopped for a moment, before they stumbled forward as her sister went towards the door. The hand didn't even hold a lead, just the sound of her voice as the door to the tack room opened. Her clothes were left tattered on the ground as she stumbled out into the hall. The bell like laughter of the changeling echoed behind her as she was forced to follow her sister. Her stomach twisting in despair as the swollen udder swayed back and forth with each step. What was going on here?

~ ~ * ~ ~

Liz rode a rough looking cob that would have been better off in a farmers stall then being ridden by a princess. It wasn't until they passed out of the castle that Gregory realized she was wearing peasant clothing as well. No one bothered them as they left, she only affixed a lead onto the halter and rode out with the guards watching mildly. Who would care that a peasant was leaving the castle with a common looking milch cow? Gary couldn't even protest it, she could only low out with cow like sounds as they took to the rode beneath a half full moon. Her hooves thudded against the ground as they passed out of the capital and towards the hard roads that led towards the southern villages.

They traveled all night, with her sister calling out in mocking tones to come along Bessie, move it Bessie, good Bessie. Humiliating was only one word for it. It left her ears burning as she stared at her clumsy hooves and had to waddle faster to keep up. The night had barely gone half past when she realized that her udder wasn't just an annoying heavy thing that bumped along her inner haunches. It was growing tender and warm feeling, swollen to the point of painful as she was pulled down along roads that grew dusty and scent puffs of air hitting up against her flat nose. The weight of it was uncomfortable as she tried to swing her hind legs wide to keep from brushing against the heated flesh, but it only made it that much more awkward to trudge along.

Liz seemed to have a destination in mind as they passed into a land that even smelled hot at night. Her mouth grew dry as she stumbled along the road and she lowed out to her sibling. Damn her sister! What was this all about? She would see that the princess was banished to a damned convent for this! Their father would be outraged that his one and only son had been forced to walk like a beast along the roads. Gregory clung to that anger and upset as they trudged all the way into the dawn when the sun started to creep up on the horizon and over a patch of villages that were situated in a country made up dried grasses and barren fields.

_What the hell does she want to do out here? There's a drought, the idiot! _ She thought angrily as they stumbled down the road and she coughed at the dust that was kicked up from the cob's hooves.

"Well, my lovely sister, you seem to think that all that matters if you have your choice bits of cheese and grapes, and women to chase." Liz turned around in the saddle as they came closer to the village. "Today you're going to learn what privation is really like."

_The hell I will! This is outrageous, I'm a prince! I'm next in line to the throne, not some peasant to suffer these conditions! _ Gregory glared in outrage as they started to come closer towards edges of the town.

"Unlike our lazy father, you're going to do something about it. Something practical." Liz slowed the horse down as he noticed that there were already people up and moving through the town, mostly children. "You're going to understand why they need your help. Of course, you're limited to one of your only marketable qualities at the moment.."

The last words were drawled out mockingly as Gregory was led down along the road and she watched as a few of the children looked up from where they were working at digging a hole of some sort. Their eyes were wide as they stared at her with big eyes, Gregory tried to keep herself from flushing hotly as more people poked their heads out and stared at her; curiously at first, and then with a wistful longing in their eyes. Liz pulled the lead up and kneed the horse into a trot so that she had to low out a protest before she started to amble in a clumsy trot that made her swollen udder sway in such a way that she was well aware of the ache it was causing her. It was sensitive, so incredibly sensitive, it made her fold her ears back and try to swing her hind legs open wide.

"Who is the head of this village?" Liz called out as she came to the hard packed dirt that made up the center of the town.

Gregory wrinkled her nose up in disgust at the scent of human waste and animal on the air. She glared around at the ramshackle houses. Most of them were patched together with bits of poorly seasoned wood, the rest of it was packed up with mud that was slathered on. It was disgusting. Even if there was a drought, these people should have made better shelter. There was little craftsmanship to it. No pride at all. No wonder her father said that these were little more then the refuse of their kingdom if this was the sort of building they managed! The animal pens were no better, in fact, they were worse. There were three pens set to the edge of the square.

_Damned liars! Look at that, animals. And mother said they had no beasts. _ Gregory peered at the tilted fences curiously.

One of the pens held a plow horse with rough patches over her hide where a harness had recently been on her. There were even sores along her haunches where the leather had rubbed her raw. It was obvious that they weren't taking proper care of the beast. Her coat was even covered in dust! The other pen held two small goats with floppy ears that were casting about on the ground, bleating every now and then in high piping voices. They looked patchy and their fur was dull. The third pen held a massive hunch backed black bull that had long sweeping horns. He was the best looking of the bunch, with a large head complete with a metal ring that pierced through his nose. He peered out at them and his long red tongue swept up and licked his own nose messily.

"I am, miss." An older man spoke up as slowly a crowd of people started to gather around them. "I'm sorry, miss, we can't afford ta buy yer cow, best head ta the capital."

"How are you faring here? I had heard a drought was ravaging this part of the kingdom." Liz swung of the cob and moved back so a young boy could take the reins.

"Ahh well, miss, ain't nothin' ta do but wait fer help. We sent folks ta the King to ask fer aid." The old man rubbed his head a little bit. "Hopin' to hear back any day."

"Yes, but how are you now?" Liz pressed as her hand moved to grip right beneath the golden halter while Gregory became aware of small hands patting against her haunch.

"Not too good.." The old man looked a little discomfited. "Ol' Sooty there," He nodded towards the mare, "Is the last o' the horses, an' we gotta work her to get the fields cleared. Only got the bull left, ain't a lotta good though, just eats what the cows didn't. An' got two kids from the old goat, an' they're not gonna make it long. Not without their momma. Can't give 'em water anymore, ain't got enough left."

"How much water do you have left?" Liz pressed as she stroked along Gregory's chin. What the hell was she trying to do? Make her feel sorry for these people?!

"Enough, ma'am, most days we all getta bit, but the rest goes ta the little ones." The old man frowned a bit. "Sent folks ta get water south o' here, they'll be back soon."

"I am from the Sister's of Mercy." Liz gave a pretty little smile as she stroked along the edges of Gregory's ears. "I have come with this cow to offer you relief. She recently lost her calf, and will be able to provide milk for your children if you would not mind the labor of milking her. It would do my Order proud to be able to offer you help in your hour of need."

"You're one of the Sisters?" The head man lifted his head up hopefully. And Gregory knew why. The convents offered aid without needing to be repaid, they would offer meals to the poor and destitute, shelter to the homeless, any number of things.

"Yes, in a way. There's no need for payment." Liz stroked her sister's muzzle lightly. "We'd be happy to help, wouldn't we, Bess?"

"Well, ma'am, she does look to be in a way." The headman glanced over Gregory and she lowed out an objection as the eyes ran down along her udder.

"She's a fine producer, I'm sure your children would be happy to help milk her, wouldn't they?" She turned her eyes to the starved looking children. "Would you like to take her to a stall?"

To Gregory's horror one of the filthy little peasants was offered the lead as she glared in outrage. Liz moved over to the headman with a quiet question of what his immediate needs were as the filthy urchin gave a tug on the lead that pulled the halter around her head. She lowed out roughly as she was tugged away from the pair and lost the ability to listen in. Her head was stretched out as she flicked her ears back on her head and was tugged to a rough looking lean to that smelled as if it had housed cows. The rough scent made her wrinkle her nose back as the lead was tied to a metal ring set high in the wall so her head was forced up awkwardly high in the air. She stomped a hind hoof and then winced at the feel of hands rubbing against her.

"You go get a bucket, poor ol' gal looks like she ain't been milked in weeks." One of the young women, who might have been pretty beneath the dirt, rubbed against her shoulder. "We'll fill a bucket or two, and then we can get the little goats over to take their fill. It'll do them good and perk them up."

Gregory's ears folded back and she twisted her head a bit to see her sister settled down with the head man beneath the shelter of a door way. The man was speaking while she was writing things down. Likely what she was going to take out of the royal stores to help this damned place! The prince flattened her ears as she was forced to hold still as a wooden bucket was dropped down with a hollow thunk under her belly. That wasn't terribly bad, but a hand promptly cupped up against her udder and curled against the soft flesh of her udder. The fingers dug in lightly so that she felt the sore warm flesh dimpling in and she kicked out roughly and lowed out in outrage. Her udder had been getting increasingly sensitive on the walk here, and now it felt as if the skin had been drawn taut. It was almost feverish feeling.

"There's a gal, easy on, easy on, lookit the size of those teats." The woman was murmuring as a group of kids came in close to watch. "Must have given birth to several calves.. HEY!"

Gregory snorted out angrily and slapped her tail back, a strange movement, but at least she was able to make the hand go away as the fingers tweaked her nipples. She stepped to one side nervously only to feel the hand reaching down again. The fingers rubbed right around the swollen nipple and gave it a little tug that made the pressure peak up and she mooed out before lifting a hind hoof up and trying to kick the hand out of the way. Her tail lashed back and forth until the hand left her teats alone and she sidled to one side.

"Do you want me to? Bess can be difficult when you're fussing with her teats." Liz's voice sent a shiver down Gregory's back and she flushed hotly.

"She's nervy, probably ain't used to somethin' that isn't a calf sucklin' on them." The peasant moved back, "Here ya go now, Sister, have a seat an' you can give a try."

"Alright now, Bessie, be a good gal now.. This'll be for your own good." Liz murmured, her voice mocking beneath the croon. "Now STAND!"

The word came with a sudden pulse of the halter that tightened down around the cow's head. She jerked her head to one side, but she couldn't get her body out of the way. It was forced to hold still, her legs locked in place as her sister's fingers moved down to brush right along her swollen teats. She sucked in a rough breath that flared her nostrils wide as the grip of the hands that moved around two of her teats was almost painful. The flesh was almost too hot, and it ached as the fingers kneaded up against the soft flesh of her udder. It was painful as the fingers kneaded up right at the base of her teats and she felt Liz's head pressing against her side.

With a sudden tug, the fingers pulled downwards in a firm stroke that gripped right at the base of her teat and pulled towards the tip. The pressure grew and grew, the sore feeling intensified as it tugged against the sensitive nipple and suddenly pulled down hard enough that a hot stream erupted from the tip. She heard it hit against the bucket as the other hand moved to the neglected teat and started to move up towards the base. The sense of pressure was horrible, it made her skin feel too tight as the fingers kneaded around her nipple and then pulled downwards. The pressure was released in a glorious spray of milk that erupted out of the tip and into the bucket. It didn't matter that it was humiliating, it nearly made her legs go weak at the feeling of relief.

Liz let out a low laugh, mocking her, "That's a good girl, see? She doesn't mind getting milked, she's such a good little milch cow." The mockery made Gregory flush heavily, but it didn't stop the relief she felt as the fingers tugged downwards.

The next pull happened and forced the milk from the tubes within her udder all the way down to her teat to erupt from her. The warm frothy milk splattered down into the bucket in a rush that foamed around the edges. The prince splayed her hind legs open wide as Liz began to roll her fingers in slow kneading movements that clutched and pulled. The powered stream of milk splattered down beneath her belly as she groaned out softly. It was humiliating, but it wasn't just the relief of feeling the pressure that had been growing being released in a rush as streams of milk were pulled from her to fill the bucket. It made her stomach heat up and she flared her nostrils slightly at a familiar tingle reached her loins. It was... arousing.

_I'm not getting arousing at my sister milking me! _ She squeezed her eyes shut as the hands tugged and milked faster, forming a rhythm that continued the slight tingling feelings of pleasure.

"Poor girl... You can bring those kids out, I'm not using her other two teats and it'll probably help ease the pressure.." Liz lifted her head up and spoke over her shoulder.

Gregory was barely paying attention to the words as her stomach started to warm up as she felt the tugging pull of against her nipples. The fingers wrapped up against the soft milk filled sac and kneaded it, helping to coax the milk downwards and her body shuddered as she felt it being drawn down to the tip. This wasn't fair! God, why was this arousing her? She felt the flush running along her cheeks as her tail jerked back and forth along her squared haunches. If she were a male, she was sure she'd have been hard, but as it was she felt a flush of heat forming beneath her tail. When she dropped the ropey appendage down it brushed something slippery and wet against the underside. She was growing wet, like any female, she was growing wet.

The fingers pulled all the way down to the tips and gave a tug that made her low out before the fingers paused. Gregory blinked her eyes open and watched as the bucket was pulled out from under her, full and frothy white and one of the thin looking children brought forward an empty bucket that was pushed beneath her. An entire bucket? How much was in her udder?! She didn't get much time to think about, because before the bucket had been dropped down something hot, slippery and wet wrapped eagerly around one of her teats. She jerked forward in shock, just as a second joined the first and enveloped her sensitive udder.

Her lead gave her just enough room to twist her head to one side and saw two spade shaped wagging tails jutting out from under her. Goats! The two little goats had eagerly claimed her free teats and the hot tongues pushed up to pin the nipples against the roof of their mouths. He suckled in hard fast movements as the blunt muzzles pushed upwards and bumped rudely against her udder as they coaxed and pulled the milk from her teats. The throats were swallowing and were soon joined by her sister's eager hands. The gentle grip wrapped around the other two udders while she lowed out in despair. This wasn't fair! It wasn't fair, she was a prince! Even as she thought it the feverishly hot mouths pulled harder and faster. The teeth scraped now and then as they rudely bumped against her sensitive swollen udder. She dropped her head in despair.

"Sister, will ya be stayin' the night?" One of the peasants murmured softly, and Gregory twisted her head to peer at them. The children were already drinking down her milk greedily.

"Of course, I was hoping to make a gift to your village from my order... And one in turn to us." Liz grinned wickedly. "The King has become greedy and I know you need more animals. We have no bull at our order, only poor Bess here. You have a bull, but no cows. It would be a great service to us if you would allow her to be studded by him, and as she has always thrown twins, we shall give you one of the calves in turn."

"My lady.." The headman swallowed a bit, "That is most generous of you, b-but, we have no money to pay.."

"A gift, for if the King will not answer your plight, then Bess would be glad to do that duty." Liz freed a hand to pat Gregory's hip. The prince glared at her sister, her body trembling in a mixture of horror and arousal as the goats continued to eagerly pull and suckle around her teat.

_She can't do this! I'm the prince! She can't breed me to that.. that.. THING! Father and Mother will wonder where I am! They'll kill her! _ Gregory thought, even as Liz tweaked one of her teats roughly. She couldn't do this!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Gregory was forced to be milked for three days. Each dawn she would be drawn out and forced to allow the goats to suckle at her teats while the villagers took turn milking her. It was painful, but pleasurable all at once. And it was the pleasurable part that was the most humiliating. Liz stayed with them and made a show each day of examining her intimately. Her sister's hand would grip her tail and force it out of the way as her fingers pushed right up against the exposed tear drop of her bovine sex. Each day she was patted on the hip and allowed to go back to her milking, but it was no relief. She was forced to stand in the shed all day where she was given little grain and watered milk to survive on as she watched the children trying to sink a hole in the ground to get to the milk.

The villagers had a rough life and she felt a grudging sympathy for them as she watched them eat out of communal pots while striving to get their village prepared for the winter. There wasn't a lot they could do except clear the fields and work with the single horse they had. On the second day, a group came back laden down with water and a cart pulled by an aging gelding. They had spent what cash they had on hand to buy for their entire town, and no where did he see anyone sneaking more then they should. It would have opened his eyes up more if he hadn't spent every day treated like a beast, tied up to a ring and milked, patted and fed. On the fourth day the touch to her teats had made her tail jerk and twitch wildly. Her heart sped up at the touches of the fingers caressing around her nipples. Even the goats that suckled on her made her shiver in place.

"You can turn her loose in the bulls paddock." Liz leaned over a fence line, her hair pulled back in a rough pony tail. "The way her tail is going up, you'd think you already had her around him. I thought it would take longer for her to go into heat."

"She won't kick him?" The woman, Anne, who had been tending her, tilted her head. "Don't want him hurt."

"Her? Say no to a handsome bull." Liz let out a short laugh, and a hot flush crept up along the edges of her cheeks. "She'll probably badger him for it. She's always after her next calf. Or at least a big bull."

The women shared laughter and Gregory lowed out as her lead was unhooked by her sister. Liz couldn't do this! Liz tugged firmly at her lead and pulled her around, the golden halter clamped down tightly as her body was forced to comply with the demand to walk. She stepped out of the little shed and her hooves clopped against the ground as she tried to twist her head to look at her sister. She didn't want this! Lizabet couldn't do this to her, it wasn't right! It was unheard of! She was a prince! She'd already been humiliated and milked, now she was being offered to an animal. She mooed out roughly, even the sound embarrassing. She was pulled towards the paddock where her mooing cry was answered with a baritone bellow. The dusty looking black bull's head was lifted up as he snorted over the edge of the fence.

It took two people to open the fence, and Gregory willed her legs to lock in place. She got enough strength to yank back on the lead, but Liz gave a firmer pull that tugged the golden halter around her muzzle. She stumbled forward and cried out as she was guided through the fence posts. Her hooves kicked up puffs of dust as Liz unhooked the lead and gave the curve of her haunch a rough slap. It raised up a puff of dust as she twisted around and mooed out to her sibling.

"Go have fun, girl. I know how you just LOVE having fun with anything that looks like it won't get away." The last was emphasized and Gregory's eyes flashed the whites as the real meaning hit her.

_Oh god, they were just maids! They didn't matter! They should have been honored to have my seed! _ She raged in her own mind, but the words were cut short as the bull's head lifted up and his black padded nose was twitching.

He'd been given a decent amount of water in the last two days and, though he was still dusty looking, had brighter eyes. She scrambled backwards as the big mull bellowed out again and trotted towards her with his ears twitched up high. The nostrils flared open wider and snuffled against the air as the muscles beneath the dark hide rippled and Gregory darted away towards the fence line. Liz was perched on the bottom rung with a group of others, staring at her as she made a bolt for the opening. The prince was not going to let this beast get near her! She made a dodge towards the partially open gate, but it was slammed shut with the rope pulled up and over the latch so that it was securely fixed in place.

_Liz! DAMNIT LIZ!!! _ Gregory bellowed out wordlessly and stared at her sister while her tail clamped down and the big bull stepped forward.

He was massive, with a hunched back that rose up nearly even with the thick muscled neck. His muzzle was square and boasted a flat black nose that was pierced with a heavy brass ring. The tongue flicked upwards and curled up along the bridge of the nose as he snuffled. His ears flicked upwards as the bright ears peered towards him and the heavy muscled male stepped forward with dull thuds of his hooves. She twisted away and pressed herself against the fence as she caught the acrid sharp scent of him on the air. A thick musky scent that tinged her muzzle and made her wrinkle her muzzle back in disgust at the animal scent. Or, at least, she tried for disgust. Part of her drew in that scent and it made her painfully aware of the slight ache of her loins. The reason for why she didn't drop her tail down lower.

"Go on, Bess, go be a good cow and greet your bull." Liz called out as the head man left off his attempts to plow to anxiously watch what was going on in the pen.

No no no no no nonononononono.. Gregory's treacherous legs moved, no matter that she wanted to keep them in place, she stepped forward with another shaking leg.

The command was driven into her mind by the bedamned halter that forced her to lurch forward step by slow step. The bull pricked his ears up and didn't wait for her, instead he shoved his blunt snout forward and roughly butted against the curve of her shoulder. The hot blast of air hit against her coat as she tried to lurch away, but she felt locked in place. The damp nose rubbed against her and trailed down along the curve of her side. She flinched slightly and shivered as the hot wet tongue flicked out and dragged itself along the curve of her shoulder. The wet saliva coated against her fur as the nose started to push downwards and puffled slightly against the curve of her haunches. She jerked herself to one side and the nose jabbed forward a bit harder.

One of the sharp tipped horns pushed up against her tan hide and she let out a squeal and leapt forward at the jab. The bull bit out against her haunch before the nose pushed upwards and shoved against her tail. The wet nose left a smear against her fur as a hot breath suddenly blasted just beneath her tail and hit against her soft folds. She snapped her ears back and her eyes flashed open wide as she felt the warmth trailing along the soft vulnerable virgin folds. She tried to snap her tail down, but the broad nose pushed beneath it and started to snuffle firmly. The hot breath tickled against her while her tail was left draping right over the broad head. Her heart started to pound faster as she felt the brass ring hit right against her folds and grind there as he sucked in a breath.

"Drops twins you say?" She heard someone speak up, "Certainly doesn't act like she's been bred before."

"It's been a while, I'm sure she'll warm up to him. Look at her splay her legs, little wench." Liz answered as the bull suddenly licked out with a powerful stroke just along her soft folds. "I'm surprised she's not moaning for him yet, to be honest."

Gregory's eyes bulged as she folt the broad tongue tip shove between her lips and push them open. The slimy saliva coated her outer lips as the beast started to test out her scent with short dabs. It was horrible, it was invasive, and to her horror she felt herself growing wet against the tongue tip. She flinched a little bit as it dabbed inwards and started to wedge into her passage. It made her hike her tail upwards and flick it to one side as the probing tongue swirled just inside of her passage and caressed deeper and deeper. Her walls were forced open wide as she kept her ears folded flat against her head and stumbled forward as the sharp scents on the air made her aware that it wasn't just the bull she could smell. She reeked of a sharp sweet scent that made her splay her hind legs a bit wider.

Her heart was pounding, it was pounding so hard she could barely think past it. The beast's thick tongue probed her virgin passage messily, her wetness squelched out around the velvety appendage as she dropped her head downwards. A low groan spilled out of her throat as she kept her tail jerked to one side and held up so high that she bared herself completely to him. She pushed backwards, rubbing and grinding firmly as her breath came out in short hard pants. She couldn't stop herself from letting out a short lowing cry as the slippery muscular tongue slowly pulled backwards, leaving her on the edge of orgasm. The tongue tip tugged free with a wet noise as the bull licked along his muzzle and left her glistening swollen folds bared to the light. She didn't realize right away what it meant, all she knew was that her body needed it, wanted it, demanded it. She felt swollen and vulnerable.

She didn't fight as the broad head rubbed right up and over her haunches. The tongue licked along the line of her back as the massive black animal reared up on his haunches. Gregory came to herself as a pair of broad onyx legs wrapped along either side of her haunches. The prince's head jerked up and she lowed out roughly as the beast slid up over her and the hot tongue licked messily against the line of her neck. Something hard jabbed right up against the back of her swollen vulnerable udder. She jerked forward a little bit as it jabbed and shoved hard enough it sent a rush of pain through her. She kept her ears back as the weight shifted higher and started to move upwards. The hard shoves dribbled out a hot viscous spill of precum that stained against her flesh as the glans slipped upwards.

The bull's slimy red cock probed against her outer lips, it roughly pushed and grazed right over her swollen clit so that she let out a short lowing cry. She heard a bit of laughter coming from the fence, and a lewd joke about the way she was moaning. She flattened her flushed ears as the voices rolled around her, but she couldn't stop herself from keeping her tail up. The sharp jabs ended as the hard cock tip pushed right up against her inner folds and splashed out a hot dribble of precum before his haunches tensed up. Gregory couldn't do anything except brace herself, her hooves dug against the ground as the cock tip suddenly slammed forward and the bulls weight crashed against her as the dark red shaft tore into her virgin body.

Her walls clamped down tightly, they squeezed and contracted tightly around the girth as her forehooves were skidded across the ground. Her mooing cry turned into a rough squeal as the tip hammered all the way up into her cervix and the heavy sac slapped up against her udder. He didn't cum immediately, not like most of his kind, instead he hammered into her roughly before she could even catch her breath. The hard boned cock stretched her painfully wide as the powerful haunches barely pulled backwards before plunging forward again. Hot thick slippery dribbles of precum splashed into her cervix and oozed outwards from her splayed lips. Her inner walls suckled hotly and eagerly around the girth while she dropped her head nearly to her knees.

The harsh thrusts barely gave her time to breath as the forelegs gripped roughly against her sides and the teeth gripped her neck. The tip slammed up against her cervix, rubbing and pushing against it as time and again the orbs clapped up against her swaying udder. It was still so painfully full and her forelegs splayed open wide as she tried to keep herself braced for the beast. Her breathing came out in short hard cries. Her eyes squeezed shut as she heard a lewd comment about her squealing like a virgin coming from the fence line. It was one humiliation piled on the rest as her body clamped down eagerly around the cock. She squeezed and pulled around the violating member despite her horror at what was being done to her.

The blocky muzzle nipped and bit against the back of her neck, slimy saliva coating her fur as the bull huffed out roughly and slammed upwards as the haunches started to tense up. The powerful hind legs shoved harder as the tip slammed hard enough against her cervix that the red girth bowed slightly. She snapped her eyes open wide as she felt the forelegs dragging her back as her inner walls contracted and pulsed in reaction to the way the shaft was caressing through her swollen passage. It wasn't like being a male, nothing at all like being a male, instead it was pushing her towards pleasure and forcing her to grind backwards against the beast. He ruthlessly used his boned shaft to ensure that her walls were starting to quiver and contract.

As the cock tip plunged upwards a forceful braying cry burst free from her muzzle and the boned tip wedged right up against the sensitive bottleneck of her cervix. The walls splayed open around him as the first rush of pleasure erupted over her body and she trembled as she cried out under the forced orgasm. She milked and squeezed around the cock even as she felt a rush of humiliated shame at her own arousal that was being pushed out around the thick red base. The bull's dirty hooves clutched her haunches and suddenly he launched forward. His hind hooves lifted up from the ground as she was knocked forward onto her knees. The tip plunged into her cervix, just spreading it open so the fertile passage to her womb was laid bare to the beast.

The bull's bellow heralded the first thick rush of seed that erupted up from the tip of the cock and spilled into her body. The sperm rich cream splattered in deep into her womb while the walls clamped down around him and started to squeeze from the base all the way towards the tip that continued to jet out the hot bursts. Gregory cried out helplessly as the thick gooey cream spread through her in a warm rush that flooded her vulnerable womb and the heavy swaying balls bumped up against her hanging udder. Her tongue lolled out from her parted jaw as she tried to brace her forelegs to push herself up, but couldn't manage it. The humiliating rush of pleasure and need kept her down trying to pull the sperm towards her unprotected eggs where they would penetrate and claim them for her first calves. From a distance she heard her sister's voice.

"The Prince has gone on sabbatical to learn about ruling his country, from what I hear. There's hopes that when he returns to claim the throne that he'll be a better King then his father.." Liz was saying as the last jet splattered out and the pull started to pull back and off of Gregory. The words made her stomach twist as the cock tip popped free with a wet noise and cum dribbled down her sensitive udder.

Harsh Lessons

The house was warm, almost overly so, as Keishou stretched himself out on the couch and flicked his tail back and forth lightly. The feathers stirred against the hot air that was coming from the vent. He flicked his ears tufts back a little bit at the...

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Cheating Death: Chapter 3

The sound of the music held a pounding beat that made Apollo want to move to the music. It was catchy, not quite jazz, but not quite techno either. It wove together and thrilled upwards combining the two music types until it was almost as if he could...

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Thrown Back: Chapter 13

The winter closed in with biting talons and icy winds that brought with it snow that buried the forest in a strange muffled silence that was only broken by the creatures that were forced out of their sanctuaries. The village had suffered from the raid,...

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