Joining the Fraternity

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The sound of traffic was almost too loud despite the fact that San had several buildings between him and interstate. The wail of sirens and the rush of the wind as cars zipped past as fast as they could go. There were always sirens in this part of town. It was part and parcel with the run down section of what used to be the warehouse district. Now the large buildings provided places for the homeless to get out of the cold and gangs to meet up without fear of being easily spotted. It was the sort of place that he never would have come without a pressing need. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he stuffed a hand in his pocket and gripped the mace he'd tossed in there. No, he would have never come here, except for the fact he was trying to get into a fraternity.

He glanced down at the print out that he'd been given and frowned at the address. The college didn't support hazing, but that didn't stop the various groups from doing their own little rituals. He was in the last week of initiations and his last job was to come down here and try to locate the person that had posted an ad on Craigslist. At first he'd assumed it was just finding someone selling stolen goods or something along those lines. After he'd taken a clear look at the ad he'd blushed and stammered to try and get out of it. He wasn't coming here to find someone selling stolen car radios. He was coming to find a hooker who had written out an ad advertising massages and an escort service.

He'd been told where he could find her. One of the older boys had grinned and even hinted that they'd invited this particular woman to a few parties where she'd done unspeakable things. He stuffed the ad back in his pocket and drew in a breath before turning down an alley to the next street down. He looked up at the street name and turned about to start down towards a neon lit bar that had been named in the ad. Part of him was flushed and ashamed, what would his mother think if she ever found out he was down here? He should have just taken his dignity and left, that would have been the best option and the one that would have kept him from risking getting in trouble. With his luck there'd be a cop there and he'd get picked up for trying to pay a hooker.

_I don't have to pay her to do anything illegal. _ He took some comfort in that knowledge as he turned a corner towards the Mousetrap.

The bar was as seedy as anything he had ever seen. The windows were blackened and the only light came from a set of neon beer signs that were stubbornly remaining flickering despite their age. There were motorcycles propped up outside, as we well as cars that looked as if they had been patched together with duct tape and mismatched paint jobs. It certainly wasn't something that let him think there would be a single person he could relate too in there. The front door was partially askew with a bored looking bouncer leaning against it that wasn't paying attention to who was coming or going. He was mostly lost in his drink as he propped himself up.

San slunk past the bouncer nervously, lazy or not, the man was huge. He was built like a brick wall and he all but skittered past. The well dressed college student paused inside the door and wrinkled his nose at the sour beer and sweat smell on the air. The inside was as dark as the outside had promised. It was as if the bar was desperately hoping that it might look better as long as no one saw anything but shadows. It didn't work, not when he could see the lopsided seats and the way the table tops were tipped to one side. The floor felt sticky under his feet as he bypassed the dubious bar and went towards the back where he could see the pool tables. All he had to do was find the girl, ask her to do something for money and leave. That was it. He could get the hell out of here and put this all behind him.

It took him a while to locate any females at the pool table. It wasn't that they didn't exist, it was just that they were dressed like the men and didn't take any pains to show any hint of their sex. The heavy bulky leather coats were thrown over hunched shoulders, their hair was tucked up under low caps and they didn't seem to look like hookers. Perhaps that's why he was sent here, to find a hooker like this and be forced to humiliate himself. It made San bristle slightly, but he continued to look for the girl that described herself as being in a bright green jacket and located near the pool tables. It was easier said than done, especially when he was obviously out of place in this group. More than one of the women made crude suggestions on what he should be looking for and it wasn't anything with a set of tits.

By the time he found the woman he was looking for his cheeks were burning red and he was thoroughly humiliated. He turned a corner and nearly bumped into a tall woman that wore a loose green duster. She was watching a pool game and talking quietly with a man at her side when he came to a dead halt and unashamedly gawked at her. He'd been expecting a crack head of some sort, skinny, black under eyes, burns on the corner of her mouth, but not this. The blonde woman was tall, nearly six feet tall, with intense blue-green eyes and a sensuous red mouth that curved up in a ready smile. She wore a loose fitting dress that was well designed and obviously expensive and hid most of herself beneath her coat. She looked like someone's boss or some business man's wife. Well dressed and groomed, all the way down to her carefully trimmed nails.

"S-sorry.." He stammered as she gave him a long look and he swallowed roughly. He didn't know what else to say.

"You should watch where you're going." The woman gave him an annoyed look as he hastily tried to apologize again.

She looked at him with narrowed eyes and then went back to talking with the man next to her. His cheeks burned at the instant dismissal, not something he had expected given he was undoubtedly the cleanest person here. And he certainly had more money than the bikers that were crushed into groups around him. He tried his best not to give into the urge to snap at her, instead he cleared his throat again and interrupted her conversation. The woman gave him a glance and started to turn away again as if he were nothing more than another drunk stumbling up to her in the middle of the bar.

_Damnit, she's the one advertising herself as a fucking whore! The hell if I'm going to let her treat me like I'm being a bother to her and whatever her business is. _ He cheeks burned with humiliation and he straightened up.

"Do you want a fucking customer or not!" San snapped out and stiffened slightly against the mixture of shame and anger that overcame him.

"Pardon me?" The woman turned her head and narrowed her eyes so there was a bare flash of the blue-green iris' beneath the pale lids.

"I'm just answering your ad, so do you want a customer?" He shoved the crumpled piece of paper into her hands.

"Customer?" She drawled the words out and glanced down at the paper curiously.

San fought the urge to pull it out of her hands as she seemed to be reading it. The woman glanced over the writing with one of her elegant eye brows lifted upwards. He felt a moment of doubt as she seemed to read it over more than one time. It was only after he'd made a fool of himself that he realized that his fraternity might have set this all up. This could all be one big joke as his initiation and he was talking to a woman that had no knowledge of what had happened or why. She could very well call the cops on him, get him arrested or worse. He could end up getting the shit beat of him in the middle of the bar.

"Raoul, it seems this little pig thinks he can pay me for sex." The woman purred with a hint of a growl under her voice, her eyes hardening.

"The fuck? You little shit!" The man she'd been talking to, a man who reminded him more of a biker santa complete with a thick beard and enough weight to make him imposing pushed away from the wall with an aggressive glare.

"Wait.. wait.. I didn't mean it like that. I mean, my fraternity sent me here, I was supposed to find the hooker from the ad..." He raised his hands up, but the man beside her advanced quickly enough that he only bolted back a few feet before a large fist gripped the front of his jacket.

"Don't hurt him, Marcus, I think he'll work well enough for our little films.." The woman's voice turned into a throaty purr as the man maintained his grip. "Yes, most definitely, not too muscular and just the right height."

San didn't have a chance to ask her what the fuck she meant, the man tugged him forward so roughly that he nearly went to his knees and the woman moved behind him. Something pushed roughly against his side, prongs dug in hard enough that he whimpered out. The whimper died out into a gargling gag as a jolt of electricity suddenly slammed through him. His entire body convulsed and the grip on his jacket tightened so he didn't drop down. Instead he sagged as the world went dark and black.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"C'mon, wake up.." A hand tapped San's cheek roughly enough that he flinched away and tried to get his chin down away from it.

A rough squealing sound brought his open with a snap and he jerked upwards, but his body didn't move more than a half an inch before restraints on his wrists and ankles brought him up short. He sucked in a breath and lifted his head up as far as he could when another squeal came from somewhere to his right. It was high pitched and frantic, animalistic in a way that reminded him of nothing so much as a horse. He balled his hands up a little bit and whimpered as his right arm started to throb and a hand patted him roughly against the cheek again. He tried to pull his head away, but the fingers followed upwards to stroke along his hair as he wildly tried to look around to figure out where he was. Except, the blonde from the bar was grinning down at him.

"It's so much nicer when you're awake to enjoy yourself." She drawled out softly, "Especially the first time."

"Let me go!" San tried to sit up, his wrists felt the material biting down against him as he yanked hard enough that he was forced to stop with a whimper. "What the fuck did you do? Who are you?"

"Elsie, you can call me Elsie if you please. And as to what I'm doing, better to see until you become too distracted." She ruffled his hair and set down something with a metal click. A tremor went through him as he realized that he'd caught a bare glimpse of something like a syringe.

She moved to grip the back of his hair and jerked his head to one side roughly. He was given his first good look of the room. It was massive, nearly the size of a warehouse, with the walls lost in shadows except for several points that had bright lights gleaming overhead. Each spot of light was situated over metal tables that were padded with leather. Most of them were empty, the lights only turned down low enough that he was only able to make out the fact the tables were empty. They looked clean and polished instead of dusty, either that saw enough use that someone was set to cleaning them or they were simply new. Elsie forced his head to the side so he was staring directly at a table set under near blinding lights. It wasn't empty, and it most certainly wasn't clean. A zebra was belly down on the table with a strap under her belly and her haunches lifted up high in the air. Her hooves kicked out, but that wasn't what captured his eyes.

Her hands were bound above her head on arms that looked as if they'd be better off on a human then any animal. Full breasts down against the table, though he could make out the outline of them. Her black lips were peeled out as she let out a high pitched squeal again and the dark form above her gave a savage thrust forward. A massive looking black horse complete with white stockings and a humanesque body was hunched over her as his hips drove forward. His eyes tried to make sense of what he was seeing, even as the stallion pulled back and so he saw a glimpse of slippery flesh before it was pounded forward again and forced every last inch into her body.

Oh.. god what the hell did she inject me with.. His first thoughts were blind denial that what he was seeing could actually be happening.

It had to be a hallucination, it had to be. The strange human like animals couldn't exist. He tried to cling to that hope, but as he watched the heavy bodied stallion hammering into the struggling zebra he faltered slightly. It wasn't just that the two beings were fucking oblivious to the fact that anyone could be watching, there were humans in the room. Two men were holding cameras, one of them was the shaggy biker who was trying to angle up beneath them to get a close up of the cock being forced inwards. San sucked in a breath and tried to look away, but the grip on his hair was firm enough that he couldn't escape the lewd sight that was set before him. When the stallion drew back it was almost flauntingly as he yanked his cock all the way out with a wet noise before slamming forward into the squealing mare again.

"The future of pornography, not quite bestiality, not quite true porn." Elsie's voice was a laughing purr. "Did you know that there's nothing on the books banning non consensual films like this? Quite a nice little loop hole!"

"This is sick! Let me.. SQUEEEEEE!" The last word came out a high pitched squeal as his throat contracted and San writhed against the bench.

"Oh good. Tim, grab the spar cam, we don't want to miss this!" Elsie released his head as the faint ache in his arm spread through his body.

"What.. did.. SNRK.. do?" He tried to speak, but the words came out mangled as he heard movement coming from in the room.

He tried to concentrate on it, but he couldn't, not when his body was starting to ache and his back arched up off the table. The heat flowed through him, rushing along his spine and spreading along the edges of his hips. He squirmed backwards until the restraints around his ankles drew tight as the warmth that erupted along his lower body spread outwards. It was like fire, fire that was pouring through his body and he couldn't stop it. His stomach started to tense up as he let out a whimper as a camera suddenly came into view and the lens cause the lights from above. He could see his form distorted and strangely bulging from the rounded glass.

He opened his mouth to say something, to ask a question, but he let out a rough grunting noise as the restraints on his wrists started to tighten down, the ones on his ankles clamp down harder until it was almost painful. In the background he heard a great squealing scream coming from the zebra mare, his eyes unable to focus on anything in the room, but the sound sent a shiver down his spine. He balled his fingers up and lifted his head up to look down the line of his body with a hot flush. His nude body. He could see his nipples standing out against his chest, as well as the pale curve of his upper thighs. He glanced down towards his feet and then let out a squealing cry. His feet were changing into something that had nothing to do with human feet. His toes slid together and the nails thickened as the bottom portion of his legs started to darken towards black. The dark color spilled higher and higher as a pair of cloven hooves sprouted where his feet had been.

"St-SQUEEEE-op." The squeal spilled out from between his lips before he could stop it. He couldn't move, only stare in horror as his knees started to shift and change.

The bones were changing beneath his skin, he could feel them sliding and thickening even as he watched his entire body shape change. His attempts to talk didn't come out right, each time he tried he grunted or squealed as he felt the heat flushing along his cheeks. His lips were spreading open and his nose was pushing outwards as he leaned his head back. He had to look away from himself, the horror was rising as his ears started to twitch and change. He felt them as the muscles that were shifting against the base of them so that he could move them to either side. His eyes flashed wide and panicked as his back started to arch higher up and his nose turned upwards right at the tip.

"Not bad, piebald, better then pink." Elsie's voice was amused and he lifted his head to snap at her. He wanted to scream out, beg, plead anything that would get him out of here.

San's words died on his lips and turned in a rough squealing piggish cry as he watched his belly starting to grow softer. A spill of softness that padded over his body as he watched another set of nipples forming beneath the upper ones. And then another. The flesh grew swollen and pushed outwards as eight pairs of nipples formed along the softening of his body. And the upper nipples began to press outwards as the flesh grew more tender and sensitive feeling. He sucked in a harsh breath and cried it out as the softness started to form into plush breasts and the nipples thickened. BREASTS! He tugged roughly against the restraints and bowed his back upwards as the heat started to slip up along his inner thighs.

The heat turned into fire as it slipped along his loins and he jerked his head back with a rough squealing cry as parts of him changed. Pressure started to grow along his inner thighs, tightening and pulling up snug along his loins. He found himself staring up at the lens, but he looked at a distorted face that bore no likeness to what he knew. Black and white, mottled with thick rough hair, a pigs face looked back at him complete with an upturned dark nose and a pair of broad ears. His nostrils flared open wide as he tried to ignore the sensations that left him shaking and scrambling against the restraints to try and find a way out.

"Ya finally bring me somethin' interestin', Ms. Elsie?" A drawling voice interrupted his own terror and his stomach clenched painfully.

"I hope so Josiah, I thought it was time to give you something that might fit." Elsie's hand dropped and cupped right against the softness of one of his breasts.

"D-don't srrrrrrrrck do.. that.." The words tumbled out of his changed muzzle, unable to form the words right.

"SNRRRRK, well hello there..." San jerked his head to see a massive head, complete with a broad snout and curved ivory tusks. "A sow all my own, Ms. Elsie?"

"All for you Josiah, about time too." Elsie's voice was filled with laughter as the massive boar came entirely into view.

Boar, not pig, BOAR. A thick black coated boar with silver tips along the line of his back and bristled up right above his head. The broad ears were flicked up in the air as the dark nose twitched and he peered down along San's body. One broad thick nailed hand moved along his inner thighs and stroked upwards while he tried to squirm away. His breath came out in a rush as they pushed upwards and the big male leaned down with a grin wreathing his heavy features. And the fingers moved down to caress where his balls were, they went to rub right along something that never should have been there. A pair of soft plush folds were rubbed right along the outer folds and worked inwards to tease right against her clit so that a short cry was forced past her lips. HER lips.

Oh god no no no no no... San writhed and the boar let out a short bark of laughter before turning his head away.

"Get her in position, eh? Been a hell of a time I ain't broken a new toy." Josiah's voice deepened a bit and San was left gaping as the creature stepped back and two human males came forward. She wasn't going to let this happen! It couldn't happen!

Her protests meant little in the grander scheme of things. The humans had done this before and no matter how San kicked and squealed like a big, she was pulled off the bench and forced onto all fours. The restraints were loosened from where her joints had thickened too much to fit properly. A heavy bar was pulled up from either side of the chair and pushed beneath her stomach so she was forced to remain standing on all fours no matter how she protested the treatment. As they moved her about, she got a glimpse between her legs. The soft feminine folds were pursed and snug looking between her haunches. No balls, no cock, nothing to mark her as a male! She let out a short cry of denial that was ignored and her eyes forced ahead for a sight that was no less terrifying.

The boar stood in front of her watching her with every evidence of amusement and even grinned wider when he noticed her eyes widening at the sight of him. He was massive, easily eight feet tall and all of it large and muscled with a slight hint of softness along his stomach. His legs were bent and powerful looking and ended in a set of broad powerful hooves. The dark fur bristled along him and she let out a a whimper as her eyes were forced lower by his broad hand. The pouched sheath was massive, larger then anything she had ever imagined. The only thing that was larger were a set of truly impressive leathery black orbs that rested along his inner thighs.

His hand cupped his sheath and squeezed it, so she watched the thick slimy glans pushing up into the light. The tip was slightly hooked as it pushed free and forced the sheath open wider, and it didn't get any less terrifying. The tip corkscrewed from the tip all the way down to the first few inches as the flesh grew swollen and gorged. He made a show of it, his finger tips rubbed right along the tip of his cock and gathered up the oozing precum before slipping downwards again. The slow caresses pushed all the way down towards his sheath. At first, San thought it was for her benefit and he was mocking her, but she figured out that he was doing it more for the camera. The man holding it had moved down to one knee to get a close up of the dark red girth that continued to push up into the light.

"She set up?" Josiah rumbled the words and San let out a rough squealing cry of protest. The sound grated from her throat as she flattened her ears.

"Oh yeah, good luck, little sow." Elsie's voice was amused and filled with laughter. "The last girl he broke in couldn't walk for a week."

"Pl-SQUEEEEEEEEESE!" The word was pulled out of her throat so roughly that she flushed a deep hot red along the edges of her ears.

Josiah SNRRRKED at her and moved his hand to cup against his sheath as the curled cock pulsed against his belly and dribbled out an edge of precum that trailed down along the edge of the lower belly. He stepped forward with a rough clop of hooves and moved past her with a pat of his hand on her shoulder. The wet precum smeared against her furred shoulder and she flinched away as a few other humans gathered around with cameras. The lights flared on brightly enough that they were nearly burning her hide and she let out a soft squeal as the hand trailed all the way down along the curve of her hip. The thick nailed fingers gave a firm squeeze against her ass cheek so she jerked forward.

The restraints only creaked, they didn't give, when she tried to escape. Her cheeks were burning hotly as the patting hand clutched against her ass cheeks and the other moved down to cup against her folds. She let out a harsh cry of protest as the fingers curled forward right against the outer lips and forced them to pry open. One of the camera's swung forward to face her and she glared at it in humiliated rage. They were going to film this! They were going to let this beast fuck her and put it on film. She squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered as the fingers splayed her folds open wide and the hand on her left released her. What it did wasn't an improvement. The beast didn't move, but suddenly the curled tip of his thick cock rubbed right up against her outer folds.

She hissed in a breath as slimy dribbles of precum oozed between her folds, slippery and wet feeling as it rubbed over the virginal inner lips and even caught against her clit. The hard tip rubbed and poked against her roughly so she was being forced forward. Her breath came in short hard pants as she tried to ignore it, tried to fight the sensations, only to have him grind forward again, this time a bit rougher as the tip pushed right up against her clit. It forced a shudder through her and she tilted her head back with a rough cry that came out as a porcine squeal. Josiah's rough laugh was just insult added to injury as he dropped his tip down to rub right up against the virginal opening of her body.

"Good little sow.." The boar grunted and gave a rock forward that made her ball her fingers up into fists. The tip shoved right up against her. "Gonna break you in nice an' clean."

The boar's hand went back to her hip and his broad chest suddenly shoved down against the soft curve of her back. She twisted her head around to try and shove his head away as the blunt muzzle pushed against her neck, but she couldn't reach him. Even that frail hope of breaking free was lost as his hips gave a slow grinding roll forward. The curled tip of his cock suddenly pushed roughly against her opening and San squealed out as it wedged into her tender silken folds. She tried to jerk her tail down, but his stomach pinned it up as he grunted and gave another grinding push and she felt the curled cock wedging and forcing itself into her body. The inner walls clamped down around him instinctively as she let out a ragged cry. Her nails bit into the palms of her hand as another lunge forced him deep enough that the next hot dribble of precum was spilled into her with no hope of escape.

It was disgusting, it was foul, it was horrifying, and he only made it worse. His muzzle opened and roughly bit against the back of her neck as his powerful haunches drove forward. Her eyes snapped open and stared into the lens of the camera as she screamed out roughly. The thickest portion of the cock stretched her open as the tip drove itself inwards. The heavy swell of the balls clapped firmly against her inner cheeks as he stuffed her as wide as she could possibly be spread. She could almost feel the walls trying to vainly force him back out again, the muscles contracted and squeezed, but the slippery girth pushed ever deeper within her. The curled tip of the cock wedged itself right up against her cervix with a dribble of precum as the large boar grunted out and panted against the back of her neck.

When his hips dragged backwards San's eyes bulged in horror as an unwilling shudder of pleasure trailed through her. The curled flesh caressed her and worked within her so her walls quivered around him only to feel him lunging back into her. He drove the tip inwards at a punishing pace that forced the glans right against her cervix and pushed har hard against the restraints. She could barely keep herself in place as she squealed out again and the teeth gripped down harder against the back of her neck. His hot breath puffed out as the widest portion of the base yawned her open painfully wide as her own body betrayed itself. Her inner walls contracted tightly as his weight pressed down harder and harder with the metal bar bit into her stomach.

San tried to plead with him, but instead of words, a rough squeal erupted out of her throat as the curled tip lewdly poked and hit against her cervix. Her body knew what to do, even as she tried to deny it, wetness started to push out around the edges of the pulsing cock as it rubbed and pulled through her body. The spirals caressed and rubbed along her so that the breath was being forced out of her with each and every drive of the hips that slapped the massive balls up between her legs. She squeezed her eyes shut in the attempt to ignore the camera that was aimed at her as if catching each painful moment of the brutal assault on her body.

She might have been able to stand it if it had just been the aching pain of her muscles splaying open wide and being forced to stretch over and over again. But it wasn't just that. The twisted form of the cock found places in her untouched body to caress and stroke through her passage. Her breath came out in short hard puffs of air from her upturned snout. It was bursts of pleasure in the midst of the pain that made her gasp and cry out in loud squealing bursts before the cock started to hammer in shorter strokes inside of her. The tip jabbed and bruised against her tender cervix while she dropped her head down low.

"Pull it out, Josiah, gotta get a good shot of what she's taking." One of the cameramen called out and the boar grunted in amusement.

"Damn.." His gripping muzzle released her as he spoke and left a wet patch of drool along the back of her neck. She winced and his hands moved to grip her hips as he pulled backwards. "Think she's lovin' it.. won't let me go."

San squealed out, but it turned into a groan as the cock pulled from her body slowly. Her muscles proved the lie as they clenched down eagerly around the girth and started to squeeze around it. It left a trail of slimy precum behind as the grip on her hips squeezed a bit harder and he yanked backwards. She squeezed her eyes shut and flushed hotly at the boar's curses before the twisted tip gave a harder tug backwards. Her lips splayed open wider and wider as he tugged and gave a short pull that made her cry out before the cock tip pulled free with a lewd wet noise. Her passage clenched down around nothing as the boar rubbed his cock up and smeared the wetness between her ass cheeks just adding to the humiliation.

"Fuck, not even broken!" The cameraman whistled as Josiah let out a short laugh and his cock tip trailed down along her ass to probe lewdly against her folds again.

"Sows are meant to take a breedin', hard and fast." The boar grunted as the cock pushed up between her folds and splayed her walls open as he jabbed forward.

This time he didn't try to ease into her or prepare her in anyway. He pushed into her and slammed forward so hard it drove a piggish squeal from her throat as the beast didn't stop until his massive balls shoved between her legs and the tip hammered up against her cervix. His weight pressed down against her and he gripped against the back of her neck in a bruising hold as he started to pound into her. The cock tip bruised and made her stomach cramp as she was rocked back and forth against the restraints. They rattled and creaked slightly as she writhed and tried to twist her way free. Her breath came out in ragged gasps as he didn't treat her with any consideration as her muscles stretched wide around him.

She couldn't stop herself from growing wet, it was impossible, not when her body was trying to adjust to him taking her. She winced at the feel of thick goopy precum oozing out and mingling with her own wetness. The lewd squelching noises made her ears fold back as the tip jabbed harder and rubbed all over her cervix. Sometimes it made her stomach cramp with pain and other times she felt the burning ache as it caught right against her opening. His short grunts came louder as she felt the curve of the tusks gripped against her neck and bruised the vulnerable hide there. The hot dribbles of precum continued to ooze out of the tip as he slipped downwards just a touch and suddenly caught right against her cervix.

"SHTOEEEEEEEEEEEP" The wild squeal broke of her throat as the passage of her cervix started to stretch open wider and wider as the curled tip twisted inside of her.

She cried out as muscles she'd never possessed were stretched open wider and wider. They were strained and molded around the cock as if she were designed to take him. He inched in deeper until the heavy bristled sheath shoved right up against her outer folds and rubbed right over them. The boar's hips yanked backwards a bit harder and forced her back as another inch wedged and screwed into her cervix. The inner walls started to contract and tighten as a hot slimy jet of precum spilled into the passage and oozed in deeper. The former boy jerked his head up and let out a shriek as the heavy balls clapped up between her thighs and her muscled walls clutched around him. The shudders of pleasure rocked through her, rushing through her body even as she felt her heart pounding against her chest.

The massive boar gave another jerking push, but wasn't even able to pull backwards against the locking grip of her cervix. Instead, the powerful girth began to pulse within her passage. The slippery flesh strained open wider and wider before the pressure hit a peak and the first hot jet of cum erupted from his tip. It was hot, too hot, and it bubbled up from the head to splatter into her cervix in rapid pulses while her walls continued to clutch and squeeze around him. San dropped her head down with a whimper as the balls heaved up and relaxed time and again, helping to drive the thick pearly seed into her body. Her breathing came out in ragged shuddering pants as she parted her lips and trembled on all fours.

After a few minutes Josiah lifted his head up and released her scruff with a groan and his orbs bumped slightly against her. The fingers trailed up from her hips and rubbed right along the curve of her belly, tracing over the tender nipples one after another. The dribble of the cock tip started to slow down while she splayed her ears to either side as she fought not to writhe at the feel of the finger tips kneading against her tender nipples and tugged them one at a time. She jerked forward as the thick dribbles of cum made her feel almost swollen with the amount of it that was pushed into her sealed cervix.

"Don't.. touch.." She twisted her head and tried to snap against his muzzle as he grunted out and pushed his hips down harder against her.

"Ya feel that, sow.." The boar snorted roughly and the next thick dribble pushed out something thick and viscous, sticky as it trailed along her cervix and smeared along the tender passage. "Gonna plug ya up stuffed full of my seed."

San opened her mouth to curse him, but a squeal came out as she felt another hot goopy spill of gel being pumped out behind the first and smearing through her. He moved his hands up to cup against her breasts and gave the tender mounds a rough squeeze so his hoof like fingers dug in hard enough to force a cry past her lips. She jerked her head back and bit roughly against his ear to try and drive him away. The boar jerked his head up as another hot thick rush of gel oozed over the head of his cock and smeared along the curled sealed passage.

"Little ass.." The boar caught one of her nipples and twisted it painfully. "Ya don't want ta be an ass 'round here, girl."

"Let.. me go..." She tried, only to feel his hips grinding forward again in a steady grind that shoved the balls right up against her inner thighs.

"Oh no... we're gonna be usin' yer ass next, sow." Josiah's hand moved down and gripped the base of her tail and gave it a rough yank. "Use ya til ya learn some manners."

The hours... San couldn't quite remember them save the pain of being forced to stretch and being ridden hard in so many ways by the beast. Her muzzle was violated, her tail hole, she was filmed and mocked, licked and bitten, bruised and battered until she could barely move when the restraints forced her to change positions. There was nothing she could do to fight her way free, he didn't give her that chance. Josiah's mockery did more then just humiliate her, it broke her, as time and again he forced her to climax for him on camera. He filled her stomach with enough cum that she had no knowledge of how many times he'd fucked her, all she knew was she wanted it to end. She wanted it all to end. Unconsciousness, when it came, was a blessing...

~ ~ * ~ ~

"You really should have asked me first." The words came from a distance and echoed through San's mind as if she were listening from a tunnel.

"Sorry, Miss Elsie, ya said if he acted like an ass..." Josiah, the words trailed off hesitantly, the big boar's words were filled with the hot pulse that nearly stirred her away. Her body hurt, it was on fire.

"Next time ask! Hardly any use with her unconscious." Elsie was annoyed and the sound was a bit distant as the pain and heat built up.

"Sorry, ma'am, too late now though. Ya were busy..." The boars were dissolved in the pain and darkness that sucked her down. She had no idea what was going on, but she couldn't keep her grip on consciousness.

"She'll make a pretty ass at least.." The words followed her down into darkness.

~ ~ * ~ ~

San woke up with bits and pieces of her consciousness being dragged back into being. She became aware that she was on her belly and partially propped up. At least her hind end was pushed in the air, awkward feeling and exposed. She was also aware that towels were rubbing over her briskly and her nose picked up the perfumed scent of soap on the air. She wrinkled her nose back a little bit in disgust and tried to ignore it. It was too strong and strange, there was something under the perfume that made her gag a little bit as she struggled to sit up. Her ears flicked forward and she moved her hands down to grip either side of the table. The restraints shifted and rattled as she slowly blinked her eyes open to see a strange man tossing damp towels into a bucket. They'd been used to wash her, obviously, but the strange scent was left behind.

"Oh? Did she wake up at last?" The familiar, and dreaded, voice came to her ears and she twisted her head.

The moment she did, she realized that there was something large and dark blocking her vision. She frowned a little bit and flattened her ears as she nearly went cross eyed looking at herself and the blockage. She curled her lips up as she tried to move a hand up, and when she did, she saw thick soft lips curling up on the end of her muzzle. Her eyes snapped open wide and she jerked backwards with a shake of her head.

"Wh-HAAA-HAAA-EEEEEEE-t did you do to mEEEE-EEE-EEE?!" San brayed the words out in an abrasive voice that made her wince.

"You were very little good as a pig, my dear." A hand moved against her hip and San swung her head to glare back at the blonde woman.

_Oh god, aren't they done? _ San flinched a little as she saw a ropey tufted tail flicking back and forth behind her nervously. Her body was covered in thick black fur that paled towards her belly and she could see a white sock on one ankle.

"Let me-AWW-AWW-AWW go!" The bray was even more humiliating then the piggish squeals, they erupted from her throat loud and long. She had no ability to stop them from happening!

"Send for Trickster, he'll want to test out the new jenny." Elsie called out and moved a hand to pat her dark rump again.

"Trickster?!" A man popped his head in the room with his eyes wide. "Are you sure, Elsie? He's uh... you know.."

"Sure I am.. Our little ass took to Josiah, I'm sure Trickster will be RIGHT up her alley." The way she said it made San freeze and her eyes snap open wide. "They just got done rubbing her down with scent."

San writhed a little bit and flushed a dark red as the fingers moved up along her damp back. The fur was pushed up against the grain in a way that left a strangely pleasant shiver running down her back. Her mind was wild with fear and denial as the fingers moved to stroke right along the curve of her shoulders and then slipped her fingers along the short bristled mane. It made her jerk her head backwards, only to feel the fingers tugging a bit harder against the edges of his long tapered ears. She flattened her long ears down against her head and froze as the doors rolled open behind her. Not cracked open, there was the sound of rollers being pushed along their track as a large door was opened up.

She had to twist her head back to see what was happening, and once she did she felt a moment of pure dread and terror as a large form was led into the room. The donkey that stepped in didn't walk on two legs, instead he clopped along on four with his large head hanging down and the broad ears perked up on his head. A smaller man held the lead rope a bit desperately as he tugged at the chain that was clipped to the bottom of the halter. The massive beast paused just inside the door and flared his nostrils open while his ropey tail lashed back and forth rapidly. San swallowed roughly and then turned her attention back to the woman.

"You're kidd-EEE-EEE-EEE-ING!" She brayed out and shook her head rapidly back and forth.

"Of course not." The blonde let out a rich laugh, the sort of laugh any man would turn his head to hear at a bar. "After all, if you want to be free, you're going to have to service those I bring you. If not.. well... There's always room for one more in my more permanent stables."

San stared at her wild eyed and then twisted her head back again towards the jack who had lifted his head up and peeled back his upper lip curiously. His nostrils flared open wide and she saw his upper lip twitching backwards so that he was sucking in a large breath while his tail started to snap a bit faster back and forth. Her eyes flicked right down towards the underside of the chest and froze there as she watched something heavy shifting beneath him. The sheath was a black pouch that swayed back and forth as the cock tip pushed outwards and the thick swollen glans was pushed out to drool down towards the ground.

The handler let a bit of the lead slip free so the massive jack stepped forward with the hollow sound of hooves on the concrete floor. He sucked in another breath and she flushed hotly as she realized that she must smell like a jenny in truth. That scent, that harsh acrid scent that had been rubbed into her with the towels. Her eyes snapped open wide as the black cock tip started to ooze outwards and drop further towards the ground. The thick heavy flesh began to unwrinkle as it grew and filled out around the edges. The sheath was strained downwards as the weight left it swaying back and forth beneath the barrel of the broad chest. Trickster's head went back and suddenly a wild bray erupted out of his throat. It blasted through the air as a rough sound that made her tense up and her ears snapped up high.

"EEEE-EEEE-EEE -HAWWWWWWWW!" She brayed back at him and her cheeks burned hotly as she realized she'd done it. "Stop HEE-EEE-EEEm!"

The big jack's ears went up and he lunged forward with his tail snapping back and forth wildly behind him. The heavy hooves lifted and he nearly hauled his handler forward as she struggled in the bonds. A struggle that did no good as she launched herself upwards until the leather bit against her hide and nearly bruised her. She struggled and twisted, only to hear the hooves launching towards her as the jack brayed out at her again. She answered, a high pitched noise that humiliated her even as it egged the beast on. Elsie stepped back just as the massive nose shoved up between San's thighs and a hot blast of heat hit between her thighs. The muzzle snuffled and pushed along her outer folds hotly and rubbed back and forth.

"STOP HEE-EEE-EEE-HAW HIM!" She forced the words out as a thick broad tongue flicked out and scraped right between her folds.

She twisted her head to see the handler stepping away and the lead hung down loose from his large head. It swayed back and forth as the beast snuffled along her inner thighs and licked out again. The tongue caught her right up against her tear shaped folds and she arched her back upwards a little bit. It pushed and caressed right along her clit as her cheeks burned. The beast lifted his head and peeled his lip back before parting his jaws. The large pink tongue jutted out from his maw as he started to pant shallowly as if he were trying to suck down the scent as fast as he could suck it down. She jerked he tail down roughly and slapped him on the top of the nose in the process which made him step back.

The lewd sound of flesh slapping beneath him made her jerk forward before the large jack brayed out and launched forwards. She couldn't brace herself, couldn't stop him, couldn't do anything except bray out as his chest slammed roughly against the curve of her haunches and the forelegs scrabbled up along either side of her hips. San flattened her ears back along her head and squealed as the entire platform started to shake and rattle back and forth. The hooves scraped against her sides as the powerful jaws dropped down and caught right against the back of her neck. The blunt teeth clamped down roughly before the hips lurched forward and something flat and heavy jabbed roughly against her inner thighs.

The wet slippery feel of precum smeared over her inner thighs as the hot air blasted against her neck. She flattened her long ears back against her head and twisted her head as far as she could behind her. Much like last time, another man had moved in close with a large camera aimed at her haunches, but this time he had to work to get the shot as the powerful dark hips lurched forward a bit more firmly. The cock tip grazed right along her inner folds and something hot and slimy drooled over her vulnerable folds while she jerked her legs forward. Her breath came out in short harsh pants before the jack gave a few rolling jabs that smeared the glans over her outer lips. His teeth clamped down harder and some of his drool coated her furred neck before he tensed up and lunged.

The cock tip slammed hard against her outer lips, they were forced inwards by the sheer girth to it, the walls started to spread open ever so slowly. The lips began to strain wider and wider, the slippery precum oozed into her passage and pushed into her. The black length pushed harder and harder as a final short buck forced the glans into her body. There was a lewd wet noise as she brayed out as loudly he shoved into her. Inch by slow inch drove inwards until she could feel the thickened glans forcing it's way inwards. Her legs stiffened slightly and the jack's forelegs tugged roughly back against either side of her hips before he lunged forward again.

This time she felt the weight rocking her almost to the point of the straps breaking free. They withheld, but only with the sound of the leather creaking loudly in her ears as the jack slammed his cock more then halfway inside of her. The medial ring pushed up against her outer lips as the glans rubbed right up against her cervix before he pulled backwards again. Thick goopy precum oozed out of her passage, dribbling along his girth before the jack lunged forward again. He didn't move at all like the boar had, instead he moved in rough strokes that were designed to push as much of his cock as he possibly could into her body. She was given no chance to breath, no chance to brace herself, as her muscles were yawning wider and wider.

"I can't take HEEE-EEE-EEE- AWWWWW any more EEE EEE EEEEEEEEE" The rough brays peppered her words as she tried to struggle free. Her hips jerked upwards as high as they would go before the jack slammed forward again.

San's outer lips flexed and her inner muscles contracted and squeezed tightly around the heavy veined girth as the tip slammed up time and time again. Her breath came out in short hard puffs of air, her nostrils flared open wide with each breath. She could taste the harsh male scent on the air, filling her nostrils as the big jack lunged forward again. The medial ring shoved itself right along the rise of her clit and caressed back and forth. She brayed out again as he continued to short the thrusts faster and harder, constantly tapping against her cervix and making her writhe against the restraints. Her own wetness was forced around the cock, mingled with the thick dollops of precum that were oozing from the tip of the heavy equine cock.

The forelegs tensed and scrabbled against either side of her hips and the thrusts started to come faster and harder. The powerful haunches slipped forward until she could catch sight of the hind hooves skidding forward as the jack's body shuddered against her. She couldn't stop herself, despite trying to struggle against the foreign urge to move her lips. She parted her mouth and chewed at the air slightly while she drew in harsh gasps before braying them out again. Her walls squeezed down tightly around the dark shaft, caressing and teasing it as he rubbed and pushed in a bit harder. The medial ring nearly forced itself inwards as her cervix bowed slightly before he pulled backwards again.

"EEEE-EEEEEE- AWWWWWWW!" San cried out and started to bray in time with each thrust. She couldn't stop.

The walls drew backward and the moment they slammed forward the humiliating sound burst out of her lips as the pace started to become almost brutal. She wasn't able to catch her breath, wasn't able to think, her body didn't think at all. It reacted to each and every thrust that left her crying out. The tip started to swell open steadily, the edges of the glans spread open wider and wider. Her walls were forced to stretch around him tightly as the urethra jutted outwards and pushed right against the opening to her cervix. She jerked her head up high and her breath came out in a rush as the final driving thrust rocked her forward.

"AWWW-AWWW-EEEEEEEE!!!!" She cried out as the tip flared open to it's widest point and left her gasping for breath.

The jack's teeth left her neck as his body shuddered above her as the cock started to pulse and flex along the silken passage. The first hot wave of cum erupted from the tip in a thick gooey wash that splattered up against her cervix. The donkey went still over her, his sides heaving as his breath came out in hot rough pants. He shifted slightly and rolled forward so the next hot rope of cum smeared itself along her cervix. Her walls contracted and squeezed around him, she pulled and helped draw the cum into herself as she trembled in place. She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a weak noise, a weak parody of a bray as the medial ring nudged right against her opening.

"Heh..good boy.." Elsie murmured and San lifted her trembling head to see the woman patting the panting jack on the shoulder. "Almost a shame you took to him so eagerly, after all... But, we try not to mess with initiations..."

The jenny dropped her head down and let out a soft trembling pant as her walls squeezed again and a final thick splash of cum erupted into her. It stopped with a final thick drool that made her whimper out. San dropped her head down and splayed her ears. Mess with initiations? Oh god, this was all planned. This was how the fraternity had decided she'd be brought into the 'fold', by being changed and raped by a beast!

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Thrown Back: The End

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Learning to Rule

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