Coming of Age

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

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The sound of the wind hitting the windows and flinging itself against the shutters slowly dragged Keishou from his dreams and the warmth of his bed. The high pitched whistling noise was annoying and he flattened himself out and tried to draw his wings over his head so he could ignore them. He wanted nothing to do with the cold winter day was blustering outside and everything to do with his warm nest. The thick gathering of blankets and pillows was far more appealing than the idea of his younger sister rigging him out in his harness to haul firewood for the village. Gryphons weren't meant to be beasts of burden, it was degrading and annoying, and most of all tiring.

"Keishou?" Lillian's soft voice called out to him and he flattened his ear tufts down in an attempt to ignore her.

Out of five eggs, he was the only one that had cracked his shell and stood up on four wobbly legs. He was an anomaly that had doomed him to nervous looks and fearful whispers that there was something not 'right' with him. So what? He was a four legger, it wasn't like that was a crime! His mother was one too and no one looked at her funny, they seemed perfectly happy to think her a lovely being and often commented on the beautiful golden feathers. No Keishou, oh no, if he went to town without his younger sister at his side, he was avoided and ignored. He was shunned and frightened looks followed him. It was as if they were waiting for him to make a snack out of them when all he really wanted to do was get along with his day.

"Keishou!" A finger jabbed his shoulder and the dusky-brown drake heaved a heavy sigh before prying open one bright blue eye.

"It's cold out, do you hear the wind? Let's stay in today." He rumbled out hopefully as the pale white-gold form of his clutch-mate leaned over the edge of his nest.

"They'll need wood even more badly because of the cold weather, Keishou, we can't just ignore our duty." Lillian leaned over the edge the nest and tapped his beak. "I'll get your harness ready, you get up and grab something to heat."

"Fine.." He sighed and flipped his wings back along his sides. "Fine...."

He watched as Lillian went to the main part of their home and pulled down a heavy leather harness that served to hook up to carts and sleighs. His mother had been adamant that he needed to always be more amiable and more willing then any two legger. He needed to show them that he was harmless, he needed to prove that he wasn't going to go on a rampage. It didn't seem fair to him, not in the least little bit. Lillian didn't have to prove anything, even if she was quite pale for a gryphon. Everyone accepted her just fine and even spoke quietly at how kind and sacrificing she was to make sure she kept her brother under control. The rest of their clutchmates had gone off for other territory, only Lillian and he had made their home in an old house on the very outskirts of the town.

The drake stepped out of his nest and gave himself a shake so that all his feathers settled properly along his neck. No, it wasn't fair not at all, but there was nothing he could do about it. He could only hope that Lillian didn't feel so burdened being stuck with him day in and day out. He tilted his head to regard the white-gold hen who watched him settle his feathers and work the kinks out of his back. They'd only left home last year, but she still boasted a few pale grey feathers from being a youngster. He had shed his earlier this year and boast fully adult plumage from the tip of his beak all the way to his dark brown tail feathers. She probably wouldn't get hers until the spring, but she had been the latch of the clutch that had hatched.

"Stop looking so grumpy, Kei." Lillian grinned and flung the harness up and over his back as soon as he dropped his wings down to either side. "You really are in a mood today."

"I'm tired of being a cart horse. I can't even go into town on my own." He complained as her smaller form darted around him and started to tighten the straps over the broadness of his chest. "We should get out of here. We can go to a city and live as we please, without having to work for pennies."

"Your appetite would bankrupt us. We're fine here." She chirped before darting under him to start to tug at the heavy straps and they tightened over his sides.

Keishou drew in a breath and sighed it out unhappily as she worked, but as he did so he froze and cautiously drew in a breath again. A warm scent tinged the air, a strange scent that made him tilt his head and part his beak so he could better draw it in. It was a rich, almost sweet scent, that filtered over his tongue and made his stomach tense up oddly. It wasn't food, it didn't have that salty delicious smell to it, but something that was rich with combined scents that seemed to envelope the entire house. It covered everything and made him twist his head side to side to try and catch it. The thoughts of annoyance at being harnessed up faded away as his pupils pinned down and he let out a soft chirring noise low in his throat. That lovely scent, the warm arousing scent, it was making him feel intoxicated as the thinking part of his mind was rolled under primal ideas that couldn't be expressed in words. What was that lovely scent?!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lillian struggled with the large buckle on the harness and tried to ignore the angry comments of her brother. He was getting restless and angry at the way he was constantly being used to pull heavy loads. She couldn't really blame him, it wasn't his fault that he was stuck working like an animal. It was just a chance of birth that had made him a four legger, it's not like he chose to be born that way. She'd heard the story from their mother when she had first said she'd be staying with him. She'd been pulled aside by the large gryphoness who had tried to explain why Keishou should be encouraged to leave and strike off on his own. Male four leggers weren't like females. They were strange and wild when they hit puberty, often reverting to beasts as they grew older.

The white gold hen flicked her tail tip back and forth and gave her brother's side a pat as she moved up to drape the last of the harness over his haunches. He wasn't becoming feral, if anything, he was enjoying the comforts of civilization more and more as they grew older. The fall had come and gone without a single problem from him. He was mild tempered and sweet. He was her brother. There was no way she was going to try and drive him off into the wild because people believed he would end up going feral and causing problems. Today he was being grumpy, but not angry or violent. He was just upset that he had to go out into the cold with her and haul more logs. She pulled the straps down along his haunches and heard him crooning softly towards her.

"In a better mood?" She grinned up at him to see her brother turning his head towards her. His pupils were almost lost in the bright sapphire of his eyes.

"Mrrrmmm.." His ear tufts flicked upwards and he leaned backwards to nose her side affectionately.

"I knew you'd be fine once you woke up a bit." She moved her hand down to stroke her brother's brown feathers. The down brushed along her finger tips as she worked towards his neck.

Keishou didn't answer, instead he did something entirely unexpected. He gave a sudden push against her side and twisted as swiftly as a cat when his heavy beak shoved hard against her stomach. She wasn't braced so she ended up stumbling backwards and reached out to try and catch ahold of his haunches to keep herself braced. His hips moved out of the way as one large forepaw reached up and pushed down against her belly so she was pinned against the floor. She drew her legs up and pushed up roughly against his chest as his beak jabbed against her. The hot puffing breaths ruffled the bare feathers of her chest as she let out a short laugh and gave his head a shove to get him away from her belly.

"Kei, stop it. We need to get out of here and to work." She laughed, only to have the paw push down harder and the beak ruffled against her chest feathers.

"Rrrmmm... lovely.." The word was thick and dragged out of the half parted beak while he drew in a deep breath. "lovely..."

"Kei?" She heard her voice rise up as her older brother rubbed his beak against her stomach. The rasping tongue dragged out and pushed along her bare feathers in a slow line. That's when she became aware of the fact that he wasn't teasing her or playing. Something dark red gleamed beneath his belly as his tongue dragged towards her belly fur. "KEI?!"

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lillian was making funny noises, but he didn't understand them, his mind seemed to flow towards a place that had nothing to do with duties and familial obligations. That scent! He wanted it. He dragged his tongue lower to explore her and felt her body writhing beneath his forepaw. He flexed his claws in a warning as her voice rose up a bit frantically. Dimly he knew that his sister was calling out his name, but it was like a faint eco that he could barely hear. His tongue pushed down and wedged against the plush smooth fur along her loins where the scent grew stronger and his feathers roused along his neck. The hot sharp scent was air and water, all he needed to survive, it flooded his senses until he spread his haunches apart and gave his hips a deliberate roll.

Clothing had always been optional for their kind, after all, clothes were bothersome when one was flying. He'd never thought about it before, but now he did. He pushed his beak down and shoved her legs apart with a rough push of his beak to try and get at the scent. Her hands shoved against his head, but he was large, so much larger then her. For the first time in his life he felt every last inch of his draft horse sized body and wanted to use it. He ignored her ineffectual pushes as he forced her legs open and ran his tongue between them. The tapered tip curled upwards and dragged along the soft plush mound that lay between them. The scent was sharper here, sharp enough that his loins tightened and he started to push free of his sheath. His tapered tip slipped forward with the barbs rising up around the edges and he crooned towards the hen again.

"KEI!! KEI STOP IT!" Lillian's voice shrieked out and penetrated his mind as his tongue pushed up to find the swollen nub of her clit.

"Rrrmm? Lillian?" The drake lifted his head up and blinked his eyes a few times. The wetness clung to his tongue, the taste of fertile pheromones made him aware of his pounding heart.

"STOP IT!" She shoved hard against his beak and for a moment the fog started to lift.

"I'm sorry.." He lifted his forepaw and tried to think clearly as the white gold hen writhed backwards with her entire body shaking.

_What was I doing?! _ He gave himself a shake as Lillian watched him with wide fearful eyes. He drew in a breath to steady himself, and found out what a mistake it was.

His mind snapped back to the drugged state it had been as he watched her backing away from him. His hen was trying to escape! A feral roll of desire stabbed forward and Keishou launched himself at his sister with a snarl. His forepaw caught against her hip and yanked her backwards so that she couldn't make it towards the door. The taste of her lingered on his tongue like a half remembered spice. He didn't want to think about what she was saying, he didn't want to think about anything except the heat of his loins as the barbed tip of his girth started to edge further and further outwards.

Lillian cried out again as she was shoved back against the ground with her chest against the rough wood. He pushed his beak up and beneath her tail to draw in her scent before forcing it up higher. His slipper tongue pushed outwards and ran along her inner thigh before slipping higher and higher up. He caught right against the soft swell of her mound and forced the folds apart. They were puffy and soft, the slight hint of wetness clung to his tongue tip as a few more inches of his shaft pushed out into the light. The barbs rose up around his tip and a thick syrupy dribble oozed out to splatter onto the floor as he started to explore her. The writhing pushes of her paws against his chest didn't stop him, not even the sounds that were obviously growing more panicked brought him back to himself. Nothing battered except the growing need.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Lillian pushed harder against Keishou's beak, her tail jerked down and flattened over his head, but she couldn't protect herself. The hot rasping tongue was sliding over her folds even as she tried to snap him out of it. His eyes seemed as blank as any beasts as he pushed his tongue forward and tried to force her virginal folds open. She moved her hands out to catch a corner of the table and tried to use it to pull herself forward. A hot puff of air hit against her before the tongue pushed upwards and drags right along the inner folds. She jerked as the warm caress of the tongue curl right against her clit and sent a shudder of forced pleasure through her.

"KEI!! It's me! STOP! It's LILLIAN!" She cried out only to feel the hot slippery tongue push up again. It scooped up a dribble of wetness that was coaxed from her body.

The drake churred and his tongue pushed forward a bit more firmly and spread her soft pale folds apart. The tip of the tongue started to push into her body. The gentle shove spread her passage open and she felt the rasping cat like tongue caressing and plunging deeper. Her claws dug into the table as the touch intruded on her senses and sent a flush of heat running through her body. Her breathing came out faster as she felt tongue swirling inside of her. The gentle touch pushed deeper and deeper until she could feel her own wetness being forced around it. The slow pressure kept building as the tip seemed to slip ever deeper within her. Her beak gaped open and she let out a ragged cry as one of her brother's forepaws gripped her hip and gave a yank backwards.

It was that moment of pleasure that ran through her as the tongue pulled backwards that made her realize what was going on. It wasn't just that her nerves were being stimulated, it was the fact the stimulation was stroking over enflamed parts of her body that reacted to the male. The first touch of her heat had crept up on her, she had never really paid attention to her body, but now she was intimately aware of it. The way her stomach tightened up, the faint tingle that ran along her spine, the inner walls that clutched around the tongue as it drew back. Panic welled up inside of her and she gave a sudden kick backwards against her brother's beak.

"LET.. ME.. GO!" She twisted and spread her wings to give a beat as if he should fly out from beneath him.

The primaries hit against the table and knocked over a chair as one of her brother's forepaws moved up to shove between her shoulder blades. The powerful shove forced her to draw her wings back as the claws curled against her scruff. Her brother's low growl rumbled in her ears as his beak rubbed up against her hips. He wasn't going to do this! She was his sister! He couldn't do this to her! The curling tongue tip flickered against the base of her tail and she twisted her head around wildly. She saw a glimpse of dark red hanging heavy beneath her brother's belly as he looked at her with uncomprehending eyes. He didn't even seem to see her. His attention was on her scent and rubbing his beak against the base of her tail before nipping against it sharply. Her attention remained focused on what she was seeing under his belly.

She'd seen his sheath, she'd even seen his tip in the past, but for the first time in her life she saw all of him. He was a large gryphon in all ways and the girth that was slipping out into the air was more then intimidating, it was terrifying. The barbs were raised up around the slippery looking tip that narrowed down to a point. The smooth glossy shaft grew larger and larger as it reached down towards the base. The dark red looked slimy in the faint light of their home, while the base bulged with the obscene looking knot. The edge of his sheath rolled down over it so that every last inch was pulsing and throbbing eagerly in the light. She caught the faint scent of raw male musk on the air, and, horribly, her body reacted to it strongly enough that she could feel her body contracting about nothing.

The moment of distraction as she gaped at him was enough for Keishou. He caught the base of her tail and yanked her upwards so that her foot paws scrabbled to hold herself. She didn't even think about it, it was automatic to keep her feet beneath her, but that's what he'd been waiting for. Her brother let out a wild chirruping sound and suddenly flapped his wings hard enough that she heard things being knocked to the ground from their shelves. His weight slipped over her and his forepaws curled beneath her belly so she was free to raise her upper body. The claws caressed right along the smooth fur of her lower belly as she was yanked backwards against him and something heavy and hot pushed up along her rump cheeks.

"Kei.. please.. don't..." She got the words out to her brother, the hen trembling as she writhed in his grip. "I'm your sister! Please.. just hear me!"

Her brother reached down and gripped the scruff of her neck before giving a rough tug and growl. He wasn't acting like gentle Keishou, he wasn't acting like anything but a mindless animal caught in the need of the moment. His haunches spread open around her slender hips and something heavy and hot pushed up along her ass cheeks. A thick viscous dribble of cum oozed out of the tip and splashed downwards along the curve of her cleft messily. His breath was hot and heavy against her as the hips rolled forward and dragged backwards so she felt the barbs catch against her tail base. She struggled forward wildly and dropped her hips, but the grip of the foreclaws kept them forcibly up and presenting to him.

The tapered tip dragged downwards and traced right along her silken pucker as it lowered. Her feathers flattened down along her head while she let out a low growl in her throat. If he wouldn't listen to her words, maybe he would listen to her if she sounded like a feral hen. The hope was in vain, the hips rolled and jabbed shortly so the boned girth pushed roughly against her. The wetness smeared downwards inch by slow inch until the barbs caught right along the softness of her outer lips. Her stomach tensed up slightly just as the shaft started to plunge into her body. Her smooth inner passage spread wider and wider as she jerked forward in an attempt to escape her brother. The next thick dribble of precum oozed into her passage as the grip on her scruff tugged her head up a bit higher.

His haunches spread open wider and wider, wrapping around her hips as inch by heavy inch strained her open. She tensed up and gave another jerk forward as Keishou suddenly bucked forward hard enough that he plunged inwards. Her own wetness was forced out around his red shaft as his tip pressed in deep enough that her muscles started to clamp down tightly around him. She squeezed and clutched greedily while the oozing precum spilled deeper inside of her. His weight pressed down against her to keep her in place before he pulled backwards. The slow drag backwards flared the barbs to life and made her let out a rough high pitched squeal as they tugged along her heat swollen passage and pulled all the back until the tapered tip suddenly popped free with a lewd wet noise.

The gripping paws kept her from being able to drop her hips down to escape him, instead she felt some of her own forced arousal and slippery precum oozing from between her violated folds before he pushed forward again. The barbs smoothed down as the tapered tip plunged deep into her body and forced her body to stretch wider and wider. She writhed and twisted in his grip as she was stretched open. It was too much, there was no way she could take all of him, but still he kept driving inwards and forcing him to wrap around her. Her hips were forced up higher in the air as he nipped up along her neck and then down towards her shoulder. The great beak finally opened up to grip the curve of her shoulder as she gasped out.

"Kei..please.. it's.. nnf.. me.." She panted the words out, but her brother didn't seem to hear her, he didn't seem to be anything more than a beast in rut.

His hips gave a short bucking push forward and the cock drove inwards until it wedged right up against her cervix and bowed the spongy barrier inwards. The base of his shaft rubbed along her outer lips and forced them to stretch slightly in an attempt to wrap around the knot. Before she had a chance to brace herself, he yanked backwards and the barbs dragged through her and caught along her silken passage. Her inner walls clamped down instinctively and helped dig the barbs in deeper. The drooling precum spilled into her as she squeezed her eyes shut and arched her back. No matter that she wanted to writhe free of her brothers grip, those barbs stimulated her body the way they were designed to. They made her stomach cramp with need before the cock plunged back into her body with a firm short buck that forced her rump cheeks up into the air.

The knot pushed upwards right against her outer lips and started to try and spread them apart as the tip hammered up against her cervix. Her claws scored against the wood as he almost immediately pulled backwards again. The thrusts started to build up slowly, forcing her body to stretch around him with each thrust as he claimed her. Her inner walls clutched and squeezed tightly around the girth as she felt every barb, ever vein, every bump of her brothers cock. It didn't matter that she didn't want him, her body reacted by growing slicker and caressing around him. It knew what heat was and how to cool it. At the apex of each thrust she cried out to feel the tip grinding right up against her cervix while the knot pushed against her puffy folds, nearly forcing them in on themselves. The draw backs raked her body with the barbs that made a rush of electric heat run through her.

The powerful haunches of her brother, toned from working in the harness since he'd been big enough to haul the cart, slammed against her time and time again. The tip dug and pushed against her cervix as she tries to pull away. She writhed and bucked against the powerful slamming hips that sent the heavy swollen orbs clapping up between her legs. Her feathers flattened down as she felt the thrust shortening so that she was barely able to catch her breath as the hammering against her cervix and the rake of the barbs pushed her towards the edge. Her brother's sharp growls grew in volume, rumbling and spiking up as he wedged and forced his tip up against her cervix with no attempt to ease his way inwards. He forced her lips open wider and wider as the barbs began to raise up around the tip of his cock.

They caught right along the snug opening of her cervix as he pushed himself inwards and she screeched out in protest as the overly large knot stretched her swollen lips open wider and wider. His hips tucked down closer to her as he continued to push his way inwards. Steadily forcing her body to yawn open with the tip sinking deeper and deeper. Her breath caught in her throat as the claws curled against her furred belly and yanked her backwards. The knot sank into her, nearly tearing her open, as the tip plunged into the vulnerable opening of her cervix. A hot thick glob of precum was flung out of the tip and splattered into her womb as the knot wedged her open. The sheath rubbed against her lips as she tightened around his base and her muscles clamped around him instinctively. The harsh scent of the male above her spiked as his hips hammered in short thrusts that never pulled his knot free. He just rubbed and pulled through her fertile body in a blind rush of need that gave her no chance of escaping.

With each pulse of his cock the knot started to swell open wider and wider. Her flesh was drawn taut around him as the tip jutted forward and his beak left her shoulder. Lillian cried out in denial as the heavy orbs pulled up and brushed along her legs and the tip suddenly flexed inside of her. The barbs locked inside of her cervix as the first thick rush of cum bubbled up from the tip and flung out into her unprotected fertile womb. Her walls clutched and started to suckle around him, squeezing and pulling from the base all the way towards the tip as the thick heavy ropes splattered into her in a gooey rush of sperm-rich seed that plunged ever deeper. The knot felt as if it were tearing her in two, but she only splayed her legs open wider as the rolling hips pushed and rubbed through her forcing the hot thick semen ever deeper.

Keishou's wild screech broke through her fear and she whimpered as the felt the next jet splatter deeper and start to overfill her. He was filling her as if she were the same size as he was. The heavy thick ropes that overwhelmed her body worked to swell her womb open wider and wider as each thick splatter forced her to belly to strain open. She squirmed and twisted wildly, but he nipped the back of her neck with a warning growl so she was forced to hold still. The throbbing of the heavy shaft continued and the next splatter made her let out a harsh noise as the warm thick seed forced her belly to strain wider. The furred flesh growing taut over the virile load. Already the ova the rough mating at forced her to release were being overcome by the rush of wriggling sperm, her own brother's seed working to make her swell.

Ever so slowly the forepaws released her belly and the hips sank down so she could be lowered to the ground. Her brother's glazed eyes peered down at her as she trembled and dug her fingers against the floor. She tried to pull forward and stopped with a whimpering cry as the knot tugged along her passage and stopped her. She couldn't leave, she couldn't escape from him until he was done with her.

"Rrr... Lillian?" Keishou's voice was thick and she twisted her head up to see him blinking at her. "Mine... " The last word rolled out of his throat in a low possessive growl that didn't sound like her brother at all.

He didn't look as if he were truly looking at her, he looked almost drugged as his cock pulsed and another thick heavy splatter of cum oozed into her swollen belly. The whispers in the town, their mother's insistence that he would be better if he would be allowed to leave home and go off on his own. Males were different when they were four legged. Oh god and now she knew how different they were. The feral male ground his hips forward and pressed down over her so she was pinned beneath his weight as he continued to flood her. Did he even realize that it was his sister he was breeding? Would he ever remember who he was?

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