
Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The manor house were echoing with laughter that spilled up the stairs as the rough roaring voices of the young heir to the estate and his friends announced the return from the hunt. Even the well built walls couldn't do more than partially mute the voices as they stormed into the game room with their boots covered in mud and red faced from the cold late winter air. They paid little heed to the cold winds that whipped through the open door and started to make the gas lamps flicker die down by the sharp breeze. They brought with them the scent of horses and, worse, the scent of fresh spilled blood as they carelessly threw the pheasant carcass' onto a table as the heir to the estate, Darrell, bellowed for a servant to come and fetch them so that they could be cooked up for dinner. And Yarin watched it all with narrowed unhappy eyes as he perched on his favorite seat off the game room with a book spread out in his lap.

"What's this, the little book worm is still reading?" One of his step-brother's friends called out merrily and shoved his head through the open door. "Darrell, your brother is in here."

"Step brother." The tall fair haired lad gave a dismissive glimpse into the room. "And that's not surprising. He'll stay there all winter so as not to take chill and frighten his poor mother."

"Better to relax and culture myself then behave as a great roaring buffoon." Yarin snapped out as the remark needled him into reacting.

"Oh yes, better to turn pale and hunched back reading books about knights and dragons." Darrell snorted and gave his head a shake before pulling back. "Mark my words, he'll not last long in my father's house. Just the other day the old man was commenting about the way-"

The group pulled away, just far enough that Yarin was able to keep himself from listening to what they said by coughing into his hand. His cheeks were flushed a dark red with anger and humiliation at their comments, though they had been tame considering other times that they had mocked him for his scholarly habits. At least this time they hadn't made snide comments about who he was bedding and why. At least this time he wasn't being forced to defend his sexual preference just because he held their tutor in high regard and spent time learning from him. Darrell always enjoyed the way he'd get upset and flustered, especially if his mother wasn't around to hold the young man in check. It made him want to break something, it made him want to take that damned smug face and slam it into a door. The violent thought made him draw in a deep shuddering breath as his mother had taught him. He was not a Von Untzen, he was a Lufftwager, of a family so old that they could trace their roots back to the wild Germanic tribes themselves.

His mother had always been calm and firm when teaching him that his blood carried the blood of princes and emperors while Darrell was the son of a newly made noble who barely had a right to call himself a lord. If it weren't for Napoleon and the great wars then the mans family would have still been tending inns in some backwater town. No, he wasn't made of common blood and only the commoners allowed themselves to be ruled by their temper. He would maintain his position of being noble while he watched his step brother mock him, because one day he would be the one in a position of power. At least, that's what his mother had always told him. He had no doubt that eventually the older boy believed that he would inherit, but that's not what his mother and he had planned. Not at all.

Arianna, his mother, was still young of face and lovely looking even as she edged towards her forth decade. She had a soothing soft voice and when she sang the birds themselves went silent in reverence for the beauty that rose up. There was little question on why the newly made Lord had snagged her up the moment that he'd seen her. After all, his former marriage had been one of convenience to allow himself to claim a title that he otherwise would have had no chance at. His mother had seduced and wooed him with a firm capable hand that left her son in awe of the way that she was able to control him with the softest words. He had been brought to live here nearly five years ago and in all that time he had only grown to despise his step brother more and more. Only his mother's words kept him in control. Only her promise that he would one day inherit this land and regain the wealth that they had once had.

Yarin twitched his lips upwards in a slightly bitter smile before looking back down at the book that was propped open in his lap. He traced the words with one finger tip and sighed out. In these books were a hundred fairy tales that were spun sweetly about people who had been wronged and persecuted, who rose up and claimed their rightful place. Sometimes he entertained the thoughts that his was such a story. The poverty that his mother had been forced to live in, the way that his family had been brought low by a series of events that had been brought about by the blackest superstition. One day it wouldn't be this way. He just had to be patient. He just had to keep his eyes on the goals his mother had set for him. Soon he would turn sixteen and on that day, he would change his entire family's fate. It would be a pleasure to throw his step brother down low for all the pain he had caused.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Father, why do I have to be the one to take care of this mess?" Darrell gestured at the pile of papers that were spread over the desk in a haphazard manner. "Surely you don't have to go to the damned Colonies so late in the season!"

"Don't be absurd." His father frowned so that the bushy eyebrows were pulled together. "They're setting themselves up to have quite a little country over there. A man with vision could extend his holdings if I were to go and show my support early on. That means I have little time to waste if I want to be one of the first to become acquainted with the new government. View this as a chance to prove you are willing and able to handle my estate once I'm gone from this world. Remember, you aren't the only son I have now."

Two weeks ago those words had changed Darrell's plush care free lifestyle into a boring affair that was situated with piles of papers that tracked over the various dealings that his father had put into order over the past few months and needed to be brought up to date. The records that tracked the horses that had been bought, bred and trained on their stables for the up and coming auction. His father was a meticulous man when it came to records, but he wasn't always organized so he found himself snarling in frustration as he tried to make sense of the pile of papers that were spread over the desk in stacks that divided mare from stallion from gelding and then situated into age groups. He barely had time to go and ride his own little mare, let alone actually have fun and see his friends. All because of the veiled threat his father gave him concerning his step brother.

The same threat that he had been living under ever since the man had married the damned woman. Yarin was always hinted at being the one that would take over if he kept up his wild ways and it chafed at him as much as the damn book loving deviant annoyed him. His father had married the woman because he claimed to love them, but it was obvious that there was more to it than that. He was using the woman's son as a knife to his real son's throat. He wanted nothing more then to dismiss the threat as foolish and go about his life, but he didn't dare. There was too much money at stake, not to mention the lands, to dare to press his free will until the old man was dead. Until then, he'd suck it up and deal, just as he dealt with the damned pervert that he had to call his brother.

Arianna was a nice enough woman, lovely and sweet voiced and someone that was easy on the eyes even if he was supposed to call her mother. Her son was a deviant in the making. There was something not right with that young man. It grated on him to have the slender effeminate looking boy in the house with him. He never tried to ride or enjoyed hunting or any of the more interesting hobbies he and his friends undertook. He couldn't even be invited to watch a race, he'd simply decline talking about the weather and noise that upset him. There was no chance of coaxing him out to the town either, the very idea of taking him drinking at the local pub or gamboling were laughable. He preferred to spend his time reading and locked inside the house, which only made it worse for Darrell to have his friends notice that this damned person was his 'brother'.

Darrell had suspicions that his closeted nature was hiding something far worse then poor health. He showed all the signs of a boy who would never have anything to do with women. The way he tended himself and kept himself clean and well dressed, the way that he ignored anything that was remotely masculine. The way that he kept to his books and hung around their old tutor. The very idea that his father was willing to disinherit him in favor of a sodomite was laughable! He toyed with the idea of setting the boy up. It would be easy enough to find a lad in town who serviced those types and given the way that Yarin kept to the house, he rather doubted that the lad would be able to resist a piece of ass. Once his father found out that the boy was lifting his ass to men in town then that would put the issue to rest permanently.

The young man stretched his legs out with a groan and arched his back far enough that it cracked so he could let out a sigh of relief. He blinked at the wavering firelight and moved a hand up to rub right along the bridge of his nose. He needed to do something and soon. He couldn't keep spending his youth behind a desk going crosseyed reading his father's crabbed hand writing. All he had to do was prove that Yarin was a sodomite and then he could put things to rest once and for all. There would be no more threats of removing him from succession, no more hints that the other boy would make a better heir. He would have complete control of the fortune and family, all he had to do was remove Yarin entirely. The though made his lips quirk up in a smile as he turned back to the papers sprawled out in front of him.

His step-brother was turning sixteen tomorrow. Arianna had taken pains to invite some of her relatives to the estate for the event so he couldn't risk doing anything yet. But afterwards, afterwards the little sodomite would be shown his place in life. And his father would learn what sort of 'son' he had been putting his faith in.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The evening was rich with the sounds of music that spilled out of the ballroom and made Yarin smile to himself as he tugged at his loose blouse and the vest. The gold watch that his mother had bought for him was tucked into a pocket with the chain looped up to a pin clipped just beneath the buttons. It was a lovely piece and was intricately carved with his family crest to remind him where he came from. The music was one of the fresh new concertos that were coming out of Berlin lately and made him half close his eyes at the beautiful sound. His birthday was all that he wanted and more. He was surrounded by his family on his mother's side and they greeted him with open arms and praise for how well he had grown. They told him how well spoken he was, how lovely his manners were and how much he looked like his mother. For the first time in a long while he felt happy as he listened to the music that the band was playing.

He was sixteen now. For the first time in his life he looked out at the world and saw a faint overlay of green, red and blue lines that appeared in the corner of his eyes. Tendrils of magic that he could reach out and touch if he so willed it. Or at least, he would be able to one day. His mother had been training him since he was young about the art of magic, but he still wasn't trained. Or even nearly trained. He had never felt the rush of it coursing through his veins and he didn't know what would happen when he felt it being unleashed from his hands to strike through the world. It made a shiver run down his spine as he thought about what it would be like. What it would feel like. He had heard his aunt wax poetic about it and his cousin Anna had been eager to share her own turning at sixteen and how it had felt. They were far removed from the days that people screamed witch and demon, they were no longer in a world where people would execute them.

"Bow your head before their Christ and keep a clean nose and no one shall ever accuse you." His cousin had laughed and spoken knowledgably from the ripe age of twenty four. "Wait and you'll see, its like nothing else in the world."

It made him wonder what it had been like before they had given up so much of their power. Or rather, what it had been like before they had had their power taken from them. The stories were so different about how it had happened. His mother said it was a lack of faith in those that they tried to work magic on, but there were other stories of one of their ancestors trying to cast away their power as a curse. Whatever the reason, they could no longer use their magic to summon up gold and riches. They could no longer make an idle wish into truth with just a whispered word on the night wind. But they still had power, they still knew how to use it. They could still cause changes to happen throughout the world as long as they used their power wisely.

Yarin tilted his head up and drew in a breath as he closed his eyes and listened to the music his mother had thought might please him best. He saw the flashes of tendrils in his minds eye while he slowly let his head sway back and forth. The music and the magic, it was so lovely. It was truly a perfect evening and better than he had ever imagined. Everything was going so well it made it hard for him not to near dance for the sheer joy of living.

"Happy birthday, brother dear." A drawling voice shattered the moment and Darrell swung down from the stairs to the spot just off the main entry he had settled down in.

"Thank you." Yarin answered coldly and gave the older boy a long look. "You can go back upstairs or out with your friends. If you like."

"And miss your party?" The older boy widened his dark brown eyes and gave his head a shake, "Perish the thought!! I couldn't possibly have you languishing here without your brother in firm support."

"I was doing just fine before you arrived." Yarin stood up and tugged the edge of his vest fussily. "There is no wine here, no hunts, only mother's family and the music that I care for."

Darrell paused at the foot of the steps and his smile stretched a bit wider before he swung about with his eyes bright. Yarin struggled against the urge to lash out at him, he wanted nothing more then to send the other boy out of the place so he could go back to enjoying to music. His step-brother walked forward with a slight strut to his walk as he came close enough to flick a finger out to touch the golden chain that had been lovingly given to him. He jerked backwards and moved a hand to protect as he glared up into his rough step-brother's eyes.

"Leave me alone. There's no reason for you to be here! Go hunting, go to the pub, go do something, but whatever it is, make sure it isn't here!" He snapped as he caught the faintest scent of brandy on Darrell's breath.

"What? And not enjoy your party?" The older boy's eyes narrowed. "Or are you waiting for your lover, brother dear. Are you waiting for some dashing gentleman to come in here so he can tear your clothes from you?"

"I.. th-that's disgusting!" Yarin's face flushed a hot red at the familiar taunt. "I have no interest in men, and well you know! Go back to your whoring and spending your father's money!"

"Oh well enough, I'm sure that you can barely wait to play mare to whatever likely stallion will trot through that door. Tell me, is that why you sit so often? To keep the mess from leaking down your legs?" Darrell drawled the hurtful words out that made Yarin ball his fists up before snarling angrily. He fought not to lunge forward.

"I will see you take those words back, on my oath, my honor will be satisfied!" Yarin snapped the words out loudly enough that he heard a break in the conversation from the next room. Darrell took a step back and snarled as he realized that he'd given way.

"Enjoy your night, little mare!" Darrell snapped out and turned to storm towards the step. Yarin trembled with rage and anger, barely able to see past the haze of red that covered his vision as he trembled in place.

"Yarin, my dear?" His mother's voice was hesitant as he balled his fingers up into fists and fought to count to ten in French as his tutor had taught him.

"I know what I want for my birthday, Mother. I want to make him pay for what he said to me. What he's always said about me." Yarin spoke softly, almost calmly as he glared up the stairs. "You said he might have an accident hunting and I would rule here, but no, I think it will be something else. I think he needs to be put in his place and be allowed to live."

"Oh Yarin, I always knew you were one of us." His older cousin Anna chuckled in a voice that was more than half purr. The boy wasn't listening to any of them. He was concentrating on the rage that was building inside of him. Darrell would pay more dearly then with his life. "Please let me go and fetch him, Aunt Arianna, I'd love to be a part of this."

"Yes, fetch him and bring him to the stable." Yarin spoke before his mother could, the idea already blossoming in his mind.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Come on! Come on now!" The bright eyed red haired lass called out to Darrell as he stumbled out of the back of the house and past the sound of the musicians that continued to play. "Stop being so slow."

"I'd be faster if you gave me a reason to be swift." The young man growled playfully and lunged as the spritely looking girl.

His anger and annoyance at his step brother and their argument had melted away the moment he'd heard a light tapping on his door and opened it up to see a slight looking young woman who introduced herself as Anna. She had seen him briefly and had grown bored of the party downstairs and was intrigued about her cousin's 'older brother'. She had such bright eyes and a seductive smile, it hadn't taken much to agree to slip out of the main house together. The slightly deviant idea of bedding Yarin's cousin appealed to him, especially after the argument. Perhaps he might make a point of flaunting it before his step brother to make sure that the pest understood his part in this family. The idea had appealed even more to him as her body had brushed against his briefly and she whispered that they should go to the stables together.

She danced ahead of him beneath the moon and he stumbled after her with his shirt already half undone. They went down the gravel pathway and past the smaller stable that was meant for foaling mares, instead she led him towards the indoor riding ring that his father had built for him so he could work his horses out in inclement weather. He caught up with Anna just long enough to catch her hip and pull her back against him. She smelled of lilacs and something else, something like vanilla or perhaps something spicier. She laughed and pushed against his chest as he ran his lips right along the line of her neck teasingly. Perhaps this night wasn't going to be so bad after all, he could bend her over and take her before going back to the party and casually mention it to his step brother just to see the look on his face.

"Stop that, someone will see." Anna laughed and darted forward, but he caught her arm so she couldn't go far. "Come on, let's go in here."

"I suppose so..but I wouldn't mind you beneath the moonlight either.." He let her pull him through the partially open doors to the indoor ring.

"I just bet you wouldn't..." Anna purred playfully as she stepped backwards into the ring one slow step at a time. "Come on, let's see you without those clothes."

"Why don't you strip me, lovely?" He teased right back, but his hands moved up to the collar of his blouse and gave it a tug so the material loosened around his throat. "Or are you a shy maiden."

"I like seeing things revealed slowly." The girl purred playfully as she stepped backwards again and started to disappear into the darkness of the riding ring.

Darrell let out a throaty laugh and gave a tug on the buttons down further on his shirt. He spread the material open and let it fall down to either side of his body as he shrugged out of the material. The air was a bit chill as it caressed his pale white chest and trailed down along the line of his belly. A shiver ran through him and he saw Anna in the darkness, it looked as if she was leaning forward to watch him. A smile pulled at the edges of his lips and he ran his fingers down along the fine hair that trailed down along the curve of his belly. He teased around it lightly before using his thumbs to hook just beneath the line of his pants. He stepped backwards until he the light of the moon spilled over him so he could give her a good show, it would be worth it to see her so aroused just by the sight of his body.

He slowly peeled his pants down an inch at a time so that he revealed the fuzz of his pubic hair and wiggled it a bit lower until he gave her a long look and slipped his pants down low enough that the soft swell of his girth spilled out. It brushed right above his hefty orbs and bumped back and forth as he wiggled the tight pants lower and lower along his legs. He had to bend to do it, but he contorted himself just enough that she wouldn't lose the sight of what he had to offer her. He wasn't frighteningly large, but he was quite hefty looking even when he was soft. He dropped his hands down to help peel his feet out of his pants and suddenly the world erupted in light around him. The darkness disappeared as gas lamps flared higher and made him squint.

"Not a bad show, my dear, but you really should take more time about it." A warm female voice came from behind him before a hand clapped down and caught right against his ass cheeks. Laughter rippled through the riding ring as he yelped and straightened up.

"What the bloody hell is going on?!" He snapped out and snatched up his shirt to cover himself. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light in the room.

"What's going on?" Long fingers trailed up his bare ass and the woman walked in front of him. "I think you should know that you've been tricked, I'd assumed even a 'brilliant' mind such as yourself would realize that."

His eyes adjusted to the light and he gaped at his step mother who moved in front of him. She was dressed in a lavish ball gown that hugged her body and accentuated the curves of her hips and the swell of her breasts. She had her gloves tucked neatly over one arm as she ran her bare fingers around his chest lightly. Arriana's smile was almost lazy, like a cat looking at a fat juicy mouse. Darrell stumbled backwards a few paces, but the doors slammed shut behind him and he realized that there were other people in the room. Anna was still there with her eyes bright and avid as she watched him, but also what looked like half a dozen people from the party still in their best clothing. And, Yarin, who stood leaning back against one of the mirrors and watching him with angry eyes.

"This is your fault! What little lies has he been feeding you, step-mother? That I would not attend his party when he all but threw me out for attempting to join?" Darrell put a hint of disdain in his voice as he carefully crouched down to try and grab his clothing.

"Put that down, boy, you'll have no need of it tonight." Arriana struck out with her cloves and caught him right on the hand so the pants dropped back down. "Nor this."

His shirt was snagged out of his lifeless fingers as he let out a wordless cry of protest. He dropped his hands to cup over his own nudity as a flush of shame rose up to his cheeks and he glared over at his step brother again. Yarin looked entirely too smug from his spot against the wall, his eyes were bright and eager, his lips curved up in a smile and his entire posture one of relaxation. The rest of the party goers were looking on as if it were a fine joke played on him. He bristled in anger and took a step forward towards the person that had caused all this.

"This shall be Yarin's induction into the truth of our family. He has asked to be allowed to spare his step-brother's life." Arriana moved past him and gave him a cold look. "He is ill mannered, distasteful, rude and greedy. He has no makings of a noble in his blood, only the rough crudeness of his father."

"Now just hold on a minute here!" Darrell lunged forward and moved his hands away from his naked length. "You will not speak of me nor my father that way!"

"STILL!" Arriana snapped out and Darrell froze in the act of trying to grab her. His mouth was still partially open, though he could do nothing to make it move. "As I was saying, Yarin would have him be allowed to live rather then die in the hunt as I had planned. As it is his sixteenth birthday he is within his rights to ask for such a wish. He has another fate in mind. My son?"

"Thank you, Mother." Yarin gave an almost nervous smile before stepping away from the mirror. "I don't want him to die."

"Merciful of him." An older gentleman sounded as if he approved. "Quite merciful, about time our bloodline lost some of that bloodthirstiness."

Darrell had no idea what was going on, they spoke and compliment Yarin on his choice as he struggled to get past the unseen bonds that held him still. It wouldn't have been so bad if he had been clothed, but he was nude and Anna was still watching him. Her small pink tongue poked out from between her lips as she looked as if she were enjoying the sight of him helpless and nude. Darrell felt a hot rush of humiliation at being unable to even tell her to look away, his voice refused to work. It didn't stir or groan, it was as frozen as the rest of him. He was so distracted by the girl staring at him that he didn't even notice his step brother coming over to him. The youthful face looked nervous and eager all at once.

_Oh god, the little sodomite is going to have me as a lover! _ The thought sickened Darrell as he noticed the flushed features as one of the teenagers hands moved to touch beneath the line of his jaw.

"You said that I was playing mare to some stallion. You mocked me even when I denied it." Yarin spoke softly, but his voice trembled slightly. "Mother has planned this from the start, she's wanted to take back what we once had and for that she would have killed you. I think that there had been enough death, but you still can't be here. So I'm going to have my revenge on you. I will make you the mare that you called me."

Fear and disgust warred with each other as the teenager leaned in closer and he could nearly feel the line of the slender body slip against him. He was not going to be sodomized in this place by his step brother! He twisted and jerked in anger, but he couldn't break free of the bonds. He heard his step mother say something about concentrating, but it didn't matter. He wanted out of here and away from this freakish family. Yarin's fingers curled against either side of his jaw and gave a slight tug before he spoke out softly.

"A mare, a mare, a mare.." The words chanted out softly as the touch rubbed downwards towards his neck. "You are a mare, a mare, a mare."

"STOP!" Darrell's throat finally worked as he felt a wave rushing through him and he stumbled down towards the ground with a ragged groan of pain. He tried to curl forward, but couldn't managed to do more than huddle around his nudity.

"Yes, a mare.." Anna spoke from behind him. "A shame though, he's rather adorable as a boy. Isn't he, Father?"

"Hush, girl, this is your cousins moment." The words weren't panicked or upset or questioning. They were matter of fact as bonds twisted over Darrell's body.

"Stop.. STOPPEEEEEEHEEEHEEHEEEEE!" The whinny spilled past his lips as he tried to speak and he snapped his eyes open wide at the animalistic sound.

He moved his hands up and tried to cover his mouth, but the moment his fingers touched his lips he found that something was wrong. There was an electric spark that stung his fingers tips and made them drop down against the ground as he heard his step-brother continuing to murmur something about a mare. It was growing harder to pay attention and listen past the rolling sensation of his own mind and the pounding of his heart. There was fire pouring through his veins as he drew himself up and pulled his knees beneath him. His hands dropped down into the saw dust covered ring as another tremor rocked through him and he arched his back upwards. It was tearing through him until he forced another cry past his lips and something began to happen.

The shock that had brushed his lips spread he they started to thicken and grow heavier. They drooped downwards as he tried to control them, but they refused his bodies commands to move them and purse them. They spread wider to either side of his cheeks and blew out a hot rough sound. He dug his fingers against the ground, but they started to feel the burn as well. At least, they started to burn, and where the heat grew it left behind a spill of numbness that ran down along the edge of his knuckles. He jerked backwards and nearly dropped back into the wood chips as he watched his nails start to darken and thicken upwards. It was terrifying to see the way the pink of his fingers disappear and the bones started to hurt as they were pulled backwards. His breath came out a whimpering groan as a hand brushed down along his back.

His step-brother crouched next to him and stroked along his back until the fingers brushed all the way up to the base of his neck. The fingers ruffled against his hair as his lips started to grow looser and he parted his mouth in a ragged cry. His teeth grew larger, but they didn't jut from his mouth, the thick lips covered them and his jaw started to elongate. The push outwards made it ache to the point that he could barely think as it throbbed in time with his heart beat. His nose started to spread open wider as a muzzle formed where his mouth once was. He squealed out raggedly and jerked his head up and Yarin suddenly jerked his hair hard enough that his head was forced up towards the sky. His nostrils flared open wide and he tried to kneel up, but his body was starting to change. He was becoming something else, something impossible.

The thick nails spread over his fingers and spread over the edges until he could barely curl them downwards. The bones were thickening and shortening while he reeled on his knees and his eyes snapped open wide. People were watching him and grinning as if it were all one big joke at his expense. His eyes nearly crossed as he watched a spill of pale white spreading along the bridge of his changing muzzle and smooth hair began to spill over him. It rushed upwards and trailed along the edges of his jaws out of sight. Darrell tried to move a hand up to touch his changing muzzle, but the moment his hand came up he squealed out he smacked himself on the muzzle. It hit hard enough that he saw stars and he would have fallen back, but his step-brother kept him standing up by clutching against his hair. He was left staring at a pale tan hoof and snowy white fur that was rushing upwards along his forearms.

A hoof! A HORSE hoof!!! He tried to twist and squirm against the grip against his hair as the bones grew heavier along his arms and things started to shift about. He could feel the joints popping and the skin straining as he started to grow. He couldn't keep himself from crying out, but the sounds came out in a high pitched equine squeal that burst free of his throat and tore through the ring. It grew louder as his belly started and chest started to barrel outwards and swell. The grip on his hair yanked him suddenly so that he lost his balance and nearly fell against Yarin. His useless arms paddled against the air and the hooves kicked up showers of wood chips up into the air. His chest was growing heavier and his breathing was rough as his nostrils flared open wide and his tongue began to thicken in the thick equine muzzle.

"Anna, you wanted to play with him?" Yarin's voice was a bit rough and Darrell jerked his weighty head up. His hair started to itch and tingle as it started to grow and a long spill of hair fell down right between his eyes and towards his muzzle.

"Oh yes, yes I did." The girl's voice was high pitched and laughing as he twisted about on the ground and opened up one eye. He didn't want anything to do with any of these people!!! They were doing something to him.

"STAAAHHEEEEEHEEEHEEEEEEEEEPPP!" He whinnied out the words while the sound as much as he could, but it came out mangled in a horse like noise.

"Didn't you want to play with me?" Anna came in against his side and she seemed smaller. He was changing, he was growing. He could feel his ribs spreading as he lay helpless on the ground.

The fur was spilling over him and Anna came in close as he heard her father say something in a rough amused tone. The man didn't even sound as if he were all that angry. The girl dropped down next to his writhing side as he felt his body aching and shifting. His legs were starting to throb as the bones began to thicken and the muscles shifted into something different. His skin felt feverishly hot while one of the hands moved to caressed right around the edges of his bottom leg and caught against the ankle. The sudden yank overset him and Yarin tugged roughly right against the thick mane that was spilling down along the line of her neck. The edges curled along the edges of his shoulder while he let out a ragged groaning cry as he was forced onto his stomach. It was awkward as his haunches kicked out at the feel of the fingers slipping down to cup against his balls.

The fingers caressed upwards lightly and he arched despite himself. Wasn't this bad enough? They were changing him into some sort of horse creature! They were watching him being transformed and humiliated and now gentle fingers moved to caress along his shaft. Her fingers wrapped right around his tip and he felt a tingle spilling around the tip that made him groan out roughly. His breathing came out in hot short gasps as he tried to control himself, but he could barely stop his body from reacting. His mind was fogged over with the changes so the touch of the fingers that swirled right around the very tip of his cock made him let out a short whimper. He rubbed his head against the wood chips and shuddered as Anna began to trail her fingers right around his tip. The trail downwards started to massage right down towards the base while the finger tips tickled slowly in circles around his cock tip.

He trembled a bit and felt his knees changing as his feet slowly started to shift and the toes started to alternately burn and begin to numb. He tried to spread his toes open wide in a desperate attempt to stop the nails from thickening again. It was a losing battle, the numbness spread upwards even as he started to feel the fingers caressing along his swelling girth. Anna's palm cupped upwards and pulled upwards before dragging back down again. The ooze of precum spilled over the tip as he hissed out and flattened his changing ears. The feel of the finger tips helped build up the need within him, rousing nerves that seemed far more sensitive then they'd ever been before. The other hand moved to cup right up along the swell of his balls.

"Well he's certainly no stallion." Anna laughed softly as the finger tips rolled behind his orbs lightly. "You're doing lovely work, Yarin, that's the way. Make him into the mare he called you."

MARE?! The thought sent a rush of terror through him and he lunged upwards with a squeal as her fingers squeezed around the tip and pulled downwards. The gentle touch made his body tremble as he twisted his lengthening neck to peer down between his thighs. His entire body had changed, it was a heavy white form that looked exactly like a well bred horse. Even as he thought it he watched a white appendage start to push outwards from the apex of his tail. It pushed outwards as long silken hairs spilled out from the edges, but his attention jerked down to where Anna was crouched along his haunches. She grinned up at him while her fingers teased right around the very tip that dribbled viscous precum that clung to the tips of the fingers. The girth pulsed right along the curve of his belly as he tried to lunge forward into the touch.

But his eyes weren't quite on his cock, he was on the hand that was easily wrapped entirely around his girth despite the fact it was a small slender hand. He wasn't huge, but he was bigger then that! The fingers pumped up and down lightly as he whimpered and pushed helplessly into the touch. Before his eyes, he could see the way his cock was drawing backwards and growing more slender. Anna's fingers gathered up the slippery precum on her finger tips as it started to draw backwards and he caught a glimpse of his orbs being pulled up into the body. The pressure was building, no matter how he struggled to deny it. He whickered out wildly, but his step-brother yanked his mane back so his head was forced back up into the air.

The orbs disappeared between his powerful haunches and he felt his belly starting to burn and spreading outwards. His breath came out in a short whickering squeal as he fought the hold on his mane to watch as Anna's fingers teased the cock that was pulling backwards. Her fingers left his sensitive throbbing length entirely and suddenly pulled at something that appeared on either side. A pair of ripe pink teats perked outwards as the edges of his glans pulled backwards and turned into a tender little nub. The thick soft lips started to form before he lost sight entirely of them, all he could see was the way that the teats were growing and dropping down in a soft tight udder beween his... HER haunches!

"EEEEEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHE!!!!!" Darrell squealed out wildly, no word spilled out, he could only get out an animalistic burst.

"Who's the mare now?" Yarin whispered into one of her tapered ears just as a rough leather halter was forced up and over her nose. This couldn't be happening!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Yarin started to tremble and pant shallowly as his fingers fumbled and pulled the buckles tight around the halter. It was his first time handling one, but he managed it before he let his head sag down and the last of his energy was spent sealing the new form around his step-brother. Darrell's brown eyes flashed wildly up at him from the white furred face and he released the mane to stumble up onto all fours. His cousin grinned up at him with a little cat-grin on her face as she lifted a hand so she could lick right against the tip of her finger. She cleaned up the slippery precum with a happy wriggle while Yarin was helped by his mother to stand up again. His eyes hooded a little bit as he tried to catch his breath and looked over towards his family.

"Well done, lad! For your first time, I've never seen cleaner! Slow, but slow is the best way to do these things." His uncle spoke with a proud smile. "Anna! Leave off that, you little vixen!"

"Thank you, sir." Yarin blinked as the mare trembled and rolled a bit on the ground. "UP!! Up you get!!!"

He got enough control over himself and snapped the end of the lead roughly right against the curved white shoulder with a snap. The mare jerked her head up high and stumbled upwards with a ragged squeal. His mother gave a light pat against his shoulders as Darrell heaved up onto all fours trembling and her ears splayed to either side. Her head dropped down to her knees as she seemed to be shaking in place with her tail drooped down towards the ground. She was a horse, completely and totally a horse. There was no hint of the human boy, even her eyes were the strange slit pupils of a horse instead of the round pupils of a human. He'd done it!

"I did it..." Yarin blinked a little and stood away from his mother once he got his balance back and felt less light headed.

"Yes you did, I'm very impressed. I couldn't have done better." Arianna brushed her fingers along his hair. "But now we have to figure out what to do with the horse. I'm sure my husband will notice a showy white mare in his stable when there wasn't one before."

"I could say that I wanted to ride..." Yarin ventured as his mind tried to work over what he'd just done. Darrell's head jerked up and squealed out before the soft pink lips peeled back to show the blunt teeth angrily. "No, that wouldn't work."

The entire goal was to make Darrell ensure he was out of the picture so that he was the one in control and became heir to the estate. The idea of death had never quite sat well with him, but this, this was a fitting punishment for the boarish boy who had tormented him for the past few years. He looked over the snowy white mare and watched the angry look in those brown eyes. There was no chance that the mare would forget who she was, not at all. It was always possible that she would ensure that her father knew exactly who she was beneath the horseish exterior. That wouldn't do. No, there would have to be something done that would get the horse off of the estate and away from any chance of someone finding out that she had ever been human.

"I think we should sell her." Arianna's voice was slow and thoughtful as she stepped away from her son and started to walk around the horse. "It would teach her humility to be auctioned off and it would help to skew the numbers slightly of the auction."

"Skew, Momma?" Yarin blinked a little as he moved his hand up to hold the lead just beneath the mare's chin. Darrell jerked her head back with an angry snort.

"Yes, they're auctioning off fifteen horses, but if we auction off this mare, then it will appear to be a larger intake. You can tell your step-father that his son took off with friends for some place or another abandoning his duties." Arianna gave a slow smile and moved a hand to slap the horse's haunches so that she jerked forward. "You oversaw the auction and the sales from this mare will ensure that it looks as if you were able to sell them at a higher price then Darrell ever did. We'll just wipe the records of this mares sale so he only looks at the gross take."

"But won't he-" Yarin started and then closed his mouth as he looked at the mulish looking mare. The earlier conversation rolled through his mind and caused a horrible idea stir just beneath the surface. "It might work... but she has no papers, no bloodline, nothing. She's pretty, but they don't know what she'll produce. If she were pregnant, that would jump the price up."

"Yarin!" Anna squealed the words and then covered her mouth before giggling. "That's horrible of you, but it's true."

Darrell squealed out angrily, but his eyes were on his cousin who was grinning wickedly at him. How many times had Darrell told his friends that he was spending his nights bent over his bed and whimpering for some man? How many times had he lewdly spoken of something drooling down his inner thigh? Years of the abuse made his thoughts harden. He deserved this. He deserved to be taught a lesson.

"I know exactly what sort of foal she should carry.." Yarin licked his lips almost nervously and exchanged a smile with Anna. He had found common ground with his cousin, even as his mother widened her eyes a bit in shock. This was going to be perfect.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Darrell yanked back against the halter that was wrapped round her head and squealed angrily as it barely stirred to pole in front of her that it was tied off too. The fence posts were set up at four corners. Two were right to either side of her supporting a beam that pushed up against her chest, and the other two were just around mid body to her with two other beams that rested against either side of her chest. She knew exactly what it was, she had used it countless times before with virgin or temperamental mares who might try and break free when they were being bred. Now the rank scent of horse flooded her nostrils as she was forced to stand in place and yank roughly against the lead that gave her barely five inches of slack. She pinned her ears flat to her head as Yarin and Anna were both moving around her and joking with one another as they spoke.

"I've never actually seen this done." Yarin sounded almost nervous as something was looped around Darrells left hind leg just above the hoof. "I mean, this was never my interest."

"Oh I've seen it, my husband breeds hunters. Just secure your end, we need to hobble her or she could kick a valuable stud." Anna's voice was so cheerful that it grated on every last nerve that Darrell possessed.

The mare tried to lift her leg to kick out at the handler, but was snapped right in the ass by the end of a lead so she was forced to drop her leg back down again. Another bit of rope was secured around her ankle and were tugged upwards while she tried to yank back harder against the beam. They couldn't be serious about this! She wasn't really a mare. She was a human, she was a male! Whatever the hell her step mother and brother were up to, her father would eventually hear about it and kick them both out into the cold. And they'd deserve it too! She tried to flinch away as Yarin came up and wrapped the leads from his legs into a broad loop around her neck. She tied it down almost too tight so she could feel the line of the rope bumping against her belly as she shifted.

It made her more aware of the strange ache in her loins that had started from the moment she'd been led out of the indoor arena. It had only grown worse as she was made to stand in the midst of the barnyard as they started to get her set up with hobbles and in the breeding stand. She could feel it like a dull itch that was so deep inside of her that she couldn't hope to reach it. It made her body tense and relax in small fluttering throbs that came in waves. She kept her ears flat down and did her best not to show them that she could feel the discomfort. She didn't want them to have that satisfaction or to realize that she was in heat. The very idea was terrifying her as she yanked hard enough that she let out a pained sound as the leather halter dug down against the bridge of her nose.

"Stop fighting it, Darrell," Yarin watched at her head as she yanked back against the lead desperately. "Ever since I came here you've accused me of worse. Your friends believe I'm a deviant. They believe all the hateful things you whisper into their ears and now I'll put a stop to it."

"Darrell is too human a name for her." Anna spoke up as she watched them both with a grin on her face. "She's not human anymore and certainly not male. I saw those pink little mare lips when I was helping hobble her."

Heat rushed up to Darrell's face and she squealed and tried to kick only to find her leg stopped with a sudden pain as the ropes drew taut around her ankles and the hobbles did their job. She couldn't fight. She couldn't strike out against the others. It made her ears splay to either side before she dropped her hoof back down onto the ground.

"That's true, Snow, I rather like Snow, don't you? She's white as Snow." Yarin ventured with his head tilted to one side.

"Hmmm yes, I like it. Our little Snow." She crooned out the words and plucked lightly right along the edge of Darrell's mane so she tried to flinch away from the touch. That was not fair! "Did you pick out her stud? I was thinking that handsome thoroughbred I saw in the barns."

"Only the best for Snow, only what she deserves for her foal." Yarin patted her nose and she tried to bite him, she barely missed him as he pulled his hand back swiftly. "I'll go fetch him, you keep her company, won't you, Anna?"

"Of course." Anna grinned in a way that disturbed Darrell and made her shiver. How had she ever though the girl was attractive? There was something well and truly demented about her! It was terrifying!

Yarin set off at a run and took one of the lanterns with him while Darrell was left trying to yank herself free while she had the time. She was not going to stand here and let one of the stallions she had ridden clamber onto her back and do anything to her! She tugged harder against the lead and twisted her head to one side while she felt Anna stroking along her shoulder and side. The touch was almost welcome as it smoothed down towards her haunches. She didn't quite flinch away as the fingers patted along the edge of her haunch. She was too busy trying to yank the lead free by any means necessary. She shifted her muzzle down and scraped her blunt teeth right around the edges of it in an attempt to catch the rough lead and chew it off. Perhaps if she could weaken it with her teeth she could get free. Her teeth scraped over it as a hand caught right at the base of her tail.

The touch yanked it upwards and to one side so suddenly she left off her struggle and tried to twist her head around in a squeal of protest! The girl grinned up at her as the fingers teased along her tail and kept it pulled up almost painfully tight while the other hand moved down and brushed right along her pale pink inner thighs where the fur was softest. The touch rubbed lightly before trailing upwards to brush against the hidden folds that she had never even seen. She jerked forward and squealed out roughly as the fingers brushed right around the outer lips and she felt a moment where the strange throbbing shiver rocked through her. This time, with fingers brushing over them, she felt her folds flare open to flash her clit before pulling tightly together again. It made her eyes flash a ring of white. She was winking! She was actually winking like a mare in heat.

"You know, you're rather lovely as a mare. You were lovely as a boy though, but as a mare you're breathtaking." The girl's fingers trailed upwards and when Darrell winked again a finger caught right against the sensitive nub of her clit.

It sent an unwilling shiver right up her spine as she felt the touch teasing in slow circles that made her arch and squirm in place. Her nostrils flared open wide as she drew in a trembling breath and then sighed it out again. She didn't want to react! She wanted to scream and rage against the touch, but her body betrayed her as the soft lips winked invitingly in response to the touch. They fluttered and flashed her clit as the girl caressed up and down along it. Darrell's ears turned a deep dark red as she felt her own body starting to slicken under the assault. The wetness clung to the tip of the girls fingers and was smoothed over her clit as the mare trembled in her restraints. She tried to ignore the touch, but it continued to rub and stroke downwards until Anna caressed right against her opening and made her tense her legs up automatically.

Darrell wasn't sure what she would have done if she hadn't been interrupted. The touches had been gentle enough that her body had started to heat up instinctively. She hadn't been able to stop that, but she had been able to try and keep herself under some semblance of control. Her breathing came in short trembling bursts as the sensations of enjoyment were lost as she heard a harsh abrasive bray that came in the direction of the stable. The mare froze and flattened her ears as it came again and was followed by Yarin's desperate cries trying to get the donkey's attentions as the lamp light caught sight of the large grey jack that was dragging his step brother behind him. The big fellow snorted and lifted his head up before braying out again.

_A DONKEY?! _ She thought in humiliated horror as the big fellow stepped forward and Yarin trotted up close enough to grab right at the underside of the halter.

"A donkey?!" Anna echoed his thoughts, but her squeal was one of delight. "You are amazing, that is perfect!"

"I figured she was behaving like such an ass she might enjoy one." Yarin flushed a bit in the lamp light as the big jack stepped forward and started to strain towards Darrell.

She knew the jack. The big fellow was a mammoth jack used to breed to some of the draft mares for mules that were used in the fields. It was cheap and easy, and he was used in the plow from time to time. He wasn't of any particular breed or from any showy line. He was a rough looking beast that could be bad tempered and rough with any mare he was put too. Charlie, that was his name, a common name for a common beast. The mare froze in terror as the big jack loomed towards her and was unhampered by the slender boy holding the lead. Anna dropped her hands, but didn't drop her tail as the big head came in close and Darrell tried to shy away from the touch. A hot blast of air hit her haunches as the jack snuffled against her curiously and then nipped against her smooth white skin.

She jumped, but couldn't go anywhere as the beast nipped again and nosed against her haunch. He was larger then her by at least two hands at the shoulder. He towered over her and snuffled along her haunches curiously while his ropey tail wagged back and forth. The hot breath fluttered along the curve of her hind leg while she squeezed her eyes shut. It was disgusting, the harsh reek of male was on the air and made it almost impossible to think, impossible to do anything except try to control her own rapid breaths. Her stomach turned over as she tried to clear her senses of him, but he edged closer so that his side nearly bumped and jostled against the bars that kept her stuck in one place for his examination. His large nose drifted down and nipped at the base of her tail so that Anna gripped the long hairs at the middle so the beast could examine her.

It was humiliating, thoroughly humiliating and terrifying to feel the hot breath wafting over her virgin folds as the beast took in her scent. The thick lips barely brushed against her folds and she couldn't stop herself from reacting to the touch. They started to wink and flex right beneath him as he drew in a breath that belled out his sides. Darrell threw her head up and twisted her head as the jack lifted his head and peeled back his upper lip to bare his blunt teeth. He tilted his head up and drew in her scent while she stared in horror at what he was doing. It was the sound of something heavy thudding beneath him that made her eyes drift lower to see what was waiting for her.

For one moment, the sight and scent of him made her belly clench down with need as she saw the heavy black length that swayed beneath the pale belly. The swollen tip made the girth hang in a heavy arch as it drooled out a syrupy dribble of precum. Dimly she felt his lips plucking against the curve of her haunches as he examined his next conquest. She'd known that he was large, she knew that donkeys were generally larger then horses, but seeing him flexing upwards made her go cold with fear. He'd tear her apart! With a wild squeal she tried to lunge forward away from him when she watched the swollen girth swing upwards to slap against his chest again. She wasn't going to do this! She couldn't do it! She wouldn't let this happen!!

Pain blossomed at the base of her tail as a pair of teeth roughly dug against her and the big jack started to prance about. The terror only grew as she tried to kick and twist her way free of him, she didn't want this! She wouldn't let him! He twisted around until his heavy dirty chest pushed up against her haunches and she wildly kicked back at him. The hobbles drew her up short in her attempt to drive him back. She couldn't even hit his legs. The teeth nipped against her haunches and something slapped down against her shoulder. The lead that should have been controlling him was dropped and Yarin darted around to grip her head. Darrell snapped wildly as the jacks head rubbed right along her haunches. He couldn't do this to her! He knew that she was human!

Yarin's eyes were all for the jack as the beast suddenly lunged forward and she was nearly knocked to her knees as the weight pushed up and over her haunches. The forelegs clambered and tugged roughly against either side of her haunches. The hooves scraped the pure white of her fur and left muddy clumps as his chest heaved up and over her. Anna cried out and suddenly her tail was yanked up higher as the girl ducked away from the flailing hooves as the grunting donkey pushed his way higher up and swung up the heavy black length. The tip slapped upwards and hit right against her soft udders and left a slimy smear of precum before the beast pulled backwards and started to rub upwards. The glans bounced and pushed as she was left with her hind legs splayed open wide trying to deal with the weight. She was terrified, but even in her terror, her body was aching with a need that throbbed in time with hr her heart.

"I'll help him!" Anna yelped out from behind Darrell and the mare flung her head up to watch the girl dart her hand behind her haunches.

The tip was dragged up from her inner thighs and suddenly pushed upwards tight against the mark of her virginal folds. The mare squealed out in protest, but the jack knew that hot soft slick wet feel and suddenly hauled himself forward with the tip forcing her folds to spread open wider and wider. A hot thick splatter of precum plunged into her virgin body as her walls yawned open wide around the powerful equine length. Darrell shrilled out and struggled beneath the weight as the inches started to drive inwards inch by slow inch. Her walls were aching as they clamped down and started to squeeze greedily around the slickened girth. She couldn't stop herself, even as she felt the aching burn as her body was forced open wider and wider as the beast powered himself forward.

The blunt teeth snapped down and gripped right along the arch of her neck as he gave a heaving thrust forward so a few more inches plunged into her as he stepped forward. The viscous dribbles of precum splattered into her passage and were forced inwards by the swollen glans. It was too big, it was too thick, and the muscled haunches just kept pushing him inwards while she desperately tried to buck him off. The hot breath hit right against the back of her neck in a blast that sent a shiver down her spine and made her whimper out under her breath. Foam was forming along the jack's lips as he struggled to pull himself higher up before plunging forward so the medial ring plunged wetly into her passage. Her inner walls contracted tightly as he kept pushing inwards, inch by inch, until she felt his hips pushed up flush with her own and he heavy orbs just bumping against the edges of her hind legs with a slapping sound.

"Oh... accommodating mare.." Yarin spoke into one of her ears. "Is that what you wanted? Is that why you called me those foul names? Because you wanted this?"

Darrell squealed out a protest, but it was cut off with a groan as the hips dragged backwards and the medial ring was tugged through her body. Her inner walls clamped down around the swollen girth that spread her almost painfully wide and she jerked her head wildly. It would have been bad enough if it had just been the pain of feeling the girth plunging into her, but it was followed with humiliating pleasure as well. The goopy drops of precum spilled into her and smeared through her body as it sparked sensations of pleasure through her. The jack's hips drew backwards until the medial ring nearly pulled free from her stretched folds before he hammered forward again. The powerful haunches bumped against her hind quarters and nearly made her stumble forward as she splayed her forelegs apart as far as they would go, but it still wasn't enough.

The bar that was in place in front of her dug into her chest roughly as the jack forced her forward by his plunging hips. The thickened glans pushed right up against the softness of her cervix so an unwilling shudder trailed through her. The mare folded her ears back and tried to put her thoughts elsewhere, anywhere, except what was happening to her at that moment. The pounding of the hips came with a lewd wet noise as some of her own wetness was forced out around the girth and accompanied by soft grunts as he jack kept his teeth digging in against her neck. The filthy hooves scraped up along her barrel as he started to thrust in short rough movements. The bucks sent his heavy orbs bumping against her sensitive teats time and time again as her own body started to tighten and pulse around him in an attempt to draw him in deeper.

"It looks like she's eager for a few mules, cousin." Anna chirped up from behind him and Darrell's ears darkened in humiliation. "She's certainly doing her best to get him to cum inside of her, you should see her winking."

"I always knew that Darrell was an ass, but never figured she'd be the mother to asses." Yarin laughed roughly as the jack plunged forward again and her chest was shoved against the bracing bar.

It was no longer a bar that kept her from bolting, but was one that kept her from being knocked over by the eager stud. Her breathing came out in trembling gasps as each thrust inwards plunged the blunt tip up against her cervix before the beast dragged back outwards again. Her entire body was stretched for him, made for him, and the beast claimed it with rough snorts and brays as his blunt teeth scraped down her neck. She couldn't even splay her hind legs apart to ease the pressure as the hobbles didn't allow her to have that much slack. Instead she was left trembling and shuddering as thrust by thrust built up to the point that the head started to spread open wider and wider. The edges strained open to the point that she squealed out and snapped her head up as far as she could get it. It was almost painful as his glans blossomed open and rubbed intimately up against her cervix.

The urethra jutted forward as the jack's last few bucks were hard and sharp, barely dragging himself out before plunging forward again. She was left trembling at the sensation of her body clutched and squeezing around him. She pulled tightly as the heavy weight leaned forward and the teeth left her neck. The urethra was nuzzled up right against the opening to her cervix when the first pulse erupted from the beast and the felt the disgusting slimy warmth of his cum splattering out inside of her. She tried to buck, but she barely shifted his weight as the hot gouts bubbled up from the swollen member and hit deep inside of her. Each rush hit against her cervix until a creamy sperm rich ooze started to be forced past the opening of her cervix while the mare helplessly felt her body milking eagerly around him.

She dropped her head down and cried out roughly, her eyes squeezed shut as the filthy feel of the heat spread through her belly as the beast rested over her and panted in short hot puffs against the curve of her neck. She could feel the sweat along the curve of the chest as the thickened member sent out a final splatter inside of her before the creamy seed started to thicken up and smear along her passage in a thick gel. She couldn't even whimper a protest as her breath came out raggedly and her ears splayed to either side in utter humiliation. She felt swollen and full of the donkey's seed as the writhing sperm were already penetrating her belly and wriggling ever inwards to make their claim on her vulnerable ova.

Charlie finally get out a snort and groan before the heavy hooves stepped backwards. Darrell let out a whickering cry as the softening cock was tugged along her passage and the flared tip was stirred. A thick ooze of cum escaped around him and drooled down along her inner thighs as the beast pulled backwards and finally yanked the flared tip from her aching folds. It pulled free with a wet popping noise before a thick spill of seed caught along her inner thighs and spread along the grass at her hooves. She kept her tail up hiked in the air to show her humiliation as she tried to ignore the laughter that came from around her. Laughter at what had happened to her. Laughter at how she had been treated. Laughter at the fact that deep within her the thick cum was working to ensure she'd swell with the beasts foal.

"Now, doesn't that suit you? Dribbling cum down your legs as you stand here? I suppose it must since you've so often said that I would enjoy it. I believe you are obsessed with it, brother dear." Yarin mocked and one of his hands patted against his velvety nose. "Now I could put you in a stall, but I think you should sleep out here tonight. You love the outdoors, don't you? You can just sleep beneath the stars with Charlie here. He'll want to be close to the mother of his mules."

"Ohh but I wanted to play." Anna's voice was high pitched and pouting. That damned psychotic woman! She should be in an institution!

"I'm sorry, cousin, we still have my party going on and it's best they have a good night together. Each time that Charlie claims her, the spell will speed things along just a touch more. We want her to be fat and swollen with a foal for the auction if we're to get the best price." Yarin spoke calmly as if not paying attention to what it would mean for Darrell. He simply moved away to escort his cousin off.

Darrell was left with her tail hiked up and tied in the uncomfortable hobbles in the middle of the field, with her only company being the jack who was snuffling at her hind quarters as if to insure that she had indeed been bred. Her father would come home, her father would stop Yarin and she would reclaim her rightful place!

~ ~ * ~ ~

The night was long and exhausting. Charlie spent most of the night grazing, but every hour or so he would regain interest in her and clamber onto Darrell's white back to groan and thrust inside of her. No matter how she kept her tail down or how she tried to fight him, he continued to do his best to sire the next generation inside of her. By morning her inner thighs were white with more then just her fur and her entire body ached, but that wasn't what kept her awake to watch the sun perking up over the edge of the fields. What kept her awake was the weight of her belly that swelled to either side and dropped down like a laden weight. It wasn't cum that the beast had pumped into her, but the growing foal that was tucked securely in her womb. Each time the jack had mounted her, her stomach had swelled further and further. Her teats had started to grow swollen and sensitive, her entire body shifted with the weight of new life hidden inside of her.

It was almost a relief when Yarin came down from the house. Darrell was so tired, her body ached so much and she was nearly swaying on her hooves as she tried to deal with the weight of the foal that had been pumped into her. She flicked her ears up hopefully as the young man came down along the road from the house in nothing but an old servant's shirt and a pair of patched pants. He had no fine clothes to set him apart, not neatly brushed hair pulled into a pony tail, he almost looked like one of the grooms as he unlatched a gate with a whistle that sent the donkey braying and trotting eagerly towards it. Darrell watched her step-brother and tried to muster up rage, but she was tired. So tired. She just wanted to sleep, sleep and not feel the weight of her belly as her foal filled womb made her skin stretch taut.

"Off you get." Yarin swung the gate open wide so the patched sweaty donkey could step into the next pasture after an apple that had been tossed for him. "Oh dear, it looks like he did have fun with you last night, didn't he?"

Darrell pinned her ears back as her step-brother looked over her sweat dried fur and the way she was forced to carry her tail. She had dropped it down earlier to try and protect herself, but now it was coated in sticky seed. She felt filthy. She smelled filthy. Every breath came with the harsh scent of jack on the air that made her stomach turn. Yarin walked up to her and pulled out another apple to hold on the palm of his hand as he approached. It wasn't even a fresh lovely apple, it was bruised and obviously had been scooped up from the orchard where it had been laying for too long. She stared at it disdainfully, she wasn't going to eat an apple out of his hand like some sort of common beast! It was absolutely unthinkable. The young man caught her just beneath the halter and laughed before bringing the apple up to take a bite out of a side that wasn't bruised.

"See? It's good, or perhaps you're upset that I took away your new friend?" Yarin grinned almost innocently as he chewed the bit of apple. "Come now, you need your strength for today!"

Darrell heaved a sigh and shivered her skin. She didn't want him to bring back the jack because she was misbehaving. Her loins were aching as it was. She pushed away what little pride she had left and dropped her head to scoop up the apple and crunch into the bruised too sweet flesh. Her thick lips were able to grip it, but pieces crumbled messily out of her mouth as she tried to awkwardly eat it. It was harder then she would have thought given the fact that she was missing parts of her teeth. Like a true horse, she boasted gapes on either side of her jaw as she tried to crunch and catch as much of it as she could. It was too sweet, and the flesh soft where it had started to bruise, but it was still the first bit of food she'd had since yesterday evening. She went after every last bit despite the humiliation of having to lick and lip against Yarin's palm for it.

"There now, that's a good Snow." The lad patted her cheek with his damp hand and cleaned his fingers off by dragging them over the fur. "I'm afraid I don't know nearly enough about horses, but we're going to learn together. First of all, let's get you cleaned up. We can't have you drooling out a mess when the vet comes to give you a look over."

Darrell flattened her ears down and jerked her head up, but Yarin deftly undid the knot that held her lead and wrapped it up and around one of his hands. She tried to twist her head to nip at him or jerk the lead away from him. She wasn't going to be seen by the vet! She didn't want anyone seeing her like this! Yarin yanked the lead backwards so her head was forced down and she had no choice by the back up from the bars that had held her prisoner all night. She had to move awkwardly as her swollen belly swayed slightly beneath her back and forth. She tried to dismiss the sensations, she tried to ignore the fact that she could feel some of the stallion spunk oozing along her inner hind leg as she stepped all the way back out and caught the reek of him on the air. It was distracting enough that she didn't fight as she was pulled towards the relative safety of the stables.

Yarin kept his hands gripping just behind her halter so that she couldn't snap down and bite his wrist. Her tail was held up at an awkward angle high above her haunches as she let him guide her to a small part of the outside of the stables where there was a water pump and buckets. Within the stable she could hear the grooms getting their charges up for the day and the normal hustle and bustle of their workday going on. Well, perhaps not normal, this afternoon as the auction and they were prepping their charges to be taken to the block. They would all be groomed, brushed and taken care of until they practically glowed. It made Yarin wince as she was tied off to an iron ring as her clumsy step brother started to pump water.

It was obvious that he'd never really cared for horses before this. He was trying his best to fill the buckets, but he overfilled them so when he moved towards her they were slopping out over the edges to splatter against the ground. She snorted and tried to shy away as her step-brother came barely within three feet of her before throwing the bucketful at her and a cold splash of water hit against her haunches and sides. She squealed out angrily and snapped her teeth at him, only to have another thrown over her back and up towards her mane. There was no soap, he was just launching water at her so that muck started to form around her hooves as she stood there glaring with outrage. This wasn't fair! This wasn't fair at all! She trembled a little from the chill as a third and fourth bucket followed until she was thoroughly soaked.

Only then did Yarin pick up an old towel and a hard lump of soap and begin to attack her with it. He scrubbed her over with a rough impersonal touch that made her flinch and flush in hot embarrassment. She would have kicked him a dozen times over if her hind legs had been unhobbled. He moved around her and rubbed over her foal laden belly and even slipped up to work the suds right between her legs. That touch was the one that made her squeal out angrily as his fingers sudsed up her tender teats and even tugged against them. She tried to clamp her tail down, but she could barely fight him as seemed to know when she was going to try and kick with a foreleg or snap out at him. He just moved away and continued with his work until she was dripping soap suds.

"Out here, sir, word from the house is there's a pregnant mare that's been entered into the auction." A diffident, if familiar, voice of a groom came from the stall as Yarin worked the suds right along her folds in a way that made her tremble and want to sob. It wasn't a sexual touch, it was as if his step-brother truly was bathing an animal.

"Ah, giving her a good bathing? Oh my! Lovely little lady, isn't she." The jovial tones of the vet made Darrell jerk her head up and twist her head to see him bobbing his head at a groom who ducked back into the house and the older man came down along the side of the stable.

"Yes, sir. She was mucky this morning so I thought to show her off proper." Yarin took a diffident tone as he moved his hands away from her aching folds and wiped them on his pants as if he were a servant.

"Not often you see a white one, greys yes, but pure white. Just lovely." The familiar vet walked around Darrell as she kept her ears flat back against her head. "Not a lovely temperament though, look at those ears. Easy on, lassie, I've just come to check you out."

"She does have a moody streak to her, sir." Yarin almost sounded apologetic as he slapped one hand against her sudsed up rump cheek. "But I was told you were just here to make sure her foal is healthy before the sale."

"Yes, yes, I'll write my statement after I examine her. Damned shame I have to, but that's the business. Too many people are willing to cheat others." The vet moved forward and stroked along her soft pink-white nose and Darrell flinched. "Who's a mother then?"

Shame filled her at the crooning words she had heard the vet use a half a dozen times before in the past. She wanted to turn away from him entirely, but she was forced to hold still as her nose was caressed by the gentle hands. They smelled of horse and cow and other animals that made her wrinkle her nose back as the vet patted her damp cheep. Yarin seemed to be amused by it as he moved up to her head and caught the other end of the lead that was securely wrapped around the iron ring so that she couldn't get free. She kept her ears back on her head and fought the urge to yank her head about this way and that to free herself. The vet was often on the farm, and while he was often quite genial, he had a way of making sure that unruly horses behaved for him. It wasn't something that she wanted to test out.

"Who's the sire? Lovely little mare, the groom said there were no papers on her?" The vet's competent hands moved down to stroke along her neck. His fingers pressed lightly against the muscles as she fought the urge to jerk away from him.

"Charlie, the donkey. The old owner said she threw white foals and there's been a need for mules around here lately. Might interest a buyer for a higher end place to have white mules instead of the dirty grey or brown or black ones." Yarin answered promptly as the vet's hands pressed against her belly and gave a few testing prods. There was an unnerving sensation of the foal stirring inside of her so she stomped a hind hoof roughly on the ground.

"Ah, a shame, but she'll throw a lovely little mule, won't you my darling?" His hands reached up and cupped against her teats so she flinched in reaction. The fingers caught one of the nipples and gave it a firm squeeze. "And quite far along as well. She'll probably drop in the next few weeks."

"And the foal, sir?" Yarin prompted as his hands moved to cup against either side of Darrell's cheeks. "I was worried about that since we bought her quite cheaply."

"Ah well, that I can check easily enough." The vet grinned benignly over at her stepbrother while Darrell showed her teeth at the young man. She knew what was going to happen. "And she's already soaped up from her wash, that'll make things all the easier for all of us."

The sound of cloth and buttons came from behind her and she didn't have to turn around to know that the vet was taking off his jacket and setting it over a railing. It was a procedure that was quite common when one wanted to check on the growth of a foal and she let out a subdued sound towards her step brother. She widened her eyes as the younger man looked down at her with a grin tugging the edges of his lips. He didn't look like he was going to help her. In fact, he looked almost amused as the vet started to roll back his sleeves and muttered about a lack of a sink around the area. She clamped her tail down and continued to work her lips in an attempt to speak to Yarin. She would forget all of this, she would apologize, she would do whatever it took as long as she wasn't forced to suffer this indignity! The younger boy didn't seem to pay attention to her attempts to plead with her eyes, instead he kept stroking her cheek as he kept the other hand gripping the lead directly below her halter.

Darrell was able to twist her head just enough that she watched to doctor come up behind her and stroke lightly against her wet sudsy haunch. She splayed her ears a little and clamped her tail down as the vet moved his hands upwards to brush just beneath the edge of it. Unlike the donkey, he didn't have to use a nose to flip it up. He used his free hand go grasp the base and forced it up so suddenly that she immediately tried to kick back, but was brought up short as the hobbles stopped her. Instead, she was forced to hold still as he bared her still aching folds to the light. She trembled a little bit while the he moved his hands down and gave her a light probe with one of his fingers. Her entire body tensed up as the finger worked some of the wet soap suds up and spread them right over her pucker in a slippery film.

The mare tried to twist her head further back, but Yarin forced it back to face him as the vets fingers probed a bit more firmly against the pale pink pouting pucker. He pushed lightly against her and rubbed his fingers so that the wet soap was being worked into her as he tried to push harder. He wasn't Charlie, but the jack hadn't tried to touch her THERE or penetrate there. He pushed forward and started to spread the pucker open steadily. The walls yawned open around his finger tips as the slippery appendages started to push inwards and wedge her anal ring open. Her breath came out in a rush and she tried to snap her tail down, but the vet held it up as inch by inch, his hand started to plunge into her rump and force the anal ring to wrap tightly around him.

The soap helped, it slickened the edge of the knuckles so that they slipped inwards with a lewd wet noise before wiggling in deeper. Yarin forced her head down so that she was nearly pinned against his chest while her breath came out in short ragged noises. Her ears splayed to either side as she tried to snap her tail down, but it couldn't budge. She squealed out as the knuckles plunged deeper and her inner walls clamped down tightly in an attempt to squeeze the offending appendage out of her body. It was worse then what Charlie had did, it struck every masculine nerve and bit of pride that Darrell still had left. She was pushed forward under the penetration that kept sliding deeper and deeper so that her breath came out in ragged short pants.

"I bet you thought this is what I enjoyed... Do you like it? Is this what you imagined?" Yarin whispered into one of her ears as the vet's fingers curled slightly inside of her and pressed down along the bottom of the tight protesting passage.

She wanted to deny it, say she was sorry, anything to step the feel of the arm being stuffed into her ass so that her walls were spread achingly wide. The hand on her tail finally left her and she was able to snap her tail down, but it was too late. The vet's shoulder was almost shoved against her as his fingers kneaded and squeezed along a spot in her belly. She could only lower her head miserably while the hand that had been holding the tail pressed firmly against the curve of her belly. The touch put pressure on her full womb and she let out a short squeal as the growing foal shifted inside of her. Something long and forceful pushed against her belly in protest and she nearly lunged forward. She would have if Yarin hadn't been blocking her way.

"Hmm fine foal, lively fellow.." The vet's voice was muffled as his fingers pushed down and she felt them seeking beyond the slight ridge of her cervix so he was probing inside of her and pressing down against the inside of her womb.

"So he's healthy then?" Yarin spoke up as the fingers gave a push against her side so the foal was crowded and kicked out again in reaction.

"Well, all the indicators are there that he'll be a healthy little mule. He's reacting to my touch, obviously alive, not weak or feeble feeling." The vet continued to manipulate her with firm touches while she trembled in place.

"So you'll sign the paper work for this afternoon?" Yarin's fingers moved to rub along her jaw line. "I'd love to be able to auction her as being well in foal and healthy."

"I don't see why not." The hand inside of her gave another curling push that made her grunt out as the foal stirred inside of her.

"Excellent.." Yarin looked down at Darrell, her miserable eyes rolled up at him. "Little mule maker will fetch a fine price, won't you?"

The mare could only squeeze her eyes shut and groan as the vet's arm started to withdraw from her aching pucker. Was there nothing that Yarin wouldn't do to her?

~ ~ * ~ ~

"And next up! We have from the Von Untzen farm, a lovely mare with the sweetest coat you've ever seen! Bring her up lads!" The auctioneer barked at the rough looking crowd of farmers that circled the ring and Darrell's lead was yanked forward so she stumbled into the loud group.

She had barely been allowed time to dry before she had been given a short brushing and pushed into the herd of horses that were being driven to market. She couldn't fight free, she couldn't bolt, Yarin had been riding with the group dressed in his best clothing and a smile on his face. He had kept her in place with unseen bonds so she followed the group into the town square where she was going to be sold. SOLD! Like an animal! She had been loaded down the streets with countless others. She had followed the high bred hunters with their papers and lineages so long that they could have been royalty and then been separated from them as she was pulled away by Yarin. She had no papers, she wasn't a finely bred mare from some jumping line, she was nothing more than another mongrel as far as the auction would be concerned.

She was placed in the same pen as several mules, an old cart horse and a few tough looking ponies. From there she was forced to spend her time as people came through and stopped to look at her. They lifted her legs to check her hooves, felt her all over, testing her muscles, peered into her mouth, they even probed her belly and slapped it with lewd low born jokes that made her want to cry. It had been beyond humiliating. And in the end, she had spent three hours being examined and handled by complete strangers before she was drawn up towards the auction and soot was used to paint a number on her shoulder. She was truly going to be sold! She could barely believe it as she squealed and lunged a bit against the lead as the strange handler led her around in a circle and she swung wide so a few buyers bolted back away from her hind quarters. They were blessedly unhobbled, but there wasn't much she could do with the swollen state of her belly.

"This sugar sweet mare is in foal to a fine mammoth jack and due to drop any day. Certified live and healthy, she's promised to drop a white mule. Yes folks a white mule!" The auctioneer called out as she was forced to prance around and hear the crowd murmuring appreciatively. "Look at those legs! Sweet as can be and the way she carries her head, papers or no, this one is queen of all she sees and only throws white foals. Imagine a matching team of her offspring or perhaps a fine runner."

She was forced to prance about in another circle as her handler snapped out the lead so it clipped her right on the haunches and caused her to leap forward with a toss of her head. The men watched her avidly and spoke about her lines critically. One of them commented on her swollen belly and the size of the foal she must be carrying to be waddling as she was. She tried to pin her ears back to ignore them, but the comments continued to trickle towards her so she could only drop her head as she twisted about and yanked against the halter roughly. She struggled against it, but the handler was experienced in making sure that she couldn't get away, and the more she struggled, the more people seemed to be amused by her.

"Look at her! Teats swollen and belly too round to run, but she's still got spirit! She'll give any stallion a run for her money. We'll start the bidding off at 20, do I hear 20 now?" The auctioneer called out and suddenly the world was alive with hands.

She was allowed to stop moving only so long that a man who cast a bid of a hundred could step forward and critically run his hands along her belly. His fingers dug in against her side so the foal within her kicked out and made her let out a rough breath before trying to sidle away. He was quick to move his hand up to cup her udder and gave it a rough painful twist that forced out a few dribbles of milk. He lifted his fingers up to show off the cream before she snapped at him and pranced as far back away from him as she could get. His harsh laugh rang in her reddened ears before he glanced at the papers the vet had signed and upped his bid to 110. They flew around her, one after another as she was forced to pick up her pace again as they started to slow and she was stopped again for a man to grasp her head and force it down towards him.

"Sir, you had your time before the auction!" The auctioneer protested as the rough grip on her halter forced her head in closer to the rough looking farmer. "Do you up your bid 150?"

"Hold on, just a sec," His fingers pulled at her lips and his thumb slipped into the gape of her teeth so she was forced to yawn her jaws open when he tugged downwards.

Her tongue jutted out as he tilted her head back and peered into her spread mouth to look over her teeth. She bristled in rage that handling and he refused to let her draw her tongue back in as her tongue was left hanging out and he sought something. One of his neighbors even leaned in to get a peek into her maw as she was examined. She was offered no dignity. No quarter. It was just meant to send her to new lows that she hadn't imagined before. He finally released her jaws so she could snap them shut and kept her ears flattened back in humiliated rage.

"I'll up it to 175!" He called out and grinned. "Thought she might be an old grey gone white, but seems I was wrong. Sorry, sir!"

Old?! It made her seethe with anger as the man tugged his cap towards his step brother. Yarin just grinned back and bobbed his head in response as her handler suddenly snapped the lead out to crack right on her haunches so she spun around with a squeal. It was awkward as her heavy belly swayed beneath her back and forth. She pranced about as the bids slowed as they crept higher and higher and more people withdrew from trying to win her. Darrell tried to ignore the shouts, but her eyes flicked around nervously as they were calling out. The three high bidders were a strange mix. One was a prosperous farmer who bred mules exclusively, he had nearly cornered the market. The bragging that she would throw white foals would appeal to him. Another was a servant of some sort, but one that looked well dressed with a bowler hat.

The third terrified her as he barked out sharp bids and his eyes slid over her. He wasn't a breeder, he ran a large coal mine business that employed the use of various beasts. And by use, he worked them until they dropped with just enough food to survive on and precious little care. He specialized in ponies, but he had heard rumors that he was going to attempt to breed out his own stock rather then deal with the auctions. The thought of being placed in his care was terrifying and every time he cried out a higher bid she felt a bolt of pure terror. How long would she live? Would she be forced to drop foal after foal until she died? Or would she work swollen with her young in the traces in the mine. It made her start to tremble as she took another circuit and heard the auctioneer called out.

"Going once!" Who had gotten in the last number? "210 sir? Do I hear 210? Going twice!" Her head jerked up high in the air as she tried to look at the miner. "AND SOLD! Next up we have a brace of ponies from the lowlands-"

The auctioneer continued on announcing the next group as she was led to the side of the ring. Her legs were trembling as she lashed her tail back and forth. Her nostrils blew out a rough puff of air as she was led around the ring where a group of rough looking ponies were herded into the middle of the ring. Their shaggy heads bobbed up and down as they squealed and whickered, but her attention was on the minor who was still standing in place. His face was set into a rough frown that showed the lines of charcoal dust that had been etched along the edges of his cheeks and forehead. He wasn't going towards her at least, his eyes were roving over the ponies. He hadn't bought her. He couldn't have bought her. Darrell let out a sigh of relief as she drooped her head downwards a few inches and allowed herself to be led towards the back stalls reserved for horses that had been bought.

"Here you go, sir, my employer will be quite pleased." The gentleman that was dressed like a high placed servant came to take her lead and offered a roll of money to the handler.

"Oh yes, very pleased." Behind the gentleman there was a soft female voice that nearly purred the words out. "Thank you, Edward, I'm glad you were able to win the auction for me. I could never compete with those roaring male voices."

"Of course, miss!" The well dressed servant dipped his hat to her and kept a hold on Darrell's lead as her new owner came into view.

Anna's eyes were bright with excitement as she approached with her clothing immaculately brushed out and looking every inch the lady. The slightly rapid breath, though, and the intense look in her eyes gave lie to her calm exterior. She approached the mare and Darrell's ears folded back in fear as she came up and cupped her soft white muzzle between gloved hands. She smelled sweetly of flowers and vanilla as she stroked the equine nose up and down. The finger tips teased right beneath the curve of Darrell's chin as she started at her new mistress. This couldn't happen, this woman was a deviant! She was sick in the head! She'd seen that well enough last night when Anna had proceeded to mock, watch and help the big jack breed her.

"That's my lovely, Snow." Anna murmured and ran her fingers back along Darrell's jaw line and gave a gentle rub upwards. "Don't you worry, you'll have a fine foal for me and I'll be able to watch you in the pasture as you let the little one suckle and grow large and strong. Maybe afterwards you'll have another, or perhaps you can help Edward here with the carriage, but I promise... You'll never be sold again. Ever."

The words should have been a reassurance to any dumb beast, but to Darrell they destroyed any hope of freedom again. As she was led off, she could only wonder what it would take to kill herself to end this horrifying nightmare forever.

A New Clutch

The play of the moonlight spilled over the edges of the bedroom and the sleeping form that rested uncomfortably on her back with her arm pushed up beneath the pillow. The dragon's normally trim figure had changed drastically, even the moonlight...

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The Price of a Pet

"Your purchase!" The auctioneer had dropped the leash into the white tiger's hand without even glancing up. "I wish you both a Happy Valentine's day!" Katja had barely had time to look at her buyer's face before she'd been whisked away from the...

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The Tutor: Chapter 7

"So you see, ma'am, I was the reason Kachya was out late the other night." Reikian spoke clearly and tried to keep his eyes focused on the desk rather than the avian's bright eyes. Ms. Etante's black and white feathers were ruffled ever so slightly...

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