Amon's Gift

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

Clove, nutmeg, vanilla, a thousand spices that flooded the air in the hazy room and made each breath something exotic and enticing. England had never smelled this way. It had never boasted a rich haze of smoke that overtook the bitter scents of the opium that was been smoked around various places in the room. There were scents that he had no name for, only the knowledge that they perked him up and made him draw in deeper breaths and savor them. He loved this land, he had loved it ever since he had come here and become a part of a world that seemed to be thrown back to an age before the modern era and the hand of the British Empire that snatched at all it could claim. The room that he sprawled out on had no hint of civilization about it that he knew. Not even chairs, there were only large pillows and plush cushions that one could recline on.

Thomas leaned forward and plucked up the thin metal tube attached to the hookah that had been prepped for him. The harsh scent of opium clung beneath the scents of the spices, but even that had it's own appeal. He drew in a breath and drew the smoke over his tongue to flood his lungs. It had been days since he'd last choked at trying to inhale the bitter drug, now he let it flood his senses and drew in every last free breath he could before removing the hookah. He leaned back and held his breath while his senses began to swim. A great dizziness began to swell up inside of him as his mind felt lighter and hazed over as he held the smoke in as long he possibly could. After a few moments he let out his breath and sent blue-smoke spilling from his nostrils and from between his lips.

"It is good is it not, my friend?" Emir leaned forward with a smile that flashed white between his darker lips. "I have purchased the best for you."

"It is as lovely as ever, Emir." Thomas leaned back into the softness of the cushion that had been placed behind him. The world swam in front of his eyes before he closed them and let the darkness sooth his drugged mind.

"I am pleased. And my country? Have you enjoyed my country, my friend?" The sound of movement made him crack an eye to see the well dressed man leaning back so that he could summon one of the pretty little dancing girls.

Emir had been his first friend in this strange land. He had been sent here the moment he came of age and he found himself leaving the sea shore home he had always known. He was gone from the moist rich airs and the sound of the sea and they were replaced with the arid dry lands of the middle east in a country that he could barely pronounce and in a fort that boasted a skeleton regiment. They were of no import here, no reason that they should expect attack, no reason that they should keep well trained. They were simply in position as a way station for caravans that passed through and to keep an eye on the eastern border. At the moment they boasted several wealthy younger sons that had come in search of adventure in the form of archeology and dealing with the native royalty. It was an easy position, a light position, one that was normally a quite retiring out for older officers.

He had gotten the position through the connections his family boasted with the military. His aging mother didn't want him placed in danger, not with Europe slowly beginning to become embroiled in a violent upheaval and the threat that England would be dragged into it. No one had listened to him. His mother was just wealthy enough to ensure that he was kept out of the growing war, his late father had the connections to aid her in that venture. The only son, the only damned son in a family of girls, and he was given a quiet pasturing out before his twenty first birthday. He had been angry and sullen from the moment he'd passed through the gates of Fort Victoria and it hadn't left him. The heat, the dry heat, and the frigid nights had left him in an even worse temper. The few soldiers in the fort had all been older than him and viewed him as a wet behind the ear pup. They didn't even bother with uniform most of the time.

The endless days had blurred together one after another as he had slowly begun to drink himself into a stupor every night. It was made worse by the fact that news came more often as troops passed through their small way station. They had been summoned to the front and towards the northern tip of Africa so that they could try and keep a wary eye on the battle with the Germans and be ready to join in the fight. It felt as if it were being rubbed in his face that he could not join in with the rest. It was easy to start drinking every night to still the resentment. The burn of the alcohol stilled the anger and resentment. It made him deaf to the older soldiers that made snide comments at his age and the fact he had run from the war. Coward. That was the kindest word that they used. Coward.

It was Emir who had drawn him from his shell. The young son of a sheikh came into the town with a string of horses that were the color of the sunset. The high bred beasts had come in brilliant fiery red, pale gold, strawberry roan, and every shade in between. The arrival had come with a stirring in the town as people ran to greet him. He came with bells and camels, he came with two motor cars and a household that had moved into three buildings. Thomas had heard whispers of the man long before he ever met him. He had heard the townspeople talk of the gold that he was spending freely as he brought his horses to market. The honorable son of the House Khalifa. There had never been such a person in their town and the business he brought was legendary.

It had been nothing of import to Thomas. At that point in his career he had stopped wearing his uniform and was normally drunk before three in the afternoon. It made him stop hearing the taunts of the men that were supposedly under his command. He might have never met Emir or knew the young man, if he hadn't spent one evening drinking in a small bar in the town and passed out. He had been awakened by water and guards that hauled him upright with barked foreign words. He had been dragged before an immaculately dressed young man in the upper rooms of one of the finest buildings in the town. It was there he came to know Emir, a young man the same age of himself. A young man that could have been his brother.

From the moment they met, he had felt a kinship with Emir that went beyond both of them being trapped in the same place. The wealthy nobleman had come had been sent here by his father to sell their stock and to keep away from the battles that were starting in the north. He had been forced into seclusion with only his guards and a rather enticing group of harem women in the effort to preserve the bloodline, but he viewed it as a prison. Their mutual anger at their families and the situations that they found themselves in became the start of a friendship that gave him a reason to keep his focus. He learned more about the land he had found himself in then he had ever dreamed possible. And he learned about excesses in ways he had never conceived of before.

"It goes to your head, Thomas." Emir leaned forward and pressed a single finger to his forehead. It roused him from his thoughts and made him blink slowly. "You are staring into nothing, my friend."

"I've less of a head for this then you do, my friend." Thomas grinned slowly and stretched his legs out before letting his eyes slide around the room. "This is a fine place, but it is not so lovely as your own home."

"Ahh you mean that it is not so lovely as there are no women to wait upon you." Emir let out a barking laugh and leaned back to speak in a liquid sounding tongue to one of his servants.

"Your women are the loveliest I have ever seen, Emir. This is true." Thomas licked his lips and fought the urge to flush.

Before he had come here, his mother had drilled into him the sanctity of the marriage bed and the respect he must have for his own body. She had hammered into every thought he would ever have when it came to women and he had obeyed. Until Emir. The young nobleman had a harem of women, not servants, but a true harem of fifteen young women that served them. They lived in secluded quarters where he could go to be bathed and pampered and choose to take pleasure from them as he liked. They wore heavy clothing outside of the harem chambers, but within them, they were all but nude. It was Emir who had drawn him into that inner sanctum and instructed the girls to dance before him and show him traditional dances that were used to enflame the senses.

He had yet to enjoy their bodies, but even thinking of the lithe little dancing girls as they twisted an contorted with silk ribbons made his blood flow and his heart pound faster. Emir had been sympathetic, oh so sympathetic, and the night he had watched the performance he had been introduced to the wonders of a middle eastern brothel and the high priced women. They would do things there that he could not imagine a well bred Englishwoman doing and it made his loins tighten to just think of them. His eyes lifted up as servants began to clear the center of the room and several of the older men who were partaking of the drugs began to laugh and call out as a small group of musicians came down into the cleared spot.

"You spoil me, Emir. Never have I had a friend such as you." Thomas let out a soft laugh before leaning forward to take another draw from the hookah.

"You are the only one who I can relate to, my friend. Who else would come with me? One of my guards? One of these old men who would lecture me upon the duty I should be doing to my father?" Emir gave his head a shake. "I enjoy showing you my world, Englishman. You are able to see it with clear eyes."

Thomas let out a breath of blue smoke and swayed slightly as the drug coursed through him with renewed vigor. "Your world is marvelous. I could never dream of this back in England. My own estate is quite dull as you can imagine, though you might enjoy going fox hunting if you were ever there."

"I would not go there." Emir snorted in contempt as dancers began to take their places in the ring. "You are a dead country. The land is not alive there. It has been killed after generations of your rule. There is nothing there to breathe and grow. You have killed the spirits and magic of your world, I would not go there for all of my father's stable."

"Magic." Thomas snorted in amusement. "What a pagan notion! There are no such things as spirits and magic. It's the twentieth century."

"Ahh you see? You believe that the world is a place of numbers and science, but you neglect to remember your past and what you can learn from it." Emir hooded his eyes while his attention remained on the dancing girls. "You believe until you kill off the magic of your country and forget what it used to be like before you embraced such things. Your country is a poor one."

Thomas let his eyes wander over the twisting bodies of the little dancing girls. They were a bit older, not as old as his mother, but at least five or six years older then he was. But they were still lovely looking. They twisted and turned to the sound of the music that was spiraling up into a loud beat that made them arch their bellies and swing their hips so the bells that adorned their hips and legs chimed out. The drugs made the music echo slightly in his mind, and their forms were ever so lightly hazed, but he could still keep his attention on those swinging hips. He forced himself to answer Emir as he watched one of the taller ones spun around and shimmied her rump back and forth.

"I think that you've been listening to fairy tales far too long, Emir." Thomas snorted a bit and licked his lips as he leaned forward towards the dancing girls.

"Ahh, but you only believe that because your science has told you it. I know magic to be real because I have seen it work." Emir gave him a tap on the shoulder so he was forced to turn. "Do you not see this ring?"

Thomas glanced down at one of the rings that adorned his friend's fingers. The one he pointed too was a rather plain silver one that only had three sapphires set into it. Each stone was barely the size of a grain of sand so it looked more like a trick of the light instead of being purposefully placed there.

"Not as lovely as your other ones." Thomas grinned mischievously. "It seems you don't always make out the best deal, hmm?"

"It is priceless and has been in my family for hundreds of years." Emir's dark hand spread so that the other jewels caught the light, but they framed the modest one. "My revered ancestor was a wise man that first tamed Amon, the ancestor of all of our horses and the greatest stallion that has ever run beneath the skies. He first saw the fiery stallion he was a modest young man younger then I am now. He spotted Amon at a pool when the stallion was still a young colt and even then he was as fast as the winds. It was then that he pledged he would tame the young stallion and build his fortunes on the wild creature. He saw a life for himself and his family if only he could have a horse that could outrace all others.

"Day after day he watched the young stallion come to the pool to drink and day after day he planned on what he would do. He had so many ideas on how to capture the beast, but none of them worked. Every trap he laid failed, the stallion seemed to know when he was near and would bolt away with his fiery colored tail flagged high. One day he tried to rope the stallion, but this time the great beast did not run away. Amon turned to him and spoke:

'You cannot catch me with any rope that man has made, you cannot lure me with promises and food, why do you keep trying?' The stallion cried out.

'I must have you, you are the strongest fastest horse I have ever seen. Surely you are a messenger of the gods themselves to run so swiftly!' My ancestor said and shook his head. 'How am I to capture you?'

'If you truly wish to capture me, you must make me shoes made of silver and light as air. They must be encrusted with jewels that color of the sky and then I will come to you.' Amon replied and left with his tail streaming like a trail of fire.

"The horse spoke?" Thomas interrupted the story with a bark of laughter as he went to take another draw of the opium that made his world tilt strangely.

"Yes, he was not truly a horse you see." Emir waggled a finger at him. "He was one of the desert spirits that clothed himself as a horse."

"Then it wasn't a horse at all." Thomas shot back and felt vindicated, but Emir only laughed and tapped his silver ring with one finger.

"Ahh, but there you are wrong, my friend. My ancestor went to a blacksmith and brought all of his family silver to be melted down. He spent all of his money to buy dozens of small sapphires and paid to have shoes made for the great Amon. They were works of art and could not be compared to any others. My ancestor took them to the pool where the stallion came to drink and this time he did not hide. He laid out all four shoes on the golden sands and awaited Amon's return. And this time, the stallion did not try to run, instead he walked forward one brilliant red leg at a time to see the gift that had been brought him.

'The great horse lowered his head and touched the shoes gently with his nose and with each one that he touched it flared brighter then the moon at midnight. And with each one the spirit that was held within him spilled into the silver metal and left him a mortal horse once more. And from that day Amon was tamed and accepted the bridle and bit. He ran in many races and won many prizes, and all of our horses are descended from him even our lowliest mules have his blood coursing through their veins. For you see, as long as his bloodline is alive, the spirit that my ancestor met is still retained in the silver that contained him. This ring is cast from that silver horseshoe and holds great magic." Emir finished with a slow smile.

"Magic? A magic ring? And what does it do, pray tell, does it give you the power to be wealthy or does it make you invincible?" Thomas felt the effects of the opium far more heavily as the evening had grown darker. The air was thick with it.

"No, it grants wishes. Not infinitely, but one for each sapphire chip." Emir gestured at the three tiny fragments.

"Wishes? A wishing ring?" Thomas gave his head a shake. "And you call my country strange. I'm sorry, friend, I am most definitely not buying into that story."

"Shall we try it then? I've never taken a wish on my ring, I've always had what I desired from my wealth." Emir turned the ring slowly back and forth.

"Yes, wish for a harem for me." Thomas joked before taking another draw from the hookah. His world was spinning around and tilted as he realized that he had far too much for the evening.

"Oh no, nothing like that. That might not prove anything except you are adjusting well to my country's customs. No, we must wish the impossible, Thomas." Emir tapped a finger against his lips lightly. "Thomas.. Thomaaaas, Thomassss..."

"Hrrrrrm?" Thomas blinked at his friend as the nobleman began to drawl out his name. It sounded strange as it echoed in his ears.

"Thomas... Tom Ass..." Emir let out a laugh that was short and musical sounding. "I shall wish for you to become an ass. I wish for my friend Thomas to be a jack ass, a donkey, yes... That will do nicely, don't you think?"

"Sure, an ass..." Thomas blinked his eyes slowly as the music was mingling with the sound of his friend's voice. "Still think you should get me a fine harem of women all to myself."

He had smoked far too much. More then he had any other night and he felt his eye lids grow heavy as the music swam around him and mingled with the jingling sound of the dancers. He grinned over at his friend as Emir touched the edge of his ring. In his opium fueled haze it looked like it glowed for an instant before going dull. He smiled to himself and returned his attention to the dancers. This country was so strange and antiquated, whatever would his mother think if she could see him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

It wasn't the first time that Thomas woke up in the early morning as the last of the opium wore away and he was able to finally come away from the daze. The sounds of the other soldiers echoed up towards him while he shifted on his bed beneath the light blanket that he used to sleep during the heat of the day. He shivered a little bit as he felt the cold breeze spilling over him and he groaned a little and lifted his head up with a groan. The moonlight spilled through the half open window as he pushed one of his elbows beneath him so he could look around his disorderly room. Normally he kept it quite neat, but it showed signs that he'd come home in a state that had left a chair toppled over and his clothing thrown over the ground. At least he was in his bed alone, there was something strangely frightening about waking up with a stranger.

Mother would have a cat if she knew how I behave here. _ Thomas leaned back in the bed and pulled the pillow beneath his head. _Listening to pagan stories, smoking opium, frequenting whore houses, she would remove me from the will.

_ _

Guilt, guilt wasn't something he felt. He had spent too long here wishing he could with the others fighting the Germans and truly bringing honor to his family name. This was the first time he felt truly alive here. Emir made him feel alive as he was introduced to a culture that was so strange and exotic. Even the foods roused his senses. Last night he had over indulged, true, but it had been worth it. The music, the dancers, and even the strangely mystical aura of the story that Emir had told him had made the evening something special. He could settle down later in his life, for now he would live his life to the fullest. His future wife need never know what he had done in this barbaric land. She would never hear of what he had done and why he had done it. And he could enjoy countless dancing girls.

He wriggled beneath the light blanket and let his mind go back to the memories of last night. His memories were slightly hazy as he tried to recall what had happened, but he remembered the dancing girl that had come to entertain him at Emir's direction. She had been short and quite lovely looking with her hips wrapped in a skirt that was made of silver beaten coins. They had flashed in the light and taken his attention as she moved to slip into his lap and danced with her entire body. She had smelled like cinnamon and tasted like sweet sugar on his tongue as the night had turned darker and the dancing girls earned their pay. His mind turned hazy then, but he could recall the hot feel of her mouth and the way that her legs slipped to either side of his hips.

Thomas shifted a little bit beneath the sheets as his body reacted to his attempts to remember the night before. A smile tugged the edges of his mouth while he shifted the sheets and moved his hand down to stroke right along the tip of his shaft. The gentle touch curled along the glans, but he froze when he went to drop down lower. It was wrong, it was entirely wrong. His fingers wrapped around the tip of his cock and cupped beneath something that was far larger, far heaver then anything he had ever possessed. He shoved the covers back with a groan as his first few fingers wrapped around two swollen inches, but nothing more. Instead of a spire, he pushed against something heavy and rolled towards the very base.

"What the bloody hell?!" He cried out as he struggled out of the sheets and stared down at the pale white expanse of his lower belly, and the blemish that spread along his loins.

His cock was gone, whatever he knew of as it had disappeared completely and in its place was something horrifying. A thick black roll of flesh formed a swollen pouch that hung just beneath the rise of his belly button. It ended in a broad tear shaped opening from which two thick inches spilled over the edge. His girth wasn't pale pink, it was a deep black with a blunt tip that spread open around the edges exactly like the glans of a horse. The flesh was wrinkled, not even hard as it lay draped to one side of the sheath as if flaunting the fact he no longer had his human genitals. Beneath them was a pair of soft fuzzed orbs that were at least twice the size of what he used to possess. The orbs forced his legs open ever so slightly to adjust to them. The black toned flesh spread out around the edges forming a triangle around the equine orbs and sheath.

Thomas swallowed, his tongue felt dry, and he tried to make his mind shrug off any lingering effects of the opium so he could stop staring at what was obviously false. This couldn't be happening to him. It had to be some strange aftereffects of the drugs he had taken last night. He felt almost sick as he reached down and felt the roll of flesh that formed the dark sheath. He had to know if it was real and not an illusion. He carefully pulled downwards and felt the warm supple flesh shifting as he tugging at the pouch and more of the dark shaft spilled free along his belly. It was wrinkled and obscenely large as it draped to one side and revealed uneven splotches of pink hiding in the midst of the darkness. He snapped his jaws shut and muffled a whimper of terror as he used his other hand to tug along his changed girth and could barely get his hand around it.

His orbs weren't covered with curled pubic hair any longer, either. He brushed a finger against them and found them covered in fine smooth fur that was velvety to the touch. The dark flesh beneath it made them dark, but the fine scattering of fuzz was a pale grey-white color. Ever so faintly he picked up the unique scent of horse on the air so that he ended up giving a short sneeze and wrinkled his nose a little bit. It felt real. He not only felt it with his finger tips, but could feel the touch of his digits as they spread over the swell of one velveted orb. His fingers rubbed in slow circles while his breathing started to grow faster and harder with fear as he desperately searched for some part of his loins that wasn't blatantly animalistic.

_This isn't right..._He jerked his hands away with a groan of dismay as the touches he was giving himself produced a very natural effect.

The wrinkled mottled flesh started to thicken out and grow heavier as it grew aroused. He started at it like some sort of monster between his legs as the tip had just started to push past his belly button to prove that it wasn't anywhere near the size it should have been. A hint of wetness beaded from the gaping urethra and that was all he could take. He lunged out of the bed on unsteady feet and felt the soft member flopping lewdly along his legs as he stumbled for his clothing. Emir would know what was going on. He had said it was the wishing ring. He would know how to put a stop to all of this nonsense!

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Of course I know what is wrong, my friend." Emir leaned back on a plush pile of silk pillows. His goatee had recently been braided so that two long points hung down towards his chest and were beaded with amber and gold. "I told you the power of my family's ring, alas, you wished it to be proven."

"Unwish it!" Thomas's voice almost cracked as he was forced to stand awkwardly before his friend.

He had been offered a seat, but he dared not take it. His pants barely fit over the obscenity that his groin had become and it was strained tight. The thought of sitting and putting any amount of pressure on his sensitive spots sent a shiver down his spine. The seam was already biting painfully just between his balls. The only relief he'd gotten had been the humiliation of baring himself to Emir to show him what was wrong; and then, only long enough to show before he stuffed himself back into his pants. Emir hadn't even seemed shocked by the sight. The young man had merely looked down at what had happened and back up before asking what his question was. What his question was!! As if the fact he had a horse's cock hanging from between his legs wasn't obvious enough.

"I cannot, once it's been wished, it cannot simply be wished away. " Emir tilted his head to one side as he spoke. "Magic simply does not work that way. Though, I'm sure there is a way that you might forgo any further changes."

"Any further changes?!" Thomas felt his cheeks pale at the insinuation that there would be more changes. "I'll always be like this?! How am I to wed a woman this way? How am I going to have a family?!"

"Be at ease, you should be relieved that you've been gifted with what you have been. It's not so terrible as you might think. Any woman would adore to be filled by you. No other man could compare." The young Arabian man quirked his lips up in a smile. "As long as it stops there you'll lead a perfectly lovely life. After all, this is all in your hands now. The magic is strengthened through you."

"How can I stop it?" Thomas ran his hand through his hair nervously. "It can't go any further!"

"Quite easily, my friend, just be a man. Refuse the urges that might stir within you to behave as a beast and a man you will stay." Emir hooded his eyes a little bit. "And it proves that your land has become a place devoid of magic and what makes it so alive, while my thrives, if you recall our argument."

"I don't bloody care about the argument! It's ruined me!" He started to sit down, but the moment his hips dropped he froze with a hiss of pain as his pants tightened over his larger orbs and sheath.

"I've already told you that this is not so. Shall I show you?" The young nobleman tilted his head and then grinned broadly. "Yes, I believe I should. Shira! Come here!"

Emir clapped his hands smartly as he spoke and Thomas gave him an annoyed look. The young man was taking it entirely too cheerfully without even a hint of remorse that Thomas was forced to deal with a beasts loins. He knew exactly what any proper English girl would think the moment she saw it and it would not be with passion. It wouldn't take long for someone to figure out what was wrong, after all, his pants bulged hugely so that anyone with any sense could see that something was horrifically wrong with him. He could never go home to England like this. Not unless he found a way to hide his deformity from prying eyes and gossips who would all too happily make up their own ideas on what had happened to him. The very best scenario would be that he had padded his own pants in a vain attempt to impress females.

"Shira, greet Thomas, he does not believe that he is blessed from Amon himself. I am sure that you would disagree with him." His friend gave a slow wicked smile as a slight girl rose from her position with the rest of the harem women.

She was an amber skinned woman wearing only a silver chain wrapped around her hips with a spill of silk that covered her loins and nearly brushed the ground. The deep gold color of the material set off her skin perfectly as her broad curved hips swayed back and forth with each step. A ruby was carefully set in her belly button while her skin was dusted with gold powder that thickened right at the apex of her breasts. Her nipples were coated in the dust so they seemed as if they were made of gold. Like every member of Emir's harem she was breathtaking, a work of art, decorated with jewels and silver chains that ran around her neck and wound through her hair. He swallowed as the girl gave a cat like smile when she noticed his eyes slipping over her.

"Emir..." He licked his lips and took a step back. "That is a cruel joke and you well know it."

"I offer her to you, Thomas, to enjoy as you see fit." Emir stretched his arms out to rest along the back of the thick silk pillow.

"I know your countries laws. Only you can touch your women and I refuse to end up castrated just because you think to trick me into it as some sort of rough joke." The young man stiffened a little as the girl stepped closer to him and purposefully swayed her body so that the full ripe breasts moved to draw his eye to them.

"Ahh, but you have the gift of Amon upon you. It would not be your sinful British member that would tarnish my harem, but one gifted to you by the greatest stallion of my family's line." Emir's smile deepened as he spoke matter of factly. "Take what Shira offers you, the only price is that I might watch to ensure that you do not give into beastly urges."

"Emir, this is a bit..." The words he wanted to say, to protest that casual comment that his friend would watch, were stolen from him with a press of the girl's lips against his own.

They pushed forcefully against him so he was soon tilting his head down with his tongue pushing in against her own smaller one. It darted and teased him as her nearly nude form pressed against him and the softness of her naked breasts pushed right against his clothed chest. She smelled sweet to him and he drew in a shuddering breath before moving his hands up to glide along the amber sweep of her skin. He trailed all the way up towards the edges of her hips before gliding back down again to her upper thighs so he could tug her forward against him. She pulled her lips back with a wriggle that rolled her hips against him and moved her hands up to unbutton the top few buttons of his shirt. Her lips were quirked up playfully as she started to spread the fabric apart to bare the sweep of his chest and the slight curl of his chest hair.

He glanced up to look at Emir who was watching them with every evidence of amusement as a few of the girls settled down against him. They curled against him and caressed him as all their eyes kept focused on the scene of the girl peeling his shirt open one button at a time. She dropped her head so the raven-black hair tumbled forward along her cheek bones while she licked in swift short sweeps towards the lower chest. She kissed lightly so he moved his hands up to glide along her belly to trace upwards towards the soft round orbs of her breasts. She pressed into his hands as his finger tips rubbed right along the tight hardened nipples as they perked up to his touch. The softness of them dimpled inwards as he pressed his palms upwards and pressed them firmly against her chest before kneading.

Thomas had to strain and work slightly as she lowered herself so that his shirt fell open and flapped loosely to either side of his bare chest. She dropped to one knee and he had to give up his hold on the soft breasts so he moved to her shoulders as she nuzzled lightly right along the bottom of his belly where the white flesh turned dark from the change. Her breath was hot against him as she moved one of her hands down to gently rub along the tight pants. The fingers slipped higher and then dropped down to where the orbs were pushed up tight against the material. He groaned out softly and kept his eyes on her lips as she trailed down to work her tongue right around the button and captured it between strong white teeth.

She twisted a little bit in a practiced move that undid the button and the pants loosened as the fingers pushed upwards along the hidden sheath. Thomas tensed up and arched his back slightly as the swollen glans started to push outwards in reaction and oozed over the edge as the material loosened. The girl knew what she was doing, she pulled and tugged along the material so that it started to peel down towards the upper thighs. Her fingers finally trailed away from his orbs to catch either side of his pants. She tugged and pulled the material downwards so the swollen velvety sheath spilled into view with the first few inches of his girth spilled out into the air and the opening of the sheath hung down wide open as he continued to drool out heavy inches.

"It is perfect, sir, so large and full." Shira murmured appreciatively and pulled the pants down lower so that the twin velveted orbs came into view.

"Give him a kiss, girl, show him that the gift of Amon should be treasured." Emir's voice came as if from a distance. Thomas was too busy watching the girl as she dropped his pants down towards the ground and leaned forward.

Her pink tongue flicked out and dragged right along the swollen dark glans as it continued to lower down towards the ground. She swirled in a circle that sent shivers running down his back. It was more then just pleasurable, it was like nothing he'd ever felt. He was more sensitive then he'd ever been in his life and he reached out blindly to try and find some form of support. His fingers found nothing and he was reduced to sliding his fingers through her thick hair as her eager tongue tip trailed upwards against the wrinkled flesh that was rapidly smoothing out. He spread his legs open wider as the cock swayed back and forth and Shira worked her way towards the very base. One of her hands moved to cup right beneath the glans and squeezed ever so gently against the head. The fingers tips kneaded in slow circles around him until he cried out in rough pleasure.

As he thickened there was a roll right at the mid point that pulled downwards, but didn't grow smooth. It remained as a firm ring that rose up and stiffened as she rubbed towards the edges of the glans and moved upwards and smeared the slippery precum over him. He let out a shuddering breath and his eyes closed, but not before catching sight of Emir drawing one of the girls into his lap. His hands were already moving to caress and rub his chosen's breasts as he watched the show. Thomas had seen worse in the brothels and for now all he could think about was the feel of the fingers that teased over him and the nearly nude girl pressed so close against his legs. The fingers splayed and moved upwards while his heart started to beat faster, a slow thud that built up until it was nearly a roar in his ears.

A thick bead of precum oozed out in a syrupy rush that smeared over the edges of the digits and left strands clinging to her as he hardened. The sheath turned into a gaping tear drop that held the monstrous flesh that showed a palm shaped splash of pink right around the base. The rest of him was inky black and soon gleaming as Shira licked in swift smooth stroked. She pressed forward and guided his swelling girth between her soft ripe breasts. The warmth spread to either side of him so he groaned and rolled his hips forward so that the tip smeared a wet patch right along the upper portion of her belly. The pressure only made it all the more delicious as she pressed her breasts together and lifted herself up and dropped back down so the tip dragged between her cleavage.

She worshiped him with her tongue. She stroked in slow drags of the tongue tip that moved in circles, languid movements that sent heat through his base as the pressure gripped him from his middle all the way to the tip. When she dropped down he saw a glimpse of his medial ring as it popped into sight before she rose up. He was hardening, but he was so large he couldn't jut into the air. He was big enough that the tip would have hit his chest if he had even tried to. He didn't just physically look like an equine, he was the size of one too. It was humiliating, but strangely arousing to watch Shira as she moved her head down and guided his tip upwards as his stomach muscles tensed. Her tongue glided downwards and swirled right around the tip as he stifled a moaning cry.

She spread her lips open and struggled to wrap her mouth around the glans while her tongue pushed upwards and another groan pushed out of her throat. This time the sound came out a rough braying cry that barely sounded human. The hot spill of precum oozed out of his tip as it jutted forward and the muscles tensed so that it stiffened and grew larger. His nostrils flared wildly and he let out another groan, a braying cry that broke through the air high pitched and ragged while he rolled his hips forward and drew backwards again. A thick strand of clear precum oozed from his tip and spilled past the lips and trailed along the edge of her chin.

"Alissa, go, go and offer yourself to him." Emir's voice was panting and Thomas' eyes flashed open wildly as Shira pulled the glans from her mouth with a wet popping sound.

Another of the harem girls came forward, but this one was completely nude with her hair bound up along the nape of her neck. Her skin wasn't painted gold, but left untouched and natural save for the faintest sheen of oil that was brushed along the tips of her nipples and down towards the soft rise of her mound. Shira's hand kneaded around the tip of his cock and pulled from the base all the way to the tip, kneading and massaging until it was harder to concentrate. He watched the nude girl approaching, even as the one already tending him snuggled against his legs and pressed in intimately close. Thomas found himself staring at Alissa as she approached and his nostrils flared slightly. He smelled the sweet spices of Shira, but there was another smell entirely on Alissa.

He had to have her. The thought was raw and filled with fire as she came near enough to him that he could think of nothing else. The scent of her made him feel nearly mad with need as his girth flexed and spilled out precum along his own thighs. The girl didn't struggle as he caught her in his arms, instead she wriggled gracefully and twisted in his embrace. Her laughter was echoed by Emir's as she brushed her bare soft rump cheeks against his loins briefly and bent over. Her long hair spilled to one side of her body as she dropped to all fours as playfully as a filly and tilted her head back to look at him invitingly. He might have been shocked or hesitated if he'd been in his right mind, but right now his mind worked only with the scent of her. He had to have her.

Thomas clutched at her hips and dropped down, his hips rolling forward blindly as the base stiffened and tried to just forward. He didn't behave like a man, nor did he care to try to act like one. He nipped and bit at the back of her neck as he slipped over her back and some part of him tried to figure out what was wrong with what was going on. Her smooth body brushed along his chest and teased right along his loins as his heavy girth flexed upwards and bumped against the soft plump lips. He tried to arch his back up so his cock could sway upwards to probe against her bared loins, but his body felt wrong as he moved his arms to clutch blindly against her hips.

Shira moved to one side and her hand suddenly wrapped right behind the swell of his glans and guided him upwards. Thomas groaned out as the tip brushed right up against the soft folds of the woman who had been sent to him. His breath came out raggedly as he leaned downwards and caught her neck between his teeth and gripped firmly against the skin there. His breath came out raggedly and ruffled against the back of his neck. His girth stiffened and the harem girl gave a push backwards while the thickness of his tip started to splay her plump folds open. A thick drool of precum erupted out of his tip before he let out a harsh braying cry and gave a grinding push forward. He tugged roughly against her hips as he forced her body to stretch open around the tip of his changed oversized girth.

Her inner walls clamped down around the tip of his equine cock as he forced his way inwards and heard Alissa cry out raggedly beneath him. He gripped harder against her hips as she started to writhe and squirm. She was HIS! The scent of her was flooding his senses as he plunged forward and wedged inch by slow inch into her passage. The walls clutched and squeezed as he oozed out a thick dribble of precum splattered into her. His breathing came out rougher as he felt Shira's hands massaging and teasing right around his base as he stuffed and plunged inwards. Forcing his tip in until the spongy barrier of her cervix stopped him with the medial ring still resting outside of her body. He let out a muffled bray and tried shoving forward again to bury more of himself into her passage, but there was no where else he could go. He stuffed her full while his hips jerked and bucked against her until Alissa started to let out protesting sounds.

She tried to squirm forward, but he released his hold on her neck and nipped her shoulder roughly to discipline her. His jenny needed to hold still while he bred her! He arched his back upwards and dragged backwards to pull inch by glistening inch from the passage before bucking forward again. The tip hammered upwards right against the cervix as his balls swayed between his legs and he tried to drive himself all the way inside of her. The more she struggled, the more he nipped and pushed his weight down against her to make sure she couldn't escape. Her body jerked and bucked under his weight while his hands tugged along her belly and dragged her backwards. His cock bowed slightly at the apex of each thrust and Shira's hand clutched right at the base of his cock and started to pump in time with his thrusts.

His breathing came out raggedly as he kept his jenny pinned and started to hammer in harder movements. The thick ooze of precum splattered out a hot rush of precum into her passage before it was pushed out around the edges and coated his girth. The powerful walls started to contract and squeeze around him to suckle and contract so tightly. He felt his heart pounding faster and faster, it throbbed in his ears until they felt hot as he arched his back and wildly started to increase his pace. His orbs tightened as the girl cried out beneath him and he worked past her spasming muscles to hammer against her cervix. He drew in her scent and let out a ragged animalistic sound as he arched his back and spread his legs open a bit wider. Thomas' mind was flooded with need as his stomach started to tense up while his tip started to spread open wider and wider.

Pleasure filled him, nearly making him dizzy as he lifted his head and started to bray louder in a high pitched burst as his orbs pulled up tight between his legs. Shira's gentle hold around his base started to pull upwards to milk him as the tip jutted forward and suddenly sent out a hot thick rush of cum from his tip. The hot spray erupted from the tip and splattered against his jenny's cervix, thick and rich with his seed as he pressed down along the smooth trembling back. Her cries were music to his ears as he trembled and shuddered as the thick hot cream thudded up hard against the vulnerable opening to her womb. His breath came out in a shivering rush while he dropped his head down and pinned his ears flat to his head.

Pinned his ears flat.....

The motion jerked him out of the strange mindset and he let out a groan and jerked his head up high in the air. The girl beneath him was nearly collapsed as the inner walls contracted and squeezed the last bit of oozing cum from him. He moved one of his hands up and touched one of his rounded ears, but instead he encountered a long sweep of ears that tapered towards the tips. He felt the other blindly and cried out before jerking backwards from the harem girl. He felt fogged over as he glanced down to see her shoulder reddened with teeth marks from where he had bitten her in a rush of need. Alissa moaned out as he pulled the softening slimed cock from her quivering passage while a thick hot wave of semen splattered out from around his tip.

"What happened?" His words came out slowly and thick sounding while he swayed a little in place. His eyes were locked on the sight of the girl's splayed legs as the thick pearly dribble coated her inner thighs. Her folds were still splayed lewdly.

"You were magnificent.." Shira, the first girl, stroked his still flared cock tip and massaged around him until he whimpered.

"You seem to have been unable to resist your animalistic side, Thomas." Emir's voice was rough sounding and Thomas jerked his head to see his friend with a girl writhing in his lap. Her folds were spread open right around the base of his cock which was hilted inside of her.

"I didn't me-EEE-EEE-EEE-AWWWWWWWWW" The rough bray erupted past his lips as he tried to protest that he didn't mean to act like an animal. His ears remained pinned flat to his head as he glanced down and whimpered as he realized that his nails were thicker then they had been. He had to stop this!

"You have not had me yet, sir.." Shira dropped her head to lick the tip of his cock with a fluttering touch. "Alissa, will you help me get him ready for me?"

"Oh yes.." The trembling bruised girl shifted onto her knees with a slow sinful smile on her face. The faint hint of her scent filled his nose and made him groan out. He needed to get out of here! He needed to leave!

The nude girl that smelled so arousing turned and dropped her hips. He felt a surge of pride and triumph as he saw the thick semen that escaped her violated folds. Even the sight of her bruised shoulders made him feel victorious. She lowered herself and moved to cup his still swollen tip while Shira stroked over his velvety balls. He glanced wildly at Emir who slowly moved the girl from his lap and leaned forward with bright eyes. Thomas flushed hotly and couldn't stop the groan as he felt a hot tongue slip right over his sensitive tip. His entire body shuddered in a reaction he couldn't stop as the scents started to grow increasingly stronger.

"Shira, help our new friend." Emir flashed a smile that showed every one of his white teeth. "Do not look so frightened, Thomas. Do you not see you have been gifted? The very scent of a mare rouses your senses."

"I don't want roused!" Thomas blinked his eyes frantically as Shira moved her hands away from his weighty orbs and leaned back to pull out a small glass vial.

The young man pushed himself upwards and tried to stumble back with his eyes flashed open wide and terrified. His slippery shaft was draped along his inner thigh as he watched the pair of girls who grinned up at him. Shira unplugged the vial and looked up at him as the strange scent reached him again and made his heart speed up. His eyes opened wide and he tried to take another step back, but his eyes were locked on Shira as she ran the vial up along the line of her breasts while her eyes remained on him. Alissa moved forward on her hands and knees so she could brush his fingers upwards to trail all the way up along his inner thighs. He couldn't do this. He couldn't.

"LEAVE MEEEE-EEE-EEEEEEEEEE-AWWWWWWLONE!" Thomas screamed out as he felt his body heating up as the first girl began to pour a line of oil between her breasts.

He didn't stop, he didn't look back, he turned and ran with Emir's laughter ringing in his ears as he ran towards the doors. He couldn't do this, this couldn't be happening!

~ ~ * ~ ~

Thomas didn't care that he didn't have pants, he was able to use his shirt to cover himself as he stumbled out of Emir's suite and into the streets. His breathing came raggedly as he looked wildly around the streets that were painted red from the setting sun. He kept his ears flattened down against his head so that they were out of sight. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he drew in clean breaths of air as he tried to forget what he had left behind him, the sights that he had left. He kept his mind focused on getting back to the fort where he could lock himself in his room and send for his physician. Or perhaps a priest. Something that would be able to put a stop to all of this. There had to be an answer and Emir didn't seem to be prepared to help, not when he deliberately put him in a position in which he acted like an animal.

His luck held as he struggled up the streets towards the fort. There were few people on the streets and those that were only glanced at him as he stumbled along the side of the buildings and tried to keep to the shadows. It was in the shadows that he realized that the changes hadn't stopped, they had only slowed. His nails were growing thicker together and pulling his fingers so that they were pulled tight to one another. The normal clear color started to darken and spread along the edges as they rose upwards towards the first part of his knuckle. He clutched his hands against his chest to try and cover them as the ache continued to grow as he began to lose sensation at the tips of his fingers. It was nothing compared to the nails on his toes started to change as well. The numbness spread as he hobbled along side streets that left the town behind him.

His joints ached and everything felt strangely surreal as at the oddest moments he caught the sharp scents of the girls clinging to him. But now he knew it wasn't the scent of the harem girls, but the harsh scents of an animal in heat. He tried to clear his nose as his skin burned and ached. It felt swollen and tight over his body so his legs were barely able to move properly. When he tried to lift his legs too much the skin pulled oddly and his bones ached. No one seemed to find it odd how he was moving, he even saw a few people pause to glance at him, but they ignored him. His ears remained pinned flat to his head, but how could they miss them? It was a blessing that they did, but it made him all the more frantic to get back to where he could find someone to change him back or have an answer for him.

"Just... gotta get back.." He muttered to himself as his toes pulled together and he limped slightly. It was hurting to walk this way, but he had to get back.

The only bonus came with the fact that his hanging cock had withdrawn back into the sheath so it no longer bobbed back and forth along his inner thighs. He stumbled and nearly fell onto his knees as the thickening toes formed something like a hoof. They scraped against the sand and dirt so that puffs rose up beneath him. His breathing became labored as he kept his eyes locked on the horizon and the edge of the fort. The shirt that was tied around his waist started to loosen as he stumbled over his numbed feet and nearly fell onto the ground. He brayed out, a rough noise, and caught himself while he did his best to keep himself on his feet.

It seemed to take hours for the twenty minute walk to the fort. He stumbled and fell twice on the road outside of the massive walls, but eventually he scrambled up as he looked in horror at the three thick nails that had become his fingers. The black rough nails encompassed everything all the way to his knuckles so that he couldn't really bend them. His joints ached as his breath came in short hard puffs as he scrabbled his way towards the side entrance. His shirt fell down from his waist as his legs started to ache and he no longer cared if his sheath and orbs were swaying between his legs. His sides were coated in sweat as he trembled and stumbled towards the door and scrabbled at it with his changed fingers.

They refused to grip the lock, they no longer had any feeling in them, he could only paw and scrape at them roughly. He hammered against it and tried to knock it out of place as he leaned forward against the wooden door to keep himself on his two legs. His breath came out in a ragged groan as he scraped his changed hand down again and clattered it against the door knob. Thomas squeezed his eyes shut as a wave of frustration hit him and he just wanted to start sobbing. His sweat and dust covered body ached so badly and he couldn't even get into the fort to find the help he so desperately needed. He pawed harder against the wooden frame before crying out.

"Let me EEE-EEEE-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!" He screamed out raggedly. Anything just to get into his relatively cool room so he could get someone to help him.

"Gerard! Get that beast away from the kitchen gate!" Someone barked out angrily from the other side of the door.

The door yanked inwards as he hammered one of his hoof hands against it and Thomas let out a shout of pure relief. Someone had heard him! He stumbled into the open door and shoved aside the greying soldier who had opened it. He glared at his subordinate as he stumbled forward a few steps and his aching legs started to shudder under his weight. His knees were hurting so badly that he let out a wheezing cry and stumbled for at least the sixth time since he had started walking up here. His hands dropped down and caught him before he looked down to see that the three thick nails were drawing together slowly. They melting together as he let out a ragged groan and lifted one of his arms and stumbled forward awkwardly on all fours with his ass in the air. The ache in his knees started to slowly ease.

"CAAAAW AWWW AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" He brayed out as he tried to tell the guard to call for the doctor.

"The hell?!" Someone called up from the walls and a few others laughed as Thomas awkwardly stumbled forward on all fours. His legs didn't ache as badly, but they still ached.

"Hold on, old son. Where do you think you're going." The guard who had opened the door moved beside him and Thomas flipped one of his ears as he heard the clatter of a buckle.

"EEEE EEEE AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" Thomas flushed angrily as he couldn't get words out while the guard walked up to him.

Without even asking him a question, the old soldier looped his belt deftly over Thomas's head and draped it around his neck before tightening it. It stank of sweat and sour beer, as well as being stiff so that it scraped against his neck. He kept his ears pinned flat to his head as he jerked backwards and moved a hand with the intent to yank it away. Except, his shoulder and arm wouldn't bend the right way. He twisted and writhed away, but the guard yanked backwards as he tried to rear upwards with his head tossed up high. What was he doing?!

"Sarge! It's a donkey, must have gotten loose from down." Gerard pulled the lead firmly so that he stumbled forward awkwardly. "Here ya go, old son. Break loose, eh?"

"Well take it to the stable," The sergeant barked out while Thomas glared up at the person that would dare wrap a belt around him.

He fought the lead, it was yanked forward and bit around his neck so that he was hauled towards the stable by the aging soldier. Gerard didn't seem to care that he was struggling when he twisted and jerked against the lead. He would have tried to yank the lead away, but his arms refused to lift up the right way. His legs were starting to shift as well, he could feel them popping strangely as the muscles began to tense and cramp. He walked awkwardly forward while he shuddered and let out a sharp groan of pain. The hooves clopped beneath him as Gerard hauled him towards the lean to that they referred to as the stable. Why didn't they see him as a human? He twisted his head and could see his own smooth unblemished skin. Only his arms and legs had changed into something that belonged on a donkey. Why didn't they see this?!

"In ya get!" Gerard hauled him into the rickety lean to and shoved the rope wrapped gate shut behind his changed haunches. "We'll figure out who your owner is, eh?"

Thomas lifted his head and brayed out indignantly as the dirty belt was pulled over his head so he could shake himself out. He dropped his head down to stare at his arms that ended in black hooves. There were no fingers, no thumbs, nothing but the solid black hoof. The old soldier gave him a slap right along the curve of his hind legs before leaving him standing in the midst of the old scattered hay and straw and staring at his deformed body. How could he make them see who he was?

~ ~ * ~ ~

Thomas was forced to spend the night outside of the warmth of the fort's walls and instead spent it standing beneath the stars in the cold desert night. His breath spilled out in fog from his nose as he trembled and huddled against the narrow wall for as much warmth as he could possibly manage to gain. His sides heaved with every breath as he felt feverish and sick while he huddled against himself and listened to the soldiers as they roared and gamed within the walls. Their laughter echoed to him and he could catch hints of voices as they slurred the longer that the night went on. It was miserable. He had no fur, only pink flesh that felt every breeze that blew by. If he hadn't had hooves his fingers and toes would have surely been numbed and frostbitten, as it was, he could feel his skin starting to grow blue as his teeth chattered.

The changes had slowed, but they hadn't stopped, he couldn't quite feel them, but he knew that he was growing larger. He could see himself growing taller as the fence dropped down from being at nose level, to chest level. His legs were starting to grow heavier as he held up his body and his chest had started to grow broader. It made it awkward to hold himself up with his forearms, or rather forelegs, but that was his only distraction from the cold. He dropped his head down and nearly touched his lower legs as he sucked in a trembling breath and blew it out again. He was shaking in place as he tried his best to keep his mind on his problems instead of the very real fear that he would freeze to death out here alone. No one came to feed him or give him a blanket, the sloppy guards simply ignored him as if he weren't there at all. At least, for the start of the night.

"C'mon, Edgar, Gerard said he was poundin' at the gate." A slurred voice stirred Thomas from his trembling as he heard shuffling steps coming from the main building.

"Hehe, betcha you can't, but yer gonna get yerself kicked." The other voice slurred out laughing as two drunken guards came shambling towards the leanto.

"Yer gonna buy me beer fer the week if I can." The first guard stumbled against the gate and laughed uproariously. "Heeeeeey jack, ya 'wake? Yeah, yer 'wake."

"G'on Jason, yer gonna get kiiiiiiicked." Edgar laughed from the fence as his friend scrambled drunkenly over the fence and Thomas backed away as he realized the man was carrying an abused looking saddle in one hand.

"C'mere, boy, ya wanna take a ride?" Jason approached him and leered in the moonlight as he nearly stumbled just trying to walk.

Thomas pinned his ears back and stumbled backwards a few steps as the reek of alcohol hit him. It was so thick he nearly sneezed it out as he tried to get back towards the dubious shelter of the run down lean to. The drunken soldier let out a few clicking sounds with his tongue as he extended a hand out and kept his other hand supporting the saddle he had dragged out. It was obvious that it was some drunken bet or another, and humiliating as the older man kept inching towards him with those damned clicking noise being made with his tongue. The changed young man pulled back as far as he could get which put him in direct contact with the cold desert wind that twisted around him and made him tremble in place again. His teeth chattered faintly as Jason lunged forward and made a grab for his hair.

"AWW AWW AWW!" He protested as the rough fingers hooked in his bangs and gave it a yank so his head was twisted about.

"C'mere ya damned ass." The soldier hauled hard enough that Thomas was forced about while he struggled against the hold.

"Looks like he doesn't like you." The drunk's friend slurred from the side lines.

"Just gotta show 'em whose boss." The solder kept a firm hold on Thomas's bangs as he tried to strike out with one hoof, but the man shoved forward.

The larger weight was pushed up against his shoulder so he was pinned neatly up against the wooden post of the fence. It would have made him strike out with his hooves, or even bite, but the press made him aware of the mans warm body pushed against him. It was humiliating that that was what kept him in place. The warmth that spread along his shoulder and side was like the grace of god that took some of the chill from him. Humiliatingly, he pressed into it rather than struggle. He shamelessly leeched what heat he could from the drunkard as the man flung the worn saddle up and over his back. The leather was cracked and rough with not even a saddle pad beneath it to help ease the scraping against his bare skinned back. It smelled of equine, but old equine, as if it hadn't been used in years. It wasn't even a proper saddle at all.

Jason kept his weight pinning Thomas in place as the man drunkenly tried to pull the strap beneath his belly. The stirrups were just a pair of looped leather, not metal or wood at all, and the saddle itself was just a rough pad with a cantle in place like many basic saddles used by the lower class people in this country. Thomas tried to shake it off and toss his hips up, but he didn't try to wriggle away from the man. He was so cold, he had no hair to protect him, and the warmth was bringing some feeling to his chilled skin as the man tugged the brittle strap beneath his belly and pulled it up with a rough tug so that it was put into place just behind his forelegs. He winced at the rough edges that bit against him and only then tried to lunge forward away from the drunkard. He was the son of a noble line, he didn't have to put up with this. The drunk yanked roughly on his hair and twisted his head around until his hooves nearly went out from under him as he sidled to one side.

"Don't even t'ink it. Alrigh' get ready ta time me. Donkey's ain't that hard to ride." His compatriot laughed in response as Jason fumbled for one of the stirrups.

It would have been bad at any time to be saddled and have someone trying to ride him, but there was a special hell in having a rough drunk soldier trying to scramble onto his back in a filthy saddle. The reek of sweat and drink stung his nose as the man tried to swing his leg up and around as Thomas tried to buck and twist away. He brayed out his protest, but somehow the old soldier managed to clamber into the saddle the weight made the former man splay out his legs awkwardly to hold it up. His body wasn't really entirely a donkey's body and it wasn't built to take the weight as it was. He was struggling just to keep himself held in place without falling over as the man grunted and grabbed at his hair. As the fingers clutched at his hair. He was horrified to find that his hair had grown down the line of his neck. The rough fingers clung to it as the legs that encircled his waist in a humiliating touch of warmth to his chilled body.

"G'on ya lazy beast!" The heels dug into his sides roughly as his rider spurred him on. Thomas' cheeks flushed a hot red and he brayed out angrily and threw his heels up.

He wasn't going to let some drunken oaf ride him around like this! He was more than some damned beast, he was the son of an ancient house! He dropped his head down and planted his forehooves in front of him as he launched his haunches up into the air before kicking out as best that he could. He didn't get the distance that a real donkey might have, but he did jostle the drunk who cursed loudly and clung to the saddle as he was thrown about. Thomas brayed out again and kicked his haunches up until he flung them as high as he could, but the grip on his mane suddenly yanked hard enough that he was twisted to one side. He nearly stumbled against the ground as he tried his best to keep his footing under him.

It was harder then it seemed with hooves, he couldn't quite feel the ground, only the pressure where his hooves were encountering the ground. His nostrils flared wildly and he bared his teeth as he heard the other friend laughing and shouting out encouragement as he tried his best to get rid of the damned rider. The area wasn't that large, but at least he was able to throw himself towards the fence to try and jostle the man off him. His loud brays grew higher pitched as he couldn't budge the creature that was clinging to him. He tried to twist about, but it was awkward and the legs were wrapped around his belly and squeezed tightly to make sure that he couldn't buck the soldier off. His heels dug down bruisingly hard against Thomas' side so he brayed out angrily.

"OY! Look what Jason's doin'!" A voice came from the fort followed by hoots and laughter. The former man turned his head about to watch in horror as a few more soldiers come out of the kitchens.

Thomas' cheeks burned in utter humiliation as they made a beeline towards the small paddock. He kicked his haunches up and kicked out to try and get his rider off with more desperation. The cold was forgotten as he became an object of mockery and drunken laughter as the soldiers began to call out advice and bets. His hooves scuffed and kicked up sand and old hay while he turned in circles and started to bray louder and louder. He tried to drown out the shouts of the voices as they mocked their comrade as well as him, but no amount of noise could stop the words from reaching him. They were slaps to the face.

With a final wild cry he dropped to his knees when he heard someone joke about getting a riding crop and taking it to his ass to make him buck higher. He twisted to one side and sent the soldier that had been on his back tumbling over the rough cold ground. Thomas trembled and heaved himself back onto all fours with his head hanging down low. His breath came out in gasps as his back felt sore and aching from the padless saddle that felt as if it had rubbed a raw spot along either side of his back. He splayed his ears to either side and looked mournfully at the drunken soldiers who mocked their fallen comrade.

"I kin beat that." A voice slurred before a rough hand caught his hair and yanked his head to one side. "Take yer bets!"

The former man brayed out and peeled his lips back with an angry protest before he tried to stumble away. The hold made his head twist to one side as the drunken man made a lunge to the saddle while the rest whistled and started yelling out bets. Apparently they had set their sights on him as their entertainment for the night instead of gamboling and gaming. As the next man scrambled into the dry leather saddle he let out a plaintive cry.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The night continued on with the man riding him into a sweating trembling sore mass. Thomas could barely lift his head up when the fort's gates opened and Emir's man appeared on a finely bred horse. He wanted to sleep for a week, he wanted to peel off the saddle and crawl into his warm bed to sleep until the world was normal again. He only twitched one pink fleshed ear up as he watched the man talking to the captain on duty blearily. It wasn't until the stranger came towards him with a strange looking halter hanging from his arm and a smile on his dark features. He didn't even frown at his condition or ask anything about the welts the saddle had put on his back and sides. He only slipped past the fence and looped the halter up and over his human face.

"I'm afraid that we must see about getting a better fence to keep him in place." The leather wrapped around his head and Thomas only brayed weakly as the buckles were fastened down. "Come, your master is disappointed in you."

Thomas dropped his head down and didn't fight when the lead was pulled so he stepped forward behind the servant. He had spent the entire night beneath drunken guards that cared nothing for the humiliation they had put him through and no matter how he started to ache and hurt towards the end. They hadn't even offered him water when he'd been panting and sweating in the cold, they'd merely left him and wandered back into the tent. The casual confidence of Emir's servant was almost a blessing as he was led out of the fort naked and on all fours. He didn't even have the grace to feel humiliated or embarrassed as he trailed behind the high bred horse, he just kept his head dropped down low towards his knees as he passed beneath the burning heat of the sun.

The sound of the town barely roused him, he only flicked his ears back and tried to make himself disappear into the background. The servant made no attempt to talk to him or treat him like a person, he only led Thomas past the first few buildings of the outskirts of town and past the home that Emir had claimed for himself. His hooves scuffed up bits of sand as he lifted his head to gaze longingly at what he knew would be a lavish place for any weary traveler, but it was obviously not his destination. Instead, the servant guided him past a set of massive walls and beneath the shade of sweeping overhangs. The former man flinched a little as he picked up the scent of horses that lingered on the air.

"Ahh, you've found him! What a relief!" Emir's familiar voice made him lift his head up as the well dressed nobleman stepped into view. "You had me worried, my handsome one."

"EEEE-EEEE-AAAAAAAAAW!" Thomas tried to say his friend's name, but only the animal noises spilled past his lips.

"Did the soldiers give you any trouble?" Emir moved to take his lead as Thomas stared at him angrily as his attempt to speak was ignored.

"No, Master. The beast has been ill used, though. I went slowly to not overtax him." The servant gave his shoulder a pat. "I will clean him up for you and see him fed and rested."

"No, no, I will take care of him. You go and see to the laboring mare, I will clean him and see him well tended." Emir held the lead just beneath Thomas' halter.

"Are you sure, Master? It would be common labor to clean him as filthy as he is." The servant frowned worriedly and made a move to take the lead again.

"I will take pleasure in it. I am not above dirtying my hands for an afternoon and I wish to see him well settled." Emir made a dismissive gesture before pulling Thomas' lead firmly. "Come, my fine ass, we will have you settled in no time, but first you must be bathed."

Thomas wanted to jerk back, but he was tired, so tired. The dried sweat and grit clung to his bare skin so that it itched abominably and made him feel uncomfortably aware of the fact that he hadn't had a bath in well over a day. He could even smell the lingering stink of the soldiers who had ridden him sticking to him. His nostrils flared a little bit and he sighed before stumbling behind his friend wearily towards the heart of the stable. If it would get him cleaned off he could deal with the humiliation. If it would make him feel better he could deal with the questions of his situation later. Emir didn't try to talk to him as he was led to a post situated beneath the shade of one of the buildings. He only stroked one of Thomas' cheeks affectionately before tying off the rope onto a wooden post.

Thomas turned his head to follow Emir's movements, but without the distraction of moving and without being able to see exactly what the man was doing, he began to feel the burning along his back. He knew that there were welts and sores from the saddle, he could feel them still and they had grown worse from the sweat he had worked up walking here. Emir moved competently at a small basin set into the wall. The sweep of his sleeves pulled back out of the way as he pulled a rope that swung out a metal pipe from the wall that promptly spilled out a silvery splash of water. Despite himself, he lifted his ears up and flared his nostrils as the cool water spilled into the basin that beneath it. Water in this part of the world was a precious resource, one that was never wasted, and his mouth was parched for want of it.

The former man stepped to the end of the lead and tried to get closer to the promising spill, but he was brought up short by a halter. He snorted a little bit and gave a yank on the lead, but it only made the rope go taut without giving him more than an extra inch. Emir ignored him and used a worn looking bucket to scoop up water before turning to him with a rag in one hand. He ignored the rag and tried to strain to get to the bucket of cool water. His friend gave his head a shove away from the precious liquid and moved to one side to drop the bucket near his hind hooves and soaked the rag in it.

"Easy, we will have you clean soon enough." Emir murmured and used the rag to wipe down along Thomas' back.

The half-donkey hissed out as he felt the cool water touch his feverish flesh and dribble down along his sides as the rag spread over the wounds that had been rubbed into his tender skin. It was painful, but at the same time it offered some relief as Emir gently stroked over the wounds with a soft touch. He fought the urge to kick and simply relaxed as the water was worked in a small area before it was soaked again and brought up to trickle down the length of his spine. It warmed quickly to his body temperature, but left behind a cool patch that made him sigh out in an excess of relief. The tension that remained in his limbs slowly began to unknot while the cloth worked slowly along the line of his back and towards his haunches.

He trembled just a little bit and lifted his head as the fingers moved to spread along the curve of his shoulders and upper back. The sores made him wince when the cloth was rubbed over it, but the water started to sooth away the sting of the salty sweat was making. He let out a low noise when it trailed right along the line of his spine and made him drop his head down again. Emir didn't talk to him, but he started to stroke along the curve of the shoulders before trailing downwards towards his changed forelegs. The wet water spilled down along his hooves where he couldn't feel it, but the trail it left behind was pleasurable as it cooled him and removed the hot ache where his muscles had been overworked to the point of near exhaustion.

The abuse he had taken at the hands of the drunken guards had humiliated and degraded him to the point that no man should have to deal with. Now he was offered such basic comforts that he was able to relax and forget what had been done to him. The gentle touches made sure that he felt almost dazed and his mind relaxed. All he had wanted was simple comforts offered to him at the fort, by the end of the night he would have been happy to just be left alone. Now he was given something more and he was being cared for so tenderly that he began to shift and step back and forth under the spill of the water and brush of the cloth. His skin gleamed wetly and spilled along the curve of his belly and dribbled towards the sand.

It was so good feeling, so wonderful feeling to have the water coating his skin. The fingers that worked against his muscles made his eyes close and he suppressed a groan when the touch worked along either side of his chest and towards the haunches. He lifted one of his hooves and rested it against the ground while he blew out a sigh and pressed into the fingers as the water worked along his broad chest. It was better than any touch he had ever felt. The ache was fading away as if the fingers were magic and pushed up along his shoulders. Emir started to hum softly as he worked and the water trickled upwards along the line of his neck and dribbles fell forward along the curves of his cheeks. He snorted a little as the trickle spilled along his nostrils and he snorted it out.

The donkey lifted his head as some of the moisture spread over his dry lips and he flicked his tongue out to start to lick and work around his jaws. Emir squeezed the clothe out above him and the water splattered onto his tongue like the sweetest gift. He lifted his head higher and spread his lips hopefully before the rag was dropped down into the bucket and thoroughly soaked up. When it was lifted again the master squeezed the rag tightly so water splattered over his nose and lips. He started to swallow eagerly as the water flowed into his mouth and on his tongue messily. It tasted faintly salty and gritty, but it was still moisture that his body craved. He snorted a bit and gulped in an attempt to get as much of it into him as he could.

"Such a thirsty ass." He moved his hand up to spread along his neck before the palm rubbed under his chin.

His skin felt so cool now, it no longer ached and there were no longer stinging pains along his back where the rough leather had abraded him until he was raw and bleeding. He let his master rub the cloth over his muzzle and brushed along his jaw line before slipping downwards towards his chest. He could feel the coolness flowing over him where Emir's hands stroked him and he leaned into the touch. When compared to the rude and rough treatment of the soldiers. It was being offered all the riches in the world at his Master's hands as they stroked along his long powerful legs and towards his dark hooves. He didn't feel more then a faintly creeping sensation running along the line of his spine as Emir dunked the rag back into the bucket and bathed his hind legs as well.

He blinked a little and tilted his head back to watch the master get the grit and sand off his legs. The pale pink flesh started to change in a spill of dark coal grey that ran along the curve of his haunches. The plush velvet fur spread towards the edge of his sides and spine and be blinked a little. That was better, wasn't it? His pale skin was too sensitive to the heat and touch of leather, he shouldn't be like that, he needed to be able to carry a leather harness or saddle without being hurt. He hooded his eyes and blew out a soft sound as the fur grew thicker and chased the coolness of the water away while covering the wounds that healed over. It felt so much better and right, that was what he was supposed to look like, wasn't it?

Pressure started right at the apex of his haunches and he flicked his ears back as a tickle of velvety fur coated them and slowed down. His hair bristled in a line right along his neck like a Mohawk as he lifted one of his hooves and dropped it back down again with a dull thud. His ears swung upwards and wriggled at the tickling change as the thick fuzz filled his fleshy ears and tufted ever so slightly along the top. Emir's fingers stroked over his furred haunches lightly and he stepped backwards into the touch while they moved up to run along the proud thick curve of his neck. The other hand caught his long tapered ear and pulled it back.

"What shall we call you Tom Ass?" Emir murmured softly while the fingers moved lightly along the edge of his ears. Thomas jerked a little bit. "Amin. I shall call you Amin. My faithful ass."

Thomas pulled his mind away from the numbed pleasure of being out of pain and brayed out a protest at being renamed! He was not an animal! He was not a beast! He was not a beast!!!

~ ~ * ~ ~

It was easier to remember that he wasn't a beast when night came and he was left alone with his thoughts in a plush stall with soft straw piled up to his knees. It was easier to know he was different when he was surrounded by large horses and couldn't lay down to sleep. It was easier to recall that he was Thomas and not Amin. It was easier to understand who he was and hold onto those thoughts as he stood in the darkness with nothing to distract him as he tried to recall his life and who he was. Thomas was able to know what he was and who he was, he was able to think over how he had come here. Until the darkest hour hit and the world changed into a debauched parade that mocked his very existence. When the bells sounded out midnight Emir would send a servant for him to become a part of his grand parties.

Thomas had been a part of them before as one of the people being entertained, but he was no longer an honored guest, but the entertainment itself. He would be led into the midst of the harem room draped in a silk blanket with a matching halter and small bells that were braided into his mane and tail. Somewhere in the midst of the walk down the hall he would start to smell the arousing scents on the air that flooded his nose and made him lift his hooves up. He would begin to drop from his heavy sheath and ooze down towards the ground, though hidden from sight by the silk blanket. His cock would sway back and forth heavily as the handlers would call and laugh at him to work him up as he started to become aroused.

In the end his mind would start to go blank at the hot mare scent on the air as he was led into a room filled with watching guests that greeted him with eager cries. There in front of him would be women who were bathed in the oil that was scented like mares and from there it became a jumble. He knew what he did vaguely, he knew their pained eager cries as he mounted them time and time again. He knew their mouths and the way that they would coax him again and again to the cries of the crowd. He was used as a toy, a toy that was mocked as Amin the prized ass of Emir who would stud any female or male if he was given the chance. And they challenged that.

Thomas drooped his head down and his ears splayed to either side as he drew in a shuddering breath and listened to the tolling bells. It was humiliating, but it wasn't as humiliating as the days that he spent working for Emir as a donkey in truth. The days that he was forced to haul water with one of the servants and go to town with sacks thrown over his back. He was never forced to deal with any tack in bad repair, but it was still heavy and humiliating to walk beside a servant who held his lead and pulled him forward. It had started with heavy jars of water that were taken to the town center to help the poorer quarters. Later he was loaded down with purchased grain until it was nearly too much as he strained through the streets to reach the stable again.

The next day he was hauled into a harness and hooked up to a cart that was even heavier, but at least easier then the sacks being thrown over his shoulders. Each day he labored, not for money, no for the promise of reward, but for praise and a warm stall at night. It became easier and easier to sell himself out for simple things, easier to forget who he was when he was lashed into the leather harness and pulling the cart. It was humiliating to have a man's mind and be trapped in a beasts body, but what was more humiliating was the fact that he strived to obey. He sought after the encouraging words that his handlers offered him as if they were the sweetest praises he had ever received. It was a hard honest labor that was so entirely mindless that he often found himself falling into it whether he wanted to or not.

He felt needed at those times. He felt as if he belonged in the role he was given. It felt good to use the power of his body to pull something he never could have dreamed pulling as a human. It left him feeling fulfilled and sometimes he would go an entire day before he could recall who he really was. Sometimes it was a struggle as if the donkey part of him was clinging to every thought he could manage to have. At least at night he could sometimes pretend he was human when he was in the harem room, he could try to pretend it wasn't the scent of mare-heat that drove him on. He could pretend that he was still a thinking person, but Emir knew how to destroy every bit of his personality with a simple touch.

The nobleman alone took care of him after a long day of work as a chance to bond together, or at least that was what his friend told him. It was the gentle hands that groomed him and stroked him that made him slip away into thoughts that had nothing to do with being a person. It was harder and harder to think about anything except earning the soft praise and touch of the fingers that knew exactly where he itched and how to sooth it away. The soft words were gentle and sweet to his ears. He would work for his handlers, but it was for Emir that he truly put his heart into it. Never in his life had he wanted to impress someone so badly as he did the nobleman. It had started to become who he was when he caught the familiar incense laden scent of the man.

He wanted to be a person, he wanted to remember how to be a person again. He wanted to be Thomas again. He needed to be a person again. He flattened his ears as the bells continued to toll through the night air and he glanced out of his small window and watched the stars start to fade away as the sun began to rise. No one had come for him during the night. He had stirred awake at the midnight hour, but no one had fetched him. He had stayed away with his thoughts as the night passed and slowly the sun began to rise beyond the horizon. He flicked his long ears upwards and blinked as he craned his human face to rest against the edge of the door. Had he finally been forgotten and lost in the midst of the stable.

As he stared out of the door he saw a shape come from the large house. The sweep of the robes made it hard to make out if it was male or female, large or small. It was compounded with the shadows so there was no way he could tell if it was a servant running to the kitchen or running on an errand towards town. It could have been anyone, but Thomas didn't have to rely on his eyes alone as the form followed the line of the building. The faint scent on the air made him tilt his head back and flick his ears up. It was a warm scent, it mingled incense with a fine cologne that clung to his nose and beneath that a familiar human scent. It was the scent of comfort and a soft voice. It was the scent of gentle words and fingers that stroked away all the aches and itches that he picked up through his labor. Before he could stop himself he brayed out a welcome to his master and backed away from the window.

The donkey pushed through the thick soft straw and shoved himself up against the door so he could drape his head over it and peer towards the open end of the stable. He held his ears up high as he brayed out another welcome and watched the indistinct form appear around the corner. A few of the horses whickered their own greetings towards the man as he walked down the hall and spared a moment to pet a few noses that leaned over the edges of the doors. Amin brayed out again and snuffled the air eagerly as he made out the familiar face of his master and was greeted with laughter as the man stopped near one of the horses that was thumping a hoof against the door. He felt a stab of jealousy that another equine was taking attention from him and he parted his lips to let out an abrasive protest.

"So eager, my friend?" Emir laughed as he gave the horse he was petting one last rub on the nose and Amin lashed his ropey tail back and forth behind him.

"AWW AWWW AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" He brayed out and thudded a hoof against the door angrily to get his master's attention. He was rewarded with a gentle touch of fingers against the edge of his sensitive oversize dear.

"Amin, it is time for you to truly experience the gift you have been given." Emir's voice made him tremble as the stall door opened in front of him. Thomas struggled to pull his thoughts back to who and what he was. "Today you are gifted far beyond what you have ever imagined."

Thomas lifted his ears up hopefully as the nobleman came into the stall to stroke along either side of his smooth cheeks. The gentle touch smoothed towards his ears and hooked to either side of his halter. The donkey trembled a little as the gentle touch worked down towards the curve of his neck and worked right at the base of the bristling mane. The fingers worked up and down firmly until Thomas groaned out and pushed himself into the touch. He blew out a short sigh of pleasure as the fingers worked a bit harder against his neck while he nearly groaned out when they worked up towards the base of his long ears. He swung them back as Emir's other hand moved to catch right beneath the halter and gave it a firm tug forward.

He stepped forward as Emir gave a low laugh and guided him into the hall of the stable. It was too late for one of the nobleman's entertainments, perhaps today he would be working with his master. It made his stomach roll with uncomfortable emotions that warred between eagerness and despair. Every time he was alone with this man he seemed to find it so much easier to slip into the role his body created for him. He tugged at the hold on his halter as he was led towards the open barn door as he had so many other mornings. Except, this time the way was lit with bright torches that had been set up high on the wall that formed the courtyard just outside of the stable. Normally they let daylight reach the area, but today it was loud and bustling as a groom trotted across the walk way towards the back area. Ever so faintly he picked up a disturbingly familiar scent.

Have they decided that dragging me inside to entertain them isn't enough?! He wanted to fight the hold on his halter, but the soft murmur of Emir's voice forced his body to relax whether he wanted it to or not. Who would stay up just to watch this?!

The smell, that sweet hot scent that flooded his nose and made his upper lip peel backwards was flooding the air. Each step brought him closer as it had in the past when he'd been taken to the harem room to entertain Emir and his guests. Thomas tried to fight past it. He tried to struggle away from it, but the scent meant one thing. Women. Lovely women who would eagerly await him nude and coy as they sprawled in the midst of the silken pillows. They would be gleaming in the firelight, perhaps the dawn light would begin to creep over the sky to illuminate just how aroused they were for him. The scent of heat on the air made him suck in a deeper breath as his chest belled out and his belly started to tense ever so slightly.

The heavy swaying sheath beneath him began to stir as the flesh within it pushed outwards. The opening spread open wider and wider to disgorge his dark glans to sway back and forth beneath his belly. The grip on his halter tightened as he started to lurch forward so his chin was pulled downwards towards his chest. Emir laughed as he brayed out a protest, but his mind was already building up the tight eager bodies that would bare themselves to him one by one. So tight, so much tighter than women had ever felt when he'd been human. A few more inches of his girth spilled out and swayed back and forth as his master tugged harder on the halter and clipped a lead to the underside. He jerked his head upwards and tried to stumble backwards to get away from the lead. The girls were waiting for him.

"Easy... easy..." Emir's voice was a sweet murmur, but he didn't want comfort, he wanted what was his by right. The jack lunged forward again, but he was yanked around by the sedate walk of his master.

The scents flowed into his nose, sharper and sweeter as another groom came to the door. He said something, a babble that made no sense to his lust fogged mind. He pranced side ways with his hooves lifted up high and he tried to force Emir to run beside him so he could get to the women waiting for him. He lunged forward again and a second groom came to his other side and gave his haunches a push so he swung around again so he walked straight on. His long ears bobbed back and forth while he brayed out louder and heard a high pitched voice call back to him. The moment it reached him he brayed louder and lunged against the lead until he was nearly dragging both his master and the groom towards the door.

The dawn light had started to illuminate the courtyard, but the torches chased away every shadow to reveal several grooms. He snorted roughly and Emir's hands moved to cup against his cheek so his head was forced to one side to find himself staring at a glossy black mare tied off to a ring. A large rope was wrapped around her neck and separated out to two thinner ropes that ran beneath her. She was hobbled and prancing nervously with her tail bound up while one of the grooms kept a firm hold on her lead. For a moment Thomas froze in place with his breath coming in short hard pants at the sight of her. There were no women, no silk pillows, no audience of drinking gentleman, only grooms, Emir and the mare who stomped restlessly in place.

His ears flattened down in panic. It was the scent of HER. The mare's sweet fertile scent was filling his nose with each breath while he could do nothing to block it out. It wasn't massage oil worked onto a human woman's skin, it was an animal. He brayed out and yanked backwards against the lead, but Emir kept a firm hold on the lead. He had to get out of here!

"Amin, Amin..." Emir's voice was soft in his ears, the fingers rubbed right over his lips and drew his head down. "Come along, my handsome one, she was chosen especially for you. Meet her, know her, the mother of your first foal..."

Thomas trembled at the murmured words. Emir's steady voice was treacherously persuasive as the fingers stroked down his furred neck. It blended with the scents of the mare as a gentle tug on the halter made him step forward. He didn't want to do this. It wasn't like working like a donkey, it wasn't like being humiliated, it was well and truly bestial. Worst of all, his girth was drooping lower and lower with each and every breath that he took. The swollen tip swayed back and forth until it nearly brushed against his inner thighs as Emir made him step forward with encouraging words and gentle touches. The mare twisted her head back to watch their progress, but he wasn't looking at her head. Her bound tail was quirked up just enough that he could see the smooth dark inner thighs and strong legs, but it was the fluttering of her folds that took his attention.

He locked his legs as a last ditch effort to stop himself from getting any closer to that treacherous scent. Emir gently pulled his halter forward far enough that his neck stretched out to put his nose close enough to nearly touch her tail. The scent flooded his senses as the dusky folds flashed open and showed the plump nub of her clit before closing again. He curled his upper lip back and drew in a deeper breath as his girth began to swell with each beat of his heart. He could feel it hanging from his sheath as he tilted his head to one side and snuffled at her bound tail. The scent clung there; speaking of a ready body and her own need for him. It wasn't laden with human female scent, it was filled with only with what his body so eagerly recognized.

His master murmured softly to him, but the lead was loose as he snuffled against the tail and lifted his head up to sift through her scents. Why was he standing so far back from her? Her tail was raised in invitation as the plump folds flashed open to show an enticing glimpse of her plump clit and inner folds. He took a step forward and brushed his lips along her inner thigh to draw a deeper breath and rub right along the smooth velvety fur he found there. His ropey tail lashed back and forth as he was nearly pushing against her folds with the bridge of his oddly shortened nose. Not even the sight of his flat face stopped him from dropping his head and nipping roughly against the back of her leg. His teeth scraped along her fur before the mare let out a squeal and tried to kick him.

The aimed kick didn't raise higher than a few inches from the ground before the hobbles stopped it, but Amin pranced backwards to avoid being struck. He felt a surge of confidence that he wasn't driven away and darted back in to nip against the back of her knee again. He drew in her scent like a drug as his girth thickened and swung upwards towards his chest. The mare squealed and tried to kick him as he nipped against the back of her neck, but they never struck him and he only pranced back a bit at each kick before crowding her again. Her tail batted against his long ears as he snuffled up along her inner thighs until his nose was nearly brushing against her winking folds. The mare could squeal and kick all she liked, but the truth was there in front of his nose.

A tug on his lead forced his head to one side and he jerked it back to her folds irritably as he heard the humans chattering to each other. He was too busy investigating his mare to pay attention to them. He pushed his nose right up against the folds and flicked out his tongue to run along them in a slow caressing stroke. The taste of her made his girth flesh and slap up lewdly against the underside of his chest as his mare barely lifted a leg in protest to what he was doing. He went to lick out against her again, but a tug to his lead forced his head to one side. He jerked back towards her, but it tugged again, a bit more insistently so his head was forced away. He brayed and tugged harder to go back to investigating her, but his master gave another tug.

He was allowed enough slack to nearly brush against the arousing folds, but before he could enjoy the scent his head was jerked to the side. It became a war that he was desperate to win as he brayed and tried to nip at the mare. It taunted him with what he wanted. The dark curved hips were right there and her tail was held completely to one side by another one of the humans. Amin lashed his ropey tail back and forth and tried forcing his head downwards again and this time the pull backwards started to tug him to one side. He felt a moment of angry frustration as he was pulled away from the mare and let out an abrasive squeal before lunging forward. He wasn't moving away from his mare! She was HIS, not these humans who threatened to try and take him away now that he'd gotten her warmed up.

The jack reared back on his haunches and lunged forward desperately. The lead was tugged tight as he pushed his chest up and over the mare's haunches. She started to twist and buck under him while his forelegs hooked right on either side of her hind legs. His hooves scrabbled as his chest pushed up and over her. The lead went slack as he leaned forward and tried to grip the back of the arabian's neck while he pranced on his hind legs. His heavy cock hardened and swung upwards until it throbbed against his belly. The mare bucked and jostled under him, but that didn't matter, she didn't kick back at him to get him off. He leaned his neck down to try and catch the back of her neck as the humans moved around him. As long as they didn't try to stop him and get him away from what was his.

He rolled his hips upwards and tugged against her as he jabbed against her haunches with his blunt glans. It rubbed along the curve of her haunch and pushed down between her legs as he tried to catch her vulnerable folds. A thick syrupy spill of precum smeared over the outer edges of the folds while it pushed upwards and then slipped down to jab beneath her belly. He nipped against her neck a bit more firmly in an attempt to keep her in place. He pushed up higher right against the inner thighs and it smeared a wet trail right along her glossy hide before he pulled his hips backwards. Suddenly, a grip wrapped right behind the swell of his glans and he brayed eagerly and tried to plunge forward against it. Dimly he realized that a groom had darted down beneath him and was pulling his cock up to aim it for him, but he didn't care.

His entire body was throbbing with need as the groom pulled the tip right up against the winking glistening folds. He spilled out a dribble of precum right against the outer thighs before he lunged forward. He pushed through the hand that held him aimed and he forced the inner walls to spread open wider and wider around him. The silken heat clutched around him and he curled his forelegs just along the mare's haunches as he walked forward and buried himself all the way up until his sheath was shoved up against the outer lips. A hot dribble of his precum oozed into her as she jerked beneath him and let out a short noise as his tip ground itself up against the barrier of her cervix.

The powerful inner muscles contracted around him until his medial ring caressed along her passage as he dragged backwards a few inches. He heard the humans talking around him, but it didn't matter as he pinned his ears flat down to his head and lunged forward again with a grunt. His swollen tip tugged and stroked through her as he pulled the hips backwards against him so every last inch of his girth was hilted before pulling backwards again. Her own wetness coated around him as he began to thrust in rough hard strokes. He was beyond thinking about anything but the way her inner muscles contracted and suckled him in deeper. The tip smeared precum lewdly over the opening of her cervix as he dragged his hips backwards and his medial ring popped free with a wet noise.

He stepped backwards nearly to the point that his cock tip pulled free, her folds clung around him and kept his tip squeezed inside of her. When he plunged forward he felt the heat spreading and wrapping tightly around him again. The inner muscles rippled from his passage as his tail jerked upwards a little bit as his haunches clapped up along her hind legs. His heavy dark orbs brushed along her inner thighs as he wedged and rubbed himself along the vulnerable barrier to her womb as he felt the pulses of her body around him. Each wink contracted around him before they relaxed and contracted again. Some part of his mind tried to stir itself as he bit and dragged his teeth along the back of her neck to make sure that she didn't try to escape him. The thoughts were lost under the instincts that rushed through him.

It was heaven, it was heat and massaging pressure that made his entire body feel alive and full of desire that had nothing to do with human women. It wasn't even strictly for pleasure, it was for the single act of ending her heat. That scent that kept filling his muzzle as he dug his flat teeth into the curve of her neck. Each thrust forward came with lewd wet noises as her own slickness was pushed out around his cock and mingled with the steady drool of precum that spilled from his tip. When he pulled back the walls clamped down tightly enough that he groaned out and pushed down harder against her back. His breathing came in short hard pants as he dragged back and popped the ring free before pushing forward again so it pushed the inner lips in on themselves.

The thrusts started to plunge faster and harder, barely pulling a few inches back before driving back into her. His tip plunged up against her cervix hard enough that his spire bowed as he rubbed against it. The rippling muscles tried to pull him in deeper as the mare started to push back against him. He tugged harder against her haunches as his orbs began to draw up between his hind legs. His tip started to swell open wider and wider with each beat of his heart as Amin felt the need pushing towards a point of no return. He spread his hind legs wider to wrap around her haunches. His flare opened wider and wider while the opening of his urethra jutted forward to mesh right against the opening of her cervix. The jack lifted his head and brayed out in an abrasive rush as the pulse throbbed through his cock.

The first hot thick wave of cum spilled out of his tip and splattered right against the vulnerable opening to her fertile womb. His balls pulled up tight between his thighs as they forced up the sperm rich cream that splattered in ropes time and time again. His forelegs clutched against her as Amin went still and dropped his head down along her shoulder drawing in her breath. Each pulse forced another splatter of pearly seed into her as his legs uncurled and he drew in gasping breaths while his tail twitched with each release. The inner walls started to milk and squeeze to pull the girth so that her vulnerable womb could draw in the virile sperm. It was a rush of relief and triumph as the mare held still beneath him as he bred her, even her head was lowered appropriately when being mounted by her jack.

"Good fellow..." Emir slapped his shoulder lightly as the donkey trembled a little and lifted his head up and blinked his eyes blearily.

His cock slowly started to soften as he lifted he blinked his eyes a little bit and flattened his ears along his head with a shiver. The milking walls pulled around him as something thicker then cum oozed out of his tip. The gel smeared over the opening of her cervix messily to try and seal in his seed. His seed inside of the animal that he had bred without thought or worry for the consequences. His seed already spreading into the womb to seek out her ova to lay claim to it. Thomas yanked his mind away from the animalistic thoughts with a groan and stumbled backwards on his hind legs. He yanked inch by inch, but his still flared tip made it hard to get free of the powerful clutching muscles.

With a lewd wet sound it finally pulled free and he stumbled back on all fours trembling. The drooling cock swayed under his belly smelling sharply of mare as his breathing came in short hard pants. His sides gleamed with sweat as Emir moved to grip the underside of the halter and gave him a little bit of a tug so he stepped to one side. His eyes weren't on his master, they were locked on the mare's tail still hiked in the air to reveal her violated folds. The thick pearly cream dribbled from between the pursed lips and oozed down towards the ground as he watched. His cum. It made his stomach tense up in fear as another tug turned him away.

"My fine Amin, you shall father many foals, will you not?" Emir's voice was a soothing murmur in his ears as he was led towards the barn. "My faithful Amin..."

Thomas trembled as step by step he left the mare behind. It wasn't only the words that sent fear through him, but the sense of triumph he still felt for pumping the hobbled mare full of his seed so that she would one day swell with foal.


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A New Clutch

The play of the moonlight spilled over the edges of the bedroom and the sleeping form that rested uncomfortably on her back with her arm pushed up beneath the pillow. The dragon's normally trim figure had changed drastically, even the moonlight...

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The Price of a Pet

"Your purchase!" The auctioneer had dropped the leash into the white tiger's hand without even glancing up. "I wish you both a Happy Valentine's day!" Katja had barely had time to look at her buyer's face before she'd been whisked away from the...

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