The Good Master

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.

The world was a metal box, barely large enough for James to stretch his legs out and turn around. It pressed against his knees and his back was pressed against the bars so that they dug against the line of his spine. Not that moving was of much concern to him, everything ached, his eyes ached, his skin ached, even his bones ached. Everything seemed as if it were throbbing in time with his heart while he tried to ignore it as best that he could. His breathing was even labored as he cracked open an eye and saw a line of light from beneath his eye lids and immediately squeezed them shut again with a whimper as the light just made the pain worse. He had been in pain ever since he'd woken up, though he had no idea how he'd gotten here or ended up in such pain.

His last clear memory was of sitting crawling into bed with the sound of his father's screaming voice still resounding in his ears from the lecture he had been given at the dinner table. It had been another awkward family dinner night. He was sure that other families held family dinner nights where they cared for one another and spoke of their week or day. He was sure they laughed and had fun as they shared jokes and laughter. Not his family. Not his dinner nights. They were a time of cold silence and demands that he show them what he'd been working on when it came to school work and what he was going to do to ensure that he brought them up. They judged him and the family dinner they had shared earlier in the evening had been one of the worst. He had lapsed in his geography class and slipped down to a C.

"You don't know your own damn planet, boy!? " His father had snapped out. "Let me guess, you only know the swiftest route out the back gate and to the damn trailer park."

It had gone downhill from there as his mother had helped tear down his poor performance bit by slow bit. It was like any other family dinner. They only ever ate together because his parents wanted to have a chance to berate them. Or 'parent' him as they put it. It wasn't parenting. It was cold and vicious as they made him feel as if he were spitting in their faces when he didn't reach their expectations. They were expectations he had no hope to reach. They were set so high that he sometimes felt like he was nothing more than their puppet. He wasn't real to them. He wasn't a person to them. He was nothing more than something they wanted to be perfect. He should bring them praise when their friends noticed him and his accomplishments, he should strive to make a name for himself to show that they were fine parents and otherwise he should be silent and unseen. And god forbid that he should ever misstep when they were about.

Any breech of disobedience, any time he was less then the perfect smiling A student with the near promise of an ivy league in his future, and he would be punished. No one saw his home life. No one saw the way his parents controlled everything he did, everything he thought, everything he tried. No one except his one lone friend in the midst of all of it. His father called his best friend a piece of white trash that was no better than a thief, but Martin was the only friend he had ever had that actually knew him. He was the only person that stood up for him and understood what his home life was really like. He was the only person he ever unburdened himself to when he felt lost and hurt. He was the only person that mattered. His parents certainly didn't matter, not after years of abuse and coldness between them.

"Bring out Subject 1618 out of cold storage." The echoing voice rattled and came to James so loudly that it felt as if the words were being scraped through his mind and jabbed into his eyes. It hurt, it hurt so badly that he curled up with soft cry. It brought him away from his jumbled memories.

"Where.. am.. I.." He wheezed and pried his eyes open despite the pain as he felt the cage bars against his back rattle and shift.

"It's coming around, Doc." The cage door opened and he let out a ragged moan as his pained body shifted. "Looks like the dose wasn't large enough."

"I assure you it was." Another voice echoed from farther away. "We've been dosing them with too much and it was affected the results of the final product."

"Alright, sir. I'm sure you know best." A pair of hands gripped on either side of his shoulders and gave a tug so a groan spilled free from deep in his throat.

"Stop... what'd.. you give me?" James slurred as he was pulled from the cage and he tried to struggle against the hold.

The world spun dizzily as he kept his eyes open and found himself staring up at a slender man in a white lab coat that was heaving him upwards. His body was limp, it wouldn't answer his attempts to get them to move. He couldn't get himself to stand up, he could barely feel his hands and feet as he was hauled across the tiled ground. The world was bright white and mingled with silver steel as he made out a glimpse of counters and cupboards that lined the walls. There were other cages as well, large cages set into the wall with human faces that stared out at him as well as animal faces. All of this he took in in an instant that jumbled in his mind and made it impossible to pick apart what he was seeing. Everything felt hazed as he tried to concentrate on it, he was drugged he had to be drugged.

"Subject 1618, male, seventeen." He was dropped onto a cold metal table so he cried out in pain that made him hunch forward. "Good stock, up to date with his medical health, no known health issues."

"Stoppit.." He slurred as gloved hands moved to smooth along his cheeks and tilted his head back.

"Another male, though, sir." The voice the person that had hauled him to the counter spoke up. The fingers moved to probe right against the curve of his belly so he cried out and shoved with numb feeling hands.

"True, but that can be remedied, we needed one this size and weight to meet the requirements." The hands rubbed over his sides and probed along his hips with a gentle push. "Right at 120 lbs, absolutely perfect. Highly intelligent, and a plausible side story. Get serum GS-59/118 and inject it. We'll move onto Subject 1619 after he's placed back into cold storage."

"Already set. That's the partner to this one?" The voice of the person that had yanked him from the cage came from behind him.

What was going on?! Who were these people?! There were too many questions and not enough answers that he could find. He was in a place that looked like a lab or possibly in the midst of a doctor's office. They weren't paying attention to him as he spoke, they were just talking over him. He had no idea what was going on here. Something cold and metal shoved up right against the base of his spine and dug in hard enough that he let out a hissing cry. He tried to shove it away, but he couldn't get his hands to work to shove it away. He could only feebly twitch his limbs as the metal thing hissed out and something hard jabbed into his skin. It was a cold rush that spread down his spine that was followed with a rush of fire that spread along the edges of back and sides. It clutched at his mind and dragged him downwards beneath the darkness that came with a roar that filled his ears.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Dreams. The dreams became a thing of fire and pain, horror and rage as James rose and fell in the darkness of his own mind. Sometimes he woke up and stirred with his eyes spreading open wide to look at the cage that held him, and always it ended in him screaming as everything hurt so badly he couldn't stand it. Sometimes he could look around and was able to see his fingers twisted and gnarled as if they were hooked like claws. Other times he saw the faces of dogs that loomed up in the darkness and barked wildly at him as machines beeped and whined. Everything always hurt, it hurt worse then anything he could imagine. Muscles that twisted and began to spasm to the point that he could barely uncurl himself from ball, he could only remain still and scream. Always his screams brought a man that smelled of rubbing alcohol and mint that shoved an air pistol against him that shot him full of something cold that dragged him back down into the darkness again. Blessed, blessed darkness that ensured that he couldn't feel the pain, but with the darkness came fever dreams that made no sense.

He dreamed of his parents who mocked him for being weak and giving voice to his pain. He dreamed of the horror of his joints popping and twisting with wet moist sounds. He dreamed of strange howling voices that screamed his name. He dreamed of Martin whispering urgently to him in the darkness. The dreams never stopped as time seemed to fly by and at the same time he started to feel an eternity was passing by and all of it was with pain. Raw burning pain and disturbing dreams. James could barely struggle past them as the sight and scent of the man who came to send her back to sleep became something of a blessing. He began to near worship that scent when it came around. Through it all, he knew that he was changing into something else entirely. He had moments of clarity and terror as he watched his entire body change.

His hands became tough paws, his chest shifted as the ribs started to change into something like a broad barrel while fur began to spread over his body. Every time he was full conscious he saw his body twisted and distorted as it changed into something horrible. Something animalistic and terrifying. One time he woke up to a muzzle blossoming and pushing forth into the air with a black nose spreading like a dogs. Another time a tail was forming from the base of his spine. He had no idea how long the changes went on, but in his dreams he knew what was happening. He was becoming a dog. Somehow, whatever they had managed to inject him with made him change into something else entirely. A dog! A filthy dog! The thoughts haunted his fever dreams, until finally, finally the pain started to recede.

It was almost frightening to open his eyes and realize that his pain was gone. He stirred in his cage and whimpered half expecting to feel pain to erupt along his back like it had the last time. It didn't happen, though, it faded away so the only thing that lingered was a faint ache that was already fading away. He lifted his head higher and pushed himself up on his hands with his back arched in the small cage. James had no idea how long he had been lying in the cage. He had no idea how much time had passed with his world flooded in pain and dreams that had nipped at his heels. He felt week and trembled a little as he stared out into the darkness of the lab and blinked his eyes at the strange distortion of color. It was quiet and the only light came from the red exit sign above the door.

His body fit the cage better, or at least it no longer felt strange to sit up in it. He swayed and splayed his arms open a bit wider in an attempt to keep himself from falling over. Everything still felt strange as he shifted his head about and the world blurred slightly. He felt overly sensitive and warm as he lowered his head a little and closed his eyes so he could try and find his balance. His skin was warm, too warm, it made his breath speed up a bit faster so he opened his mouth and his tongue lolled out a little bit. It spilled between his teeth and bobbed in and out in time with his breath until he could hear himself panting. It was a canine sound, a sound that sent a tremble of fear through him as he realized that he'd woken up several times to see parts of his body changing. He knew that they'd changed. He'd seen them change.

With a soft whimper James pried open one eye and focused not on the rest of the room, but his nose which was long and tapered. There wasn't enough light to see clearly, but he couldn't miss the muzzle that jutted out in front of him. From there he looked down to his arms, which he'd splayed open, but they weren't arms when he focused on them. A pair of strong looking forelegs were beneath him and spread out open wide. The paws were compact and slipped against the metal floor and the claws scraped a little bit against the metal ground. He wrinkled his nose up a little and let out a breathy whine as he scrambled backwards and pushed up tight against the corner of the cage. He huddled down and twisted his head to look along his body with a panicked cry.

His body wasn't human, it wasn't long legged and limbed, it was compact and thickly furred. He couldn't make out the pattern in the dark, but he did see the long tail that tried to curl between a set of hind legs. Not real legs, hind legs, and the thick fur that covered him that was longer than any smooth coat. His breath came out a bit faster as his tongue lolled out further and he listened to himself panting in the darkness. He huddled down close against the back wall and tried to curl up as best he could. It was in curling up that he moved his head until it was nearly pressed up against the curve of his chest and belly. Only then did he stare down the line of his smooth belly and realized what he was staring at. There was something missing, something gone, something that had never been a part of his natural body.

James stared between her legs at the dark spade shaped bitch-sex that had replaced her own cock and balls. Perfectly formed and swollen looking even in the darkness.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Alright put back Subject 1710, it'll start to take effect through the night. Check on 1618 and 1619 before locking up for the night. They're nearly set for the buyer." The cold voice barely stirred James as she kept her back facing the opening of the cage.

It wasn't worth snarling angrily at the voice, she didn't want to look at the men who had done this to her and have them see her muzzled face. She'd been muzzled the night after the drugs had finally done their job and they'd taken her out to examine. She'd been frantic to escape and had tried to bite and struggle to get away, but the hold had forced her down and the mesh muzzle was pulled over her head. It remained on her all day as she was transferred to a secondary cage that was large enough that she was supposed to be able to exercise in. She didn't, she didn't want to move, she didn't want to do anything except try to find a way out and listen. Knowledge was power. Knowledge would be able to get her out of here as long as she was patient.

She knew from listening that this wasn't precisely the sort of lab that she thought of it. It wasn't a government lab or at a hospital, but a privately owned company that worked beneath the law. They were well funded and from the sound of it most of the funding came from several other countries. They were developing highly intelligent dogs, though there were a few people that had mentioned other animals such as avians and felines. They were doing it mainly for several military agencies so that they could be trained to work in the front lines as something other than highly trained animals. They would have the ability to reason and think so they could act on independent orders rather than needing a handler. They could go where humans couldn't. They could spy where no spy could ever manage it. The possibilities were endless.

She'd watched as a set of matched beagles had been sold to a man who had looked every inch the military man. She'd overheard talk that they were gifts meant to go to a country they were at quasi-war with and would be able to spy for him. They had retained the ability to speak, though it was in clipped short sentences. They had been fitted with microchips and trained to the point that even though they had looked terrified, they obeyed when they were told to heel. There were others of similar breeds she had watched being sold and even heavy bodied mastiffs that were placed with the marines. The military and spies weren't the only places that the changed humans were being sold. They were also being sold to the wealthy who could pay for and request certain breeds and sexes.

She had been bought and paid for. She had been requested by a man with enough money that he was willing to pay a great deal for security dogs that would be intelligent, obedient and able to make their own choices on his lands. He had requested a pair of matched German Shepherds, which is what she'd woken up as. A nearly black german shepherd with russet colors that trailed along her body and highlighted her dark coat. She had even overheard that the color had been specifically requested by him as he was apparently quite demanding on what he was purchasing. He wouldn't even allow them to mess with his mind, not yet. They would have normally used drugs to help reinforce training, but the buyer had specified he wished to take care of it himself so she was mostly left alone. For that she was grateful, especially after seeing other dogs being heavily drugged and trained ruthlessly until they obeyed no matter what.

Hands suddenly jerked her out of her thoughts as a man slipped one hand under her belly and the other under her chest before heaving her up into the air. He stumbled under the weight as she tried to squirm out of his grasp, but it was half hearted. She couldn't do much with the arms gripping her and carrying her pinned. She twisted her muzzled head before he heaved her up and pushed her into the opening of the cage with a grunt. She snarled a little as she had to scrabble with her hind legs at the edge of the cage as he pushed her all the way in and cast an appraising eye over her. The man was thin, cadaverously thin, and had cold eyes as he watched her shrink away from him. He didn't even try to speak before gripping the muzzle and peeling it over her head and off her. She tried to snap, but he moved his hand back and shut the door with a clang before turning away again.

"Into heat I'd say, are we breeding here or allowing the buyer to take them both on?" The man's voice was emotionless as he spoke to the other people in the room. It made her flinch and flush hotly at his words. Breed her? Her stomach twisted as she inched towards the door and strained to see where he was going.

"The buyer will handle it. He paid extra for breeding rights and he wanted assurance that she would be bred to 1619."

James whined softly to herself and huddled down against the ground with her belly pressed against it as she heard another snarling dog from somewhere out in the midst of the room. 1619. The number that was supposedly another german shepherd that had been chosen to match her. She hadn't seen him, though she knew that it was a male. She'd only heard the number and they were kept entirely separated. It made her wonder who had been taken, who had been kidnapped and forced into this hellish prison of a body. Sometimes she felt mutual pity at their circumstances, at other times she felt rage that he had been allowed to remain male when she was doomed to be a female. The sound of a cage door closing made her growl to herself as she peered out of the cage towards the men who were starting to turn down the lights.

Another day in hell. Another day trapped. She lowered her muzzle down to her paws as she looked at the edge of the cage door and ignored the last check that the men made as they walked down the line. She didn't want to look at them, she wanted nothing to do with them.

As they walked past her she focused on the edge of the cage door and the bottom lock. There were two locks on every cage, the top and bottom that were closed with a combination lock. She flicked her large ears up as she saw the ring clip pushed inwards ever so slightly so it just pushed up and was pinned beneath the latch instead of fastened. She froze as the white coated man walked down the line and didn't make an attempt to jostle it closed. She glanced up and saw the top lock closed firmly in place, but the bottom was unlatched. She felt a surge of hope as the lights began to dim around her and she didn't make a move as the main doors started to slide closed. Her chest tightened a little bit as she strained to hear the footsteps as the men left for the day.

She hardly dare hope that there was a chance out of this place, but her eyes never left the edge of the door with its latch half done. She didn't move, barely breathed as she waited to hear the sound of people beyond the room to leave. The minutes ticked down as she felt her heart pounding against her chest and strained her ears. Her nostrils quivered a little bit as she picked up the harsh scents on the air, medicinal and animal. The lights outside of the door started to die down one after another. The red exit light became the only light as she counted softly to herself. She'd count to a hundred and then she'd make an attempt. She could count to a hundred and then she'd try. She counted with each and every breath as she tried to keep from trying before it was clear.

James got to the count of fifty before the urge outweighed her caution. She couldn't hear anyone outside. She didn't hear any foot steps, only the restless sounds of the animals and humans in their cages. With a soft whine she pushed her muzzle against the bottom corner of the cage and started to lunge forward. Her nose scraped against the metal as she pushed with her head wedging roughly against it. Almost immediately it started to bow outwards and push out beneath the tip of her nose. It hurt to shove roughly against the hard metal, but it pushed outwards slightly and strained as she pushed her muzzle down just beneath the edge so the grid of metal soon pushed against her broad forehead. Her claws scraped against the metal as she tried to find some purchase and finally shoved her hind legs back and wedged them against the wall.

The cage door strained as it remained latched on the top and pushed outwards inch by slow inch. Her nose pushed out beneath the edge of it and pushed over her forehead. It dug in hard while her ears flattened down tight against her head as she wiggled and scrabbled her forelegs against the ground with a soft whimpering cry. She was answered, but she blocked it out as she forced her legs over the edge and she started to push the grate out so it slipped up along the neck. She kicked harder with her hind legs while her breath came out raggedly. It scraped against the edge of her neck as she wriggled and twisted in an attempt to push as her forepaws hooked against the ground. She gave a lunge forward and heard the metal scrape around her before the top suddenly popped free and she yelped out as her forepaws slid out into empty air.

James dropped down from the cage awkwardly, not quite able to catch herself properly as her claws scrabbled against the ground as a shock of pain spiked up along the line of her shoulders. A whine came from the cage nearby and she whirled around to come face to face with a dog. A small poodle whined and pawed at the cage door with a clatter of claws as she tried to get out. The former boy swallowed and glanced around, she was facing a large square of cages that loomed up above her. Several dogs were facing the cage doors and pawing at them with high pitched barks. In other cages, she could hear faint whines and whimpers interspersed with human sounding moans. She knew that there were other humans in those cages changing or about to be changed.

_I should free them. I should get them out of here. _ She licked her lips nervously and tucked her tail down between her legs as she tried to summon up her courage.

Her courage left when she heard the sound of footsteps in the hall outside. She flicked her ears up a little bit before bolting towards the far door, the one with the bred red sign above it that said exit and a red bar that signaled it was a fire door. She could at least still see those colors. She barely paused as she lunged up awkwardly on her hind legs and shoved her forepaws hard against the bar that held the door shut. She threw her entire weight against it as the footsteps came faster from behind her and she heard a voice. The weight of her shove made the bar push inwards with a sudden squeal of an alarm as the door was flung open in front of her. There was a rush of fresh air and a shout behind her as she launched into the darkness with a yelp of triumph. Freedom!!!

Her paws clattered against the ground as she tore across a large walkway and right through some bushes and lights flared open behind her. The door slammed open wide as voices erupted from the room behind her and footsteps started to follow after her. The former boy folded her ears back as she wriggled through the bushes and tore through a nearly empty parking lot. Her tail flared out behind her as she stretched all out and tried to run as fast as she possibly could. It was awkward, she wasn't able to move them the way she wanted too, but she was able to get up some speed as the voices were being left behind her. The parking lot had a few cars, not nearly enough that she could easily hide among them to throw off the people chasing after her.

She aimed for a point that showed cars flashing back and forth along a road and narrowed her eyes as she saw a large gate with a security post. The gate itself was just a bar that was dropped down to prevent cars from going forward and what looked like a set of spikes that could be raised or lowered. Her tongue lolled out in a grin as she launched towards the opening. The spikes couldn't stop her! She wouldn't stop! She lowered herself closer to the ground and heard the revving of an engine behind her as she slipped past the dozing guard at full speed and into the open street. Home! She was going to be able to make it home!

James kept running for several blocks before she ducked into an alley and stopped with her tongue hanging down low and her sides heaving. She drooped her tail down a little bit while she made her way towards the sheltered protection of a cargo loading dock so she could sprawl down on her belly. Her breath burned in her chest as she tried to catch it and strained her ears to listen for anyone coming. She didn't know where she was, if she was in the same city, the same state, if she was even in the same country. She knew the first order of business would be to get out of here and find her way home, but she had to figure out where she was first. She licked her lips a little bit as saliva trailed from her broad lolling tongue and she dropped her head down onto her forelegs.

It was cold enough that she trembled a little as her overheated body steadily started to cool down as the moments passed. The concrete beneath her leeched away the warmth as she listened to the sound of traffic coming from somewhere far away and she could hear the soft chatter of voices. It was winter at least, she knew that she was at least somewhere in the north instead of in the south. That was hopeful since it had been winter when she had last been at home. She waited until her legs stopped aching and she could catch her breath before heaving herself up onto all fours. The warmth of her furred coat helped keep her from feeling the cold too badly, but it was still chilly enough that she shivered as she set out of the alley and cautiously glanced around the corner.

The early evening traffic ran along the roads, but the sidewalks were mercifully clear as she slunk out and kept close along the wall. She kept her tail tucked down between her legs and lowered her head as she glanced up and tried to look at street names, but none of them were familiar. Or at least, none of them were anything unique. They were all numbers which meant it could be any place at all. She tried to keep herself to the shadows as she bolted down another alley and jogged up to towards a cross street where she heard heavier traffic and the soft squeak of breaks. At least out here in the middle of the city there was a chance she'd be able to keep anyone from finding her. She was just another stray dog, after all, and it was easy to try and stay hidden as she kept glanced out of the alley and watched as people walked along the sidewalks.

She lifted her ears a little bit as one of them glanced down at her, but they continued to move on. She didn't' care about them. She was more concerned with the fact that there was a large shelter a block away that would be for a bus. She would figure out where she was from there, it would at least list a town and city. Her tail tip wagged a little bit as she trotted out from the alley and tried to look harmless as she slipped among the walkers. A few people moved away from her and she glanced up to see worried looks cast at her. She tried to imagine what she looked like, a massive german shepherd trotting around without a leash or owner. She lowered her head and tried to think small as she slipped into the shelter and was grateful to find it empty.

She tried to look unobtrusive as she peered up at the massive map that sprawled against one wall of the shelter and tried to find something familiar. The map looked all off as she wasn't able to see the colors properly. She wrinkled her nose up a little as she glanced around the edges of it and tried to see any street names or a city name. With a rush of relief she looked up at the top of the poster and saw Lancaster written in bold black letters. She was still in her home town. She was still close to home. She'd be able to get there from here. Her eyes picked out the large red mark that indicated where she was. Ten miles. Ten miles between her and home at least. It was doable ,more then doable!

"Waitin' for the bus, fella?" A voice made her jump up and whirl around in time to see an older man standing outside of the shelter and watched her. She gave her tail a little wag before backing away from the map. "Where's your owner, eh?"

The man moved forward and made a move to ruffle her ears, but she ducked beneath the hand. She didn't know who he was and she wasn't going to risk getting caught. She bolted towards the door at full speed so that her claws scrabbled against the ground as she felt his fingers lightly touch her shoulders as she eeled around the corner and bolted down the sidewalk. She had to get home. She would get home. She knew where she was now, or at least she had a good idea of where she was. She could make it right up along Seventeenth towards Hudson and then she'd be able to bolt right down it towards the outskirts of town where her parents lived. It would be easy and she'd be home before dawn.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The way home wasn't safe, nor was it as secure as James thought it would be. She had walked home when she'd been human, but this was nothing like it. It wasn't that it was hard to walk on all fours, it was actually easy, but the world wasn't safe for her. She couldn't exactly count on cars seeing her. Twice she had tried to bolt across a busy highway and nearly gotten hit by a car. The second time it had actually clipped her tail while the horn blared and sent stabs of pain through her ears as she tried to escape towards the other side. It was made even worse by a group of kids who had started launching rocks at her running rump as she scrabbled out of the way and yelped when one cracked her right on the haunches and made pain blossom across her hindquarters and right along the line of her spine. Their taunting voices had forced her to drat through a familiar trailer park to escape them as she heard them making dares on who could catch her.

_I never acted like that. _ She glanced back through the chain link fence and then trotted between a large set of trailers.

Her rump ached from the rock that hit her, but she was able to slip between the pathways as she kept her mind locked on her target. She just had to get to her parents' house and she had walked there from here any number of times. If the worst thing that happened was a strike to her rump, she would survive it. There'd be plenty of time to nurse her aching hip once she was able to communicate with her parents what the problem was and saw to it that she could either be changed back or at least lead a raid on the damned place that had done this to her. No matter that people from the government where buying and supporting it, there was no way they were condoning the kidnapping of children to use in their sick games.

James held those thoughts close to her as she limped through the trailer park which, no matter what her father said, was lined rather neatly near the newer portions and had streets and homes that looked like actual homes instead of trailers. Martin lived in one of the trailers that was an older model instead of the nicer ones, but it was still a lot better than the pictures his father painted. He seemed to assume that Martin's parents lived in a rickety trailer with holes in the floor and pink flamingos staked out in the yard. She glanced over towards the direction of her friends house and paused. Martin would be able to help her more than her parents would. It wouldn't be that hard to make him understand what had happened and he'd be more sympathetic to a large dog trotting up to him.

Her tail started to wag slowly as she mulled over the idea and turned about to head towards her friend and salvation. She'd barely taken a couple of steps in that direction when she realized she heard another set of claws trotting along the side walk. She froze and twisted her head about to see a rather rough looking mutt trotting after her with his stick like tail wagging back and forth above his haunches. His floppy brown ears were perked up as he continued to trot towards her without a single hint that he was aggressive. None of his fur bristled and he didn't try to show his teeth, instead he whined almost ingratiatingly at her while his tail started to wag faster and faster. She flinched a bit and turned back to her destination rather than trying to face him. She was larger than the mutt after all.

She heard him picking up pace as she started to trot back towards Martin's house and she kept her ears back so that she could try and keep tabs on him as she turned around a corner. The mongrel sped up as she made the turn and let out a soft whine. A cold nose suddenly shoved right against the back of her legs and she felt a sudden puff of air against her. She snarled and twisted around with a snap of her teeth to get the mutt away from her and the dirty brown dog stepped back with his tail still wagging rapidly behind him. Because it was most definitely a him, she could see the furry sheath jutting out beneath his belly. He lolled his tongue out and whined softly before inching forward towards her with his nose actively twitching towards her. James swallowed and backed away with a warning growl as he continued to approach her.

He didn't back away, even when she snapped her teeth and felt the fur along the back of her shoulders bristling. Instead he pushed forward and snuffled against her haunch curiously while her legs remained frozen in place. There was a sharp scent on the air, almost musky, and it made her stomach tense up slightly as she tried to will herself to step away. It wasn't like any scent she'd caught before, it was a bit like the lab and the dogs, but sharper somehow. It flooded her senses until a tremor ran through her as the brown mongrel inched forward and snuffled right along the edges of her hind leg and the hot breath puffed against her. He whined out and wagged his tail faster and faster as he snuffled along her hind leg and pushed the fur upwards as he drew in a deep breath.

The former boy felt a flush of heat as he sidled in closer and the scent of him was filling her muzzle to the point that her stomach began to turn. It was an acrid musk that made her let out a breathy whimper as the nose pushed along her hind leg and nosed just along the base of her tail. With a snarl she tried to leap forward, and she even got a half a foot away before the dog swung around and pushed his muzzle beneath the base of her tail. The hot breath hit her folds as a tremor ran along her haunches and she wanted nothing more then to tuck her tail down between her legs, but she couldn't manage it. Instead it twitched to one side as the cool nose pushed against her soft spade shaped sex and drew in a deep breath that was blasted out against her again. It sent a shiver of pleasure through her and she froze as the dog nosed harder against her folds.

The first hot stroke of the broad tongue flicked out and dragged along the dark spade and rubbed along her swollen outer lips. The push of the silken appendage forced her lips open and rubbed between the soft inner lining while the tip of the tongue fluttered right against the sensitive bud of her clit. It made her arch her hips upwards in the air while she growled a warning but the tongue just kept stroking with hard full strokes. It was a caress designed to rouse her as he teased over her softness and pushed forward with a wet noise. Her ears burned hot red as she felt the dog stroking over her sensitive cunny lips and working inwards with powerful firm strokes that forced her to whimper out slow in her throat. Her tail quivered as it remained pressed along the side of her haunches and she spread her hind legs a bit wider rather than closing them.

She wanted to drive him away, snarl and snap angrily so he'd bolt, but her body refused to budge. She felt her heart speeding up as she pushed back against the licking tongue that pushed right against the soft inner passage. It started to wedge and push into the tight opening while she trembled and grew slicker against the touch of the tongue. The strokes made sure that she started to feel herself growing slicker by the moment. Her own arousal was being pushed out around the tongue while she dropped her head down with a muffled snarl to herself. She didn't want this. She didn't want anything to do with the dog. She didn't want anything to do with an animal this way! Why couldn't she just bolt away from him and snap and snarl? Instincts were pushing against her mind that had nothing to do with being human and male.

When the silken tongue started to wedge into her passage and plunge into the virgin passage the snarl turned into a high pitched whine of pleasure. Her inner walls contracted tightly around the writhing slippery tongue and tried to pull around it to draw it in deeper. Her eyes squeezed shut as the wet lewd sounds of the licking dog only grew louder as he pushed her wetness out around his tongue and forced it in deeper. Her hips hunched higher in the air and she braced her forepaws against the ground while he teased her. Part of her mind screamed for her to run, the people at the lab had said something about her heat, and it was obvious that this dog was more than happy to try and put an end to it. His tongue roused nerves until they almost felt as if they were on fire while she pushed back a bit harder against his touch.

"DAMNIT ROX! GET AWAY FROM HER!" A woman screamed out and broke James' concentration and the dog's head jerked backwards. His tongue yanked free with a wet noise. "Jacob! Get your damn dog, he's after a bitch again!"

"I'm coming!" A younger boy answered and James twisted her head to see a teenager running towards the dog who was pawing at her haunches.

It was enough that the spell was broken and she lunged away from him with a frantic clattering of her claws on the pavement. She forgot about Martin's house and pointed her nose towards home. She had to get out of the streets!

~ ~ * ~ ~

The sun was creeping up over the edge of the sky in a silver light as James wearily padded up the front porch with her entire body trembling with exhaustion. She'd had been turned around twice by trucks that had been from the lab. The only reason she'd known that they were from the same place she'd just been was the fact that they boasted a logo on the side that had haunted her time there. She'd eventually had to loop around for who knew how many miles before the coast was clear and she was able to spot her home. The familiar scents were so welcome as she pushed against the front door and trembled while hearing the sounds of her father and mother getting ready for work. She was too tired to wonder why they were still going to work with her missing, all she knew was that she had to get indoors before the lab came and took her away.

She wanted to bark and howl at the door, but she knew better then to raise a fuss. She scratched awkwardly against one corner of it and scraped against the wood hard enough that a few paint chips came off as she fought the urge to whine. The voices continued to murmur to each other inside and she gave a hard enough pawing that she scraped right down over the door knob and rattled it. She kept her ears tipped back and listening to the road for any cars as she threw her weight against the door as she clawed at it. She had never been religious, but she began to pray that one of her parents would hear her. She had to get out of sight. She had to find a way to communicate them. And like an angel from heaven answering, the door swung inwards so she nearly tumbled onto the floor.

"What the hell is going on out here?" His father snarled out as the door was spread open wide and his well polished shoes came into view.

"It's James!" Her mother's voice was shrill as she got her paws beneath her and scrambled onto all fours. She didn't pause, she bolted into the kitchen before they could shove her out.

"The bloody hell? James, how on earth did you find your way back?!" His father's hand moved to rub the back of his neck. "Ellen, grab a bowl of water, look at him panting."

James sank down with a whine as her parents and felt nothing but relief. They must have known that she'd been snatched, they were probably up and getting ready to storm the lab to take her back. Her father worked for an offshoot of the department of defense, after all. Perhaps she'd even been taken because of her father's job. It didn't matter, she was so tired that it was a relief that she wasn't being questioned or chased away. Obviously her father had known what was going on, her father knew everything. She was too tired to try and think it through, a night of fear and humiliation had taken its toll and she was home. Her home. A place that she was safe and no one could snatch her again. Not with her father and his military contacts. Hell, James knew that he had a gun in the house somewhere too!

_Dad's probably helping the police and they'll free the rest. He's always boasted about how his branch worked with the military. _ James felt relief coursing through her as her mother dropped a bowl down on the floor next to her and water sloshed over the edges.

"He must have escaped on his own...." His mother spoke almost doubtfully. "You told me that the facility that had him in was absolutely closed down!"

Heh, Dad's going to get it. I bet Mom was losing it seeing me gone. _ She dropped her head and started to lap at the water eagerly. The tone of her mother's voice was accusing, what had her father told his wife? That there was nothing he could do without help from higher branches in the military? _Hopefully she doesn't take it out too much on him.

_ _

"I thought it was, you know I would never lie to you. I didn't want to worry you." His father moved to hold her arm as James gulped down water. "Make a call to this number and let them know James is home. We'll get this damned thing sorted out TODAY!"

James licked her lips and gazed up at her parents with a soft whine. The decisive tone in her father's voice was reassuring and she stretched on the cool tile of the kitchen floor with a soft groan. She was so tired. She hadn't slept well since she'd been captured and the exhaustion of her run had made it even worse. Her father would get her somewhere that could help her, the people who'd done this were obviously going to be arrested. With a sigh she dropped her head on her forepaws and watched her mother walk out of the room. It was all going to be alright. She breathed in the comforting scent of herself and her family. She'd never been quite so happy to be home as she had been in this moment. Her father didn't even start yelling as he settled down in a chair and stared at her with his brows furrowed.

She whined softly at him and wagged her tail once against the floor. He was probably as disturbed as she had been waking up like this. Imagine his shock at seeing his son this way. His mother's voice was a soft murmur as she shifted her eyes away from him and started to look around the room. It made her uncomfortable to feel her father staring at her so intently. Her tail curled around her haunches as she heaved a heavy sigh and just let herself relax for the first time since she'd been captured. Her ears flicked to either side of her head as she looked towards the fridge and the clutter of papers that his parents always kept there. He briefly noticed that his picture had been taken down from it's frame and there was a new pile of papers pushed beneath a clip that hadn't been there before.

It was something to distract herself as her father kept staring at her hunched form, well not quite staring, almost glaring. Her ears dropped down a little bit and she wondered if he'd try to make this out to all be her fault somehow. She certainly hadn't meant to get caught up in all of this and she hadn't been doing anything wrong at the time. Not that she could quite remember what she had been doing when it had all happened. Her mind was a bit foggy on the things that had happened between her last clear memory and how she'd woken up in the middle of the lab. It was all muddled together strangely and made it hard to recall the exact events that had happened.

"They're in the neighborhood.." Her mother's voice reached her ears as she rested her chin on her forepaws. It was barely a whisper, but she was able to pick it up. "Fifteen minutes at the most."

James lifted her head a little bit as her eyes focused on the papers that had been clipped on the front of the fridge. Her eyes were too strange now to actually see the writing and make it out, but it wasn't the writing that she cared about. The corner of the envelope that was hanging on the fridge had a symbol on it. Three twisting circles that formed a stylized star in bright green. The same symbol that had been on the lab coats, the same symbol that had been on the cars, the same symbol that had been on the door of the building where she was kept. Her ears flattened and she forced away the edges of exhaustion before jumping up onto her feet. Her paws splayed open as she kept her ears flattened to her head and tried to tuck her tail between her haunches.

"Ah..." Her mother's voice was awkward sounding as James backed away from the fridge with a high pitched whine. "James..."

"Damnitall to hell." Her father's voice was rough. "You were supposed to take those down when they called!"

His parents knew those people, not from his father's military investigation, but had actually had something to do with them that they had been mailing them. She continued to back away as the words finally sank in and she let out a soft cry as she whipped around to face her parents who had stood up. They weren't her saviors, not at all.

"James, listen to me.." His mother's features were slightly strained. "It isn't what it looks like. You have to understand... The economy..."

"Stop coddling the boy!" His father snapped out as he so often had. "You were ignoring your school work, you weren't even trying to make yourself better and you couldn't even be bothered with your chores. We messed up. I always assumed that you'd grow up to be a man that I could be proud of, but you threw that in my face."

James kept her ears pinned back as she pushed backwards against the fridge and let out a high pitched cry of protest. She hadn't been shirking off, she had tried to do everything that her parents asked her to do!

"You're upsetting him." Her mother looked upset as she gave her head a short shake back and forth. "I told you this wasn't a good-"

"We sold you. I have contacts with the Infinity Labs that were more then willing to take you off my damn hands, boy. And for a price that was more than reasonable." His father's voice was harsh and uncompromising while she kept herself backed away from them. "Perhaps your mother and I will try again with a more reasonable child that's willing to try!"

_They... sold me. THEY SOLD ME! _

_ _

The world dropped out beneath her paws as she felt a moment of dizziness. They had sold her. They had given her away to this damned life without a second thought. She had never gotten along with her parents, but she'd always assumed that somewhere deep inside that they had cared about her. After all, why else would they push her so often to better herself. They were supposed to make sure that she had a better life then they did. That's what parenting was about. But they'd SOLD her?! She jerked backwards as her father pulled his belt off and gave a wave towards her mother.

"Come now, don't make a damned fuss. As much as you've been bought for you'll have a fine life and you won't have to do your homework." Her mother moved towards the door while her mother advanced towards her one step at a time.

_They're going to take me back to them! They're going to take me back to be bred and owned! _ James trembled as her father came forward with the belt looped into something like a collar and leash.

As the man's hands came towards her fear and panic rose upwards and she didn't think as she launched forward and snapped at the hand reaching for her. She bit the soft curve of the hand and gripped down so his father roared out angrily above her. He jerked backwards and shook his hand so she was yanked back and forth. She snarled and dropped down towards the ground before bolting without thinking about it. She launched herself towards the front door and the closed screen door that led towards the backdoor. James didn't stop as she drove herself towards the fine black mesh and kept her ears pinned back as she slammed into it and heard her parents yelling behind her. She had to get out of here, she had to get to Martin. Only Martin would understand what was happening and help her. He'd understand and save her.

The screen tore around her head as she shoved her claws through it and twisted through the opening as hands tried to clutch at her tail. She made it through with a wriggle and tore into the back yard with a high pitched yelp. Terror rose up inside of her as she darted around the corner with the idea of hitting the road and the bunched houses across the street. She froze as she saw a large pickup truck and a van parked in front of the house with their bright green symbols glaring at her. She backed away and her claws tore up the dirt beneath her as she tore into the back yard and stared at the large brown fence that loomed up in front of her. Her tail tucked down firmly between her legs as her parents came down the stairs with his father holding his hand in close against his belly. She snarled and wrinkled her lips back before darting towards the back fence.

Her heart hammered against her chest as she dodged her father's swinging hand and nearly crashed against the back of the fence. Her tail was held in close against her belly as she ran back and forth along the corner and twisted about to look towards the opposite side of the house where the other gate door was located. It was shut and locked, and there was even a man dressed in uniform approaching it despite the fact it was locked. She looked frantically towards the open gate where several men were coming into the yard holding long metal poles with loops of wire at the end. The sort that dog catchers used on loose animals. She twisted her head up and looked at the looming fence before leaping upwards and scrabbled along the edge of the fence. Her claws cut white furrows against the wood as she heard her parents approaching.

"Get over here, damn you! It's already bitten me!" Her father snapped out.

It! I'm not even a gender to him anymore! She felt a stab of panic as she dropped back down to the ground and twisted around with her lips twisted up with a snarl. Her teeth flashed while her hackles raised up and bristled. Her nostrils flared a little bit as she watched the men from the lab spreading around in a semi circle with their arms spread. Most of them had poles with them meant to snag her if she tried to escape. Panic welled up in side of her as she darted back and forth snarling furiously. Her mind started to shut down as a few men spread out to either side and extended to poles to jab at her so she snapped at them with high pitched yelps. She couldn't do this! She wasn't going to do this! She had to get out of here!

With a yelping snarl she twisted around and launched herself between two of the men. One of the poles cracked down on her shoulders so she shrieked out in pain, but she wriggled along the ground before launching forward. The claws tore up great tufts of soil beneath them as she dodged another one of the poles that dropped down and tried to catch her around the neck. She had to get out of here! She had to get out of here! She wasn't going to go back to that place. She'd die before she went back to it. With a snarl she launched forward and the pole cracked down against her chest hard enough that was tossed down to the ground and another one jabbed her right against the chest. She snarled and snapped at it desperately while kicking her back legs as the men surrounded her. She twisted her head up and caught the metal pole in her teeth with a ragged cry as a booted foot shoved down against her haunches and pinned her flat down against the ground. Fear consumed her, wrapped through her and dragged her down.

"GOT HER!" One of the men cried out jubilantly as a metal wire loop was slipped over her head and suddenly yanked so that it bit down hard around her neck and yanked hard enough that it closed around her windpipe.

"Don't let it go!" Her father shouted from a distance while she struggled to get her way free as best that she could.

"What the bloody hell are you doing to that poor animal?!" A voice rose up above the shouting men. A deep English accented voice that made a few of the people go still while the rest struggled to keep her down.

"Get out of here, it's none of your damn business." Her father snapped out with his normal tact. "The beast is mad."

"I'd be made as well if I were being treated like that. Let her up this minute or I'll be calling the police straight away. Can't you hear her weezing?!" James couldn't see her savior as the metal wire yanked hard enough she couldn't breath and her head was forced backwards.

"I said get off of my property!" Dimly she heard her father's voice growing fainter, but at least the men holding the poles moved enough that she was able to struggle onto her paws gasping for air.

"Do you truly think I'll leave here when you're abusing that poor creature? Stand down, sir, or I'll see you arrested for animal cruelty. These aren't city workers are they? I didn't think so." Her savior snorted. "You there, get that damned pole off her back, I saw you slapping her with them. No call for it, none at all. Horribly uncivilized to treat an animal that way."

"Sir, we're under orders, she's company property and escaped...." One of the workers sounded a bit more sure of himself. "I'm sorry if we're not handling her the way you see fit, but we can't leave her loose in the city."

"Company? A LABORATORY?!" The man roared the words and James was able to jerk her head up to see a man with slightly greyed hair leaning on a cane above her. His face was red with rage. "Is this how you treat your test subjects? I'll be damned if I'll walk away. You! GET THAT POLE OFF HER BACK!"

The man who kept the weight against her haunches helped her stand up with her legs swaying back and forth. Her head hung down while her tongue lolled out and she tried to keep herself standing in place while her tail drooped down. Her father was red faced as well and looked about to hit the man that surveyed them all with disdain.

"Roger! Come here and fetch this poor creature, I'm not leaving it here." Her savior waved a hand behind him.

"Sir, you can't have her. She's Infinity Corp. property..." The man holding the pole set his features in a frown.

"Then I shall call the police and see how they feel about what you've been doing to the poor beast. I'm sure they'll see fit to investigate your property." The man's English accent became a touch thicker as he obviously grew angrier.

"They own it!" Her father almost roared the words and the man snorted and gave a snap of his fingers.

"Roger, just move around him, and come get the poor beast." A well dressed young man stepped around her father and moved towards her dubiously. "You can talk to my solicitors about the matter and I will be in contact with your company. If this is how they treat animals then I will be sure to investigate."

"I.. s-sir, this is.." The lab employee stammered, but the young man, Roger, deftly took the pole away.

"Come along, m'lady, let's go now. No need for you to worry, we'll get you sorted." Roger gave a slow smile, and loosened the loop, not enough to come off, but enough that it didn't hurt. He gave a little pull and she stepped forward readily enough. Anything was better then going back to that damn lab.

"You can't do this!" James' father snarled the words, but didn't go after the older man who gave a slight tap with his cane on the ground. The handsome features spread in a slow smile and shook his head back and forth.

"Yes, I can, and you'll be lucky if I don't see you charged as well. Come, Roger, lets see this lovely lady fed and taken care of."

James didn't even try to writhe away or escape, the shelter they offered made her weak kneed with relief as she followed them.

~ ~ * ~ ~

It was obvious from the time James got in the care why no one had pressed matters with the man. He had arrived in a pitch black limousine that Roger drove. The inside had been lushly appointed with soft seats, a large amount of room, a bar and even a tv. It had smelled clean and fresh, and only of the man who had settled down in the back seat which likely meant he owned it. The gentleman was obviously quite rich, rich enough that the workers had hesitated on trying to push boundaries and coming up against him. It was a relief for the former boy to curl up on the bottom of the limousine and just feel safe as the man had taken the loop away from her neck and head. He'd then proceeded to stroke along her ears with such a gentle touch as he murmured soothingly about how it was alright and she was safe now. She'd come to no harm.

Her fear had slowly melted away under the vibration of the car and his soft reassurances. He didn't try to harm her or force her, he just stroked her ears while he occasionally paused to rant at the driver about how she had been treated. It was a balm to her aching soul to be treated so kindly and she nestled against his legs as if he were the only shelter that she had left. It was on the drive that she found out his name was Cameron, or at least, Master Cameron. He was older and his English accent was just as soothing as his touch. It wasn't until they'd pulled up to his home that she realized that she had been brought to the home of someone quite wealthy indeed. A lavish mansion with hide stone walls and its own guard at the gate was what greeted her eyes when the limo pulled up and she felt a moment of hope that she might be saved after all.

Cameron had personally led her into the house where the marble floor sprawled out in all directions and took her into the kitchens to feed her. He had nothing so common as dog food, but had had the cook roast up some meat so that it was barely seared and mixed it with rice to give her. She had bolted it down greedily, not even caring that it was from a bowl on the floor. The fear melted away as she ate and felt the cramping hunger fade away while her savior began to make phone calls. Her sharp ears could hear him calling several people. The police to start with and the ASPCA and finally someone from downtown that was obviously higher in position with demands to investigate what had happened. The last call was to his lawyer and all the while he remained close by and within sight.

"There now, Roger, you're done for the day. You can dismiss the rest of the staff. This poor lady will need some time to settle in. Do send the house keeper out to pick up a proper bed and perhaps some toys." Cameron set his cane aside with his phone. "I want to make sure that she's not disturbed until she's settled. Poor girl, she's had a rough day of it, haven't you?"

James wagged her tail against the ground as her long red tongue swiped up the last bit of the meat from the bowl. It had been nearly raw, but it was better then the hard kibble she had been given in the labs. It filled her belly with pleasurable warmth as the older man patted his leg and called sweetly to her. She didn't hesitate to follow him, she felt as if she had fallen into some sort of fever dream as she watched people leaving the mansion. There were several employees that paused to have a word with him and most even paused to ruffle her ears with smiles. There were no scared looks, no resentment or upset. They generally seemed to respect their employer which made James relax even more. That meant it was unlikely that the man had a darker side.

"Come on, my lass. We're going to get you settled so I can do some work, hmm? And perhaps a bath. My daughter isn't home right now, but she'll be delighted to see you." Cameron smiled and started up the stairs with her trailing at his heels. "Curious, I did promise her a dog, but I certainly didn't expect to have two, but I'm sure two of you won't eat me out of house and home."

_I don't know who he is, I don't care. I can stay here until this all blows over. I can stay here until I can make my way home. _ James thought with relief as she went deeper into the house. She'd only stay for a little bit. Just a bit. And then she could leave this place and find her way to Martin and help. Just a day or two.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Days turned into weeks. They melted together for James as she found herself enjoying a luxury that she had never imagined before. Cameron was a gentle and kind man, though he was often busy, and made sure within the first two days that she had a soft fleece bed in three difference rooms, a pile of toys if she wished to play, a black leather collar and the run of the estate. There was no such thing as going to walk on a leash, instead she was allowed to run free across the grounds for her exercise and the grounds offered seemingly endless places for her to romp and snuff about. Her food was meat and rice, sometimes even sweet potatoes or human food that was well cooked and the weight she had lost due to the kibble diet was soon gained back so she filled out.

Cameron bathed her himself, a humiliating moment for her to be pushed into a tub and bathed, but he was gentle and soothing as he rubbed the sweet smelling soap into her fur. It calmed her down and kept her relaxed to the point that she nearly enjoyed it. He was such a lovely person, and such a fine gentleman it was hard to even growl or protest when he asked something of her. He seemed to love spending time rubbing along the back of her long ears when he was working from home or on the phone. Other times he'd make a point to take time off of her work to call to her and walk outside so they could get some fresh air. At night she slept in his room on her soft bed and promised herself that the next day she would run. The next day she'd escape. She repeated her name to herself and brought up her mental image of Martin and his home as her destination and she promised that the next day she'd do it.

Except, each day it grew harder to want to leave. He was nothing but kind to her and compared to the horror of the lab and her own parents betrayal she didn't want to be on the streets again. She was safe here with him. She was safe and even happy when she listened to the accented cadence of his voice as he spoke on the phone. Even the servants treated her well and the cook would set aside certain treats just for her. She might even have stopped thinking of leaving if it weren't for the fact that the fourth day she was here he had brought home another dog. One that he'd reserved from a champion breeder from perfect lines, and ironically a traditional looking German Shepherd complete with a black saddle and noble looking head. The moment she'd seen him she'd frozen in the walk way and backed out whining, only her growing love for the man that had rescued her had made her step forward.

"Come now, he's security and for my daughter. You know you'll always be mine, eh girl?" Cameron had rubbed her ears lightly while the big male dog had snuffled towards her. "Off with you, fellow, you're going to Roger."

She didn't see the other dog often. He was kept mostly outside and with Roger, presumably to be trained and to wait for the illusive daughter who was away at school, but she still smelled him. Occasionally he passed her and would growl low in his throat or bristle his hackles at her. He outweighed her by several pounds at least and was heavier chested. He terrified her in many ways, mostly because of the humiliated memories of what had happened when she'd been out on her own on the streets. If he hadn't been a part of the estate, she might have been alright. She might have been happy to remain here longer then would have been healthy for her, but as it stood, she couldn't let her guard down for fear of the big male dog.

With a sigh James lifted her eyes up to where Cameron sat above her working on his laptop. His leg rested right against her shoulder as if he wanted that contact with her. She'd never seen him with friends over or company that wasn't business. He worked from home more often than not and several times had talked to his driver about how he missed little Caitlyn. She had to leave here, she had to find Martin and get back into her own body, but she'd miss him so badly and it would hurt him to lose her. He had risked so much for her in saving her just because she'd needed saving. How could she leave him with his only thanks being a handful of memories? She had to leave and she glanced towards the window and the setting sun.

She'd leave at the end of the week when his daughter was ready to come home. She'd wait that long. It would at least be that long until the faint ache of her loins passed away. She recognized the sensation for what it was, especially when she'd inadvertently glanced down and seen her swollen dark spade. She had passed out of heat once without any problems, she'd be more cautious this time and wait it out and then escape. She wouldn't be caught on the streets with male dogs and her mind wrapped in instincts she never wanted to possess. But she'd miss this place so badly. She'd miss the man who had become her master. It made her stomach turn as he leaned back in the chair and looked down at her. He dropped a hand to rub her ears lightly as he looked at her.

"You know, my girl, I wish you'd stop sighing like that." He ran his hands down her neck as James pushed herself up and rested her head against his knee lightly. "I know this must be boring for you, love."

James whined softly and pushed her nose under his hand. Sometimes she wondered that he'd never named her, it seemed so odd, but she'd overheard him tell his cook that a dog knew its own name and in time she'd let him know it. It was silly sounding, but it had been endearing as well that he thought so highly of her.

"Well, let's find you some company, hmm?" James whined again and gave a hesitant wag of her tail. "Now don't look at me like that. My daughter will be home soon and you'll be around him, you know. I'd like you to become friends, after all, you are both so well behaved."

Him? James stepped back with a soft whine and laid her ears down. Friends with HIM? The other dog? She didn't want anything to do with that brute!

"Come on, my girl, lets go at least say hello, hmm?" Cameron stood up and patted his palm on his leg. She hesitated and whimpered, but stepped forward. At least she'd be with him and he wouldn't let the other dog snap or bite her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The moment they came to the set of rooms that led to the outside she caught the male dogs scent. It flooded her nose and she pushed closer against Cameron's legs as she tried to keep herself as close to him as possible. She didn't want anything to do with him, but he seemed so happy. James kept her ears back as he walked into the room with her and closed the door before ruffling her ears comfortingly. The rooms were obviously someone elses. She faintly caught the scent of a girl on the air and she glanced about until she saw a picture of a fair haired girl on the wall, her face resting right next to Cameron's. OF course her dog would be situated here instead of getting the run of the house. She carefully tucked her tail down between her legs and felt a moment of gratitude that she had only just noticed what was happening to herself. Her smell wasn't even that different and she was smarter than any dog after all.

"There's a lad!" Cameron exclaimed as the large tan and black form stretched and hauled himself up onto all fours with an aloof look at him. "Now go on, girl, go and make friends. I don't want you to grow fat and tired always following me around."

The older man smiled down at her and gave her a slight nudge as the big dog wagged his tail slowly back and forth. Not really a wag, just a sway of his tail while she was gaping at him. He bristled a little, but didn't seem about to snarl as her master moved to settle down on a chair with a sigh. James moved over to him and pushed against his legs before planting her rump firmly against the ground so close to him that she was nearly pushed beneath his legs. He didn't shoo her away, but moved his hands down to rub right along the back of her neck as the big male started towards her with his ears pricked up and his attention wavering between her master and her. He moved like a large cat, graceful and heavily muscled with a thick neck and a proud looking broad chest. For a German Shepherd he was exceptional looking. Whatever Cameron had paid had certainly been worth it.

"Aren't you going to at least try to make friends with him?" Her master gave one of her ears a playful tug. "You can't just ignore each other."

James whined again softly as the dog came in closer and settled his eyes on the old man. His tail started to wag a little faster as the attention settled there and he moved slightly to the left as if intended to go to the other side of the older man's legs. She pinned her ears back and bristled at the idea of the big dog getting anywhere near HER master. The rush of possessiveness that hit her was almost frightening, but her body was already in motion as she stood up stiffly and moved to stand in front of her master and lifted her head up haughtily at the other shepherd. There was no way he was going to get pet by the man that she was looking after. The big dog tilted her head with canine confusion, but his tail wagged again and leaned forward to snuffle lightly against her nose. The rich scent of canine flooded her senses and she whined softly to herself before snuffling back.

He didn't growl this time, instead he snuffled against her muzzle and stepped forward until they were nearly chest to chest. She could feel the warmth of his body pressed against her as he slid his noble muzzle along the curve of her shoulder. The soft breath puffed against the rise of her shoulders and she hesitantly sniffed him back. He wasn't acting angry or forceful, just curious, and she gave her tail a slow wag that earned her a soft chuckle from her master. Cameron was happy to see her behaving nicely with the other dog. He was so large hearted he was properly upset that the male had to be kept away from her so often instead of getting room to stretch out and run. She felt a moment of guilt for how she had made her distaste plain and nuzzled against the dogs neck. The moment she did she knew it was a mistake.

The warm male scent flooded her nose, so much sharper and richer then anything she had ever encountered before. Even the mutt hadn't smelled like this. She pushed her nose a bit more forcefully into her fur as she watched his tail wagging faster and felt his breath against her spine. She had been days into her heat when she'd met the mutt, she'd only been like this for a day, but the scent of the male made her whine softly and push against him. She rubbed her face along the curve of his shoulder to soak up his scent and was only coaxed on by the approving sound of her master. She wagged her tail in response as the male stepped forward and started to gently sniff along her back. He rested the weight of his muzzle against her as he whined and then rumbled to himself, but she didn't pull away from him even as she knew she should snap and bolt.

"That's my good girl, I knew you could be friends. He's been lonely in here by himself." Cameron's words were full of happiness as the male bumped against her side and his muzzle grazed along the base of her tail.

The knowledge that her master was watching him, a man she owed so much to, kept her on her best behavior even as her body started to relax under the strange scent of him. She blinked slowly and felt half drugged as she noticed his hips twitching faintly when he stepped backwards and pushed his nose lightly beneath her tail. A flash of red caught her eye along his haunches, but she didn't snap and growl, she froze as a long sensuous tongue flicked out and ran along the soft dark spade of her sex. It stroked over her and made her twitch her tail to one side as he gently stroked along the outer edges and let out his own eager whine. One of his large paws lifted up and pressed down against her back while he ducked his head and licked with hard firm strokes along her glistening cunny and she only spread her legs open a bit wider as she rested her head on his hind quarters.

She knew she should run, she knew she was running a risk that shouldn't be run, but her body remained relaxed as she heard her master's murmur of approval. Had he planned this? Was this what he wanted? The part of her that had grown to love him warred with herself as the hot tongue plunged into her virgin passage and caressed lightly along the tender inner folds. She cried out softly as it wriggled and pushed lightly into her, dabbing and curling backiwards so the dog could lick his lips. The musky scent grew and she watched as a few inches of dark violet-red cock began to push out of the sheath as the dog humped lightly against the air. Her forelegs locked in place as he licked and ran his tongue all the way up and along the softness of her pucker while she flattened her ears against her head. She tried to scream at herself to run as the head moved and rubbed up beside the paw that rested against her. The male shifted and swung around with a grunt that finally startled her. She let out a soft yelp and jerked forward straight against her Master's chest.

"Easy.. easy.. It's alright, girl, it's alright. I'm here." Cameron's soft voice soothed her as he stroked a hand along her head . "That's right... It's always scary the first time.."

He'd moved to crouch in front of her so she was pushed up against him as the weight of the male dog pulled along her haunches. His broad paws caught against her sensitive belly as she whined out and twisted a little under the weight. She needed to run! She wanted to run! All she had to do was bite the man in front of her and she'd be released and able to bolt. There was even a dog door just in front of her that she could get out of. She wanted to bite, she should bite, but the soothing words were murmured in her ear with the same love and care her master had shown her in all other matters. She couldn't bite him, she couldn't hurt him. She whined shallowly as the weight pushed against her hindquarters and a pair of haunches wrapped around her as the big male started to tug against her hips roughly.

The harsh scent of him mingled with her master's in her nose as she let out little yelps as the male started to grind and jab forward roughly. The few inches of dark red cock hit and probed between her furred legs as they were forced open wider by the weight. She felt a dribble of something ooze out and coat her inner thigh as she twisted and pressed her head firmly against her master's chest. His soothing rumble kept her in place as the dog's claws raked along the softness of her belly and she felt his hot breath panting against the back of her neck as he jabbed forward again. The hard boned tip jabbed along her pucker and splattered out gooey wetness before it ran down and jabbed beneath her folds. He moved faster and faster as he pranced back and forth and tried to find his mark. His paws and the rough pads push up hard against the line of teats along her belly before he gave a final jab forward and the hard tip slipped along her heat swollen folds.

Her sharp yelp of pain was muffled against her master's chest as a glassy smooth cock plunged into her virgin folds and forced them open. His cock pushed out of his sheath and into her body spreading her open so painfully wide it ached and she twisted roughly. She spread her forelegs open wide, but it was the chest of her master that held her in place as the dog groaned and plunged forward with thrusts that rocked her entire body. The entire girth was worked into her, tearing through her and making her ki-yi-yi out frantically as something hot and thick splattered out of the tip into her passage. His sheath pushed right up against the soft spade of her folds and ground against them with faint feel of pleasure as his head slipped down along her shoulder and his tongue lolled out. Only Cameron's voice helped her, only that soothed her as she was rocked back and forth.

The first few thrusts were the worst as he hardened and grew thicker by the moment and ensured that her body was molded around him. Her silken inner walls clamped down tightly around him no matter what she felt and tried to suckle from the base all the way to the tip. His sheath shoved up firmly against her outer lips and teased there at the apex of each thrust while the heavy proud orbs clapped between her legs. It was humiliating, it was painful, it was wet and slippery as he oozed out a steady stream of precum into her body as he drilled into her and forced her to take everything that he had. The tapered tip even bumped and tapped relentlessly against her dilated cervix so she bucked and twisted under his weight. The first few thrusts made her want to fight and claw even if her love for her master kept her from doing so, but the pain was pushed away.

Her walls quivered and clutched around the male as he worked through her with something so large that he stroked her in places she'd never imagined she possessed. Her own tongue had cleaned her many times, but now he pushed in deep and pulled along her inner passage and caressed through her until she clamped tightly around him. The base of him was thicker then the rest, it pushed and wedged against her swollen lips at the apex of each thrust and forced them inwards so she trembled and dug her claws against the carpet. She squeezed around him until he was battling to thrust back into her before a soft cry spilled past her throat and it wasn't one of pain. He was made for her, his girth was designed to rouse a bitch in heat and he did it ruthlessly so that he found places that sent shivers through her.

The swell of the base pushed and rubbed along her clit constantly, teasing over it so that she whimpered and tried to push back against him when he plunged forward. His long tongue lolled out and licked along her neck as her master gently leaned back so the male could nip and rub his muzzle against her neck as if bathing in her fertile scent. She kept her nose pressed against the palm of Cameron's hand and sucked in his scent as the dog plunged into her time and time again, harder, faster, with his forelegs pulling her back against him. She squirmed and arched as her heart started to speed up, his cock was teasing her, rubbing and slickening her until her own arousal was being pushed out around the dark red spire that stretched every last inch of her body around him. She whined softly to herself and squeezed her eyes shut as he started to build up speed so he was barely pulling back before the knot shoved right up against her outer lips and nearly pushed them in on themselves.

Her glistening slippery clit was being rubbed, pinned and teased. It was being stroked and worked over until she let out a series of yelps that burst past her lips that had nothing to do with pain. Her inner walls stretched as her vulva spread open in a tight ring around the knot that was starting to pulse. She wanted him, she wanted him in him. She wanted every last inch of him plunged into her and locked. Her muscles knew what to do even as that overwhelmingly thick base pushed harder and she felt the male trembling above her. His paws yanked a bit harder as he strained and her walls spread open in a moment of pain that was pushed beneath pleasure. She cried out as waves of pleasure erupted over her and the knot plunged into her body with an audible popping sound before her muscles clamped down eagerly around it.

The german shepherd continued to plunge against her, forcing the orgasm and pleasure to last as the knot was tugged and pulled along her. She splayed her ears and pushed back against him as his balls swayed and clapped between her legs at the apex of each thrust. She massaged and milked around his cock as the tip rubbed and teased right over the opening of her cervix and her master's hand moved away from her muzzle. She dropped her head down as she felt the male's knot swelling wider and wider, forcing her muscles to their very limits as he shuddered to a halt above her. She knew what was coming, she didn't care, her mind was filled with pleasure as her walls contracted and squeezed tightly around the heavy spire.

The balls pulled up tight before the boned shaft pulsed inside of her. It throbbed and jerked upwards as a wet splatter of cum erupted from the tip and hit right against her cervix. She whimpered softly to herself and pinned her ears back as she felt the warm sperm rich seed hitting against the vulnerable wall to her womb. She didn't try to yank away, she only squeezed and pulled around him as her body ensured that he wouldn't slip free. The warm flowed deep into her belly while she let out a soft cry under her breath and another hot splatter erupted from the tip and spilled into her cervix. She pushed back against him while the male's legs loosened on either side of her body and he let out a shuddering pant. His weight rested entirely against her while her own tongue lolled out almost to the ground as she felt the orbs pulsing just before another jet splattered into her.

After a few moments the male shifted and moved his foreleg over her back and started to turn around. Cameron moved forward with a soothing sound and helped the big male swing a hind leg over her back so that they were standing ass to ass with the heavy orbs bumping right against her soft pucker. She whined softly and twisted her head to try and look between her legs and plainly saw her formerly virgin spayed puffed out from the knot locked inside of her body. The male's tail wagged over her own as she dropped her head and just leaned forward so the pressure was kept up around the base. Her ears reddened hotly at the realization that some part of her was enjoying this sensation and basking in it.

"I knew you'd be friends, you were meant to be." Her master stroked her ears lightly as she waited for the knot to shrink. She wondered if she could avoid the male dog until she was out of heat and escaped... or if she even wished too.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Father, TWO dogs?!" A female voice squealed and James flicked on ear up before letting out a muted growl that was echoed from the male dog sprawled on the ground.

She was taking up fully three fourths of the couch so she could rest her head in her master's lap while he rubbed the back of her neck and read his book. That was her spot. It always would be, she was his completely and totally. The male had been allowed out of the room so they could keep each other company, and to her chagrin the touch of his tongue and scent of him was something she couldn't escape. He was a rough lover, but his tongue soothed away her ache after each breeding and he would often take his time working her with that wonderful tongue until she was whining under her breath. It had been a week since the first time he'd mounted her. A week and she had continued to let him. She'd lost count the number of times that he had knotted her and the amount of his seed he had sent rushing into her vulnerable fertile belly. Sometimes it was several times in a single day until she felt sore through the night. She wondered if any of the seed had taken. Part of her was terrified it had, but a new part felt fiercely proud of what she had done.

He no longer growled at her, but she felt superior in that she could snap at him and have him obey. He knew his spot was on the carpet when Cameron was around, when the master left they'd curl up together to keep one another warm. There was something comforting about his scent and if he didn't seek her out when she slept in her master's room she'd often go to find him so they could share their warmth and company. She knew that Cameron was happy. He often spent time with both of them, but most of his attention was devoted to her alone. No matter how often the male was about, he would always greet her first. She was his lovely girl, his lady, his lass, and he was her master beloved above all other humans with all her heart and soul. His hand swept over her head to still her growl as she looked at the faintly familiar young girl who stepped into the room.

"Did you think that I would allow you to have one and not be selfish?" Cameron laughed and beckoned to his daughter. "This is my sweet lady Jamie, and don't even think about stealing her. Marty is your fellow and a handsomer dog I've never known."

Jamie? Marty? James froze as the names spilled easily from her Master's tongue. She had to battle away the sense of pleasure at the possessive and proud tone in his voice to the names. She stared down at the large German Shepherd who had lifted his head to stare up at Cameron in what could only be shock. Marty. Martin? The world fell out beneath her at the name of her childhood friend and she started to shiver in place, almost missing her master's daughter dropping down to greet Marty.

"Hey now, hey..." Cameron's hand moved to cup beneath her chin and pulled her head up so his forehead rested against her own. "Don't shiver, my lovely lady, you're safe here. Safe and cared for. Forever."

His hand soothed her rising fur as she drew in his familiar beloved scent. Her master. The one who loved her above all others and to who she was devoted. She was safe here and she would ensure that he was safe. She would protect him with her life. She would brave anything for him if she had to. She was his, but he had become hers first. With a single wag of her tail she dropped her head back into his lap and watched Marty being doted over. Jamie hoped that the girl would win Marty's heart, he deserved to know that love. Just as she did.

"My lovely lovely Jamie.." Cameron's accented voice was a rich purr as she closed her eyes and heaved a happy sigh.

Cheating Death: Chapter 4 & 5

The back stage of the Oasis was set up very much like a waiting room with large couches that were set against the walls along with chairs. There were tables that were filled with books and magazines that workers could read when they weren't on stage,...

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Amon's Gift

Clove, nutmeg, vanilla, a thousand spices that flooded the air in the hazy room and made each breath something exotic and enticing. England had never smelled this way. It had never boasted a rich haze of smoke that overtook the bitter scents of the...

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The manor house were echoing with laughter that spilled up the stairs as the rough roaring voices of the young heir to the estate and his friends announced the return from the hunt. Even the well built walls couldn't do more than partially mute the...

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