Tron Expansion - 01 - Arrival

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#1 of Tron

The Grids... A new digital frontier. It was a new way to picture clusters of information moving through a vast network of computers... but beneath the surface, just what did that data look like? Motorcycles? Jets? Trains? Were the circuits like freeways? It was an attempt to recapture a digital miracle, but did it awaken a nightmare instead?

This is set in a non-canon universe where a network of Tron grid systems has been established and networked, each system maintained by an anonymous volunteer user. A few people who weren't supposed to got their hands on incomplete code and cobbled together their own systems.

Co-written by Kayawk. This is a re-release as an individual chapter.

TRON - Expansion Chapter 1 (Arrival)

Curiosity. It is the drive to seek out all that is new, all that is possible, all that is knowable... The desire to ever expand one's reality and potential. They used to say computers were invented to give humans the tools to satisfy their curiosity... Technology made them better hunters and gathers of information, but it made their hunger for new information grow. They made their technology more sophisticated and programmed it to find even more information for them. The frontier of knowledge expanded exponentially, faster than any human or program could have predicted... an endless sea of possibilities.

A gentle simulated mist drifted down across the slate colored silicon rocks of the outlands, glittering in the dim light that made it all the way to the outer edges of the system. The terrain was uneven, unrefined. Jagged rocks and mountains ran around the outer edge of the system, devoid of all creation or order... except for a perfectly cut hexagon that passed through the rock wall. The edges were smooth, the lines perfect. It was an anomaly of purpose, a beacon of order, and yet completely still and quiet. No movement, no power, nothing.

Time passed, silence persisted, but then change. In a single instant a singular beam of light appeared. The incredibly long, focused white line came from the other side of the gap, passing through and across the outlands before arching up into the sky on a slow incline. A static change, a point of light, more silence... and then it came.

Without warning a massive structure emerged from the gap, riding along the beam of light like a majestic creature. The solar sailor was led by four double pronged sails, black ribs holding together the transparent blue hexagonal latticed material. The entire mechanism slowly rotated as the craft glided into the system, the lights of the transport pods glimmering off of the stony ground until it rose up and away from the outlands, climbing to newer destinations.

The looming columns of silicon, the steep slopes of mountains fell away as the solar sailor climbed ever higher. The ravages of the wild and untamed lands gave away to a gleaming beacon of light, order, creativity and life. A massive city sprawled across the center of the system, gleaming towers of white and teal rising up toward the clouds above, intersected by streets and highways of obsidian. Countless optical lines ringed the city, more streamlined crafts following them just as the solar sailor followed its track... but the city was still well in the distance.

The solar sailor had continued on its way, climbing into the heavens toward a floating platform well separated from the city itself and held aloft by gleaming violet engines beneath. The platform surrounded the beam of light, a structure comprised of glass and black, neon purple lines running across its surface. Arched ribs stretched over and under the track of light, giving the solar sailor ample room. The massive sails on the craft began to rotate and fold away, tucking down as the craft slowed, pulling into the platform and coming to a stop.

With the solar sailor stopped, a field of fiery red energy snapped on in the sailor's way, a firewall to protect the system from whatever threats could have come from the network. The doors to the platform's main building opened and security began to emerge. Tall, lithe figures clad in black bodysuits and glistening obsidian helmets, radiating purple light from the strips and lines that crossed their bodies. Ridging black rings lined with purple rested between their shoulder blades, the ever important identity discs.

The security moved along the solar sailor, moving onto the craft and down the aisles between the pods. The glass doors slid open to reveal the passengers inside. Countless programs from dozens of Tron systems had traversed the internet to come to the city. Outside the speakers snapped on.

"Programs, welcome to the city of EDEN. For mutual safety and well being this security screening is necessary. Your identities will be registered with the system during your visit. Local utility offices offer backup services in the unlikely event of deresolution. Please cooperate with EDEN security and your stay will be a pleasant one. Welcome to paradise." The recorded voice echoed throughout all of the compartments.

Programs turned to look at the security, taking in the appearance of the local system. The programs came from countless systems, many with their own aesthetic. Most followed the default form of the Tron prototypes, black bodysuits with strips of color and human appearance... but there were some variations. A pair of blue clad individuals stood near the front of the sailor, offering their identity discs to the security. Further back other programs looked to a helmeted program, the glistening curve of the helmet interrupted by two flaps that rose above the rest like ears on an animal.

In all of the curiosity, all of the contemplation, few had glanced to the very back of the solar sailor. One program was still resting on the bench like seat, one leg propped up on the cushion while his other was sprawled out indecently wide. His two arms rested across the back of the seat and he gazed out at the others. His black bodysuit was rather conventional but the strips and lines of energy across his body cast out a neon green light, a green that matched the irises of his eyes.

The program slowly abandoned his reclining position, moving to stand. No identity disc marked his back. His hair was rather short for the most part, the back fluffed up and flared out a bit... but two long strips of hair hung down on either side of his face, dropping down below his chin. In all, his hair was such a dark green it seemed almost black, but the tips of his abnormal bangs were the same neon green that made up the rest of him. He watched as the security guards made their way along the aisles toward him, registering all the programs along the way.

Two guards made their way down the aisle somewhat robotically, fulfilling the task they were meant for as they scanned each and every program, all of whom stood docilely as it was determined whether or not they were undesirable to the system they all found themselves in. None had been deemed as such, not yet. Vice watched with interest as the violet guards moved along, passing a glowing white baton along the identity discs of every one, program by program. Vice knew there was little time before he'd have to make a decision.

As the security guards got to the last row, where Vice stood, one sensed somewhat instinctively the lack of an identity disk, and it visibly set him on edge, his stance becoming a little more anticipatory. It was a strike one for his suspicion, and he grew a little closer to making his baton much more dangerous for this stranger.

"No disk?" the first guard said in more of a command than a question. Vice's eyes widened softly in a false expression of concern.

"I am so sorry... I didn't know I needed one, my system isn't as advanced as this one." Vice said softly, looking at the glistening helmets of the security programs. The second guard's head tilted to the left slightly in a questioning gesture, and it was clear that he wasn't entirely sure about the truth of this excuse. The first pointed.

"You'll be coming with us for further examination. If you pass satisfactorily, you will be outfitted with a disk. If you do not, you will experience deresolution." he said. The second guard placed a rough hand on Vice's shoulder, pulling him forward as the first guard stepped in front of him, until Vice was standing between the two guards as they proceeded to exit the train. "What a friendly place you have here..." Vice murmured, walking along between the two guards, the curious eyes of the other programs falling onto him... but Vice didn't make much more of a fuss. It wasn't in his nature to gather a lot of attention. He followed along, the green lines across his hips swaying back and forth as he was escorted from the solar sailor. He glanced back over the guard's shoulder to the craft, resting in place before the firewall.

either guard answered his remark as their footsteps echoed throughout the platform, and the one in front of Vice made a hand gesture once all three were standing on the station proper. The solar sailor began to glide forward slowly, the doors closing. Being one of the few ways into the system, traffic was fairly steady, and if this stranger stood up to scanning, he could board another sailor. Vice sighed gently, watching the firewall snap off as the craft's sails folded back out, tugging the ship forward along the unwavering beam of light. Before long it was well on its way to the city, leaving Vice and the guards alone on the floating platform... Vice hoped it would only be a temporary setback. The guards seemed to follow a white line on the ground as they escorted Vice off the platform and through a door that led to an observation deck of sorts. The far wall was a massive window, through which they could see the solar sailor glide ever-forward, nearing the civilization of the city. In the room were a few other guards, who stood at attention when the three entered.

"You will be scanned," commanded one of them, who began to move closer to Vice, holding an unknown contraption which was dimly glowing on one end.

"This is all for one of those disc things?" Vice asked softly, moving toward the scanner platform but not yet stepping onto it, "I'll cooperate of course, but, can I look at one of yours? I've never seen one up close." This question caught security off guard. They were used to an almost fearful deference from programs, not intellectual curiosity. The guard holding the scanner held the harmless tool defensively, like a weapon, and the others seemed tense, visibly thinking as they were unsure how to act.

"This is not part of protocol." One uttered. Finally, the one that had been standing in front of Vice acquiesced, turning his back on the program, and stepping backwards to allow him to see.

"Oh wow..." Vice said in clear admiration, "You programs are so lucky... You must have an amazing user here. The design is so delightful, so streamlined." Vice said with awe. Still, facing away from the other guards toward the back of one, it was clear to see his smile was almost predatory in nature. He lifted his hand, resting fingers against the smooth black disc mounted to the guard's back, tracing around the glowing purple ring before his fingers began pressing through the metal, into the disc. The purple light flickered, code appearing and disappearing in the center. Countless lines of code, white and blue, wrapped together into complex forms of data... but the same green that emanated from Vice's bodysuit began filtering into the code. The disc continued to flicker and slowly, beneath the helmet that hid the guard's face his eyes were shifting from a dull black to a soft emerald green color. The guard appeared to the outside world not to react, but on the inside, he was changing quite rapidly. He understood all that he needed to about Vice.

He knew that he was right, correct, perfectly acceptable to the system. Good for it, better for it, even. He grunted a bit inside his helmet inadvertently, and his hands hung uselessly at his sides. He barely hung on to his baton, and he soon backed up a little bit more, almost leaning onto Vice now. Vice grinned wider, delving his hand further into the guard. The purple lines seemed to glow a bit brighter for a moment before returning to normal. Vice slowly withdrew his hand. He was stunned it had taken that long, that there had been so much. He'd never seen a program with such a large file size before. It intrigued him. After a moment of true wonder, though, Vice knew he had to get back on track.

"Simply amazing..." Vice murmured, looking back at the others, "You really do have an amazing system." he said happily before looking toward the guard he had infected, "So what do I have to do to get one of those discs?" he asked softly, planning out his next move, looking at the floor of the room. The infected guard exhaled loudly when Vice removed his hand, and was very close to turning over his own data disk, anything for this program, but the guard holding the scanner repeated, now agitated;

"You will be scanned! Data disk acquisition is dependent on the following results." Two of the other guards nervously drew their batons, though not for the purpose of scanning. All of this made no sense, was outside their programming. They could only respond to the best of their ability. The infected guard, green eyes glimmering unseen behind the black visor, felt as though he was seeing his comrades in a new way, and he wished, more than anything, that they could see him, and this wonderful new program in the way he could. If only he could help them...

"Scanned..." Vice murmured, looking back to the others for a moment, "I'll tell you what you'll find if you scan me." Vice said, his legs spreading wider, his body lowering down toward the floor, his hand reaching out to touch the surface. He smiled wider, "A virus." he whispered. As his hand touched the floor, wild neon green lines of crackling energy arced out, cutting through the obsidian black and neon white that formed the room. The energy looped around the feet of the four uninfected guards before it climbed up. The energy coiled around their legs, anchoring them to the floor, holding them upright. As they struggled, they only seemed to make the energy move faster.

It slipped across the guards' torsos, coiling around their arms before it seemed to harden, trapping the arms in place. Slowly Vice rose back up to his feet, but his clothing had changed. The clean, neat, even circuitry lines of his bodysuit were gone. In their place were wild, jagged gleaming green lines that pulsed and throbbed with energy ere was a clattering as batons and the scanner were dropped to the floor, as well as cut-off shouts and groans as the guards were effectively disabled. The infected guard turned, now that he was capable, and scrutinized the situation. Behind his mask, he smiled, and he grinned wider when he saw the pulsing energy emitting from this wonderful stranger. He put a hand on Vice's shoulder, not the rough manhandling from before, but rather a show of solidarity. He then turned and went to a panel on the wall, grabbing a blank data disk. This was difficult for him, as he didn't want to avert his eyes for even a moment.

"So this place is called EDEN? I read a file about a place called that once." Vice said as he moved about between the four guards, observing them carefully, "Like the curious people there, I am after information... I don't want to harm your system; I don't want to derezz anyone. I just want a little leeway, a little help." Vice said. He moved to stand behind the two of the guards restrained and held closer to the center of the room. He lifted his hands slowly, caressing both of their identity discs with his hands before he moved his hands to the center. As his fingers passed through the invisible center, the space between the inner edges rippled.

The code of the guards flickered and appeared and began to shift as Vice's infection spread... all within easy view of the other guards held in place behind them. Vice was enjoying making them watch. The guard returned with a data disk, and let out a moan as he was filled with an indescribable happiness at seeing the others become infected. Soon, soon they would see things the way he did. He gave the disk to Vice, saying in a halting, happy voice, quite unnaturally;

"Y-you ar-re per-perfect f-for this sy-system." He himself then rubbed the chest of one of the guards undergoing infection, driven by a desire that was entirely alien to him. He looked at Vice, and almost childishly asked, "W-what i-is happ-pening to m-me? It is good, but... what..." he trailed off.

"You are becoming my vanguard... a servant of me and my master." Vice said with fondness, "What a fine program you are. So strong, so loyal." Vice whispered as he removed his hands from the two newly infected guards. The restraints loosened, leaving them shuddering gently as their own identity discs flickered. Vice turned, looking to his last two captives, "Now you two... Do you have anything to say before I welcome you to your new version of life?" The two stood in stoic silence, while the three others seemed to cluster together, quietly examining each other as though they hadn't been with each other every 'day' of their 'lives.' They touched, murmured and moaned quietly, feeling each other. Each saw the other as something magnificent, something worthy of their master's praise. One stepped forward and repeated.

"We are loyal, we are strong..." The three then stood in a formation behind Vice, eagerly anticipating the infection of their two comrades. Vice stepped between the remaining two guards, facing out toward the window that overlooked the city in the distance. Vice moved his arms back at the elbows, fitting his hands into the gap in the center of the discs of the last two guards. From the very center of their being they could feel their lives changing, their purposes. In the faint reflection of their own faces in their visors they could see their eyes becoming a rich green in color, contrasting with the stark purple assigned to the security of Eden. Vice remained, infecting them slowly, gazing upon the city with awe and curiosity. He hadn't traveled much yet. Eden certainly was a splendor. The three stepped forward, one electing to hold one of the changing guards.

"This is... right." Another commented

"What more can we provide you, sir?" The final asked as he affixed the disk to Vice's back. Behind them all, a quiet hum began to grow slowly louder, and the guards all knew that another sailor would be arriving soon. The helpful guard asked again, "What orders will you give us. Please, sir, give us purpose..." Vice gasped softly as the identity disc settled into his back. He closed his eyes, lifting his head upwards. The inner ring of light cycled, becoming a bright neon green before the outer ring flashed softly for a moment. Vice exhaled slowly and removed his hands from the last two guards. He turned slowly toward his five infected servants. As they watched the viral pattern on his body shifted, returning to a pattern that looked like many other programs.

"Your purpose... will be to do exactly as you have done before, with one or two exceptions." Vice said, slowly walking between them, facing them from the other side, "Protect this system from outside threats, do whatever you were designed to do by the user... unless it keeps me from learning everything I can. Every so often I will be sending shipments back to my own system. Information, data, maybe even programs. You'll let the shipments out and you won't report it. If you find anything in this system you think can help me, you'll work to make that happen. Do you understand?" Vice asked softly, looking at the five strong programs. In unison, each and every one snapped off a crisp salute before moving to pick up their dropped gear, batons and scanner.

"It will be done as you please." The first guard assured. The hum outside grew ever louder, before the volume stabilized, and it was clear that a sailor was stationed out at the platform. The two guards who walked in with Vice walked outside to begin scanning the incoming pods. The three inside returned to their old posts, though they seemed much nearer each other, now, and quiet murmuring emitted from them occasionally. Vice walked over to the closest guard, looking him up and down for a moment.

"You programs are bigger than the ones from my home. Do you mind if I perform an experiment?" Vice asked softly. The guard saluted and proclaimed, "No, sir, do anything you see fit." He assumed an 'at-ease' posture and the lifeless mask stared straight ahead, waiting for Vice to act. Though it wasn't apparent, he was very eager, eager to do anything to serve. Vice put his hands on the guard and turned him around to face the other way. Once more Vice's hands returned to the guard's disc, but this time they were gentler. They tapped the invisible surface to bring up the code once more, moving through it all. His eyes scanned it all with ruthless efficiency before he came to a stop, his head tilting.

"I have never seen this protocol before..." Vice murmured, intrigued. He was a virus designed to collect information. The unknown was extremely appealing, and this code was very unknown. He rested his chin on the guard's shoulder, "I'm going to enhance this code, see what it does." Vice said softly as he pressed his finger into the display again, the code glimmering in green light. The guard unconsciously leaned into his master's hold, and nodded wordlessly. Then, with a grunt, he staggered forward slightly, and there was a very, very quiet squeaking sound, the source of which wasn't immediately obvious. It was coming from the pressure now being exerted upon the guard's suit as his body grew very slightly, his musculature expanding just enough to be noticeable before stopping. He groaned.

"Sir... What have you...? Feels... good..." before turning around, and a bulge was now present at his groin of the size that it would be the first thing noticed upon him. It was just large enough that a hand wouldn't quite be able to encapsulate it.

"What... is that?" Vice murmured softly. He reached down at the bulge, passing his hand over it. Shivers of electricity passed through the guard as it was touched, the sensations enhanced dramatically. The tight black of the bodysuit began to pull back, pixels of cloth disappearing to reveal the true source of the bulge. Vice was intrigued as the extension was revealed. He took it in his hand, feeling how soft and firm it was at the same time. The guard gasped quietly, and torn between the implied order of his master and this new pleasure filling him, he said, "I-it's a-a cons-struct of the u-user..." his voice shaky and clearly impaired. His knees were almost knocking, and he appeared close to dropping to his knees.

The other guards in the room watched with a sympathetic interest, and one began to grope himself, visibly shuddering before returning to watch Vice and his lucky friend, of whom he felt a little jealous. That part of their anatomy had been dormant for all intents and purposes, never having occasion to be stimulated. It was as though they were all discovering fascinating new parts of their bodies, new levels of awareness filling their programming. Vice fondled the guard before him with pure curiosity before noticing the bulge forming on the others, a grin crossing his face.

"Pleasure..." he whispered in surprise and awe. He looked back to the guard before him, the member hard. He slowly closed both hands around the extension, the rubber and cloth firm and warm as they moved up and down the guard's length, squeezing and stroking. Vice saw little other way to interact with the member. He looked up at the guard, wondering if his experiment was working. The guard hunched over slightly, and set his free hand on Vice's shoulder for support. His hips moved forward and back in small spastic motions, and muffled groans came from behind the helmet. "Sir..." followed by incomprehensible vocalizations of pleasure. A bit of pre began to drool from the tip.

Vice's eyes widened in shock at how interactive it was. Slowly the virus leaned down. He could hear the solar sailor outside departing again. This experiment was too important to ignore. Vice gazed at the extension of the guard, the fleshy rod. He leaned forward and his tongue pressed to the soft liquid at the tip. He tasted it before he leaned forward, his lips brushing the tip before they parted to take it into his mouth. Shock filled the guard's voice.

"Sir?!" he exclaimed as he leaned into another bout of moaning. He felt terribly conflicted. On one hand, he felt almost insubordinate for 'stealing' this pleasure from his master, but on the other... he felt unbelievably blessed, rewarded by this program who meant everything to him. He was filled with a deep and abiding respect, and a love, really, on top of his unwavering loyalty. He placed his hand on Vice's shoulder, and leaned back against the wall. The other two watched with rapt attention, and as the two patrollers returned, they too watched with fascination. Vice moved his head back and forth, intrigued and delighted that the guard seemed to be enjoying this so much. Vice resolved to himself to copy the code into his own program... as soon as he knew how this protocol was supposed to end. Still, the bulges on the other guards seemed to fill him with an odd delight. He had awakened something in them from their creators.

In almost no time at all due to the guard's inexperience in this... regard... he reached his climax. He couldn't help but call out as hot cum spewed into Vice's mouth, and he grunted as his hips bucked forward into the warm wetness. Soon, he was panting and hunched over, looking at Vice with infatuated green eyes. The murmuring returned between the other guards as they observed this 'surprising' conclusion to this alien-looking ritual. Vice slowly slid off of the shaft, licking his lips, watching the changes to the guard's member. It seemed to be softening already, likely to return to normal. A smile crossed his lips before growing very wide.

"You do have an amazing creator... don't you?" Vice whispered. He looked to the others, holding out his hand, "Give me your discs for a moment." he requested firmly. All complied.

"He is nothing compared to you..." the lucky guard said as they all handed over their discs to Vice after a moment of reaching behind their backs. They now all stood in a loose circle around their master, postures subservient and expectant. Vice tapped into the code of the discs, one by one. Just as he had for his vanguard, he enhanced the construct from the user. He handed three of the discs back before pulling out his own disc. He reached into the last guard's disc and gripped the protocol in his hand before he tugged a copy out, sliding it into his own disc.

It nestled into his creator's code, gleaming in golden light before becoming green like the rest. He handed the last guard's disc back to its owner and watched the others return their discs to their backs. Soon the bulges in their bodysuits began to swell tighter, larger. Vice grinned; pleased with his work... but now it was his own time. He had no idea what to expect, but he craved the new experience. Vice reached behind him, settling the disc back into its place. He closed his eyes, feeling the updated code take root.

There was a moment of quiet peace as each of the others received their 'rewards' and they took in the new feelings. One by one, their bodysuits slid open at the crotch, revealing the newly enhanced members, long and dripping. Some of the guards took each other in hand, squeezing and pleasuring, experimenting. One sat back as another dropped to his knees to service him with both hands. Vice's vanguard stood forward, and groped at Vice's groin, eager to serve and return the favor.

Vice gasped sharply, his eyes rolling back into his head. The virus fell to his knees, shuddering and moaning. He had rudimentary sensation before, but THIS! The floor against his knees, the guard against his groin, everything... everything felt so much. Vice moaned, his chest rising and falling in heaving gasps. Soon he froze, his back arched as the black bodysuit began to contort, groaning as the rubber and cloth was bending out of the way for his swelling member. The cloth pulled back to reveal his own manhood, ten inches long and dripping with the clear liquid. Vice was speechless. He looked to his vanguard almost helplessly, overwhelmed by what their user had given all his programs.

The vanguard stepped in, acting in a way that Vice was currently incapable. He guided Vice's back to the floor, the virus's shaft quivering defiantly in the air. His rubbery hands gripped the shaft, moving forward and backwards, applying steady warm friction. Soon, as precum spurted more and more, the guard gave in, and the lower half of his mask split open and slid clear, revealing the lower half of his face, which dropped to engulf Vice's cock, as the vanguard's master lay on the ground. Vice let out a shocked grunt of delight, grabbing the back of the Vanguard's helmet with his hand, pushing his head down to the hilt of his shaft. He buried the guard's face in his groin before letting him slide back a bit. Vice shuddered, a writhing mass on the floor.

The guard, 'educated' by this encouragement, began bobbing his head up and down quickly, deep-throating Vice in a way that made it clear that the vanguard held little regard for his own comfort when it came to pleasing the virus. His tongue wrapped and lapped up and down the shaft as his lips rubbed it's length, his head constantly moving. Vice's moans grew more intricate, drawn out, and deep. He tilted his head back against the floor, letting out a roar of bliss. As Vice writhed, the other guards could see his canine teeth were abnormally long and sharp in his mouth. Vice continued to make quite a fuss in his pleasure before once more his back arched. He buried his Vanguard's face in his groin and held it there as more pleasure than he could process swept through his body. He couldn't think of anything for a moment before he realized his new shaft was spraying copious, thick, viral cum into the guard. Vice's code was streaming into the Vanguard. Slowly the guard's muscles began to swell again, his shoulders growing more broadly, the tips of his gloves starting to stretch more into points than soft tips.

The guard drank down the thick liquid, every drop. His mouth was locked to Vice's shaft, licking frantically, milking it for all it was worth before he fell over, exhausted. He felt his own body before twitching on the floor as he grew larger, holding his changing hands up before his eyes. As the bodysuit groaned from the pressure, his muscles still pushing outwards into rigid definition on the guard's suit, he groaned out, "Th-thank you, mas-ster..." before he was lost in the reverie of his own pleasure and growth, jerking around on the stark black and white floor, the white taking on a greenish tinge.

Vice lay on the floor as well for some time, watching the other guards pleasure themselves. He felt his form revert to the default and he reached down, letting the bodysuit close over his shaft, although the bulge was still somewhat there. Vice took a deep breath, composing himself when he heard a familiar sound in the distance. Another solar sailor was arriving. Vice clambered up to his feet, looking down at his vanguard. He smiled, reaching down to run a hand almost lovingly across the helmet.

"Be good, do your jobs. I'll be back to visit you all soon." Vice murmured softly. He turned, strutting out of the office and onto the platform, watching the sailor glide to a stop. He walked along the platform before stepping onto the craft, moving down the central aisle before one of the doors opened. He moved in, filtering through the programs to find his customary seat in the back.

"Programs, welcome to the city of EDEN. For mutual safety and well being this security screening is necessary. Your identities will be registered with the system during your visit. Local utility offices offer backup services in the unlikely event of deresolution. Please cooperate with EDEN security and your stay will be a pleasant one. Welcome to paradise." The recorded voice echoed throughout all of the compartments. Vice smiled wider.


**Masculate** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by JR22 Mid-morning sunlight streamed through the large floor to ceiling windows across the bright orange floor of the shop, glistening off of the steel and chrome displays showing off leather...

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The Cedar Loft

**The Cedar Loft** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax Night had spread across the city, bringing with it even more freezing fog. The cold snap was worse than most winters and it hadn't gotten above freezing all day. Sign posts had a...

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 21 - Ghost in the Machine

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