The Cedar Loft

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Commissioned by gotommax

Written by Leo_Todrius

When a freshman's perfect loft space is disrupted by rowdiness in the building below, he goes to find out the cause... but finding the answers he seeks will come with a price.

Chapter 2:

The Cedar Loft Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax

Night had spread across the city, bringing with it even more freezing fog. The cold snap was worse than most winters and it hadn't gotten above freezing all day. Sign posts had a layer of ice around them and windows were speckled with ice crystal dew drops. The ice had a way of making the city seem quieter and sleepier. People weren't venturing out, but to Blake it was quite beautiful. Steam escaped the eighteen year old's lips as he moved down the street, his boots crunching through the bits of ice that accumulated on the sidewalk.

Blake stood five feet and ten inches tall, his blond hair feathered and layered. His glasses kept threatening to fog up but he continued on, his neon green backpack resting over his long black trench coat. He watched the fog billow from his lips as he turned between two buildings, moving to the metal stair case. The steps rung gently as he ascended, the guard rails too cold to grab on for support.

The young man made it to the stop of the stairs, pulling out his keys before he paused for a moment, a slight smile crossing his lips. There was no sound of hammering, of drilling, of sawing or power washing. Blake wondered if the construction was finally complete, whatever it was. He unlocked his door and moved in, dropping his backpack in the chair by the door before he locked up behind himself, looking around his warm apartment.

It was called the Cedar Loft by the owner, an eccentric entrepreneur that Blake had communicated with only on email. He had been given a great rate for his first semester of college as long as he made sure no one broke into the building beneath his loft apartment. As his second semester started, the low rent had continued due to the construction that took place all day and into the evenings. Blake wondered if they were opening a retail space, some sort of shop. He kind of liked the idea of living above some sort of hand crafted wood or furniture shop to go along with the cedar theme, but really he didn't have any idea.

Blake hung up his coat and pulled off his gloves and boots, glad that he had left the heat on while he'd been in classes, though he started to wonder if he'd left it on too high. It was so warm and cozy that he was already started to feel drowsy. It didn't help that the only light in the apartment at the moment came from the orange street lights outside. Blake yawned a bit, deciding that it wouldn't hurt to lie down for a little while. He turned and sat down on the end of his bed, laying back a bit, barely managing to take his glasses off and set them on the night stand before he passed out cold. The teenager's jaw was a bit slack, his leg hanging off the side of the bed. Being a teenager was exhausting work. ****

The hours had ticked by and night had settled in fully, though Blake had gone to bed rather early after getting home from school. That was what made the sudden vibration rippling through his loft most startling. Blake's eyes snapped open as he felt the shaking fill his body, hearing the sounds that went along with it. Melodic, fast paced music with deep bass and high treble... It took him a moment to identify it for what it was, dubstep violin. Blake slowly pushed himself up in bed, looking around in confusion.

"What the hell?" he murmured, seeing neon green and purple light dancing across his ceiling. He reached over to his night stand, fumbling for his glasses before he slipped them on. His darkened apartment came into focus and Blake sprung up to his feet, moving over to the three huge square windows at the front of his apartment. He leaned his head against the glass and looked out, trying to figure out what was going on.

Despite the icy sheet that covered the glass, he could see the light came from a massive neon sign below his window. The street was clogged with cars looking for parking spaces and people were drifting in and out of the doors below. Blake was stunned, but then it all started to sink in. He was on the fringes of an entertainment district, he had a loft apartment above a huge space that was no doubt zoned for entertainment. He was living above a night club and the construction had all been to get it ready.

Blake's shoulders slumped a bit, knowing the music wasn't just going to go away. He moved over and flicked the light on, flooding the apartment with creamy yellow light. The Cedar Loft was a rather impressive place. It had quite a lot of floor space, floors which were made of rich cedar wood. The wood extended up in front of the windows with a vast waist high book shelf that held all of Blake's DVD's, text books and even some space ship models.

The only 'separate room' Blake had was the bathroom, a corner at the back of the loft taken up by extra walls to hide the bathtub and toilet. His kitchen area extended from the walls of the bathroom to the far wall, the floor there recessed and covered with cement. The head height cupboards above the countertop were finished wood, keeping the motif going. Even Blake's bed had a light brown coloring to match everything else. The bed was situated at the middle of the wall across from the door, almost the apex of the room itself. Even his laptop sat on a repositionable table he could slide into place so he could access the internet from the comfort of his own bed.

While the music had started to wake him up, the light finished the job. He was alert, awake and no doubt stuck that way for some time. Blake knew that the night club would take some creative thinking, but he'd worry about that later. He could stay up one night... It'd give him a chance to get a little homework done. Blake moved over to the chair and opened his backpack up, pulling out his textbooks. With a gentle sigh, he set the backpack down on the floor, dropped into the chair and started to read even as the floor thumped beneath him. ****

The morning had greeted Blake with an even more wintery wonderland. He moved down the metal steps carefully, his gloves sliding down the icy guard rails. While the fog was thick and cold and the sun was no where in sight, it was still quite bright out with the refracted light. Everythig had a white glow to it. Even the cars, coated in a shell of ice, had a bit of a reflective quality. Blake smiled at it all as he turned to head to campus, though he paused as he came out from the alley way and turned to look at the building beneath his loft.

The neon sign was now dormant, the night club closed up. It was termed the 'Caribou Club' by nature of the sign. Blake had to give them a bit of credit. Being so far north, it fit with their cold climate after all. He just hoped their business hours were reasonable. Blake yawned a bit before he resumed trudging back to school. ****

Blake snored gently on his bed, drooling onto his pillow, his blond hair hanging all over his face. He was dreaming of a bountiful feast at a tropical resort, the natural beauty his mind conjured up surpassing everything else. It was amazing, it was brilliant, and it was rudely interrupted by a sudden percussion of distant drums. Blake let out a yelp as he was woken up, sitting up in bed, panting. His brain took a moment to reconnect with reality before he groaned in despair.

"Not again..." Blake whimpered, feeling the music resonating beneath his bed. He sighed softly and got up, moving over to the window again. The Caribou club had opened on a Wednesday and Blake hoped it had been a grand opening, one night event that would wait for the weekend... But here it was Thursday and it was just as popular, maybe even more so. Blake looked out at the cars in the street and all the people coming in and out. They seemed dressed stranger than before, wearing odd hats with things stuck to them. Blake wished he could make out more but the ice sheet on the glass distorted everything and it was too cold to go outside.

Blake briefly considered doing more homework but he'd gotten so far ahead the previous night that there wasn't much left to do but browse the internet and look at memes. Blake pulled the table over, the base of the laptop furniture sliding under the bed while the tray kept it at just the right height for Blake. The blond boy pulled his glasses on and opened his browser, loading the endless stream of comedy pictures. It had to be a way to pass the time. ****

Blake murmured softly as his eyes slipped open a bit. He wasn't sure what had woken him at first. The sound downstairs was gone, his laptop was in hibernate. Had it been a car door? A honk? Blake looked over at the windows and tilted his head. It was so bright outside; the light had to have been what woke him. He wasn't used to the light being that bright so early though, his alarm clock hadn't even gone off.

Blake's eyes slowly drifted to his clock... and his terror. It was eleven in the morning. He'd missed his first class and the start of his second. Blake lunged to get up, knocking his laptop table backwards. He reached out for it but it was too late. The laptop hit the wooden floor sideway sand bounced. If it hadn't been open there would have been a chance, but the glass of the screen let out a soft click as it cracked, the liquid crystal beneath starting to bead out and distort colors. Blake cursed and whimpered, crouching down on his floor to lift up his laptop slowly. He knew that the hard drive was in hibernate, his data would likely be safe but the screen was a gonner. It was an awful way to start the day and it was all because of that damn night club keeping him up too late.

Blake sighed in despair before he moved to pull on his clothes from the previous day, running to get his backpack. He'd have to get it fixed after his classes and hope for the best. His day was already off to an awful start. ****

While orange street lights made Blake feel lonely on any other night, the way they filled the fog with a warm glow felt cozy to him somehow. Then again, Blake was glad anything made him feel cozy or charitable after his hard day. He moved down the street, having completed the remainder of his classes and a trip to the computer retailer downtown. His laptop would be in the shop for at least four days, making school work that much harder. Thankfully they had uploaded his most recent assignments onto a flash drive so he wouldn't be without them.

As Blake moved down the street, his back arched a bit. He could hear the fast paced, deep bass of club music... The music from the Caribou Club. Blake lifted his wrist and looked at his watch. It was eight o'clock at night. He was a bit surprised, but then again he had gone to bed rather early the two nights the club had woken him up. Blake slowed down as he reached his familiar alleyway, looking at the neon signs and the few cars that had gathered out front. This was his first time being dressed for the elements when the club had been open. He'd had a real shit day and the night was still young. It would no doubt keep him awake whether he was there or upstairs.

Blake thought about all the other students heading out to parties, doing keg stands and beer pong. He knew that the club couldn't serve him alcohol since he was under age, but maybe having a sprite in the lights and hearing the music first hand would make him feel less animosity to the club. At the very least, he'd get a chance to see what the club was like.

The blond moved to the door and pulled it open, stepping in before he let all the heat out... though it felt like that wouldn't have been a problem. Blake murmured as the moist, hot air washed over him. The air had to be in the high eighties but it was saturated with the spicy musk of sweat and pheromones. Blake looked around in confusion, trying to let his eyes adjust.

At first all Blake saw was movement and lights. The dance floor was bottom lit, allowing complex laser patterns to swirl and streak across. There were disco squares one moment, then psychedelic fractals spiraling around. There was a lounge like area to the left with booths and chairs, while the bar was off to the right. Bartenders worked quickly to keep everyone topped off. There was even a cozy looking area at the back of the dance floor where there were large pleather couches and bean bags. It looked quite amazing, but Blake wasn't looking at any of that. He was looking at the patrons...

From the bartenders to the dancers to the customers over in the lounge, everyone seemed to have one thing in common - they were reindeers. Velvety and boney antlers raised high into the air, split into several prongs. Furry muzzled beat boxed sound in time with the music blaring from the speakers and hooves clattered across the dance floor with animal precision. They all even had the little flag tails that reindeer had, flicking them about.

Blake was stunned. He had heard of hybrids before, but never seen any, let alone in such numbers. The shock of the reindeers started to wear off, allowing Blake to realize other similarities. The patrons weren't just all reindeers, they were all men and they seemed to be really... proud. Some wore nothing more than leather harnesses and tight black underwear that left nothing to the imagination. Others wore camouflage vests and leather chaps. In general, it all seemed to be fetish clothing on top of fuzzy bodies.

Blake felt a sense of dread fill him as he put it all together. He had walked into a furry, gay reindeer night club. As it was he looked around, seeing people popping pills as they eyed each other suggestively, grinding against one another on the dance floor. Blake reached up to wipe the sweat off his forehead form the humidity, turning away to bolt ouyt of the door. He pulled it shut behind him, but he shivered suddenly as the cold night air hit him worse than ever.

Blake realized in his short stay that he had been soaked through. The air had been so humid that his shirt was wet, his pants were soaked, even his socks felt squishy. He groaned in disgust before he charged up the stairs to his apartment, heading in without delay. He threw off his coat and peeled off his shirt, dropping it to the floor. His shoes, socks and pants came next. Blake debated heading to the shower. He certainly wanted to get clean, but he was still so tired.

After wrestling with himself for several minutes, Blake finally gave up. He was too tired. The exhausted young man pulled on a fresh t-shirt and moved over to his bed, collapsing down onto it. He barely managed to flip half his blanket over himself before he closed his eyes, trying to shut out the music.

Minutes ticked by, the music getting no quieter. Despite that, though, Blake's exhaustion finally caught up with him. He finally passed out cold, breathing gently, his mouth starting to hang open a little. It wasn't the mot comfortable sleep he'd had though. His hair was still sweat soaked, as was his underwear. He tossed and turned a bit, his feet twitching a bit as his toes stiffened up and a pressure built in his forehead a little. Even with that though, Blake finally was able to sleep through the music pounding into his body from the club below, saturating him with audio vibrations. ****

A harsh repetitive buzzing pierced through Blake's slumber, waking him once more for a new day. He checked the clock, glad to see that he hadn't missed any classes. He slowly pulled his blanket back, a hairy leg slipping out of bed, followed by another. He grunted a bit at how stiff his feet felt, his toes not wanting to move. Even his heels were tender, pushing him forward onto the balls of his feet.

Blake stumbled across his loft and through the door of his bathroom, moving to turn the shower on. The water fizzled and sputtered before an even spray came out. Blake dropped his sleepware to the floor and then reached out to test the water. The shower spray beaded in his thicker than usual arm hair and ran down over thicker finger nails. Blake deemed it warm enough and stepped in, standing in the warm spray to wake himself up.

Before long, Blake grabbed the bar of soap and started washing himself with it, running it across his hairy chest and arms. The hair on his chest was a little unusual, softer than most chest hair and a little lighter than Blake's natural shade as well. In the dim light it looked almost white. With the soap suds running down his body, Blake went to grab shampoo and lather it into his hair. The blond mop on his head seemed shaggier and thicker than ever before, almost luxurious.

Blake dismissed the differences he felt, thinking he just slept strange or went to bed dirty. It was Friday and he just had to get through one more day of classes before he could relax for the weekend... though he knew the Caribou club would be more active than ever with leather clad gay reindeer men. Blake couldn't believe how bold they were. He'd be so embarrassed to be in leather underwear, though he wondered a bit what it would be like.

Blood rushed into Blake's shaft and his fingers soon curled around his member, giving it a few pumps up and down. He murmured in delight at that, stroking harder as he tipped his head back. While Blake couldn't feel the changes, he had grown a bit taller over night as well. His back was longer, his legs taller as well. The water ran down his chin and throat, washing the suds out of his chest and legs.

Blake panted hard, imagining wearing the kinky underwear, his junk packed in and stretching it before he moaned. Thick wads of hot cum sprayed out, hitting the tiled wall before him. Blake groaned in delight at the after glow, though he paused a bit. That was the first time he had cum without thinking about a woman, about filling some lady with his hard meat. He tried to brush it off, knowing if he contemplated too long he was going to be late.

The teenager stepped out of the shower and dried off, leaving his clothes on the floor as he ventured out into his loft naked. Before long he was dressed, had his backpack and left. The steam lingered in the bathroom a while longer, keeping it hot and humid. The sperm on the wall slowly rolled down, but as the humid air hit it, a familiar musky, spicy scent began to waft into the air. It was the scent of the Caribou club. ****

Blake had managed to coast through his classes, doing alright but not great. Still, he was feeling extremely tired. The exhaustion had necessitated a visit to Starbucks. Blake sat at one of the corner tables, sipping on his coffee, looking at the other patrons. He felt it a bit ironic he had escaped the caribou club only to wind up at a place utilizing the same sort of emblem, but it was unavoidable.

As Blake enjoyed his drink, he wondered how Starbucks managed to attract such an attractive demographic. The men were so strong, so healthy. They had stubble and perfectly trimmed hair, they dressed well. They were the kind of men women wanted to be with and men wanted to be and men wanted to be with. Blake paused, wondering where that strange thought came from. He pushed it out of his head and kept drinking his coffee. Once more his eyes drifted back to the men, studying their bodies and their faces, not giving a second glance to the women that were there. For Blake, it was quite the departure.


A conventional work desk had never been Blake's style. When it came to homework he was a master of comfort and unconventional positions. Blake had opted to work on a presentation display and was sprawled out on his wood floor with pieces of construction paper, glue and pictures of geological formations. He'd been at it for a few hours, but he could tell the Caribou club was really getting into the swing of things. To Blake's surprise, so was he.

The vibrations rippled through the floor and vibrated against his body, keeping his manhood semi-erect as he bobbed his head. His ears even started to stretch out a bit, slipping down away from his head and folding into a rather animalistic shape. Blake kept bobbing his head even as his nostrils flared a bit, widening ever so slowly. Even Blake's body hair had continued to thicken and soften, white curls poking out from the collar of his shirt.

Before long Blake was even tapping his foot to the time of the music, realizing just how much he was getting into it. Sure, it felt good to be doing homework... but it was a Friday night, time to party and gt out. The music had really grown on him and it would be a shame to have such an amazing entertainment venue so close and not be able to take advantage of it. Blake wondered to himself if he had judged the Caribou Club too harshly.

Blake slowly got up and stretched, yawning a bit. As he yawned, his mouth pushed forward about an inch, his jaw elongating and his nose tilting up a little. Blake moved over to the door and grabbed his trench coat before he headed out the door. He took a few steps down the staircase before his foot moved out from beneath him on the ice. Blake yelped as he put his full weight on the guard rails, trying to keep himself upright. His feet thunked down the steps as he slipped like a rollercoaster on a track. He quickly approached the base of the stairs before he came to a sudden and warm stop.

Blake panted, having feared for his life and limb before he realized he was in another man's chest fur. He pulled back gently and looked up, seeing the strong, vigorous face of a reindeer buck. He was six foot four, broad shouldered and had a mane of thick silky brown hair that came down around his tall, proud antlers. The reindeer's muzzle quirked into a concerned smile.

"Are you okay?" the man asked. Blake blushed, nodding faintly.

"Yeah, just should have watched where I was going." Blake admitted.

"I hope even if you weren't plummeting to certain death that you were coming my way anyhow." The reindeer said. Blake grinned a bit.

"I think I was, I was headed to the club to give it a second chance." Blake explained.

"A second chance? Was there something wrong with your first one?" The buck asked.

"Well I live upstairs. The loud noise and late hours were a bit off putting at first... but it's Friday, I thought I'd see the club in its best light." Blake said.

"Then I invite you to join me." The buck grinned gently. Blake had slowly come out of his shock and was looking at the buck more, realizing he had a thick lip ring around puffy black reindeer lips. Blake didn't know why that fascinated him so much.

"I'm Blake by the way, thanks for saving my life." Blake said after a moment, blurting it out as he realized how rude he was being. The buck smirked.

"I'm Bandon." The reindeer said, offering his arm. Blake blushed a bit before he accepted, looping his arm around the larger male's. As Blake accepted the arm, his own arm hair seemed to thicken, darkening a bit from blond to brown. Bandon opened the door for Blake and escorted him in. Once again the humid heat of the club embraced them, warming their bones. Blake looked around at all the men in the club, realizing it was almost like Starbucks. They were all fit, healthy, attractive. He started to feel more self conscious, wondering why he would try to blend in at either place.

"May I take your coats gentlemen?" Came a voice from near by. Blake turned, seeing a deer boy. Unlike the masculine Bandon, he was slim and trim and tight, his hips curved and his ass cheeks plump. He had only two small nubs, seeming more like a deer boy than a rein deer boy. Bandon pulled off his jacket and handed it to the deer, revealing what he wore beneath... or rather what he didn't wear.

Much like the other patrons of the club, Bandon wore a leather harness that crossed his shoulders and ribs, two little rings circling and highlighting his thick, pierced nipples. His leather cod piece was groaning in its tightness, showing every detail of his plump balls and how his cock was curved over itself, even the outline of the head.

Blake was wide eyed at Bandon's appearance, feeling even more worried about himself... but he was committed to this and he didn't even know why. Perhaps it was the fact that Bandon had saved his life and he owed him at least a drink. Maybe it was the fact that Bandon was so casual about it. Whatever the reason, Blake didn't want to let the big guy down. As Blake slipped off his coat, the deer boy seemed to grimace slightly. Blake froze at once.

"What?" Blake asked, blushing.

"It's just that we have a dress code here, sir, those are street clothes..." The deer said. There was a soft pop and the sound of leather on leather before a cod piece was dangling in front of Blake. Blake turned, looking at Bandon and then slowly down at his naked groin. His thick deer meat dangled free, his balls seeming to expand a little now that they weren't constrained. Bandon reached into his coat and pulled out another one.

"It was getting too tight anyway. You can wear mine." Bandon said. Blake looked up at the reindeer, feeling freaked out that another man was giving him underwear, that the man had stripped in a public place, but most of all that he was considering doing it himself, but all that came out was a smile.

"Thanks so much..." Blake murmured, starting to strip himself. His coat came off again, then his shirt and his shoes, then his pants before finally his underwear slipped free. Both Bandon and the deer boy looked at Blake's body, at the fine coating of white fur covering his chest and stomach, a coating he didn't seem to notice, as if his subconscious was too afraid to let him realize what was going on.

Blake looked down at his pathetic human cock before he accepted the cod piece and pulled it around. His balls slipped up into it easy enough, his cock following soon after. As he started to pull it snug, his balls seemed to stretch and grow, his sack hanging looser, downy brown fur spreading across the flesh. His cock grew as well, curving and lengthening in the leather pouch, all out of Blake's view. It grew so fast and so well that Blake had to stretch the straps to get them to close.

"Guess I was bigger than I thought." He murmured, giving his crotch a slight adjustment.

"I think you're pleasantly plump in all the right ways." Bandon said. Blake gave him a look before realizing he was a gay deer and just couldn't help himself. It was still a compliment.

"Thanks buddy." Blake said. Bandon slipped an arm around Blake and led him out into the crowds, heading for the bar. Blake was a bit wide eyed as gay reindeer started rubbing against them as they passed... Arms, legs, crotches, buts. Reindeer tails tickled across Blake's arms where his body hair grew out into solid brown fur, trickling down his arms and across his hands as his fingernails hardened, covering his finger tips like caps.

Blake let the music flow into him as he walked, giving a little sway to his hips. The sway soon grew though, seeming less about music and more about strutting and showing off. His arms swung a little at his sides and he stood up taller, his cod piece groaning with the girth of his manhood. Blake smiled at the men he passed, glad they were all so friendly and accepting. Bandon reached the bar ahead of Blake, ordering two shots. The bartender served the reindeer man up and Bandon returned, offering one to Blake.

"Aren't they going to card me?" Blake asked.

"They think you look man enough." Bandon replied. Blake's usual rational thinking was overridden by the need to seem tough. He accepted the shot and tipped it back without restraint. Bandon grinned and did the same. Blake grinned in excitement, though the alcohol hit him rather soon. He wobbled a little before giggling, trying to stifle that before he shook his head, a grin returning despite his resistance.

"This place is really fun..." Blake murmured.

"Tell me about it. Wait until you dance." Bandon said, taking Blake's hand, leading him out onto the dance floor. Blake blushed and followed, his hips still swinging... though something else was swinging too. Just above the straps of the codpiece, Blake's tailbone had wriggled up and pushed out, growing furry and soft. It formed the slight flag of a reindeer tail, white on the under side with a black stripe and then brown fur on the top. The tail swung above his exposed, furry ass cheeks where all the last human flesh disappeared. The fur dominated Blake from neck to ankle, but as soon as he moved out on the dance floor, even that began to change.

Blake had been walking funny for days, all his body weight on the front of his feet. Now it was becoming worse. His ankles were changing, his heels were shrinking and his toes stiffened. His toenails had even started to spread, covering his toes. His toes got sticky and grew together, the keratin coating from his nails covering them perfectly before hardening. Blake's stance was forced to change as he gained hooves, his groin thrust out before him, bumping against Bandon's.

Bandon grabbed Blake and pulled him close, grinding tightly. Blake gasped, his eyes going wide. Cock against cock, it was forbidden, it was wrong, it wasn't him - and it felt so fucking good. Blake moaned out loudly as his heterosexuality was destroyed. It shattered around him and everything came flooding into place; the hot men at starbucks, the amazing smell at the club, even sexy fellow students. Blake didn't know if he had been closeted even to himself or if he'd just become gay, but he didn't care. It felt so perfect and so right.

Blake panted harder as he pushed back against Bandon, humping him lewdly, looking up at the larger man. Bandon looked down to Blake protectively, reaching up to curl his hand around Blake's blond hair, pulling him in closer. Blake found his face stuffed into a furry chest and all he could do was inhale the scent before his lips parted and started to explore the fur. Soon Blake found Bandon's nipple and he began to chew on it and tug it.

Bandon kept humping, nodding his head to others. Other reindeer men moved up around Blake, rubbing against him more and more. One unstrapped the cod piece and let go. The leathery prison fell away from Blake's groin, revealing furry brown balls and a sheath that had built up at the base of his cock, a cock that was growing fatter and wetter all the time. Another reindeer came up behind Blake, lifting his flag of a tail, rubbing deer cock against his ass.

Blake looked around at them all, feeling overwhelmed, like he'd found his long last family. It felt so good and so right to be gay, he way gay, he always had been gay... and he was a deer, a gay deer. He had to be that too, nothing else could have felt so right. He whimpered and pawed at Bandon's cod piece before Bandon reached down and let it loose. Soon Bandon's fat deer cock was against Blake's and all was right in the world.

The eighteen year old bucked against all those around him, feeling their warm bodies against his fur, moaning louder as one moved to take him. His ass cheeks were held wide form the tail, but the reindeer cock pushed through his pucker and began to fill him. Blake shuddered, looking up at Bandon. Bandon merely leaned down and started to lick at Blake's forehead.

Blake winced, feeling pain from where Bandon had centered his attention. He'd had an ache in his forehead for days and the licking made it worse. Blake continued to groan and shift before suddenly the pain went away. The skin pulled back as the horn nub emerged. Bandon licked and sucked at it before he moved, doing the same on the other temple.

Once more, Blake groaned and winced before the skin split and the nub was freed. He panted a bit, trying to catch his breath, but this was no time for that. The reindeer behind him thrust in deep, sliding inches of deer cock into Blake. Blake's ass quivered and massaged the rod as he rocked and gyrated against the onslaught of feeling, but the biggest rush was in his head.

It felt almost like someone had thrown a stone into a pond, but the ripples were across his skull. The tiny nubs began to push out, tilting and turning and curving. The nubs grew out longer, thicker and wider, curving forward. More nubs pushed out as the antlers grew and grew and grew.

Blake felt almost as if he was getting two more erections as his antlers pushed out of his head at insane speeds, curving up along the slope of his skull. They were symbols of his masculinity, of his strength and vigor. There were even enough prongs to show that he had just entered adulthood for the first time, though far less than what Bandon had. Blake panted at that, looking up at his antlers with curious eyes. He snorted breath through his nostrils, but his respite was short lived. Blake called out in sudden pain as his face started to stretch, the bones shifting and growing out. His teeth were flattening, his nose lifting up, his muzzle forming... but it was very painful. He panted and whimpered, looking at Bandon.

"It's going to be okay, there is something that helps with this part... You just have to suck." Bandon said, stroking his own cock a bit. Blake looked down, moaning more as his face extended. He had to try anything to alleviate the pain. He slowly bend down and moved forward, his lips spreading over Bandon's cock. Bandon slid the cock forward gently and Blake took a breath through his nostrils. He knew it felt right, even perfect to be gay, but this was his first cock... at least in his mouth. It was special. He suckled a little bit, slurping, but soon instinct took over.

As Blake bobbed his head forward and back, his cheeks pushed out and slurped in, his mouth going to work. Bandon grabbed onto Blake's antlers like a handlebar, pulling him in and out, sliding him forward and back, fucking his face. Each time Blake's head drew back, his lips stayed where they were, his face elongating into its true muzzle.

The fur that had been kept at bay on the rest of his body swept up across his throat and over his cheeks, surrounding his eyes before growing down his nose. His nostrils grew moist and black as the flesh around it shifted too, the nose melding into the muzzle properly. Everything across Blake's body started to fill in. The fur finished covering him, his muzzle grew in, his antlers settled. He was a reindeer, through and through. No trace of his humanity was left except his shaggy blond hair and the ill-fitted glasses. With a few good thrusts from the reindeer behind him, the glasses tumbled to the floor and were crushed beneath hooves, but Blake didn't care. He could still see when his eyes weren't shut from the throes of ecstasy, but that pleasure was quickly mounting.

Blake tried to say something, mumbling Bandon's name around his cock, but he never had a chance to finish. The newly created reindeer shuddered, spasmed and came hard, spraying all over the floor. Bandon moaned at that, holding Blake's head tight to his groin before he came as well. Blake greedily gulped down the sperm before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out, going limp with a dozen men to hold him up. ****

Never before in his life had Blake ever felt so well rested, slept so deeply or felt so cozy. He had no interruptions, no distractions, he simply slept until his body was ready to wake him. Blake shifted gently, opening his eyes before he froze, looking up at a cement ceiling. He pushed himself up slowly, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings before he remembered where he was. He was in the Caribou club, though it looked rather different.

Sunlight streamed in through the frosted windows, hitting the dance floor that was currently off. Chairs were on tables, the floor had been cleaned and there was only one other person in the club... Bandon. Blake swallowed gently, looking around.

"What are you still doing here? What if we get in trouble? I'm so sorry; I didn't mean to be here still..." Blake murmured. Bandon chuckled, looking up from the paperwork he was working on.

"It'd be pretty hard to get in trouble with myself in my own place." Bandon replied. Blake paused, tilting his head.

"Your own... place..." Blake repeated back, realization sinking in, "You're B.D. Cedar?" Blake whispered.

"The one and only... As landlord I am requisitioning you some safer stairs, there is no reason for you to have to risk breaking your neck just coming downstairs for a drink. That being said, you might have to stay at my place for a few days while they put it in." Bandon said with a smile.

"At your place? You really... want me there?" Blake asked. Bandon chuckled, scooting back from his table, patting his lap. Blake couldn't help himself from moving over, sitting down, snuggling against the reindeer's groin.

"I incited you to take advantage of my loft space because you had a good and honest face. You looked after this place as I got what I needed to make my dreams a reality. I have to admit, though, you were so damn adorable, I knew you'd make a cute gay boy. I had to interfere a bit." Bandon explained, looking into Blake's eyes, "Are you mad?" he asked. Blake thought about it for a long moment.

He had a vague recollection of being straight, looking at women and fantasizing that way, but his wildest fantasies weren't anything compared to his reality. Being gay wasn't just a choice, it was the best choice. Blake looked at Bandon before he leaned in, their black noses rubbing before their muzzles met in a kiss.

"I'm, not mad. This was who I was always meant to be." Blake said gently. Bandon grinned.

"If this was who you were meant to be, how about you take a bigger part in the life that brought you here? This club is an amazing place, but it has so many working parts... I could use some help running it. Do you ant to be my business partner?" Bandon asked.

"Me? A partner in the Caribou Club?" Blake asked. Bandon nodded.

"And more... if you want it." He whispered. Blake leaned in for another kiss before he looked Bandon in the eyes.

"I want it." He repeated back with a grin. Living in the Cedar Loft would be a lot different, Blake knew that already.

Ghostbusters: Regenesis 21 - Ghost in the Machine

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 20 - Skin Deep

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 19 - Rules of the Road

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