Ghostbusters: Regenesis 20 - Skin Deep

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#20 of Ghostbusters

Written by leotodrius

Sponsored by vampireboyHaunted by his own secret desires, Dakota is given a gift that is too good to be true... but just how much will his own temptation cost him, and who else will be affected by changes that are more than skin deep?

This story wasn't originally on my outline, it sprung up from Vampireboy's suggestion in a journal. Just like Rerun, it just goes to show you how amazing reader feedback can be!Twenty five years after the Ghostbusters pioneered paranormal investigations and eliminations as a business model, franchise departments have spread across the United States. One such franchise operates in Portland Oregon.

This story accepts the movies, the 2010 game, "Real Ghostbusters" and "Extreme Ghostbusters" as canon history and combines elements from all four sources.Ghostbusters, the "No-Ghost Logo" and subsequent marks and trademarks are the authorized copyright property of Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures and are used freely per 17 U.S.C. Section 107 aka the "Fair Use Statute." This story is in no way, shape, or form associated with Columbia Tri-Star entertainment or it's works. All intellectual property belongs to its respective owners.

Ghostbusters: Regenesis Chapter 20 (Skin Deep) Written by Leo_Todrius Sponsored by Vampireboy

The old house had seen better days, that much was certain as the old shingles rattled on the roof and the wooden shutters hung half on their hinges. The wooden floors creaked and groaned beneath the boots of the Ghostbusters as they ran through the house, frantically trying to crack down on the explosion of activity that had been discovered. Eli ducked around the corner, lifting his slime blower as his eyes scanned the surroundings before he set out a flurry of slime tethers. The green slime stretched tight, blocking off the door to the kitchen.

"It's coming this way!" Nico exclaimed, watching as a massive, bloated pink ghost charged out of the other doorway on four short legs that seemed insufficient to keep it up. Large white eyes radiated light as the pink hippo of a ghost opened its fiendish mouth wide before it expelled a blue and an orange blob of ectoplasm. The blobs soon stretched arms out of their sides before they sailed right for Nico.

"I hate boozookas..." Nico groaned, ducking and rolling out of the way. Seth flicked a switch on his proton blaster, causing several panels to flip open on his pack and crackle with energy. Even the four red lights turned blue before he opened fire with a dark matter stream. The blue and black energy started to crystallize across the projected ghosts, causing them to slow down before hanging in mid-air, petrified.

"Says the man that can take the bang out of 'em." Nico said, pulling the yellow trap from his back before hurtling it across the room. The trap slid across the floor before the dome opened up, sucking the ghosts down into it. The pink boozooka turned to escape but the shlort of a slime tether hit it in the hip and then the ground next to the open trap. Eli watched as the boozooka was dragged back toward the trap and eventually spiraled in before the trap shut.

"You know, we really should investigate some of these old houses before they collapse into cross-dimensional rifts." Seth mused.

"I wonder how Gray and Kota are doing..." Eli murmured, inclining his head toward the ceiling.


Dust hung in the air, dancing through the beams of sunlight as Gray and Dakota advanced through the attic carefully. Their boots gripped the rafters and stray pieces of plywood laid out to span the gaps. Gray's proton pack pulsed gently with light, the Ghostbuster peering through the lenses of his ecto-goggles. There seemed to be a haze of psycho kinetic energy with no discernable source. Dakota, meanwhile, was still wearing his trusty Mark II pack, his blaster loaded with a fresh proton cartridge.

The attic seemed normal appearance wise. There were old Christmas tree stands, boxes of decorations and old newspaper... but somehow it felt off. The house hadn't been occupied in several years and yet there were stories of sounds and ethereal lights. Dakota looked around slowly, taking in the various relics before his eyes settled on an old steamer trunk. The wood was red but the trunk was held together with bands of bronze bolted metal. Dakota's mind started spinning at once, wondering what would be inside such an old chest. Grayson signaled for Dakota to remain where he was before the leader moved toward an old red closet door.

Dakota watched Grayson move forward before he moved over to stand by the case, glancing down at it for a moment. The trunk was in great condition despite looking fairly old, though a piece of wood had been hastily nailed onto the lid, painted with the dusty message 'Do not open under any circumstance.' Dakota's curiosity grew even more. He had always bucked against the system before... and it was like the trunk was calling to him.

"Alright, opening it up." Grayson said as he opened the closet door and the air filled with the sound of flapping wings. A flurry of translucent purple snake bats started flying out, both ends of the creatures tipped with snake heads as their leathery wings flapped just behind the heads. Gray stumbled backwards as the creatures flew out before he opened fire.

The proton stream hit a few, wrapping around them, but the kickback sent Gray stumbling. His boot missed one of the planks and plunged through insulation. Gray dropped to one knee, grunting before the other dropped through. Dakota lunged over to grab Gray but as Dakota reached for his friend's hands, the ceiling gave way and Grayson dropped down a floor, landing on an old couch.

An explosion of dust flew out of the couch, filling the room in seconds. Grayson coughed and sputtered, his fingers sliding against the olive green and gold floral print that covered the couch. The furniture groaned slightly before it collapsed the rest of the way, the back and arms heading out in all different directions.

"Are you alright?!" Dakota called down. Grayson threw up a thumbs up.

"I'm fine... How is it up there?" Gray asked. Dakota looked up and around, watching as the last of the snake headed ghosts flew out of a broken window toward the Portland skyline. Dakota looked back down through the hole.

"Quiet now..." Dakota said.

"Well... finish everything up up there; I'll... come help in a minute." Gray said.

"You sure you're okay? Your back isn't broken, right?" Dakota asked.

"Just my pride, I'll be fine." Gray replied. Dakota nodded, standing back up before he moved away from the hole. Dakota advanced cautiously on the closet, his proton blaster at the ready. He used the tip of the blaster to edge the door open but nothing else emerged. The closet was empty. Dakota let out a soft sigh before he turned, running a hand over his short buzzed hair... but there was still one thing he hadn't checked out, the crate.

Dakota glanced back at the hole before he moved over to the crate and crouched down. There was just something about the steamer trunk that drew his focus and attention. Dakota took a breath before he lifted the latches and eased the door open, expecting something to spring out at him. While nothing escaped the trunk, Dakota jumped when he saw two big eyes gazing back. He dropped the lid and fell back onto his ass, though a moment later he realized the eyes were too cartoonish to be real.

Emboldened once more, Dakota eased the lid open just a little at first before throwing it back the rest of the way. The trunk was full of a pile of artificial gray fur, on the top of which was the anthropomorphic sculpt of a wolf head. The eyes were almost cartoonish in nature, a slight grin left on the mask's muzzle.

"Damn costume..." Dakota muttered softly, still irritated at being startled. Despite his irritation, though, he reached into the crate to lift up the head piece. It was well crafted, felt fresh and in perfect condition. Dakota's heart skipped a few beats as he realized what it was. It was a fursuit, a wolf fursuit.

The Ghostbuster grimaced a bit as he thought back yet again to what the satyr had pointed out to him, that he was a furry beneath his big tough black exterior. Dakota set the head piece down, not wanting to be caught with it. He'd been going to more furry sites, getting more into the culture but a fursuit was a big step... and it wasn't even his. It belonged to whoever the house had belonged to before it was abandoned. Dakota closed the trunk and locked it back up, barely having time to stand before the door eased open and Seth stuck his head in.

"Everything clear up here?" Seth asked. Dakota gave a nod.

"Yeah, just some... evidence to consider." Dakota replied.

"Need help bringing it down?" Seth asked. Dakota looked back at the trunk for a moment before he shook his head.

"Nah, I got it." Dakota said. Seth gave a nod at that.

"Alright, I'll go scrape Gray off that collapsed couch." Seth grinned before disappearing out of the attic again. Dakota waited until he heard Seth heading back down the stairs before he moved over to the steamer trunk. He grabbed at the little mettle loop before he drug at the trunk, the case sliding along the dusty planks, a perfect rectangular outline left behind. Dakota still couldn't believe what he was doing.


The Ecto-11 rolled down the street, slowing as they advanced along the outside of the converted firehouse. Seth reached up and tapped the garage door opener built into the over head panel, but as they turned they saw someone waiting outside. The woman was in her mid twenties, her hazel brown hair tied back into a pony tail. Her glasses had bright green frames and she wore a black button up shirt with a green under shirt. Grayson looked out of the window as they rolled past the woman, hopping out as soon as the vehicle had come to a stop.

"Hello, can I help you?" Gray asked, feeling a bit bad that no one had been there to greet any potential customers.

"Grayson Kale?" The woman asked with a nervous smile, "My name is Emily Sune. I've been appointed the liaison officer by the governor for the joint task force. I was hoping at your earliest convenience that we could go over your recent work, but I see that you've been out on an assignment. Would there be a better time?" Emily asked. Gray swallowed a bit. The governor had made the appointment without consulting them at all. Gray turned and looked back at the Ecto where Seth and Nico were pulling out the equipment to recharge and refill while Dakota and Eli were pulling out the evidence they had accumulated. Gray looked back.

"This is an important issue. We can talk now. Right this way please." Gray said, leading her back toward the desk. Emily followed after Gray, looking at the equipment being lifted out of the Ecto.

"So you use both the classical models and the versions developed in 1997? Wouldn't there be more efficiency in a uniformity of design?" Emily asked.

"From an engineering standpoint, yes, but it isn't practical in the field. There are situations where one piece of technology will work better than another. It's also why we have specialists for specific types of the technology." Gray said.

"For instance Nico Kingston being your trap expert and Eli Reed specializing in slime technology?" Emily asked. Gray nodded, moving to sit down behind the desk. Emily took a chair on the other side.

"That's correct. The division of labor really increases our success rate." Gray explained.

"Is that something you would recommend to the task force?" Emily asked. Gray took a breath before nodding.

"Yes, to a degree. Any Ghostbuster needs to be able to handle all of the technology that is out there, but at the same time I can see soldiers focused on trap mechanics. There are ion traps, muon traps, micro-containment units, improvised traps... That's enough education right there to keep someone busy for a while." Gray said.

"The Meson Riffle designs you worked on were inspired." Emily added. Gray's eyebrow lifted up a bit.

"You understand the engineering aspect? What is your education background?" Gray asked. Emily smiled a bit.

"Bachelors of Unconventional Sciences from Oregon State University with a minor in political science." Emily replied before smiling, "What about you?" she asked. Gray found it only fair for her to return the question after he had asked so bluntly.

"Masters of Psychology and Parapsychology from Willamette, Bachelors of advanced engineering from Columbia." Grayson replied.

"On top of the training you got in New York, no doubt." Emily replied. Grayson's eyebrows quirked again.

"You seem to have a rather swiss cheese understanding of our background here." Gray replied. Emily smiled a bit bashfully.

"Well I've been a fan of the Ghostbusters since I was a child... I had all the toys, I watched the cartoon. I even had all the episodes of 'World of the Psychic with Doctor Venkman' on VHS. To be honest I should have applied to the Ghostbusters earlier, but... my life has led me in a different path." Emily shrugged. Gray considered for a long moment before he nodded.

"Well you certainly have a background that sounds worthwhile as a liaison but we're going to have to fill in those holes in your background." Gray said, reaching to pull out one of their business cards, "How about you come back on Thursday afternoon and we can give you a crash course in the equipment and some of our basic policies." Gray said.

"You're going to teach me how to use the equipment?" she asked with excitement.

"You can't underestimate the position you're going to hold soon. You will be the voice of reason to a military group of Ghostbusters, trying to keep them pacified when its not life and death and to keep them in line when it is." Gray explained. Emily nodded before she stood up.

"I understand..." She said before pulling out a card of her own, "And if you need to contact me, here's my number. I have the cell phone with me at all times." She added. Gray took the card and stood up, offering his other hand.

"I look forward to working with you." Grayson said. Emily shook his hand

"And I you." She added before she turned, moving back the way she had come. She turned out of the firehouse and moved down the street, passing Dakota as he loaded an old steamer trunk into the back of his SUV. She glanced at it briefly before considering it nothing, bowing her head as she continued on her way. Dakota watched her go for a moment before he finished shoving the trunk in, closing the hatch back. His heart was racing, practically ready to leap out of his chest. He'd gotten the trunk all the way to his vehicle... Now he could try the contents on in his own time. Everything was going so well... He just had a few more hours of work to get through.


The long work day had come to an end and Dakota was home at last. Life on the east side of the river was a lot more relaxed, less hectic and spaced out a bit better. Dakota had to admit, working for the Ghostbusters had made life a lot easier to maintain. He'd been able to keep up with the insurance for his house and even effect repairs, though tonight he was going to put all chores on the sidelines and focus on himself for a bit.

Dakota leaned back in his computer chair, lifting a beer bottle to his lips to tip it back a bit. The amber fluid rushed out of the brown bottle across his tongue before he swallowed and sighed with relief. Dakota glanced over at his computer monitor, catching his reflection. He was six foot tall, muscled and broad shouldered. His black hair was shaved into a short Mohawk and a mustache and goatee adorned his upper lip and chin.

The tattoo of the SNES controller on his right shoulder was as bold as ever, the ink managing not to fade in the ten years since he had gotten it. Dakota looked to be a unique mix of tough and nerd, coming together in a way few managed to pull off. Dakota turned his chair and looked over at the crate, wondering just when it had started. He'd always felt drawn to werewolf and vampire movies, to stories of people becoming something more. He wondered briefly if he'd gotten tougher to keep people from thinking he was a nerd.

Dakota slowly got up and moved over to the trunk, thinking about all the time he'd spent on his own. He'd been a survivalist, another reason to connect with animals. Animals could live off the land, off each other, on their own wits. Dakota respected that, but he still wondered when it had crossed to the point of being a furry. Still, life had rewarded him and dropped a high quality fur suit in his lap.

The Ghostbuster knelt down and ran his fingers over the latches again, unclasping them before he lifted the lid. Just as before, the lifeless cartoon eyes peered out of the trunk as he opened it up. This time Dakota let the lid fall all the way back. The trunk was full of the fursuit, the silvery gray material glistening in the light. Dakota knelt down before the crate and reached in, pulling out the head piece. It was heavy and well sculpted but the fake fur felt almost silky.

With the head piece out of the way, Dakota reached in to grab at the rest. He pulled out the silver paw gloves and boots, running his fingers around the boots to make sure they'd fit his feet. Surprisingly enough they seemed to be just the right size. With the four peripheral pieces removed, only the torso piece was left. Dakota hoisted it out slowly, examining the white belly and a thick tail, managing to find the zipper. He ran his finger down the zipper before he paused, his eyes going wide.

While Dakota had seen a lot of fur suits online before, he'd never seen an anatomically correct one. Nestled in the groin of his newest acquisition was a furry package the likes of which boggled Dakota's mind. There were firm furry balls, a thick and plump sheath... and a shiny pink canine phallus. The pointed head was carefully tapered, the edges bulging and sloped in just the right ways.

Dakota felt a little foolish that he hadn't imagined such things to exist as he wrapped his fingers around the shaft, seeing if it would retract into the sheath... but it didn't budge. It seemed eternally erect. Dakota flushed a bit in embarrassment, remembering that the suit must have belonged to someone else. The 'do not open' warning made even more sense now. Dakota considered packing the suit back up, but something started nagging at his mind. Was he afraid? Was he hesitating? From what? He was a manly man, surely a manly wolf suit would fit him.

The man started to grin a bit as he thought of running a silver paw over that shaft, his shaft, his wolf shaft. Dakota licked his lips a bit before he took another breath. Surely it wouldn't hurt to just try it on once. Dakota stood up and unbuttoned his vest, tossing it aside. His fingers moved to his belt next, unclasping it before tossing it. His shorts dropped do his ankles and he stepped out of them, wearing nothing but his black and red DC skate shoes and thick white ankle socks.

Dakota's skilled fingers made short work of the laces before he pulled the shoes off and tossed them aside, peeling his thick white sock from his smooth brown right foot before he did the same with the left. He wiggled his toes a bit as he stuffed the socks into his shoes, looking down at his uncut cock and his heavy balls beneath his trimmed black bush. He had to admit to himself that he was a handsome devil.

Once more Dakota took up the torso piece of the gray wolf suit. He drew the zipper down to the groin, peeling it apart. The inside of the suit seemed to be an interesting texture, almost as soft as rabbit fur. Dakota was relieved that the suit wouldn't be itchy at least. He slipped one leg in and then the other, pulling the legs up snug before he slipped a muscled arm into one sleeve and then the other. Wearing the fur suit like an unzipped hoodie, he drew it up to his neck before he grabbed the zipper and moved it up his stomach and chest before it secured at his throat.

Dakota turned and faced back toward the computer, running his large hands up and down across his white stomach, his silver gray fur contrasting his natural skin color... but something didn't quite fit. His cock was getting half hard at wearing someone else's fur suit but the artificial package kept pushing his cock around to the sides uncomfortably. Dakota grunted, grabbing his fake wolf phallus, trying to adjust it. As he did, the head of his shaft slipped up into the hollow core of the rubber rod and the man soon gasped softly.

His cock slipped into the rubber phallus like a peg in a hole, held snuggly. His cock even seemed to swell inside, growing snug to the tip and tightly inside the eternally erect rod. Dakota flushed a bit more at that, huffing a few breaths to keep himself from cumming before he reached down, grabbing a wolf paw boot. The craftsmanship was quite impressive. The boot had paw pads, black claws, even false tendons.

Dakota slipped his large foot in, feeling the flesh of the soul of his foot contour against the slope and arch inside the boot, forcing him onto the balls of his foot. He soon slipped his other foot in, adjusting the legs of his fur suit so the edge slipped over his boots and the seam was hidden. Dakota wiggled his toes inside the boots and managed to get the boot toes to wiggle a bit too, only adding to his thrill.

Dakota lifted up one of his fur gloves, turning it over to look at the pink paw pads and the claws. It was so lifelike, so human and yet so animal at the same time. Dakota pulled it on over his hand, feeling the cuff hug at his wrist as his fingers pushed into the glove's fingers, working all the way up to the embedded claws. Dakota wiggled the fingers, seeing how much dexterity he still had.

With one glove on, the other was slightly harder to get into place but Dakota still managed. His heart beat even faster in his fur covered chest as he realized he was covered from the neck down. He even wiggled his hips and got his tail to swing a big before he grabbed at the head piece and lifted it up, looking at the wolf head eye to eye. The muzzle, the rubbery black nose. It was perfect, it was amazing... and it was his.

Dakota didn't waste another moment before he lifted the head piece up above him, aimed it forward and began lowering it down. The neck of the head piece was a bit snug as it spread over his head, hugging his ears and compressing down to his neck. Even as the top of the false skull rested against Dakota's mohawk, he had to use his gloved paw hands to stretch the neck extension down his throat.

The head piece had been positioned mostly instinctively given how dark it was inside, but slowly Dakota's eyes started to adjust to the mesh. He could see through the tiny pin prick holes. He took in a breath and felt the air pass through the mask and brush his face... but Dakota needed more, he needed to see himself. He moved out of the living room and ducked through the doorway into the bathroom, turning to face his reflection.

It was exhilarating to see a six foot, four inch tall wolf in his bathroom. Dakota lifted his hand and gave himself a little wave, grinning a bit... and to his surprise, it looked like the wolf suit was grinning. Dakota hesitated at that, the flash of concern moving through his body... and slowly his pointed gray ears flattened against his head. Dakota blinked, trying to calm himself but as his eyes opened, he caught a glimpse of the suit eyes opening as well. Something was wrong.

Without any warning, the suit began to ripple across his flesh before it started to compress. Dakota grunted in pain as he felt it squeezing his waist, his wrists and especially his ankles. The flesh contorted as the ankles shrunk, looking a bit more like an actual wolf's might. Dakota moved out of the bathroom, stumbling around the corner through the living room and then the kitchen before he opened the basement door. He padded down the steps into the cement lined depths, running his paw over the shelf. At first he felt nothing but the outline of things pushing his hand out o the way, but slowly he was starting to pick up the faintest sensations through the gloves.

The Ghostbuster managed to find one of the PKE meters he had built from leaked online blueprints, gripping the base firmly as he turned it on. The two spires on either side flashed to life and a bolt of electricity arced between the two points. The screen filled with tiny green indicator bars that flickered before climbing higher and higher. Whatever was happening was growing stronger.

In a flash of sensation, Dakota's brain started receiving signals from the paw pads of the suit. His gloves throbbed and began to vacuum seal against his hands, crushing and stretching and bending them. He could feel every screw, every bolt, every facet of the welding. He could feel the faint vibration of the meter. Dakota dropped the device in shock, stumbling backwards until he pinched his tail between his ass and the counter top. He let out a yelp of pain at his tail getting pinched, but all over his body he was feeling warm and moist and tingly.

The material on the inside of the suit grew even softer, the rabbit fur like membrane melting as the gray fur from the suit plunged through the liquid and into Dakota's skin, finding individual pores to anchor into. It felt like a thousand needles sinking into his skin, but there were so many that the minute pain felt oddly good. It was not a sensation he shared as his boots began to wrench his feet. He felt his arch increased, his heel wrangled around and his toes compressed. The claws sunk into his fingers and toes as the paw pads became part of him, the fur sealing to his skin all over his body.

Dakota felt the bonding and knew he had to stop it. He clawed at his ankles and his wrists, trying to find the seams in the suit but they were all gone. His chest throbbed and tingled with warmth as the white fuzzy belly became his, his own nipples buried in the fur rather than hidden behind the suit... but the strangest sensation came from his groin. Dakota gasped sharply as he felt the hot wet engulf his cock as the red rubber phallus began to bond with his own flesh.

The division between rubber and skin disappeared as veins and nerves began snaking through the rubber phallus, the cock flesh easing out into the rubber as it became real. The pointed tip fused to the head of Dakota's shaft and a tiny hole opened up, connecting to Dakota's urethra. His shaft felt like it was on fire and he panted hard, barely able to hold onto himself in the heavy waves of sensation. Soon natural beads of moisture began leaking from the former rubber shaft, the cock looking quite natural and real as the veins pulsed in time with his heart beat.

Dakota's plump, manly balls settled into the furry sack that fused to his skin, the furry shell soon becoming his own body with his ample gonads inside. The sheath grew looser, filling with a natural lubricant as it fully anchored to his groin. Dakota sighed with relief as the tingling ebbed on his cock, the pain fading away to leave only the pulsing heat of sexual need. In fact, he could feel the sensations of the bonding had subsided below his shoulders.

Just as when he had put the suit on, he was really furry from the neck down, but the change was far from over. The fur suit continued to fuse, the fur covering his head slipping through the melting framework before sinking into his skull. Dakota's lips curled inside the mask as the fur covered his scalp. It was burning and tingling and yet it felt so right despite the pain. He reached out to lean on the table for support, breathing into his newly lycan lungs.

The sounds of the world around him disappeared as Dakota's ears filled in with slime and he went deaf, hearing only the heartbeat in his own body before his ears popped again. The sounds of the basement were louder, more specific. He could hear the PKE meter buzzing away on the floor, but he wasn't hearing from the side of his head anymore. He was hearing with very real wolf ears.

Dakota was so far beyond crying for help, but he wasn't beyond crying out in pain and arousal. His lips parted, but no sound escaped. The entire muzzle of the fur suit filled with ectoplasm, flooding Dakota's mouth and nose as well. The torrent of slime nearly gagged him as new nostril paths spread through the hardening slime. Dakota couldn't feel where his face ended and the mask began anymore, his nerves filling out into the muzzle cavity. The mask's mouth closed for a moment, opening up with thick strings of red slime that stretched and wobbled and snapped. As the slime pulled back, very real wolf fangs were revealed along with a thick muscled tongue glistening with thick saliva.

The black nose on the wolf mask grew moist, the nostrils flaring as the first true sniffs of air were taken in. Dakota could feel his mouth all the way through the mask, extending out several inches before him... but the last changes were just starting. The cartoonish eyes of the mask closed and melted away, going blank as the slime fused with Dakota's eye lids. It clung and stuck and fur grew out before his eyes opened through the suit.

For a brief instant Dakota's chocolate brown eyes peered out from the wolf mask's sockets, but soon a bright alien amber flooded the gray wolf's eyes. As they turned yellow, a grin crossed Dakota's muzzle... but it wasn't his grin, at least not for the first second. The feeling of pride and accomplishment infected his brain like a virus and soon Dakota's fear was melting away. He grinned, panting gently, his tongue hanging out of his muzzle.

Dakota lifted his furry gray arm and flexed, seeing his muscles beneath the fur of his arm. He moved his toes and his fingers, he slashed the air with his claws. He inhaled the dusty air and smelled everything in perfect clarity. The pain was gone, revealing an intense pleasure that had been lurking beneath the transformation. It felt amazing, but Dakota had to see it. He turned and bounded up the stairs, half the time on all fours and half the time on just his legs before he strode through his house, pushing back into his bathroom.

The creature Dakota saw in his reflection wasn't a fur suit; it was a living, breathing wolf man. Every fur was in perfect position, his nose was real, his eyes and ears were real... even his cock was real. He was a wolf, just like he'd always wanted to be... or had he? Dakota's mind reeled for a moment. Had he wanted to be a wolf? He was a furry, surely he wanted to be something and what was better than a wolf? Dakota groaned gently as the suit reached further into his mind, shifting his memories, filling it with fantasies of wolves, of transformation.

Dakota started to pant more, his very real paw drifting to his canine cock as he thought about when Grayson had turned into a black wolf, when his friends had turned into furries. His new memories told him he had wanted to fuck them so bad. His clawed fingers closed around his shaft and he started to slide his hand up and down, thrusting into his grip, panting and moaning. It felt amazing, it felt wonderful... but it wasn't enough. He needed to fuck something real, something with a mind of its own, but he couldn't go after his friends yet. They were too strong, they'd change him back. He needed help.

The gray wolf left the bathroom behind, walking over his discarded clothes as he threw his front door open and moved down the steps to the sidewalk and into the evening. He would find someone to mate, someone to turn, someone to join him... and with allies behind him, he would bring the Ghostbusters the joy of being furry too.


The sun had set beneath the west hills, leaving the sky brilliant shades of salmon and violet giving way to midnight blue. As the stars emerged, the street lights were starting to come on. The sound of traffic rolling along Powell Boulevard filtered into Powell park, the headlights flashing against the bushes but it was like the sweet sound of nature to those that lingered behind. The children had gone home to eat dinner and be with their families, leaving the park to those that stayed up just a bit later.

Lips came together in the heated passion of forbidden love, adolescent fingers tangling as the teenagers embraced. Being young and in love was never easy, especially being gay and in love, but Bryson and Carlos were lucky enough to be gay in Portland where there was a shred more tolerance. Bryson straddled Carlos on the teeter totter, the rusty haired teenager chilled to the bone despite his camouflage jacket and army boots but he didn't care. All he wanted was to be with Carlos.

Carlos returned the kisses, loving the weight of his boyfriend on him. Every so often Bryson would break the kiss and run his tongue across Carlos' peach fuzz mustache. While most teenagers had invisible fuzz, Carlos' was turning black already, giving him a downy black stache that drove Bryson wild.

The two teenagers humped and ground, knowing it was dangerous to be in the park at night. Police could come, or worse gang members or the homeless... but despite the cold and the fear, the two couldn't stop. It was as if when they stopped kissing the spell and the night would be over. Bryson's fingers tangled in Carlos' shirt. Carlos returned the kiss feverishly up until there was the sound of a braking branch.

"What was that?" Carlos asked, his honey colored eyes looking around. Bryson moved to lick Carlos' ear.

"Just your imagination, we're still alone here." Bryson said, pushing his tongue back into Carlos mouth. Carlos slowly closed his eyes, returning the kiss... until gravity began to shift. Bryson and Carlos gasped as the teeter totter lifted them up off the ground. They were at a decline, looking upside down at what had pushed on the other side. It took Bryson and Carlos a moment to figure it out upside down, but their eyes widened when they saw the gray wolf.

"Hello boys..." Dakota said, licking his fangs, his hand stroking his shaft.

"Lobo de dios!" Carlos cursed, scrambling to get up. Bryson didn't move as fast, transfixed by the wolf before him. The two rolled off the teeter totter and fell to the ground. Carlos ran on all fours to get away, howling into the night but Bryson rolled onto his hands and knees before looking up. Dakota took a few steps forward, grinning more.

"You didn't run..." Dakota murmured.

"You're amazing..." Bryson whispered back.

"Do you want to be amazing too? Do you want to be part of my pack?" Dakota asked. Bryson's heart skipped a beat. His body was ruled by hormones, he was in the human version of heat. Bryson nodded without a second thought.

"What do I have to do?" Bryson whispered. Dakota gave his shaft another stroke.

"Taste my seed." Dakota replied. Bryson slowly licked his lips.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He whispered before he crawled forward, sitting up on his knees. He lifted his hand to take a hold of Dakota's cock, surprised by how wet and slick it was. He gave it a few strokes, getting the wolf slime all over his fingers before he leaned in. Dakota closed his lycan eyes as the lips began spreading over the tip of his cock, teasing the fissure of his slit. Bryson leaned forward, getting the head of the cock in his mouth before he started to suck and slurp.

Already, even without orgasm, Dakota's cock was leaking juices. Bryson took them in, swallowing them down. The change was almost instantaneous. His teeth began to stretch into fangs as his jaw grew longer, his face pushing out around the cock it savored. Every time Bryson thrust his head forward and pulled it back, his face grew out more. His nose upturned and the flesh around his nostrils grew black and moist. Whiskers began growing out of his cheeks and a fine red stubble covered his cheeks while a white stubble covered his chin.

Bryson sucked more and more eagerly, bobbing his head forward and back like an expert. The stubble softened into fur, covering his face and then his nose, surrounding his eyes and covering his ears. His ears throbbed and ached as they stretched into points and started to migrate up his head to the top. Soon Bryson was the proud owner of a red wolf head, but that wasn't enough for Dakota.

Dakota tangled his paws in the red head's fur, pulling his skull back and forth as he face fucked him. Bryson sucked and gagged on the cock as it teased his throat before his throat relaxed and the shaft went deeper. As Dakota force fed Bryson directly by dribbling down his throat, the fur spread down Bryson's neck and spilled across his shoulders and chest. Bryson's chest grew as white as snow while the fur on his arms and back were many shades of red.

The hand Bryson had used to stroke Dakota's shaft before moved to fondle his master's balls, but even they were changing. As the hair on his arms grew out long and thick, turning into a coating of fur, Bryson's fingernails grew long and curved, sinking into his fingers as they thickened into claws. Parts of his finger tips and palms welled out into paw pads before the fur dominated the rest.

Fur continued to spread across Bryson, covering him from head to waist. The crotch of his pants swelled not with flesh but fur, especially as his ass cheeks pated and his tail started to come n. The seat of his pants swelled and bloated before the fabric stretched, becoming thread bear. A tail tip pushed between the frayed strings before a tear opened and a fluffy red tail emerged, swinging away. The pants couldn't take much more and the crotch tore open.

The bulge of Bryson's groin swelled thicker as a furry white sheath slipped up over his eager teenage cock, the human flesh disappearing beneath. The sheath closed over the top as it filled with ectoplasmic lube, saturating the cock. A moment later the pink head pushed out but it was already changing. It curved and tapered to a point, it grew plumper and moister, turning a bright and plump red.

The fur spread out further, covering Bryson's balls and his ass cheeks before funneling down between and around his legs. The fur coated his legs as his muscles refined. The fur plunged into Bryson's black army boots. It was strange, in a way. Bryson had insisted on wearing black army boots since he was sixteen, but over the years they had always looked too big on him. As his body grew fluffy and furry they finally seemed to be the right size, maybe even a bit too small.

The leather began to creak and shift gently before it stretched, tiny diamonds forming in the feet before claws punctured through. The cracks that started with the claws spread up across the shoes before the leather was pried apart. Huge furry red paws spread out from the former boots as they split, easily wider and longer than what had trapped them moments earlier. Bryson shuddered, his cock pulsing before thick yellow cum sprayed out all over the ground.

Dakota looked down at his creation, a handsome red wolf in torn camo. It was perfect, it was amazing and it was enough to make him cum. Dakota tipped his head back and howled loudly as his balls quivered and he poured his wolf spunk down into Bryson, cementing the changes. Bryson gulped up the cum like a reward, his tail swinging back and forth behind him, brushing the ground. Dakota slowly pulled his cock out of Bryson's muzzle before he looked at his pack mate.

"It's time to find your friend..." Dakota whispered. Bryson lifted his head and let out a howl of joy before he turned and took off. Dakota dropped down onto all fours, moving after Carlos with Bryson, the two disappearing into the night.


Eli reached up to brush his blonde bangs out of his eyes as he read through the reports on the old house, his brows furrowed in concern. Something just didn't add up. There were moving reports, of course, but things had been moved into the house after the utilities had been shut off rather than moving things out. Someone had left things there after it was abandoned. The stairs to the upper floor echoed as Nico trudged up, his dark hair framing his pale face.

"Eli, have you seen that old trunk?" Nico asked.

"The one Dakota brought down? Is it still in the Ecto?" Eli asked. Nico shook his head.

"I checked there, then I checked the rest of the fire house." Nico said.

"But the rest of the evidence is still there?" Eli asked.

"Yeah, Gray and Seth have been helping me go through it." Nico explained.

"Maybe Dakota decided to investigate the trunk himself..." Eli replied. Nico hesitated.

"That doesn't sound smart..." Nico hesitated, thinking about when he had tried to befriend a tentacle ghost that had been sent to compromise him.

"I think it's more a case that it doesn't sound safe. Dakota's never really worried about safety." Eli replied, "Did you guys figure out anything about the evidence?"

"Grayson's creeped out. Everything we grabbed is significant. Some items were anchors for ghosts to hold onto, connections to unfinished business. Others were natural amplifiers of PKE and grew stronger from the stories people told about the house." Nico said.

"Like it was all put there... as bait." Eli whispered. Nico looked startled.

"What?" Nico asked, moving over.

"There are moving records... Handymen dropped off a variety of objects to the house after it was abandoned, but there's no specific inventory in the public records." Eli replied.

"We could call them; see if they remember anything specific." Nico suggested.

"That could work. I've got the number." Eli smiled.

"I'll get the phone." Nico replied, kissing Eli's cheek before he moved to grab the cordless phone. Eli smiled at the kiss, glad that no matter the circumstance that they were destined to be together.


Carlos panted and sweat as he ran along, hoping getting to a public place would help. The headlights of cars flashed across him as he ran across the street, closing in on Ace's Player's club. Carlos made it to the other side, grunting as his ribs hurt. He moved for the front door, but the honking of the cars sounded behind him. Carlos turned just in time to see Dakota and Bryson in their lycan form charging across the street, jumping over the hoods of cars.

The teenager was hit by the red wolf and went tumbling over the cinder block retaining wall, landing on his back. Bryson turned around and brought his hips down, spreading his slimy wolf cock across Carlos' lips. Carlos coughed and sputtered, but the musky scent invaded his nostrils. He groaned gently as his mustache thickened and the moan was just enough. Bryson pushed his wolf cock into Carlos' mouth and started to face fuck him.

Carlos tried to resist, but soon he began to suckle on Bryson's cock like a wolf cub starving. He sucked and slurped as yellow stained his already honey colored eyes. His ears began to stretch into points that covered with black fur as his mustache grew out into a black beard. Each suck of the cock stretched Carlos' mouth into a muzzle as his nose turned moist and lifted up. The humanity soon disappeared from his face as he gained the head of a wolf.

Black fur grew out from Carlos' collar, covering his shoulders and arms as his fingernails stretched into claws. His morphing hands clawed at his pants, tearing them open as he fished out his cock. As Carlos tried to masturbate, Dakota crouched down, bringing his wolf cock to Carlos'. Carlos felt hot oozing cum leak over his shaft and his cock began to stretch and grow, the head flaring into a point as the shaft grew fatter and fatter and fatter.

As Dakota's cum seeped down Carlos' shaft, the flesh grew up around it in a hairless sheath, but moments later soft black fur exploded out over the sheath and his balls, growing into his leg hair that became fur. Carlos was soon sucking away before Bryson lifted his head and howled, cumming down Carlos' throat. The formerly reluctant teenager gulped the sperm down as his shoes popped off, his wolf paws tearing through socks beneath.

A scream came out as the door to the player's club opened and a patron stepped out, seeing three werewolves fucking liberally. Dakota lifted his head and snarled, saliva flying off of his fangs. The patron ducked back in and pulled the door shut. Dakota decided to finish, cumming all over Carlos as he finished his transformation. The pack was growing.


Grayson, Seth and Nico gathered around Eli as he waited on the phone, listening to the report. Eli wrote down interesting clues from the things brought in, ranging from statuary figurines to carved Indian stones.

"You're right, those are all strange artifacts... but is there anything else? Anything that made you or your men feel unusual even if the thing itself wasn't strange?" Eli asked, pausing as he listened.

"This is just too weird." Nico whispered, looking at the list.

"A trunk? A steamer trunk?" Eli asked. The others looked up. Eli's hand tightened, "Sort of a red finish, metal bands. Not gold, more bronze?" Eli asked, listening to the response before he took a breath, "I understand, thank you very much for your help." Eli said, turning the phone off before he set it down.

"What about the trunk?" Nico asked.

"He didn't want to talk about it; it took him half a year to get over the nightmares..." Eli said softly, "What he did say was that it was full of the wildest dreams but it wasn't for them. It was like the trunk was waiting." Eli replied.

"The whole house was waiting, it was baited to draw us in." Nico grimaced.

"But all we did was bust it. The only thing that didn't fit was the trunk, a trunk that's missing." Grayson said.

"Dakota was so fixated with it. He must have taken it home..." Seth replied.

"If this was a trap, if he sprung it, there's no way to know what we'll be walking into. We'll head over to his house. Eli, bring a slime pack. Seth, get a PKE resonance pack." Gray said, though they all jumped as the phone rang. Eli lifted it back up.

"Hello, Ghostbusters?" Eli asked, "Calm down sir, we deal with monsters all the time. A werewolf you say? Three... Three of them. What's the address where you are? 2443 Southeast Powell. Got it, we're on our way." Eli said, hanging up.

"I guess Dakota will have to wait." Seth grimaced.

"Unless this is related." Gray said, moving for the stairs. The other Ghostbusters were right behind him.


While the Ghostbusters usually employed the unique blaring siren to help clear a path, the Ecto-11 was moving down the street with only its lights on. With the canine sensitivity to sound, they didn't want to give up any of their element of surprise. Seth kept his eyes peeled from the driver's seat as Gray kept a watchful eye on his PKE meter. Eli, however, kept dialing Dakota's number over and over. Eli grunted and threw his phone down onto the seat.

"Why won't he pick up?" Eli groaned.

"He'll be okay Eli. It's going to work out." Nico said, trying to reassure his boyfriend.

"Guys, I'm starting to get something. It really does seem like a modified human signal..." Gray said, leaning forward a bit in his seat.

"Where's it coming from?" Seth asked.

"It's closing in from the... right, I think." Gray murmured. Before he had a chance to look up from the screen, the Ecto suddenly swerved to the left, the sound of crunching metal coming from the passenger side as the door was dented. The Ecto hopped up onto the curb as Seth slammed on the breaks. The Ghostbusters grunted, buffeted forward and back but before they could recover, Dakota grabbed onto the passenger door and ripped it off, throwing it into traffic.

Claws slashed through Gray's seat belt before he was pulled out of the explorer. Gray clawed and grabbed at the seat but Dakota was too strong, holding Gray to his chest as he broke out running. Dakota had only made it a few steps before the air smelled like it was about to snow and bright red and orange streams of proton energy shot out. Dakota ducked past the streams before rounding the corner.

"Nico! That was a human pattern." Seth shouted as he climbed out.

"Sorry, I reacted..." Nico grunted.

"Grab the slime packs, lets go." Seth said.


Gray scratched and bit at and hit his captor but Dakota was undaunted. The wolf lunged up over a fence, landing in a back yard but it still wasn't good enough. He kept his pace up and jumped over one more, sniffing around before he spotted a particularly large bush to hurl Gray into. Gray yelped as he landed on his back, sprawled out across the branches of the bush. Dakota moved over, panting softly as he stroked his ever-hard cock some more, sniffing at the air. Gray moved to get loose but Dakota brought a paw down, holding Gray in place. Gray stirred and shifted before he froze, watching clear pre leak down from the wolf's cock, landing on the crotch of his uniform, starting to soak through the fabric.

"You can feel it, can't you? The wolf in you trying to get out..." Dakota growled. Grayson's back arched.

"Kota, it is you..." Gray whispered. The wolf chuckled.

"Of course it is me, the way I'm supposed to be... and the way you should be." Dakota murmured, running his fingers across the tip of his cock before he brought it to Grayson's face. Gray closed his lips tight and tried to turn his head away. Not to be deterred, Dakota pressed harder on Gray's chest until he coughed out his air and Dakota plunged the fingers into his leader's mouth.

Gray bit down on the fingers but soon regretted the decision as blood and pre mixed together in his mouth. Gray felt a familiar tingling start to spread through his mouth. Gray's fingers started to clench into his palms, his nails darkening and growing into points, digging into his palms as the claws sunk into his fingers and the flesh grew over the top. Gray tried to resist the urges and feelings, but soon his jaw relaxed and his tongue slipped out. Gray panted in and out to reclaim his breath even as his teeth stretched into fangs.

Dakota ran a claw along the soaked crotch of Gray's uniform before he used a claw to slice it. His fingers slipped in and in a moment drew Gray's cock out through the slit. The werewolf rubbed the pre from the cloth across Gray's shaft, rolling his paw around it as it turned a furious red, bloating wider and thicker. The head grew more pointed with each thrust before it was canine. Gray panted hard but soon tried to pull away. Dakota growled, moving to pin him with more of his body, humping Gray.

Gray's ears were red from the cold and the exertion, but soon they warmed up as they grew into points, the ears tilting back at a slight angle. Gray tried to summon all his strength to push Dakota off even as popping sounds came from the claws forcing through his boots as his feet turned into paws inside. With Dakota's humping and grinding, Gray's balls soon squeezed out of his pants, covered in black fur.

"I didn't realize how bad I wanted this, to bring out the wolf in you, to see which of us would be dominant..." Dakota whispered. Gray gritted his fangs as his face pushed out, the bones creaking and popping as they turned into a muzzle. Black fur erupted from his skin to cover his face before sweeping down his neck and across his torso, then his arms.

"I'll let you know right now it's not going to be you." Grayson growled. Gray's uniform grew tight as his shoulders shifted, growing a bit bulkier as they changed. His hips and elbows shifted to accommodate a wide range of movement.

"Big bad Gray's gonna show me my place?" Dakota whispered, moving to lick at Gray's canine cock. Gray shook his black furry head.

"No, they are." Gray replied. Dakota lifted his head as Eli and Seth opened fire, thick torrents of slime spraying out. Both of the transformed Ghostbusters were hit and as the green and blue slime mixed together on Gray, his black fur retracted and his muscles shrank. His face popped back into place and his nose stuck out just the right way. In moments he had returned to human, all be it messy... but the same was not true for Dakota.

The gray wolf rose up on his hind legs, his chest wide, his muzzle snarling. His fine silver fur had been soaked with slime. He was dripping, he was messy... and he was still completely wolf. The enhanced pack had not worked. Dakota turned and dropped down onto all fours before he ran along the street, leaving slimy paw prints behind him. Eli switched the nozzle and started firing slime tethers but Dakota was too fast.

The wolf rounded the corner, figuring he was home free... until there was a whistle in the air. The wolf dodged to the side as a dart sailed past his head. Dakota turned around, looking for the source. An animal control van was rolling up the street with Nico leaning out of the side. The wolf snarled and broke into a full run at the van. The driver freaked out and swerved, causing Nico to lunge out of the van. He had to run a few steps to displace his momentum.

Dakota leapt onto the hood of the van and then ran up the windshield and over the top. Nico followed Dakota carefully before leading his shot and firing. Dakota had barely landed on the asphalt before he felt the needle plunge through his fur and into his flesh. His left arm fell asleep at once and he stumbled a bit before rising up onto all fours, turning to face Nico. He bore his fangs and reached for his wolf cock again but Nico fired once more.

This time the dart hit Dakota in the chest. Dakota grunted before grabbing the needle with his paw, throwing it away. He took another step, then another before he staggered. Dakota's lips curled a bit with dismay as he fell onto one knee, then the other. The gray wolf gave a swipe at Nico with his paw before he passed out on the curb, panting quickly despite being tranquilized. Nico groaned a bit at the exertion before he moved over to secure the werewolf.


Slime oozed out of Gray's boots as he moved back toward the Ecto. Seth kept trying to help him but he refused. The tears in his uniform had been covered over with black cloth patches with adhesive sides, though they still stood out a bit. Gray reached up to wipe his slime soaked hair out of his face as he looked in the back of the animal control van. Dakota's body was sprawled out, no longer looking quite so trim and fit. The gloves were bulkier, the feet were thicker and where the layers of the furs uit over lapped, the seams made tiny bules.

"That... is not the wolf that I faced down..." Nico commented, looking at the colorful anime like cartoon eyes the fur suit mask had on it.

"No, this is what lured Dakota in." Grayson murmured. Nico looked stunned.

"It IS Dakota?" he asked.

"It is, I heard him..." Gray replied.

"There's a zipper here..." Eli said, reaching for it. He began to tug on the zipper a bit. The zipper stuck for a moment before it started to give way, revealing the muscled brown chest of their teammate beneath.

"Let's get it all off him while we can." Gray said, reaching for the head piece. His slime covered fingers slipped under the rim before he pried the collar up. The head of the fur suit stuck for a moment before it all but popped off. Dakota's face beneath was faintly stretched into a muzzle but it reverted to normal as the head piece came off.

"So he had to be sedated to get it off?" Dakota asked, peeling off a glove.

"I hope the same isn't true for whoever he converted already." Eli said, looking around the city block with concern.


The sounds of wet sloppy sex echoed out across the high school track, though it was so dark that the runners hadn't seen the wolves coming until it was too late. A Jefferson High senior was on his hands and knees, drooling uncontrollably as a thick, fat red wolf cock slid in and out of his ass. His lanky frail form was gaining new muscles as his ass got hairy and then furry, his tongue growing out longer from his lips as his ears stretched into points. Carlos licked at the neck of the teenager eagerly. Next to Carlos and his conquest, Bryson was face fucking another runner, a nineteen year old with dyed blue hair. As the fur spread down his cheeks it faded from blue to green to gray, but the dye seemed to be rather prolific as the change spread.

Carlos and Bryson had never felt so alive, but as they thrust into their new mates, something started to change. The cool night wind felt colder as it cut right through the fur and hit their skin... skin that was starting to reemerge. The fur faded from the two wolves, blowing away and dissolving into nothingness. As their bare flesh was revealed, even their ears started to retract and shift back down the sides of their heads.

The two werewolves whimpered in bitter despair as they returned to normal, feeling their specialness stripped away. Soon their naked knees were pressing into the hard track. They both watched their bright red canine cocks fade back into softer pink human ones. The changes they had influenced in their partners started to fade as well, though not quite as much. Carlos' mate's ass still seemed abnormally fuzzy and the bluish green mutton chops Bryson's partner had seemed to stay.

With a few more feeble thrusts of their cocks, the two felt the last of the special energy leave them. They knew they were human again, fucking two innocent bystanders on the street. Carlos slowly pulled out of his partner, crawling back, panting hard in shock at what he had done. Bryson removed his member a little more reluctantly before he looked at his friend. There was a moment of silence before he moved to cling to Carlos.

"I'm so sorry..." Bryson whispered.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, it's not your fault." Carlos whispered back. There was a faint licking of lips as one of the rubbers got back up.

"You guys aren't finished are you?" the mutton chop boy asked, "You taste so good..." he whispered. The other groaned a bit, his furry ass still hiked up in the air.

"I don't know if I'm tripping or what man, but don't leave me hanging... C'mon, finish me off." He begged. Carlos and Bryson looked at each other for a moment before they grinned a bit, their cocks getting hard again already. Sometimes it was amazing to be a teenager with too many hormones.


Five sets of footsteps came up the steps to Dakota's house as they came through the open front door. Dakota was leading them, dressed in a backup brown Ghostbuster uniform from the Ecto.

"It's right over here, I... I can't believe I was so stupid." Dakota murmured.

"Well if this was meant to be bait, you might not have been able to help it." Gray said. Dakota turned and came to a sudden stop, managing to get Gray to slam into the back of him. Seth had to side step out of the way to prevent piling up into them as well. As Seth stepped to the side, the reason for the sudden stop became apparent.

"It was right there, I... don't know what happened..." Dakota murmured, looking down at splintered pieces of red wood and warped, twisted metal.

"That was the steamer trunk?" Eli asked in surprise.

"Unless someone came in and switched it, that's all that's left." Dakota murmured.

"Maybe its power broke when we got the suit off of you, or maybe it only worked long enough to manifest the suit." Nico said.

"Wait, you mean... the trunk could make the suit thing?" Dakota asked.

"We talked to the company that brought the trunk in. Each of the workers saw something different inside it, something that they wanted, but the trunk wouldn't let them have any of it. It was waiting." Eli said softly.

"Waiting, for me." Dakota murmured back.

"There's one thing I don't get though, why a fur suit?" Seth mused. Dakota let out a deep sigh before his shoulders hunched a bit.

"Have you guys... heard about furries?" Dakota asked after a moment.

"I have... Actually made friends with a lot of them before I got with Eli." Nico admitted.

"Well, I guess I am one... I never really thought about it until that time with Tycho, he pointed it out to me." Dakota said.

"You don't think he's involved..." Grayson murmured. Seth shook his head.

"No, I think he just had good senses... and that trunk might have picked up the same thing." Seth said. Nico moved over and crouched down, picking up some of the pieces of the trunk. He flipped them over and over before he stopped. One of the pieces had a small engraving, two curves almost overlapping like two C's next to each other.

"I wonder if this is a signature of who made the trunk..." Nico said, showing it to Gray. Gray examined it before nodding.

"Quite possible. We can run the symbol through our database, but right now we've got to gather up the evidence, dump the suit into the containment unit and get the Ecto to the repair shop." Gray said.

"I better find our punch card; this repair is the free one." Seth rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay Dakota?" Eli asked, rubbing his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm going to be okay. I'll grab my laptop and come back to the firehouse though, just so you can keep an eye on me if you need to." Dakota said.

"Sounds good to us. We'll wait until you're ready." Gray smiled. Dakota gave a nod before moving off. Eli slowly looked over at Nico.

"So you dated furries?" Eli asked. Nico threw up his hands.

"Hey, I was into a lot of things. But now my heart yearns only for you." Nico smiled. Eli smirked and gave Nico a soft kiss before he moved to help gather the pieces up. Gray, meanwhile, was focused on the piece of wood and what the symbol could possibly mean.


Dakota opened the door to the firehouse bedrooms and moved in, yawning a bit. He glanced over and spotted Rerun curled up into a ball of robin's egg blue and silver tail floating just above the last bed, clutching a stuffed elephant to his chest. Dakota gave it little mind as he moved for the nearest bed, moving to lie down on his stomach. He groaned a bit, cursing his body a little. He was only in his twenties but already his back and legs hurt. Then again, running around as a werewolf likely could have something to do with that.

Once he was comfortable, Dakota set his table up on the end of the bed and opened it, resuming it from hibernation. He opened his web browser, connected to the firehouse's internet and opened his favorite internet tabs. He poked through a few meme sights before he found his cursor clicking on FurAffinity. Dakota watched the page load and glanced around at it before his eyes were drawn to the top, to the notifications... and to four new watchers.

The notification page loaded, listing those that had recently added Dakota's page; RedWolf69, LoboDios, BluBreeze and Fuzzrunnr. Dakota clicked on the first page and let it load, noticing the journal entitled 'Portland Pack Represent'. He loaded the page and read through the graphic description of RedWolf's time as a werewolf and his reversion but how the experience had brought him and his boyfriend closer together and how he'd cherish it forever.

Dakota started scrolling down, seeing comments from other users on the site and the support they were giving. Some didn't believe that RedWolf had transformed at all, believing it to be some story or urban legend but others were more convinced. Dakota felt his heart flutter a bit. Even in his short time as an alpha wolf he'd inspired followers. He just wondered if he had a right to touch their lives after the ordeal, if they'd want to see him again. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered if they'd still be attracted to him... Dakota groaned and closed his laptop, resisting the urge to hump the mattress beneath him. Whatever the steamer trunk had been, it had come up with some rather fascinating bait... and it had hooked him well more than skin deep.

Ghostbusters: Regenesis 21 - Ghost in the Machine

**Ghostbusters: Regenesis** Chapter 21 (Ghost in the Machine) Written by Leo\_Todrius Sponsored by MattCatt The server room of Green Gear Gaming was cool, clean and dark. The server stacks buzzed and hummed with perfect regularity, tiny lights...

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 19 - Rules of the Road

**Ghostbusters: Regenesis** Chapter 19 (Rules of the Road) Written by Leo\_Todrius Sponsored by Nuwisha55 The full moon hung in the sky, showering light down on the otherwise dark night. Dust blew across I-84, the interstate oddly calm. It...

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 18 - Afterlife of the Party

**Ghostbusters: Regenesis** Chapter 18 (Afterlife of the Party) Written by Leo\_Todrius Sponsored and edited by Boredom Dark December clouds hung ominously in the heavens, blanketing the Willamette valley with an unusually early and plentiful...

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