Ghostbusters: Regenesis 19 - Rules of the Road

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#19 of Ghostbusters

Written by leotodrius

Sponsored by :Nuwisha55:For months the corrupted boar biker has eluded the Ghostbusters, creating a gang of tainted followers, but just what has eluded him? What are his plans and goals, and can anyone stop him?

This story was really interesting to do because it brought us to the final part of the demon barber legacy. Three kids turned into monstrosities and each of them managed to have a huge impact with their new powers. It was really fun to do another call back to that.Twenty five years after the Ghostbusters pioneered paranormal investigations and eliminations as a business model, franchise departments have spread across the United States. One such franchise operates in Portland Oregon.

This story accepts the movies, the 2010 game, "Real Ghostbusters" and "Extreme Ghostbusters" as canon history and combines elements from all four sources.Ghostbusters, the "No-Ghost Logo" and subsequent marks and trademarks are the authorized copyright property of Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures and are used freely per 17 U.S.C. Section 107 aka the "Fair Use Statute." This story is in no way, shape, or form associated with Columbia Tri-Star entertainment or it's works. All intellectual property belongs to its respective owners.

Ghostbusters: Regenesis Chapter 19 (Rules of the Road) Written by Leo_Todrius Sponsored by Nuwisha55

The full moon hung in the sky, showering light down on the otherwise dark night. Dust blew across I-84, the interstate oddly calm. It would have been completely lifeless if not for the eighteen year old running along the road, panting as his black and purple DC sneakers grabbed at the worn out cement. Sage's red hair was soaked with sweat, his eyes swollen with exhaustion, his body weary and his fingers numb. Even his smooth freckled cheeks were pale. It had been days since he'd eaten, weeks since he'd gotten a full night's sleep... but he had to get to La Grande, he had to get help.

Each breath felt rough on Sage's throat. He tried to swallow to make it better but it didn't help at all. He knew he'd have to go off the road, go into the Whitman national forest to find some water. Part of that idea relieved Sage, he knew he wasn't safe on the roads... not with what he knew, but if he stopped making progress, it wouldn't be long before they caught up to him. Sage debated his choices until the moment he heard the growl of a motorcycle in the distance. Sage's heart stopped.

Far down the road, an orange headlight flickered to life as a chrome and black motorcycle sped along, flames spilling from the long, thick exhaust. Several more headlights snapped on as more motorcycles appeared, speeding down the interstate. Sage was out of time. He turned off the road and ran down the slope, his shoes skidding in the pine needles and twigs before he bounded up the incline on the other side.

Sage pushed off of the trees around him, managing to keep going despite stumbling, his heart racing. They had found him after everything he'd tried. Sage reached into his shirt and fumbled around before he pulled out a small gold medallion with a tiny glass bead in the center, pink ectoplasm sloshing around inside of it. Sage knew it was going to be the only thing that protected him now.

Back at the highway the Motorcycles turned off the road, speeding up recklessly into the trees with no hint of fear or hesitation. The heavy motorcycles crushed twigs and branches, pushed through small limbs and sent animals scattering in every direction. The bikers exchanged whoops of excitement to one another as they narrowed in on their prey. In another few moments they finally caught sight of Sage running and moved to intercept.

Sage heard the motorcycles closing in and tried to cut to the right, making a B-line for a hollowed out tree. Two of the bikers swooped close to each other, holding out their hands. As they touched for an instant and separated, a long gooey string of ectoplasm stretched out between them, forming a wobbling rope. The bikers turned their bikes and sped past Sage on both sides.

The red headed teenager was knocked off his feet, falling backward onto his shoulders. The sudden impact of the ground knocked the wind out of him and he wheezed and panted, his eyes aching and strobbing with a near concussion. Sage lay on the ground motionless, hearing the motorcycles circle around him before they came to a stop.

Two spiked boots came down off of one of the bikes, pressing into the crushed leaves and the dirt. The biker wore leather pants and a sleeveless leather vest emblazoned with the logo of a red demon skull with a Mohawk of flame rising above it. Much like the emblem, the biker had a tall Mohawk of flaming orange and red hair, but it was there that the similarities ended. Unlike the red demon, his skin was as dark gray as the cement of the interstate. The biker's head extended before him into the muzzle of a boar, his snout thick and wet, a heavy metal ring hanging from it. His pig ears were loaded down with piercings and a thick, long, bushy snow white beard hung from his long face.

The boar biker stepped forward, his cloven hand coming down to stroke his dark gray boar cock. A thick yellowish pre began to drool from the tip. The boar ran his tongue across his leathery lips and his thick tusks, looking at the winded human. Sage forced himself over, trying in a futile effort to crawl away. As he moved, more of the bikers climbed off their bikes to block his path. Sage looked up at a massive muscled, bearded lion man next to an orc and a rhino with mutton chops. They too were all stroking their beastly cocks.

Despite Sage's fear, he looked away from the bikers and at their motorcycles. Each one was different, unique, beastly... and each had an almost skull like shape to the handlebars, the headlights coming out of where the eyes would have been. Sage knew the truth about it all. Each of the motorcycles had once been humans... the bikes and the bikers had all been normal people in a small rural neighborhood before the gang came to town and corrupted them all... and Sage was the last one.

"Sage, we've been looking for you for so long..." The boar biker said, his cock still dribbling as he approached his prey.

"Sorry Core, I had other things to do." Sage murmured. The boar snorted at that.

"That's the problem with kids these days... Too fucking responsible, too by the book. You guys need to know how to unwind, how to let loose. It's something a barber friend of mine taught me a while back, a lesson I want to share with everyone." Core grinned softly.

"I'll resist you..." Sage said, backing up on the ground slowly.

"Sure you will... You'll slam down the breaks even as the tires spin, choking the air with the sweet smell of burning rubber before we peel out together." Core grinned. He grabbed Sage's head, his thumbs pushing against his cheeks to pop his jaw open. Sage grunted at the brute force but he nearly gagged as the hot, grey cock was pushed between his lips.

The biker started to thrust in and out as the other bikers closed in, masturbating all around him. The lion and the Rhino grunted first and started to shower Sage with tainted biker cum, but Core came soon after. Sage tried to keep his throat shut as the cum came, filling his mouth with salty manliness. It backed up, coating his teeth and drowning his tongue before it leaked out of his nose. The cum clung to tiny invisible hairs on his upper lip, bonding with them, helping them to grow and stretch. The strands lengthened and thickened into a bushy red mustache that curved down over his upper lip, then even his lower lip.

The cum ran down the sides of his mouth before his mouth opened wider, the semen inside leaking out across his chin. More red hair grew out rapidly from his face, spreading up his cheeks and hooking around his ears. Sage's sweaty red hair started to thin out, growing sparser and sparser before it fell out, revealing a smooth scalp that was a dire contrast to his thickening red beard.

Core grinned in triumph, thrusting in and out of the teenager's mouth, looking down at him as his beard grew righteous and gnarly, bushy and thick, dropping down... Sage's breath grew faint and at last he had to open his throat to gasp for air, but as he did Core slammed his cock down deeper. The cum poured down Sage's throat and into his stomach, a stomach that started to take the cum in instantly.

The student's frail body started to thicken at once. His flat stomach grew soft, then distended, then started to round. His flat chest began to bulge as well as his pectorals ballooned. His t-shirt grew tighter and tighter before it lifted up, revealing a bloating belly beneath. Thick red curls of hair began to push out of the stomach, creating a fiery treasure trail down to his package below... a package that was growing rapidly.

As Sage's t-shirt became little more than a bikini top for his man tits, his khaki pants began to stretch and contort. The sound of popping stitches came from his pant legs as his thighs widened and his feet grew. His DC's began to stretch and shift before they popped off, revealing growing feet. The socks grew moist with sweat as the toes elongated. Even Sage's legs grew hairier as the legs of his pants tore up higher and higher.

Another uncomfortable tearing sound came as the seat of the teenager's pants tore, revealing torn boxer briefs beneath. As the fabric pushed apart, ample mounds of a hairy red ass were revealed, well matched to the big belly Sage had received. The tented cloth over his groin struggled to maintain its strength, quivering and stretching before at last it failed. Sage watched with big green eyes as a python sized cock slithered up, slapping against his hairy belly. The cock stretched out to eleven inches, then thirteen. The skin around his cock pushed up around his mushroom shaped head, closing in over the top to reform his foreskin and trap his manly essence inside.

Core continued thrusting in and out of the red bearded man's mouth, his rough biker hand caressing the smooth scalp as his orgasm came to an end. Slowly the boar pulled out of the teenager's mouth and stepped back to look at his new creation. While Sage still had the eyes and nose of an eighteen year old, he had the shaved head and beard of someone at least ten years older. His belly was mighty, his legs huge... but decidedly human.

The boar biker was a little surprised. None of his converts had remained human, though Sage was certainly still attractive. He watched the rest of his bikers finish showering Sage with cum. Sage didn't look up. His eyes were locked on what his body had become... and on the gold pendant hanging around his neck. Sage knew his planning had worked. He'd been changed but he still had his own mind, he hadn't been brainwashed by them. He just had to play along long enough to call for help, to call the Ghostbusters.


The large dome lights of the workshop were all illuminated as Nico sat at the drafting table by the door, sketching out new designs while Grayson and Seth welded on the far side of the room. The designs were radically different than any of the equipment that the Ghostbusters had worked with before. The lines were more angular, the casing more uniform... and the output more limited. Nico had finished the technical layout of the weapon and sketched a navy blue copy of the design with yellow and black caution striping and the Ghostbuster logo on the top.

"It still seems strange that we're going to be designing weapons for the military." Nico murmured. Gray turned off his torch and lifted his goggles.

"Well, military trained... and funded I guess, but... They're an extreme tactical team for when we're in over our heads." Grayson said.

"Assuming that the government figures out how to fund them." Seth added wryly, not stopping his work. Gray lifted up the prototype from the table he'd been working on, the composite steel taking on the dark navy blue from the drawings. There were even slightly recessed partitions where the caution striping would lay. The riffle was light enough it could be used with one hand but was designed for use with two given the extreme recoil of the rapid fire energy. After a few moments Seth turned off his torch and Gray looked over at the first batch of Meson cartridges.

"Looking good Seth." Gray said, picking up one of the ones that had cooled off already, sliding it into a gap in the top of the riffle, feeling it click into place before he hit the release lever and it popped back out. Nico watched the test before he looked back at the technical draft he had worked on.

"It isn't that I don't like the idea of back up, but won't they just reverse engineer this? Figure out how to do it all without us?" Nico asked.

"There's a chance... though they love contracting out their work as a general rule, but you're forgetting the Ghostbusters' first major weapon." Grayson smiled.

"What's that?" Nico asked. Gray grinned.

"Public relations. Ghostbusters have been getting jobs longer than we even knew how to bust ghosts." Gray smirked. The door to the workshop eased open and Dakota moved in, though he was looking a bit different than usual. He wore a big gray t-shirt with a black paw print on the chest and his feet were covered in fuzzy gray slippers. His blue and green plaid pajamas seemed to indicate that he'd been asleep upstairs.

"Guys, you better come see this..." Dakota murmured. The other ghostbusters stood up and moved out of the workshop and into the garage, hesitating a bit. Next to their Ecto was an insanely intense motorcycle. The tires were almost four feet wide but the tread looked almost like spikes. The chrome rods connecting the front wheel to the body looked like spiraling snakes and the handlebars were mounted like bull horns sticking out of a rather convincing looking chrome skull, the metal teeth locked in a grin as metal braid came down from its chin. The seat was well worn black leather, glistening in places from a natural sheen.

Seth's muscles tightened as he saw the motorcycle. He had seen one of those before, over a year earlier outside a Portland bar. They had been in pursuit when the possessed bikers used their powers to escape at unmatchable speeds. It had been one of Seth's biggest regrets. While Seth had focused on the bike, Nico and Grayson were looking at the biker standing at the table. His hairy belly stuck out of his leather vest, his red beard coming down to his collar bone, a spiked leather collar beneath. A leather cod piece seemed unable or unwilling to contain him and his chaps left little else to the imagination.

"Get your blasters..." Gray ordered.

"Wait, guys, he's... he's still in there." Eli said from the table, waving his hands.

"What do you mean he's in there?" Seth asked, moving forward. Sage sighed and turned around.

"It means that I'm still in control of my faculties... Even though my body was changed. I came here to get help, to stop Core's biker gang." Sage explained.

"Core?" Dakota asked.

"His name was originally Cory... He was the victim of the barber ghost." Grayson explained.

"The one we had to thank for the gorgon and all those big foots?" Dakota asked.

"The same one. None of his victims returned to normal." Grayson said.

"We're all very well aware of what's gone on in the past..." Nico said, getting his colleagues to suit up as he moved over to the biker, "How did you survive the change? How did you make it here?" Nico asked.

"I... Before this ever started, I stayed up late on the internet, treading about your exploits and looking up leaked plans for proton packs and things..." Sage explained. Dakota grinned a bit.

"So did I..." Dakota admitted. Seth looked at Dakota.

"You used them to build unlicensed nuclear emitters..." Dakota murmured.

"Well I didn't have access to anything like that, but we had found this pond of ectoplasm near our town... and I knew that if it didn't have its own charge, I could turn it into psychomagnitheric slime... Charge it with all the best parts of myself. I put it into my necklace so when they changed me that it might protect who I was inside, and it did." Sage said. Gray moved forward and reached out, lifting up the gold necklace. He ran his fingers over the gold metal, touching the engravings.

"The lines are like Thana's prison, the Native American ghost trap from the river..." Gray murmured, looking back at Sage. If they had found him in a different way, he would have been a perfect recruit for the government's initiative.

"You have to help me. They changed everyone where I live but that's just the start. They're planning something big next. I don't know if they're going to go to La Grande or up into Washington but they're not going to wait much longer." Sage said.

"There's nothing we want to do more than stop them, we just have to develop a strategy. The last time we tried they were able to escape so fast that there was a shockwave." Seth said.

"We could develop a PKE barrier, sort of like what Thana did to keep the other Ghostbusters out..." Eli suggested.

"That would take a lot of equipment... Sage said we don't have much time." Grayson said softly.

"There's no way to keep up with them without being one of them." Seth replied. Sage looked up at that.

"Then... maybe that's the plan. If you have more of the mood slime, you could use me to become something to keep up with them." Sage said, licking his lips a bit. Despite retaining his mind, his huge hairy masculine body still had yearnings and Sage was finding more and more things aroused him.

"Out of the question..." Grayson murmured softly.

"Gray, we might have to resort to that plan if they make their move." Seth replied. Gray shifted a bit uncomfortably.

"Alright... I'm going to have to call the governor, tell him there's a heightened risk but we're on it. Then we'll start work on some emitters. We may not be able to cut off an entire city but we should be able to cordon them off." Gray said.

"Good plan. When do we get to work?" Dakota asked.

"Dakota, Nico, start working on the emitters. Eli, make our guest comfortable, find out everything you can. Seth, I want you to try and figure out where they are now, what their likely target is." Gray said. The Ghostbusters nodded before they headed off in various directions. It was time to get to work.


Twigs snapped and twisted as the heavy boots of the bikers moved through the under growth. It was far from their favorite setting, but Sage's escape had raised question Core wanted an answer to. His plan had been seamless. He had infected pivotal figures of the town, cut off the utilities, cordoned off the neighborhood and corrupted them all... All but Sage. He'd been the last hold out. Some of the men made mention of his necklace and that led them out behind Sage's house.

Core missed his bike and his partners, the comforts of home but he had to keep looking. Somewhere in the back of his mind he still felt lonely. Kobe, Jay and the barber were gone now, at least as he knew them. He missed them as much as he loved his new family. He didn't want anything to put that at risk.

"CORE!" One of the bikers shouted. The boar turned, looking over at a muscled otter biker, his fat tail swinging behind him. Core said nothing, moving over. As he advanced, a slight pink sheen shimmered from a pond in the ground, a pond no wider than Core's waist. The boar crouched down and started reaching for the pond, though as he did the gray pigment on his hand started to fade, his color slowly shifting to a human tone.

"Stay back..." Core warned, pulling his hand back from the pond, watching the dull gray return over the course of a few seconds. He hesitated for a moment before he stood, looking around to find a stick, returning with one a short moment later. He moved the stick into the pool of slime, trying to probe its depth. Before long his hand had reached the perimeter of the field without reaching bottom. Core bore his tusks a bit before he dropped the stick.

"What are we going to do Core?" came the deep growling voice of Core's lion companion. Core grinned a bit.

"We're going to stop anyone and anything that stands in our way. This stuff just needs to be brought around to the cause." Core said, unzipping his pants before he brought out his shaft and started to stroke. The other bikers soon joined in, presenting their masculine shafts like some sort of soldier going into war. The air soon filled with the sounds of grunting men before they started to shudder, unleashing showers of tainted semen toward the pond.

The cum turned from its yellowish shade back to the ivory white of their former human lives as it splashed into the pool, but it wasn't the cum that was going to taint the positive oasis. The slime reacted to psychological states and the lusty perversion the biker gang was full of was starting to influence the slime. The pink pool began to shift and darken, turning green and then purple, the purple darkening almost to a caustic black color.

As the slime lost its positive charge, the cum spraying into the pool no longer reverted, staying just as corruptive and nasty. Even the plants around the pond started to change, growing larger and thicker, beads of slimy condensation forming on them. Core grinned wide, feeling quite accomplished. There was one less threat to their plans, though they still had to find out what had happened to Sage.


Sage lifted the mug to his lips and sipped at the amber liquid, though the super sweet apple juice was not what his mouth was expecting to find. He licked his lips to try and get rid of the flavor, wondering if his hosts had anything a bit stronger. He leaned back in the large chair, feeling like he was prying the arm rests apart from the rest of the frame. His hand roamed up and down his leg a bit before he reached to rearrange his package, giving himself a few good gropes.

Eli sat across from Sage, a tablet computer in his lap. He'd taken photos of Sage, looked up his public records and written down all the notes he could but it seemed that Sage was getting more and more distracted. Eli reached beside the chair and lifted his PKE meter and turned it on. The red bars with the white diode tips quirked a little, registering a low level unusual energy field but not enough to be of much note. Eli set the meter down on the table and went back to his note keeping.

"So the biker gang uses their quick escape whenever they come across police?" Eli asked. Sage considered.

"I think so, except when they come across motorcycle cops. They're too easy to convert into the gang. I think I heard them talking though that they had to leave southern Washington because they converted enough cops that the sheriffs were coming to look for them and they needed more time." Sage said.

"It's really fascinating... I mean the three converts at the barber shop were high school kids like you, changed seemingly at random... but once converted they each used tactical precision in their movements and two of the three started massive recruiting drives." Eli said, deciding to write down his observations. Sage said nothing, though Eli didn't notice that his guest had slipped a hand into his pants or that the PKE meter was indicating the charge was growing slightly.

Sage wrapped his fingers around his cock and started to stroke it up and down, his eyes closing shut. His cock was so fat and so perfect in his hands. He tried to resist moaning, not wanting to upset Eli. Soon, though, the pleasure proved to be too much. Sage gasped as his balls seized up and his cock pulsed, his spunk spraying out. He semen splattered across Eli's tablet computer and his hands. Eli looked up in shock at the man, though he soon felt a tingling sweeping into his fingers.

Eli looked down, seeing blonde hair growing out of his knuckles and across the backs of his hands. The change moved up Eli's arms as they grew hairier, thick curls coming from his chest next. Eli moaned himself as his shirt tightened, thick muscles covering his chest, his abdomen firming. Blood began to rush into Eli's groin, causing his manhood to firm and swell, bloating in his pants. Soon thick curls of blond hair rushed down from the legs of his shorts, coating his thighs and ankles, then even his feet. In mere moments thick blonde stubble covered Eli's face as his neck thickened with muscle. The Ghostbuster stumbled to his feet and moved to the stairs, panting hard as his voice deepened and a mustache started growing in.

"Guys, we need the suppressors..." Eli called down. A moment later Nico appeared at the base of the stairs, gasping as he saw Eli before he moved up. Nico took Eli to the side of the stairs and started pulling a wrist band on around him, though as Eli's wrist grew it proved a bit difficult.

"What happened?" Nico asked.

"I guess Sage is a little less repressed than we thought..." Eli said, looking at Nico as a grin curled across his lips, "God I want to fuck that pretty mouth of yours..." Eli said. Nico's dark eyes widened in surprise before he grinned.

"That must be pretty potent stuff..." Nico said, snapping the bracelet into place. Eli's eyes slipped shut for a moment before he blinked, shaking the fuzziness off his brain.

"Oh wow... Talk about clearing your head." Eli said.

"So its working?" Nico asked. Eli considered.

"I still want to fuck you, but I know I can wait until the right time." Eli replied. After a moment the bracelet chirped and Eli looked down.

"We designed it to study the field, to learn how to suppress it and configure it better." Nico said. Eli nodded at that.

"So you can turn up the visual effect without losing any more of the person?" Sage asked. Nico shrugged a bit.

"Theoretically." Nico replied. Sage grinned at that.

"Then I know what we have to do..." Sage said. Nico and Eli looked at each other at that.


The sound of motorcycle engines revving filled the glade, the demonic bikes glistening in the late afternoon light. The bikers had all assembled, preparing themselves for the invasion that was to come. They had cracked open the last keg of beer to fuel themselves up, knowing a lot of conversions awaited them. Core still felt unsettled that Sage had left them, knowing now that his remaining human had been a warning sign he shouldn't have overlooked. Still, the time was right. They couldn't put it off any more.

"Gentlemen..." Core called out, earning a chortling laughter from all the bikers that felt anything but gentle. Core grinned, "The time has come..." Core trailed off, his pig ears twitching as he heard another bike in the distance. The bikers turned to see Sage's chrome chopper coming around the corner, mounted by a massive bellied, red bearded biker man... but he wasn't staying a man.

As Sage rounded the corner, his face began to morph and stretch, the jaw popping as it elongated. His teeth stretched out into fangs and his nose upturned, revealing the nostrils before it rounded and darkened, becoming black and moist. Even at a great distance, Core could see Sage's ears grow into points as orange fur grew over them and his bald head. His muzzle grew more canine as the fur swept down his neck and shoulders, covering his arms and belly and eventually legs.

Even Sage's sagging jeans made room for a thick fluffy tail to grow out of the back above his thick crack, the tail growing fluffier and fluffier as the tip grew white and the tail itself remained red. Sage put on the brakes and rolled to a stop a short distance from them, his fingernails growing out into claws as parts of his palms swelled into paw pads. Sage had left his humanity behind.

"Sorry Core, had to clear my head. I'm better now." Sage said. Core grinned at that, feeling as if everything had fallen back into place.

"Its good to have you back brother, very good." Core said, moving to grab a red plastic cup and fill it with beer from the keg. As the glass filled, the alcohol ignited with demonic fire. Core brought the cup over to Sage, offering it with a broad muzzled grin. Sage accepted the cup, forcing himself not to look at the suppressor on his wrist, wondering if the demonic drink would push him over the edge... but he'd done his part, he had bought time for the others.


Grayson, Seth, Dakota, Nico and Eli stood on a closed stretch of I-84. Instead of conventional proton packs, each Ghostbuster wore the heavy blue slime resonance packs that they had used against the bigfoots. The Ecto-11 was near by, pulled off to the side of the road. The barriers that they had managed to complete in time had been installed at two points in the road and Sage would guide the gang between the two if they were lucky. The only issue now was keeping up with them one way or another.

"Alright... Lets get this party underway." Grayson said, looking at the bracelet on his wrist. He'd never intended to initiate a transformation in himself before, but the bracelet would let him change his appearance while keeping his own mentality inside. It was risky but it had to be done. Gray flicked the switch and felt the field starting to saturate him.

The other busters watched as Gray's bones started to creak and crack, popping and shifting. Gray stretched taller inch by inch, his shoulders widening. His black uniform started to grow tight, first around his muscled arms but also his stomach as he developed a bit of a gut. Gray's asian heritage started to look more Mongolian as his upper lip darkened with a mustache, then the beard spread across his cheeks.

Grayson's change continued, though the most distinct shift came as a streak of white grey into his hair... then a second. Gray moaned as his ass rounded and his pants sagged, making room for a waggling wedge of fur and flesh. The tail grew in, taking on its own white stripes as it dropped out of the back of his pants. Gray's fingernails stretched into claws and his beard began dominating more and more of his face as fur.

Seth murmured in amazement as Grayson's face pushed out into a short muzzle, his nose lifting up and moistening, whiskers emerging from his cheeks. Soon Gray had the head of a skunk man... a rather fat but very strong skunk man. The slime tank that dwarfed them normally looked like it fit perfectly as Gray passed six foot four, a large skunk tail lifting up behind him. Seth reached over, resting a hand on Gray's shoulder.

"You feel alright?" Seth asked. Gray considered.

"I feel horny but alright. I can manage." Gray said, though his voice was much deeper. Seth had to resist the urge to jump him right there. A short distance away, Nico clicked his signal, saturating himself with the ghost biker's PKE energy. At first he felt like nothing was happening, but soon he felt like his mouth was getting a bit stiff. He ran his tongue across his teeth before he opened his mouth, his teeth glinting a bright silver chrome.

"Guys?" Nico asked softly before he shuddered, his legs giving out. Nico fell forward onto all fours, his hands and feet quite numb. The other ghostbusters moved forward, but they soon gasped as they saw that the pack had started to sink into Nico's body. Nico blinked a few times, his eyes actually starting to emit light. Nico closed his eyes again, the flesh shifting before he opened them and they had split, pushing to the sides to give him four glowing eyes. Eli let out a whimper, grabbing onto Gray.

"Turn it off, turn it off now!" Eli begged.

"We'll turn him back as soon as it is done. If we interrupt the process it might make it harder..." Gray said. Eli bit his lip, looking back, watching Nico leave humanity well behind. Nico's hands turned black and swelled, his fingers growing together. A tearing sound came from his boots as his feet expanded, rounding and inflating into actual tires. The black Ghostbuster uniform tore apart, revealing Nico's chest which looked half muscular and half mechanical.

Nico's spine started to stretch, extending the Ghostbuster to six feet tall, then seven, then eight. As he elongated, his proportions became boxier. His hips flattened, his shoulders squared. The metal of the slime pack spread across his back, darkening from blue to black. Even Nico's ass disappeared as his sides lifted up. Nico's head continued to stretch and widen, his face seizing into a permanent grin as his grill of chrome teeth spread out.

The other Ghostbusters watched, unable to do anything more as Nico stretched out in every direction. His head fused with his shoulders as he started growing in every direction. His chest muscles became a central shaft. His skin expanded into metal plate and his last human features disappeared. As Nico's body warped more and more, thick panels began popping up as a truck bed formed, then a truck cabin.

The black truck lifted up on thick rubber tires, the tread tough and robust. The exhaust spat out a thick cloud of smoke as it cleared itself, mud flaps dropping down behind the rear tires with the outlines of Eli's naked body leaned back to show off. The doors bubbled and shifted before Ghostbuster emblems appeared on them. The double headlights shone ahead and the engine roared as it settled into place before a light strip appeared above the truck cabin. It took a moment for the others to realize the change had come to a stop, the truck having finished changing.

"Wow..." Eli whispered softly.

"Yeah... But we'll change him back now." Grayson said. No sooner had the words left his mouth before the truck honked at them and the lights on the top flashed. Grayson hesitated.

"What does that mean?" Seth asked.

"Means he still wants to get the job done." Dakota said, moving over to open the door to the truck. Two heavy racing harnesses sat on the black leather seats, the dash display advanced... and with the suppressor blinking away where the stereo should have been. Gray moved to look in, seeing the suppressor was still working.

"So... Nico, you're still Nico?" Gray asked. Again the truck honked. Gray swallowed a bit before he looked to the others.

"I guess we still continue." Gray said. Seth and Eli took a breath before they activated their own devices. Seth shifted and moaned as he started growing taller, his already huge goatee growing down past his collar bone and then his sternum, elongating down to his belly button. Stubble exploded from his cheeks before it grew out to match the rest of his beard, a thick mustache coming in to cover over his mouth as a whole.

As Seth's beard grew in, he pushed past six and a half feet tall, then seven, then eight. His ears grew into points that climbed up past his ear before his face popped and snapped and grew forward into a muzzle. It was hard to tell what he was at first, but as his hands stretched into paws and the fur that covered his face turned black, it was a bit clearer that he was becoming a jackal. His uniform was stretched to the limit but managed to stay on. Seth rounded the truck and moved for the driver's side but a fuzzy blond and black spotted hand came down on his shoulder.

"I'm going to drive my boyfriend." Eli said as whiskers pushed out of his cheeks and his nose shifted into a feline one, black stripes coming down around his thick mustache. A cheetah tail spilled out of his pants and flipped around. Seth hesitated before he nodded. Eli climbed into the truck and settled down in the seat, though he gasped as the harness slipped up over his muscled chest on its own. The chair started to vibrate and massage Eli. Eli grinned, putting his boots down on the peddles, revving the engine. Seth moved to hop into the back of the truck, making sure his slime pack was secured before he helped Grayson up as well.

"Dakota, c'mon, activate the PKE field." Seth said with a deep growl. Dakota looked hesitant. He was worried about giving into the pleasure of the new forms, of his furry side taking over. He hadn't thought about that side of himself at all until Tycho the satyr had brought it up, now... it seemed like it posed a threat.

"Can't you just strap me into the passenger seat?" Dakota asked.

"If we go the speeds they used to get away last time, the inertia will kill you..." Grayson said. Dakota shifted uncomfortably.

"I don't think we should all go furry, what if something goes wrong?" Dakota asked. Gray hesitated, thinking about it for a moment before he nodded.

"Good idea, you're right. You stay here, make sure the barrier goes off. If we need back up we'll call you." Gray said. Dakota nodded a bit at that, looking at his skunk, cheetah and jackal friends.

"Time to go for a test drive." Eli said before he put his foot down and the truck screeched off into the wilderness. Dakota watched them go before he all but ran to the Ecto-11, throwing his pack over to the passenger side as he got in. Once the door was shut, he frantically grabbed at his belt, unstrapping it and unzipping his uniform, revealing his hard black cock.

Dakota leaned back, thrusting his hips into the air, squeezing his cock harder and harder as he humped his hand. He dreamed of Gray's black and white fur against his body, Eli's paws massaging his chest, Seth licking his ass and balls and everything between. He imagined his friends as wild and uncontrollable sex beasts and how perfect that would be for him. The shame Dakota felt about his feelings was nothing compared to the pleasure as he called out in bliss.


The sound of the biker gang pulling onto the interstate was impossible to ignore, the motorcycles growling like a herd of beasts trampling across the plains. The demonic headlights shone brightly from the metal skulls of the converts that hadn't been as fortunate to turn into beasts. Two by two, the bikes pulled out onto the road, ridden by boars and lions and tigers and bears. They were broad shouldered, full of heat and vigor, ready to corrupt an entire city.

Core and Sage pulled ahead, leading the pack of thirty six men. Core could feel their energy feeding back to him as they traveled together. The convoy moved out fully onto the road, moving as one... but as the red and blue lights snapped on behind them, the bikers grinned a bit. The cops were going to try and stop them.

Core flicked a switch on his bike and rocketed forward at an insane speed, joined soon after by the other bikers. Sage was a bit slow on the draw and fell to the back of the group, though he still felt the rush of going almost two hundred miles an hour. Back behind the group, the Ghostbusters were ready. The truck lurched forward as fire exploded out of the tail pipe. Seth and Gray felt the wind blowing through their fur as they caught up to the bikers.

The Ghostbusters in the bed of the truck moved to the side, turning up the pressure of their slime blowers. As they passed the first few bikers, the slime blowers turned on and thick blue waves of goo sprayed out, raining back at the bikers like a torrential downpour. The slime clung to the bikers and the bikes alike, the bikes slowly sputtering and slowing down, disappearing behind.

As the slime coated bikes came to a stop, the rest of the group disappeared around the corner, leaving those dosed behind. The bikers shuddered as their faces retracted back into human shapes, their hair grew shorter and all traces of claws disappeared from their hands. Their leather jackets became too large on their bodies as they shrunk back to regular size, but the strangest feelings came from what they were riding.

The tires on the bikes deflated quickly before pulling back into the shape of hands and feet. The metal bars shrank back, turning from metal to flesh as hair grew out on their arms again. Their headlights closed and remained shut before opening as eyes once again. The leather seats took on a bonier feeling as they turned back into a spine and an ass. Even the exhaust pipe grew fleshy and pink, tilting back around and retracting into a normal human phallus.

In a matter of moments two thirty year old men were straddling the backs of very confused twenty year olds. They looked around at each other in stunned surprise before they got off each other, trying to offer each other help with their predicament. A few moments later the distinctive Ghostbuster Siren sounded as the Ecto-11 came around the corner, rolling to a stop as the window came down.

"You guys alright?" Dakota asked. The others nodded a bit. Dakota tossed out a wrapped kit with multigrain bars and towels before he floored it and sped after the others again, disappearing around the corner.


Woops of excitement came as Dakota and Grayson continued to hose down bikers. It was almost like some sort of video game, spraying them down from the back of their ghost truck. Seth even lifted his head and let out a canine howl at one point before focusing on the task at hand again. In the cabin, Eli swerved and punched it, weaving between all the other bikers. They had taken down over fourteen of them, though one biker had tumbled off into the side brush after getting hosed down.

"This is amazing!" Seth growled happily, licking his fangs, though a triangular indicator with an exclamation point in the center started flashing on his riffle. Seth looked at Grayson and Grayson looked at his blaster, the same indicator going off. The two looked back at the slime covered road. They had hit a lot of the bikers, sure, but going at such a fast speed, a lot of slime was lost in the wind. They were running low.

"We have to get Eli's pack... or Dakota's..." Gray called out over the wind. Gray started moving for the cabin of the truck but his foot caught a small round lid as it popped up. Gray cursed before looking down, realizing the truck had opened a little flap like a gas cover... but beneath was a reservoir of blue slime. Dakota's slime pack had become an auxiliary tank. Gray grinned, pulling out a tube from his pack, dropping it into the reservoir.

The pack chirped as it pumped up the slime and began spraying it again, raining into the faces of other bikers. The bikes skidded and swerved before screeching to a stop, disappearing from sight behind them in a matter of seconds. The truck was narrowing in on the front of the pack, Core and Sage visible right ahead.

Eli shifted the truck, grunting as he felt the power course through his boyfriend, even cumming a little. The cum ran down around his leg and soaked through his uniform, wetting the black leather seat that seemed to soak in the seed. The truck's heavy tires tore at the cement, propelling them forward at almost three hundred miles an hour. Seth leaned over the edge a bit more, spraying the slime at the last of the bikers, trying not to get any on Nico.

The bikers continued to drop away like flies, the speed insurmountable without the psycho kinetic energy. Eli checked his mirrors before looking ahead. They were down to four, then three. Seth looked out at the lion that was just behind Sage and Core, the lion that had been a gay college freshman named Lee, one of the boar's first victims. The lion turned, snarling at the Ghostbusters, trying to veer away. Eli brought the truck over, chasing him to the side of the road.

"You're not getting away this time..." Seth growled before he opened fire, hitting Lee square in the lionine muzzle. The lion's bike swerved and shot off the road, rumbling along the side. Seth and Grayson saw him just long enough as the bike went into a tumble to see the bike and rider revert into humans before they came to a stop in a pile of tree needles. It was a rough landing but both should have been fine.

Up ahead, Core was pushing everything out of the bike he could. Every ounce of speed channeled through the power house. He was leaned down close to his bike, though his dark eyes looked at the mirror on his bike, seeing the truck being driven by a cheetah with a skunk and a jackal in the back. Core turned his head, looking at Sage.

"You did this, when you went to clear your head!" Core shouted.

"Of course I did! You forced all those people to change against their will!" Sage shouted back.

"They were free, you've put them in captivity again!" Core shouted back over the wind.

"They were never free. You just changed who the captor was!" Sage said before bringing his bike over, slamming it into Core's. The two motorcycles swerved and lost a little speed, threatening to crash messily. Core tried to pry Sage off before he snarled.

"You hypocrite... Riding your best friend and you talk to me about slavery. Admit it, he loved it when you filled his tailpipe with your cock, spread the chrome over him and made him a power house..." Core snarled.

"Spending my life with him like this is worse than having one more day getting to hear him talk. I'm doing this for him... We're going to stop you!" Sage screamed out, grabbing Core's bike, turning it off. The sudden acceleration came to a stop, sending the motorcycle hurtling back in relation to everyone else. Sage's bike flipped over and hit the cement, skidding along with sparks flying up as he tucked close to the bike.

Seeing the motorcycle losing itself, Seth and Gray sprayed out a sheet of slime before the truck. Core hit the sheet and both he and his motorcycle started to contract and simplify, chrome and leathery pig flesh turning back human. The only downside was that the spray of slime ahead of them had blown back and sprayed across the truck.

Eli brought the truck to a screeching halt as the cabin started to shrink around him. He pushed out of the door and dropped down onto the cement as the cabin filled in solid, shrinking rapidly. Seth and Gray jumped out, running over toward where Sage was with his bike, hosing him down as well. Eli remained with the truck, watching the bed turn back into an ass and a spine, the tires deflating back into hands and feet.

The sound of the growling motorcycle engines had faded away, replaced with groaning and moaning, the confused mutterings of all the men corrupted against their will... and the gurgling of a man fighting against a shower of slime. Core clawed at the road but his fingers were human again. Core's flaming Mohawk had been extinguished and fell away, short buzzed blond hair emerging from his head as his face turned back into an all-American teenager with chiseled cheek bones and the perfect jaw.

Even the biker outfit disappeared, leaving Core in underwear that was too big for him, his muscled body covered in blue slime. He panted softly, looking up at the Ghostbusters in rage at first, though the rage faded to confusion and then conflict over what he had done. Seth reached down, offering his hand to the former boar.

"Cory?" Seth asked. The teenager swallowed softly.

"Y... Yes?" he whispered.

"Your mother and father are going to be ecstatic to see you. Also, Kobe and Jay are alright now too." Seth said. Cory looked relieved at that, though he soon turned his head and looked at the veteran biker from the biker bar he had turned into his personal motorcycle. The man named Vic was whimpering gently, feeling so small and powerless compared to the motorcycle he had been moments earlier. It was a lot of adjustment.

Up the road, Gray had made it to where Sage was. Gray reached to his arm and flicked the suppressor back to full force, cutting out the PKE field as a whole. His body started to shrink and retract, the fur disappearing from his face as his skunk tail all but dissolved into sparkling light. Sage looked up wearily, though he smiled to see that Gray was turning back to normal. Sage turned and looked over, seeing another teenager near by with blue hair, nursing his arm. Sage gasped, getting up onto all fours.

"Robert!" Sage said, "Are you okay?"

"I... I must have fallen down." Robert murmured, "What happened?" he asked.

"It's a long, long story... but we have time to tell it now." Sage grinned, hugging Robert tight around the neck. Gray watched the two embrace before he turned, looking back, seeing Dakota bringing the Ecto-11 up the way, stopping just behind where Eli was cradling Nico's naked body. Gray felt so much better than Dakota had agreed to stay behind so they didn't have to walk back an ungodly number of miles... though there was still a lot of clean up to do with so many former bikers littered along the Interstate.


The ride home had become a rather quiet one for the Ghostbusters, at least after dropping off Vic, Cory and Sage. The sun had set, the city lights glimmered and the only glow inside the car came from Eli's tablet computer. He'd flipped through the old files, coming back to the barber shop. They'd found Cory, Jay and Kobe and reverted them all. The influence of the barber was finally put to rest.

"It's hard to imagine how many lives the barber touched with just a few customers." Eli said softly.

"Its hard to imagine that any human ghost could be that powerful. So often what we deal with comes from other dimensions, leaking through cracks. We have to remember that our own home grown villains can be just as dangerous." Gray replied.

"I wonder if that is why his victims didn't change back when he was defeated, that they were all operating on the same Psychokinetic Energy frequency." Seth said. Gray looked at the bracelet on his wrist.

"It could be... I think the suppressors were able to adapt well enough because of the similarities. Still, I wonder what other applications these might have in the future." Gray said. Dakota was silent where he sat, looking at his own suppressor, thinking about how the others had been able to turn into furry people and embrace the strange. Dakota started to wonder if he should take the suppressor home, experiment with it in his own time.

"Probably best to lock them up for now though. Can you imagine what would happen if someone found out a way to reverse it? To attack the brain without changing the exterior?" Seth asked. Gray nodded.

"We'll lock it up as soon as we get home, then we can relax after our long road trip." Seth said. Nico slowly turned to lean over to Eli.

"Maybe you can use your dipstick to check my oil levels." Nico whispered.

"I don't know if that's going to be a thing...' Eli murmured back before smirking.

"What, no car porn?" Nico asked.

"Not yet anyway, I need to get used to the idea. I mean, why a truck?" Eli asked.

"Powerful enough to be a top but with plenty of room in the trunk? Sounds obvious to me." Dakota smirked. Nico stuck out his tongue at that as the Ecto turned back into the firehouse, rolling off of the street and out of the night, the doors sliding shut behind them and locking into place. ****

The road to La Grande was open again, cars and trucks rumbling along at all times of the day and night. Headlights shone through the trees, though the small out of the way glen was unvisited, untouched and unthought about since it had been corrupted by the bikers. The black slime had congealed, growing thicker since Cory's downfall. It had been corrupted enough to contain its own darkness, the natural wild life around the hole mutating or dying away... but the silence of the pool was disrupted as a large bubble moved up, burping from the surface.

There was silence for another moment, then another bubble, then another. The surface began to ripple and shift before the slime started to spiral around. It circled and dipped down in the center, clearing draining away. The pond gurgled as the slime disappeared before it all but rumbled. The sides of the pond slowly dried out, the slime crystallizing before a faint violet light appeared. The light grew brighter before some of the trailing vines into the pond began to burn.

The fire crept up the vines and out of the hole before it engulfed several plants, burning into a blaze. The purple fire soon reshaped, taking on the shape of boney hooves. The flame built up from there, forming legs, a torso, shoulders and arms before finally a ball of flame hardened and formed into a head. The fire cooled just a bid, hardening into purple flesh. The figure's fingers and toes wiggled, the hooves digging into the black soil around him.

Spikes pushed out of the demon's legs, then his elbows and shoulders. There were even two wrings of spikes around his wrists.

The flames licked his purple flesh, adding on details like fine hairs and dimples. His head gained a pointed chin with a braided black goatee, pointed ears, fangs, solid black eyes and numerous black horns emerging from his bare skull. One last wave of fire swept over the demon, lining his skin with complex rings of black tattoos, intricate and precise. As a crown of black ink swept around his purple skull, the last flickers of fire disappeared, revealing him very solid and very real.

The demon turned, looking around before he looked into the hole in the ground. It had taken him months to figure out a way to bridge the worlds but at last he had come to the demon hunter's realm, he had come to the pathetic human world to kill. He licked his lips slowly as he started moving deeper into the woods to regain his strength.

"Grayson... It is only a matter of time now before you feel the wrath of Orobas." The purple demon whispered, looking up at the stars above.

Ghostbusters: Regenesis 20 - Skin Deep

**Ghostbusters: Regenesis** Chapter 20 (Skin Deep) Written by Leo\_Todrius Sponsored by Vampireboy The old house had seen better days, that much was certain as the old shingles rattled on the roof and the wooden shutters hung half on their...

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 18 - Afterlife of the Party

**Ghostbusters: Regenesis** Chapter 18 (Afterlife of the Party) Written by Leo\_Todrius Sponsored and edited by Boredom Dark December clouds hung ominously in the heavens, blanketing the Willamette valley with an unusually early and plentiful...

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Drift - 01 - Dog Days

_ **DRIFT** _ (Dog Days) Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Dariuswhitefur [_December 31st, 2095_] The dull pounding of the klaxon echoed through the long hallways of the space craft, timed perfectly to the amber flashes of the warning...

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