Ghostbusters: Regenesis 18 - Afterlife of the Party

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#18 of Ghostbusters

Written by leotodrius

Sponsored and Edited by BoredomWhen the parents are away, is it time to play? Young Zeke Parker wrestles with this idea, but in his preparations releases an ancient spirit. Soon the party is unfolding with or without his blessing, but what secrets might be revealed?

This chapter marks the 'season 3 premiere' of the "Ghostbusters: Regenesis" series. I was lucky enough to have some people sponsor chapters so I had enough time to write them, though this one got held up in editing. As you can likely tell, it was written for Christmas. Still, very hot and I hope you all love it.Twenty five years after the Ghostbusters pioneered paranormal investigations and eliminations as a business model, franchise departments have spread across the United States. One such franchise operates in Portland Oregon.

This story accepts the movies, the 2010 game, "Real Ghostbusters" and "Extreme Ghostbusters" as canon history and combines elements from all four sources.Ghostbusters, the "No-Ghost Logo" and subsequent marks and trademarks are the authorized copyright property of Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures and are used freely per 17 U.S.C. Section 107 aka the "Fair Use Statute." This story is in no way, shape, or form associated with Columbia Tri-Star entertainment or it's works. All intellectual property belongs to its respective owners.

Ghostbusters: Regenesis Chapter 18 (Afterlife of the Party) Written by Leo_Todrius Sponsored and edited by Boredom

Dark December clouds hung ominously in the heavens, blanketing the Willamette valley with an unusually early and plentiful snowfall. The sidewalks, roofs, trees, cars - everything had been cushioned with a soft blanket of white that muffled the sound on the streets; not that there was much to muffle. The citizens of Portland had retreated away from the cold and dark afternoon... all except one family. At the end of a cul-de-sac lined with neat, modern houses, light burned in the windows of a suburban mansion, a car sputtering exhaust out into the open air outside.

Inside the mansion, doors and drawers could be heard opening and closing. There were the squeaks of hinges and rails, the rustle of cloth and zippers being closed. All these sounds echoed through the house - the sounds of preparation, of an imminent departure. They could still be heard upstairs and inside the bedroom of a young man trying very hard to block them out. Zeke frowned, sitting next to his bed on the floor, under his bedroom window. His spiked black hair stood up around the studio headphones that cupped his pierced ears and his painted black nails shimmered in the glare from his Playstation Vita's screen, though the device hardly held the teenager's attention.

Every so often Zeke glanced up at the window, frosted over with ice and the faint glow of the Christmas lights that hugged the perfect trim of the house. His frown turned to an outright scowl when he looked at the festive lights before focusing on his game once more. Christmas had always been a time of joy and jubilation for him and his family, a time to celebrate and be together. He still remembered their past Christmases well; the anticipation, the candles, the smell of spices and cookies in the oven, the songs, standing on his tip toes to hang ornaments into a tree that pricked his fingers.

Some of his best memories had been running around in the snow the few years there had been any, getting rosy cheeks from the cold before coming back inside to have a hot mug of cocoa - and finally, the sudden rush, the unlimited glee of seeing neatly wrapped presents under the tree - the distinctive shape of action figure boxes or books hidden under the colorful wrapping paper... But this year, remembering would be all he would get to do.

As soon as his parents had finished packing, they were headed for PDX and then the first flight to Geneva for an urgent presentation. Whoever said money couldn't buy happiness had been right. His parents had advanced up the corporate ladder in record time. They had gotten a better house, even gifted him a car for his last birthday... but it just wasn't the same. His parents were leaving and they wouldn't return until the day after Christmas. As far as Zeke was concerned, the entire season was shot and it had barely begun.

Zeke sighed and tossed his Vita onto the bed as he stood up, removing the headphones from his ears. Small black gauge piercings glinted in the refracted Christmas light as he moved around his room, pausing. He didn't hear any more drawers, doors or even the car. His parents had left... Zeke closed his eyes, remembering the last thing they had told him to do... To grow up, to face the fact that 'things didn't always go according to plan'.

Again, he frowned, mired in his depression before his expression slowly turned into a smirk as an idea dawned in his head like a whisper in a silent room. He opened the hall door and marched out, stormed down the stairs with a sudden burst of speed, his grin growing wider. He had spent his entire life following 'the plan', doing what he was supposed to do, being good... but if things didn't have to go to plan, then neither did he. It was as if every step he took down the stairs was another step into his plan. He wouldn't be a good little boy while his parents were away - he'd... throw a goddamn party! He'd cast off the shackles of obedience and be like other teenagers... though Zeke wasn't sure where to start. He hadn't been 'bad' before and he didn't know any party animals either.

The young man skidded down into the foyer across the tiles, looking around. The house was big, with plenty of room to party, but it looked like a museum. The whole house was covered with expensive paintings and vases and things that nobody cared about in the slightest. Zeke knew he had to redecorate before any sort of serious celebrating could take place, both for the entertainment of the guests and the safety of his parents' possessions. He had two weeks - but then again, there was no time to start like the present.

It took surprisingly little to make the foyer and living room look a bit different. Zeke moved fine white porcelain plates and ancient paintings out of the way from where people might bump into them or damage them - rebellion, yes. Grounded for life, no. He returned to the foyer and bent over, rolling up the oriental rug before he half-carried, half dragged the heavy cylinder away and unceremoniously dumped it in the garage, revealing the polished parquet floor where the carpet had been. As Zeke surveyed his handiwork, wiping the sweat off his brow, he began to feel better about everything. Removing his traitorous parents' possessions had a cathartic effect, one he really enjoyed.

Zeke examined the living room once more and, satisfied with his work, moved back into the foyer, looking for any last vestiges of his parents' stifling design that could fall prey to a partying crowd. His eyes settled on an old artifact his parents had for as long as he could remember, a ceramic amphora made in Greece, painted with an intricate design - Satyrs, drinking entire jugs of wine, dancing, cavorting, naked and carefree. Their great horns stretched proudly skyward, hoofed feet stamping in rhythm to some music silenced in the still life of the artwork. There were humans on the amphora, too - laughing merrily, dancing with the fauns. Their expressions, if it was even possible, were even more enthralled and drunk than the satyrs'.

"Now those are some party animals," Zeke murmured to himself with a grin. It was the perfect centerpiece to his party, a way to show off his class and the entire point of the evening... but he couldn't risk it getting broken no matter how perfect it was. The teen moved over to the column-shaped display stand and stood on his toes to slide the amphora off it, grunting as he let the heavy object settle down into his arms. It was a lot heavier than he expected, like it was filled with something to the brim.

Zeke turned with his weighty burden and began his bowlegged journey toward the wine cellar, feeling his shoulders straining already. The wine cellar would be no easy goal to reach but Zeke figured it would protect the artifact better from humidity than the garage would. He shuffled along for several steps before he felt an odd shudder in the amphora, almost like a ripple from inside. Zeke looked down just in time to see cracks spreading, the paint around the handles flaking off, jagged edges appearing from beneath the artwork and spreading out just inches from where he clutched the terracotta. In a timeless moment of terror, the cracks reached the top of the ceramic container and the handles split from the amphora's body.

The teenager watched it drop like a bomb from a plane, shooting straight down to the floor where it shattered on impact, exploding into shards of painted ceramic and a wave of purple liquid that sloshed out across the complex wooden floor. Zeke's curse rang through the hall right behind the echoes of breaking pottery. He crouched down slowly, looking at his reflection in the spreading pool of purple liquid. The pieces of broken ceramic littered the sea like tiny islands, far too many fragments to ever puzzle back together, let alone repair convincingly. 'I am so dead," Zeke groaned mentally. His mind raced, searching for any way to explain the absence of such a precious possession, but his train of thought was interrupted suddenly when he felt moisture around his feet.

The purple liquid had drenched his converse sneakers, soaking the soles through. Zeke had expected the liquid to smell like wine, vinegar or even mold... but it seemed to have no smell at all. He watched it continue to ripple across the expensive parquet floor, but instead of seeping into the seams of the wood or even drying out, it started to sizzle. With a quiet hiss, the moisture evaporated from the purple substance without so much as boiling, reducing down into a fine violet ash. As the last vestiges of liquid left, the slightest movement, the smallest hint of Zeke's breath cast across it like a great wind, throwing up plumes of purple ash. But even as he remained still, as to not make cleanup even harder, it began to shift and swirl, spiraling around, circling Zeke as if it was alive. Zeke coughed and sputtered, backing up in confusion.

"What the hell?!" he called out. The ash continued to move around the room like a cyclone, but in the unsteady spiral of dust, two fixed points appeared. Dark black hooves began to form in the midst of the cloud that billowed around them. The particles continued taking shape, sculpted by some invisible force, forming equally dark, brown, furry legs. More and more, the shifting form assembled out of the dust, crafting knees, then hips. It was there that the brown fur covering the legs trailed off, revealing the tan skin of a muscled abdomen with a sparse coating of human hair, which spiraled across the chest taking shape above it. The chest gave way to fine muscled arms, then a neck and finally a head began to take shape... and what a shape it was.

Flakes of ash rushed around at a feverish pace, sculpting defined cheekbones above a prominent chin, the jaw line adorned with a short brown strap of curly brown hair. Above it, full lips appeared and curled into a smile. Zeke swallowed, staring at this apparition as he stumbled backwards onto his ass, sitting on the floor as if blown over - and in some way, he was. Zeke's fear of being punished for breaking the precious artifact had been displaced by the supernatural cyclone, but even that fear was fading as he looked at the shape forming out of the pandemonium engulfing his foyer. Zeke's heart was racing in his chest, screaming at him to flee away from the strange situation and yet compelling him toward the mysterious figure at the same time. Zeke watched a slightly thick and brutish nose form on the face, and yet it was undeniably handsome alongside his other features.

Eyelids, a brow, a sloping forehead - classical features formed out of the purple ash - like a living, breathing statue from antiquity. A thousand questions ran through Zeke's head, instincts screaming at him to get away, but just as he'd assumed command of his legs, tried to scurry backwards to the door - Green eyes looked back at him. They were the shade of a forest glade, opening up in that face, looking around - and looking at Zeke, whose heart skipped a beat as they made contact.

They were looking at him, into him, through him... The strange cloud was almost gone by now. The remaining flakes danced around the figure's forehead like a halo of dust until they too spiraled close to it and settled on his forehead. The ash built out of the flesh, forming bony stubs that grew longer and thicker. They curved around, ridges pushing out and parting the surface, forming two great horns like those of the satyrs on the amphora. Zeke sat motionless on the floor, frozen like a deer in the headlights, as the satyr took his first breath. The magnificent creature slowly began to stretch, raising his arms and cracking his neck. His thick lips parted, a groan of satisfaction escaped his mouth - and even this simple noise was like siren song. It sounded more like the mythical beast had enjoyed a long nap rather than having been imprisoned inside an amphora like some sort of mythologically-handicapped djinn.

The ash was gone, the ooze was gone, even the pieces of the amphora were gone. Zeke couldn't help but look at the figure before him, scanning his body before they settled on the only thing the satyr was wearing; a ceramic necklace with painted white and black beads... made out of his former prison. The satyr stood in the open, naked and unashamed. He smiled, focusing his gaze downward at Zeke once again. The satyr muttered something in his native language, sounding foreign and mesmerizing.

Despite the beauty in those words, Zeke blinked. He hadn't understood any of it. Still, the voice made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end and send a shudder across his body, every word unbearably sexy in the sonorous drawl the satyr had uttered them in. The satyr extended a hand to the teenager, and before he could stop himself, Zeke reached out and took the hand in his. Zeke found himself easily hauled to his feet.

"Excellent!" the satyr said, Zeke was stunned, his eyes wide. The satyr had spoken English with the same tones and inflections of a native speaker, his voice barely having lost any of its raw charm, "That should make things easier." The satyr winked, walking off in the direction of the kitchen with a glint in his eye and a smile on his face before he glanced back to Zeke, "Let's get started." ****

The snow blanketing the Willamette valley stretched all the way to the state's capitol in Salem. The capitol building itself looked almost like an ice castle: Egyptian and Greek influences blending into an art deco layout, coated in white marble, with a cupola rising from the top where a massive golden statue of a pioneer stood, always looking out towards the horizon.

While the snow rested, pristine and untouched in the capitol grounds, it had been cleared from the steps before the revolving door that guarded the interior. The dark brown wood and glass door spun gently as Gray exited the capitol, his droid Razr pressed to his ear. Grayson was dressed in an immaculate three-piece suit worthy of the locale, conservative and presentable for the most important of days. He walked down the steps, mindful of the terrain as his dress shoes lacked any real traction.

Gray moved down the steps, stopping by one of the marble reliefs depicting Oregon's history, looking across the street to the fountain that shot into the air to create a wall of water. The backsplash from the fountain was melting the snow around it. The Ghostbuster took a breath of the cold air, quite refreshing after being trapped inside with a group of politicians for so long. The dial tone sounded only twice before he heard a click.

"Ghostbusters, we're ready to believe you." Grayson felt the corners of his mouth slide upwards, his heart hitching just a bit at that deep, rich voice.

"Seth, it's me." Gray said.

"How's it going? Is everything alright? Are they going to put us out of business?" Seth asked quickly.

"Nothing like that, at least I don't think so." Gray said as he walked along the sidewalk toward the park. Gray continued, "There are politicians on every side of the issue, but the general consensus seems to be that they are glad the Ghostbusters were able to network to stop Zytu, but we didn't give them any chance to prepare for or respond to the crisis."

"Prepare for what? If it hadn't been for Rerun, we all would have died and there wouldn't have been anything we could have done about it." Seth said. Gray shrugged.

"You can't blame them; no one likes to feel helpless. I'm sure we didn't in the averted timeline." His smile faded somewhat a s a chill creeped over him; one that had nothing to do with the winter. He still remembered the shock they'd all felt when they eventually got Rerun to explain what hadn't happened, though the idea of the time wyrm looking after them for all those years was rather touching.

"So what do they want to do, have us call them every time we think the world might end?" Seth snorted.

"I think the governor is going to push forward a plan for a pilot program... A liaison we can contact when things get particularly bad. They can coordinate everything else with the government. If it works here, they might employ it in other states." Gray explained.

"I just hope that the liaison is competent. Ghostbusters have a bad track record with mid-level bureaucrats messing things up."

"I'll see what I can do. People versed in what we do tend to join the Ghostbusters, I'll have to see who they propose." Gray said. There was a pause on the other end of the phone.

"We're getting another call."

"I understand, I have to get back in there soon anyway. Love you." Gray smiled.

"Love you too." Seth replied before he switched to the incoming call, letting Gray go, "Ghostbusters, we're ready to believe you," Seth said, listening to the caller on the other end, his brows slowly lowering. "So it is a noise complaint? That generally is something the police would- Yes, I understand that the owners of the house aren't usually noisy but is there anything paranormal, not abnormal? Floating heads, siren song, mysterious lights?" Finally, Seth nodded. "Alright, I'm sorry we're not able to help with civil disputes. Good luck." He hung up, bemused by it all. ****

Music was already pounding through the house from a stereo turned to full blast as Zeke got himself up and chased after his unexpected 'guest'. His eyes widened in shock as he passed through the door to the living room and witnessed candles lighting themselves. A strange sort of ambiance was unfolding all around. The teenager moved on, skidding to a halt inside the kitchen, looking around before he saw a furry, goat-like ass sticking out from behind the fridge door. The satyr's goat tail was wiggling above the furry cheeks.

"You sure have gotten better at providing comfort... Keeping food fresh, with neither salt nor vinegar? Very nice... And what fine delicacies there are!" The satyr said, grinning despite the hand full of Stay Puft marshmallows he had stuffed into his mouth.

"Who are you? How come you were in that vase?" Zeke asked.

"So many questions... You haven't even offered me a drink yet. Is that how guests are treated these days?" The satyr sighed before stretching, sampling a slice of Tillamook cheddar cheese. "My name is Tycho and I am a satyr, a spirit of wine and alcohol; of pro-creation and fun. Of this, I feel, you are well aware of. As for the amphora, well... Let's just call that a case of bad judgment."

"Well... What do you want?" Zeke asked, looking the satyr up and down again.

"I want what you want... For now, some wine to regain my strength. Then, I can give you a party you'll never forget," Tycho smiled.

"We don't keep any wine up here..." Zeke's eyes widened, the words slipping out before he could stop them. Tycho, however, was already grinning from ear to ear.

"A wine cave! How exotic, I love it!" Tycho said, leaning in to give Zeke a kiss. Zeke was caught off guard and froze in place as the satyr's lips touched his for only a moment before the satyr rushed off. Zeke stood there, a hand rising to his cheek which felt hot, flushed and red - not realizing that his pierced ears had stretched, growing into pointed lobes that resembled those of the satyr. What Zeke did realize was that the satyr was headed right for the wine cellar.

"Come back!" Zeke demanded, rushing after his own personal ghost of Christmas present.


The Oregon State senate chamber was a sight to behold, though it wasn't particularly to Grayson's taste. Unlike the exterior, the inside was paneled in ten shades of brown: brown wooden walls, wooden desks, brown carpet with fish and wheat emblazoned across it; even a wooden podium where Grayson had made his case. They had used the chamber as a presentation room due to its large size and the ability to secure it, though the governor had presided over the entire presentation.

Sitting to the side on a wooden chair, Gray looked across the council deliberating over everything that had been shared. It was disconcerting to think how close they had come to complete annihilation without being any the wiser. An aide moved forward, bringing papers to the governor. The governor didn't bother to look at the papers, focusing only on Gray.

"Mister Kale, the amount of respect we afford the Ghostbusters cannot be put into words. The service you have offered this state is exemplary... But we are concerned... about one fact in particular. In your reports, you have stated on several occasions that members of your team have become... 'compromised'." The inflection had dropped into place without any particular malice, though that fact did not diminish their impact. "Only by sheer luck were you able to rectify the situation in time. Would it not be wiser for you to... assist in an initiative to make the military ready to act? To allow our nation to assist in our national security?" Gray's eyes twitched gently. This was the moment Grayson had been fearing.

"With all due respect, Governor, the complexity of this situation is not one that can be resolved by throwing enough soldiers at it. We live in a dimensional nexus. There are dimensions out there where ghosts may just be a myth, where they are stories people tell each other for entertainment. For us, they are real. Our dimension is wounded, pierced and fractured. There are holes these spirits come in through. Even understanding the science is not enough." Grayson said.

"Are you saying it is beyond the capacity of our military to understand?".

"No, not at all sir, merely that... this problem is something that requires knowledge, experience, instinct, wisdom and diplomacy. I fear that your initiative could open Pandora's box, create a crisis out of a tense situation . No good strategist sends soldiers into a battle they know nothing about. If you give me someone with the necessary intelligence and diplomacy, maybe even instinct, my team can give them experience and wisdom. Then you will have a liaison that can tell you when to attack, when to stand down, when to run away and when to come up with a new plan." Gray said. The governor looked at Gray with shrewd eyes.

"What you describe, sir, is the creation of a general with your own sensibilities." Gray took a soft breath. It was time to use his wild card. As all of the council looked to Gray, waiting for a response, the air shimmered and Rerun appeared in the middle of the chamber. The council gasped, some running for the doors while others hunkered down in their desks. The governor looked at the ghost, at the face that looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, at his intensely vivid robin's egg blue skin, his iris blue hair and his pointed ears.

"As a matter of record, this is Rerun. This is the ghost that saved the world, every world, in our reality. I stood up, I went to the door, I asked him to come in from outside. You didn't see him because he looped time backwards a few seconds." Gray explained, standing up and moving over, "He is an ally, a friend, but we came very close to busting him when we met him. We had to follow our instinct and reasoning to allow him his freedom, and if we hadn't, we would all be dead. Initial judgments are very dangerous things."

"Your theatrics not withstanding... I believe I am starting to see your point." The governor said. Gray gave a very slight nod.

"I'm not asking for you to put your complete faith in us, I will help in the coming months to put together a strike force to be deployed when and if they are necessary. I just want to have faith that the person who will coordinate between our company and the government is the right person for the job... and... that the licensing fee for our franchise is maintained." Gray added gently. The governor's eyes widened.

"Beg your pardon?" he asked. Gray gave a sheepish smile.

"Well, the contract we signed as a franchise of the New York Ghostbusters has a few specific dictates... The strike force will have to wear the Ghostbusters emblem and a licensing fee comes into play." Gray said. The governor gritted his teeth before he gave a nod. If they wanted their way, they'd have to play ball.

"We'll prepare the documents. The next session will be held in two week's time." ****

Nico moved around the upper floor of the firehouse, leaning down under the dining room table before heading over to the couch. Eli looked up from where he was sitting on the floor cross legged, eating oatmeal out of a bowl resting between his legs.

"What's going on?" Eli asked.

"My things keep disappearing... Mostly small stuff; safety pins, q-tips and screwdriver heads." Nico murmured.

"Well, maybe Rerun is playing with them." Eli suggested.

"But he's been down in Salem this week. Some of this went missing after that." Nico complained.

"Maybe you're just getting old." Eli said. Nico shot him a dirty look.

"What happened to the romantic boyfriend that got petrified looking into my eyes?" Nico asked.

"I guess you're right, I'll come help you look." Eli said, standing up, but as he did so he stopped, noticing red and blue lights flashing on the ceiling. He moved over to the window and peered out, looking at the police car parked at their front entrance. Nico followed Eli's gaze before the two jogged down the stairs and into the garage. A police officer in his dark navy blue uniform was standing at the door, talking to Seth and Dakota, the two men towering over the officer.

"It started as a public disturbance call... We approached the property, ascertained the source of the sound and went to investigate." The officer hesitated, "When we tried to cross the property line, a barrier of some sort kept us back. It was invisible except when touched and it sort of rippled. Similar to when you throw stones into a pond... The chief told us to come to you." The officer said. Seth grimaced.

"We got a call for a noise complaint earlier but there wasn't any information other than the music being too loud." Seth said, feeling guilty.

"Well, invisible barriers are our forte," Dakota replied. Seth nodded.

"We'll follow you there. Give us a moment to get our equipment.". The officer nodded and moved outside, the door shutting behind him. Nico and Eli moved toward the lockers, reaching in to grab their jump suits.

"Who woulda thought that they'd be right about the noise complaint?" Dakota asked. Seth grunted.

"I should have asked more questions. If anyone's gotten hurt because of this..." Seth shook his head. Dakota rested a hand on the fellow buster's shoulder.

"It'll be alright, and you've already got something to look forward to. Gray's on his way back." Eli perked up at that.

"Gray's coming back? That's fantastic!"

"We should give him the address of the call so he can join us on site," was Nico's suggestion.

"On the way, we'll do it on the way. Let's not keep them waiting any longer." Seth said, waving the busters to the Ecto. ****

Skilled fingers worked at the cork, twisting and tugging it straight out of the thin neck before it effortlessly slipped out of the leafy green bottle. The satyr brought the stem of the bottle to his lips and tipped it back, letting the rich red wine pour across his tongue. He swished it about a bit, his eyes gazing up at the ceiling as he considered for a moment before he took a swallow and made a face, shuddering a bit.

"Your parents were deceived by this wine maker; this is at least two years younger than the label claims... Terrible vintage." Tycho shuddered, yet he tipped it back again, taking several more gulps. Zeke, sitting nearby on the bottom two steps to the wine cellar, his head cradled in his hands. He'd tried to block the satyr, he'd pleaded with him and eventually he'd given up.

"Then why are you still drinking it?" Zeke had asked so many questions that merely coming up with more seemed to wear him out.

"I have to find just the right kind to serve at the party. I could regain strength faster with fine wine, but I should save that for our guests." Tycho said, setting his own bottle aside to pull out another, popping the cork on it. He swirled it about a bit before sniffing, a grin crossing his lips, "Very nice, yes, this will do fine."

"Maybe I changed my mind, maybe... I don't want a party." Zeke said hesitantly. The satyr paused, turning, looking at the human before he moved over and crouched down before him, coming eye to eye with the teenager. The satyr searched the boy's eyes for a moment. before giving a lopsided grin.

"I can see it there; that glimmer, that desire. A virile young man, wanting to step out on his own and provide enjoyment for his friends. That's what drew you downstairs, what brought you to me... You want to be the life of the party, to be loved and to love others, sharing the spirit of hospitality. It's a beautiful image and a right of passage... and I'm going to make that wish come true. You don't need to fear inconveniencing me." Tycho moved forward once again and before Zeke could stop him, there was another kiss. The teen's eyes fluttered and slipped shut , their lips pressing together just for a moment before the satyr pulled back as he had before.

Zeke shuddered, his heart fluttering as his lips parted, feeling the warm wetness of the other's saliva on them, the sensation sudden and strong. He didn't notice, but his chin darkened as soft, silky black stubble pushed out. He felt more at ease than he had in some time, which frankly surprised him after being kissed by a man. He'd never really considered it before, but... he hadn't considered a girlfriend either. The satyr moved around the wine cellar, checking other bottles and labels before he took a breath, moving back to Zeke's side.

"I think we're about ready. You should invite your friends and I'll... invite mine." Tycho said, rubbing his hands together before he held them out before him. Zeke's upper lip curled in disdain at the idea.

"I don't have any friends. Who am I going to invite? The captain of the wrestling team? The film club? The gamer guild?" Zeke questioned. Tycho did not respond. The satyr began muttering under his breath, his eyes clenched shut. For a moment there was nothing but silence but them the seams between the tile floor began to shimmer and pull apart, folding and shifting to reveal a stairwell leading down below the basement. Torches lined the stairwell wall, though a golden light shimmered at the base of it.

Zeke's jaw hung open as he watched the magic performed, but he quickly shut his mouth as he saw the first of the figures start to move up the stairs, their hooves clattering on the stone steps. The beings that Tycho had summoned seemed to be satyrs too, but of a different breed. In general they looked more animal with their goat like noses, larger eyes and furry oval ears. Fur covered their entire bodies but they still moved about on two feet like humans, even if those feet did end in hooves.

"Arion, Eneas, I want you to prepare the food. Perhaps something like we had in Crete that one time." Tycho said, patting the satyrs on the shoulders, "Sinon, Zeno, why don't you set up the massage tables. Deke, Antaras, that leaves you with wine duty." Tycho said. The caramel, brown and blond-furred satyrs looked at each other with a soft sort of grin. Tycho rolled his eyes, knowing they would likely drink as much between themselves as all the guests combined.

Zeke watched the satyrs get to work, gathering the bottles Tycho had set out before moving upstairs, but they weren't just taking wine. They seemed to be gathering bolts of cloth and pieces of wood that hadn't been in the cellar before... and their mere presence seemed to be having its own sort of effect. Vines crept up the magical stairway and across the cellar walls, grape leaves growing out and thickening, giving the cellar a touch of nature. The plaster walls shifted slightly as torch holders emerged from the walls, then flame burst from the tips to light the room with a soft, flickering light. It was a baffling spectacle, one Zeke was snapped out of as the doorbell rung upstairs.

"Shit!" Zeke whispered, looking around in a panic, "Stay out of sight you guys. I'm going to go see who that is and... get rid of them." Zeke turned and jogged up the stairs, moving out into the kitchen before darting through the living room. He stopped in front of the door, taking a deep breath to appear more composed. Whoever it was, he would have to get rid of them in a hurry. Zeke's hand moved out and he turned the knob before easing it open, his eyes widening in shock as he saw who was on the other side.

"Zekie, what's hanging bro?" came the bromantic cadence of Cole Summers, the captain of the wrestling team at school. He was still dressed in his blue and yellow singlet, though he had a letterman's jacket over the top and a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He ran a hand over his buzzed brown hair as he crossed the threshold, revealing that several others had arrived just behind him. Zeke stepped aside in utter shock, watching the film group file into house whilst still in the midst of a conversation about the merits of high frame rates.

"Yo Zeke! We got the Brawl! Where's the booze?" Came another shout as teenagers with cases of Specter energy drink and bags of gaming consoles moved into the house. Ahead of the other was Steve, wearing a black and silver Valve shirt He looked like the oldest of the gamers with his immature brown mustache. Number two, Luke, looked younger than he was, though his innocent face was offset by his dishwater blond dreadlocks. Zeke said nothing at the arrivals, too stunned really to speak. The mere thought of inviting them had summoned them to his doorway. Zeke waited for them all to enter before he eased the door shut, not paying attention to the police car parked at the edge of his property. What he did notice was that his guests were moving toward a kitchen currently filled with satyrs.

"WAIT! Don't go in there!" Zeke said, running after his guests, squeezing past some of them before they made it through the archway, but it was already too late. Cole stood at the front of the group, looking around at everything. The formerly bare counter tops were now overflowing with food. Plates of roasted hams, glazed and shiny with grease and succulent juices, were spread out, sliced up, next to entire polished copper tureens of broiled vegetables, which lined an entire tables. Another loaded so full of potato wedges and dips that it was warping. Whole baskets of breads and rolls stood ready nearby, and with a happy jolt Zeke saw a bowl of what he presumed to be tuna butter; his guilty pleasure. The bread was still oven warm, too. And above all of it hung a mouth-watering smell - the formerly empty kitchen had turned into a gourmand paradise. Two satyrs worked on tossing a salad while others moved around pouring glasses full of wine. Zeke stood in silence, wondering how his acquaintances would cope with the paranormal.

"Dude, nice spread!" Cole said with a grin as a satyr came up and handed him a glass of wine. Cole tipped it back and took a large sip before he moved to grab a plate and started down the line, piling his plate high. Zeke's eyes darted back and forth between his guests and the 'staff' as they all prepared to eat. None of his guests seemed to notice or care that the staff were satyrs; they were just digging into the food without a care in the world.

"Looks like everyone got your invite. Not bad choices at all." Tycho said from behind Zeke. Zeke turned and looked at the satyr, though for the first time it wasn't a look of doubt or even curiosity. It was almost a look of acceptance. Zeke had been fighting Tycho every step of the way, even if the only weapons in his arsenal besides vague threats had been doubt and fear. It seemed like no matter Zeke's anxieties or objections, the party was unfolding perfectly. The young man no longer saw a point fighting the party - it would only deny him the enjoyment of it.

"So... what is on the agenda?" Zeke asked softly. Tycho grinned at that, clapping Zeke around the shoulders.

"We have a fun evening ahead of us. Food..." Tycho said, gesturing to the counters, "Music..." he added, snapping his fingers. The stereo began growing even louder, playing a complicated number arranged with drums and pan flutes, "And drink." Tycho said, lifting the wine bottle he had been drinking from, offering it to Zeke. Zeke blushed a bit, looking at all his guests taking part. It would be rude for him not to do the same.

Zeke felt his desire taking control, like a fire being stoked in his chest, building up before he reached out and took the bottle, tipping it back. The wine filled his mouth and he took an uncertain gulp before he lowered the bottle and licked his lips slowly. The flavor was more robust than he had ever expected, though he had no doubt that was Tycho's doing... especially as his entire body started to feel warm and tingly.

The teenager's eyes fluttered shut for a moment as the warmth filled every muscle in his body. It was pleasurable for the most part, though the heat seemed to pool in his temples, turning into a growing pressure that built and built. Sure enough, two lumps soon formed, growing larger. They bulged out, stretching his skin until it could take no more. The pressure seemed to suddenly vent out from two tiny pinpricks on his temples as two bone colored horns pushed out of his forehead, curving upward into tiny nubs. Zeke opened his eyes again, coughing a bit from his first swig of wine.

"Let's party." Zeke said with a bit of a hoarse voice. Tycho grinned all the more, pulling the teen into a hug before marching him toward the buffet. ****

The red and blue lights of the Ecto-11 flashed across the windows of all the houses in the cul-de-sac, adding to the lights already employed by the police cars that had gathered. Neighbors had come out to try and figure out what was going on, though some rushed around putting up their last minute Christmas lights so they wouldn't look bad in front of all the visitors to the neighborhood. The Ghostbuster's white Ford Explorer pulled up to the curb and the Ghostbusters stepped out, wearing their crisp black uniforms.

Eli stepped down onto the sidewalk, adjusting his Ecto-goggles as he slid them down onto his face, looking out at the house and the invisible bubble that covered it. Nico had brought out his PKE meter, the device chirping away as he started to scan the perimeter. Seth was one of the last to emerge, moving around the hood of the Ecto and over to the police officer that was standing on the sidewalk

"Officer Weaver? I'm Seth Dillon, with the Ghostbusters. Lieutenant Davidson is working crowd control down the street. Has there been any change?" Seth asked.

"Y-yes, actually, I was just trying to call it into headquarters. We have the entire perimeter under surveillance. No one could get in or out, but a few minutes ago there were all these... teenagers, they just appeared out of nowhere before going into the house. I... Are they ghosts?" The officer asked.

"It is too early to tell. Is there anything else you can tell me?" Seth asked.

While Seth interviewed the police officer, Nico and Eli were still studying the perimeter. Eli reached out gently to touch the barrier. While invisible to the naked eye, he could see the energy fluctuate as his hand got close before it rippled out into the visual spectrum. Eli felt a feeling well up inside him, almost like he was in a crowded elevator and no one wanted him there. He pulled his hand back and shuddered.

"Now that's one way to tell people to get lost." Eli murmured.

"It does register almost like mood slime... So the barrier itself is like a no trespassing sign?" Nico asked, reaching out for the field. As his hand touched it, it rippled, but the air around his hand started to turn golden. His fingers slowly pushed through the field, though his fingernails started to darken from white to an earthy brown while his body tingled.

"Nico!" Eli gasped. Nico snatched his hand back, breathing hard. After a moment his fingernails faded back to normal. Eli moved over, looking at him, "Are you alright?"

"Satyrs..." Nico whispered, looking up at the house. ****

The party was going well. People were eating, drinking and dancing. Everything was going splendidly. Tycho moved through the house, looking into the family room where Sinon and Zeno had set up their massage tables. Cole had taken advantage of the service and stripped himself down to his sweat pants, lying on his stomach as the satyrs worked him over.

His pale flesh was drizzled in olive oil as skilled hands massaged his shoulders and back, one satyr even cleaning his bare feet. The high school senior murmured in delight, giving in completely... but the satyrs were doing more than just massaging him. As their fingers worked his muscles, they started to grow. His shoulders expanded, his back lengthened, his feet grew and changed. The flesh bulged and grew, becoming more and more apparent as size and shape piled onto Steve's already thick set frame. Even the mustache over his upper lip thickened before stubble pushed out over the rest of his face.

Tycho watched with growing arousal as a short beard covered the teenager's face, his body continuing to change. The two satyrs soon started working Steve's body as if they were sculptors and he was clay. The satyr working at his feet massaged his toes together until they were a single wedge of flesh. His toenails started to spread over the wedge, covering it and hardening, surrounding his foot as the keratin turned into a hoof. Under their talented, nimble fingers, Steve's other foot joined suit.

The bulking teenager murmured more and more as his shoulders hunched and his arms grew. Even his chest was rounding and thickening, his body stretching to six and a half feet, then seven. His face rested in a hold in the pillow, allowing him to breath despite being on his stomach. He could see nothing but the floor beneath him, though the shape of his shadow seemed to be changing. Two tiny curved shapes stuck out from his shadow's head, but Steve paid them no mind, closing his eyes as a deep sense of relaxation washed over him. Every touch, stroke and kneading motion helped him to sink deeper.

Tycho grinned wide as the horns continued pushing out of Steve's head. Unlike Zeke's, only the very tip curved up before the horns grew out horizontally from his skull, taking on the wide set position of a bull. Steve's face then began to shift, filling the hole in the pillow he rested on, stretching forward as his jaw and nose pushed out. His teeth flattened as his mouth elongated -.even his nose began to change, taking on a more bovine appearance.

The satyrs continued their work, watching his brown body hair soften and thicken into fur, covering his arms and legs before it spread up his back and stomach. What had started on his face as a beard soon covered his entire head as fur. The satyrs pulled off his sweat pants slowly, freeing a flickering cow tail above his muscled ass. It was a marvelous transformation; one Tycho was going to see through to the end until something tickled the back of his mind, a ripple in his field. Tycho was rather stunned.

"Uninvited guests?" Tycho whispered to himself. In all his years, no one had ever disrupted his hospitality barrier. It was time to learn more about what was going on outside. Tycho moved out of the family room and into the kitchen, where laughter was thick and heavy. Zeke was chatting up the rest of the gaming club, looking well at ease with a glass of wine in his hands. His goatee had grown longer, his pointed ears taller and his horns thicker. Added to that, black wooly fur was sticking out of his pant legs. Zeke looked up after a moment, grinning to Tycho.

"My friend, what can I do for you?" Zeke asked, the question of a true host.

"I was wondering if we could invite a few more people to our party..." Tycho said with a smile. ****

Eli's ecto-goggles buzzed and whirred as he zoomed in, trying to see through the windows. With careful positioning and focus, he could see several teenagers up on the first floor. They were surrounding another one who was gulping down alcohol from a bottle while the others chanted, but Eli as watched the bespectacled youth's ears grew into points and thick reddish brown mutton chops extended from his face before horns pushed out of his forehead. The others seemed completely focused on the alcohol rather than the transformation their friend had just gone through. Eli looked back to Seth.

"Yeah, Nico is right. Class five satyrs." Eli said, agreeing with Nico's earlier guess. Seth nodded, looking back to Officer Weaver.

"I think its time you either get these people back in their homes or evacuate the block. We don't know what sort of effect this music might have on them." Seth said, but the police officer didn't seem to respond. He looked a bit distracted, tapping his foot at first before he started to hum. Seth grew tense. Dakota looked at Seth and then the police officer.

"Yo, Weaver." Dakota said bluntly. The police officer slowly grinned.

"This is fantastic, they invited me!" Suddenly the turned, all but strutting through the field. The energy rippled across the bubble like a wave before settling again. The busters watched as the officer moved up to the front door and knocked eagerly. The door opened and the massive form of a huge brown minotaur took up most of the other side. Officer Weaver looked up at the minotaur, and even at this distance, his longing was obvious. In a single fluid motion, the beast wrapped his arms around the cop before pulling him inside.

"A minotaur..." Seth whispered, remembering what it had felt like to be a bull-man in the Wild West Hills. He looked over at Nico for a moment before he held out a hand, pressing it against the field. The energy rippled around his touch and glowed gold when his hand pushed through the field. Black fur began pushing out of his hand, covering his skin as his fingertips coated themselves in hoof like shells. Seth pulled his hand back out and it slowly returned to normal.

"Seth, what's the game plan?" Dakota asked.

"It's risky... This is like when that Gorgon tried to petrify me but it just awoke the gargoyle I've been. This 'party' is being held by satyrs and minotaurs. Nico and I have been turned into those before. I think we can enter and try to get to the root of this." Seth said.

"And what if you get sucked into their mindset?" Dakota asked. Seth looked down at his watch.

"Gray is going to be here in twenty five minutes... Update him on the situation. Maybe he'll have a back up plan but we can't wait that long. If they can influence people from inside... if we don't stop them, they might pull the entire neighborhood in." Seth said. Dakota gave a nod. Seth turned to look back at Nico. "Are you up to this?" he asked. The other Buster nodded.

"Satyrs are fun as long as I'm not being possessed." Nico smirked, though that wasn't entirely true. It had still been somewhat fun.

The two of them moved over to the walkway that led up to the front porch of the house, taking one last moment to compose themselves. Seth locked his radio into broadcast mode and Nico did the same before they both stepped forward. The field rippled as they passed, feeling like a curtain of water without making them wet. Before either of them knew, they were on the other side. Seth looked to Nico with a grin at making it through unscathed and started to move toward the house, but before he made it another step the changes began. Seth groaned as he felt a surge of energy pass through him like lightning strike.

He grit his teeth as his forehead bulged, the flesh contorting over bone expanding beneath. The skin grew red and irritated before the bone finally poked through, two tiny beads of blood leaking down his temples. Two thick white horns emerged from Seth's skull, pushing out sideways, even with his shoulders. Seth breathed in and out quickly, knowing how to handle the sensation a bit better the second time around. His chest grew with every breath, his pecs expanding and his abdomen elongating, but he wasn't the only one undergoing changes.

Nico let out a deeply sensual moan as he felt his manhood come to life inside his uniform, growing hard in the blink of an eye... then thicker... then longer. Lust washed over him, sudden and incredibly powerful, as if his blood himself had caught on fire. His shaft grew out, down his leg, like a python slithering toward its next meal, brushing against his thickening body hair. Nico's legs were becoming thick and wooly, shaggy black fur hidden in his uniform pants. His ass bunched up, growing firmer as his goat tail grew in. Nico gave it a few experimental waves, at least until his boots began to wobble. Unsteadily, Nico stepped out of them, his feet appearing as half-hooves, the toes still fusing.

Nico's ears stretched into points that stuck out of his dark black hair even as white horns curved up from his forehead. He licked his lips in delight, feeling dark stubble push out of his upper lip into a mustache, more hair curling out of his chin. He had a beard like the one commonly drawn on depictions of the devil, but he felt like he was on cloud nine. The hooves on his feet hardened as his legs shifted, barely staying in his pants. His erection was obscene against the black uniform, tenting the material and begging to be freed but Nico remained standing, his proton pack strapped on his back.

Next to Nico, Seth was still finishing up his change. Seth's lips turned a dark black as his nostrils flared and his nose shifted to be more bull like. The brown even started to darken in his hair and goatee, shifting from a milk chocolate color to darker color before it became as black as coal. Seth's fingernails turned black and hardened and his boots began to stretch, the leather coming apart and stitches popping before his full minotaur hooves were visible to all.

As Seth grew taller and larger, his proton pack straps grew tighter. He reached up to loosen them but his uniform wasn't so lucky. The zipper tore down the front, parting to reveal a muscled, furry chest. His pant legs tore apart as well as his legs thickened, barely hanging on. Seth's jaw expanded, his teeth flattened, his nose widened. The stubble on his cheeks became fur and soon it spread to cover his entire body. Seth grunted at the alien sensation of his tail pushing out of his spine before it dropped out of his torn pants, flicking about.

"Seth? You still in there?" Dakota asked. Seth turned and looked back before giving a nod. Dakota smiled faintly at that, reassured. Seth and Nico moved forward toward the house, stepping onto the porch. As Seth reached up to knock on the door, the door opened to reveal a very handsome satyr on the other side. Tycho looked out at the two, his green eyes brimming with curiosity and surprise.

"So that's how you crash a satyr's party..." Tycho murmured.

"You could feel us coming?" Nico asked.

"I have never had any uninvited guests before... but I am a man of hospitality. Come in, make yourselves at home." Tycho said before moving back inside. Seth and Nico looked at each other for a moment. It seemed they found the ring leader already. They reached back and pulled out their proton blasters, powering them up as they stepped through the doorway. Before Seth and Nico could open fire, the door swung shut behind them and their proton packs faded from existence. Nico and Seth fell forward a bit, no longer having to counter balance the nuclear accelerators on their back.

"Seth?" Nico asked in panic.

"I'll overlook your glaring disregard the sacred rules of hospitality this time, but again - you are both rather handsome." Tycho smirked, moving to caress one of Seth's horns, "Now go, mingle!" Tycho said before he gave Nico a shove. Nico grunted, stumbling into the kitchen, bouncing between satyrs like a pinball before he turned around, looking back for Seth... but Seth was gone. The house was full of teenagers and twenty something's, every man Zeke cared to invite to the party.

Nico looked around at everyone enjoying their wine or their food, dancing and making out... It was a true party and Nico groaned, trying to resist the call of his satyr instincts. His throat felt parched and his cock was throbbing lustfully in what remained of his uniform, begging to be freed. Nico started moving through the kitchen before he heard a deep and lustful moo. He turned, seeing the minotaur that had welcomed Officer Weaver earlier . The bull-man was leaning back against the wall, pressing the policeman into his balls... but they looked far from normal balls.

The minotaur's sack had swollen to many times its original size, looking like it held cantaloupes or some other large melon inside. The leathery flesh was adorned with several thick nubs that pulsed and dripped with slick, faintly yellowed precum. They looked like some sort of mix between testicles and udders... and the police officer was suckling from one as his face pushed out into a thick muzzle, his short buzzed hair spreading down his face like fur as horns pushed out of his temples. Weaver slobbered and slurped at the minotaur teat, drinking thick bull cum straight from the source. The minotaur above let out a deep 'Mooooo' as he stroked his thick, brown shaft.

Nico slowly licked his lips, his throat feeling even dryer - the craving for salty man juices so great in his mind. The music pounded in his head and he simply couldn't resist. Nico slowly moved forward before he dropped down onto his knees, leaning in. He plunged his lips around one of the fleshy nipples, sucking and tugging on it like it was a cock... but most gratifyingly, with each suck it spurted out more and more minotaur cum. Nico began to gulp down squirt after squirt, his hand fumbling with his uniform pants before he withdrew his massive satyr cock, wrapping one hand around the base and one around the mid section, sliding it up and down in a blazoned feat of masturbation, feeling the creamy warmth slip down his throat. He had never felt more at home. ****

Eli's face was scrunched up in disdain as he listened to the broadcast from Nico's radio, listening to the rampant mooing and suckling noises as well as the distinct sound of masturbation. He let out a long slow sigh before he looked at Dakota.

"Well that certainly didn't take long." Eli muttered. Dakota smirked.

"We live in a weird world." Dakota replied, glancing down the street as another car pulled up. Grayson jumped out, still wearing his button up white shirt and his black slacks, looking at the house.

"You let them go in there?" Grayson asked in shock, "It's putting out such a strong PKE field that Rerun can't get near the thing."

"Gray, when you're not here, Seth is in charge. This was his call." Eli said. Grayson said nothing for a long moment before he nodded.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a bit sensitive about making ourselves vulnerable after that meeting. Run everything by me." Gray said.

"Actually, we can listen in. We've got feeds on Seth and Nico." Dakota said. ****

Seth moved through the party, trying to find Nico, feeling rather out of place with everything that was going on. It caught him off guard but the very real fact that he was ten years older than the teenagers running about was weighing on him a bit. He never felt old, he felt manly... but with the teens partying and getting changed, he felt more protective of them than he had felt before.

"What a way to get split up..." Seth murmured, thinking of Nico and how easily they'd been separated. He looked around, watching the teenagers maturing ahead of their time as they grew more muscle and beards sprouted from their cheeks, horns emerging from their heads and pants slumping to the floor, covering it like a lumpy denim carpet. Seth tried to push his concerns out of the way and focus on what was at hand. If he couldn't affect the satyr, perhaps he could find out how the situation started and unravel it from there. He turned to move the other way, freezing as he came face to face with Tycho.

"You don't seem to be enjoying yourself... It is our host's wish for everyone to enjoy the party." Tycho said.

"Who is the host? What do you want?" Seth asked. Tycho shook his head.

"It really is quite rude to ask questions before the guest's needs are met. You haven't even had a drink yet." Tycho said. Seth tried to suppress a grin as he figured out what was going on.

"Xenia, right? Greek hospitality?" Seth asked, his voice slightly louder than usual. He knew the other Ghostbusters were listening to him. Seth nodded, trying to remember, "I studied it a bit in high school. Three part system... The respect from host to guest, the respect from guest to host..." Seth paused, "And the parting gift." He whispered.

"You are familiar with the concept and yet you came uninvited. Still, you are owed respect provided you show the same to your hosts." Tycho said. Seth looked at the satyr, knowing he had given his allies the best clue he could. Now he just had to buy them time to act.

"Well then I won't ask any more questions before I have a drink." Seth said. Tycho smiled and gave a nod.

"Good, good. Deke!" Tycho called out, clapping. One of the goat satyrs moved around the corner with a platter with wine glasses. Seth looked at the wine, wondering if it was the drink that triggered the changes or the mere presence of temptation. He presumed he would soon find out. Tycho took one of the glasses, watching Seth do the same. Tycho looked at Seth for a moment, practically looking into him, "Your friend seems to be enjoying the party more than you are." Tycho said. Seth smirked.

"He tends to do that." Seth replied.

"And you do not... because you are the anchor? The pillar? The guide." Tycho said, "I can see it in you, I respect it. You try so hard, not even for the people but for this family you've made of your friends." Tycho said. Seth's eyes narrowed as he sipped the wine, wishing it were beer instead. Tycho smiled a bit more, "It's alright, you know, to relax from time to time. If you let your guard down you can build new strengths, see if your bonds are real or not."

"I know they're real." Seth shot back, "I've relied on them plenty of times."

"But you haven't relied on them with the truth that is weighing your heart down..." Tycho said softly. Seth looked at the satyr dangerously.

"And what truth is that?" Seth asked.

"That the universe used you, that you had a beautiful moment in your youth that no one believed. For years you thought you were alone and then, in a moment of infinite possibility you saw that it was true, that it was part of the grand scheme, that the entire reality around us exists because of that adventure that changed your life..." Tycho said. Seth said nothing for a moment, feeling the weight of those thoughts.

"It was a price worth paying." Seth replied finally. Tycho shook his head.

"But it shouldn't be a weight, it shouldn't be a burden. You are truly special, and while you had difficulty in your past, you are who you are. You are a hero worthy of celebration... with whatever drink you desire." Tycho said, looking to Seth's hand. Seth looked down, realizing he was now holding a heavy granite Stein of beer instead of a wine glass. Seth could feel the wisdom in the satyr's words. He did deserve a chance to relax, to rely on others. He closed his eyes and brought the mug up to his muzzle and tipped it back, taking several swigs before he lowered it... but there was an immediate tingling in his groin.

"What... did you do?" Seth asked, moaning. His pants began to expand again, the black uniform stretching before it tore, unleashing his bovine cock that swelled larger and grew longer... but beneath it his balls were growing even faster, expanding from the size of oranges to grapefruit, then honeydew melon. Small dimples formed on the still growing ball sack before they pushed out into nubs, tiny slits forming on them. Tycho leaned down, his fingers flicking the nubs as they swelled into teats and Seth shuddered, a groan slipping out between his clenched teeth before he could stop himself, so great was the pleasure rushing up his spine.

"I'm giving you the chance to relax, to let loose and have fun, to enjoy the party as our host wishes." Tycho said. Seth fell forward onto his knees, grunting as his balls swelled into large, heavy udders, the teats plumping up all the more, begging to be milked. They were almost the size of individual cocks. Seth tilted his head back and let out a deep 'Moooo!'. Tycho turned, moving to find Zeke. It was time to invite a few more guests. ****

Grayson leaned against the Ecto, the cell phone pressed to his head as he tried to hear over the static. The connection to Geneva was a poor one at best, given the storms. Gray had just been lucky that one of the neighbors had the number for Zeke's parents.

"Mister Parker, it is urgent that you return... Right away, your son's safety and the safety of many others depend on it." Gray said, pausing, "Yes, I'm a Ghostbuster... like from TV." Gray said, gritting is teeth, "It is a Greek ghost. As the owners of the home, if you request they leave, they'll have to go..." Gray said.

"Are they going to come back?" Eli asked hopefully.

"You are? Truly? Good... Yes, there are a few things you need to know. There's a barrier, but you can pass through since it is your home. Also, the spirit inside-" Gray stopped, realizing Eli was no longer next to him. He looked around, trying see his friend in the dim light of dusk, to no avail. He turned back to look at Dakota, but as he saw his other ally, Dakota vanished. Gray swallowed, "Hurry..." he whispered before the world around him shifted.

The Ecto, the street, and the cold winter air were all replaced by the warmth of the Parker home. The music was loud, pounding in Gray's ears. He turned, looking at Dakota being grinded against by several satyr boys before they pulled Eli over into the fun. Dakota pushed the satyrs away and they gave up easily, clinging to Eli instead, humping him and grinding against him.

"Welcome to the party my friends." A friendly voice came. Gray, Eli and Dakota turned to see the satyr with tan olive toned skin and black fur, his spiked hair now turning curly, a long, bushy goatee gracing his chin. Golden rings hung from his nipples and vines were wrapped around his upper arms.

"Zeke Parker?" Gray asked. The teenage satyr nodded.

"Yes, yes I am... Isn't it great? People know my name now. Welcome!" Zeke said, moving over. He moved over and leaned in to give Gray a kiss, then he moved to give Eli one. As he approached Dakota, Dakota glared and the satyr backed off.

"Zeke, you have to call this party to an end... Can't you see what you've become?" Gray asked. Zeke's eyebrows raised and he slowly grinned.

"Are you kidding? Of course I can, I've been given the greatest gift. Confidence. It doesn't matter what I look like or who I'm with if I can believe in myself, binding myself in place with fears and doubts. Now... you should enjoy everything. Have a look around." Zeke said, resting his hand on Gray's shoulder before the world shifted around him once more and Gray found himself in the dining room.

"Gr... Gray..." Seth moaned. Gray turned, hearing the voice, gasping as he saw Seth. Seth was on the ground, his legs spread, his hands working at his balls, which were massively bloated and swollen - and had teats. The fleshy tubes were as long as his cock had been as a human, and Seth's bull cock was even longer than that, throbbing in time with his heart beat, rock-hard and aching. Seth panted hard, his bull nostrils flaring, a gold ring dangling from them.

"Seth!" Gray gasped, moving forward... but as he approached, Seth tugged on his teats even more, and with a loud groan from the hulking bull, they sprayed minotaur milk at his lover. The thick, sweet liquid splashed Gray's uniform, soaking the black material with its salty, musky scent. Gray stumbled and collapsed onto Seth as his transformed lover reached out to stroke Gray's hair, massaging some of the milk into it.

"Relax my friend, enjoy it." Seth said before he pushed Gray's head down. Gray tried to resist but soon one of the teats was pushing between his lips and started to spurt right away. Gray's eyes went wide as the salty milk coated his tongue, but soon it was all over. Gray's eyes slipped shut and he started to suck, drinking down the cream. His hands moved out, starting to knead at Seth's sack, rubbing the thick, supple flesh to the minotaur's moans and snorts before they latched onto more cum teats, squeezing and tugging them.

The minotaur leaned his head back and let out a deep, satisfied moo as Gray suckled from him. Gray soon proved to be insatiable, gulping and licking at it, teasing the slit on the teat before he traded to another. The milk pooled in his stomach, letting the warmth spread through him, infusing him with vigor. The more Gray drank, the more the milk nourished him. At first his arms started to mature, pushing out and bulging. The muscles soon spread to his chest and stomach, then his legs, but there was no end in sight.

Gray wasn't just drinking, he was feeding as he went through a growth spurt. Gray's lithe, wiry body put on pounds of muscle every second, his arms stretching longer, his legs widening. Biceps, triceps, glutes and calves surged with power, mass adding itself onto Grayson. He let out something between a snort and a moan as the muscles grew more and more defined, his body sculpted and massive at the same time. Gray's uniform was stretched to his limit before it split open, revealing thick, meaty pectorals above perfect abdominals. He was more muscled than Seth had been, pushing past inhuman degrees of strength... but then the fur started to grow.

Much like Seth, Gray's natural body hair turned soft and thickened up, black fur spreading across Gray's stomach and chest, his pits and arms, even his legs. Gray's body grew at an astonishing rate, pushing past six and a half feet, then seven, then eight. As his furry body reached full size, his mouth began pushing out before his face, extending into a muzzle. Gray's temples shifted before the skin split and horns began emerging, growing out forward and then curving up like a different breed of bull.

Seth panted hard, watching Gray grow and grow... and to Seth's surprise, after most of their relationship, Grayson was growing bigger than he was. The black bull he fed was taller, wider, broader... and Gray was completely lost in the moment. Gray grunted, kicking his feet as his boots tore apart, his toes growing together into hooves. And then he felt a heaviness, a warmth, a sudden pressure in his balls and let out a loud, needy moan around the nipple in his growing muzzle. Seth leaned his head back, content. ****

Dakota looked around at the wine cellar he had found himself in, at all the furry goat men running about. They were less human than the others but they seemed to pose no threat. Dakota reached up to run his fingers around the goatee that ringed his mouth, trying to decide if he was going to take them on or just move back upstairs, though a tapping came from the steps as Tycho descended. He looked at the human with a slight quirk.

"Interesting that you would wind up here..." Tycho said. Dakota glared.

"What of it?" Dakota asked. Tycho looked at Dakota for a moment longer.

"My magic guides people to what they desire most... and it isn't the wine that brought you here." Tycho said.

"It certainly isn't the architecture." Dakota replied. Tycho laughed at that, shaking his head.

"No, it isn't... It's a deep seeded desire that you've been hiding from the others, even yourself to a degree." Tycho whispered, looking into Dakota's eyes, "It isn't abnormal, you know. People have thought about turning into animals for thousands of years. It is in every bit of mythology out there. It is just the most recent generation to call it being a... 'furry'." Tycho said. Dakota glared even more.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Dakota replied. Tycho crossed his arms and let out a laugh.

"You need not be ashamed about it, not to me or anyone... especially living the life you have. You've already become a handsome snake, but I know you crave something even more. Is that why you came here, to be with these other satyrs, to feel their fur against your face?" Tycho asked. Dakota was about to yell again before Tycho surged forward and kissed him, filling his mouth with his satyr tongue. Tycho had to admit, he liked a challenge. Dakota would be hard to crack.

Dakota had never considered himself much of a sexual person. While his friends were off pursuing girlfriends and boyfriends he had been preparing for the end times. Kissing the satyr made him feel conflicted. He could feel the raw, potent energy, the animal passion and the changes triggering in his body. Dakota's perfectly maintained goatee grew ragged and longer before spreading back into a curly beard as his temples split and ridged ram horns grew out, curling around his ears.

Tycho shuddered, enjoying the feel of this particular human, watching his short black hair grow out curly and kinky and thick, almost obscuring his pointed ears. Dakota's body was racked with the changes as his legs contorted and changed, a goat tail sticking out of his pants as his shoes fell off to reveal hooves. Dakota was a very dark, very strong satyr... but despite all the pleasure and transformation, he was still himself.

Tycho saw stars as the fist came across his jaw, sending him stumbling back. His hooves clattered as he regained his footing and reached up to rub his cheek. He panted hard, reclaiming himself before he blushed a bit. It was clear he had gone too far, that Dakota wasn't ready. Tycho stretched a bit before he bowed his head.

"My apologies, I was too forward." He said simply before his form vanished, returning upstairs. Dakota was left standing in the cellar, looking at the more animalistic satyrs, forced to confront the fetish that Tycho had pointed out. Perhaps he had been too repressed about it, too afraid to embrace that he was a furry. Given their line of work, it was a rather dangerous obsession but it was just as dangerous to lie to himself. Dakota tried to remain strong but his goat tail flicked about a bit as he looked at the others. One of the servant satyrs looked over at Dakota curiously. Dakota gave slight nod of his head. The satyr grinned back, blushing a bit to have won the handsome satyr's attention. ****

Eli hadn't expected to find himself wandering through the party. Gray had been half right to try and appeal to Zeke, but it was obvious now that the teenager was not about to be convinced, had fully given in to the satyr's charms. Everyone here had. Eli knew a few of the teenagers at the party from volunteering at their school. He quite wasn't sure, but two of them seemed familiar enough from the vampire incident with Lucas.

Now, instead of bats with wings wrapped around one another, they were muscled minotaurs making out. Thick golden nose rings hung from their bovine nostrils, clattering together with a bright sound almost like a bell being struck as they made out, their great, hoof-nailed hands roaming one another's bodies. In a very odd way it was romantic and it made Eli's heart ache a bit - even as he shuddered, another shower of lust washing over him. They were so big, so massive, so carnal...

"Focus..." he grumbled.

"You don't have to worry my friend. All your concerns are taken care of here." Tycho said from behind Eli. Eli turned around, looking at the satyr with his cool blue eyes.

"My concern is the lasting well being of the people at the party. There isn't really anything wrong with what's going on here as long as it doesn't hurt them in the long run. But what if this twists them? Their perceptions or desires? Derails them from what they were intended to do? There's nothing wrong with a party as long as it can be cleaned up afterwards. Are you willing to do that?" Eli asked. Tycho looked almost stunned at the concept before he nodded.

"Of... of course. It would be the duty of any good host..." Tycho said softly. Eli looked at the satyr curiously.

"Well then... What's left on the program?" Eli asked. Tycho smiled.

"Almost everyone has received their gift, but you, I think, are one of the last ones." Tycho said, leaning in to kiss Eli's forehead. Eli looked puzzled at the embrace as Tycho leaned back with a smile.

"Why don't you check out the kitchen." Tycho said. Eli wondered what the satyr had done, but he figured Zeke's parents were on their way and if the party wrapped itself up the satyr would still be obligated to follow his own rules.

The satyr Ghostbuster turned, moving through the living room and into the kitchen to look around for whatever he had been sent in to find. It was quite the sight to behold - several satyrs, with distended, yet solid stomachs and milk-soaked beards lay spread-eagled on the floor, groaning and bleating happily. Despite all of them having gorged like gluttons on the minotaur milk, the minotaurs in the room were still fixated on stroking their thick, dripping teats. Puddles of musky milk covered the floor, the occasional spurt adding to them as a bloated satyr weakly suckled on an udder. The air was heavy with the sweet smell of milk and bull. One satyr, however, still hadn't had enough despite his stomach being slightly distended by the cream.

Nico suckled on the thick teat in his mouth, his head feeling heavy and fuzzy, his stomach filling with the creamy milk and yet, he felt hungrier than ever. He grabbed the minotaur's udder forcefully, a moo echoing off the kitchen walls as the thickly-muscled bull man stroked his thick cock whilst his teats surged with salty-sweet cream, but then Nico's nostrils flared and he sniffed the air.

The new satyr pulled off of the teat and turned, his eyes meeting Eli's... but they were feral and primal. Nico rose up onto his hooves, licking his lips before he surged forward. Eli gasped, knocked back into the fridge , finding himself pinned - and kissed. Eli giggled as he felt Nico's satyr beard, unable to keep his affections back, reaching up to stroke his boyfriend's new goatee even while he took in his new form.

Nico let out a soft growl of delight, moving to unzip Eli's uniform. As Eli's neck and shoulders were exposed, Nico leaned in to kiss and nuzzle at the exposed flesh, inhaling Eli's scent deeply. It was the most alluring smell he had ever partaken of. He needed Eli more than anything. Nico brought the uniform all the way down, letting it drop to the floor before he grabbed Eli by the hips and flipped him around, leaning down to lick up his lover's spine. ****

Upstairs, the party continued. Steam fogged up the mirror and windows in one bathroom, the shower running on high. Cole grunted, hands pressed against the wet tile, rivulets of water dripping down the wrestling captain's muscles. His legs twitched and a click echoed through the shower as his minotaur hooves made contact with the enamel before a loud moo echoed off the walls. Steve's cock slammed into Cole, the gamer now a minotaur himself, pumping over a foot of hard, thick bull cock into Cole's hole. Cole's udders surged, dripping milk onto the shower floor even as his cock twitched and shot ropes of precum over the tile before him.

"F-fuck... mmmooooore...," he groaned, tossing his great horned head and snorting through his nostrils. Steve grinned, hands roaming over Cole's hard eight-pack whilst his thick pectorals pressed into Cole's sculpted back. Lewd slurping noises filled the shower as Steve pulled out only to slam home again. A dull mooing and moaning from the other side of the wall made their bull ears twitched - it came closer, moving around before stopping in the adjacent bedroom.

"We'll... just h-have to... aaaaaah... stay here," Cole grunted, his hips bucking as the hot water dripped off him. ****

The bed groaned and creaked in protest as Seth landed on it with a dull thump. His eyes rolled back in his skull, blood hammered in his ears and his udder still leaked even as his thick bull cock pulsed and drooled above it. Weakly, he lifted his head to see Grayson move from where he'd dropped Seth, sliding onto the bed and kneeling above him. Their muzzles met in a kiss, Gray's own erection grinding against Seth and into his udder. Their thick tongues tangled, dancing across each another as Seth tasted this new Gray - this massive, hulking, huge hung minotaur, and his heart fluttered, his stomach tied himself in a knot.

"Gray, I need you. I need you right now," he moaned with an uncommonly deep voice, looking up with soulful, pleading eyes to his boyfriend. His hands roamed over Gray's massive frame, feeling the soft fur over thick muscles, tracing their contour.

"Turn over," Grayson groaned into Seth's ear, lightly grasping the thin, flicking membrane with his lips and teeth as his hands roamed over Seth's form, "It's time for your milking, big bull." Seth gasped, a rope of precum arcing from his rock-hard cock and splattering onto his abs. He twisted onto his stomach, presenting his ass to Grayson. His rope-like bull tail flicked above it in anticipation as Gray parted Seth's ass cheeks and grasped his shaft. The bed creaked again as the bigger minotaur thrust forward, Seth's moans and moos filling the room as he was pressed into the mattress, filled full - and fuller still as Gray stretched his insides around his minotaur meat.

"Oh... oh god, Gray..." ****

Eli's back arched as Nico licked him, shivering as his neck was nibbled on, then the tiny teeth marks licked and sucked. Nico brought up his huge and hefty satyr cock, rubbing it between Eli's ass cheeks before he tilted forward. The purple head of Nico's steel-hard erection pushed into Eli's pink pucker, the shaft sliding in like an engine piston.

Wispy curls of blond fur grew out of Eli's ass, spreading in a thin sheet before it thickened, looping around his waist and growing into his pubic hair like furry blond underwear. Nico hadn't even started to cum yet and Eli's transformation had already begun. As he pumped in and out of Eli's rear, it was almost like he was pumping testosterone into his boyfriend, causing his leg hair to thicken dramatically. The woolly blond fur soon obscured his legs, dropping down to his ankles. Eli moaned, panting hard, his head tilting back. As his hair swept away from his ears, they could be seen shifting into points.

Eli's transformation continued, though it wasn't just the typical changes. Eli's lower lip swelled, his hips rounded, his shoulders sloped and his abdominal muscles refined. Eli was turning into a model of perfection with each thrust... and Nico couldn't get enough of it. He licked and sucked and nibbled at his partner, grunting like mad as his furry black hips slammed into the blond furred ones before him. Eli hissed and moaned as he felt the teeth against his flesh, but he also felt his own flesh changing.

A soft shift to the tailbone came as Eli's goat tail grew in, twitching about above Nico's assault. The skin between his toes grew together, forcing the digits next to one another before they all fused. Soon keratin coated his toes and his hooves hardened, his foot shifting until he relied on them to stand. With Eli's lower body satyrfied, the surge of testosterone and satyr juices flowed upwards through him, making the last changes.

The hair under Eli's arms thickened, sprouts of blond covered his otherwise smooth chest. A thin, split blond mustache and a triangular goatee on his chin grew in. His eyes rolling in their sockets from the utter bliss he felt, the filling, the warmth of the satyr juices flooding him like the finest wine, a thin trickle of drool leaked from the corner of Eli's mouth. He panted, wide eyed, gazing up at the ceiling... watching his faun horns grow in. The skin of his forehead split and two bone colored nubs pushed out, barely emerging before they stopped again. It was enough to send Eli over the edge as his cock pulsed and he sprayed his seed all over the fridge door.

The orgasm ripped through Eli like a thunderstorm, causing his ass to quiver and massage Nico's rod. Nico let out a bleating call of bliss before he buried his face in Eli's neck and came, his sperm flowing deep into Eli's ass. The two embraced tightly against the fridge, not caring about the many other satyrs and minotaurs in the kitchen in various states of bliss and euphoria. ****

The party had started to wind down as the early dawn light spilled in through the windows. The frantic party music had been toned down to romantic tones and the guests were focused on making out, cuddling, or passed out in sexual exhaustion. Even Zeke had found his way back to Tycho, the two satyrs kissing, their tongues tangling. Zeke's fingers tangled in Tycho's leg fur as they humped, grinding their cum soaked cocks together, their balls pressing against another.

Zeke panted hard, feeling worn out after four hours of non-stop humping... but it felt so good, so right. Tycho, too, felt fulfilled, happy to have brought everyone so much joy. The party was perfect... until the front door opened. Tycho's eyes widened in shock - he hadn't even felt these intruders. But then his heart sank. They weren't uninvited guests... they were Zeke's parents. The satyr quickly moved, trying to get Zeke back onto his feet. Zeke moaned, not wanting to move but Tycho was insistent.

Zeke's mother and father stood in the entry way, looking at a sea of jeans and t-shirts, of backpacks and energy drink cans. They saw tangled bodies lying on the stairs with one another. They had gotten the gist of the situation from Gray on the phone, but it was something else to see it all. Zeke's father took in a breath - and wrinkled his nose, shivering softly. His wife grabbed his wrist and he cleared his throat.

"This party is over." He announced, "Thank you for coming." He added, though it was a strain to be so polite. He had brushed up on Greek hospitality on the way back and felt it would be a good touch. He had no idea how right he was as the words moved through the house and reached Tycho. Tycho turned, looking at his satyr staff as they disappeared into puffs of purple smoke. The party guests remained where they were, their bodies slowly reverting. Fur pulled back into flesh, muscles softened to average condition, horns disappeared... though not everything returned exactly as it had been. Tycho was a man of his word and each guest had been left with a parting gift. Some had the height they wished for, others were stronger, thicker, more muscular; others still received a more private gift. But Tycho's gift weren't restrained to the physical by any means - many changes had been inside and were something that would always be remembered.

Zeke looked terrified as his fur disappeared, leaving him pale skinned once more. He grabbed at his nipple rings before they disappeared as well, whimpering, looking at Tycho in longing. Tycho moved over and caressed Zeke's cheek.

"It's going to be okay..." Tycho whispered.

"But they'll be so mad... I mean... Naked orgies and stuff." Zeke whispered.

"Well, I can help with that at least." Tycho whispered, closing his eyes. Zeke felt a bit warmer as a fog surrounded his body, the vapor solidifying into a crisp white toga that draped over his shoulders and around his body. The other guests were similarly clad as they woke up and roused, the stupor of their sexual bliss wearing off. Zeke's parents navigated their way through the hoards of guests, gingerly sidestepping naked, groaning bodies before they came to the family room archway and looked in at Zeke and Tycho, their eyes serious. ****

The engines of the police cars sputtered to life as their lights continued to spin in the pink dawn. It took over half of the police fleet to ferry all of the party guests home, but as more of the guests filed out there was an odd atmosphere. A few guests averted their eyes from one another, too shy about what they had done to make eye contact... but others waited until they were further down the street to hold hands. The most serious after effect appeared to be a wistful, longing sigh for what had been. It was a sigh that Zeke was becoming very accustomed to.

"...So they had no control over appearing here, merely the victims of pan-dimensional translocation in real time." Gray explained to the police officer taking the report of the incident. Seth stepped up onto the porch and moved through the doorway with his PKE meter, scanning the premises for residual valences, though there seemed to be only one source left.

"This is outrageous! To think that the moment we leave, you go to throw a party without our permission..." Zeke's father growled.

"What happened here is not Zeke's fault. My desires to satisfy hospitality-" Tycho was cut off.

"If Zeke had not intended to have a party, he wouldn't have disturbed the amphora, now would he?" Mister Parker asked. Tycho's shoulders slunk a little at that, looking quite downtrodden. Mrs. Parker reached out to rest a hand on her husband's shoulder.

"John, we couldn't keep him in there forever." She whispered. Zeke's eyes widened, and Seth also paused near the kitchen.

"What do you mean? You knew he was in there?!" Zeke asked, "You had a poor innocent satyr trapped all this time- And you KNEW?" Zeke questioned.

"I told you... it was a long story..." Tycho said a bit bashfully.

"Now isn't the time for this." Mr. Parker glowered.

"No, it's the perfect time. If you are going to punish me for all this, I at least want to know the truth." Zeke demanded. Tycho was stunned by the fire and ire in Zeke's eyes. Youth treated their parents very differently in this modern age. Mr. Parker still seemed hesitant to speak but his wife stepped forward, reaching to touch Tycho's beaded necklace.

"Your father's lineage goes back to Greece... where one of his ancestors was destined to be a king. Before his coronation, a satyr invited him to a festival of pleasure. It was so alluring that he missed the coronation. When the subjects discovered what had happened, they were disgusted and the king was disgraced." The woman explained. Tycho took a soft breath.

"And to rectify my mistake, I agreed to be placed in the amphora..." Tycho whispered. He had forgotten so much in his long slumber, so much so that he had repeated his same error. He looked truly ashamed before he looked up at the parents, especially Mister Parker, "I have been a blight on your family for generations... But please, don't blame your son. While it is true that he was having a party without permission, it would have been inconsequential without my interference... Games of moving pictures, food that you consider to be garbage... nothing more. It is I who corrupted it all and I am willing to face the consequences."

"And what consequences are those?" Mister Parker asked.

"These spirit warriors have technology superior to the amphora. These... 'Ghostbusters';. I will go into their custody and never again bother your family. You can put this incident behind you and move on." Tycho explained. Zeke trembled gently before his eyes glistened, tears leaking from the corner of his eyes.

"No! You can't do that, you can't leave like that. It's not your fault, its mine! It's mine!" Zeke said, running to Tycho, burying his face in the satyr's neck. Zeke's parents watched him cling to the mystical creature desperately. Seth, who had been leaning against the door frame, cleared his throat.

"Why don't you tell him the rest of the legend?" Seth asked rather pointedly. Both Mr. and Mrs. Parker startled, their faces flashing shock and then guilt. Zeke lifted his tear soaked face, looking back at them.

"What's the rest?" Zeke asked, his voice barely a whisper. His mother glanced at her husband and he slowly sighed, lowering his head.

"It was said that... a prince of our family would become a great speaker between our world and the gods', not a king but what we would call today a diplomat. The festival the satyrs threw for my ancestor... was because of that prophecy." Zeke looked confused but he looked over to Seth as he moved into the room.

"I have to admit, when I was younger I never really believed in prophecy or fate. But Life has shown me otherwise time and time again. The question with that sort of thing is always when. When will the circle close itself, when will you arrive precisely where you are supposed to be. I think that time may be upon us." Zeke's parents turned to look at him, gauging him. As confused as Zeke was, Tycho looked even more puzzled.

"Then... Master Zeke is the prince to bridge the worlds?" Tycho asked.

"Well, then there's only one fitting punishment for what you did here today." Mister Parker said, looking at Tycho. Tycho winced and shrunk down a bit more in the chair. Mister Parker looked to his wife and then Seth, both of whom nodded, before looking Tycho straight in the eyes.

"My son... is to be protected. He will need someone, someone who is a mentor, a guide, a body guard and an instructor. If you are truly repentant for what happened here today, if you truly wish to make amends, you will be that man."

"I get to... stay?" Tycho asked in shock.

"Well someone has to help clean up this mess." Mrs. Parker murmured, looking around. Zeke stared at Seth, tears of happiness welling up in his eyes.

"And... and that's okay with you guys?" He asked hopefully. Seth nodded.

"We have a ghost friend ourselves, one that helped save the world... but he follows certain rules. He tries not to interfere with day to day operations of humans, tries not to startle them..." Seth said.

"Then I shall endeavor to do the same... Though, blending in could certainly help." Tycho said. The satyr straightened up, taking a deep breath and closed his eyes. A purple shimmer began to swirl around Tycho, though it was not as opaque as the ashes he had been reformed from. The humans watched, the Parkers with awe and Seth with a knowing grin. Tycho's body began to shift. His hooves cracked and split, five brown toes wriggling on each foot as his keratin shrank back into toenails. His furry legs became merely quite hairy and the horns on his head seemed to disappear, pulling back into his head until they vanished under his hair.

The effect continued, erasing Tycho's tail, his body shifting and changing. His brown hair lost its curl, stretching out straighter... though his ears remained pointed, the one feature he appeared unable hide. Before long, Tycho stood in the midst of the others as a naked twenty five year old; quite hairy and handsome, but looking a fair bit more human, almost innocent. Seth leaned down and quickly snatched up a black hooded sweat shirt and pulled it over Tycho's head. As he let it go, it draped down low enough to cover the new man's groin.

Tycho pushed the hood back and shook his head, letting his hair fall back into place before he looked at the others. Zeke had a soft grin on his face, looking like he was about to swoon again. The parents looked at one another before they sighed in resignation. They had known for a long time that this was a remote possibility, they just never expected it to happen. Mr. Parker took a breath, then nodded.

"Well then... Its time to clean up. After that, we'll discuss a completely new set of house rules."

"But... it's been such a long night - for both of us, I mean... Maybe we should sleep first?" Zeke asked. His mother pointed to the kitchen.

"Both of you are going to start cleaning RIGHT now... If you ever want to see your bedroom again, I suggest that you do a good job." Tycho took Zeke by the arm and dragged him into the kitchen, wishing he could summon his satyr friends to help with the clean up... but this was the life he was going to lead. As far as he was concerned, it wasn't a bad arrangement at all. Zeke's hand fell into Tycho's, and squeezed it softly. ****

The Ecto-11 pulled The Ecto pulled into the firehouse, coming to a stop just in front of the cement block that kept it from barreling through to the office area. The doors opened and the Ghostbusters climbed out, looking sleepy.

"What about the equipment? Should we recharge it?" Eli asked as he yawned, though Nico came after him and nuzzled his neck.

"Gods, you smell good." Nico whispered. Eli looked at him a bit puzzled, then grinned.

"We didn't have a chance to use anything but the meters and goggles, the rest should still be at full charge." Seth replied, moving toward the stairs. He stretched, somewhat glad and somewhat sad to be back in his own body, though he looked up as Rerun flew in from upstairs and hugged him tight. Seth grinned, hugging Rerun back. Gray looked up at the two with a soft smile, still finding it amazing what they'd gone through together... though something was plaguing Gray's mind. Dakota moved up beside Gray, looking at his expression.

"What is it?" Dakota asked. Gray shifted a bit.

"I don't know... Just, if Rerun faced the end of the world, the death of all things... Why couldn't he approach the party? What made that so different?" Dakota considered this for a moment.

"Well, didn't you say he was drawn out of time because of your beacon? That he was immature?" Gray nearly laughed.

"You think he was too young to go to the party? It had an age limit?" Dakota shrugged.

"Maybe, I don't know. I just wonder what puberty will be like for a ghost that can control time." Dakota mumbled, before he passed the others, heading upstairs. Gray looked at Rerun curiously before he shuddered.

"He already plays around with turning us into things; he's going to be a complete pervert..." Gray murmured.

"Come on Grayson, let's get some shut eye." Seth said, moving up the stairs. Gray nodded and moved to catch up, the busters ascending the stairs for some well

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