Ghostbusters: Regenesis 21 - Ghost in the Machine

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#21 of Ghostbusters

Written by leotodrius

Sponsored by MattCatWhen an ancient spirit is drawn to a gaming company by the collected mass of human creativity, ingenuity and problem solving, users start to find very unusual downloadable content... and begin to resemble the games they interact with. Just who is this spirit, and what is his ultimate goal?

This chapter is extremely atypical, but it is a wonderful thing to play with form sometimes. It's almost pure, distilled transformation. I was surprised and happy at how it turned out.Twenty five years after the Ghostbusters pioneered paranormal investigations and eliminations as a business model, franchise departments have spread across the United States. One such franchise operates in Portland Oregon.

This story accepts the movies, the 2010 game, "Real Ghostbusters" and "Extreme Ghostbusters" as canon history and combines elements from all four sources.Ghostbusters, the "No-Ghost Logo" and subsequent marks and trademarks are the authorized copyright property of Columbia Pictures/Sony Pictures and are used freely per 17 U.S.C. Section 107 aka the "Fair Use Statute." This story is in no way, shape, or form associated with Columbia Tri-Star entertainment or it's works. All intellectual property belongs to its respective owners.

Ghostbusters: Regenesis Chapter 21 (Ghost in the Machine) Written by Leo_Todrius Sponsored by MattCatt

The server room of Green Gear Gaming was cool, clean and dark. The server stacks buzzed and hummed with perfect regularity, tiny lights blinking as thousands of people connected to the systems, downloading games or playing with one another, taking part in one vast system of digital content. The service was small in comparison to competitors, but the company was growing rapidly thanks to its custom content modifications.

The walls were covered with pictures of the Pacific Northwest, but between the large photographs were smaller pictures of game designers and content providers brought together after years of hiatus to add levels, characters and content to games long since thought dead. It had breathed new life into games kept in circulation by the fans and had given the video game industry another boost... but not everyone was happy about that.

A slight flickering shone out across the laminate floor tiles, sparking from an electrical outlet. The blue light shone brighter and brighter before an electric vapor spilled out, forming the vague impressions of legs, a torso, arms and then a head. The crackling electricity was darker near the center, looking almost like dark blue ribs on an emaciated figure.

The ghost looked around, its dark blue electric eyes crackling, its thin and scrawny arms dangling from its sides. The spirit was hungry, weak and tired. He had been around for thousands of years, gaining nourishment from riddles and puzzles and games of chance, but humanity had changed. Humans invested themselves in electronic games and puzzles; they turned to no one other than themselves.

Without the humans to nourish it, the ghost had deteriorated and wasted away. The only way to survive was to adapt and the spirit had managed that much. His form had taken on the attributes he needed to feed once more, but it had come at a price. In his weakened state, the spirit could not remember who he was. All he knew was that he was hungry and his hunger had drawn him to this place. The ghost looked around at the stacks of computer terminals. At first he hadn't understood why he had been drawn to this place when his search was for humans, but he knew humans used technology as part of their daily lives.

The spirit advanced toward one of the computers, stretching out his hand. Blue sparks jumped back and forth between his incorporeal fingers and the server before contact was made. The spirit shuddered, feeling hundreds of lives filtering beneath his touch... He knew it wasn't just going to be a meal after decades of starving. It was time to feast. The lights in the room began to flicker and spark, the servers shuddering as the ghost slipped into the server. The connections between the towers shimmered with a faint blue light as he spread out, invading the network and reaching out to his new prey. It was time for the games to begin.


Geek and Nerd culture was quite prevalent on the West Coast and memorabilia lined shelves were nothing uncommon, but Dylan Bradley's room took it to another level. The walls were practically wallpapered with video game posters, his book shelves were so packed full of video game guides that the shelves were warping, and video game figurines covered his computer tower, his shelves, his counters and even the head of his bed. The young man's room was like a shrine to the video game industry... a shrine he hadn't left in some time.

If Dylan had lived in Japan he would have been termed a Hikikomori, a shut in and isolationist. He'd spent his youth invested in video games and graduation from high school had only given him more time to sink into them. His parents were always working so there was little distraction. They likely didn't know quite how serious the problem was... but for Dylan, there was one problem he held above all others. Despite all the time he invested in video games, he wasn't very good at them.

Dylan sat at the end of his bed, gazing at the screen before him. He'd taken twists and turns through countless stone corridors filled with ominous burning torches. He'd fallen down trap doors, triggered spike strips, even asphyxiated once when he sealed himself in a tomb. Dylan felt rather terrible that he was doing so poorly with the game's protagonist, 'Mister Adventure'. He'd made the mistake of choosing 'Jenny' as Mister Adventure's assistant. While the NPC was rather gifted physically, she wasn't helpful at all with the puzzles.

The player gritted his teeth, looking at the screen for yet another minute. He was too petrified to make another move, to lose another life. He was so worried that when a large white screen popped up, he dropped his wireless keyboard to the floor in fear... only to realize it was an End User License Agreement from Green Gear.

"Oh thank the game sprites..." Dylan moaned with relief, picking his keyboard back up. He looked at the title of the EULA, it was an agreement for a live update to his game with all new content. Dylan hoped the update would make the puzzles a little easier, but at the very least it would be an excuse to step back from the puzzle he was stuck on. Dylan scrolled to the bottom of the EULA without reading it and hit accept.

The white window disappeared, leaving behind it a faint blue haze for a moment before an update window appeared. Usually Green Gear used green status bars, but the status bar on the patch was an electric blue. It built up to the end and then a new window appeared; the assistant selection window. Dylan was perplexed at first, but then he realized it was his opportunity to make up for his mistake with Jenny.

"Finally..." Dylan murmured in excitement. He flipped through the assistants, ranging from human interns and research students to alien spelunking experts before he came across a rather short looking Tanuki fellow. Dylan hovered his mouse over the Tanuki.

"I can make solving puzzles nice, but magic always has a price." The Tanuki chimed in.

"That may be, but you're going to help me get through these... Why didn't I choose you before?" Dylan bemoaned his choice, realizing why. He was terrible at video games. He selected the Tanuki and the menu screen disappeared. Mister Adventure was standing right where he had been. Dylan turned his character around to see the five foot tall Tanuki looking up at him with big, shiny black eyes, his little nose twitching.

"Time for your action skill, buddy." Dylan said, pressing the appropriate key. The tanuki closed his eyes and rubbed his paws together before a blue line trailed out, heading down one fork in the road though a red shimmering rectangle that appeared on the ground, warning of a trap door. Dylan squeaked with delight, knowing that he'd made the right choice.

Dylan sent Mister Adventure forward, hopping over the trap door and continuing on his way, his eyes glued to the screen. He didn't notice the faint blue light leaking from the keys and sinking into his skin, nor that his ears had started to grow into points. Fur began spreading over his ears, filling them in with a bit of fuzz before the tips turned black... just like the Tanuki's.


Rich, deep bass rumbled across the apartment from sixteen different speakers set up in strategic positions. The sound of the snow falling on the dormant volcano was perfectly tangible, as was the soft wind, the swaying of tree branches. The surround sound was the crowning jewel to the entertainment center, the fifty inch television showing in perfectly high definition a rural Japanese village. Masked figures moved through the streets, hunting down the assassin that had murdered the mercenary king, never knowing he was just above them... though the player was focused on other things at the moment.

Caleb Turner sat on his black leather couch, leaning back, the USB controller in his hands. He stared at his character on the screen... He wasn't playing some Japanese hero, no, his character was a bit more ethnic. The figure had skin the color of dark chocolate, bushy black sideburns and a massive, thick afro. It was to be expected with the name of the game being Afro Ninja, but Caleb still couldn't believe he was playing it.

Caleb was twenty two, six feet tall and had light skin with just a hint of cinnamon. His black hair was buzzed quite short, just enough to give it color without having much texture. It was hard to make out his ethnicity and that had been just what Caleb had been going for most of his life. He came from a mixed family and when his father had left as a boy, he turned his back on his father's heritage. The choice seemed even clearer when the role models of the black community turned out to be thugs and gang members and rappers boasting about crimes and debauchery. Caleb had felt secure in embracing only his mother's side of the family... at least until his father came back after over ten years. Then things had gotten complicated.

A new family portrait sat on a book shelf, showing Caleb's Italian mother with her light brown hair tied back into a pony tail and his father with his thick black dreadlocks tied back as well. His ebony skin both contrasted and complimented his mother's. It was a balance Caleb had been lacking in all his formative years. Now he was estranged from his father but his parents were actually trying to make it work again. The game had been a feeble attempt at making a new connection. Caleb had to admit, the game was beautiful... and the main character was a bad ass.

Caleb watched the enemies patrolling around, searching for him, watching the wind sway through his character's afro. He was about to make his next move when a white window popped up, a EULA agreement. Caleb groaned at that and jumped to the bottom of the agreement before he hit accept. The window disappeared without any further issue. Caleb was just glad it hadn't interrupted his game.

The afro ninja dropped down from his perch in the tree and ran along the roof tops in absolute silence, his obsidian blade slipping out from its sheath. Caleb's fingers worked the controller with all the grace and precision of a ninja, even as a faint blue glow leaked out from around the buttons, sinking into his fingers. Caleb's eyes were glued to the screen as he executed split second attacks, taking down the mercenary guard.

As his blade sliced through his enemies and masked figures toppled to the ground, the blue glow around his hands only increased. Tiny pin pricks appeared in his ears, moving through the flesh before a clear liquid leaked out, hardening into crystal and then diamond. The diamond studs shimmered gently as they hardened, contrasting the black stubble that covered his head. Caleb kept going, taking down more enemies, building up his combo count... and the glow increased as well.

The black stubble of his buzzed head dropped down past his ears, covering his cheek slowly, extending all the way to the jaw bone. Caleb kept playing, unaware of the stubble pushing out, curling and thickening. In moments he had a week's worth of facial hair growth, then two weeks. The sideburns grew unruly, thick enough to run a comb through, but it was only the beginning.

Testosterone was flooding Caleb's body, making him feel strong and proud. His attacks grew more vicious and his eyes more dedicated. His breathing increased and he gave more and more to the game, and vicariously to the ghost that inhabited it. The more he gave to the ghost, the more he gave of himself, the more he came to resemble his character. Caleb's short hair was growing out. The short buzzed hair curled around, growing frizzy and thick. Caleb's ambiguity was leaving him. It was clear that he was black. It was becoming clearer every moment.

Caleb's hair kept pushing out of his skull, rounding, growing bushier. It was about a quarter the size of the Afro Ninja's when Caleb made a startling discovery... he had cleared the village of all enemies. It was liberated. His character leveled up, his stats increased, but Caleb was left feeling empty. He wanted more... he had to get more. He directed the game camera up the hill to the fortification left behind by the mercenary king. There was an army to fight there... and the Afro Ninja would press on.


The dorm room was dark, too dark. The only real sources of light came from the power and CPU indicators on the computer tower, pulsing with life as the computer relayed the simulated environment to the screen... but even that was dark. Alec had heard a lot about Night Z, an open-world survivalist zombie game. He'd heard rave reviews and bitter hatred, exalted prideful boasts of survival and the horrific stories of just how depraved players became toward one another. There was only one way for him to learn the game's true nature. He had to try it himself.

The download from Green Gear had been fairly easy and the EULA had barely been a nuisance. To Alec's chagrin, game time mirrored the time of the server and he was in the same time zone. The darkness outside meant darkness in the game, and the survival game didn't hand out night vision goggles for free. Alec also had the added incentive of finding shelter and food before his character died of exposure, hunger and thirst simultaneously.

Alec sat in his gaming chair, his curly brown hair still a bit messy from bed and his face covered in a few days' stubble. Common sense told him that he should work on homework or play with a light on to reduce eye strain, but both of those suggestions crippled the playing environment. Alec was in it to win it.

He navigated his character through the dark forest, searching for any shack that could give him a leg up on surviving just a bit more. Night Z was not a game one could 'win'. It was a game he could only endure. Alec hesitated, his ears picking up a faint thumping noise in the distance... a human controlled helicopter. Zombies were nothing compared to the intuitive and cruel manipulations of the human players.

Alec sent his character into the thickest patch of trees. He couldn't see anything until it was a few feet away from him... but after a few moments the trees seemed shorter, spread a little more closely. His eyes slowly adjusted and the faintest outlines became clearer. Alex felt a chill run down his spine as he realized he wasn't among trees, he was in a clearing... full of zombies. Alec's fingers left the keyboard for a moment.

The zombies were standing around, degraded and deteriorated. Alec didn't know enough about the game to know if this was a spawn point or if they had gathered for some more intelligent reason. All Alec knew was that he hadn't yet been noticed. He started to edge his character away, watching all the indicators on his screen. In some ways the game was too real, keeping track of his character's shock, even the wind direction - a direction that was now changing.

The tell tale sound of a zombie call echoed through the trees. The hoard had been alerted. Alec turned his character and hit the sprint button. He could hear the thumps and screams and calls of the mutated villagers behind him. He had to get away. Alec panted, his character panted. Their hearts were racing, both simulated and real. A zombie slashed at his character. Alec winced without realizing it, a red slash opening up on the back of his arm.

Alec dismissed the hot, wet feeling as some sort of cramp from being in a chair all day. Saving his character was more important than comfort. Alec kept running forward, but something even more terrifying filled his vision... the light of a spot light from the helicopter. The vehicle hovered on the edge of the forest, shining the light down at the creatures. Alec knew the humans would shoot him to drop his loot and take it once the zombies cleared. Alec had to change tactics.

He flicked through his inventory before he pulled out a flare, tossing it up toward the helicopter. It was an insane move, but the zombies now had two targets to consider. Alec turned, keeping tucked in the tree line as the helicopter began its frantic search for the human player that had marked it. Alec panted even harder as he ran from two enemies rather than one.

A few more slashes injured Alec's character and him alike, but Alec was fully invested in the game... so much so that it felt completely real. He felt fatigued, light headed, the pain in his legs of running and running and running, but still he pressed on. He was nearing the eastern edge of the forest, the helicopter falling behind in his hearing. There was a slim chance if he could make it to the river he'd be alright, but that chance didn't take into account the zeroes...

The distinctive call was meant to be an ultimate warning of the game's most elite zombies, the patient zeroes. They were a rare spawn, nearly impossible to kill. The screech echoed through the trees before the steady thump of the helicopter blades ended abruptly. There was a crashing through the trees and an explosion... then the sound of a zombie feast. Alec debated quitting the game, force quitting even before anything bad happened... but the game knew better than that, it would leave him vulnerable for a while and when he came back he would be right there, likely on top of a zombie spawn point again. The river was his only hope.

Alec kept going, running despite his character's blood pressure running dangerously low. The edges of his screen were starting to pulse red and his character's vision blurred. Alec pressed on, though he nearly sprung out of his chair as the desiccated brown, skull like face of a patient zero popped up in front of him. The zombie grabbed the simulated character by the shoulders and moved in for an infected bite.

On the other side of the screen, Xoch watched, tied to the human player. He'd felt the fear, the anxiety, the excitement... and now he watched Alec lose. Alec cried out as he felt invisible teeth biting into his neck, visible gashes forming... but the wound didn't stay red for long. The bite marks turned red to brown and then green as a sickly color began spreading through Alec's skin.

The dorm room gamer's eyes glazed over, becoming milky as his mouth dried out. Soon his teeth yellowed and his hair grew greasy, shifting form a healthy brown to a rusty reddish black. His fingernails turned green and his muscles began to shift. Alec's scruff grew out a little but his skin sallowed, his cheek bones more visible. His head tilted a bit to one side as his fingernails stretched out into claws. Even Alec's former wounds half healed, the blood congealing a bit as his greenish skin toughened like leather.

The character's view on the screen shifted, going blurry for several seconds before it cleared again and the hud reoriented. The hunger meter was replaced with the brains and flesh meter, the thirst meter negated completely. The blood pressure gauge was still there but was now green, needing a certain level of infected blood to keep his body moving... but Alec's character had another skill, heat vision. He had joined the ranks of the undead.

Alec let out a low groan as he numbly controlled his character, turning to face the crashed helicopter. He could see the heat of the flames but also escaping humans. He followed after them, his finger movements on the controller as jerky as his zombie's movements on the screen. His loss had sealed his own fate. He was a video game zombie in more than one way after all.


Soft moans filled the small bedroom of the duplex home, the moans of a teenager trying to masturbate while still doing something else at the same time. An eighteen year old boy lay sprawled out on his bed, wearing only his socks as his right hand slipped up and down his shaft, his wrist brushing against his thick red bush while his left hand slid up and down the screen of his iPhone, stimulating the manhood of an animated, muscled Japanese character with bright green hair. The figure on the screen moaned, arching his back in time with the touch. Even his nipples swayed in time with his breathing. It was more than enough for the redheaded teen to feel like he was about to slip over the edge.

Chase Long had always been addicted to his own cock, but never before had his fixation cost quite so much money. In less than a month he had spent almost four hundred dollars on imported erotic JRPG's and an extra forty dollars to access Green Gear's 'adult' section. Still, Chase didn't care. He whimpered and moaned before there was a flash on the screen... A EULA. Chase whimpered with frustration, letting go of his cock, bringing the phone up.

"Additional content? Man, bad timing..." Chase muttered, scrolling down and accepting the agreement. In the phone, the ghost shuddered with another connection made. He felt the life energy of half a dozen humans trickling into him, but this one was different. The blue electric form of the spirit gazed out through the glass, seeing Chase through the pixels as the screen returned to the hand job mini-game.

Chase looked at the indicator, realizing while the EULA had been up that the simulated hunk had felt ignored, his arousal decreasing and his interest declining. Chase whimpered, feeling jilted and terrible, focusing completely on the game for a moment. He stroked the hunk off with his finger on the touch screen, even stroking across his nipples. The hunk looked relieved, but nothing was compared to the joy the spirit in the phone was getting.

Chase watched as the combo break bar built and built, his own orgasm approaching with it. Chase sweated and moaned, shifting and arching his back, the screen pulsing with blue light as his sexual energy funneled into the starving spirit. The spirit within absorbed the energy, feeling it fill him and nourish him like nothing had in years... even centuries. It felt familiar, it felt right, and something clicked in the back of the ghost's mind.

'Xoch'. The single word filled the ghost's mind, a fragment of memories restored with the nourishment. It was part of his name, it was his identity. The crackling form shifted slightly, taking on a slightly more human shape. Xoch returned his attention to the screen before him. There was something about this game, something far stronger than the others. The human was giving him more life, more energy, more everything... and the ghost knew what it was. It was the sexual component, the erotic element, something he had dealt with before...

Xoch started poking through the code, examining its details, the writing and the point system... His life wasn't just about games and riddles, it was about sex. It was about human creativity, how they created life and how they creatively solved problems. Xoch was even happier to have tapped into the network he was now a part of, connected to all those human minds.

Back in the bed, Chase had returned to jerking himself off as well as the simulated character. The green haired hunk looked like he couldn't take much more. His rod was purple with anime blood, his hair soaked with sweat... and then an animated explosion of cum filled the screen, on top of which text appeared, announcing Chase had won Denegar's allegiance and he would join the party. The camera started to spin around Denegar's sweat and cum soaked body and Chase quickly returned to his own masturbation, jacking off furiously with both hands. As his palms slipped up and down his shaft, blue energy crackled from his hip to the phone like static electricity. Xoch knew what he needed to take everything to the next level.


The classic sixteen bit music of Super Jump Brothers spilled out of computer screen, reflecting off of the glasses of Conner Nicols. The blond boy had bought the 25th anniversary edition full of new levels and new enemies and he'd been eagerly playing since getting home from school. He sat with his legs spread wide on the floor, his back against his bed, watching the mechanic with the orange hat running through the aqueducts of the Tomato Kingdom.

Conner was glad he'd found an exploit earlier with the power tomatoes, gaining 93 extra lives before advancing to the later levels. He would have gained more if not for the stupid EULA that had popped up, but he had gotten rid of that fast enough. Conner manipulated his character through the castle, following all the twists and turns before he found the big red double doors. He swallowed a bit before he pressed up. The doors opened and the screen fizzled, replacing itself with a large throne room.

In the back various creatures with tomato hats were tied up. The Jump Brother continued along, ready to pounce any foe he came across... but as the screen scrolled over, the castle boss was revealed. Conner's jaw dropped. It was King Garudon, a boss only hinted at in the back story. He towered over the Jump brother, double his height. The bipedal dragon boasted blue scales, flowing green hair and a spiked yellow shell across his back.

In Conner's shock, he hadn't reacted fast enough as Garudon opened his mouth and sent out a flurry of fire balls. Conner moved frantically, trying to jump over and duck under the fire balls... but it was too late. The Jump Man was hit once and shrunk down to a smaller size, then hit twice. The figure fidgeted before he collapsed and the screen went black. Conner took a breath in his defeat, though he felt an odd chill run down his arms and into the controller.

On the other side of the screen, Xoch shivered in delight. He'd felt the strength of human players winning their games, but defeat had its own distinct taste as well. Xoch drank it in, knowing that the human had agreed to all his terms... to rewards for winning and punishments for losing, to assets for being clever and costs for cheating. The blond boy was already his. The first death had come with a rather small price, the slight growth of his fingernails into points.

Conner's character regenerated with one less life at the base of the castle. The teenager steeled himself and continued on, moving through the castle, making his way back. He entered the throne room and anticipated the fire a bit better... at least until it bounced off of the wall behind his Jump Man and caught him in the ricochet. His character crumbled once again. Conner let out a grunt of frustration, though his grunt revealed his human teeth stretching into sharp, monstrous fangs.

Time and time again Conner made it back to Garudon. He was learning from his mistakes, but the dragon boss kept pulling tricks out of his sleeves. Xoch sat inside the computer screen, absorbing energy from the human, feeling his body fleshing out, regenerating... but he was also watching the human change with each loss. Conner's face was trapped in a menacing sneer worthy of Garudon, but the rest of his body was changing too.

Conner's blonde hair was taking on a sea green hue, growing longer. No longer did it stop at his ears, it slipped down his back and across his shoulders. Another few losses and his shoulders bulged, stretching larger. He had gone from 94 lives down to 85, but still he was determined. The battle lasted longer each time, but still he lost and the loss was all the sweeter to Xoch.

The teenager had no idea how well he was feeding the spirit within his computer, nor how much he was changing. His rational mind was focused entirely on the game, though a growing arousal was starting to swell in his pants, tugging at his attention. As the crotch of his khakis stretched out, his eyes started to drift down.

"What the hell?" Conner murmured, dropping his controller. He panted softly, feeling so horny. He reached for his fly but froze when he saw his clawed hands, larger than they should have been. His heart skipped a beat as he took in the surreal sights and sounds before he unzipped his pants slowly. What he revealed was not normal at all.

His short, trimmed bush had become a thick, sea green mane that hung down over ample balls... and the hard shaft extending from his groin was turning blue before his very eyes, the color running up to the very fat, very broad head of the shaft. To Conner's surprise, the entire shaft was rather fat, as thick as his wrist already... and widening.

While Conner was focused on his own body, his character had been left idle on the game screen. Being a side scrolling game, enemies tended to migrate along the course... and an innocuous mushroom shaped creature with menacing eyes waddled up and hit the unpowered character, causing him to die once more.

Conner gasped, his head tilting back. An incredible pressure filled his skull, aching and throbbing before that pressure came to two single points. The skin split and white bone emerged, honing into a horn tip. The horn curved upwards and grew out just a bit, like a miniature bull horn. Conner groaned, trying to recover from that, but already he had left the character idle too long again. The same villain killed the Jump Man again.

The teenager hunched forward, panting and huffing, groaning as his t-shirt grew tight over swelling muscles. His pectorals thickened, his abdomen hardened... but when the first sound of tearing came, it was not from expanded muscles or mass... it was from a tiny spike that pushed through the back of the shirt, then another, and another. Six spikes, then eight, then twelve pushed through his back and then his shirt.

On the screen, the poor Jump Man went through the same death animation over and over as his extra lives dwindled away... and so did Conner's. The energy leaving his body had become tangible enough to swirl through the air, draining into the controller, a fine bluish mist that was turning purple and then red. Inside the system, Xoch was remembering more... Xochi...pilli... Xochipilli. That was his name, though Xoch was good for short.

Conner continued to shift and change, down to thirty two lives and racking up the defeat. His fat blue shaft pulsed with vitality as it stretched longer, gaining ribs and rings and details that had never been depicted in anything but fan art. Conner's shirt stretched one last time before it shredded, revealing the mustard yellow shell with thick boney spikes erupting out of it. The shell fused to Conner's torso, his skin turning scaly and blue.

The number in the corner of the screen ticked down to twenty five and the death music coincided with the sound of tearing pants as a fat tail erupted out behind the teenager, swaying around. It was blue on the back and sea green on the underside, blending into the dragon beast's crotch mane. Conner grunted, feeling something swelling inside him, bubbling up his throat before he let out a belch of fire, the air crackling before it extinguished. He knew he had to stop the process...

Conner lunged forward, grabbing the controller with his clawed hands. He had to win, to reverse the changes... though the changes weren't making it easy. His massive, muscled body lying on his hard cock only stimulated it further and soon he humped the ground even as he played. His claws sliced up the plastic of the controller but he remained dexterous enough to overcome the initial enemies, heading back toward the double red doors.

The teenager's spiked tail swung around behind him as he jumped and ducked under the fire, though his Jump Man seemed so insufficient to represent him. He was so much more like King Garudon.... Tall, brave, strong and manly. Conner slowly realized that he was fighting against something wonderful, something amazing. The Jump Man came to a stop right before the villain as one last fire ball erupted from the beast's mouth.

Conner moaned as he changed more, his jaw popping and shifting, his mouth pushing out into a blunt muzzle. He knew his life's purpose now... Even if he always lost, life had a path for him and he embraced it. The Jump man ran toward enemies, running into them only to perish. He dropped into holes, jumped into hazards. One by one the lives ticked away and Conner changed all the more.

The teenager's shell was fully formed, his arms and legs muscled, his tail thick, his shaft needy. The screen fizzled to black and the Jump Man returned - with no extra life to spare. Conner shivered in anticipation, edged his character forward... and walked into another enemy. The tragic game over music played and Conner shuddered, the last of the red light leaving his body to feed Xoch.

Xoch groaned as he was so well nourished, watching the human on the other end of the screen turned into a dragon king. He was covered in scales and hair and spikes from head to toe, the king of the castle... and Xoch would reward him. The game screen flickered and twisted before it started on world 1-1, but this time he was playing as Garudon. Conner drooled from his fanged teeth as he edged forward, stomping and smashing the innocent townspeople on his way to reclaim his throne. It was good to be the king, but Xoch was still hungry. He pulled back from Conner's console and shifted through the network, deciding to spice up more of his previous meals.


The mini-map on Afro-Ninja had been shifting ever more blue from a sea of red as Caleb liberated the masses, though the game had proven far more mature than Caleb had anticipated. He wondered if his father knew the game had brothels to use or free, let alone brothels full of male prostitutes. Caleb made his way through the brothel, ending the lives of the cruel overlords that had taken over the establishment. Every victory was met with a compliment of his strength, his stamina, his exotic handsomeness... and it was all going to Caleb's head.

The player had continued to resemble his character more and more. His muscles had grown, his skin had darkened, but most of all his hair had grown out into a thick and round afro. The hair glistened in the low lights, but as big as it was, the ninja's afro was still bigger. The character had continued to level up, becoming more endowed in every way.

"Afro-Ninja, you have saved us all... We are in your debt. What can we ever do to thank you?" a NPC asked. Caleb watched the dialogue response bubble pop up, giving him three options; 'saving you was its own reward', 'perhaps a little time with one of your men', and 'It's time to sheath my sword in each of you'. Caleb stared at the screen in disbelief, shocked by the content, but something about it stroked his male ego... the idea of liberating an entire brothel and then fucking every prostitute...

Caleb bit his lip as he clicked down and chose the third option. The screen shifted to a cut scene, showing the men disrobing the Afro-Ninja, revealing his dark skinned body, his muscles, his scars... and an amazing, inhumanly large manhood. Caleb groaned sharply, pawing at his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping. He'd barely gotten the fly open before his own hard cock snaked its way out, stretching to eight inches, then ten, then twelve... but the game was far from over.

The screen shifted to one of the beds, showing the Afro-Ninja fucking one of the prostitutes. It was a quick time event, requiring him to hit the buttons at the right moments. Caleb took it as a matter of masculine pride to hit the buttons just right, eliciting moans from his male bitches. Caleb panted more as his lips thickened, his cock swelled wider and longer... and each thrust of his virtual cock came with a surge in the length of the hair on his head. His afro grew thicker and larger, so voluminous and so light.

Caleb's mind was so addled with lust and corruption that as his cock surpassed twelve inches in length, he almost found it bothersome with how in the way it was... but there was an easy way to keep playing. Caleb slipped his controller and his hands under his shaft and angled it up, coming down to plunge his lips around the head of his own cock. Caleb began to suck himself down as he kept playing, getting excellent scores from all of the prostitutes. Afro-Ninja wasn't just a skilled killer; he was the most skilled lover on the island...


Never before had Dylan made so much progress on a video game, even with guides. The Tanuki character 'Buddy' was the perfect choice for an assistant and his action skill had revealed every trap, every puzzle clue, every token... but cheating so much had cost Dylan a lot. Dylan sat on his fuzzy ass, his pudgy clawed toes wiggling before him, his fury belly sticking out from his unbuttoned shirt. He was still part human, but not very much remained.

Each press of the clue key caused him to shift a little more into the sidekick rather than Mister Adventure... but so far the change had merely been aesthetic. Dylan already embodied the absent minded nature of the tanuki, but there was one aspect of the creatures the game designers hadn't originally included, something Xoch was quite aware of. In addition to being quite magical, the Tanuki were notorious for being well endowed... not necessarily in their manhood, but in their balls. Xoch knew it was time to activate the more adult features of the game.

Dylan reached down to adjust himself as his pants grew tight, shifting one kiwi sized ball to the right, but when he moved that, he had to arrange his plum sized left testicle... but then they were out of balance. He groped and shifted his orange size balls, narrowly missing the sensation of them growing even larger... but his shorts couldn't take it anymore. One massive furry ball emerged, followed soon after by the other, his sack enormous already.

A calm, playful, mischievous sensation began to sweep over Dylan as he continued to play the game. He loved puzzles and tricks and traps, but he felt so cuddly too. All he wanted was to be warm... and to share that warmth... especially from his cock. Dylan licked his lips as his face pushed out into a narrowing muzzle, a mask of black spreading around his eyes and nose as red stripes appeared on his cheeks. His body was quickly becoming more and more like a raccoon-dog and he wasn't any the wiser - but then again, Dylan had always needed someone else to point out the clues to him.


Headlights shone on the aluminum siding of the apartment complex, the plastic triangle proudly proclaiming that the red Datsun was the vehicle manifestation of one of the region's most prestigious pizza companies. The door opened with a groan before the delivery boy sprung out. The pizza had been ordered that morning to be delivered at dinner time, but scheduled deliveries were on the rise. The delivery boy moved up to the door, trying not to slouch. He reached up and knocked on the door. There was a delay, silence, and then the door opened.

Standing just inside the apartment was a six foot, four inch tall black man in all of his naked glory. His muscles rippled and shone, his sideburns were as thick as forests and his afro was immense... but the delivery boy's eyes drifted down to the fourteen inch shaft draped elegantly over his peach sized balls. The delivery boy's fuzzy chin dropped.

"Holy fuck!" he muttered, both in shock that anyone would answer the door naked and that any guy would look quite that masculine. Caleb gave a nod.

"Yes, yes I am. Let's begin." He said with a deep and savory voice, grabbing the delivery boy. The red and white hat went flying off as the nineteen year old toppled to the floor, revealing his greasy strawberry blond hair. Caleb came up behind him, large and strong hands caressing his hips. The delivery boy looked over his shoulder with trepidation, but for some reason it all just melted away. He'd never felt so safe with anyone in his life.

"Who are you?" The delivery boy whispered. Caleb grinned gently, giving the pants a slight tug. The delivery boy's belt fell apart and the pants slid down.

"I'm the cold, dark wind that blows on the ember of the east..." Caleb replied before he drew the delivery boy's underwear down. He brought his hard, long shaft down to the cheeks, sliding up and down. The delivery boy trembled gently.

"I... I'm not gay." He whispered, though whether he was trying to tell Caleb or himself was another matter.

"Nothing gay about this... Just two men showing solidarity." He said, staring into the delivery boy's eyes. The young man seemed reassured at that, looking to Caleb with respect. Caleb shivered gently, his eyes having the faintest blue haze to them, "Time for me to sheath my sword..." he said before he thrust into the delivery boy. The red head arched his back, calling out as his ass was spread wide and invaded by a most welcome rod of hot, black flesh. Caleb pulled back and thrust in again, impaling the delivery boy on his huge meat.

Every thrust went deeper, striking every sensitive nerve the delivery boy had until the prostate was stimulated. The delivery boy moaned and drooled, his fingers tangling in the strap of the hot box bag he'd dropped when he'd been tossed. Caleb moved with a poise and grace that belonged to the Afro-Ninja. Every muscle was honed and focused on his task, but he wasn't going to kill the delivery boy, at least not intentionally.

The delivery boy thrust back against the cock, feeling it slide deep into his belly. Nothing in his life had prepared him for this, but he finally understood what he'd been missing. No girl, no woman, no fantasy was as good as his reality. He wanted to belong to that shaft, to please it, to be the plaything of the man that had grabbed him. The delivery boy panted hard, sweat beading across his brow as his hair fell across his face before he screamed out, cum spraying across the clean carpet. Caleb let out a long, slow moan as he reached to pet the delivery boy's hair, feeling his own balls starting to empty into the red head.

"You can rest easy now; your brothel is no longer under the hand of Shen-Yu..." Caleb murmured. The delivery boy moaned, having no idea what Caleb was talking about but he didn't care. It all felt too good, too perfect, too right... and Xoch couldn't have agreed more. Caleb had given the ghost his reality, his everything and Xoch felt divine... In fact, he realized that he was divine, memories coming back to him. He had once been worshipped as a god. The energy had been so wonderful back then... but he was making quick progress in this new world and he had no plans to stop.


The buttons of the USB controllers were used to abuse, but seldom had they been mashed in such rapid succession. Two teenagers were hard at play, sitting in the curved electric gaming chairs, the sounds of the game echoing around their heads. One boy was blonde with short cut hair and a green and white striped polo, his face showing most of the maturity of adulthood. His friend, though, looked a bit younger than his age. His brown hair was buzzed short and his cheeks were a bit rosy.

Oliver and Ryan had been competing for years, but Immortal Konflict IV had captivated them every day after school for weeks. While Ryan was able to hang out with the athletes at school, Oliver had to rely on his video games for companionship when Ryan wasn't there. Despite both boys paying for it, Oliver had sunk the most time into it, working through the solo player campaign with due diligence. Oliver's character was everything he wasn't.

Pyro, Oliver's character, had started out looking quite innocent with eyes full of wonder. He had carrot orange hair and had learned the power of fire accidentally... and tragically. His character lost his arm to his abilities but still trained to master the power, taking ever darker paths in his studies. His arm had been replaced with a mechanical one and a tank of fuel was strapped to his back and he burned his way across the landscape with a twitching smile of insane glee.

Ryan, however, had taken a far different approach. Rather than power leveling one character, Ryan was getting used to them all. He'd sampled the ice fighter, the crocodile man, the android. Oliver was silently infuriated. After all his practice, Ryan was better at the game already just like he was better at life. He was picking up cross-character skills that came in handy in every match, learning by contrast.

Oliver gritted his teeth as he focused on every move he had in his arsenal, laying out wave s of fire... waves that Ryan avoided, his android climbing up the wall. Oliver traced after his target, trying to lay him down. Ryan's character leapt from his perch, executing a jabbing kick that launched Pyro backwards, the villain falling on his own pack... a pack that had low enough hit points to explode. The fiery ball engulfed the screen. The match was over.

"Winner!" The game declared. Oliver threw his head back and moaned at that, though a distinct chirp drew his focus back. A small window had appeared on the screen. 'Achievement Unlocked:' flashed on the screen, followed by an icon of a clock with exclamation points for hands. 'Over 100 hours played' flashed a moment later. The achievement sound came again, followed by the icon of a mask. 'Played every tier one character' was the description to Ryan's achievement. The screen then cleared, a search light spanning across the brick walls of an alley way before it came across a figure. It was the screen to introduce new characters.

The figure revealed in the cut scene was hulking, monstrous, hunched back and knuckle dragging. He turned toward the camera before letting out a savage roar, the sub line of 'Savage' breaking through the brick wall behind him. The character had scraggly hair, a twisted beard and blue fur that covered his arms, chest and back. He was muscled, half man and half animal. He even had claws.

The cut scene ended, returning to the character selection screen. The squares started sliding around the screen, reorienting. They had to make room for Savage's square to appear, though an entire new row of milky squares appeared. They were characters that would unlock in the next few matches now that the tier 1 characters had all been played.

"One more match..." Ryan whispered, moving to select Savage.

"To rule them all..." Oliver replied, selecting Pyro once again. As both characters were selected, a EULA agreement popped up on the split screen. Both players groaned, skipping to the bottom without reading it before they accepted. The agreements disappeared; the screen went dark before it opened up on an entirely new map. The characters stood on a rock sheet in the middle of a great river at the edge of a waterfall. It was so scenic that both teenagers could smell bamboo and cherry blossoms... but their eyes were fixated on their characters.

The two began their opening moves, circling around one another, exploring the highs and lows of the map, finding the boundaries. Every so often a log drifted by on the river, offering a last minute chance to avoid going over the edge. Oliver's lips slowly curled into a smile as he executed his first fire flurry, Pyro sending out a torrent of embers. Oliver's lips were soon complimented by a spray of freckles that started appearing across his cheeks. It looked out of place before a red tint began dominating his hair.

Ryan returned with a few punches of the ground, sending ripples out. Ryan grinned at his character's prowess, puffing up his own chest a bit... but his pectorals and abs were firmer than ever before. His polo shirt grew tight, showing off his muscles before a button popped on his collar and pulled apart. A few wisps of hair escaped Ryan's collar, but they weren't even his color... they were blue.

Oliver and Ryan charged toward each other, swapping a few blows. They were heavily invested, thinking their imaginations were playing tricks on them. They could smell the mist, the flowers, but the cause was not in their minds. The back wall of Oliver's room grew moist and then wet before water trickled down the wall. Small bursts of color came as cherry blossoms sprouted from the pencil holders, the jars and even the cups left in his bedroom. Vines snaked out from the containers, knitting together over them. Even Oliver's carpet was getting soggy, the old shag growing wet and soft, starting to spread out a bit as a layer of water was revealed beneath. Only the bed and gaming chairs were left unaffected.

"I'm going to burn you to ash man, no going back." Oliver murmured, reaching up to run a hand over his red hair as it grew out a few inches, becoming soft and shaggy. He looked confused for a moment, almost like something was wrong, but the television screen pulsed gently with blue light. Xoch didn't want them distracted. He wanted them giving him even more. The demon watched, drawing in the life force of both boys at once, feeling ever stronger.

"You can try, but nothing's going to stop Savage." Ryan replied, panting all the more. Another button popped on his shirt, revealing a thick blue forest of chest hair, but it wasn't just on his chest anymore. His knuckles were getting hairy, his arms were thick with hair and muscle and his clothes just didn't seem to fit. Ryan's shoulders hunched as his biceps and triceps expanded, even tearing the sleeves slowly.

In addition to a huge chest, Ryan's legs and feet were growing. His pants went tight as tissue paper before the legs started to tear out a bit. His shoes grew uncomfortable as his toes lengthened and tightened, his arch increasing. Ryan grunted, moving to pop one shoe off, then the other. The shoes plopped into the water around the chairs, water now lined with lily pads that floated around, tiny frogs climbing out to croak.

While Ryan had changed significantly, Oliver wasn't to be outdone. His left hand was working quicker than ever, giving Pyro split second motions. With each movement, his hand seemed more mechanical before the skin started to harden, turning from flesh to steel. The knuckles cracked and split before revealing ball and pneumatic joints beneath. The fingernails faded away as the finger tips became completely artificial.

The cold steel grew warm with the mechanical components inside, the metal spreading up to his elbow where a fitted, glowing seal ringed his flesh. The arm grew dense and heavy and powerful, humming with power, but the power ripped through Oliver as a whole. His orange hair swept up and around like flames themselves, his eyes shimmering as they turned from green to crimson. A sneer was crossing Oliver's lip as he tried to dominate his enemy, but Savage and Ryan weren't used to being dominated.

While Ryan's form grew taller, wider, thicker and stronger, his head was changing too. His blonde hair shifted, turning turquoise, then teal, then a darker blue. His upper lip tingled before soft fur grew out, dropping down into a mustache. The mustache came down on either side of his lips before curving up the middle of his cheeks to his hairline. The unique beard was thick and soft, but it complimented his lips as they turned black and leathery.

Ryan's lips parted, revealing sharpening fangs as he tried not to be defeated by Pyro. Ryan's forehead ached before his brow pushed forward, taking on an almost Cro-Magnon look. He grunted a bit more, his head clouding, taking on baser instincts. Victory, power, pleasure. That was all he wanted now. While Ryan's new beard remained, a soft layer of blue fur began to spread across his jaw and cheeks, then ringing his eyes and spanning his forehead. The fur even covered his arms and legs, then his back.

A louder tearing sounded as Ryan's shirt split down the back, falling from him as he hunched forward. It was impossible for the huge behemoth to balance on the gaming chair. Soon the back snapped and fell into the water with an audible splash. Oliver hadn't grown taller, but he certainly looked stronger as an insane degree of confidence spilled through his body.

The red eyed teenager glanced over at his blue furry friend, no, enemy... Oliver grunted, it was so hard to remember which one of those were right anymore. Savage was both, neither... and he was winning. Oliver couldn't take a defeat, not after he had worked so hard to master fire. He had to throw everything he knew away and try for something completely unexpected. Trying to anticipate the human's reaction, Xoch tapped into the computer's motion sensor bar and turned it on. The camera eyes watched the players as Oliver dropped his controller onto the lily pad before him and leapt sideways out of his gaming chair.

Ryan roared with shock as he was knocked from his perch into the pond. Ryan used his massive foot to kick Oliver back before he swam past the sinking picture frames and pencils, swimming around the bed before he jumped up out of the water onto it. Pyro coughed and sputtered, having underestimated just how much he hated water... and how poor he was at handling it. His left arm was dragging, too heavy to float in the water. He started to sink into the depths of his own bedroom, at least before a huge blue arm came down and grabbed him.

Oliver was pulled out of the water, gasping for air before he was slammed down onto his own bed. He coughed and sputtered, looking up at the waterfall coming down around the head of his bed. Something was wrong, something was very out of place... and then his legs were in the air. Oliver looked between his legs as Ryan held his feet up with one hand before tearing at his pants. His ass cheeks were exposed, still wet from the pond... but that was how Ryan wanted it.

"Time for you to be ravaged by Savage..." Ryan said, licking his thick lips before his blue cock came forward. Oliver's back arched as he was spread wide, almost too wide. He'd never felt so impaled in all his life.

The watching eyes of the motion sensor focused on the characters, interpreting their moves far too perfectly. On the screen Pyro and Savage were in the same positions, Pyro getting mounted by his former enemy. The game counted score, starting to count each of Ryan's thrusts as combo hits. Pyro's health points began to drop as Savage's point break approached. The game kept congratulating and berating the two for their continued victory and defeat but the boys kept going at it.

Oliver panted and sweat as his ass was pounded, but he gasped as hot drool began drizzling on his own cock. He looked up at the bearded monster so lost in sex he couldn't think of anything else. Ryan's eyes were closed, his furry chin wet with saliva as he fucked the red head. Oliver writhed, his fingers digging into his bed. His mechanical arm pierced the sheets and grabbed onto the springs themselves before crushing them.

The smaller combatant's body was bounced around like a rag doll at the mercy of Savage, but Pyro wasn't to be outdone. Oliver reached up, brushing his hand through the furry chest of his partner before he latched onto a nipple, twisted it and then tugged on it. Ryan let out a howl as he shuddered, his eyes snapping open.

"C-c-c-c-COMBO BREAKER!" The game announced. Oliver gave the menacing smile of a lunatic as he latched onto Ryan's other nipple and then actually pulled himself up until he was sitting on Ryan's lap. Oliver gave the savage a smile before he started to bounce on Ryan's tree trunk of a cock of his own accord, leaning in to lick Ryan's lips. Ryan moaned harder, trying to keep up but the game was counting everything in Oliver's favor. The combos kept counting and Oliver's point break was approaching now, surpassing even Ryan's.

The two kept going at it, the bed creaking beneath them as the waterfall grew more majestic and leaves spread across the ceiling of the room, pulling apart in a few places to reveal streaks of sunlight. The detail was amazing, though just like the small combat maps in the game; it was contained completely in a cube... Oliver's room. Oliver kept bouncing hard on Ryan's shaft before he shuddered, feeling a new wave of power.

"Point Break!!!" The game announced, granting Pro's finishing moves to him. Oliver's ass began to ripple and compress, squeezing Ryan's cock like a massager, milking him from base to tip. That was followed by a flash of Oliver's own fangs before he leaned in, sucking and slurping at Savage's chest. Ryan tried to resist, but he couldn't help himself. He felt his balls tense up, his shaft pulse and then thick waves of cum spray deep into Oliver. Oliver howled in bliss, feeling the cum spread into him. He had done it, he had won, he was the victor and Savage was his. It was absolutely amazing...

"I... want... a rematch..." Ryan moaned softly before he fell back onto the bed, panting in exertion. Oliver merely grinned, playing with Ryan's blue nipples.

"Any time, fur ball." Oliver grinned.


The server room of Green Gear Gaming had changed over the last several hours. The air was hot and steamy, the room was bright with flickering electricity and the floor seemed to be showered in dried out dead leaves of red and orange, blowing around by unseen winds. There even were spider webs between the server towers, webs that conducted blue electricity from point to point... and there was the distinctive light pattern of four red lights pulsing in sequence on the back of the proton packs as the Ghostbusters moved around the room carefully.

Eli stood at one corner of the room, studying his PKE meter from second to second. The readings were off the chart, unlike anything they had experienced before. They weren't just picking up the signal of the ghost that had filled the computers, there were thirty eight human psycho-kinetic fields as well, though they were faint and seemed almost stretched in a way. While Eli kept track o the PKE fields, Gray and Nico had worked hard to set up emitters around the room. At the top of each device was a carefully fitted crystal, one kept polished under all circumstances. Nico took a soft breath before he stepped back, looking at Gray.

"Are we ready?" Nico asked.

"We... are..." Gray twisted the top of the device before four LED indicators lit up. A green laser line shot out of the crystal, connecting to the other emitters around the room. Gray nodded, "Ready." He said, stepping back out of the line. He powered up his particle thrower and the others followed suit. With one last double check, Gray leaned over and pressed the button on the emitter pylons they had set up.

Light spilled out of the crystals before it was redirected into the center, focusing. The servers flickered and sparked, the webs resonated and there was a dull vibration that climbed higher, sounding like a growl and then a roar. The air flickered as an after image of an arm appeared from one server, a leg from another. The images shifted, appearing in phase with one tower and then another before the image began to build in the center of the room.

At first the echo of the being looked blue and electric, but the figure seemed to solidify and change into conventional ectoplasm. The blue gave way to red, orange, salmon and pink. Xoch was no longer emaciated and starving. His torso was firm and healthy, draped in robes. His head formed last, taking on a regal face with a perfect nose and lips, solid black eyes opening. The most distinct aspect came from his ears, the lobes stretched out around ceramic gauges... and the head dress he wore.

Xoch looked regal only until the field had pulled enough of him out of the machines. His back arched in shock and pain as he was suddenly cut off from his food source. He hissed and growled, lashing out, shuddering before he looked around at the Ghostbusters. The ghost wrapped his arms around himself as he adjusted to the sudden lack of food... but he was far from weak. They had all fed him. Xoch panted, never before in his life having been interrupted or redirected against his will. He looked up at the closest Ghostbuster slowly, in this case Seth.

"Are you a god?" Xoch asked slowly. Seth looked uncomfortable at the question, not wanting to answer positive or negative.

"Are you?" Seth asked. The figure smiled slowly.

"I am Xochipilli, seven flower... I was worshipped by the Aztec, the Toltec, and by countless generations before them. I am the god of writing, of painting, of creativity, of games, of mazes and homosexuals..." Xoch said proudly.

"Then what in the hell brought you here?" Nico murmured. Eli's eyes widened.

"Video games... are art. Pictures, music, voice acting, landscapes." Eli replied. Xoch scoffed.

"Video... Games. Yes, I know these now, but they are so much more. They are mazes, puzzles, riddles. They are the best of human creation, both in their construction and in their execution. Why did you pull me away from them?" Xoch asked.

"We cannot let you touch the lives you are connecting to in this way. We must protect them." Gray said. Seth looked at Gray and then at Xoch, hazarding a guess.

"We protect the template, the art of humanity and how it unfolds." Seth said. Xoch's eyes widened a bit at that prospect.

"You protect the game from cheating... and I have broken the rules." Xoch considered, looking around at them before his head tilted, "I feel that you are not gods, but you humans are more complex than I once knew. The game has advanced. I am out of step..." Xoch murmured. Eli continued to stare at the screen of his PKE meter. This Xochipilli was still off the charts, even disconnected. He was more powerful than the Stay Puff Marshmallow man or a dozen other end times ghosts they had come across, but so far things were going well.

"Will you restore the artwork to what it is supposed to be?" Gray asked, catching onto Seth's drift. Xochipilli took a few steps, his sandals echoing on the floor. He reached up to rub his glowing salmon colored chin before he looked up at them.

"I will restore the game pieces to where they belong, I will learn the rules of this game... but only on one condition. One day I will return, when we are both prepared... and you will play a game of chance with me. Agreed?" Xochipilli asked, looking at each of the Ghostbusters in turn.

"Agreed." Seth said without hesitation. Gray looked stunned, but Seth was willing to take his chances if it meant freeing the others now.

"Agreed." Nico added in a moment later. He had always been the impulsive one.

"I agree, as long as everyone's restored to normal." Eli said. He was more hesitant but where Nico went, he followed. Grayson swallowed a bit.

"I agree as well." He chimed in finally. Xochipilli smiled deeply.

"I look forward to when that day comes. I feel you will be worthy adversaries... For now, let the games continue." Xochipilli said before he raised his hands into the air. His form seemed to dry out and harden before a trillion cracks split up through him. Xochipilli's form split and crumbled away into hundreds more dried leaves that cascaded to the floor. With the 'god' gone, a sweet fragrant wind began to swirl around the room as the air cooled off and the humidity disappeared. The servers stopped flickering as they returned to normal function, clicking and churning away.

"Did that feel too easy to anyone else?" El asked after a moment. Seth sighed slowly.

"No, because it isn't over... not until he comes back." Seth replied.

"He's an ancient being if he pre-dates the Toltec. One day to him could be... astronomical to us." Gray shrugged before he turned to Eli, "How are the readings?" he asked.

"Nominal, nothing outside the normal spectrum." Eli said.

"Then we better go tell them they can send in the clean up crews." Nico said, turning to take a step before his foot crunched through the leaves and nearly slipped on something else. He leaned down, fishing through the leaves before he pulled out a piece of parchment. It looked old, but the writing was clear. It was a contract and at the bottom were five signatures; Seth's, Nico's, Eli's, Gray's and an ancient script Nico assumed had to belong to Xochipilli. Nico looked at the document before he looked at his friends with a bit of nervousness.


Chase Long had never had a longer, more intimate session in his life. His masturbation addiction and his collection of erotic video games had spiraled together into a soup that Xoch had taken full advantage of. Chase had played countless mini-games against increasingly sexualized partners, taking on those same characteristics until he no longer resembled himself at all. The young man's bed groaned under the weight of the four hundred pound behemoth, but still it shuddered and shook with the force of his self-love.

A muscled, hairy, clawed red hand slipped up and down over three feet of veined, throbbing cock as copious amounts of yellow semen poured down the shaft, dribbling over watermelon sized balls to soak into the mattress below. Chase huffed and puffed through the tusks that came up from his lower jaw, his face that of an oni demon... though his tongue had fattened and rounded, warping into the shape of a phallus, leaking semen saliva.

Chase's condition likely would have continued, but his cell phone flickered as the modified content disappeared, a red wave of magic sweeping out of the screen. As the light enveloped Chase, his proportions started to shrink back to normal. His feet compacted, his legs compressed, his belly flattened and his cock softened. Chase arched his back in one last orgasm, but even his demonic seed seemed to flicker and fade into pixels of light before disappearing entirely. In no more than a few seconds, the human had reverted.

Chase went cross-eyed from the sudden change, feeling tired and exhausted before he passed out cold. The reversion was a lot for his body to take in all at once, but Xoch wasn't just reverting the young man's body. The memories of being such a creature were being rewritten, the after thoughts of a dream he would believe he had upon waking. His bed slipped back up into working order, the mattress drying out. It seemed that all the pieces of Chase's life were back the way they were... except for a subconscious feeling of the best fuck session of his entire life, and the flood of chemicals in his brain associated with delirious joy. That, at least, would last a little while.


The red flash had spread out through the apartment with silence and ease, though the calm sound of wind that had come from the snow lined Japanese landscape was gone with an odd clicking. It wasn't a sound effect but a side effect. The brothel the Afro-Ninja had been in and all of the 'exclusive' content were no more. The character was outside of the game map, beyond the sky box. The completely immersive HD world was now visible for just what it was, a contoured arrangement of polygons and particle effects.

Across the room, Caleb was curled up with a greasy haired delivery boy, his more realistically sized manhood still embedded in his partner's ass cheeks. Caleb shifted a bit, feeling lighter and weaker than before. His eyes opened slowly as he adjusted to the change, though his memories remained. Caleb's change had only been an exaggeration of his humanity. Caleb lifted his hand, seeing the pale tones of his mixed heritage. He nearly whimpered as he reached up to touch his head, feeling stubble and scalp. His glorious afro was gone.

Caleb nearly felt like crying, but he soon brought himself a shred of solace. As much as he had tried to fight it in the past, he still was black. There was every possibility he could grow his hair out and have a great afro and sideburns. Whatever weird hallucination he had, he felt more in touch with his heritage than ever... and he had apparently landed a lover. Whether the delivery boy would still find him attractive was yet to be seen, but Caleb remembered how to make love like a ninja. It was time for round two. His hands went to the red head's hips as he started gyrating forward and back, hoping to wake the delivery boy up into a sexual frenzy.


The earliest rays of sunlight started peeking through the blinds, landing across Dylan's body. He groaned a bit, trying to pull his pillow down over his face before he woke up with a start, coughing and sputtering. He leaned up and looked around before he spotted the screen, a small smile crossing his lips. There was a still frame of concept art of Mister Adventure sitting on a resort chair next to a pool with an umbrella drink in his hand, the words 'adventure complete' at the top.

"I did it, I cleared the game..." Dylan whispered softly. He didn't remember how or when exactly, but he had done it. Dylan slipped off his bed and moved over, taking a screenshot before he set his computer to hibernate. He'd been on the game all night, maybe it was time to consider going outside or even doing chores. Dylan moved toward the closet and started digging around for fresh clothes, still barely aware that his balls were still visible from the pant legs of his shorts.


Alec's glassy eyes blinked a few times as color returned to them, his green skin getting good blood flow back through it as it turned pink and healthy. The gashes on his body had closed up and his fingernails were a normal length. All traces of him being a zombie seemed to have faded. Alec groaned as he heard people moving through the halls on their way to classes.

"Damn it..." he muttered to himself. He hated going to classes without enough rest, but thanks to the world of video games that was pretty much every morning. He pushed himself up out of his chair, sniffed his underarms to make sure they were decent enough before he moved for the door, not even caring that his shirt was stained with lines of blood and zombie slime.


Conner opened his eyes slowly, looking around in confusion. He pushed himself up a bit before he paused, looking at his chest. There were hints of melted marshmallow, graham cracker crumbs and streaks of melted chocolate across his chest. It looked like he had been eating smores, but he had no idea where he'd gotten the fire from.

His eyes drifted up to the television where the Super Jump Brothers ran around the world map of the game with Princess Plum and a rainbow of raptor friends to tell all the people of the Tomato Kingdom that the evil Garudon had been defeated. Somewhere in he back of his mind Conner felt sorry for the eternally damned dragon man, but the game wasn't named after Garudon after all. Conner pushed out of his chair and stumbled for the door. He needed a shower, but at least he could say he'd celebrated the 25th anniversary of his favorite game in style.


Oliver's room had never smelled overly fantastic, but with the scent of cherry blossoms and lily pads gone, it really drove home the smell of teenage sweat, cheap cologne and a few dirty dishes. Oliver's green eyes opened slowly as he tried to reconnect with where he had just been, but to his shock he was face to face with Ryan. Ryan was in his bed, the two facing each other.

Never before would Oliver have considered anything even remotely as daring, but there was something about having Ryan right there that he couldn't resist. He leaned forward and kissed his sleeping beauty. Ryan's eyes opened slowly as he felt the hot, wet kiss of another, but he nearly fell out of bed when he realized it was his best friend.

"Oliver!" Ryan gasped. Oliver blushed.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, it's just that... that... you were so handsome, so amazing, and we're so perfect for each other. I mean we never fight, except in video games, I just-" Oliver was silenced as Ryan put his fingers to his friend's lips.

"Oliver, I just meant your parents could hear us." Ryan whispered. Oliver grinned a bit, looking at the clock.

"No, they can't, they're already at work..." he whispered back. Ryan grinned a bit more.

"In that case, where were we?" he asked, rubbing his fingers over Oliver's short hair as he pulled him into yet another kiss. Their lips met, their tongues brushed and their bodies worked ever closer together. It was a romantic image, especially to the man standing outside the window. He was tall and lean, his cinnamon colored skin rich and fair. His upper lip had a faint black peach fuzz mustache that matched the thick black plugs in his ears.

Xoch pulled on his knit hat and turned to move back down the street, a caramel colored leather jacket resting over his shoulders with an Aztec sun stone patch sewn to the back. He walked down along the street before his image faded away into the morning winds, drifting along as he continued to learn about humanity and prepare for the day he would return.

Ghostbusters: Regenesis 22 - Merry Krampus

**Ghostbusters: Regenesis** _Chapter 22_ (Merry Krampus) Written by Leo\_Todrius Sponsored by MattCat There was a bite to the air, a bitter chill that was incredibly pervasive. The air was still and quiet, capturing the city in a frozen moment....

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 20 - Skin Deep

**Ghostbusters: Regenesis** Chapter 20 (Skin Deep) Written by Leo\_Todrius Sponsored by Vampireboy The old house had seen better days, that much was certain as the old shingles rattled on the roof and the wooden shutters hung half on their...

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 19 - Rules of the Road

**Ghostbusters: Regenesis** Chapter 19 (Rules of the Road) Written by Leo\_Todrius Sponsored by Nuwisha55 The full moon hung in the sky, showering light down on the otherwise dark night. Dust blew across I-84, the interstate oddly calm. It...

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