
Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by jr22

After a life of being the center of jokes about his limited masculinity, a young mechanic tracks down a recalled pharmaceutical to help with his manliness. Ignoring all guidelines and warnings, he takes more than the recommended dose and surpasses the bounds of human masculinity all together...

Masculate Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by JR22

Mid-morning sunlight streamed through the large floor to ceiling windows across the bright orange floor of the shop, glistening off of the steel and chrome displays showing off leather jackets, belts, chrome key chains and a wide assortment of motorcycle helmets. The Apollo Harley-Davidson motorcycle shop was the definitive resource for bikes, biker gear and memorabilia in the area and it showed in the profits.

In a society fixated on political correctness and acceptability, the bike shop was one of the few places that remained truly free. There were posters and calendars of vivacious women leaning against motorcycles with gratuitous amounts of cleavage, even a display stand of Harley Davidson lighters and Yankee candles scented like leather, gasoline, cigars and other manly scents.

The door to the shop opened and a man moved in, standing six foot two with black hair down to his shoulders, a thick black goatee surrounding his weather beaten lips. The man peered through thick sunglasses, crossing the sales floor. Across the shop the door to the office opened and a man in his mid thirties moved out. While his head was shaved clean, he had a massive brown beard that extended from his cheeks and jaw down to his collar bone, almost as thick as a forest.

"Apollo, how's my bike doing?" The customer asked with a hearty grin.

"I've got my best man putting the finishing touches on it right now. It's right this way." Apollo said, gesturing. The customer grinned and the two men made their way across the sales floor and out a door to the garage. Inside the customer's bike was waiting, glistening in mechanical perfection. The dents had been popped and buffed out, the paint touched up and most importantly it had been given a tune up.

"Man, that's beautiful work right there." The customer beamed. There was movement on the other side of the bike as the mechanic sat back up, but to the customer's astonishment the mechanic wasn't anything like he expected. The young man looked like he could still be in high school, his short black hair cut short and his cheeks so smooth that it didn't look like he had even started shaving yet. The mechanic wore a Harley shirt but it hung off of his small shoulders almost like a tent.

"Glad you think so, she'll be purring like a tiger for you." The mechanic said with a smile. The customer hesitated.

"Apollo, what's the joke here? What's the kid doing with my bike?" The customer asked.

"Steve, this is David, my best mechanic. He's more qualified than I am to fix the bikes. He was fully certified when he was twenty four." Apollo explained. The customer snorted at that.

"Certified, he doesn't even look old enough to drive. I thought this was a man's man shop, not some day care." The customer grumbled.

"Take the bike out, see how it runs. If you're not satisfied I'm sure some sort of deal can be arranged." David said through gritted teeth. The customer gave a slight nod of his head to that, moving over to straddle his bike. Apollo looked a bit strained as he opened up the garage door. Steve kicked the bike into gear as it roared to life and rolled out of the garage, heading across the parking lot. As it rounded the corner, they could still hear it growling around the block. Apollo looked back at David.

"I'm sorry about that..." Apollo shrugged.

"It isn't really surprising anymore. I get that reaction from all of them. Maybe you should just start giving them their bikes back when I'm not around." David replied. Apollo shook his head, putting a hand on David's shoulder.

"It shouldn't come to that; your work speaks for itself. You're a good man." Apollo said.

"That may be, but everyone else just sees a kid." David sighed a bit before looking at the clock, debating with himself, "Would you mind if I headed out a few minutes early today? I know it isn't very responsible of me but-" David was cut off by a chuckle.

"Part of being a man's man is not being restricted by the system. You did good work today, go ahead." Apollo said. David smiled at that before nodding, heading for the door.

"Thanks." He said, looking at Apollo once more before he headed out.


The walk from the shop back to David's apartment had been a fairly long one. It always was but David was taking more time than usual paying attention to those he walked past. He remembered the late nineties and the early 2000's. It had been the rise of metrosexuality, of conformity but then society had pushed back. They said fashion came in cycles, that decades would repeat themselves, but it seemed like every era had come back all at once. There were people dressed like it was the seventies the eighties, the nineties... and somehow among all of it the men were looking more like men.

The hipsters moved along with their nerdy black frame glasses and their perfectly trimmed beards and handlebar mustaches, the hippies had dreadlocks and beards, even the white teens wanting to be bad ass thugs had mustaches or goatees. It seemed like every male in the world was more masculine than David and he was tired of it. He'd spent four years of college being mistaken for a freshman, or worse, a prospective student. David couldn't let it continue.

He walked along down the street with a gentle sigh, his eyes scanning everything around him before he saw yet another display of masculinity on the bank of televisions being sold at the electronics store, though the bearded men were replaced right after with a news reporter. David couldn't hear anything through the window, but the newscast seemed to be about a recall of a pharmaceutical called Masculate.

The news reporter was replaced with a blue screen where a transcript of a phone call with the public relations officer of Genetech was displayed. David was grateful. Without the sound it clued him in a bit better. The product was not being recalled because it was defective, if anything it was too effective. It posed a risk for miscarriages in pregnant women around the subject using it, triggering early puberty in pubescent boys and a host of other side effects. Still, it was a voluntary recall to reformulate.

David normally was suspicious of pharmaceutical companies, of the side effects among side effects... but something was different in him today. He was tired of being a twerp, a scrawny kid. He worked in a shop full of burly biker men. He wanted to fit in. David pulled out his phone and flipped through his apps before finding an app to locate the nearest drug store. He glanced up to check his current location before he moved for the nearest crosswalk.


The back of the truck had been left open, stacked full of cases of Masculate. The Genetech logo with the double helix H was still across all the shrink wrap. It had been the last shipment to send back to the company but David had gotten there just in time. He stood between the building and the truck, holding his wallet. It was spread wide and empty, the cash that had once been housed there now resting in the hands of the pharmacist.

"One eighty, one ninety, two hundred." The pharmacist said with a satisfied nod. He folded the cash and slipped it into his pocket before he moved over to the truck, riffling through the stacks before he found one of the open cases. He pulled out one bottle before he looked back at David, "You sure you want two? You do know that you can't take more than one bottle."

"It's for a friend. I already paid you ten times the price." David said gently.

"Actually you paid me five times the price, just for two bottles." The pharmacist said, pulling out a second bottle, "It's good to know that we neighborhood pharmacists can still help out a person in need." The man chuckled. David didn't roll his eyes or groan. He ignored the man for the most part, clutching the bottles as they were handed over, knowing that they were going to change everything for him. He wasn't going to be the weakling anymore.


The fluorescent lights of the bathroom flickered and came on dimly before warming up to a brighter power as David moved in. He didn't bother to shut the door, merely pulling the black shirt off over his head. The black fabric revealed pale, soft flesh beneath. David looked practically emaciated, lacking any real flesh or hair of any kind. He grunted a bit, disgusted by his appearance... but that was all going to change. He pulled out one of the bottles of Masculate from his pocket, reading the label carefully.

"One half capful every twenty four hours. Do not take less than twenty four hours apart..." David murmured to himself. His inclination was that he had a lot of catching up to do, that it would be more effective to double the dose, but for all he knew that could kill hm. David broke the safety seal and opened the bottle up, looking at the lid for a moment. While a double dose would be unwise, perhaps he could get away with a slightly larger than normal dose.

David tipped the bottle into the lid and a thick black liquid poured out like latex syrup. David was a bit surprised, used to companies trying to make their product look as appealing as possible. Then again, the silky black syrup might have been meant to look 'cool' and 'sexy'. Regardless, David wasn't in it for the looks. He set the bottle down and brought the lid up to his lips, tipping it back.

The liquid hit his tongue with the flavor of rubber, gasoline and salt. It was a noxious flavor but one that almost seemed to fit the bike shop. David swallowed it down before making faces in the mirror, trying to get the after taste out of his mouth. In a few moments his saliva had dissipated it enough to get rid of most of the flavor. David shook his head at that before he screwed the lid back on. Now the only thing he could do was wait to see if it worked.


While most of Apollo's clientele slept in, work started at a reasonable time at his shop. The inventory was checked, display cases were unlocked and repairs were done starting between eight and nine in the morning. Apollo had always been able to count on David before, but the fact that his employee was late for the first time worried the bearded man to some degree. When he finally heard the door open, he sighed with relief and looked up.

David moved in, still wrestling a bit with his coat. He was blushing a bit furiously. It was his first time being late but nothing had worked right that morning. He'd woken up with the hardest morning wood of his life and taking care of himself had taken almost a half hour. It had eaten into his prep time and as such his black hair was rumpled with bed head and it looked like he hadn't shaven. Technically David had never shaved, but for the first time in his life his upper lip was darkened with soft willowy hairs.

Apollo wondered a bit about the cause of David's lateness, he had to admit the kid looked more the part with wrinkled day old clothes and bed head. The customers were likely to take him a lot more seriously. Even his baggy Harley shirt seemed to be fitting better. Apollo moved over to the cooler in his office and pulled out a can of Rockstar energy drink, moving back out.

"Morning David, you okay?" he asked, tossing the can. Without thinking, David's hand snapped up and he caught the can, clutching it for a moment in bewildered confusion before he nodded.

"Yeah, just... over slept, never done that before. I'm so sorry." David apologized. Apollo shrugged.

"Not a problem my friend. Looks like the bit of extra sleep did you well." Apollo smirked before gesturing, "We've got two new bikes in the back for you to look at." He added. David nodded, moving for the garage as he popped the lid of his drink. He sipped at it as he walked, longing for the caffeine to kick in. He felt like he could hibernate like a bear.

The garage was a bit cool but David knew he'd warm up as he got to work. He pulled his jacket off and tossed it in the corner before he knelt down by the first bike, reaching to start checking the parts. As he bent and flexed, small muscles that had not been there before pushed against his skin, tugging his shirt sleeves a bit tight. David kept working, but so too did the chemical flooding through his body.


The light to the bathroom flickered as it warmed up, just as it had every day since David moved in, though it was even more abrasive as David tried to get up a half hour earlier than before. After two days of being late, David was intent not to let it happen again. He stumbled into the room, his eyes still shut. A hand came down to brush at his groin, bumping the tent that stuck out from his white underwear. His eyes slipped open and he murmured to himself as his vision adjusted, though he sighed a bit when he saw spots on the mirror.

David leaned over to rub at the spots, but to his surprise they moved as he did. It took David a moment to realize the spots weren't on the mirror, they were on him. He leaned closer, gasping softly. The peach fuzz mustache that hugged his upper lip was turning black, giving him a head start to a fine mustache... but there was stubble across his cheeks as well. It wasn't just along the jaw line either; it was all the way up to his cheek bones.

"It's working..." David whispered before he hoisted up his t-shirt. Sure enough, tiny wisps of hair were covering his chest as well. He lifted one arm to see hair in the pit, then the other. David grinned even more. For the first time in his life he was proud, he was sure, he was manly... and it was all thanks to Masculate. David opened his medicine cabinet and brought out the bottle, looking at it again. He'd been taking slightly larger doses than prescribed each day after work with no real problem. Perhaps it was time to be a little bolder.

Once more David removed the lid from the bottle, pouring some of the black liquid into the lid. He pushed just past a quarter full, a half dose. He brought it up to his lips before he tipped it back, letting it coat his tongue with its oily texture before he swallowed it down. The taste was just as strong as before but David made no faces. He braved he flavor out more like a man, even licking his lips when he was done. He replaced the cap on the bottle and moved to turn on the shower. He was pumped for work.


The door to Apollo's shop opened up and a faint whiff of cigar smoke wafted in as Steve extinguished it. The biker strode into the shop a moment later, glancing around as if he was looking for something or someone. Apollo moved out of his office to welcome the customer, though he was surprised a bit that Steve was back so soon.

"Don't tell me there's something wrong with the bike..." Apollo murmured. Steve reached up and pushed some of his long hair off his shoulder.

"I couldn't tell you that without lying. The bike is amazing, as good as new. I just figured I'd come in and get a new leather jacket, maybe even thank the kid." Steve said.

"Well I think he'd like that, he's right over there." Apollo said.

"Over where?" Steve asked, having only seen one other employee. Apollo smirked and pointed. Steve followed the finger to the employee carrying boxes of wrenches across the sales floor. Steve did a double take. David was working with the same basic frame but he was really starting to take off. His black hair was naturally spiked, sticking up in wild tufts. His mustache was coming in fairly thick and the rest of his face was covered in a generous amount of stubble. Even more than that, as he moved the cases his biceps and triceps bulged, filling out the sleeves of his shirt tightly.

"You know what they say, the late bloomers bloom a lot longer." Apollo smirked.

"He'll never catch up to you, man." Steve smirked. Apollo shook his head a bit.

"I don't know about that, if that's three days growth for him I can't imagine what he'll look like in a week." Apollo said. Steve turned and looked back at David, the two watching him work.


The door to David's apartment swung open so hard it hit the wall and bounced back off. David winced at that, but it hardly dented his spirit. It had practically been the best day of his life. Inventory day at the shop had been a breeze, it had been his Friday and he had gotten compliments from several people walking home. He felt amazing... but he didn't just want it to stop there.

David turned and moved into his bathroom, looking in the mirror. He reached up to run his fingers through his hair and then to tail them across his stubble beard. The news had said the product worked too well... but he was at one and a half times the prescribed dose, seeing only minor changes. It was common for the companies to over-react. So far the only side effects he had noticed was being sleepier than usual. With it being his weekend, taking a long nap didn't seem like too bad of a thing.

Without any fear to his own well being, David brought out the bottle of Masculate an unscrewed the lid. He was about to fill the lid before he looked at the bottle itself. If just a little was working fine, surely more had to be better. Normally David would have thought his actions out better. He would have considered consequences, risks, danger... but David wasn't that man anymore.

David brought the bottle up to his lips and tipped it back, taking a big gulp of the foul rubbery tasting fluid. He brought his lips off the bottle, the flesh stained black for a moment before he licked them clean. He swallowed a bit more, getting more of the after-taste but already he could feel the rush spreading through his body.

It started with his heart beating rapidly, then his nipples tightened. David groaned a bit, feeling hot and flush, starting to wonder if he'd made a terrible mistake. He looked at the mirror and at how red he was, but his eyes drifted down. Soft curls of hest hair were pushing out of his shirt's collar, visibly pushing out.

David tried to pull his shirt off but it got stuck around his arm muscles and his thick neck. He gave it a tug, then another and another before he finally groaned and tore his shirt apart, splitting it up the sides to his sleeves. The shirt finally came off, falling to the floor in scraps. David looked at his chest, running his fingers through the thick black hair there. It was so thick, so bushy... and so definitely his.

As David admired his chest, he almost forgot about the rest of his body. He stroked his chest for several moments before he realized the hair under his arms seemed thicker too. David lifted his arm, watching the hair thicken and darken, curling and mating around itself. He could actually see it thickening.

Even David's arm hair thickened, more strands pushing out as the old strands grew longer and darker. David moaned as the hair curled and grew grizzled like some sort of lumberjack's arm. David called out louder as the tingling moved into his face. The medium length hairs that formed his black mustache started pushing out centimeter by centimeter, curving down in front of his upper lip, growing thicker and longer. In a few moments it pushed down past his upper lip, growing to obscure the lower lip too. His mustache was becoming mighty, but so too was the rest of his beard.

A thousand small hairs that had been but stubble began pushing out as well, growing longer and curling, turning bushy as soon as it was long enough to do so. The strands thickened as well, becoming rough and wide. The flesh tone of his cheeks disappeared beneath the black forest before the stubble filled in as a short beard, striving to match his thick mustache.

Watching himself mature and grow manlier was too much for David. The blood rushed to his groin, his cock throbbing and aching with need. David fumbled for his zipper before all but tearing of his jeans. His hard erection filled his hand with its meaty girth. He stroked it off with his right hand, watching curls of black hair grow out of his knuckles and his sack at the same time.

While David stroked his dick with his right hand, his left combed through his thickening beard. He shuddered in bliss, feeling the pleasure center on his groin as his cock grew harder...and longer. David didn't believe it at first, but as he looked down he saw his shat push out longer in his hand, growing from seven inches to eight, then nine, then ten.

David was stunned and shocked by the changes, but at the same time he was in love with them. His hand pumped up and down his rod as he ogled his reflection, panting, watching tiny black hairs push out between his eyebrows to give him a slight unibrow, stubble creeping down his neck. Even his chest was growing thicker with muscle as his pectorals swelled and rounded. David grunted and moaned and without warning he came... but before the semen had even left his shaft, David blacked out.

The darkness was overwhelming, completely encompassing. What finally broke through it all was the sound of rock music. David groaned, hearing the music pounding into his head with the heavy thump in his chest of being too close to the speakers. His eyes opened slowly and he realized he was sitting on a stool... at a bar. David looked around to see other patrons drinking and eating, some playing pool. He turned to look before him.

The remains of a T-bone steak and a pitcher of beer were situated on the counter. David licked his lips a bit, tasting the house sauce and a bit of beer on his mustache. He looked down, seeing that he'd pulled on a tight black shirt now stained with the drippings of his meal. David swallowed a bit. He'd blacked out and in that state he'd made it to a bar to have juicy red meat and beer. It was completely out of character... or at least the character he had before. Masculate had truly made him a man's man, but how dangerous could it truly be?


The walk back from the bar was strange for David. His legs stretched further, his arms swung at his sides, his body put out more body heat. He just seemed more at ease in his skin. He could feel the wind blowing through his messy hair and beard. Even that felt right, as if he had been missing it for his entire life. David turned the corner and walked past a twenty year old in tie-die, wearing purple circular glasses. The man was trying to grow a beard, letting his scruff out as much as possible, but as he laid eyes on David there was certain awe there.

"Fuckin' lumberjack stylin' man, awesome!" the youth said. David grinned a bit at that before giving the guy a nod.

"Just keep trying bro, maybe one day you can be this masculine." David said before moving on, feeling his heart pumping and his cock harden. He knew it was a lie, but having another man look up to him for his masculinity was a power trip, like something he'd been missing his whole life.

David kept walking, thinking about what happened. It was obvious that taking too much Masculate was too dangerous, leading to blackouts and odd behavior. He wasn't even sure he trusted his memories about how fast his beard was growing out, how much he'd grown. Looking down at his body, it was clear something had happened though. David was torn, conflicted. He wanted to down the bottle, see what happened, but he had already gained so much in such a short time.

While contemplating, David kept walking until a strange, white light spilled across him. It took him a moment to process before he turned, looking at the light source. Before him was a massive window with exercise bikes, treadmills and weight machines on the other side. Manly men moved back and forth, tending to their physical needs. A small smile crossed his lips.

David knew he had been cheating so far, relying on the drug. This was his chance to improve himself the old fashioned way, maybe with a bit of a boost. David moved along the building until he found the stairs and moved up, opening the doors and moving inside. A man at the entrance started into a spiel about memberships but David just reached into his pocket before setting down a wad of cash, continuing unabated.

Once inside, David came to a stop. He looked at the muscled, the tall, the vital. These were his people. David moved over to one of the machines and sat down, looking at the mechanisms before he slipped his hands into place. Without stretching or warming up, he grunted, starting to pull the weights from his shoulders around to above his chest on the rotating mechanism. The resistance was incredible, causing his arms and chest and back to all tighten.

It was hard for David to believe that a week before he had been so small and pathetic that he hadn't set foot in a gym since high school. It was almost like the small, scrawny him had died. This was his chance to start over as someone new, a manly man. David licked his lips, brushing his thick mustache. He gritted his teeth before he pushed again.

This time the weights moved with more ease, his muscles bulging more. David got them together once, then twice, then more and more. He built up a good rhythm and pattern, losing himself in the motions. At first no one gave him a second glance, but someone finally noticed just how much weight David was moving. The pin had been left all the way down, the weight at its maximum.

The machine clanked as the weights came to a stop each time, adding to how many people were looking over. David felt good, damn good as they watched. He pushed harder, faster, trying to show off. Sweat leaked from his chest, soaking the forest of hair there. People were inspired by David, moving to their own machines. David disliked the lack of focus on him, but something else had started to happen.

As David watched himself, each pump of the machines seemed to make his muscles larger and thicker. His chest rose with each breath, rising larger without shrinking at all. His clothes felt tighter and tighter before his shirt started to split, revealing the thick fur that covered his chest. It was so dense that it practically wasn't hair anymore, though two nubs of nipple stuck out from the forest, glistening with David's scent... a scent that seemed to be having an effect on the other patrons.

David watched them work out, trying to best each other, gaining erections. They grunted and moaned and David knew it was all because of him. With an unceremonious clang he let go of his machine, standing up to move over to the locker room. He turned, glancing over his shoulder. The men grunted in regard to the alpha male. David nodded back, feeling as if everything was in its place.

He pushed through the doors into the locker room and moved around, not looking for a shower or a bathroom or anything else. He looked for a man on his own. It didn't take long. An eighteen year old sat on the bench, packing his backpack full of the health food and vitamins he'd brought with him, his blond hair buzzed short. He looked up as David came to a stop before him. David looked at the blond before he grinned.

"What the hell?!" The blond asked as David dropped his pants, a fat foot long cock springing up, spritzing the blond with pre. He coughed and sputtered but then slowly moaned.

"Drink from me..." David commanded. He wasn't even sure why, but he was going to show that he was the ultimate man, the alpha, the top... and the blond knew it. He leaned forward, licking obediently before he slipped his mouth over the cock. Neither of them had been gay, but the testosterone was too much. It was a pecking order and it was clear.

The blond moved his head back and forth, sucking on David before his eyes closed. David grabbed his head and started pulling it forward and back, using him like a toy. Slowly David tilted his head back, his eyes slipping shut. It felt better than masturbation> It felt so right, he had been denying himself too long. The pleasure radiated through his shaft and into his balls, but soon it was extending beyond that, filling his body with an odd tingling.

The hair that had spread across David's balls grew thicker, coming out as thick as his bush, the hairs tangling with the rest of it before it all grew down in a crotch mane, hanging between his legs like some sort of hair loin cloth. David's ass grew hairier too, the fuzz getting so thick that the skin was invisible beneath it.

David basked in his self pleasure, writhing and moaning, his scent filling the room. He wasn't a man, he was a beast. His territory was marked, the men were his playthings. It was all means to his end and he loved it. The hair on his arms got thicker than hair, becoming a fur coating as it grew out across the back of his hands and fingers as well. David kept fucking the blond's mouth, glancing down slowly. The pre had flowed freely, but even that had changed. The blond's lips looked blue, not deprived oxygen but coated in faintly black slime. David panted harder at that, realizing his cum was turning into Masculate. He knew he was leaking fairly fast and it wouldn't be long before the blond had more than a capful.

With that knowledge, David didn't pull back or think of the blond's safety. He thought of his own pride, of passing it on. He growled and grunted with inhuman noises as he fucked the blond's mouth even harder, groaning loudly. David's heart raced, pushing the changes through him even faster. Soon David's scalp tingled before his messy, shaggy bed head started to grow out. The hair pushed out at an amazing pace, strands of black dropping down in front of his eyes, across his ears and down his neck before it began curving over his shoulders.

David's mane of hair was impressive, especially as it reached his hairy shoulders and chest, the hair almost blending together... but the one spot it hadn't yet hit was perhaps the most obvious; his beard. It was subtle, blending well as it was, but his body wanted more. David groaned gently as his jaw and throat throbbed and tingled like it was on fire, the hair growing out faster. His bushy beard was already an inch and a half long, but those numbers were in the past now.

The hair grew out sideways from his cheek, down from his chin and out from his throat. It all blended together into black waves of hair, glistening with a natural sheen that contrasted what little bit of facial flesh he had left around his eyes, on his forehead and his nose. Even his ears and lips were gone, hidden beneath layers of hair.

David stood tall, broad shouldered, proud and too hairy for any human. He almost didn't look human anymore... but in his own eyes, he looked better than human. He was the ultimate male and the pleasure got so great that there was no containing it. He panted, groaned, and then came.

The black rush into the blond's mouth was intense, tasting like musk and salt and rubber tires. He tried to gulp at it despite its flavor, his eyes soon glazing over as his brain blacked out. The blond's face softened before layers of blond hair pushed out, growing centimeters and then inches. A bushy blond beard formed, growing out across his lips and out of his cheeks before the hair suddenly straightened out, becoming smooth and flat like Viking hair. The beard grew out longer and so did his buzzed hair, giving him a shaggy mop as his body hair thickened. A wet spot formed in his pants as his hands grew hairy. It was an impressive sight to say the least, but David was the alpha. He didn't care about his sources of pleasure.

David pulled his shaft out of the blond's mouth, leaving him to discover everything on his own. He turned to leave, heading for the door before he paused by a mirror. He turned, looking at his reflection. Even with his clothes torn and opened, he found himself to be damn handsome. He sunk his fingers into his beard where it started at his chin and combed them down through the hair past his adam's apple, his collar bone and even the upper portion of his stomach before it finally came to a stop. David felt good, very good, but it wasn't enough. He needed more Masculate. He pushed through the doors, striding out of the gym, passing the gym secretary still counting his bribe. He gasped in shock, seeing the hairy monster leave the gym, his cock still wobbling before him without a care in the world.


The door to David's apartment opened with such force and vigor that it hit the wall, cracked the finish and the door groaned as the hinge nearly gave out. David grunted as he passed through the doorway, moving toward his bathroom. He stood six foot eleven, nearly inhumanly strong. The bathroom door frame was too small for him to enter normally, forcing him to both crouch and turn sideways. He ducked in before he opened the mirror cabinet cover, pulling out the bottle of Masculate. His hairy fingers fumbled with the lid before he brought it to his lips and tipped it back. David waited for the flood of masculine goodness but found only a few drops to fall onto his tongue.

"No... Nooo!" David called out in frustration before he punched the wall, cracking the tile. His brain tried to churn, tried to think, but his quest for pleasure was too great. His whole psyche was being devoured by pure masculinity. The only brain cells that seemed to activate enough to summon new thought reminded David of a fact he had forgotten. He had bribed the pharmacist for two bottles, there was an entire bottle left over. David pushed out of the bathroom, nearly breaking the door frame as he moved over to his backpack. He grabbed the cloth and pulled in opposite directions, popping the zipper before he split it open. His books and papers rained to the ground before he saw the bottle. He grabbed on and held tight, spinning the bottle to pop the safety seal.

With the seal out of the way, David turned the lid and slipped it off before he took a sip of the contents. The pungent oily liquid coated his mouth, soaking his teeth and tongue. He made a face before he sighed, licking his lips clean. It wasn't long before he felt another surge moving through his body. A tearing sound as his shirt lost the rest of its restraints, his pant legs and butt tearing out next. As the cloth split, more and more of his furry body was revealed. He stood with prowess, with desire, but a strange thought popped up in the back of his mind, one he hadn't thought about since before he tried Masculate. David looked around at his place, how empty and alone it was. It was just him. Even at the gym he had more connections, more people... He needed a mate to be a real man, but who could keep up with him? Who was worthy?

David tried to think of everyone he knew, but nothing fit. He wanted a man that was strong, brace, talented and masculine... But there was only one person in his life like that, Apollo. The name popped into David's mind for a moment before he grinned slowly. Apollo... He was perfect. His kindness, his intellect, that beard, that head. David grinned. Apollo would be the perfect mate. All he needed was a bit of Masculate to be truly perfect.

David moved out of his apartment, leaving the door open behind him, not caring about anything. He just focused on his target as he moved down the stairs and out of the door, heading for the shop. Things were going to change forever.


The sound of wrenches clicking filled the garage as Apollo worked on the bikes in David's absence. At first it had all come back to the boss, giving him a rush, but as the hours ticked on he remembered why he'd given it up. He wasn't that old but he'd lived an adventurous life. Biking, mountain biking, rock climbing. His knees were a bit older than their time and the cement floor could get rather cold, sucking all the heat out of them. Apollo slowly pushed himself up, stretching a bit. He ran his head across his smooth head, his fingers finding the arbitrary line where his beard started in front of his ears, leading down to the thick forest he wore on his face.

Apollo looked at the bike and what was left to do, trying to figure out a strategy before he heard the front door jiggle, click and open. Apollo grimaced. He could have sworn that he locked it, closing up for the day. Apollo turned, heading out of the garage, wiping his greasy hands on his pants.

"I'm sorry, we're closed, you'll have to come back la-" Apollo stopped mid-word as he saw the front of his shop torn up, a hunch backed furry beast standing in the entry way. David looked around with hungry eyes before he saw Apollo. A fang filled grin crossed his lips before he moved forward. Apollo's fight or flight instincts kicked in and he wasn't the type to run away. Apollo's fist was stopped buy a furry palm before David grabbed him by the neck. Apollo was slammed back into the wall.

David stood there, pinning Apollo to the wall, looking at his boss. Apollo was shorter, thinner and less hairy than David remembered. Despite that, he still seemed pretty damn handsome. David reached down, fishing through the remnants of his pockets before he pulled out the second bottle of Masculate. He pulled the lid off before he brought it to his lips, tipping it back. He took one gulp, then two, then three before he lowered it. The black furred beast man grinned with black dripping teeth for a moment before he shuddered, closing his eyes. The black hair on his scalp grew down across his forehead, merging with his brows before it covered his nose and upper cheeks. The last window to his human soul was closing as the hair pushed out, but so too did his forehead ridge, his ears and his jaw. David's face disappeared in fur and bone before he looked far more primitive. Even his body grew taller, wider and thicker with muscle.

Apollo had struggled in vain to free himself, starting to choke a little in the grip around his throat. Trapped as he was, he had a front row seat to see the changes, shocked beyond belief. The beast grunted before pushing the bottle toward Apollo's lips. Apollo turned his head, clenching his lips tight, trying to stop it. David growled in dislike at that before he leaned in and forced a kiss on Apollo's lips.

The pungent taste of the drug invaded Apollo's mouth with the invading tongue. Apollo tried to bite the tongue to get it out but it was too rubbery, too strong, impossible to hurt... and the taste was strange. It tasted like a garage, like a wrestling game. Salty, oily, rubbery... and tantalizing. Apollo shuddered as his body began to tingle slowly, the sensation increasing.

Apollo had already been a man's man. His beard was huge, his chest hairy and his head was bald not by choice but because the testosterone that made him so manly otherwise made him bald as well, but that was changing. The drug invading his system didn't care about things like genes. Soft brown fuzz started growing out of Apollo's bald scalp, giving it a downy coating before it started growing in. The hair pushed out longer and longer, but so too did the hair on his chest and arms and legs.

The kiss was broken as Apollo panted, looking around in shock before he groaned, his mouth opening as his teeth forced out longer into fangs. Apollo looked at the man kissing him, feeling the pleasure growing inside of him. He wanted to flee, to fight, to stop what was happening... but he didn't know why. It felt good, it felt amazing and he wanted more of it. Apollo panted harder, his brain starting to tear itself apart. Something snapped in Apollo's head as he looked around, seeing the women of Harley posters in disgust. How could women compare to what was before him, the black hairy beast with a beard more magnificent than his.

Apollo panted and drooled, his eyebrow ridge pushing out as his brain swelled a little, flooding with thoughts of sex and masculinity. He tried to fight just a little more before he gave in, opening his lips wide. David grinned, lifting the bottle, feeding Apollo like a baby. Countless doses of the black slime flowed into the biker mechanic's mouth as he guzzled it down, the effect compounding quickly.

Apollo's black and orange shirt grew tight as his chest swelled, his ribs pushing out, his back stretching. Soon the shirt rode up, showing furry belly and back, then hairy arms. The hair growing out of his body curled and bushed up, thickening to hide flesh until it became fur.

David grunted and moaned in delight, seeing exactly what he wanted to see. Apollo had gained shaggy hair and a hairy body, but it wasn't enough. David needed complete submission. He reached down and groped at his boss, causing Apollo to moan and writhe, feeling his own manhood swell, getting to full length in seconds before pushing out longer than that.

Without any regard to the windows, broken door or the chance of anyone seeing, the two started to go at it. Apollo began tearing at David's clothes, David tore Apollo's apart and their bodies were revealed. David's cock was a foot and a half long above orange sized balls and Apollo's body struggled to catch up as brown fur covered his package and he grew a crotch mane of his own. Apollo's body got furrier and furrier, hairs starting to grow out across his nose and forehead before it all started closing off.

The bearded man now seemed more a beast man, no human flesh left on his face. The way his shaggy hair grew straight down, blending into his face fur and neck fur and chest fur, Apollo looked like he had stepped out of an encyclopedia... from the entry on Bigfoot. David looked even more down the progression but with his black fur he didn't fit the stereotype. That was not an issue for Apollo.

David watched as Apollo grew taller and wider, the two pushing past human limits before hulking out to the same size.

David slowly pulled his hand back from Apollo's throat, giving his partner a grunt. Apollo licked his lips, the expression hidden behind a curtain of mustache. Apollo thought about challenging the other, knowing somehow from scent that he was younger, but David was stronger. Apollo had no hope. The brown Bigfoot slowly turned, leaning over, putting his hand on the display of chrome handlebars.

Seeing the exposed, vulnerable ass, David couldn't help himself. His huge cock came to the ring of flesh and then he pushed in, prying the beast before him wide. Apollo called out, shoving his hips back. David pulled back and thrust in even deeper, starting to move in and out with growing passion before the two were really going at it.

The display case rattled and shook as all the objects shuddered off of the top. The two weren't just going at it; they were going at it like animals. Hair mashed together, scents of sweat mixed and almost two feet of cock pistoned in and out. David moaned and growled, his saliva still drug soaked as he basked in the pleasure.

While Apollo was on the receiving end of it all, he was loving it too, feeling it nourish him and help him to grow. He felt young again, protected, perfect and vital. Hunched over the table, his beard reached his cock, tickling across it. Between David's pounding of his prostate and the beard tickle to his cock, Apollo nearly came... and it was in that moment he realized who was behind him.

Everything clicked together. The hair, the scent, the sweat, the shop. It was David, his apprentice. Apollo felt too many feelings at once. He was concerned, amazed, proud, scared, in love and lust, all at once. Apollo groaned and grunted before his sounds built to a howl. The howl vibrated out of his thick lips and hairy body, rattling the windows that were left. His cock sputtered before it began launching out gray cum, a mixture of his last human load of white semen and his first load of tainted Bigfoot black cum.

As Apollo hosed down the display case before him, his huge hairy body shuddered and pulsed around David's. David tried to make his pleasure last, but the biological imperative was too strong. He grabbed onto Apollo's brown hips and pulled him tight, burying his cock to the hilt before he too roared. His balls seized up, his shaft pulsed and the thick cum sprayed into Apollo's ass. Apollo moaned and took it, feeling so perfect, but even in the midst of orgasm he had only one thing on his mind. His swollen lips parted, his fanged teeth dripping with saliva.

"Dav... Dav'd..." he slurred, barely able to speak. He sounded beastly, deep voiced, hunch backed and furry from head to toe. David panted hard, feeling the same sensations in his head.

"Ap... App... Ape." He moaned back, neither man quite able to say each other's names. Still, it was an unspoken bond. They didn't need to say anything. They had each other, they had their pleasure. They had broken free from society and achieved the height of masculine nature. The only question left was how they would survive, what they would do... but as the men looked around, the answer came to them.


The sunrise was vivid and amazing, something true people truly could appreciate. Rather than lightening from black to blue as many would have expected, the dawn had turned brown and yellow and green, pink and orange and violet before at last the blue started to creep out across the heavens. It was beautiful to say the least, something that David and Apollo had been able to enjoy together. The growl of their motorcycles had filled the air all night as they left the city behind, heading into the forest. The roads grew more isolated, covered with pine needles and acorns but the bikes they road were tougher than any other.

The sight of the bikers was impressive on its own as well. The largest bikes Harley made were being ridden by seven foot tall, size seventeen feet bigfoots; one brown, one black, each endowed with a two foot cock that sloped up the bike in front of them. Their fur whipped around behind them, their fang filled smiles bright. Their eyes were protected from the sun by aviator glasses but they wore nothing else, embracing their nature. They knew the forest was calling to them but they wouldn't just give in. Nature was theirs to dominate and claim as men, as bigfoots, and as the most dominant beings on the planet. The wind was full of their masculine scent, claiming to any species with enough sense to smell that this forest was theirs now, claimed by the masculine, claimed by the bigfeet.

The Cedar Loft

**The Cedar Loft** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax Night had spread across the city, bringing with it even more freezing fog. The cold snap was worse than most winters and it hadn't gotten above freezing all day. Sign posts had a...

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 21 - Ghost in the Machine

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 20 - Skin Deep

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