Code of Dishonor: Seven Seas

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#6 of Code of Dishonor

Written by

Commissioned by Cidius

The Beast Lord's quest to dominate the kingdom of Dunbrune takes a turn outside of the country's borders, looking to the assets a certain pirate lord can offer.

Laurence, Neptos the Daring:

The Beast Lord:

Greyson, Silver Wing the Notorious:

Terras, Razor Claw the Carnal:

Duron, Stone Fangs the Venomous:

Ragnus, Salamand the Wrathful:

Code of Dishonor: Seaven Seas Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius

The steady, even creaking of the timbers of the boat had come to be as relaxing to the pirates of the Cobalt Blade as the sounds of the ocean herself. It was the breath of the seven seas, the life of their lifeblood and they wouldn't have had it any other way. The pirates had spent a week in Igladia selling off their Dunbrunian goods but it was time to head back to work.

A sweet wind blew across the bow of the ship, a good omen. It circled past the men swabbing the decks, blowing their straw colored hair about before it danced through the ropes and bindings, navigating into a few windows to the lower decks before eventually finding its way to the raised platform where the captain stood.

Captain Laurence stood with one boot up on the beveled edge of the steering wheel, a hand on his hip and the other resting on the wheel. Unlike the vast majority of those in Dunbrune, Laurence had silky blonde hair and a faint tan. His jaw bone was adorned with thick blonde stubble but not quite a beard, giving him an air of danger. His crystal blue eyes peered out over the waters, but the blue was nothing compared to the royal blue Igladian jacket he had draped over his shoulders.

Beneath the blue jacket with gold trim, Laurence wore a simple sand colored vest over his white button up shirt. While the poofy sleeves were the stuff of jokes on land, they were a naval tradition and no pirate dared to insult that. While the captain was armed with a fine sword and a pistol, the most disarming weapon he possessed was his smile. Laurence could charm men and women alike, all while robbing them blind.

While the wind had been sweet, the weather was a fair bit more questionable. The heavens were filled with a silver veil of clouds that blocked the afternoon sun and scattered the light in every direction. There was little chance of rain and for that Laurence was pleased, though his eyes were turned toward Dunbrune and the cold mountain. The colors around the mountain seemed different than he remembered, more orange and red, the colors of fall despite it being early spring.

As Laurence turned his eyes to Dunbrune, eyes turned back toward him from high atop the mountain. Silver Wing peered out with his hawk like vision, watching the ship advance. He raised one wing, signaling to Salamand that it was time. Salamand lifted his scaly hand, summoning a ball of fire which he launched into the cast metal basin. The collected leaves and kindling ignited, growing into a roaring fire... a fire that grew bright and hot, especially as Stone Fangs lowered a reflecting plate behind the fire.

Trapped by the carefully forged metal, the light was focused until it formed a beam that shone out from the mountain. The spotlight hit the ocean waters and traveled along before they swept up onto the boat. The pirates shouted at once as the spotlight hit, withdrawing their swords and readying the canons, trying to determine what was going on. Captain Laurence's eyes followed the light to its source, seeing the improvised watch tower on the mountain.

"King Balan grows daring. We will have to devise another route into Dunbrune." Laurence said, spinning the wheel to take them back out to sea. With all eyes on the spot light itself, few noticed the light hitting the main mast or the shadow it cast... even as the shadow began to bubble and shift. The shadow demon Eclipse stepped out of the mast itself, looking around with his glowing white eyes before he slunk off into the darkened corners of the ship, waiting for the right moment to carry out his mission.

The Cobalt Blade sailed on away from the mainland and the spotlight trailed across the deck, the back and then into the sea as the ship disappeared into the horizon. After several more minutes even Silver Wing could no longer see them. He gave a nod to Salamand and Salamand extinguished the flame with his will.

"It is a shame the king didn't think to build this, it was more effective than we anticipated." Salamand smiled.

"Pirates rely on the element of surprise. It is perfect that the beast lord's agenda shall be advanced by the same means." Stone Fangs said, hissing with delight.


Night had come and with it came the moon, burning off the evening clouds to reveal the star lit sky. Captain Laurence had returned to his quarters, laying out a map of the Dunbrunian Peninsula and other areas to make their approach. Out on deck the men worked off their dinners by swabbing the deck some more and ensuring their arsenal of canon balls were at the ready. It truly was a beautiful night, though the moon cast shadows from everything; the ropes, the barrels, the mast... and the shadows were no longer content to remain dormant.

Eclipse lifted his hands, directing the shadows from his perch. The shadows of the ropes detached from their duty, moving around on their own free will. They looped around the shadows of the pirates, ensnaring them before they lifted up. Hoisted by invisible forces, the pirates screamed as they went sailing up into the air. The pirates grabbed at their swords and swung at the air itself, trying to cut whatever held them but the blades had no effect on their shadows.

The screams had reached Laurence in no time. He stood up from his table and readied his pistol, moving out of the cabin door. He emerged onto the deck to see the chaos of men lifting up into the air, hanging there with no visible source or cause... until he saw the shadows. Spread across the deck, the shadows painted a picture perfectly. The ship itself had been turned against them, possessed by dark magic.

Laurence stayed back, his eyes wary as he searched the deck before he finally saw the source. The crow's nest was occupied by a being of darkness; his wings huddled around him as his tail swung around. Laurence brought up his gun and aimed carefully, aligning the gun with his arm before he fired.

The staunch smell of gunpowder filled the air, a small cloud of blue smoke hanging around the pistol. The sound had echoed across the entire boat, but Eclipse hadn't expected it. He winced as he felt something searing pierce through his shoulder. The demon looked down slowly as black blood began to leak out from the wound. His head tilted in surprise.

Eclipse was prepared to defend himself against any conventional weapon, from blades to clubs to spikes, but this weapon had been different. It was a weapon of light, of fire, of explosion... and even the bullet was not a conventional metal. Far below, Laurence grinned gently at his success as he readied another shot.

The demon spun around, looking before he saw the captain, bearing his fangs as he hissed. Laurence grinned and took aim again but as he fired, Eclipse disappeared into wisps of smoke. Laurence grimaced at that, especially before he felt the clawed hands grab him by the shoulder. Eclipse lifted Laurence and tossed him out onto the deck.

The pirate lord skidded and rolled across the ground, looking back at Eclipse as the demon moved his fingers. The shadows of the barrels unfolded like spiders, wrapping around the captain's shadow. Laurence felt himself yanked up like a rag doll, pinned to the mast. He grunted as he slid around the edge, facing forward.

He sounds of chaos and fear faded away with no pirates left to fight. The men struggled against invisible bonds, but the entire crew was held aloft by invisible binds or trapped in shadowy prisons beneath the deck. Eclipse stepped forward to the wheel of the boat, turning it eastward. The Cobalt Blade obeyed its new master, the sails fluttering as it caught the wind and headed inland once more.

Laurence felt the chill wind against his skin, the blood draining into his feet. He looked out to his helpless men. They had fought the navies of three kingdoms and yet never faced anything like this demon. Laurence wondered if they were to become his meal, taken to his cave to clean to the bone... but as they sailed on, Laurence saw something in the distance, something they were approaching.

At first it seemed to be a fog bank clinging to the ocean waters, but as the Cobalt Blade sailed on, it became clear it was an ocean at the very edge of Dunbrunian waters. The island was wide and flat, riddled with tide pools and glimmering with faint torch light. Eclipse moved his hands and the sails went slack, the ship slowing down.

Laurence listened to the wind and then to the sound carrying on the wind. There was a melody there, almost hidden, almost unheard. The melody was strong and yet compelling, alluring, calling to him. The words were ancient, unknown. The men started to stir and shift again, trying to get free, drawn to the song. Laurence felt the compulsion but was still tied to the mast.

"Listen not men! Do not let the demons steal your souls from you!" Laurence called out. Eclipse smirked to himself as he moved his hand. The barrel spider shadow faded away, returning to where it truly belonged. Laurence was dropped in an unceremonious heap onto the deck, grunting sharply. He moved to stand back up, drawing his sword from its sheath. The blade glinted in the moonlight.

"You may attack me, but it would be rude to keep your host waiting." Eclipse said. Laurence sneered and moved forward, but the words carrying on the wind started to sink more into his mind. Laurence groaned as his eyes slipped shut and his mind filled with visions of bravery, of masculinity, of pleasure to the point of excess. He remembered joining his first pirate vessel, working his way up from cabin boy to first mate... and then the images faded.

"What sorcery is this?" Laurence murmured, reaching up to brush his golden bangs from his face. Eclipse grinned again.

"This is not sorcery, this is an opportunity... How would you like to command the seven seas like never before? To hold power you cannot imagine?" Eclipse whispered.

"And the answer is here, on this island?" Laurence asked.

"Sir, don't listen to him, he's-" The pirate was silenced as a very real rope wrapped around his head, gagging his mouth. Laurence looked up at his men and then back down at the shadow demon.

"If I go, will you release my men?" Laurence asked. Eclipse considered.

"Your men will be released onto the ship, awaiting your next command... should you go to meet with my leader." Eclipse said before he paused, "On one condition..." he added. Laurence grinned with intrigue.

"And what condition would that be?" he asked. Eclipse looked down at his shoulder before looking back up.

"Tell me of your weapon." Eclipse said. Laurence hesitated. He didn't want to give up his only advantage but he had to reload his weapon and he lacked access to his ammunition at the moment.

"It is a fire arm, a pistol... It propels tiny balls of metal like cross bows, but with much greater power." Laurence explained.

"And the metal is no ordinary metal, is it?" Eclipse asked.

"In this case, no... It is a precious ore we stole from king Balan." Laurence replied. Eclipse's muscles tightened. It was the metal they were sent to learn about, the metal the king was arming his men with. It had magical properties.

"I have no further questions for you, your bargain will be honored. Go now." Eclipse said. Laurence looked around, watching as his pirates were slowly lowered to the deck. As their feet touched the ground again, they sprung from their places as if on fire, trying to get away before they were ensnared again. Still, it soon became obvious that there was no where else to go on the ship.

Laurence said nothing as he turned, moving over to the side of the ship. He watched the Cobalt Blade drift into a natural harbor, coming up along side a raised stone platform. The ship's shadow seemed to be pulling the ship into place before it came to a perfect stop. Laurence almost envied Eclipse's powers, but this wasn't the time to consider such things.

"Prepare the ship for departure, check for any damage. I will return." Laurence announced to his men. The pirates said nothing. They had heard the bargain. They knew he had bought their freedom with his agreement. Laurence stepped off his ship and onto the platform, shuddering slightly. He hated leaving his ship, wondering if he'd ever see it again.

The pirate lord strode down the ramp and moved out onto the island, his blue coat swaying behind him. Even filled with fear, doubt and uncertainty, he looked as though he commanded all of creation itself. It was no wonder that he was the lord of his ship and feared among the ten kingdoms. The only question was what lay ahead.


Laurence had been walking for almost twenty minutes, following a natural path that snaked its way through the tide-pools. His eyes scanned the pools, seeing every form of anemone, star fish and crustacean. Crabs scuttled around beneath the water, peering up at him with beady eyes. Laurence found it all rather charming but for one fact... the island was not on any of his maps.

The pirate lord's fears and concerns heightened as the crackling of torches sounded from ahead. Laurence looked up, realizing that the mysterious song had stopped several minutes ago and he hadn't noticed. He swallowed a bit before he advanced, stepping past the torches into a small clearing.

"So good of you to come captain. It's an honor to have you here." Came a smooth, deep voice. Laurence turned and suppressed a gasp, surprised by the visage before him. The Beast Lord was a magnificent and fearsome sight to behold. He was tall, broad shouldered, covered with scales and feathers alike. His head resembled that of a lion, his wings that of a crow or eagle. He had the tail of a snake and the paws of a dragon. As if the horns on his head weren't enough, there were even horns that slipped around his neck and across his shoulders like a demonic mantle.

"Are you the shadow demon's master? The being that summoned us here?" Laurence asked. The beast lord nodded.

"I am, I am at that. Your reputation precedes you pirate lord. King Balan is quite distressed at your thefts. What concerns him impresses me..." The beast lord smiled.

"I had no idea I was infamous even among demons." Laurence replied, though it was clear that he seemed both proud and shocked at the revelation.

"It is true, you are one of a kind among the lands of men." The beast lord replied with a feral grin. Laurence smiled a bit more, though it wasn't because of the flattery.

"So you want to hire me, don't you?" Laurence asked. The beast lord was caught slightly off guard but soon nodded.

"In a manner of speaking, I want you to work for me." The beast lord said.

"What job could be so daring that a demon requests the aid of a pirate?" Laurence asked. The beast lord grinned and started to circle the pirate lord.

"I plan to plunder something... something very large, something that I need your help with." The beast lord explained.

"Go on... Plunder is good." Laurence said, encouraging more from the demon.

"I plan to plunder... a kingdom. I plan to bring the king under my leadership, from him to the knights, then the people... An entire kingdom serving me... but I have no need for jewels or wealth, it is the people themselves that are my reward. You are welcome to the material goods." The beast lord said, watching as Lucien considered the wealth of an entire kingdom, his lip twitching a bit in gold fever.

"What... would you have me do?" Laurence asked. The beast lord moved over, lifting a hand to rest on Laurence's cheek.

"I want you to remember the thrill of being corrupt, of becoming a pirate, turning your back on your people." The beast lord whispered and as he did, his words cut through Laurence. The blond pirate remembered his first adrenaline rush, the glee of being a bad boy. The beast lord continued, "I want you to think of the thrill of being an outlaw, a thief, a pirate king." He added. Laurence groaned gently, getting weak in the knees as he thought of his rise to power, the ever larger pride of being an ever better criminal.

"What... is..." Laurence murmured, but the beast lord didn't let him finish.

"I want you to think of all those men that serve you, your loyal crew willing to do anything, bound to you in loyalty and duty and greed... Even your loyal cabin boy, learning everything he can from you. Think of what you could lead them to do if your power grew, if you were stronger, if you were imbued with my powers." The beast lord whispered.

"I... I want that power, I want... absolute dominion..." Laurence whispered, falling forward onto his knees, panting. The beast lord removed his hand from the pirate king's cheek and Laurence felt like he was suddenly slammed back into his body. He felt hot, sweaty, aroused. His cock was achingly hard already.

"Do you want to join me on my quest for plunder, to take a kingdom and to rule the seven seas?" the beast lord asked. Laurence panted gently, looking up at the beast lord, drool leaking from his bottom lip before he nodded.

"Yes, oh yes please..." Laurence begged, feeling as if the beast lord had stripped him down of his title and left him a horny teenager again.

"Then it is time for you to be reborn..." The beast lord said with a grin before he gave Laurence a shove. Laurence yelped, toppling back over the edge, plunging into the tide pool behind him. The water was oddly warm, oddly slick and salty too. Laurence tried to swim but the water seemed to pull him downward.

The pirate lord struggled more, feeling seaweed slipping around his wrists and ankles, spreading him wide. The pirate lord held his breath, looking up through the rippling surface as the beast lord began to stroke his large shaft, massaging himself before he groaned, tipping his head back before a thick stream of sperm plunged into the water. The sperm spread out, swimming into the water and soon the anemone began to spray out their spores, bathing Laurence in the reproductive juices of the sea.

The pirate lord continued to squirm, feeling the pressure climbing in his chest, stinging and aching but he clung to the air he still had. Despite the pain and fear, Laurence started to feel the slick heat soaking into his flesh. He thrashed a bit more loosely, his eyes glazing over a bit with pleasure before he fought it again.

Laurence realized what the beast lord was trying to do and tried to pull up to the surface, to get free. As the pirate king struggled all the more, the crabs in the pond crawled about, cutting at his blue coat with their claws. The fabric split and sank in shreds into the pond and the crabs moved onto his vest, shirt and pants.

In moments the pirate lord's naked body was revealed in the water, the thick and slick and salty water that sloshed across his battle hardened skin. Laurence kept trying to fight the good fight, but while his mind was willing, his body was not. A flurry of bubbles escaped Laurence's lungs as his body tried to oxygenate once more, but all Laurence got was a stinging lung full of water. His chest rose and fell, pumping the sperm soaked water in and out.

What started as a stinging turned into a burning that filled his chest and radiated outward. Laurence knew as a pirate it was possible that he would die by drowning, but he'd never picture anything like this. He breathed in the tainted water, his limbs growing weaker as his head pounded. To his surprise, the water tasted rather... good. It tasted like man and musk, like the sea and sex.

In the mixed euphoria of pain and pleasure, Laurence almost didn't notice the changes in his chest cavity. The burning had continued to spread outward from his lungs, making it all the way to his ribs. Furious red gashes split through his skin, three on each side of his ribs. The gashes spread open to reveal the soft meat of gills.

The new organs began to shift water back and forth across the membranes and Laurence felt the weight of drowning starting to ebb. He could breathe again, though he was breathing water. Laurence shifted a bit, realizing his gills could smell the sex in the water too... and it was making him horny. His nipples hardened, his cock swelled and drifted back and forth in the water like a blade of seaweed.

The pirate king gazed up at the beast lord with a hazy look of respect. The beast lord grinned more at that, pumping more of his tainted seed into the tide pool. The water grew milky and thicker, soaking Laurence all the more. Laurence stopped fighting so much, drifting in the water before his back arched and his head started to tingle.

The throbbing sensation of change started in his ears as they began to spread out. The cartilage hardened and focused into specific ribs. The top and bottom of his ear lobes flattened out and spread as the ribs grew like spines. More spines filled out from the center, spreading his ear into a fin like web.

As Laurence's ears grew into fins, the pink faded from the flesh, transitioning to a royal blue at the tips. Laurence blinked a bit in surprise and pleasure at the change, trying in some feeble attempt to hold onto who he was but it soon failed. His eyes slipped shut for a moment, the lids lingering closed. As they spread open again, a reflective silver membrane slipped over them. The windows to Laurence's soul had been blocked by the corruptive juices of the demon. The beast lord knew he had already won.

With that subtle change, the pirate king gave in completely. He drank in the sea water from his mouth and gills, embracing the change. The color started to drain from his face and chest while his natural tan shifted from a slight brown to a deeper blue. The skin of his chest tightened and hardened, taking on almost an armor like quality like the shells of the crabs that scuttled around while the rest of his skin grew rubbery, segmenting into fish scales.

Laurence's rich blond hair drifted from his head, sinking to the bottom of the pond, but his skull was far from flat. A ridge was pushing up along the crest of his head, spines stretching out and curving backwards, bringing with them webs of blue fins. The crest rose ever higher like a mohawk from his head, stretching longer and longer in the back. A second set of fins began growing out between Laurence's ear fins and his crest as well, growing longer and dropping down lower.

The pirate king's restrained arms were spared no change either. As his arms drifted, his fingers stretched out, gaining the curve of claws. The skin between his fingers grew together a bit, granting Laurence webbed flesh to make swimming easier. The blue scaled flesh of his arms grew tougher before more spines erupted form his forearm and elbow, extending with another set of fins that curved back behind his arms.

The beast lord grunted and moaned with pleasure as he watched his newest subject born, a creature of the sea. He felt so proud to dominate the land, the air and the oceans... But he loved all of his creations as if they were his children, and in a way they were. They came from his potent demonic seed after all. The beast lord crouched down by the water's edge, bringing his cock right to the surface. The sperm spray rippled into the pond, the cloud thickening right near the surface.

Laurence's fish instincts got the best of him. He used his fins to push against the water, stretching the sea weed before it snapped. He fluttered around before swimming up toward the beast lord. His mouth opened and closed as he sucked in the cum filled water, drinking it deeply. The water was filtered for the sperm, the rest pumped out through his gills. Laurence licked his lips as they grew rubbery, the changes sweeping his body all the faster.

Much like the rest of the beast lord's creation, Laurence's face remained quite similar to his human form other than color and texture. The changes really started at the back of his jaw where it joined his skull, a round scaly portion raising up a bit in the fish texture. His eyebrows too shifted, the hair replaced with thin sharp spines that angled outward.

While Laurence had plunged his head into the cloud of semen, the rest of his body was not left out of the change. His torso had gained a demonic set of armored plates, highlighting his aquatic abdomen and pectorals. His legs had gained more muscle, fins pushing out of the back of his calves while his toes grew longer and longer. Even his shaft stretched, gaining rubbery ridges and spines as the tip took on a wicked curve and pointed tip.

In a few moments his toes had grown longer than his fingers, the flesh between stretched out into long flippers tipped with deadly talons. Laurence's body glistened with a rich royal metallic blue, a shade worthy of the captain of the Cobalt Blade. Laurence fluttered in the water, his limbs treading just a bit. The beast lord moaned and shuddered, the last of his load leaking out before he sighed with relief, looking down at the pirate king.

"It is time to greet your crew I suspect." The beast lord beamed brightly.


The night had faded and another dawn had risen. The crew of the Cobalt Blade was quiet, worried and concerned that their captain had been eaten by the demon. They had been granted their freedom on the ship, but the ship was still held tight to the shore. No effort could make it budge. The men had even readied the ship to depart, matching the wind with the sails, but it sat still all the same. The men moved about almost restlessly, looking at the island and the sea. One Yeoman stopped dead as he saw the water shifting, bubbling and broiling.

"Something's in the water!" he shouted, backing up. While he retreated, other men advanced. A column of water lifted up, the sunlight shining through to illuminate the figure within before the water cascaded across the deck. As the water spread out, Laurence stood up to an impressive seven feet tall, looking around with shiny silvery eyes. A shadow spread across the deck before the beast lord touched town, his wings giving one last powerful flap.

"Crew of the Cobalt Blade, may I present to you Captain Neptos the Daring, king of the Seven Seas." The beast lord announced. The pirates stopped where they were, looking at the blue finned creature before them from his crest to his pecs to his thick shaft.

"Captain?" The first mate asked, moving forward.

"It's me..." Neptos replied, "But it is time to get the crew ship shape." He said before he reached out. The first mate yelped as his head was grabbed and he was pulled forward, falling onto his knees. Neptos stepped forward and inserted his aquatic phallus into the mouth of the man that had served him for years. In seconds he was spraying his thick semen down the first mate's throat. The pirate tried in desperation to swallow it all but it proved too much. He started to choke and gag as it went down into his lunge, but soon he relaxed again and grew docile.

The other pirates watched in shock and awe as the color drained out of the first mate's face, his blonde hair shedding away to reveal brown scales coming from around his ears and across his head. His ears soon stretched into fins, a crest rising up from his head. Even his shirt grew messy as semen leaked from the gills forming on his ribs. Every suckle the first mate took gave away more of his humanity. Soon he had the arms of the sahuagin like Neptos, then the legs. His boots split apart to reveal his thick flippers as his pants tore to let out more fins.

The first mate's skin turned rubbery before hardening into armored scales, glistening in the sunlight between the shades of brown, sand and gold. As his changes finished, he pulled back and let out a warbling trill like a dolphin or porpoise. Neptos lifted his head, looking around to the others before he grinned.

"Lift the anchor, take us out... and you shall all receive your promotion one by one." Neptos called out. The men stirred a bit but one dared to speak.

"Where are we setting a course to captain?" The helmsman asked. Neptos looked to the beast lord before turning back to face his men.

"We set sail for Dunbrune, the great river inland and the castle of Balan." Neptos announced. The men grew wide eyed with surprise but then the fever of plundered treasure and battle filled their veins. They moved across the ship with renewed glee and purpose, lining up before the captain to be turned into his warriors of the sea. The beast lord watched everything unfolding. He couldn't have been happier.

Seventh Sin

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