Code of Dishonor: Shadowplay

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#5 of Code of Dishonor

Written by

Commissioned by Cidius

While the beast lord's war machine continues forward, there is still time to focus on the individual... and an unrealized shadow mage seems perfect to the beast lord.

Eckhart, Eclipse the dark one:

Greyson, Silver Wing the Notorious:

Terras, Razor Claw the Carnal:

The Beast Lord:

Duron, Stone Fangs the Venomous:

Ragnus, Salamand the Wrathful:

Code of Dishonor: Shadowplay Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius

A warm wind blew across the fields of Peldin, rustling through the spring shoots and tiny leaves of the growing vines. The sound of the wind sounded almost like an ocean as it played against the grapes and a windmill sat in the distance, turning with the invisible power. Dunbrune had many fields to feed its many people, but Peldin was a bit different. They had harnessed the power of the wind to assist in their labor and they had figured out new ways of growing vine plants on raised platforms, wires and poles to increase harvest. In many ways they were at the peak of agriculture in the ten kingdoms, though it didn't feel that way to everyone.

A young man no more than eighteen years of age stood in the field, carefully tying up the lines, guiding the vines to loop over and around the string so it could cling and grow big and strong. Eckhart had grown big and strong himself with the years of farming. He had a fair and innocent face with large, dark brown eyes and short dusty black hair. His shoulders were broad and his arms thick with muscle, his waist trim and his legs stout. Eckhart was quite handsome but that fact eluded him completely as he spent all his time farming.

Eckhart moved along the path, leaving behind the young sprouts to where new frames were being built. His clothes were nothing special, wearing a simple drab green shirt and black pants. He wore a belt that was too big for him, the black length hanging down his left hip after he had tied it off haphazardly. The afternoon sun threw his shadow behind him, the shadow swaying as his foot treaded against the rich soil... but each step he took, the shadow seemed to stick less and less to his movements, almost moving around on its own accord. Despite his simple gait, the shadow almost played along behind him, swinging from the shadows of the vine poles in a playful sense.

The farmer came to a stop and knelt down to resume his work building more poles, using tools to hammer wood pegs together. His shadow obeyed him for a moment before it started doing its own thing again, making shadow puppets on the ground, silently laughing to itself in glee. It was a most peculiar sight, one that Silver Wing saw from his perch on the wind mill. The hawk demon gazed down at the human, perplexed.

Mages were often found out at a young age as they accessed their powers for the first time, but if the farmer boy had grown up on his own then no one might have noticed his natural affinity. Silver Wing pushed off of the wind mill and let his wings spread wide, soaring over the farm back toward Jabin where he could tell his master of the most miraculous find. He knew the beast lord would be so proud indeed. Far below, Eckhart looked up, his eyes scanning the heavens as he heard a fluttering. Seeing nothing but the sun, the farmer got back to work. ****

The day had grown long indeed and the shadows with it, the sun creeping down toward the horizon. The skies had shifted to bright oranges and rich purples, a vibrant color... one that the beast lord enjoyed. While he detested his human guise, it did give him an appreciation for the elements his scales and fur protected him from normally. The beast lord moved along the edges of the farm land, his eyes watching keenly. In the distance he could see the farmer working tirelessly and the long shadow he threw. The sun was so low the shadow was almost twenty feet long... just enough for the beast lord.

While Eckhart worked, the beast lord watched him... and his shadow. Every so often the shadow would behave independently, doing its own thing, even poking at the shadows of blades of grass. As the shadow touched the shadow of the grass, the blade itself moved about. The beast lord grinned gently, quite impressed with the potency of the mage's powers. He would have been a fine knight if one of the arch mages had got to him first... but the beast lord had bested them again.

The demon man pushed his robes back, untying the binding on his pants. The threads came apart and the beast lord's demonic cock emerged. He ran his human hand over it, back and forth, shivering in delight at the rough and firm cock flesh beneath. He started to lose control over his human guise, feeling his black hair bleach out to a ginger orange as three black horns pushed out of his head, rising up above him. More horns pushed out around his neck and shoulders as his hair pushed out around his head, emerging from his face and chin in a ginger mane with just a bit of white fur around his mouth.

The demon growled and shifted, his hands growing claws, his arms gaining thick fur while his legs exploded with layers of feather. His robe shuddered and exploded into smoke, the smoke folding back behind him as it turned into black and white feathered wings. With the clothing discarded, a scaled serpent tail emerged from behind the beast lord, swinging around wildly. The beast lord's form stretched taller, gaining a foot of height and even more of width.

While the transforming demon was lost on the farmer, his shadow had noticed and moved over to investigate, stretching along the ground, cautiously approaching the beast lord's shadow. The beast lord grinned gently, looking down at the shadow on the ground with glee. He moved his tail to play with the shadow, making it move back and forth, trying to dodge the tail's shadow. With that bit of distraction, the beast lord was free to do what he had planned all along.

The beast lord bore his fangs as he started to cum, his rich tainted seed spraying out, drizzling along the ground... but where it fell on Eckhart's shadow, it slowly disappeared, absorbed into the living darkness. The shadow trembled and shuddered, taking the cum in, starting to shift and change. Its arms grew thicker, its legs grew wider and two horns pushed up from the shadow's head. For a brief moment two glowing white eyes appeared in the shadow before fading. The shadow crumbled, looking like a man on all fours panting. The beast lord's orgasm slowed to a stop and he crouched down close to the shadow, reaching out to pet it.

"Show your master how much you truly love him, how much you want to be part of him... and then we will meet again." The beast lord whispered. The shadow gave a nod before it crept back to Eckhart, shrinking back to a size that was quite unusual for how late in the day it was. As the shadow compressed, the farmer shivered gently, feeling the touch of another. He looked up and around suddenly but saw nothing but the farm around him. He took a breath.

"I guess I've been out here long enough... Time to head back." He murmured to himself and stood, walking back toward home. As he walked, the shadow behind him grew again, the shadow of wide wings growing out of the shadow of the very innocent, very mild mannered young man... a man that would never be the same again. ****

Eckhart opened the door to his room, letting out a big yawn. His arms hung at his sides and his shoulders were slouching a bit, but it wasn't a bad exhaustion. It came from a day full of good, earnest work. The young man made his way to his bed and pulled off his olive colored shirt, draping it over the end of his bed before he sat down and pulled his boots off. With those off, his pants came next. The young man leaned back in his bed, wearing nothing but underwear as he laid in the moonlight. It was still too warm to sleep under the covers.

Even as Eckhart tried to close his eyes, he reached over to fumble with the latch to his window before pushing the wood shutters open. The wood swung away, allowing the full moon to cast across him into his room, throwing a shadow onto the wood floor. Eckhart shifted a bit before he sighed happily and closed his eyes, drifting toward sleep. On the floor the shadow matched Eckhart for a moment, his chest rising and falling... but then the shadow moved on its own accord, slowly peeling off of the floor.

The flat shadow lifted up, trying to take an actual shape before it fell back into a puddle of rippling shade. Not yet strong enough to take on human form, it decided to try a different tactic. The shadow seethed and shifted before tendrils began pushing out. Everywhere they moved, light died away into utter darkness, absorbed and dispelled. The tentacles moved, sliding up the bed, moving across the blanket before they tickled at Eckhart's sides.

Eckhart moved a bit in the bed, scratching at the tickles, still not fully awakening. He didn't feel as if anyone else was in the room. He only felt himself and the shadow, the shadow that had been there his entire life. Feeling more bold, the shadow sent out thicker tentacles. They arched over Eckhart before coming down, tracing his chest, circling his nipples before stroking them.

"Ungh..." Eckhart murmured, starting to stir more. The shadow knew it should stop, pull back, but it couldn't. It had loved Eckhart for so long, wanted to be with him, to be one with him. The beast lord had shown it how and it wanted to possess its owner, its master. A thick tentacle pushed out, curving and slithering around, taking on the shape of the demonic cock that had brought it true life.

With little warning, the tentacle plunged down and spread Eckhart's mouth wide, sliding back and forth in his mouth before it penetrated further down his throat. Eckhart struggled, trying to get up but shadow laced around his wrists and ankles, holding him to the bed. The shadows around his nipples looped around into impossibly thin threads, stroking up and down, causing his nipples to erect and swell, but it didn't stop there. It teased and pulled, stroked and stretched, getting the nubs to grow out as long as they could.

Eckhart tried to call out but his mouth was full of phallic shadow, sliding forward and back. The shadow itself felt emboldened by the moves and tried to regain shape again. A clawed hand made of shadow pulled out of the pool, then another. As if dragging itself out of a hole, Eckhart's shadow pulled itself up and out of the pool... but it wasn't just his shadow. Two tall horns and pointed ears extended from the shadow's head.

As the shadow freed himself even more, tall wings rose out of the pool along with his shoulders. His torso came next, then his legs, though the legs fizzled out, running back to Eckhart's body, connected and tethered like always. Still, the shadow was able to stand there on his own, looking over his owner, tentacles still spiraling out of his back. The shadow moved over to Eckhart, pulling out the tentacle from his mouth.

Eckhart suddenly gasped, his chest rising and falling as he tried to reclaim his breath. He was about to scream out for help, but his eyes were glued to the shadow man. His hsadow lifted one leg over Eckhart before he came down to sit on his lap. Eckhart could barely feel any weight but he could feel the touch of a cold, firm body against his. The demon reached out, massaging the farmer's sensitive nipples with bare hands as his shadow member grew out like a tentacle, plunging back into Eckhart's mouth.

This time the farmer didn't resist quite as much. Somehow he knew it was his own shadow and the shadow would never want to hurt him. He sucked and slurped, running his tongue over the firm shade. The shadow tipped his head back and let out a silent moan, basking in the pleasure unrelenting. He continued to writhe and shift his weight on the farmer, reaching out to caress his head.

As the shadow stroked Eckhart's hair, the color drained from it slightly, turning his hair from a dusty black to a pale gray. The shadow was surprised though it found its owner a bit sexier that way and continued to fuck his face before he reached to stroke his muscled arms. Eckhart shivered at the cold touch but he loved the embrace, his own manhood growing firmer. As the strokes massaged his arms, the shadow started to sink into the flesh. Veins turned from red to black, bulging before the muscle beneath grew.

The shadow shuddered, feeling Eckhart's body so close... but as he pushed his left hand into Eckhart's arm, the two seemed to start bonding. The shadow leaked out over Eckhart's arm, growing and hardening like stone, becoming black armor like scales. The black coated his forearm, then his wrist and hands, then his fingers. He could feel his bones stretch, his muscles grow and his fingernails expand into claws. The talons became part of his fingers seamlessly, his hand flexing and shifting.

Eckhart let out a louder moan. He had never felt anything remotely as impressive as the bonding, but he was starting to grow worried. Why was his shadow changing him? How did it have life at all? Eckhart's mind started to fight the pleasure, to doubt the shadow. The shadow grunted as his arm snapped off, leaving Eckhart with a gauntlet and the shadow without an arm. White eyes opened in the shadow, pleading silently with the human.

The shadow used its spare hand to stroke Eckhart's chest, massaging the muscle before it leaned down close, nuzzling the human's head. Eckhart knew he could trust the shadow, that they were one... but he didn't want it to be something dirty. He wanted it to be something more. Using his tongue and cheeks, the farmer slowly pushed the member from his mouth. The shadow retracted his tentacle cock back to its normal shape, looking at the human carefully.

Eckhart said nothing, merely closing his eyes before he leaned up. The shadow felt Eckhart's heart flutter before he leaned down. In a moment of pure stillness, their lips touched and a shiver moved through them both. Eckhart let softness fall by the wayside, kissing his shadow in desperation. Years of pent up lust were spilling out. For the first time he didn't feel alone and neither did the shadow. A life of trying to be one with Eckhart had come to culmination.

The two continued to embrace, but both could feel a rising tide of energy between them until, without warning, the shadow's face wrapped around Eckhart's. The kiss ended abruptly as the shadow formed a black dragon scale mask around his eyes, covering his ears. The black molded Eckhart like clay, stretching his ears into ridged gargoyle like points. The scale slipped over his forehead before rising up into two firm horns above his head, leaving his gray hair beneath. As Eckhart's eyes opened, white light spilled out of them, glowing almost as bright as the moon above.

Without a head, the shadow's form began to spill and splash across the human. The torso collapsed across Eckhart's chest but the heavy wings slipped around to Eckhart's back before sinking into his flesh, turning real. The veins of his right arm bulged before a matching demon arm filled out there as well. The shadow seemed to be clinging to Eckhart in desperation, latching on so hard that his human body couldn't quite take it. Tears started to form in his skin, coming over his shoulders and up his ribs, but the shadow meant no harm to him. As soon as the tears formed, red leathery flesh filled in the gaps, as firm as armor.

While many of Dunbrune's people were fair or even pale skinned, nothing compared to the fact that the color was draining out of Eckhart's body. It started in his face but then swept down his neck and torso, leaving the only color in the ragged teas that came around his chest like some sort of incomplete harness. As the shadow slipped around Eckhart's waste, more thick scale panels layered over one another.

The shadow spilled out over his legs, rising up into armor like spikes and crests, looking as though it was black steel made out of living flesh that petrified. The coating swept down his feet, showing every tendon in armored beauty before capping his toes with talons. Eckhart's back arched, his muscled chest growing larger and wider, his stretched nipples darkening and turning grey. He panted hard, gazing up at the ceiling with his glowing eyes as the shadow's mentality seeped into his own.

Memories came flooding into his mind, the memories of the shadow... its lifetime of playfulness, the stranger that had come and given it life... The beast lord. Eckhart moaned, so turned on, feeling a longing for the salty taste of the cum only his shadow had savored before. He licked his lips before he sprung out of bed, standing on his new monstrous feet before his wings spread wide. He wanted the beast lord, wanted that salty musk again... and he wanted to try out his new body. Eckhart ran to his bed, jumped up onto it and lunged out the window, sailing out on the warm winds with his mighty wings, never looking back at his childhood home. ****

The long night was creeping to an end. Purple and green light spilled into the sky, the stars grew dimmer and the moon swept toward the horizon, fleeing the sun's approach. Amid it all, the beast lord crouched by a small out of the way pond on the farm land. It seemed out of place, in the way, but it remained right where it was and little fish darted about. The beast lord traced a claw through the water, thinking about the merits of water before a cool breeze blew through his fur.

The demon looked up, watching shadows grow and shrink, shifting and moving, warping and changing before one fence post shadow reached out and touched the beast lord's. The demon felt a hand rest on his shoulder at the same moment before he turned to see Eckhart, standing there, his eyes glimmering. The beast lord stood and turned to face the creation he had made, though he had to admit, he was a bit surprised. Eckhart's physique had been large to start with and the transformation had only improved it, making some of his muscles just a bit larger than the beast lord's.

"My... It seems that you did it, that you bonded... Where there were once two, now there is one." The beast lord said, reaching to caress the sharp ridges of the black mask like coating around his glowing white eyes.

"We... How do we thank you?" Eckhart asked softly. The beast lord grinned gently, reaching up to caress the shadow demon's gray hair.

"By bringing the joy you feel to the world, by helping me free the people from the light that holds them captive." The beast lord said.

"Oh yes, we want that..." Eckhart cooed.

"Then kneel." The beast lord said. Eckhart lowered down onto his spiked black knees, looking up at the beast lord. The gryphon like demon brought out his manhood, stroking it back and forth a few times before it brought it down to touch each of Eckhart's shoulders before he moved it toward the demon's mouth, "I dub you Eclipse, the dark one."

The beast lord's words moved through Eclipse as the composite being embraced his new identity. His lips parted and his fangs grazed the thick shaft entering his mouth. He began to lick and slurp at the beast lord's manhood, only to realize his tongue could stretch and shift, wrapping around the cock like one of his shade tentacles. He closed his glimmering eyes, giving into the pleasure.

Eclipse grunted, the armor plates across his groin splitting as a wet gush of fluids leaked out, followed soon after by a solid black shaft, tapered and ridged just like the scale armor that bonded with his flesh... only a bit softer. The veins pulsed along the length in time with his heart, a heart that was the only warm part about him, full of lust and passion. Shadow tentacles soon burst from Eclipse, wrapping around his cock five times over, teasing his nipples and even looping down to push between the armor plates covering his ass, plunging into his body.

While the shadow demon fucked himself, he obediently sucked on the beast lord's cock, realizing another strange craving he had developed... the craving for heat. Eclipse was enshrouded in his own shadow, in the cold and the dark. He loved it and embraced it, but at the same time the heat was addictive. He sucked and slurped on the beast lord's member, drawing the heat of his rod into his mouth, wanting so much more.

The beast lord groaned, panting hard, his eyes squeezing shut. He had to start using his magic to keep up with it all as Eclipse drew more and more of his heat and energy. The beast lord had no idea how powerful the shadow mage was going to be, he was just glad that he had found the boy before the kingdom of Dunbrune. The beast lord grabbed onto the demon's horns and used them as leverage, thrusting back and forth in his fang filled mouth, teasing his throat.

It was almost like a fantasy to the beast lord, how Eclipse would help him in the war. Just as he had infected the shadow, Eclipse could infect the shadows of the armies that the king would dispatch, turning them into any number of foul beast men ready to serve him. The beast lord licked his lips before he tipped his head back and let out a roar, his balls seizing up before he began to pump his seed into Eclipse.

Eclipse shuddered sharply at that, his entire body seeming to pulse with darkness as he began to drink the beast lord's seed, feeling the hot thick cum flow down his throat and pool in his stomach. The heat was drained from it but turned into energy, feeding the demon what he needed to grow stronger. He shuddered before a hundred shadow tentacles shot out, hitting the shadows of other objects, infecting them with the darkness.

The shadows of the vines grew wicked and soon the objects that cast the shadows did too. Grape vines grew thorns and thickened to the width of a human's wrist before dark purple and blue flowers opened up, releasing a bittersweet scent into the air. The vines continued to spread, plunging into the dirt which shifted from its rich brown to a dark and pure black. The beast lord looked out at the bastion of his domain spreading so easily. It turned him on even more.

Eclipse's glowing white eyes widened as the beast lord pulled out of his mouth, but he let out a moan of desire as the arch demon grabbed a hold of him and threw him onto his stomach. The shadow demon lifted up his ass, presenting it to his master, craving that heat to enter him in another way. The beast lord licked his lips, looking at his willing servant before he lunged. The thick, hot cock slathered between the tight black ass of Eclipse, the shadow demon drooling gray saliva wantonly, reaching a clawed hand down to stroke himself.

The beast lord teased the tight pucker of his newest servant with the head of his shaft, ringing it and stroking it before he thrust in. Eclipse arched his back as the hot member pushed into him, still moist with the traces of the first orgasm. Eclipse clenched his ass, using his muscles to massage the beast lord and trap him inside, but the beast lord would be trapped by no one again. He started to pull back and thrust in despite the tightness, having his way with his servant.

Eclipse moaned sharply, pushing back as the demon thrust forward, feeling the friction and heat coming from the tightness. It was exquisite. The beast lord started to thrust harder and faster, getting into a good rhythm. His clawed hands traced Eclipse's hips and then his sides, tracing across his gray flesh and the red cracks. Eclipse groaned harder, the dark veins on his arms pulsing more as his muscled swelled a bit larger.

Somewhere in Eclipse's mind, he could feel Eckhart and the Shadow, both so pleased that their life had led to this. They never would have expected it, but they felt whole and together, one and the same, bonded by pleasure and lust and common purpose. Eclipse began to feel their essences truly merge in his mind, knitting together into a single being, into him... into Eclipse. The shadow and light, one spilling into the other. He tipped his head back and moaned as his orgasm hit him... and his powers were released.

An explosion of darkness spread out across the farm, draining the color from the flower blossoms until the vines were black and the flowers white. The tiny pond froze over and a gentle snow began to fall. Frost even crackled across the pathway leading back to the house. The cold wind began to sweep out in all directions as birds took flight and small animals fled, but at the heart of it all was Eclipse, his thick seed spraying out across the ground in tepid streams.

The beast lord let out a wild roar of satisfaction, feeling the muscles of the demon pulse beneath him before he came again, grabbing onto Eclipse's hips with all his might. The demon felt his balls tug, his shaft pulse and another hot flood pour into the acolyte of the dark. Eclipse embraced the heat, letting it suffuse and fill him, but the beast lord was starting to look around, realizing he was the only being with color for a fair distance. Even the sunrise had been kept at bay, the sunlight not quite reaching the bubble of shadow that Eclipse had made.

The darkness hung around them, lingering and unnatural for several moments before Eclipse collapsed into the puddle of his own cum. The shadow bubble fled from around them as sunlight forced its way back in, washing over them both. Eclipse was unconscious, lying on the ground and the beast lord stood over him... noticing something particularly interesting. The beast lord looked at his own shadow, natural and steady... but Eclipse threw no shadow. There was nothing but light around him, almost as if he wasn't really there. But the beast lord knew the truth. The shadow was part of Eclipse, it was Eclipse. The two were truly together at last. ****

The sound of metal clattering against metal filled the courtyard of the castle as the soldiers of the king's army practiced their sword skills. Some had trained for years while others had joined when they had been forced from their homes in Jabin. They practiced tirelessly, both with swords and with axes. At the edges of the courtyard the few remaining mage knights worked tirelessly with the artisans to work magic resistant elements into the uniforms and the armor, trying to come up with new ways to protect the troops. Every so often one of them would look up to the balcony of the castle, catching a glimpse of the king as he looked over them all.

The king was tall and broad shouldered, draped in gold and red, his dark brown hair wind swept. His eyes were tired, weary from worrying about his people, worrying about the threats from outside and within. The ten kingdoms were on the verge of war and that was bad enough, but the mystery of Invess was like a seeping wound weakening the entire realm. The king ran his fingers across the royal seal holding his cape on, the seal of a ram's head before two axe blades.

"King Balan, I bring word from Jabin." came a voice from behind. The king turned to see Carlo, the ice mage. Carlo's uniform was pristine, the shoulders and the middle of the torso black with gold filigree while the sleeves and sides were a rich royal blue to indicate his element. Even his hair was part way between black and blue, taking on an unusual sheen.

"What is the news?" King Balan asked. Carlo reached up to adjust the oval glasses resting on his face.

"A scout from the edge of Jabin sent a hawk. The lands around Invess seem corrupted by some foul magic, tainted to the very roots. What animals don't flee are changed by the magic that fills the area." Carlo said softly. The king grew somber.

"As if pirate lords and King Purson weren't enough, a magical blight spreads across the lands and I am powerless to stop it. For all likelihood Duron and Ragnus' sensitivity to magic could have been their downfall, making them vulnerable to this." The king said, taking a deep breath, "I want the efforts on the uniforms redoubled, we must make our troops immune to magic."

"I will do what I can." Carlo said, bowing his head. The king couldn't help but smile slightly. He moved over to Carlo in the shade of the castle, out of sight of those below before he reached up and lifted Carlo's head by the chin.

"I know you will... You've never let me down before." The king said softly. Carlo's heart fluttered as he looked into the king's eyes before Balan leaned in and kissed his advisor, their lips tight. Carlo nearly melted against the king, quite a feeling for an ice mage. The king reached up to tangle his fingers in Carlo's hair before he begrudgingly broke the kiss, panting softly before he wiped his lips. He gave Carlo a slight nod before he moved back into the castle, reclaiming the image of the flawless leader.

Carlo staggered over to the edge of the balcony and collapsed against the guard rail, his arms crossed beneath his chin as he had a dreamy smile. Despite the spring weather above, the clouds grew cool and tiny flakes of snow began to fall, each ice crystal perfectly formed from the power of Carlo's glee as he felt like he was on top of the world. It was quite the compromising view, but only one pair of eyes had seen the exchange, the eyes of Silver Wing.

"The rumors are true; the family line of Dunbrune is at risk." Silver Wing murmured. Razor Claw rested his furry hand on the shoulder of his ally.

"Then we shall advise the beast lord accordingly. There is no king out there with as many troops as King Balan, troops that should be sworn to their true demon lord." Razor Claw said.

"What of the machinations of their artisans?" Silver Wing asked.

"We are not yet ready to storm the castle. We must gain information about what they are making and how... but I think I already know a way. Before the beast lord recruited me, I heard of the king's troubles with the pirate lord... If he has stolen any of this precious material, it should be far easier to corrupt him than to storm the castle." Razor Claw said. Silver Wing grinned gently.

"I wonder if the beast lord has any need for a general of the sea." Silver Wing grinned.

"I know he will have a need for our company soon enough. Let's go." Razor Claw said. Silver Wing gave a nod before he pushed off and flapped his mighty wings, rising into the skies as Razor Claw pushed off, bounding along the land at an unmatched speed. The two demon generals raced toward the horizon, a horizon that seemed a bit darker than usual... as if the shadows had grown a bit larger.

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