Making a Life

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#7 of Making an Ass

Written by Leotodrius

Commissioned by Canine80

Character art of Xaie and Colton:

Fresh out of college, Xaie and Colton work to define what their lives will be and to make a place for themselves in an adult world.

Xaie © Canine80

Base icon provided with permission by commissioner Canine80 from art by :etchicon:

Making a Life Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Canine80

Outside of the windows, the rain fell in heavy and cold droplets, dancing down from leaf to leaf before splattering on the ground. It was a cold and dark night but inside the apartment it was quite warm. The apartment itself was fairly nice with brand new appliances and furniture, practically everything anyone would need. Two diplomas were proudly display on the wall, one for Colton and one for Gilles, though everyone knew him as Xaie now. Below the diplomas were pictures of Colton and Gilles through the years, starting with Colton as a young punk and Xaie as an innocent freshman, but as time went on they became wilder.

The most recent picture on the wild was from their graduation party, Colton and Xaie enjoying some cigars with their friends, though the picture looked a little strange as many of the men had tall fuzzy ears, some even with donkey like tails. It had been hard to maintain the secret but it had been rewarding. Having that many loyal friends could get people places and Colton and Xaie enjoyed their new apartment because of it, though they enjoyed each other just as much as ever.

The bed in the bedroom lurched forward and back as Xaie moaned out, his fingers digging into the bed sheets, his back arched, the leather collar tugging at his neck as Colton rode him. Xaie had gotten used to being a weredonkey but he never took it for granted. It was the best part of his entire life. Xaie was twenty five now and was quite fit. His biceps and triceps were firm, his abdomen refined and his dark brown hair was worked up into a faux hawk and dyed red for half of its length.

Xaie looked fairly tough with the tribal tattoo covering his upper right arm, the many piercings on his ears and the red sleeveless shirt that hugged his muscled torso, but the collar wrapped around his neck and the exquisite moans of lusty bliss showed his softer side. He writhed and bucked as he was filled by his boyfriend, though boy was hardly the term he would use. He knew Colton was all man... well, at least the parts that weren't donkey... like the shaft driving into his ass.

Colton had matured over the course of college as well. He had hair long enough to make a two and a half foot tall Mohawk if he wanted though he kept it relaxed most of the time. Almost all of the black hair was bleached orange and he had a black chinstrap beard that hugged his jaw line before reaching his chin where it dropped down into a thick orange goatee worthy of a ram.

Like Xaie, Colton had adopted tribal tattoos that covered both of his upper arms and even part of his right leg, though those were often hidden by his leather pants. Colton had grown taller, wider, more muscled. He was a man's man, one that had a commanding presence over all of those that he had converted into donkeys and those that he had helped become other forms.

Even when appearing fully human, Colton's manhood didn't revert anymore. It remained over a foot long with a flat equine head, the black shaft glistening in the light. That thick donkey dick reamed into Xaie, probing his ass for his prostate, trying to drive him wild. Colton leaned in, his goatee brushing Xaie's shoulder as he licked his boyfriend's ears, grinning slowly.

"Turn for me my pet, your inner beast is breaking out." Colton commanded. Xaie grunted out loud as he felt the changes sweep across his body merely on command. The fingernails digging into the bed sheets thickened, turning from white to brown. His arm hair began thickening, turning from light brown to a deep dark chocolate brown. Even Xaie's ears started to stretch to points, covering over with fuzz as they got taller and taller.

"Colton..." Xaie moaned. Colton grinned, moving to lick and suck and even bite at Xaie's neck. Xaie threw his head back, gasping before he let out a deep "HAWWW!", shuddering as the brays became more natural. Xaie had always been weak in the knees around Colton, swayed by him and driven by lust, but since graduation it seemed that their relationship was changing. Colton was becoming more demanding, more possessive, more... masterful.

Xaie felt a shiver run through his body as he thought of Colton like that, even more the master. He'd always been called pet, but Colton had always treated him as a lover and an equal. Now it seemed Colton was treating him more like an actual pet, a slave, a love beast for his personal whims. That thought sent jolts of pleasure and fear through his body, accelerating his change. Xaie's jaw popped as it grew longer, stretching forward, taking his upper lip with it. His nose stretched out and widened, his nostrils growing larger and part of his muzzle.

The body hair that had turned dark brown continued to spread, turning into a fur coat that covered his arms and back and legs, the fur emerging from his tattoo remaining black to keep the pattern. Xaie's chest fur, however, was a lighter tan color, almost the color of caramel. Xaie's ears stood up in full donkey mode, the piercings glistening, drool coating his now black lips as Colton filled him.

Colton stroked Xaie's ass as his tail emerged, the black tassel flicking around at the end. Xaie's hooves covered his feet, the fur spread across his face and soon his transformation was complete. Xaie was a brown and caramel donkey with a thick equine member being fucked by his master. He writhed and moaned even louder, though he grunted suddenly as something was forced into his mouth. It was hard and cold and metal... and then Xaie realized it was a bit, a bridal, a restraint. Colton pulled the leather strapping up around Xaie's muzzle and cheeks, hooking it to his leash.

"There's my sexy pet... My little donkey boy, the ass that is all mine for now and eternity." Colton growled before he threw his head back, "HAWW! HEEHAWW!" Colton moaned, his own donkey threatening to emerge. Lighter caramel brown fur covered his body while sand colored fur covered his stomach, his face pushing out into a muzzle, his nipple piercings swinging from fat brown nipples as he began to cum.

Xaie quivered beneath the might of his master, feeling the hot flood filling him. It was a little hard for him to come to grips with it all. Colton had been a sexual dynamo before, but now it was becoming so much more intense. It was almost like he was becoming something more... and Xaie wanted it all, to feel it all to have it all even if he wasn't sure what that was going to be.

The darker donkey collapsed on the bed, panting around his bit, his eyes glazed with lust. He soon felt the weight of his partner on him as Colton reached to stroke his cheek lovingly before cuddling up for sleep. Xaie panted a few more times before he passed out cold from sexual exhaustion for the third time that day, lying in cum soaked sheets. Whatever kind of life they were leading, it was a good one.


Xaie woke up with a start, looking around in confusion. He felt cold... Colton wasn't there. The bed was empty. Xaie turned and looked out of the window. It was still raining and there was barely any light even though it was almost eight thirty. Daylight savings was always hard to get used to. Xaie slipped out of bed and slipped his feet into fuzzy white wolf paw slippers that had been a gift from an old friend before he padded out of the bedroom, hearing Colton's voice in the kitchen.

"What do you mean they pulled Minomilk off the market? Has the FDA run an analysis? There aren't any harmful components." Colton growled. Xaie moved out into the kitchen, looking at Colton on his cell phone. Colton glanced up and grinned a bit before pointing down at his cock. Xaie felt the order move through his body and he obediently knelt down and crawled under the table, moving to start opening Colton's fly.

Xaie wasn't sure why, but the more demanding and authoritative Colton got, the more obedient he wanted to be. He reached in and pulled out Colton's half hard donkey cock and began to stroke it, moving his lips along the edge, licking the tip and teasing the urethra before he plunged his lips around, sucking and slurping. Colton grinned in satisfaction.

"Before the recall gets too far, I want you to get a board of their directors, their samplers, anyone... I want them to taste it. I'm sure once they try it they'll feel a lot differently." Colton said, pausing as he waited for a response, grinning soon after, "Good, I know it'll work. Talk to you later." Colton said before he closed the flip phone and set it down, reaching down to pet Xaie's head a bit.

Xaie was getting carried away with the sucking of his master, though he soon heard the clop of a personal humidor being opened and then the click of a cigar cutter. Colton ran the carefully crafted cigar under his nose as he inhaled before he smiled, bringing it to his lips. He produced a metal lighter with a hoof print emblazoned on the side before he lit up and inhaled, bringing the smoke into his mouth where he held it for a while.

Colton gazed up with wide eyes, watching as Colton exhaled, the smoke curling around his cheeks and dancing with his goatee. Xaie was so turned on by his master. Colton looked down with a grin before he offered Xaie the cigar. Xaie leaned up and wrapped his lips around the cigar like he did his master's cock, taking a few puffs, holding it before it spilled from his lips as well, a dopey grin covering his face.

"Troubles?" Xaie asked softly, his hands wrapping around Colton's cock before he went back to work sucking and slurping.

"Not for long... Daddy will take care of it all." Colton said, taking another draw on the cigar. Xaie shivered, his own cock becoming tock hard as he sucked away. Colton was his protector, his master, just like a gay daddy and he was the pet. Xaie sucked deeper and harder before Colton rewarded him with thick jets of cum down his throat. Xaie gulped them down obediently, shuddering as his change started to rip through his body. It was becoming harder and harder to stay human and it seemed that Colton didn't mind his lover going donk so frequently.


Colton swung the doors to the mall open and strode in as if he owned the place with Xaie right behind him, almost clinging to his hip like a heeling dog. Xaie was feeling a bit shy. Colton had insisted he wear his tightest red shirt and custom made brown leather pants, showing off his ass and his groin. He was getting eyed by girls and gay guys alike, but they all took one look at Colton and knew the score. Colton was getting off on it, licking his lips a bit, but business was business.

As Colton turned and moved for a store, Xaie looked up with a bit of curiosity. Colton opened the door to the Leaf Lounge, a tobacco shop specializing in rare tobaccos while also offering a selection of swords and daggers. Xaie moved in and looked around, but just a few steps in and he was mesmerized by the rich and exotic smell of so many tobaccos together.

"Colton, you're early!" The shopkeeper said, a large man moving out from behind the counter. He had a long black ponytail and a braided beard. His eyes sized up Colton before looking to his companion, "And you must be Xaie, I've heard a lot about you."

"Th... Thanks." Xaie said with a soft smile. He didn't know why he felt so shy, but he clung ever closer to Colton.

"Sorry to come early but I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row. I'd hoped to get everything stabilized a bit more before launching but with the FDA breathing down my neck I have to try and get some stable ground under me." Colton said.

"What about Alexander? Surely he's in a position to help." The shopkeeper asked, moving to turn the sign on the door around to 'closed for lunch'.

"He's over seas, trying to secure the license for donkey drop punch." Colton said. The shopkeeper smirked, looking over at Xaie.

"You realize if this works, you two are going to become two of the richest men on the planet?" he asked. Xaie grinned a bit at that.

"Well, it'd be nice to come out of college and be able to create our own jobs even in this market." Xaie said.

"I'll go get your crates ready, feel free to enjoy the shop." The keeper said before he moved to the back and disappeared through a door. Xaie moved over to the window displays and started looking at all the swords, running his fingers across them appreciatively. When he heard a familiar click of a lighter, Xaie turned around.

Colton had settled into a deep arm chair, his legs spread wide, a thick cigar between his lips. He drew in the smoke and then expelled it into a cloud. With his thick muscles and large frame, Xaie couldn't help but be aroused. His leather pants stretched around his package, distorting as his equine phallus swelled. Colton looked over to Xaie before grinning and patting his leg.

"Come sit on daddies' leg." Colton said. Xaie eagerly moved over and hopped up, settling in, rubbing his ass on his master's groin. Colton grinned and took another draw on the cigar before exhaling. Xaie breathed it in, knowing second hand smoke was bad but unable to help himself. Colton moved to kiss Xaie, their lips melding for a moment before Colton grinned, "Can you imagine it Xaie? Our own Pleasure Island? A night club that'll be world famous..."

"I still remember our first converts at college... Just our cum enough to transform them." Xaie whispered.

"The wild frat parties, heading out to the farm. None of it will be like this... Everyone will be going furry whether they want to or not, and then they'll want to because its so much fun... Just like you, my slut. You're so horny I bet you can't even keep a hold of yourself. The donkey wants out, he wants to rut, he doesn't care where he is, does he?" Colton asked. Xaie gasped as Colton said those things, feeling the shuddering move through him.

"Colton, we're in public... There are windows everywhere..." Xaie whispered.

"I know, but you're such a naughty boy... You want to suck daddy off right here and now, don't you?" Colton whispered. Xaie squeezed his eyes shit, breathing harder, his head tilting back. He tried to fight it, to hold it off.

"I... I... Hw.... HAWW... No, I..." Xaie panted, his fingernails turning brown, thickening, covering his finger tips.

"You're just my horny pet, you can't help that you're an animal. You want to give into the pleasure and you can't resist." Colton whispered, taking another drag of the cigar before he exhaled, blowing it into Xaie's face. Xaie's cock jumped and he nearly came, groaning out at that. It smelled so good; it smelled like his sexy daddy.

"HAWW! HEEHAWWW!" Xaie brayed, groaning loudly as his cock started pushing up and up, a thick black donkey dick emerging from the top of his pants, pushing past his waist band. Colton reached down to palm the head, squeezing and rubbing it.

"You're an animal, a slut, you're my boy... and any boy of mine's going to be so horny he can't ever hold back. You're a brave little donk slut, aren't you?" Colton whispered. Xaie licked his lips, feeling them toughen as his teeth flattened, his mouth pushing out forward and his nose widening.

"Colton, we're... we... weeHAWWW!" He brayed again. Colton took a puff of his cigar before he put it to Xaie's lips. Xaie involuntarily breathed in and out, puffing away. As the smoke left his lips, his face stretched more and more into a muzzle. Stubble pushed out across his cheeks before softening, changing, turning into fur. Xaie's hair stood up into a Mohawk as his face continued to extend, but his ears weren't to be outdone. They furred over quickly, stretching up on either side of his head, balancing his long muzzle.

"You wanna be just like daddy when you grow up, big and strong and manly... but you'll never lose your taste for cocks, your hunger to have them in your ass. Say it." Colton whispered. Xaie moaned as the fur spread down his neck and across his chest and arms.

"Daddy, fuck me... Please!" Xaie moaned loudly. Colton growled in delight at that and reached, finding the hidden snaps in Xaie's pants. The ass of the pants split and revealed Xaie's naked ass. Colton soon unzipped his pants and brought his thick shaft to Xaie. Xaie was all too eager to impale himself on it, feeling it spear into his guts before he started bouncing. Olton reached to grope Xaie's groin with one hand, smoking his cigar with the other.

Xaie bounced and writhed, braying and moaning as the cock filled his ass. He blushed beneath his furry cheeks as he looked around, seeing people walk past the shop. No one had noticed yet but it was only a matter of time before someone did... and yet he couldn't stop. The fear of getting caught turned him on more, made Colton irresistible. He turned and looked at his orange haired lover, how manly he was, how masculine and perfect.

Xaie's cheeks parted as they covered with brown fur, a long thin tail emerging from his tailbone. It whipped around as the tassel filled in, the fur already sweeping down his legs. Xaie's shoes soon started to groan, the leather parting and splitting, the stitches popping. One shoe exploded off, revealing a distorted sock stretched around a hoof that soon tore and split. Xaie's right foot was done changing, but the toes on the left had to finish growing together as the keratin coating firmed into another hoof.

Colton grasped at Xaie's pants, unzipping and unbuttoning them, freeing his cock. Soon Colton focused on stroking off the cock with one hand and smoking with the other, though he often let Xaie take puffs, the smoke curling around them. Xaie loved the feel of the thick shaft sliding in and out of his ass, riding up and down in rapid succession. Xaie looked over at the window and his eyes soon went wide.

Standing on the other side of the glass were two eighteen year old boys that looked shocked and somewhat aroused. One was white with a backwards blue baseball cap, a blonde mustache and a gold chain hanging over a white jersey while his friend had a bit of an afro, black skin and a short, full beard. They gazed in at the two in disbelief, though slowly the black teen reached down to start stroking himself off in his basketball shorts.

"HEEEHAWWW! HAWWWW!!!!" Xaie brayed uncontrollably. They'd been caught. He tipped his head back and came wildly, shooting his sperm all over Colton's chest and face. Colton opened his mouth and caught as much as he could before he came down and started sucking off his lover. Xaie writhed blindly in pleasure, feeling Colton's face grow around the cock, his muzzle forming. Colton's ears stretched up into points, his fur grew in, his hooves pushed out of his shoes... and then he came.

Xaie froze in place, trembling ever so gently with the intensity of the orgasm as he was filled with his master's cum. He turned and looked at the boys on the other side of the glass with something he had never felt before... Selfish pride. Colton was HIS daddy and not theirs and no one would ever be as special as him. Xaie grinned before he laid against Colton's chest and closed his eyes. Colton leaned back against the chair and took a few more puffs of his cigar before looking over at the boys outside as they came in their shorts in public as well.

"There we go, all ready to..." The shop keeper paused as he emerged.

"Looks like I landed you two new customers, you better let them in." Colton grinned. The shopkeeper rolled his eyes before he moved over to the door to open back up and get the boys a smoke before they went and told the authorities anything. It was going to be an interesting day after all for all involved.


The thick, brand new tires of the top of the line silver Lexus rolled up to the curb along side the developing lot, the doors opening a moment later as Colton got out. He moved around the car and opened the door for Xaie. Xaie blushed a bit, feeling pampered as he stood up. Colton grabbed his head and gave Xaie a deep kiss. Xaie melted into it for a moment before he turned, looking around at all the construction going on.

Half of a city block had been cleared with bull dozers moving around. Black wrought-iron fence panels were being put in on one side while heavy machinery dug a moat around the property, leaving a central diamond of land in the center where a tent stood. Colton moved into the tent with Xaie behind, though both paused at the sight of a massive muscled black man in a suit and tie, working a huge cock sticking out of the front of his pants. Colton moved over with a grin, coming up behind the architect, reaching around to ensnare his cock with both hands, giving him some strokes. Xaie moved around and knelt down before him, licking at his dark chocolate shaft that didn't look at all human.

"Mason, it's been a while... Still enjoying your manly pursuits like you're in the frat though, huh?" Colton asked.

"Minotaur's gotta do what a minotaur's gotta do." Mason growled, feeling his temples starting to bulge as horn tips pushed through the skin.

"How's construction going?" Colton asked, untucking Mason's shirt, reaching to massage his nipples. Mason grunted louder, his back arching as Xaie plunged his mouth around the tip, bobbing his head forward and back on it.

"G... Good, though the product being pulled has some of the-the-the investors worried." Mason grunted, trembling gently as his horns grew larger and his face started to push out into a short bovine muzzle, the stubble crossing his face and turning into fur. Colton tugged Mason's pants down, moving to slather his cock up and down the ass cheeks as his cow tail grew in. Mason looked around, praying none of the other workers came in at that moment.

"I think that'll be taken care of soon, then the only real question is when we'll be ready to open." Colton whispered.

"The twins are meeting with the governor tonight... They've been quite successful about... creating a loop hole to the laws... and oh gods! Fill me!" Mason bellowed out. Colton grinned wide, thrusting into the man deeper, fucking him hard and rough. Xaie gazed up from where he was, looking at the man as he sucked him off. He was a bit jealous of Mason, but then again he knew that at the end of the day that he got to go home with Colton. This was a means to an end and Xaie wanted Colton to have everything he wanted.

Xaie and Colton kept going at it even as Mason's shouldered widened, his arms thickened and his legs grew. His suit began to split at the shoulders as fur stuck through the creases, his tie coming loose as his neck widened. Even his expensive shoes split out to make room for huge hooves. Xaie sucked with all his might, instinct slowly taking over. He closed his eyes and sucked and sucked, his muzzle growing out over the cock between his lips, his ears standing up on end.

Colton stood behind Mason, watching Xaie, grinning to himself gently. He was eroding his pet's ability to stay human when horny, reducing him to a lust driven animal. Some small part of him felt guilty, but he knew he'd look out for Xaie, do all the things a daddy should. He was teaching Xaie the right way to be a weredonkey, to live for pleasure and the ground they stood on now would one day be their palace. Pleasure Island would be the hub of debauchery and joy that would spread out into the world at large. It was only a matter of time.


The white wolf slippers moved along the carpet silently as Xaie moved out of bed, rubbing at his green eyes with his fur covered hands. His thick donkey cock wobbled before him as he moved into the kitchen, his donkey ears slapping against a cupboard above the stove that had been left open. He murmured softly as he started rummaging around for breakfast, pausing as he saw a large container that had been prepared the night before... It was Colton's special recipe of granola.

Xaie greedily peeled the lid off of the container and grabbed a bowl before pouring it, watching oats and grains and kernals of precious food tumble into the bowl. Xaie didn't even return the cap onto the container before he stuffed his muzzle down into the bowl and started to chew and gulp it down greedily. He closed his eyes, thinking back to his college days, when he'd first met Colton and been offered the granola from the small punk's gloved hand.

The donkey's cock quivered and throbbed as he thought of his lover growing up into such a sexy man, such a beast. Xaie's heart skipped a beat as he heard the sound of hooves on the wooden floor. He looked up, his green eyes widening. Colton moved out of the bedroom, still looking like a donkey himself. He measured seven feet and two inches tall, his shoulders wide enough to fill a doorframe. His goatee hung down from his donkey muzzle, his long hair now a donkey mane.

"Looks like someone was hungry? Too horny to revert to human too, huh?" Colton asked. Xaie nodded with his mouth stuffed in the bowl. Colton grinned wider, moving to stroke his massive donkey dick, "Well... That's a good thing, cause my boy's gotta get some fuel in him before his long day today." Colton said.

"Long day?" Xaie asked in surprise.

"Farmer Jack's coming into town, he's going to run through some drink mixtures with you before you head to your bartending class. I'm heading to the leaf lounge to learn more about cigars." Colton said.

"Bar tending classes? Really?" Xaie asked in surprise. Colton nodded, moving over to Xaie. He took the bowl from his pet and set it aside, guiding Xaie's mouth to his groin. Xaie opened his mouth wide and plunged it around the cock, starting to suck obediently. Colton grinned happily, stroking the donkey's head.

"Pleasure Island is going to be great for us, but we're going to need to have functions. Xander has a head for business, he can handle the finances, but I want to see the people, see them change. We need front row seats and there aren't any better places than the alcohol and cigar bars. Plus it'll let me keep an eye on you." Colton explained.

"Ub Neber du anydim bab...." Xaie mumbled with the cock in his mouth. Colton grinned, petting his chin.

"I know you wouldn't, not when you have such a sexy daddy to come back to." Colton said. Xaie smiled at that and closed his eyes, sucking harder and harder. Colton grabbed onto Xaie's head and helped it forward and back, face fucking his lover. He'd never expected being a gay daddy to be so sexy, but it was like his lust had reached a new level. He wasn't just manly, he was THE man. He was a daddy, Xaie was his boy and he could do whatever he wanted to him. It was the ultimate in master and slave, master and pet, pushing their lusts to bounds they'd never known and Xaie was loving it.

Colton grinned softly, knowing this had been a path he'd been on since high school, proving he was the manliest, the coolest, the sexiest. He was an animal, a brute, a mastermind. Everywhere he went he made drooling, horny devoted followers but Xaie was the first and only true love he had, the one that stole his heart. He would protect him forever. Colton fucked Xaie's mouth more as Xaie tilted his head, giving the lighter colored donkey deeper access.

Xaie felt the thick cock slide up and down his throat like it was a sex toy but Colton obviously loved it, not holding back. Xaie tried to swallow, using his muscles to massage his master. He reached up to grab onto Colton's nipple rings, giving them twists and tugs, watching his master squirm. Xaie felt such pride in being a good pet, a good donkey boy for his daddy. Colton. He felt it through every cell of his body, though he also felt something he hadn't in a long time... the sort of tingling that had come along with his first transformation.

As Xaie sucked and slurped on Colton, his red and black Mohawk stood up more proudly, thickening and firming, the hair on the sides turning into simple short fur. Xaie's muzzle pushed forward a bit more but retained the width of a donkey, the leathery nose snorting air in and out desperately as he sucked. What little bit of softness Xaie had around his hips melted away, causing his torso to seem more streamlined as his shoulders narrowed down to his hips, a perfect v of muscle resting beneath his abs.

Xaie's arms tightened and refined, his biceps and triceps bulging a bit more but as long muscle, barely visible but quite strong. His legs came next, growing a little thinner but a bit longer too. His body tingled all over but even his fur was getting a makeover, getting a bit thicker, a bit softer and taking on a shiny luster.

From his position above, Colton watched in awe as Xaie refined himself, becoming the ideal donkey dude. Colton knew his next challenge would be to build Xaie's confidence back up. Xaie was the slutty bitch to a donkey daddy, but he was better than every other human out there as far as Colton was concerned. Now he wanted to make sure Xaie felt that way too. Colton fucked harder and harder before he tilted his head skyward and brayed again, feeding Xaie sloppy yellowed donkey cum, filling his stomach. Xaie gulped it down, eagerly embracing anything that would come their way.


Bright flashes went off all over the place, shining off of the fence around the property and the steel girders going into place. The night club was well under way, bricks going into place to form the outer structure. Construction workers were putting in time day and night and marketing campaigns for the Pleasure Island night club had already gone into mass distribution, but that wasn't the purpose of the meeting. Colton stood in front of the future sight of his night club in a black suit with a black undershirt and a bright orange tie. Sunglasses framed his face and his many silver earrings had been upgraded to an orangey copper.

Xaie stood right at Colton's side, dressed up in a black suit with a red undershirt and a black tie, the contrast striking. His hair was gelled, his grin was firm and he looked out at those that had gathered with pride. He looked up at Colton before facing back at the reporters from every station in town. Colton smiled gently.

"Before I open to questions, I'd just like to say something. As you all know, the brief hiccup in our national distribution of Minomilk has been rectified. The FDA has rightfully cleared it of any risk or danger whatsoever. Not only is it a beverage I have enjoyed myself for so many years, it can once more be yours. It will be available at all of your local stores once again, but for the real experience I invite you to try out the special micro-brew versions available at the Pleasure Island club opening later this year." Colton said with a grin. The reporters seemed happy with his response, but they had many questions.

"Is it true what they said, about Minomilk having animal byproducts in it?" One reporter asked. Colton smirked.

"In the broadest sense of the word, yes... but milk is an animal byproduct, eggs are an animal byproduct. The evolution of human beverages is a slow process, little has changed over the last few thousand years. The innovation of combining traditional practices with innovation can be hard for people to accept, but at the end of the day this product remains a proven, satisfying experience. Minomilk will let you experience your true self, to open up and let out the animal in us all without any of the negative repercussions that conventional alcohol has." Colton said.

"Gilles, you've been Colton's business partner for years now, how do you feel about this drink and the night club?" another reporter asked. Xaie considered for a moment before he smiled, looking out at them all.

"When I met Colton, I was swept away by his charm and his innovation. He accepted me, my background, my expertise and what I could offer. I'd never want anyone else looking out for me, this company or this establishment. Colton... is an amazing inspiration and role model." Xaie said. Another reporter smiled.

"That almost sounds like a description one might give of their father." They said. Xaie grinned a bit brighter at that.

"Maybe so... Any man would be lucky to have a dad... with the qualities Colton has." Xaie said. The reporters clambered at how heart felt that was before looking back to Colton.

"You've made an international beverage chain; you're making an entertainment venue. Tell us, what's next?" The reporter asked.

"Next?" Colton mused, "Next I make the perfect life for me and my lover." Colton said before he turned and kissed Xaie on national television. Xaie was shocked and surprised but returned the kiss, using all of his will power not to transform on national television. While he was able to suppress most of his changes, his ears did push up into very slight points. It seemed Colton was playing a dangerous game, but Xaie never wanted to live life without that surprise. Colton had already made the perfect life for him as far as Xaie was concerned.

Sweet as Blood

**Sweet as Blood** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Vampireboy The sound of knuckles against flesh was muffled by layers of cotton and polyester, softening the blow but not by much. The impact forced the air from the teenager's lungs as he...

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Borderlands - Varkid Variation

**Borderlands** -Varkid Variation- Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius Of the many places on Pandora, few regions were quite as active as the Tundra Express. Automated and manned Hyperion trains criss-crossed the region before...

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Code of Dishonor: Salt of the Earth

**Code of Dishonor: Salt of the Earth** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius The prowess of the mage knights was well known among the ten kingdoms, ensuring peace through both fear of what the knights could do as well as mutual respect...

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