Code of Dishonor: Salt of the Earth

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#3 of Code of Dishonor

Written by

Commissioned by Cidius

The mage knights Duron and Ragnus have fallen to the beast lord, but their mentor Terras knows not their fate. He sets out to save his students but finds himself learning the same lesson they did.

Terras, Razor Claw the Carnal:

The Beast Lord:

Duron, Stone Fangs the Venomous:

Ragnus, Salamand the Wrathful:

Code of Dishonor: Salt of the Earth Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius

The prowess of the mage knights was well known among the ten kingdoms, ensuring peace through both fear of what the knights could do as well as mutual respect for just how well the mages had mastered their craft. While each kingdom had mage knights, their training and preparation was kept fiercely secret. For countless years, the mages of Dunbrune had learned all of their secrets in the Terra Sanctum, a mountain temple and stronghold named after the arch mage that resided there.

The sanctum had been carved out of a mountain side, invisible to the naked eye on the exterior through the dense cover of trees and vines, but inside it was a natural splendor. The inner sanctum was a massive dome shaped room with a single gap in the ceiling, a circle through which both sunlight and water came in. The water cascaded down in a great sheet, collecting in a ring shaped pool. A small platform was suspended over the pool, kept in place by a stone bridge.

The light that made its way into the sanctum sparkled off the wet rock and stone as well as crystals that seemed to have grown into the walls, but there were other light sources as well. Torches were placed in even intervals around the room and candles supplied lights to other spots, though there was no where in the sanctum that had more candles than the alter.

Vast, thick, interweaving vines snaked across the eastern wall of the inner sanctum, creating a web of fate that was often a source of contemplation and consideration for those that studied in the sanctum. The alter set before the wall held thirty two candles, one for each of the Kingdom's mages, as well as the code of honor that all mages were to follow.

Kneeling before the alter was the arch mage himself, Terras. Terras was in his fifties, an elder for the short lived Kingdom of Dunbrune. Despite his age, his long hair retained its ginger orange coloring, braided carefully into a plait starting at his shoulders. Terras' robes were designed much like the military uniforms with the gunmetal gray central T that covered his shoulders and descended down across his torso. The outer edges of his robes were a soft yellow, the same color of the aged paper he spent so much time studying.

Terras was gentle and wise, a master of nature spells. He was able to control plants, commune with animals and harness the power of the Earth itself as his weapon... should he ever need to fight. Terras was also a proponent of peace, refusing to fight unless it was absolutely necessary, though that had earned Terras the disdain of the king. As the other kingdoms grew more aggressive, Terras had slipped into the solitude of his sanctum to reflect on the cause and any solutions.

The meditation had been long, his focus deep, but Terras began to felt the web of fate working around him, the thread of the world flowing like a great river... but something was disrupting the flow, redirecting the course of human events. Terras felt a great darkness. He trembled gently before he gasped, his eyes opening up to emit a flash of light as a wave of magic cast out from his body.

The spell revealed signs of fate to Terras, but it was up to him to interpret them. On the alter, two of candles began to flicker as the flames turned from orange to purple, and on the wall several of the vine blossoms began to wilt and die while thorns emerged. Terras shuddered, bracing his hands on either side of his body to keep himself upright. He took a few panting breaths, trying to recover.

"A great evil has been loosed upon the world..." Terras whispered, his eyes moving to the candles, "Duron, Ragnus..." he whispered, feeling a great fear fill his heart. He had trained the mages for most of their lives, watching them grow and prosper. If they had been hurt or captured, Dunbrune was in serious danger. Terras rose to his feet and moved his hands. The stone beneath his feet peeled up and around him to form sandals as a cape seemed to form out of the waters' mist. The arch mage turned and strode across the sanctum, heading for the exit. He would find his apprentices, he would save them and he would end the evil that faced the lands.


Terras moved along the forest path with a fair stride, though he wasn't walking quite as fast as he would have liked. He had used a spell to reveal the footsteps Duron and Ragnus had taken, causing small sprouts to grow up from the ground in boot shaped clumps. It was a useful spell, though it moved with the speed and flow of nature itself. Terras moved along, keeping his eyes on everything around him, trying to get a grasp of what had happened.

His connection to nature told the arch mage many troublesome things; the road to Invess was oft traveled but in only one direction. The trees had grown unnaturally in the last few months and there were many signs of disruption in the path - fights most likely. Terras was still baffled about what had happened to Duron and Ragnus, for their candles to change but not extinguish. They had to be alive, but in what state?

Terras kept walking, following Ragnus' fresher tracks. Tiny little orange buds grew out of the sprouts as he moved along while Duron's older tracks barely spread. It had been the same way for many miles, but Terras slowed as more prints started to appear. Sprouts began pushing up on the other side of the road approaching Ragnus' prints. They were far fresher, loaded with tiny purple blossoms... but they weren't human. They had long toes, holes in the dirt like claws. They looked like animal prints but they had the magic of Duron.

"What dark arts are these?" Terras whispered, moving over toward the prints. As he approached, an entire portion of the road began to fill in with sprouts. Duron and Ragnus had been there, in that spot, together. They circled, they advanced, they retreated. Terras could make out the entire play of the battlefield... and then he saw animal prints with orange blossoms. Terras froze, looking around slowly, his old eyes wary.

He had been but a child when he heard the stories, the legend of the most primal soul. Magic had risen as humans left the last of their prehistoric ancestry behind, but one individual had refused to let go of the strength that pre-humans had. He used his magic to blend himself with the animals, but the power he gained was addictive and he wanted more. Over the years his power grew and his name was forgotten until he was only known as the Beast Lord... but it had been a story, something Terras never believed in until now.

Terras continued looking around, but something wasn't right. Terras swung his arm upward and a wall of stone shot up out of the ground, blocking several spines that hit the rock and clattered to the ground. Terras sprung back away from the wall and ducked out, moving his hands swiftly. Several vines from the trees shot out and wrapped around his attacker, but the attacker let out a roar that echoed through the forest, sending birds and small animals scattering in all directions.

The beast lord pulled on the vines before they snapped and he lunged out, extending his wings to glide for a few feet before he landed, bearing his fangs from his lionine mouth before the display turned into a smile. He reached out his hand and began to turn the path into quicksand but Terras moved his hands, creating a series of rising stone pillars that he used as steps away from the danger.

"You are the beast lord I presume?" Terras asked, springing down to the earth where it was firm. The beast lord chuckled.

"You are well read, and with the way you handle this land you must be more than a simple mage knight." The beast lord said before he held out his hand. Several vines shot out of the forest right toward Terras, but Terras held up his hands to take control of the vines. The vines quivered and came to a stop before they fell to the ground, slithering around like confused snakes.

"All you need to know is that I have come for my students. You will return them to me, safe and intact." Terras said. The beast lord slowly grinned wider.

"So it is you that taught Stone Fangs and Salamand? An arch mage come out of his temple to retrieve his acolytes. Very noble, very impressive." The beast lord said before he leapt, his tail whipping around behind him. Terras lowered his head to his chest and sunk down through the ground itself, disappearing in a plume up dust before he rose up a few feet away.

"I presume those are the names you enslaved my students under? No matter, I will return their names to them as I return their bodies. Your magic is no use against me." Terras said before he used the same spell the beast lord had to try and sink him into the earth. The beast lord started to drop down into the sand, but he slowly willed himself to escape, taking one step, then another before he walked across the top of the sand. Terras looked strained and worried, trying to increase the power of the spell.

"You do realize how similar your powers are to mine, tapping into our connection to the primal, to the natural. It is why they do not let you teach at the castle, is it not?" The beast lord asked.

"I chose my own sanctum, I..." Terras stopped mid sentence, not wanting to get distracted. He sent waves of vines to wrap around the beast lord but as soon as they touched his skin, they went limp again, falling to the ground and the beast lord just kept walking forward. Soon he was close enough that Terras had to back up away from him.

"They keep you apart because they don't want the taint of the natural world on them. They are elitist, purist and they deny the best part of themselves, but not me, not you. We enjoy the natural splendor, the power of nature itself. I have been watching your approach. The finding spell is one of the most magnificent I have ever seen... A simple spell, and yet it will restore a peace to this road it has not known in many years." The beast lord whispered.

"Flattery will get you no where. I am not to be swayed by your advances. You are a blight, this much I know from your perversion of my students." Terras replied. The beast lord slowly grinned again, tilting his head.

"You practice the ways of peace but there is a fierceness in you, a predator, the protection of a hunter for their young." The beast lord said before he licked his lips, "Very nice..." he whispered. Terras let out a grunt at that and held out his hands, causing pillars of stone to lurch out of the ground around the beast lord, creating a sort of prison. Vines and leafy ferns began growing up between and around the pillars before growing across the top of the enclosure, caging the beast lord inside.

"My motivations are my own, and I will not allow you to spread your evil any further." Terras said. The beast lord reached out to run his hand across the vines and stone prison. He had to admit, he was impressed, but the human was still presumptuous.

"Your motivations may be your own, but your students are not." The beast lord said, looking off to the side of the road. Terras followed his gaze and then gasped slightly, looking to the two figures on the side of the road.

Two beast warriors stood side by side, their gaze drifting between their master and the arch mage. One was tall and broad shouldered, covered in black and white scales with a cobra hood and false head surrounding his human face while the other had the orange and white spikes of a dragon kin, but what terrified Terras the most was not the animal in their forms... it was the humanity remaining in their faces.

"Duron, Ragnus?" Terras whispered.

"You see them in thee, yes? Your students?" The beast lord whispered, "One of my more beautiful ideas... Retain the face and all those that knew my followers will see that there is still humanity in the beast. I don't want to corrupt, I want to enhance... and I have enhanced these two that you knew."

"Duron, Ragnus, it is I, Terras!" Terras said. The two began to advance slowly but Terras drew up his hands, "Stay where you are." He commanded.

"But Terras, they come to help you..." The beast lord said from his prison, grinning. Terras slid back and cast his spells, sending vines to restrain them both. As the vines wrapped around Salamand's arms, however, the vines soon burst into flames and burned away. Duron's restraints met with a similar fate as they seemed to chemically burn and wither upon touching his skin. The two continued to advance, their long tails swaying behind them. Terras kept backing up away from them, sending more attacks their way.

Terras sent rock barriers, thickets of brambles, vines and spikes and stones, but the two continued. Stone Fangs and Salamand found it little threat, not because of their new forms, but because of their training... and something else.

"You can't do it, can you? You can't attack your students with full strength. You don't want to hurt them..." The beast lord whispered to Terras. Terras said nothing, but the beast lord leaned more against the bars of his prison, "Then don't! Don't fight them, embrace them. You are back together again, complete and whole. Embrace them." The beast lord hissed. Terras said nothing, but he could tell it was true. He wasn't attacking them because they were his students. Everything he threw was deflected, just like during sparring practice. Terras kept backing up until he could back up no more, his back pressed against something firm. Terras realized only a moment too late that it was the cage, but the Beast Lord had time to make his move.

The beast lord's wicked tail came between the bars and struck Terras in the ribs, stabbing through his flesh. Terras stumbled aside, but he felt the pressure of something having been injected into him. Terras held his hand to the wound, willing the formation of a green leafy patch that formed over the hole, but soon it stained red with blood. Terras tried to get away, but his head was already starting to feel dizzy. He looked back at the cage and then at his students, panting softly.

"You... are trying to turn me into one of them..." Terras whispered before he shook his head. He wouldn't let that happen. He began to mutter ancient words, words as old as the beast lord. He brought the powers of his body to focus on fighting off the toxin, to keeping himself as he was. The beast lord grew agitated. He had no more time for games. He reached out with both paws and grabbed at the bars, starting to compress and tighten. Before long the bars crumbled and exploded, allowing him to step out, moving toward Terras.

"You will not win..." Terras whispered. The beast lord chuckled.

"But I already have. I have the students, I have the teacher..." The beast lord smiled before he nodded to the two. Stone Fangs moved forward, moving to kneel down, straddling Terras. Terras leaned back with concern, looking into the dark black eyes.

"Of all your students, I was the one you felt most drawn to.... The one you craved most. Why fight it?" Duron whispered, moving to lick Terras' lips. Terras squirmed and fought it even as his lips began to tingle in an oh-so-good way.

"I was not drawn. I was your mentor, your guide. This is wrong, this is unholy." Terras murmured. Duron reached to caress his face, causing the tingling to spread.

"Oh you were drawn... You spent so much time with him, I was jealous. Made me want to win you over more, show you how good I could be." Ragnus whispered, leaning in. His clawed fingers took a hold of the tear in the arch mage's cloak and pulled it apart before he leaned in, a reptilian tongue slurping at the wound. Terras called out in shock at that, feeling the venom still between his ribs, slowly spreading out through his body... but more than making him numb, it made him feel oddly warm and soft.

As Salamand continued to lick his mentor's side, the flesh around the wound began to soften as hairs began pushing out of the skin. At first they were all invisible, but slowly they gained all sorts of colors ranging from orange to black with more white on the side of his ribs closest to his stomach. The fur thickened and continued to spread until it was past the tear in the robes, circling around his abdomen.

"I... I never meant to neglect you Ragnus, but this is unnecessary. You don't have to win me over, not like this. Just... turn against the beast lord, let us return home." Terras pleaded. Duron chuckled at that.

"You just don't understand what you're turning away from. It's what we are meant to be, but it is time for us to be the mentors, to show you the way." Duron said before he leaned in, kissing Terras. Terras tried to clamp his lips and eyes shut, turning away but Duron sprayed a bit of venom from his fangs, causing Terras' mouth to go limp, the muscles paralyzed. Without being able to fight it, Duron's tongue slipped in easily.

Terras opened his eyes with a bit of terror as he was kissed by his student, thinking about all the events that had led him there. He had come to save them, to find out what had happened. Now he was the one that needed to be saved. Terras squirmed a bit more as Duron continued to kiss him, feeling the weight around him shift as Ragnus tried to squeeze in, moving their bodies together.

The beast lord enjoyed watching his two followers go at it, but it wasn't quite what he had in mind for the arch mage. The beast lord crouched next to Terras, leaning in closer, grinning a bit as he sized up the mage. He could feel his life, his connection to nature. It was so tangible he could almost taste it... and then he got the flicker of truth, the ember he needed to spark the flames.

"This is exactly what you fear, isn't it Terras? To have all this sensuality, this carnal lust right in your lap, unable to do anything. You fear being old, being paralyzed from your libido, losing your vigor to days gone by..." The beast lord whispered. Terras murmured, unable to speak as his mouth was ravaged. He didn't want to dignify it with an answer, it couldn't be true... but at the same time, he'd felt the advancing of time like a predator, gnawing away at his bones, carving wrinkles into his face.

Terras closed his eyes, feeling the truth sink like a brick to the pit of his stomach. The beast lord grinned softly, reaching between Salamand and the arch mage to start clawing through his robes, splitting the gold filigree apart before a muscled chest emerged, white fur covering over the nipples and pecs. The beast lord then reached around behind, finding the tie in the mage's hair, splitting it before he trailed his fingers through the ginger hair. The tight braid came apart effortlessly, cascading across the man's shoulders.

"What if I told you that I could make you the predator, rather than time? Let you take charge in your life, achieve anything you wanted to?" The beast lord asked.

"Lies..." Terras muttered, barely regaining the ability to speak.

"Not lies, the warm, naked truth." The beast lord said, moving to pull Salamand and Stone Fangs off of the arch mage. As they pulled back, Terras was forced to see that his body was already changing. His chest had more definition than it had in thirty years. His arms were thickening and his hands were looking younger by the second. Everywhere he looked, his body was looking younger and better just ahead of where it was changing into that of an animal.

"This... what you did to them?" Terras asked. The beast lord smirked.

"No, what I did to them was far more... sexual. So far your change has been quite clean. That's why it is taking so long, but I thought I should give you the option to become the hunter willingly, to claim your prey. Just look at these young virile boys... A serpent, a dragon, two of the strongest predators out there. They still having nothing compared to your experience, your wisdom, and your cravings." The beast lord said, practically hissing.

Terras tried to deny the thoughts, to push them away, to close his eyes again, but it was too late. He could feel his heart beating with the excitement of a teenager, the hormones starting to pour through his system, focusing on his manhood. It had not stirred in years. At first it had been intentional, a way to focus on his studies... but then even when Terras wanted to be hard, it hadn't worked. Now, though, it was stirring from its slumber. Blood rushed in, the length hardened and it was all thanks to this demon, to his corrupted students practically drooling across his body.

The arch mage looked up at the faces of his students, the faces he had trained for so many years. They were gazing back at him with more than loyalty. They looked at him with hunger, desire... Terras was startled. No one had ever looked at him that way, but now he had not one but two men that wanted him. Terras wasn't sure what he would have done back at the sanctum in a similar situation, but here he was with two willing participants that wanted his body - but what was the cost?

"No... This is wrong and I will fight you to the last." Terras said, looking up at the beast lord. The beast lord, however, only laughed. The sound was terrible as the massive fur and scale covered man bellowed, his head tipped back and the wind blowing through his mane.

"You are already losing. Your body is becoming a feat of animal and man combined, you have everything you desired right here. Will you reject your students, relegating them to finding their satisfaction in some less savory method?" The beast lord asked. Terras felt a sudden wave of anger fill him. He didn't like the idea of them having to go elsewhere. It was almost as if he would be protecting them if he gave in... which in and of itself was a terrifying idea.

"What will happen to me? Will I become some mindless minion?" Terras whispered, looking up at the beast lord as his students started to pull and tear at the robes covering his body, revealing more changing flesh. Fur crept up Terras' neck - white on the throat and orange and black stripes on the neck, complimenting his natural ginger hair.

"You will be granted a timeless body, great station as my grand general, the ability to train recruits in any way you see fit..." The beast lord whispered.

"And Duron and Ragnus, or... Stone Fangs and Salamand, would they serve me?" Terras asked.

"As long as you served me." The beast lord replied, waiting for an indication of how Terras would respond, what he would do next. Terras looked into the beast lord's eyes for a long moment before he grabbed Stone Fang's thick head and pulled him into a sloppy kiss. Salamand used his claws to shred his former teacher's robes, reaching in to curl his fingers around the thick, plump pink cock.

The dragon man leaned in to start licking at the member, slathering saliva all over it as he moved up and down, his lips closing over the tip before he bobbed his head with hunger and need. Salamand watched his master changing, seeing the fur creep down from his stomach across his groin. His bush turned white and softened, disappearing into the sea of fur. Even his plump sack was soon furry as his legs were dominated.

Salamand buried his face on Terras' groin but Terras maneuvered Stone Fangs around, bringing his serpentine cock up to lick and taste it. It was the forbidden fruit, something he had secretly wanted for so long. He began to suck and lick possessively. The beast lord growled with glee, bringing out his own manhood. He loved how dominating Terras was already, how predatory and in command.

Before long the beast lord was already leaking his potent precum and moved to drizzle and spray all over Terras. Terras let out a soft grunt as it soaked into his hair and tingled across his scalp. Terras' teeth sharpened into fangs as pure white stubble pushed out of his smooth cheeks. Before long he had what seemed like a white beard, but it grew longer along his cheeks, taking on furry points like tiger cheeks.

As Terras worked on Stone Fangs' shaft, his lips darkened to a pure black, contrasting with the white fur spreading across his face. It covered his upper lip and ringed around his nose but did not spread higher. The fur growing out on his upper cheeks, by contrast was a dark orange. The orange covered his nose and forehead, growing into his long hair seamlessly. Only white rings around his eyes kept the focus of his face clear.

While Terras' face was covered with fur, he still looked like himself. It was just as the beast lord had explained. No one that knew Terras would mistake him for anyone else... even with the power of the beast. Black stripes filled in across his white cheeks and forehead, filling in across his orange shoulders and arms and legs as well. Terras basked in it all until his lust was too great. He pulled away from Duron and peeled Salamand off his groin, tossing the dragon.

The orange dragon man skidded, looking back with surprise, eyes widening as Terras lunged like a beast. Thick, powerful, animal paws landed in the dirt as clawed hands grabbed onto the dragon hips. Terras lifted his head and let out a roar before he drove his shaft forward, spearing into Salamand's tight ass. He began to hump and grind, sliding in and out with more depth and power with each time. The fur spread over his hands, white on the palms and orange on the backs as his claws curved. His body was covered in fur, but he wasn't quite done with his change.

The beast lord moved over, standing behind Terras. He brought his shaft up just above Terras' round cheeks, drizzling more of his potent seed. The cum gathered and then ran down the cleft, but the path of the seed changed as a lump formed, the lump pushing out into an inch long tail. The fur coated the tail as it grew longer, stretching out, the pattern becoming far clearer. The tip blanched out to white while stripes covered the length, a tail that stretched out to a foot, then two, then more in rapid succession.

With the tail having grown in, Terras had completed his transformation to a general in a few easy moments. He continued to fuck Salamand, but Stone Fangs was not to be left out. He slithered in between their legs, leaning up to lick jealously at the balls of his master and his ally, licking around the hard shaft penetrating Salamand. He even teased the pucker with his tongue.

Terras growled and roared, feeling the power rip through him. This was how it was meant to be, his students kneeling before him, craving his cock and cum. They were his, they were for his pleasure. This was the life and he was the master of it. He was a beast, a tiger, a teacher, a general. He was one of the strongest beings in the world and it was his duty to spread that power.

A loud roar began to spread through the trees as Terras lifted his head, feeling his orgasm hit. He bore his fangs to the heavens and his cock began to pump into Salamand, but the rush of tiger cum was so fast and so hard that there was no way for the dragon to contain it all. Salamand moaned and fell forward onto all fours, panting as he felt his lower half fill with hot seed. Soon, with each thrust, the excess was leaking out around Salamand's ass where Stone Fangs eagerly lapped it up.

The beast lord looked at his central three, those that served him and would be loyal to their deaths. They were so handsome, so strong, so wonderful... and they were the start of the end for life as the kingdom knew it. The beast lord turned and moved away from the others, holding out his hands. The air flickered as the familiar leather bound book formed in his hands - the code of dishonor.

The demon opened the pages, flipping through them. There were so many options involved in the final reckoning, but two caught his attention more than the others. The beast lord had his army of the land well under way, but to truly dominate the landscape he needed more. He needed power over the air, he needed assassins and scouts... It was time to advance his recruitment and spread dishonor across the world, starting with those as good as the salt as the earth.


The sun had started to set and the heavens were ablaze with the colors of fire, but all the same it was quiet and still, especially on the mountain top. There was nothing but the faint sound of the breeze through the blades of grass and the sounds of paws moving up the trail. The Beast Lord stood on the peak, overlooking Dunbrune and its vast spread of villages. The massive demon smiled without looking, knowing it was Terras that had come to see him.

"How are things, my general?" The beast lord asked. Terras bowed his head.

"Well. I have cast a spell to shield our movements from anyone attempting to track us. Stone Fangs and Salamand are scouting the perimeter of a military encampment in the Northern Foothills." Terras said. The beast lord nodded gently.

"Then perhaps it is time to attend to something we have not yet had a chance to complete. Kneel, my general." The beast lord said before turning, already holding his mighty manhood in his hand.

Terras felt excitement and anticipation stir through his body. He moved to do as he was told, lowering to his knees on the ground. The wind blew through his rich and soft fur and the beast lord approached, resting the shaft first on Terras' right shoulder and then his left before he plunged it into the tiger's maw. Terras sucked on it eagerly, his eyes closing shut as he suckled like a cub at his mother's teat.

"I dub thee Razor Claw the Carnal... my most loyal and talented general." The beast lord whispered before he released a spurt of cum. Terras, or Razor Claw, gulped it down greedily before licking the shaft clean, looking up with the eager, virile eyes of a twenty year old.

"I am honored, my beast lord. I am Razor Claw." He repeated back. The beast lord grinned before rubbing the general's fuzzy chin.

"And your hungers shall lead us to many victories." The beast lord said before his eyes peered across the valley to the encampment his men were scoping out. The future would drip with the juices of passion.

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