Moral Extinction

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#1 of Moral Extinction

Written by

Anonymous Commission

In a vastly different world built of the future, when four well meaning young men venture into the city to prove the stereotypes untrue, they find their perceptions for good and bad couldn't ever have prepared them for the truth.

Moral Extinction Written by Leo_Todrius Anonymous Commission

It was a quiet morning, still and silent as the sun crept up past the horizon, filling the sky with pinks and blues. Dew soaked the grass and the vast fields with tiny drops of moisture that glistened like little diamonds. It would have been the most spectacular sight in the valley if not for the city screen. The six foot wide metal strip surrounded the vast city in one large circle, broadcasting a thirty story tall barrier of holographic commercials. Some segments were video, others text, some infographics and strips of logos. It was immersive, like a wall of marketing none in the city could escape, but from the outside it was an incomprehensible sea of floating pixels with no meaning.

Outside of the city, the rest of the valley was devoted to the agrarian production of food and supplies. A strip of suburban homes had been left in place during the great restructuring of society. They still had their two car garages, cement patios, tile roofs. Each home looked almost identical to the next except for a slight difference in the shades of white, off white, beige and faint peach. The homes acted as a barrier of their own between the grasslands between them and the city and the outer lying fields.

While in times past the farmers had been relegated to a relatively low station in life, the great restructuring had improved things somewhat. The needs of the city were varied, specific and essential. It took an educated sort to produce them and since demand was always high, payment was always good. The producers that lived in the suburban homes had remained upper middle class, the very last of a dying breed... and they were also fairly conservative, also a dying breed in the ever modernizing world.

Jacob Yoder sat in the window box of his family's home, covered in a blanket as he read his text book, green eyes gazing toward the distant shimmering barrier that shrouded the city and his reflection in the glass. His brown hair was cut short enough to look clean even when he got out of bed, he was clean shaven, he was fit and his polo shirt managed to stay wrinkle free even when he slept in it. He was the ideal producer's son, at least on the outside. The only thing that seemed to get Jacob into trouble was how liberal he was with his trust.

The young man gave a faint sigh before looking back at his text book. The book was published by the producer's council, created by and for those who farmed and created outside of the city. No one in the city had use for a paper bound book, having been steeped in the ways of electronic media for too many generations. If they knew the set up of the book, the city dwellers likely would have been offended. Every unit of learning was three chapters of agriculture or production followed by one short chapter about why life was much better outside the city than inside.

Jacob had grown up reading the books, about how horrible and perverse the city dwellers were. The book was full of horror stories about rape, debauchery, even how drug addicts had participated in unholy rights with their pets, only to create a hybrid anthropomorphic species of half man, half beast that was twice as sex frenzied as either parent. The city crawled with deviants like vermin and was destined to fall, or so the book claimed.

After eighteen years of life, though, Jacob wasn't so sure. No one came out of the city and no one went in. The automated trucks took the produce and supplies in and brought money and tools back. The city seemed to go to sleep as the sun rose, just as the producers got up, and as they went to bed the city awoke refreshed. It seemed like a symbiotic relationship, one that wouldn't work if one half was so sinful that they could not function in life at all.

That had to be the one thing that got Jacob the most. If the producers hated the city dwellers so much, why did they feed them? The answer was mutual survival, though it wasn't one any parent would give. The producers wanted to disregard the question, to pretend that they had no ties. It wasn't a healthy way to live and Jacob was tired of it. He knew in his heart that the propaganda about the city had to be wrong, that people just didn't know what it was like. They were afraid of the unknown. Jacob wanted to change that. He turned his head as the wall display chimed, the upper corner illuminating with a date and the time.

"Good morning citizens. It is now November the twenty-third, twenty seventy three. The harvest season has been completed. Now begins rest week. Do not enter the fields, as they are being chemically prepared for another planting season. Be thankful for your week of rest. This is all." The automated voice announced. A small smile crept across Jacob's lips. Rest week. His parents would be sleeping in, practically in a catatonic state. It was the perfect time to test his theories.

Jacob threw off his blanket, revealing slacks and his shoes. He hopped out of the window box, closed the curtains to throw off suspicion of what he was thinking about and bolted out of the front door, heading to his neighbor's house. While Jacob held his belief in the innocence of the city dwellers more than anyone in the community, he had started to bring his friends around to the same belief. It was time to assemble the believers and see the city, to unveil the truth.


It had been very difficult for Jacob to reach out to his friends about his beliefs. If he had told anyone that wasn't receptive to it, he would have been taken before the Council of Producers to face severe consequences. Thankfully Jacob had been lucky, finding three friends that were as hopeful as he that the dwellers had to have some good in them. The four young men stood before the barrier, looking at the swirling mass of colors and light, listening to the ever present, faint electrical hum that came from beneath the ground.

Jacob turned his head, looking at his friends one last time before they stepped into the future. Jacob stood next to his closest friend Reggie. Reggie was a little taller than Jacob at six feet, his honey colored almond shaped eyes hopeful, his golden tone skin and black hair harkening back to his Japanese ancestors. Lance stood next to Reggie, only five foot ten but quite muscles. His chocolate brown skin was perfectly sculpted from hard labor in the fields, his head shaved smooth to keep up the clean look the producers liked so much. Jacob's last friend, Paul, had hair the color of corn silk and fair skin, though a smattering of freckles speckled his nose and cheeks, a tribute to his red headed father. Like his mother, though, he was shorter than average.

The four young men looked almost like missionaries, their polo shirts and slacks perfectly wrinkle free and clean, as tough as the denim had been decades before it fell out of fashion. The only thing that stood out to indicate they were producers were the incredibly tough, well built boots that could tread through any terrain, but even they were stain repellant and managed to look clean and conservative. Even the lunches they had packed were tucked away in pockets in a way that didn't protrude or stand out.

"Are you ready?" Jacob asked.

"If... if it gets bad, we can come back, right?" Paul asked. Jacob nodded gently.

"There's nothing stopping us from coming back and nothing making us go in the first place. If you want to stay you can, but if you want to go I promise it'll be alright." Jacob said. Paul seemed reassured before Lance clapped him on the back.

"And here comes our ride..." Lance said, giving a bright smile. The four turned, watching the big yellow truck rumbling down the road. The back was loaded down with produce and the front was nothing but a sensor panel and automated computer core, following a pre-programmed route. While it was theoretically possible to leap through the holograms, the intense magnetic and ion fields could disorient one significantly. It was usually a good idea to take a safer route through.

The four young men waited for one last moment before they broke into a sprint, heading over to the road, moving to turn and catch up with the truck. It wasn't going maximum speed, but it did take a good jog to keep up with. Paul was the first to board, springing almost like a monkey onto the side, grabbing onto the yellow ladder that ran up the side of the black produce bed. He slipped up over the rim and settled down on the wheel well, avoiding falling into the food.

Lance made it over next, keeping up, waiting for Reggie. Reggie was a bit less sure of himself, not wanting to fall and get run over. He made a few attempts at the ladder before Lance all but picked him up, bringing him within reach. Reggie grabbed on and climbed with Lance behind. As the three settled in, Paul looked over, realizing they were getting closer and closer to the field.

"Jacob, hurry up!" Paul called out. Much to Jacob's dismay, the truck had started to speed up. Jacob ran along, panting, grunting before he lunged. He swung a bit, hitting his knees on the metal rung but he had a good enough grip to climb. Paul looked anxiously at the barrier again, watching as a narrow strip no wider than the truck began to open up, parting like curtains to another room.

Jacob climbed, but he was still sticking out on the side of the truck, wider than the gap in the field. Lance reached down with Reggie, the two grabbing Jacob by the wrist before they pulled him up. Jacob fell over the edge of the truck, knocking the two young men back onto the piles of corn and squash and bales of fiber just as they passed through the barrier. The shimmering holographics closed behind them, resuming their broadcast.

Paul turned, looking back at the field, gasping slightly. They had spent their entire lives on the back side of the barrier, seeing the magic behind the message. For the first time he could read it all in perfect clarity, the highest definition mankind had ever been able to muster. He could read the logos, the advertisements, see the video segments. Paul sighed gently, almost as if he was in love. The other three, however, had risen up to look at the city itself.

It seemed that the outer edge of the city was covered with vast copper grates covering utility tunnels, pipes, tubes and all sorts of other maintenance systems. It acted as a buffer before the field, keeping people back far enough so they didn't disorient themselves... but the city itself seemed to be enough to do that. Jacob grabbed onto the side of the truck for support, looking at it all.

The city was built in a massive circle with roads fanning outward like spokes on an ancient wagon wheel. They could see other circular roads bisecting the city as the road headed in further and further, giving each block a faintly trapezoidal shape... at least at the road level. The city itself reached upwards towards the sky in interlocking conglomerations of technology.

The buildings were a murky orange and black, made of artificial materials that would never deteriorate. Each block was assembled like some puzzle of interlocking homes and structures that didn't quite match, bulging out with panels and arrays. Foot bridges crossed in random directions, cables and tubes dangled like spider webs and the windows were all covered with curtains that seemed faded.

The four men ducked as they rolled under a foot bridge before looking up again. Every block was many stories tall, but every so often there seemed to be a sky scraper that jutted up well past the thirty story barrier, one of the few buildings that could see past the advertisements, to see the rest of the valley all around them. Lance looked over at one of the buildings, seeing a whole sales window full of screens from the size of his pinky fingernail all the way up to the size of a wall in his bedroom back home, all advertising some sort of tube of liquid that everyone seemed to really love.

"Oh look, more trucks." Paul said, pointing. Trucks from other fields were pulling into line with theirs, heading toward the center of town. They could see more trucks up ahead rolling down a slanted driveway, passing through a glowing red field.

"I think we should get out..." Reggie said.

"But we're seeing so much so fast." Lance said.

"I don't think we want to see that, it's a quarantine field." Reggie said.

"Everybody out." Jacob said, moving quickly. Reggie was lowered down, then Paul. Jacob moved to help Lance but Lance shook his head.

"Not this time, I'll go last." Lance smirked. Jacob didn't want to argue and climbed down, dropping onto the ground, his eyes widening as he did. The city ground was so firm... so uniform, so artificial. There was no give, nothing like the ground back home. Even the cement felt like it was on dirt since it was. Jacob turned, watching Lance jump down, having the same realization before they turned and looked at each other.

"Where do we go now?" Paul asked. Jacob considered.

"We need to go where the people are, meet some so we can see that they're not that bad." Jacob smiled.

"Sounds good to me." Reggie smiled.


The boys had been walking around town for some time, looking at all of the closed shops and centers, looking for newspaper stands and finding nothing even remotely similar. It seemed that the town rolled up its immense sidewalks at dawn and they were so plugged into the internet that there was no other form of gathering information, at least from first glance. The four rounded the corner, moving to pass one of the shops they had driven past on the trucks. Paul slowed down, looking at the window and the countless screens beyond.

There seemed to be no limit, big or small, for the size of screens the store sold. The back of the display itself was a screen and one small podium held a screen so small it likely took a magnifying glass to see, but they all were showing the same commercial for some sort of motorcycle that everyone REALLY seemed to be enjoying as they drove it around. Paul took it all in, drawn like a moth to the flame. The others had stopped up ahead.

"Paul, don't fall behind..." Jacob warned.

"There's no one out here and we haven't seen any sign of crime. It'll be alright. We haven't found anything yet and our parents are going to freak out if we aren't back by dinner. You guys go ahead, I'll meet you at whatever sort of town hall or city center this place has..." Paul said, his eyes not leaving the screens. Jacob looked to Lance and Lance shrugged. Jacob took a deep breath before he nodded.

"Alright, but be careful." Jacob said. Paul gave a wave to them without looking, continuing to watch the screens, mesmerized by all the colors. The other three continued down the road, taking one last glance at Paul before they turned the corner and disappeared. Paul sighed with relief, reaching out to rest his hand on the store glass. The glass shimmered before something unexpected happened; Paul could hear the screens.

"-is exactly why the penetrax 3000 is right for you... and a special friend. Buy one today." The commercial said, showing a very satisfied looking couple riding the motorcycle across a pot hole filled road, enjoying the vibrations for some odd reason before the commercial faded away. In a few moments it was replaced by a large room draped in faded tie-died blue cloth. A figure moved out from the side of the screen, but his form was so unique that Paul had to gasp.

On the screen was a six foot, two inch tall cheetah man in all his natural glory. His golden fur was speckled with spots, his whiskers twitched, his nostrils oscillated as he breathed in and out. It was an impressive sight, one made all the more beautiful by his deep blue eyes. Even his tail flicked about naturally. Paul was stunned, shocked and amazed, though in the back of his mind he thought about the stories of the animal hybrids, the heathens, the destroyers of species... If they were really so bad, how could one get on television? Surely they had to be alright.

"I know what you're thinking; its late day and you're still up... A perfect time to get frisky, right?" The cheetah asked before he gave a sad smile and a shake of his head, "Of course it is, but with whom? Maybe you are a boy, attracted to girls, or a girl, attracted to boys. It's only natural, but is it right?" The cheetah asked. Paul's eyes widened in shock.

"Are you kidding me?" Paul whispered.

"We enjoy this technological age we live in because our founders figured out how to keep our population stable. Remember, being gay isn't just fun, it's a way to help your city... but even if you aren't gay, babies are no laughing matter. When the time is right you can start your family, but in the mean time, why risk it? You have friends, even strangers, all willing to give you benefits. Boys, if you're horny, you don't need to look any further than the locker room for some help. Girls? Time to invite those girlfriends over for a study session. Practice makes perfect, there's no need to rush into the real thing. Keep our city stable, play with your friends." The cheetah said with a fanged smile. A logo from the 'community empowerment department' flashed on the screen, but then oddly the light got brighter and brighter before it spilled out of the window, washing over Paul before it faded again.

Paul shuddered softly, blinking from the bright light, his body feeling warm all of the sudden. The ideas were rattling around in his brain, running circles. Being gay helped the city? Keeping the population down? Friends with benefits? Gay is fun... Paul felt like the ad was on a loop in his brain, circling around faster and faster and faster. His upbringing tried to get in the way, stories about the gay heathens, the satanic gays, the downfall of humanity... but every time Paul started thinking about that, he imagined practicing with his friends; kissing them, rubbing them, even fucking them.

The blond boy groaned as his manhood hardened, his slacks tenting before him. He reached down to grope himself, but even as he did, his cheeks began to tingle before the skin parted and long white whiskers began pushing out. Paul worked to release the pressure from his pants, groaning more as his fingernails started to stretch and curve, coming to sharp points. He clawed at his pants before the zipper slipped down and he plunged his fist in.

"We now return you to our late dawn movie, Circle Jerk at the OK Coral." The television announcer stated. The scene picked up with some horse men and bearded cowboys going at it, well past a circle jerk and straight into fucking. Paul let out a loud moan as he watched the fat, thick horse cocks plowing into the cowboys. He moved to lick his lips, but his tongue ground against them like sand paper.

Paul kept watching the first pornography he had ever seen, fumbling around in his underwear before his fingers finally wrapped around his shaft, though it felt different than the one time he had tried before. His finger tips were swollen, rounded and thick, just like a portion of his palm. Paul felt his heart racing faster and faster in his chest, pushing hot blood through his body. Every part of him was hot, even his ears as they started stretching up into pointed tips.

The young man thrashed and groaned more before his claws cut through the underwear and his cock slipped out, exposed into the daylight air. He began pumping his fist up and down eagerly, not caring about being seen anymore. He tilted his head back, panting hard as his upper lip split, the two sides rounding as his nose tip flattened out. His nose was reduced to a tiny pink triangle at the base, wriggling around.

As Paul pleasured himself, his pants started to sag under their own weight without the fly secured. With the slacks slipping, a bulge was free to emerge from the base of his spine, spewing out like a snake emerging from a burrow. The tail flicked around as it filled in, covered at first in downy clear hair before the hair firmed into soft golden fur. The fur continued across his ass cheeks and around his hips, covering his balls and pooling at the base of his manhood.

Paul was unheeding of the changes, so focused on his physical pleasure. He kept jacking off even as golden stubble covered his cheeks, filling it in entirely before it covered his nose and forehead, surrounding his eyes. The fur spread down his neck and chest, then his back. The natural hair on his arms and legs thickened and grew longer, covering the flesh, even covering his hands around the paw pads that had formed.

While most of the teenager's body was covered in gold fur, two black curved lines spread down from his nose across his cheeks as a bit of white fur appeared just around his mouth. Paul didn't look quite like the cheetah in the public service announcement, but he did look like a feline - a cougar to be precise. Paul kept giving into his lust, griping his man shaft hard, squeezing and stroking. The pleasure was intense and so was the workout. The muscles on his arm bulged, then his chest filled out. Biceps, triceps, pectorals and abdomen. Every part of his body was refining into a perfect physical specimen, a male specimen, a gay male cougar.

Paul grunted, panted, moaned and then screamed out in ecstasy as he felt his balls tug up and his shaft pulse. He groaned and his cock let loose thick hot sperm all over the window. As the cum rushed out of his body and the blood remained in his cock, Paul's mind felt a bit starved of the morals he had grown up on. Paul didn't understand his childhood anymore. If being gay felt that good, if it helped the city, why had he been raised straight? Didn't his parents understand he was gay? He was a gay cat on the prowl, he had to lead his own life... and that was a life of hedonistic pleasure. The blond cougar looked at his reflection, icy blue eyes gazing out from a shag of soft blonde hair that covered one eye. His lips were thick, his fangs were sharp. He was handsome and damn proud of it.

"I gotta get laid..." Paul whispered, reaching up to stroke his nipples through his shirt as he walked down the street, his cock still jutting out of his sagging pants.


The center of the city was impressive to say the least. It was rather unlike anything any of the boys had seen back home. A vast ring of crystal clear water shimmered above ever changing lights, glass covering the water up so people could walk over it. The lights shimmered along the base of the central tower, undoubtedly the place that Paul would meet them at when he was done gathering his own information.

"Maybe Paul was right, maybe we should spread out." Lance said.

"But... what if something goes wrong?" Reggie asked softly. Jacob reached out to rest his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"We don't have to split up. You can stay with me." Jacob said. Lance nodded.

"That's fine, I just think I should cover some more ground myself, try a more direct approach." Lance said. Jacob tilted his head.

"What did you have in mind?" Jacob asked. Lance shrugged.

"Knock on some doors, meet some people, try to see who is still up or might get up earlier than the rest." Lance said.

"Sounds risky but it might work." Jacob said, turning and looking up at the tower they were standing in front of, watching elevators climb and lower behind glass partitions. He took a breath before nodding, "I think we'll try to get to the top of this building, see what the city looks like from up high."

"Perfect. You take the high path and I'll take the low road." Lance said as he turned, waiting for some of the automated vehicles to pass before he jogged across the road, heading into another of the trapezoidal neighborhoods, passing over the storm drains that wafted out with faint steam, obscuring him from view before long.

"Alright, come on Reggie." Jacob smiled, heading toward the tower. Reggie followed after, looking around. Jacob made his way to the glass shell of the building, looking around. He could see the lobby of the building and the various elevators but he couldn't seem to find a door. He moved around, walking along the edge of the building. Reggie lingered behind, looking around before he noticed some movement over in a bush.

"Jacob..." Reggie whispered in terror but Jacob was too far away to hear. Reggie started backing up but the shrub shifted again before a long, fuzzy black and gray leg emerged, stepping out onto the cement. The rest of the leg followed, then another, a fuzzy muscled figure in tattered camouflage pants and a torn white shirt. Pointed ears perked up as brown eyes gazed out from a fuzzy black face mask, a striped fluffy tail extending from behind the man's posterior.

Reggie looked at the man's paws, his tail, his clothes and finally his short muzzled face. Never before in his life had Reggie seen one of the hybrids, but he was surprised how humanity remained despite the animal. It was clear he was a man, a raccoon man and a fairly young one too, maybe in his twenties or thirties. Reggie stopped backing up, giving the man a nervous smile. The raccoon looked at Reggie before he sniffed the air, tilting his head a bit.

"You're not from around here, are you?" The raccoon asked. Reggie gave a bashful smile.

"No, but we were hoping to find someone that knew about this place. Right now... we could use a lot of help. We don't even know how to get into the tower." Reggie admitted, glancing back at Jacob around the corner, wondering when his friend would realize he had met a native.

"The tower? It's osmotic glass; you just touch it to change the density..." The raccoon said with a smirk, "But that's how you can get a lot of things down here."

"With what?" Reggie asked before he paused, "Wait, touch?" Reggie hesitated, "You... are you... going to rape me?" Reggie asked. The raccoon's eyebrows shot up.

"Uh, not into that sort of thing. I'm more into the willing... The worst I'm going to do is ask for a nibble of that sandwich you have in your pocket. Is that chicken?" he asked, smacking his lips. Reggie looked down at his pocket and then back at the man before realizing what had happened. The man was obviously some sort of vagabond with the scent abilities of a raccoon, but he was the closest thing to a tour guide any of them had found.

"Yeah, it is, want some?" Reggie asked, fishing out the sandwich sealed in syran wrap. He unfurled the plastic before he tore the sandwich, offering it to the man. The raccoon bowed his head in thanks, taking it with clawed paws. He proceeded to crouch down, tracing a circle in the glass over the water. The glass softened and he dipped the sandwich into the water, giving it a quick douse before he proceeded to take several hungry bites. Reggie had heard about raccoons washing their food since they didn't produce as much saliva as other species, but he never expected it to translate into a humanoid.

The raccoon swallowed down the sandwich before he let out a soft sigh of relief and stood up, moving to wrap his furry arms around Reggie. Reggie's back arched in discomfort. He hadn't hugged anyone in years, barely touching anyone. Physical contact wasn't something producers utilized a lot and it felt strange. The raccoon held Reggie for a long moment before he released.

"My name's Ricky by the way." The raccoon said with a smile.

"Hi Ricky, I'm Reggie." Reggie said. Ricky smiled, reaching up to trail his fingers through Reggie's fluffy black hair.

"Well Reggie, if you ever want to try something a little more willing, you know where to find me." Ricky said with a smile. Reggie blushed a bit at that, having never met someone gay before... but he had resisted the idea of rape. That had to be a good thing. Maybe this was the proof that Jacob had wanted, that the whole gay thing was blown out of proportion.

"Yeah, I, um, know where to find you." Reggie nodded. Ricky smiled and leaned in to kiss Reggie's cheek before he turned and started looking around for the next place to forage. Behind Reggie, the glass wall of the tower shimmered as Jacob pushed out through the wall from the inside, having learned about the glass by accident.

"Reggie, there you-" Jacob trailed off, looking at the raccoon man over in the bushes. Reggie turned and smiled.

"I made a friend. Oh, you figured out the osmotic glass?" Reggie smiled.

"Yeah, and the elevator goes all the way to the observation deck on the roof... but if you made a friend, then maybe we already have what we're looking for." Jacob said. Reggie shrugged.

"I think he's going to be around, besides, when are we going to get another chance to see that view?" Reggie asked. Jacob's grin grew wide.

"You're right... Let's go." Jacob said with glee, heading to the building. Reggie followed after, watching Jacob touch the glass before stepping through. Reggie followed after, moving into the interior. The lobby of the central tower was spacious, cool and had a strong eucalyptus scent. Reggie inhaled deeply as they walked over toward one of the elevators.

"So... tell me all about it." Jacob said. Reggie smiled a bit bashfully.

"Well he's really nice... I put my foot in my mouth about the whole thing but he just gave me a hug... and I got to thinking about how long it's been since I hugged anyone." Reggie explained. The partition before them slid open and Jacob stepped in with Reggie close behind.

"So did he seem scary at all?" Jacob asked, pressing the button for the roof. The elevator began its long ascent towards the top of the building. Reggie leaned back against the glass wall, contemplating.

"No, not at all... I mean at first he was because I've never seen a hybrid before, but after I asked if he was going to rape me, he said he only liked willing partners..." Reggie said. Jacob grinned a bit and turned, looking out through the glass.

"I knew it... They have decency, they have kindness. They're people, just like us. We shouldn't be divided." Jacob said, looking out across the city to the barrier beyond. As Jacob reveled in his victory, Reggie reached up to touch the cheek Ricky had kissed. Reggie closed his eyes and smiled more, breathing in the eucalyptus air. Reggie could still feel those lips on his cheek, those arms around him.

While Reggie knew it had been a friendly gesture, it had awoken something inside of him. He felt a craving for human contact, for that hug to resume and perhaps even deepen. The taboo against touching seemed ever more ludicrous, in fact all the rules the Producers had seemed so wrong. Reggie just wanted to be hugged by Ricky again, or any strong man that could keep him safe, and Reggie just wanted to wrap his arms around some big strong tree of a man... and with that thought, the tingling started to spread from his cheek through his body.

While subtle at first, Reggie's ears began pushing away from his head slowly, facing forward as many tiny invisible hairs began growing out from the inside. The hairs spread from the interior of his ear over the lobes and down the back, the invisible hairs taking on a dark gray color at the root before fading to white at the tips. The hair softened into a fine fur coat, fur that spread across Reggie's cheeks and chin, surrounding his lips.

As the transformation spread uniformly across his head, other changes started to crop up across the rest of Reggie's body. His fingernails started to darken, turning from white to brown and then eventually black. They spread out longer, honing into points before the flesh grew over the top of his fingers, sealing the claws in. The hair under his arms grew thicker, then the hair covering his arms turned gray. It spread across his body with ever growing speed.

Reggie was still focused in his own mind on the power of hugs, his desire for male companionship and just how wrong his conservative background had been. Freedom and choice was the way to go. He shivered in delight as his nose began to round, growing plumper and tougher, darkening from his natural skin tone to a dark black. In contrast, soft white fur began to push up from the collar of his shirt, covering his neck and chest. Even his muscles were changing, his arms thickening while his stomach rounded ever so slightly.

For the most part Reggie appeared to be a hybrid wearing the clothes of a producer, but a most disconcerting sound started to come from the floor of the elevator. It was the sound of the tough, durable, life long lasting harvest boots being damaged. They had never been designed to withstand problems from the inside and black claws were piercing through them, poking out from the toes.

Reggie reached back to swat at his belt, his clawed fingers fighting the restraint, adjusting his waistband before a tiny nub of a bear like tail stuck out, waggling a bit. Reggie felt a lot of relief, not sure why at first. That moment would not last. As the elevator passed through a restraint ring, the cabin was momentarily shrouded in darkness, save for the light in the ceiling. That moment of interior illumination was all it took to cast a reflection of his new Koala self.

"J... Jacob, it's... Jacob, oh god..." Reggie whispered, backing up against the wall. Jacob turned, seeing a fuzzy man standing next to him. Jacob let out a yelp of fear before he realized the man had spoken with Reggie's voice.

"Reggie?!" Jacob whispered.

"All he did was hug me and give me a kiss on the cheek, but it felt so right. That couldn't be it, right? Just that?" Reggie whimpered.

"It'll be okay Reggie, we'll get you help. Someone here has to know what to do. We'll find someone in charge, or a doctor. We'll do something." Jacob said, moving to console Reggie but Reggie reached up his clawed paw.

"No, don't touch me, I... I want to hug too much. It could be dangerous." Reggie said. Jacob lowered his head softly, giving a defeated nod. He felt the consuming dread of having drug his friends into a situation they were not prepared for at all. Jacob suddenly turned to look out of the window, wondering just what sort of predicaments Paul and Lance were facing at that very moment.


Steam rose up from storm drains and grill plates, creating a sort of artificial fog in the streets Lance moved through. The steam had a faintly foul tang to it, reminding Lance a bit of the barns back home. He wondered if some mechanism that kept the city clean had broken or if the smell was normal. Still, the city was amazing to him. The black and orange buildings had been imprinted with a faux brick pattern, reminding Lance about what he had read about Old York before the reconstruction.

Lance wandered along the streets for some time, looking for some form of life. He knew the city dwellers slept during the day and it would be rude to wake them, but he had to find someone. He knew that it was Jacob's mission to find the goodness in the city, but it was a belief he shared. He'd always wanted to come to the city, to see it for himself, to see what all the hype was. He felt almost like a second class citizen toiling away in the fields. Part of Lance wondered if all the doom and gloom was just a way to keep them in the fields working, and from what he could see, it was starting to look that way.

The steady stream of thoughts rolling through Lance's mind came to an abrupt stop as headlights shone through the dog. A vehicle rolled up ahead of him, pulling to the curb. Lance found it hard to make out through the vapor what was going on, but he saw a large figure climb out of the vehicle and carry something down several stepos to the basement level of one of the buildings before the door shut. Lance had his chance. He broke into a sprint, moving down the street, glancing at the empty Taxi cab as it rolled by him.

Lance turned and moved down the steps, coming face to face with a reflective front door. He could see himself there, his chocolate brown skin and smooth head, his clean clothes and his fine muscles. Lance took a breath before he reached up and knocked on the mirrored surface. There was a pause, silence, and then the glass shimmered as it became clear. Lance felt his heart jump into his throat as the occupant on the other side of the door appeared. The rat man had to be almost seven feet tall, covered in dull gray fur though there were several splotches that were darker or lighter depending on the stains. Red eyes looked at Lance before a clawed paw tapped the door again and the partition all but dissolved away.

"Can I help you?" he asked. Lance was stunned, but the greeting was common enough.

"I.... I'm not from this town, I was wondering if you weren't busy if there was any way you could tell me more about it?" Lance asked, realizing at the end of his sentence just how stupid the request might sound. The rat looked Lance over for a moment before he shrugged.

"Come on in, want a beer?" The rat asked, turning. His corded, pink tail swayed around behind him, almost whipping Lance. Lance swallowed a bit and moved in, though he was immediately hampered by the piles of junk that littered the apartment. The path from the door deeper into the apartment was carved out of piles of outdated e-readers and tablet computer stacked into pylons.

Lance moved along slowly, looking at the apartment with trepidation. He was trying to find the good, but he could hear his father's warnings about how wasteful the city folk were. He could see piles of dishes covering what was likely a table. Take out boxes and Styrofoam clam shells had been built into some sort of castle around the computer console off in one corner and general clutter covered everything but a very specific network of pathways through the apartment.

"The coach is there, have a seat bud. Make yourself comfortable. My nest is your nest." The rat said, gesturing over to the furniture. Lance gave a false smile and turned, snaking his way over to the couch before he sat down... and began sinking into the cushions. Even the cushions felt unnaturally soft and faintly moist as he sunk into them, the cushions hugging his hips. Lance grunted softly, the air full of a sweaty tang. Lance turned, trying to peer over the back of the couch but he couldn't see anything. All he heard was the opening of a fridge and then it closing again.

The rat appeared a few moments later with two tall beer cans in one paw and a plate of cheese in the other. The rat flopped down on the couch next to Lance, but his larger size and weight caused the couch to shift. Lance felt himself sinking towards the rat, coming hip to hip and shoulder to shoulder with the fuzzy gray rat. Lance immediately nearly gagged at the scent of sweat and musk and spice and general stank. He'd never met anyone even remotely as slovenly as the rat man.

"Here ya go bro, drink up." The rat said, offering Lance the beer. Lance looked at the beer before pausing. It had the producer's logo on it. One of the many farms in the valley cultured everything that went into the beer and produced it for the city and here it was. It was one tiny piece of home. Lance gave another false smile before he popped the top and tipped it back. The amber fluid rushed over his tongue and down his throat with just the faintest bit of foam.

Lance gulped it down before he took a gasp for air, feeling a bit better already. The rat grinned at the human's drinking prowess before he started to tip back his own, pouring it down his long muzzle, his pink nose twitching a bit. After several gulps, he let out a belch and grabbed some cheese, sticking it into his maw, chewing away. Crumbs and bits began falling over Lance and Lance shivered in disgust.

"What's the matter, cold buddy?" The rat asked before slinging an arm around Lance's shoulder. Lance's back arched as the arm came around him, engulfing him in the putrid smell of the rat. It felt like the smell was soaking into his skin, searing into his nose... but the arm felt oddly nice around his neck, so soft and warm... almost like if he still had hair. Lance couldn't help but lean into it a bit.

"That must be it, I must have been cold..." Lance murmured.

"Best thing for that is to eat." The rat said, lifting some of the cheese from his plate, bringing it to Lance's lips. Lance barely had time to part his lips before the cheese was inserted, though the taste was a bit fouler than he expected. It smeared over his lips a bit, leaving a greasy film. It was a soft cheese, a stinky cheese... but as the stink exploded in his mouth, it left behind a very earthy, appealing flavor.

Lance chewed the cheese before he swallowed, licking his lips with the footy flavor that had stained his tongue. The smell and taste was overpowering, but it was strange. It was almost like he was coming to like it. It was like the hidden pleasure of one admiring the scent of their own farts, but somehow stronger. Lance licked his lips again before he grabbed another piece of cheese and gulped it down. Somehow he felt a guilty pleasure, like being dirty was something he had wanted to do all his life.

The excitement of being dirty was getting to Lance and his pants soon started to bulge and round, pushing out steadily. The rat smiled, waiting for Lance to take another gulp of beer before he reached down to grope his friend. It was just part of being a host after all. Lance was so busy enjoying the flavors of the food that he didn't notice the hand on his groin, though it did feel good to be cupped.

"So... You wanted to hear about the city dude?" the rat asked. Lance nodded a bit between bites.

"Yeah, we came from the fields... Wanted to hear about how you lived. We just heard stories about stuff." Lance said.

"Well, it's not a bad life bro. I work the late shift down in the sewers keeping everything going. Machines just can't do everything, y'know? But the pay is pretty good. Better be for a whole six hours." He said in disgust, as if that was abnormally long.

"So what do you do with the rest of your time?" Lance asked in surprise. A six hour work day was unheard of, even when sick.... Six hours was usually the amount of down time they could look forward to. The rat seemed to consider for a long moment.

"I eat, drink, and get my rocks off to whatever floats my boat..." The rat said.

"That sounds amazing..." Lance whispered, reaching back for the plate before he paused. There was no more cheese on the plate. Lance sighed, "Awww man..."

"No sweat small fry, I got more." The rat said with a grin. He took the arm from around Lance's neck and reached down into his fur, drawing out his sheath. He plunged several fingers into the folds of his furry flesh before he drew out more yellow-white soft cheese. Lance's body went stiff in shock.

"What is that?" he asked, barely able to bring volume to his voice.

"Head cheese. Haven't had a chance to harden this batch in the fridge, but it's stronger stuff. You'll love it." The rat said before he brought the cheese to Lance's mouth, trying to push it in. Lance tried to fight it, clamping his lips shut but that only served to smear the stuff across his face, the potent smell moving up through his nostrils. Lance grunted sharply, his cock quivering in the hand that held it... and then Lance realized that he was being groped.

Lance looked down at his lap, at the clear outline of the erection in his slacks, at the paw that was sliding up and down it and had been doing so for some time. How could he have missed that? How could he have been so naive? Lance's mouth hung open a bit as he struggled for breath, but that opening was all it took for the rat to slip some more into his mouth.

Lance gagged, having to swallow in order to clear the way for more air. As the hot slime went down his throat, though, his body began to relax. A strange grin crossed Lance's face as his muscles went soft and he leaned back into the couch. The only downside was that the couch fabric didn't breathe at all, trapping his body heat. Before long the stimulation to his cock and the heat of the couch caused Lance to start sweating. The human's pits grew moist, his chest began putting out beads of sweat... but Lance didn't care. Somewhere in the midst of the stench of the rat's apartment, Lance could smell himself, his own scent, and that made him proud.

"See Bro, now you're relaxing." The rat said, moving to unzip Lance's pants, pulling out his thick black cock, stroking it up and down with great eagerness. Lance moaned, drool leaking from the corners of his lips as he gave into the pleasure... and to the tingling crossing his body. It started in his scalp as his hair follicles jumped into over drive, but his scalp wasn't putting out the kinky, frizzy hair it usually did. The hair that started pushing out was soft and smooth. The hair grew out all over his scalp, but while most of it was pitch black, a few snow white streaks formed in the hair.

"This is..." Lance tried to speak but his words trailed off.

"I like this." The rat said, rubbing his greasy hand through Lance's hair, staining the white streaks yellow. The rat grinned a bit before he paused, looking the human over, "You're nothing but skin and bones, looks like you need some more cheese to fatten ya up bro." The rat said, moving his hand down behind Lance's head before he pushed him down. Lance was surprised at first, but as that fat, hot, nasty cock approached his face, his resistance melted. He found his mouth parting just before the engorged tip slipped in, and as his hot saliva crept into the foreskin of the sheath, the remaining smegma inside melted into his mouth.

Lance grunted and moaned, slurping the slime up, feeling it rush down his throat and into his stomach... and his chest... and his hips. His body was starting to soften up, the muscles disappearing beneath a thin layer of fat, his shirt and pants growing tighter, but Lance was insatiable. The lust was consuming him. He forced his head down further around the cock, slurping and sucking as his jaw line grew less defined, fat coating his chin and throat before stubble pushed out, covering his face.

Between the soft black and white hair and the growing stubble, Lance had never had so much hair in all his life. Curls of thick hair pushed out of his collar and bunched up under his arms before his arm and leg hair thickened as well. Lance kept sucking, burying his face more in the rat's groin, overwhelmed by the unhygienic stink that seemed to make him even hornier.

The rat moaned in bliss, moving to massage Lance's head with one hand and to continue to stroke him off with the other, loving how Lance's mouth seemed to feel better and better around his cock. The reason for that was soon apparent as Lance's face began to push out, extending and stretching around the cock. His beard grew thick and bushy, curling and bulking out before more fur spread up his cheeks, across his nose and around his eyes. Soon the human flesh disappeared, save for the lips and the tip of his nose.

Lance's skin continued to darken from its natural milk chocolate to an obsidian black. His arms were completely covered with fur, his legs as well. His fingernails turned brown and then black before stretching into claws, paw pads swelling from his finger tips and palms. Still the growing man sucked and slurped, unaware that the buttons on his shirt had popped open as his pectorals rounded or his stomach grew larger.

Above Lance, the rat was quite pleased. He enjoyed a boy toy with a bit of a gut on him, and as far as he was concerned, the former human looked a lot more healthy. The rat tilted his hips and began ramming his cock down Lance's throat directly, something Lance didn't seem to mind. He wriggled and shifted and sucked on the cock as if it were a life line, the chest of his shirt starting to tear. The fabric unraveled, splitting down and down until his polo shirt snapped open like a vest, a furry belly pushing out into view.

The once proud Producer's body continued to change as his ears grew up into points, reshaping and growing furry. His feet swelled, the shoes growing tight, but nothing had gotten tighter than Lance's pants. The belt was straining, the metal buckle creaking as his waist widened, his ass filled out... and something else started to grow. The seat of Lance's pants ballooned outwards, deforming and stretching before the fabric couldn't take it anymore and split, unleashing a thick wedge of black furry tail with white stripes down the two sides.

Lance moaned, his throat vibrating around the rat cock stuffed in there. His tail continued to emerge, pushing out several inches every second. It flipped up, rising up his back, widening all the way to his hips. The tail passed one foot, then two, then three. Before long it was a full and luxurious skunk tail that lifted up taller than his head before the tip flipped back, hanging down limp.

"Oh yeah bro, you're my sexy skunk boi." The rat grinned, fucking Lance's muzzled face as his nose came in and his eyes shifted. Lance pushed all thoughts aside, focused only on getting what he sought, a hot load of rat cum in his gullet. He sucked and slurped and sucked with all his might, using his tongue and even his teeth to stimulate. Before long the rat was only too happy to oblige, leaning back and squeaking as he came. Lance gulped down the cum, drinking every drop. The minutes passed and the load subsided, but Lance didn't give up.

The new skunk pulled back, licking the rat clean before he plopped his head off, looking at his partner. The rat was still panting in his afterglow, but Lance was still hungry. He moved his paws to comb through the rat's fur before he leaned in, starting to lick his sweaty chest fur, then his pits. Lance wasn't just craving cum, he was craving the slovenly scent of his new friend. Lance held no thoughts of returning to his old life or even his friends, wanting only instant gratification and deep perverse pleasure.


The doors to the elevator slipped open, allowing Jacob to move out with Reggie a few steps behind him. Jacob had tried to stay closer but Reggie had insisted that they maintain a buffer, though as they emerged into what the directory had called the 'command center', Reggie did tuck a bit closer. The center was expansive, taking up an entire floor of the tower from glass wall to glass wall... but everything in between was a stark contrast to the outside world. Instead of a dirty, blocky hodge podge of orange and black, the command center was glass and steel with computer displays projected on the glass, being maintained by men and women of many different ages. Jacob looked out at the people, humans, dressed in sleek gray and silver uniforms. It was surprising and relieving in a way, that the entire city wasn't a pool of depravity.

"Uhm, Hello?" Jacob asked. One of the attendants turned, spotting the two at the elevator. The man rose up to his feet and moved over with a quick pace, surprised that anyone had come into the command.

"Hello... May I help you?" The attendant asked with curiosity.

"We... we're producers, we came from outside... But... Reggie changed, we were outside, there was this... this..." Jacob said, his words starting to stagger and spill into another.

"He was a Raccoon." Reggie said.

"Ah yes, Ricky, he does frequent the lobby... So you just went through your metamorphosis? I know it must be a disconcerting change." The attendant said.

"Is there a way to change back? Is there a way to fix it? You all seem normal still." Jacob said. The attendant tilted his head in confusion for a moment before he paused.

"There might be a way, but you must understand the complexity of our culture. We are a city founded on absolute freedom and as such the city is stratified. To be honest, about thirty percent of the city lives in a state of immeasurable... sexuality. The hybrid virus is airborne in these areas but requires a trigger to manifest itself, even something as innocuous as a stimulating thought or idea. It's something we've come to live with here, but you were not prepared. For that, I am sorry. This is an unprecedented situation." The attendant said.

"But you said there might be a way?" Jacob asked.

"There is a scientist that is an expert on the hybrid virus... He's a hybrid himself but he respects the ability for people to choose. He's had some success, but it isn't going to be an easy road, it'll be full of temptation. It isn't a road that I think your friend is going to be able to make in his state." The attendant said.

"You want Jacob to go alone?" Reggie asked softly.

"Believe it or not, it may be the best bet. Right now you are interested in his safety, his preservation. If you go with him, you will likely give into your animal self and then draw Jacob into this as well. If you stay, there is a chance you can retain who you are and Jacob can reach Doctor Keppler. I'll get you the information." The attendant said, moving over to his glass computer desk, swiping his hands across the projected keyboard.

Jacob turned and looked at Reggie, at the fur sticking out of his clothes, at his large fuzzy ears and his big round nose. He looked terrified, but somewhere deep down Jacob wondered if that was a good thing, to cling to his humanity. Jacob didn't know what to think anymore. The attendant didn't even know Reggie's name, he didn't know the attendant's, but he was being so helpful to strangers. They had a quantifiable number, thirty percent... only one third of the city may have been as bad as their parents said, or so the attendant claimed. It was a lot to take in.

"You... should go." Reggie said softly, breaking the silence. Jacob looked up in surprise.

"What?" Jacob asked, not sure he had heard correctly.

"That man is right. I'd be a risk to you, I... I'm already thinking about things, things that I never thought about before... like how attractive you are, how brave you are. I just want to hug you, but it didn't take any more than that to change me. If there's any hope for me, for all of us, I can't... be with you." Reggie whispered. Jacob slowly lowered his gaze to the ground. It made sense, but it was also all his fault. It had been his notion to prove the innocence of the city dwellers and he'd gotten at least one of his friends tainted by the city. It was starting to seem like it was all true, or at least enough true.

"Here is the information. This is a Public Access Display, it will guide you to Doctor Keppler... but you'll need to exercise extreme judgment, try to avoid anything that might trigger the virus in you." The attendant explained, offering the device. Jacob took a deep breath as he took the PAD and clutched it in his hand.

"You take care of Reggie, I'll go get what we need." Jacob said, moving for the elevator. He stepped in and turned around, pressing the button for the ground floor, looking to the attendant and Reggie as the doors shut before him.


The walk from the central tower had been a bit longer than Jacob was hoping for, but being safe had added a lot of delays. They had frittered away the day exploring and the sun was starting to set and the city was starting to wake up. No doubt their parents were frantic back home, but Jacob couldn't face their wrath until he got a hold of Doctor Keppler's word, found a way to help the others. Jacob moved down the street, but as a door opened he dove under a metal stair case, trying to hide from sight.

The metal above echoed as hooves stepped out on the grate. Jacob looked up to see if the city dweller would spot him, but the beast seamed to stretch and yawn a bit. Jacob tried to make out what was above him, seeing mottled white and black fur like a cow he had at home. Jacob even saw swinging pendulous teats, thinking he was beneath a cow woman... until he saw a swinging, pendulous cock just above the udders.

Jacob shuddered a bit at the thought of such a mixture, but as the cow above mooed and milked itself a bit, the thick yellow cream that began dribbling down the grate proved to be a threat Jacob was prepared for. He backed up, watching it splatter, viewing it as a disease vector waiting to happen. Jacob was afraid for his life, his humanity, realizing what an idiot he was. The city wasn't as bad as his parents had said, it was worse... They didn't just corrupt people with ideas, they corrupted people with everything.

The young producer waited beneath the stairs in secret and fear, waiting for the cow man to move down the steps and down the street, heading to whatever function he was going to attend. Jacob was running out of time. Everyone was going to be up soon. He looked both ways as he emerged from his hiding spot, heading down the street. Every time he heard a sound he used it as an excuse to speed up, to try a different route, checking back on the PAD. He was getting close; it was just at the end of the block.

Jacob approached the doctor's address, seeing a shop built into the black and orange building, showering the street with red neon lights advertising his services. Jacob moved down the few steps that led to the door. Jacob was about to knock, but the door was ajar. Jacob smiled a bit, thinking of home where there were no thieves and people were trusting enough to leave their doors open. It was a touch of home and Jacob moved right in.

Doctor Keppler's place seemed to be a sort of infirmary, though the aesthetic was unlike any clinic Jacob had been to. The walls were painted a deep red, the floor was brown and yellow alternating squares of linoleum, the furniture was black leather and the paintings were an incomprehensible mass of landscapes made out of overlapping digital code... but Jacob was no longer looking at the décor.

In the center of the room a zebra man in a lab coat was laying on his back, his hands and feet tied together with a ball gag in his mouth. His thick equine shaft was bobbing between his legs as a huge rhinoceros man pounded him from behind, sending over a foot of leathery gray cock into the helpless doctor. Keppler looked at Jacob upside down from his position, wanting to warn him but it was too late. Jacob was hit over the back of the head by a heavy club of a fist. He stumbled forward, collapsing at the base of the table just as the rhino called out in lust.

"This'll teach you to try and fix us!" The rhino bellowed as his huge shaft spurted into the helpless Zebra doctor. The Zebra kicked and grunted behind the rubber red ball jammed in his muzzle, squirming... but slowly his eyes glazed over with lust as the hot flood filled him, churned in and out by the rhino cock. The doctor's own morals began to erode away before his thick, hard equine shaft began to spray a fountain of cum up into the air, over the edge of the table... and down below.

Jacob had been dazed by the hit and the collapse, barely managing to sit up, seeing two leather coated thugs at the door masturbating furiously. Jacob tried to figure out what was going on, but before he reached any conclusion he felt a shower of hot slick sperm coming down across him, soaking into his hair and across his face, dribbling over his shirt and soaking his clothes. Jacob lifted his hand and collected some of the liquid, not even sure what it was at first, but as he looked at it, everything clicked into place and he shuddered.

The charge that ripped through Jacob's system was instantaneous and unmistakable. Jacob realized that he was doomed even before the brown hair on his arms started to grow softer and thicker, sprouting before his very eyes. His fingernails thickened and pushed out, slipping around the tips of his fingers. His ears began to ache and stretch, growing taller into points. It had happened, the virus was triggered. There was no going back and Keppler was in no position to help him. Jacob knew if he stayed he would likely be put in the same position as the doctor and if that happened there would be no going back. His only change was to escape, to resist the change like Reggie.

Jacob sprung to his feet with surprising agility, bolting away from the table. The thugs at the door reached for him, grabbing at his pants. He got caught for a moment and the pants sunk down tighter around his ass, exposing his mid-riff. Jacob paid no mind, wriggling free before he bolted into the street, panting and groaning as he moved. He wasn't sure if it was from being half beaten or changing into something but his bottom lip felt swollen, thick and round... His hips did too.

Fear raced through Jacob's heart, his heart pumping hard and sending blood through his body. Unfortunately for Jacob, that included his groin. His tight slacks grew tighter as his manhood hardened, snaking its way down one pant leg. Jacob could feel it grow past three inches, then five, then seven. It reached full length and kept growing, stretching longer and thicker all the while. Jacob bemoaned his fate, but as he started to stumble he knew it was even worse than just peripheral changes.

With each step, Jacob became less able to keep track of his feet. His toes felt numb, his arch felt stiff, his heel felt strange. Jacob made it little more than a block before one shoe simply fell off, revealing a mass of glistening brown hoof coating his foot. His toes had grown together, the keratin of his toenails spread. As he stumbled along, the hoof hardened and firmed into a true equine hoof. Soon his other shoe fell off and revealed the same.

Jacob started to tear up, feeling the sting of his tears roll down his windswept cheeks as his brown hair grew out longer, slipping down on one side of his head in a half mane, dropping down past his ears and chin, reaching all the way to his shoulder on his right side. Even with the thick brown hair, his ears were rising up higher, the points climbing to two inches, then three, then more. Short caramel brown fur grew out across the back of the ears, giving them a character most unusual for a horse or zebra. Jacob was becoming something else.

The transforming producer rounded the corner, bumping into two bear men. They looked over with hungry eyes, looking Jacob over up and down. They seemed to like what they saw, but Jacob turned and bolted the other way, groaning hard as his body continued to shift. The fat around his waist drained away, leaving his waist the smallest it had been in some time, but with the fat gone every inch of his muscle was visible. His pecs firmed, his abs defined and his arms thickened. Even his ass was wider, though the reason for that seemed to become more clear as the pants shifted and a wriggling rope of flesh and fur sprung free. The new tail slipped down behind him, growing out to two feet before doubling soon after, a black tassel forming at the tip.

Jacob breathed through his mouth, feeling the air pass in and out over his thicker lips. Even his donkey ears flapped in the wind... Jacob was cold and scared, but then a sudden warmth began to spread from the most unlikely spot. Jacob looked down in terror as he watched his pants staining, cum leaking from his changing cock, soaking his pants. It seemed completely out of place for a moment, but the orgasm soon bloomed in his mind, his body catching up to itself. The musky smell hit the air and surrounded him in a cloud. Jacob took in a few breaths before his eyes rolled into the back of his head from the intensity of it all.

As the spicy, musky smell of sexuality filled Jacob, his nostrils began to stretch and compress, forming tear drop slits instead of round holes. His mouth then began to push out, his teeth flattening as his jaw lengthened, his nose melding into the stretching flesh. Jacob forced his eyes open and panted as his bones creaked and popped and shifted. He waggled his growing tongue around his lengthening mouth, feeling a warmth cover his cheeks and then the rest of his face as the caramel fur grew in.

In moments, Jacob's human nose was gone, replaced with a donkey muzzle. His ears stood tall above his head, his hair swayed in the wind, the fur on his arms rippled and each finger was tipped with protective hooflettes. His actual hooves connected to strong donkey ankles that disappeared into deformed pants, his tail swaying about behind him. Jacob turned, glancing at a window, seeing his reflection. He walked over slowly to get a better look, his eyes softening.

Not only was he a donkey, he seemed to be a very sexualized donkey. His cock was a foot long, his ass was thick, his hips were round, his torso was chiseled and perfect and his lips were unnecessarily pronounced, as if begging for someone to feel their manhood slide in and out of that mouth... and for a moment that was what Jacob wanted, desired, even fantasized about, but he soon pushed that out of his head. He had to get out, he had to get away, he had to escape before it was too late. Jacob turned and started to move back the way he had come along the street, trying to find his way back to the entrance to the city.


Evening had settled in and was giving way to night. Automated cars rolled down the streets full of people heading to party destinations as others made out on the street and even fucked in public. Jacob had been wandering for hours and all the blood keeping his donkey cock hard made it feel like his brain was atrophying. He moved along in a daze, watching everything going on. Teenagers, twenty somethings, fifty year olds - it didn't matter how old anyone was or what they looked like, everyone was taking part in it all.

Jacob stopped at a cross walk, waiting for the light to change. He watched the traffic before he felt something hot and wet starting to move across him. Jacob turned and looked down, seeing a teenage frog boy crouching next to him, licking at his cum soaked slacks. The frog boy gave a wink of a bright yellow eye but Jacob merely bolted across the road, stumbling between the trucks and cars, dodging them on their pre-ordained paths.

He stumbled onto the curb, narrowly grazed by the corner of a taxi as he made it to safety. Jacob panted a bit, recovering his senses before he noticed a familiar shop... the screen shop they had passed on their way in. Jacob grinned slowly, knowing he was close. Jacob started moving along, picking up speed, practically sprinting to the barrier. He was going to make it, he was going to get out before it was too late.

"It's the start of another night and you're ready to party... but are you really going to party with the same people at the same place?" A voice asked. It was a familiar voice. Jacob slowed, looking around.

"Paul?" Jacob whispered, though he saw who was talking on the television... a cougar standing with a cheetah right behind him, grinding against his ass.

"I was new to this city and I found some new friends to party with. Don't miss out on a good thing just because you're in a rut. Meet strangers, make friends... with benefits." Paul said, moving to lick his feline tongue at the cat behind him. Jacob whimpered in shock before he resumed his escape from the city. No doubt Lance had been corrupted as well, all because of him. They all had fallen to the tainted ways of the city and nothing was going to change that.

Jacob made it past the last of the buildings, smelling the fresher air of home... but one thing still stood in his way, the barrier. Jacob strode out onto the vast copper grating, looking at the thirty story tall wall of advertisements. He remembered the risks, the dangers of it and how they had managed to escape that fate by sneaking in. In the back of his mind, Jacob assumed that would be how they got out... but a terrible thought crossed his mind. It was a week of rest, there was nothing to harvest and nothing to bring into the city. There would be no trucks in or out. Jacob had no other option. If he couldn't make it through the barrier, he would be trapped in the city for a week.

The donkey boy moved toward the field, trembling gently. He didn't like the idea of frying his neurons in a magnetic field, but losing himself to mindless lust for the rest of his life wasn't satisfactory either. He continued to walk toward the field, feeling his fur stand on end, the ground buzzing beneath his feet. As Jacob approached, the field began to distort. Small red and white exclamation point symbols appeared before him, then red and yellow before one big caution bar began flashing. Jacob paid it no heed, reaching out with will power to override his fear.

With steady care, Jacob's fingers began to pass through the hologram wall but it felt like he had stuck his arm into an electrical socket. His muscles seized and tensed, his body began to shake and then the field began to arc. Jacob yelped and screamed before he fell to his knees, but he wasn't there long. The copper plating beneath him dropped down like a trap door, Jacob falling into a long service tunnel. He slipped and slid, swirling around as if he'd been flushed. The light of the night disappeared above him and Jacob fell for what felt like forever, sliding along before it al became too much. Jacob's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out before he even came to a stop.


Jacob had never been drunk before in his life, but if he had been he would have associated the dull weight of his limbs and the heavy ache of his head with a severe hangover. Jacob murmured softly before one eye opened, then the other. He looked up at a rounded metal surface slowly, laying his head back, watching one ear flop down against the base of the tube and then the other. He slowly lifted his head back up and looked down at his chest, seeing something he hadn't seen before... his large donkey dong.

The donkey's long, meaty shaft was no longer restrained by pants or even underwear, draped across his stomach to come to a stop right between his nipples. The shaft was six inches across and had a flat, wide head, glistening as dark of brown as his hair and hooves in contrast to the caramel fur that covered the rest of his body. Jacob was disturbed about his cock for a moment before he realized that his clothes were gone... He'd been robbed and left where he was.

Jacob stood up slowly, grabbing onto the mouth of the tube for support. As he got onto his hooves, he took a few steps forward, looking around at the burn barrels that seemed to act as street lights. He inclined his head and saw a faint shimmer from the copper grating high above, but most of the lower level's light came from dull green glowing ovals built into the sides of more patchwork buildings.

"Hello there." Came a voice. Jacob turned, coming face to simulated face with a shimmering hologram of an attendant, wearing the same uniform as those in headquarters. Jacob hesitated.

"Hello?" he asked.

"You may be wondering what has led you to this place... It is a common enough question. You attempted to leave the city. While freedom of choice is respected and all life choices are tolerated here, the outside world is not ready for our lifestyle. As such, individuals infected with the hybrid virus are not permitted past the city perimeter. You have been brought here to the pit to get whatever is in your system out with like minded individuals. Once you have no desire to leave the city, you will be allowed back to the main levels. Please enjoy your stay." The hologram said before disappearing.

Jacob stood there for a long moment in his naked glory, letting the message run again and again in his head. It was a quarantine... one designed to protect the producers from the sexual perversion that absolute freedom brought. Jacob could practically hear his heart breaking. It was true, it was all true. There were gay, sexy monsters intent on coming to rape him and his friends and if not for the city defenses, they would... and now he was one of them, dumped in the pit with the worst of them. He couldn't escape, he couldn't even hide if they had robbed him of his clothes already. The question was what to do with the time he had left.

The donkey took a deep breath before he turned and started moving down the street, looking for a way out, a way back to the surface. He'd prove he didn't want to leave the city. He just wanted to find his friends, to be with Lance and Paul and Reggie again. Jacob moved between the burn barrels, snaking his way back and forth, wishing he still had his PAD, but it seemed even that had been taken.

Jacob walked for several minutes, finding one block much like the next... and much like those on the surface. Everything was laid out in a circle of trapezoids, narrowing and shrinking as they got ever closer to the center of town. Jacob wouldn't have been surprised if the tower continued all the way down through the pit... but he was so tired, so hungry. Jacob rubbed at his chest, moving along before he turned, hearing a noise.

The noise came from a rickshaw pulled by two reindeer men in leather harnesses while the person sitting in the back of a cart was a tall and lithe black fox, his fluffy tail spread out across the seat. Shrewd eyes peered down at the donkey, looking him up and down for a moment before he smiled.

"You look lost my friend..." The fox said. Jacob hunched his shoulders a bit before nodding slightly.

"I am, I wassss hoping I could find'a way back to the surfaccce, get back with my friends, y'know?" Jacob said before he paused. He'd never had a lisp before... It was so effeminate, so slutty... and he kind of liked it. Jacob blushed beneath his fur as his cock got harder, feeling so ashamed.

"I know the way. I could take you, but there's a toll..." The fox said, reaching to pull back his robes, revealing a thick, red, pointed fox shaft. The fox licked his lips slowly. Jacob felt terror and need at the same time, more conflicted than ever. He hesitated.

"What's the toll?" Jacob asked gently.

"You want a ride, take a ride..." The fox said. Jacob lowered his head to the ground for a moment, thinking of his friends, of Reggie. Jacob slowly moved to climb up onto the rickshaw, lifting his tail as he moved to sit on the fox's lap. The fox growled in delight as he lined his cock up with the donkey's rear, letting the pointed head push in with a soft pop before the shaft began to follow.

Jacob squirmed down on the cock, feeling it spread his insides before it probed a sensitive spot. Jacob gasped at that, leaning into the fox's chest. The fox moaned sharply, his hands grabbing onto Jacob's hips as he started to grind. The reindeer men slowly lifted the rickshaw back up and began moving, carrying their master and his guest toward the entrance even as they started to writhe and buck.

Jacob suppressed as many moans as he could, feeling the cock strike and poke and rub at his interior, feeling so good. The fox dug his claws into the furry hips and cupped the round slutty ass, stretching Jacob more and more. Jacob lifted his head, his moans turning into grunts and then moans and finally brays, heehawing to his heart's content as he was filled. The fox started to bounce Jacob on him, but Jacob loved it, pushing off and dropping down on his own.

Years of conservative views felt like they were melting away. He didn't feel the weight of burden and responsibility, he felt pleasure.... Raw, unadulterated pleasure. He squeezed his ass cheeks, stimulating the fox's cock with even more friction, feeling everything so rough and raw for the first time. He bounced more, feeling like he had been running away for too long. He was gay, it felt like he always had been, but what he lacked was a proper place to blossom in... and this was that place.

To the fox's surprise, the donkey leaned in to kiss him deeply, his plump juicy lips making the kiss quite hot. Saliva dripped from their lips as they kissed, their tongues tangling. As the rickshaw started heading up an incline, Jacob was pressed tighter into the fox. He bounced even more, his tail whipping around, his cock against the fox's chest. The fox broke the kiss and leaned down, tonguing Jacob's urethra.

"HAWWWT!" Jacob brayed, moaning harder.

"That's the way you like it, isn't it bitch?" The fox asked.

"I want more!" He begged. The fox grinned wider.

"I'll give you more, but you'll owe me something..." The fox said. Jacob nodded drunkenly, the lust coursing through his body.

"Anything, anything!" Jacob promised, panting hard. The fox almost came right then and there, knowing just what he had in mind for the donkey that was riding him.


The heavy doors to the pit rumbled open as one of its occupants returned to the surface for the first time in days. Jacob blinked a bit at the daylight, having gotten used to the underground... but as he emerged, his entire body seemed to sparkle just a bit. While it was true that Jacob was coated in cum and sweat, that wasn't what was sparkling. The glint of sunlight on metal was unmistakable and Jacob had a fair share. His tall donkey ears had been pierced, his nipples had rings in them and he even had an eyebrow ring now. Another difference to his appearance was the color change in the fur over his hip, stained with a fox paw print, a brand on who had claimed him.

Jacob stepped out into the light, looking around the city, trying to get his bearings. He had spent almost a week bribing his way up with sexual acts, displays and gifts and he was finally back on the surface to try and finish what he started. Jacob began moving off down the street, not paying any mind to the trash cans that rumbled down from a garbage heap. The donkey moved past the fat rat and skunk as they dug around for something to nibble on, the two former friends having no idea that they had been so close, if only for an instant.

As Jacob walked along, his cock swayed before him, enough to draw his attention. He wrapped his fingers around his hefty meat, sliding it back and forth, jacking off as he headed toward the center of town to find Reggie, to find his friend... and to start the rest of his life as a city dweller. Jacob had learned the lesson of the pit, that there was no return to the outside world... there was only enjoying those freedoms he did have in the city.


The full moon rose slowly above the horizon, the stars poking out through a veil of orange and purple. It was little after seven in the evening but the farmers that lived outside the city had enjoyed their dinner and were winding down for the night. Two teenagers sat on a couch, listening to their father, occasionally glancing out at the vast city in the distance and the glimmering wall.

"And they were never seen again?" The older boy asked gently.

"That's right. They left to go see the city and they never came back." The father explained.

"But Jacob just wanted to prove that there were nice people, right?" The younger asked. The father nodded.

"Indeed, but the road to moral extinction is paved with good intentions. If you let your guard down, even for an instant, evil will try to sneak in. The only thing keeping them in their city is the illusion of freedom and that they want for nothing. If we keep up our work, they will stay right where they are." The father smiled softly.

"But, but... what if they get out?" The older son asked. The father shook his head.

"They have no need to. Everything they want is right there, and in a few more generations their lives of sin will have caused so much damage to their society that they simply won't exist anymore. It will all work out my children. Good night." The father said, standing up to move over toward the door.

"But what about Mister Yoder, and the other fathers?" The younger son asked softly from where he was laying. The boy's father moved back to caress the side of his head.

"They can always have more children, but they'll never have as good of children as I do, children that would never dream of being bad." He said before kissing his son's head. He gave a nod of his head to his other son before he moved to the door and turned off the light before excusing himself. The two sons laid back in bed, closing their eyes, trying avoid the nightmares of the vast city beyond and the evils it held.

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