Cell Block K-9

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Commissioned by gotommax

Written by

In a cost cutting measure, prisoners are moved to an experimental wing of the prison, only to find their lives more of a hell than they ever imagined possible... but is there hope at the end of their poor treatment?


Cell Block K-9 Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax

November... it had to be November already. It was a sad realization for Jason Duluth, but his life had been one long series of sad realizations. The eighteen year old leaned against the window in his cell, peering out past the prison's courtyard below the tower he was in, past the barbed wire fence and to the city beyond. The bright orange and purple decorations of Halloween were disappearing and candy wrappers blew down the roads. It was November.

The young man turned, walking the two steps it took to get to his bed before he flopped down. Jason was five foot ten, had dark brown hair cut as short as possible without buzzing it. His skin was fair; his lanky body had a few muscles. He looked like a generic youth, a template, a baseline. He had never been exceptional in his life - well, except at the trial.

Jason had learned at the police station that his so called friends had used him to rob a bank, made him the getaway driver. It was just one more time in his life that he had been used, but for some reason the trial had singled him out. The prosecutors denied his ignorance in the issue, claiming surely everyone knew who their friends were. The jury had decided to make an example of Jason and he'd been given twenty five years in prison for robbing a bank... and he hadn't even seen a dime of the money.

In such bleak circumstances, Jason knew he should have been hoping for time to slip by. To hell with November, it should be December or January already... but some small part of him was hoping for a way out, an appeal, an attempt to reverse an injustice. Jason spent every day gazing out of his window with his blue eyes, hoping that someone would come and rescue him... and every day there was bitter silence. In a way, though, Jason felt a little relieved.

In prison he didn't have to worry about going to college, getting a job, maintaining relationships. There was no twitter feed to check, no facebook updates to monitor. He'd been given a room to himself. The simple life had some appeal, though Jason knew he was doomed should he ever get out of prison. No one wanted to hire felons. The only comfort Jason had was that his fellow bank robbers had been given the same punishment but in different prisons. He took comfort knowing they were suffering the same fate... but then Jason felt guilty and let out a long sigh, draping his arm over his eyes.

Moments passed, then minutes... then came the most unexpected sound Jason had heard, the click of his lock. The metal door to the cell rumbled open as two guards moved into the cell. One was tall, broad shouldered with cinnamon colored skin while the other had a shaved head and was thinner. Jason sat up and looked at them warily, shocked by the disruption to the schedule.

"What's going on?" Jason asked sharply.

"You're being transferred to cell block K-9." The latino guard said while the other moved to put handcuffs on Jason. Jason knew better than to resist.

"Why? What did I do?" Jason asked.

"Space is at a premium my friend, but you lucked out... I hear Cell Block K-9 has its own green space, the prisoners get to go outside for an hour or two a day. Wouldn't it be nice to stretch your legs?" The guard smiled. Jason said nothing, staring up at him. The prisoner was pulled to his feet and led out of the cell. he had no personal possessions to transfer. It was just him... and apparently a few others.

Standing outside his cell was a chain gang, a line of prisoners linked together so they couldn't escape. Jason was brought to the front of the line, his handcuffs linked to the others as a foot cuff was added. Jason glanced over his shoulder to the prisoner behind him. His uniform said 7882, but Jason had no idea what his name was. All Jason knew was that he was black and big. He looked like the kind of guy that might have had dreads or an afro before prison, but now his hair was buzzed short.

"Hey kid." The man said with a slight grin, "What you in for?" he asked.

"Unknowingly assisting in robbing a bank..." Jason said. It was the truth after all, though it caused the man to chuckle.

"I know, right? Me, they got me in on a technicality... Didn't realize I was nearly beating a couple guys to death when I used them to bust up a bar." The man smirked. Jason's shoulders sagged. Yet one more person didn't believe him, but at least the guy seemed friendly.

"You know anything about cell block K-9?" Jason asked. The man shook his head for a moment.

"Nope, all I know is that it's on the ground floor. I'm gonna miss my view." he admitted. Jason grimaced, having yet another sad realization in his life.

"No more view of the city... or the streets... And I already thought it couldn't get much worse." Jason sighed.

"Eh, we'll make it through kid. I'll keep an eye out for ya." The black man offered. Jason had no idea if this was going to pan out like his bank robbery friends, but he couldn't turn down the offer of help, at least not yet.

"I'm Jason." Jason offered.

"Michael." The black man replied.

"I'd shake your hand but..." Jason trailed off. Michael just chuckled again, nodding. The guards closed Jason's old cell and joined the others guarding the line.

"Enough yapping, let's go gentlemen." The guards said, starting to lead everyone along off toward their new home.


The walk to cell block K-9 had been surprisingly long and required a number of extra security check points. They had moved around the back of the prison, through an interior security wall to a small complex. It almost seemed like a separate prison with its own yard. Sadly, Michael had been right about the view. It became fairly clear no one could see out and no one could really see in, the back of the prison devoted to facilities like water heaters and power plants. They were on their own.

Once inside, the prisoners had their uniforms stripped away, giving them a new issue. Jason stood as the cloth was tugged over his body, the fabric thinner and less substantial. It seemed cell block K-9 was a great place to send the worn out, useless uniforms they couldn't use in the rest of the prison anymore. To Jason's surprise, the new garments came with a physical examination as well.

The prisoner glanced up, watching as a doctor attempted to measure Michael's testicles down the row. The black man bore his teeth, balling his hand into a fist. The doctor cleared his throat and moved on to measure his arm instead. Jason had to smirk. If he had a protector, it was good it was Michael. He just hoped there wouldn't be a high price involved with that favor.

"Just one last thing and we'll be done." The doctor said, moving forward. Jason turned, his eyes going quite wide as he saw the glint of light on a needle, a bead of liquid clinging to the tip.

"What is that? You... you can't inject me, I'm not sick..." Jason said, trying to back up but the guards grabbed him. Michael was likewise being restrained.

"Just an immunization, wouldn't want you getting sick..." The prison doctor said, tying off Jason's arm before he injected the needle. Jason winced at the needle, then hissed a bit as he felt the ice cold liquid enter his veins. His arm ached in response, but Jason struggled through with it, managing to try and look tough. He wanted to make Michael proud. He looked over to see how Michael had coped, but to his surprise his big friend was starting to slump to the floor.

"What did you do, what's...." Jason tried to finish his sentence but he couldn't. He suddenly went numb, falling to his knees. One of the guards reached under Jason's arms, scooping him up. Jason got dizzy, disoriented and sick, his eyes rolling about a bit. The lights in the ceiling seemed to strobe, the walls seemed to melt. Whatever they had given him was powerful stuff.

The prisoners were dragged down the hallways through a double set of metal barred doors, moving into what seemed like a large kennel. The room was full of massive metal cages and the faint smell of wet dog. Jason tried to move but his arms and legs waggled uselessly. A buzz echoed through the room as an electronic lock system was activated. The doors to the cages clicked and opened and the prison staff deposited their prisoners inside.

Jason couldn't feel his body, but he could tell he was on a hard cement floor mostly from the temperature. He went limp, lying in a heap before the doors were shut again. Jason writhed about, trying to get a grasp on what was going on. They couldn't treat prisoners like this, it was unethical, it was inhuman... it was another sad realization that the world just didn't work the way it was supposed to. Jason felt dizzier and dizzier, feeling as though he was rapidly approaching

As his head lolled around, Jason saw something unexpected. His cage had another occupant... Huge, brown and black and white and furry. Soulful brown eyes gazed down at Jason from behind a drool soaked muzzle, the Saint Bernard panting, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as his black nose pulsed with each breath. Jason looked confused, his face screwing up into a most unusual expression.

"Don't worry boys, you've got some company to keep you warm..." One of the guards smirked. Michael was on the verge of passing out, though he looked into the eyes of the big Doberman in his cell with curiosity before he went out cold. Jason was barely able to manage to look at his friend before his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his eyes slipped shut and he passed out cold. The room filled with the buzz of the locking doors once more as the prison staff got ready for the next phase.


A dull ache spread through Jason's body as he started to wake back up, shifting gently. It was the only moment to brace himself. Something spilled into a metal bowl by his head, ringing and echoing as if he had a hangover. His eyes snapped open and he flinched away from the noise, groaning. It took him a few moments to remember what had happened, that he'd been drugged and put in a cage with a dog.

The prisoner looked around his confines and saw that the source of the noise was a metal dog dish now full of kibble, next to two others. One held water and the other held soft dog food sitting in brown gravy, glistening with moisture and the scent of meat. Jason looked over and saw Michael, still passed out, the Doberman lying on top of him. Jason slowly turned, looking at the Saint Bernard that shared his cell.

The dog panted happily that its cell mate was awake, moving forward to lick his face. Jason coughed and sputtered as the dog got its tongue in his mouth. Jason tried to pull back, but the dog was friendly... too friendly. It even started to straddle him, moving to hump his leg. As Jason felt the heavy dog slam into his hip, he soon felt something hot and wet against his frail uniform.

"Get off me!" Jason grunted, shoving back, but this only seemed to encourage the giant dog. Jason grabbed onto the cell bars and thought about kicking the dog, but if he injured the animal and was stuck in a cage with him, that could get bad very quickly. Jason tried to turn around, managing to put his ass and legs to the sides of the cage. The Saint Bernard soon lost interest and crawled over Jason to get at the dry kibble, munching it, getting bits in his whiskers.

Jason looked at the dog eating and shook his head in dismay. He still couldn't believe that they were getting treated so poorly. He didn't understand how the prison thought they could get away with it. Even if his sentence was twenty five years, it would eventually end. He would be released and the settlement for suing them would be enough to get him to retirement. The only question was staying alive that long.

"Hey Warden, where's my food?" Jason called out. One of the guards moved over, looking down at the captive between the Saint Bernard's legs, chuckling to himself.

"It's right over there, looks like Butch has left you some." The guard said.

"You're kidding..." Jason murmured. The guard shook his head.

"Dog food for the dogs, seems right to me." The guard said before he moved off, whistling to himself. Jason looked over at the Saint Bernard and the Saint Bernard looked back, his face covered with dust from the kibble. He panted a few times before he moved to drink up the water, slobbering all over the place. Jason slowly sunk down onto the cage floor, feeling even more defeated.


There was nothing quite like deprivation and dog food to make someone miss prison food. They had joked about the prison food being dog food before, but it wasn't truly that bad. Nothing had been as bad as Cell Block K-9. Two and a half days had gone by since Jason had arrived and still he hadn't eaten. His muscles were weak and his stomach had given up growling. He was dehydrated, emaciated, wasting away. It wasn't just bad treatment, it was internment camp quality stuff... but Jason knew that was in small part due to his own resistance. He couldn't hold off any longer.

The wet dog food had been topped off by a machine three times, plopping so much food into the bowl that it was threatening to overflow. For some reason Butch had only wanted the dry kibble, but that left more for Jason. Jason moved over to the bowl and looked at it carefully, considering one more time if he was really going to eat it. The meat was soaked in gravy, flaked into thin pieces, vaguely shaped like the tube it came out of until it sat in the bowl a while and spread out.

Jason took several moments to think about it before he gave up. He had to eat. He reached out for the bowl, his fingers stretching. As he moved, Butch slowly rose up to all fours, turning to face the prisoner. Jason dug his fingers in, scooping up a hand full. He brought it to his mouth and bit in, finding the taste not too bad, but not human either. It was meat and corn mixed together, it was sweet and savory at the same time, just an odd taste... but it was food that was going to keep him alive.

Butch watched the human eat before his eyes drifted to Jason's backside. It was so plump, so round, so ready. The dog shuddered as his canine phallus pushed out of his sheath, dripping and hot and pink. The dog licked his lips before he lunged. Jason had no time to prepare as the dog mounted him. The weight came down on his flank like a ton of bricks, but most shockingly of all, the cloth proved no help. The fabric tore and Butch went to town.

Jason clenched down to prevent the intrusion but that only caused it to hurt more. He let out a scream as he was penetrated, Butch thrusting in all the way before he pulled back and started to thrust again. Jason didn't care about injuries anymore. He wasn't going to stand for this. He elbowed the dog, he kicked at it, he tried to throw him off, but Butch had his mind only on one thing. He thrust in and out like a power house, reaming Jason.

"HELP!" Jason coughed and sputtered out, grunting and groaning. He tried to roll over, to make it less pleasurable, but Butch crouched down, pinning him in place. Jason struggled more, but Butch only seemed to slow down. It was almost as if the dog was taking his time, trying to enjoy the experience. Jason shuddered more, his breath ragged, his eyes glistening before a tear ran down his cheek. He could feel just how big the dog was, how long and thick his shaft was, even the pointed tip worming around inside him.

Had he been born to suffer? Was his life one long purgatory? It was impossible to see the good in it when he couldn't even get the dog to stop raping him.. Jason kept trying to fight but Butch took his time. Jason whimpered and scratched at the bars to his cage before he grabbed onto them, his eyes squeezing shut. The base of Butch's cock was swelling, forming into a knot, trapping Jason on him.

The dog started to pant as he reached orgasm, thick jets of hot, thick dog cum pumping into Jason. Jason cried more, the tears rolling down his cheeks freely as he was made the dog's bitch, mated and mounted with no recourse. He gazed out of his cell in absolute disgrace, sadness and despair. He didn't feel there was any less humanity to lose as he sat there on all fours, a dog locked into his ass.

Seconds passed, then minutes. Jason didn't know how long it took, but eventually Butch's knot softened. The dog pulled out of Jason and started climbing over him. Jason ducked down and backed up to the rear of the cage, trying to get away, but Butch turned to face him. Jason looked down and saw the heavy, thick, hot, hard, cum soaked shaft between his legs. It was as if Butch was showing off. Jason only cried more, disgusted and afraid. He huddled down into the corner of the cage, trying to hide away from Butch and the world.


Jason awoke in a seat, panting, panicked. He looked around in terror, hearing the wet sloppy sounds of a dog mating... but it wasn't him. Butch was asleep, Jason had been too. Jason looked around before he saw movement across the way... Michael's cell. Jason's muscles tightened as he realized the same thing was happening to his friend, to his huge, muscled friend.

So weakened by hunger, Michael had given in too, only to be mounted by the Doberman in his cell. Michael thrashed and tried to attack the dog, but he was too weak and collapsed onto the cage floor. Jason trembled softly, shocked that the same thing was happening to Michael. It was almost as if it was planned, like they knew the prisoners would become too weak to resist and the dogs would take that specific moment to try.

It was all too much, too much for Jason to stand. He closed his eyes and squeezed tighter into the corner of his cage, trying to shut out the sounds, not to think about it. Hell had a name and it was Cell Block K-9 as far as Jason was concerned... but if anything was clear now, it was that Michael wouldn't be able to save him and he wouldn't be able to save Michael. They were both victims of inhumane treatment - and there was no end in sight.


A cool, mid November wind blew across the courtyard, the green grass blowing around. After a week and a half, the prisoners of K-9 had been released into the courtyard for "R&R" time. It didn't seem to be restful or relaxing to Jason. He'd moved over to the far wall of the complex and put his back to it, sitting down, hugging his legs. There were twenty four prisoners in all and twenty four dogs. They had all been released at the same time.

Some of the prisoners, like Jason, had moved to huddle up in some spot or other. Others moved around the courtyard, walking and stretching. Some were so hungry that they pulled grass out of the ground and ate it, trying to fill up on anything that wasn't dog food. What shocked Jason the most was that the dogs seemed to stick near the humans they shared cages with. Butch sat near by, rolling around on the grass, kicking his legs up into the air.

"Get away from me you mangy mutt..." Michael growled at his Doberman, staggering along. The Doberman ignored Michael and kept within ten feet. Michael reached the wall and collapsed down next to Jason, turning to glare at the dog. Michael shook his head, "I don't get how they can do this... like no one's gonna find a way to get word out." Michael said. Jason nodded.

"I know, this many people... One of us has to have family or someone that cares..." Jason said softly. Michael hesitated.

"Do you?" Michael asked. Jason looked down at the ground before he shook his head sadly.

"No, not me... not anymore." He admitted. Michael sighed.

"Me either..." He replied. Jason waited a moment before bringing up something he wanted to mention.

"Sorry about a couple nights ago..." Jason said. Michael tensed up.

"You saw?" he whispered.

"It happened to me too..." Jason said.

"You too? Your dirty dog?" Michael asked. Jason nodded.

"When I ate..." Jason said.

"Me too..." Came a meek voice from down the row. Michael and Jason turned, spotting a small Mexican man with a thick goatee and a husky near by.

"What the hell is going on here? What are they trying to do?" Jason asked, looking over at the guards and the doctor in a white lab coat that stood with them. Whatever it was, it wasn't good.


As more days ticked by, Jason had started to get used to the unspoken schedule. Feeding time came just before dawn. The guards moved through the area six times a day. If they were given time in the yard it came at ten and lasted until noon... and then the rest of the day was a lot of waiting, of sleeping, of trying to survive and cling on to whatever humanity was left, though Jason was left with fleeting scraps of his dignity.

One of the largest problems had proven to be relieving one's self. Jason had tried to limit himself to peeing in the yard, having some semblance of human control, but that wasn't always possible. His bladder ached and he could tell that he wasn't going to last any longer. He had to find an alternative. He moved over to the side of the cage and maneuvered around, trying to pull down his zipper.

The zipper caught and tugged in places. It was a terrible orange waste of fabric. The hole in the back of his jumpsuit remained, stained with dog cum. Jason managed to get the zipper down enough to relieve himself and he reached in to aim his dick, but as his fingers reached the protrusion from his groin, they didn't find what they were looking for... they found something else.

Jason slowly looked down, too afraid to look but forcing himself too. His fingers had wrapped around a thick, furry white sheath... a tube of flesh around his cock, anchored to his groin. It was soft and velvety, hot and thick... and nestled in a bed of fur. His bush had turned white and soft, his balls had covered over... It was all fur, dog fur and a dog sheath.

"No!!!!" Jason shrieked and backed up, whimpering in shock. He watched in horror as his sheath flopped around, still attached to him. If anything, the wiggling stimulated him and his pink, human, mushroom headed cock began pushing out, glistening wet from the sheath. Jason trembled and whimpered, closing his eyes... but his bladder felt the cool air of the outside world and knew it was time to release.

A long, hot arch of golden piss came out, spraying through the bars to splatter on the floor outside his cage. Jason grunted in dismay, feeling the pulsing heat of his urine before his bladder was empty and his cock retracted into its new home. Jason kept his eyes shut for a long moment, but when he opened them again it was still there. He had been altered, changed, mutated... and slowly the purpose of the cell block came into focus.

Jason felt like an idiot. Cell Block K-9, the dogs, the food. It all made sense. It was the purpose of the place. They were trying to turn them into dogs... Jason thought back to everything that happened, to the injection, to the dog food, to being mated by the conveniently placed dogs. The change could have come from anywhere. Jason knew there was no way to fight the injection, but he could resist the other two sources. Every time he ate, Butch tried to rape him... so he wouldn't eat. No tainted food, no tainted dog. It was the only way. Jason just hoped he had it in himself to starve to death. He couldn't let himself down again.


Cell Block K-9 had become a symphony of growling stomachs and moaning prisoners. It seemed most of the prisoners had the same ideas as Jason as they discovered their changes. Some had claws, others tails, most had sheaths. They all tried not to eat and they all found their bodies irresistibly hungry. Unlike before, they just didn't shut off. They all lost their body fat and they were starting to digest their muscles for lack of nutrition. It was painful, it was intolerable, and Jason couldn't last any longer. He gazed at the bowl of slop before him, his mouth so dry that it was cracking. He looked at Butch, sleeping away, wondering if he could just sneak a quick meal, maybe the dog wouldn't notice. He had to be the cause anyway, the food wouldn't hurt.

Jason quietly moved over to the bowl, feeling the aching hunger in his body. He couldn't even wait to use his hands. The prisoner bent down and stuck his face into the food, getting the gravy all over his lips and nose as he took huge bites, munching on the meaty slop before he swallowed. His throat choked the food down before delivering it to an over-empty stomach.

While Jason had expected the food to feel like lead bricks, it just felt right instead. The pain ebbed from his body and his rumbling shrank away... but his hunger remained. Jason was starving, completely. He bit and sucked and the food, licking at the bowl, drinking the gravy, grunting and moaning in need. He barely breathed, so focused on eating... and his messy, sloppy sounds were enough to wake Butch up.

The Saint Bernard panted happily, his tail wagging as he rose up to his feet and lunged. Jason shook as the dog mounted him, but he didn't stop eating. Eating was too good. Butch started to fuck him, mounting in and out, sliding deep and hard. Jason just kept eating, gulping at the food until it was gone. Then Jason rubbed his face around the bowl, licking every drop, panting deeply.

As Jason lifted his head up, his face started to tingle and change. Stubble pushed out across his cheeks and his nose started to darken. His nostrils widened, the nose thickening to gain a rubbery tip as it upturned, flattening out and turning black. The nose continued to shift, the upper lips splitting and rounding out to take on a more canine look. Jason groaned at the feeling of changing and of being fucked, groaning even louder as his teeth throbbed, stretching out into sharp stake like fangs.

Jason groaned, feeling tiny pinpricks in his cheeks as thick whiskers began growing out. Then his jaw ached and began to stretch, his nose moving with it, forming the start of a muzzle. The sensation soon swept to his ears, ears that were growing into points, his dark brown hair growing over the back of them. Jason groaned as Butch fucked him harder, getting even more into it.

Before long, the stubble covering Jason's cheeks bleached out white and grew thicker into soft fur, surrounding his wet, black nose. Jason's brown hair, though, started to soften into fur, growing down around his eyes in two big brown circles. Jason continued to grunt and shift, his face pushing out into a full canine muzzle, the fur closing around his entire head and spreading down his body.

Fluffy white fur grew out of his chest, brown fur covered his back, his arms getting a thick shag. The white fur grew down across his stomach and connected to his plump white sheath, the brown fur moving down his legs as well. It seemed a remarkably quick process once it got started, thousands of tiny soft hairs pushing out of his skin, growing together as if it had always been there.

Jason whimpered and moaned, though his sounds were shifting to the whines of a dog. He could feel his finger and toe tips swelling along with parts of his palms and his feet. As the flesh ballooned out into paw pads, fur grew in between them, revealing the plump pink balloons as the only flesh left exposed. Jason groaned louder, feeling his uniform grow tight as his fur coat came in. There was just so much for that the uniform couldn't contain it.

A soft tearing sound came from his shoulders, then his back. The orange scrap fabric sloughed off, falling to the ground, revealing a furry dog man naked in his cage. It was traumatizing enough for Jason, but then he felt the last change trigger - his tail. It started with an ache in his backside, then almost a feeling like he was pooping above his butt... The bone pushed out, wrapped in flesh, hitting Butch and then curving up between their bodies as fur grew out and muscle grew in. The tail started to wiggle and shift, becoming full grown in a matter of seconds.

It seemed that Jason's body was completing its transformation, though a few last details remained. He felt an odd quivering as his ass cheeks pushed apart to reveal his pucker more fully, scent glands forming around his anus... and then his hot, doggie sheath began to drool precum as his human cock emerged, pulsating with warmth and vitality before it began to change, turning a brighter red as it grew longer and thicker, the head warping from a mushroom shape before tapering into a point. Veins bulged, the cock fattened up and turned fully canine... but without Jason's enjoyment of the mounting to sustain him, the cock slowly pulled back into its protective cover, hidden from sight.

With his body settling into its new form, his malnutrition started to reverse. His arms filled out with muscle, his chest and stomach thickened, then his legs. His knees shifted a bit, making it easier to be on all fours, though he still was human shaped... despite having the fur coat of a dog. Behind Jason, Butch felt like a king, mounting his furry lover. He lifted his head and let out a howl as he came, filling Jason with yet another load.

With his work done, Butch pulled off of Jason and moved to lay down, leaving Jason to look at his body... His furry, dog body. He sat down slowly and began to run his hands, or his paws, over his chest. His fingernails had even turned into black claws. It was amazing, strange, perplexing... and exactly what his captors had wanted no doubt. Jason's only remaining question was what would happen next.


Jason growled a bit in his sleep, kicking his legs before his eyes snapped open. His whiskers twitched, his nose pulsed as he sniffed the air. He let out a soft sigh and slumped against the floor of his cage again. He was still in cell block K-9. Nothing had changed except that the guards had hung up wreaths and ribbons and put up tiny plastic Christmas trees around their parts of the building. It was December... possibly even late December. Jason looked around a bit before he heard a click and then a hum before a slot opened and the dog food began spilling out - kibble for butch, wet food for Jason.

In the days after his transformation, Jason had given up resisting food. He'd been transformed, they had their way. What difference did it make now? Jason got up and moved over, bringing his muzzle down. He licked and slurped at the food, starting to chow down. As it always did, the sound of eating managed to rouse Butch and the saint Bernard slowly rose to his feet, panting as he moved over, stuffing his nose up under Jason's tail, taking in his scent.

Jason kept eating, squirming a bit. In a strange way, it seemed more normal to be mounted by his cell mate than to be sniffed by him, but that would come soon after. It took almost no time at all for Butch to get hard before he mounted Jason, moving to fuck him nice and slow, in and out. Jason kept eating, digging his claws into the cement as much as possible to keep upright, his body pushed forward and back.

It seemed an odd sight to have one dog eating away while the other fucked him, or it would have if it wasn't so common. As Jason ate, he watched Michael get the same treatment. Michael's body had shifted similar to Jason's, taking on the muscled, sleek physique of a Doberman. The only part that didn't seem to fit fully was that his head was larger than the breed's usually was, retaining room for his human brain.

Jason watched his friend mounted just as he was, his dog ears able to hear many more of the dogs being mounted around the room. It filled Jason with shame to admit, but he no longer felt the pain or even the deep seeded humiliation of being mated. It felt good, good enough that his cock was drooling his thin human precum steadily as he was fucked, but not so good that his cock emerged from its sheath. Jason just kept eating, being mated, trying to get used to what his life had become...

He was glad to be awake and away from the nightmare he had been having. He had been with his so called friends, after he got out of jail. No sooner had they gotten back to the streets than they were tricking him into another crime, ruining his life again. Jason knew the waking world was better. At least he knew where Butch stood - right behind him with a drooling cock. He was predictable, steady, regular. Nothing was going to change... and that wasn't so bad, at least for the moment.


The time out in the yard had changed in many ways. The first change most noticed came in the form of snow, covering the grass in a few spots after mostly melting... but the fact that all of the prisoners had changed was not lost on the prison guards. There were all different breeds, though most of them medium to large. They had Saint Bernard, Bernise, Shiba Inu, Wolves, Doberman, Rottweiler's and many others... and they all seemed several degrees of happy.

Jason sat on his haunches, watching the others. Some were taking the time to move around the yard and relieve themselves, marking everything they could find with their more canine urine. Others were rolling around in the open spaces, and several had decided to hike up their tails, present their asses and get mounted properly. The sight of dogs fucking had almost become as normal as breathing, but some small shred of Jason's mind clung onto the fact that this wasn't normal, that they were still changing.

"Oh fuck, that's good... Yeah... fuck me..." Michael moaned, panting and drooling as his Doberman filled him from behind, grinding and mating like mad. Michael was humping the muddy ground, grinding his hard red cock into the dirt as he came closer and closer to the edge before he lifted his head and howled out. He loved it, he was remorseless, he was cumming and so was his mate.

Jason looked away from the exchange, glancing back to Butch who was just sleeping near by. It seemed whatever they had done to train the dogs, Butch was most interested when Jason was eating and was more of a normal dog the rest of the time. Jason wondered why that was, if he was less attractive than Michael. Then Jason slowly shuddered, wondering why he was even interested. Was he starting to like being mounted? He wasn't gay, he was just a victim. He was in prison and instead of dropping the soap he ate dog food... it was still the same in the end.

Jason tried to focus on something else, something to distract him, but nothing came to mind. He was stuck on an endless cycle of how things felt, what he desired, what he thought. He whimpered and lay down on the ground, putting his paws over his muzzle. He just wanted to go back to his cage and forget that the other dogs were out there. It was too much for him. As Jason cowered a bit, he felt something warm against his side, looking over as Butch laid down hip to hip with him.

"Thanks." Jason said softly, though he knew that Butch wouldn't understand. Butch just let out a long, wet yawn and went back to sleep. Jason yawned a bit himself, finding it contagious before he fell asleep. A nap would be good before they had to go back inside.


Jason's nap had been interrupted by the return to the cages where the two dogs had quickly resumed it; though as evening set in there was a familiar sound at an unfamiliar time. Jason opened his eyes as he saw their food bowls filled up for a second time that day. Jason was surprised, wondering if he'd lost track of time or if there had been a glitch or if they were all going to be getting more food. Maybe there was no need to keep them hungry and weak now that they were dogs... but whatever the cause, it didn't change the fact that there was more food.

At first Jason started to lie back down to go back to bed. He was used to the once a day feedings, getting his fill in the morning, but slowly one of his eyes opened and then the other followed suit. He wasn't hungry, but there was food and the opportunity to get mounted. For once Jason didn't think, he merely acted. He got up and started to gulp down the food, pretending to be hungry.

As always, the wet and sloppy sounds woke Butch up who rose to his paws and moved over, assuming the position. Jason panted and drooled into his food as he felt the hot, red cock pushing into his ass. Jason pushed back against it, Butch pushed in and both pulled apart. Butch was as slow and caring as always, almost sensitive, but Jason wanted it a bit harder. He thrashed more, panting as Butch hit his prostate and numerous other sensitive spots.

Sensing his partner was getting into it more, Butch fucked his bitch harder, slamming in and out more roughly. Before long Jason was only fooling himself that he was pretending to ear. Butch knew what Jason really wanted. Jason panted more, strings of meaty drool dribbling into his bowl as his wet nose sniffed at the musky air. It was spicy, meaty, rich and full of lust. He could smell Butch... and he could something else, building.

Jason groaned as his sheath began pushing apart, his own canine cock starting to emerge for the first time since his initial transformation. His pointed head popped out, followed by the long, faintly curved shaft. The dog cock bulged and swelled outward, growing veins and contours, his furry white balls dangling heavily. Jason moaned as his cock emerged for the first time, surprised and delighted and afraid all at the same time.

Butch kept going, unrelenting and unwilling to pause and Jason wouldn't have wanted that either. Despite his commitment to the sex, Jason was still eating, something he didn't have time to think was odd. He polished off his bowl, licked it clean and kept fucking, giving himself over to it completely - so much so that he didn't pick up the familiar tingling starting to spread through his body once more.

With each grind, each thrust, each swing of his hips, Jason was changing again. His neck started to shift, his ribs moved, his hips tilted, his elbows became more like knees and his spine tilted. The pre dribbling from his cock was getting thicker, turning into pure dog pre that drove Butch even wilder. The two went at it like dogs in heat because that was what they were... and Jason was never going to get his humanity back.

Jason's thought processes began to simplify, to become more instinctive than logical. Sex and food made him feel good so he wanted more of both and that was that. He panted, he growled and then he came. His cock shuddered before the last of his human spunk sprayed out, his sperm soon shifting to the thicker, hotter dog cum that had been marinating inside of his balls.

The blood rushed out of Jason's brain and headed right to his knot, the base of his cock swelling up. With the blood leaving his brain, his brain restructured and simplified, taking on the physiology and structure of a regular canine brain. The concept of time started to leak away from Jason, then his memories... and with his memories gone, his temperament began to improve. No longer did Jason remember his life as a series of unfortunate realizations, tragic consequences and unfair circumstances. His life was being mated by Butch, a dog that loved him very much. Jason panted heavily, continuing to cum as Butch joined in, filling his ass.

The two continued to cum as they finished up their mating, but they were not alone. The last treatment of the experimental drug had been well received across the rest of the prisoners, reducing them from their human form to pure canines... just as the generation before them had. A pair of eyes gazed out at all the dogs from his glasses before he flipped through the pages of the book before him.

The doctor opened to the tenth page, looking down at the files for the prisoner Butch Peters, a biker from Los Angeles that had been admitted to the facility after his crimes. A stamp had been worked over the file, indicating that Butch was serving out the remainder of his sentence in Cell Block K-9. Sitting next to his picture was Jason's picture, but the doctor brought a pen down to the paper and began to write notes that Jason had successfully made the transition and lasted through the 'probationary period' of the pilot program. So far the prison had no qualms with how the cell block got results, only that they did and did so cheaply.

"Guards, prepare the yard. They get an extra session tonight." The scientist grinned.


The heavy doors leading out to the yard rumbled as they opened up, releasing a mass of dogs out into the yard. A Dalmatian only made it a few feet before a Bernise slammed into him from behind, fucking him mercilessly. Other dogs were pairing off, sniffing each other's butts before licking at each other's sheaths, slurping at the cocks that soon emerged. Jason made it further with Butch in hot pursuit, though Michael was bounding along as well.

As other dogs started getting too close to Jason and Butch, Michael growled and bore his fangs. Jason moved over to give the Doberman a thankful slurp with his tongue, glad that the other dog was watching out for him. He had no way to remember that that had been their deal, but somehow Michael had held onto that bit himself.

From the wall above the yard, the guards watched the dogs go at it. It was a pure and utter mess. Dogs were sucking, licking, and mounting freely. Others were marking everything, a few threatened to fight each other over territory before they mated instead. It was chaos beneath a purple and orange sunset. The guards moved back and forth, though one emerged with a big thermos and plastic cups. He moved around, pouring each of them a hot chocolate.

"Happy New Year Phil." The guard said.

"Happy New Year Steve." The guard replied in thanks, accepting the cocoa. Steve moved along the wall, approaching another guard who was leaning over the guard rail a bit. Steve tilted his head.

"Deep thoughts before the new year Hank?" Steve asked. The guard glanced over at Steve before giving a sheepish grin.

"They seem so happy..." He admitted bashfully.

"Well, that was Doctor Anderson's hope... A cheap way to house prisoners without being inhumane. They're going to have happy lives..." Steve said.

"Do you think the board will go for it?" Hank asked.

"We'll find out in a few weeks... Until then, here's some cocoa to keep you warm." Steve smiled. Hank bowed his head in thanks for the very welcome drink.

"Happy New Year Steve." Hank smiled.


The flames crackled gentle in the fire place, sending a warm glow across the living room. Doctor Anderson's home was extraordinarily well decorated. The chairs were Victorian, the vases from the Ming dynasty. There were portraits of Anderson's ancestors on the wall, some wearing powdered wigs and the uniforms of the English back in the colonial times. It was a large home on a large estate and had ample room, more than enough for the two Saint Bernards cuddled up in an over sized doggie bed on the floor.

Doctor Anderson slid the cork out of the bottle of wine and poured it into two glasses, swirling it around a bit to let it breathe before he looked up at his guest. The director of the prison board was a man in his forties, a fair build and healthy though his life had been one of ambition and there was a bit of salt and pepper in his hair.

"On paper, your results are quite staggering. The drop in cost, the limited resources you require... It's very appealing, I must admit, but the board has some concerns about how you were able to pull it off. Some say it wouldn't be possible without inhumane treatment." The director said. Anderson smirked gently.

"Director, I assure you, our prisoners are more content than they have any right to be after what they've done..." Anderson smirked.

"I presume... this has to do with your previous career?" The director asked.

"I assume that was why you hired me." Anderson said. The director took a drink of the wine before he leaned back in the chair.

"Tell me everything... I need to know." The director said. Anderson nodded.

"The first step was to administer an injection that removed certain limiting proteins I their RNA, to make their bodies receptive to new instructions. With their bodies receptive, we began a program of diet supplements to adjust their mentality, to make them receptive to beings of the same gender."

"You made them gay?" The director asked in shock. Anderson grinned.

"Homosexuality is something that happens in prisons, director. You of all people should know that. Even formerly straight individuals may find their orientations shift when they have no other choice. It's the natural order of things, we just homogenized it." Anderson smirked.

"So... they are... gay and receptive, then what?" The director asked in half curiosity, half disgust.

"Well, having been placed with previous members of the program, they start receiving genetic samples... Biological input on a regular, predictable schedule." Anderson said.

"You mean the dogs, they.... And because of that..." The director murmured. Anderson grinned, nodding eagerly.

"You get it! In time the bodies of the prisoners start to adopt the genetic samples as their own. Most mirror the donor, though a few spontaneously mutate into other closely related breeds. The last step is to shift the body's foundation from the remaining human cells to the established canine cells, taking them from a hybrid to a full canine." Anderson said.

"Anderson, this is... profound, this is dark, this is... the work of god." The director said. Anderson shook his head.

"This is my work and you can see the results yourself." Anderson said, gesturing, "Butch and Jason, two of our best subjects." The doctor explained.

"Those two?" The director asked, standing up. Anderson said nothing, watching. Moments passed before Butch woke up. He looked around before seeing Jason still side by side with him in the doggie bed. He moved to lick and slurp at Jason's furry muzzle and then his neck, Jason waking up from the attention. The other dog turned, licking and slurping back, the two running tongues against one another before they started to turn around.

As the director watched, the two saint Bernard dogs gave each other a tongue bath, lovingly licking all over... before they came to each other's groins. Jason nuzzled and slurped at Butch's sheath before the cock emerged and Butch did the same. Soon both were gobbling up each other's canine members, sucking and licking them, working their muzzles back and forth.

The director had seen a few dogs mate before, but never gay ones and never so big or so graphic. He shifted a bit as his pants began to tent and he looked away, trying to say something else... but it was too profound, too vivid and he soon looked back unashamedly. He had to watch and soon he was even groping himself with the hand that wasn't holding his wine glass.

Doctor Anderson merely watched with glee, knowing that the same drug that had turned the prisoners gay had worked wonders on the director. He said nothing and set his glass back on the table, joining in on watching the dogs go at it. Anderson was impressed with how efficiently Butch got Jason to full erection... but then Butch decided it was time to do what he did best.

The larger Saint Bernard got out of his doggie bed and moved around, sniffing and licking as Jason's ass. Jason brought his tail up, feeling the tongue against his tight pucker before Butch moved forward. The larger dog hopped up and waddled forward before he thrust his cock inside, sliding it in and out, deeper and deeper. The two were shameless, fucking each other in the open. It was such a beautiful sight that Anderson started to laugh out loud.

The director turned to look at the doctor and ask why, but he soon moaned as his erection became irresistible. He blushed furiously but the doctor just smirked, moving over to take the wine from the director. He leaned in and kissed the man deeply, sucking on his lower lip before wrestling tongues. The director kept groping his hard rod, loving the kiss, but honestly gaining more satisfaction from watching the dogs go at it. After a few moments Anderson broke the kiss, following the director's gaze over to the two dogs before he smirked.

"If you like, I can arrange some private time for you..." Anderson offered. The director blushed furiously.

"No, I could never. These two are your dogs now..." The director said. Anderson shrugged.

"There are always more dogs in Cell Block K-9, and if you don't find what you want... well, just wait for someone to commit a crime and send them to me. I'll give you whatever you want." Anderson said. The director moaned at the thought and slowly started to unzip his pants as Anderson watched.

Over on the carpet, Butch fucked Jason like he always did, giving the bitch a ride for his life. In, out, in, out. It was hard and fast and yet sensitive and caring. He did everything he could to stimulate his lover until the house was filled with two dogs baying at the top of their lungs, howling in pleasure, pumping seed out of their cocks and all over the place. They were two beasts, happy in lust, loyal to each other and their master. It was everything that Anderson had hoped his experiments would bring, though he was focused on something else... his current experiment.

The director had been fumbling with his zipper, but he finally got it down, practically panting and drooling in his own lust. He'd never been so turned on in his life. As he got his fly open wide and reached in to open the fly of his boxers, he got a little confused as his fingers started grazing fur. The director looked down and brushed his fingers through the fly of his underwear before a thick, fat, black and white sheath slipped out. It was plump and thick and radiated a potent musk.

"Anderson, what... what is this? What's going on?" The director asked, looking up slowly. Anderson, however, had started to disrobe as well, dropping his pants. His blonde leg hair was thicker than usual, but around his groin it was so thick it was clearly gold fur. Anderson brought his hand down to start fondling his sheath, massaging it and stroking it before a pointed red tip emerged, then glistening dog shaft.

"I wanted to secure your loyalty to the project so I gave you a gift, the gift I enjoy... The best of both worlds you might say." Anderson grinned.

"You changed me? Yourself?" The director asked. Anderson only smiled wider.

"I gave us a gift. Dogs are such amazing creatures, they are profound and they are wonderful. This will be so much more fun for us!" Anderson said, walking over to the director. He reached down and started to massage the director's sheath. The man closed his eyes and murmured in awe, feeling the furry flesh slip around his cock, a cock that was hardening quickly and would never soften again.

Slowly the director's human cock emerged from the sheath, hard and dripping. Anderson's hand moved to wrap around it, stroking it up and down, massaging the sheath juices into the cock. The cock responded by stretching longer and thicker, the mushroom shaped head growing out into a point, the cock becoming a bit rougher and less human. With each stroke it grew more canine and the director panted in delight, his tongue soon hanging out of his mouth.

Anderson grinned wide at the director's joy before he knelt down before him and leaned in, licking at the cock, nuzzling it before he took it into his mouth. As Anderson started to suck him off, the director grabbed the blonde man's head and held him tightly to his groin, growling in dominance. Anderson gave in, sucking away eagerly. He knew in his mind that he was the alpha dog, but he still needed the Director to approve his experiments, to convince the others. This would surely benefit him.

The director panted harder and harder, fucking his dog cock in and out of Anderson's mouth and throat, feeling the pressure building in his balls already, but he wasn't the only one having a good time. Back at the doggie bed, Jason and Butch had not collapsed in their usual sexual exhaustion. After their orgasms they had watched the humans go at it and their mating had been interesting enough to keep the dogs hard.

Jason moved around behind Butch and butted his nose up under his tail, giving his partner a good sniff. He didn't remember being human anymore, but the power of smell he had still surprised him. He could ell so much, sense so much about Butch from his smell and the scent glands under his tail. Jason could even sense something interesting... Butch had been mounted before by another dog. The smell was incredibly faint, but it wasn't his.

Jason slowly bore his fangs, feeling possessive. Butch was his and he didn't want any other dog marking his territory. Butch was busy trying to sniff Jason's ass, to smell the cum he had left there, but Jason had territory to conquer. His doghood slipped free of his sheath and he lunged, mounting Butch for the first time. Butch's eyes went wide in surprise, but his tongue soon slipped free of his mouth as he began to pant.

The smaller Saint Bernard waggled up until he was properly hilted and then he began to thrust. At first the movements were unpracticed, random and wild, but soon Jason fell into a rhythm. Each thrust was made with more skill, focus and power. Jason began to grin as he went at it. Being the top dog was fun. His furry white balls swung around as he went at it, filling Butch deep.

Across the room, the director looked over to see the dogs going at it again and moaned, tipping his head back. He panted, gazing at the ceiling slack jawed, feeling Anderson's throat massaging his cock, quivering around it. The director pulled back and thrust in one more time into the love hole, his fingers pulsing and tightening with his glee before he shuddered.

The director's balls tugged up, his dog shaft pulsed and he began spraying his human seed deep into Anderson's throat. Anderson gulped it down, though it was a bit slicker and more human than he was accustomed to. After years of experimenting he was quite used to dog cum, even from his favorite guards... but that would come in time. The director would make a fine canvas to work on.

Anderson sucked the director dry before he slipped off of the cock and stood up. The director stumbled back and fell into the chair, panting. Anderson merely smiled and moved over, straddling the director's lap before he sat down and hugged the man. The director had never felt so powerful, so in control, so wonderful. He had no way of knowing that Anderson was manipulating him. He merely felt duty bound to do whatever Anderson wanted, to protect him and keep him safe, to let him do his experiments. Anderson smiled to himself, nuzzling the director's neck.

Butch was panting and drooling freely by the doggie bed, his legs wobbling, his body shifting. His large, dominant frame had been reduced to a quivering, needy bitch as Jason looked so powerful, ravaging his partner's ass from behind. Jason's tail swung around freely, his cock fat and thick even before his knot started to form, but as it did, Jason's eyes went wide.

The base of Jason's cock began to expand like a tennis ball split into two halves. The semi-spheres pressed out, wedging in Butch's ass tight. Jason tried to keep thrusting, but his cock wouldn't budge in or out. The immobility proved frustrating and Jason changed his tactic, choosing to grind instead. His cock probed Butch's prostate and his other sensitive spots, making the Saint Bernard howl out and let loose his second load of cum.

As the bitch beneath him came, Jason felt the ass quiver around his rod, adding that last bit of sensation to bring him over the edge. The newly dominant Saint Bernard howled as his cock was massaged and then came, shooting his thick yellow dog spunk into his partner. For the first time in his life, Jason felt as if he was in control of his fate. He was the top dog, the alpha, the manly one that mated the bitch. He panted in delight, feeling so good that he even came a bit more.

Butch collapsed into their shared bed, a weak heap of content dog. Jason was still latched inside him, unable to remove himself even if he wanted to. The dogs lay in a pile, panting and recovering, fighting off sleep so they could enjoy the afterglow. Both dogs looked up over at their human companions, locked in a similar heap over by the dining room table. Somehow it seemed that the world had symmetry once more thanks to Cell Block K-9.

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