Agent Epsilon

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by

Commissioned by Peable

When a Bistro manager and employee head out for drinks, a mysterious group kidnaps them to try out a mutagen. The outcome is beyond anyone's expectations.

Agent Epsilon Commissioned by Peable Written by Leo_Todrius

There was a silent chill in the air, all sound muffled by the gently falling snow. The city had tried to fight against the onslaught with salt and plows and snow shovels, but as the weekend approached they had decided to give into the winter weather. As the sidewalks disappeared beneath the icy coating and a colder wind blew in from the north, there was only one place in town that was truly warm - The Brick Oven Bistro.

While evening darkness spread over the rest of the city, the Brick Oven Bistro radiated warm light from its windows, everyone inside soaking in the heat. The Bistro had originally been French but it had expanded over the years under new management. Now the shop was renowned for cooking its own bread, muffins, cookies and biscuits to go along with the wide supply of coffee and tea they offered.

The bistro lived up to its name, built out of ancient red brick. A web of warm off-white Christmas lights covered the ceiling, giving the place an atmosphere that most enjoyed, but they also seemed to enjoy that the brick oven the bistro was named for was right in the open, just on the other side of the serving partition. It was an amazing place, but what people usually came for was the show.

A young man moved around behind the counter with impressive speed, grinding coffee beans, brewing them and serving them up before adding frothed milk, chai, mocha or a dozen other ingredients. He was a man on fire... most literally. Fyr was one of the world's few hell hounds, a very rare sight indeed. He stood little more than five foot seven, his body lithe and healthy. He had a swimmer's build despite despising water, but his fur coat conveyed his true nature.

While many breeds of dogs had a white underbelly, Fyr's was the darkest part of him. Charcoal black fur covered most of his head, running all the way down his throat, chest, stomach and thighs before trailing off. The only white fur on his body surrounded his nose and mouth and acted as a divider between the black fur on his chest and thighs and the gray fur that covered his upper arms and legs. The most unusual color in Fyr's fur was the brick red that covered the sides of his neck, his arms from the elbows down, his legs from the knees down and his thick, long, almost kangaroo like tail.

Fyr moved around from customer to customer, handing out the coffee, his wet black nose sniffing the air to ensure that their order matched up with their scent. He smiled as he gave them their orders, his crimson red eyes sparkling with an odd sense of innocence for someone with his background. He was quite adorable for looking faintly dangerous looking. Fyr had a narrow, dignified muzzle like a black lab, his ears sticking up like a Doberman on either side of his head... but he also had a thick Mohawk of red hair that ran between two thick, gray, ridged ram like horns.

"Come on Fyr, can you do your trick for us? One more time? Please?" One of the customers asked, a fifteen year old fox sipping on an Oolong tea. Fyr flashed the kid a slight grin.

"You know the drill; the trick comes at a price." Fyr said. The kid nodded, reaching into his pocket to pull out a dollar before he tossed it into the tip jar. Fyr gave a nod before he moved over to the brick oven. He pulled out the next batch of cupcakes to bake and slid them in, but as he did he brought up his thick, long red tail. The fire inside the oven began to sizzle and dance before it shot out, circling around Fyr, building into a ball of fire that floated just above the end of the tail for a moment before it shot back into the oven to quick bake the cupcakes.

Those gathered in the bistro clapped and cheered before ordering another round of drinks, watching the barista move around. They were all impressed with his skills, but one particular point of note was the skimpy red Speedo that he wore while at work. It contoured to his body perfectly, showing the slight curve of his hips, his ass cheeks, but as far as his groin went it left no space to the imagination. It seemed as though he had no package to speak of. It baffled the customers, though a few knew the truth.

The soft sound of paw steps came as a large figure moved down the stairs leading to the upper floor office. A few glanced over, spotting the Bistro's six foot tall manager. Peable was an English Bull Terrier, his fur a pristine white with the exception of one black patch around his right eye. His black nose was thick and he had shaggy black hair that any emo boy would lust after. One black ear and one white ear perked forward as he focused on the customers and how happy they were. The one shock of color on his person was the green handkerchief tied around his right shoulder. Even his cargo shorts were black, though his deep purple eyes gazed at the many customers as his tail swayed around behind him with a sense of contentment. Fyr glanced up, spotting Peable, realizing the time had gotten away from him again.

"Is it time?" Fyr asked, moving to collect the empty coffee cups. Peable gave a nod.

"Thank you everyone for your patronage today, I hope you enjoyed the Bistro, but its Six O'clock and time to close." Peable said with a smile.

"Have a good night Fyr, stay warm." One of the customers said with a smile, heading for the door. The others filtered out bit by bit with their usual pleasantries before the bistro was empty. Fyr drew the fire out of the brick oven so it was cool once more, ready for the next day. Peable moved to lock up, turning the closed sign around before heading to check the till.

"Looks like you did quite well today." Peable said.

"Well the cold weather brings them in; I just try to keep them happy once they get here." Fyr smiled.

"Well you succeed; business is a lot better with you here. I think that deserves a reward. You want to go to the pub? First two rounds are on me." Peable offered. Fyr's eyebrows rose up in surprise. There was no history of camaraderie between him and his manager, no flirtations or anything. It had simply been an employer/employee relationship before... but it was hard to say no to free drinks.

"I'm in! Just let me get my coat." Fyr grinned. Peable nodded at that, moving to take the till to the office and lock it up in the safe.

"Don't forget your tips." Peable added as he moved back up the steps. Fyr spun around on one paw, all but dancing back to scoop up the bills and coins in his tip jar. It was going to be a fun night.


The cool evening had given way to an even colder night, though it seemed Fyr was somewhat immune to the cold. Peable walked with Fyr along the sidewalk on their way to the pub. Peable had donned a green scarf and a black leather jacket while Fyr had left the bistro with a thick, almost fluffy red coat, hanging just past his Speedo so it didn't appear that he had any pants on. His tail swung around behind him, the fire broiling just past the tip, melting the snow that they walked past, leaving a trail of dried out sidewalk before the snow slowly started to reclaim it again.

"So are we going to do anything special for the holidays? Any costumes or anything?" Fyr asked excitedly.

"Well, what did you have in mind? Dressing up a hell hound as an angel for Christmas?" Peable asked. Fyr laughed at that.

"I bet the customers would love it... But yeah, stuff like that." Fyr said, listening to every word Peable uttered. He had been a bit intimidated by the Terrier at first but Peable just was dedicated to the business, focused on making ends meet. He was a pretty solid guy when it all came down to it.

"Well if you are up to the workload, we could do a really festive holiday menu... Special frostings, pumpkin spice, nogs, Christmas cookies, the whole thing. Plus it's easy to put up extra decorations around, make people feel that... that..." Peable trailed off, pausing. He sniffed the air, his black nostrils going wide. There was something different in the air, something unusual.

"Feel what?" Fyr asked, looking at Peable with admiration. It took him a moment to realize something had spooked his manager. He turned around to look at the alley way they had started to cut through, but then his ears perked. He could hear something, something like muffled radio chatter. Fyr moved closer to Peable before he saw the movement. Men in yellow rubber hazmat suits stepped out, raising weapons.

Peable bore his fangs, growling loudly. The weapons the men held went off with surprisingly little noise. Peable pushed Fyr out of the way with a big paw, though he grunted as several darts hit him in the chest, emptying tranquilizer into him. Fyr landed roughly, skidding on the cement. He yelped in pain before he sprung back up to his feet, turning around. His tail shot out like a whip before unleashing a steady torrent of fire. The attacking men screamed and dove out of the way.

"Take that you bastards!" Fyr said before looking at Peable for approval. Peable, though, was too far gone. He fell forward onto his knees before crumpling onto the ground. Fyr gasped in fear, moving over to help him. It was that moment of compassion that cost him. Fyr felt several sharp jabs in his shoulder. He turned his head and looked at the little needle cartridges before everything got blurry all at once.

Fyr wobbled and groaned before he collapsed against Peable's side, passing out cold. Even the flame at the tip of his tail flickered before it fizzled out of existence. The snow that had been kept at bay by the hell hound's hot aura began to come down around them once more, settling on the cement. The hazmat suited men began to advance, carrying cuffs and chains.

"Put them in the back of the van..." One of them said, yellow eyes peering out from behind the tinted face visor of the muzzle shaped hazmat mask.


Peable groaned gently as he felt his consciousness returning to him. He felt heavy, his head was throbbing and his muscles were stiff. It had to be the remnants of the drug still in his system. Peable shifted a little before he felt metal cuffs digging into his arms. Peable's purple eyes snapped open as he looked around, trying to take stock of where he was... and where he was baffled him.

The bull terrier was standing in a glass cell, his arms held out to his sides and restrained against the wall. Metal cuffs held his wrists in place, plastic tubing running in and out of the cuffs on both sides. Peable looked down. He'd been stripped of all of his clothing except the green handkerchief on his arm. Without his clothes on, it was clear to see that Peable's groin was furless, leaving his balls and sheath exposed in their pink fleshy glory for all to see.

Peable lifted his head and looked through the glass, realizing Fyr had been restrained across from him in an identical cell. The hellhound was still unconscious, suspended from the wall in his naked glory. Peable took a soft breath, his eyes slipping down to look at Fyr's groin, his suspicions proven true. Peable had started to wonder when he heard the stories on how the hell hounds had not had a smooth transition to the mortal plains, even more concerns when he found the toilet seat down every time Fyr used it, but now Peable knew for sure.

Where most boys would have a nice fat sheath protecting their manhoods, Fyr had nothing... His groin was smooth, sloping downwards. There was little hint of anything except a slight gap between his legs where a few dewy drops of moisture clung to the black fur. Fyr was a cunt boy, a male in every way but anatomically. He had the hormones and the personality of a boy, but he had the plumbing of a woman. Peable had to admit; that fact intrigued him in a platonic, scientific sort of way... but now wasn't the time to contemplate his employee's anatomy.

Peable started looking around again, trying to figure out what was going on. To his left he could see a vast network of tubes and tanks outside his cell, all of the tanks labeled with the Greek letter Epsilon. To his right there was empty floor space and a two way mirror. No doubt the ones that had captured them were behind, watching. Peable bore his fangs and snarled, trying to break free from his cuffs, thrashing and banging, kicking the glass ahead of him with his feet.

The sudden resounding bang caused Fyr to snort and wake up, his yellow eyes snapping open. He looked around before he moaned, lowering his head. His brain hurt, but he shook it off before he tried to move again, realizing he was trapped. He looked over and saw Peable across the way, trying to break free, restrained and locked up. Fyr felt his heart fill with terror. It wasn't a dream. They had been kidnapped, they were in cells, they were trapped... but Fyr had one hope. He closed his eyes and started to summon his powers.

"I wouldn't... if I were you, hell hound." A voice came over speakers, "Oxygen is a rather unique element. Fires can feed from it, use it all up... sometimes explosively."

"You wouldn't let us blow up; you need us for... whatever this is!" Fyr shot back. His comment was met with a laugh.

"We can always get more test subjects. The question is if you want to die a simple, senseless death or if you want to be part of something greater? Thankfully, we've made the decision for you." The voice said before the speaker clicked off.

"Peable?" Fyr asked, looking through the cage. Peable could see Fyr's lips moving but he shrugged, unable to make it out. Fyr gave a gentle nod, realizing it was sound proof. He mouthed the words 'are you okay?' to Peable and Peable shrugged again, tilting his head to his restraints. Fyr gave him a gentle smile. Even in captivity, his boss had a dry sense of humor.

"Beginning test. Administering Agent Epsilon to subject alpha." The voice said over the speakers. Peable looked around before he noticed a bright purple liquid starting to pump through the tubes from all of the drums, looping around before it moved into the cell and up through his cuffs. Peable's eyes dilated as the chemical agent hit his blood stream, a tingling spreading through him.

Peable's fists balled up as he clenched and tightened, his eyes squeezing shut. He hunched forward and trembled, his muscles pulsing. Fyr watched in shock and fear as Peable writhed around. It was worse, not being able to hear him. Somehow the silence was even more terrifying. Peable pulled at the restraints, trying to break them, cringing before he suddenly lifted his head up, his purple eyes glowing brightly.

As Peable's muzzle parted, thick sticky saliva stuck between his fangs as they grew longer, his tongue growing out of his mouth, slipping down the side. Even his tongue was purple, stretching to a point as it dangled. His saliva slipped out messily and without sign of end, soaking his fur and dripping from his chin... but that was only the first change. With each pump of his heart, the chemical was pushed through his body, reaching more and more.

Peable's arms began to bulge, the biceps and triceps thickening, then the forearms. His shoulders even widened, his neck thickening as the muscles beneath his stomach fur became perfectly tight. Peable panted a bit more, grunting, his hands opening back up before they ached and throbbed. With his hand spread wide, the fingers started to stretch outward, his claws growing longer and longer and longer. Before long his hands were almost comically large, spread wider and longer and sharper in every way.

The chemical seemed to be making Peable top heavy, widening his torso, stretching him taller, giving him gorilla like arms... but soon it spread downward, coursing through every organ and muscle group. His thighs thickened, his knees swelled, his legs elongated and his paws began to stretch outward. A loud click came, then another and another. The restraints Peable had been placed in were on a track that grew taller with Peable, keeping him restrained even as he grew.

Fyr watched in horror as his manager was changed beyond everything he had ever imagined. Peable grew to six and a half feet tall, then seven, then almost eight. He put on pounds and pounds of muscle, his body becoming unrecognizable. His foot paws stretched out wider, the claws curving and arching almost like raptor feet as the dog grew. He hunched forward a bit more, his whole upper body rising and falling as he breathed. He looked more like a beast, more like a feral version of himself but he was still an anthro, still a hybrid... just barely.

The changes had been quick and intense, but just when Fyr though they were over, Peable started to write and thrash again. The pointed tip of his canine member began pushing out of his sheath, but his sheath was swelling wider filling like a water balloon. The cock emerging had started to change color, taking on an almost purple hue before the thick head popped free, stretching and warping before Fyr's eyes. The point became more pronounced, the urethra swelled and the shaft stretched out longer and longer. As it grew, it started to develop bumps that formed into ridges and small rubbery barbs, making his cock look more and more wicked.

As the dog dick changed and grew, it looked far more demonic. It began to drool the mutagen that coursed through Peable's body, the meat shaft turning purple as well. With his cock pushing past ten inches, then twelve and still growing longer, his balls started to grow next. The fleshy sack expanded in all directions, making more room, but to Peable's surprise he could feel his balls divide and separate, growing back to their original size and then larger. His sack looked as though it held two large grape fruit but in truth he now had four balls dangling around beneath his tree trunk of a member.

"Moving on to phase two..." The voice above said. A darker shade of the chemical moved through the tubes, circling around before pumping into Peable's body. The dog lifted his head and let out a howl, panting sharply as he groaned. Testosterone and serotonin flooded his brain, making him feel very manly and very great. His only regret was that he could not masturbate with his amazing shaft, trying to reach for it with all his strength.

Peable panted sharply, his eyes needy. His thoughts were failing him as he forgot about being captive and focused on his amazing body. Nothing else mattered. He embraced the change, the transformation, the mutation... and the mutation was growing more profound in general. Peable winced as he felt a pressure on his temples, his forehead aching before the skin and fur split, drops of violet red blood leaking out before sharp black horn nubs emerged. The horns curved upwards and grew outwards, thicker and longer, rising up from the shag of Peable's black hair. At first glance it looked like hair spikes but the glint of the light revealed they were in fact bone.

The mutagen continued to course through his body, pushing his genetics further and further away from baseline. His shoulders rippled before sharp black spikes pushed out, curving upward and rising into points. While the main curved spikes were prominent, three smaller spikes pushed out around each one. Peable panted and groaned, watching his purple cock stretch to twenty inches long, then twenty four, extending from his groin like yet another limb.

Peable roared and pulled at his restraints, drooling liberally. There were no longer any thoughts of business, of profits, of customers or recipes for better bread. He just wanted pleasure and he could see the beast to give it to him. Peable looked through the glass at helpless Fyr. He pulled and stretched the restraints, trying to pop them loose so he could break the glass and get to Fyr. He only half succeeded.

The metal groaned behind Peable as it popped loose of the track, letting Peable stagger forward, though he was still cuffed with the chemical pushing into him. Sparks shot out as the regulator was broken and an even larger dose pumped into Peable. The bull terrier growled in bliss as his pecs thickened, his abs hardened and his arms grew even thicker, his fists hanging down to his knees. Peable had been reduced to a hulking, hypersexual monster of himself. The green handkerchief on his arm was so tight that it almost cut off blood flow but he hardly seemed to notice. He moved and banged on the glass, scratching and slamming, trying to get to his prospective mate, a mate that was now crying openly.

Fyr had never been so sad or scared in all of his life. He had seen his co-worker, his boss, reduced from a sensible man with a dry wit to a hulking monster of a beast covered in too many muscles and spikes. The silence had been even worse. Fyr hadn't been able to say good bye, to plead for him, to remind him who he was. Now he was face to face with a monster. Fyr tugged helplessly at his cuffs, thinking about the threat the voice had made. Fyr wasn't afraid of exploding himself, but even with Peable reduced to the state of monster, he couldn't kill his friend. He couldn't die with that on his conscience. He had to think of a way out, as long as there was still time.

"Continuing test. Administering Agent Epsilon to subject beta." The voice said from above.

"No! Don't do this, please! I have rights, I have... Ungh!" Fyr hissed as the chemical started pumping into his blood. It felt cold at first before it heated up to match his body temperature, though it was clearly having an effect. Fyr felt the veins bulge on his arms, his muscles spreading out around them. His wrist throbbed and the cuffs grew tighter around them as they grew, followed soon after by his arms starting to grow.

Fyr panted, trying to remain calm, to slow the spread of the chemical but it was a hopeless cause. The mutagen was getting pumped into his body whether he liked it or not, and as the chemicals hit his brain, he was starting to like it. Fyr panted and moaned, tilting his head back as he felt his boy cunt starting to drool and drip, aching more and more. His muscles had craved the presence of a male member since he had lost his, but never had his man pussy been hungrier than it was at that moment. Soon the juices were so prolific that they were dripping down his legs, but the change wasn't done, not in the slightest.

The hell hound gasped sharply as it felt like his pussy was growing larger, sliding up into him further, his organs shifting around to make room. He groaned as his pussy spread past his pelvis, creeping up into his stomach. The hole was massive, obviously made massive for massive objects. Fyr panted and groaned before his claws started pushing out longer, as brick red as the fur around them.

Fyr groaned and sweat, his scent soaking his fur as he changed. The fur on his cheeks started to turn red, growing out at the back of his jaw, becoming fuzzy like mutton chops. The hell hound clawed at the wall before he writhed, arching his back. His legs throbbed and ached and started to grow, stretching longer and thinner. His arms gained more muscle and grew longer as well, making him top heavy for certain before his feet grew larger to offset the difference.

The barista clenched his eyes shut, trying to make one last defense against the changes with his mind, but as his eyes snapped open and his irises glimmered like fire, it was too late. His lips grew tougher, pushing back just a bit as two tusk like fangs grew up from his lower jaw, making his whole mouth seem more wicked. A second set of tusks grew out before his mouth parted, a wicked purple tongue lolling out of his mouth.

Fyr's thick, long tail started to whip about, pulsing as spikes began growing down the length of it, rising up almost like spikes on a dinosaur tail. The spikes continued up Fyr's spine, making him more dangerous in general. As dangerous as that was, though, something more profound started to happen as several bumps formed along Fyr's back on either side of his spine. The flesh bulged outward, rounding and filling, squirming and shifting. The flesh rippled and shifted before it finally split and six glistening black appendages burst out, whipping around under their own power.

The new tentacles slashed and smashed at the restraints, breaking through the cuffs, the tubes and the track. Fyr stumbled forward, finally free, panting and growling, bearing his fangs as his tentacles protected him. He looked around with wild, beastly eyes, unable to see the scientists that were celebrating behind the protection of the two way mirror just outside of the cells.

Corks had been popped and champagne flowed freely into glasses. The scientific team had been trying to discover Agent Epsilon's effect on humanoids for some time but they finally had success, and what success they had. Their samples were amazing, fascinating, interesting... but there was still more to learn, a bit more they could do. One of the scientists reached out, pressing a button, watching with glee.

A hissing came from the cells as the glass divider between them began lifting upwards, rising more and more. Peable sniffed at the air, picking up the scent of a fertile, juicy mutant cunt near by. He grinned as his demon pecker began dribbling pre. He moved forward, watching Fyr. Fyr stood there, eyeing Peable up as well. Some instinct was telling Fyr that Peable was an ideal mate, that they would be well suited. All memory of working together was suppressed for the moment.

Using his dexterity and flexibility, Fyr ducked under the divider and moved over toward Peable, eyeing the bull terrier mutant with glee. The hell hound reached down and plunged his clawed fingers into his man cunt, collecting the juices before he reached out, wiping some on Peable's horn, then his chin, then his nose. Peable inhaled the scent before he growled, grabbing Fyr around the waist with one hand, lifting him up.

Fyr struggled and kicked, flicking his tail around as Peable lifted him one handed, but as Peable brought the head of his shaft to Fyr's opening, it became clear that they were interested in the same thing. Fyr kicked and groaned as Peable began pushing into him, spreading his thick lips wide, filling him with demonic dog cock. Fyr panted hard, his pussy stretched around the pointed head, then the ridges and bumps, but Fyr wasn't to be outdone.

As Peable pushed into the hell hound, Fyr went to work pleasing his alpha. He moved to kiss the bull terrier with a sloppy purple tongue but then broke the kiss to move and gnaw on Peable's bull like horns. He chewed the bone, his teeth scoring the tip as his tentacles wrapped around Peable, squeezing his muscles and stroking his back. Peable growled in pleasure at that and thrust into his partner deeper, sinking almost eight inches in, then ten.

The feel of Fyr's boy cunt was amazing. It tingled like cinnamon oil, roasted with heat and yet was fully slick. Peable wanted more, he wanted it all. He began to bounce and thrust into Fyr, sliding deeper and deeper, passing the foot mark, approaching another six inches before suddenly he hilted inside of the hell hound.

As deep as Fyr's pussy had become, Peable filled him completely. The tip of the purple dog cock was nestled against Fyr's tubes, filling him so completely that there was no escape - at least until Peable decided. The bull terrier pulled back almost all the way out before he thrust in again, filling him deep. Fyr was reduced to a quivering heap of muscle and pleasure, feeling his pussy reamed by such a big cock.

Peable continued to piston in and out, using Fyr as his personal sex toy, though somewhere in the back of his mind he felt some spark of his original self wonder why he hadn't tried sooner, why he hadn't asked Fyr about his condition. It would have been fun to have been fucking him for all those months, though now Peable had the chance and he wasn't going to give it up.

Fyr grunted and shuddered, his pussy dripping all over the mutant cock, the muscles even managing to massage and pleasure the male. Fyr had never felt more fulfilled, even when he got his first job from Peable, though now it seemed he had a new job... to get mated, to get filled, to be the best boyfriend any mutant dog could have. Fyr moved to kiss Peable deeper, filling his mouth with mutant tongue.

As Peable got more and more into it, he fell forward, Fyr falling to the floor of their joined cell. Peable pinned Fyr to the ground and fucked him mercilessly, probing the tiny fissures of his tubes, stretching his cunt wide. Peable growled and moaned, tingling drool leaking from his tongue all over Fyr's face who drank it in, gulping it down greedily as if it nourished him.

The two writhed and moved about, Fyr reduced to thrusting his hips down around Peable listlessly, his tentacles squirming. The two went at it roughly, but Peable just loved how wet and squishy Fyr was. Before long each thrust brought with it a spray of faintly purple cunt juices, splashing over Peable's furless groin, his huge purple cock pummeling the hell hound's interior.

The two went at it, their grunts and growls rising up into a crescendo of ultimate lust before Peable gave one last powerful thrust into Fyr, feeling the base of his cock swell and expand into a knot. With the bulged flesh pried against the mouth of Fyr's opening, Peable couldn't pull out... and that pressure was heavenly. He tilted his head back and let out a deep and powerful roar before his four balls tugged up, his shaft pulsed and he began pumping his seed directly into Fyr.

Fyr licked his maw, gulping and growling in bliss as he felt the hot flood inside his belly, feeling himself pumped full of Peable's seed. He leaned up and licked the muzzle of his partner before his tongue invaded the bull terrier's mouth, their kiss lewd and wet. They embraced fully before Peable collapsed onto Fyr, lying on his conquest, pinning Fyr in place.

Soon Fyr tilted his head back, moaning as the walls of his pussy quivered, massaging and milking Peable of the last of his seed as his member was washed with a bath of cunt boy cum. Fyr's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he finished his orgasm before going limp. The two mutants were laying on the floor of the cell, looking quite content despite the destruction of their binds, the tubes still dripping and the motors still sparking... all while they were being watched from beyond.


Fyr groaned, feeling colder than he wanted to. He turned over a bit, putting his chest against the warm fuzzy surface beneath him... but as that surface rose and fell, Fyr's eyes opened in shock and confusion. He looked around, seeing familiar bricks of the Brick Oven Bistro around them. It was early in the morning, well before dawn. Fyr looked around, trying to remember what had happened the previous night before he looked down at Peable sleeping away. The barista sprung off of Peable and skidded on the wood floor of the bistro, though the sudden change in pressure made Peable moan and groan. He stirred and his eyes opened before he stood up slowly, looking around himself.

"What happened? Were we... The last thing I remember was going out for drinks." Peable said. Fyr hesitated, wondering what could have led up to him being on Peable's lap.

"I had a crazy nightmare, but we must have gotten drinks and then come back here. That has to be it." Fyr said. Peable nodded.

"That must be it. What time is it?" Peable asked, staggering around the corner before he saw the clock on the wall. It was five thirty in the morning, half an hour later than they usually started their days for the morning rush. "Shit..." Peable grunted, moving around to start pulling chairs down off of tables.

"Well don't worry, we're already here, we can catch up. It'll be fine." Fyr said, moving around the shop. In little time at all they had cleaned up and prepared the sales floor, but the important part came from the kitchen. Fyr rubbed his hands together before flame erupted from his tail and shot into the brick oven, catching the wood on fire and warming the hearth. With that going it wouldn't be long before they could start cooking.

Peable headed up to the office and got the money for Fyr's starting till before coming back down, watching Fyr work on the batter. They were both hurried, feeling late to the game, but something felt different. Peable put the till into the cash register and watched Fyr going at it, mixing ingredients, beating the batter, kneading the dough. Peable was confused, but as realization dawned he became surprised. He was attracted to the hell hound. Something was there, between them... and then Fyr leaned over, opening the bottom drawer.

As Peable watched Fyr bend over, he began to drool uncontrollably, his tongue swelling and growing before it spilled out of his mouth. His head throbbed as black horns grew out of his skin and he started to grow taller and wider, his muscles bulging. His shorts popped and fell down as his cock emerged, growing back to its full monster proportion. Peable stretched and widened in a few seconds before he let out a lusty growl.

Fyr turned around and gasped as he saw Peable, backing away. His back hit the stack of Rubbermaid bins behind the counter, but as he did he felt spikes piercing through the plastic... and he felt his body growing. As scared as Fyr was, he was turned on. He began to pant and moan, his Speedo growing wet as his cunt dripped. Fyr's muscles bulged and his body grew as he reached down, using his claw to cut open his undergarments, revealing his pussy.

Peable licked his lips before he charged, thrusting his enormous cock into Fyr once more, ravaging him with rough love making. Fyr grabbed onto the counter tops to hold on for dear life as Peable fucked him, but then Fyr had another idea. He reached down, collecting the tainted were seed dripping from his cunt, moving to drizzle it into the bread dough he was baking.

Some small, perverse part of Fyr had a great grin on his face as he imagined giving all of his customers agent epsilon, watching them mutate into horny monsters, filling the city with their kind. It would be glorious and it all started with them. Fyr howled in bliss as Peable fucked him and Peable howled in triumph, letting out a roar of pleasure as he came again, pumping his seed into Fyr's depths once more.

Fyr went limp against Peable, wrapping his limbs around him, holding on for dear life. Peable stumbled back, sitting on the counter with Fyr on his lap, panting himself. In the midst of their after glow, Peable could feel himself starting to shrink, to revert. His tongue pulled back into his mouth, his muscles shrank gently. It seemed their mutation was just barely beneath the surface, ready to explode out at the slightest provocation.

"I guess it wasn't just a dream." Peable said, reaching to caress Fyr's cheek. Fyr looked at Peable with love and respect, but then curiosity started to cross his face.

"Then who were those men?" he whispered. The two turned, looking out of the windows and into the snow, finding the memories of their capture were coming back one by one as they basked in each other's presence.

Code of Dishonor: Flames of Temptation

**Code of Dishonor: Flames of Temptation** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius The sign of the times was all around. Fall was settling in and creeping towards winter. The leaves of the trees shifted from green to yellow to orange...

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Borderlands - Siren Sight

**Borderlands** _-Siren Sight-_ Written by Leo\_Todrius One planet, one ocean. It was the slogan of Aquator, a jewel of tourism and commerce. The planet had once been a paradise, but providing other planets with water had come at a price....

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Code of Dishonor: First Strike

**Code of Dishonor: First Strike** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius An eerie calm hung over the ruins of Invess, once a peaceful village that stood as the threshold between the plains and the mountains. Now fog and smoke mixed...

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