Code of Dishonor: First Strike

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#1 of Code of Dishonor

Written by

Commissioned by Cidius

When a mage knight of the round travels to the village of Invess to investigate its destruction, he comes across a dark soul that shall forever blight his soul.

The Beast Lord:

Duron and Stone Fangs the Venomous:

Code of Dishonor: First Strike Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius

An eerie calm hung over the ruins of Invess, once a peaceful village that stood as the threshold between the plains and the mountains. Now fog and smoke mixed around the ruins of the building, fire crackling on the remaining timbres. Ash covered the ground like snow, the fire having gotten so hot in a few places to melt swords and pots into pools of metal that had hardened once more. It was a view of utter death, destruction and despair... and it was a mystery.

The fires had been seen from the village Jabin, the watchers assuming at first it was a pilot light for the signal fires... but that had not been the case. The castle had been alerted to the fires and the king had dispatched one of his most trusted knights, the mage Duron. Duron stepped carefully through the ruins, looking for clues of any sort. His black boots climbed almost all of the way up to his knees, the cuffs folded down with khaki and grey fabric and a royal seal in the front. His black pants matched the center of his tunic, but gold filigree separated the black panel from the mustard yellow fabric that covered his ribs and hips.

In contrast to his yellow and black tunic, the underside of the mage's cape was a warm peach color, the exterior a crimson red. The cape came down around his shoulders, tied together with golden thread. A black color with gold filigree rose through the neck hole of the cape, covering the neck of the rather stern looking man. Duron's skin was pale, his black hair soft and his eyes cold.

Duron was one of the king's most trusted knights despite his appearance, but it had been his magic that drained the vitality from his looks. He was proficient in both light and dark magic, but his truest achievement had been the mastery of his venom spells. Duron moved into the most devastated region, deciding that the ash and smoke was too much of an imposition. He began to whisper a spell as he moved his hands, the fog and smoke pushed to the outskirts of town.

As if a great wind spread outward from the mage, the fog was cleared, revealing the mud and grime and more importantly - the evidence. Thick gouges ran through town, tracks of something heavy brought from the mountain. Duron moved to follow the tracks, passing the blacksmith's shop and then the town square, his eyes widening.

With the fog they had passed through the square several times, but several dark black pieces of stone littered the area. Duron moved over to pick up one of the pieces, turning it over and over in his hand. The exterior was smooth and perfect but the interior seemed grooved, tiny miniscule lines coating the interior like the impression of hair or fur. Duron lifted it up further to examine it in the light, freezing when he saw the silhouette of a man near by.

Duron was on his feet, spinning toward the stranger with his sword drawn. The man held up his hands, pausing with a mirthful smile. Much like Duron, the stranger had pale skin and smooth black hair but his hair was long, hanging over his shoulders a bit. He was wrapped in a black tunic and cloak, no trace of color anywhere in his clothes except for the faint hint of periwinkle blue gauntlets hugging his arms. The trim of his cloak was etched with silver writing of an ancient dialect, one long forgotten by the realms.

"What do you know of the fate of Invess?" Duron asked, his eyes narrowing.

"I know that the townsfolk mined deep into the mountain despite the royal proclamation, digging in secret to find treasure they thought buried. What they found, they brought back here... but they discovered the mountain's true secret, the secret known by few. They found the beast lord." The man said with a grin. Duron felt even more on edge.

"Identify yourself." Duron demanded. The stranger held up his hands with a bit of a smile.

"I have had many names in my lifetime, but you may call me the Beast Lord." He said. Duron grew even more concerned before he moved to strike. The beast lord swept back, closing his eyes as he moaned and groaned. The body beneath the cloak began to pulse and change, stretching taller and wider as arms and legs stretched and shoulders extended.

A reddish ginger streak appeared down the part of the Beast Lord's hair, but the ginger spread down to cover the roots... and then the hair spread. It covered his cheeks, his chin, his forehead and his nose. The fur crept down under his collar and across his chest, coating his arms and emerging from his gauntlets to cover his fingers. The process didn't seem to be entirely pleasurable as the Beast Lord's face curled up, his teeth exposed as they stretched into sharp fangs.

Beads of blood appeared from the midst of the man's ginger fur as a pair of black, ribbed horns began pushing out of his head, rising up above it. They were soon joined by a third, smaller horn coming up just above his forehead. The man's fur grew thicker, rounding his head with a mane as his ears stretched into points. Color drained from his eyes, leaving them solid white as he peered at Duron.

Duron wasted no more time to let the beast change. He began casting spells, flinging enchanted poison and pain at his target. The beast lord deflected them, watching the human watching him. The beast lord's hands throbbed and pulsed before his fingernails all but exploded from his hands, curving into sharp claws. His sleeves and pant legs grew thicker as his arms began producing feathers, starting with downy fuzz before completing their transition.

The beast lord all but laughed as Duron continued his work, knowing it would do little during the transition. The beast's cloak rippled and shifted before it fell away from his torso, thick horn like extensions curving up and around his shoulders, coming down over his chest. His tunic shifted too, the sound of fabric tearing filling the air as muscle and flesh pushed out, joined by bone.

Massive black and gray wings started to unfold behind the man, wings filled with feathers that matched those on his shoulders. The beast lord's torso was covered with white fur on the chest and stomach and ginger fur elsewhere, more and more of it becoming visible as his clothing split out. Duron jumped back as the beast lord's boots exploded, leathery armored talons emerging from bony bird feet. The claws sliced into the ground, cutting even the stone Duron had been investigating... but the most unsettling change came from the massive obsidian tail coated in hexagonal scales as it whipped around behind the now naked Beast Lord.

"Now you may come at me..." The beast lord said with a grin. Duron wasted no time, flinging more spells. Some he uttered, some he used hand magic, and some he dispensed from the tip of his sword. Every swing of the blade was met with the slice of the claws, metal and bone coming together and coming up equals for once. Duron and the beast lord fought, their positions moving around the town square. The beast lord winced as he was clipped in the shoulder and a throbbing ache of numbness moved through his extremity. It seemed that the human was powerful indeed, intriguingly so.

The lion faced, bird bodied demonic beast lord surged forward, flinging more spells from his own claws. The ginger of his mane and arms contrasted with the stark carbon colored wings and legs, his obsidian tail flailing about as he charged at the human. Duron summoned all of his strength to block the dark spells hurled at him. He had studied both the light and the dark, but nothing prepared him to meet the real thing.

"What is your name, child?" The beast lord asked, slashing at the human.

"I am no child!" Duron hissed, kicking the demon back. The demon grinned, showing his sharp fangs.

"Duron... Mage Duron of the round. An impressive title." The beast lord grinned.

"My mind is my own, foul beast!" Duron hissed again, casting a spell at the ground. A puddle of water rippled as it turned into toxin, splashing across the beast lord as he stepped through it. The demon stumbled, his leg going numb up to the knee. He used a wing flap to right himself before he grabbed onto a building for support.

"I can see everything Duron... The first dark spell you used; a spell to pry into the mind of your knight friends. You thought you were looking for information to help you rise in the ranks, but you became fascinated with their mating habits... and then disappointed. My, my. It seems even you don't know that you prefer the company of men - yet." The beast lord grinned.

"I am a man, I desire the company of a woman, but you wouldn't know of that being the foul beast you are!" Duron said, casting one more spell. A cloud of poison appeared around one of the beast lord's arms before it clung to his scales, sinking into the crevices. The beast lord let out a roar as his hand went numb, his fingers dangling like useless appendages.

"Beast, yes... But not foul. You have impressed me Duron, enough for me to give you a gift." The beast lord whispered.

"I want no gift from you, I-" Duron was cut short, his eyes going wide as he felt something sharp pierce his neck. He slowly turned, seeing the beast lord's long tail leading up to the site of the throbbing sensation. Duron had just enough time to fully realize what had happened before he felt the first pulse of fluid pump into him. The venom spread into Duron's veins, pumping through his body, carrying with it a tingling sensation.

As another pump of venom spread into his body, Duron lost the ability to stand. He fell forward onto his knees, starting to go numb himself. His knees felt like jelly, his fee lost all sensation. Duron panted gently, trying to keep breathing. He knew the dangers of poison, he knew the risks involved. It had been his specialty... and now it would be his downfall. The beast lord took a step forward and Duron tried to defend himself, lifting his hands but they merely flailed around at his sides. The beast lord knelt down on one knee, retracting his tail from the mage's neck.

"You are welcome." The beast lord said before he moved, a long rough lion tongue slathering across the wound. Duron hissed out in sudden discomfort as the muscles across his entire body started to tighten and convulse. The skin around the wound started to harden as well, drying out and becoming as tough as leather as perfectly shaped cracks formed, the pale skin turning black and scaly.

Duron looked up at the beast lord in horror, unable to move, feeling the changes spread. The scales wrapped around his neck, the pale skin on his throat blanching out to a dull ivory white while the sides of his neck remained black. Every detail was enhanced by the scales, showing off the slope of his throat and his adams apple even more. The scales slipped up over his chin and around his mouth, crossing his nose and surrounding his eyes.

Duron's fair features were disappearing beneath a mask of two tone scales, his nose and brow turning black, his eyes surrounded by dark scales that looked like a mask in contrast to his pale white mouth and chin. The scales continued to refine and grow more complex, a raised ribbed layer covering his jaw bone. Duron grunted, trying to manage any movement - though he failed. He did, however, feel a light airy cascade across his shoulders and back. He looked over and saw his fair black hair falling from his head to the ground, lying in the ashes of Invess.

The beast lord reached out to caress Duron's skull as his scalp went bare, dark black scales covering the contours of his head... but it was only the start. The venom had traveled through the mage's entire body, not just his head. With the mage powerless, the beast lord reached down to take hold of his tunic and pull. The fabric gave away easily, revealing his torso. His chest had grown hard and covered with layers of scales, overlapping diamonds running down between his pectorals and across his abdomen. Fans of white spread out across the muscles like armor plating, disappearing beneath a thicker black layer on his shoulders and the outside of his arms.

The black and white scales crept down his arms to his hands, hands that were starting to change more quickly. The skin swelled outward as it hardened, growing over the tops of his fingernails. His fingers throbbed and ached and stung as the nails reformed, pushing out of the digits as claws. The white claws curved and honed into razor sharp points, looking wicked... and wet. The claws seemed to glisten, coated with a thick clear ooze - no doubt venomous. With the changes reaching his finger tips, Duron felt a slight degree of sensation return. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

"Ivo donea Ustallo habron..." Duron chanted, moving his hands to his sides. The beast lord started to snarl, watching the changes slow, coming to a stop at his waist. No human had ever dared to interrupt his work before. The beast lord crouched down and reached in toward Duron's stomach before slowly lowering his hand, resting it on the tattered cloth covering the human's groin. As the powerful paw came down, a sudden surge of throbbing heat and tingling spread into Duron, forcing the human's eyes wide.

His manhood felt as if it had been electrified, going stiff and swelling out into an erection. The tingling moved from base to tip and back again, rolling up and down and up and down. Duron shuddered and his hands went numb again, his body spasming in pleasure. Even his balls were throbbing with pleasure... and as the pleasure covered his body, the changes continued. The beast lord reached out to slice the pants open, revealing the human's groin. The white scaled scutes continued to slip down his abdomen, covering his hairless groin. His testicles pulled up into the protective shell of his body, leaving only his human manhood exposed.

The beast lord smiled in delight, but as much fun as the erection was, something else interested him more. The demon stood and moved around the human, peering at his backside. His ass cheeks had grimed and hardened with scales, pushing apart from one another to expose his anus... and a wiggling nub. The nub was Duron's tailbone, a bone that was growing away from his pelvis and had gained more muscles than any human had possessed there.

"What are... you doing to me?!" Duron panted, looking up at the beast lord. The demon grinned gently.

"I am releasing the real you, the you that you were meant to be. It has always been my goal to return humans to their place of power, and for that I was locked away so you all could pretend you were other, different... but you are the best of both worlds, you are animals...brilliant animals. And you, my friend, should be proud of that fact." The demon lord whispered.

Duron tried to shut his words out, not wanting to hear it... but the sensations sweeping through his body were growing more intense. He doubled over, calling out as his tail surged out in length, growing a foot in a few seconds before stopping. The small black tail whipped around as Duron recovered himself. It had felt shocking, surprising, disturbing, but not painful. If anything it was like relieving himself after a particularly large meal. The difference was pleasurable afterward.

As Duron came to that realization again, his tail surged out, adding six inches, then twelve, then twenty. It spilled out of him, a thick log of muscle and cartilage and bone. The tail thickened above his ass to about two feet across, anchoring well... but no longer growing wider. If anything, the tail as emerging more and more at the same width. It stretched to four feet, five feet, then six. The tail whipped about before coiling around his ankle... an ankle that was changing too.

The sweeping cascade of scales had moved down his leg and across his ankles, coating his feet. As the skin hardened and crackled, the feet themselves shifted. His feet smoothed out, looking streamlined and more fluid. It was clear he was becoming a snake, but he had been left with his legs. The beast lord circled Duron again, getting a good look at him before he shook his head.

"It's not enough mage, you are still fighting me. You don't have to resist, you are only denying yourself the greatest pleasure imaginable." The beast lord said.

"And if I give in, what happens?" Duron panted, groaning as his teeth grew into sharp fangs.

"If you give in, you will be granted the best two attributes any of my brothers could want..." The beast lord said, moving around the back of Duron. He reached down with his paw to lift up the tail, caressing the muscled buttocks. Duron moaned and groaned at the presence, especially as the demon's manhood began to slather up and down between his cheeks. Duron's tail slipped around the beast lord, squeezing him and pushing him away, but the beast lord was not to be deterred.

Without any further warning, the beast lord pushed forward, the plump head of his shaft squeezing past the tight pucker of muscle. Duron gasped in shock as he was filled by another man, surprising himself as his claws retracted into his fingers for a moment. Duron stretched again as the cock inside of him stretched him wider. Duron panted and then his back arched as his prostate was hit, sending a wave of pleasure through him.

"Please, no..." Duron panted.

"Soon you'll be begging me for more." The beast lord said, pulling back and thrusting in, picking up speed, moving in and out more an more. Duron tried to fight it, tried to resist. Soon he merely stood there and took it, but even that felt too good. He suppressed his moan as long as he could before he called out, panting, shifting on his scaly knees. His tail grew tighter around the beast lord as the demonic shaft speared so deeply into him.

It felt like Duron had been impaled and the meat stick was stirring around his guts, but that felt amazing, delightful, so good he was greedy for it. As Duron was turned on by the beast lord, his body started to pulse and throb even more. One of the few aspects about him that had not hanged, his erection, started to shift. More and more blood flowed in, causing the shaft to expand and grow.

Before Duron's very eyes, his shaft stretched longer, gaining a slight curve, veins bulging on the outside. The head of his shaft began to change shape as well, stretching from a round mushroom shape to a point, the head of the phallus looking like a bulging heart emblem. The tip curved up a little almost like a scorpion tail, the red head bulging and swelling even more.... And then came a flood of lubricant from the scales around the shaft, a slit forming to protect his manhood when not in use.

Duron's moans and groans became more intense as he neared the edge. His lips parted and a purple forked tongue emerged, slithering in the air. The beast lord could feel his minion was close and picked up the pace, tilting his hips to increasre the pleasure, doing everything he could before he felt his mate go over the edge. Duron's body went stiff, his claws extended, his shaft pulsed and began shooting jets of snake cum as the white in his eyes spread across his irises and pupils, leaving them solid ivory. Even the new snake demon's tail pulsed, sizzling green venom spraying from the tip just as the beast lord's had done into the human's neck.

The snake's ass convulsed and pulsed around the beast lord's shaft, trying to milk it of its seed. The beast lord gave in and let his cum flow like molten lava into Duron, heading his ass up, pumping him full of the heavy cream. The demon's load was so bountiful that Duron's stomach tightened and excess cum began pouring back out of the snake's ass... but the beast lord wasted no time.

Duron whimpered as the demon pulled out, leaving his ass stretched and full of cream. The beast lord stepped around to stand before Duron, his cock still hard and dribbling. Duron drooled a bit, feeling so good and so amazing, but he still could feel the vestiges of his humanity. He looked down at the ground in shame before the beast lord reached down and lifted Duron's head by the chin, making him look up at the cock.

"Your transformation is almost complete my mage. All you must do now to complete your change is to taste of my seed and to let your inner animal out forever." The beast lord said. Duron hesitated, thinking back to his life. He had assumed he was straight, but the more he thought about it he could tell he was interested in men at the subconscious level. He had drives and instincts that never would have been allowed, at least under the king... but now the beast lord was offering him something else, an alternative.

Duron looked at the demon cock with his solid white eyes, his pointed snake cock still drooling. Duron closed his eyes and leaned forward, parting his lips before he lapped at the cock, collecting sperm on it before taking it in. Soon Duron was bobbing his head forward and back before he buried his head around it, the demon cock so long it slipped down into his throat. The beast lord howled out in pleasure, grabbing Duron by the head, holding him there.

Duron guzzled and suckled as the cock poured cum down his throat, feeling it spread through his body just like the venom. In fact, the pulsing energy seemed to hone in on his neck, to the wound. The smooth scaled neck began to swell thicker and wider, fanning out from his head. New flesh swept across his skull as well, bloating the scales out, stretching them apart as new scales formed in between the gap. Both sides of Duron's neck fattened and widened as his skull thickened along his former hairline and forehead.

The beast lord pet Duron's head, watching it grow wider, forming the hood of a cobra. His neck was almost three times its original width with the hood, but the changes even affected the top of his head. The scales plumped up over his head, taking on two rounded obsidian bulges. If anything, it looked like a crown shaped like the head of a snake, framing his somewhat human face. The look was completed as two long fangs descended from the snake head crown on either side of Duron's face.

Duron quivered and shivered and shook with pleasure before his cock and tail squirted their respective juices once more, the transformation complete. Duron could fight no more. He was loyal to the beast lord, obedient and focused. He sucked and slurped until the beast lord's bounty came to an end and gazed up with impassive white eyes as the demon withdrew his member from his mouth.

"Rise... my servant." The beast lord said, stepping back. Duron rose onto wobbly legs, getting used to new toes, new height and a tail he used to balance himself. He got more comfortable standing and looked to the beast lord. The lion faced demon reached down to collect some of his sperm on his clawed finger, using that to paint a demonic emblem on Duron. The beast lord grinned, "You are Stone Fangs the venomous... My loyal general." He said.

"I am stone fangs the venomous." Duron replied, taking on the new name as his brain resorted itself. He still had all the memories of being human, of being a mage, of being Duron, but a shift had happened. It was as if that wasn't him anymore, it didn't matter. It was information he had for no particular reason. All that mattered was that his life had started when he fed on his master's member and felt the joy of being one of the truly loyal.

"Now... my servant. You did not come here alone. You have some work to do before you are ready for your next task." The beast lord said. A fanged grin slowly spread across Stone Fang's lips before he gave a deft nod.


Duron had been sent with men loyal to the king to aid him. While they lacked the training of the knights, they were still strong and brace. Jameson had been one of Duron's bravest, though he had been concerned with Duron's tendnacy to leave him on the side lines. It was as if Duron wanted to take all the risk and danger himself and spare then. Jameson knew Duron was trying to protect him, but sometimes it felt like he was being left behind.

The young man came around the corner, his sword drawn, pausing as he heard something. He turned one way and then the other in confusion. When Jameson turned his back toward a building, Stone Fangs slowly lowered from it by his tail. He reached out and pricked the man's neck with a claw. Jameson felt light headed before he wobbled and fell to the ground.

Jameson lokjed up with fearful green eyes as Stone Fangs came around. Stone fangs grinned gently before his tail came down, stabbing into his former apprentice. Venom coursed into the man's chest. Jameson groaned and screamed out, his mouth changing as he screamed. Two sharp fangs grew down from his upper lip as his eyes turned yellow, slits forming in them. He began to pant and drool as his jaw pushed forward, his nose melting down into his upper lip as it expanded.

The apprentice's human face pushed out into a serpentine muzzle, his nose leaving nothing but nostril slits as scales crept up his neck and covered his face, his hair falling off. The scales spread more quickly as the venom continued to enter his body. The apprentice's pants began to sizzle as liquid secreted from Jameson's legs. The pants began to melt and came apart as the legs began growing together. The flesh knit together from the groin down, pulling the knees together next.

As the legs fused, the dull green scales continued to cover Jameson. His ankles grew together next, then his feet, his toes merging into a single point... the point of a snake tail. The bones in his legs reconfigured as new muscles formed. Jameson writhed around on the ground, his mind completely burned away. He looked around with the eyes of an animal, tasting the air with a forked snake tongue.

Stone Fangs removed his tail slowly and stepped back. Jameson slithered and shifted, rolling over before rising up on his tail. He had been reduced to a naga, a demi-human. He had no ability to speak and virtually no human features anymore. He was instinct and drive and loyalty - loyalty to his general. Stone Fangs reached out to pet Jameson's chin, causing the naga's tail to wag in delight.

The black serpentine demon turned and began walking, tasting the air with his own tongue to sense where the remaining humans were. He had the element of surprise on his hands, he could strike first. Before long the entire contingent would be loyal to him and therefore the beast lord. Stone fangs continued, lunging on another before sinking his fangs into their neck, tasting their blood turn cold as their body hardened. He was methodical, quick, and efficient... all traits that the Beast Lord approved of.

A cool breeze blew through the Beast Lord's mane as he watched the humans fall one by one. He knew more humans would come to learn what had happened to the first, then more would come in search of them. Invess was the perfect trap, the perfect place to resume his work. He held out his paw, watching as the air itself ignited with purple flames, flickering and crackling before the flames died back. In their place was a thick, leather bound book with a silver paw print on the front... It was the Code of Dishonor, the plan to humanity's ultimate conquest.

The Beast Lord held the book in one hand, the other moving to his groin. He wrapped his fingers around his beastly member, giving it several thrusts before he roared out, his demonic seed spilling from the roof top he stood on, raining down to the ground below. Where the sperm landed, the ground grew fertile again, thick vines starting to grow upwards, clinging to the ruins of the burned out village.

"And so it begins." The beast lord whispered in glee.

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