Sweet as Blood

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by

Commissioned by vampireboy

After a hard day at school, young Jonathan comes across a mysterious stranger that promises to change his life forever... but the changes have far reaching ramifications for the bullies that plague him.

Sweet as Blood Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Vampireboy

The sound of knuckles against flesh was muffled by layers of cotton and polyester, softening the blow but not by much. The impact forced the air from the teenager's lungs as he doubled over and fell back, stars flashing before his eyes. Jonathan wished there was a way to get used to that, to adapt, but as he lay on the ground to recover, he felt the fluttering of hands in his pocket and then the lightness that came with the lack of any lunch money. He had given up carrying ID or a wallet to school ages ago.

Heavy laughter came from the bullies as they divided their spoils of war, looking down at the blond haired boy they had bested. It had been going on for years, but senior year was by far the worst. They were adults now; they had matured... at least physically. Jonathan moved to roll over, his hands pressing against the dark greenish gray cement floor as he pushed himself up. The largest of the bullies paused, his eyebrow rising.

"Looks like the little puke wants to fight back. You gonna try and take your money back Johnny?" the bully asked. Jonathan looked up at Malcolm, at the bane of his existence, at the thug that had put him through so much. He wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp, to tear him limb from limb - but his body failed him. He was weaker, smaller, more pathetic even being the same age. Jonathan slowly lowered back to the ground, daring not to upset the status quo.

"No one's going to face you off man, let's go." Malcolm's friend Ron smirked, running a hand over his buzzed hair but Malcolm paused, his eyes going to Jonathan's feet. While Jonathan dressed in fairly simple t-shirts and jeans, he'd always had a good taste in footwear. His size ten feet were covered by prime condition Reebok pumps, the white sneakers glistening in the light with bright neon yellow insole and an orange pump on the tongue.

"I think he's worth a bit more than his lunch money." Malcolm said before he grabbed at Jonathan's feet. Jonathan whimpered, kicking at Malcolm but the bully rewarded him with a swift kick to the gut, pulling the shoes off the writhing, whimpering youth. Logan was a bit quiet, thinking about how many pairs of shoes Malcolm had stolen from Jonathan but he said nothing in fear of the head bully himself. Before long the three bullies ventured off down the hall, leaving Jonathan alone with his thoughts. Jonathan looked up and around before he reached down and unrolled his right sock, pulling out a few coins... enough for bus fare home once he survived the day. It would be just that much harder without lunch money... or shoes.


The bus breaks squeaked as the vehicle came to a stop, the vertical rectangular doors opening up. Jonathan stepped down off the bus, his feet settling onto the cold, dirty cement. His socks were already stained from the walking he had to do. It was a shame, a dirty shame. Jonathan took great pride in his shoes and clean socks. For all he knew, that was why Malcolm took so much pleasure in stealing them from him.

Jonathan began walking as the bus rumbled away, leaving him in the midst of town without supervision. The sun had started to set, an hour earlier with daylight savings ending. School was barely over and it was dusk. Jonathan shivered a bit as he began to walk along the streets on his own. Jonathan felt most days like no one cared at all. His parents were always working; he had no siblings and no friends. His only companion was his loneliness and it ate away at him day by day.

Jonathan turned and began moving through an alleyway he always took on the way home, leaving the bustling street behind. The tight brick walls were a comfort of their own, though something was different that day. Jonathan slowed to a stop, looking around the alley, a chill running down his spine. All of his body heat was being sapped away through his feet into the asphalt beneath him but it felt like something more, like he had missed something important.

The teenager tried to follow his instincts, slowly surveying the alley. He looked around before his eyes came to a stop looking at a pair of black motocross boots with white snaps. Jonathan slowly looked up from the boots, moving up the legs and torso before he was gazing into a pair of vivid amber yellow eyes. Jonathan gasped gently, surprised that he had almost walked by someone without noticing them being that close. As he looked at the stranger, he started to become captivated. The young man looked like someone out of a magazine - too perfect to exist in real life.

His chin and cheek bones were perfect, not too soft and not too firm, capturing the blend of youthful innocence and maturity. His skin was a bit pale, looking almost icy in the dusk light, contrasting with his sleek black hair which hung down across the tips of his ears and almost obscured his amber eyes until he brushed it out of his face. He was rather clean cut, wearing a black short sleeve button up shirt over a white long sleeve under shirt. His jeans were black and form fitting, showing off the firm ass he had and his shapely legs. Jonathan blushed a little when he realized how long he was staring, but the stranger had looks good enough to die for.

"Excuse me." Jonathan muttered, moving to pass, his gaze deflecting away from the stranger.

"Is that really how you want to go through life?" The stranger asked, his voice as sweet as honey to Jonathan's ears. Jonathan turned, looking at the stranger again.

"What do you mean?" Jonathan whispered.

"Excusing yourself, sneaking past, walking home ashamed in socks because they keep taking your shoes." The stranger replied.

"Who are you? How do you know all this?" Jonathan asked, his arms closing around his stomach a bit protectively. The stranger's face softened with a look of compassion, his yellow eyes gazing into Jonathan's. Jonathan felt a strange feeling of comfort sweep over him, something putting him at ease.

"My name is Daniel... and I've seen you walking home this way before, looking sad and alone. I used to be that way and I hated it. I don't want you to have to feel that way. I want to offer you something better." Daniel said softly, moving to rest a hand on Jonathan's shoulder. Jonathan felt drawn to look at the hand but he couldn't turn away from Daniel's amazing amber eyes. They were hypnotic.

"What can I do? What can change?" he whispered. Daniel smiled softly, his canine teeth looking a bit longer than they should have.

"I can give you so much. I can give you a gift that will spare you the pain of time, that will give you the power to thwart those that spite you, to give you the strength deep inside you that you never knew you had and to ignite the passion of your deepest desires." Daniel said softly Jonathan was impressed by the litany of offers, though he still couldn't picture how this beautiful stranger was going to grant him any of that.

"What sort of gift?" Jonathan asked, feeling ashamed that all he could do was spit out endless questions, but Daniel just smiled and reached out, touching Jonathan's cheek. To Jonathan's surprise, the touch of Daniel's hand was a touch cooler than he expected.

"Remember all the times we've met, all the times you've forgotten." Daniel whispered. Jonathan slowly inhaled as memories came flooding back into his mind. He remembered seeing Daniel outside of the movie theater, walking past a restaurant at dinner, sitting in a tree in the dark... and Jonathan started to remember something he couldn't believe he had ever forgotten. He had come into the alley one evening after school and found Daniel hunched over another man, his mouth to his neck... He had thought at first that they had been kissing, but it wasn't like that at all. He had learned the truth, he had seen the fangs.

"You're a vampire..." Jonathan whispered, looking at Daniel with stunned realization.

"I was scared before, scared that you wouldn't be able to handle the truth... but I know you are now. I know it is what you need. All you have to do is let me bite you, turn you into what you've always wanted to be." Daniel said. Jonathan was scared, but more than that he was turned on. He was aroused by the chance to finally have power, that someone wanted to make his life better, and especially the idea of someone's lips on his neck... He wondered what was in it for Daniel, what he gained from it all, but in his impulsive thoughts Daniel couldn't resist. Everything in him came to a furious boil, rushing into his mind in a singular moment.

"Yes..." Jonathan whispered. Daniel grinned at that, showing off his fangs again.

"Yes?" Daniel asked to confirm. Jonathan nodded meekly.

"Yes." He repeated. Daniel grinned at that and moved forward, pushing Jonathan against the brick wall. Jonathan murmured gently as his body was pressed tight. He'd had fantasies about other men before, but while other kids had graphic sex dreams the most he seemed able to do in his dreams was hump another man a few times before he woke up. It wasn't going to be hard for the situation to become more erotic than his wildest dreams.

Daniel leaned in, brushing his lips against Jonathan's neck before his tongue emerged, sliding along the flesh slowly. Daniel looked to Jonathan out of the corner of his yellow eyes. Jonathan gazed back, saying nothing and doing nothing, not wanting to ruin the moment. Daniel leaned in tighter, their chests touching, their stomachs together, then their groins. Jonathan shuddered ever so gently as he felt his firming manhood trapped tight against another.

Jonathan resisted the urge to hump Daniel listlessly, waiting for what he would do next, longing for that moment. The vampire seemed to be taking his time, waiting for the precise perfect moment to strike, for the perfect position. Jonathan could feel the sharp fang tips tracing along his skin, taking part in an exotic dance. Jonathan closed his eyes, nearly moaning. He wondered if men that knew more about sex would grab onto his hand or grope him, what they would do. He was inexperienced, naïve, innocent and petrified... but Daniel didn't seem to mind. Daniel wanted him just as he was. Jonathan grinned gently, basking in the pleasure that was befalling him and then he suddenly realized something - Daniel had sunk his fangs in.

The moment had almost passed without Jonathan noticing. The fangs had sunk in and Daniel had began to drink, drawing in the blood deeper and deeper. Jonathan was stunned that there was no pain and no mess. Daniel seemed so skilled, so neat about it all. It felt little different than what Jonathan imagined a hickey to feel like. He smiled and basked in the sensation, giving Daniel his full cooperation.

Despite knowing so little about sex, Jonathan reached up to tangle his fingers in Daniel's hair, holding the vampire to his neck. Daniel started to drink harder, sucking and nuzzling, his lips tight on his new friend's neck. Jonathan moaned a bit, feeling a little dizzy from all the excitement, though he soon realized it was also from the blood loss. He felt a little weak in the knees, light headed and a bit slow to think. It didn't help that most of his remaining blood had settled in his hard cock.

After a few more moments Jonathan felt almost too weak to stand, leaning against the wall, hanging on with Daniel's strength alone. Daniel slowly pulled up from Jonathan's neck, licking the tiny pinpricks in the blond boy's neck. Jonathan looked at Daniel, stunned by how clean he looked after the act. The only sign was a tiny trickle of blood from the corner of his lips, a trickle the vampire soon licked up.

Jonathan wasn't sure if being drained of his blood was part of being turned or if he had been tricked into giving up his blood, but even if he had been tricked... he didn't mind. He felt wonderful, Daniel was so handsome. It wouldn't have been a bad way to die. He gazed at Daniel with a hazy, woozy smile. Daniel smiled back but he soon brought his wrist up to his own lips, slicing the flesh with his fangs. Beads of blackish-purple blood began to leak out and Daniel brought them to Jonathan's mouth.

"Drink, Jonathan, embrace your future." Daniel whispered. Jonathan felt his heart struggling to beat, his body on the verge of death. If he didn't act he would die... He almost wondered if that had been what he wanted before, an escape from the life of bullying. But now he had something better, something brighter. All he had to do was act. With surprising agility, Jonathan lunged forward, his lips tight against the wrist. He gathered up the blood with his tongue and took it down, swallowing. It melted across his tongue and made his mouth tingle, the coppery taste exotic and strong.

Jonathan took one swallow, then two, then three. As he drank, strength began to return to his body. His muscles felt renewed, his posture straightened, his hearing increased. With each suck, Jonathan's canine teeth began to reshape too, stretching to razor sharp points as they grew out longer. Amber coloring began to spill into his eyes, dominating the blue that had been there before. It was an exotic look, his eyes matching his hair, but Jonathan felt so alive. It was ironic that he was undead.

The newly turned vampire drank and drank until the wound on Daniel's wrist closed up, healing on its own. Jonathan looked up at Daniel with eagerness, with glee and excitement, with hope... and then slowly his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body went limp. Daniel caught him, knowing what to expect. The transformation took a lot out of people, but the next day would be a brand new start for Jonathan.


The field behind the school looked almost like another world so early in the day. The sun had not yet risen and the dead of winter had been merciless. Every blade of grass was coated in dew that had frozen over, leaving it a vast forest of white. Even the puddles on the track had frozen. It was dark and quiet, but already a few students had started to arrive for early practice, study sessions or just to get away from home.

Jonathan's feet treaded across the track as he headed for the gym, clad in a brand new pair of Reebok pumps. Jonathan's stride was different. He was confident, he was prepared, he was unafraid... and he looked different. His hair was still the clean blond shag, but a tiny bit of his baby fat had melted away, leaving his chin a little more refined. His torso was more tapered, his muscles a bit more visible. His clothes just seemed to fit him better.

The newly turned vampire jogged down the cement stairs into the back door of the locker room, the dull glow of the fluorescent lights coming across him as he moved between the banks of dark red lockers with wooden benches running the length of them. Jonathan had never really thought about how much like the color of blood they were. He traced his hand along the locker doors as he headed to his own, though he suppressed a small smile as he heard movement around the corner. He knew he wasn't alone.

Malcolm came around the corner, pausing as he saw Jonathan. He looked down at the boy's feet, seeing another pair of Reebok pumps on his feet - the same style as the ones Malcolm was now wearing from his previous day's theft. Malcolm grinned a bit, puffing up his chest and his arms, all but chuckling.

"Looks like someone just doesn't get the message." Malcolm said, "Did you think you could sneak in here before I got here, get done with your business and move on? I own this school... And I own you. Now, do you want to hand over those shoes, or have me take them from you?" Malcolm asked with a leering grin... but Jonathan wasn't scared anymore.

"You really have a thing for shoes, don't you Malcolm?" Jonathan asked, his yellow eyes almost sparkling, "Is it the smell of the brand new leather? The tang of the laces? Or do you just want to peel them off to get at my thick, white socks... taking on just a hint of my scent?" Jonathan asked. Malcolm had started to blush and look uncertain.

"What are you talking about, you freak?" Malcolm asked, but his voice had lost its bark. Jonathan gazed into Malcolm's eyes.

"It's the socks, isn't it? Well then, Malcolm, now is your chance... Give into it, come worship my feet." Jonathan whispered. His words floated into Malcolm's ears and sunk into his brain, worming their way deep. Jonathan's hypnotic powers were already strong, but they were amplified with Malcolm's already secret desires. Malcolm took a staggering step forward, then another before he fell to his knees and then his hands.

The bully seemed to have fallen from grace as he nuzzled Jonathan's shoe, moving to rub his cheeks against it before he ever so reverently pulled the shoe off, watching it slip past Jonathan's heel, the arch of his foot, then the toes. Malcolm was almost hyperventilating as he leaned in, pressing his nose to Jonathan's foot and took a deep breath, letting the smell fill him. The bully groaned, his cock growing hard, his jeans tenting as his shaft extended before him.

"You love my feet, don't you? Can't get enough?" Jonathan asked. Malcolm was grunting and panting, sniffing and even licking at the sock. His humanity seemed to melt away as he gave into his desires, groping himself with one hand while holding Jonathan's foot with the other. Jonathan found it surprisingly easy to balance on one foot, but he was finding it harder to restrain himself, to let Malcolm have his way. Jonathan was slowly realizing how powerful his vampire senses were. He could 'feel' Malcolm's heart beat, his body heat, and his vitality... and Jonathan wanted it.

Jonathan lunged as fast as a blur, bending down over Malcolm, sinking his fangs into the bully's flesh. The blood squirted out from the wound and into Jonathan's mouth and Jonathan took a quick gulp. Malcolm gasped but kept trying to worship the foot, aware of the fangs in his neck but not caring. Jonathan gulped and gulped, the hot iron rich fluid flooding down into his stomach. Jonathan had never felt so powerful. He was shorter than Malcolm, he had been weaker, he was the bullied and now the bully was his foot slut and his victim.

The new vampire continued to suck and drain Malcolm's blood with greed, feeling it pool in his stomach. Malcolm started to grow disoriented, his foot worship a little clumsier as the color drained from his cheeks and then the rest of his body. Malcolm shuddered as he came a little, his brain losing the power to delay the orgasm. As the wet spot spread in the bully's jeans, he started to wobble even more.

"Jonathan, stop." Daniel's sweet voice came. Jonathan looked up to see the vampire come around the corner wearing a black sleeveless jersey and long shorts. He'd attempted to blend in, but he couldn't let Jonathan kill. Jonathan removed his fangs from Malcolm's neck and stepped back. The bully whimpered, chasing after the foot that tried to escape, but Daniel crouched next to the bully, biting his wrist before offering it up.

"Why... does he get the gift?" Jonathan asked, feeling a little less special. Daniel looked over with a reassuring gaze.

"He's not going to get much." Daniel assured him. Malcolm had been too confused to know what to do with the vampire blood, barely getting some on his lips and a tiny bit in his mouth before Daniel took his arm away. Malcolm licked at his lips a bit, shivering before he closed his eyes.

"What's that going to do?" Jonathan asked softly. Daniel looked at the bully and then at the vampire he had created.

"He'll become a vampire, like us... just not as strong. He'll serve us, work toward our interests." Daniel said.

"And what are our interests?" Jonathan asked softly. Daniel smiled a bit.

"Turning all of your bullies into servants. Revenge can be as sweet as blood if you let it..." Daniel said, looking down at Jonathan's feet and then Malcolm, "And it looks like you figured out the bait these bullies can't resist already." Daniel considered.


The school day had come and Ron wasn't sure what to do with himself. He hadn't seen Malcolm all day, it was unheard of. Malcolm always told them when he was skipping school, and when he was actually sick they would still hang out together so they could be sick on the same days. While Logan had been off doing something he never did, thinking for himself, Ron knew he had a rare opportunity.

The buzz cut toting thug opened the door to the gym and moved down the stairs, looking both ways as he came down into the endless rows of lockers. He grinned a bit before he rounded the corner, groping himself a bit in thought. While Malcolm's obsession with shoes confused Logan, Ron got it completely. They were a symbol of prowess, either by way of money or family or in Malcolm's case physical prowess.

Ron knew Malcolm had stolen enough of Jonathan's shoes that he couldn't just take them all home. He had to hoard them away somewhere. The hall lockers caused too many questions and didn't have enough room, but gym lockers... they had just enough room. Ron turned the corner and navigated his way to Malcolm's locker, looking at it with a grin. An Adidas duffel bag blocked the view through the tiny slats, but Ron knew they had to be there.

The bully reached into his pocket and withdrew a pocket knife, something forbidden by the school charter. He flipped open the blade and jammed it into the seam of the locker door, working it up and wiggling carefully. With some effort he made it under the small latch and popped the lock, getting the blood red door to swing open and reveal the treasures inside, a bounty so wonderful that Ron was soon drooling a little.

Malcolm had jammed in so many pairs of shoes and socks that the locker was almost overflowing. Ron reached in and grabbed one white Reebok pump and a fist full of thick, white socks and brought them to his face, inhaling sharply. It wasn't just the scent of one man but two, Jonathan and Malcolm. Ron inhaled as deeply as he could, feeling a bit bad that he couldn't keep all that air in his lungs before he exhaled again.

The thug closed his eyes and nuzzled the shoe gently before he sat down on the bench, leaving the shoe on his crotch as he grabbed others. He took out black and blue ones, white and orange ones, then moved on from Reebok to other brands and even a pair of boots that Malcolm had stuffed away, rolling the thick rubbery tread back and forth across his groin, feeling the divots. He was in heaven... and he wasn't alone.

"Ron?" Malcolm asked gently. Ron let out a yelp and stood up, sending a cascade of shoes to the floor, the socks fluttering down after them, though one sock hung out of Ron's waistband where it had been tucked. Ron blushed furiously, trying to figure out an excuse he could use to deflect his embarrassment with.

"I, uh, wanted to see just how good you are at robbing Jonathan..." Ron said. Malcolm grinned a bit and took a step forward.

"You like them, don't you? Their smell, the feeling of them against your skin? I can see you love it... but the only thing we robbed Jonathan of was his proper place. But that's changed now... Now we can do what we were meant to." Malcolm said. Ron looked confused.

"Malcolm? What are you talking about?" Ron asked before pausing, noticing a pearly liquid leaking from the corner of the other thug's mouth. Ron's eyes widened, "Is that... Is that fucking cum on your mouth dude?" Ron asked, backing up slowly. Malcolm grinned, his eyes slowly turning yellow as his canine teeth stretched out to attack length. There was movement behind the thug as Jonathan stepped out on his own, wearing nothing but his own Reebok pumps and socks, the rest of his body naked and hard.

"He's talking about how he came to serve me, how he came to love vampire boys." Jonathan said, looking right into Ron's eyes. Ron was about to turn and run, but when he gave the command to its body it just stood there. Jonathan moved over to Ron before he reached out, resting his hand on the sock that stuck out of Ron's pants. The vampire boy slowly pushed the sock down into his pants, rubbing it across Ron's erection.

"What..." Ron muttered, barely able to speak. Jonathan smiled.

"If you ever want to play with my socks and shoes again, its time you obey me, treat me like the leader Malcolm used to be. You're my bully now, you belong to me. Kneel." Jonathan whispered. Ron fought the voice in his head, but slowly he lowered down onto his knees before Jonathan. Jonathan grinned, reaching out to run his fingers over the thug's hair.

Jonathan was still adjusting to his new position. It was hard to believe. Daniel had been right, the gift had given him control over the thugs that had made his life a hell. He was a superior being now, outmatching humans in every way... but it was hard to separate himself from the boy he was, the boy that had been beaten up and humiliated. It was hard, but Jonathan was going to do it. Revenge was going to be as sweet as blood to him. He was something new.

"You already have the cravings Ron. You came here to see those shoes... I know how they make you horny, how they turn you on. The shoes and socks are a symbol of what we can do as men, and there wasn't any man you admired more than Malcolm... But you know now that I'm more worthy of your worship. Just look at me, my muscles and my body... and my cock. You know you can't resist that, don't you?" Jonathan asked.

Ron shuddered softly, looking at the blond boy's cock, his eyes wide as his mouth started to water. He never realized the little twerp was hung so well. His shaft was just the right width and longer than he expected. Ron blinked suddenly, trying to push the thoughts out of his head. He wasn't gay, he was a tough guy, a bully, a thug... Malcolm's thug... but now Malcolm belonged to Jonathan. Jonathan was the alpha dog, the king... and Ron had always been good at following the leader.

The thug slowly leaned forward, his tongue slipping past his lips to slather along Jonathan's cock. Jonathan reached out and grabbed Ron's head, pulling it to his lap. Ron took it in, sucking and slurping, sliding down until the head of Jonathan's shaft brushed the back of his throat. Soon Ron was rocking forward and back on the cock, his hands reaching out to caress and rub at Jonathan's feet and shoes.

Jonathan turned to the others that were there with him; Daniel, the man that had changed his life, and Malcolm, the first to turn for him. He waited a moment before he nodded, giving them the go ahead. Both men moved with unnatural speed, coming up to Ron at the same moment. Their fangs slipped into his neck on both sides, their mouths starting to draw in the blood that flowed through his veins.

Ron gasped sharply, nearly gagging on the cock as he felt it... but it felt strangely good. He felt content, safe, loved and complete. There was no pain, just euphoria. He began to suck on the cock again even as he was drained by the other two. Malcolm was greedy, taking big gulps. He had been turned with so little blood from Daniel that he was still a bit dry himself. Daniel, however, was pacing himself and enjoying it from the ritual of the experience.

Jonathan slowly face fucked Ron, sliding in and out, tipping his head back. He knew how innocent he looked, so lithe and young and perfect... but he slowly bore his fangs for all to see, his eyes gleaming in the dim locker room. He was also a vampire, a ruthless being that survived on blood. He was a predator and he had used the bait perfectly. Ron was a shoe slut just like Malcolm... and somewhere deep down, Jonathan understood the psychology of that. His eyes slowly shifted to Daniel and his motocross boots. He couldn't get them out of his mind.

As Jonathan thought of Daniel, his body twitched with pleasure. Jonathan was so turned on by Daniel. Even though Jonathan's body had refined itself in the change, he felt Daniel had the best looks of anyone he'd seen. He wanted Daniel, he wanted to be with him in a more intense, personal way... but it wasn't time for that yet. They had a mission to accomplish, they had bullies to turn.

Ron was losing himself into the act, sucking mindlessly. Part of it was that his blood was being drained away, his brain running low on what it needed to survive. Jonathan understood that was part of the process - hypnotism to make them feel safe and then near death. Jonathan wondered if it took vampire blood to make a vampire if the people Daniel usually fed on were drained all the way, slipping from a mindless stupid into an eternal sleep, or if he left them with just enough to survive before moving onto the next. Then Jonathan realized if he didn't act soon, Ron just might be an example of the former.

Jonathan had gotten carried away in pleasure and thought before realizing how far gone Ron was. Jonathan looked down at Daniel who had expectant eyes, waiting for Jonathan. Jonathan realized it was his turn. It was time for him to sire his first vampire. Jonathan had seen it done, both with himself and Malcolm... but now he had to turn Ron. Jonathan shuddered as the realization sent an orgasm through his body, his mind tingling.

Ron was eager to gulp down the cum that came flooding into his mouth, coating his tongue before he gulped it down. Jonathan, meanwhile, was bringing his wrist up to his mouth, his lips closing over it. He used his fangs to puncture through the flesh, tasting a brief dark tang of vampire blood before he stepped back. Ron reluctantly released the meaty cock from his cum coated mouth, licking his lips as he gazed up at Jonathan.

Jonathan crouched down, bringing his wrist to Ron's mouth. Ron was dazed, confused and quite horny. He was eager to suck anything. He brought his lips to Jonathan's wrist and closed them tight, starting to suckle. Drop by drop, the vampire blood diffused into the saliva before being consumed, taken in by Ron. Ron's eyes rolled into the back of his head slowly before he collapsed on the floor, his own cock spasming as he released a load into the white sock wrapped around his shaft. Daniel pulled off of the thug and reached over to dislodge Malcolm before he turned to Jonathan.

"Very well done... How did it feel?" Daniel asked.

"Risky. I didn't know how much to give him." Jonathan said. Daniel smiled a bit.

"I think you gave him just enough. Well done, Vampire boy." Daniel grinned.

"What about you? What nickname do I call you?" Jonathan asked. Daniel considered.

"Sexy vampire man?" Daniel asked. Jonathan rolled his eyes before chuckling.

"It's almost sunset. We can clean up here before we head to our next target." Jonathan said. Daniel nodded, standing up and stretching.

"And who is our next target?" Daniel asked.

"Logan. He was Malcolm's smartest bully." Jonathan said.

"Alright. We'll just clean up here." Daniel said. Jonathan paused.

"Well... maybe." Jonathan said, looking over at the first bully, "Malcolm, clean all this up." He commanded. Malcolm nodded eagerly.

"Of course, right away!" Malcolm said, moving to gather the shoes and socks. Jonathan grinned a bit at that. Life was looking better all the time.


Of all of Malcolm's lackeys over the years, Logan had been the hardest to turn. He was a valuable asset to get homework done for the group well enough for them to pass their classes, but he was higher maintenance than the other bullies. Malcolm had learned that it was important to keep Logan in check, to be around him, to keep him from thinking about things because when he thought, he often got cold feet afterwards. The walk home from school after a day without Malcolm had given him enough time to think, to reevaluate his life priorities.

Logan's brown hair blew around in the wind a bit as he moved beneath the trees, the diminishing light leaving them as ominous silhouettes rather than the real colors they were. Logan had to admit, physical prowess felt great. It was good to be the top of the food chain, to be popular and feared as much as liked. He could exert his will and get anything he wanted. He knew it wasn't going to be the case forever, though, and there was a question of how it would all end. Logan thought about everything he had done, how it could turn out. He thought of poor Jonathan... and then he stopped, a chill running down his spine. Logan lifted his head and looked around before pausing, seeing a figure in a long black jacket across the street at the other street corner. His coat showed off his shoulders and neck, his blond hair blowing around loosely in the wind.

Logan looked at the stranger for a long moment before he saw enough familiar... It was Jonathan. Logan felt immediately worried all over again. Bullied kids in long coats were not a good combination. It usually meant revenge was at hand... possibly even in the form of a school shooting. Logan turned and bolted down the side street, intent to get away, to shake Jonathan before it was too late.

He headed toward the end of the block before he slowed down, spotting another stranger... Daniel looked right at Logan, saying nothing. Logan grew even more concerned and he headed out a street in between the other two. He was on the block behind his own house, trying to figure out how to get there. He could break into one of the back yards, but then he had to jump a chain link fence with slats in it and a huge wall of trees behind it. It was far from ideal.

Logan's heart raced, especially as he glanced over his shoulder and saw both of the men he was running from. He bolted down the road, running between two houses, forcing through their gate. He built up speed, especially as a neighborhood dog started barking before he leapt and lunged. He got half way up the fence, knocking out slats as he jammed his foot in and pushed off, barreling over the top. The bully came crashing through the line of trees, landing in his own back yard roughly. He coughed and sputtered, aching a bit before he gasped, feeling the cold air hit his feet. He looked down, seeing Malcolm and Ron taking his shoes and then his socks, his pale feet exposed to the cool night air.

"What are you doing?!" Logan asked in shock, "Don't you know Jonathan is coming?"

"Logan... We were bad for so very long. Bad boys deserve punishments..." Malcolm said. Ron nodded, moving to unstrap Logan's belt. Logan punched at his old friend before crawling back on his hands and knees.

"Ron, what's wrong with you?!" Logan asked in shock.

"We can turn our lives around Logan, we can be better people." Ron whispered.

"And it starts with some turnabout." Jonathan said from where he was standing. Logan looked over, gasping again softly.

"What is going on? What did you do to them?" Logan asked, trembling, covered and muddy.

"That's what it felt like, Logan... Cold, wet, dark... No shoes, no socks, dejected. This is a revenge that should have been Malcolm's, but I don't think he would have been smart enough to understand what was going on." Jonathan said, moving over before crouching down, "But this isn't the end. It's the start of something new." Jonathan said softly.

"What? The start of what?" Logan asked. Jonathan grinned, his fangs slowly extending as his eyes turned yellow.

"The start of your new life... or unlife. You should have been careful who you picked on. Sometimes kids like me have friends in high places." Jonathan said. Logan looked over at Daniel and then at his friends... friends that had also exposed their fangs, their eyes gleaming yellow.

"You're vampires? All of you?" Logan asked. Jonathan said nothing, leaning in before he sunk his fangs into Logan's neck. Logan grunted sharply at that, shuddering before he closed his eyes. He had expected it to hurt, but it felt oddly good, almost satisfying. Daniel turned and looked at Ron before nodding. He knew Ron needed more blood to finish the process. Ron wasted no time, lunging forward, coming down on the other side of Logan's neck.

Jonathan felt the hot, coppery tasting blood flow over his tongue and down his throat, his lips working with precision and control to keep every drop where it was supposed to go. With each feeding he took, his life felt more and more in place. He was a vampire, a predator, his life was shaping out exactly as it should... though he was a vampire with a twist. He doubted any clan had ever had quite the shoe fetish his clan seemed to have, but that was alright with him. He'd always bee unique already. Now it was just a source of celebration rather than recrimination.

Jonathan watched Logan grow pale and still, knowing it was time. He lifted his wrist up to his mouth and cut himself again, waiting for the blood to well out. Jonathan knew he wouldn't convert every human he came across, that some would be meals rather than play things... but for now he enjoyed the act of creation, changing their lives, reshaping the bullies he knew into pure servants. It was justice, it was revenge, and it was as sweet as blood.

Borderlands - Varkid Variation

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Code of Dishonor: Salt of the Earth

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Moral Extinction

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