Moral Extinction: Limelight District

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#2 of Moral Extinction

Written by

Commissioned by gotommax

They say fame changes people, but never has it had a stronger influence than in the Limelight District.

Moral Extinction: Limelight District Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax

The rain had been coming down for almost two days, saturating the entire valley below. The fields were muddy but the crops had been planted for the spring yet to come. As the sun set and the producers returned home for the night, the city began to stir from its slumber and prepare for the coming evening. The lights turned off in the fields and grew brighter in the city until it was a bastion of light that rivaled the moon and the stars.

Inside the city, the water continued to collect on the artificial surfaces rather than soaking into the earth below. Most of the water was shunted into automated recycling systems, collecting and cleaning it for future consumption... but there was just too much. Sheets of water ran down the sleek black and orange walls, collected along the curbs and funneled down the copper grated perimeter around the city... but more than anything, the vast puddles of water collected and scattered the spectrum of light that the city cast off. The holographic barrier reflected off of the water, the neon street signs shone on the walls of water. It was a magnificent sight for any that were looking, though only one solitary soul seemed to be wandering in the wet wonderland.

A long, wide furry white paw came down into the trough of water at the edge of the street, the pink paw pads quivering a bit with the cold. As the foot touched down, several rectangular lights illuminated in the street to form a cross walk. Another paw came down and the figure continued along across the street, stepping back up onto the sidewalk on the other side, reaching to run a hand down his long, long floppy ears to get some of the water out.

The man turned, his pink nose quirking a bit as he resumed his path, his whiskers having collected beads of water on them. The rabbit was wearing an impressive haremani suit, made of the best silks... but it was completely soaked through. Harry Reitman had it all... He was one of the highest paid creators of entertainment in the city, he had a comfortable life and he loved what he did. The problem was... he may have liked it too much.

Harry contemplated his life as he moved through the rain, walking the perimeter of the Limelight district where his e-casts were made for general consumption. He felt honored to work with all the stellar individuals he worked with, they had grown and developed and reached the peak of their abilities, but something was missing and the fact that it was ate at him, turning his pleasure into a yearning. Harry had felt it for a long time but he hadn't been able to put his finger on it until a young male cougar named Paul had shown up at the studio. Harry was missing new blood.

As much as the viewers liked the programs they made, they were using the same actors over and over again. That was perfectly fine, to a point, but the viewers had their favorite pairings and upsetting that balance upset the viewers. Harry needed something new, he needed someone new to mix everything up and revolutionize the industry. He wanted new actors but they weren't easy to come by... and there was his problem.

The red districts were full of people willing to have sex, that was the easy part... but they lacked the certain sophistication or focus to portray a wide variety of characters. Harry needed a different class of acting stock. He had been amazed to hear that it had been his company's public service announcements that pushed Paul over the edge into becoming a hybrid, even more amazed to hear that he had friends in the city that had turned as well. If it was that easy to turn people, all Harry needed was to find candidates and engineer the right situation... but was it right?

That thought had been at the center of Harry's walk. Before he took action he had to be certain. Was he doing this for the public or himself? He did enjoy his work. He loved the acting, the action, the intimacy. He loved teaching the actors, guiding them and then seeing their work when they were set free... He craved it, he wanted more of it, but on the other paw it didn't hurt anyone, it made people happy. It had to be a good thing. The only question was where to start.

Harry turned and looked across the street out at the part of the city he rarely paid attention to... the blue district. Utilitarian, focused on the running of the city. He rarely paid attention to it because they rarely paid attention to his work. The ratings were quite low of his work there. In an odd way, that made it perfect. Harry's short muzzle worked into a smile as he thought of all the innocent people working there just waiting for their big break.


Projected light infused the city with a sort of vitality, ever moving and ever changing... but in the automation center it was more routine, more regularized and more monotonous. Glass and steel tables were set up around the room, sixteen in all... but only one was occupied. Even the automation center was automated, making human operators rather redundant. Still, it was necessary should there be any sort of problem in the system, not that there had ever been one.

Blue eyes studied the holographic screens, watching little yellow truck icons moving back and forth through the teal iconographic map of the city and the vast brown space that indicated the territory of the producers. He watched supply charts increase and trucks automatically change to other warehouses to ensure that there was an even amount distributed to all corners of the city. Toby blinked gently before he leaned back in his chair to rest his back. It was not much of a job as far as challenges went. Toby wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He reached up and brushed his shaggy blond hair out of his face, trying to consider the ramifications. He was essentially given a living for doing nothing, but if his senses were dulling then it was a hazard to the city for him to continue... but his life had led up to where he was. He had graduated secondary school with the training needed for that job and that job alone. He wasn't sure if he could even survive in another field of work.

"Attention: Visitor in lobby A1." An automated voice announced. Toby's eyes widened in surprise as he sprung to his feet and looked down at his gray and silver uniform. He was barely eighteen and still looked fairly young. He was also a bit shy, leading to nerves about the visitor... but it wasn't like he had anything better to do. There would be audio cues if anything went wrong. Toby crossed the room and tapped the panel to open the door.

As the partition slid back, Toby saw who was on the other side - Harry, a hybrid, a rabbit man in a suit. A brief moment of panic moved through Toby. The human was well aware of the virus that permeated the city, even in his own blood stream, but there was a difference between knowing it was there and seeing someone it had activated within. Toby fought his initial instinct to be afraid by reminding himself that he wouldn't get sick as long as he remained who he was and stayed strong.

"Hello?" Toby asked, wondering what the hybrid wanted.

"Toby Stall?" Harry asked with a soft smile, having familiarized himself with the public work records. Toby blinked a bit before nodding, even more perplexed by his visitor now.

"Yes, that's me..." Toby said.

"My name is Harry Reitman and I am here to offer you a... life changing opportunity." Harry grinned. Toby looked stunned given that he had just been considering his future.

"Why me?" Toby asked with slight confusion. Harry gave a slight scoff.

"That's right, you haven't heard of me... I am an E-cast creator, responsible for a lot of shows that broadcast on the hypernet. I'm also a talent scout. I wanted to find individuals whose talent is not being fully utilized, it give them a chance to become something more, something better, something more promising." Harry explained.

"And you... decided that my talent isn't being fully utilized?" Toby asked, still hesitant.

"Look around you Toby... You're living in a world of turning cogs and pieces, part of -the great machine... and you are turning into a robotic piece yourself. I want to bring out your best qualities. I want to foster your innocence, your goodness, your human nature... and let them grow into the primal, visceral display that fans around this world of ours love..." Harry said. Toby looked even more baffled.

"I'm not sure, really... I mean I've trained as an operator. Aren't there people that... want that kind of lifestyle?" Toby asked. Harry chuckled, putting an arm around Toby's back, turning him to face the window and the reflection of them both.

"Of course there are, but I don't want them. They're trying too hard, they're posing. I need the real, I need you... I can show you how to act, even as you are becoming what you were meant to be and preserving the parts of you that are most fascinating to the masses." Harry said.

"I... I'm not sure, I mean I'm.... pretty needed around here." Toby said, though it was a bit of a lie. The city was in no danger whether he was there or not and they could replace him just as easily as they did a circuit board. What truly unsettled Toby was stepping outside of the safe comfort zone of his work, stepping into a life he was unsure of. Toby had an irrational fear of Harry, of losing himself to the virus and becoming something entirely other. He knew it had nothing to do with the rabbit though, it was all about his own inner strength.

"Toby, my friend... Look around you, look at this place. Colorless, lifeless, redundant. I can offer you a home, an income, entertainment, even a boyfriend..." Harry grinned.

"I'm straight. I like girls." Toby said bluntly. The quip hadn't reassured him. Harry's rabbit nose wrinkled up a bit at that. He hadn't thought about Toby actually being straight, but he had ventured outside of the red districts so it was going to be a lot more common.

"Well, yes, that too..." he muttered, hoping in time Toby would forget about both parts of his life. The rabbit smiled, "So what do you say? Do you want to try a chance at actually living?" Harry asked.

Toby was silent, contemplating for a moment. As afraid as he was, as dangerous as he knew the path to be, it did sound like it had a lot of promise and potential. The e-casts needed more humans too to represent the population better. After all, over half of the city was still human and only a third had been reduced to completely insatiable sex fiends. Toby swallowed the last of his fear and nodded.

"I do." He admitted.

"Good, good. Welcome to the team Toby... Now, do you know anyone else that might not be completely satisfied with their jobs?" Harry asked, licking his lips.


The heavy doors to Reactor Room Two slid open, granting Harry admittance. The rabbit looked out at the metal catwalks spanning the room, suspended just above a shallow pool of water sitting above glass and metal. Steam sizzled off of raised squares with heat grills as a dull purple glow filtered up through the transparent floor beneath the water. The room seemed mostly lit from the reactor itself, but the light scattered between a vast array of pipes above, laid out in all directions with no apparent rhyme or reason. It was like a canopy of metal branches and vines.

Harry had studied the public work records in great detail, trying to find his most likely candidates. Sadly, after Toby he had three rejections already. He couldn't blame them. There was a bit of fear and prejudice when it came to the hybrids, a fear of losing one's self. Harry knew from personal experience that you could find yourself again and that the whole experience was rather... exhilarating. Still, he hoped he would have more luck with his two newest potential recruits.

The rabbit gazed upward at the technological canopy, listening to shifting sounds. He hear tapping, clicking, and then the buzz of the winch as the sounds manifested in the form of people. Two shaggy haired twenty year olds descended from above, harnessed onto lines with gray and yellow uniforms adorned with tool belts. One dropped down, landing on the catwalk while the other settled on a pipe with his legs and dropped down over the back, hanging upside down to look at their visitor. As the first stood up, his eyes widened a bit in shock that a hybrid had come to them. Harry looked at the two operators, taking in their fair cheek bones, their chins, their blue eyes... and their identical thin bodies.

"Twins..." he whispered. He had read it on paper, but it was another thing to see in person.

"Can we help you?" One of the boys asked with a lilting, airy voice.

"You're Harry Reitman, aren't you?" The upside down twin asked. His brother shot a glare at his brother. Harry grinned, surprised. He already had an advantage, one of them was aware of his work. He might have even seen some of his programs.

"I am, you know my work?" Harry asked hopefully.

"I did a report on your public service announcements in school, the ramifications of publically endorsed homosexuality as a method of population regulation." The twin said before he was jabbed by his brother. The more protective brother seemed torn. He was hesitant of Harry, but his brother did do a report on him. He seemed less wild and uncontrolled than most of the hybrids he had seen.

"We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Samuel Sims, this is my brother Shane." The protective twin explained slowly, watching Harry warily.

"Sam, Shane, a pleasure to meet you. Now... How would you like to be a part of that world?" Harry asked. The twins looked at each other, surprised by the offer to say the least. Harry gazed on, imagining just what he could do with twins... on air and off.


It had been a long day, but for Harry it had been a rather promising one. He had started to amass his new 'actors' to train, pulling them away from dead end jobs, preparing to make accommodations for them in the limelight district... and then, in a completely unwarranted intrusion of his time and effort, Harry had gotten a summons from the junior director of personnel and allocation headquarters. Harry sat at one end of a table in a meeting room, the frosted glass walls showing a diffused video of wind blowing through a grassy field. Harry honestly wasn't sure entirely why he was there, but he assumed he would soon find out.

The door to the meeting room slid open and revealed a young man, his red hair pulled back into a short ponytail. Unlike the other operators that Harry had come across, this man's uniform was gray with blood red highlights. The figure hesitated at the doorway, but Harry was used to this. In the blue districts he was a liability, a risk. Still, the human was a professional and he moved in and sat down at the other end of the table, pulling out a tablet computer before looking up at the rabbit.

"You are Harry Reitman?" The man asked. It was a formality and a social move. The man already knew everything that was included in Harry's file. The rabbit's floppy ears quirked at the mention of his own name.

"That's correct..." Harry replied.

"My name is Felix Conners, Junior Director of PAH. I invited you here today to discuss some of your recent activity. I understand that you have been... recruiting individuals?" Felix asked. Harry nodded.

"I have approached a few people with job opportunities, yes." Harry said, looking intrigued that his actions had gained the attention of someone.

"In an average year we receive perhaps four or five transfer requests in total from the blue districts... In the last twelve hours we received three." Felix said, looking into Harry's eyes, "Just what are you offering these workers?" Felix asked, worried at the back of his mind that this hybrid had gone on a one man corrupting campaign. Harry slowly grinned.

"I am offering them dreams... Hopes... excitement and fears. I am offering them the sum of the human experience and the lavish treatment that comes with being a celebrity. I am offering them the chance to turn their ordinary lives into something exciting." Harry paused, watching Felix grow even more worried with his every word, "I'm an e-cast creator, I make shows and let people engage their imaginations. I'm looking for actors. What about you, Mister Conners? Have you ever dreamed of being something more?" Harry asked. Felix blushed, realizing his assumptions were terribly misplaced. Then he started thinking about Harry's offer.

"That's... That's besides the point." Felix said. Harry shook his head.

"I don't think it is. Sure, e-casts have existed for hundreds of years and followed in the footsteps of television and the cinema, but one fact still remains. Humans love to perceive realities that are not their own, even to insert themselves into that. It may be somewhat of a dying art form these days, but even if you haven't seen my programming... Haven't you wanted to live a dream? To pretend? To imagine like you did as a child, and to have other people working to make that imagination a reality? Mister Conners, I live a life of dreams... and I want to share them." Harry whispered. Felix panted softly before he wiped his brow.

"Can... anyone apply?" Felix asked. Harry was almost beside himself with glee.


The tires of the limousine rolled along the street, the car navigating its own way back to the Limelight District. The sleek black surface glinted off of all of the street lights as they approached the studio. It had been a long night and dawn was approaching. The heavens were already growing brighter as the clouds took on a pink glow. Harry had gathered his new recruits together, he had changed his suit and he sat on a leather seat looking at them all. Toby, Sam, Shane and Felix. It was a start, and a start was all he needed... though the studios had not been expecting outside talent. They were aware of the fears and hesitation, the system was set up for a standard number of actors. Accommodations were a bit limited.

"Sam, Shane, I've had to put you up in a hotel next to the lot. I hope you won't mind. It's only for a night or two." Harry explained.

"Oh, no, not at all. We're used to living together." Sam smirked.

"What about us?" Toby asked meekly, looking at Felix.

"Well, as you were my first recruit and since Felix expedited your transfers, I wanted to keep you two closest for the time being. It'll just take a little bit of juggling, but we should be able to get a fresh start in the dusk. As for today, I suggest you just enjoy yourselves..." Felix said, thinking about what he had left behind as he looked up through the window. They had arrived at last at the studios and even for those raised in the city, it was quite a sight. While the base level of the building looked much like any other, several floors up the roof was actually somewhat domed, covered in interlocking triangles of solar panels to collect energy during the day to power the studios at night rather than drain the city's resources. Beads of water rested on the panels from the rain, glittering and sparkling like a trillion diamonds... and that wasn't all.

All around the building, actors moved around, preparing for their next roles. While the studio specialized in explicit content for the red districts, there was still a place for conventional news updates. The limo rolled past a tiger in a long black suit with an orange tie and a monkey weather boy able to gesture to very distinct parts of the map at the same time. The boys took in all the sights with wide eyes, a little surprised at the lack of humans around. Toby glanced out of the back of the car, realizing they had left the blue district. They would have to be on guard not to lose themselves to this new life, not to let their morals and will power erode away. Toby had no way of knowing that Harry was hoping just the opposite a few feet away.

The limo pulled to a stop just outside of the studio's side entrance and the vast doors began sliding open, light spilling out from inside. The doors opened and the passengers slipped out of the car, Shane running forward ahead of the rest to see what secrets the studio held. Toby, Felix and Sam followed after with Harry just behind, but all of the new recruits had one thing in common: pure, unadulterated amazement. They had lived lives of utility and purpose, of fear and of monotony. They had never thought about the hybrids living such civil and ordinary lives, or the magic that could be made making e-casts.

The doors of the studio had opened up onto a wide hallway along which small indoor vehicles and equipment on wheels rolled along, but both sides of the hall were lined with shimmering walls of energy. The walls ranged from transparent to translucent, giving views to vastly different ecosystems. There were alien planets, Victorian bedrooms, pirate ships and caves with prehistoric paintings. Every room held a complex holographic environment that the actors worked in as small camera spheres floated around, networked and programmed to never capture one another.

"This... is... amazing." Shane whispered, moving up to the wall behind the pirate ship, looking out at all the pirates beyond.

"Tell me about it; it took a lot of getting used to." Came a sultry voice. The humans turned, seeing a cougar move up with a grin on his feline face.

"Paul, how are the announcements going?" Harry asked.

"Alright for the most part... Ready to call it a day though, go get some rest, cuddle up to my lovely cheetah." Paul grinned.

"You go do that. I've got to show these gentlemen around a bit before they settle in." Harry said. Paul nodded, looking at the others.

"You're in for a wild ride boys." Paul grinned before he moved off out of the building. Felix watched him go before he turned, looking through the walls.

"Are these all for regular e-casts?" Felix asked.

"We have a wide range of programming here... We have series, we have movies, we have live streams with user input." Harry explained. Sam looked up as another young human came running up, the boy with dusty blond hair and round glasses looking nearly the same age as Toby. He held a tray in one hand and a tablet in the other.

"Sir, your coffees." The teenager said to Harry.

"Thank you Dale." Harry said before looking to his guests, "This is Dale, our errand boy. If you need anything, just let him know." Harry said.

"A pleasure to meet you Dale." Sam said with a smile.

"Thank you sir." Dale said, bowing his head before he scurried off again.

"So what's next for us?" Toby asked, pausing as he looked through one of the fields at a jackal and a fox that seemed to be helping each other with problems in their environmental suits. Harry followed Toby's gaze and realized they were filming Encounter on Lustia nine already. He wanted to expose those boys to his world, but not before they had even signed the paperwork.

"First the tour, then the business office and then back to your places for some sleep. Come sundown we can start dark and early." Harry said with a wide grin, his rabbit nose quirking with excitement.


The door to the hotel room eased open as Sam and Shane stumbled in. They were exhausted. They had never been up so late. The sun was already half way up, a shimmering orange sphere behind the wall of advertisements. Sam wondered if the producers were already awake, culling their fields, packing away the produce for themselves and the city. He paused, looking around the room, realizing something unexpected... There was only one bed for them both. Sam sighed.

"I knew they said we were going to be sharing but this is ridiculous." Sam said. Shane smirked and elbowed his brother.

"It's a king sized bed and we're twin sized people. It'll be fine. Plus look, they have the ultrabox! All the channels imaginable and it'll attune itself to what we want to see!" Shane said, running over before he lunged onto the bed. Sam clicked his teeth with his tongue.

"Uniform off, you're grungy!" Sam said. Shane rolled his eyes before he unzipped his uniform and kicked it off, laying back in his boxer shorts on the bed, fumbling for the remote. The little white box snapped on and the entire wall shimmered to life as one of the broadcasts filled the screen, showing an international gaming tournament of Soul Forge Reawakening. Sam moved around the hotel room, taking everything in.

They had a fruit basket, a cheese basket, a closet full of semi-casual clothing and shoes in their size as well as a bathroom and a mini-fridge. Sam couldn't remember the last time he hadn't been in a place that was at least partly his own. It was sort of exotic and exciting to have a room catering to their whims. Sam unzipped his uniform and slipped it down off his shoulders, letting it pool around his feet before he paused, looking over at the bathroom.

"I think I'm going to take a shower." Sam said before he stepped through the door. Shane waved his hand without looking.

"Yeah, you do that." Shane said, pulling the mint off of his pillow to pop into his mouth. He watched the computer generated characters moving around the screen before a little window popped up in the corner.

"You have received a video file from Harry Reitman. Subject: Homework for tomorrow's roles. Do you wish to accept?" An automated voice asked. Shane grinned a bit.

"Sure, put it on." Shane said. The wall flickered and switched over to the video file. The view opened over a magnificent stretch of coastline. Turquoise waters washed up onto white sands. An old fashioned highway snaked its way along the coastline, hugging the sand and the bedrock... For a long moment there was silence, but then suddenly a red car raced down the highway with surf boards sticking out of the back.

Shane leaned forward a bit in excitement, watching the developments with great interest. He had never been out of the city, none of them had. The beach was alien to him, the scenery, the ocean. It was exhilarating, a world he never knew existed. He licked his lips a bit as the camera angle changed and showed the car pull off the highway and move onto the beach, the tires rolling through the sand, kicking it up. It was like clean dirt.

The car door opened and a webbed black and white foot came down into the sand. The camera panned up to show muscled legs, bright green and white swimming shorts, a white muscled torso and a broad back with a dorsal fin before the sleek head of an orca came into frame, shaggy white hair framing his head. He glanced across the car to the other passenger that had come with him, a German shepherd with rayban sunglasses.

The two men grabbed their surf boards out of the back of the car and started moving for the water, bumping into each other playfully as they moved. Shane was wide eyed, unable to look away as they ran out into the water. Shane had never been so excited in his life. It was almost as if he was right there, feeling the sand and the water. His heart was racing, his breathing was accelerated. His body was heightened and alive and stimulated. He couldn't even imagine what it would be like to master something so unpredictable as water...

Shane watched the orca and dog run toward the water before throwing their boards down, paddling out into the sea, casting each other expressions. Shane could feel their bond, their connection, their bromance. He watched with baited breath as they managed to make it out into the waves, rising up on the water.

The surfers rode the wave all the way back to the shore before they collapsed onto the sand, laying on their backs, laughing and grinning before they looked at each other and leaned in... and kissed. Shane tilted his head a bit. Being gay was nothing new in the society; it was even endorsed as a form of birth control, but for some reason Shane hadn't thought of the characters in that way. He had assumed they were friends, 'bro's', nothing more... but if bro's could be boyfriends... then anything was possible.

Shane watched as the two characters on the screen got more intimate, moving to grope and rub each other... and for the first time in his life, Shane became aroused by it. His brain began to produce rushes of neurotransmitters, flooding his brain with it as he thought about forbidden pleasure. He thought about all the friends in his life... and then his brother, the ultimate 'bro' to which that form of love had never been considered. Shane shivered as a tingle began to spread through his body. A reaction had started...

Shane's body had long kept the virus at bay, denying it what it required, depriving it of the nutrients, but for the first time his body was ripe. He was vulnerable, susceptible, open... and the virus started its work. Shane's eyes were glued to the wall screen but his fingers felt a little like they were glued to each other. The flesh began to stick and stretch, forming webs of skin between them that spread outward as his fingernails darkened from white to brown, growing out and narrowing into points.

The dopey grin Shane had on his face was affected as well as his cheeks twitched, the skin parting to allow clear whiskers to start pushing out. They grew longer and longer, extending several inches from his cheeks. Shane brought his webbed hand down to his underwear, palming his groin before he slipped the hand underneath to start fondling himself, watching the orca and the dog going at it on the screen.

Shane let out a small moan as his webbed hand wrapped around his cock for the first time. He never thought anything could feel so good. He started working his hand up and down his cock, pumping his hips into it, panting gently. As his hot, lusty breath moved in and out of his mouth, the air shifted patterns as his lips changed. His upper lip seemed to lift up in the center and round on the two sides, taking on a more animalistic look. As the split lip connected to his nose, the tip flattened out and the nostrils widened, the nose taking on a darker hue. It shifted from peach to brown to black, growing moist and wide.

While Shane's shaggy brown hair remained, shorter and softer brown fur began creeping down his sideburns and cheeks, then around his mouth and up across his forehead. The brown fur closed in across the bridge of his nose as his ears started to shrink and simplify. All the while, Shane was too transfixed on the screen to notice what was happening. He gazed only at the monitor, feeling his furry hand stroke his cock eagerly.

Even as the former reactor worker wiggled his toes, he didn't notice the thick webbing forming between them or the claws pushing out of the tips. Shane's leg hair softened and thickened, his skin producing an oil that made the hair turn into more of a water resistant fur, his flesh disappearing beneath it. The fur crept across his body from the two ends, working toward the middle. It coated his knees and his shoulders, his hips and his pectorals, moving down across his fit abdomen.

As the fur slipped down into his underwear, one leg of the boxers spread wider as something began pushing down between his legs. A wiggling tail tip emerged, furry and brown. It pushed out down out of the leg, reaching down to his knees and then a bit beyond. Shane wiggled his black otter nose before he used his hand to slice open his boxers, his cock springing up. Shane panted and drooled a bit before he rolled onto his side, leaning down at his cock. He gave it a few good licks and slurps, but it wasn't enough. He needed more. He needed someone to mate with, a real bro just like in the show.

Shane's green eyes glimmered as he realized he had just such a bro, a twin in the shower. Shane sprung off of the bed, subconsciously getting used to his webbed feet as he pushed through the door into the bathroom. He padded along the tiled floor quietly, looking at the translucent barrier that blocked off the shower, the water running down the osmotic glass. Shane reached out, putting his hand on the glass. It shimmered, turning transparent and allowing his hand to pass through at the same time.

Sam hadn't seen the glass shift, his eyes clenched shut as the soap suds ran down from his hair. Shane put one webbed foot into the shower, then the other, coming up behind his brother. The water soaked into his fur, his body heat radiating out through it. Somewhere in teh back of his mind he started to realize what was going on, but he was too focused on the moment. Shane reached around with furry paws, hugging him around his waist. Sam's eyes shot open as he gasped, glancing over his shoulder to see a strange hybrid in his shower. His eyes immediately started to sting and ache from the soap but the pain was only an added incentive. He had to get out of there.

"Let go of me!" Sam said, scrambling for the glass.

"Brother, I need you..." Shane whispered. Sam blinked in disbelief.

"Sh... Shane?" he whispered, looking at the otter in shock.

"It's alright brother, I'm here for you." Shane said, leaning forward, pressing his lips to Sam's. Sam was frozen in fear, shock and surprise. He had only left his brother alone for a minute and he had changed completely... but he was so soft, so warm even when wet, so close and so comforting... and the kiss felt oddly nice. Sam slowly opened his mouth, letting his brother's tongue probe his mouth, experiencing it all.

Sam was still too stunned to react or resist at first, but as he thought about it, even if his brother had fallen... what was he supposed to do? If he ran away, stayed who he was, he would have lost his brother, his twin, his other half. They already had lost everything else in their lives when their parents died. That would have been too much... Sam needed Shane and he knew Shane needed him. Sam started to slowly return the kiss, his tongue teasing his brother's.

As Sam thought about it, maybe a little kissing was alright... It wouldn't be too much, even if it was his own brother, but then again that might still leave his brother different, alone... and Shane needed him. It would take something more, something forbidden, something so wrong it was right. Sam had to force the change to be with his brother and to do that he would have to throw all of his morals out of the window. Sam broke the kiss, panting hard as the shower water ran down off of his nose, mouth and chin.

Sam slowly looked up at Shane, the otter boy who was looking back at him with huge green eyes and an adorable button black nose. Sam grunted hard before he grabbed Shane by the shoulders and flipped him around, pushing him into the wall. Sam reached and lifted the muscled otter tail up, exposing his tail hole. Sam leaned forward and began to rub his semi-hard shaft against the tight pucker of muscle that was there. Shane clenched his eyes shut, moaning hard, his whiskers twitching in delight.

Sam was barely aware of the fact that all his fears had been confirmed. They had lived in a world of perfect order and regularity, conforming to rules and following schedules, but the order wasn't real. It was a construct, a shared dream to make reality appear as more than what it was. Sam knew now it was an unrefined chaos, the simplest structures built on top of primal desire and absolute nothingness. If society was a sham, if it was all built on inherent desire, then there wasn't anyone he wanted more than Shane, nor anyone he loved more.

With a confident thrust, Sam forced his shaft into Shane's ass. The otter spread his hands wide on the wall, letting out animal noises of pleasure. Sam started to thrust in and out, grabbing onto the furry hips though he reached around and started to jack Shane off, feeling his thick otter cock. Sam rolled his hips to increase the friction, fucking his brother harder and faster. Sam looked down, watching the water roll down his firm muscled stomach and slip around his cock, a cock that was already changing.

Sam's shaft grew longer and thicker, widening and tapering as his bush grew soft and oily, the point of transformation spreading out from his groin. Sam groaned, welcoming the change, fucking Shane harder. Shane moaned, leaning his head back, playfully licking Sam's cheek and nose, watching as his brother's whiskers started to come in, pushing out of his cheeks even as the fur climbed up his stomach.

"You know, I thought all the time we spent on the cables and tubes that we would have turned into monkeys." Shane murmured.

"I guess we have a true calling now... I wonder if they have an opening on that pirate series." Sam grinned, moving to nip and rub at Shane's neck. The fur finished covering Sam's chest and stomach, looping around his ribs to cover his back and shoulders, slipping over his ass cheeks as well. The cheeks pushed apart, making room for the tiny nub of fur covered flesh to start growing out. It started as a small spade shape before widening and lengthening.

The tail flared out at the base, dominating the space just above his ass, revealing the muscled pucker beneath... and the furry brown otter balls swinging as Sam pounded into his brother. Sam ground tight against Shane, unrelenting. He had always been the protective brother, the forward brother, the older by a minute brother... but now he was the dominant brother, the aggressive brother, the top brother.

Sam's tail swayed behind him as he got used to balancing himself with it, leaning forward and back as he kept up the love making. To keep up with the changes, Sam had to keep shifting his weight on his feet, feet that were changing all the while. Webbing started pushing out between his toes as his toes grew longer, claws pushing out of the tips. His fingers were undergoing a similar change.

The otter twins kept going at it, Sam's body resembling Shane's more and more. Sam's face contorted and started pushing out into a blunt muzzle, his nose rounding and pushing out. His ears shrank and the fur covered his head entirely, leaving him with a mop of brown soaked shaggy hair. Shane's tail was pinned between his back and Sam's chest and Sam didn't want it any other way. In a few more moments, Sam had completed his transformation... but not just externally.

The walls of order in his mind had been broken down, revealing the seething well of passion beneath. Sam felt like he had wanted Shane all his life and now he had him, not just as a brother but as a possession. Sam licked his lips before he threw his head back and called out, his cock spraying thick loads of otter cum into his brother. Shane panted and groaned before squeaking himself, his cock spasming and shooting a jet out all over the shower wall. Shane leaned back, his muzzle meeting with Shane's as they kissed, fully embracing their forbidden love... and their relationship would never be the same again.


Felix tried not to rock back and forth in the limo as they drove along. The windows had been blacked out ad he didn't know where they were going, but Harry hadn't let him down yet. Felix glanced at his reflection, at his red hair tied back, at the black and green street clothes he'd been given. The athletic mesh seemed a bit loose on him but it was top of the line. Felix glanced over at Harry as the rabbit sipped some champagne, trying to decide how to make conversation.

"So... how are the others doing?" Felix asked. He hadn't known them very long but he felt as if they shared a bond as the new recruits. He was interested.

"Well the brothers have started on two different shows. They volunteered to work on Pirates of Azzarone but we also felt their personalities would be useful for an educational show." Harry said, going back to his drink.

"What sort of educational show?" Felix asked, fascinated. Harry blinked a bit.

"Uh, aquatic life... Eating habits, sleeping habits... mating habits... That sort of thing." Harry said. Felix shifted a bit at the last comment, trying to picture how that would work.

"What about Toby?" Felix asked, leaning back.

"He's still settling in. The next one to get his own show is you." Harry smiled.

"And that's where we're going? Why can't you tell me anything about it?" Felix asked, a bit worried. Harry reached out and rested a hand on Felix's shoulder.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright. It's a reality show so they need you being you... Once you step out of the car door, all you have to do is what you'd do naturally." Harry said. Almost as if on cue, the car slowed down to a stop. Felix started breathing faster, excited and worried and wondering what was waiting for him all at the same time. Harry leaned forward and slid out a case from under the seat, opening it up. Several camera spheres floated up out of the box, filling the air space in the limousine. One of the spheres was a vibrant orange while the others were a stark black. Felix looked at them all before looking at Harry.

"What's the orange one for?" Felix asked.

"That's for when you want to talk directly to the camera, let the audiences know what you're thinking. Now get to it buddy." Harry said. Felix took one more step before he opened the limo door and stepped out, a flock of cameras floating out around him to take up position... but Felix wasn't focused on the cameras. He'd come to a dead stop, a sense of dread filling his heart. He was underground and the only light came from burn barrels, lighting in the walls and neon signs. The city walls were covered with extensive UV and black light graffiti that glowed on its own accord, the phrases begging for more of something from some unseen other, other artists celebrating the pleasure of unloosed passion... and identifying the entire region as what it was, the pit... the most notorious place in the entire city.

"I can't do this, let me back in, I need to try something else!" Felix said, turning back toward the car, banging on the window. The driverless car started moving forward, rolling back the way it had come without any need to turn around, picking up speed. Felix tried to keep up, groaning, whimpering and banging. He had no money, he had no directions and he had no bravery, "PLEASE!" Felix begged, his fingers sliding down the length of the window as the limo got going fast enough to leave him in the dust. Felix stumbled to a stop, watching the car disappear before he looked around slowly.

A few of the locals had paused to look at the guy on camera, at the human that had been dropped off in the heart of anarchy and lust itself. Felix gave a nervous smile before he moved down the road, trying to follow after the way the car had gone. He had to resist everything the pit had to offer if he wanted to stay human. It was the only way, and Felix knew that had to be the nature of the reality show. The audience was watching to see if his morals would last or if he'd disappear into the pit forever. That had to be it. Felix knew he couldn't waste any time being in denial, he had to move on and he had to get going before it was too late.

"Hey sweetie, you interested in a good time?" A lilting voice came from, of all things, a large bear man.

"Not right now, but thanks anyway." Felix said, moving down the road as fast as his legs could carry him.


Toby groaned softly as he settled down into a large comfortable chair on the set of the vampire soap opera, 'The Blood and the Bold'. The cast had gone home for the day and Toby was just relieved to sit anywhere. He'd spent the night doing two dozen different spots and cameos, ranging from news reports to opinion pieces to a talk show and even a flashback on a program he didn't fully grasp the concept of. He felt like they were getting their money's worth out of him, but he felt the best pieces were still ahead of him.

"And there's the hero of the hour..." A friendly voice came. Toby recognized the cougar from before and smiled in turn. Paul was dressed in an intricately ornamented robe with extra black eye shadow around his eyes, dressed as a mage for something or other.

"Hero of several hours, I felt like I was all over the place." Toby admitted.

"Well tomorrow you are hitting the big leagues... starting with a public service announcement. It's how I got my start actually." Paul admitted, moving to sit on the arm of the chair, draping an arm around the back of Toby's head. Toby shifted uncomfortably, wondering if all actors were so close in others personal space.

"How long ago was that, that you got your start?" Toby asked. Paul considered.

"Oh, about three months ago. I got my start when I came to the big city." Paul said. Toby felt his blood chill as he processed the information.

"You... you came from outside? From another city?" he asked. Paul smirked.

"No, I came from the fields. I was a producer before I saw how to really live." The cougar said, starting to pet Toby's shaggy blond hair, looking at him like a midnight snack.

"But... but... If you were a producer, then you were human. Even you couldn't stand up to this place? Producers are so strict, they have so many rules and they spend their lives so focused and dedicated. If you couldn't resist temptation..." Toby muttered, getting up to his feet. Paul stood up after him, his sandy colored tail flicking around behind him.

"But Toby, you don't fight temptation. You embrace it... I could show you such fun..." The cougar said, leaning in for a kiss, but Toby turned and broke into a sprint. A grin crossed Paul's face as his tail whipped around behind him. He was in the perfect mood for a hunt. His paws stretched and he was off, running after Toby.

Toby could hear the paw pads gaining on him. Paul's brute strength and agility gave him an advantage. Toby was reacting on instict, but instinct told him he wasn't going to win a straight out race. At the last moment he darted sideways, jumping through the holographic wall into one of the studio sets. He narrowly missed hitting a table of fine china in an Old York restaurant before he turned, picking up the pace before lunging through another barrier. The red and white wall fell away to reveal a vast and spacious pirate ship creaking and shifting on still night time waters.

There was a shimmering in mid-air behind Toby as Paul came through, landing on both feet. His robes rippled in the wind as he bore his sharp fangs in a hungry grin. Toby whimpered and ran as fast as he could before jumping off of the back of the ship. He arched through the air and hit another invisible barrier, emerging into a vast lunar terrain. He touched down and sent dust scattering before he tried to take a step, but each step seemed more like a giant leap with the low gravity.

Toby made it several steps before he decided to try a new strategy. He hunkered down and pushed off, rising up through the air to previously unimaginable heights. As he approached the stars above, he could feel the familiar tingle of the holographic field. The space above him fizzled and parted, revealing a glimpse of rafters. Toby stretched his arms out for dear life, barely able to grasp with his fingertips.

He grunted, though despite the effort he was glad that the gravity pulling him back down was so light. Toby summoned up the last of his strength and started pulling himself upwards toward the rafter. Below, Paul stumbled onto the moonscape and looked around quickly, irritated at possibly losing his prey. He sniffed the air before he looked around... and then slowly up to reveal the actors feet dangling through the stars. Paul broke into a sprint before he jumped, sailing upwards.

Toby felt something brush his foot and he snatched it up, yelping as he saw Paul fly up past the rafters before landing on one on all fours. Toby gritted his teeth and turned, crawling along as fast as he could manage toward the next set while Paul moved along on all fours like he was the king of the jungle, his hips swaying behind him. Paul grinned wide.

"Why fight it Toby? Morals are a distraction, a veil hiding the animal inside you." Paul whispered, looking at the human trying to escape, "What are you inside, Toby? Don't you want to know?" Paul asked.

"I am me, I am a good, decent person..." Toby said, trying to advance even faster. Maybe if he could find someone, they could help him escape.

"I thought I was a 'good' person too. I came to the city to prove that there was goodness in everyone, but I was wrong. I learned that everyone is a beast whether it shows on the outside or not. This world is an illusion holding itself together and the true freedom is being who we are and doing what we do. I want to show you everything..." Paul said before he lunged. Toby was caught off guard as he was knocked from his perch, the two tumbling down into the virtual set below.

Paul hit a table and Toby landed on him, the impact enough to shatter the table. The glass rained down across the ground, but as it was holographic it had only served to break their fall and look real. Paul grunted and rolled over, but Toby had already slipped out and got to his feet. Before he was able to run, however, he was stunned by the surroundings he had landed in. He was standing in an all too familiar room with glass and steel desks, projected computer screens and distant glass walls looking out on the city. It was a room he had spent every day for years in. It was the automation control facility.

Toby looked around in stark terror, forcing himself to remember that he was still at the studio. Knowing that, the discrepancies began to become more apparent. The architecture was just a bit wrong; the icons on the displays were over sized so viewers could easily see them. It wasn't his work place but it was very close.

"You ran away from this, didn't you? And then you ran away from me... You'll have to choose Toby, because if you run away from one you are running toward the other." Paul said, moving to run a paw across a tabletop.

"Isn't there some kind of middle ground? Some compromise?" Toby asked weakly. Paul shook his head.

"Life either works or it doesn't. If your automated trucks aren't working, they're broken. If you aren't free, you are a captive." Paul said, walking closer to Toby, putting a paw on Toby's chest before pushing him back. Toby fell into one of the office chairs, looking up at the cougar. Paul leaned down to Toby's ear, "Didn't you ever want to bring someone here? Fuck them wild on the table until they dripped with your seed..." Paul whispered.

"No, never!" Toby shot back. Paul looked at the human, up and down. He was so innocent, so naïve. Paul looked at Toby, trying to figure out his train of thought before a strange, simple idea filled his mind.

"Kissing?" Paul asked in shock, "That's what you fantasized about?" Toby suddenly blushed, trying to look away. Paul smirked and knelt down before the human, looking up into his eyes, "Don't be ashamed, its romantic... But this kitty can kiss real good." Paul said before he leaned up toward the human. Toby tried to turn his head away but he was exhausted from his near escape. The cougar butted his head against the human, chuffing and vibrating, the fur so soft. Toby felt amazing touching the fur, but he turned his head as far as it would go... but still Paul found him there, their lips touching.

Toby expected to be face raped, his mouth violated, but Paul's kiss was surprisingly tender and gentle. Toby found it harder to resist than the rape he had expected. Lust, he could avoid, but romance? Toby's heart started to flutter. Another man had found his weakness and exploited it. Another man was kissing him just the right way. Was this truly freedom? It didn't feel bad so far. Toby slowly parted his lips, his tongue exploring the cougar's mouth. His lips and mouth felt different, so animal, but then the sandpapery tongue emerged to meet his. As the rough tongue touched his own, Toby was lost. He whimpered in longing and reached out to hold Paul's head to his, stroking the fur and the ears before he suddenly pulled back, breaking the kiss.

"I can't, I can't do this. I'm straight..." Toby whispered.

"So was I... But we don't have to fight; we don't have to do the run around. This can be as tender and gentle and warm and wet as you want... Don't you want to be loved, Toby?" Paul asked, grabbing Toby under the arms and pulling him forward. Toby came down on Paul, laying on the cougar. Looking down into his eyes, Toby gave up and resumed the kiss, lips going wild as their tongues wrestled again.

Toby reached up under Paul's shirt, stroking his furry stomach, stroking his nipples and chest, running circles in the fur as he kissed. To Paul's surprise, the human even started to knead his belly like a true cat... but Paul didn't know if that was what he was destined for All he knew was that Toby's mouth tasted good. Paul kissed deeper, his paws starting to remove Toby's clothes. Toby reciprocated, pushing the robes back to reveal his black uniform beneath.

Paul continued to kiss and rub the human, feeling his warm skin. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Toby couldn't believe he'd finally been swayed, pushed off the path, that he was enjoying the touch of another man. It felt so wrong and so right and it wasn't anything like he would have expected. Toby had prepared himself for what he feared, for the loose morals and open lusts of the hybrids. He hadn't expected his secret desire for the most simple love and respect to be perverted into something else, or a man to fill the girlfriend sized hole in his heart better than a woman could have. Toby needed this... no matter the consequences.

Toby moaned before he started pushing into Paul more, soon even humping the cougar. Paul was happy to hump back, running his hand up and down Toby's smooth spine - or at least the spine that had been smooth. Thousands of tiny soft hairs were pushing out, dominating his back before spreading out around his ribs, invisible at first before taking on color, darkening from clear to blond, then brown, and finally a deep and dark black.

The black fur spread across his body like velvet, coating his chest and stomach in a thin enough layer that his muscles were still visible while obscuring his nipples. Toby didn't notice, only feeling warm and content. He kept kissing Paul, feeling the fur beneath his fingers - fingers that were changing. Toby's finger tips swelled up, rounding and turning a dark pinkish brown as his fingernails sunk into his fingers, pushing out of the tips as retractable claws. His palms swelled into paw pads next.

While Toby was lost in the moment, Paul couldn't help but watch, amazed and transfixed by his partner's transformation. He watched in delight as Toby's arm hair turned from blonde to black, contrasting the skin it covered up. The fur swept down his hands and fingers like gloves until the human flesh disappeared. The black coating wrapped around his legs and changing feet.

Toby stretched his toes, claws extending from slits in the tips as the tops closed up, turning black as paw pads pushed out of his feet too. Toby's body soon looked like he had been dipped in black from the neck down, leaving his head the same for the moment, but that moment was soon over. Toby gasped sharply as he felt his jaw creak, the bones shifting slowly. His jaw bone began to extend, making more room for the teeth but as the space grew, so did the teeth. Toby felt his teeth push up into fangs, growing wider at the base.

As his jaw extended, his tongue grew longer and his skull pushed out as well. Paul got so turned on he couldn't stop kissing Toby, slurping against his lips as the upper lip split and rounded, lifting up to a nose that was upturning. Toby's nose flattened a bit as his nostrils took on a more feline shape. The changing human's growing muzzle was peach colored for the moment, but an explosion of furry stubble pushed out of his cheeks and chin, growing in thicker as it swept across his face like a bandit mask, surrounding his mouth before moving up his nose and cheeks. The black fur spread without rest, plunging into his hair line before it covered his ears as well. Toby's ears throbbed gently before they started to grow out, pushing up into points. The ears folded forward a little on the sides, filling with fur.

"So close... Oh Toby." Paul panted. Toby said nothing, tilting his head to kiss Paul fully, filling his mouth with his own sandpapery tongue. Paul arched his back, licking back, the rough tongues catching on one another. Every last bit of Toby's body disappeared beneath the black fur, save for his distinct blond hair. The shag had remained from when he was human, though after a few moments it was clear that it was changing too.

The light hitting the blonde hair seemed to bounce off of even brighter, the blond hair bleaching out to corn silk then platinum, then silver and then as white as snow. The hair straightened out a little as it took on a more fur like texture, hanging down around his face, a perfect opposite to his black body fur. It was a distinct look, one anyone would recognize, one perfect for television.

"And there he is, the sexy cat..." Paul murmured. Toby grinned, looking down at his body before he shook his feline head, reaching up to brush a paw against the whiskers coming out of his right cheek.

"Not cat, panther..." Toby said with a feral grin before he flipped around, his new tail flipping high into the air as he leaned down to nuzzle Paul's groin. Soon Toby was sniffing and licking at the cougar's sheath, plunging his tongue in, teasing it before there was a gush of precum and a barbed feline cock started to emerge. Toby licked at the cock like it was a popsicle, unrelenting.

Paul let out a groan and a series of noises as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, pushing his hips up toward Toby's face. Toby licked at more and more of the cock as it emerged before he took the tip into his mouth, sucking liberally. Paul felt amazing, but he had to return the favor.

The cougar leaned up, running his tongue all over Toby's new black sheath, teasing the slit before the tongue made its way in. Toby gasped and chuffed a bit, his chest vibrating with the power of it as he felt the sandpaper tongue in his most intimate of spots. His already-hard cock responded by starting to emerge, pushing out inch after inch. At first the cock seemed quite human but the mushroom shaped head pushed out a bit as pieces of the kitty cock lifted up, curving into rubbery barbs.

Paul went to town on the cock, licking and slurping in turn, watching Toby go at his. The two felines were unstoppable as they sucked each other down. Toby tried to get used to his new body - his claws, his paws, his tail and whiskers. It was a whole lot to take in, enough to fill his mind let alone the amazing sex he was having. The two were so lost in the moment that they didn't notice the camera drones floating around the ceiling, filming the whole thing, watching carefully.

A short distance away, Harry stood at one of the control terminals, his paw wrapped around his own manhood. He jerked off, watching the camera angles switch back and forth. He had almost missed it but he caught just enough of it on film to re-live over and over. He loved watching that innocence die out of Toby's eyes, replaced with the feral longings of a beast. The cats were sexy and he was sure he could figure out some story shell to explain sex in the control room... but as much as he was an e-cast creator, he was in it more for his own pleasure.

Harry panted hard, his left foot tapping on the floor as his little bunny tail wiggled in his pants. He bit his lip, watching them go at it, urging them toward the money shot. On the screen, it seemed Toby and Paul were close, lapping at each other harder and deeper, stuffing their mouths and throats with each other's shafts before Paul's tail twitched high and he lost his load first. Toby gulped the seed down, unable to help himself before he came as well, returning the favor.

The loads of the two cats was so bountiful that despite their best efforts, the cum leaked from their lips and dribbled down their chins. They kept sucking and drinking for several minutes before Toby collapsed onto Paul, the two lying there. Paul gave Toby a gentle stroke of the furry hip, glad to welcome his new brother to the life. Paul finally noticed one of the camera drones out of the corner of his vision but he didn't look right at it. That would have spoiled the ending. He closed his eyes, giving the e-cast a perfect place to let the credits roll. The job of an actor was never done, even after they were sexually spent.


Felix staggered step by step down the street, looking weary and worn out. It had been a long night... or day... or both. He'd been walking since he'd been dropped off in the pit, avoiding every situation he could but it wasn't going to work any more. He was exhausted, hungry and thirsty all at the same time. Felix came to a stop, resting a hand against one of the walls next to him for a moment, trying to get his bearings. Felix had to rehydrate, he had to get some fuel and then he would resume his journey.

As far as Felix could tell, the lower levels of the city were staggered in a spiral toward the surface. He felt like he'd been making progress but the whole underground was a bit of a labyrinth. He saw a 'day club' and heard the pounding music inside, but next to it was a more sedate bar type building. Felix crouched down and picked up a piece of charcoal from one of the burn barrels, drawing an arrow outside the building to the direction he intended to go, glancing back at the orange camera that hovered the closest.

"I have to rely on the kindness of strangers... and assuming I make it out of that alive, I need to remember what way to go. With luck this will go smoothly." He confessed to the camera before he moved through the beads that hung at the doorway. The beads parted, admitting him inside. The floor was bottom lit, pulsing with pink light in time to the music, though the music was far less oppressive than it would have been at the club.

Felix looked around, taking in the sights, realizing on the surface that the bar didn't seem all that different from those back home. There were pool tables, pong tables, a bar, a stage... and a buffet. Felix's mouth began to water as he looked at it, but then a small dose of reality struck him. He had no money... He feared the only way to get the food he so desperately craved would be to 'perform services' of one type or another. As far as he knew, that was the only way these people managed to live and he wasn't willing to do that. He was intent on surviving, of making it back to the surface as himself.

After a few years working with people, Felix had gotten better at studying them. He could see the patterns the monkey waiters took to bring out the food, the timing the gorilla bartender took to mix his drinks, and luckily there was some sort of program on the display screen that had captured everyone's attention. The red head started moving forward as the waiter moved into the back and the bartender started to focus entirely on shaking up a new drink, maneuvering around two patrons before he reached out for some of the food from the buffet as he passed.

Felix's hand snatched slices of ham, cheese, pita bread, lettuce... Everything he needed for a poor man's sandwich. He spirited the food up his sleeve as he curved around, moving for a table in the corner. It would be too obvious what he had done if he just came in and went back out. Felix sat down in the corner and leaned back, his heart racing. He'd never stolen anything before, he'd never done anything bad before. Felix knew that he was now a thief, but at least he was alive.

Felix slipped the food out of his sleeve and started to assemble it, filling the pita bread with the other ingredients. He gazed down at his stolen food, trying to come to grips with how easy it had been to defy convention and resort to any means neccessary to survive. Felix sighed and brought the sandwich up to his lips and bit into it, chewing and savoring the flavor, moaning gently. He enjoyed the food a great deal, so much so that he hadn't noticed the changes starting in his hands.

His fingernails had darkened from white to brown and then to black, pushing out and down into curved claws. The finger flesh grew over the top of them, anchoring them in place, but that was far from all. His fingertips and palms swelled out into balloon like paw pads as his red arm hair started to creep down onto his hands, covering the backs and slipping between the pads on his forming paws. Before long, Felix appeared to be wearing fox gloves... caught red handed as the thief he was, but the changes were affecting more than just this hands. It was already seeping into his brain.

Felix grew less refined in his eating, gulping at the food, tearing at it. His teeth grew sharper and his tongue stretched longer. His appetite was becoming ravenous and soon the sandwich wasn't enough. Felix's eyes started to turn yellow, glistening in the low light. He rose back to his feet and started moving back toward the bar, slinking along as best he could. Each step brought more changes to his body as his feet grew, filling out his shoes tightly, changing and warping. The fake rubber stretched and shifted before sharp black claws punctured the material and tapped on the floor.

While Felix assumed he was being stealthy, more and more people found their attention drawn to him. Part of it had to do with the camera drones that kept a constant eye on him, but also a human in their midst was an unusual thing... at least for very long. The bartender watched the man make another pass by the buffet, snatching up more kinds of meat before he swooped back to his table to gobble them down. Felix hadn't even sdat down fully before he was stuffing his face with more, chewing and gulping with sharp teeth as his mouth and nose started to push forward, extending out into a muzzle as white stubble grew out of his face, softening into white fur. As the fur crept up his cheeks, it slowly graduated to an orange that matched his hair, surrounding his eyes and slipping over his forehead.

Felix felt so amazing, it was impossible to deny. As his body reshaped, so did his mind. He felt the shackles of society coming off, he felt the freedom of his true nature, the one he had been too ignorant to be before. He felt sly and proud of it, though he hadn't yet perfected his techniques. As his ears stretched up into points, he could hear someone coming. He glanced up just in time to see the gorilla bartender coming down with two huge hands, grabbing him and tossing him out of the booth.

The patrons of the bar said nothing as Felix slid across the floor through spilled drinks and food and other fluids, coming to a stop at the feet of some of them. He looked up under the table to realize one of the men was using the opposable thumb of his foot to jack himself off. Felix slid back in shock before he rammed into the feet of the gorilla who grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. Felix grunted, his feet dangling in mid air. The flesh the gorilla held grew furry as white fur spread down Felix's throat and chest, leaving orange to cover the rest of his neck and back. The hair on his arms grew softer and longer as well, thickening up into a nice fur coat.

"Did you think you could just come in here and steal?" The gorilla asked, his eyes as dark as coal as he looked into Felix's yellow eyes. Felix took on an almost manic grin.

"But this is the pit, right? No one has morals here... It's chaos, its random, its unsavory." Felix panted.

"That may be, but its also survival of the fittest. If you're going to take my things, you're gonna give me a good time." The bartender said before he tossed Felix at the bar. Felix skidded before he hit the edge of the bar and doubled over. With a powerful jump, the gorilla was back in his domain. He grabbed Felix's head with one hand and pushed it down to the bar while the other grabbed at his pants and tore.

As the pants shredded apart, the entire bar could see Felix's shapely legs being covered with red fur, his back already covered. His muscled ass started to part, the cheeks plying away from another as his tailbone grew out inch by inch. New bones were forming in between the old, jointed and complex. Muscles swept across them beneath the flesh and fur began pushing out of the growing length. While most of the tail was the same ginger orange as the rest of his fur, the tip blanched out to a crisp and perfect white.

The gorilla grinned, petting Felix's furry ass before he lifted his tail out of the way and brought his fat cock to Felix's pucker. Felix squirmed and tried to get free, snapping at his hand with his new muzzle even as his ears began migrating to the top of his head, flattening down in his messy mane of hair. Felix panted hard, his whiskers pushing out of his cheeks, his tail quivering... and then his pucker was forced wide open.

The gorilla thrust in and held his manhood in his made before he slid back and enjoyed the suspense, taking more time to savor the experience than most would. Still, as a man it was hard to resist for long. He started to thrust in and out, deeper and faster, reaming the fox with his hefty shaft. Felix grunted and groaned, thinking of how he had gotten himself there. It was everything he had been trying to avoid, but he had forgotten the simplest thing. Sexual morals weren't the only kind of morals, and the extinction of any rule that made him himself would lead to his inner beast getting out.

The gorilla rolled his hips and fucked Felix harder, tilting and adjusting his entry to increase fiction. As much as Felix wanted to fight it, he couldn't. His claws raked the bar, digging into the wood as he panted and groaned, his tongue slipping out of his muzzle to hang past his lips. Soon he was pushing back, enjoying it too, especially as the gorilla found his prostate. The happy whines of the fox were more than enough to convince the gorilla to hit that spot over and over.

The constant targeting of his prostate was more than enough to send Felix over the edge. He howled in bliss, his cock pulsing and letting forth jets of cum every time the gorilla hit that spot like a button to fire sperm. Felix writhed more and grunted, shuddering and whimpering before he went limp on the bar, panting happily. The gorilla licked his lips and leaned down, sticking his face into the red head's messy hair. He took a deep breath of his musk before he stepped back, sliding out, holding his cock aloft. He hadn't yet cum, holding his seed for that special moment. He aimed carefully and then let loose.

Thick jets of hot yellow gorilla cum splattered across Felix, staining the white of his tail yellow before the gorilla grabbed Felix and turned him around. Felix gasped as the white of his face and throat, then every bit of white fur on his body was painted with the corrupt sperm. It soaked in, staining him, marking him... and Felix couldn't get over the smell. It was so musky, so spicy. He opened his maw and got several globs on his tongue before he lunged forward and started to suck away, slurping on the gorilla eagerly.

"I guess you got your free meal after all, pup." The gorilla chuckled, petting his hair happily. Felix paid attention to nothing, intent on only one thing - filling his gullet with as much sperm as he could, not just from the gorilla, but from all of the patrons.


The sun had started to set and it was the start of a brand new night in the Limelight district. The door to the make up room opened as Toby sauntered in, his hips swaying and his tail swinging. He looked like a cat that caught the canary with the grin on his face. He wore nothing but a tiger stripe loin cloth that was too small to hide his raging barbed feline erection as he moved over to sit down in one of the chairs.

"Looks like someone slept in their costume." A voice nearby said. Toby turned to see Dale, the dusty blond human boy that had been their coffee delivery boy only a few days before.

"Did you get a promotion?" Toby asked, wondering when the errand boy had taken to acting. Dale blushed, adjusting his glasses.

"I'm just helping out a bit with the twins." Dale admitted. Toby turned, looking over, his eyes widening as he saw the otter boys getting ready for their next performance. Two lizard boys with feather Mohawks were working Shane and Sam over, apparently for some punk movie. They worked colored hair gel into their fur, working their brown shaggy hair up into bright neon green and blue Mohawks. Rings were slipped into their adorable black button noses and their claws were painted silver. A stencil was placed over their arms and a fake tattoo was airbrushed onto the fur, a silver fish for each of them.

The reptile boys swapped out the make up kits for costuming, slipping leather spiked straps and bands around the twins' arms and legs before sliding collars onto their throats and their tails, securing everything into place. Toby was surprised by their transformation, though he knew the transformation was temporary. Their lives would require them to look like every sort of person from clean cut military officers to grungy punks to ye olde pirates and made up science fiction aliens. Their lives were focused on playing every type of person out there... and having sex while doing it.

"You know, Dale, there is something I could go for... I need a bit of fluffing." Toby said suddenly. Dale's eyes widened but Toby had already put his paw around the teenager's head, pulling him down. Dale grunted in shock as he came down to the loin cloth, his face pushing into the fabric.

Dale squirmed, trying to get free. He had been proud that he had been one of the few humans to remain so while working in the limelight district. He had worked hard to provide for his girlfriend, he had done everything he was asked, but now he was in the midst of a situation he hadn't asked for. Dale tried to get free, but soon he felt webbed hands at his hips.

"Oh yeah, I could go for some fun too I think." Shane whispered.

"Hey, don't have too much fun without me." Sam said, coming up behind Dale too, grinding against his ass.

"Do you think we'll both fit in there?" Shane asked hopefully.

"Only one way to find out." Sam replied. Dale murmured, trying to fight it but he froze as Toby started to pet his head.

"Dale, trust us, we're professionals. There isn't anything like bringing joy to the masses. I think, in some small way, that's why you're here. You wanted to be part of something more, like us. You wanted to find something in yourself that you didn't know was there. You wanted to explore the possibilities." Toby whispered. Dale looked up with wide eyes, hanging on Toby's every word.

"Get his pants." Shane whispered. Sam began unbuckling them and sliding them down.

"Dale... What if you like the taste of our man seed? What if you were missing out all this time, waiting to mature into the man you'll be the rest of your life? Don't you want it? Don't you at least want to try? If you don't like it, you never have to do it again." Toby whispered. Dale said nothing, contemplating. He had been... curious. So many people were gay these days, even the e-casts said it was a good thing to prevent over population. He was sure Sarah would only want to have a baby when the time was right and it wouldn't be fair to be abstinent forever.

Very gingerly, the assistant began to lift Toby's loin cloth, looking at the cock below. He wanted to consider it a part of his job, something he was doing to help the actors, but as he looked at the firm shaft he actually felt a bit of desire. He leaned down ever so slowly, his pink lips parting as his tongue emerged. He touched down at the base and worked toward the tip slowly.

As Dale's tongue moved, it found salty remnants of Toby's past sexual conquests, the musk of his seed, the spice of life. Dale shivered and cooed, going in for several more licks, going after Toby like he was a lollypop. He was barely aware of the dramatic unveiling of his ass as the otter boys brought his boxers down, their noses twitching before they hefted up their cocks. Sam slathered the shaft up and down between the cheeks carefully before he tilted his hips, working the very tip in.

Shane grinned, his fat otter tail swinging about as he brought his cock up too. It was hard to get the tip lined up, even harder to begin pushing in. Dale called out in shock as his ass was stretched, but it soon felt so good that he almost collapsed on Toby. Shane thrust forward and Sam tried to match up, their cocks evening out buried inside of the human's posterior. The brothers pulled back and thrust again, falling into a perfect matched rhythm.

Seeing their cocks pressed together like that in an act of bonding, Sam and Shane were overcome once again with love for one another. They turned and came together, kissing hard, their fake nose rings clattering as they made out, whisker to whisker and lip to lip. Dale was forced forward and back, but he had grown addicted to Toby's cock. He wrapped one hand around the base and then the other, licking and nibbling at the tip.

Toby nearly giggled, surprised at how good it felt to have Dale almost foraging at his cock, but Toby grinned wider as he saw the change starting to spread through Dale. Dale had been caught up so easily, but he was starting to forget about his girlfriend, his mind reforming every convention and held belief. He started to feel that he had stayed with her out of a sense of duty, obligation, order... and in a few seconds these men had brought him more pleasure than his girlfriend ever did. It felt to Dale like society had just been a lie hiding the carnal truth beneath all the while.

Dale cast off his conceptions about his life and society and threw himself into the moment, wrapping his lips around Toby's cock. He brought his head down over and over again, feeling the cock slide across his tongue and then buck the back of his throat. Dale nearly gagged the first time but his throat soon relaxed and the cock slipped down into it, deep throating the sexy panther.

Toby groaned, tangling his fingers in Dale's blond hair, feeling the heft of his head go up and down... but the otter boys had an even greater view. As they fucked the assistant, they watched his tail bone curl up away from his ass, growing white on the underside and sandy tan on the top. The tail grew a little bit longer and thicker and the sandy color faded to a light brown with faint white speckles and a black line along the edges. It was a tail that neither of them had seen before.

Dale writhed in pleasure as fur swept across his backside, the brown covering his back and legs while a light cream colored fur covered his ass and taint, then his balls and his stomach. The furry flesh began pushing up around his cock, slipping up to form a sheath, engulfing his manhood completely before clear fluids gushed forth from it, the change starting there. Dale's balls began to swell, his abdomen grew furry and his muscles began to refine.

It only took a few more moments before his cock started to emerge, this time fully animal. Gone was the mushroom shaped head, the simple urethra, the dry human cock. In its place was a long, tapered, slimy pink deer cock, glistening with juices and ready to rut. It emerged inches at a time, pushing out to six, eight, ten, then twelve. A foot of deer cock hung out of Dale's sheath and his body was getting ready to use it.

Dale sucked and slurped on Toby as if his life depended on it and his face pushed out around the shaft to help the process along. His jaw stretched, his nose extended, his teeth flattened. Dale's lips turned blue and then black, the black creeping up to his nose. His nostrils lifted up as his nose shifted, the bridge melting away into his muzzle, leaving him with a nose at the tip of his face. Dale's ears changed as well, taking on more of a tear drop shape, blonde fuzz covering them over before it turned brown.

Sam and Shane were letting out a series of otter squeaks as they kissed each other and fucked Dale, though Dale's legs had grown stronger as his toes grew together, the flesh growing out over every digit, his toenails spreading out in a keratin coating to dominate his new feet. The coating darkened, solidifying into true hooves. Even his heel eroded away, his stance changing.

Toby watched Dale change, not just on the outside but the inside as well. He was built for fucking, he was becoming the docile forest loving creature that would always be up for a good mating season. Dale's fingernails turned brown and thickened, growing over the tips of his fingers to cap them off like tiny individual hooves for each finger. The fur swept up his chest and neck before it started growing across his face.

With a white furry chin, brown eyes and speckled cheeks, Dale was quite the deer. The only thing that seemed out of place were his glasses, but as his muzzle extended they were pulled off of his ears and fell to the ground. Dale kept sucking on the cock, grunting as he felt his own orgasm growing ever closer... but another change was demanding his attention. A pressure had been building in his skull, creeping to ever higher levels. The flesh shifted beneath his out of place blond hair, the skin stretched before it split. Two nubs pushed out, covered in velvety fur. The nubs began to sew forth from his head, tilting back, branching out, taking on more splits.

Toby watched Dale's horns grow like massive bony erections, rising up from his head in proud racks of manliness. Dale groaned, sucking for dear life as his head ached and throbbed so much, but the weight on his head felt good, made him proud, made him feel alive. As the horns continued to grow, the furry coating began to erode away, revealing the pure bone of his antlers beneath. He wasn't a deer - he was a stag, a buck, all male.

Seeing the massive male before them, Shane and Sam called out, cumming in unison. Their seed flowed into his ass beneath his quivering tail before they fell over his backside, panting for strength. Toby had tried to hold on for his own enjoyment, but the stag mouth working his cock had gotten too good. He tilted his head back and called out as his balls tugged up and his cock pulsed. Dale sensed it come before it arrived, pulling back so the cock of his partner was barely in his lips.

Toby's load began splashing across Dale's tongue and the stag savored it, slurping the seed down with gusto, smelling the earthy musk to it. It warmed his throat and stomach and it was all he needed to bring himself over the edge as well. The stag grunted hard as his deer cock unleashed a flood of sperm onto the floor, making a terrible mess... though two more spurts of cum joined it. Dale glanced over, seeing the two lizard boys. The room lacked the camera drones, but the make up artists had made up for it with the camcorders they held, filming the orgy for behind the scenes footage though the film was likely shaky since they had been masturbating at the time. Toby was truly amazed. The moral boundaries of the studio were non-existent... but he rather liked that fact.


The pit saw a lot of action, most certainly, but it was usually a place of chaos, of random activity. Seldom had anyone lined up for anything, but now they lined up outside of the bar, moving in one by one. Creatures of all sorts waited with baited breath and drooling mouths for their chance to see the most amazing sight in the pit - a fox with a bottomless appetite for cum. Cameras floated around to keep track of the lines before zipping back inside, moving over to a corner of the bar that had been set up a bit as a brothel.

The gorilla bartender seemed pleased with the business arrangement, serving food and drinks to those that came to see Felix, trading them for whatever they had of value. He'd never been quite so well off before, though his attention kept drifting to the corner. Felix knew the line was getting long and had tried to speed things up by taking more than one customer at a time. The orange camera circled him, keeping its close up of every juicy detail.

Felix's white fur was still yellow, stained by every customer that had come to him. The fox tail was a bit rumpled from everyone tugging on it, but Felix couldn't have been happier. The fox slid up and down a thick black stallion cock, the horse beneath him so happy his eyes were in the back of his head. A porcupine man stood before Felix, his black nose quivering as the fox worked on his shaft.

The fox licked and slurped with the most gentle of embraces before his muzzle shot forward, sucking hard on the cock, a hand moving out to brush against the thick quills, flirting with danger. Felix clenched his ass as he rose up and down, stimulating the horse even more before a neigh filled the air and the horse bucked, cumming hard into the fox. Felix grunted happily, feeling the warmth spread into his loins again, but his work wasn't done.

Felix relaxed the back of his throat before driving his muzzle tight against the porcupine, deep throating him. The porcupine was caught off guard by it all, shivering and squeaking before he came. Felix grinned wide with the cock in his mouth, letting the sperm roll over his tongue, saturating his mouth so much that it didn't break down anymore. It was like his saliva was cum itself. Gulp after gulp didn't seem to change that fact, but Felix didn't care. He felt wonderful... His fur was so moist from the cum and sweat of all his lovers, it was like he was a fuck sponge.

At the bar, the gorilla's curiosity finally got the best of him. He flipped through the channels before he came to the one broadcasting Felix's show. It intercut between the various camera angles, but a timer was still counting up, showing how long Felix could go for. The show had become a sort of endurance test, seeing how much sex someone could survive. Felix was up to twenty two hours already and his own cock was hard.

The gorilla looked up as there was some grunting at the door, watching some of his patrons move apart from one another. A particularly feral looking wolf had entered, his silver and black fur shaggy but still short enough to show off his fine muscles. He was drooling, his eyes avid, a long tongue licking his hungry mouth. The wolf tried pushing past more of the customers until the gorilla banged his fist on the bar and pointed at the wolf.

"No one cuts in line!" The gorilla shouted.

"C'mon, you can see how irresistible he is. We've been watching him go on the screens for hours..." The wolf said, his eyes drifting back to Felix. The gorilla rolled his eyes before he started preparing the next wave of drinks. He just hoped the wolf was a good tipper to make up for the hassle of the other customers.


The editing bay of the studio had been locked up as Harry got to work, though his work was hampered a bit with his hand around his cock. His suit was ruined, covered with so much sperm as he jacked himself off over and over again, looking at all the things he had managed to accomplish. He was right, getting new blood had been just the kick his fantasies needed. Watching their innocence erode, their goodness turn into lust and desire, it was like a drug to him.

Harry had worked all day putting together the first wave of programs for broadcast, including 'Pit Survivor', 'Automated Lust', and 'The Twins of Terracox 7'. It was an ambitious slate, though the advertising team had already gotten right on the new casting, taking photographs of Toby and the twins. Toby had gotten quite used to posing as a sexy panther, his crisp white hair recognizable anywhere. He'd be a media icon for sure, and Harry knew he was responsible for that.

The rabbit moaned as he imagined the panther, fox and otters on their paws before him, licking at his cock, worshipping him for the opportunity he gave them. He moaned louder and louder before his tail twitched and he came again, hitting himself in the face with load after load of cum. With his latest orgasm spent, the rabbit went limp in the chair surrounded by countless video feeds of pornography and adult entertainment. Harry knew that the e-casts were the perfect way to rot the morals of the masses, to make them think with their cocks and stomachs instead of their minds... and they'd be a lot more fun to play with that way.


The sun was starting to rise above the city, signaling another night had come to a close. The city dwellers were heading to bed and the producers were awaking to move out into their fields. The rains had come to an end, at least for the time being. The streets of the city were nearly empty other than automated street cleaners and empty taxis rolling around, performing their prescribed routes. One of the only sources of life came from a shop near the border that sold monitor screens of every size.

The pirate movie went to commercial, showing a thick rain forest. Vines swayed, rain dripped down leaves... and in the midst of it all there was a fine stag, standing proudly, his fur glistening in the thin rays of sunlight that made it through the canopy. The stag's horns moved with a firm grace, his fur rippled in the wind... and then his ears quirked. He had heard something.

With a bolt, the stag was off, running and lunging over and under trees, moving around trunks and through vine loops... but whatever had spooked him was closing in. The camera switched, showing a black panther with crisp white hair moving on all fours, a predatory grin on his muzzled face. He closed in on the stag, narrowly missing him once, then twice.

The camera showed the stag panting, moving with panic... and then the panther made his move, catching the stag by the hip with his arms, moving to give the stag a warning bite. The stag collapsed to the ground, skidding in the leaves. The panther wasted no time pushing his prey onto his belly before he moved, lining up his cock before he plunged it into the stag's ass, thrusting in and out eagerly before he leaned up, licking the buck's antlers slowly before he began to gnaw on them with his sharp teeth. The buck shuddered in delight before he lifted his head and let out a call that echoed through the trees. With that, the view faded to a room draped in tie-dyed blue cloth. Toby and Dale moved up, the actors from the previous skit.

"Sex can be a dangerous game. There are hunters and there are prey, but just like in the wild, there's a natural order to things." Dale explained.

"Birth and death, they are part of our daily lives... but if you have more of one than the other, things get bad for everyone." Toby added.

"Whether you're gay or straight, remember... pregnancy is a predator you can never escape from. Keep the balance, don't have kids until you're sure you're ready." Dale smiled.

"And in the mean time, feel free to experiment with those you can't knock up..." Toby said, leaning over to resume gnawing on Dale's horns. Dale moaned softly at that, melting against the panther as the public service announcement logo moved over the screen, the movie resuming a moment later, plunging the empty street back into the sounds of a nautical action thriller, muffled only by the sounds of the street sweepers rolling by beneath the rising sun.

Making a Life

**Making a Life** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Canine80 Outside of the windows, the rain fell in heavy and cold droplets, dancing down from leaf to leaf before splattering on the ground. It was a cold and dark night but inside the...

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Sweet as Blood

**Sweet as Blood** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Vampireboy The sound of knuckles against flesh was muffled by layers of cotton and polyester, softening the blow but not by much. The impact forced the air from the teenager's lungs as he...

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Borderlands - Varkid Variation

**Borderlands** -Varkid Variation- Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius Of the many places on Pandora, few regions were quite as active as the Tundra Express. Automated and manned Hyperion trains criss-crossed the region before...

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