Seventh Sin

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by

Commissioned by ruco

In a small corner of the universe, a true darkness is unleashed on an unsuspecting world and begins its long ascent.

Seventh Sin Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Ruco

Of all the worlds in all the dimensions, few were quite as religious as the human world of Bastion. Some considered it to be so because Bastion was closer to hell than all the other dimensions, but some believed it to be the last bastion of light before the darkness... but wherever there is light, there is shadow... and shadows have a way of growing.

Sunlight filtered through the stain glass windows, filling the church with rich reds and oranges, greens and blues. The pews were empty for the moment, the candles un-lit. The sound of the choir echoed through the halls as they prepared for the next sermon, though they were one voice short at the moment. A young man moved through the empty halls of the church, his brown hair in perfect alignment to match the pristine white and red choir robe he wore. The glasses he wore made his hazel eyes appear larger than they really were, giving him even more of an innocent look.

Owen had broken away from the group under the guise of not feeling well, but with their attention focused on their coming performance, he was free to roam the church. Owen moved along slowly, looking at the stained glass windows, the murals of the infinite spiral and the crux of their religion. He'd become so embroiled in the day to day rituals of their religion that he felt they had lost the meaning. He wanted to find some seed to renew his faith, something to make it all fresh again, though the church itself seemed focused on ritual rather than history as a whole.

The young man left the main room and headed down the hall, walking as quietly past the rooms that belonged to the priests before he reached the old wood door to the basement. Owen looked around before he opened the door and squeezed in, pulling the door shut behind him. With the door secured, Owen ran his hand over the wall before he found a light switch and turned it on. Somewhere far below a single light bulb snapped on, illuminating the bottom half of the stairs.

Owen began his descent down the old wood stairs, feeling them shift a bit beneath his weight. Each foot step kicked up dust into the air, a signal that no one had been there in some time. He reached the bottom of the stairs, jumping a bit as he saw movement, only to realize it was an old mirror. He looked at his reflection for a moment, at his thick glasses and how the dim basement made the invisible peach fuzz on his upper lip look almost like it had color to it in the right angles. Owen turned one way and then the other, trying to imagine himself with a mustache before he smirked to himself and moved on.

The space around the stairs was filled with odds and ends ranging from Holy Harvest wreaths to Spiral statues that looked like they were from the sixties, but beyond that everything looked decidedly older. Even the walls seemed older near the back, cracked and deteriorated. Holes in the wall jutted back into bare bedrock, making a natural sort of shelf or nook. Owen moved deeper into the basement, looking at the countless religious items that filled the nooks.

There were coins, candles, small wooden boxes, sacred cloths. It was a treasure trove of artifacts, everything that Owen had been hoping for. The religion up above was too homogenous, too generic. This was the real thing; this was what he was craving... a piece of history. As Owen looked through all of the artifacts, something specific caught his eye. The order of the infinite spiral had always followed an aesthetic of simplicity, of uniformity. The jar before him was covered with a complex and colorful sprawl that defied that aesthetic completely.

Owen moved over, looking at the jar with wonder. There were many different symbols, including the spiral, but there were also figures... Some where kneeling down, others were dancing... and one seemed to be doing something else. It took Owen a moment to put everything together before he realized what the figure was doing. The figure was masturbating. He gasped in shock that any artifact depicting such lewd behavior would be at the church, though after a moment he decided that it had likely been confiscated from somewhere else.

Despite his shock at the lewdness of the jar, Owen was still fascinated by the art. Whoever had created it put a lot of work into it. Owen reached out to touch the jar, but as his fingers tried to brush the surface they stuck in place. As the jar jerked around, Owen froze. He tried to pull his hand back but it wasn't working. It didn't feel like glue, not sticky in any way, but the jar was stuck. Owen panicked slightly.

He reached out with his other hand and grabbed the jar, trying to pull it in the opposite direction. He sweat with nervousness as it didn't budge... and his other hand soon proved to be stuck as well. Owen grunted, trying to pry the jar loose, moving to use the edge of the shelf to no avail. Own grunted sharply in dismay, pulling with all his might before he noticed a slight change in the jar. The paining over the surface started to grow muddy, mixing together, the pigment swirling around. It shifted away from the ends of the jar, moving toward his hands.

Owen's heart raced in fear as he watched the change, but he gasped as the pigment left the jar and began pushing up his fingers. It swirled around his fingers and past his hands, spiraling up his wrist and arms. Some of the ink started to settle into demonic symbols on his arm, invisible beneath the baggy sleeves of his choir robes. As the ink left the jar and filled his body, the jar started to revert to a blank sand colored ceramic. Owen, however, was changing far more. His brown hair darkened a few shades and his invisible peach fuzz took on color of its own, a soft downy brown mustache filling in before a few stray hairs grew out of his chin.

Even Owen's eyes changed color, the hazel irises turning a brighter yellow. As they changed color, Owen's eyes began to ache. The magnification of his glasses seemed far too strong suddenly. He wanted to get them off but he only closed his eyes, panting hard as the pigment continued to pump into his body. Owen's heart raced as the symbols spread down his chest and back, all obscured beneath his robes. Owen breathed in deeper and deeper before he forced his eyes open, looking down at the jar.

The very last of the pigment slowly drained out of the jar and into Owen, leaving the container blank and bland. The ceramic seemed to grow thinner and thinner, like it was drying out and deteriorating before it crumbled. Owen's hands snapped away from the jar, no longer held in place as the pieces hit the ground and turned into dust. Owen panted sharply, but the changes he had experienced were just the start. He felt a strong aching fill his legs and feet as his toes started to fuse, the skin tugging together before the bones reshaped. His toenails spread out over his feet, hardening into cloven hooves as his legs and knees changed, taking on a more digitigrades stance.

"Oh yes, free at last..." A deep voice resonated inside Owen. The choir boy murmured, backing up against the wall.

"What's going on?" Owen whispered.

"You're having a religious movement, the true seed of faith you wanted." The voice replied.

"Who are you?" Owen asked. He gasped as his right hand drifted down of its own accord, starting to unwrap the ties of his robe before plunging in, finding its ay to his shaft. While soft to begin with, the manhood soon firmed and hardened. The hand stroked the shaft on its own as Owen's fingernails turned black and stretched into claws.

"Don't you mean who are we? We're a herald of the future, of pleasure and joy... but we need to regain our strength." The voice whispered.

"But how do we do that?" Owen whispered. A smile crossed his lips that was not his own.

"Follow your instincts, you'll see soon enough." The voice replied.


Owen moved down the halls of the church with a strange gait, getting used to his new legs. His yellow eyes peered around without the aide of the glasses and his hair seemed a little wilder and shaggy, no longer perfectly maintained. The almost demonic grin had remained on his face despite the hunger that coursed through his body. Owen felt like he was starving but he didn't know what for. He turned into the kitchen and stepped in, pausing when he saw another choir boy.

Tim was the choir's tenor, an angelic looking young man with blond hair and blue eyes, his lips so round and plump. Owen had never looked at any of his choir mates like that before, but he wanted Tim... He more than wanted him, he wanted to devour him. Owen moved forward and came up behind Tim, wrapping his arms around the blond boy as he started to hump his backside.

"What?!" Tim grunted, dropping the plate of food he was preparing. He tried to break free, bucking against the demonic choir boy that had grabbed him. All Tim succeeded in doing was to turn around in his captor's arms, facing him. He gasped, seeing that it was Owen... and not Owen at the same time. Tim looked conflicted, almost perplexed by the changes, but Owen wasted no more time.

The possessed choir boy leaned in, pressing his lips to Tim's. Tim's eyes went wide as he was kissed, not just from the shock of it but also the sensation that something cold and dark was reaching into him. Owen had just meant to kiss Tim, but something had started to touch the edge of his hunger. Something warm and vibrant, something pure. He could taste Tim's soul.

Owen deepened the sinful kiss and began to explore Tim's mouth with his tongue, starting to draw in the energy he felt just beyond. Tim was almost paralyzed in Owen's grasp as he felt his soul start to drain through his lips. His lips grew cold and turned blue, his eyes darkening slowly. Even his skin grew pale as Owen drank the soul in. Owen drank and drank, feeding on the soul, pulling it out of Tim.

As his soul left his body, Tim's humanity started to deteriorate. His eyes turned black, his blond hair lost its luster, his pale lips grew thicker... and to Owen's surprise, his teeth started to grow into fangs. Tim's fingers pulsed and shifted as they developed claws, but that was far from the end of the changes. Tim's pale skin swelled and bulged on his forehead before two thick horns burst through the skin. His ears grew into points next as his nose widened, his mouth pushing forward just a bit.

As Tim gained a slight muzzle, the hair on his arms and legs thickened drastically. Much like Owen had experienced, the choir boy's legs shifted and reoriented, taking on a more animal stance as his feet became cloven hooves. The creature moaned, his solid black eyes looking at Owen intently as the fur spread up his neck and face, covering him completely. Tim was no more, his body nothing but a soulless husk. It looked almost like a goat man, more animal than a typical satyr. His pointed ears twitched before he let out a soft bleat, a wet spot staining his choir robes as his cock released its first demonic load.

Owen licked his lips slowly, swallowing the last of the soul into himself. He had never tasted anything so good in all his life. He groaned sharply, feeling the heat of the soul being digested by the cold of the demon inside him. As the demon digested the soul, the nutrients were fed to Owen's body and he started to change more. His hard cock grew heavier as more blood flowed into it, the heavy shaft coming down against his leg. It started to stretch longer, taking on several inches as it grew down toward his knee. The bulge was visible even through the baggy robes, but soon it didn't just resemble a cock. It was almost as wide as a fist. The possessed choir boy almost fell to his knees as his cock pushed past a foot in length and half a foot in width. It was thick and huge but it was bigger than he imagined possible.

"That... is amazing..." Owen groaned sharply, a clawed hand moving to grope himself.

"And that was only your first meal. Imagine what your next will bring you." The demon replied.

"Another soul to eat?" Owen asked hopefully.

"You'll be eating a lot more than just a soul..." The demon replied, the hand moving down to massage his massive demon cock through the robes. Owen grinned with anticipation.


The door to the acolyte's chamber swung open only briefly enough for Addison to return. The young man was in his early twenties, his red hair cut short, a light layer of stubble covering his cheeks. The priest-in-training was done with his day of pious studies and lectures on the moral duty of the religious order to guide and direct the people. As far as Addison was concerned, it had been a day of dry rhetoric keeping him from what was really important. He pulled at the ties of his robes before he let them slip from his shoulders, dropping down to the floor around his feet. Addison took a soft breath as he drew his fingers down through his red bush before he circled his fingers around his manhood and gave it a few good strokes, letting it swell and grow.

"If only I'd known you were such a dirty man before... Think of the fun we could have had." Owen whispered. Addison yelped, turning to face his bed. Owen was lying on his mattress, naked and exposed, but he wasn't the choir boy Addison remembered at all. His body was covered in tattoos, his muscles were thicker, his arms hairier. From the waist down the choir boy was covered in dark brown fur, his feet capped with cloven hooves. A massive, monstrous erection stuck out from his groin like another limb, the mushroom shaped head drooling.

"Owen?" Addison whispered. Owen grinned a fang filled grin as he idly stroked his cock.

"Is this what you want, acolyte? To give into your pleasure? Come to me..." Owen whispered. Addison was conflicted and torn, feeling compelled to flee... but even as the fear grew in him, he started to jack off even harder, stroking himself rougher and rougher. He took one begrudging step forward, then another with slightly less reservation.

Addison reached the foot of the bed and climbed up onto it, moving toward the possessed choir boy. It was like he was enchanted and had no choice. Owen reached out and tangled his fingers in the acolyte's red hair, petting it. He admired the acolyte for managing to have some form of sexual life in a house of worship. He was the perfect one.

Owen watched Addison lean down toward the cock, his lips parting as his tongue emerged to explore the unfamiliar slope of another male's cock. Addison was so enchanted with the experience that he didn't seem to remember anymore how unusual and demonic Owen was. All Addison knew was the musk and the lust and as his tongue pushed into the clear demonic pre, his senses disappeared even more.

Addison lost himself licking at the cock, slurping away. His tongue probed the demonic choir boy's urethra which, to his surprise, easily spread wide. Before long Addison was gaining a great deal of pleasure plunging his tongue into the gooey slit in the huge meaty cock. The acolyte's right hand kept working his own rod while his left moved to stroke the furry balls before him.

Owen moaned softly, tipping his head back as his cock was penetrated. It felt so good, but oddly it felt small - like he could take so much more in. Owen started to focus on that sensation, to bring his instinct to bear. His cock seemed to respond as the cock started to grow again, spreading longer and wider, pushing out inch after inch. The veins pulsed and throbbed as the shaft grew to eighteen inches, then twenty five, then almost thirty. The cock grew wider as well, the urethra spreading with it.

Addison felt himself being pushed back further away from Owen as the cock grew longer. His heart ached to be separated from the source of all his pleasure. He pushed against Owen more and more and to his delight the slit began to open up wider. Addison felt the cock head spreading across his face, widening up like a tight, drooling mouth. The slit engulfed Addison's nose and stubbled cheeks, then his chin and his forehead, spreading around slowly.

As the acolytes face was submerged all the way to his ears and the top of his head, there was no longer as much resistance. Owen let out a deep growl of delighted surprise as the acolyte's entire head popped completely into his cock. Addison didn't seem to mind, still stroking his shaft as he licked the cock from inside, but the process was far from over. Muscles Owen never knew he had started to work, tugging and pulling at Addison, drawing him in.

Owen began drooling gently as he felt his cock consuming another being, swallowing him in. The cock head slipped down Addison's neck and spread across his shoulders, growing wider and longer again to make room. Owen laid back on the bed, panting and sweating as the cock spread out around Addison's chest, his body being pulled in more. The possessed choir boy could feel his meat swallowing, sucking, consuming.

Addison kept jacking off even as his chest was completely engulfed, though soon his hand was pushed to his sides as his elbows were taken into the demonic cock. His legs wiggled a bit and his cock swung free, but the hardest parts to draw in were already inside. The demonic shaft began to suck Addison in with more ease each second, slurping him up like a spaghetti noodle.

The acolyte's shaft was pressed down against his groin as his hips, lap and ass were taken in before his dangling legs slipped up into the cock. The last thing Owen saw of Addison were his large feet and his wiggling toes before they slipped into the urethra. The cock slit closed back up with the feed inside, the mushroom shaped head letting out a small gush of precum. The entire massive length continued to throb, pushing Addison down deeper and deeper... but the next phase of the process had already started.

Owen could feel the hot, thick body of the acolyte inside him, but he could also feel his mind... the lusts, the fantasies he had, they were all accessible to Owen. Owen let those fantasies replay in Addison's mind over and over as he consumed the human. Addison's body grew hotter and softer, his limbs stretching out, his hair melting away. Owen moaned loudly as he felt his body absorb Addison's soul, leaving him little more than a husk.

Without the soul to keep him together, Addison's body melted into thick demon cum, the rush filling Owen with such deep and complete pleasure. Owen's back arched, his balls seized up and his enormous cock pulsed before he let out a torrent of cum so powerful it sounded like a waterfall had filled the room. The cum arched out and hit the wall, splattering over everything. Owen screamed in pleasure as he expelled a hundred and thirty four pounds of semen, the weight of his most recent meal... but his own change was just starting.

With each meal, the demon in his body grew stronger, the two coming together more and more. Owen's tongue grew darker, turning purple as it stretched out and split. His saliva thickened and grew potent with pharamones... and his forehead swelled, two spots rounding and stretching. The skin grew irritated and red as the masses grew beneath it, bulging in an unseemly display before two drops of black blood leaked out and the horns burst forth, curving out and then up.

Owen's clawed fingers dug into the mattress beneath him, the demon panting in joy for his growth and change. Things were getting so good, but he was also getting greedier. Each meal only made him hungrier. He licked his lips before he pushed up from the bed, his cock shrinking back down to a mere two and a half feet in length before he moved out of the acolyte's room, not even bothering to shut the door on the cum soaked mess he was leaving behind.


Choir practice had ended for the day and the older boys had headed to their dormitory showers for an evening cleansing. The air was thick with steam as the water cascaded down, collecting an inch deep across the tiled floor of the shower room. The choir boys stood four feet apart, washing themselves diligently with soap and flower extracts, the model of purity. Owen's cloven hooves stepped down into the water, sending out unseen ripples as he looked at them all, the boys that he had considered his family... at least when he had been human.

Owen lifted up his hands and began to summon the demon's magic. The water coming down from the shower heads began to thicken, clinging to the choir boys' skin rather than running straight down. It shifted from clear to white to yellowish white as the air filled with musky scents. The young men were so immersed in washing themselves that they massaged it into their skin where it started to take effect.

Their nipples hardened at once, the nubs stretching out and growing erect... but soon they began to leak the same yellowish white cum as the shower covered them with. Some of the boys reached up to play with their nipples, rubbing them and twisting them, tugging them as they stretched out. The more they were played with, the longer they grew. Some reached two inches, three, four, even five. The tips of the nipples swelled a bit more to take on the shape of cock heads. Soon the boys that had given in the most were stroking off their nipple cocks, their own shafts growing longer, weighing from their groins heavily.

While some had given in fully to their nipples, others had grown distracted by other pleasures. Their pectorals grew, their biceps and triceps stretched and their balls dropped more. One by one they gave into the pleasure of their flesh, moving to stroke their shafts, guiding their hands up and down the length, panting and moaning. As they heard the moans of their friends, they opened their eyes to look around, meeting gazes as if it were the first time in their lives.

Owen watched the tainted choir boys move toward one another, their slimy bodies coming together. They tilted their heads and went in for a kiss, but even their saliva had turned into the thick demon spunk. They swapped demon cum as they kissed, feeling their tongues throb and swell, the tip rounding and gaining a slit. Soon the tongues began squirting demon cum too as they slapped their tongue cocks together, orgasming into each other's mouths.

The spunk shower continued to warp the boys as their skin turned a bright, deep red. Their heads shuddered before horns pushed out and their hair turned from a rainbow of shades into a uniform black. Some grew thick sideburns, others a classical pointed goatee, a few even got full beards... but as they kept kissing each other, it almost liked like they were fighting something inside, something trying to get out.

The choir boys' kisses were interrupted as they pushed apart, bright white light spilling out of their mouths. Owen had been waiting for the souls to be ejected. He spread his arms wide, opened his mouth and drew them in. He swallowed one soul after another, consuming them and digesting them until none were left. The demon boys stood there for a moment as their eyes turned solid black.

Slowly they looked back at one another, but not with the romance they had moments before. All that was left was a deep carnal lust. The boys pushed each other against the wall and moved to fuck each other ruthlessly, rubbing and grinding like mad. The wet, sloppy sounds of sex were like music to Owen's ears as he watched their hard red cocks slide in and out, in and out... but he groaned deeply as his next set of changes filled in.

Owen's muscled back rippled and warped, the flesh wriggling and shifting around before the skin began stretching out over two new lumps. The lumps continued to stretch out of his back, pulling a thin membrane of flesh along with it. The limbs unfolded and spread the skin that much wider, growing leathery and tough. Owen carefully adjusted his wings, spreading them out behind him before he felt his ass cheeks push apart, making room.

No longer obstructed, his tail bone stretched down between his cheeks, growing new joints and muscles as a spaded tail grew in at the base. The tail whipped around before brushing his furry leg. Owen moaned deeply in delight, loving how very strong and delightful his body was getting. He could feel the demon so close to him, so much a part of him. It wouldn't take much more to become truly bonded... and Owen had the perfect victim in mind to take that final step.


Priest David Aldcott knelt before the alter of the infinite spiral, his green eyes closed. The candle light glinted across his shaved head, his smooth scalp an indicator that he had reached the peak of his devotion to his beliefs. He focused on the blessings that came down the spiral to them, and to the ascension of their goodness up the spiral. He focused on his connection to his spirituality, to his desires to do good... but something wasn't right.

David opened his eyes and looked around. Something felt very wrong. He stood up slowly and turned, moving for the door with a weary step. While he was only in his mid forties, a lifetime of kneeling on stone had given him a bit of an ache in his knees. Still, it was a small price to pay for the blessings he received.

The priest moved out of his chamber and moved down the hallway, wondering what had worried him so. He continued down the hall, feeling the sensation of darkness only increasing. He reached the door of his acolyte and moved to knock, only to find the door already open. The priest eased the door open further, gasping as he saw the destruction inside.

Every square inch of the room was covered in yellow sticky slime, dripping and oozing down over everything. The smell was pungent and distinct. The priest backed up and tugged the door shut, covering his mouth and nose with his sleeve. He was horrified and confused but Addison wasn't in there. He had to find him, to find out what was going on.

The priest moved down the hallway further, moving past door after door... though another discrepancy soon caught his attention. Instead of the light spray of showers on tile, there was a deep gurgling coming from the shower room. Against his better judgment, the priest opened the door slowly and peered in.

Just like Addison's room, the showers were completely coated. A lake of sperm filled the recessed portion of the floor and the drains were gurgling in a futile effort to take all the splooge away. Long, dangling strings of semen came from the shower heads, long since spent. David lunged away from the shower room, his hands trembling. In all his years he'd never seen anything like it.

The priest moved through the hallways at his top speed, looking for signs of anyone else... Before long he came sprinting into the main chamber, skidding to a stop. The pews were full, the candles were lit but it was all wrong. The wooden aisles were filled with a demonic horde masturbating away. Some looked like goat men, others like demonic fiends, a few looked like hell hounds... but all gazed up at the demon on the dais, lighting the candles with black flame. Owen looked up and over at the priest, smiling softly.

"Father David, at last you join us." Owen said. David looked stunned, recognizing something in the voice.

"Owen? Is that you?" David asked.

"Oh yes, father, it is me... I've made sure everything was ready for your next sermon." Owen whispered.

"My next... Owen, what's going on?" David asked, "What happened?"

"What has happened was that I was born again... I reawakened, understanding what this religion was founded on. The infinite spiral doesn't just go up, it goes down as well... down into the depths of pleasure and affection, to the infinite spread of all bliss. I am so much more now, and all of our friends are no longer encumbered by morals or fears. They know nothing but joy and sex..." Owen said.

David said nothing but merely moved forward, looking at the pews full of people. They made out with cock tongues, they rubbed furry goat legs together, they gnawed on each other's horns. They seemed little more than animals... but David could see enough in them to figure out they were his choir boys, his acolytes, the church workers. David looked up at Owen.

"You did all this?" David asked, moving toward the Dais.

"Yes and no... I had it in me all along, though I had a bit of help. Now... do you want that help so you can rise to this height too?" Owen asked. David looked stunned.

"You want me to become like you?" He asked in horror. Owen gave a fanged grin.

"Haven't you already fantasized about us innocent choir boys, about our purity? Or perhaps you were more focused on just how good of an apprentice Addison was... or how the masses came to bend to your every whim, hanging on every word. Do you realize the power you wielded? If you told them that god wanted them to love their neighbor... intimately... you'd be surprised how many would listen." Owen said. David stepped up onto the Dais, standing before Owen.

"By the power of the infinite spiral, I compel you to leave demon!" David demanded.

"We are all part of the same spiral, you cannot use it against me." Owen hissed, taking a step forward toward the priest.

"This is a place of worship, leave!" David howled.

"We will worship pleasure here." Owen grinned, taking another step forward.

"You will not sway me..." The priest whispered, looking up at Owen. Owen grinned wide before he leaned down and kissed the priest. David shuddered in disgust, though as he felt his lips pried apart by the serpentine tongue, there was an odd degree of curiosity mixed into his disgust. He had given up human contact as part of his faith and for the first time in his life, he questioned that. Was it right to deny the most basic of human contacts? Was it right to deny the joy of being with another? David's considerations came to a crashing halt as he reminded himself that these thoughts had been invoked by a demon. He broke the kiss and shuddered.

"You still doubt all that I have to offer?" Owen asked.

"I doubt that anything you offer would truly benefit me." David scoffed. Owen grinned.

"Then let me give you a gift." Owen said before he leaned in and pressed his lips to David's once more. This time, though, he was giving more than tongue. An oily warmth moved from Owen's mouth into David's, slipping down his throat and into his stomach before it diffused through his body. The wave of energy that was released was immense. David suddenly felt awake, alive, like he'd just jumped off a bridge into a frigid lake. His eyes widened as the energy bubbled to the surface of his skin.

His smooth scalp soon darkened before black hair began growing out, but as it did, so too did his stubble grow out. It spread across his cheeks and chin and upper lip, the bottom of his jaw and all around his head. The black hair grew in centimeter by centimeter, just as thick all over. The energy spread down his body as well, causing his arm and leg hair to thicken and grow... but beneath the hair and skin, a more profound change came. The sagging flesh of a man entering midlife tightened up, stretched over muscles regaining vigor. David was mystified by the change, but the most profound experience came from his knees. Years of aches, years of pain faded away as his knees rejuvenated. The pain was gone.

"How?" David whispered as he broke the kiss.

"The power of eating a soul..." Owen whispered. The priest's lips twitched a bit before forming into a grin.

"And it'll keep making me feel this way?" The priest asked hopefully. David grinned, grabbing the priest's head as he moved in for another kiss. The priest's mouth bulged wide as more souls began getting poured into his gullet, further changing him. His ears stretched into points, his hair and beard grew thicker and the hair on his legs got so thick that it started to curl and turn into fur. His robes shifted and grew tight as his shoulders widened and his arms grew longer, his fingers flexing as his nails stretched into claws. Soon long talons punctured through the priest's shoes as draconic toes wiggled free.

The priest had merely let the souls pour into him at first, but he soon found himself swallowing with more and more eagerness, taking them into himself. As he did, his forehead started to bulge before two ivory white horns emerged, ridged and thick with dangerously pointed tips. As the embrace endured, David's lips turned from red to brown to a dark gray, nearly black. The color spread out from his lips across his face, disappearing beneath his beard before covering his nose and surrounding his eyes. The color swept down his neck and across his torso.

Owen could feel David enjoying himself more and more, giving into the touch of corruption, but more than that he could feel the demon finally bonding with him. They were no longer two but had become one. He WAS the demon, he was that being and he had imparted his gift on the priest. Their kiss continued even as the flow of souls came to an end, the two kissing and embracing. In a dramatic display of power, David's robes ignited and burned in a fiery blaze, the flames not harming either demon.

As the ashes fell from his body, David's true form was revealed. His dark skin and furry lets, his horns and demon tail. He was a true beast, reborn out of the wickedness, emerging from the light and plunging into the shadow. As if the sexual act had been a sermon in and of itself, the demons filling the pews moaned and basked in the pleasure as they came, spraying their seed all over each other and the pews themselves.

The holy water in the church began to thicken and congeal, turning into the yellowed demon cum just as the shower water had. The candles burned with their ominous black flames and even the stained glass windows began to darken, filtering the light differently as the glass turned blue and purple. The stone grew cold and moss began to grow up the walls as the few potted plants in the building grew without restraint.

The very church itself was transforming, becoming a home for the demons, to keep them safe and to welcome others to join their cause. The shift was so beautiful that several of the demons broke into song, chanting an ancient demonic passage that focused all their energies on their leaders. David moaned even louder as he felt more strength filling him... but that wasn't all that was going to fill him.

Owen moved around behind the priest, looking at his wooly cheeks and his demonic tail before he lifted the tail out of the way, brought his huge cock to the priest's pucker and speared in. As his huge shaft spread the priest wide, he grabbed him around the waist to hold him in place. David moaned loudly as he was penetrated, shaking against the intrusion, but their time alone on the dais was over. The demons from the pews began to swarm across the floor and up the stairs, going after the two.

David moaned and gasped as a dozen tongues started working at his nipples and stomach, at his cock and his balls, even licking his taint. They were climbing over one another in insatiable need. Soon they were even biting at the priest, their fangs grazing his flesh. David was shaken forward and back as Owen ruthlessly fucked him, but David didn't care anymore. He wasn't in control anymore, he wasn't the priest. He was an acolyte and Owen was the leader of their movement.

Owen leaned down to lick and bite David's neck, towering over his demonic horde, fucking the former priest. He rammed in and out, stretching David beyond all measure, drooling at his own prowess before he tipped his head back and howled, cumming into David. David joined his mate's howl with his own, spraying his own ropes of jism all over the demons before him. As they basked in the priest's cum, they too felt the sway of orgasm spreading through them like a chain reaction.

As Owen held David in his arms, filling the priests's stomach with cum, he knew that they would live happily ever after, that they would spread the pleasure of depravity to the entire world. The world of Bastion would become a home to the dark rather than to the light, giving hell itself an open door to the other worlds... and Owen hoped that he would be rewarded for his vigilance. With any luck, he would be able to climb the infinite spiral to the next world with the wave of demons, corrupting them and consuming their souls for his very own.

Owen moaned, closing his eyes, imagining more innocent choir boys and unturned men drinking his tainted seed, losing their humanity and devolving into lust driven soulless demons like those that now worshipped him. That very thought alone was enough to push the demon over the edge one more time, pumping yet another load into the former priest before him. David cooed and leaned back against Owen, but Owen merely grinned at the possibilities.


**Suppressed** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by JR22 Getting up early for school was nothing new, but getting up at five thirty in the morning was still a bit much for Skylar even if it was for the most exciting field trip of his...

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Code of Dishonor: Shadowplay

**Code of Dishonor: Shadowplay** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Cidius A warm wind blew across the fields of Peldin, rustling through the spring shoots and tiny leaves of the growing vines. The sound of the wind sounded almost like an...

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Code of Dishonor: Terror of the Skies

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