
Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by

Commissioned by jr22

When a human leaves home for a senior trip on his eighteenth birthday, the unraveling of a life long mystery leads to life changing events he will never forget.

Suppressed Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by JR22

Getting up early for school was nothing new, but getting up at five thirty in the morning was still a bit much for Skylar even if it was for the most exciting field trip of his life. Outside the sky was still black and the street lights showered the sidewalks with their bright orange light. Skylar trudged down the hall of his family home, a backpack slung over one shoulder, his youthful face stretching as he let out a yawn. As usual, Skylar was dressed in his baggy sky blue 'human heralds' shirt and khaki cargo pants, his blue and white tennis shoes haphazardly tied. His blond hair hung over his eyes in a shag of bed head, a bed he very much wished to be revisiting.

Skylar rounded the corner into the kitchen, not even having to duck under the upper cabinet doors that had been left open. To any outside observer, Skylar looked quite young. He was five foot five, had sloped shoulders and perfect skin. He was the ideal human... except that at eighteen years of age, he was half a foot shorter than his peers and almost forty pounds lighter in terms of muscle. He practically looked as though he hadn't entered puberty yet, something his classmates had reminded him of ceaselessly.

The young man reached for a box of cereal and bemoaned his choices. Human cereal was so bland and limited, but his mother was a purist and would never dream of going down the ethnic aisle to get any satyr cereals or orc oatmeal. He sighed gently before he just opened the box and started eating the vaguely fruit flavored colored rings by the hand full.

"Sky, did you pack extra underwear?" his mother asked from the family room.

"Yes mother, I did." Skylar replied.

"And a few extra towels? It's a water park after all..." His mother questioned.

"It's a resort villa... They have towels. They have so many towels that people steal them and its okay." Skylar replied. His mother appeared in the doorway, her perfect eyebrows angled downward in a scowl of disapproval.

"No son of mine will steal towels. That is why it is imperative that you take your own." She insisted. Skylar let out a long sigh before he nodded, turning and heading back for the bathroom. At the very least it would let him escape his mother for a bit. He knew she meant well, but as a single mother she'd always been a bit overbearing. Skylar moved down the hallway, passing the massive family tree painted on the wall. It traced their family line back to some of the first human mages, robust and notable... but as it trickled down the generations to Skylar's mother, it came to a stop... unfinished, incomplete.

Skylar stepped into the bathroom long enough to grab a pale blue towel and slide it into his already full backpack. He knew the resort would have everything they needed but mothers of all species could be over protective... though while he'd barely gotten his mother to sign the permission slip, the parents of his classmates had even funded the trip as a sort of fusion graduation gift and reward for their good grades. His mother wouldn't have given in if Skylar hadn't insisted that the trip be the only birthday present she could give him that would satisfy him. Skylar came back out of the bathroom and headed down the hallway once more before turning for the door. His mother cleared her throat.

"Sky, did you pack your elixir?" she asked. Skylar let out another sigh. He'd been drinking the foul tasting elixir every night for his entire life, long before he could even remember it. The idea of taking the nasty purple serum on his trip was not something he enjoyed.

"Yes, I have the serum... and socks... and towels... and way more than I need. Are you ready? Do you have your keys? We're going to be late." Skylar replied, feeling a bit better to hurl questions back at her for once. Despite his diminutive size, he certainly sounded like a surly eighteen year old. His mother took her keys wordlessly from a hook on the wall and moved toward the door with Skylar to drive him to school where the bus would set out on the field trip.

Skylar opened the door and moved out, his mother closing and locking the door behind them before she turned and looked out at her son. Nearly eighteen years had passed... It was hard to believe the time had passed so quickly, but impossible to believe that she'd almost gotten away with it. Everything was falling into place... It was just a matter of time now. She moved over to the car and slipped down into the seat, buckling up before she turned the key in the ignition.

"-happening on the interstate, Johnny Lightning." A reporter announced cheerily as the radio snapped on.

"We've got a bit of slowing in the southbound lanes as a tanker truck of witch's brew overturned, summoning a blight of frogs and snakes. Clean up crews are working as quickly as they can, though a few local Cerberus have wandered onto the road to eat the little critters." The traffic reporter announced. Skylar's mom snorted.

"Typical half breeds..." She muttered. Skylar had to roll his eyes at his mother's racism. While she was proud of her human heritage, it merely bored Skylar to death. Everywhere else in society the half breeds were envied, admired, looked up to. They had the intellect of humans and the strengths of whatever heritage they had claimed from the other side of their family. It was a brilliant balance, it was the future, it was evolution... and something that Skylar knew would infuriate his mother. On any normal day he would have brought any of those points up but he wasn't going to test his luck before the field trip. He just had to survive one last ride with her before he was on his way.


The exhaust spilled out of the back of the car, remaining visible much longer than usual due to the cold morning air. The sun had barely started to rise, filling the sky with pink and blue light even before the sun itself was visible. Frost clung to the blades of grass and the leafless winter trees stood in stoic isolation. Skylar hopped out of the car, slinging his backpack over one shoulder again before he ran for the bus sitting in the parking lot, the headlights already on.

"Remember to drink your medicine!" Skylar's mother called out as he neared the bus. Skylar froze in place, shooting her a nasty look for potentially embarrassing him in front of anyone though it seemed all of his classmates were already on the bus. Skylar took the large step into the bus, disappearing through the doors. His mother sat back into the car, leaning back in her chair, swallowing a bit.

Inside the bus, Skylar was relieved to feel the heater on full bore, though his cheeks soon became too hot as he blushed from the overwhelming waves of his shyness. He was by far the smallest, most subdued senior the school had seen and trying to find a seat on the bus was like running the gauntlet. Even the elf nerds at the front of the bus were taller than him, some bolder with bright green or blue hair.

The elves looked up at Skylar with slight looks of disdain and Skylar quickly moved on. He passed a unicorn boy, then a sleeping werewolf. Hesitantly, the human looked to the back of the bus. Three of the school's football players had taken up the back bench, each clad in the red and orange jerseys of their school team. The quarterback was an orc, his jade green skin offset by a thick black goatee hanging from his wide chin. To his left was a dragon man, headphones tucked over his ear slits, and to his right was a large yeti. Skylar grabbed at his blue 'human herald' shirt and slipped it off, revealing a school hoodie beneath. His mother never would have approved given the school's support of all races, but he hoped it helped him blend in better.

Skylar moved toward the back but the phoenix member of the basketball team stretched out his wing and blocked the path. Skylar exhaled a sigh through his nose, figuring it was for the best. He tried to decide where else to sit when a very soft, melodic tone started drifting to his ears. Skylar turned, seeing a satyr playing his pan flute as others of his kin leaned up against him.

The musician was wearing baggy board shorts and an earthy brown hoodie. His brown hair was short and a bit curly and a mustache covered his upper lip. Sideburns dropped down past his pointed ears all the way to his jaw and a long goatee dropped down from his chin and curved back into a point. While the satyr played with his eyes shut most of the time, occasionally they would open and a vivid green would gaze about at the others of his brotherhood.

The satyrs around him varied quite a bit. The fauns looked more like Skylar with bare faces and slighter frames while the full blooded satyrs were muscled and sported a variety of handsome beards. Some were blond, others had black hair but they all were quite masculine. More than that, though, they seemed to embody the ultimate display of comfort as they were all huddled up together beneath the tones from the pan pipe.

Step by step, Skylar drifted over toward the satyrs. He wasn't sure if it was the music or if the warmth promised by their close proximity and furry legs seemed the most captivating. Skylar moved up to them, hesitating a bit, listening to their song. Their eyes were closed as they played, completely lost in the music. At the front of the bus, the driver finally eased the doors shut and shifted the bus out of park.

"Excuse me, uh, would it be okay if I-" Skylar started his request, but as the bus lurched forward, Skylar toppled into the pile. The music came to an abrupt end as several satyrs looked down at the teenager that had landed on their laps. Skylar looked up at them in terror, blushing beet red. "If I sit here?" he whispered, ending his question. The satyrs smiled.

"Sure, we were just about to have a nap." The musician said. Skylar felt four hands slip under him, pulling him up into the seat more properly as the satyrs reclined down. Skylar had wooly legs come around his as the warm torsos of the other men rubbed against his. Skylar watched the satyrs close their eyes and start to slumber so easily, but his heart was racing a thousand miles an hour. His mother would have disowned him to know he was having so much contact with other males. While most of the cultures of the world saw no problem with love finding its way, humans were one of the only ones left to believe in stifling heterosexual norms... but Skylar was quite content where he was.

As the bus pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the interstate, Skylar breathed in and out, smelling the earthy, woody scent the satyrs had. It was relaxing, just like their music. Skylar felt them breathe in and out, their goat tails wiggling. He smiled to himself and craned his head back, looking out of the window as they started passing billboards and towers. The trip was going to be amazing.


Skylar had never slept more comfortably in his life. He felt like he was on a bed of fur and heat... He smiled in his sleep, nuzzling against the satyrs that had given him respite. As he stirred back toward consciousness, he realized with a great wave of embarrassment that he'd drooled in his sleep, soaking the blond hairy chest that had been his pillow. He slowly sat up, blushing, looking sheepish. The blond satyr with a blonde beard looked down, feeling the human shift.

"Sleep good buddy?" he asked. Skylar nodded slightly, wondering if the satyr had even noticed. He licked his lips a bit before looking around. None of his class mates seemed to care or even notice. It had been perfectly normal to them. It felt too good to be true. His entire life he had been in a proverbial tower, sequestered away from everyone else. Even his grandparents didn't come to visit. He never knew if it was because his father had left him when he was a baby or because he was so sickly that he had to have medicine each morning at the exact same time.

"It is within my gaze, we are almost there!" One of the elves declared from the front of the bus. Everyone started waking up, moving around, trying to get a glimpse. The elevated highway they were on continued on pillars, curving slightly as it approached an island... an island unlike anything that Skylar had ever seen.

Coming from the inner city, there was a hodge podge of architecture from every culture all mixed together in one big mosaic. The resort villa, though, was far more polarized. There were several 'hotels' that were interconnected, each catering to a different aesthetic. The east side of the island was covered with ancient trees that stretched to the heavens, wooden rooms clinging to the trunks and spiraling down. The west side, though, was carved out of a massive mountain of jade colored stone, forged into durable, tough orc architecture. The center of the island was full of hot springs, bubbling water ponds full of mer-folk for the guests' entertainment.

"This is going to be so epic... I can't wait to see what the island elves are like." The nerds in the front chattered.

"You guys can stay at my place." The orc athlete in the back said before elbowing his friends in the chest. They coughed and sputtered and grinned, pleased as always by the physical prowess of their leader.

"So... where are you headed?" the musical satyr asked Skylar. Skylar hesitated, a lop-sided smile crossing his lips.

"I guess I didn't expect it to be... segregated or anything. I didn't read about a human section." Skylar said, sounding a bit crest fallen. The satyr gave a wry smile.

"No human section, no satyr section either. Not segregated though. Anyone can go anywhere. We usually just drift around, but you should find somewhere special to celebrate your birthday." The satyr said. Skylar's eyes widened sharply.

"How do you know it is my birthday? I don't even know your name..." he whispered.

"It's Scott, Scott Everwood. And I can smell it. Just a gift of being a satyr I guess."

"Skylar Clark." Skylar replied, "And thanks. No one's really thought about my birthday before." He said. The satyr chuckled.

"Well it's your eighteenth, man, its gotta be epic. Do things you'd never dream of doing." The satyr grinned. Skylar took that in for a moment before he turned, looking back at the big men in the back trying to arm wrestle without a surface, then he looked at the unicorn guy before looking back at the satyrs.

"I think I already am." Skylar chuckled.


The bus had been unpacked in an absolute frenzy as the high school seniors dispersed into the unsupervised park. While Skylar had half expected the students to go to whatever section fit their race the best, there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it... though the orc he'd had his eye on had taken his friends to the orc section. Skylar stood on the sidewalk just outside the bus, watching his classmates disperse as the bus rolled away to be parked for the two week vacation.

The island had a festive feel to it, ranging from musical groups and amusement rides as well as the smell of countless types of ethnic food. Sky's stomach couldn't decide if it wanted to be ill or ravenous, though a sickly sort of weight tugged at his stomach after a moment... the feeling of his medicine weighing him down from the night before. Skylar hoisted his backpack up higher on his shoulders and started moving into the park, trying to make up his own mind on where to stay.

Skylar's first instinct was that the others would recriminate him, push him away and keep him from joining them... but he knew that simply wasn't the case. The only hatred involved in the issue came from his mother. He'd never fully understood why but he could guess. The mythics were simply better at living. They were stronger, smarter, faster. They were more popular in general. Humans seemed inferior and so they had clung to their pure blooded family lines as some sort of defense to make themselves feel special. Skylar, however, had never felt special. He felt quite the opposite. He was short, he was tiny, he was frail. It was rather pathetic... and that was how Sky made up his mind.

Skylar stepped off the cobblestone path and started moving to the west of the island, following the trail that was lined with thick ferns and draped vines, the way lit by small green and blue flames sputtering in brass bowls. He looked up at the megalithic structure, the Stone Axe hotel. It was the orc hotel, the toughest place on the island. Skylar hoped he would be able to learn a bit from them, find a way to be a bit tougher in life.

Skylar moved through the entry way and up a stone carved set of stairs, passing bearded orcs, muscled minotaurs and a few stray elves dressed rather promiscuously in skimpy swimming trunks. Skylar almost had to sigh wistfully, though he'd never do anything to express outright that he found men rather aesthetically pleasing.

The human moved along the hall, ducking around the orcs that felt almost twice his size. Despite his own anxiety, they nodded their heads and one even held out a large green fist as they moved to pass each other. Skylar swallowed, holding up his pale fist. They bumped together and the two kept walking.

A chill of excitement ripped through Skylar. For the first time in his life, he felt accepted. He didn't have his mother clambering about pure bloods or half breeds or the state of world affairs, telling him to do random chores that had no purpose but to waste time. He was here on his own; free to do whatever he wanted. He sighed happily at the concept of that.

Up ahead, one of the doors had a little wooden placard hanging from the door that said 'welcome'. Skylar took that as an invitation and eased open the door, looking inside, his jaw dropping a bit. The room was half the size of his house at home. There was a bed covered in zebra striped blankets near the back, a wide and diverse kitchen to the right and an in0room hot tub to the left. Lights danced across the bottom of the hot tub, scattering on the walls.

Skylar promptly dropped his bag by the door and ran over, leaping through the air and onto the bed. He yelped as the bed springs kicked back with suck force, launching his light body into the air without control. He flailed before he came down on the edge of the bed, panting at his brush with death. It seemed his accommodations were built for a bit larger of a man. Still, that wasn't going to stop him. This was going to be the best birthday ever.


The sun had finally started to set after the first day on the island. The clouds were a rich salmon color and the festive atmosphere of the day gave way to an even larger one at night. Cam p fires blazed, music blared through the streets and Skylar could see it all from where he stood on the top of the water slide. Pele blue and sea green swim trunks were wrapped around his tiny waist as he looked out at everything before he grabbed onto the bar and flung himself down the slide head first. The water rushed around him as he took twists and turns, arching up at one point almost so much that he thought he was in a loop de loop. As the human reached the bottom, he took one deep breath before he plunged into the pool. H

His massive acceleration came to an end as he drifted under water, the pool lit by glowing crystals around the outer edge. He floated there, looking through the water at the wide variety of legs... and even tails. A group of mermen swam around making sure the guests were well taken care of and one blond merman smiled, swimming along beneath Skylar, giving him a wave.

Skylar blushed a bit and waved back before he looked up, spotting wooly brown legs up ahead. Skylar suddenly paddled up toward the surface before he emerged, gasping for breath again before he grinned.

"Heya Scott." Skylar said. Scott grinned wide.

"Heya Skylar, how's it hanging?" he asked. Skylar swallowed a bit. That question had always been a bit sensitive as he wasn't very proud of that aspect of himself, but he sucked it up.

"It's great, this island is amazing..." Skylar said. The satyr nodded, running his hand down his goatee as he scoped out the mermen swimming about.

"Do you have everything you need for the feast tonight?" Scott asked, managing to bring his attention back to his new human friend. Skylar hesitated. It was already night time... He'd have to get back to his room and have his medicine, a fact that didn't please him very much. It was no doubt going to make him sick to his stomach like it always did.

"I have to go back to my room, get changed a bit." Skylar said.

"Well, we'll save you a spot unless you want to find adventure sitting somewhere else." Scott smirked.

"Adventure?" Skylar asked in surprise. Scott hesitated.

"Did you read anything about this place before you came?" Scott asked. Skylar blushed.

"I guess I got more caught up in just getting away for two weeks." Skylar said. Scott smirked and nodded, spreading his hairy arms out along the edge of the pool side.

"The natives that lived on this island chain in ancient times believed that this was where the horizon met the land, that anything was possible here. It's why they agreed to let the park be built, so there was one place in this world where anyone could be anything. The feast tonight marks the start of that journey, nourishing everyone for the journey ahead." Scott said. Skylar took it all in for a long moment.

"And... it would be rude not to eat a lot?" Skylar asked. The satyr nodded.

"Quite rude..." he replied. Skylar gave a weak nod.

"Then who am I to disappoint? But I better head back to my room, get changed..." Skylar said, moving for the edge of the pool. Scott gave him a playful swat on the butt as he climbed out and Skylar blushed at that but smiled a bit more. It really felt like he finally had a friend.


The door to Skylar's room swung open as he moved in, dropping his swim trunks by the hot tub in his room. He dripped onto the stone floor, thinking briefly how dangerous that was before pushing such unmanly thoughts aside. He crouched down by his backpack before he paused, looking down at his naked body.

He was eighteen now... but he just didn't look like it. He had tiny balls, he had a mere three inch manhood and his body was practically hairless. Normally Skylar trued to avoid seeing himself naked so as not to depress himself, but even if he couldn't do anything about his body wit was time to do something about his mind. The question was what.

He unzipped his bag and dug through the contents before he pulled out a small purple egg shaped object. He ran his fingernails between the seam that ran around the center, pulling it apart. Inside was a glass vial full of his medicine... but not nearly as much as he expected. In fact, there was only one dose left.

"No..." Skylar whispered, his eyes widening, "No, no no..." he murmured. He'd had one dose every night for his entire life. He had no idea what two weeks without the medicine was going to do to him. It was too late o call for more, at least for any that would get to him in time...

Skylar sat down slowly on the cold stone, looking at the vial. He'd ask his mom to send more in the morning, but in the mean time... perhaps fortune was favoring him. His medicine made him sick to his stomach and that was no way to go into a feast. If he was short on his medicine, perhaps he'd just have to ration it, maybe even skip a night all together. Skylar felt anxious but also excited. The idea of a night without his medicine, a night without feeling sick... it would be glorious. He slowly closed the egg and put it back into his bag before he stood up and started to look for clothes. He had a feast to attend.


Skylar moved down the cobblestone path toward the central courtyard, his eyes wide as he took everything in. Torches had been set up, casting orange and red light across the various people of the island. Waiters carried pigs with apples in their mouths to the tables, setting them down amid a bounty of root vegetables, fish, shrimp, rabbit, and elk. Skylar had managed to put on a cheetah print loin cloth that was in his closet, though it went almost all the way to his feet in both the front and the back. Still, the open sides kept it from looking like a dress.

Normally Skylar would have been petrified to be so exposed but everyone else seemed dressed accordingly, even the women wearing simple loin cloths with the addition of tank tops. Skylar moved along the table, seeing the wide selection of guests before he spotted Scott and his satyrs down the way, drinking wine and cavorting with some fairy boys. It looked like a lot of fun, though Skylar heard a familiar guffawing. His eyes turned and he spotted the bearded orc from the bus, the muscled behemoth he wanted to sit by... and thee was a spot across from him.

Swallowing all fear, Skylar moved over and settled down in the chair, giving the orc a slight nod. The orc nodded back before he lifted up a leg of turkey and stuffed it into his mouth, his teeth piercing through the flesh before beads of grease sprayed out. He licked his lips and smacked as he chewed the food before he swallowed, grinning a bit.

"Hey, you're that smart kid from Geology, right?" the orc asked. Skylar hesitated. The orc remembered him?

"Y-Yeah, Skylar Clark." Skylar said.

"Vander Sade." The orc replied before he grabbed another turkey leg and proceeded to try eating from them both. Skylar watched in fascination for a moment, taking it in before something unexpected happened - his stomach growled. Skylar looked stunned for a moment, looking around for the source of the sound before he realized it was him. His stomach soon growled again.

For a brief instant, Skylar wondered if he was dying, if the lack of his medicine was going to cause his whole body to come undone... but he'd heard other people's stomachs growl, it seemed normal. He was actually hungry for the first time in his life. Skylar took a soft breath before he reached out, taking a piece of turkey, cutting a slide off of it before he lifted it to his lips.

The smell was so savory, so rich and warm. His lips parted and he took it in, moaning as it almost melted on his tongue. He chewed it with a hunger he'd never known before, regretting when it came time to swallow that the experience was already over... but there was so much more to try.

Skylar lifted the turkey with his bare hands, something his mother would never accept. Without hesitation, he began to tear into it. The juices ran down his chin as he picked the bone clean, murmuring in delight.

As he dropped the bone to his plate, he was already looking for his next target. A chunk of pineapple coated ham drew his attention next. He grabbed at it, barely pausing to cut it before tearing it off in hunks, stuffing his face. He moaned at the flavors, feeling so satisfied as he devoured the meat.

"Who, look at Skylar, he's a little beast, isn't he?" Vander grinned, clapping Skylar on the back as he ate, "Who knew the kid could be so cool?" The orc asked. Skylar's eyes widened as he ate. Eating made him cool? Vander thought he was cool? Skylar's shaft grew erect beneath his loin cloth as he felt the first wave of pride of his life. He was cool and all he had to do was eat.

Skylar moved on from ham to mashed potatoes, squash, asparagus and whatever else the feast had to offer. At one point Scott looked up, seeing the orcs pigging out... and Skylar pigging out with him. The satyr grinned a bit, surprised but in a good way. It seemed Skylar was going to make the most of it after all.


The door to Skylar's room swung open slowly as he stumbled in, panting gently. His frail body seemed distended around the mid section, but that was nothing compared to the sheen of juices that surrounded his lips. Skylar had never pigged out before like that in his life. It was like learning how to eat for the first time and he had loved it. Skylar moved over to the bed and slumped down onto the mattress, closing his eyes.

As he lay there, wondering how he' d managed to eat so much, he wondered to himself just what his medicine had been for. He wondered if it would become apparent in the coming days, or if he had outlasted his need for it. His mom had harped on him about it for so long, she wouldn't have sent him with less than he needed...

Still, the night had been amazing. It was hands down the best night of his life, the start of his adulthood. Skylar closed his eyes and began to drift off, feeling the weight of his full stomach comforting him. As Skylar drifted off, his body continued to digest the food... but something else started to happen as well. A soft purple shimmering light began to flicker across his body, looking as if it was trying to enclose around him one last time before it faded out of sight.

There was silence in the room for a few minutes, but in that silence came a new change. Skylar's arms and legs started to ache and throb, his bones starting to stretch ever so slowly. He tossed and turned a bit I his sleep, trying to get comfortable. Still, he grinned a bit as he slept, dreaming of the food and the handsome men that were all around him.


Each day in the resort left Skylar feeling more and more confident. He'd learned the best places to eat, to swim and to rock out. Still, eating was one of his favorite past times. He moved into the courtyard for the breakfast feast and all but jogged down the path, arriving there faster than he had expected. His legs were longer now, giving him a distinct advantage. As Skylar took in the sights and smells, he spotted something new... Orcish sausage. Skylar licked his lips before he moved forward, trying to navigate around everyone.

Normally Skylar would have seamlessly fit between everyone but he seemed to b e having more problems, bumping off their shoulders and arms instead. He grunted a bit before he actually started pushing people out of the way before he made it to the table and started loading up his plate. A few fairy boys looked at Skylar in surprise, wondering what cause a human had to be so aggressive, though Skylar lifted his head and sniffed the air before he grinned.

"Yo, Sky!" Vander said, moving through the crowd. The people before him seemed to part to let him pass. Vander lifted his fist and Skylar eagerly bumped it back.

"So you got any plans for tonight?" Vander asked. Skylar looked up at the orc.

"What do you have in mind? I'm game for anything." He said assertively.

"We were thinking a rock climb." Vander said. Skylar considered for a moment. He'd never been physically fit, but he felt like he could do anything and the last thing he wanted was to appear weak before Vander. He gave a nod.

"Sounds epic. I'll just have to eat extra to gain get plenty of energy." Skylar said. Vander chuckled.

"You are a little beast... Well, maybe not so little. Where you always that tall man?" Vander asked. Skylar frowned a bit.

"C'mon man, don't insult me about my height." Skylar said. The orc held up his two green hands.

"No man, I just... Nah, must be the way you're carrying yourself. You just look taller." Vander said. Skylar looked a bit flummoxed by that but soon grinned.

"C'mon man, lets get some food." He said with a grin. Vander nodded and started dishing himself up, neither man caring that they'd forced their way to the front of the line or displaced many others. They were like kings, at least in their own mind.


While the island had many different places to bathe, one of the most popular was a water fall that came down the backside of the orc hotel. The water cascaded down crystal walls before collecting in yet another pool below. Skylar enjoyed the water fall quite a bit, his only regret being that it had taken him five days to realize it was there. His vacation was almost half over and there was still so much more to see and do. He'd been out all night on another hike and rock climb with Vander and his friends. As Skylar washed up, he could already feel the difference in his body. His fingers were gaining calluses, his skin seemed a bit tougher and he even had the first visible muscle of his life. As he moved, his biceps and triceps shifted beneath the skin.

Skylar lifted his arm to wash beneath it, letting out a whoop at the smell. He went cross eyed for a bit before he washed at his pit but his fingers hesitated when they felt hair. Skylar kept his arm up and turned, looking at his pit... and the generous coating of fuzz beneath. He lifted his other arm to find the same. Skylar slowly grinned more and more, shocked that he'd matured so much.

It felt amazing to finally have some manly traits, but the timing was unquestionable. He had been tiny and frail his entire life before coming to the island... and just a few days after arriving there, he was finally getting the sort of changes that came at puberty for everyone else years earlier. Skylar wondered briefly if it was the island, since Scott had made mention of the possibilities, but something was nagging at the back of his mind... He had stopped taking his medicine.

Skylar reached down and started running his fingers across his groin, finding the start of fuzz there as well. It was amazing and it was something he'd always dreamed of... but it also made him think of what Vander had said days earlier. Skylar climbed out of the pool and pulled on his cheetah print robe before he moved through the side door back into the hotel.

He walked down the hallway with a confident stride, his arms swinging past his hips. He was no longer the meek and mild, shy little boy he had been. He turned and moved into the hotel's laundry room. No one was there so early in the day, but Skylar found that all the better. He looked around before he spotted a measuring tape for use on hem lines. He unfurled the tape and stepped on the end before he ran it up to his head. Holding it carefully in place, Skylar turned, almost doing a double take.

"Five foot... seven?" he asked. He had grown... he was bigger. He had muscle, he had hair... and he had a bit of a mystery on his hands. Skylar turned and stormed out of the room, heading for his room. Someone on the island had to know what the medicine was... Someone had to be able to answer the question burning in his heart.


The stone egg came down on the table with a loud clank as Skylar vented his rage at it before looking at Scott. Scott was a bit perplexed why Skylar had come to him, but satyrs were rather good at mixing things. The satyr opened the egg and pulled out the glass vial, looking at the contents and swishing them around.

"So you've been taking this your entire life?" Scott asked. Skylar nodded.

"Since before I can remember." Skylar replied.

"And you skipped it the whole time you were here?" Scott asked. Skylar nodded. Scott pulled the stopper out and brought it to his nose, taking a slight sniff before he winced and his eyes squeezed shit, "Gorgon Brine..." he murmured, sticking the stopper back in.

"What? Brine??" Skylar asked. The satyr coughed a bit before waving his hand before him.

"It's a serum used by witches and warlocks to... petrify an aspect of their victims, to deny them a part of themselves. " The satyr said.

"So... it isn't medicine? It was... suppressing part of me?" Skylar asked. Scott shrugged.

"I'm not sure, but it's not good stuff. If someone takes it long enough, what's lost can never be regained." Scott said.

"Like... eighteen years?" he asked softly.

"That's right... You came here on your birthday... You missed the last dose." Scott whispered. Skylar said nothing, trying to understand what was going on, what his mother had done to him. It was time for answers.


The phone connection to the main land was a bit shoddy, but it was enough to connect back home. Skylar stood in the little booth, holding the ear piece to his head, waiting for his mother to pick up. The phone clicked.

"Hello?" she asked.

"How... could you?" Skylar whispered.

"Sky? What's going on?" she asked in surprise, "Are you alright?" she added.

"I am now... Now that I figured out what's been going on." He said. There was dead silence on the other end.

"Sky, you have to understand..." She murmured.

"I want to understand, but how can I? How could my own mother do this?" Skylar asked.

"Sky, I was young... I was rebellious... I dated an... an orc... briefly. I broke it off when I realized I couldn't keep it a secret from my parents forever. I found out a short time later that I was pregnant, with you..." she whispered. Skylar was dumb founded.

"My father was an orc?" Skylar whispered.

"I knew my parents would disown us if they found out so I talked to a dark witch... who concocted the serum for you. But Sky? Didn't you take it? Why... Why didn't you? You were so close..." She sobbed.

"So close to what? Being a pathetic tiny man for the rest of my life? Being afraid of everything because I have no way to defend myself? Your parents still disowned us, didn't they? They didn't want a bastard grandson even if hey didn't know where he came from..." Skylar growled.

"Sky, it isn't like that..." she sobbed on the other end of the phone. Skylar was silent for a moment.

"I'm going to enjoy the rest of my vacation... maybe afterwards I might visit. Goodbye Janice..." Skylar murmured before he hung up the phone. His heart was pounding, his chest rose and fell. There it was, after eighteen years... the truth of it all He was part orc... and if Scott was right, his body was making up for lost time.


The days had continued to pass, the vacation closing in on the end of its second week... but for Skylar, his body had only continued to change faster. He found himself in the gym more frequently, pushing weights and jogging on the treadmill. Each exertion pushed his body that much further. He could feel himself growing. That morning he'd been five foot ten but he was already a bit taller. His muscles were thick, his shoulders were broad. It was impressive in general... and it had started to gain the notice of the others.

While the mythics were used to maturity and masculinity, they weren't used to them from a human. Every so often Vander and the others would come by the gym, watching Skylar work out... and Skylar loved their looks. It was like they were acknowledging him for what he truly was. He could feel a true pleasure, a power, pride coursing through his body. He grunted as the blood rushed to his shaft, a tent forming in his pants. His manhood pushed out against the fabric, stretching longer and thicker... In moments he was fully hard, but his cock seemed to keep growing past that. He grunted harder and harder, his rhythm breaking down as his cock reached four inches, then five. He was so horny... He couldn't stay in the gym. He had to relieve himself. He got off the bike and stumbled a bit, not because of the drop but because of the lack of a drop. He was tall enough to slip on and off without any problem.

Skylar moved out of the room, heading down the hall, his eyes glazing over with a deep rooted lust.


Skylar barely made it into his room before his pants were undone, his fly pulled open wide. He shivered as his hard seven inch cock sprung out of his fly, veined and pulsing with need. Skylar didn't even bother to shut the door, moving over for the hot tub. He dropped down into the bubbling warm water, feeling the ease of his muscles as they relaxed. He leaned back against the edge of the hot tub before he ran his hand down across his groin, tangling in the thick bush that swayed in the water before he started feeling up his balls. His entire life he'd been sensitive about being asked how it was hanging, but now he could say plump and large. His balls felt so touchable, so soft in the water. He palmed them, feeling the kiwi sized balls inside swelling and growing, pumping his body full of more hormones by the second.

As impressive as his balls were, though, his cock soon gained his attention. His hand drifted to his shaft and started to stroke it up and down. He'd masturbated a few times before, but much like the feast it felt as if he was experiencing something new for the first time. He stroked his hand up and down, feeling the give in the skin. He gripped his meat tighter, feeling it even stretch a bit in his hands, pushing out to eight inches, then nine. He drooled a bit as he looked down at just how horny he was, licking his lips.

With each tug of his flesh, even his skin was changing. The cock flesh grew tougher, stretching out, pushing up over the head of his shaft. His mushroom shaped member disappeared beneath the protective shell of his ample foreskin.

"Fuck yes..." Skylar moaned loudly, panting hard. He was more than double his original size, manly in so many ways. Even his arms and legs were starting to coat over with dark blonde hair. He leaned his head back, thrusting his hips up and down all the more, basking in it... though he was barely aware of a tingling starting to spread across his face. It started on his upper lip as blonde fuzz grew out, forming a soft mustache... but the softness didn't last. The hair curled down and thickened, becoming more unruly as more stubble pushed out across his cheeks.

The hair spread like a wild fire, covering his cheeks and his jaw, growing thick and bush, so thick that it almost went all the way up to his lips on all sides. His beard grew out to an inch, then two, then three... but his beard wasn't the only hair growing. The hair on his head grew longer and shaggier, wilder. Even the curls on his chest were getting thicker.

The moans Skylar let out continued to grow in volume, but soon they started to drop in pitch. Skylar's voice cracked and chirped before dropping, growing deeper and darker. He became infatuated with his own moans, loving the sounds, blown away by the changes. He was so captivated by them that he almost hadn't heard the grunts at the floor.

Skylar looked up at the open door to see Vander on the other side, his thick tree trunk of a green cock in both hands as he jacked off, drool leaking down into his beard as his tusks glistened. Skylar gave the orc a leering grin before he ran his hand over the surface of the water.

"Wanna play?" he asked, his voice sultry and deep.

"Skylar, fuck... it's true, you're..." Vander trailed off. Skylar gave a feral grin.

"Shut up and get over here so I can fuck you." Skylar said. Vander didn't need to be told twice. He tore at his clothes, dropping them to the floor before he all but dove into the pool. Skylar grabbed Vander and pushed him to the side of the hot tub, leaning in to kiss him possessively, forcefully, like an alpha male. The big tough orc melted into the kiss, his tusks rubbing Skylar's face.

Skylar forced Vander's mouth open, exploring it with his tongue. Skylar ran his growing hands all over Vander's body, feeling his muscled green pecs in one hand without having to stretch. Soon Skylar was grinding against Vander, humping and rubbing. Their hard, veined cocks rubbed and shifted, growing more erect as they went at it.

Skylar moved to nuzzle and lick Vander's goatee, captivated by it as he had been before... but for the first time in his life, he felt superior. He had more beard, more muscle and he was feeling the heat of true lust. Skylar used the hot tub's buoyancy to lift Vander up, aligning his shaft with the orc's ass before he pulled his partner down. The orc called out in pure lust as the bearded human fucked him deep and hard. Skylar used all the muscles he had gained, giving Vander the ride of his life.

"Fuck Sky, you should be on the football team..." Vander moaned.

"Only if I get to be the quarterback, and you are my tight end." Skylar grinned, fucking the orc even deeper. The orc tipped his head back, moaning louder and louder before he crashed over the edge. His huge green cock sprayed a thick wad of orc cum all over Skylar's hairy chest. Skylar merely reached down, gathered some on his finger before he licked it clean. He was barely getting started.


While the island resort prided itself on privacy and anonymity, rumors of the transforming human had been circulating for days. The final feast had been called together for the last night of vacation. In the morning they would all head home, returning to a life of normalcy... wall of them except Skylar.

The young man moved down the cobble stone path toward the courtyard, his feet almost pounding on the ground as he moved. His feet were long and wide, so big that the island lacked shoes for him. His loin cloth barely fit, hiding his shaft only when hr was facing certain angles... but the most profound change had to be his new height. Skylar had to duck under branches, his six foot five frame dwarfing even some of the orcs.

Despite his size, Skylar appeared to be human still. He had creamy peach skin, soft blonde hair and a beard worthy of a Viking... but his changes hadn't stopped since he got there. He pushed past some of the other island visitors before he sat down and licked his lip with anticipation. The others sat themselves as well, though Scott scooted over to be closer to Skylar.

"Love the look." He murmured.

"Well thank you." Skylar smiled, feeling no shame in taking a compliment anymore. The two continued to look around before the waiters moved over, setting down tall pitchers of a light green juice.

"What's that?" Skylar asked after a moment.

"The dew drops of the infinite horizon, a holy drink made with white magic to bless those leaving our shores." One of the other waiters said. Scott looked over at Skylar for a moment but Skylar wasted no time pouring his drink.

"What are you doing?" Scott whispered.

"White magic... It's the opposite of the gorgon brine. It'll finish the change..." Skylar said.

"Skylar, what if there's a reaction?" Scott asked with concern.

"Let the man do what he wants..." Vander piped in, "Drink, drink, drink!" Vander said. Skylar lifted his glass and tipped it back, gulping down the juice. It was tart and sweet at the same time, unusually light... and tingly too.

As Skylar drank the juice down, his lower lips started to swell, growing a bit fatter as his lower canine teeth started to stretch.

While not visible at first, two tiny tusk tips began rising up past his lip as he chugged the drink down, but there were many points forming across his body. His ears began to stretch and reshape, taking on a more orcish appearance as his loin cloth lifted up, his eleven inch cock hardening.

As the last of the green juice drained into Skylar's lips, the green seemed to leave his drink and spread out across his cheeks. As the pigment raced under his beard, the blond hair darkened like an eclipse of the son. In moments his beard was a pitch black, matched soon after by the hair on his head. His tusks grew taller, his muscles bulged more and his voice continued to drop, as evidenced by his moans.

He set the drink down and sighed happily, but the change was still continuing. His broad, muscled chest turned green, then his arms, his hairy body taking on the black coloring of orcs. Despite his blended ancestry, few qualities seemed to remain human as eighteen years of suppression wore off. His orc self was fighting back with a vengeance. Skylar licked his thick lips and played with his tusk a bit before he let out a slight belch.

"When we're done with the feast, you're coming to my room." Skylar said. Vander and Scott looked at each other for a split second.

"Which of us?" Scott asked. Skylar grinned, reaching to rub his groin.

"Both of you... You'll both be my boyfriends." He said, no hint of a request in his voice. He was an alpha male and an alpha orc, just like his father had been. His days of being suppressed were long behind him now.


A heavy musk filled the air, the musk of three men in hours of sexual bliss. Vander and Scott were in a wet, sweaty heap on the bed... but Skylar was near by, standing in front of the mirror in his room, examining himself. The transformation had been amazing, leaving very little of his human self. He was almost seven feet tall, had hundreds of pounds of flesh and muscle, his skin was as green as a spring pasture and his tusks were thick and rugged. Skylar was quite proud of himself, so much so that he couldn't help but admire himself.

Skylar flexed, watching his muscles uirk, almost thinking they grew a bit more. Skylar felt amazing in all but one respect. The vacation was coming to an end. Two weeks of heaven, but he had reclaimed his masculinity, he had broken the spell to rid him of his orc self. He hoped he had made his father proud. Skylar held his arms out to his sides and flexed again before he gasped, his muscles visibly twitching. With little warning, they started to grow again.

The orc's upper arms rounded and expanded quickly, but so did his legs. His bones ached from his arms to his legs and even his spine started to ache and expand. Skylar grabbed onto the wall for support, moaning as he grew taller and wider, his ribs pushing apart more as his body just grew and grew. It even affected his body hair as his pits got thicker and his black beard grew longer, dropping down inch after inch.

Skylar reached down to wrap his huge hand around his green orc cock, jerking off as he watched his body transform even more. it would never be enough. He wanted i t all. He jacked off, groaning as his cock stretched out before his very eyes, starting to drool steadily. Skylar licked his lips, basking in it all. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he started to wonder if it had all been worth it... A life of feeling insufficient came to an end by being the most masculine orc on the island.

He reached up with his free hand and trailed his pudgy green fingers through his beard before he pinched and twisted his nipple, hissing in delight. He could see the changes continue to rack his body as his eyebrow ridge pushed out and thickened, his jaw squared more and his feet swelled out in every direction. he was leaving the realm of orc behind and becoming more hunched and muscled than even they were.

Skylar grinned to himself, deciding that would have to be enough for the moment... even though he wanted to just grow and grow. He walked back toward the bed and reached out petting Scott's curly brown mop of hair and his thick horns before he gave Vander's pectoral a squeeze. Both males moaned, showered in his seed, so spent from the sex they couldn't move. Skylar climbed in between them, wrapping one arm around each partner before he closed his eyes.

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