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#3 of The Severance Package


By Bunny Boy

This story and and the chars are copyrighted to Bunny Boy,

Warning the story contains nonconsensual sexual acts between an adult and a young furry male. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Tom climbs out of his car smiling. His shopping trip had been great; not only had he found a great deal on the Wii his son wanted, but he also found a copy of "Black Hole Invaders", the hottest game of the season. Timmy was going to love it. The older coon whistles as he quickly strides through the parking lot, a Game Cub bag dangling from his paw. He spots Bob in the parking lot and waves a quick hello. As he enters the building, the old Bulldog working the reception desk flags him down.

"Tom, I've got a message for you." Says the old girl with a smile, "Bob was by, and he wanted me to tell you he found your boy. He took him up to your office, he should still be there. Bobby is such a nice young man looking out for your boy like that, isn't he?"

The older coon just nods in agreement, glad to know where that little rascal is. "Thanks Marion, Say 'hi' to Joe for me." He feels irrepressibly cheerful as he steps into the elevator, and he can't wait to see the look on Timmy's face. He hums to the music until the elevator finally reaches his floor. His spirits are high as me makes his way towards his office, stopping to chat with coworkers or their cubs along the way. He feels like nothing can get him down today.

That all changes once he steps into his office. His eyes go right to his desk, where he expected to find his son playing solitaire on the computer or something else to keep busy. Instead, he finds his ten-year-old son sprawled naked across his desk, passed out and leaking what appeared to be cum from his ass. Shocked, Tom rushes to his boy's side, dropping Timmy's now forgotten present with a thud. The concerned father lifts the boy off the desk and bundles him up in his coat. As he reaches for the phone movement catches his eye. Tom's computer is still running and there is a short loop of a home movie running. Tom's eyes go wide as he watches one of his most trusted employees raping Timmy. Almost as disturbing as the movie is Tom's reaction, he'd never admit it but the video is exciting him. Quickly the coon closes down the movie player, only to find an open document, speckled with obscene photos of Timmy.

In the letter Bob brags about what he did with sordid detail and graphic depictions of every last moment, making the adult coon even more aroused. The shepard then goes on to tell Tom not to report this to anyone or else there would be bitter consequences. Tom believed him too, Bob was the accountant and he knew that the company had been messing with the books. At the dog's demand for future visits with the little coon Tom almost disobeys and reaches for the phone, but his own fear of jail time stops him short. "Oh god, what am I going to do," he thinks to himself, burying his head in his hands.

Tom quickly tidies up the office, and shuts down his computer. Hurriedly, he removes all traces of the scene before he picks up his son, still bundled up in his coat. He quickly heads down the stairs and out the back of the building trying his damnedest not to be seen along the way.

Timmy sleeps through the whole drive home, something that Tom is rather relieved by, as he's not quite sure he's ready to talk to the boy about what happened just yet. The boy doesn't even wake up when Tom lifts him from his seat and carefully carries him up to his room. He tucks the boy into bed and heads back downstairs to think.

Tom pours himself a shot of whiskey while he ponders what to do. If he calls the cops, he could end up in jail himself, and Timmy would be all alone. Then again, there was his own reaction to seeing those pictures of his son.

Tom is still pondering, his shot glass untouched, when around eight o'clock he hears his boy shouting upstairs. "DADDIE!!!" screams the frightened little cub.

The raccoon runs for the stairs, moving faster then he had in ages. He bursts into his child's room to see Timmy sitting up in bed crying. Tom falls to his knees by the boy's bed, hugging him close. "It's okay son, it's all going to be okay." He strokes his son's back reassuringly as the scared and confused little cub starts to babble. He tells his father about everything, even about hearing his conversation when he was trapped under Bob's desk. For his part, the older coon tries his best to comfort the boy, but all the lurid detail brings back that odd lust again, and he's just happy the bed hides his arousal.

Finally the tears stop and Timmy calms down. "Daddy," he whimpers. "I'm scared; can I please sleep in your bed tonight?"

Tom looks into that tired face, so recently stained with tears. "Yes, son." He whispers, "You can sleep in my bed tonight." He gently lifts the boy in his arms and carries him to the next room. "You try to get some sleep son. I'll be right here if you need me."

As he watches his son burrow under the covers, Tom strips out of his work clothes crawling into bed in just his boxers. The older coon stares at the ceiling still distraught over the events of the day, his son snuggled against him snoozing fitfully. The boy tosses and turns during the night obviously troubled by his dreams. Eventually Tom drifts off, but his dreams are no less turbulent. Visions of what was done to his boy invade his dreams, in lurid detail, but this time it's not someone else doing it, it's Tom himself. It's his cock stretching his son open; it's his orgasm flooding the boy's gullet. He could swear he could almost feel his boy's lips on his shaft. Tom's eyes spring open as he realizes that it's not a dream. He throws back the covers to reveal the sleeping form of little Timmy suckling on the big coon's cock like a pacifier. "Oh shit," mutters the poppa, he wants to stop the boy but at the same time it's been so long. Timmy's mom passed away years ago and Tom's secretary would fuck him but she'd never go down on him. The boy's mouth just felt so good. All too soon the decision is taken out of the father's hands as with a groan he climaxes, flooding the boy's muzzle with his parental seed. Timmy doesn't even react, swallowing up every drop without waking as he continues to suckle on his fleshy pacifier. Tom reaches down to pull the boy off his still throbbing cock when he notices something. Timmy seems to be sleeping easier, he's not tossing or turning, he's calmed down. Maybe it would be best to leave him there for now, he thinks. Besides, it still feels so good. "Oh god, what's wrong with me," he mutters.

The next morning Tom makes a few phone calls. He calls Timmy's school explaining that the boy will be out for a little while due to the flu. He calls a pharmacist discreetly asking for some sort of cream or lotion to sooth his son's sore rear.

As Tom is getting ready for work Timmy comes down the stairs. The little coon's fur is still damp from the bathtub and he's not wearing anything more then his underwear. He spots his father getting ready for work and almost bursts into tears. "No Daddy, don't go," he wails.

Tom kneels down to hug the boy. "I'm sorry Timmy," he says sadly. "I have to go in today. After today I'll be able to take the rest of the week off okay? You stay home and be good." The little raccoon just nods, tears still welling up in his eyes.

While Timmy is at home listlessly playing video games, Tom tries to make a short day of it at the office. He does his best to get rid of the evidence of Bob's time with Timmy. He keeps a copy of the pictures and movie for himself. He also makes some calls, citing a family emergency, and shifts some vacation time around so he'll be able to take care of his traumatized cub.

Tom gets home shortly after two o'clock, to find Timmy curled up on the couch, still in his underwear. The older coon sits next to his boy and gently shakes him awake. "Hey there kiddo. How was your day?"

The younger coon winces as he sits up. He smiles at his father who made it home much sooner then normal. "It was okay, daddy." Timmy leans into Tom for a big hug.

"Are you still sore buddy?" asks Tom. Little Timmy just nods. "Well I picked up something at the store to help you with that." He pulls out a small tube of ointment. "Now I need you to roll over onto your belly. And I'll have to take off your underwear son. Is that okay?" The little coon whimpers a bit at the thought of taking off his undies but he does as his father says. Tom squirts a generous dollop onto his finger, before gingerly applying it to the little coon's abused little pucker.

Timmy hisses at the first touch just because the stuff feels so cold, but slowly the pain fades away. It feels so good he can't help but push back against his father's finger. He doesn't even realize it but his motion has pushed his father's finger into his ass up to the knuckle.

Tom whimpers under his breath watching his son push back like that. While he was at work he fucked his secretary three times, just to try and drive the images of his big cock pounding his son's ass from his mind. But Tom can't help but wonder what it would be like. "Okay son, that is enough for now." he says before climbing off the couch. "I'm going to go wash up, and you can show me how your new game works. Then I think we'll have pizza for dinner." Tom rushes from the room desperately trying to make sure his son doesn't notice his erection.

After dinner, Tom made his way up to his bed, only to find Timmy already there. The little coon smiled drowsily up at his father as the big man climbed into bed next to him. Timmy reached out and gave his dad a great big hug as Tom turned out the lights. Tom lay awake in bed for a long time, just staring at the ceiling, listening to the sounds of the sleeping cub beside him. Some time late in the night Timmy started whining in his sleep. Tom looked down at the boy who was whimpering loudly. Sound asleep but acting like he wanted something badly. The images of last night flood Tom's mind and almost without wanting to the adult coon fished his cock out through the flap in his boxers. It's no accident tonight, he thinks as he guides the tip of his growing maleness to that searching pair of lips. Tom moans softly as his only son starts to suckle. It's all the grown coon can do to keep from grabbing the boy's head and forcing more into him but he managed to hold back, biting his lip through the ecstasy. Timmy's greedy lips pull in a little more of his father's meat teasing the big coon ever closer to orgasm. Tom grabs a pillow to muffle his cries as once again he cums into his son's hungry gullet. The sleeping coon swallows down every drop churring softly before settling down with his fleshy pacifier. Tom passes out, his mind once more troubled with perverted thoughts of his only boy.

The next morning it's Timmy who wakes up first. The boy gradually drifts awake noticing there is something in his mouth, without realizing what it is he gives it a gentle suck. His eyes spring open at the taste, he whimpers and slowly edges off the bed, his fathers limp shaft sliding from his mouth. Quickly the little coon slides out of bed. He doesn't want to wake his father; he doesn't want his dad to know what he did to him. The little boy runs into the living room, just wanting to be alone. "What's wrong with me." he whimpers.

Soon Tom notices the boy's absence and crawls out of bed himself. The older coon doesn't bother to get dressed, as he makes his way down the stairs. Timmy is sitting on the couch squirming about uneasily. "Aww, hey sport. Your butt still hurting you?"

Timmy is surprised at the voice. "Ohh yeah Daddy, I'm still a little sore." The cub stands up to get more comfortable.

"Okay then, I'll go get the ointment for you," says Tom, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. When he comes back he finds his son leaning over the arm of the couch, his undies around his ankles, and his tail held high. Just the sight is enough to stir Tom's cock awake. He kneels behind the boy spreading a generous dollop onto his finger before once more applying it to that tender young anus. Timmy murrs softly at the touch, pushing his rump back against his father's digit. Almost instantly Tom grows rock hard, his cock jutting proudly from the gap in his boxers. The site of that tight little pucker pushing toward him is just too much. He pulls his hand away from the boy, "You just stay their Timmy I'm going to try a better way of applying the ointment."

Breathlessly Tom squeezes the tube into his palm, slathering up his throbbing cock before he takes up his position behind the boy. As the tip of his cock presses into Timmy's healing pucker the boy pushes back forcing the tip of that coon cock into his still tight ass.

Timmy squeaks as he realizes that's much bigger then his father's finger. Tom's paws rest on Timmy's hips as the adult holds him there as he slowly pushes deeper into his son. "Daddy, please, don't..." whimpers the boy.

Tom hilts himself and pauses letting Timmy get used to it. With a low moan he pulls back ready to push himself right back in. "It's the only way to make sure the medicine gets everywhere son. Now be a good boy." Tom rolls his hips grunting as he pushes deep into his son's ass. He starts out nice and slow, and is rewarded for his efforts.

Timmy's pained whimpers gradually change to contented grunts, and finally to delightful moans. "Daddy... Don't...please don't... Oh stop... Please Daddy don't stop!" groans the boy as Tom's pace picks up.

He rocks the boy up onto the couch pumping harder and harder into that tight hole, their balls meeting with each hard thrust. Tom leans back to take it all in. The sight of his thick cock disappearing into his son's warm backside is so obscenely hot, he can't stand it. He drives forward grinding his member deeper and deeper into Timmy. The pace picks up and the little coon starts to moan pleasantly from his father's powerful pounding. That fat throbbing cock grinds into the boys tender prostate. Tom leans forward hugging Timmy close to him as he covers the cub's neck in kisses as he cums. The older coon floods his son's bowels with seed as he humps his way through his climax. His lust finally sated Tom pulls himself free of his son with a long wet slurping noise. He stands there panting looking down at his Timmy's well-fucked ass. "Oh god, what's wrong with me." He falls back, collapsing against the wall, tears running down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry Timmy."

The young coon crawls off the couch his fathers spunk running down the backs of his legs. :It's okay Daddy," he says as he makes his way over to his father on wobbly legs. The little coon climbs into his fathers lap, sitting with his fathers limp cock pressed against his sticky buns. The younger coon kisses his dad's cheek. "It's alright Daddy. I kinda liked it the way you did it. It's okay cause I know you really love me." The Boy cuddles close to his father wondering if they'd be doing this more often.

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