The Ultimate Severance Package

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#1 of The Severance Package

The Ultimate Severance Package

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy...

Warning the story contains nonconsensual sexual acts between an adult and a young furry male. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Bob sighs heavily as he steps out of his car. Except for a brief stop off to feed his secret pleasure it feels like he went straight from his bed to work. Bob swears he can still smell the shampoo. The brief walk in the bright sun shine does a little bit to brighten his mood but all to soon he has to pass through those doors into the florescent hell that is his day job. He marches through the drab hallways of the office building where he works. It is yet another painfully dull day with his tedious coworkers and that dimwit of a boss.

As he steps into the elevator and hits the button for his floor he realizes it's even worse then that. "Oh shit... "He mutters as a couple of cubs and their parents step into the box with him. "Today is bring your kid to work day, just perfect." As the music drones on and the lift slowly rises towards it's destination. The German shepherd just fumes stuck there with the chattering little cubs and their vapid parents. His eyes briefly slid over the young cat girl but as they fall on the rabbit boy she's talking to Bob almost starts to drool. He's such a cute little thing, so innocent and sweet. Luckily for the dog they get off the lift two floors before him and he gets a few seconds to calm himself.

The dog heads down the corridors quickly working his way towards his office while eyeing the occasional boy who happens his way. He manages to duck into his office just in time, spotting his moron of a boss Tom round the corner with his own mini-me in tow.

Bob smiles to himself, as he sits behind his desk, despite being the offspring of that fat idiot of a raccoon, the kid had been rather cute. Bob just sighs, "Ahh what a waste." As his computer boots up the corporate motto blazes to life across the screen. "CubbyHole Systems Large Solutions for Tight Spaces" He sighs as he debates whether or not he should actually work or just jerk off under the desk. More out of boredom then anything else he brings up his e-mail. Sifting threw the countless meaningless memos he stumbles across a real gem buried in the rough. About a week back he'd heard of an opening over at CubbyHole's biggest rival, Sinister Storage Solutions, so he'd sent off a resume. According to this letter they wanted him to fill that opening, and with a substantial pay rise. "Yahoo," he shouts as he punches the sky. "Today is my last day in this hell hole." With such little incentive to focus on his work Bob decides to enjoy his last day on the job. With a great big grin he pulls a brand new DVD out of his briefcase. He just got it this morning from a special contact. It's a cheap home burned disc with "FCF 3" written across it in hot pink sharpie but to Bob it was worth its weight in gold. The dog is panting in anticipation as he pops the disc into his computer, as the movie starts he quickly turns the volume down and focuses on the screen. The words "Fort Cub Fucker 3" quickly scrolls by, the shepherd unzips his fly, stroking slowly as the pair of cats making the movie abuse a 12-year-old little bunny.

He's just getting into it when the office door opens and a head pokes in. Swearing under his breath, figuring he's busted, Bob franticly tries to push himself back into his pants and turn off the movie all in one go. He stops though when he realizes the coon looking in at him and giggling isn't his boss, rather it's Tom's brat. An evil thought slips into the horny dogs mind he watches the boy. "Hey there sport, so what do you think of the office?"

The young coon takes a few steps into the office "Not to much it's so boring here. I hate these days." He kicks at the carpet, with both paws in his pants pockets.

The grinning dog finally does tuck himself back into his pants as he plans his next move. The boy is right here, and what better way to leave his notice. "I'm Bob by the way. And you're right it is rather dull, in fact I was goofing off and watching a movie. But it's not the sort of movie for cubs so if you want to watch it with me you've got to tell me how old you are first."

The little kit's ears perk right up to hear he might get to watch a grown up movie. "I'm Timmy and I'm plenty old enough to watch those scary movies. I'm ten and a half after all."

Bob shudders to hear the little cub's age. He then turns a bit offering to let the boy take a seat in his lap. As the little raccoon scrambles up into the dogs lap, Bob holds him close before hitting play on the movie once more.

The cub chuckles briefly at the silly adults antics but soon his eyes are riveted to the screen. His eyes go wide as he watches two big cats doing things to a little bunny kit. Putting there peepees in his mouth, and up his butt. Little Timmy gets scared and try's to get away, squirming to get free, but Bob holds him tight.

"Oh no you aren't going anywhere Timmy" pants the dog, "You told me you were old enough to watch anything didn't you? Now keep your eyes on the screen kid, you might learn something." The coon boy tries to look away but one strong paw grips his muzzle forcing him to watch the boys' abuse. One of the adults paws slide down the scared little coons front, sliding into his pants fondling that little bulge in those tighty whities as he watches and whispers in the whimpering coons ear. "Isn't that just lovely Timmy, look at how they treat that bunny, I bet you he really loves it too. That big fat cock stretching his little ass wide open." It's not just the bunny but as the movie continues Timmy is forced to watch the two cats violate a mouse, a fox, and finally a little raccoon boy. All the time he can feel something growing hard and pressing into his back.

Bob moans as the cats finish with the last boy, purring into the frightened little cubs ear, "Ohh I liked that coon boy. He was almost as cute as you and that gives me a little idea." The older German shepherd pushes back from his desk a bit. He grows into the coons ear as he releases him, "Get under my desk now boy. I want you on your knees facing me and don't you dare try anything funny." The little cub whimpers as he slips off the frightening adults lap. Crawling on hands and knees he turns to face Bob just as the adult undoes his fly, pulling out his thick dripping length of man meat. He rolls the desk chair forward trapping the little boy in the semi dark, with the drooling tip of that dog cock almost touching his face. "Now do like all those good little boys in the movie did. Lick my cock kid, kiss it, and suck on it like a yummy lollypop." Hesitantly the little coon leans forward, sticking out his tongue. He whimpers as he barely touches the dog's eager length. He moves in to kiss it, trying not to touch it when the adult growls, "Ohh fuck this!" and one paw grips the back of the cubs head pulling his open mouth onto that engorged man meat. Bob moans softly, thrusting into the startled cub's muzzle. The other hand returns to the computer, setting the movie to slow motion through the raccoon's entire part.

Just then there is a knock on the door and Tom sticks his head in. "Hey there Bob, you haven't happened to have seen my son Timmy around have you?" asks the inquisitive parent.

Bob keeps a tight grip on Timmy's head and pushes more of his dog meat into that wide-open maw. Bob can't help but smile wondering what that fat fool would do if he only knew. The little coon tries to say something but the muffled sounds don't travel far. "No Tom I haven't seen him," says the dog, fighting to keep from moaning. "Have you tried the server room?"

"No but good call." Mutters Tom, "Anyway I just got to run across town for a minute. I'm picking up a surprise for the boy. He's been begging me to get him a Wii and since he got all A's on his last report card I thought it would be a good surprise. I shouldn't be gone more then two hours. Keep an eye out for Timmy won't you, and don't let on about the surprise."

As the big coon walks away Bob just grins ear-to-ear leaning back in his chair. "You hear that boy? Your daddy is getting you a present cause of your grades. All A's that's so good. I'll have to do something special for you too. But for now." The older dog pulls out a camera and quickly snaps several shots of the little coon's face crammed with cock. Purring at the way the boy's cheeks are all puffed out. He rocks into the boy's muzzle one more time biting his lip to keep from howling as he pumps the sweet boy's gullet full of hot doggy spunk. The kid swallows some but ends up gagging on the thick salty stuff, coughing it up around the older man's cock even spraying it from his nose. As his orgasm dies down Bob pulls back letting the last few spurts splatter across the crying cub's face. He snaps one more shot of the boy's face "Aww I think I have my Christmas card for this year."

The ten-year-old coon coughs and sputters on the floor as Bob reaches into his desk and pulls out a box of tissues. He starts to clean up the boy's face. Doing his best to get up all the spooge. "Now Timmy, I'm going to take you down the hall and up the elevator. We're going down to you dad's office and your going to wait for him there."

"I'm gonna tell on you." Sobs the frightened little boy, "I'm gonna tell my daddy and he's going to kick your ass."

"Oh now a sweet boy like you shouldn't use language like that." Purrs the German shepherd, "But I want you to tell your Dad all about it. Guess what? Your daddy won't be able to do a dame thing. I've got so much dirt on him, why I might just be able to get him to bring you by for a repeat." Bob chuckles cruelly at the thought. "Now let's go, and don't talk to anyone."

As they make there way through the halls and corridors of office life few people give them a second glance. Most just assume the boss's kid had done something wrong and was getting marched up to his father's office for a chewing out. The boy certainly looked like he was feeling guilty about something. It's a quiet uneventful trip for the two, with Bob marching right behind the boy, should he try to make a break for it. As they step into the bosses office and the dog locks the door behind him Bob just grins anticipating the next part.

"Well now little man, since I heard you did so well in school this semester I think we should do something special to pass the time." Growls the dog as he moves in on the cub. Timmy backs away till he's trapped between the adult and his father's desk. In a sudden movement Bob sweeps his arm along the top of the desk. He sends all the older coons accumulated clutter to the floor before lifting the squirming boy up and sitting him on the edge of the desk. "Let's get you ready for the fun part." Strong paws tear off the lad's shirt, shredding the cheap material. Bob then pushes the struggling boy back as he tugs the boy's pants and undies off his kicking legs. The adult stands over the boy shivering with anticipation. "Roll over," he growls the lust in his voice confusing the already terrified cub but he obeys instantly.

With the boy on his belly Bob reaches out his left paw rubbing the coon's back and holding him there as the right grabs that thick ringed tail and tugs it up out of the way. The boy yips at the rough treatment and Bob pauses for a moment. He is torn between how much he wants to hear the boy squeal when he puts it in, and the very real fear some one might hear little Timmy's cries. Thinking quickly he whips off his clip on tie rolls the fabric into a ball and stuffs it into the cub's muzzle.

Before the boy can react those paws are on him again and he can feel the big dog pressing something into his tight little pucker. Timmy tries to scramble away, leaving bright scratch marks across his father's polished desk top but Bob is just too strong. He tries to kick at the dog but his little legs can't seem to do much. The tip of that throbbing doggy dick slowly opens the cub wide open and Timmy's muffled screams tease the adult making him want more and more. Bob shifts his grip to the boy's shoulders, arching his back, and moaning as he thrusts into that almost to tight little anus. "Oh wow Timmy," grunts the dog, his tongue hanging from his mouth in his ecstasy. "Your one tight little slut, you know that? Oh yeah you're the best fuck I've had in along time."

The little coon is sobbing now. The pain in his bum is bad enough but the way the man talks to him. Tears roll down the little cub's cheeks. The grunting shepherd picks up his pace a bit, rocking into the boy with more and more force. Timmy is still crying but threw his tears he notices something else. As Bob's raging erection pummels the little coon's prostate, certain feelings start to mix in with the shame and the pain. His own little sheath starts to fill out, confusing the scared little boy.

Bob grinds his length into that tight little ass, grunting louder in frustration as his knot swells. He leans down pressing his weight onto the boy's back as he growls. He wants to tie his bitch and he wants to do it now, with one last deep push he forces the last few inches into that already sore tailhole. Timmy tries to scream, as his rear is forced wide open to accommodate the thick mass of flesh. Bob howls beyond caring if anyone hears. His pace quickens but it's more of a rocking motion as the knot keeps him close to the little boy, and he floods the coon's guts with seed.

With that last thrust Timmy's erection faltered for a moment but as the constant pressure from the knot on his prostate, as well as he constant sensation of dog spunk filling him the little coon's penis sprang back quickly.

Sated for the moment Bob slipped a paw down the boy's body murring loudly as it finds that little boy erection. With a well-seasoned hand the dog strokes the cub's cock till he can feel that little body quiver with its first dry cum. "What a sweet little slut you are Timmy." He pulls out of the boy before his knot has fully gone down causing the young coon to yelp in pain. Timmy is sprawled out across the desktop tail cocked at an odd angle, and his ass is drooling spent cum all over the desk's blotter. Bob snaps another pretty picture from this angle before sitting down in the bosses chair, he doesn't bother to get dressed as he boots up Tom's computer, and types out a quick explanation to the older coon outlining what he did, why and what would happen if he tried to report any of it, He even mentions visitation rights to the boy. For the final blow he attaches the pictures he took, wanting to make sure Tom was proud of everything his little man learned that day. As he finished Bob glances over at the clock. "Hmmm Tom won't be back for another hour and a half. I think I should get a little more playtime in."

The Beast of The Dark Woods

The Beast of The Dark Woods By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Except for Edis he is copyrighted to himself. Warning the story contains nonconsensual as well as consensual sexual acts...

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The Fort

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Camp Gannahawmpyuh

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