The Beast of The Dark Woods

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The Beast of The Dark Woods

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Except for Edis he is copyrighted to himself.

Warning the story contains nonconsensual as well as consensual sexual acts between a number of young furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

They had all heard the stories. They knew the great forest was forbidden to cubs. Deep with in the forest lived a fierce beast, a hideous monster fifteen feet tall with razor sharp fangs, and deadly claws. It would swoop down on an unsuspecting cub and devour him bones and all. Or so the stories went. The cubs did know something lived in there. They would hear their parents talking and gossiping about it. For years something had been taking cubs, once or twice a year they would hear that another boy, it was always a male cub, had gone missing from one of the villages that bordered the forest. The boy would never been seen again though some times they would find the remnants of his tattered clothes. Some times they'd hear of villages hiring bands of adventures to try to slay the beast, but those that returned always did so empty handed.

Five boys stood at the edge of the woods. A mouse, a kitten, a bunny, a fox, and a bear there ages ranging from 5 to 8. They warily eyed one another and the edge of the woods. Each boy determined to prove he was the bravest, that he could go the furthest into those dark woods despite shaky legs and pounding hearts. A dare was a dare, they had to do it, and they might have even felt the risk of being eaten as better then the teasing they'd face if they gave up with out trying. They moved forward slowly side by side, in a ragged line pushing threw the underbrush. Five minutes in and it's the bear that breaks ranks first, a twig snaps loudly and the bear piddles himself in fright before running, whimpering back towards the open fields. The cub's panic almost causes the others to break and run, they can already say they were braver then him, but each cub wants to be the bravest. It's only a few more minutes before they lose their next rival, the little black kitten in the hand me down trousers and shirt with a shiny brass bell on a string around his neck. Something flutters threw the tree's and the boy panics and runs. Running blindly he stumbles and falls, landing with a loud oomph and temporarily knocking the wind from him.

The frightened kittens eyes gradually open as he recovers from the landing to notice something rather out of place. Sitting in a neat little pile just a few steps away are several pieces of candy wrapped in brightly colored paper. The kitten looks around not seeing anyone near by, and figuring a giant flesh-eating monster wouldn't leave candy laying about he scrambles forward. He doesn't think about where it came from or why it's there he's just happy he doesn't have to share. His mouth watering the kitten scoops up the treats, quick little fingers unwrap on and pop one into his mouth. With a sigh he closes his eyes and savors the sweet strawberry treat. He doesn't often get candy, his older brothers and sister usually take it from him but this is going to be all his.

As the kitten gets distracted the patch of earth he crawled over moments before shudders and lifts up just a bit. The boy doesn't even get a chance to squeak as suddenly a paw clamps down over his mouth, and an arm catches him around the waist jerking the kitten back, hauling the startled boy back into the dark pit. As the darkness closes over him the boy tries to scream but the creature is too strong. The poor boy is held tight to a massive body covered in soft fur, smelling of musk, fresh earth, and plants. The hands that hold him are firm but gentle, and he can feel the creature's hot breath as it nuzzles his neck.

It whispers to him in a deep voice with an oddly musical trill. "We are going to be here for a while longer little one." He murmurs softly, "If you promise not to scream, I'll take my paw away and we can talk to pass the time. Also that way you can finish your candies. Do you promise? Nod your head if you agree." The little kitten nods and the creature pulls his paw from the little ones muzzle. Moments later that paw gets clamped back over the muzzle as he feels the kitten take a deep breath like he's about to scream. "Bad boy," growls the beast, "You lied to me. You were going to scream weren't you?"

The little kitten shakes his head vigorously. Once again the paw is removed and this time the kitten behaves. The creature whispers on and on to the kitten talking about nothing in particular asking the boy his favorite candy, about his family, how old he was, and the like. Every once in a while the thing would check the outside lifting the lid a bit but the light always blinded the boy and he still could not get a good look at his captor.

The kitten almost screams as he feels a light playful nibble on his ear. "So what's your name cutie? How old are you?" Comes that now playful whisper.

The still terrified kitten whimpers, "I'm Edis Sir and I'm only five years old "

That honeyed voice slinks out of the darkness "Edis is it? That's a lovely name. Now son it's finally time for us to leave here. Be a good kitten and do everything I say and you'll be fine. How ever if you scream and try and get away I will have to punish you. Now lets get you ready for the trip." A strong paw grips the neck of Edis's shirt and the old worn out hand me down comes apart in the creatures hand, that hand then slides down quickly tugging off the boys pants, that paw slows a bit to gently caress the little package that was formally concealed. This brings a startled squeak from the boy, which makes the big creature chuckle.

As Edis feels the paw fumbling with the knot on the old dirty string and finally speaks up, "No. Please sir, don't take that..."

Startled that the fairly compliant cub would risk a monster's terrible punishment over such a little thing he actually stops. The paw caresses the kitten's cheek, and one finger traces along the collar. "Why Edis, Why do you want to keep this little thing?" Says the voice. A slight hard edge is there letting the boy know he's not happy to be disobeyed but there is real curiosity too. As the questing paw cups the brass bell causing a brief tinkle.

The kitten fights back tears terrified that any minute now he's going to be devoured or worse but still he explains, "Because sir, it's mine. It's the only thing I have that's really all mine sir. I won it this spring at the festival. It is the only thing my brothers didn't take or wasn't theirs first. So please Mr. monster sir, what ever you do please let me keep my bell" The little boy finally breaks down and cries as the creature turns him about and brings him into a close loving hug. One paw gently patting the boys back.

The massive creature coos softly, "You can keep the bell son, I won't take it from you." The lid of the pit is shifted to one side and the fading light of twilight filters in, temporarily blinding the kitten. "For now though," says the beast, "It's time to go home." The great creature heaved himself out of the hole, and Edis finally got a good look at the beast. Practically the size of a horse, the being was covered in soft, red-brown fur save for the creamy white of chest and underbelly. For an entity that was a combination of rabbit and spider, he didn't seem frightening or even that threatening. Though the upper torso was lean and furry, complete with long and powerful arms, the lower body was definitely arachnid in shape. Six long and muscular legs ending in rather unspider-like toes came out from the lower abdomen, supporting the creature's weight as he looked down at Edis with four pale blue eyes... long ears draping down either side of its head and decorated with various silver rings. The great monster produces a length of his own silk, and winds the sticky cord around the kitten's wrists all the time whispering to him. "Don't struggle, you don't want to get hurt son. This is for your own good." He then plays out a length of silk before winding the end around the boy's waist. He then slips his left arm threw the loop letting the boy sit securely on his back the loose silken restraints keeping little Edis from running. The creature then stoops to pick up the lid, A tightly woven shield of wicker and leather, with one facing tightly packed with dirt, leaves and grasses.

He stretches briefly having been in the pit for so very long. But in no time at all he flexes those powerful legs and springs into the air. Quickly he works his way up into the forest's canopy, leaping from treetop to treetop working his way deeper into the heart of the great forest. After a terrifying trip that seemed, to the boy, to last hours they come to a cave in the face of a sheer cliff. The great beast sighs happily, "Be it ever so humble there is no place like home." The kitten on his back shudders to see the barren blackness that stretches beyond the caves mouth fearing just what will happen inside. The creature scurries forward into the winding tunnel, after a few feet the kitten notices a faintly light growing brighter as the push on. They finally come to the source of the light, hidden from the outside by the winding tunnel, a deep pit and the monster doesn't hesitate for a moment. He scrambles down the sheer walls into a large open cavern. As soon a they come into view they are greeted by at least half a dozen delighted shouts.

Once the shouts of Poppa and Daddy reach his ears Edis finally gets the courage to look around. The cavern is rather well appointed with rough but sturdy furnishings, as well as several more chambers shooting off from the main room. In the middle of the chamber are seven gleeful cubs, in a variety of species, and a range of ages but none older then eleven and all as bare as the day they were born. The cubs are clustered around the creature, hugging legs or stroking fur, and otherwise just chattering excitedly.

The great beast just laughs and raises his voice to be heard over the chatter, "Quite down boys, quite down. First things first Simon, I left you in charge this morning, did everyone behave?"

A rather lanky young mouse, who looks to be about 10, steps forward. He's got a wiry, runner build, with bright green eyes, curly blond hair and mixed gray and brown fur. He looks right up at the monster a proud grin on his face as he says, "Yes Poppa, Every one was really good today."

The rabbit thing beams down at the mouse as one paw ruffles the boy's hair. "That's my good boys. Now did every one finish their chores? How about there lessons?" He asks before looking out at the cluster of nodding heads, "Good, very good. Now if you had any trouble with anything just come to me after dinner and I'll help you figure it out. My sweet boys you make your daddy so proud." The great beast reaches back and pulls the bewildered kitten, his claws deftly slicing threw the webbing binding the little wrists and waist. "Everyone," he says with a soft smile, "This is your new brother Edis." He sets the kitten down gently before the milling crowd. "Now I want you all to play nice with him, show him where the bathroom is, and where your beds are. Then have a little fun getting to know each other. I'll start dinner, Mickey, and Edward, I'll want you to come along in an hour or so to help finish, bring Edis along he should get used to our family."

"Brothers..." Stammers the kitten trying to protest as he's pushed and pulled from the creature's presence by the cheerful mob. The next few minutes the other cubs lead him around the cave. Showing the kitten where everything is, the bedroom, the playroom, the bath, it wasn't till the boys noticed the long looks did the boys leave little Edis along long enough to use the bathroom,

The bathroom is huge and all the features are carved from the stone some how. There is a little stone basin for a sink with a trickle of cold water running from a crack between two stones. As Edis is washing his paws a chubby bunny, a little older then the kitten, runs into the bathroom. He spots the kitten and screeches to a halt, hopping from one paw to the other obviously in need, "Please," he whimpers, "I really gotta go." The kitten eeps and rushes out to give the boy some privacy. He waits by the bathroom and notices it's one of the only rooms that really has a door. The kitten just watches as the other boys' rough house, one younger horse holding a stuffed doll sits snuggled up to an older squirrel that is quietly reading to him. Every one is nude and no one seems to care or notice.

After a few moments the bunny comes back out, he smiles at Edis. Noticing the puzzled look on the kittens face he softly speaks up. "Poppa made everything." Says the bunny with a sharp nod, "He made this place with his magic, but he doesn't do much magic anymore. Poppa says you can't let magic make you lazy, most jobs are better done with your own paws. My names Jeremy what's yours?"

The little kitten looks at the bunny a little shy, "Um nice to meet you Jeremy. I'm Edis." The little cub thinks for a moment. "But don't you know that all ready?" Asks Edis, "Since the monster introduced me to everyone when we got here,"

The Bunny giggles a little at the monster comment. "Oh I wasn't there when you arrived." He says with a frown, looking down at his feet embarrassed, "I wouldn't do my chores so Poppa had to punish me."

As Edis listens the bunny mention punishment, the fear that had so recently fled his mind comes rushing back. He leans closer to the bunny and whispers, "Was it really bad?"

The bunny shakes his head. "Oh no just one day, but you do get lonely.

From out in the kitchen the creature's voice rings out, "Mickey, Edward, I'll need you to bring little Edis to help finish dinner."

At the monsters word the gray bespectacled squirrel closes the book and gives it to the horse to put away, and a sleek collie approaches Edis. The dog looks to be about seven or eight, with soft fur the color of peanut butter splotched with creamy white spots, his ruff of fur sports several little braids and his deep green eyes seem to sparkle. "Come on little brother," He says with a laugh, "Father wants us in the kitchen." Before the kitten can even react the dog and squirrel hustle him off and into the kitchen.

There in the big room is the beast standing at an older cast iron stove a stirring a huge steaming pot. Edis can't help but notice that, despite the alluring smells that seem to be wafting from it, the pot is easily big enough to boil a cub in. The being turns and points a wooden spoon towards the collie "Mickey my boy it's time for the final ingredient," Says the rabbity spider thing with a smirk, "So fetch me something to collect it in. Edward, bring little Edis closer so he can get a good look." That big rabbit face looks down at the still frightened kitten with four loving blue eyes as a paw reaches down scratches between his ears. "Your new family does things a little differently son, but don't worry things are better here." He stirs the pot for a moment more before moving it off the heat. He turns to the boys and says with a smirk, "Alright my pretty boys it's time to help daddy."

Mickey scurries forward and places a large porcelain pitcher between the creature's feet Edward meanwhile sits the kitten down on the kitchen floor before moving forward to join his brother. Edis watched, wide eyed, wondering just what was going on. From this angel he could see up under the beast suspended between it's rear most legs was a truly impressive sheath, the only thing the kitten could even think to compare it to was that of the draft animals he'd see on the market road. The other two boys, Edward and Mickey crawled beneath the creature, there both pairs of paws reaching up and stroking the now swelling sheath, and dexterous fingers fondle the truly massive jewels. The squirrel leans in kissing, licking, and nibbling along those sweet globes of meat. The gray young boy moans as he inhales the rutty scent and savors that salty taste.

At first Edis is stunned and all he can do is watch but soon he shifts to run away. Just then a big paw comes down gripping his shoulder and holding him in place. "Oh no you don't," says the creature with a moaning tone, "you have to stay. If you leave now you'll never learn and I'll have to punish you. It would be such a shame since your older brothers are putting in so much effort to teach you our traditions."

Mickey had moved to the front of the sheath, his long flexible tong slurping at the tip of that throbbing red cock as it peeked free of its holder. Under those loving licks more and more shiny slick meat slid free. Edward moved forward to join his brother, slowly kissing his way down the pulsing shaft working his way up to the tip before pushing the canine out f the way for his taste of that freely flowing pre.

The great creature leans forward kissing Edis on the forehead, "Look at your brothers," he says with a pant and a breathy sigh, "Aren't they both beautiful. I've got such good little boys." Edis blushes to hear the words but his eyes stay locked on the scene before him.

Both boys shift around one on each side, facing each other over that glistening length of maleness. Their fingers twine together gripping the beast's shaft between them, slowly stroking up and down his length as the boys lean in kissing and licking. The creature groans out a warning and Mickey and Edward stop there tongue wrestling over the tasty piece of meat and finish the job. The puppy collars the head of the massive member and guides it down to the pitcher, as the squirrel strokes the shaft in a long rhythmic motion nuzzling the fat swollen jewels in the process. With a final loud grunt from the beast and a delighted cheer from the boys the monster finally climaxes, long ropey streams of cum splatter along the pitcher, gradually filling it half of the way to the top as those eager young paws milk that massive cock for every last drop.

"That is enough boys, that's enough," Says the creature with a smile. He grins down as the pair crawls out from under him licking gobs of cum, they'd swiped as his spurting slowed, from their fingertips. Mickey sidles up to Edis and offers a sample, which the kitten refuses. The creature winks down to the boys noticing how excited they both are, "Oh my boys you did such a wonderful job," he says with a smile, "I think you deserve a reward. Come on step forward and add a little zest to dinner." He places the half full pitcher before the cubs smiling as they start to stroke their hard little members, purring as he hears there breathy little moans and pants. "Oh wait boys, we're forgetting someone." He says with a mischievous grin as he circles around to stand behind them, "Edis I want you to help your brothers."

The little black kitten whimpers, reeling from shock at what he's seen, "Wha...?" But suddenly he's scooted forward till he's sitting between the squirrel and the puppy, big strong hands take his own little ones in there own before reaching out resting one paw on each of the boys throbbing little cocks. The pair moans softly at the foreign touch. The creature's hands start stroking the kitten's paws back and forth across the churring pair. The creature guides the kitten for only a moment before releasing his paws and leaning back to watch. Little Edis just does as he was told, his cheeks flushed red and his head hanging low, embarrassed by it all. He shifts around a bit though, bringing his feet up Indian style hoping to hide the fact that the sounds and smells of rutting male has had an effect on him too, the pink tip of his cock is peeking from it's sheath. It's not long now both boys are very excited Edward goes first, his tail fluttering behind him like a flag as he thrusts into that little black paw with a squeaky chittering gasp. Mickey follows soon with a moan that grows into a low howl as the kitten squeezes the knot. Each boy only adds a few small spurts to the jug but it is more then enough to coat Edis's little paws.

The creature picks up the jug, hefting it with a happy grin, before tipping it's contents into the still hot stockpot. He saves a tiny bit though in a nice glass gravy boat. Stirring the pot vigorously he turns to the boys. He smiles as he says, "Go tell your brothers to set the table and wash up for dinner. Oh and Edis hon, we don't waste food so I don't want you to wash your brothers' milk off. Consider it an early treat, but don't spoil your appetite." The monster watches with a mischievous grin as Edis, fearful of punishment, sniffs his paws tentatively.

The boy gingerly licks at the white streaks, still a little shell shocked. It's rather salty but, the kitten realizes, he'd had to choke down much worse tasting things back home just to survive. The kitty keeps lapping his palms clean before showing them to the great rabbit beast. "All done sir," he says with a frightened meow, "May I go wash up now?" The creature offers him a smile and a brief nod and the boy scurries from the kitchen like his tail was on fire. He's a little surprised to see a fairly orderly line leading into the bathroom as he takes his place at the end. One of the older boys, the mouse named Simon, watches as to make sure no one acts up as a few other boys set out the plates and flatware. As he waits his turn the sharp little ears of that sweet black kitten pick up snatches of conversation from the others. Little caught whispers float his way, some complaining that "The new boy got to help with dinner when it was there turn" and others commenting "Ohh new brother Edis is so cute, I can't wait till bath time to get my paws on him." By the time the boy had washed up he's blushing so hard under the fur he's sure it would be noticeable even through his fur. He made his way over to the table and found a nice place to sit on the end of the table. The quite little horse he saw earlier is in the seat to his left. Still a little leery of all this he offers the boy and his doll a brief smile.

The little paint, which looks to be the same age as Edis, leans in close to the kitty. "Hello new brother Edis" he says with a happy whisper, "I'm Patrick, but you can call me Pat pat if you want. All the other brothers do." The little horse smiles brightly at the kitten, his sparkling blue eyes almost laughing with his deep brown coat splotched with patches of white, His little stuffed dolly sitting on his knee decked out in pretty ribbons.

"Why do they call you that?" Asks the kitten who is trying to puzzle it out.

The little colt's hand grabs the kitten's paw and places it on his horsy behind with a light whicker. "Cause I like it when my brothers give my tush a little pat pat." The Horse just giggles as the kitten pulls his paw back startled. The horse smiles, as the plush lion doll on his lap is nudged aside by the rapidly raising colt cock. The kittens eyes go wide, Patrick is big for his age, when he's older that thing will be a monster. The horse just giggles and wiggles his bum on the bench. "I told you it likes a little pat pat." He says coyly.

The great beast comes up to the table and sets the big stew pot in the middle, He smiles down at the colt and fuzzles his hair upon seeing his erection. "Oh hey now," he chuckles, "None of that at the dinner table Patrick." Edward comes out of the kitchen with a big platter of fresh baked rolls, while Simon sets pitchers of water and juice on the table after pouring a glass of the cubs' choice for each of his brothers. The monster ladles a very generous helping into each cubs' bowl before tipping up the gravy boat and placing a little white swirl to the top of each serving.

Edis just stared at the bowl before him a little startled. He knew what went into it and that glistening white streak on top was a constant reminder. The bowl was so big and full the little kitten had never seen so much food just for him. Back home by the time he'd gotten to it there was just a bit of cold broth and a crust of bread. All around him the cubs are tucking into their meal, chatting with their brothers and just enjoying themselves. The boy snags a roll and butters it, nibbling on the bread while he looks at the stew. The scent is almost intoxicating, the thick rich broth glistening, the large chunks of vegetables bobbing back and forth, and the sweet, spicy scent hitting the kittens excited little nostrils making his belly growl for attention. Warily he brings the spoon to his lips for a little taste. The flavors splash across his tongue in a heady, musky rush. The taste is overwhelming and the boy's appetite takes control. He devours the bowl off stew like a starved man sopping up the excess with bread. As his spoon scraps the bottom one of the older boys ladles more into his boy laughing at his enthusiasm and surprise at seconds. After yet another helping Edis just sighs happily, the warm full feeling radiating from his belly raises his spirits for the first time since this whole thing started and he forgets to be afraid. He purrs happily while wondering if every meal would be like this.

From the head of the table the creature watches the happy boys for a moment before clearing his throat for there attention. Oddly enough even though the room is full of playful boys this soft sound is enough to silence them all. "My sweet boys," Purrs the monster, "I don't need to remind you that we have a new brother in our midst. He's worried and scared and he doesn't know the ways of our happy family. So it is Time to tell him the story. Edis my boy, my name is Slovos but I want you to think of me as your father. I know it may take you some time to see me as your new brothers do but do hope that in time you will come to love me like they do. I am what you might call a Daemon. I was summoned here to this world many, many years ago and I've found it to my liking. While I'm here I decided to watch the farm villages around my forest, to study the people that lived there. I saw a great many things but I also saw a lot of pretty little boys like you that go hungry at night because there are too many mouths to feed. So I decided to help out in some small way. Before I go on tell me Edis, was your life hard? Did you have to share little food with too many mouths? Did you spend too much time laboring to keep the farm going?" The Daemon pauses here as the kitten shyly nods a yes to the questions. "You see I take a boy here or there and I know the family is sad and broken hearted for a short while but with out that one boy there is a little more food to go around. Meanwhile I bring the lad here, and feed him up properly, teaching him to write, read, do sums, and lots of other skills. And when a boy is ready I send him off into the world to one of his many older brothers who guide him in the world and show him how to make a good life for himself. An easier life then can be had as one of many farmers sons." As he finishes Slovos leans into the table, studying the little kitten intently with all four of those blue eyes. "Do you understand my boy? You'll stay here, get plenty to eat and learn many new things."

The little black kitten whimpers and nods, "Yes sir. I understand."

The beast sighs. "Sir is so formal, but it'll do for now soon I hope you'll call me father, dad, or poppa like your brothers do. For now though it's time you went to bed little one. You had a long day, and tomorrow is going to be a very big with your initiation to the family. Now your first few nights are going to be a little rough. It's not too bad though for tonight we'll just lock you in the larder to make sure you don't try to run off. It's for your own protection though my lovely little boy, you see your deep inside the great forest and there really are lots of monsters out there that would gobble up a sweet little morsel like you in a heartbeat. Here your safe though, the only monster here is me." At these words the cubs around little Edis start to chuckle while the kitten just looks on scared. Slovos leans back his voice gets a little gruffer as he barks an order, "Jeremy you still have one more night of punishment coming so you'll join Edis in the larder. Remember you two for Jeremy this is a punishment so if I hear you two talking I'll have to extend the punishment another day for both of you." The great beast turns and points to the mouse Simon. "Son since it's Edis's first night so go fetch the jar and special toy." Simon giggles as he runs off to do the Daemon's bidding. "Well since it's almost bed time for my lovely young lads so every one line up for the bathroom. Edis, Jeremy since you'll be spending the night in the larder you go first."

The little kitten slips down from the table and makes a beeline for the bathroom. There were a thousand questions rolling around in his head. What had the mouse boy been sent for? What was this initiation the monster had mentioned? A few minutes later he steps from the bathroom shaking his paws dry.

"Edis." Comes the demons voice in a commanding tone.

"Yes sir." Whimpers the kitten.

"Ohh you're not in trouble son, don't worry." Says the spider creature on a softer note. "Just come over here, and sit on the table."

Edis slowly pads over to the long table, noticing that it's already been cleared of the dinner dishes. He climbs up onto a bench and then sits on the tabletop just as Slovos directs. He smiles a bit feeling silly for sitting up on the table like this.

"Now lay back on the table son." Says the bunny thing with a smile as he reaches out to stroke the kitten's ears. As the kitten warily lays back two of the older boys, the mouse and the squirrel, grip his shoulders and firmly, but gently pin him to the table. Edis panics and tries to struggle kicking out with both legs and trying to squirm away from the boys grip. "Now Edis dear there is no need to panic, this is for your own good." Says the daemon as he catches the boy's legs. Easily holding onto both ankles in one strong paw. "All the boys have gone threw this, it's really for the best. We've got to prepare you for the initiation tomorrow." Slovos holds the boys legs up as the other paw starts to spread some sort of cool slick substance along the whimpering boys oh so pretty rump. "Ohh there will be a little pain tonight but this pain now will actually lessen the pain that would come tomorrow. Think of this as the death of the old you, and the birth of the new you. And with both birth and death there is always a little pain." That big warm paw slowly massages the slippery oil into that sweet little bum and the kitten gives a loud squeal as he feels a digit pressing into that pink little star. "However the initiation is necessary to fully bring you into the family. Granted it's something frowned on by the outside world but I'll tell you this son it's something you would have come too on your own." The other cubs gather around just watching as the daemon pushes just one finger into the kittens virgin tail hole. The boy yelps at the pain even as Slovos works to spread the oil about. Little Pat Pat runs up to the table to stroke the kitten's cheek encouragingly. "Ohh yes you would have come to this in your own time, but it would have been a secretive thing, something you might feel ashamed of, I told you I pick my boys carefully. While the outside world would have shamed you into the dark in the family you will flourish." Slowly the demon pulls out his slippery digit. He quickly replaces it with something else, something warm and throbbing gently. The kitten tries to resist the intruder but Slovos is too strong and the oil makes his tight little tail hole too slick. The kitten whimpers in fear and a little pain but that's already fading as his anus adjusts. "There we go that'll stay in you tonight... Hmm wait the fits not quite right." The monster gives the thing inside the kitten a slow twist. He carefully watches little Edis's face his eyes bunched up at the discomfort of it. He moves the toys slowly till at last the boy's eyes spring open in shock and surprise. Slovos knows then that the toy has just touched the boy's tender young prostate. "Ahh there we go." He gently gives the toy a swat causing the kittens cock to bounce a bit with just the hint of pink peaking from the sheath. "All night tonight, while you sleep, that device will slowly grow and grow. By morning you should be fully prepared for the initiation ritual."

The boys help the kitten to his feet, Edward and Simon supporting him as they head towards the larder. Jeremy is already inside waiting. Slovos strides in and takes the bunny's paws gently looping lengths of silk about them before forming a silk harness to hang the boy from. The Daemon turns to Edis and does the same thing, making sure the silk is nice and tight but not so tight it hurts. One paw slides down caressing the boy's jewels. "I'll see you in the morning." He whispers before leaving the two boys alone in the dark.

Little Edis whimpers in the dark, "Jeremy," he whispers.

"Shush," Comes the little bunny's reply.

"But, but what's going to happen tomorrow." Whimpers the frightened cat boy.

"Nothing bad now please be quite. I don't want my punishment extended." Comes the hushed reply.

Edis is sure he'll never get to sleep. Not while he's awkwardly hung from the wall, and definitely not with that thing stuffed up his bum. He whimpers softly, squirming against the bindings. In the darkness he feels the slow pulls of the thing planted in his bum. It expands slowly, but it's not a constant forceful growth. Instead it moves slowly in organic pulses almost like a heart beat. Each pulse brings a low burning sensation but the increased pressure on his prostate sends a tingle of pleasure threw the cat's body. Frightened, sore, and yearning for a release he doesn't understand the kitten just knows he won't get any rest tonight. But he must have because it seems like no sooner had that thought passed threw his mind then the pantry's door slides open letting in a nearly blinding flash of light.

In to the room steps the five-year-old pony Patrick. "Good morning Jeremy, good morning Edis." He trills merrily.

The bunny yawns and tries to stretch out the sleep as much as his bindings will let him. "Good morning Pat Pat." he says a little sleepily

Edis doesn't talk having noticed moments after waking that the pressure in his rear had grown considerably as he slept and he blushes as he notices his little pink cock is still throbbing for attention. The occasional trickle of pre seeping from the tip.

"Papa said since I'm a good boy I could be the one to milk you this morning." The little colt fairly squeals for joy. The little horse scurries over to the bunny first, he doesn't have to kneel since Jeremy is hung at just the right height. Patrick nuzzles the little bunny's fat balls, gently kissing them, nibbling each one with his lips as the bunny writhes and moans. Shocked by this sudden display Edis watches in silence. The horse pulls his muzzle back and licks along the bunny's now exposed and throbbing maleness. With one last kiss on the tip for luck, the horse goes to work. One paw expertly stroking that eager bunny cock, fondling that lovely length of glistening pink meat. The other holds a small pitcher held at an angle under the tip to catch every milky drop of boy cream. Jeremy squeaks cutely before shuddering and releasing a brief gush of seed into the pitcher. It's not very much but Patrick smiles like he won the lottery. "Ohh brother Jeremy, you always make the cutest noises when you cum." The paint leans in to lap up the few last drops of sweet boy seed on the bunny's spent dick. "Mmmm and that's the best part of milking duty... left overs."

The rabbit slumps back against his bindings, "Oh Pat Pat your insatiable" He sighs out.

The little paint saunters over to Edis still smiling. A little spot of bunny jizz dribbling down his chin. "Yay now to milk new brother." Patrick leans in close taking a deep whiff of the kitten's musky scent. "You smell nice. Brothers Edward and Mickey said you got real soft paws too." The kitten blushes and tries to cross his legs to keep his immature erection away from the voracious horse. "Aww, don't hide it from me, you'll like it lots I promise." The horses paw snakes threw the trembling legs, giggling at the tinkling sound from his bell. "I know you'll like it that's why papa picked you." That tender paw catches those soft black furred jewels, gently massaging them. The kitten moans softly, it just feels so good, almost on his own he stops resisting. "That's better, Why hello there." Says the horse to the needy kitten cock as he leans in to kiss the tip.

Through the heady rush of pleasure, which seems to drown out the burn in Edis's behind, something the horse said registers with the kitten. "You said you knew I'd like this." The boy manages to spit the words out between gasps as that talented paw teases his member. "The mon... Er, Mr. Slovos said the same thing last night. What did he mean?"

The horse gives the tip of Edis's cock one last lick before looking up at him. "Oh that's easy silly. He means he can tell you like boys is all." The horse slowly works the little kittens sack in his fingers massaging the pent up orbs. "See when most boys grow up they like girls, doesn't that sound icky, but papa can tell we're not like them. He says some times boys like us are treated badly, some people call us names, and some are just mean. So he brings us here where it's safe, and we can learn all about how to make other boys happy." Patrick smiles up at the kitten his fingers making the boy moan so much he can't get a word in edge wise while the other paw just collects the pre in the pitcher. "Papa says I'm unique. He says I'm one of the only boys who knew I was gay before he came for me." The little colt giggles his paw sliding off those jewels and onto the base of Edis's throbbing cock, idlely stroking his way up and down as he gazes of into the memory. "See when I was really little I used to spy on my big sister. There was this bull she really liked from the next farm over and I got to see them playing in the barn quite a few times." The colt leans down to nibble and kiss along that throbbing length of kitten flesh. "I got to see the things they did when they were naked. How my sis would touch him, and kiss him, and how she would take him into her muzzle, just, like, this." The horse's nimble lips engulf the head of the cub's shaft, suckling gently before letting the squirming boy go. "Then one day I saw him put it inside her, She looked so happy when he did it I wanted to try it. Soon after papa came for me, I noticed he was even bigger then the bull sissy liked so I figured he could make me feel really happy." The kitten shudders and spasms quaking in the paints paw, as Patrick holds up the pitcher to catch the kittens climax. As the flow dies down, the horse leans in to lap up the last few drops. "Ohh so rich and creamy, your first time brother Edis?" The weary kitten just nods his head at the grinning pony. "Well you'll get used to it." Humming to himself Patrick trots out the door, after all he's got lots more boys to milk.

Edis gasps softly trying to catch his breath as Jeremy smiles at him from his own spot on the wall. "Don't worry most mornings aren't like that. Since poppa prefers to get his morning milk straight from the tap. Today is special though. It's an initiation." Says the bunny with a cheerful note in his voice. Edis can't help but wonder what's so special despite the growing pain in his bum. "See Edis your initiation into the family is something of a holiday, every new brother is celebrated. There are no lessons for today and most chores are put on hold. There are special treats for everyone and best of all a new brother to share the days with. The little bunny seems so excited that a little of that spirit can't help but rub off on Edis.

Soon after Patrick had left the daemon made his way threw the door, Slovos is whistling to himself as he walks over to Jeremy and deftly cuts the boy down. "Go on son it's time for breakfast." The bunny stands a bit unsteady on his feet before scurrying off. Slovos then turns all four eyes on the trembling little kitten. The big daemon skillfully cuts the silk bindings free, He lifts the boy up and sits him down on one fuzzy knee. The kitten squirms a bit since his new position causes the still growing thing buried in his tailhole to dig even harder into his tender young prostate. "Oh you poor boy." Coos the great beast. His paws stroking the kittens face fur, brushing down his back and arms, one paw slips down letting his fingers kneed the base of the kittens tail. "Did you have a rough night last night?" Edis doesn't trust his voice to speak so he just nods. "I'm so sorry my dear little boy. I don't like keeping you pretty things locked up in here but it has to be done. It's dangerous out there and I wouldn't want you to get hurt running away. After today though you won't have to stay in here, once you're a full member of the family you can spend your nights with the other boys. Unless your bad of course." With out a warning Slovos lifts the boy and places him on his belly across the bunder's knee. The kitten squeals terrified as he feels one of those great paws stroking his rear. "Your almost ready for the ceremony sweetie. Unfortunately you can't have breakfast with your brothers but after the initiation there is a special meal for everyone to make up for it." Those strong fingers work there way under Edis's tail gripping the lip of the toy. He gives a slow twisting pull, and the kitten gives a small yip of pain, as the toy slides free with a wet slurping noise. The kitten whimpers softly as he's set on the floor, big paw gives his black furred rump a playful swat. "Now run along and use the potty, after that a few of your brothers will help you with your bath. It's almost time for the ceremony."

As he trots across the main room, his bell jingling with every step, his bottom feeling sore and abused, Edis is conscious of the other cubs watching him as he moves. His tail twitches softly as he makes a final dash for the toilet. He's in there for a while, just hopping he can hide from the world. He spends some time splashing cool water from the washbasin on his tender rear as well.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door and the voice of one of the older boys drifts into the room. "Brother Edis are you alright in there?" It's Simon the mouse from before. "I don't mean to rush you I know the first day can be hard but we have to get you into the bath soon little brother."

Resigned to his fate the little kitten finally opens the door and steps out. The little black kitten looks up into the mouse's sparkling green eyes. Simon holds out a paw to Edis and the kitten hesitantly takes his hand. Together they walk over to the bathing room. Inside this room, which has no door, was a big stone basin full of hot steamy water and soap bubbles. Splashing about in the bath were two other boys both who looked just a little older then Edis. One was a black and red fox with brown eyes, a silly grin and a long fluffy tail. The other boy who looked to be a little older then the fox was a raccoon. His blue eyes were framed by a pair of glasses perched on his nose, and his head fur stuck up in wild spikes. Simon picked up the kitten and gently lowered him squirming into the bath. Where the other boys immediately tackled him. Startled by the sudden onslaught Edis found himself in the middle of a playful splash fight. Laughing and playing for the first time in the past couple days.

Simon just watches the splashing, wrestling boys for a moment before he wades into the bathtub himself. "All right now that's enough of that boys. Remember we are here for a reason. Edis come here please." The mouse takes a seat in the tub so he can be face to face with the kitten. Simon reaches up and with a quick motion breaks the string, the one holding Edis's bell, which hangs round the kitten's neck.

"No!" squeaks the kitten, "That's mine give it back." He rushes towards the mouse but the fox and raccoon grab him and hold him back.

"Brother Edis I'm not taking this from you." Explains the mouse calmly. "We can't let it get tarnished in the water though, and besides the string really needs to be replaced" Simon steps out of the tub and hands a bar of sweet smelling soap to the raccoon. "Now Timmy, I want you and Ronald to help Edis get clean. I'll be right back."

Timmy the coon sniffs the soap, "Ohh good choice brother, Daddy loves the cucumber melon scent." Despite the kitten's protests and the fact that the larger boy had left the room it was still two on one and by the time Simon returned, with the bell shined up and dangling from a pretty red ribbon, the boys had built up quite the bank of suds around the kitten.

Simon takes a seat in one end of the tub, relaxing for a moment as he savors the heat radiating from the stone floor. He calls out to the others. "Okay boys bring Edis here." The fox and the coon each grab a paw and haul the little boy towards the mouse. As Simon pours a bucket of warm bath water over the trembling kitten he grins to himself, wondering how often a mouse could have this much power over a cat. He leans back against the tub his legs spread. "Now little brother turn around and take a seat." The little kitten sits down in front of Simon, his knees tucked up against his chest. "Now, now no need to be afraid little brother." The mouse pulls the kitten closer, right back into his lap, as his fingers start to massage more soap into the kitten's head fur. "Ohh Edis when is the last time you had a bath dear. Ron, Tim you boys help do his front." Despite the kitten's trepidation those fingers feel so good, Edis starts to purr as the mouse works his fingers down the boys neck, and onto his shoulders. Tim and Ron on the other hand playfully start fighting over who gets to wash the kitten's chest. "Okay now Edis stand up." Orders the mouse. Simon can't help himself as his member almost immediately gets hard when that sweet kitten ass raises into view. He does his best to control himself though lathering up the boys back. He does pause though to grope those firm young cheeks, squeaking softly in excitement. Tim and Ron don't share their brothers restraint leaning in the fox licking and nuzzling the opening to the kitten's sheath, while the coon goes in low to tongue bath the fuzzy feline orbs. Simon soaps up the kitten's little legs before slipping one slick finger under the kittens tail to test that sweet little pucker. "Oh sorry just making sure your clean everywhere little brother." The sudden pressure causes Edis's little penis to pop free, which causes the other boys to jostle for position so they can fondle and nibble on that nice pink treat. Simon sighs and rinses them all off with another bucket of warm bathwater. "There we go all clean." He says with a grin as he pulls the lever to open the drain.

As the water level drops the mouse's hard pink member starts to peek above the water level much to Timmy's delight. "Oh big brother likes you Edis, lookie his pecker is all hard." The coon giggles and one paw slides down to gently grasp the mouse's boyhood.

Simon blushes for a moment before pouncing after the coon. "Ohh yeah, well since Edis has to be at the initiation soon I'll just have to see if it likes coon tush too." Timmy scrambles to try and get away but Simon catches hold of that ringed tail and pulls him back. The raccoon's paws slip and slid getting no traction on the slippery tub floor as he's pulled back to the mouse. Simon moves fast one paw holding the boys tail up high, the other gripping the raccoon's hips as he lines up. Timmy lets out a loud squeal as Simon drives his cock into that tight little raccoon rear in one quick thrust. The initial penetration is assisted by the copious amounts of the sweet smelling soap the mouse had used to prep for this moment.

Edis just sits there stunned, some how this reminds him of how his older brothers used to bully him but there seems to be something different. Not just what they are doing but the motivations behind it. Both boys are moaning and panting now, Simon thrusting hard into the little coon, who grunts and groans with every stroke. Edis hadn't even noticed till now that Ronald had left the tub. The fox clambers back in and hands the kitten a fluffy towel to dry himself off with. "Don't worry bout them." Says the fox with a grin, as Timmy starts to push back to meet each of the mouse's thrusts. "See Timmy likes it, and Simon well he's a bit like papa he likes the smaller boys."

As Edis rubs the big towel threw his fur to dry off he tries to shut out the noise of the two boys embarrassed that he still has quite the little chubby. The kitten turns to ask Ron a question only to find the boy sitting in the tub masturbating while watching his brothers. The little black kitten just watches as the Ronald's paw slides up and down his own immature foxcock. Edis wonders, It felt good when some one else touched me maybe I should try it myself. The kitten reaches down to grip his own little penis, but a paw catches him by the wrist. "No brother you can't do that." Ron pants trying to catch his breath. "We just got you all cleaned up and it wouldn't do to have you make a mess now. Besides you should save that for the initiation." With a smile Ron goes back to squeezing his tender little knot and in no time a few spurts of fox cum coat the bottom of the tub.

At almost the same time Simon cries out, driving hard into that little coon ass, as he climaxes. With a happy sigh the mouse pulls back, sliding free of that now well-fucked little tailhole. Timmy moans happily, "Thank you brother Simon." Thick mouse cream oozing from his well used bottom as he lays in a blissful daze.

The mouse wipes the tip of his dick against the raccoon's fluffy tail, making sure to clean off any stray seed. He smiles at Edis, "All dry I see." He slides over and produces a set of brushes handing one to Ronald as the start to brush out the kittens fur. Fluffing out the kitten's follicles, making sure he's nice and soft. "Ohh you are such a pretty one little brother, don't you agree Ron?" The fox nods silently as he concentrates on brushing down the kitten's legs. "There almost done, just one last thing." From a shelf above the tub Simon produces a length of pretty red ribbon, which hangs Edis's own brass bell. The mouse had taken a moment and polished it up to a brilliant shine. He loops the ribbon around Edis's neck and ties a little bow to fasten it. "There you go as pretty as a picture. Now off you go, Father is waiting."

And with that Edis is given a playful swat on the butt and pointed towards the door of the main room. As he enters he notices that the long dining table has been removed, in its place several of the other boys sit in a ragged semi circle. Soon those following Edis from the bathroom join them all, though Simon has to carry Timmy to his place. Edis hesitantly follows their lead, but while he's looking for a place to sit Slovos's voice rings out. "No Edis you can't sit with your brothers yet. This is your initiation." The daemon stands before the cubs smiling down on them. "Now little kitten I want you to kneel in front of me facing your new brothers." The bunder is watchful as Edis quickly complies. "You look so nice pretty boy, and that ribbon is so much better then that ratty old string. Now you might feel a little upset since this morning you didn't get to have breakfast like your brothers did." At the mention of food the little kittens stomach growls. " Last night I promised you plenty to eat so I can understand if you think it's not fair. But I want you to know it was done for a reason. You see at every initiation I choose a son to feed their new brother. It helps bind you all together." The daemon gestures for Patrick to come forward. The little foal, still clutching his pretty little lion doll, clambers to his feet and stands before both his new brother and his father. "Since little pat helped me out with the milking this morning I've decided he should be the one to feed you. Now Edis you have to do everything I say. Crawl to your brother." The little kitten shuffles forward till he can see the happy face of the little pony beaming down on him. "Now kitten you have to get him ready to feed you. Use your paws, fondle him, cup him, caress him, and stroke him."

The little black kitten wonders what exactly the demon means for a moment, but then he remembers all the touches of paws on his boyhood, of Patrick's own soft hands stroking him. Did Slovos really want him to do the same thing? Edis hesitantly glances back over his shoulder pleading with the bunder. The daemon only nods commanding him to continue. The little kittens paws reach out caressing the horses jewels, in expertly kneading them between his delicate fingers. Patrick whinnies with delight at the touch, "Ohh brother you've got such lovely hands." He clutches his dolly to his chest as the feeling grows. The little colts cock starts to rise, throbbing as it slides free of it's sheath. One of the kitten's paws gripes the base of that rapidly growing cock gently stroking it as it gets hard.

The kitten closes his eyes trying not to think about what he's doing, trying to shut out the sounds of the gasping colt before him and the happy purrs of the daemon behind him. But the word feeding keeps running threw his scared little mind and he knows what must come next. "Good little kitten. Now with this first feeding there is a little ceremony just like with the rest of the initiation. Lean forward, and I want you to kiss Patrick's jewels. Kiss them, lick them, taste them, and above all thank them for the wonderful meal they are about to give you." Whimpering Edis leans in, and the scent of Patrick's musk hits the five-year-old kitten full force. It's not a bad smell, it's like the hay barn right after harvest. He hesitantly places a sweet little kiss on each of the horse's tender jewels. His eyes full of tears the kitten slowly licks along the pulsing orbs of horseflesh, while Patrick writhes and moans under the assault from that rough feline tongue. The kitten finds the taste isn't too bad, a little salty but okay. "Now that you've thanked those that made it, now it's time to thank the one that will deliver it to you. Kiss along the shaft of Patrick's cock little Edis. Kiss it and lick all the way back to the tip." The silently crying kitten wraps both paws around the base of that proud piece of boy meat as he slowly nibbles, kisses and licks his way up the shaft. Such delicate little movements fluttering up the horses shaft like a bird. Leaving a hot kiss here, or a sandpaper lick there as Edis works towards the tip. "Now little Edis it's time to feed you. Open wide I want you to take as much of your brother into your mouth as you can. Watch your teeth though. I want you to suckle on his cock like a yummy pacifier." As the kitten moves in to obey a few errant spurts of pre cum smear his muzzle. He collars the head of the colts throbbing member with his lips suckling gently, which earns the kitten a loud whiney of joy and a few fresh squirts of pre. Edis swallows them down and notices that brings on a louder moan, so he does it again pushing forward on the foal's cock. Edis whimpers as he feels the bunder's powerful paw stroking his headfur. "That's it my boy, he's almost there, just a little longer and it's all over." Patrick's hips buck and he whinnies loudly, the plush lion doll falls from his grip as he pushes into that warm wet muzzle. Humping through his orgasm. The kitten coughs and sputters but Slovos's firm but gentle paw keeps him from pulling back. To keep from drowning Edis starts to swallow, momentarily losing himself as he suckles at the throbbing flesh, gulping down the sweet but salty foal juice that Patrick is pumping into his gullet. Despite all the kittens effort it's all just too much. Even though he's just a colt the same age as Edis, little Patrick's not so little balls can produce a lot of juice. Warm, creamy horse cum spills past the kitten's lips dribbling down his chin. As the flow slows Edis feels the pressure holding him there vanish and he falls back gasping for air. Patrick groans as the kittens loving lips leave his shaft, he falls back into the waiting arms of his brother Mickey, as the last few squirts of seed paint little Edis's face. The kitten absentmindedly licks his lips tasting more of the horse jizz in the process. It's not a bad taste, he'd chocked down much worse before in fact he could grow to like it.

The semi-circle of gathered cubs start to murmur in appreciation, all of them fully erect from watching the show. Edis notices a number of gestures and realizes that his own little kitty cock has slide free from its furry protector. The bunder's paws grip Edis's shoulders. "There now my boy, Is your belly full?" asks the daemon. The kitten can only nod his mouth still full of the sticky goo. "Good now it is finally time to bring you fully into the family." There is an edge to those words that makes the kitten wary, a certain eagerness that puts little Edis on edge.

The bunder steps away for a moment and a silk web hammock is strung up from the ceiling before the kitten. "What is that for?" He asks the big daemon.

The bunder turns and all four eyes meet the kitten's gaze. "It's for you my boy, It's where you'll be born." The bunder grips the kitten by the waist and lays him down belly first across the web, carefully slipping arms and legs threw loops in the web to hold the struggling boy still. "Now there will be some pain my boy. But that's a good thing like last night it is the signal of your new life." The kitten gulps at this declaration. He almost screams as he feels his tail lifted up, and something cold and slippery smeared across his rear. "The pain of last night that was the death of your old life, and that was a sad pain. What is coming how ever that is something wonderful and joyous. While it may hurt these are your birthing pains ushering you into a wonderful new life."

Edis whimpers softly as he remembers how Patrick said he'd wanted it inside him, and what Simon had done to Timmy. Suddenly Edis knew what was coming. "Please, Oh gods no, please don't do this sir." Pleads the terrified kitten, as he renews his struggles to get free.

The daemon's first pair of legs are lifted over the hammock, boxing the kitten in and pulling him back towards the bunder. Ignoring the crying kitten, he points to a little tiger cub the same age as Edis, "Rupert my boy, since yours was the last initiation we celebrated I think you should help with this one. I want you to guide poppa in, make sure I hit just the right spot." With a giggle the tiger runs forward crawling under the kitten. A quick sandpaper lick on his sheath catches Edis by surprise. But the feeling doesn't last long as he feels something large and hot prodding under his tail. The kitten tries to scramble away from it but there is nowhere to go. Ever so slowly that daemon's massive member presses into that tender young ass. Edis is sobbing now pleading for it to stop, two of the older boys come forward kissing the kittens face and whispering to him that it's all for the best. The other boys just watch some of them stroking the hard little erections. With a short hard thrust Slovos pushes the head of his shaft past that tight ring of muscle. The daemon moans in pleasure as the kitten screams at the pain. "Ohhh yes no matter how well I stretch you boys before hand this first time is so incredibly tight." Panting the daemon presses onward stretching out that little kitten's sore ass as he plows inch after throbbing inch into the boy. The pain of penetration had caused the kittens own cock to go soft, but little Rupert wanting to have some fun soon fixed that. Soft sandpaper licks on the kitten's cock rapidly brings it back to life as the young tiger starts to nurse. The unexpected pleasure mixed in with the pain confuses the little kitten. Edis is wracked with waves of conflicting emotion, pain and fear to pleasure and guilt, all washing over him at once. Slovos pauses and slowly pulls back, Edis moans softly as he feels the daemon start to leave. But relief is short lived as at the last possible moment the daemon pushes back in plowing even more of his cock into that trembling tail hole. The kitten's screams of pain are tempered this time. The actions of the hungry cub suckling on his tip paired with the sensation of Slovos pummeling his tender young prostate sends a sharp spike of pleasure through the waves of pain. The bunder keeps up the rhythm slowly pulling back before driving deep into the boy, panting happily as his children egg him on and the sound of a little brass bell keeps time with his lust..

For Edis the pain slowly fades to a dull ache, as the daemon slams his cock home again and again, pounding the young boy. The kitten whimpers in surprise as he feels a tingling pleasure building up inside him. Almost as if he knows what's coming the Bunder picks up the pace, driving his cock deeper into the boy like a piston. The daemon grunting with each thrust as he drives that massive cock into such a tight little hole. Slovos reaches the climax first, driving his shaft into the boy with one last savage thrust, before disgorging his load. Flooding the boy's bowels with wave after wave of hot demon seed. It's all too much for the little kitten and he cums. His emotions over take him in that swirling morass of pain and pleasure as he screams at the top of his voice. "DADDIEEE!!!"

The bunder thrusts into that well fucked bum a few more times, gently now as his jewels still churn to fill his newest son. "Yes my boy, I'm here for you. And don't worry the first time is always the hardest but we've got all day to practice."

The Fort

The Fort By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Warning the story contains nonconsensual sexual acts between a number of young furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further....

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Camp Gannahawmpyuh

Camp Gannahawmpyuh By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Warning the story contains a romantic relationship between a number of young furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please...

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A Midnight Duel

A Midnight Duel By BunnyBoy This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Warning the story contains voilance and material of a sexual nature between males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further....

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