Camp Gannahawmpyuh

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#1 of Summer Camp

Camp Gannahawmpyuh

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy...

Warning the story contains a romantic relationship between a number of young furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

The 11-year-old mouse boy sat on the back of the bus staring out the window.? He was small even for his age but that was made up for by his unusually long tail. With a slim build a cute little face with the prettiest light blue eyes, framed by his large ears people said he looked at least 3 years younger then he was.? He was almost there.? He'd begged his parents to let him go to camp this year and they'd finally said yes.? He was so excited.? He's seen the pictures in the brochure it was a big camp with a lake and a funny name.? "Camp Gannahawmpyuh..." he said, almost under his breath "It sounds funny, I wonder what it means?"

A tall older cheetah leans over the seat behind the mousie. "It's an old Indian word," whispers the cheetah, "But they've never told us what it means."? The cheetah is about 13 years old, with a thin runner's build, like most cheetahs. The boy flashed a knowing toothy smile at the mouse, his green eyes almost laughing. "Your first summer here I take it?? It's my second.? I'm Nigel what's your name?"

The mouse just blushes a little bit, "Yeah it is, I'm Sammy," he stammers.

"Nice to meet you Sammy." says the big cat, "I'm sure you'll love it here at Camp Gannahawmpyuh.? I know I do."?

The mouse looks puzzled. Nigel and said the camps name differently then the counselors had, and his parents had.? It wasn't a big difference but the way he'd said definitely meant something.? He was left lost in thought staring out the window till the camp's gates came into view.??

Soon he was out among the shuffling, screaming, running horde of youngsters. There were 11 other first time campers, as well as several returning for another year.? A small group of counselors ran herd on the boys getting the new ones organized and to where they needed to go.? All too soon they were standing in messy rows in front of the Camp counselor's office. The head counselor steps out onto the small building's wooden porch.? He's a tall muscular red fox with a smiling face and he looks out over the crowd of youngsters.? "Hello Campers." he shouts, "I am camp counselor Glen and welcome to Camp Gannahawmpyuh" Again the words are slightly different, Sammy looks around noticing the smiles on the older campers faces and the confused looks worn by the newer boys as the counselor continues, "Welcome to your first night of summer camp. Tomorrow you'll be getting your camp uniforms and learning which cabin you'll be staying in but since this is your first night you'll be paired up with a more experienced camper to show you around.? Also as part of the camps traditions the first night we're sleeping under the stars.? Now come on forward in a single file line and I'll assign you to your tent partners."

Nervous, the little mouse stands in line under the hot sun as the line slowly creeps forward until he's face to face with Counselor Glen. "Why hello there little fella, you seem a bit small to be at camp by yourself.? What's your name?" says the counselor cheerfully.

The mouse looks down at his feet and kicks at a pebble, "Yes sir, People say that a lot sir but I really am 11.? My name is Samuel Murano sir."

"Ahh Here you are," Says the smiling fox as he ticks off a name on his clipboard, "I think I'll pair you with my son Todd for the day.? Todd will show you around and help you set up your tent. It's his third year here he'll take good care of you.? Now go put your things over in the storage shed and we'll start soon."??? The young mouse rushes off as the older fox watches him go, a hungry look in his eyes; he licks his lips watching that long tail swaying before he turns to a younger fox at his side. "Remember your part in this."? He growls happily, "I'll stop at your tent first tonight."

The rest of the day passed quickly, full of much play and joking as Todd showed the young Sammy around the camp.? The nurses station, the showers, the mess hall, the craft shop, the athletic fields and all the places to see in the camp.? There was playful wrestling while they worked at erecting the tent they'd be sharing, all ending up at the camps big bonfire where the campers made smores under the watchful eyes of the counselors.?

"Okay Campers," shouts counselor Glen over the din of chatting cubs, "It's time for you all to head for your tents for a good nights sleep.? You all have a big day ahead of you tomorrow," says the fox with a wide grin.

The boys head back to there tent, right near the lake. "Ohh look at you," says the teenaged fox, "You got chocolate all over your clothes." The mouse just blushes, knowing it can't be seen in the dark. "It's okay. We should get you out of those messy things buddy.? Ohh why don't we slip off for a swim instead. You know how to swim, right?"

Sammy thinks for a moment and whispers, "Ohh that sounds like fun but..." His eyes go wide as he realizes that Todd's stripping down t his bare fur.? "Wa... what are you doing?"

The fox just giggles, "Oh come on Sammy.? It's just you and me no one will see us."? The mouse still hesitates and the fox takes the lead tugging down Sammy's shorts.? "Come on," whispers the fox, "Let's get to the lake."? Todd hangs back for a second holding the mouse's underwear in one paw. Todd smiles and notices they still have cartoon characters on them.? With a giggle he stashes them in the tent for later.? The boys spend several minutes in the lake swimming and splashing about, trying not to make to much noise as the fox manages the occasional "accidental" grope.? Eventually the pair crawls out of the lake and flops onto the grass to dry off.

Sammy giggles looking up at the stars, "Wow that was fun, and can we do it again tomorrow?"

Todd smiles up at the night sky, "Oh you bet your buns we can. But for now we should get back to the tent."

Sam sighs and rolls over onto his hands and knees scurrying about looking for his clothing.? "Hey I can't find my underwear.? I can't find any of my clothes."

Todd feigns shock and helps the cute little mouse search, "Oh no! Mine are gone too.? It's too dark to find them now Sammy.? We should get back to the tent, we don't want to get caught outside after dark.? We'll get in trouble."

That sweet little mouse covers himself with his paws and runs back towards the tent.? The fox giggles briefly as he spots those tight buns shining in the moonlight as they bounce back to the tent.? When the fox makes it back Sammy is already buried into his sleeping bag covered from head to toe.? The fox leans in and whispers, "Don't worry buddy we'll go out first think in the morning and find our clothes okay?"

"Okay Todd.? Thanks a're a good friend," says the mouse with a smile as he lays back.? "I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble."

Soon though the mouse is dozing off.? As the fox just lies on top of his own bag, his ears twitching back and forth as he listens for the sounds he knows will be coming soon.? Soon he hears those soft footfalls out side the tent, the steps that mean it's time to start the night's rites.? There is a soft swish as the tent flap is pulled aside, and the young fox sits up looking out into the darkness.?

The low husky voice of the camp's head counselor comes from the darkness, "Are you ready to start?"

The fox nods to his father, "Yes sir.? We're all ready to start." Todd hears the soft swish as the adult fox steps out of his shorts.? The younger fox hurries and unzips the mouse's sleeping bag, rolling the groggy boy out and onto his belly.? Laying one arm across the mouse's back pinning him to the ground as he leans in to kiss the startled boy's cheek. "Now be quiet Sammy it's time to you to learn the truth about our camp." slush's the fox.

The mouse looks up blearily and mutters, "Mehh? Wha?" His eyes snap open as he sees his tent mate before him, and the sleeping bag open. "Wh-what?" he whines.

"Shush." whispers the young fox, "Don't worry. Every one does it and you want to fit in with the rest of us right?"

From behind the mouse there is a loud snap like the cap being taken off a tube.? The mouse starts to struggle, "Wha?" tips the mouse,? "Hey let go what are you doing, lemme g..." The mouse starts to squeal as something cold and slick is slathered over his rear.? The younger fox's lips cut off all but the start of the squeal as he leans in to kiss that pretty mouse.

As the squeal dies away, muffled by the fox, the boy slips a paw over the mouse's muzzle so he can whisper in those large sexy ears.? "It'll hurt a bit at first." Explains the older camper, "but it'll be all over soon.? We all go threw it on the first day and then you'll be a real scout, like everyone else."

The mouse's eyes go wide as his tail is lifted up, the tip softly kissed and suckled to keep it out of the way, tears pooling in the campers eyes as he feels something hard and thick pressed against his virgin pucker.? "Ohh I bet he's tight," pants Glen lustily, "and I bet he'll like it. Todd, do you think he'll like it as much as you do?"

The younger fox looks up at his father, hunched over the small boy, knowing just what the mouse is going threw.? The jealousy he's feeling just radiates off the boy.? "Yes sir I think he will" says Todd, "I'll make sure he does."? One paw slips down into the mouse's hand gently squeezing it.? "Here, take my paw and hold on." Whispers the fox, "It'll be ok if you relax. Heh, I was scared too, but it's not scary anymore."

The mouse squeezes the offered paw as stronger ones grip his shoulders, the thumbs rubbing the mouse's back massaging him in hopes it'll help the boy relax.? The counselor's thick, slick cock slowly stretches that virgin tail hole, stretching the mouse wider and wider as Glen pushes in past all resistance.? The mouse squeals and tries to struggle, once more his tears spilling over Todd's paw.?

"Ohh I know it hurts at first deary," whispers the young fox as he leans in to nibble on the mouse's ears, which he knows are sensitive and highly erogenous, "Daddy is big, but he always starts off gentle."? Pants the fox before leaning in to lick the boy's face free of tears. "Don't worry you might even start to enjoy it."?

The counselor groans and starts to thrust into the boy, slowly filling that tight ass up to the hilt. The mouse squeals, tensing up trying to fight off the intruder.? The grip on Todd's paws tightens and loosens in time with the thrusts. "Mmm Ohh yes," groans Glen, "I knew the boy would be one tight, sweet ride." His fingers grip the mouse's shoulders tighter, grinding his cock into the boy as he pulls back and thrusts forward.? His knot is swelling rapidly, but he's careful not to push that growing mass into the poor boy, even as he pounds into that sweet piece of ass harder and harder.? His teeth nick the boy's slender tail as he savors the feeling as his cock is gripped like fist.

"Ohh Sammy," whimpers Todd, "just relax, it's so much easier if you relax. It'll all be over soon I promise."

The counselor grunts louder as he shifts his grip, paws kneading that wonderful gray furred ass for a few moments, causing it to loosen up just a bit more. With a yip Glen drives his cock home one more time, the knot pressing into that freshly fucked tail hole giving it a promise of things to come, as he floods the mouse's guts with hot fox spunk.? "Ohh such a good camper," sighs the sated fox, "You're a real scout now, and you should be proud you're the first one of the summer.? Once I saw that sexy little butt of yours I knew you had to be first."? The older fox leans down to nibble on the mouse's ear which gets a light squeal threw the tears.? Glen then pulls back sliding free of that little body with a wet slurping noise and a happy sigh.

The mouse rolls onto his back, paws gripping his sore rear sobbing quietly.? It hurt so much but deep down somewhere it also felt real good, especially that too hot seed burning deep in his rear.??

The counselor stands there, his semi hard cock bobbing in the night. He glances down at the crying lad and sighs.? It's always the same on the first night but soon the boys would be begging for it.?? He turns from the mouse and looks to the fox boy.? "It's time for me to move on to the next camper," he says with a smile, "I've got eleven little boy cunts to break in tonight."

The young fox just nods, "Who is next sir?"

"Jeremy, that rabbit is out there getting a nice little skunk boy ready for me now," he says with a grin eyeing the boy before him. "You know what to do son. Lick me clean, get it all hard and throbbing for that pretty skunk ass."

The young fox pants as he leans in. "Yes daddy." His tongue darts out noisily slurping along that fat juicy cock, tasting his daddy's seed and sweat on it as he moves along the length.? He purrs feeling it start to swell under his attention as he collars the tip between his lips and suckles.? Bobbing once or twice before the counselor smiles and pushes him off.? The adult collects his shorts before moving off to the next tent with a smile.?

The fox can hear the first squeal from here as he leans down to kiss the mouse. "Ohh I know it hurts hon. But here I'll take you mind off it for a bit." He whispers breathlessly.?

The young mouse is still rocking back and forth gripping his sore tail base, sobbing as he feels the warmth of a pair of lips around his little Judas of an erection.? His eyes spring open as the pain in his rear fights with the pleasure from his front.? He looks down to see Todd happily nursing on his cock, noisily slurping away at that little length of mouse meat.? The pain doesn't leave him but it's pushed back, washed away as the mouse twitches and spasms in his own immature orgasm.?

The fox crawls up to the mouse snuggling close to him.? "Do you feel better now?" he whispers.? The mouse nods, and whimpers, his face streaked with tears.? "There is just one more thing we need to do pretty mousy."

"What's that T-Todd?" whimpers the mouse boy.

"Well," breaths the young fox lustily as he rubs against the mouse, "You see It'll help in the long run if you let me sleep inside you."? Purrs the fox, "It'll let you get used to the feeling so you'll relax more later on."? The mouse can already feel the son's cock pressing against his tail hole.? "I'll just slid in and sleep close to you all night hon."

The mouse shudders and whimpers but he still nods.? "Okay Todd just please be careful."

The young fox purrs softly as he nibbles along the mouse's neck.? "Of course Sammy, of course."? He moans loudly gently and easily pushing into that seedy, slick tail hole.? He rocks back once or twice knowing he's on the edge from the night's performances. He rocks into the mouse with a loud yip adding his own dose of hot seed to his father's, before snuggling down with the tender young mouse boy, his fox hood buried deep inside as his arms holding Sam close, his tongue licking those lovely ears even in his sleep.

Sam whimpers softly but some how this feels okay.? It hurt before, but this time it feels better.? The tender nuzzles on his neck, the soft licks on his ears make him feel special, and the strong arms make him feel safe. The mouse sighs gently squeezing the fox inside as he wiggles back closer to Todd.

A Midnight Duel

A Midnight Duel By BunnyBoy This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Warning the story contains voilance and material of a sexual nature between males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further....

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Growing up Bunny

Growing up Bunny By BunnyBoy This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you...

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The Wrong Treasures

The Wrong Treasures By BunnyBoy This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Warning the story contains sex between two furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and...

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