The Wrong Treasures

Story by BunnyBoy on SoFurry

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The Wrong Treasures

By BunnyBoy

This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy...

Warning the story contains sex between two furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further.

Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Deep in the cold reaches of space a brilliant and unconventional thief shelters in a shallow cave on the surface of a large asteroid. Glancing at the chronometer's readout Keys starts the final checks on the armored battle-suit. Settling down into the flight seat he adjusts the straps on his VR helmet. "Any minute now, the royal flagship should be dropping out of hyperspace. I should have about 2 hours before they make it threw the asteroid belt and back into hyperspace. This thing is supposed to be carrying something really valuable... I should be sitting pretty after this job. My contact said it was supposed to contain one of the emperors most prized possessions." Just then there was a blinding flash as the royal frigate slowly drops back into real space. "There you are my pretty little prize." The 4 meter tall battle suit takes three quick steps and launches itself out into space thrusters on full burn. "...3, 2, 1, killing thrust... okay... now with all the money I shelled out for this scout suit and those stealth upgrades they had better not pick me up..." He slowly drifts towards the ponderous frigate; his eyes stay glued to the passive radar for the whole fifteen-minutes praying that they don't spot him.

With a loud clunk Keys' suit touches down on the armor skirting right behind the bridge. He shuffles forward sticking close to the wall, trying not to get spotted as he makes his way down to the nearest airlock. Reaching out he activates his lock breaking equipment hacking into the airlock's hatch controls before squeezing himself inside. Once inside the suit drops to it's knees and the chest plate slowly swings open allowing Keys to squeeze out of the cockpit. "Okay... I'll just make my way down to the cargo hold. Check out what's so valuable and grab what I can and run like hell..."

The blue furred hare slips out into the corridor. Carefully studying the ships diagram the thief slowly makes his way down to the cargo bay. At the main hatch he quickly bypassed the locking program and forced his way inside. " Now lets see what's so valuable." The blue furred thief quickly finds the manifest, scanning the list greedily. "Damn it there's nothing here... All this work for nothing."

It's just then that one of the ships guard stops to investigate the open door and spots the would be thief grumbling over the shipping manifest. "Hey you! Hold it right there!" Shouts the guard

Caught off guard Keys just has enough time to fire off his stunner in the guard's general direction. The noise would bring more attention then he really wanted but it was unavoidable. The hare steps over the comatose fox running down a corridor at random as he hears the shouts behind him as the first guard is noticed. Cursing his informant and his dubious genetic heritage the flustered thief turns down one corridor then the next as the alarms start blaring. He can hear the thump of guards coming from in front and from behind... in a panic Keys forces the lock on a nearby door and ducks inside. As his eyes slowly adjust to the darkness he curses under his breath, he'd stumbled into a stateroom of some kind.

"What... Who's there?" A bedside lamp flashes on illuminating not only the thief but the young scantily clothed brown furred bunny. The young hare had pulled the bed sheets up to his neck trembling as he stared at the armed stranger.

Keys waved the stunner at the young man. "Never mind who I am... Who are you?" he hissed.

"I'm Prince Charles sir... please don't hurt me."

The blue hare moan as realization finally sunk in. "The Prince Charles? Of the lapin empire?" He mutters, "One of the Emperor's most valuable possessions. I'm gonna kill that bat for this." He grabs the frightened prince by the arm and pulling him out of bed. "Sorry about this kid. It's usually not my style but I've come to far too leave empty handed." With his gun pressed firmly into the prince's back the desperate criminal marches him out into the corridor.

"What do you want?" whimpers the terrified young hare.

"Shut up! If we're lucky we might be able to make it to the airlock with out the guards spotting us, but I doubt it. If you do what I say no one will get hurt." The thief grumbles as the round a corner slowly making there way to the airlock. All in all he was pretty lucky and almost made it before the guards spotted them.

"Hold it right... Shit!!! Every one hold your fire he's got the prince." Shouts the wolfish guard captain

"That's right... Now we're gonna be leaving here... no one do anything stupid and I won't have to ventilate your prince." Shouts Keys as he backs up to the airlock. He slams the door release with his elbow and pulls the frightened naked young hare in with him. As the door closes he brandishes the stunner threateningly towards the kid. "Get in!" he barks, gesturing towards the open combat suit. The young hostage scrambles into the open hatch inadvertently showing off the pretty little ass under that cute little leaf shaped tail. Henry shakes his head to get it back on the business at hand as he crawls into the suit as well. As he maneuvers in the cramped airlock his ship suit catches on the open hatch tearing it open along his thigh down to his crotch but he's in too much of a hurry to notice. Sitting on the flight couch he grabs the prince pulling the kid into his lap before strapping them both in. "This thing wasn't built for two kid," muttered the kidnapper, "So stay still it's going to take a lot of effort to get us out of here in one piece."

The scent of you younger hare filled Keys nostrils, as his lean body was held tight against him by the restraints. Despite the danger the feel of young prince was arousing the thief. As the suit warms up his erection presses up through the tear in his suit rubbing against the princelings naked rear. As the machine pushes out into the airlock and onto the deck of the ship the rhythmic vibrations and the jogging motion cause both pilot and passenger to shift around a bit.

The com set up crackles to life with the small view screen showing the large spacious command deck with several angry offices, Keys knows from experience that do to the camera angle most of what the others can see is the princes bare body with just his head peering over the other bunnies shoulder. "To the pilot of that pirate vessel surrender at once or we shall resort to force." Demands the angry ships captain.

"Ha!" shouts Keys; "You wouldn't dare do anything while I've got junior here!" He steps around the tower to try and pinpoint the location of his ship and comes face to face with half a dozen ship security suits all armed with emp emitters, weapons that can shut down the suit with out harming the occupants. The machine's sudden stop jars the passengers just a little and despite the thief's attempts to focus on the danger before him he can feel his now throbbing cock pressing up under the prince's tail. Young Charles gasps in surprise.

"Young master are you alright?" exclaims the worried captain on over the view screen. He can clearly see the shock on his charges face.

Doing his best to ignore the sudden pleasant sensation from his groin the pirate back pedals hitting a switch on his grips that starts the small hard-wired machine guns firing. The weapons pump out thousands of rounds as Keys twists his torso spraying bullets in every direction. The shuddering vibration causes the blue thief's cock to inch a little deeper into that tight virgins ass while coating it liberally with precum. Gritting his teeth against the pleasure in his lap the hare charges forward between the guards, now scattered to avoid the small arms fire. The long bounding steps cause the prince to bounce in the pilots lap impaling him on the first step, the boy cries out in moment of pain as his tailhole is stretched wide. The blue furred pirate just whimpers his eyes watering with the effort to keep his mind on escape and not sex.

"Prince Charles, What is happening are you alright." Shouts the terrified captain, realization dawns on him though as after that first gasp of pain the princes broadcast vocalizations turn more into moans of a new found pleasure. "Oh no he couldn't," whimpers the captain, "don't tell me he's..."

Once Keys is past the guards he runs speeding along the bow. He reaches up with one paw, biting his lip to try and drive the thought of that hot, tight ass bouncing on his cock out of his mind, and hits a switch broadcasting a beacon command to his hidden ship. Glancing down at the radar screen the thief notices that the princes not rock hard erection has dribbled a copious amount of precum all over the screen. He tries to moan in frustration but it just winds up a chirr of pleasure. He stops at the bow and looks back on the approaching security forces only to get distracted by the fact that though the robot has stopped moving the boy hasn't. The prince's eyes are glazed over mouth agape as he pants and groans rocking on that thick, throbbing cock. "Damn it," mutters Keys as the ship signals its location, he'll have to make it across the whole ship and make the leap from the aft. Reaching up to his another switch he unholsters the one piece of heavy weaponry he brought a large scaled riot shotgun. He leaps towards the rear of the ship running at full speed towards the oncoming security forces.

The new running pace drives the young prince against the pilots lap, slamming him down harder and harder on that ridged member. Not to mention the twists and turns as the pirate jukes left and right doing all he can to avoid getting shot as he pilots through a haze of lust. As that cock is rubbed over the prince's tender prostate for the first time he screams in pleasure and nearly cums right on the spot he barely holds on though as his prostate is treated to jackhammer blows from that grinding dick.

As Keys passes the control tower for the second time he opens up with the shotgun knocking the last remaining guard off balance long enough for him to leap off the ship. Once in space he hits the flight engines as the g force drives both him and his hostage back into their seats. And thrusts his cock as deep as it can go into that tight little ass one more time. Howling with pleasure the pirate bites down on the scruff of the princes neck before flooding his bowels with hot cum purring at the afterglow of a harrowing escape combined with a mind blowing orgasm.

Once the prince feels the heat flooding his rear and the teeth it's all just to much he screams out his own climax covering the cockpits controls with a generous helping of sticky boy juices before collapsing exhausted against his kidnapper, and conqueror.

The stunned bridge crew just watches the view screen in silence. All images now obscured by a thick white gooey glob on the camera. A few officers shift in their seats trying to hide their arousal or worse the fact that they'd been touching themselves at the performance. The captain however just wept into his hat. He sobbed "His father is going to kill me when he finds out about this."

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