How The Kidd Got Paid

Story by BunnyBoy on SoFurry

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How the Kidd Got Paid

By BunnyBoy

Warning this story contains scenes of a rather sexual nature between two consenting, okay well one never actually consented but he never complained either, males so if you are too young or easily offended please read no further, other then those few enjoy.

This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy

The Kidd patently sat hunched down in front of his computer editing a particularly tricky piece of art. So busy is he that he doesn't even notice his bedroom door opening, or the soft footsteps of bear bunny paws padding across the carpet. "These came out really well hon." Says a soft voice seemingly out of nowhere. The Kidd quickly looks up from his machine only to stare right into a rather shapely bunny butt in a pair of jeans that are far too tight. Bunny, for that's what the other rabbit, the cream colored one, called himself, was pouring over some sketches that Wayback was working on for him. "Damn it Bunny!" the blue furred hare huffs, "Don't sneak up on me like that. You nearly gave me a heart attack."

Bunny just pouts slipping around the computer desk resting his arms across the back of the monitor so he could look into the Kidd's eyes. "But you look so cute when your startled Wayback. I could just eat you up." He giggles softly before continuing, "You've really done some very nice work for me hon, I must admit... I really did like posing for you."

There is something in Bunny's tone that just causes the other rabbit to blush profusely. In a rather gruff tone of voice Wayback retorts, "They aren't finished yet Bunny, I know you know that, so what are you really after?"

"Me... After something? Oh hon you've wounded me deeply." Quips the young hare, "but as a matter of fact there was something I did want to talk to you about. I know I promised to pay you for the great work you're doing for me but... I'm a little short at the moment. You think that maybe we could work out some sort of trade?"

The Kidd doesn't even bother to look up as he mutters to himself, "I just knew it was going to be something like this Bunny. I just knew it. What have you got to trade? You already owe me two stories."

"Well hon, I was thinking of something else," Bunny slowly turns the chair smiling down at Wayback, "I was thinking of a different sort of exchange of services." Bunny drops down onto his hands and knees, resting his chin on the Kidd's lap. "I'd even be willing to offer you a free sample, just to prove that it's well worth the price."

Surprised The Kidd just watches as the eager young hare nuzzles his groin. Bunny is almost purring as he licks along the seam of the Kidd's pants and his slowly growing bulge. He giggles as he sinks his teeth in zipper letting his muzzle slowly undo the rabbits jeans, breathing deeply of one of the sweetest smell known to man, the musk of an aroused male. "Ooh looks like you've been naughty Wayback you're not wearing any underwear. Mmmm and it looks like you're happy to see me too. " He squeals happily as he kisses along the Kidd's sweet shaft. Purring loudly as he lays a long slow lick along the underside of the thick bunny cock. Still purring Bunny wraps his lips around the tip suckling like a baby, trying to draw out some of that sweet nectar.

"I... I... Oh God!" Wayback moans, all thoughts of resisting rapidly slip from his mind as he savors the feeling of that warm wet muzzle slowly devouring him. Resting is paws on Bunny's head gently stroking along those soft sensitive ears urging him on.

The cream colored hare slowly starts to bob up and down letting his lips and tongue work every inch of that sweet rabbit cock. He purrs letting the vibrations slide down along his tongue and out into the cock buried deep in his muzzle.

Wayback gasps arching his back surprised by the sensations and gently thrusting into that warm willing muzzle. Smiling softly Bunny leans back reluctantly letting that thick throbbing member slid from his lips. "Mmm it tastes like you're just about ready to pop hon," He lays a gentle lick along the head of that quivering sex, "and though I'd love drink you down since this is just the demo I think you should get the grand tour." He quickly stands up, leaving his jeans puddle on the floor and showing that he too was a naughty boy no undies for him either. Purring the delighted hare straddles Wayback's lap, slowly rocking back feeling that eager member resting against his tailhole. Bunny sighs pushing back slowly as he moans feeling that thick rabbit cock slowly parting his tight little rump.

The Kidd rocks forward thrusting up into Bunny, "Oh god Bunny. You're so tight, I... don't think... I can take much..." It's all proving to be a bit to much for the artist as that lithe little rabbit rides him, taking him deep inside with every lustful thrust. I no time at all Wayback can feel that familiar feeling building deep inside and he parts his lips to cry out as his orgasm washes over him. Only to find Bunny's already there muffling his own cries in one long slow kiss. The kiss lasts unbroken as they both ride out the passion. The Kidd's seed burning deep inside his lover, filling Bunny with his warmth, and Bunny's cum seeping into fur along the artist's chest and belly marking his lover with his rather strong scent.

There passion slowly dieing down Bunny reluctantly slips off his friends lap. A deep contented smile on his face as he sighs, "Do you know how long I wanted to do that?"

Wayback just leans back panting, "Oh gods Bunny that was amazing." He sighs relaxing and watching Bunny dress. "Would you like a shower or something Bun?"

Bunny considers for a second then shakes his head. "Nah I wanna wear the scent of your love home with me... It'll keep me warm tonight. Later Hon." With that bunny blows his friend and lover a kiss goodbye before slipping out the door, doing his best to avoid The Kidd's folks knowing that one good whiff would give the game away.

Wayback reluctantly turns back to his computer saving the art project... for some reason he just can't concentrate on that now. With a wistful sigh he decides to catch up on his e-mail. As the looks over the newest messages scanning for the junk the titles of a few of the brand new ones stick out. "Way to go Bunny" "You lucky rabbit" His eyes go wide and he just stares at his web cam, "Oh God..."

Young At Heart

Young at Heart Young at Heart By BunnyBoy This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Warning the story contains a romantic relationship between two furry males. So if your too young or easily offended...

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